2024 Panama Field Visitation Team Report

One of my goals of this mission trip to Panama was to be a pianist to support another teammate Rosina to start a worship team in the Chinese church at Penonome. When I arrived, Rosina showed me an electric keyboard with only 61 keys. It was not only limiting my playing range but also not responding to my touching consistently. As a result, the volume of my playing was sometimes too soft or too loud! When Rosina saw my frustration, she told me that there was another keyboard with 88 keys, but the adapter was missing. Next morning, when Anthony, Crystal and Rev. Chan went to buy groceries, they also tried to look for a suitable adapter for that 88-key keyboard. When they came
God qualifies the unqualified. During the Covid pandemic I was bored and trying to learn something new, so I bought a ukulele. I had practiced by following video lessons to learn some basic chords and strumming patterns. During our trip a teenage girl in Panama needed some instruction on her newly bought ukulele and I was able to teach her some basic skills that I learnt. Through this I have experienced the promise that “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
back with the adapter, I was truly grateful for their efforts! After plugging in the adapter, I noticed that there were 2 loose keys which produced a choppy sound “knock, knock”. After I practiced awhile, there were 28 loose keys! Even though I spent hours practicing, it still sounded terrible!
That night, I couldn’t fall asleep. Amid my frustration, I asked God, “Why did You send me to Panama as a pianist but provide me with such a terrible keyboard? How am I going to set a good example to the newly formed worship team?” Right away, the Holy Spirit said to me, “Kathy,
you are not coming to perform but to bring people into worship!” In a flash, the passage 2 Corinthians 4:7 came to my mind, and I thanked God for reminding me not to rely on my own skills and techniques but totally on His surpassing power to play through these loose keys and bring people into genuine worship. That was my experience during that very Sunday worship! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
(2 Corinthians 4:7)

My duty was to teach a class which had no music background. Six young people came to the music training. None of them played a musical instrument. Their musical experience basically had been with nothing but YouTube. But they were keen and ready to learn. They have the capacity to understand and apply instantaneously. It was a piece of cake for them to grasp the music rudiments. It was such a joy to be among them.
God’s gift was apparent: they carried naturally beautiful singing voice; they all had the natural ability to sing in tune and a strong sense of rhythm and ability to blend with each other. It was so touching to see them worshiping God as they enjoyed the singing, putting forth their heartfelt emotions into the music. God simply gathered those He endowed with musical gift plus a humble heart and brought glory to Himself as He called and enabled them to be worship leaders.

The visit to the Christian community in Penonome, Panama has left me with several lessons and challenges for the development of my Christian and ministerial life.
I joined the team from Toronto Christian Community Church along with my wife and daughter. It was wonderful that we were able to support each other to carry out all our tasks each day. We had very good planning and organization of the entire trip from the moment we left home until we returned; I saw each brother and sister doing their job with care and dedication.
I really liked visiting the local brothers because I could feel their joy when they met me, a brother who spoke to them in their Spanish language. That is also what I often feel in Canada whenever I meet a brother in faith who is also Colombian or Hispanic. We both feel at home.
I was able to share a message with two pairs of brothers about the identity in Christ. It was so important to help young believers to understand who we are and develop their spiritual gifts and talents for the kingdom of God. We were also able to share the challenges as parents and work with the young people on self-love and correct self-esteem based on how God sees us and not how others see us. I trust that we have been able to impact lives with the message of the word of God.
In street evangelism, we shared the message of salvation using the 5-color beads. The method was simple, practical, and clear. We spoke with people not only from China but also with Panamanians who listened to us. There were also rejections naturally, but we kept sharing and felt the satisfaction of accomplishing the task.
Although I was immersed in the Chinese culture, at the same time I felt close to my Latino root. This new way of partnership makes a difference and has shown that indeed “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” (Acts 17:26-27)
The missions trip to Penonomé required a lot of emotional and spiritual preparation on our part as well as for the children activities. It was important in generating trust and unity as the team reached out to the local community.
The daily Bible study and evangelistic activities were enriching and left a fullness in my heart. Sharing with people on the streets and visiting shops gave us the energy to be brave.
The children activities were full of teaching and fun. There were two children who were different from the regular members who attend the church as they were of Hispanic origin. They felt accepted in the Chinese community.
During the visits to the brothers’ homes in the towns of Agua Dulce and Coronado, we were able to speak with people who need more of God and His truth. The need for God was evident in their lives, especially when facing emotionally and physically difficult situations.
I met new people who were very kind, helpful and above all receptive to the message of salvation.


The trip was very fulfilling with four people accepted Christ. The fact that every member of the team followed the word of God and was filled with love and worked together as a team in those 12 days is a miracle. We thank God for that.
Before the trip, I wondered if it would be effective for us the Chinese Canadian team members to visit the local shops and talk with the owners since we were considered foreigners, and they may be reluctant to listen to us. Therefore, it was wonderful to have Alexander and Angela, along with some Spanish speakers from the Penonome Chinese Church to join us, especially the younger generation.

2023年,吳克定牧師邀請我們 好幾位西班牙語同學及老師一家去巴 拿馬短宣,我一口答應,一方面覺得 和西語同學及老師去講西語的地方宣 教可以學以致用;另一方面,也因個 人遭遇到不如意的事,希望藉此行去 療癒。這是我人生第一次作短宣,出 發前有一連串的準備工作,例如學習 用五色珠傳講救恩,為祟拜、佈道會 及青年人作音樂基礎訓練,為音樂敬 拜作準備。我並沒有音樂培訓背景, 但我從Rosina、Kathy及Pastor Ackie 身上學到很多音樂敬拜的知識,我亦 努力練習生疏了的二胡,為此行作準 備。但在出發前幾天,Pastor Ackie因 女兒不適,不能同行,我們要臨時變 陣,出發前心情頗複雜,既緊張又擔 心,但我們團隊互相鼓勵及提醒彼此 只需努力練習,其它留給天父,因為 天父與我們同在!
到達巴拿馬貝諾諾美後,我們 馬不停蹄地進行的各項工作,包括探 訪未信者,為祟拜及佈道會作最後練 習,-連幾個晚上協助音樂培訓等。
貝諾諾美教會弟兄姊妹的熱情款待, 年輕人努力學習,令我們團隊雖然疲 倦,但心裏很火熱雀躍!去探訪未信 者,雖然他們並沒有立刻表示決志信 主,但在第二個星期日的佈道會有四 位決志。另外,有機會運用我職業治 療的知識去與一個深受坐骨神經痛困 擾及與父母關係緊張而導致有點抑鬱

的青年及其父親接觸,也令我們明白 天父有祂的計劃及時間表,雖然我們 可能只是做撒種工作,但沒有撒種又 何來有收成呢!我亦透過吳克定牧師 每天帶領我們輪流查考《使徒行傳》 而對《聖經》知識增進不少。雖然 受傷的心未有因今次短宣完全徹底療 癒,但天父透過我今次與團隊同心學 習及侍奉,接觸當地弟兄姊妹及社區 人士,令我明白只要我願意去順服及 獻上,天父絕對可以幫助我成為「全 新的我」。感謝吳克定牧師給我這次 短宣機會,亦感謝陳暉鴻牧師及師母 Lucia的細心及妥善款待,更多謝當 地弟兄姊妹接待及供應美食!這是一 個使命人生的開始。作為一個職業治 療師 occupational therapist; 我也 要學主耶穌一樣,作一個 “wounded healer,” 「受傷的治療者」。

今次是我第八次参加巴拿馬短 宣,雖然自己沒有什麼恩賜,但看到 巴拿馬貝諾諾美教會有許多的需要, 我帶着回應神的呼喚和學習的心情報 名參加。在預備短宣的第一次開會, 發覺除了吳牧師以外,我並不認識 任何一位隊員。又發現溝通的語言
(講和寫)都是英文,因其中有隊員 是講西班牙文的,但我只能以中文溝 通,我問神:「我究竟如何與他們 溝通呢?特別是在靈修分享的時段。 」我覺得自己好像透明的一個人。更 看見他們各人擁有不同的恩賜,我感 到不舒服,自卑,心中沒有平安,好 掙扎。我問神:「究竟祢是否想我去 呢?」但我又想:「既然答應了,我 要看神如何帶領我。」我不斷祈求神 給我印証,也等候祂的回應。感謝 神,祂重重覆覆地透過不同的靈修經 文,對我說:「你做好你的本份,我 有我的旨意。」於是帶著忐忑的心情 去機場。讚美神,當我到達機場後, 我的心情完全不一樣,好有平安,直 至完成整個短宣的旅程,我都好有平 安。
當初不認識的隊員,經過幾天的 相處,漸漸感受到他們真心的接纳和 包容,不時的照顧和鼓勵我,透過他 們,讓我感受到主的愛和看顧。八次 的短宣旅程,八次不同的短宣隊友, 各有不同的性格,神給我在人際關係 上有不同學習的機會。願將一切榮耀 歸給神!