自從2021年,英國推出BN(O)簽 證計劃,簽證累計批出接近21 萬,其中15萬人已抵達英國。 在英國街頭聽到粵語已經是平常事, 不少港式小食在各處初露頭角。雖然 我在多倫多定居,但是能夠親眼見證 英國伯明翰的改變。
我有不少香港朋友移居英國。 在2022年,因著一個家庭的邀請, 我和家人到英國旅行,順道拜訪一些 教會。他們的崇拜令我印象深刻。他 們的人數眾多,聚會前後禮堂水洩不 通,眼見教牧忙個不停地打招呼,問 候教友和接待新移民。當時,有一件 事令我困惑。雖然在教會兒童眾多, 但是在暑假期間因人手不足沒有兒童 崇拜。更談不上,在暑期舉辦兒童聖 經日營(VBS)。因此,我向神呼求。 我希望英國的華人教會也能舉辦VBS。
在2023年暑期,神帶領麥城華 基訪宣隊到伯明翰中華福音教會舉辦 VBS。我們不單把福音和歡樂帶給兒 童,也點燃當地信徒服事主的熱情。
今年暑期,神再次帶領我們到同一所 教會舉辦VBS。今年不同之處在於有十 位當地信徒參與在VBS的服事。他們的 參與令我們有足夠的人手由往年辦半 天的VBS改為今年辦全日的。在事工策 略方面,第一年的重點在於示範,向 他們展示在英國也可以辦VBS;第二年 的重點在於與他們一同服事。明年是 第三年,這是交棒之年,目標是培訓 領袖承擔這項服事。至於第四年,若 主願意,我們不再在伯明翰中華福音 教會舉辦VBS,而是尋覓另一個城市, 重新示範,向某城市的信徒展示在英 國也可以辦VBS,讓移英的兒童快樂地 學習神的話語。
其實,今年訪宣的經歷非常豐 富。由於篇幅所限,我只能簡述VBS, 還有其它經歷未能提及。如果你有感 動服事在英國的香港人,請到麥城華 基網站報名(www.markhamchurch. com),參加明年7月24日至8月4日的 伯明翰訪宣隊。或者,你自覺未能參 與VBS的事奉,但神的作為奇妙。只要 你有心志服事在英國的香港人,簡單 的一句:「你在英國適應生活嗎?」 天父也能使用。若有任何疑問,不妨 跟筆者聯絡。

附上幾位麥城堂2024年英國訪宣 隊員的分享:
分享1:不要消滅聖靈的感動 當去年鄒牧師呼籲我們參加英國訪宣 時,當時我有感動參與,但因為報名 日期未到,感動亦因時間便冷卻,並 擱置下來。
今年鄒牧師再呼籲我們參加英國 訪宣,埾靈再一次催動,這次二話不 說,當日即微信鄒牧師,我和內子將 會參加,這使我能抓緊聖靈的感動。
訪宣前我們會被安排接受一些 訓練,我對兒童事工認識不深,自問 沒有地方可以用上,但鄒牧師總能安 排用得上我的地方,感謝神。私底下 自己亦會想想在這次訪宣可以做些什 麼。這次我們訪宣隊是面對移民來英 國的弟兄姊妹,我想如果能將自己移 民時在加拿大所面對的困境、及神給 我一家的幫助,如果能將這些經歷與
他們分享,並能夠鼓勵他們,我想也 是美事。
訪宣最後一天我們往一間教會 服事,散會後有位姊妹走向我與我相 認。我很愕然,原來她是我在香港母 會小組時的組員,超過30年未見, 原來她也移民到英國。這次短暫的相 遇使我能夠與她分享,我在移民加拿 大後生活上,上帝對我一家的幫助, 並將鼓勵的說話與她分享。
主深知我,我要將行動去回應上 帝,上帝的安排往往出人意料。我要 滿心感謝,我要以感恩為獻祭,將榮 耀頌讚歸於上帝。 Hallelujah!
王成華 Tony(麥城華人基督教會會友)

感謝主,讓我參與這次英國訪宣活動。起初,得知教會會 舉辦英國訪宣時,我感覺和我沒有大關係。然而,主奇 妙地藉著多次提醒,讓我明白我必需參與這次訪宣,因為 祂已為我安排好了一切。與兒子商量後,我們決定一起報 名。能與兒子一起到海外傳福音,雖然擔憂,但同時也充 滿興奮。
這次訪宣的確非常充實。從早上八時起,我們十多人 一起讀聖經,各人分享經歷,然後各自到崗位事奉,到晚 上一起用餐。短短十天內,我們參與了舉辦兒童暑期聖經 班活動、用音樂帶領星期天的崇拜、舉辦音樂聚會、家訪 一個家庭,以及舉辦一些專題工作坊。特別感謝我們整個 團隊每位成員的無私奉獻,讓我們感受到彼此之間的愛。
出發前,我和兒子準備課程和練習吉他時,總擔心 準備得不夠好。然而,神讓我一次又一次明白,雖然我們 是渺小的,但祂卻是滿有大能的,祂會完美地完成祂的旨 意。在暑期兒童聖經班中,每天看到小朋友笑著用舞蹈和 歌聲讚美神、留心聆聽祂的話語和認真背誦金句,讓我感 動難言。另外,神也藉著每天發生的點滴,讓我們知道哪 些家庭需要特別關顧。神的愛真的無微不至,讓我們將一 切榮耀也歸給祂。
在訪宣期間,有一天牧師告訴我們會探訪一個剛由香 港移居英國的家庭。當晚,一位倫敦的朋友擔心我兒子找 不到合適的食物,特意發來一條介紹一間廣東燒味小店的 短片給我,建議我們如有機會可以去嘗試。翌日,在探訪 途中,我們才發現那家小店的家庭正是我們要去探訪的對 象。這段短片為我們提供了很多話題,神又再次讓我體會 到祂對每一件事的細心看顧。
感謝主,讓我參與這次訪宣,也讓我認識了一些在熱 心事奉的朋友。這次訪宣是一次難得的機會,不僅讓我看 見兒子在事奉中的成長,也讓我明白自己和兒子實際上是 被祝福的一方。Hallelujah!
彭頌珊 Sandy(麥城華人基督教會會友)
當見到訪宣行程其中一個項目Hong Konger Music Cafe 的海報時,心中浮現了一首初信時很喜歡的詩歌想分 享;想完之後,突然又莫名的害怕起來,可能太久沒有在 人前唱歌了,再想還是不如不要煩了;但很奇怪,半夜醒 來時這首歌總是在腦海中徘徊,這情況重覆又重覆,我沒 辦法,唯有想轄出去罷,遂報了名;於是開始多練習,多 補課,但是卻不斷看見自己唱時的缺點,這裏不夠好,那 裏不夠好…到最後還是放棄了;放棄之後沒有很大的如釋 重負,卻有點失落。
在星期六下午Music Cafe
開始時,隨著悠揚的歌聲漸 次升起,我的心就被攪動,詩歌優美的旋律不斷在心中迴 響,心中很感動,那一刻神的平安、神的同在,那熟悉又 喜悅的感覺充滿了我的心。
星期日崇拜完的時候,突然聽見有人用我已經幾十年 不曾使用的中文名叫我,驀然回首,開心見到一張又熟悉 又親切的面孔—原來是我昔日香港教會的一位姊妹,她高 興地對我說:「妳很棒呵,當年我決志信主那一次聚會就 是妳領詩的呵。」
那一刻,我沒有覺得這是來自姊妹的話,我深信,那 必定是來自慈愛的上帝,幾十年來一直為我守望,知道我 的軟弱,知道我的信心後退,勇氣後退而來的一句帶著能 力、鼓勵和安慰的話。
移民30多年,初抵埠時孩子都很小,生活上很多事情 要適應,身心靈一直在應付生活上的挑戰,沒完沒了的高 山,難處,把音樂都遺忘了;那一刻我深被感動,對祂充 滿由衷的感恩;那一刻的與神相遇,對衪的恩情,除了感 謝,還是感謝。
寫到這裏,心中浮現了那一句熟悉的歌詞:「誰曾應 許,一生不撇下我。」

感謝神讓我有機會參與今年英國伯明 翰短宣。一同參與事奉的還有來自英 國不同城市的弟兄姊妹和當地信徒。
十二天短宣期間透過兒童暑期聖經 班、外展活動(家長講座和家庭探 訪)和Music Café,服侍來自香港的 群體。

今年是 當地華人教 會第二年擧 辨兒童暑期 聖經班,在 神的帶領和 看顅下,雖 然祇是短短 五天聚會,兒童們都專心上聖經班、 積極做手工、投入地跳舞和唱歌,兒 童與老師之間建立了很好的友誼。短 宣隊員跟當地信徒一起同工,無分彼 此,互相幫助,成就神的旨意。願每 一個兒童藉著不同形式的活動,認識 天父是何等愛他們,明白祂的救恩最 為重要。
除了參予兒童事工,我也負責 崇拜音樂事奉,跟素未謀面的弟兄姊 妹一同服侍,過程中看見神怎樣奇妙 地把我們每一個不同背景的人聯繫在 一起,大家彼此配搭,互相尊重和包 容。「 我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫 愛神的人得益處,就是按祂旨意被召 的人。 」(羅8:28)
一次主日崇拜後遇見一位家長, 傾談間得知她一家移居伯明翰祇有幾 個月,扺埠後面對很多不適應,內心 時常感到不安和焦慮。當她提及自己 跟先生因家庭和經濟問題產生衝突時 更哭起來,我即時給她一個擁抱,為 她禱告並鼓勵她在新地方繼續倚靠神 努力生活。正如詩篇五十六篇8節寫 到,我們的眼淚都記錄在上帝的冊子 上。
獨行奇事的主,遠遠超過我們 所想所求,藉著與這位家長奇妙的相 遇,神提醒我要時常存感恩和謙卑的 心,事奉神服侍人,讓神得榮耀,令 人得幫助。
周少娟Regina Chow(多倫多華人基督教 會會友)

Sharing 5
Reflecting on my recent shortterm mission trip to Birmingham, England, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible opportunity it provided to serve others. This experience was not just about helping; it was about understanding the profound ways in which God works in my lives when I engage in the service. God does not need me to serve Him. His plans can unfold perfectly without my involvement. I can see that the team would function very well without me. However, He invites me into his work helping me to grow and connect more deeply with Him.
During the trip, I encountered many needs in the community we served. It was humbling to see the struggles faced by individuals and families, and it became clear how much God desires to extend His grace and love through us to each and every individual. Each moment of encounter reinforced the idea that God has a specific purpose in our life, and that we are all called to share His love in whatever ways we can.
One of the most powerful aspects of the trip was the love and unity within our team. We all shared a common vision, and that unity exemplified the essence of Christian love. Working together harmoniously and complementarily allowed us to accomplish so much more than we could have individually. It reinforces the importance of being aligned in purpose within the church; when we are united in our heart and mission, God blesses our efforts in extraordinary ways.
While we can offer support and encouragement to those we serve,
ultimately, our role is to point people to God, who alone can help them through their difficulties. It’s not about us solving their problems; rather, it’s about guiding them toward the source of true hope and healing. I also learned to allow the work given to me by God to unfold rather than trying to force a specific agenda to “help God”. This meant being present, listening, and responding to the needs as they arose.
As I return home, I carry with me a renewed commitment to serve, an awareness of the needs around me, and a deepened understanding of the importance of unity in the church. I am glad to have the opportunity to share this vision of love and service with my community, knowing that when we work together with a shared purpose, we can be empowered to be instruments of God’s grace. Ultimately, I am reminded that our calling is to point others to God, allowing Him to work through us in ways that we may not fully understand, but that are always for His glory.
I encourage all Christians to participate in mission trips. There is something incredibly enriching about stepping into another community and witnessing God at work. It not only changes the lives of those we serve but also transforms our own hearts and perspectives. I hope to motivate others to embrace these opportunities, to serve and to grow in faith, knowing that when we come together in unity, love, and purpose, we can truly reflect God’s love and care in this world.
Anonymous (A member of MKCCC/麥城華

Sharing 7
“Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord.x2 ” The Children were singing and dancing as they sang ‘Praise’ to the Lord. They were vibrant in performance singing and dancing at Birmingham Chinese Evangelical Church’s sanctuary. We were all amazed to see how much fun they had to sing and dance with all the children together. There were sixteen of us all in the visitation mission field trip to Birmingham UK on July 25th to Aug 5th. Our main focus in this mission trip was VBS for 40 children who were new immigrants from Hong Kong from age 4 to 12 years old and we did some visitations to the new families there. They had some challenges in this new environment. Besides, we had a music café to get connected with them. There were three basic truths the Lord had taught us in this field trip.
1) Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity
Sixteen of us from different backgrounds but we were able to serve in harmony among each other. We thanked the Lord for bringing us together to serve in Birmingham, we had the best of time for the nine days there. We had devotional together everyday and we prayed to dedicate this field trip to the Lord everyday. Unity proved that we were a team in this trip.
2) Romans 10:15 “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace who bring glad tiding of good thing.”
We had only one goal in mind that is to share our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ especially to the Children. We knew there would be a great impact in their childhood because they would remember throughout their life. Those who were new immigrants from Hong Kong attended church told us that they had been in church sometime while they were young.
3)1 Corinthians 3:6 “ I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increased.”
Paul glorified God every time he had the chance, he never claimed it to himself no matter how successful his ministries were. We learned too to work to the glory of God,
because He began the work in Birmingham and He invited us to take part in it. What an honour to be called to work with Him. All of us worked very diligently and gave our best to serve the people there especially in VBS. Thanking God for His mercy and grace to let us have a part in His will and purpose in this broken world.
Romans 15:17-18 “Therefore I have reason to glory in Jesus Christ in the things which pertain to God. For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient.”
Ruth Wong (A member of MKCCC/麥城華人基督教會會友)
Sharing 6
"Missions are not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exist because worship doesn't."John Piper
Aside from serving in VBS at MCCC and occasionally helping at church events like worship or carnivals, I rarely get the chance to work for God more meaningfully. However, this year’s VBS in the UK allowed me to spread the word of God to others. When I first arrived at the church in Birmingham, it surprised me how similar yet different the church felt to me. Despite immigrating to Canada from Hong Kong six years ago, my interactions with individuals from other churches outside MCCC are limited. I had not previously given much thought to different perspectives, but this mission trip to Birmingham allowed me to broaden my horizons and meet different people. Many people at BCEC spoke Cantonese, as they were mostly immigrants from Hong Kong. As an immigrant myself, I could empathize with their struggles in adapting to a completely new environment. Listening to their stories made me realize how blessed I was to be able to adjust quickly to my new life in Canada. On Sundays, I had the privilege to lead worship with the worship team, an experience I am deeply grateful for, as this allowed me to take on a more significant role in serving God. Throughout the week, I collaborated with others to prepare and lead various activities for the day, which helped me build stronger relationships with each member of the VBS team. I am truly amazed by how God can unite so many unique people and unite us for a single cause of sharing His greatness. This mission trip to Birmingham was a life-changing experience that helped grow my faith, opened my eyes to new perspectives, and brought me closer to God and the people around me. It has reaffirmed my commitment to serving God but also inspired me to continue to seek ways of making an impact.
Markus Chan (A member of MKCCC/麥城華人基督教會會友)