On Wednesday, we had an author visit the school, giving workshops to the children. Thursday was Wacky Hair Day, with most children making an effort. I was also super impressed with Mrs Chartrand’s and Mr Robson’s wigs very cool.
At this time, I wish to compliment and thank Mrs Davies, our Librarian, for again organising such a wonderful event.
Dear Parents and Friends of Sunderland, What a wonderful Friday we all had last week with the annual Character parade at the conclusion to our Book week. All the Primary classes assembled outside on the Primary asphalt and each class had the opportunity to parade their costumes – some of the students received a book as prize for their costumes. At least 50 parents stayed to witness the wonderful display.

A huge congratulations to both our Senior Netball teams who managed to make their respective finals in their grades. The Senior A team was playing off for 3rd & 4th and the Senior B team was playing for the win. Both teams had wonderful games with the A team having a close loss and our B team winning their grade. A big thankyou to Mr Keen who, with Victoria Kaho, coached both teams in 2022.
Once a student has collected 10 House Spirit Certificates, they will be awarded a House Spirit Badge. It would be wonderful to award the first one by the end of this academic year.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 2
the next week is: Resourcefulness The ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. Last week, we introduced a new badge to the Primary and the College. This badge is for ‘House Spirit ’, with College Leaders and Staff able to issue certificates in recognition of great acts of House Spirit. These can occur anywhere, in House meetings, classrooms, on the playground anywhere.
It has come to my attention that students have been arriving late to school for various reasons, mainly being traffic issues. Please be mindful that the roads are busier than they were during lockdowns, with more people now travelling to work in their offices School starts at 8.30am, so children should be arriving at school around 8.15am. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Aspire. Succeed. Respect. Nathan ACGCampusVillarsPrincipalSunderlandValuefor

This week, we made some playdough together and enjoyed squeezing and squishing it between our fingers!
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 3 Early Learning
The Junior Room has had a variety of learning experiences this week for the children to participate in. Slime exploration, where children are able to feel the different textures, allows for young children to develop strong communication skills as they share what their hands are feeling as they navigate the slimy textures. Group collaboration has young children create imaginary play together with a focus on family play. Alongside making shapes and letters with a collection of paints, it was a great week of active learning!

SchoolSeniorRoom "As we continue our inquiry on domesticated pets, we invited Miss Aimee, a Vet Nurse who explained to us the importance of looking after them. She introduced us two cute guinea pigs (Gingernut and Jacob). Each child was luckily given a turn to gently pat and feed them. We also learnt how Vets give first aid care through a dextrose and bandage. How cool is that? ����"
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 4 Early Learning

4RYN Max Whittle for taking an active role in your learning
4SMI Jayden Zhu for positive attitude and effort in his learning.
1HOC - Clarise Farmer for amazing effort and participation in class
1CAR - Hill Yan for showing good behaviour in class and for his active participation in different activities
5BAK Sophia Omar for an amazing 1.5 year improvement on her reading probe level
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 5 Primary1BTR-AlexisWang for her good progress in learning about ordinal numbers.
3HAS Alan Li for being kind and supportive in class
6LIM - Tina Zhang for beautiful creative flair that shines through in her bright and colourful homework.
6DOO - Hesandu Pathirage for working hard to improve his skills in maths
5RIC - Shyla Wang for settling into ACG Sunderland and 5RIC wonderfully
2SHA Zane Luo for progressing to Gold level in reading
3SEA Oliver Barnes for his hard work and focus to meet goals
1GLC - Alice Philips for working hard in class all round
3YAN Leevin Lek for great improvement in reading
2ZOU Yufan Tang for making excellent progress in reading

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 6 Primary The writing competition was held to encourage students to write and enhance creative thinking during book week. All year 1 to year 6 students enthusiastically participated in the competition. Book Week – Writing Competition The Lower Primary winners are: First: Hannah Zhao 2ZOU Second.: Johnny Zhou 3HAS Third: Mia Liu 1BTR The Upper Primary winners are: First: Eva Chen 4SM Second: Terence Li 6LIM Third: Preston Tan 5BKR weekwinnerTrophyPrimaryLowerthisis 2SHATapeluNatalie–weekwinnerTrophyPrimaryUpperthisis 6LIMPattersonTori–

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 7 Primary Thank you for supporting our Book Week. Our Library received over $1,000 worth of books to add to our collection. Our visiting author, John Carr, was so good! He gave us lots of laughs and inspiration for Wackywriting.Hair, Hat, Wig, and Glasses Day was a lot of fun and there were so many creative ideas. The finale for the week was the Character Parade on Friday morning. Thank you to everyone who dressed up and participated. Book Week

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 8 Primary

Matter – Why does it matter?
In the early 21st century, more and more individuals and families are investing in smart home appliances and devices, such as an Apple HomePod or Amazon Alexa. However, for the same purpose, different companies choose to program these devices with incompatible languages for communicating with some products from a rival company, meaning they cannot work synchronously with select models to perform a complex function like whack a mole with the Philips Hue E14 Bulb ceiling lighting of a given owner’s home. Telling Alexa to confirm a whack when a light is on, for HomePod to turn it off. During the launch phase of one tech business in this field it may have to do with native actions performing better with a dedicated language for syncing company-product-specific actions between their own products; this is unviable for many in 2022. The general target market of these companies now purchase from more than one brand and have differently branded smart devices in their home simultaneously be it functioning for cheaper; native compatibility with tablets, smartphones and the like via dedicated preinstalled software (i.e. Apple Home for HomePod) or being more simplistic to use and just having more 5 star reviews on Amazon. To resolve this issue, enter Matter and Thread, set to release this spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Some of the most common protocols currently, or cross communication languages between smart home accessories include Zigbee and Z Wave. In a nutshell, both run on a wireless mesh network, meaning any three or more devices you decide to tell to execute a function synchronously via Zigbee provided its supported send signals to each other in loops depending on who is closer to what – in more detailed context, what device is closest to which accessory. For example if you have a smart doorbell, HomePod mini near the doorway and security camera outside the front door which all support Zigbee, the HomePod mini would receive your vocal command to ring the doorbell and turn on the camera as it can be voice activated, then relay that to the doorbell since it’s closer than the camera, and the doorbell would relay that to the camera since that’s the only other thing that needs to be activated/execute a function. However, mesh networking has to operate on a high frequency band to be effective and live up to its fast standard, which means Zigbee and Z Wave interfere with Wi Fi connectivity occasionally (utilising the 2.4Ghz band which many New Zealanders have internet based on). Also, devices which attempt to communicate with Zigbee incompatible accessories have a very hard time doing so, since Zigbee requires a license for companies to implement, and without one code refuses to run on those devices.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 9 College

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 10 College Ok, so we have a general idea of the protocols and cons of the modern smart home industry. But down to business – what is and why does Matter matter? To know, we have to point out the shortcoming of Zigbee and all other protocols which are universal, meaning not unique to only a single protocol, dumbing down my explanation in the first paragraph; one device supporting Zigbee, may not support Z Wave (f you choose a Zigbee product for example, you are limited to other options from other companies which support only Zigbee if you want a “diverse” range of smart accessories that play nice with each other). Matter, on the other hand is set to release and be forcibly supported by all major contributing companies’ smart home devices. Score! Thread, on the other hand has already released for some devices, like the HomePod Mini from Apple and fourth generation Amazon Echo. Matter will be a protocol that can be read and understood by all popular smart home accessories used by the public, regardless of whether it also supports Zigbee, X10, Z Wave Long Range etc. You now have two options of connectivity for every smart home device you purchase, which will work with even more products! Woohoo!
Matter will be especially important to those who are newcomers to the industry, like me. It means less time spent frying grey matter to learn various protocols and memorise their cons, pondering about what company to choose and prioritise on the shopping list over another, and remembering my Alexa won’t work with my iRobot Roomba for some reason I’ve forgotten. Think of its release like Google; what you don’t know, Just Google It! A technology uniting many things, in Google’s case knowledge of the unknown. Now my Roomba must work with the Alexa, and I can peacefully burn my notes on the other protocols once September hits. Thread, on the other hand, will be incorporated into all devices also supporting Matter. It seeks to replace Wi Fi connectivity being a requirement to control smart accessories, consuming far less power than the former whilst being a second generation of Zigbee, operating on a wireless mesh network much the same way, with each new device strengthening the connection. However, unlike Zigbee it turns your smart devices all into networking nodes, meaning any can become a mini router for another device to stay connected to others via Thread, and is open source meaning any manufacturer can implement Thread without needing to pay for a license, and edit some of its behaviour too in each product. Far less power isn’t kidding; with the new 6LoWPAN standard for Thread, a single AA battery will last on average 10 years before bottoming out. The future of smart homes appears even more simplistic and user friendly, and I enthusiastically await the release of Matter and Thread. But after their official implementation and rise to being mainstream, I do wonder if future updates to such technologies will be even worth considering. How power efficient is too power efficient?
– Year 9
Nathan Geng

Later, in 1952, Dutch ex servicemen joined the Movement, and the International Stoke Mandeville Games were founded.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 11 College
400 athletes from 23 nations competed in the Stoke Mandeville Games, which later developed into the Paralympic Games, which were held for the first time in Rome, Italy, in 1960. They have occurred every four years since.
The Initial Development of Paralympic Sport stems from Dr. Ludwig Guttmann. He established a spinal injuries centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Great Britain during 1944, at the British government's request. Over time, rehabilitation sport developed into recreational sport and subsequently competitive sport.
Dr. Guttmann organised the debut of wheelchair competition, which he titled the Stoke Mandeville Games, on July 29, 1948, the day of the Olympic Games' Opening Ceremony in London. This event marked a major turning point in Paralympic history. They included 16 injured service men and women who excelled in archery.
Paralympic Sport – Ice Hockey
Of course, the Paralympic Games have many adaptations to allow handicapped people to participate. For example, ice hockey has been adapted significantly to allow fair play between competitors. Since its debut in the Lillehammer 1994 Paralympic Winter Games, the paralympic ice hockey event has rapidly grown in popularity among fans. Male and female competitors with physical impairments in the lower body play this fast paced, intensely physical sport.
The very first Paralympic Winter Games were held in Sweden in 1976, so like the Summer Games, they were held every four years and comprise an Opening Ceremony and a Closing DueCeremony.toanagreement
between the IPC (International Paralympic Committee) and IOC (International Olympic Committee), the Games have featured in the same cities and venues as the Olympics ever since the Summer Games in Seoul, Korea in 1988, and the Winter Games in Albertville, France in 1992.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 12 College
Dune swale daphne is a critically endangered species
Out of all the trees, ferns and flowering plants in New Zealand, 80% can only be found here. Native trees such as kauri, pōhutukawa, mānuka, and rātā have been classed as threatened species, mainly due to the spread of myrtle rust disease. Quillwort, limestone cress, coastal peppercress, eyelash seaweed and dune swale daphne are all in the top ten of all endangered species in New Zealand (included with endangered animals).
has heard about it at least once in their lifetime, but the discussion usually stops there. Native plants and animals are disappearing faster than one would expect. Here in New Zealand, we have around 7500 native species at risk of extinction, 800 of these are listed as high risk and 25% of these high-risk species can be actively managed by the Department of Conservation. Losing these species would irrevocably change the environment and its Sustainablebiodiversity.Development
Players wear double blade sledges, which the puck may slide beneath, in place of skaters. Players require two sticks, and each has a pushing spike and a shooting blade. The players can therefore push themselves using the spikes and play the puck using the blade end of the sticks with a rapid flick of the wrist.
Goal 15: Life on Land, aims to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt the reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. 50% of New Zealand’s total land area is protected but it’s not stopping the country’s biodiversity loss.
The International Ice Hockey Federation's (IIHF) rules are modified for ice sledge hockey.
By Nicholas Qin – Year Native9 New Zealand Under Threat
Climate change and pollution is hard to avoid hearing about in the 21st century. The world is warming up and wasting away at an alarming rate and it’s showing no sign of slowing down. While these environmental problems are possibly the most important and undoubtedly need to be solved, other issues need to be brought into the light. Issues which aren’t being addressed and will lead to our downfall. Issues which can be as detrimental to our planet as the ones we already know so much Everyoneabout.
In order to enable stick handling and symmetrical shooting, a player may use two bladed sticks. Similarly to ice hockey, each side tries to outscore the other by attempting to keep the other team from scoring while shooting the puck across the ice and into their goal. There must be six players on the rink at once per team, including the goalie. Games in ice sledge hockey last three 15-minute periods each.

While your individual actions may not have the biggest difference, they are doing something and contributing to the bigger picture. It’s important to know about this issue, what is currently being done to solve it and what you can do to help. It has an effect, even if you think it doesn’t. I hope you’ve learned something from this article, being informed already helps by itself. By Isheeta Lal - Year 10.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 13
There are 45 fairy terns left with only 12 breeding pairs
Many countries around the world automatically give legislative protection from hunting, habitat destruction and other threats to all of the species listed as threatened. New Zealand is not one of those countries. There is legal protection for species under a range of acts but most of these don’t extend to plants, invertebrates and fish and their protection relies on whether or not they are in national parks or reserves. The Department of Conservation believes this is enough protection for a native species but as we can see by the rapid decrease of such animals and plants, it isn’t.
There are plenty of charities and organisations such as Forest & Bird which are currently working to save some of our threatened species. These include kākāpō (as of February 2022 there 202 in existence), kiwi and kokakō (which have dropped in numbers between the 1970s and 2007), whio, albatross and sharks. They are assisting in bringing the fairy tern and long tailed bat back from the brink of extinction. The organisation also focuses on our flora, doing their best to stop their extinction by planting the endangered species and so much more. However, they can’t do all of this alone and rely on donations and volunteers to keep them running.
Bringing awareness to the issue, whether it’s creating a new topic of conversation at the dinner table or posting ways to give assistance can do more than you think. As of right now, at risk species are barely talked about anywhere; we don’t see it on the evening news or hear about it on the radio. People not having information on the topic means we don’t have volunteers or anyone donating to organisations focused on maintaining New Zealand’s native ecosystem. Whether it’s you or one of your followers, every person and every cent matters.
College Why does it matter if these plant species die out? As simple as it may seem, these plants are the centre of biodiversity. They cultivate insects and microorganisms that can’t live without these plants. The reverse is also true. Plants can’t live without native animals as they spread seeds and some minerals. Without one or the other, the entire ecosystem collapses. Imagine today’s Generation Z having to tell their kids about a unique and fascinating animal they once saw and then having to say it doesn’t exist anymore. How sad does that sound? Terrible. What can we do to stop it?

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 14 College University Course Planning – Term 3

Lunch Orders
ACG Sunderland is a water only school and Lunch Orders will not provide any other drinks/ice blocks. If any drink or ice block items are ordered, this will be substituted for another item/s that is of the same value.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 15
Sundry Purchases
Lost Property We are accumulating an awful lot of lost property – uniforms, drink bottles, lunch boxes, shoes etc.
Please ensure that ALL your child’s belongings are labelled with their name.
If you are purchasing sundry items from Reception like calculators, badges etc, can you please ensure your child has the correct money as we do not have change at reception. We are unable to put these on your school account.
Shop A reminder that the 2nd hand uniform shop is no longer sending cheques out or able to pay into your school account for uniform items sold on behalf. If you know you have uniform items in the shop to sell, please go to reception or ring the school with a bank account number to deposit the funds. No bank account number – no payment
Arrival at School Please be reminded that school starts at 8.30am. We are having a lot of children arriving late and they will be marked absent if they are not in class by 8.30am.

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ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 18 Notices

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House Spirit Certificates and Badges
This term, the student leadership team is proud to present a new measure to recognize students who embrace their sense of house spirit, the House Spirit Certificates and Badges! When students are seen to be displaying pride, enthusiasm, leadership and participation during House meetings and events, they can be awarded a House Spirit Certificate by that teacher. Once a student has accumulated ten of these certificates, they can hand them into reception, and then they will receive a House Spirit Badge at assembly.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 21 NoticesSeniorTutorials Tutorials are offered to students as a means to give extra support and guidance. The key to tutorials is be prepared. Examples of what you could get help with and what you should bring but not limited to • Review past exam questions • Specific questions related to the course • Practice essays • Questions on your coursework • Teacher is reviewing a specific area you are not confident in. The key is being specific, remember staff like it when you are proactive. The tutorial is the opportunity to look closely at the requirements of a piece of work with the guidance of a staff member.

Sunderland on Service at ACG Sunderland
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 22
Dear parents and students, as you maybe knowing service is a crucial value that should be practised by all ages. Here at Sunderland we want to recognise those who already do active selfless service at home or in their community, but most importantly we would like those who don’t really do active service to be given a chance and to be educated about service, and this can be reached through Sunderland On Service (S.O.S).
What is our Mission statement? To develop the values of service and respect by helping others in our school and community.
To actively contribute within our communities, display values of selflessness, enthusiasm and determination. How to get involved or get your badge? We will be putting up information about different activities that can be done on our notice board and will be posting more information soon. You can collect a sheet at reception to fill in with your hours or find it on blackboard, and it can be handed back to reception so that we can award you for your outstanding service. Anything you want to count as your hours should be done as a volunteer, meaning you shouldn’t be paid for doing it. Remember to keep the service age appropriate. Below is the information for the badges:

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 23 Ground Crew Lenco School Wear Shop 40 Patiki TelAucklandAvondaleRoad098386164 Open2022 10 January to 12 February Monday to Friday from 8.30am 5.30pm Saturday from 9.00am 3.00pm From 12 February Tuesday, Thursday from 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm Closed Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Public Holidays As a reminder all school uniform continues to be available for purchase online on our Lenco website https://lenco.space/schoolwear/school wear acg sunderland/ Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email beth.rivero@gmail.com or Phone: 022 394 5743. Sunderland Second-Hand Uniform Shop The shop is open. Please ask at reception for access. We are taking good quality uniform items for the second hand shop. Blazers must be dry cleaned. Lost Property All lost property can be found by the Second Hand Uniform Shop. For your best interest, please name all clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles, as we will return all named items to the student’s homeroom teacher. School Contact Details School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email: sunderland@acgedu.com Attendance: sunderlandattendance@acgedu.com Web: www.acgedu.com Staff Emails Email format for staff Firstname.Surname@acgedu.comis: 2022 Term Dates Term 1: 26 Jan to 14 April Term 2: 2 May to 1 July Term 3: 25 July to 23 September Term 4: 10 October to 6 December Lunch Orders From Libelle You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at www.lunchorders.co.nz. Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on lunchorders@libelle.co.nz or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!Nocash out service available. Traffic- Safety Please note that numbered car parks are for staff. Please do not park in the numbered carparks. Contacting School Bus Drivers Please do not ring or text the drivers after 7.15am as they will not be checking their cell phones while they are driving. Thank you for your support.