ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
WINGS NEWSLETTER Vol 17, Term Three, Week Five, 27 August 2021
亲爱的桑德兰的j家长朋友们, 如果你像我的家人一样, 我相信你们都对这次封城的雀跃心情已经完全没有了。 不知怎么的,去 年三月经历的那种新颖感已经变淡薄了,我们都在经历某种形式的循环活动。
尽管如此,我们所有的学生都展示出他们持续前行的能力。尽管存在虚拟课程的挑战以及也许有的 对封城的疲倦, 但他们仍然继续他们的学习之旅。我无法表达我对他们的感觉是多么的自豪。 一年级到十三年级以及学前班的学生们都正在充分利用我们国家目前的条件继续学习。 我要再次 认可和感谢家长给孩子们建立起来的这种积极的学习环境,使我们的年轻人能够继续茁壮成长。 带着这种情感,ACG桑德兰已经决定继续我们的高中的网上模拟考试,并通过使用我们的 Blackboard学习管理软件中已经存在的技术来实现这次考试。 该计划的全部细节以及计划将如何推 出将在周五公布。
目前,我们的初中和小学高年级的考试定于10月底的劳动节周末之后举行。因此我们相信,这些 考试将会面对面进行。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
我们的全套剑桥考试定于 10 月 7 日开始 - 实际上是在假期期间。 Checkpoint考试定于 10 月 13 - 15 日。 我相信一些家长和学生想知道,如果奥克兰在第四学期继续处于3级或4级警报状态,对剑桥 实际考试会发生什么影响。 我可以向你保证,剑桥考试委员会已经制定了一些非常明确的协 议来处理这些情况。 剑桥考试委员会将尽其所能运行这些考试,但是,如果考试由于政府封锁条例而无法进行, 那么将需要采用‘Centre Assessed Grades’ 方式评估成绩。 每所学校都被要求在每门教学大纲中 提供每个学生的三个substantial pieces of work实质性学业成绩来做评估。 我相信你现在可以看到这些学校的 “模拟考试” 是多么重要, 即使他们是通过网上考试形式来 进行的。
我对我们的员工团队充满信心。他们完全有能力完成这项工作,竭尽全力使我们的学生有最 好的/最准确的成绩来转发到剑桥考试中心。
尽管未来状况无法预测,但祝我们好运, 同时我们也要全力以待。 大家多保重。
Aspire. Succeed. Respect.
Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland
本周人生价值思考: Conscientiousness良知 希望做好自己的工作或职责的品质
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
我们的学前班一直忙于让孩子在封城期间娱乐起来。 以下是他们一直在做 的一些有趣的事情。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
本周之星 1JH- Allison Wang for helping others and working hard 1CS- Zee Wang for excellent participation in 1CS crazy hat day on Zoom 1NG- Kairav Biswas for turning in great work each day of Lockdown 1NC- Raphael Jin for active Zoom participation 2AV- Mia Liu for great participation in class discussions 2SB- Momo Li for amazing effort during remote lockdown 3MH- Ryan Wu for great improvement in spelling 3BR- Rachel Yang for making effort to stay focused in lessons 4CF- Alexander Child for great work on his poster of Sophie Pascoe 5WB- Aryan Hotaki for independent online learning 5CW- Mark Lu for good creative writing 6SL- Tyler Tapelu for improved work ethic and listening skills
数学周 As part of Primary Maths Week, the Primary students had the chance to guess how many lollies were in the lolly jar. Congratulations to Lillian Wang 6SL for almost guessing the correct amount which was 249. Lillian got to keep the jar and the lollies.
小学 ESOL We have been learning about adjectives, verbs and adverbs of frequency in our Reading, Writing and Listening tasks last week. Kenton (4/5WB) has mixed his own bubble solution and recorded this in a video whilst practicing verbs!
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
小学网课 在过去的几周里,我们的小学生一直在通过在线教室继续学习。 我们的学生一直在努力学习。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Founders’ Scholarship ACG 创始人奖学金 明年上大学?ACG 创始人奖学金每年颁发给计划明年在大学学习的 ACG 学校学生,金额高达 $75,000 。现在是开始规划使自己获得突出成绩为申请该奖学金做好准备的时候了! 奖学金将表彰杰出的学术能力以及未来成功的个人素质,如正直、领导才能、远见卓识、非凡的 动力、精力和工作能力。 *申请于2021年10月15日截止 ACG创始人奖学金旨在表彰一批有远见、专长和奉献精神的同学。 由Senior College of New Zealand创建于1995年。 从2018年起,每年颁发一次奖学金。奖学金获得者将是一名目前正在ACG在新西兰的一所中学学 习的学生,并计划第二年开始大学课程学习。该奖学金可以与其他奖项同时获得。 奖学金将表彰杰出的学术能力以及未来成功的个人素质,如正直、领导才能、远见卓识和非凡的 动力、精力和工作能力。 ACG创始人奖学金的首届获得者Alex Pentchev于2018年毕业。现在他正在悉尼大学学习医学,并 渴望从事医学研究。
“该奖学金为进入世界各地的大学开辟了绝佳的机会,如作为前往世界各地大学的学期交换学 生。 我再也不用担心财务问题了,我可以只专注于我的学习,这在减少向大学期间过渡的压力 非常有帮助。总的来说,感觉好像肩上的重担已经减轻了。我现在有能力在教育方面做任何我想 做的事, 而不必担心钱的问题。”-- Alex Pentchev
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
中学 中学网课 学生已经为他们的网课 做好了充分的准备。 以下是一些令人印象深 刻的网课环境设。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
为什么我爱新西兰 歌曲作者: Benjamin and Robin Marriott – 7年级 For my window I can see The green hills far away from me Sun rises over the bay My home is where I’m here to stay The sea comes in The sea goes out And in the sky The seagulls shout Building dens and climbing trees Having fun and skinning knees My home is where the sky is blue I love New Zealand and you would too The sea comes in The sea goes out And in the sky The seagulls shout
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
白云之歌--作者: Eloise Downes – 7年级 10
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
一个简单的善举 It was a freezing cold night in January. Huddled in one of the many shop doorways that doubled as a shelter, the young man stirred from his disturbed and fitful night’s sleep. His many layers had not prevented the cold and the numbness; the damp had not allowed him to rest. As his senses slowly returned, the footfall of commuters started to ring in his ears. But to them, he was invisible. He wasn’t that old; only nineteen and supposed to be attending university. But fate had played its cruel game and he was left on the streets to fend for his life. He had graduated high school at the top of his class and with a scholarship to Harvard. Then a sickness that had eventually taken the lives of his family, had forced him to put off his American hopes and desperately try to save his relatives. By the time the pandemic was over, he had lost everything. His family, his money, his home. Harvard was a broken dream. The man packed his belongings into a small backpack, picked up his guitar case and ventured to his spot on one of the streets of London. When he arrived, he sat down and took his guitar out of its beaten case and began to play some popular melodies. Occasionally, a passers-by would flick a penny into the case and continue on their way. It didn’t matter how much the man earned in a day as it was usually enough to keep him from starving. The cycle continued relentlessly; the flying coins still flew, and the notes and chord progressions were still played. This was until one person disrupted the pattern. It was a young girl who didn’t look much older the thirteen. She looked intensely at the man until he stopped playing. “Can I help you?” he asked in a kind but irritated tone. “I’ve seen you around here a lot lately. You are very good at playing guitar,” the girl said sheepishly. “Thank you.” “How has your day been?” It was this that took the man by surprise. In the year he had been on the streets, no one stopped to talk, let alone ask him how his day was. It was a simple act of kindness that made his day.
作者: Isheeta Lal – 9年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
纸杯蛋糕日 Last week, the school held cupcake day. It was a huge success and over 1600 cupcakes were sold! Many students, the majority were primary, contributed to making the cupcakes. There were countless different flavours and designs allowing all students to try their favourite one, or a kind they had never tried before, for new experience’s sake. The day was a superb opportunity for children to go and buy some sweet snacks with their friends and classmates. Seeing people in awe of the appealing cupcakes and hearing the younger kids scream “That’s my one!” made everyone’s hearts warmer and gave a strong feeling of friendship amongst the student body. Students who helped make the cupcakes were also able to see their wonderful creations sell out in no time, giving them a sense of achievement. Behind the scenes, immense effort went in from parents and friends too, by guiding and providing the children with all the equipment and ingredients they needed to whip up works of genius. Along with some coming to help sell the cupcakes on the day. So, a big thank you to everyone who helped make this day a success. Who knew something as simple as Cupcake Day could bring such a substantial group of people together? 作者: Anjika Sharma - 11 年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 的无板篮球 When term 2 rolled around, it brought with it the stress of exams, bad weather, winter uniform, and the start of the netball season. Trainings started, and soon after games. Netball is one of New Zealand’s most played sports, following rugby, of course. I have been playing netball since I was around 6 years old, it has been a big part of my life, and of many other people’s lives that I know too. At ACG Sunderland, netball is an important sector of the sports culture, and there are teams for almost every year level. Netball provides students with coaching and leadership opportunities, and chances to play for the school. This year has been an extremely successful season for netball, with the Senior A team coming first in their grade, and the Senior B team second in theirs. The Year 9 team has made it through to their semi-finals and is currently standing at the top of their grade. Other than netball being great for your fitness, it is also a very social sport where you can make loads of close friends, learn new skills, and develop good hand-eye coordination. Because netball is a non-contact sport, there are often less injuries, and netball is more COVID safe than most other sports. So, if you go to ACG Sunderland, and are looking for a sport to play, I highly recommend giving netball a shot (unintentional pun). Although the season is ending, next year will bring another successful one, for sure. Whether you enjoy shooting, defence or attack, I’m sure you will find just the right position with the help of our coaches. And feel free to ask any PE teachers for further details about starting netball. 作者: Amelia Lee – 9 年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
羽毛球 On every Monday morning at 6.30 am, I force myself out of bed to get ready for my morning badminton practice. When it was first announced that badminton sessions would be placed in every Monday morning, it was difficult for me to start my day earlier than I normally would, and get myself prepared for the following games that day. But it soon became part of my life, part of my routine. Though some days, I didn’t want to leave my bed till the sun rose and I didn’t want to attend any of my morning sessions or games. During the morning practice, we compete against our teammates and many other individuals so we can sharpen our skills, or we can learn and reflect on any challenges we may have. But surprisingly, I don’t have any regrets on joining the badminton team. Overall, this decision helped me to improve many different varieties of skills such as my strength, reducing my stress from my social life and allowing me to concentrate on my studies on the following day. Playing this sport also increased my speed, such as oscillating to the other side of the court rapidly and quickly. And because of this effort and hard work, I think that is the reason why our badminton team won a game last week – which left a jaunty look on my face for a while. 作者: Aileen Yim – 9年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
生存之战 Snow fell to the ground, blanketing the small town in a white powder. Bare trees could be found scattered in the park, while evergreens lined the streets. Most people were huddled in front of the blazing fireplace in their warm homes. Ice had gotten the best of the town and it coated the roads, causing the few people outside to tread carefully on their journeys. Winter had arrived and with it the cheer and joy of Christmas. Children were excited for their annual visit from Santa and were already writing out their wish lists. That happiness and comfort didn’t stretch to everyone though. Close to the outskirts of the town, past the frozen lake and just before the dark forest, a boy had nestled himself in a bush as protection from the oncoming storm. Desperate to find a permanent solution to his life on the run, he climbed out of his hiding place and started trudging through the deep layer of snow. He hadn’t eaten in a few days as the animals he usually hunted were hibernating for the winter. The tree nuts he had scavenged a few weeks earlier were beginning to grow scarce and the boy ate them in close moderation. Even then he didn’t consume them unless he felt too weak to move. His physical health had deteriorated alarmingly since he ran away. He used to be a strong, young kid but was now skin and a bit of muscle clinging to bone. There were dark circles underneath his eyes from sleepless nights and scars on his body that provided the memory of his fight for survival. The longer he travelled, the stronger the winds blew. The storm was fast approaching and if the boy wasn’t careful, he would be caught in it. The boy shivered, a chill running down his spine as he pulled his thin jacket closer around him. His surroundings looked barren, the snow and trees seeming to stretch for miles. There was no sign of life or shelter, causing him to regret his decision of leaving the bush. Despite his doubts, he continued to struggle through the snow; it was too late to turn back. To be continued… 待续 作者:Isheeta Lal – 9年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
封城 – 学生之见 Everyone has their opinions on lockdown. Some people really like it, others don’t. Personally I love lockdown. I love the fact that you can do school in your pyjamas, you can sleep in because you don’t have to worry about the drive (walk or bike) to school. But, lockdown still has its challenges – especially on rainy days. One of the main challenges of lockdown is being on devices all day, it’s really difficult when you have to stay online for 30+ minutes because your eyes get really sore. However, another good thing about lockdown is that you can work at your own pace. Normally lockdowns are quite quick and easy to deal with, but this lockdown is going to be very different and a lot harder because this time it is Delta that we’re dealing with, and as we know Delta is extremely infectious. This is how it all happened. The date is Tuesday the 17th of August 2021. It’s a sunny Tuesday at 2:40pm and a teacher comes in and tells us about the new case of COVID in Auckland; everyone looks up at the teacher and the class goes crazy, but I was confused; huh? What case? Then a few kids think he’s lying and start yelling ‘’There’s no new case!’’ and then everyone googles it, and the class begins to panic, and we become unsettled. The reactions start – the emotions in this room were crazy some kids were celebrating some were crying. Then at 2:53 the dean comes in and tells us that we are expecting a lockdown and we need to empty our lockers on our way out. Suddenly, its 3:08pm and the teacher lets us out early so we can empty our lockers. Even though there was COVID, people were hugging and then we started to head home. At 6:23pm Jacinda announces that Auckland and the Coromandel will be entering a 7-day level 4 lockdown, and the rest of the country will be entering a 3 day level 4 lockdown. Then at 7:17pm we receive the dreaded alarm sound. The alert on our devices to tell us we are entering lockdown soon. The next day online zoom classes began. Now, its Monday the 23rd of August and today at 4:00 pm Jacinda announced that Auckland will be in a level 4 lockdown until 11:59pm on Tuesday the 31st of August, and the rest of the country will remain at level 4 until Friday the 27th of august. Keep an eye out for part 2. 作者: Madison McDowall – 8年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
封城 – 学生之见 Being in lockdown, I’m always feeling like I’m losing track of time. To solve this problem, I went to great extents with experimenting to find out what works for me to be more productive. I eventually decided to record everything I do in a day so that I can look back on it. At first, it seemed like work. But as I kept going, I found that it was actually very enjoyable – so much that I made the short videos into a longer compilation of what is now a vlog! What originally had been a solution to my problems has now turned into my hobby. Recording bits of everyday life can be very interesting, so take a look at my video and decide for yourself whether it could work for you too! 作者: Jessie Wu – 9年级
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
学期计划每周更新 由于 Covid 4 级封城,第 5 周学期规划将更改,许多(如果不是全部) 活动都将推迟或取消。
Week Seven
6 September to 12 September
**AIMS Games**
Wednesday 8 September
8.30am-9.20am Y9 Hauora, TBA
Value of the Week: Self-Control
AIMS Games-Multisport (Hākinakina Matarau), One student 2.20pm-3.10pm Y10 Sex with Attitude, TBA Friday 10 September
Primary Scooter Day 12.40pm-1.30pm Y13 University of Auckland Course Planning, M02
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Week Nine
20 September to 26 September
Value of the Week: Resilience
Monday 20 September
1.30pm-3.00pm Primary Afternoon Production Show, Auditorium
Tuesday 21 September
Y8 Immunistation—HPV 2, TBC 1.30pm-3.00pm Primary Afternoon Production Show, Auditorium 5.30pm-7.00pm Primary Evening Production Show, Auditorium
Wednesday 22 September
5.30pm-7.00pm Primary Evening Production Show, Auditorium
Thursday 23 September
10.00am-1.30pm Primary Y5/6 Norwest Speech Competition, Royal Road School 2.40pm-300pm Primary Citizenship Assembly, Auditorium
Friday 24 September
Whole School Mufti Day 1.30pm-3.00pm College Talent Show Last Day of Term
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
公告栏 高中辅导课程 辅助课程是提供给高中部学生格外的学科指导。 你可以获得以下帮助内容以及需要你准备好的材料, • 复习过去的考试题 • 与课程相关的特定问题解疑 • 实践论文 • 关于课程的问题 • 老师审查你的具体科目的薄弱项
学习是需要主动的,记住老师希望你主动一些。这些辅助课程是一个很好的机会来和老师对于你的相应科目 有个更好的沟通
Thursday Friday
English literature Music
Physics Business Studies Mathematics Chemistry Biology Mathematics
Physical Education Physics Mathematics
Design & Technology Art Mathematics Mathematics
3:15pm – 4:00pm 3:20pm – 4:00pm
B14 L08
12.45 – 1.20 pm 3.15pm -4.00pm 3.30pm – 4.30pm
7:30am – 8:30 am 3.15pm -3.45pm 3.15pm -3.45pm
8:00am – 8:20am 12:45pm – 1:25pm 12:45pm – 1:15pm 8:00am – 8:20am 3:15pm - 4:30pm 3.10pm – 5:00pm 12.45pm – 1.20pm 12:40 - 1:15 pm
M03 L14 T07
L02 B14 B14
M01 B01 B14 M01 L07 TO1 M03 L02
ACG 桑德兰学生账单
如我在一月份邮件中提到的那样,我们在今年年初开始使用心得财务系统。实施进展顺利,我们要感谢 家长在通过银行转账到“通讯参考号”进行付款时修改了他们的参考。 少数父母不认识这个发件人地址 或者发现电子邮件直接进入到了垃圾邮箱。 如果您没有收到任何信息,请检查一下您的邮件,如往常一样,如果您有任何账户问题,请通过 [EMAIL] 与 [NAME] 或者 [NUMBER] 联系;如果您有任何账户问题,请于[NUMBER] 联系。
从2021年6月22日起不接受支票付款方式 ACG 桑德兰从2021年6月22日起将不再接受支票付款方式。所有付款将只能通过网上转账,前台刷卡或 者信用卡(2%额外费用)支付。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
与教练Nigel学习初级篮球 学习篮球运动的基础知识 • • • • • •
基本控球 步法 上篮 投球基础 防御 游戏规则
地点: ACG Sunderland GYM 时间: 自6月12日起每周六早上 5-10岁: 9am to 10am 10岁以上: 10am to 11am 需要携带: 水瓶 及自己的球,如果你愿意的话。 免费!!提供给ACG桑德兰学生 21
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG桑德兰Ball Committee舞会委员会正在筹款--请支持他们 加入Entertainment娱乐 会员,同时获得$40 或 $20的礼品卡和一个月会 费的减免,并自动获得 参与抽奖机会
如今天购买会员卡,其 中20%的费用自动进入 舞会委员会的筹款基金。 请支持我们,即刻认购。
以这种方式支持我们是您 明智的选择。 如今天加入会员,您会获 得抽奖机会,赢取价值 $1550澳币双人3晚的邮轮 乘坐/双人3晚免费宾馆住 宿/$200餐券/6瓶价值$60 并包邮费的葡萄酒(条件 限制,详情请参阅如下英 文链接)
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
YMCA 学校假日工作机会 YMCA 基督教青年会正在为在假期期间找工作的人举办招 聘日活动,如果我们有空位,则有机会参加我们的before and after school care programmes上学前和放学后的照顾 计划。 如果任何学生有兴趣,请点击下面的链接,上传简历并 回答几个问题,我们将由此联系你。 erestst
后勤部 Lenco 校服店 40 Patiki Road Avondale Auckland Tel 09 838 6164 January 2021 Reopen – Thursday 7th Jan Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 3.00pm 9 February 2021 Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm Closed Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and Public Holidays 所有校服均在网上商店销售
Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743.
员工邮件格式 Email format for staff is:
午餐预订– From Libelle You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Sunderland 二手校服店 二手校服的每日开放。请联系学校前台。 我们收购状况好的校服。西服必须提前干洗好。
失物招领 校内遗失物均可在学校二手校服店找到。 为了避免丢失您的物品,请将您的衣服,午餐盒, 水瓶标记好名字,如有遗失请在失物招领处查找。 或者我们看到也会送回教室。
学校联系方式 School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email:
2021学期 Term 2: Term 3: Term 4:
3 May to 2 July 26 July to 24 September 11 October to 7 December
2022 学期 Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4:
26 Jan to 14 April 2 May to 1 July 25 July to 23 September 10 October to 6 December
Traffic- Safety 带号码的车位属于员工停车位。
联系校车司机 不要在早上7点17分后通过电话或者信息的方式 联系校车司机,他们那时在开车将不能查看您的 信息。感谢您的支持。 24