ACG Founders Scholarship Application Form
About this form
T his spe cial s cholarship will b e awarde d to an ex is ting s tudent to prov ide them with ongoing assis tance towards t heir uni versit y fe es T he re cipient will b e a domes tic s tudent who is currentl y s tud y ing at one of ACG S cho ols s e condar y s cho ols in
N ew Ze aland and who plans to commence a cours e of uni versit y s tud y the following ye ar Ple as e note: S hor t- lis te d candidates will b e re quire d to at tend an inter v iew with the CEO ACG S cho ols and other memb ers of the ACG Foundation Trus t , b efore
A pplications for the ACG Founders S cholarship mus t b e re cei ve d by 1 5 O c to b e r. A late or incomplete application will not b e considere d s o ensure all ne cess ar y material is include d with your application
Applicant Information
N ame
H ome phone M obile
Current s cho ol
L is t any ex tra- curricular or communit y ac tiv ities in which you are invol ve d :
D ate of bir th / /
Current ye ar level
Intende d cours e of s tud y – prov ide details of ter tiar y ins titution /s you wis h to at tend and cours e/s you plan to s tud y :
Application Checklist
T he following do cument s mus t b e prov ide d:
Complete d and signe d A pplication Form
Copy of ex ternal examination result s gaine d in the las t 12 months
Copy of your mos t re cent s cho ol rep or t
A s tatement outlining how the S cholars hip and the prop ose d cours e could assis t you to make a p ositi ve contribution to N ew Ze aland in the future (5 0 0 - 6 0 0 words sugges te d)
Declaration (subje c t to entr y re quirement s).
Signature Day / / Month Year
F or ward your app licat ion and all accomp any ing do cume nt s as follow s :
• Pos t to ACG S cho ols , P O B ox 619 9, V ic toria Stre et Wes t , Auckland 1142 (at tn: Rebecca Woolford) O R
• S can and email to O R
• Lea ve at your s cho ol re ception ( in an envelop e address e d to ‘Rebecca Woolford, ACG S cho ols’ )