In This Issue
Event of the Month Page 1
Message from the Principal Page 2
Message from the Vice Principal Page 3
Upcoming Events Page 3
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Page 4
Diwali Page 17
Events In November, Hindus celebrate the Diwali festival of light. Year 3 students embraced the opportunity to learn about the Diwali Festival as well as other celebrations to explore personal identity/religion. Year 3 student, Shok Shetty and his family shared a role play video to educate us about Diwali. In the video, he shared the different rituals that take place during this celebration. Our ACG family was kind enough to share family pictures during the festival. We definitely know more about this special day and would like to take this opportunity to wish all Hindu families a ‘Happy Diwali’ and may the divine light of Diwali spread into your life with peace, prosperity, happiness and good health.
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Community Group Updates Page 29
Whole School Updates Page 30
Community News Page 31
Academic Calendar Page 34
November Newsletter
Message from the Principal Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students, It has been so nice to receive some positive news about schools possibly reopening in January 2021 and although we must wait for local authorities to approve our request to have students return to campus, we can’t help but get excited about seeing students and teachers back in classrooms next semester. It has been a long and challenging journey since 2 March, and I am sure that the remainder of the 2020-2021 academic year will continue to present challenges. I can’t thank you enough for all of your support and care whilst your sons and daughters have continued with virtual schooling for a very long time. The commitment, resilience and determination shown by many members of our community during this time has been remarkable. I continue to be impressed with the work of our student leaders who present initiatives such as the Holiday Poster Competition for our students to participate and connect in celebrating the upcoming holidays. Isabel (Head Girl) and Danu (Head Boy), together with our Prefects Anh, Raheem and Rebecca and Student Leaders in the Secondary School and Primary School have had an incredibly busy first semester and we look forward to seeing what is in store for semester two. As you would be aware, most of our staff have returned to campus to complete the semester and prepare for a busy semester two. It has been very exciting to see our teachers and teacher assistants prepare classrooms and hallways, organize classroom displays and work collaboratively whilst observing health and safety protocols at all times. I’m really confident that we are ready for our students to return and look forward to positive news from local authorities soon. I have been so impressed with many of our creative, innovative and inspiring teachers this semester and it was fitting that Hari Guru Nasional was acknowledged and celebrated on Wednesday, 25 November. During this period of virtual schooling, our teachers are working online for longer periods of time and are spending more time than ever before preparing lessons, providing feedback and keeping students engaged. We have had some great stories written about our students and families this month and it is well worth checking out these stories:
Building great leaders: Raahim Hadi
International Baccalaureate paves path to success
The ten Haves: “It’s a great learning environment.”
Academic Reports will be released on Friday, 11 December. Parents and students can access reports via ManageBac after receiving an email notification. As this is the final newsletter before semester break, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and commitment to ACG School Jakarta and I trust that you will all enjoy the holiday break, travel safely and take advantage of spending quality time with family and friends. See you all back at school on Monday, 4 January, 2020. Shawn Hutchinson Principal
November Newsletter
Message from the Vice Principal Dear Students, Parents and Colleagues, I’d like to wish you all the most peaceful, restful and happy of holidays. There have been many notable achievements in this challenging semester so I think it will do us good to remember a few reasons to be proud of what we have done. Year 10 and 11 have all started or continued their IGCSE studies. The upcoming Year 9’s and 11’s will be making some tentative IGCSE and DP choices for next academic year, so let’s keep looking forward! We have completed a full semester of online learning and also navigated a Midyear exam session, so a pat on the back is in order for all students from Year 7 to 12! Year 12 and 13 have started or are continuing the Extended Essay, reviewing, reflecting and refining. CAS activities will soon be completed for Year 13 and all curriculum studies continue apace. We have submitted Year 13 registrations for IBIS and made our ToK Presentations! As if they don’t have enough to do, Year 13 are now committed users of the Unifrog platform to plan the next phase of their learning. Students now firmly control assemblies with our Head Boy and Girl leading the prefects and student body, Radio Wolf is firmly in our lives as we also welcome Scream Magazine into existence which already has two fantastic issues under it’s belt. Not only that, but students are leading the way with regard to Yearbook this year, sending reminder emails to teachers, planning photoshoots for the next Semester. With questions on our minds about a possible return to campus, I would like to introduce you to the latest addition to the Periodic table; it’s name is Hopeium and I wish you all a plentiful supply as we head towards the holidays and a new year. Richard Todd Vice Principal
November Newsletter
Upcoming Events 4 December Parents as Learners: Building Independence 8 December IGCSE (Year 9) and IBDP (Year 11) Info Session 9 December Public Holiday 7 - 11 December Visual Arts Exhibition 11 December Semester 1 Academic Reports Released 14 - 31 December Term Break 24 - 25 December Christmas Holiday 1 January New Year Holiday 4 January Term 3 Begins
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary Years Programme Update Welcome to our new newsletter item, dedicated to all things PYP! We are excited to share a snapshot of the wonderful work and amazing learning that has been happening in our virtual classrooms in the primary years, this semester. Thank you to our dedicated teachers for working so collaboratively to provide engaging learning experiences that develop student’s conceptual understandings, knowledge and skills through inquiry, hands-on exploration and across different subject areas including Art, Bahasa, and PE. Kindergarten In Kindergarten’s semester long ‘Who We Are’ Unit, students have been exploring how they have grown and changed, their similarities and differences and what makes them unique. They have become such confident communicators, able to express what they are good at and set goals for themselves.
Kindergarten In their ‘How We Express Ourselves’ semester long Unit, students have been finding out just how creative and imaginative they can be with a wide range of materials, from sand, plastic, slime to sticks, card and ice. They have been real risk takers, as they use explore different tools, materials and resources to see what they can make and do with them.
Year 1 Students in Year 1 have just completed their ‘Sharing the Planet’ Unit, where they inquired into what plants and animals need to survive. Their class blog was alive and kicking, as students shared their amazing work, their new understandings, asked questions and shared reflections with one another.
Year 1 The students have made a very exciting start to their new ‘How We Express Ourselves’ Unit, where they have unpacked the idea about what they think art actually is. Already, they have created some powerful pieces of artwork linked to feelings and emotions.
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary Years Programme Update Year 2 In their ‘Sharing The Planet’ Unit of Inquiry, students in Year 2 developed their understanding of how everyday choices we make, can have an impact on the environment. They were encouraged to take sustainable action with others such as recycling, and thinking about consumption, needs and wants. Students worked really hard when presenting their Summative Assessments for the Year 2 families and students. Very impressive Year 2!
Year 2 Their new unit, ‘Where We Are In Place and Time’ is off to a great start as students explore and research into the central idea- ‘The diverse features of a location determine how we live, work and play’. They have been finding out about continents and landforms, sharing their questions and wonderings such as “Why does a plateau have a flat peak?” and “How hot is lava?” I wonder where these inquiries will take them?...
Year 3 In their ‘Sharing The Planet’ Unit, students in Year 3 inquired into the Central idea, ‘Human survival depends on understanding the changing nature of Earth’. They explored climate change, landforms, global warming, weather and the changes of the structures of the earth, as well as researching natural disasters.
Year 3 In their new ‘Who We Are’ Unit, students will develop their open mindedness about different religions and explore the features of different religions and how different values and beliefs can influence our behaviour. The students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas using different digital platforms including, Mentimetre and Padlet. Great work already Year 3!
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary Years Programme Update Year 4 In their first unit under the transdisciplinary theme ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’, Year 4 students explored the Central Idea “Migration occurs as a response to challenges and opportunities”. Students learned the reasons why people migrate by choice. For example, if a new opportunity arises, or by necessity, such as if there is a conflict in their home country. As they investigated these “push” and “pull” factors, they integrated into the writing unit to create poems about how they would feel if they were migrating. For their Summative Assessment, Year 4 created fictional scenarios where they needed to migrate. They chose their presentation type, such as a video, Powerpoint, writing, or Keynote. They also practiced reflection by marking their own single-point rubrics with areas they excelled in and areas that could be developed in the future.
Year 4 In the Year 4 ‘Who We Are’ unit, students became experts in the human body. They investigated several body systems including, the digestive system, respiratory system, muscular system, and skeletal systems. They demonstrated a core ACG Pillar, creativity, through constructing models of all sorts, and created informational projects explaining the parts of a chosen body system and how this system is connected to other body systems.
Year 5 For the ‘How We Express Ourselves’ unit, Year 5 students learned about the many different elements that make up cultures by observing traditions, foods, clothing, and participating in games from around the world. They researched a culture they wanted to inquire into and then created a presentation on the elements of their own culture that best represented how they express themselves as a unique member of their cultural group.
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary Years Programme Update Year 5 In Year 5’s second Unit students explored the Central Idea “The structure of a system affects its ability to serve a purpose” under the theme ‘How We Organise Ourselves’. In this unit, they explored many different systems, including electrical systems, transportation systems, and medical systems. Students worked in collaborative groups for their summative projects so they could analyse a system of their choice and determine its effectiveness.
Year 6 Students in Year 6 explored how to use digital media, including social media, responsibly in their ‘How We Express Ourselves’ unit. They explored the different types of digital media, their history and purpose, and how they should be used. For the Line of Inquiry, “How our actions online influence other”, they explored the Key Concept of responsibility and learned that what they put up on the internet matters and is permanent, so should be used with caution and respect.
Year 6 Year 6 explored inventions and innovation in their ‘How the World Works’ unit, exploring how new products are imagined and brought into reality. In Bahasa, they learned about famous Indonesian inventors and the creations they have brought to the world. For their Summative assessment, students were tasked with creating their own product that was either a unique creation or an improvement on an existing product.
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Kindergarten We have enjoyed getting messy in Kindergarten this month, as we continue to explore all the wonderful and creative ways we can use different materials. Making slime was a particular hit (although I am not so sure the grown-ups thought that!). Thank you, parents/caregivers, for always supporting our ideas and providing your child with the invaluable opportunities to learn through play and hands-on practical activities. I had the most fun with my bright pink slime, although my hands looked like the character from the story ‘Pinkalicious’! If you haven’t read that story, I would definitely recommend it. The Kindergarten students are making so much progress with their early literacy skills, as they learn new phonemes (letter sounds) and apply these when having a go at reading and writing simple 3 letter words. They are such open-minded students, with a real ‘can do’/ ‘have a go’ attitude. I am so proud of them. From the Kindergarten Team, we thank you students and families for making our virtual school experience such an enjoyable and rewarding one!
Scarlett letter K
Aqeel numbers
Lara letter K
Gavin’s Slime
Bima’s Writing
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 1 This month, we started our new Unit of Inquiry called How We Express Ourselves with the theme ‘Artists make choices to communicate ideas and feelings’. Please take a look at our student artwork.
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 2 Year 2 students have been doing a wonderful job of sharing their Summative Assessment presentations from our Sharing the Planet UOI with the class. The students also made videos about their ideas, explanations and messages, please visit this LINK to watch the video. In UOI activities this week, we have been tuning in to our new UOI for Where We Are in Place and Time. In Literacy activities, we have been exploring Recount Writing by looking at examples of recounts and making text connections to our new UOI. In maths activities the students have been completing addition and subtraction activities as we come to the end of our addition and subtraction unit.
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November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 3 Year 3 students explored the Central Idea ‘Human survival depends on understanding the changing nature of Earth’. They looked at interesting facts of our planet Earth and with their creative hats on, they designed 3D models to reflect on the concept of Earth being composed of four distinct layers. During exploring the second line of inquiry, ‘How the Earth is changing’, we encouraged the concept of student agency, where students made good use of technology by posting their questions on this inquiry via the Padlet application and we explored these questions to guide the inquiry. Students were also privileged to experience a guest speaker, Rio Miyata, a PYP 6 student last academic year, who presented her exhibition project on the cause and effect of deforestation to landform. This definitely caught the attention of students especially on how they can be more responsible and play a role to make the Earth sustainable. As for the Summative Assessment, students were given the voice and choice to present a topic on natural disasters, causes and effects. Taking into account all their learning, research, and creativity, they presented knowledgeable insights into this topic in different forms such as 3D models, posters, Power Point presentations, and even blogs.We look forward to our next inquiry.
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 4 Year 4 have been learning about the different body systems. We learned about the skeletal, muscular and respiratory systems. Students created models of how the hand and arm muscles work. They conducted independent experiments on the circulatory systems using tubes and dyes, as well as the digestive system. The Food to poop experiment was particularly entertaining to the whole class. It certainly has been a fascinating unit!
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 4
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 5 Year 5 students worked collaboratively to investigate human-made systems in our How We Organise Ourselves unit. Their task was to investigate a system of their choice, identify its purpose, analysing its structure, and the functions of individual parts to determine if the system was effective. They created project plans, task lists, communicated independently, and had group check-in meetings. The final presentation was of their own choice and planned by the group. We are very proud of the work these groups accomplished.
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November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 6 Year 6 have completed their second Transdisciplinary Theme, How the World Works. Students displayed their creativity when planning and presenting their summative assessments by working by independently or in pairs of their choice to invent a new item or innovate an existing item. We were lucky enough to have our very own, Mr. Mark Ellison the secondary Design and Technology teacher as our guest presenter who joined us during our lessons to explore the various strategies that can be utilized in planning and designing our ‘digital prototypes’. Mr. Mark set up a Year 6 account with the new Tinkercad, an easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. It is used by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything! Students were able to utilize this app and produce outstanding 3D digital designs and 3D models.
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta
Learner Profile Attributes Name: Bima
Name: Kyusung
Class: Kindergarten
Class: Year 4
Learner Profile: Knowledgeable
Learner Profile: Balanced
Reason: Confidently sharing his knowledge and learning in different ways
Reason: For demonstrating a balanced attitude to work. Making sure he completes tasks and makes time to be creative with his crafts and playing with friends.
Name: Suji Class: Year 1 Learner Profile: Thinkers
Name: Arfan Mohd Akmal
Reason: Displaying ‘out-of-the box’ thinking, embracing UOI challenges with creative thinking and applying learned skills to her assignments. Amazing!
Class: Year 5
Name: Sophia Haider Shaikh
Learner Profile: Caring Reason: Always being a friend in Year 5. Always encouraging his classmates that they can be successful. Thank you for spreading postivity in our class!
Year level: Year 2 Learner Profile: Reflective
Name: Adam Duder
Reason: Sophia is very reflective in her learning, she listens to feedback and takes opportunities to build her skills and consistently improve in all areas of her learning.
Class: Year 6
Name: Austen Everly Philip
Learner Profile: Thinker Reason: Adam can think critically and creatively to solve challenging problems. He tries his best to contribute to class and group discussions. He always asks questions to seek clarification.
Year:3 Learner Profile: Open-Minded Reason: For respecting differences in others and always being open to listen to the opinion of her peers. She makes a good team player and her peers enjoy working with her. She is also responsible for the ‘Stuco Holiday Poster Competition’ project.
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November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Divali
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Divali
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November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 12 IBDP French ab initio In the topic of Food and Drinks, Year 12 French ab initio has learned about how to write a procedural text and have done some real-life experiences to cook French cuisine and make a video about it. They were exposed to French culture and gastronomy. They were really excited and nailed the lesson very well.
November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta THIMUN Singapore Online Conference 2020 We completed an enjoyable and successful THIMUN conference recently. Our delegates quickly got into the procedures of lobbying and debating sessions and were very proactive in delivering not just policy statement speeches but also in putting themselves forward for points of information and improvised amendment speeches.
Our team of hard-working delegates used the mornings to get all speeches ready and to practice debating across three committees: Environment Committee, Political Committee and the Sustainable Development Committee, and this definitely paid off in the afternoon debating sessions.
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November Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Science As we continue navigating through these unprecedented times, the Science Department has been working very hard to ensure our Year 13 students complete their practical work. In this month’s newsletter, the department recognizes the effort of our lab technician Ms. Renita for her quality work and effort. Thank you for your tremendous help in preparing all the lab supplies that students need. Without your diligence, hard work, late nights, and early mornings we would not have been able to get students to start their Internal assessments. Excellent work! Mr. Devis (Science department).
Year 13 CAS Raahim in Year 12 has created a YouTube channel called “lockdown studies” as a CAS experience, where he creates these amazingly well-done tutorial videos for Maths and Physics. According to the bio on his channel “In the current hard circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, learning online has become the new norm for millions of students around the world. To promote online learning for students who want to learn some high school level Mathematics and Physics, I have created this channel to keep your studies up to date during quarantine/lockdown. I hope you can benefit from online learning during these hard times.” Check you Raahim’s CAS Project channel on YouTube HERE.
November Newsletter
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Bahasa Indonesia In Bahasa Indonesia class, students in Year 10 have learned how to write a procedural text. As a formative assessment, they wrote a draft, an outline, and a final copy of their procedural text; how to cook one of Indonesia’s dishes. Then, taking learning into action and for completing their summative assessment, they made a cooking demo video of their choice of Indonesian dish. Here are the ACG Master Chefs Jakarta.
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Design Technology
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Design Technology
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November Newsletter
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Community Group Update Thank you to all members of our community who attended the recent meeting on Friday, 27 November. You can watch the recording HERE if you were not able to attend. We will have our next meeting on 9 January 2021.
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Year 6
Erawaty Kriptanto
Vidya Indriani
(Gavin Kriptanto’s Mum)
(Kenneth Adrian’s Mum)
Year 1
Year 7
Vinnie Kaur
Dewi Sumawijaya
(Aheli Dhillon ‘s mum)
(Rafa Wawolumaya’s Mum)
Year 2
Year 8
Rei Ooka
Leontien van Hekken-Oostrom
(Sana Ooka’s Mum)
(Sofie van Hekken’s Mum)
Year 3
Year 9
Naomi Phillip
Leah Sudarto
(Austen Philip’s Mum)
(Troy Sudarto’s Mum)
Year 4
Year 10-11
Aprilia Linda Rihardini
Meity Tedjowati
(Alexandrica Salim’s Mum)
(Maliek ten Have’s Mum)
Year 5
Year 12-13
Nazia Saulat
Wina Darwis
(Yusuf Hashmi’s Mum)
(Anya Simanjuntak’s Mum)
November Newsletter
Whole School Updates
Library To support students’ access to reading materials, ACG School Jakarta will provide a Drive-thru Library Service. This service is to ensure the health and safety of our community while providing access to library books. Easy Steps to follow: •
Visit to search the catalogue of books and place a hold on your selected items.
Once you receive an email notification to tell you that your items are ready for collection, you will have 6 days to pick them up from school.
The Drive-thru Service allows you to drop off and pick up library books Monday to Friday from 7.30am – 4.30pm
To further limit the spread of COVID-19, the library sets aside all returned materials in UV containers before staff checking items back in.
Please see our short video for further details about our Drive-thru Library Service. HERE Parent Information Portal Please visit for updated information for parents and students. Social Responsibility As a community of learners, we have the responsibility to model behaviours and actions that we want our students to display. We are committed to embracing the energy and events of our time to advance social change in the areas of environmental protection, animal welfare and disaster relief. Parents as Learners Parents are encouraged to visit this section of our Information Portal to learn more about upcoming parent workshops and learning opportunities. Uniforms: We now have an online uniform order system and would like to encourage parents to use this online service. Payment can be made easily by bank transfer, credit card or cash.
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Community News
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November Newsletter
Community News
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Community News
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November Newsletter
Academic Calendar
November Newsletter
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Academic Calendar
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November Newsletter