ACG Sunderland Newsletter - 9 September 2022

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Staff will again be offering tutorials over the upcoming holidays this tutorial timetable will be finalised in the next week or so and will be available to students and parents very soon, with Mr Robson overseeing this.

ACG WINGSSUNDERLANDNEWSLETTERVol18,TermThree,WeekSeven,9September2022 Open Day - 17 September 10.30am – 2.30pm

A reminder that, for all other students, an interim report will be available at the end of this term, with Years Five to Ten all sitting examinations next term. Details, and an examination timetable will also be available very soon. Last week the Lower College had a great speaker in. I know Darren Pereira for many years he is based in Australia and has presented all around the world.

All our senior students have completed their mock examinations this week, mirroring the length and style of the assessments which they will sit in the upcoming high stake Cambridge exams.

Students will then be receiving their results over the next week or so, getting feedback on how they are currently progressing. These seniors will then receive full academic reports at the end of the term, with all the important feedforward as they finish their preparation over the holiday break.

Dear Parents and Friends of Sunderland,

next week is:

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 2

The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with. Here at Sunderland, he spoke about Resilience and over the course of two periods Darren unpacked his ‘Road to Resilience’ programme. The students completed a worksheet to accompany the presentation giving our young College students some strategies to move forward with. This presentation forms the beginning of a series of programmes that Sunderland will be presenting to students and parents. Please do ask your child about the presentation from last week and if you would like a copy of this booklet please email Mrs Rebecca Lambarth.

Aspire. Succeed. Respect. Nathan ValueACGCampusVillarsPrincipalSunderlandforthe


Most of you will be aware that Mandy Allen has moved on from Sunderland after 14 years. She has moved back to the motor industry from where she originally used to work. I personally wish Mandy all the very best with her career change. We have been fortunate to replace Mandy with Hilary Young. Hilary is already an employee of ACG and was doing the accounts for ACG Tauranga. Hilary grew up in West Auckland and still lives north of the school. Hilary has made a wonderful transition to Sunderland, so please don’t hesitate to pop in and see her if you have account concerns. As most of you may be aware, Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at Balmoral aged 96. We send our condolences to the Royal Family and mourn the loss of a great sovereign. In respect our school flags will be at half mast for the following 10 days. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 3 Early Learning SchoolUnder2’sRoomJuniorRoomThis week, we are exploring the colour blocks! We pick them up, stack them to build towers and knock them over. The tamariki are practising their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination skill. The Junior Room children have a learning focus of art exploration this week, using a variety of art materials such as pom poms, paint, glue, and collage materials. The children are encouraged to become artists and create masterpieces!

We started our Jolly Phonics program, to teach children how to identify different letter sounds (of the alphabet) so they can read and eventually write them. This week Children learned the letter “O”. Children also painted beautiful spring flowers and learned different flowers names.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 4

Welcome Spring! Children had a great time exploring in and outside the play area. It was another exciting week learning with our Early Learning School children.

Early Learning



3HAS Balaark Iyer for always trying his best with his learning.

6DOO - Hans Meng for his excellent attitude towards his learning and the fantastic effort he puts into reading.

3YAN - Stella Chen for writing an interesting story, using good adjectives.

1BTR - Bryan Xu for fantastic effort in coffee painting.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 5 Primary

1CAR Navya Kanaparthy for participating actively in class activities and for showing diligence in doing her tasks.

1GLC Aiden Tian for trying his best in class.

5RIC - Bobby Paul for always showing selflessness and acceptance of others.

4RYN - Georgia Mu for showing more accountability for her learning.

2ZOU Wallace Jin for demonstrating enthusiasm to extend his learning.

5BAK - Nathan Zheng for always being a helpful student.

2SHA Natalie Tapelu for her hard work in mathematics.

6LIM - George Watts for his excellent work ethic.

4SMI - Reanna Yang for her positive attitude and commitment to her learning.

1HOC Greg Meng for great work ethic.

3SEA - Ishan Sapkal for his vibrant positive attitude.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 6 Primary Last week Sophia Omar 5BAK received the Upper Primary trophy. Congratulations Our Lower Primary trophy winner this week is Layla Tang 1GLC. Congratulations 118 scooters lined up for Y1-3 scooter day on Thursday

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 7 Primary Week 7 Primary Assembly Photos

Last Thursday 1st September 26 students from years 7 and 8 attended the Norwest Zones Cross Country Championships at Miruwai Beach. While everyone did their best on the day it was the Year Seven boys that achieved most success. Kona Kelly was successful in achieving 2nd place overall. The team event comprised of the combined scores of the first 5 runners home. The Sunderland year 7 Boys team had the lowest overall score to become Norwest Champions. 7


Year 7 Zones Cross Country Success

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 8 College

There are a lot of different ways people like relax. Some people like to go out and shop for some retail therapy (remember that you need money to shop before considering this option), some go out with friends and hang out or watch a movie. Others who don’t like being around a lot of people or leaving the home will enjoy staying inside and watching their favourite TV show or movie. I know that I’ve been bingeing some Netflix shows and Marvel movies since my exams ended. Maybe you’re not the kind of person to relax easily because you’re a perfectionist and/or overachiever who always needs to be working to be better. That’s also okay. But all of us are only human. So are our teachers who are busy marking in what’s probably supposed to be their free time. It’s important to know when you need a break, to know when you can stop working at your full capacity and take a bit of time to recharge before the external exams which start in about a month. These tips can also apply to our lower college students who will be sitting internal exams next term and Year 9s who will be sitting their Secondary Checkpoint exams as well. Study hard but remember to take breaks and treat yourself to some comfort food and TV from time to time.

By Isheeta Lal - Year 10

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 9 College

As for our seniors, take a bit of time before you get all your results back so you can recharge before you take the real thing next term.

Exam Recovery

Mock exams for the seniors and some of the Year 10s are now over, with some students already getting results back for some of their papers. It’s no secret that these exams have caused some stress, not just in students, but also in the teachers who are now busy with marking. Before exam sessions, we had people in the cafeteria and in the corridors getting in some extra study just before their exam was due to start. That was all exam revision; now it’s time for the exam recovery stage.

Just as you put in a lot of effort to revise and prepare for your exams, it’s also important to put some effort into relaxing and destressing afterwards. Yes, these mocks are an opportunity for you to learn what you need to spend some extra time studying before the real thing, but before you set about doing that, you should sit back and unwind.

By Zyna Sen - Year 10

Sunderland on Service is a great opportunity for many students, and beneficial to them in multiple Volunteeringways.benefits

Sunderland on Service

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 10 College

both you and those you help. You can gain new knowledge, grow as a leader, and boost your self assurance by helping others. In general, by lending a hand to others, you may change the world. This makes you feel good about your community involvement as well. There are numerous ways to volunteer and get engaged; you may lend a hand to your neighbours by organising their garage or cleaning up their garden. Involvement in school activities such as coaching sports or helping out with after school activities, like garden cleanups are other options. My life has changed significantly as a result of the Sunderland service I am currently involved in. Sunderland on Service is truly a terrific chance to grow in self assurance and respect. As a reward for your efforts, you are given a badge once you have completed a certain number of hours. Sunderland on Service is a wonderful opportunity, so I urge everyone to try it.

‘No Planet B’ Hydrogen Fuel or Fossil Fuels?

Unlike most fuels, burning hydrogen for energy does not contribute to climate change. This is because burning hydrogen does not produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Instead, in a hydrogen fuel cell, the only emissions are water vapour. This sounds great, right? So why haven’t we replaced fossil fuels with hydrogen yet?

The idea of a “hydrogen economy” was quite popular in the 1970s, introducing hydrogen as a new fuel for transportation as oil prices were rising quickly at the time.

Although hydrogen fuels are great news considering climate change, pure hydrogen is quite rare on Earth. The processes we go through to create hydrogen emits even more carbon dioxide! This is exactly what we are trying to avoid. The most popular production method is perhaps known as Steam Methane Reforming (SMR), where methane a major constituent of natural gas is reacted with steam under high pressure to produce hydrogen, but also carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (science students will know the harmful However,effects).ifhydrogen were to become a climate solution, there is another type called “green” hydrogen, which is made by using renewable energy to separate hydrogen from water, called electrolysis! Electrolysis is just a process which can breakdown substances, such as water, into smaller components. Even so, this process requires a lot of electrical power electricity which could be used for our own homes instead!

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 11 College

Although hydrogen provides Earth a chance to move to a “cleaner” source of fuel, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, there are still many flaws of it that need to be overcome.

By Jessica Liu - Year 12

Overall, it was an incredible experience and I’m glad to have had this opportunity to represent my country in such a prestigious tournament.

Being my first Olympiad, I wasn’t exactly familiar with all the rules and regulations that came with playing in a tournament like this. All the anti cheating ones seemed fairly obvious, but there were some things that I wasn’t sure of before I played in this tournament. For example, there were two metal detectors to go through, and security checks for anyone wishing to enter the venue. There was also an almost paparazzi like crowd of local chess fans who had come out to see the players; and there was even a food court and a stage where there would be performances which we got to see before the round. I had never played in a tournament which was so team focused either. Since the final result didn’t depend on one player, but the collective result of the team, there was a lot of keeping an eye on everyone else’s games. There was also a refreshments room where my teammates and I would go before the round to get things like sodas, chocolates and some even got tea, coffee, and biscuits! Seeing as I had my first ever mocks only a few weeks after I got back from India, I was a little concerned about falling behind on my schoolwork. Thankfully, many of my teachers gave me all the work I needed to do and much of it was also posted on Blackboard and OneNote which helped me catch up when I got back. I didn’t have much time to do schoolwork in India, most of the time I was either playing my game or preparing to play my game.

Anya Thurner - Year 10

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 12 College Chess Olympiad

Approximately 6 weeks ago, the 44th International Chess Olympiad was held, with around 1700 players from 187 countries attending. I was lucky enough to be one of them, along with 9 other Kiwis to travel to Chennai, India and play for Team New Zealand. I won’t ramble on for too long about all the technical details about this tournament believe me I could, there is a lot to talk about with big tournaments like this but I will say that one thing that made NZ’s women’s team stand out is that we had the third youngest age in the women’s section, with a 19, 18, 14, 13, and 12 year old bringing us to an average age of 15.4; we were only beaten in age by Ivory Coast (14.25) and Cape Verde (14.8).

“Mathex felt like what can only be described as a sprint, both for the runner, and the mathematicians. 30 minutes of some of the nastiest problem solving ever thought up, to find the team that will be able to say with some certainty, that they are the best problem solvers of the city.” Mathex

“Attending this year’s Mathex was an incredible experience with such an excited and enthusiastic audience, as well as some very competitive teams. I’m glad we got to compete, and I’m pleased with our results!”

It was great to be back after Covid interrupted past Mathex Comps, and we returned with aplomb, scoring the highest totals we have ever done. So many of our teams scored the maximum count of 100, and the others got nearly there I am so proud of the success of our Herestudents!iswhatsome of the students had to say:

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 13 College

“Mathex was really fun, and I enjoyed everything about it. The questions were quite difficult, but an interesting change to regular word problems.”

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 14 College University Course Planning – Term 3

Please be reminded that school starts at 8.30am. Students must arrive by 8.15am and they will be marked absent if they are not in class by 8.30am.

ACG Sunderland is a water only school and Lunch Orders will not provide any other drinks/ice blocks. If any drink or ice block items are ordered, this will be substituted for another item/s that is of the same value.

Lunch Orders

Sundry Purchases

Arrival at School

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 15

Notices2ndUniform Shop

Please ensure that ALL your child’s belongings are labelled with their name.

A reminder that the 2nd hand uniform shop is no longer sending cheques out or able to pay into your school account for uniform items sold on behalf. If you know you have uniform items in the shop to sell, please go to reception or ring the school with a bank account number to deposit the funds. No bank account number – no payment

If you are purchasing sundry items from Reception like calculators, badges etc, can you please ensure your child has the correct money as we do not have change at reception. We are unable to put these on your school account.

Lost Property We are accumulating an awful lot of lost property – uniforms, drink bottles, lunch boxes, shoes etc.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 16

NoticesSchool & Cups

If you were presented with a school trophy or cup at last years prizegiving, it is time to dust them off and bring them back to school. You can drop these off to the School Reception on any school day during the hours of 9.00am and 3.30pm. All trophies and cups must be returned no later than Friday 23 September (Last day of term)


Please DO NOT bring these in on the weekend and leave them outside.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 17 Notices

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 18 Notices

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 19 Notices ACG NZ 2024 Term Dates Term Dates sDay sWeek Public Holidays One January 25 (Thu) April 12 (Fri) 51 12 Auck Anniv Jan 29 (Mon); School closed Feb 5 (Mon); Waitangi Day Feb 6 (Tue); Easter: Mar 29 (Fri) Apr 2 (Tue) Two April 29 (Mon) June 27 (Thu) 43 9 Queen’s Birthday Jun 3 (Mon) Three July 22 (Mon) September 27 (Fri) 50 10 Four October 14 (Mon) December 3 (Tue) 41 9 Labour Day Oct 28 (Mon) Student Orientation/Tutor meetings/Course confirmation Days January 23, 24 Tuition commences January 25

your coursework •

Tutorials are offered to students as a means to give extra support and guidance. The key to tutorials is be prepared. Examples of what you could get help with and what you should bring but not limited to on


• Review past exam questions • Specific questions related to the course • Practice essays • Questions

Teacher is reviewing a specific area you are not confident in. The key is being specific, remember staff like it when you are proactive. The tutorial is the opportunity to look closely at the requirements of a piece of work with the guidance of a staff member.

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 20

Dear parents and students, as you maybe knowing service is a crucial value that should be practised by all ages. Here at Sunderland we want to recognise those who already do active selfless service at home or in their community, but most importantly we would like those who don’t really do active service to be given a chance and to be educated about service, and this can be reached through Sunderland On Service (S.O.S).

How to get involved or get your badge?

What is our Mission statement?

We will be putting up information about different activities that can be done on our notice board and will be posting more information soon. You can collect a sheet at reception to fill in with your hours or find it on blackboard, and it can be handed back to reception so that we can award you for your outstanding service. Anything you want to count as your hours should be done as a volunteer, meaning you shouldn’t be paid for doing it. Remember to keep the service age appropriate. Below is the information for the badges:

ACG09Sunderland8387070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 21

To develop the values of service and respect by helping others in our school and community.


To actively contribute within our communities, display values of selflessness, enthusiasm and determination.

Sunderland on Service at ACG Sunderland

Open Tuesday, Thursday from 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday from 9.00am to 1.00pm

You can order your child's yummy and healthy lunches at

Lenco School Wear Shop 40 Patiki

Staff Emails Email format for staff

Term 3: 25 July to 23 September Term 4: 10 October to 6 December

2023 Term Dates

Second-Hand Uniform Shop

Ground Crew

Closed Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Public Holidays

The shop is open. Please ask at reception for access. We are taking good quality uniform items for the second hand shop. Blazers must be dry cleaned.


2022 Term Dates


Lost Property All lost property can be found by the Second Hand Uniform Shop. For your best interest, please name all clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles, as we will return all named items to the student’s homeroom teacher. School Contact Details School Office: Phone: 838 7070

Please note that numbered car parks are for staff. Please do not park in the numbered carparks. Contacting School Bus Drivers Please do not ring or text the drivers after 7.15am as they will not be checking their cell phones while they are driving. Thank you for your support.


Attendance: Web:

Address: 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson Waitakere 0610 Email:

Traffic- Safety

As a reminder all school uniform continues to be available for purchase online on our Lenco website wear acg sunderland/ Kids at School Care Kids at School Care operates in G02, Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 8.20am and 3.10pm to 5.45pm. They also run a Holiday Programme. Contact Beth Rivero for enrolment and fees information by email or Phone: 022 394 5743.

Lunch Orders – From Libelle

6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland 22

Cut off time for ordering same day is at 8.30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Lunch Orders team via email on or flick a message on the Lunch Orders FB Messenger. Happy Lunch Ordering!Nocash out service available.

Term 1: 26 January to 6 April Term 2: 26 April to 30 June Term 3: 24 July to 22 September Term 4: 9 October to 8 DecemberSunderland

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