ACFAS Update (Volume 30 No. 3)

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Inaugural Cohort of the ACFAS Chris Mahaffey Leadership Development Program Off and Running

This past May, ACFAS proudly announced the inaugural cohort of 16 members for the 2023-24 ACFAS Chris Mahaffey Leadership Development Program. Developed by and for ACFAS members, this program was designed to provide foot and ankle surgeons with comprehensive training and opportunities to engage the wider medical community as a leader as well as a practitioner, advancing the profession while finding their own paths to give back to the specialty.

Spanning various stages of career and specialization, the first participants have been immersed in a diverse array of assignments and experiences designed to give them a self-evaluation of their skill sets and abilities with constructive guidance on next steps. Each member has been assigned a

personal high-level mentor from ACFAS leadership to help them along their way and to reflect with them on the history and future of the specialty. The cohort also warmly unites as peers and friends through regular online discussion forums, monthly live webinars and networking throughout the two-stage program.

High Performing Individuals

Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving

Effective Meetings

Communication Skills

Leadership Styles and Team Building

Leading With Influence and Motivating Others

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Networking for Success

The Leadership Development Task Force, have been notably impressed by the launch. Task Force Chair Laura Sansosti, DPM, FACFAS reports, “We were pleasantly surprised at the level of enthusiasm and engagement we are witnessing. We knew the cohort would include passionate members, but this entire class is extremely engaged in the material and taking full advantage of each step of the process every month.”

This first cohort will present capstone projects and will be celebrated at the Annual Scientific Conference in Tampa at a live pre-conference workshop on January 31. Registration to join the 2024 cohort will open immediately following the conference.

Continued on page 6

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President’s Perspective
ACFAS on the Road: Complications STEPPING


Summer is coming to an end, and I sincerely hope each of you found time to relax and recharge. As we round the corner into Fall and prepare for the final quarter of 2023, I challenge you to ask yourself how we can work together to better ourselves, our careers, and our profession. One opportunity to help you accomplish this is applying to serve as a volunteer for the College. When the Call for Volunteers opens on October 1, I encourage you to consider participation.

ACFAS would not be what it is without the incredible vision of our volunteers. Each year, both new and experienced members dedicate their time and expertise to advance foot and ankle surgery by volunteering with ACFAS. In addition to helping advance the ACFAS mission and strategic compass, volunteers benefit from networking and forming relationships with leading foot and ankle surgeons across the country.

In 2023, ACFAS has over 100 volunteers serving on 13 committees:

Annual Scientific Conference

Council on Journal Management

Consumer Education

Council on Registry Management

Education & Scientific Affairs


Health Policy


Post-Graduate Affairs

Practice Management

Region Presidents Council Research

Surgical Skills

In addition, there are several task forces and other assignments throughout the year that the College utilizes the volunteer pool to appointment members. I encourage you to visit to learn more about the opportunities available.

The new ACFAS Chris Mahaffey Leadership Development Program also offers to hone leadership skills and abilities by providing the knowledge, resources, mentoring and networking opportunities to succeed as leaders and ambassadors of the profession. Developed by and for ACFAS members, the program infuses the diversity and talent of future leaders into the ACFAS volunteer pipeline. As the inaugural cohort completes their service at the Annual Scientific Conference this February, we will soon be looking for up-and-coming leaders to participate, along with mentors to guide them throughout the coming year. If you are interested in applying for the next cohort early

Questions for Dr. Barp? Write him at

next year, be sure to complete Level One of the program as it is a prerequisite. Learn more about this award-winning program and how you can be involved at

And finally, ACFAS is looking for the best and the brightest to serve on the Board of Directors. Composed of eleven Fellows, the responsibilities of the Board of Directors include setting the College’s strategic vision, mission, and goals based on member input and adopting professional policies and statements to shape the future of the specialty and promote superior patient care. The Nominating Committee is looking for candidates who have demonstrated leadership qualities, varied skills, experiences and insights, and who can enhance the College’s commitment to diverse representation. If you are interested in leading the profession, I encourage you to visit to see the criteria and submit your nomination application by the September 24 deadline.

Whichever path within ACFAS calls to you and your talents, consider taking the next steps this year. It was one of the best choices I ever made.

02 | volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | perspective

Hands-On Education for Residents

Take your technique to the next level with Basic Principles of Foot and Ankle Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery for DPMs, in Jacksonville, Florida October 6-7.

Co-chairs Michael Dujela, DPM, FACFAS and Johanna Richey, DPM, FACFAS will lead hands-on learning to understand basic principles needed for live surgery in the AO skill lab. Interactive case discussions and practical exercises will focus on the application of fixation techniques applicable to the foot and ankle, decision-making, management skills, and potential pitfalls.

Building on the foundation of the ACFAS Comprehensive Fixation for the Ankle and Foot: A Resident's Course, this course is jointly provided by ACFAS and AO North America and offers 14.75 CECH.

Learn more and register at


Register at

October 6–7, 2023 (Friday/Saturday)

Basic Principles of Foot and Ankle

Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery for DPMs

Jacksonville, FL

October 12, 2023 (Thursday)

Coding Fundamentals

Dallas, TX

October 13–14, 2023 (Friday/Saturday)

Coding and Billing for the Foot and Ankle Surgeon

Dallas, TX

October 14–15, 2023 (Saturday/Sunday)

Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle

Orthopaedic Learning Center (OLC), Chicago, IL

October 20–21, 2023 (Friday/Saturday)

ACFAS on the Road: Complications

Midwest Region: Rosemont, IL

October 20–21, 2023 (Friday/Saturday)

ACFAS on the Road: Complications

Mid-Atlantic Region: Arlington, VA

October 26–27, 2023 (Friday/Saturday)

ACFAS on the Road: Complications

Big West Region: Albuquerque, NM

December 9–10, 2023 (Saturday/Sunday)

Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle

Orthopaedic Learning Center (OLC), Chicago, IL

January 31, 2024 (Wednesday)

Pre-Conference: ACFAS 2024

Tampa, FL

February 1–4, 2024 (Thursday–Sunday)

ACFAS 2024 Scientific Conference

Tampa, FL

volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | | 03
Michael Dujela, DPM, FACFAS Johanna Richey, DPM, FACFAS

practice management

Last Chance for Coding Courses in 2023

ACFAS Coding and Billing Education Series: The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Reimbursement

October 12–14 | Dallas, Texas

Don’t miss out on the last coding and billing program of the year this October in Dallas.

Join the experts for the only programs distinctly designed for foot and ankle surgeons and their staff at ACFAS’ Coding and Billing for the Foot and Ankle Surgeon and Coding Fundamentals. These popular interactive courses can be taken together as a series with reduced bundle pricing or each on their own. Learn how to make sure you’re getting properly reimbursed for the care you provide. Courses are taught by respected ACFAS speakers, Scott Nelson, DPM, FACFAS; Danielle Butto, DPM, FACFAS; and certified-coder Jacqueline Reiss-Kravitz, CPC, AAPC Fellow.

ACFAS Coding & Billing Education Series with Bundle

Pricing (Both Courses)

ACFAS Member: $825

Resident: $510

Non-member: $1,010

Coding Fundamentals

October 12 (Thursday)

2:30 – 6:15 pm


Start or strengthen your coding and billing foundation!

Coding Fundamentals will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of CPT and E&M codes, modifiers and their applications, and coding for minor in-office procedures. Ideal for residents, Fellows, new practitioners, and office staff working with foot and ankle surgeons, this program offers an excellent opportunity to build upon your skills in coding and billing terminology and processes while earning 3 CECH credits.

ACFAS Member: $185

Resident: $125

Non-member: $245

Coding and Billing for the Foot and Ankle Surgeon

October 13-14 (Friday/Saturday)

8:00 am - 5:15 pm

8:00 am - 12:15 pm


Dive deep into the changes in hospital-level billing, consultation billing and E&M decision making - including where higher level E&M codes fit into your surgical practice. Understand trends in surgical coding with hands-on scenarios including forefoot reconstruction, arthrodesis, office procedures, rearfoot and ankle reconstruction, tendon surgery, arthroscopy, trauma and diabetic foot surgery. To maximize reimbursement, physicians are encouraged to bring their office coders and work as a team. Don't miss out on this opportunity to earn 12 CECH credits as you advance your coding and billing skills.

ACFAS Member & Member Coders: $650

To learn more and save your spot, visit

Resident: $395

Non-member: $775

04 | volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons |
Danielle Butto, DPM, FACFAS Jacqueline ReissKravitz, CPC, AAPC Fellow Scott Nelson, DPM, FACFAS

In Case You Missed Out: Women’s Virtual Symposium Now On-Demand

The 2023 Women's Symposium: Challenging Cases/ Challenges in the Profession is now available on-demand! This virtual Symposium composed of elite faculty presented a full day of interactive presentations to highly engaged attendees. The symposium features lectures on challenging cases and discussions on topics including imposter syndrome, transitioning to private practice, work/life balance, career development, and getting involved in the College. Nearly 100 members registered for the Symposium and gave it exceptional feedback, a small sample of the positive feedback is below:

“This symposium had an extremely valuable insight into Women's podiatry! I am the CEO of a 7 physician, all male, podiatric practice. More women are entering Podiatry and this symposium assisted my preparation to accommodate women physicians. Please make this symposium available as a 'pay per view’”.

“Can't thank the speakers enough for the insight and wisdom they shared on Saturday! What a breath of fresh air to hear from a panel of such incredible women! Hats off to each of them! Thank you to ACFAS for the organization that went into making the first annual Women's Virtual Symposium something that I hope is repeated for years to come!”.

“Excellent symposium! Thank you to all presenters…This symposium has empowered me to speak up for myself and stand up for all the women surrounding me because if I don't I will become a statistic of gender pay gap. I appreciate the support and took more out of this symposium than I had ever thought or expected.”

“Great symposium. I learned a lot about not only podiatry topics, but the importance of women advocacy in podiatric medicine”.

“I loved that it focused specifically on my experience in medicine as a woman while also addressing new topics and procedures. Current and informative”.

Hear from elite faculty including:

Chair: Lisa Levick-Doane, DPM, FACFAS

MaryEllen Brucato, DPM, FACFAS

Michelle Butterworth, DPM, FACFAS

Thanh Dinh, DPM, FACFAS

Meagan Jennings, DPM, FACFAS

Brandi Johnson, DPM, FACFAS

Marie Keplinger, DPM, FACFAS

Laura Sansosti, DPM, FACFAS

Shital Sharma, DPM, FACFAS

Amber Shane, DPM, FACFAS

Jennifer Spector, DPM, FACFAS

Jennifer Van, DPM, FACFAS

Earn 6 CECH when you access the symposium on-demand at your convenience. Watch now at

volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | | 05
news from the college

from the college

Inaugural Cohort of the ACFAS Chris Mahaffey Leadership Development Program Off and Running

Continued from cover

sponsored by

A hearty congratulations to those selected, and a big thank you to Stryker, exclusive generous sponsor of the ACFAS Chris Mahaffey Leadership Development Program. Watch for continued updates on the progress and feedback from the cohort and mentors throughout the year.


06 | volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons news
Adam Bernatsky, DPM, FACFAS Scott Carrington, DPM, FACFAS Caroline Kiser, DPM, FACFAS Bryn Laubacher, DPM, FACFAS Austin Matthews, DPM, MPHE, FACFAS Kyle Mauk, DPM, FACFAS Timothy Miller, DPM, FACFAS Megan Oltmann, DPM, FACFAS James Sang, DPM, FACFAS Eric Fan Shi, DPM, FACFAS Mark Solomon, DPM, FACFAS Jonathan Thompson, DPM, MHA, FACFAS James Whelan, DPM, FACFAS Tonda Wooten, DPM, FACFAS Lauren Wurster, DPM, FACFAS

ACFAS is Bringing the Learning to You!

Occurring at three different regional locations across the country, ACFAS on the Road: Complications is a comprehensive seminar focusing on key challenges and obstacles found in the field of foot and ankle surgery. These two-day courses immerse practitioners in real-life case studies with firsthand experiences and panel discussions from topic experts.

Course Chair Lisa Levick-Doane, DPM, FACFAS explained, “This is not your typical lecture style course. Attendees and residents are encouraged to share their complications in search for the most effective resolve. Participants will feel confident surgically and know they aren’t alone when it comes to complications.”

October 20–21

Midwest Region: Chicago, IL

October 20–21

Mid-Atlantic Region: Arlington, VA

October 26–27

Big West Region: Albuquerque, NM

Learn more about the latest methods in arthroscopy, bunion complications, postoperative care, and many more topics tailored for the modern practitioner. Following an evening of case presentations, participants undergo a packed day of training and panel discussion guided by experience faculty. Go to to learn more and register for the course closest to you!

volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | | 07 education
“The ACFAS On The Road: Complications—Midwest is an opportunity for ACFAS members in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin to join fellow Midwest Region physicians for a comprehensive, interactive, attendee driven course encompassing surgery of the foot and ankle. The course provides didactic lectures and case presentations aimed towards identifying, preventing, and treating post-surgical complications of the foot & ankle.” — Jeffrey Baker, DPM, FACFAS, Midwest Region President
“The Mid-Atlantic region On the Road is being held in our nation’s Capitol this year! In addition to the great content from the course, you are a metro ride away from the rich history and incredible sights of Washington, DC!”
— Erin Robles-Sherman, DPM, FACFAS Mid-Atlantic Region President

There’s Still Time to Attend Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle

Get the latest techniques, didactic lectures and hands-on surgical experience when you attend Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle in Chicago!

October 14-15, 2023

December 9-10, 2023

These two-day, interactive courses are led by skilled arthroscopy surgeons and provide the opportunity to learn and practice established and cutting-edge techniques in foot and ankle surgery. Attendees will earn 14 CECH with more than 9 hours of hands-on lab time utilizing the latest equipment and techniques.

$2,025 ACFAS Members/ Resident Members

$2,475 Non-Members/ Non-Member Residents

Visit to secure your spot and register today!

08 | volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | education

2024 Annual Scientific Conference: Less Than Six Months Away!

We're counting down to the 2024 Annual Scientific Conference!

ACFAS 2024 will be held February 1-4, 2024 at the Tampa Bay Convention Center, with pre-conference programming beginning January 31. Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for five days of education, connections and innovation.

The Annual Scientific Conference planning committee has been hard at work developing a program with nearly 50 sessions of cutting-edge clinical topics. Earn 26 CECH

when you join over 130 expert faculty for exciting pre-conference programs, hands-on workshops and engaging topics in the HUB.

You'll also get to see the latest and greatest products and innovations to benefit your patients from more than 150 companies in the Exhibit Hall.

In addition to the education you've come to depend on, you'll have plenty of opportunities to connect and collaborate with over 2,000 of your fellow foot and ankle surgeons in the warm sun of Tampa.

volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | | 09 education

ACFAS Apparel and Merchandise

The ACFAS Logo Store has everything you need to show your College pride—whether you’re embracing your passion for the College and the memories within it, or welcoming a peer into the fold.

The ACFAS Logo Store has drinkware, pens, shirts, jackets, pullovers and scrubs in a wide range of colors and sizes.

Visit today!

10 | volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeon | Stay Connected Are you following ACFAS on social media? Stay up-to-date on the latest news, member highlights and updates from the College!
from the

ACFAS Podcasts

ACFAS podcasts brings together experts to provide insights on topics critical to foot and ankle surgeon. Episodes include both surgical and non-surgical topics, with recent episodes on:

Is MIS Achilles the New Standard?

Jeffrey E. McAlister, DPM, FACFAS; Zachary A. Flynn, DPM, FACFAS; David R. Larson, DPM, FACFAS and Nilin M. Rao, DPM, PhD, FACFAS

In Memory

Charles H. Reilly, DPM, FACFAS

Chicago, IL

Controversies in Charcot Surgery

Benjamin D. Cullen, DPM, FACFAS; Caitlin S. Zarick, DPM, FACFAS; Jacob Wynes, DPM, MS, FACFAS; Noman A. Siddiqui, DPM, FACFAS and Katherine M. Raspovic, DPM, FACFAS

What You Don't Know Can Hurt

You—RVU's and Getting Paid for the Work You Do

Janson Holm, DPM, FACFAS; Andrew B. Shinabarger, DPM, MS, FACFAS and Michael D. Corcoran, DPM, FACFAS

Plan the Work, Work the Plan

Shawn Khademi, DPM, AACFAS; Zack Dawson, DPM, AACFAS and Nolan Pendleton, CFP, MBA

Listen now on your favorite channel.

Robert H. Eder, DPM, AACFAS

Tallahassee, FL

Erick D. Studyvin, DPM, AACFAS Carl Junction, MO

volume 30 issue 3 | update: news from the american college of foot and ankle surgeons | | 11 | | | 773-693-9300 ACFAS STRATEGIC PARTNERS Diamond Elite Stryker Smith and Nephew Unite Zimmer Biomet Bronze Level Extremity Medical In2Bones Novastep Paragon 28 Silver Level DePuy Synthes Organogenesis Vilex Platinum Elite Arthrex PICA Treace Medical Concepts, Inc. Copper Level ABFAS Acera Surgical Enovis Exactech Kerecis ModMed Orthofix Podiatry Foundation of Pittsburgh PowerStep
from the college
in this issue page 5 page 4 page 8 VOLUME 30 ISSUE 3 | NEWS from the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF FOOT AND ANKLE SURGEONS ©2023 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons 8725 West Higgins Road, Suite 555 Chicago IL 60631-2724 All rights reserved Get details about these member services at There’s Still Time to Attend Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle In Case You Missed Out: Women’s Virtual Symposium Now On-Demand Last Chance for Coding Courses in 2023

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