ACG School Jakarta: The Wolf Pack September Issue

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Thank you for coming to our Family Afternoon BBQ event

We would like to thank our parents, students, staff, our main sponsor Amartha Mikro Fintek, the raffle sponsors, and all other Friends of ACG in the community for attending our event on Saturday, 24 September. We hope everyone enjoyed the event. We would love to hear what you thought of the Family BBQ Afternoon, if you would like to share your feedback about our event. You can do so HERE and help us to improve our event in the future. We val ue your feedback. Thank you again for your attendance. We hope the best for you and suc cess in your future. See you at our next event.

The ACG School Jakarta Interactive Newsletter
ISSUE NO.02 / 2022 T H E Wolf Pack

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

What a packed month September was, so much learning going on across the school, but also so many games at home and away across 3 sports; football, volleyball and basketball and, of course, our Family BBQ.

ACG School Jakarta has also taken the step to redesign the newsletter a little to make it more comprehensive and more links to more photos and videos. I hope you like the redesign.

When you read about the learning which is going on in the school, try and identify some of the IB Learner Profile Attributes which you can see. These are happening from K3-4 all the way through to Year 6. Examples of these can be found on Page 4.

These help our students develop a more global outlook and support their learning across subjects.

We have our Student Council in place, and they are looking forward to organising Halloween inspired activities at the end of the month. We will also be looking to House Activities with the new House Captains and Vice Captains in the near future.

I wanted to wish you a great holiday break from October 17-25, and please don’t forget to that we have Parent Teacher Student Conferences coming up in October as well. Enjoy the break and the Wolf Pack!

Warm regards

Myles D’Airelle
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Meet our IB Diploma


Kieran Pascoe has always felt a strong connection with Indonesia. Having studied the language and participated in various exchanges and projects around the country, the IB curriculum expert was ideally placed to take the reins as ACG School Jakarta’s new IB Diploma Coordinator.

As a new addition to ACG School Jakarta’s specialist teaching team, Kieran Pascoe is a passionate advocate of the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The Australian native believes this highly-respected programme encourages students to gain in-depth subject knowledge, hone their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, develop wide-ranging life skills and become active global citizens.

Having joined us as International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Coordinator at the start of the current academic year, Kieran boasts an extensive teaching background across Australia and Indonesia. He was first introduced to the IB programme in 2018 and has since taught IB Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) and Theory of Knowledge (ToK) to senior students in several international schools. He has also worked as a Diploma Programme Coordinator for the past two years, further enhancing his bona fides in the field.

In a recent interview, Kieran shares his approach to education, his appreciation and respect for everything the IBDP can offer and his excitement about joining the ACG community. Read the full interview on our website link HERE.

Kieran Pascoe
September Newsletter ACG JKT | 3

Learner AttributesProfile



Being a principled student. Shoyu is a focused learner who is always respectful toward others. He cooperates with his classmates and offers help and encouragement when needed.

September 30, 2022

Shoyu Panavasu Raniya Sibtain Jin Ooka Mr.Faheem
4 | ACG JKT September Newsletter
Aw ard ed t o For YearLevel: leadership and setting an example for her applying what she has learned about situations with empathy, compassion and towards the needs and feelings of others September 2022 Year 2 Jasmin (Jessy) Amin
Year 4
Always seeking principled and logical solutions to problems and challenges in an independent manner. September 30, 2022 Year 4
Jin has exemplified being an open minded learner as he values his own Japanese and is eager and excited to learn about and engage with students from other cultures and backgrounds. When he learns about festivals from other countries, he is eager to participate in the arts and crafts from these various cultures. September 30, 2022 Year 1


The Year 1 students have been learning about their classmates’ backgrounds and engaging with their classmates. They are exploring cultures of their classmates and learning what makes them different and what similarities they share in their cultures.

The students learnt about the beauty of the cherry blossom trees that bloom and how people travel from around the world to look at the beauty and walk the trees of Japan.

Students explored important other important Japanese cultural activities like Children’s Day and the art of Origami. The next culture that the students are excited to be learning is about South Korea.

The students are learning the concept of time and are enjoying making use of the realia of using the miniature clocks in classroom.

See more photograph of the activity here
September Newsletter ACG JKT | 5


Year 2 performed in front of the Whole School Assembly and Family BBQ. They played traditional Indonesian Angklungs as well as sang an uplifting song about friendship.

We were also fortunate to have one of our parents - an orthodontist, come in as guest speaker our Unit for Inquiry about healthy behaviours. Students learned about parts of the teeth, the importance of eating healthy food and brushing teeth regularly to keep the teeth strong and healthy.

They shared their Summative posters showing behaviours that contribute to their well-being and the responsibility to look after ourselves. Each morning students shared and led various exercises and stretches with their classmates on the field, which is also part of well-being.

For math our students learned about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We challenged ourselves to create a Sierpinski triangle which required good fine motor skills and patience. Here is a sample of some of the tetrahedrons our Year 2’s made.

photograph of the activity Year 2 performance in assembly
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See more
here See


September has been another fun and engaging month of learning in the Year 4 classroom. In mathematics, we practiced making precise measurements with a ruler to make a 3D optical illusion. This activity was closely linked to our unit study on the nervous system. We learned the nervous system controls our senses, which can often give us a unique perspective on reality.

We also learned about the skeletal system. We understand the function of the skeletal system is to protect our organs and help us stand upright. We even created our own skeleton using cotton tips!

Now we are in the process of writing our own non-fiction book on a human body system. When completed, we look forward to sharing with the ACG community our knowledge on human body systems and how they are connected.

See more photograph of the activity here

ACG JKT | 7September Newsletter


The students have taken on the role of information disseminators who are in charge of spreading awareness to others about taking care of their online safely. They will be creating a digital presentation to educate people on why certain habits are not healthy for online safety and what actions people can take instead.

Dance Class: Year 6 were having fun by learning to following the rhythm and the beats through the movements. Students can improving their coordination skills in dance.

See more photograph of the activity here
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What better way to study surds than by playing a memory game? The Year 10 students had to match a surds expression with its simplified version, ánd memorize the position of the cards. They had a lot of fun and demonstrated some excellent algebraic skills on the whiteboard.

After studying the Fibonacci Sequence in class, the Year 9 mathematics students had a closer look at the Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio is a special number approximately equal to 1.618, which often appears in nature, in architecture and, as we discovered in class, even in our own bodies!


ACG JKT | 9September Newsletter

High School Science / Biology

See more photograph of the activity here

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High School Science / Biology

Since all the students are back learning face to face we have been able to enjoy some hands-on learning experiences again in Science. In Year 10 IGCSE Science students carried out an investigation into how different concentrations of sucrose solution affected the mass of a potato via osmosis.

Year 12 DP Biology started the year by looking at the cell processes. To help them understand how the cell membrane functions they used a bubble to model how the cell membrane works. The picture below shows a model of how protein channels function in the cell membrane.

Year 13 DP Biology students went to Ragunan zoo to carry out Ecology investigations. They each choose their biotic and abiotic variables to investigate and collect data on.

The students did an amazing job and produced some excellent short films, which can be viewed HERE, HERE and HERE

ACG JKT | 11September Newsletter

Student Council 2022/2023

After weeks of planning and elections, our Student Council has finally been formed for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. This year, we will build on the student initiatives from last year and provide a platform for our student leaders to explore our four pillars of creativity, problem -solving, innovation and entrepreneurial skills.

We congratulate our newly elected Student Council and look forward to their wonderful work and support throughout this academic year.

See more photograph of the activity here
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Afternoon BBQ See more photograph of the activity here See video highlights of the event


This has been a very eventful and exciting month for ACG Wolves Athletics. There are eight different codes currently running, with our senior students competing in volleyball and soccer, our junior students competing in basketball, and the whole school swim team. The Senior boys’ soccer team underwent major roster changes from last year, with many new younger players filling the ranks. They had three matches in September and went 1-1-1.

The Senior boys and girls volleyball teams had four games this month, going 1-3, and the girls went 0-4. Volleyball has become the signature sport at ACG in the past few years, largely due to our excellent coaches, Mr Raju and Ms Sarrah. They are both in their fourth year with the teams and have done an outstanding job elevating them to a highly competitive and skilled level. The junior basketball teams have also been top-rated this year, with over twenty students currently on the boys’ and girls’ teams. They played three games each in September, and even though they didn’t get a win, they improved tremendously and are well prepared for their first JAMISSA league tournament in October. Finally, good luck to Orcas Swimmers Lynn Rozendal and Princess Kiera Avareilla, who will represent ACG School Jakarta at the Indonesia Sports Festival in early October. Go Wolves!!!!! Go Orcas!!!!

See more photograph of the activity here
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We are happy to have our after-school activities and sports programmes back again. The activities provide students with another avenue to connect with their peers; it also helps to develop self-esteem, persistence, resilience and teamwork. These activities are organised by teachers and outside providers and take place outside the regular school timetable.

ACG JKT | 15September Newsletter
20 | ACG JKT August NewsletterACG JKT August Newsletter22 | ACG JKT November NewsletterACG JKT | 21November Newsletter ACG JKT | 25November Newsletter 24 | ACG JKT November Newsletter ACG JKT | 27September Newsletter June NewsletterJune Newsletter If you have any questions about admissions, please contact: Ms Mia Sari ( T: +62 21 2978 0200 | E: | M: +62 816 297 800 Jl Warung Jati Barat (Taman Margasatwa) No 19, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta 12540, Indonesia Educate Create Innovate ACGJakarta @ACGJakarta ACGJakarta @ACGJakarta ACGSchool Jakarta

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