ACG Sunderland Newsletter - 26 August 2022 (Chinese)

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ACG WINGSSUNDERLANDNEWSLETTERVol18,TermThree,WeekFive,26August2022 Parents and Friends Meeting - 1 September 8.30am - Staffroom 亲爱的桑德兰家长和朋友们, 昨晚,我有幸参加了在Kohimarama体育场举行的年度 Mathex竞赛。从奥克兰西区到这个地方并不容易,在成功 穿 过奥克兰的交通后,我们在到达时看到了来自奥克兰各 个地区的数百名优秀数学学生,以及他们的数学老师和家 长,他们都在准备着比赛的开始。 Devereux 先生是桑德兰的Mathex 先生,多年来一直负责这项活动。我想亲自感谢他为这项 活 动所付出的努力 在两个晚上带领八个团队。 还要感谢Ngoh 女士,她在这两个晚上也提 供了巨大的帮助。 比 赛涉及到奥克兰每所学校的队伍 许多学校和我们一样有两支队伍。三名选手尝试回答艰 难的数学问题,而一名选手则把答案给记分员。以检查进度并获得下一个问题。 周三晚上,九年级和十年级的队伍没有获胜,但是他们的表现令人难以置信,得分分别为 90/85和 90/70。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 2 Aspire. Succeed. Respect. Nathan ValueACGCampusVillarsPrincipalSunderlandforthe next week is: Conscientiousness The quality of wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly. 在我写报告的同时,七年级 和八年级的队伍将进行比赛, 他 们的成绩将在下周公布。 我 还希望再次强调我们的网球队。 我 们的八年级球队最终在比赛中获得第三名,而我们的十 年 级球队在各自的级别中获得第一名。 整个小学部和中学部的网球运动正以非常好的状态向2023 年 迈进。 我希望感谢所有的教练和经理,他们做了如此出色的工作。 感 谢你们上周花时间阅读我关于学生上下学接送的文章。请遵守我们的期望,这一点非 常重要。 在 这一点上,我请要求所有家长也尊重道路规则,请不要在黄线上停车接送孩子。谢谢 你。 随着第三学期即将结束,我提醒各位家长,如果你不打算让你的孩子在2023年 继续在 ACG桑德 兰就读,你需要提前一个学期通知我,或者支付一个学期的费用以代替这个正 确的通知期。 请在9月 23日之前以书面形式通知我。 祝各位周末愉快。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 3 Early Learning SchoolUnder2’sRoomJuniorRoom 这周,孩子们探索了积木的感觉。他们玩得很开心,搭建了不同的形状。 本周,幼儿活动室有很多有趣的户外探 索活 动。孩子们把水混在一起搅拌,产 生了很多泡泡。 室外的桌子上有拼图,孩子们在那里学习将现 实生活中的动物拼图配对在一起。本周有大量 的学习机会可以参与!

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 4 Early Learning SchoolSeniorRoom 学前班的孩子们又是忙碌的一周,孩子们喜欢在户外的沙坑里把水混在沙子里,制 造出泥泞的水坑,制作成火山。 在小组学习中,在比较我们的身高和按长度排列两件物品时,我们谈论了“高,比 高,短,比短,长,比长”等词汇。

1CAR - Ada Liu for excellent performance in class and for showing good manners.

4RYN Ethan Wo for making great progress in reading.

1HOC Aiden Tao Li for working hard in all subjects and being a good example for good behaviour.

6DOO Gary Gao for enthusiasm and effort he shows and puts into his homework tasks.

1GLC - Jason Wang for a great week of remote learning.

for developing her alphabet knowledge well.

5BAK Austin Xu for improving focus towards learning.

5RIC - Oria Tan for always presenting her work neatly and always displaying a positive attitude.

3SEA - Nayana Roopesh for always being helpful, considerate, hardworking.


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland


3YAN Evan Bai for writing an interesting letter to his character.

3HAS Oliver Tan for good behaviour and working hard in all learning areas.

4SMI - Jayden Zhu for positive attitude and effort in his learning.

6LIM - Madeline Yeoman for a kind, polite, friendly nature. It is a pleasure having Madeline in 6LIM.

2SHA Dylan Cong for excellent manners and thoughtfulness.

2ZOU - Matilda Townshend for outstanding progress in mathematics.


The Lower Primary Trophy Winner this week was Olivia Tian –Hockey1BTR

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 6 Primary

Sunderland B team won all four of their games with two incredible victories 6 0 and 10 0 and no goals scored against them at Sunderlandall.

A team faced a difficult fourth game against Summerland B (they had six teams in total!) after winning our first three. The opposition scored the first goal and after we heard that to win the group we needed to win, we went into all in attack. We scored a goal! But, unfortunately, in our efforts to a second goal we conceded one and lost 2 1. So we were second in the group and had a semi final against Summerland A who had won their group and had some players who played for Auckland. Not letting this dishearten us, we decided to play a defensive formation before we figured out how they played but they were amazing and we lost 3 0. All was not lost as there was a 3rd/4th playoff to come.

On Tuesday 23rd August ACG Sunderland's two Hockey teams went to the North Harbour Hockey Stadium to compete in the West Auckland schools hockey cluster. When we arrived we were told we had 4 games to play before lunch. The Sunderland A team were one of the A grade teams and the B team were one of the B grade teams. For the A team the top 2 teams in our group of 5 would go through to the semi finals. After putting our bags down we warmed up and split into our two teams ready for our first games. Games were 20 minutes long, 6 players on the pitch and only 2 subs. Since you only played in one direction for the duration of the game and whoever was there first got to pick their preferred direction, we made sure we got there early and had the sun behind us!

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 7 Primary

By: Watts Year 6 3rd place A Grade B team 1st place B Grade

The teams were: Pulling ourselves together we realised that we were competing against Summerland B team again. But we knew this time the situation was different: we had both just lost our games they would be confident after beating us before people would be more tired as both teams were coming up to their 6th games So keeping the spirits up we bounced back and scored an early goal and we increased our confidence. After two more goals we won the game 3 0 and were overjoyed! After going back to our bags we were called up for prize giving. We found out that ACG Sunderland B team had come first in B grade and the A team came third (out of 10 teams) in A Whengrade.prize giving was finished, after a hard day of hockey, we went back to school for PE!


A team –


Mark Luo Shyla Wang Ethan Hoffman Yilia Wang Louie Kumerich Nathan Zheng George Watts Preston Tan Ryan Yao Ryan Shingles Alex Meng Ryan Kueh Yuchi He Danny Liang Oscar Wang Bobby Paul

The team are: Amelia Lee, Khushi Thakar, Megan Unsworth, Caitlin Unsworth, Resha Bedekar, Keshalia Nelson, Francesca Gray, Lucia Belle

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 8 College Year 10 Netball

The Year 8 netball girls won their final on Wednesday and came third in their grade!!


It was an excellent game and the score was 37:13. Congratulations!

Year 8 Netball

The Year 10 netball girls won their final on Saturday and came first in their grade!!

The team are: Siyona Biswas, Athena Deng, Eloise Downes, Heidi Jackson, Nina Kelly, Amna Memon, Ghazal Sandhu, Billie Sedcole, and Georgia Sedcole; their coaches are Anjika Sharma and Natasha Woolley.


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 9 College

The Boys C Grade team was in the playoffs for third place and drew with Waitakere 3 games all. Unfortunately, due to the score countback they finished in 4th place overall.

The mixed C/D team were in the playoffs to win their grade and again drew 3 games and lost on score countback to finish 2nd in their grade. This was a great effort as with illness and absence there were only two players (Dishi and Ben) who had to play all six games.


Singh (Captain) Benjamin Yin, Lilian Wang, Trent Miller Salmon

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 10 College

New Zealand has the highest number of pets per household than anywhere else in the world, besides the U.S., we are outnumbered by our pets. Pets are something that gives certain individuals great joy, entertainment, comfort, and companionship, but what is the best pet?

There are several hundred types of pets, but I narrowed it down to the most common: Cats and Dogs. There are many factors to which is the best pet. Such as how loyal they are, or, how easy they are to clean up after and feed.

Cats or Dogs: Which is better?

Being a dog owner, I am biased that dogs are preferable to cats. So, I went and asked the public. One of my friends said, “Cats are much cheaper than dogs, and more independent, while dogs require more care and attention, but are much more loyal than cats.” He was right. More people are going to have cats since they cost less than a dog. However, New Zealand is known for its beautiful native birds. If there are so many native birds like the Tui, and the Kereru, then why would someone deliberately buy a cat and put these birds in So,danger?Iturned to the internet for answers. As I scrolled through multiple articles, webpages, and polls, I found my final answer: dogs. The majority of New Zealand prefers dogs. But that raises the question; why are dogs more popular? Surveys show, 78% of New Zealanders consider a dog to be a part of the family, but cats are not too far behind at 74%. Studies have shown that self identified dog people tend to be less neurotic, less likely to suppress their emotions, and tend to have overall higher scores of wellbeing than cat people. Young children significantly prefer dogs over cats. Basically, dogs just make people feel happier, likely due to their own carefree, “happy go lucky” personalities, after all, they are man’s best friend.

By: Louis McSporran - Year 9

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 11 College 大学讲座 – 第三学期

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 12 Notices 二手校服店 温馨提示,二手校服店不再寄出支票,也不再能够代销您寄存在学校的 校服。如果您知道商店里有校服要出售,请前往接待处或将费用转入学 校银行账户。 不提供银行帐号 - 没有付款 午餐订购 ACG桑德兰是一所只提供水的学校,午餐订单将不再提供任何饮料/棒冰。 如果订购了任何饮料或棒冰项目,我们将替换为其他相同价值的项目。 失物招领 我们积累了大量的失物 校服,饮料瓶,午餐盒,鞋子等。 请确保您孩子的所有物品都贴上他们的名字。 定期更换校服,午餐盒和饮料瓶会变得非常昂贵。 杂项购买 如果您在前台购买杂物,如计算机,徽章等,请您确保您的孩子有正确 的钱,因为我们在前台没有零钱。 我们无法将这些物品记入您的学校账户。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 13 NoticesSchool Trophies & Cups 如果你在去年的颁奖典礼上获得了学校的奖杯或奖牌,现 在是时候把它们掸掉灰尘并带回学校了。 你可以在任何一天的上午9点和下午3点半的时间里把这 些东西送到学校接待处。 所有的奖杯必须在10月28日星期五之前归 还。 请不要在周末把这些东西带进来并放在外面。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 14


Barnardos would like to thank the ACG Sunderland Community for our amazing donation to their charity What’s Up. We managed to raise a whopping $3526.84 for this wonderful charity. We thank you also as ACG Sunderland for your generous contributions to such a wonderful cause.


ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 15 Notices


House Spirit Certificates and Badges

This term, the student leadership team is proud to present a new measure to recognize students who embrace their sense of house spirit, the House Spirit Certificates and Badges! When students are seen to be displaying pride, enthusiasm, leadership and participation during House meetings and events, they can be awarded a House Spirit Certificate by that teacher. Once a student has accumulated ten of these certificates, they can hand them into reception, and then they will receive a House Spirit Badge at assembly.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 16

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 17 Notices 高中辅导课程 辅助课程是提供给高中部学生额外的学科指导。重点是同学们要有准备而来参加。 带着你的问题而来, 你不仅限于以下方面可以获得帮助,如 • 复习过去的考试题 • 与课程相关的特定问题解疑 • 实践论文 • 关于课程的问题 • 老师审查你的具体科目的薄弱项 学习是需要主动的,记住老师希望你主动一些。问题要具体。这些辅助课程是你在相 应科目的老师指导下认真研究每个课件要求的一个很好的机会。

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 18 Notices Sunderland on Service at ACG Sunderland 亲爱的家长和同学们,你们可能知道服务是一个重要的价值观,应该被所有年龄的人 来 实践。在桑德兰,我们希望表彰那些已经在家里或者社区中积极无私服务的人,但 重要的是,我们希望那些没有真正从事积极服务的人有机会接受有关服务的教育,而 这可以通过Sunderland On Service (SOS)来达到。 我 们的使命宣言是什么? 通过在学校和社区帮助他人来发展服务和尊重的价值观。 在我们的社区中积极贡献,展现无私,热情和决心的价值观。 如何参与或获得您的徽章? 我 们将在我们的公告板上发布有关可以进行不同活动的信息,并将进一步公布更多信 息。您可以在前台处领取表格或者在Blackboard上填写您的工作时间,然后将其交还 给前台,以便我们奖励您的出色服务。 任何你想算作你的工作时间的事情都应该作为志愿者来完成,这意味着你不能因为做 这些而获得报酬。请记住保持适当的服务年龄。 以下是获得徽章的信息:

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 19 Ground Crew Lenco School Wear Shop 40 Patiki TelAucklandAvondaleRoad098386164 Open Tuesday, Thursday from 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm Closed Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Public Holidays As a reminder all school uniform continues to be available for purchase online on our Lenco website wear acg sunderland/ Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743. Lost Property All lost property can be found by the Second Hand Uniform Shop. For your best interest, please name all clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles, as we will return all named items to the student’s homeroom teacher. School Contact Details School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email: Attendance: Web: Staff Emails Email format for staff Firstname.Surname@acgedu.comis: 2022 Term Dates Term 1: 26 January to 14 April Term 2: 2 May to 1 July Term 3: 25 July to 23 September Term 4: 10 October to 6 December Lunch Orders – From Libelle You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!Nocash out service available. Traffic- Safety Please note that numbered car parks are for staff. Please do not park in the numbered carparks. Contacting School Bus Drivers Please do not ring or text the drivers after 7.15am as they will not be checking their cell phones while they are driving. Thank you for your support. 2023 Term Dates Term 1: 26 January to 6 April Term 2: 26 April to 30 June Term 3: 24 July to 22 September Term 4: 9 October to 8 December Sunderland Second-Hand Uniform Shop The shop is open. Please ask at reception for access. We are taking good quality uniform items for the second hand shop. Blazers must be dry cleaned.

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