ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
WINGS NEWSLETTER 亲爱的桑德兰的家长朋友们,
Vol 17, Term Four, Week Four, 5 November 2021
本周早些时候,随着远北地区被移至3级警戒,我觉得在奥克兰任何小学回归"面 对面"学习还有一段时间。也许周末或下周初会有更多细节。让我们拭目以待吧。 积极的一面是,考试继续在ACG桑德兰这里顺利并成功地进行着。学生待在一个 小组,扫描、戴口罩并保持社交距离。 事实上,在我看来,本此活动也许是有史 以来最顺利的一次。
Mrs Chartrand和我借机参加了本周的一些小学Zoom课程。我们在锁定状态下已经 大约有12周,我真的很享受这种对孩子们学习的深入观察和体验。
这段时间里,孩子们和工作人员的对学习和工作的投入给我留下了深刻的印象。 孩子们显然在尽力而为,这就是我们所能要求和期待的。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
自从上周六我们第一次“虚拟”开放日以来,我们一直忙于招生。我们有大约 30 个 小组加入我们的 Zoom招生会。我们能够提供网络研讨会形式的学校介绍和答疑。 这实际上是个新颖的方式同时也带来了很多乐趣。在问答问题环节接近尾声时我们 还收到了一些很棒的问题。 如果任何家长想要查看录制的招生会的话,请参看如 下链接。 正如上周的学校简讯和一封信中所陈述的,这个星期五被分配为学生和教职员工课 外自由活动一天。 我们承认,这种长时间的锁定对每个人都是一个挑战。我们提倡每个人都远离屏幕 的一段时间进行些户外活动。春天的天气变化无常。我们期待有个好的天气 享受 这个长周末。
Aspire. Succeed. Respect.
Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland
本周人生价值思考: 慷慨 善良大方的品质。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
小学网课 本周之星 1JH - Grayson Tan for completing all his work on his own and for showing great perseverance. 1NG - David Viner for working hard in his spelling. 1CS - Amber Yan for the best mummy outfit in our Halloween competition. 1NC - Matilda Townshend for showing confidence in sharing her answers and for showing diligence and perseverance to complete her tasks in the online learning. 2AV - Oliver Barnes for actively participating in class activities and discussions. 2SB - Alysa Chen for her amazing effort during our testing sessions last week. Well done! 3MH - Edin Cao for a great effort and improvement in his online learning. Keep it up! 3BR - Carlos Yi for actively participating in Zoom classes with enthusiasm. 4CF - Katie Feng for growing confidence in sharing her ideas in front of others. 5WB - Brooklynn McKeown for amazing improvement in his testing, well done 5CW - Ryan Shingles for his amazing talent on the drums :6SL - Ryan Melvin for his excellent focus and effort during zoom lessons.
祝贺1CS班在奥克兰动物园组织的由全国范围的小学和初 中同学参加的海洋动物保护活动竞赛中进入前三名 1CS have won the Auckland Zoo / Mazda Take action for Taiao Schools Competition – They competed against primary and intermediate schools from all over New Zealand and really impressed the judges even though they are so young. Kia ora Cass, We are so excited to announce that your group were one of our top 3 winners for the whole competition! Both the Conservation Learning team at Auckland Zoo and the judges over at MAZDA NZ were so impressed with 1CS and their amazing efforts in helping to raise awareness about acting safely around marine mammals in the local area! 3
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
小学网课 1NC的万圣节 和 超级明星网上舞会
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
小学 小学网课
1 和3年级视觉艺术课上同学们制作的恐怖 南瓜灯
Alice Philips – 1CS
Deanna Patel – 3BR
Lucas Wang– 3BR
Serena Xin Xuan– 1CS
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
小学网课 小学万圣节网上集会
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
九年级同学一直在围绕“在表面”这一主题进行艺术创作。对这一主题的解释由他们通过 自己的艺术作品来展示出来。 以下大部分艺术品都是我们从整个锁定过程中同学们完成的许作品中最终选定出来的。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
8年级同学“仲夏夜之梦”的Storyboards 作者:Jeremiah Sudeep and Kevin Fang
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
8年级的故事-- Savera Sidhu and Nicholas Qin
值得纪念的一天 作者: Savera Sidhu I sat there, fiddling with my fingers while waiting for my bus. It was dark and gloomy, and the sky was overcast with thick clouds. Suddenly, I got a notification on my phone. I picked it up and had a peek, hoping someone had remembered it was my birthday, but it was the school secretary. She told me I had to go somewhere at once, and that I would be picked up by a taxi. As clueless as I was, I got up and slowly walked over to the taxi. I eyed the driver nervously and clenched my teeth. “Get in”, he grumbled. I sat inside the taxi, and off I went. I got out of the taxi and looked up. There was a massive house, looming over me. I gulped and walked inside. The floor creaked beneath my feet, sending a shiver down my spine. I was about to take a step, but I spotted something beneath my feet and froze. It was a big, red puddle. I wanted to scream, but I was too horrified. I examined the big blotch, and as much as I didn’t want to, I touched the red substance. Was it blood? I smelled it and felt a sudden relief. It smelt like strawberries. After that traumatic experience, I got up and heard a loud BANG. I looked around cautiously and went upstairs, being as quiet as possible. I heard some whispering and started to panic. The Rapunzel inside me nudged me, and I picked up a pan which was near me for protection. “Show yourself!” I shouted, feeling goosebumps rise on my skin. All of a sudden, I saw a group of people jump out behind all the tables. I felt butterflies in my stomach and smiled. My friends shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Cliffhanger but I’m Actually Cliffed Hanged 作者: Chuan (Nicholas) Qin “Alright everyone, remember to finish pages 6 – 15 in your coursebooks. We will be marking those the first day of next term” announced Mrs. Fleet. I was in a hurry to go back home to watch the football league, so I smooshed every book I found on my desk into my backpack. My mum said she was going to pick me up today, but I’d been waiting out at the front for half an hour since school ended. She must’ve been so busy and forgotten. I mean she is the manager of a head office. I decided to peer around the pathway to see if she was parked anywhere…Maybe the front was too busy because of all the parents collecting their kids from school on the last day. SUDDENLY, I was covered with a blindfold – all I could visualize was darkness. It felt like someone behind me was dragging me backwards. I yelled for help, but I then got knocked out… “Hello. Hello, anyone there?” I couldn’t move. It felt as like a snake had been tangled up on me…I could smell things burning, was I near a fireplace? The wind was so strong here, it blew my blindfold off at once! “NO WAY!” I exclaimed from the top of my lungs, ittttt wasss aaaa burnnniinnnng house…IT WAS A BURNING HOUSE!!! Seeing the timber and structure collapsing, my soul nearly left my body… I then got knocked out again, from a branch falling onto the back of my head… The smell got closer; I couldn’t breathe at all. I was suffering. Someone had locked me inside the burning house. Thankfully there was a window I could breathe through, but it still didn’t help much. A weird noise shivered my ears - it sounded like a someone was approaching me. I looked back; it was 5 pumpkins placed on a dining table. I couldn’t think more than see what was inside the carved hole. But the fire was fuming - I had to escape. I took one pumpkin and went crazy around a mysterious room. I knocked on all the visible doors I could still see, while lacking any air. Then suddenly I fainted, I suffocated from the smoke entering my body… I woke up AGAIN! Seeing this time, I wouldn’t wake up again. I was hanging from side of a cliff… I had blood dripping down my legs, my face was beaten… I looked down, and saw the pumpkin that I took, it had a note in it… “Look Behind You!” it read. I painfully turned my head not even 90 degrees, and I saw someone I never thought I would…
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
🎃🎃 DEVEREUX先生的万圣节轶事展! 与高年级学生分享一些有关万圣节的一些有趣的事实 What was the first jack o lantern made of? Turnips Where did Halloween originate from? Ireland Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable? Fruit What was Dracula’s real name? Vlad the Impaler What was Dracula’s real name? Vlad the Impaler Where do pumpkins grow? On vines The Muppet vampire Count von Count from Sesame Street is based on an actual vampire character What do Werewolves hate? Silver
In which year did a full moon occur on Halloween? 2020 What are Mr Devereux’s favourite sweets? Fruit Jubes 11
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
学生与Mr O’Connor上音乐课
好几个月后,能回到教室与我的一些学生面对面教学真是太好了。奇怪的是, 我们过去认为和别人在一起是理所当然的。我们当然错过了音乐科目的所有乐 器方面面对面的教学, 但我试图给我的学生一些实用的音乐在家里学习并给与 网上指导。有些结果很棒。音乐永存。 这是我的高年级音乐学生的照片,他们 目前正在准备他们的期末考试。我祝他 们一切顺利。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
10年级同学的短故事 万圣节的惊悚故事, 以及庆祝Diwali灯节和感恩的故事
50字好消息: I heard her footsteps as she walked towards my room, I knew it was my sister. She asked for my chips, I told her no and to get out. She reached the door and for the first time in her entire life, she closed my door, leaving no gaps. Wow. The cat stretched, basking in the sunlight streaming from the window. He peeked up, curling his paws around the windowsill. With a leap, and a pull he landed squarely on the ledge, still enjoying the sunlight. His fur, striped and soft, felt warm in the light. He went to sleep. The old Prius rattled up the driveway. You could see Martha bouncing around the back seat, and the older Steven with a smile resting on his face. He was just as excited, though he was a bit more quiet about it. Today was the long-awaited day they finally adopted a puppy.
5字的: Today, there is no homework. Exams are cancelled this year. I nearly got run over. Congratulations, the baby is fine. My nose is finally unblocked. You’re not the only one. I can get a haircut.
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
50字的坏消息: Sometimes I feel like I'm watching my life through a tv screen. I always thought it was just in my head but now I’m not in control, not of my own body, or thoughts. All I can do is watch. They say it's illness, but my reflection moves without me. How the hell do I find myself in these situations, surrounded by monsters, the size of sky scrapers and me in a mech fighting them off, to stop them from reaching the base where the last of humanity is? All I know is that I am going to need a lot of coffee after this. The noises weren't rats. I shouldn't have moved here, I knew I shouldn't have. From the first night I thought it was just animals. I have been trying to get someone to help, but I don't think they can hear me through the walls, especially when I'm stuck between them. The port shimmered in the night. The sea stretched across the horizon, lapping at the heels of the dock. Foam swirled around the port. The blues and whites, stunning in the night, contrasted well against the red that dripped from his hands. He dropped the gun into infinity. Gone forever. Mr Keen called me to his office. I fixed my uniform, hid my necklace, thought about everything I had done wrong in the past month at school. Scared for my life, I knocked on his door, three times. He looked at me and left his office. Do I follow him?
5字的: Sorry – there’s no more coffee. The breathing isn’t mine now. Mr Keen has emailed me. English exam: “Three minutes left!” It was sadly Monday morning. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Mum finding I missed Zoom. Mrs Townsend chasing my homework.
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
归还学校图书馆的借书 如果您的孩子有任何学校图书馆的书籍,他们是从学校图书馆 借来的,请在第四学期结束前归还这些书。 您可以在上午 9 点和下午 3 点 30 分直接的任何一个学校日将这 些书留在学校接待处外指定的一个塑料容器中。 如果这是您孩子在 ACG 桑德兰上学的最后一年,所有图书馆书 籍必须在 12 月 3 日(星期五)之前归还。
请不要在周末把这些书带进来并把它们留 在校外面。 15
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
访问网站看 书目录,下 单在LOOP平 台上
网址: 订单超过$35免邮费送货到家
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
与Mr Baker 和 Miss Van Rooyen一起支持男士 的身体健康
请在下面网站上 捐款
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
高中辅导课程 辅助课程是提供给高中部学生额外的学科指导。重点是同学们要有准备而来参加。 带着你的问题而来, 你不仅限于以下方面可以获得帮助,如 • 复习过去的考试题 • 与课程相关的特定问题解疑 • 实践论文 • 关于课程的问题 • 老师审查你的具体科目的薄弱项 学习是需要主动的,记住老师希望你主动一些。问题要具体。这些辅助课程是你在相应科目的老师指导下认 真研究每个课件要求的一个很好的机会。
ACG 桑德兰学生账单 如我在一月份邮件中提到的那样,我们在今年年初开始使用新的财务系统。实施进展顺利,我们要 感谢家长在通过网上银行转账时使用Communication Ref No 后面的号码做为转账的参考号。 少数父母不认识这个发件人地址 或者发现电子邮件直接进入到了垃圾 邮箱。如果您没有收到任何信息,请检查一下您的邮件,如往常一样,如果您有任何账户问题,请 通过 [EMAIL] 与 [NAME] 或者 [NUMBER] 联系;如果您有任何账户问题,请于[Mandy Allen at or 09 838 7070
从2021年6月22日起不接受支票付款方式 ACG 桑德兰从2021年6月22日起将不再接受支票付款方式。所有付款将只能通过网上转账,前台刷卡或 者信用卡(2%额外费用)支付。 请注意学校前台和café不提供提现金服务。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
UBIQ 已决定在 2022 学年不进行二手回购购买活动。 这不是他们轻率的决定,因为他们觉得这是一个能提供给来ACG学习的 学生和家庭有意义的服务。
然而,鉴于最近和正在进行的社区中可传播的Covid-19三角洲变种的爆 发以及随后的警戒级别变化,他们强烈地感到需要持续的谨慎和小心。 鉴于我们校园学生的规模,以及基于最近在一些校园内出现的病毒传播 事件的考虑,我们更要格外谨慎。
基于以上原因,UBIQ 不愿意将员工、ACG 学生及其家人置于危险境地 才做出此艰难的决定。 UBIQ 真诚地为由此造成的不便表示歉意,并期待 2022 年是更安全的 一年。
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG桑德兰Ball Committee舞会委员会正在筹款--请支持他们 加入Entertainment娱乐 会员,同时获得$40 或 $20的礼品卡和一个月会 费的减免,并自动获得 参与抽奖机会
如今天购买会员卡,其 中20%的费用自动进入 舞会委员会的筹款基金。 请支持我们,即刻认购。
以这种方式支持我们是您 明智的选择。 如今天加入会员,您会获 得抽奖机会,赢取价值 $1550澳币双人3晚的邮轮 乘坐/双人3晚免费宾馆住 宿/$200餐券/6瓶价值$60 并包邮费的葡萄酒(条件 限制,详情请参阅如下英 文链接)
后勤部 Lenco 校服店 40 Patiki Road Avondale Auckland Tel 09 838 6164 January 2021 Reopen – Thursday 7th Jan Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm Saturday 9.00am – 3.00pm 9 February 2021 Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm Closed Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and Public Holidays 所有校服均在网上商店销售
Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743.
员工邮件格式 Email format for staff is:
午餐预订– From Libelle You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!
ACG Sunderland 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Sunderland 二手校服店 二手校服的每日开放。请联系学校前台。 我们收购状况好的校服。西服必须提前干洗好。
失物招领 校内遗失物均可在学校二手校服店找到。 为了避免丢失您的物品,请将您的衣服,午餐盒, 水瓶标记好名字,如有遗失请在失物招领处查找。 或者我们看到也会送回教室。
学校联系方式 School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email:
2021学期 Term 4:
11 October to 7 December
2022 学期 Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4:
26 Jan to 14 April 2 May to 1 July 25 July to 23 September 10 October to 6 December
Traffic- Safety 带号码的车位属于员工停车位。
联系校车司机 不要在早上7点17分后通过电话或者信息的方式 联系校车司机,他们那时在开车将不能查看您的 信息。感谢您的支持。 21