子,理解力和学习能力较强,而小一 点的滞后很多。但不管如何,我们还

学的快的学生,也兼顾一些学的比较 慢的。对于不能适应的那些很小的孩 子,就只能放任了。只要他们能够坚 持还是会有结果的。因为他们连最基 本的柬语书写,甚至他们自己的名 字,都有困难。我们只有耐心等待时 间让他们慢慢长大。由于我一开始教 英文没有经验,也没有教材,于是就 自己设计和准备内容,花去很多时间
们的学习。为了防止学习上的枯燥, 我也会教唱一些英文敬拜歌,如
Halellu Halellu,God is Good等。

们的拯救者,耶稣是我们的磐石,耶 稣为我们的罪死在十字架,耶稣是我

们的盼望等等。让孩子们在其中也一 点点潜移默化的认识神。随着他们学
习词汇句型和情景越来越多,也随着 我们的柬语与他们沟通的能力一点点 增多,相信这些孩子们坚持几年,他 们会进入神的生命之中。让他们从小 认识神,无论走到何处都有神的同 在。
We began teaching language courses to children onMarch9,afterweadaptednewenvironmentfor one month as we arrived at the Holy Mount village on February 7. We would like to take language teaching as a bridge to build up relationships with children and their parents. Initially, more than 100 students came over to be registered for English and Chineselanguage learning. All classes were set on Tuesday to Fridayeachweek.TherearefourEnglishand two Chinese classes scheduled in the morning, afternoon and evening. That means six classes a day. After five-month teaching, some children still insist on learning although some stopped owing to their excuses. The ages of the kids in each class varies greatly from six to twelve years old, resulting in the difficulties for teaching them. Especially in the afternoon English class, there needs more attention on because of majority of students around the ages of6yearsoldthat evencannotwritedown their names in Khmer. We found that older children greatly have stronger understanding and learning ability, while younger ones lag a lot. But no matter whatever the difference, we still keepallofthemlearningtogetherandsometimes we give them some easy materials to wait a bit
For those who are too little to follow, we just let them go and wait until they grow up a little bit. As long as they could persist, there would be good resultstocome.SinceIhadnoexperience before in teaching English at the beginning and had no textbooks as well, we spent a lot of time and effort to design and prepare the lessons ourselves We have also gone through some detours. For example, every time more content is given, some children are tired of learning. The content is less, and those who learn quickly can't eat enough. At first, I assigned some homework. But I found that very few of them could be completed. Late on, the investigation showed that they would often be used by their parents to do a lot of housework (looking after their younger brothers and sisters, helping mom cook food, feeding cattle and ducks, working in the harvest field, etc.), and there are the bad conditions at home (no tables and chairs, dim lights, noisy environment around kids, early bedding, etc.) that do not allow them to complete their homework. So weatoncechangedourstrategytoshorten the class teaching time a little bit and ask them to finish the homework in the classroom before going home. This solves the problem. However, in busy farming times, such as June and July, when every household is busy collecting cassava, children must miss classes to help their parents the work in the field, which will affect their study plan. In order to prevent learning from being boring, I will also teach some of English worship songs, such as “Halellu, Halellu”, “God is good” etc. In May, I will give the children a sentence every day to show the attributes of God, such as Jesus is love, Jesus is our way, Jesus is our Savior, Jesus is rock, Jesus died on the cross for our sins, Jesus is our hope, and so on. Let children know God a little bit imperceptibly. As they learn more and more vocabulary, sentence patterns and situation conversations, as well as our ability to communicate with them in Khmer, we believe these children would know the God in their lives after a few years. Wish them know God from their childhood. No matter where they go in the future God would be with them.

condition examination. By the ministry we have some bridge with adult villagers to get some chance to share Gospel. A few patients who cannot walk to clinic would be treated by our direct visiting their houses for in site treatment.

开始藉着这个事工,与成年村民有一 定的联系。我们知道有一些生病行动


划为村民进行一些多发病的医疗讲座 (高血压,糖尿病,防止外伤,皮肤
病毒性软疣预防,外伤急救处理,妇 女健康,幼儿健康等)。
The Ministry of Clinic Service to treat and heal local patients in the church clinic started just after we arrived at the Holy Mountain village. But initially there was no specific space, so patients were treated in the straw rest shed or a passage between rooms. Until last June, we bought a small portable as for clinic space where we gradually began to use to diagnose and treat patients instead. In the portable, patients’ privacy also is paid attention on and we don’t need move medical instruments and materials around every time. At present, almost everyday patients just come here directly without appointments. We met patients with stroke whose symptoms are relieved after treatment, and also with joint pain, hypertension and diabetes, flu fever and cold. Wound treatment, and physical
外出在病人家里医治 At patient’s home
Every time we pray for them, we ask God to heal not only the body, but also the soul. The Ministry also plans to hold some frequently occurring medical lectures for the villagers (hypertension, diabetes, prevention of trauma, prevention of skin viral warts, first aid treatment of trauma, women's health, children's health, etc.).

The Ministry of Children's Sunday Service ( worship, Bible message sharing, Scripture memorization, crafting and games, etc.) has been held for more than two months since the first Sunday in May. On average, more than 50 to 60 children aged 5 to 12 participate in each time, and occasionally more than 100 children will appear.
It’s observed that their lives have been changed gradually by God, We often hear that many children sing hymns on church campus. We know that the seeds of the Gospel from the God have enter their hearts!

Thank God. May God use this ministry so that children can clearly know Jesus is the only one true God and He could become their Saviors in whole their lives. We ask God’s word would be a lamp to guide their feet and a light for their path.

和习俗,向众人宣称自己是信耶稣的的 人没有。这里的人因着信佛教,对接受

工,带领更多人愿意与我们一起学习神 的话,心里感动他们,完全认识和归向
这也是我们还无法开始成人主日崇拜的 原因。
经过几个月的祷告,我们决定将现有的 中学生和少数成人组织起来以小组团契

六开始聚会。每次有诗歌,福音主题分 享,问答讨论和refreshment团契时间。

慢慢再过度到主日崇拜。我们三人轮流 主题分享。
成人团契我们暂定每月两次,第二和第 四个周六晚上。求神预备来聚会的人的 心,也赐我们同工智慧,能够将神全备 的福音传给他们,带领他们归向主!将 神的名被高举,神的荣耀在这里彰显。

to abandon something influenced and infiltrated by Buddhism. This is a major obstacle to believe in Jesus. Because they have background from Buddhism, people here easily accept God, know the soul in human beings, believe that Jesus is God, and be willing to pray with us, but they often stop here when we ask them to remove Buddhist idols and ancestral tablets at home. Please pray for the current situation here, and we ask the Holy Spirit to continue to work on them, lead more people to be willing to learn the word of God with us, and move them in their hearts to fully understand and return to Jesus Christ, the only true God of the Trinity. This isalso thereasonwhywecan'tstart Adult Sunday worship. After months of prayer, we decided to organize the existing middle school studentsandafewadultstoorganizeactivities in the form of group fellowship.
Sunday service for more children to listen to God, and to keep learning continuously. D)成人团契,在中间让参 与的人认识神,认识神的更加成熟,参与 服侍。Adult Fellowship, pray for the participants to know God deep and to keep participation. E)各样的事工需 要。Various ministry needs. F)在服侍 中,在生活中,和当地同工有美好配搭。
In service and life, pray for a good co-working with local colleagues. G) 为以后探访求神带领。Pray for God leadingfuturevisitstovillagers.H) 圣山教会因为目前的英文语言班在大堂 里,中文班在草棚里,现在进入雨季每天

Atpresent,weonlyknowthatfewmatureChristians in this village are willing to pursue God and to serve God in the congregation. Although some people decided to believe in the Lord in the past evangelical events or personal visits in the village, adults cannot be willing

The gathering has begun on the fourth Saturday in July. Every time there is poetry, gospel theme sharing, question and answer discussion andfellowshiptime.SlowlytransitiontoSunday worship.Thethree of ustake turns tosharethe theme.Tentativelytwiceamonth,thesecondand fourth Saturday nights. May God prepare the hearts of those who come to the gathering, and also give us the wisdom of our fellow workers, sothatwecanspreadthecompletegospelofGod to them and lead them back to the Lord! Thename of God is exalted, and the glory of God is revealed here.

为教室和宿舍里的设施和配置有感动,可 以寄往加拿大华传。注明“圣山教会专用 账号”,在主里先谢谢您。
At present, the English language classes are in the hall of church and the Chinese classes are in the straw shed.Nowitcomesintorainseasonand thunderstorm every day. When it rains, the sound on the tin roof of the hall is like ham-hitting, which greatly interrupttheon-going classes, and in the straw shedChineseclasseshave to stop.Therefore,ithasbeendecidedto buildfourSundayschoolclassroomsand four co-worker/guest residential rooms. The construction will start after October. Please pray for this construction and ask God to let the builders complete with quality and scheduledtimepaces,soastohelpfor better ministries in the future. A Sister has donated to cover construction cost. Ifyou are moved to contribute to the needs for classroom and apartment facilities and furnishings. GO International Canada has set up a specific account for HolyMount Church to accept donation. Pleaseseelastpageofthenewsletter.
经过四五月最热的两个月,从六月份就进入雨季。现在 每天都要下一场雨。大雨有时大的很吓人。当然,湿度 也大大提高。温度现在白天都保持在33-35C,已经感觉 到凉爽了很多。特别是晚上在25C左右,还会感到有点 凉。
我们两人和当地同工柬侨老师因为事工开展,节奏安排 的比较紧,很忙。周一,我们完全休息下来。有时出去 在外面走一走。自从三月份学摩托摔伤以后,膝盖伤很 快就好了,但右肩痛直到六月份才完全好了。最近我们 又开始在院子里学习开摩托。海波已经能够掌握使用刹 车油门。并可以让刘平坐在后面带她行走。等天气好一 些,就学习开出去练习。目标是离我们最近的农贸市场 买一些东西会更方便。
三月份发现在院子里有毒蛇出没,就买了四只鹅。之后 就再也没有看到。可是最近不知何故,我们还是有发现 一条毒蛇。这让我们出入院子草丛时放松的警惕又引起 警戒。
刘平最近左手大拇指不知何故,一直疼痛,关节也不灵 活,她有担心类风湿症。海波的血压也有点高。睡眠也 受到一定的影响。
人为我们柬语口语学习和练习,希望我们能够更好地适 应语言的需要。还是进展的很慢,请为我们切切祷告! 越来越觉得对语言的迫切需要。我们知道这是需要下功 夫和时间的摆上。
我们能否在工场一年以后可以回去述职两个月,还在申 请和等待批复中。我们想等明年三月份,也就是海波已 经在柬一年六个月,刘平一年三个月时,新的柬埔寨多 次往返签证拿到后,回加拿大述职。刘平主要是进行对 她过去乳腺手术的follow-up。医生要求六个月一次。

她最后一次是去年底做的。 去年走之前,海波的驾照还没有到换新照的时间,离开 前问过ServiceOntario,他们建议onlinerenewal, 可是当在expired之前网上续驾照时被拒绝了。告诉要 来ServiceOntario柜抬亲自来办理。打电话询问,结 果一样。这样,他的驾照已经在六月十五日expired, 家里留下的汽车也不可以上路,孩子们无法使用。按照 规定,我必须在一年内办理,否则就完全吊销,想得到 驾照需要从零开始。目前驾照的问题,也影响到车保 险,也可能续保时有麻烦。这也是我想要回去办理好这 件事情的原因之一。也请为我们个人的事项祷告,谢谢 大家!
After the two hottest months in April and May, the rain season began in June. Now it rains with thunderstorm every day. Heavy rain can be frightening sometimes. Of course, the humidity is also greatly increased with lots of mosquitos and other insects. The day temperature now stays at 33-35C, but we still feel cool as compared. Especially in early morning around 25C that makes us feel a little cool.
Recently we are getting busy with our local co-worker Thereak because of development of the ministries. On Monday, we usually rest from work. But we still stay on church campus. Since Eric fell from motorcycle to learn to drive in March, his knee and shoulder fully recovered from wound and lesion just recently. In July Eric started how to drive motorcycles again, which makes us able to access to our nearby farmer’s markets.
I found venomous snakes on the church campus in March. So we bought four geese to raise and haven't seen snakes since.
Liu Ping's left thumb has been greatly painful for some reason recently, and her thumb joints are not easy to bend. She is worried about rheumatoid disease. Eric's blood pressure is also a bit high. Sleep is also affected to some extent.
For better learning Khmer language, we asked a local young man to teach us for speaking. Hopefully we could quickly meet the needs of the language to communicate with local people. Please pray for us on language learning! We spend a lot of time everyday but we have not come to good result yet. We know it takes time for language learning
We decided to furlough for two months next March when we renew our multiple visas in February. We sent our applications to the head office of GO international in USA for the approval. In March 2023, Eric will has been in Cambodia for 18 months and Ping for 15 months. Once we are permitted to go back, we will take turns to share our ministries in the churches in Canada and USA. Liu Ping will make appointments to take medical follow-ups for her breast surgery in 2018 The doctor asked her to check up once every six months. In March 2023, it will has been thirteen months from her last follow-up check.
June this year. Eric called to Service Ontario and they ask Eric personally to meet the staff in any branch. But so far in this way, his driver's license has expired on June 15, and accordingly the car I own at home cannot be used on the road, and the children cannot drive it.
According to the regulations, I must renew my license within one year. Otherwise my license would be completely revoked, so I will start over for all the steps to get a new driver's license. Additionally, the current driver's license issue also affects the car insurance, and there may be troubles when renewing the insurance. That's one of the reasons why I want to go back and get this done. Please pray for our personal happenings, thank you all!
估,新的计划书和新预算表等等报告总部。要花很多的 时间和功夫。
8.为刘平母亲宋爱玲:刘平母亲已经八十五岁,她还没 有信主,为弃绝偶像,归向真神祷告。最近被医生鉴定 有轻度老年痴呆症,虽然不是很严重,但担心病情恶 化。也求神能够让刘平能有机会去探望她。也为我们还 没有信主的兄弟们和他们的家祷告,能够早日信主。
In October 2021 before Eric went ahead to Cambodia, he went to driver's license department for inquiring renewal. The staff of Service Ontario suggested online renewal, but he was rejected when he renewed his driver's license online before expired in

1. Ping’s suffering from thumb pain and functional difficulty in bending the thumb joint, which affected the acupuncture treatment. Please Pray to God for His healing.
2. Eric's blood pressure is a little high, and sleep is not good as well.
3. Ping’s smooth arrangement for her doctor’s follow-up.
4. Eric for driver's license issue.
5. Application for furlough to go back in March next year.
6. Eric recently has to fill out five documents for GO International and three for GO International Canada to report ministry updates, work evaluation, new ministryplanandnewbudget,etc.Ittakes a lot of time to work on.
7. For Ping's mother Song Ailing at age of 85, she has not yet believed in the Lord, please pray to GOD for her mother and brothers abandoning idols and turning to the true God. She was recently diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's Disease. Ping is worried that the condition would worsen. Also pray for God to give Ping a chance to visit her mom.
Wewouldliketoknowwhatyouthereburden in your needs and please free to tell us and we will put in our daily prayer list. Thank God! With your partnering, we will not be alone on the way to mission! May God bless you all there for yourselves and each family!
Also pray for God to keep her devotion time in front of God every day so that she could get closer to God. Pray for God to provide Jessica amaturespiritual boy who loves the Lord.

为孩子们祷告。我们最近很忙,也就和他们沟通 减少。求神在疫情后,保守他们爱主的心,在教 会参与更多的服事和与弟兄姐妹们有正常的团契 生活。大女儿Connie继续休产假在家里照料
。Daniel和Connie继续在教会里负责一个学生 团契的服事,带领查经和司琴。求神大大使用他

Abby来祷告,她医学院学习进入到医院各科 临床轮转阶段,求神继续保守他们在灵里对神 的信心和盼望,让他们灵里充满从神而来的智 慧完成各自的学业,为主做美好的见证。求神 预备青年团契和属灵的伙伴给他们,帮助他们 更加成长成熟,渴慕神!

为了减轻她的工作量照顾孩子,把她从代班老师 换成辅助课老师。感谢神一切都是恩典。



Pray for our three children. Our ministries are getting hard-pressed recently, so we did not rub shoulders online with them. What we only can do is to pray for God to keep them always in His love and protection. Pray for their participating in a normal fellowship life with other brothers and sisters in their own churches. Connie, the eldest daughter, still takes her maternity leave to take care of Noah, our grandson, at home. Her family will go to the United States in September and Germany in November. At present, allnecessary documents and procedures are being made for travel. Daniel and Connie continue to be responsible for a university student fellowship in the church, leading the Bible study and the service accompanist. Thank God for their greatly put-on. At present, since Connie is at home, she is the one that most comes into online talking to us. She will return to school after a year of maternity leave in the end of November. Thank God, the principal will trade her class teacher position into minor class teacher to reduce herworkloadfortakingcareofherbaby.Thank God thateverything is graceful. In July,they joinedtheirchurchbaby dedication.Jessica's company (EY) has promoted her to senior staff, and she got the Grade 1.5 in the company's 5level evaluation last year. Her work is still verybusyinsomemonthspermonth.Shevisited Connie for a few days during Easter break. In May, she went to Greece and England for a twoweek trip. Thank God for His protection all the way. She experienced infection of Covid19 at the end of April, which resulted in her cough for some weeks. Now she completely recovered from it. To catch up with the clients’ deadlines, she still often needs to work overtime with their team, and sometimes goes out to Ontario to audit and check the inventory and accounts of the client companies. Pray God to keep her driving safely
Jeremy is working for summer job in Law Firm of Toronto Maple Leafs Ice Hockey Team. He has too to face lots of busy work every day. Thank God, he has built up a beautiful cooperation with the firm colleagues, and he will return to school at the end of August. A recent lawsuit case with a hockey player makes all the staff in the firm very busy. He never complains about hard tasks before. But this time he feels a little bit armtwisted. Thankfully, he has been amenable to tell us his burden loads to pray for him, and he himself is willing to devote scriptures and pray to God every day. Please pray for smooth completion of his summer job to glorify GOD. Also pray for his student loan application. At present, the credit reports of the two credit systems in Canadahave beenmodified owing to their errors, and the new reports have been submitted to the school. The school has begun to deal with the bank for last steps. Also pray for Jeremy's girlfriend Abby who is studying in University of Ottawa Medical School and began her clinical rotation of various departments in the hospitals. Pray God to keep their strong faith in the Holy Spirit, so that they can be full of wisdom and strength from God to complete their studies individually, and to be a good witness for the Lord. Pray for their youth fellowship and spiritual partnership with other brothers and sisters in their churches to help them grow and mature in God!