ACG Sunderland Newsletter - Term 3 - 10 September (Chinese)

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ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



Vol 17, Term Three, Week Seven, 10 September 2021

亲爱的桑德兰的家长朋友们, 当您收到这份周报时,我们大家在第4级警报下已经进入第四周的尾声。下周初,政府将发 布对奥克兰疫情状况审查的公告。 在这个早期阶段,我们很难看出政府会有什么反应—— 无论哪种方式,迫在眉睫的问题是在假期前ACG桑德兰的学生似乎都将不能进行面对面的 教学,毕竟这个学期只剩下两周的时间就放假了。 然而,我们必须要随机应变,以便能够对任何变化作出迅速反应。 大家昨天都会收到一封 电子邮件。 该邮件要求大家回复我们。如果我们确实降到了3级警戒,有多少必要的工人 需要使用桑德兰的“泡泡学校”来监督他们的孩子在父母工作期间上学校的“虚拟课程”。 请 您暂时放下手边的工作将此要求作为优先事项立即答复我们。 我想强调一下,我们的高年级学生本周都在网上参加“模拟”考试,周一还有最后一天,他 们给我留下了非常深刻的印象。 ACG桑德兰已经开发了新系统能够让我们的学生坐在家里 参加他们的考试,这是一项学校开辟的一个新领域。 该系统需要家长的高度信任和支持。 正如先前所述,如果剑桥正常考试不能如期进行,目前学校的这些考试结果就会变得非常 重要。

学校开放日– 2021年10月16日 上午10.30am – 下午2.30pm

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

我今天将与剑桥考试委员委员进行沟通,希望我们接下来能更清楚地了解决策时间表。 我当然会随时通报大家进展。 上周,我有幸参加了学前班专门为庆祝父亲节准备的课程。 课程的质量以及与孩子们的 互动给我留下了深刻的印象。学前班的课程也都是网上进行的,这使我们学校凸显其独 特之处。 我知道Mrs Chartrand和她的团队也在致力于为小学的孩子们提供高质量的课程。 我了解 到信息反馈和测试评分也正在进行,并且为无缝过渡回到面对面的教学在紧锣密鼓的准 备中,如果一旦学生被允许回到学校上课的话。 我要再次感谢所有家长在这个充满挑战的时刻对学校和学生们持之以恒的支持。 祝福大家有一个美好的周末。

Aspire. Succeed. Respect.

Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland

本周人生价值思考: Confidence 信心 一个人可以信任或依赖某人或某物的感觉或信念。



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

学前班网课 上周,学龄前儿童通过制作父亲节卡片和礼物来庆 祝父亲节。



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

本周之星 1JH - Yolanda Lo Tam for always giving your best and great perseverance in the zoom classes. 1CS - Chloe Yang for winning the 1CS Lockdown Challenge competition. 1NC - Ada Liu for her excellent participation in online learning and for sharing her ideas with confidence 1NG - Chloe Cao for her fantastic questions during online learning. 2AV - Elizabeth Shingles for always having great manners during zoom lessons. 2SB - Mila Cheng for completing all her remote learning work to a high standard. Well done! 3MH - Ishan Sapkel for always showed up prepared, organized, and motivated to make the best of distance learning sessions. 3BR - Lucas Wang for submitting high quality work on Class Dojo on time and actively participating on Zoom lessons. 4CF - Veer Sharda for a great piece of descriptive writing. 5CW - Ryan Shingles for his great writing 5WB - Kenton Tan for great lockdown participation 6SL - Annabelle Tyler for excellent participation in zoom lessons and handing in high quality work.


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

小学 小学网课

1NC 班 上周一直非常碌于制作父亲节艺术品, 服装派对 和胡萝卜花园之旅

1CS在他们的泡泡网上有一个环保周,穿上他们最喜欢的动物形象服 装,并在线访问了国家水族馆



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

ACG Founders’ Scholarship ACG 创始人奖学金 明年上大学?ACG 创始人奖学金每年颁发给计划明年在大学学习的 ACG 学校学生,金额高达 $75,000 。现在是开始规划使自己获得突出成绩为申请该奖学金做好准备的时候了! 奖学金将表彰杰出的学术能力以及未来成功的个人素质,如正直、领导才能、远见卓识、非凡的 动力、精力和工作能力。 *申请于2021年10月15日截止 ACG创始人奖学金旨在表彰一批有远见、专长和奉献精神的同学。 由Senior College of New Zealand创建于1995年。 从2018年起,每年颁发一次奖学金。奖学金获得者将是一名目前正在ACG在新西兰的一所中学 学习的学生,并计划第二年开始大学课程学习。该奖学金可以与其他奖项同时获得。 奖学金将表彰杰出的学术能力以及未来成功的个人素质,如正直、领导才能、远见卓识和非凡的 动力、精力和工作能力。 ACG创始人奖学金的首届获得者Alex Pentchev于2018年毕业。现在他正在悉尼大学学习医学, 并渴望从事医学研究。

“该奖学金为进入世界各地的大学开辟了绝佳的机会,如作为前往世界各地大学的学期交换学 生。 我再也不用担心财务问题了,我可以只专注于我的学习,这在减少向大学期间过渡的压力 非常有帮助。总的来说,感觉好像肩上的重担已经减轻了。我现在有能力在教育方面做任何我想 做的事, 而不必担心钱的问题。”-- Alex Pentchev




ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

在线国际象棋奥林匹克竞赛 As we all know, Covid has caused massive changes in all our lives. This ranges from school to work and even our hobbies and what we like to do in our spare time. For Sophia Feng (Year 6), Yolanda Chang (Year 9) and I (Year 9), this included us having to, once again, make the switch from over-the-board chess to online chess. From Friday the 27th of August to Sunday the 29th, all three of us participated in the NZ team for the 2021 Online Olympiad. NZ played in the third division as one of the weaker teams. Many of our opponents were titled (meaning they had achieved a certain level of excellency by either winning an important event or reaching a very high rating). Each one of us played mostly titled players and managed a draw against one. Online chess was, of course, very different to chess in real life, but most of us were already used to it due to the events of 2020. First off, we had to join a zoom call prior to our first round then shared our screens, turned our cameras on and unmuted our microphones to prove that we weren’t cheating. There was still a slight problem with the time zones, but it was better than it could’ve been, our rounds starting at 8,9 and 10 rather than some other tournaments we had played which lasted up to 1 in the morning. It wasn’t all bad though, online chess was a lot easier to organise and no travel was required, we could play chess from the comfort of our own homes. Although New Zealand did not do so well in the tournament, it was still a good experience and something to remember fondly when more people are vaccinated, and we can all go back to our normal lives. 作者: Anya Thurner and Yolanda Chang – 9年级



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

对一顿盛宴的描述 Set on the Dinner table were some of the finest delicacies the village could offer. Mountains of the exquisite first-class foods sat scattered; baskets full to the brim with ripe grapes were visible, crustaceans with vibrant colours of red fresh from the sea and some of the foods they had never even come in touch with were dispersed across the table. Wines freshly squeezed flowed in the most detailed glasses. Capsicums laid on the smooth velvet. They could almost imagine the crunchy texture on their tongues. The fragrance of all the different types of food melted together perfectly creating a sense of ecstasy. 作者:Maggie Chen - 8C 班 The whiff of the tangy Mexican scents shot into my nose. I smelt the array of delectable tacos just waiting to be eaten. Next to them was the unforgettable spicy hummus, which was like eating a dragon. The smoky tostadas were mouth-watering: layers, and layers of flavorful quesadillas and the classic, captivating, cheesy, burrito. The food vanished as soon as it arrived. The other guest and I stuffed our faces until there was no more too spare. While the taste of the tacos was still lingering in my mouth, a new smell had appeared, entered my noise, and held it captive. Lavish desserts flew onto the table where everyone just stood to admire them. Churros doused in creamy chocolate sauce, flan swaying from left to right, and an appealing bowl of circular candy all chanting to be eaten.

作者: Zaheen Sonawalla - 8A班

As I walked in, all I could think of was what an irresistible smell. From the scrumptious golden-brown baked bread to the wonderful array of crab it was all too much to take in with just a glance. We begin with the assortment of grapes, grappling in the unexpected with their dazzling shimmer like a star floating in the sky. Then off to the main course, crab, crumbling in your hands as the shell slides off to show the tasty tender meat within. To top it off, the perfect bread, soft on the outside and crunchy on the inside. Perfect for making the delicacy that is Garlic bread. 作者: James Good - 8C班



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Exquisite High Tea: From afar, this luxurious array of desserts look like a splash of beautiful colours. The spicy scent of Lemon ginger tea fills the air. The high-tea glistens in the centre, holding numerous high-tea delicacies. A fancy glass sits in the back, which has maroon Pomegranate Juice in it. Rum and raisin scones and buttermilk scones sit alongside on a delicate dish, served with smooth sauce. On the high tea sits pecan and pear tartelettes, with sweet and rich honey oozing out. Juicy cucumber sandwiches guard the ham sandwiches, which have soft white bread on the exterior. On the very top are flaky pastries with creamy chocolate mousse dollops on the inside, and chocolate decorations on top. Bread filled with smooth whipped cream sits on the bottom, decorated carefully with leaves. Crunchy asparagus is rolled up in bread to make asparagus rolls, which are served on a shiny silver platter. At the top there is strawberry mousse jelly, topped with whipped cream swirls and fresh raspberries. Roasted beetroot topped with nuts and purple kumara bread fill the second shelf, giving the whole image a blast of purple. These mouth-watering treats are showed to please all the food-lovers. 作者: Savera Sidhu - 8A班

The feast tables are covered with velvet tablecloth and on top with countless plates filled with mouth-watering foods. The green and red grapes piled in baskets, crispy and crunchy well baked breads, and different spices and pickles in bottles. Inside the lobster's craw the luscious crab meat with stringy and chewy texture melts in your mouth with lemon and line on top placed beautifully around the plate that are finger licking good. The thick and chunky meat is covered in creamy gravy sauce with a variety of stir-fried vegetables that harmonize together perfectly. The thick tomato sauce around the organic pasta and freshly cut tomatoes and onions for the topping doubling the taste of the vegetables you will not forget. And finally, the baby carrots and the mashed potatoes with the hot mushroom barbeque sauce on top waiting to be eaten.

作者: Julia Cho - 8C班



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Sitting right in-front of my eyes, the most delicious meal to exist. It was filled with colour and excitement, ready to be engulfed. There were bright blue blueberries, perfectly ripe crunchy apples and a huge juicy watermelon. Lower down the humongous table was the meat. There was one piece that caught my eye: a huge ribeye steak. It was marinated in a broth for two days and decorated with a ton load of herbs and spices. It looked like the meat was falling off the bone. The rest of the meat looked juicy, tender and overall delicious. Finally at the end of the table, the desert. First I will address the elephant in the room: the huge chocolate malt cake filling up half of the desert section. There was a strawberry chocolate dipping station, with bright red and scrumptious strawberries and shiny brown chocolate dip. There was so much chocolate that my eyes just couldn’t handle it. I needed a break. 作者: Joseph Kumerich - 8B班

食品五行诗歌: Mango Dried or puréed Fresh or baked delicious either way As sweet as nectar as soft as A cloud Madison Mcdowall 8C

Lettuce, In a sandwich, Lettuce in a sandwich, With tomato and cheese and ham, Yummy.

Pork ribs sticky sauce mess hot coals, smokey smoke, yum bones piling high, Mac & cheese, beans full tum

Harry Jones 8B

Charlie Hamilton 8C.

White bread Flat and Chewy Fresh baked out of the oven Take a smell in the warm air way So good Nicholas Qin 8A



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

奥林匹克运动会 Starting from the 23rd of July to the end of August, it has been a tiring interval for Tokyo… If that clue is not clear enough, then what if I said ‘every 4 years…’ still not clear enough? Then what if I expose it with the word ‘Olympics’- does it ring a bell? Indeed, it was Tokyo’s second time – hosting the Summer Olympics and Paralympics since 1964! Personally, I’m a huge fan of the Olympic Games; I mean, anyone who likes playing sports, watching sports or even have a very competitive personality would enjoy it. Seeing all the athletes giving it their all, to step on that podium and receive a gold medal really shows them “Uniting by Emotion” (Motto for this year’s Olympics). For those who didn’t make it into their finals – or are not wearing that bronze, silver or gold medal around their neck, can be miserable. But they went out there with confidence and tried their best! That’s what the IOC (International Olympic Committee) look out for: “Faster, Higher, Stronger Together!” With the dedication to having an excellent outcome – every athlete should receive a round of applause to their 4-year hard-work and training. It’s not easy as it is, but to compete while your country is hoping and cheering you on is a lot of pressure, (though there wasn’t any audience in the stadium this year, due to COVID restrictions). You obviously don’t want to let them down, that would be the worst. But I guess that’s why they say to “Never Give Up!” I enjoyed watching two of my favourite sports this year: badminton and table tennis. It was great to see Ma Long receiving gold again in table tennis after Rio 2016, and Chen Long receiving his silver in badminton after getting defeated by Viktor Axelsen of Denmark. With my Chinese background, I’m proud of the China National Team. Together they won 38 Gold, 32 Silver and 18 Bronze. With the New Zealand Team, together winning 7 Gold, 6 Silver and 7 bronze. Impressive for both nations, and I look forward to Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the next Summer Olympics hosted in Paris! 作者: Nicholas Qin - 8年级



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

宝藏之洞穴 It was a cave of unimagined treasures. I looked around in awe, smiling. I slowly walked over to the amazing treasures which were glistening brightly. The first thing that caught my eye was a wooden chest which contained round, golden coins. Lots of coins. More coins than you could ever imagine. It was like living a dream just to be looking at those coins. There was a humongous vase sitting in the corner, which had fascinating designs on it; The vase had a neck as long as a giraffe. I peeped inside, discovering there was nothing but dust. There were other objects inside the cave too, like a bag of necklaces. The bag was torn up and stained, but still looked new somehow. I opened the bag; inside were shiny necklaces. There were necklaces of all sorts, pearl necklaces, chains, chokers and many more. There were banners made of satin which had wonderful heraldic symbols on them. I stroked the banner softly, admiring the symbols on them. The smallest of them all was a tiny teddy bear- the size of a rabbit- on the ground. It was torn and dirty, and one of its eyes had fallen off. The cave was beautiful and contained so many wonders which I would never forget about. I didn’t want to ever leave. 作者: Savera Sidhu – 8年级



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

学期计划每周更新 由于 Covid 4 级封城,下面几周的计划中有变动。许多(如果不是全 部)活动都将推迟或取消。

Week Nine

20 September to 26 September

Value of the Week: Resilience

Monday 20 September

1.30pm-3.00pm Primary Afternoon Production Show, Auditorium

Tuesday 21 September

Y8 Immunistation—HPV 2, TBC 1.30pm-3.00pm Primary Afternoon Production Show, Auditorium 5.30pm-7.00pm Primary Evening Production Show, Auditorium

Wednesday 22 September

5.30pm-7.00pm Primary Evening Production Show, Auditorium

Thursday 23 September

10.00am-1.30pm Primary Y5/6 Norwest Speech Competition, Royal Road School 2.40pm-300pm Primary Citizenship Assembly, Auditorium

Friday 24 September

Whole School Mufti Day 1.30pm-3.00pm College Talent Show Last Day of Term


ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

公告栏 高中辅导课程 辅助课程是提供给高中部学生格外的学科指导。 你可以获得以下帮助内容以及需要你准备好的材料, • 复习过去的考试题 • 与课程相关的特定问题解疑 • 实践论文 • 关于课程的问题 • 老师审查你的具体科目的薄弱项

学习是需要主动的,记住老师希望你主动一些。这些辅助课程是一个很好的机会来和老师对于你的相应科目 有个更好的沟通











Thursday Friday




English literature Music

Physics Business Studies Mathematics Chemistry Biology Mathematics

Physical Education Physics Mathematics

Design & Technology Art Mathematics Mathematics



3:15pm – 4:00pm 3:20pm – 4:00pm

B14 L08

12.45 – 1.20 pm 3.15pm -4.00pm 3.30pm – 4.30pm

7:30am – 8:30 am 3.15pm -3.45pm 3.15pm -3.45pm

8:00am – 8:20am 12:45pm – 1:25pm 12:45pm – 1:15pm 8:00am – 8:20am 3:15pm - 4:30pm 3.10pm – 5:00pm 12.45pm – 1.20pm 12:40 - 1:15 pm

M03 L14 T07

L02 B14 B14

M01 B01 B14 M01 L07 TO1 M03 L02

ACG 桑德兰学生账单

如我在一月份邮件中提到的那样,我们在今年年初开始使用心得财务系统。实施进展顺利,我们要感谢 家长在通过银行转账到“通讯参考号”进行付款时修改了他们的参考。 少数父母不认识这个发件人地址 或者发现电子邮件直接进入到了垃圾邮箱。 如果您没有收到任何信息,请检查一下您的邮件,如往常一样,如果您有任何账户问题,请通过 [EMAIL] 与 [NAME] 或者 [NUMBER] 联系;如果您有任何账户问题,请于[NUMBER] 联系。

从2021年6月22日起不接受支票付款方式 ACG 桑德兰从2021年6月22日起将不再接受支票付款方式。所有付款将只能通过网上转账,前台刷卡或 者信用卡(2%额外费用)支付。



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

涂色比赛 –新西兰癌症协会 Kia Ora, 本学期,ACG桑德兰正在支持“新西兰 癌症协会”为我们的第3学期举办的慈 善活动。新西兰癌症协会现在是领先 的非政府组织,致力于降低癌症的发 病率和影响,并确保为在新西兰的每 个癌症患者都得到照顾。它是一个独 立的慈善机构。

随着最近的警戒锁定的到来,我们在学校的筹款活动一直是一个挑战。尽管如此, 我们还是为学生在锁定期间安排了着色比赛。学生们收到一封来自他们House领 导的电子邮件,其中有一份彩色PDF需要涂色的文件。一旦我们回到学校,他们 可以在接待处提交他们的涂色好的纸张与一个金币捐赠。 由于今年的水仙花日的街头慈善活动的取消,通过我们学校捐赠是您表达支持的 最佳机会! 您也可以通过以下链接直接捐赠给新西兰癌症协会: 非常感谢您的帮助, 保持安全!祝好 ACG Sunderland 领导团队



ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

ACG桑德兰Ball Committee舞会委员会正在筹款--请支持他们 加入Entertainment娱乐 会员,同时获得$40 或 $20的礼品卡和一个月会 费的减免,并自动获得 参与抽奖机会

如今天购买会员卡,其 中20%的费用自动进入 舞会委员会的筹款基金。 请支持我们,即刻认购。

以这种方式支持我们是您 明智的选择。 如今天加入会员,您会获 得抽奖机会,赢取价值 $1550澳币双人3晚的邮轮 乘坐/双人3晚免费宾馆住 宿/$200餐券/6瓶价值$60 并包邮费的葡萄酒(条件 限制,详情请参阅如下英 文链接)


后勤部 Lenco 校服店 40 Patiki Road Avondale Auckland Tel 09 838 6164 January 2021 Reopen – Thursday 7th Jan Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 3.00pm 9 February 2021 Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm Closed Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and Public Holidays 所有校服均在网上商店销售

Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743.

员工邮件格式 Email format for staff is:

午餐预订– From Libelle You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!

ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland

Sunderland 二手校服店 二手校服的每日开放。请联系学校前台。 我们收购状况好的校服。西服必须提前干洗好。

失物招领 校内遗失物均可在学校二手校服店找到。 为了避免丢失您的物品,请将您的衣服,午餐盒, 水瓶标记好名字,如有遗失请在失物招领处查找。 或者我们看到也会送回教室。

学校联系方式 School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email:



2021学期 Term 2: Term 3: Term 4:

3 May to 2 July 26 July to 24 September 11 October to 7 December

2022 学期 Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4:

26 Jan to 14 April 2 May to 1 July 25 July to 23 September 10 October to 6 December

Traffic- Safety 带号码的车位属于员工停车位。

联系校车司机 不要在早上7点17分后通过电话或者信息的方式 联系校车司机,他们那时在开车将不能查看您的 信息。感谢您的支持。 18

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