In This Issue Spirit Week Page 1
Message from the Principal Page 2
Message from the Vice Principal Page 3
Upcoming Events Page 3
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Page 4
Student Leadership Page 17
Let’s Get Creative ACG Family At ACG School Jakarta, we believe that student leadership is fundamental to positive school culture and climate. Too often, adults think that they are the designers of a positive school culture. However, we underestimate the influence and impact students have on their own school community. Recently, our student leaders, head boy and girl and prefects have all been actively involved in school climate improvement efforts and we couldn’t be prouder of the way in which they have gone about it. The student-led whole school virtual assemblies, Spirit Week activities, and contributions to social media platforms and online magazines are but a few examples of the work our student leaders are involved in. If you get a chance, check out their work online HERE.
Competition Page 20
Community Group Updates Page 21
Events Page 22
Whole School Updates Page 26
Academic Calendar Page 27
October Newsletter
Message from the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, Another busy month of virtual schooling has seen our wonderful community engage in learning, reflection and community building activities. The extended PSBB transition period means that we will see virtual schooling continue and it will be important for us all to remain positive and support each other during this time. We have been looking at ways in which we can get small numbers of students back on campus and we will begin with our Year 13 students and sports teams. Obviously, health and safety will be our priority and we will continue to review our health screening and protocols as we plan for students to return to campus for specific practical experiences. We will have a school nurse on campus during these session days and times. The extension of the PSBB transition period continues to place schools in difficult situations with regards to providing senior students with access to subject specific facilities and resources and sporting opportunities. Of particular concern for us is the lack of laboratory and art studio time for our IBDP Year 13 students who are required to complete practical elements for courses. Furthermore, our sporting teams have not had any opportunities to practice and use our facilities since March of this calendar year. Over the coming days, we will be communicating to specific groups of students and parents about some of the opportunities we are creating for students to return to campus. It has been pleasing to hear that our parents are making every effort to remain connected and recently Wina Darwis (Year 13 Parent Rep) and Dewi Sumawijaya (Year 7 Parent Rep) hosted successful online virtual social events. This Saturday, Leah Sudarto will be hosting the Year 12 parent social event online. These parent events are an important way for our community members to remain connected and talk about how they are supporting their sons and daughters through this very uncertain and challenging time. We look forward to hearing from our other Year Level Reps and their plans for additional parent social events in the future. Our next Parents as Learners Workshop will be held online on Friday, 6 November from 10.00am. Presented by Richard Todd, Vanessa Ellison and Joanne Dickinson, the workshop will explore two of our core pillars of Creativity and Problem-Solving. We would like to take this opportunity to wish Ms. Aidah Restu all the very best as she begins her maternity leave. Mr. Rahmad Wibowo will be covering Ms. Aidah’s teaching responsibilities and duties through until 1 February, 2021. Our Virtual Open Day is coming up and we warmly welcome you and the whole family to join us on Saturday, 7 November between 10.00am – 11.00am. Encourage family, friends and colleagues to join us on the day to experience the following: -
Meet our Principal, Shawn Hutchinson
Live chat with our Academic Leadership Team, Teachers and Students
Understand the classroom environment and learn about our curriculum
Future parents and students find that this is one of the best ways to get a real sense of the school’s values and atmosphere. We welcome the whole family and invite you to join us online. Shawn Hutchinson Principal
October Newsletter
Message from the Vice Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, The passage of time is one of those perennials when it comes to school newsletters. Opening statements such as “it doesn’t feel like two minutes since….” or “it’s hard to believe that it is almost time for….“ are quite easy to mock for their ubiquity but, the truth is that when you have to write about events during a specific time period, you are always struck by the dual nature of time. It is this time last year that my daughter, Molly had just returned to Beijing and was starting her second internship of the year! Like most parents I tend to measure time periods by what my kids were doing, so it’s no surprise that I am thinking of them now. Also at this time last year, work was afoot planning the midyear exams and so it is again this year, albeit with some slight changes. 25, 26 and 27 November will see all Years 7-12 sitting exams in various subjects. Examinations are seldom anyone’s favourite part of school-life, but they do serve very valuable purposes by reminding us of the importance of focus, organisation, preparedness and sleep! Please support your sons and daughters with encouragement and calm environments. Year 13 students will be focused on Internal Assessment and will take mock exams next March. Year 12 students have all been allocated a supervisor for their Extended Essay and Year 13 students are getting closer to the submission of their draft. Although the draft deadline seems far away (8 January), that time gap can be deceptive. I am encouraging all students to be proactive and to communicate openly with their supervisors regarding progress and potential improvements.
Upcoming Events 6 November Parents as Learners: Creativity & Problem Solving 7 November Virtual Open Day 20 November Whole School Assembly 25 - 27 November Midyear Examinations (Years 7 - 12) 27 November ACG Community Group Meeting
One of my most anticipated upcoming events is the Parents as Learners Workshop that I will be sharing with Ms Ellison and Ms Dickinson where we will explore creativity and problem solving. I have a couple of great videos to share and some seemingly silly (but actually quite seriously good) creative thinking games to play. My last word goes to the Head Boy Danu, Head Girl Isabel, Primary and Secondary Student Council, teacher facilitators Ms Annie and Ms Vinnie, Mr Heri and Ms Septa for their exceptional work on the content and construction of the assembly we all enjoyed today. We took note of technical and presentation based feedback from last month and I think that the resulting October Assembly was an absolute winner. Who was that teacher? Who will be the next Primary creative superstar? Who will challenge the Lee and Duder families for their current crowns of glory? Wonderful, thank you one and all, have a great weekend! Richard Todd Vice Principal
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Kindergarten Our creative Kindergarteners have had another busy month of exploring a range of materials in different and imaginative ways. They investigated the wonders of Kinetic sand and other craft materials to make a variety of objects such as castles, rainbows and pretty shells. They had great fun painting with their home-made sand and squeezy paint mixture, and produced some amazing pieces of art, including Java Island, by Gavin. To end the month on a high, we absolutely loved getting involved in all of the Spirit Week activities, including dressing up as musicians, tourists, wearing mismatched clothes and our scariest Halloween outfits!
Bima’s Art & Craft
Spirit Week: Music Monday
Scarlett’s Sand Art
Spirit Week: Tourist Tuesday
Gavin’s Sand Art 4 | ACG JKT
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 1 This month, we started our new Unit of Inquiry called Sharing the Planet. We have a special guest speaker joining us on Zoom next Wednesday (7 October at 10.30am). Mr Bugi Sumirat works for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry . He will be talking to us about our unit’s Central Idea: living things need each other to survive. Mr Bugi Sumirat is passionate about taking action to care for our beautiful forests and endangered animals. What’s our unit of inquiry all about? Take a look!
Sharing the Planet UOI
Living things need each other to survive
Sharing the Planet UOI
Indonesian Studies: Endemic animals from Indonesia, Harimau
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 2 The students have been enjoying tuning into our new Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet as we have responded to some provocations and listened to some excellent stories to stimulate thinking. The students have continued to investigate addition and are becoming increasingly confident in sharing their thinking in a variety of ways (as can be seen in the examples below). The new topic of information writing (non-chronological reports) was introduced through the examination of an exemplar text and students began planning for how to create their own information report.
‘See, Think, Wonder’ Activities about Whale Scrupture
Report Planners
Information writing (non-chronological reports)
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 2
Students’ Work from Art Class
Badge for reading 1100 books in Epic
Unit of Inquiry Central Idea
Unit of Inquiry
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 4 Year 4 has just started a unit on the Human Body Systems and began to explore the Skeletal system. We named and labeled the bones in our own body and sang the Bones Rap to learn where the bones were located in our bodies. We even had a demonstration of what a cow and chicken femur looks like from Marson’s presentation. In Math we are learning measurement and and have been measuring parts of our body in centimeters. We have been measuring the circumference of our cranium, neck, arms and legs as well as the length of our arms, legs and of course our height. We collated our measurements, tallied them and put them in bar graphs. We plan to collate our data on a line graph to see if anything changed over the period of our unit in 6 weeks. We can’t wait to learn more about the human body. Next the muscular system!
The student is either taking finding out their height measurement or their foot measurement.
students are labeling parts of their body where bones are located
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 6 Year 6 Project-based learning explored mathematics where we enjoyed independently researching about the invention of the Zoo. Students used their abilities to measure animal enclosures, understand that perimeter and area have a relationship, and recognise and apply their new knowledge in their very own Zoo blueprint.
Ari’s Pre Planning Questions 1
Eva’s Building Zoo Reflection
Ari’s Pre Planning Questions 2
Jade’s Pre Planning Questions
Kenneth’s Building Zoo Activities
Jade’s Building Zoo Reflection
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 6 In science, we can explain changes of state in matter and give examples of each. For this lesson, students experimented with the changing states of matter. Students were asked to complete four experiments that had them explore how one state of matter can be changed into another state of matter and vice versa.
Izac’s Experiment Reflection
Tadeas Experiment of Changes Matter
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October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta
Learner Profile Attributes Name: Lara Pg Mohd Yusran
Name: Hugo Marson Naraya Widodo
Class: Kindergarten
Class: Year 4
Learner Profile: Risk-Taker
Learner Profile: Inquirer
Reason: For being so courageous to try new Kindergarten activities!
Reason: Exploring his curiosity about bones during our study of the skeletal system; and sharing his research, discoveries and experiments with his class through his entertaining videos.
Name: Reiji Class: Year 1 Learner Profile: Risk-Takers
Name: Muhammad Asher Saad
Reason: Displaying a positive growth mindset, attempting all activities, embracing challenges and making a huge effort to become an independent learner. Amazing!
Class: Year 5
Name: Sanvi Vijesh Year level: Year 2
Learner Profile: Balanced Reason: always being prepared for class while also taking on the additional roles of upper primary student. Asher has done well to keep a positive and balanced approach to academics and extra curiccular activities.
Learner Profile: Open Minded Reason: For being Open-Minded in her learning; Sanvi is always exploring new ideas, asking excellent questions and pushing herself to learn more and try her hardest in all areas of her learning. Name: Pangeran Raja Wiguna
Name: Ari Kingston Philip Class: Year 6 Learner Profile: Communicator Reason: Ari consistently shares his ideas and listens to others. He can express himself confidently and creatively using speaking, writing, and drawing.
Year:3 Learner Profile: Thinker Reason: For thinking critically when inquiring about a topic with good questioning skills and being proactive in researching to find out information. Raja also enjoys summarizing information in his own words and presenting it in the form of mind maps slides and shares it with his peers via Seesaw.
October Newsletter
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 7 Humanities Year 7 students have been learning how to construct research questions using the Humans and Other Species topic. They evaluated the research resources (to make sure they were reliable ones) by using the provided checklist. At the end of the project, students wrote one or two things they had learned from the topic or project.
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October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 9 Science One of the questions many teachers were asking themselves when we transitioned to full virtual school was, “How can I facilitate group work online?“ A straightforward answer to this is that we don’t have to remove Jigsaws or Think, Pair, Share from our lesson plans. Virtual breakout rooms on Teams are easy to set up (either ahead of time or in the moment). They even have exciting features that allow us to “circulate” the room or share messages with the whole class. Below is a screenshot of our Year 9 Science students collaborating to complete the different atomic model theories.
Secondary Art Well done to all the artist featured here this month. Some fantastic imaginative work on display here! Year 9, Pappin, Sarah and Kana. Sarah is the artist of the month for Year 9. Year 10 : Yeonwoo, Deandra, Kyla and Yasmine. Yeonwoo is the artist of the month for Year 10. Year 11: Shafiya, Cello, Billy and Aina. Shafiya is artist of the month for Year 11.
Year 9 Culinary Abstraction images Learning Objectives of this unit were to explore abstraction, simplification and repetition to create an artwork inspired by still life objects. The artistry and beauty of a composition is not affected by complex or simplistic aesthetics. This unit explores the characteristics, creation, meaning and perception of beauty and taste. This study of aesthetics develops skills for the critical appreciation and analysis of art, culture and nature. You will explore how composition and style can affect aesthetic beauty.
October Newsletter
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Secondary Art
Year 9 Culinary Abstraction by Sarah
Year 10 Elemental Organisation by Yeonwoo
Year 9 Culinary Abstraction by Kana
Year 10 Elemental Organisation by Kyla
Year 10 Elementary Organisation images The Learning objectives for this unit were about learning the basic skills of drawing, working with scale, how to apply tone and contrast and organize objects into a composition. In this unit students develop their understanding of the Elements and Principles of Art through the exploration of composition, and experimentation with media.
Year 10 Elemental Organisation by Deandra
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October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Secondary Art
Year 10 Elemental Organisation by Yasmine
Year 11 Who Am I by Cello Year 11 Who Am I? images The learning objectives for this unit is learning, Who are we? What makes us, us? As a community, culture or individuals. We can express and represent ourselves to others in a unique way using our own culture or the culture of others. How we connect with each other as individuals or in a group starts with our Identity.
Year 11 Who Am I by Aina
Year 11 Who Am I by Shafiya
Year 11 Who Am I by Billy October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta International Baccalaureate Information Technology In a Global Society Internal Assessment Website and Database Students have been using HTML and CSS Grid to create a web page layout with navigation menus. The website pages are still in progress. Below are the CSS code to format and position the containers.
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October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Student Leadership Well done to all the artists featured this month. Some fantastic imaginative work on display here! During Spirit Week, students and teachers dressed up and did some activities that matched the theme of the day. On Music Monday, primary students showed their musical talent by posting their videos of singing or dancing. Secondary students wore clothes of their favourite singer or even music composers. On Tourist Tuesday, students dressed up as a tourist and enjoyed virtual travel with their friends during this pandemic. On Wacky Wednesday, students dressed up as crazy as possible and had a good laugh with their friends. On Thursday, primary students had a Sketch Thursday where students expressed their feelings through their drawing and creativity. Secondary students had Troll Thursday where they dress up as their favourite meme or a vine. This was one of the favourite themes for spirit last year. On Freaky Friday, the finale of the week, students dressed up in their spookiest costumes and scared their classmates. Every morning break, each year level came together to play trivia quiz games and spend time together. Photos from each day were posted on the ACG Jakarta student council Instagram account throughout the week. Spirit Week was a chance for students to be creative and have a memorable time with their friends despite this pandemic. We hope to have more events in the future and see the students at physical school soon. Year 10 : Yeonwoo, Deandra, Kyla and Yasmine. Yeonwoo is the artist of the month for Year 10. Year 11: Shafiya, Cello, Billy and Aina. Shafiya is artist of the month for Year 11.
Music Monday Primary
October Newsletter
Music Monday Secondary
Tourist Tuesday -
Tourist Tuesday -
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Student Leadership
Wacky Wednesday - Primary
Troll Thursday
Freaky Friday - Secondary 1 18 | ACG JKT
Wacky Wednesday - Secondary
Freaky Friday - Primary
Freaky Friday - Secondary 2 October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Student Leadership
October Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Let’s Get Creative ACG Family Competition! For the October break, we set our ACG families a challenge; How creative could they be as a family? They were invited to demonstrate their artistic flair by drawing, painting, building, performing, constructing, baking or making. They could choose any medium that demonstrated their creativity and ability to work collaboratively together as a family. The Academic Leadership Team were so impressed with all of the entries, and it was a difficult job to choose the winning families. After much deliberation, The Duder family (students Adam Duder, Y6 and Alec, Y8) were our worthy Secondary School winners, with their amazingly detailed and realistic water raft.
P R E S E N T E D TO :
The Duder Family For collaboratively building an amazing raft! Wow! Jakarta, 30 October 2020
Shawn Hutchinson Principal
Our Most Creative award in Primary went to The Lee family (students Suji, Y1 and Jeong Hyeop, Y5) for their wonderfully artistic, skilful and beautiful 4-part tree.
P R E S E N T E D TO :
The Lee Family For an amazing piece of collaborative, family artwork! Jakarta, 30 October 2020
Shawn Hutchinson Principal
Finally, we would like to give a huge thanks to all of our runners up. Please visit our ACG YouTube channel to view all of the amazing entries. The submissions were amazing and your enthusiasm, creativity and ability to work and have fun together, really shone through. In these unique and challenging times, it is important that we take time away from our screens, our worries and stresses, and just be together, doing the things we love! You all certainly did that and we thank you, ACG Family!
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October Newsletter
Community Group Update We will have our next meeting on 27 November 2020.
October Newsletter
Year 6
Erawaty Kriptanto
Vidya Indriani
(Gavin Kriptanto’s Mum)
(Kenneth Adrian’s Mum)
Year 1
Year 7
Vinnie Kaur
Dewi Sumawijaya
(Aheli Dhillon ‘s mum)
(Rafa Wawolumaya’s Mum)
Year 2
Year 8
Rei Ooka
Leontien van Hekken-Oostrom
(Sana Ooka’s Mum)
(Sofie van Hekken’s Mum)
Year 3
Year 9
Naomi Phillip
Leah Sudarto
(Austen Philip’s Mum)
(Troy Sudarto’s Mum)
Year 4
Year 10-11
Aprilia Linda Rihardini
Meity Tedjowati
(Alexandrica Salim’s Mum)
(Maliek ten Have’s Mum)
Year 5
Year 12-13
Nazia Saulat
Wina Darwis
(Yusuf Hashmi’s Mum)
(Anya Simanjuntak’s Mum)
ACG JKT | 21
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October Newsletter
October Newsletter
ACG JKT | 23
Virtual Open Day Saturday, 7 November 10am - 11am Join Us Online bit.ly/vod-acgj
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October Newsletter
October Newsletter
ACG JKT | 25
Whole School Updates
Library To support students’ access to reading materials, ACG School Jakarta will provide a Drive-thru Library Service. This service is to ensure the health and safety of our community while providing access to library books. Easy Steps to follow: •
Visit acgschooljakarta.follettdestiny.com to search the catalogue of books and place a hold on your selected items.
Once you receive an email notification to tell you that your items are ready for collection, you will have 6 days to pick them up from school.
The Drive-thru Service allows you to drop off and pick up library books Monday to Friday from 7.30am – 4.30pm
To further limit the spread of COVID-19, the library sets aside all returned materials in UV containers before staff checking items back in.
Please see our short video for further details about our Drive-thru Library Service. HERE Parent Information Portal Please visit https://jakarta.acgedu.com/school-information/parent-essentials/ for updated information for parents and students. Social Responsibility As a community of learners, we have the responsibility to model behaviours and actions that we want our students to display. We are committed to embracing the energy and events of our time to advance social change in the areas of environmental protection, animal welfare and disaster relief. Parents as Learners Parents are encouraged to visit this section of our Information Portal to learn more about upcoming parent workshops and learning opportunities. Uniforms: We now have an online uniform order system and would like to encourage parents to use this online service. Payment can be made easily by bank transfer, credit card or cash.
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October Newsletter
Academic Calendar
October Newsletter
ACG JKT | 27
Academic Calendar
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October Newsletter