EVENT OF THE MONTH Student Council Badge Delivery
In This Issue Student Council Badge Delivery Page 1
Message from the Principal Page 2
Message from the Vice Principal Page 3
Upcoming Events Page 3
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Page 4
Student Leadership Page 20
Whole School Assembly Page 22
Community Group Updates Page 23
Events One of the most enjoyable moments of the last month was heading out to deliver Student Council and Prefect badges to our remarkable young student leaders. The expressions of pride and joy on their faces was very much worth the journey. - Richard Todd
Page 24
Whole School Updates Page 31
Academic Calendar Page 32
September Newsletter
Message from the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, September has been an incredibly busy month for our students and teachers and we continue to appreciate and acknowledge the amazing support that you have given this term. Although we have all worked hard to establish positive routines through virtual schooling, we are mindful of the stress and anxiety the extended PSBB and home learning restrictions are creating. We hope that the upcoming holiday period will provide opportunities to reduce screen time and allow for batteries to be recharged. I continue to be impressed with the quality and creativity of our teachers as they navigate through this virtual school experience. The Mark Ellison: a story in design article is an example of how we are helping students develop entrepreneurial skills and Ms. Tia’s Art Class or Math with Ms P are great examples of how our teachers are utilizing technology to support the delivery of subject content and concepts. Our teachers are working tirelessly in very difficult circumstances and I would like to thank them for their work in Term Two. I am also incredibly proud of the way in which our students have embraced virtual schooling and have gone above and beyond to connect with each other and engage in online experiences that continue to promote our core values and strong sense of community. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our newly elected Student Council Members and wish them all the very best for this academic year as they develop their leadership skills and work with the community to introduce student-driven initiatives. Our Student Council is led by our Head Boy (Danu Yulianto), Head Girl (Isabel ten Have and Prefects (Anh Vu, Raahim Hadi and Rebecca Balanescu). I am confident that this strong team will help our other student leaders grow into their roles as the year progresses. At ACG School Jakarta, we want to provide our student leaders with authentic experiences where they can initiate projects, take full responsibility of the projects and truly develop important leadership skills. Parent Student Teacher Conferences are one of the ways we formally report on student progress and achievement. Our upcoming PSTCs should provide a really positive end to what has been an incredibly busy Term One. I hope that you take up the opportunity to meet with your son / daughter’s teachers next week and engage in discussions that should always focus on how your son / daughter can best be supported through their schooling. Once again, I thank you for your continued support throughout Term One and we look forward to a positive Term Two, starting back on Tuesday, 20 October for students. Shawn Hutchinson Principal
September Newsletter
Message from the Vice Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, To think, it is has only been a month since I last wrote to you in the first newsletter of the school year, we are now anticipating our first virtual PSTC and then a very well deserved first holiday of the year. So many things have happened, and it pleases me to recognise so many positives in these troubled times. I was lucky enough to head up our first Parents as Learners workshop where myself and Mr. Guy Mills had a great audience turnout and lots of good questions. Workshop 2 (The Value and Importance of Teacher Feedback) will have just taken place as this newsletter comes out so I hope I am reporting back record attendance for that one in the next newsletter! Mr Hutchinson and I ran successful Parent Webinars on the use of different learning and reporting platforms over three successive days in September as part of our commitment to improving communication. Unifrog is our newest addition to the virtual family; an expansive array of tools, tutorials, links and insights are combined with a hugely valuable University interface. Y13’s have already started delving deep into their potential and no doubt it will be of great value to them as they make decisions about their postACG future. Team Leaders have also been introduced to the platform and Advisors from Year 9 will be giving their advisories a walk-through very soon. Our very first online Assembly was a great success; designed, planned and executed by Isabel Ten Have (Head Girl), and Danujati Yulianto (Head Boy), the assembly showcased talent from all sections of school. From Primary piano players to Secondary radio presenters, students showed initiative, creativity and real spirit for invention. In my role as DP Coordinator I have been busy registering the Y13 students with the IBO database (IBIS), please give them encouraging words as their examinations get closer. We have instituted an earlier start to the Extended Essay this year and the Y12 have been making great progress. One of the most enjoyable moments of the last month was heading out to deliver Student Council and Prefect badges to our remarkable young student leaders. The expressions of pride and joy on their faces was very much worth the journey. As October approaches, I wish you all a healthy close of term and a very restful holiday. Richard Todd
Upcoming Events 2 October Parents as Learners: The Value and Importance of Teacher Feedback 5 - 9 October Parent Student Teacher Conferences 6 October ManageBac Intro for Parents (Years 7 – 9) 7 October Unifrog Intro for Parents (Years 9 – 13) 8 October ManageBac Intro for Parents (Years 10 – 13) 9 October End of Term 1 12 - 16 October Term Break 19 October Staff Only Day 20 October Term 2 Begins 24 October Year 13 Parent Social Event 29 October Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad - Holiday 30 October Whole School Assembly ACG Community Group Meeting 31 October Year 12 Parent Social Event
Vice Principal
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Kindergarten Kindergarten have been showing how creative and imaginative they can be with different materials, as we explore our Unit of Inquiry, ‘How We Express Ourselves’. They made patterns, shapes and houses out of popsicle sticks and created some amazing ‘Stick Men’ out of natural materials they found at home, based on the popular story, ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. The students learned new letters sounds and showed how open-minded they could be when practicing writing the alphabet using different materials such as water and chalk. So much playful learning, creativity and fun during virtual school and as always, the kindergarten team are so proud of them!
My Stick Man by Scarlett
Aqeel’s Special Toy
Gavin learning the letter “i”
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 1 For the last seven weeks, the students have been focusing on Who We Are. After completing their incredible cultural puppet performances yesterday it was definitely cause for a celebration! We had a dance, showed off our unique cultural clothing and snacks, listened to a read aloud, ate snacks and then danced some more. We are so proud of these awesome kids for everything that has been accomplished over the last seven weeks. The Seesaw Blog has also been a lot of fun this week with students sharing Show and Tell about their own cultures and sending each other math problems to solve! Next week, we will be starting a new Unit of Inquiry called: Sharing Our Planet.
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 3 Year 3 students explored the Central Idea ‘Family histories provide and insight into personal identity’. They enthusiastically started the inquiry by interviewing their parents about their understanding of families, rituals, and how it shapes one’s personal identity. Thereafter, with their creative hats on, they worked on a project to create a genealogy about their family ancestry and compiled it in the form of a scrapbook. To complete this project, they researched and traced their family lineage. Most of them excitedly contacted and interviewed their grandparents to find out about their family ancestry. One of our student’s grandparents Mr.Surrendra Shetty joined us on a zoom call as a Guest Speaker. He helped students gain a clearer perspective on the similarities and differences between 1st and 3rd generation lifestyles. After listening to Mr. Shetty, students reflected that they appreciate the comfort and lifestyle they experience today. Overall, this was not only a very interesting unit of inquiry, but was very interactive too, as there were plenty of interaction between students and their family members while researching different lines of inquiries.
Year 3 Class Meeting
Farish’s Timeline
Emiri’s Culture
Raja Wiguna’s Presentation
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 3
Yusra’s Baby Pictures
Omar’s Event Timeline
Inaya’s history scrapbook Shlok’s writing about his relegion
Shlok’s Math Integration
September Newsletter
Yusra’s Math Integration
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 4 For their Unit of Inquiry ‘Where We Are In Place And Time’, Year 4 have been learning about migration. We were fortunate to have guest speakers from Jesuit Refugee Service Indonesia as well as two refugee girls from Afghanistan Romina or Mobina Yousofi. For many of our students, this was their first encounter with refugees and they enjoyed learning more about their stories. One of our summative assessments is a painting collection by Marson Widodo where he presented his summative through art. In literacy we incorporated our UOI studies on refugees and Poetry styles. Here are some examples of Acrostic, Haiku and Cinquain’s that reflected the plight of refugees. In our creative writing, we tried to use alternative beginnings and endings to the story of the Iron Man. Here are some samples from some of our students. For book reviews, we embarked on recording book reviews as we developed our presentation skills. Enjoy year 4’s work this month!
Refugee Guest Speakers
Anna’s summative assessment
Imtityaz’s Haiku
Shaliha’s creative writing
Kangmin’s book review
Atharv’s writing
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 4
Marson’s UOI painting
Aditi’s Poem
Alexandrica’s book review James’ Iron Man Story
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary - Year 5 This month, Year 5 has been exploring cultures. We started by exploring a culture the students were interested in learning. They were tasked with researching different elements of culture (ex: food or language) and creating a presentation to share their new knowledge. This led to their summative assessment, in which the students explored different elements of their own culture. They learned that as a unique member of their cultural community they express that culture through the ways they live their life. We are excited to join Ms. Vinnie once again for our buddy class and to share our learning and fun experiences with Year 3. It’s a great year so far in Year 5 and I am excited to see what else we have in store.
Buddy Class Meeting with Year 3
Math Class
Parth Kusumbia’s Cultural Share
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Buddy Class Meeting with Year 3
Vedanshi Singh’s Cultural Share
Jeong-Hyeop Lee’s Cultural Share
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta
Learner Profile of the Month Name: Gavin Kripanto
Name: Kavya Nagpal
Class: Kindergarten
Class: Year 4
Learner Profile: Inquirer
Learner Profile: Principled
Reason: For showing curiosity and being so positive about his learning!
Reason: For demonstrating integrity and respect for the dignity and rights of others by helping her fellow classmates and her teachers solve technical issues in zoom meetings and presentations in a calm way.
Name: Aisyah Adimasadi Class: Year 1 Learner Profile: Open Minded
Name: Chanseo Park
Reason: Displaying a positive growth mindset, attempting all activities, embracing challenges and making a huge effort to learn about other cultures. Amazing!
Class: Year 5
Name: Alexavier Salim Class: Year 2 Learner Profile: Reflecetive Reason: Awarded for being a very reflective learner, Alexavier is consistently open-minded, responding to feedback from his teachers and using it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Name: Ignacio Raphael Bintoro Class: Year 3
Learner Profile: Communicators Reason: Always working to understand lessons and expressing his ideas in English. Well done Chanseo! Name: Eva Mae Ellison Class: Year 6 Learner Profile: Open Minded Reason: Eva has a willingness to try new things She has a natural curiosity and a desire to want to learn more, he often asks for clarity. Eva considers other opinions and she tries her best to use her ability to evaluate things from different angles to gain a greater perspective.
Learner Profile: Reflective Reason: Raphael for consistently demonstrating the learner profile Reflective. He is responsible for his own learning and independently completes work assigned to him. He also creatively creates his reflection on topics learned with the use of slides and shares it with his peers via Seesaw.
September Newsletter
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Years 7 – 9 English
As they ended their current units, the Years 7 - 9 English students completed Summative Assessments. Year 7 wrote a Horror Extract, and to set the mood they all chose a scary virtual background, with some students wearing ghoulish masks. Year 8 had a choice of tasks, to either to write a formal letter of complaint to Gojek, or a formal persuasive letter to Mr Hutchinson requesting that the school opens the library. The Year 9 class wrote a Memory Transmission Scene, expressing ‘loss’ or ‘happiness’ in the style of the author of The Giver, Lois Lowry. Here are some photos of some students sitting nicely in class!
Ms Pickering Presenting: The next YouTube sensation?
Ms Annie Pickering, one of our Secondary School mathematics teachers, has thrown out her boring, old whiteboard to present her lessons during virtual school. Demonstrating adaptability and commitment to provide accessible learning materials, Ms Pickering has been making her own mathematics teaching videos. She films and produces the videos herself which are used in class and uploaded to YouTube to her very own channel: Learn Math with MsP. Way to go Ms Pickering (and watch out Khan Academy!)
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September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 10 English: Poetry in a Pandemic At the start of class one Friday afternoon in September, Year 10 English students were given an unusual instruction. They were told to leave their desks and go for a walk. There were smiles all round, even when they were then told to go and collect some bits of poetry. Only with their parents’ permission, and only if they were wearing a mask and observing physical distancing, the students were asked to walk around their neighbourhood and make a note of all the poetic images they could find. A poetic image is a short phrase that creates a picture in the reader’s mind. It might also conjure up a sound, or a taste, or a smell. The focus at this stage of the task was solely on finding vivid images. There was no need to think about how they would fit together in a poem yet. Students who were not able to venture out into their neighbourhood, could take a ‘poetry walk’ through their house or apartment, the message being that poetry can be found in ordinary objects and everyday experiences. The students enjoyed a chance to leave their laptop screens for a while and reflect on their surroundings. In a follow-up lesson, they did indeed put their collected images together in the form of a poem. Here is a fine example from Yasmina Adimasadi.
Daydream with Me. A glass of cranberry, On a windy, sunny day; Soft tranquil quilts – Just for me The sea of buildings, Didn’t match – It wasn’t me. In a field of greenery, Where the birds chirp and flee, The trees dance and the bees hum, Where I was, where I’ll be In the field of greenery; Where I’m free. By Yasmina Adimasadi, Year 10
September Newsletter
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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 9 Bahasa Indonesia In Bahasa Indonesia, Year 9s have been studying the literary elements of a short story. They need to identify the topic, plot, characters, setting, point of view and moral lesson of a narrative story. Then, they had to retell the story in a storyboard that covered 6 important events in sequence. Retelling is a skill to identify how well a student can comprehend the story. By elaborating the literary elements, the students manage to find detailed information and summarise the story.
By Caroline Sewell
By Josh Napitupulu
Year 13 IBDP Bahasa Indonesia Year 13 students are learning about the theme of Human Ingenuity. The topic that they are studying is communication and media. Students learned about the advantages and disadvantages of social media. They also learned how to provide solutions on the negative impact of social media. Student had to create and advertisement of a product and they have to make sure that the language used and the message was delivered addressed the marking criteria.
By Daniel Dickinson 14 | ACG JKT
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Design Technology
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Design Technology
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September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Design Technology
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 12 and 13 IBDP French Ab-initio This week Year 12 and 13 French Abinitio students finished their current topics about Personal Character (Caractère Personnel) for Year 12 and Balanced Diet (Régime Alimentaire) for Year 13. As part of their formative assessments, Year 12 students gave a brief presentation about personal appearance explaining what they are wearing using simple sentences, adjectives, and subject-specific vocabulary that they have learned in this unit. In addition, Year 13 students brought in food to class and delivered a presentation and discussion on the topic of balanced diet that plays a vital role for the body’s metabolism.
Chinese Mandarin One major challenge about learning a new language is not having enough people around who speak the language. But in our class, we take it one step at a time. As we reach the end of Term 1, we have slowly built the practice in 汉子 writing drill, 听力, 阅读 and 口语. Here’s a glimpse of our recent accomplishments. We asked our students to partake in a speaking assessment, by recording themselves speaking Mandarin, talking about various topics using all the 生词 they had learned and had it filmed in the most creative way possible. They were given the chance to strike up a conversation in roleplay and create dialogue in groups. We strive to boost their confidence to speak amongst their peers, even when mistakes happen, we encourage them to embrace it and learn from it, as making mistakes is part of the learning process.
Mei and Seoyong Presentation
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Adeela and Aina Presentation
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Theory of Knowledge The year 12 and 13 language and literature students have been exploring language from several perspectives in the first term this year. They engaged in animated discussions that questioned the benefits and dangers of our rather intimate relationships with the machines we make. The Futurist artists’ radical manifesto on technology (see image below) served as a useful stepping off point for our conversations.
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Primary Student Leadership The Primary School Student Council campaigning and elections took place recently and all students who applied to become student leaders should be congratulated. Student Council representatives in Years 1 – 6 will work on organizing events by working together in partnership with students, parents, and teachers for the benefit of the school and its students. The primary student council will also be collaborating where needed with the Secondary Student Council, Head Boy (Danu) & Head Girl (Isabel) and will be supervised by Ms. Vinnie Kaur and Ms. Lia. We will have a meeting every Thursday during a snack break. Students have a valuable contribution to make to the effectiveness of their school and their involvement in the operation of the school is itself a valuable part of the education process for the students. Congratulations to the elected Student Council Representatives.
Aheli Kaur Dhillon
Olivia Gabrielle Bintoro
Goeun Nam (Rosa)
Sophia Haider Shaikh
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Austen Everly Philip
Veylisha Azzalea
Jian Heo
Keira Avariella
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Asher Saad
Zoreza Farooq
Tadeas Sontodinomo
Year 5
Year 5
Year 6
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Eva Mae Ellison Year 6
September Newsletter
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Secondary Student Leadership After weeks of planning and elections, our Student Council has finally been formed for the 2020-2021 academic year. This year, we will build on the student initiatives from last year and provide a platform for our student leaders to explore our four pillars of creativity, problem -solving, innovation and entrepreneurial skills. Led by our Head Boy (Danu Yulianto), Head Girl (Isabel ten Have and Prefects (Anh Vu, Raahim Hadi and Rebecca Balanescu), our student council representatives are in a good position to listen to the needs of the wider community and respond to requests and suggestions where decisions will be based on the greater good of all. We congratulate our newly elected Student Council and look forward to their wonderful work and support throughout the 2020-2021 academic year.
Raahim Hadi
Anh Vu
Rebecca Balanescu
Year 12
Year 12
Year 12
Inaya Saad
Aahana Patel
Year 7
Year 7
Jeanne Montejo Year 9
September Newsletter
Yasmine Aleeya Pg Mohd Yusran Year 10
Rixellious Vierro Japutra
Sofie Van Hekken
Sarah Miski
Year 8
Year 9
Ellena Cumberbirch
Seoyeong Kim
Rayyan Haamer
Year 10
Year 11
Year 11
Year 8
ACG JKT | 21
Learning at ACG School Jakarta Whole School Assembly Recently, on 18 September, ACG School Jakarta hosted our very first virtual whole-school assembly for the academic year. Although we have had a few virtual assemblies in the past, this one was quite unique since it was mostly the responsibility of our students to create this assembly. This was a chance to recognize some of our creative and talented students around our school, ranging from our Primary to Secondary students alike. Our key segments from this assembly included an incredible piano-flute duet by our Year 13 students Isabel and Lola and Irah, a wonderful cello duet performed by our Year 4 students Marson and Aditi, ACG Radio Wolves’ newest segment ‘Guess The Teacher,’ and also Irah from Year 13’s interesting opinion on what would we like to change about the world. Our whole-school assemblies will happen monthly, and we would love to make each assembly better than the last. We are opening submissions for a few segments including ‘One Minute to Change the World’ where students get the chance to explain what they would change about the world and ‘creative spots’ for anyone who would like to showcase their talents. In order to contact us, please send a message to our Instagram account @acgjstuco, our Head Girl Isabel,, or our Head Boy, We welcome your inquiries, feedback and even suggestions for the next assembly. Both our ACG School Jakarta Secondary and Primary Student Councils have just been formed and are looking forward to creating fun events for everyone to enjoy in the next term.
Musical performance by Isabel and Lola
Musical performance by Marson and Aditi
(Year 13)
(Year 4)
ACG Radio
Isabel ten Have (Head Girl)
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ACG Radio
Minute to Change the World
September Newsletter
Community Group Update Thank you to the parents who attended the virtual meeting on Friday, 25 September. During the meeting, we discussed the possibility of coming up with ideas that could help connect members of our community. The Year 12 and 13 parent rep, Mrs Wina Darwis, and the Year 12 and 13 parents have decided to get together virtually for a Saturday morning brunch session where they will discuss student wellbeing and the importance of connecting our community in an informal online session. We can’t wait to hear what other Year Level groups will do to remain connected and help build a strong community.
September Newsletter
Year 6
Erawaty Kriptanto
Vidya Indriani
(Gavin Kriptanto’s Mum)
(Kenneth Adrian’s Mum)
Year 1
Year 7
Vinnie Kaur
Dewi Sumawijaya
(Aheli Dhillon ‘s mum)
(Rafa Wawolumaya’s Mum)
Year 2
Year 8
Rei Ooka
Leontien van Hekken-Oostrom
(Sana Ooka’s Mum)
(Sofie van Hekken’s Mum)
Year 3
Year 9
Naomi Phillip
Leah Sudarto
(Austen Philip’s Mum)
(Troy Sudarto’s Mum)
Year 4
Year 10-11
Aprilia Linda Rihardini
Meity Tedjowati
(Alexandrica Salim’s Mum)
(Maliek ten Have’s Mum)
Year 5
Year 12-13
Nazia Saulat
Wina Darwis
(Yusuf Hashmi’s Mum)
(Anya Simanjuntak’s Mum)
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September Newsletter
September Newsletter
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MA N A G E B A C I N T R O F O R P A R E N T S ( Y E A R S 7-9 )
Tuesday, 6 October 16: 15pm Zoom Meeting ID: 95788739609 Passcode : 788999
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September Newsletter
UNIFROG INTRO FOR PARENTS (YEARS 9–13) Wednesday, 7 October at 16:15 Meeting ID: 95788739609 Passcode : 788999
September Newsletter
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MA N A G E B A C I N T R O F O R P A R E N T S ( Y E A R S 10-13 )
Thursday, 8 October 16: 15pm Zoom Meeting ID: 95788739609 Passcode : 788999
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September Newsletter
September Newsletter
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September Newsletter
Whole School Updates Parent Information Portal Please visit for updated information for parents and students. Social Responsibility As a community of learners, we have the responsibility to model behaviours and actions that we want our students to display. We are committed to embracing the energy and events of our time to advance social change in the areas of environmental protection, animal welfare and disaster relief. Parents as Learners Parents are encouraged to visit this section of our Information Portal to learn more about upcoming parent workshops and learning opportunities. Uniforms: We now have an online uniform order system and would like to encourage parents to use this online service. Payment can be made easily by bank transfer, credit card or cash.
September Newsletter
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Academic Calendar
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September Newsletter
Academic Calendar
September Newsletter
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