ACG WINGSSUNDERLANDNEWSLETTERVol18,TermThree,WeekEight,16September2022 Please ensure all clothing is named. Check for lost items in lost property box prior to end of Term. 亲爱的桑德兰家长和朋友们 Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa. 本周是毛利语言周,桑德兰学校一起庆祝并组织了许多有 趣的活动。 在周一的小学集会上,三个班级展示了他们的分享,其中 有两个是毛利歌舞。 周二,我们吃了一顿完整的Hangi午餐,孩子们和员工们都非常喜欢。 Lisa Anderson女士本周监督了小学部的活动,我非常感谢她为这次活动带来的热情。 大家 应该都知道,ACG桑德兰继续增长,因此我们在小学和中学部雇用了一些新员工。 一旦所有新员工被任命后,我将在11月为小学和中学的新生过渡日时,通过邮件以及面 对面的方式像我们的社区介绍他们。 本周六是我们今年的最后一个开放日,从上午10点 30分开始到下午2点30分结束。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 2 Aspire. Succeed. Respect. Nathan ACGCampusVillarsPrincipalSunderlandValueforthe next week is: Efficiency The state or quality of being efficient. 首先, 我想感谢60多名学生,举起手来希望做开放日的向导。他们都表现非常出色。 我也要感谢15名工作人员,他们也将放弃他们的周六来帮助这一重要的市场推广时刻。 我 还想强调,如果你以前没有来过学校,欢迎你来参观,并与你的孩子目前所在的年级 的老 师交谈。 另外,祝贺Lee Smith –四年 级老师在Holy Trinity 教堂 举行的儿童演唱活动中获得了指挥 家 专业发展奖。非常棒Lee.从反馈来看,孩子们玩得很开心,很好地代表了我们学校。 也感 谢你们尊重我们在学校周围停车以及放学的要求。 但是我想提醒大家,不要在学校门口的黄线上停车 警察和议会已经再次向我们提出了 这个问题。 Ka Kite Ano 恭喜 10年 级的Amelia Lee和 11年 级的Mason Wang。 Amelia 在全国小记者环保大赛中获得了“减少垃圾运到”的第一名, Mason在 100米蝶泳中获得金牌,在50米蝶泳,50米仰泳和 100米仰泳中获得银牌,在100米混合泳中获得铜牌,在50 米自由泳,100米自由泳和200米混合泳中排名第四。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 3 Early Learning SchoolUnder2’sRoomJuniorRoom 本周我们在小组活动中使用毛利语。通过向孩子们介绍数字,颜色,Waiata和向他们介绍 “How Maui slowed the sun”给中班的孩子们。我们孩子们做得非常好,他们很高兴地参与 了毛利语言的学习,这作为我们文化的一部分是非常重要的。他们喜欢和他们的Kaiako一 起做很多活动。学习te reo毛利 语帮助我们的Tamariki学习和成长。他们发现了更多的学习 方法,更多的认识方法。并更多地了解自己的能力。 为了庆祝 Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, 2岁以下 幼儿班的孩子们展示了他们创造性的一面! 我 们一直在听Waiata和 阅读Pukapuka,重点 是命名我们的Tianana部分。为了扩展这个 内容,我们在我们的Kaiako告诉我们身体 部位的名称时,做了一些Te tinana的涂色 纸。Ka pai, tamariki!

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 4 Early Learning SchoolSeniorRoom 我 们和整个Aotearoa一起庆祝毛利语言周。我 们参加了激励我们的多元文化社区并自豪地讲 毛利 语的活动,并鼓励tamariki通过Waiata,故 事和 艺术作品来体验Aotowaroa的丰富文化。 我 们一起唱“ Tutira Mai Nga Iwi‘ 这是一个毛利人 的 waiata, 呼吁所有人站在一起。 我 们熟悉了”koru” 它是一种展开的蕨类植物,是毛利人雕刻和纹身中不可或缺的标志。

3YAN George Du for having a cheerful attitude and always being willing to help his classmates.
3SEA - Lleyton Ling for dedication in performing.
1GLC - Fred Black for doing great with his spelling words.
6LIM - Mark Lu for always willing to give things a go.
1HOC - Morgan Cheng for great perseverance and being helpful in class.
5RIC - Melody Bai for working consistently well in English.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 5 Primary HousePrimaryShieldMcDonald

4RYN Sophia Jiang for being an active learner.
2SHA - Heidi Qin for always having a positive attitude.
4SMI - Eva Chen for her dedication to her learning and continuous curiosity.
5BAK Larissa Zheng for always thinking of others.
1BTR - Prisha Singh for excellent progress decoding.

2ZOU - Nihira Shanmukh for a positive attitude towards learning.

3HAS - Laura Tang for active participation in class discussions.
1CAR - Ali Hotaki for showing perseverance to learn.
6DOO - Hebe He for excellent improvement in her focus and attitude and work habits.

Primary Scooter Day – Friday 9 September Assembly

Week 8 Primary
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 6 PrimaryUpper

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 7 Primary

This week we honoured and celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Students enjoyed many hands on experiences such as making frybread, flax weaving and creating poi. The language used in each class was rich and we spoke about the values of Tikanga. We showcased our learning by sharing with different classes and the Early Learning Centre.

A highlight this week was having tamariki and Kaiako gather together to enjoy kai from a hangi (a traditional Māori meal). We endeavour to enrich our classes with the use of te reo in the future.
Nga PrimaryMihi,Kaiako.

Māori Language Week

Years 1 to 6 Primary hangi. There were 300 hangi delivered and the children really enjoyed them.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 8

Students enjoyed making flax flowers during Maori Language week.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 9 Primary

Photos of the Choir

This week we honoured and celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Students enjoyed many hands on experiences such as making frybread, flax weaving and creating poi. The language used in each class was rich and we spoke about the values of Tikanga. We showcased our learning by sharing with different classes and the Early Learning Centre. A highlight this week was having tamariki and Kaiako gather together to enjoy kai from a hangi (a traditional Māori meal). We endeavour to enrich our classes with the use of te reo in the future. Nga PrimaryMihi,Kaiako.

- Interruptions due to the pandemic Overseas supplies shortage

Accordingcents. to Stats NZ; in New Zealand Inflation percentages in the past 10 years have been quite stable until June last year, staying in between around 1 2%. The highest all time percentage in NZ (That is recorded) was in 1990 at a skyrocketing 7.6%
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 10 College

Furthermore, this isn't really something you can change because it mainly depends on government policies, immigration policies, pandemics, importing and exporting goods, wars and several other factors. Usually, the reserve bank controls inflation by raising interest rates. Then, people spend less money, so it decreases consumption. It reduces the demand and prices start falling, which results in inflation slowing down. Finally, we will be able to afford a burger and a frozen coke.
By Ghazal Sandhu - Year
What is causing inflation? Well, listed are some main factors that have caused inflation in NZ: Housing - Tax WorkerWageincreaseincreaseshortage
Often, I get confused between inflammation and inflation; they are two different words and have different meanings, but they have similar effects. One hurts your body and the other hurts your pocket! Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. For example, in 2020 the price of a Cheesy Chicken Burger at McDonald’s was $3 and now only in 2 year’s time the price of that same burger is now $4.50. So, you are missing more than a dollar that you could spend on a frozen coke if you wanted and still save fifty
Queen Elizabeth II – A Tribute
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 11 College

Born on 21st April 1926 to King George VI (1895 1952) and his wife, also named Queen Elizabeth (1900 2002), Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was the older sister to Princess Margaret (1930-2002) and heir to the throne of England.
Queen Elizabeth II was educated privately, as many members of the Royal Family have been, and undertook public duties during World War 2, serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. In November 1947, she married Prince Philip Mountbatten, who until the marriage was a prince of Greece and Denmark. They were married for 73 years until Prince Philip’s death in April last year.
On the 2nd of June 1953, following her father’s death in February 1952, Elizabeth was crowned as Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms at the age of 27. Her reign lasted 70 years and 214 days. During her reign, Queen Elizabeth met 13 of the 14 US presidents of her time, celebrated her Silver, Golden, Diamond and Platinum Jubilees, became the longest lived British monarch, the second longest reigning sovereign in world history, survived COVID 19, and dealt with media criticisms of her family following the breakdowns of her children’s marriages, the death of her daughter in law (Princess Diana in 1997), and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping down from royal duties in 2020.
The Queen died on the 8th of September (9th of September New Zealand time), aged 96, following health issues; though the cause of death has not yet been specified. Her coffin arrived at Buckingham Palace early Wednesday (New Zealand time) and her burial will take place on next Monday. However, the burial will take place close to midnight our time.
By Isheeta Lal - Year 10

Following Queen Elizabeth’s passing, her eldest son, King Charles III became king with his wife Camilla becoming Queen consort. Our coins and 20 dollar note will eventually have his face on them and a few commonwealth countries, including Australia and New Zealand, expect they will become republics in the future.
ACG Sunderland will be holding a moment’s silence at the primary and college assemblies on Monday and Tuesday next week, as close to her burial time as possible.
90% of all living humans have never known any British monarch other than Queen Elizabeth II. We all knew that the Queen was eventually going to pass, but that knowledge didn’t do anything to ease the shock when the news was broken to the world. Now we have King Charles III on the throne and everyone Gen Z and older is likely to never see another female on the throne. Queen Elizabeth II was the longest reigning British monarch in history so, what exactly did she accomplish during the 96 years of her life.

‘No Planet B’
Air pollution's long term impacts can continue for a lengthy period, or even a person's entire lifetime; in severe cases, air pollution can lead to death. Heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory conditions like emphysema are some of the long-term health consequences of air pollution. Additionally, long-term exposure to air pollution can harm a person's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Some scientists think that birth defects are caused by air pollution. Every year, the impacts of indoor or outdoor air pollution claim the lives of up to 2.5 million people globally. Shocking.
So, everything may sound entirely too dramatic, however you don’t want to learn it the hard way; when your life will be at risk. Finally, whether I educated you or not, this article was mainly on how pollution could possibly end our lives at the least expected time if we continue this careless behaviour towards our environment.
The consequences of air pollution can affect entire ecosystems, just like they can people, animals, and plants. Similar to smog (smoke + fog), haze is an obvious form of air pollution that makes colours and forms difficult to see. Pollution induced haze can also mask sound.
Folks, the problem isn’t just simply “the world is going to end,” it’s much more complicated than that. There are various ways that pollution reaches the Earth's atmosphere. Most of the air pollution is caused by human activity, and manifests as emissions from factories, vehicles, aircraft, or aerosol cans. Secondhand cigarette smoke can even be categorized as air pollution. Large cities have higher rates of air pollution because of the concentration of pollutants from these sources.
Particles from air pollution eventually land on Earth. The soil and water surface can be directly harmed by air pollution. This may result in crop death or decreased output.
Still polluting the Earth? Let me change that!
Exposure to air pollution does indeed have a wide range of adverse health impacts on people. Short term effects and long term effects are two categories of effects.
By Nicholas Qin - Year 9
Temporary short term impacts include illnesses like pneumonia or bronchitis. They also include discomfort like rashes on the skin, eyes, nose, or throat. Headaches, lightheadedness, and nausea are among symptoms of air pollution. Air pollution also includes offensive odours produced by factories, landfills, or sewage systems. Although less harmful, these scents are nonetheless unpleasant.
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 12 College

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 13 College University Course Planning – Term 3 Term Three University Course Planning 12.45pm to M021.30pm Tuesday 20th September Victoria University of Wellington Dylan Chetwin

杂项购买 的钱,因为我们在前台没有零钱。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 14 Notices 二手校服店 温馨提示,二手校服店不再寄出支票,也不再能够代销您寄存在学校的 校服。如果您知道商店里有校服要出售,请前往接待处或将费用转入学 校银行账户。 不提供银行帐号 - 没有付款 午餐订购 ACG桑德兰是一所只提供水的学校,午餐订单将不再提供任何饮料/棒冰。 如果订购了任何饮料或棒冰项目,我们将替换为其他相同价值的项目。 失物招领 我们积累了大量的失物 校服,饮料瓶,午餐盒,鞋子等。 请确保您孩子的所有物品都贴上他们的名字。 定期更换校服,午餐盒和饮料瓶会变得非常昂贵。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 15 NoticesSchool Trophies & Cups 如果你在去年的颁奖典礼上获得了学校的奖杯或奖牌,现 在是时候把它们掸掉灰尘并带回学校了。 你可以在任何一天的上午9点和下午3点半的时间里把这 些东西送到学校接待处。 所有的奖杯必须在10月28日星期五之前归 还。 请不要在周末把这些东西带进来并放在外面。


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 16


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 17

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 18


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 19


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 20


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 21 Notices ACG NZ 2024 Term Dates Term Dates sDay sWeek Public Holidays One January 25 (Thu) April 12 (Fri) 51 12 Auck Anniv Jan 29 (Mon); School closed Feb 5 (Mon); Waitangi Day Feb 6 (Tue); Easter: Mar 29 (Fri) Apr 2 (Tue) Two April 29 (Mon) June 27 (Thu) 43 9 Queen’s Birthday Jun 3 (Mon) Three July 22 (Mon) September 27 (Fri) 50 10 Four October 14 (Mon) December 3 (Tue) 41 9 Labour Day Oct 28 (Mon) Student Orientation/Tutor meetings/Course confirmation Days January 23, 24 Tuition commences January 25

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 22 Notices

Holiday Tutorials

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 23 Notices 高中辅导课程 辅助课程是提供给高中部学生额外的学科指导。重点是同学们要有准备而来参加。 带着你的问题而来, 你不仅限于以下方面可以获得帮助,如 • 复习过去的考试题 • 与课程相关的特定问题解疑 • 实践论文 • 关于课程的问题 • 老师审查你的具体科目的薄弱项 学习是需要主动的,记住老师希望你主动一些。问题要具体。这些辅助课程是你在相 应科目的老师指导下认真研究每个课件要求的一个很好的机会。

任何你想算作你的工作时间的事情都应该作为志愿者来完成,这意味着你不能因为做 这些而获得报酬。请记住保持适当的服务年龄。
Sunderland on Service at ACG Sunderland

我 们的使命宣言是什么?

亲爱的家长和同学们,你们可能知道服务是一个重要的价值观,应该被所有年龄的人 来 实践。在桑德兰,我们希望表彰那些已经在家里或者社区中积极无私服务的人,但 重要的是,我们希望那些没有真正从事积极服务的人有机会接受有关服务的教育,而 这可以通过Sunderland On Service (SOS)来达到。
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 24 Notices

我 们将在我们的公告板上发布有关可以进行不同活动的信息,并将进一步公布更多信 息。您可以在前台处领取表格或者在Blackboard上填写您的工作时间,然后将其交还 给前台,以便我们奖励您的出色服务。

Term 1: 26 January to 6 April
We are taking good quality uniform items for the second hand shop. Blazers must be dry cleaned.
Staff Emails
Closed Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Public Holidays
As a reminder all school uniform continues to be available for purchase online on our Freedom2Play website schools acg sunderland school
out service available.
You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!Nocash
Term 4: 10 October to 6 December
2022 Term Dates
Term 2: 26 April to 30 June
The shop is open. Please ask at reception for access.
Term 4: 14 October to 3 December
Contacting School Bus Drivers
Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme.
Ground Crew
Open Tuesday, Thursday from 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm
ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 25
Traffic- Safety
2024 Term Dates
2023 Term Dates
All lost property can be found by the Second Hand Uniform Shop.
Term 3: 25 July to 23 September
School Contact Details
For your best interest, please name all clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles, as we will return all named items to the student’s homeroom teacher.
Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610
Please note that numbered car parks are for staff. Please do not park in the numbered carparks.
40 Patiki TelAucklandAvondaleRoad098386164
Freedom2Play School Wear Shop
Please do not ring or text the drivers after 7.15am as they will not be checking their cell phones while they are driving. Thank you for your support.
Email format for staff Firstname.Surname@acgedu.comis:

Term 3: 24 July to 22 September
Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743.
Sunderland Second-Hand Uniform Shop
Term 3: 22 July to 27 September
Term 2: 29 April to 27 June
Lost Property

Term 1: 25 January to 12 April
Lunch Orders – From Libelle
Term 4: 9 October to 8 December
Kids at School Care
School Office: Phone: 838 7070