Growing into the future
Preschool | Primary | College
Preschool | Primary | College
from the Principal
At ACG Tauranga, we don’t create success - we grow it from within. Empowering students to understand and acknowledge their capabilities as learners, they are supported to pursue personal excellence in every aspect of school life. Due to significant roll growth it is with great excitement that we look forward to the completion of some new secondary classrooms, opening at the start of 2021. The state-ofthe-art building located next to the award winning gymnasium will include a cutting-edge science lab, a dedicated art room to support our expanding art and design programmes, and a visionary library space where students can perform, exhibit, collaborate and connect. Four additional classrooms, modern reception and admin areas, and upgraded parking will complete the package. Growing into 2020 and beyond, personalised, flexible pathways are fundamental to ensuring every one of our students succeeds within a high value Cambridge system. As we welcome many more students into our senior school, we continue to expand our already comprehensive range of subjects and courses. Placing significant value on students’ aspirations, we work closely with families to tailor clear, achievable pathways that meet individual needs. At ACG Tauranga we are excellent at doing things differently in the interest of our students.
With 30% growth over the last year and exceptional participation rates, our students continue to enjoy opportunities in the arts, sports, leadership and community engagement. Whether participating for enjoyment or competing at the highest level, we are committed to taking our place amongst the best in the Bay. Our highly dedicated, exceptional teaching staff are at the heart of our success. Our classrooms are respectful environments where we learn with courage, commitment and integrity, and we value core skills and knowledge to create strong foundations for meaningful collaboration, innovation and problem solving. Effective leadership requires a strong sense of passion and connectedness. Preparing our students to take their place in the world, they must first take their place within our school community. We are a family where, first and foremost, we strive to be good people - kind, caring and inclusive. Secondly, we understand that we will not always be the best, but there is no excuse for not giving our best. Within this environment students are encouraged to find their voice. As a member of Inspired, ACG Tauranga prepares students to meet life’s challenges in a globally competitive world while staying true to who we are as a community.
Watch this space
2019 has been an outstanding year for our student athletes, with many winning national titles and competing in multiple sporting events across a range of disciplines. Our student participation has increased each year – according to Sport BOP data, ACG Tauranga is now 6th out of 29 BOP schools for sporting participation. This year has delivered a host of fresh sporting opportunities including multiple new teams and experiences such as cross country club, badminton, rowing, table tennis, equestrian, and volleyball, plus increased participation in AIMS. Sporting exposure has also been optimised through our physical education programmes (e.g. water survival, indoor bowls, dance), growth of our athlete development programme and school camps, which include outdoor education experiences for all year levels. Our new sports coordinator, sports and performance psychologist and fitness coach Maz Wray, is an invaluable asset as we strive to further grow our sporting programmes, increase participation and inspire excellence. 2020 promises further expansion with multiple new sports teams (hockey, basketball, futsal, netball, Rippa Rugby and water polo), a new athlete factory and fitness training sessions, plus the likely introduction of golf, diving and archery.
Arts Our vibrant performing arts programme empowers students to unlock their potential, building confidence, creativity, discipline and social awareness. Its benefits were highlighted in our successful production of Aladdin Jr, which showcased the breadth of talent we have from Year 1 right through to secondary school. Over 30 % of students participate in our itinerant programme, which includes a wide variety of instrumental, singing, and speech and drama lessons. Involvement in groups such as the chamber ensemble, choir and rock bands provide a plethora of performance opportunities each year, including the combined ACG concert in Auckland and local festivals and competitions. Participation, achievement and enjoyment are essential elements of our growing arts programme, which from 2020 will include dance. As the curriculum expands, more groups, bands and performance opportunities will be created, giving students the chance not only to shine, but to make a lasting impact on the culture and growth of our school community.
Culture, Leadership and Community
Leadership is not identified by a title or a badge – it’s about passion and commitment to our school and the wider community. ACG Tauranga supports students to stand tall as leaders of themselves, which then translates into a wider range of opportunities to lead others. We have great respect for student voice and the ability of our children to have a positive and proactive impact on the decision making within our school community. Student council enables everybody to participate in the strategic leadership of the school, and when students organise house competitions and events, such as Spirit Week, they ensure all year levels feel included and connected. Our Jump Jam club was born from student initiative, our Year 3/4 students challenged us to reconsider waste management through Clean Crushers, and STEM Fest is providing a great opportunity for our students to be future focussed leaders. Their involvement in STEM challenge day, and the design and implementation of the ACG Tauranga STEM Fest stand encourages collaboration, problem solving and innovation in a real world context.
Arman Gill An inaugural Year13 student, Arman joined ACG Tauranga in Year 9 and has thrived amongst likeminded people who share his love of learning. “Every teacher here believes in me and wants me to succeed. I love the high level of focus in the classrooms and the fact that I’m held to account, and I’m so grateful for my teachers who are always willing to put their own work aside to help me. They truly understand what matters to me as a student.”
Hana Connell Hana believes being recognised as an individual and valued for who she is will give her a significant advantage when she enters the workforce. “ACG Tauranga teachers all love what they do. They adapt to different students’ abilities, needs and learning styles, and they’re always willing to give their time to help us. My teachers have given me the confidence and courage to always step forward, and they break learning down so it feels manageable.”
Cade Churchward With three younger siblings also at ACG Tauranga, Cade places high value on the connection between different year groups. “This school is like our second home – my siblings and I are really happy here. I love being part of such a positive community, where all students are valued and understood, and I’ve enjoyed participating in all the leadership and community projects on offer. The teachers really care about my happiness and success, and each brings something unique to my learning journey. I learn best through practical, hands-on activities and the teachers here are always happy to do things differently.”
Chelsea Good A self-motivated, hugely talented Year 11 student, Chelsea understands the pressure of high expectations. She places significant value on the Cambridge curriculum, enjoying its structure and transparency. “I like seeing each course as a whole. Knowing where things fit and what’s still to come keeps me engaged and focused. So too, do my teachers, who are passionate about what they do and invested in my learning. ACG students receive plenty of one-on-one attention. Close student-teacher relationships ensure our individual needs are recognised and catered for, creating the optimum environment for us to prosper both individually and as a group. Everybody here is focused on learning and doing well. I love being a part of it.”
T: +64-7-213 0100 | E: | 6 Keenan Rd, Pyes Pa, Tauranga 3173, New Zealand