ACG School Jakarta August 2022 Newsletter

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Monthly Newsletter AugustISSUE2022

Planning is underway for the Family Fun Day on September 17th so watch for more news coming soon. It has been a very busy 3 weeks, and there is much more to come.

Myles PrincipalD’Airelle

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students, We have arrived at the end of the first 3 weeks of school, and so much has already been happening; the Y12/13 Retreat, the start of the Sports Clubs and Teams, and our After School have not been on campus for the past 2 years, so we are welcoming back some of our long-term ASA partners, such as for Taekwondo, who have been offering ASA since 2004. We have already had basketball and volleyball games at Global Jaya School, and ACG School Jakarta will be hosting games on September 17th. Our teams are practicing and asking for more practice time in the school day. I hope we are breeding city champions for 2022-23. Learning comes in many different forms, and you can see examples within. It is great to see the students learning in their own ways and showing their learning skills and knowledge to their Thepeers.Learner Profile is throughout the school, and we are seeing some wonderful examples of from Primary and the Diploma Students. ACG will be finalising the Year 12 Prefects and Student Council in the next day or so, and we want people who exemplify the ACG Mission and Vision and can demonstrate the IB Learner Profile attributes.

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First up was CAS with Mr. McPhee, followed by some sessions on the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge with Mr. McTiernan. In between sessions, the students also participated in a fun team building challenge: a virtual Escape Room led by Ms. Hiskin. This challenge involved solving multiple puzzles in a group with a tight time limit, so was a lot of fun! After some relaxing at the pool, the students got into groups for the Mr. Kieran’s Quiz Night, where teams competed through 5 rounds of random trivia questions and games. The next morning, we had some more workshops, followed by an excellent session led by the Year 13s who passed on their knowledge and experiences about the IBDP Program. We then left the hotel and travelled to the Botanical Gardens for a quick look around followed by a game of ultimate frisbee. It was a wonderful experience for all the students who attended and extremely beneficial for their school program. For the teachers and I, it was great to see the students connecting faceto-face, working together, playing games and laughing, after so many years of online learning. I’d like to thank the students for their excellent behavior while on the trip and thank the huge efforts of the teachers who attended and ran sessions - Ms. Hiskin, Mr. McPhee and Mr. McTiernan. Also, a big thank you to all of the administration staff who arranged all of the logistics, Ms. Gita, Ms. Mia, Ms. Fita and Ms. Tia. I’m looking forward to another great trip next year!

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students, When the Year 12s and 13s were asked by Mr. Kieran the last time they’d been on a school trip, most of them said in Year 8! Thankfully this year we were able to change that and start the year with the DP Retreat, which had not been done face-to-face since 2019. This is an extremely important program, where the DP students attend important sessions on TOK, CAS, EE and study skills. We arrived in the morning to Hotel 101 Bogor and started our sessions in their conference rooms.

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Message from the IB DP COORDINATOR

Kieran Pascoe IB DP Coordinator

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Name of student: Orked Mohd Farid Year level: Year 1

Learner Profile: Reflective Reason: Thinking about his own learning and experiences. He knows when his work done well and when he and when he could have done better. LEARNER PROFILE OF THE MONTH Risk Takers

Name of student: Nikita Singh Year level: Year 5

Name of student: Kano Year level: Kindergarten

Learner Profile Attributes

Name of student: Krishang Goel Year level: Year 4 Learner Profile: Communicators Reason: For routinely communicating his thinking process during our number talks. Krishang clearly and succinctly explains to the class his various strategies for solving number problems in his head.

Charlene Chan Kiko Hiyoshi

Name of student: Kiko Hiyoshi Year level: Year 2

Name of student: Logavarman Chandrasegaran Year level: Year 6

Learner Profile: Caring Reason: Putting forth outstanding effort and care in doing her works as well as helping her fellow classmates. Keep on growing Nikita!

Learner Profile: Principled Reason: For taking initiative in the classroom, often adheres to the essential agreements such as keeps the classroom clean, follow the rules and instructions given to her. Orked is always eager to help her peers and teachers. bmits high-quality work consistently.

Learner Profile: Risk Takers Reason: For being open to new learning and trying her best to participate in all the activities in class.

Learner Profile: Caring Reason: For always showing kindness to her friends and offering to help them when they are in need

Aw ard ed t o For D a t e: YearLevel: For being open to new learning and trying her best to participate in all the activities in clas 26th August 2022 Year 2

Name of student: Sharanya Pandey Year level: 3 Learner Profile: Communicators Reason: Initiating discussion on a variety of topics to share her and ask questions for clarification.

First term back from summer break and students were ready to come back to school to learn new things and make new friends. This month students began their first Unit of Inquiry- Who We Are, where they will be learning about how personal well-being requires a balance of connected healthy behaviors. The Unit began with a provocation where students sorted items into healthy and not so healthy piles. For math we are learning about different forms of graphs as well as data handling skills to collect information. Here you see students asking each other what their favourite foods were. For music they have been learning how to play the traditional Indonesian Anklung.

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Year 2

Learning at ACG School Jakarta

Learning at ACG School Jakarta

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Year 3 Some wonderful learning in Year 3 about data while playing Handa’s data game. Students had to record and represent the data collected during the game. Interesting discussions followed about who had collected the most and least amount of fruit.

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Learning at ACG School Jakarta

Year 4 In August, Year 4 students began their first Unit of Inquiry on ‘Who We Are’. We are exploring body systems and how they interact to achieve balance. Before starting the unit, we made a diagram of everything we think belongs under our skin. We will revisit these diagrams at the end of the unit to see how much new information we have Thelearned.first body system we explored was the digestive system. This culminated in a fun demonstration where we broke up pieces of bread to represent our teeth. We then placed the bread in a bag and added water. The water represented saliva which moistened the bread to aide digestion. We then carefully removed the water from the bag. This is the function of the large intestines. Our remaining sloppy bread was then then released into the rubbish as waste Weproduct.also learned the average length of the small intestine is seven meters! We linked this fascinating fact with our mathematics unit by measuring a stretched-out intestine. We now look forward to learning more about body systems and how they are connected.


at ACG School Jakarta Year 4

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10 | ACG JKT August Newsletter Learning at ACG School Jakarta UOI and Drama: Writing a play and script, choosing characters and setting. Drama performances! Taking our weekly cycle test.

Learning at ACG School Jakarta


Celebrating Indonesian independence day by playing some traditional games. Creating a poster of Indonesian Independence day.

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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 7 - Math Year 7 students are working on algebraic expressions. Learning algebraic expressions is important in Mathematics curriculum. Students read and write expressions in a form of an equation to find the unknown variable.

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Learning at ACG School Jakarta Year 9 - Math As part of their review for the first formative quiz of this academic year, the Year 9 math students worked on a surds jigsaw puzzle. The solution was: “why are powers like fish? Because they are all indices (read: in the sea)!”

Year 9 - Chinese Mandarin At the start of the school year, Year 9 Mandarin students are studying about extended families and focus more on writing and speaking as they prepare themselves for IGCSE Mandarin in Year 10. Using the short essay they have written themselves, students are encouraged to speak in public slowly to gain their confidence in learning a foreign language.

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Learning at ACG School Jakarta

Learning at ACG School Jakarta

One Sports Programme Season one of the Wolves and Orcas Sports Teams is underway! The Senior Boys Soccer, Senior Girls and Boys Volleyball, Junior Boys and Girls Basketball, Orcas Swim Team, U12 and U10 Soccer Teams, as well as the Learn to Swim program all begun their training session the week of August 22. The number of registrations in all of the codes has been excellent and it’s been great to see so many of ACG students enjoying being physical active on campus, and taking part in the different sports at ACG School Jakarta. The first interschool matches in our local leagues are upcoming soon as well! The Senior Volleyball Teams and Junior Basketball Teams have their first games at Global Jaya school on Sept 3rd. Those teams will then host Global Jaya in those sports on September 17th at ACG School Jakarta. Good luck to those teams and to all the athletes representing the Wolves and Orcas this season! Go Wolves, Go Orcas!

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