School Re-opening Contingency Plan Webinar Presentation

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Welcome and Introductions SHAWN HUTCHINSON










Unofficially, we plan to continue virtual schooling until 12 June. We are waiting on official updates from the Ministry of Education. 12 June marks the end of the 2019-2020 academic year.


Upcoming Events


e-Graduation Friday 5 June 2pm


Secondary e-Prizegiving Friday 12 June 9am


End of Year e-Assembly Friday 12 June 8am

Classes will officially end on Thursday,11 June On Friday, 12 June, we will hold the End of Year Assembly and Secondary School Prizegiving via Youtube, followed by Homeroom and Advisory class farewell sessions

End of Year Procedures

Library resource returns – information is available from homeroom teachers and advisors. This includes all textbooks, library books and any digital devices borrowed Sports uniforms – returned to security with Student Name and Year Level clearly labelled Academic Reports – released and available on ManageBac on Friday, 12 June Visit our website and the “Parent Essentials” section for document requests, student withdrawal form etc.




Context Our priority is always to educate our students while maintaining the safety and wellbeing of all our students and staff.



Government directives Key Health and Safety guidance will need to be considered to reopen safely for students and staff Hybrid pedagogies may need to be considered to teach virtual and regular classes either simultaneously or alongside each other There may need to be a continuum of practice in response to the local context Surveying parents ahead of opening is key to being able to plan Adapt programmes at short notice as there may be a degree of uncertainty over the actual number of students attending each day



Scenario #1 School Reopens fully on 10 August with all students and staff in attendance and safeguarding and practices in place

Scenario #2 Due to government regulations, the School partially reopens with a hybrid approach implemented – combining virtual and regular classes

Scenario #3 Due to government regulations, virtual schooling continues


Possible Safeguarding and Practices on Re-opening

Parent survey before opening – mid July Reduced numbers of students in classrooms Scattered schedule (mornings and afternoons/weekdays) Reorganization of school spaces Student Bubbles Staff Separation in Teams Contact Tracing Off class social distancing rules and procedures School entry and exit procedures Usage of masks Cleaning procedures/Classroom hygiene Hygienic procedures Staff that are vulnerable or immunocompromised

SURVEY BEFORE OPENING This is a crucial first step to understand how many students will be at school. This will inform staffing and curriculum and pedagogy decisions...


16 To maintain social distancing, the usage of school facilities may be different from their regular usage.



Students could be divided into bubbles Size of bubbles? Families in the same bubble. How to divide the students? 1-2 adults per bubble? A teacher full time with each bubble is preferable and then all the other subject teachers teach online.


Procedures: Bubbles have their own areas - bathroom, playground, canteen. A map with the bubbles should be sent to staff and parents before opening.


Staff Teams Staff may be divided into teams. Size of teams - depends on local government requirements. Each team has their own area - bathroom, work room, coffee space. There should be no contact between staff members from different bubbles. Support staff will be at school and they also form bubbles and allocated areas should be assigned Staff should bring their cutlery and crockery for coffee and lunch purposes. No cutlery and crockery should be shared among staff.



Each bubble of students may have their own contact tracing register, which identifies daily attendance for the bubble, and records of who each student may have had contact with during the day. This may be managed by the teacher in charge of each bubble. All staff may be required to sign in each day completing the contact tracing form. Necessary contractors will complete a contact tracing form and will not have contact with student bubbles. Deliveries will be managed without contact.

Possible procedures include: A distance of 2m must be kept at all times - ensure that students are never in groups of more than two while inside and five while outside. Place signs on the ground, with adhesive tape or similar, to ensure that the 2m is respected in places where queues can be expected.

Off Class Social Distancing Procedures

Students can be at school only during scheduled class times. Students cannot arrive early and have to leave the school when classes end; it will not be possible to stay on school premises after classes end. Introduce multiple staggered breaks throughout the day to reduce crowding, where possible.



Possible procedures include: Students must enter the classrooms in line with 2m of distance. Students should always sit in the same seat in the same classroom, except for subjects with specific classrooms - labs, etc.. When entering the classroom, students and teachers must wash their hands with soap or sanitizer. Once inside the classroom, the student must sit down, and only after the student is seated can the next student enter the class. Inside the classroom students cannot move around.


The teacher can move, maintaining the distance of 1.5m. End of class - students should leave the class one by one in alphabetical order and use sanitizer at the exit.


Possible procedures include: Playground divided into areas, marked and assigned per Bubble. Teachers should monitor that 2m distance is kept. Play equipment, such as balls will not be available and cannot be brought from home.


Monitors will have whistles to call for attention. Monitors will have walkie talkies to contact school assistants and security..

Plastic and non-porous toys should be cleaned with a disinfectant wipe after use.


Early Years students should have a group of toys to use for themselves each day


Bathrooms Possible procedures include: Assigned to bubbles. Students and staff must wash their hands properly and dry them thoroughly. Hand sanitizer should be available to be used upon entry and exit of the bathrooms. Avoid using "hand dryers" use disposable paper. They need to be cleaned several times, minimum 3 times. It is recommended that tissues are used by people for hand-drying and should be disposed of in bins or containers protected by lids and, if possible, pedal operated.


Cafeteria (if opened) Possible procedures include: Bubbles shifts and staggered lunches. Limit the number of seats in the line and assure social distance with a large red X on places not to be used for seating and eating in or remove chairs. Remove the chairs to ensure the 2m distance. Consider implementing packed lunches and no cutlery. In canteens where there is self-service: In self-service canteens, the same person must put the cutlery on the trays People should serve themselves with their own cutlery Where there are staff to serve the meals: Keep 2m between people and the person serving them. If it is not possible, install transparent screens between them (methacrylate screens, or with a plastic hanging from the ceiling up to the height of the mouths of both). Protect food from involuntary secretion. Clean tables, chairs, handles, after every shift. Fountains should be closed, and only bottled water should be consumed.Â



CHANGING ROOMS Possible procedures include: Keep the distance of 2m inside the changing rooms, and reinforce the cleaning measures. Limit the number of people inside. Increase cleaning in these areas: benches, chairs, hooks, floors, covers, handles, showers, toilets and sinks, doors and handlebars with disinfectant solutions. Store clothes inside the locker in plastic bags.

Possible procedures include: Stagger the start times for the various groups of students to minimize parking, traffic and delays at the allocated entrance points to the school. Each bubble should have an allocated drop-off and pick-up area that should be indicated in the map. After drop-off students should proceed to their bubble temperature check point, that should also be indicated in the map.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

Only 2 students are allowed at each temperature check point with 2m of physical distance, all other students must remain in their cars until they are able to access the checkpoint. Parents must not enter the school building. Arrangements should be made in exceptional circumstances. At pick up time, parents should wait in the pick-up area, maintaining social distance and wearing a mask. Teachers and staff will walk their students to pick-up areas (consider the use of walkie-talkies). Split the schoolyard into different sections with red and white barrier tape, and send a detailed diagram to parents outlining staggered arrival times, routes, breaks and lunch times. "2 metre" marks painted on a walkway outside the School note where students should stand in line to practice social distancing while waiting to enter the school.




Possible procedures include: Ensure correct cleaning of surfaces and spaces. Maintain adequate ventilation and air renewal.Ventilation should be carried out regularly in the facilities and at least daily and for more than five minutes. It is recommended to keep the temperature of the centre between 23 and 26ºC School must be cleaned with antibacterial products every day. Bathrooms should be cleaned at least 3 times a day. Reception/entrance should be cleaned 3 times a day. Door knobs and stair rails, machine controls to tables and computers should be cleaned after breaks and at the end of the day. All cleaning tasks must be carried out with a mask and single-use gloves. If the classroom is utilized by different classes the classroom should be cleaned when the shift changes. It is advisable to reinforce the cleaning of air filters and increase the level of ventilation of air conditioning systems. Cleaning should be done when school is closed to avoid contact.



Possible procedures include: Students MUST wash their hands when they enter the school, entry and exit classrooms, before and after eating All Homeroom Teachers and Tutors must reinforce hygienic procedures to all daily: Teach regular and effective hand washing techniques. Ask students to wash their hands in the morning, during break, before lunch, when they go to class after lunch Tutors and homeroom teachers are responsible for this. Students MUST use hand sanitizer when they enter the school, enter and exit classrooms, enter and exit bathrooms. Remember to cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a flexed elbow. If you use a tissue ensure you dispose of tissues hygienically. Strict no touch policy, no hugging, no handshakes, no touching, needs to be ensured. Disinfectant spray, wipes and gloves will be provided to each classroom teacher.The teacher will spray and wipe down the classroom desks and door handles during break times. Please also wipe outdoor hard surfaces including tables and handrails.


Possible procedures include: Everybody should wear a mask inside the school if this is expected - this depends on the country's government instructions.

Use of Masks

The school will provide a reusable mask to each staff member/student if this is expected by the government.

Possible procedures include: All students and staff coming back to school must confirm and declare they have not been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 and are in good health. Staff MUST do this daily. Any student or staff with someone in their household or that have been in contact with someone confirmed with CODIV-19 MUST immediately self-quarantine and inform the school. All returning staff and students must confirm and declare that had not been in contact with any one with COVID-19 this information (could use google or MS form) Anybody with flu-like symptoms should immediately inform the Principal Any student or staff member who is unwell, particularly if they have a fever, cough or shortness of breath, MUST stay at home until they have recovered. Students/staff will need medical clearance before returning to school. This is a standard procedure for infection control and must be observed. If a staff or student feel unwell during the school day, they should be isolated in the isolation room and contact the Principal Isolation of the possible case: The affected person will be required to put on a surgical mask and taken to an isolation area. If no such area is available, the person will be placed in an area separated from other people by at least 2m. Both must wear a surgical mask A caregiver should be contacted to collect them If its a member of staff that is unwell health authorities should be contacted cleaning the work area, especially work surfaces and tools School Assistants and Monitors should call parents to pick up their children as soon as possible when a Teacher sends a student. The student should stay in the isolation room with no other students. Homeroom Teachers and Advisors are responsible for prohibiting a student from coming back, unless they have fully recovered, with medical clearance.

Symptoms Check and Procedures




Possible procedures include: Monitors and designated Teachers MUST take student temperatures upon arrival and during morning breaks, by bubble and respect the 2m social distancing rule. Principals are responsible to ensure the procedure is happening. In the case of fever, the student should be sent to the School Nurse who should isolate him/her and contact their parents. Everyone should have their temperature measured at the entrance. No one with a temperature above 37.7ยบC or flu symptoms can enter the school premises. Staff taking temperatures should wear a mask and gloves. Thermometers must be disinfected with alcohol between each usage, but ideally use temperature guns.



Possible procedures include: All access procedures for staff to be applicable to all external service suppliers. All must have and wear suitable PPE. No contact to occur between suppliers and school personnel. No service provider will be allowed access without an appointment.

Possible procedures include: Campuses will be open only for staff and students In the case of a mandatory visit, visitors must sign the contact tracing information and agree to adhere to the School COVID-19 procedures as per the Health questionnaire link.


Reception area: Information on prevention actions Reception staff need to use mask, glasses Manage exchange of documents and packages, through reduced contact and cleaning disinfectant spray Establish a waiting area for people from outside the company (eg transporters) Need to have hand sanitiser available Must maintain the 2m distance from all visitors. Ground markings should be employed Special attention to people at higher risk. Ensure access to soap and water, disposable paper and covered bins. In cases where this is not possible, make use of hydro-alcoholic gels. Avoid sharing stationery, equipment and tools. Students should use their own material (including pencils, pen, scissors, etc) When this is not possible, the equipment should be disinfected after use.



Signage We will use posters and signs that promote hygiene measures and use of suitable PPE posters will be printed, and placed at prominent locations around the school.



The challenges to Hybrid Option 1 are logistical, selecting which teachers should return to school to teach while physically present, and which should continue to teach remotely. Students will need to adapt to changes with their regular teachers and there will need to be good handover between teachers. Regular classroom pedagogies should continue to be adapted and implemented in our virtual classrooms, and virtual online learning remains live and continuous. Â The challenges to Hybrid Option 2 are technological and pedagogical. Hybrid Option 2 will require careful planning and thought on how to connect with students virtually in the classroom to ensure rich learning for all. Carefully managed discussions involving all students is vital, to encourage deeper learning and group activities should be collaborative with each group involving virtual and physically present students. A key priority is to ensure that all students feel equally connected to each other and the learning, wherever they are.

Possible procedures include: If all students decide/are allowed to come to school - timetables and school usage capacity must be revised, alongside complying with government directives. Examples of how capacity could be shared include: Â Come to school by houses or by year group - specific allocations for different days?

Revised timetable / Blended Learning

ELS - Mornings/afternoons? Days of the week? Junior - Divide classes in half? Use all spaces as a classroom? Divide morning/afternoons? Host some classes virtually? Senior School - Blended learning? Arrange some classes face-toface and other classes virtually? Specify number of students per subject?




Teachers will need to be allocated carefully to support each option. For bubble type: student groupings, where one teacher would be allocated to each bubble on a full time basis (as an advisor/homeroom teacher), possibly with non-teaching support. All the other teachers would teach online. For social distancing measures to be effective, only staff required to support the bubbles should be brought back onto site (as staff too will need to preserve the safety of the bubbles and not be in contact outside these groups).

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