Languages at ACG School Jakarta

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Languages at ACG School Jakarta

Languages at ACG School Jakarta

What is Translanguaging?

Translanguaging is the term used to describe practices that allow and encourage English language learners to use their full linguistic repertoire in order to empower them and help them realise their full potential. This means encouraging them to speak, write and/or translate to and from their first language or any language they speak and English, to support their learning.

Encouraging translanguaging involves fostering positive attitudes towards multilingualism and encouraging English language learners to be proud of all their language skills. Allowing learners to choose which language to use at any time is a key feature of translanguaging.

Languages at ACG School Jakarta

Every classroom is multilingual…

- Hindi - Urdu

- Japanese - Korean - French - Mandarin - English - Malay - Bahasa Indonesia - Spanish

Languages at ACG School Jakarta

Languages offered: - English - English as a Second Language (ESL) (IGCSE & DP) - Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian as a Foreign Language - French (DP)

English Language Support at ACG School Jakarta

The purpose of the programme is to support students to develop the English language skills needed to engage with the curriculum

ELS levels of Support

We have aligned our ELS levels of support to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): an international standard for describing language ability.

The CEFR has three broad bands – A, B and C. Very loosely, these are similar to Basic, Independent, and Proficient. Each of those bands is divided into two, giving six main levels.

C2 Highly proficient – can use English very fluently, precisely and sensitively in most contexts

C1 Able to use English fluently and flexibly in a wide range of contexts

B2 Can use English effectively, with some fluency, in a range of contexts

B1 Can communicate essential points and ideas in familiar contexts

A2 Can communicate in English in a limited range of contexts

A1/A1 Has limited/no skills in English/Can communicate in basic English with the help of the listener

ELS levels of Support

C2 Highly proficient – can use English very fluently, precisely and sensitively in most contexts

C1 Able to use English fluently and flexibly in a wide range of contexts

B2 Can use English effectively, with some fluency, in a range of contexts


B1 Can communicate essential points and ideas in familiar contexts

A2 Can communicate in English in a limited range of contexts Pre A1/A1 Has limited/no skills in English/Can communicate in basic English with the help of the listener

ELS levels of Support

Beginning/Emerging -

Pre A1 & A1

Pull Out/In class Support

Developing/ExpandingA2 In Class Support

Teachers continue to provide in class-support/well differentiated lessons in all subjects.

Since the primary aim of ELS is to support students to access and engage independently with all areas of the curriculum, students requiring ELS will remain on the ELS Register and receive support until they reach an independent level of language ability.

Characteristics of Beginning and Emerging English Learners

Beginning Level

• limited vocabulary

• limited ability to function, comprehend, respond May be unfamiliar with participating in class

Emerging Level

• vocabulary - mostly limited to commonly-used words

• follows some directions –mistakes and hesitancy

• reading and writing below year level

Social Language Acquisition

Characteristics of Developing and Expanding English Learners

Developing Level

• vocabulary is developing

• requires scaffold, templates

• responds in classroom

- depending on student’s personality

Expanding Level

• using academic/ subject-specific vocabulary

• may still require scaffold, templates and vocabulary lists

Academic Language Acquisition

How long does it take to acquire a second language?

• Social Language –usually reached within 2 years of immersion.

• Academic Language – usually takes between 5-7 years.

Cummins, J. (2000)

The factors that influence the acquisition of a second language

Internal Factors

• Age

• Personality

• Motivation (intrinsic)

• Experiences

• Cognition

• Native language

External Factors

• Curriculum & Support

• Motivation (extrinsic)

• Access to native & near native speakers

Lightbown, Patsy M., and Nina Spada. 2013.

How can you help your child at home?

• Maintain mother tongue

• Keep up with topics being taught: pre-teach concepts/vocabulary/talk about topics in 1st language

• Do take-home reading every day

• Practice high frequency words every day

• Check vocabulary books and quiz your child

• Read to your child

• Give more exposure to English e.g. TV/eating out/music

When & how are levels determined?

• During enrolment or during the fours weeks of school for new students

• During Term 4 for Year 1 students moving to Year 2 (support begins in Semester Two)

• If a student is identified as potentially requiring ELS, a WIDA assessment is completed to determine the level, and parents are notified.

ELS Learning Objectives

• The ELS Learning Objectives are based on CEFR.

• Learning Objectives are based on Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing skills, as well as Communicative Language Competencies.

• The objectives define what is expected for a student to know and can do.

• The objectives drive what is taught, assessed and reported on.

ELS Student Monitoring

• Evidence in learning is collected throughout the semester against the ELS Learning Objectives.

• Teachers work collaboratively to track and monitor the progress of students receiving ELS and teachers when required, will work closely with parents to ensure their child’s ELS needs are being met.

• Towards the end of each semester (Homeroom, Specialist ELS and English) teachers meet to conduct a Progress Review Meeting for each student on the ELS Register.

• Based on evidence, the decision for a student to move up a level is made.

• Parents are informed of any changes.

When and where is ELS provided?


• Beginning & Emerging stages: pull out classes during English class & during Bahasa Indonesia classes.

• Developing & Expanding stages: in-class support provided by all teachers.

Lower Secondary & High School:

• Beginning & Emerging stages: some pull out & some in-class, dependent on the level of need.

• Developing & Expanding stages: in-class support is given by all subject teachers.

English Language Support Reporting

Primary: Progress is reported in the Primary academic report, written by the homeroom teacher, in collaboration with the ELS teacher, at the end of Semester 1 and 2.

Middle & High School: Progress is reported by email to parents at the end of Semester 1 and 2.

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