ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
WINGS NEWSLETTER Vol 10, Term 4, Week 5, 17 November 2017
From the Principal What’s in this issue: Dear Parents and Friends of Sunderland
Just this morning I have been up in the Auditorium and Mr O’Connor is busy organising our young actors as they prepare for the 2017 edition of the Primary Production. I know parents and children alike are all looking forward to the extravaganza. See you all on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the performances.
On Tuesday we held our annual Orientation Day here at Sunderland when all the children beginning their educational journeys with us next year, arrive, meet their teachers and begin to experience the “Sunderland Way”. It was as usual a wonderful, supportive experience for everyone, with happy children and parents leaving after lunchtime. If for any reason you missed the Orientation Day then please do not hesitate to contact Rebekah Hanrahan and she may well be able to organise a ‘student for a day’ experience.
I am very much looking forward to seeing our top performing cricket team play for the very last time for this season. There are a large number of Year Thirteens in the team who will be graduating at the end of this year, so it is very special! Fingers crossed for the weather.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
On Wednesday Mrs Tyler escorted our Associate Leaders to a new initiative run by AUT. The leadership training day was held at the City campus and by all accounts was very worthwhile. Thank you again to Mrs Tyler for managing this event.
On Thursday night the Year Six Graduation was again held at The Brigham at Whenuapai. It was perhaps our largest ever with 25 children all graduating from Year Six. I wish to thank Miss Wujec, Mrs Chartrand and all the parent helpers for putting this wonderful celebration together. It really is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on their time in the Primary school and look forward to all the opportunities that occur post primary education.
Aspire. Succeed. Respect
Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland 2
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
2017 Term 4 Planner ACG Sunderland Key:
Term Four
Whole School Event
Parents and Friends
16 October to 5 December
Week Six
20 November to 26 November
Monday 20 November
9.15am-3.00pm Librarians’ Rainbows End Trip
Tuesday 21 November
8.30am-9.30am Y8 HPV Immunisation 1.30pm-3.00pm Primary Production-Matinee/Dress Rehearsal (Auditorium)
Wednesday 22 November 8.30am-10.30am Senior Students End Year Process 8.30am-3.10pm Y9 Goat Island Trip 10.30am-1.30pm Y4 to Y6 APO Music Trip (Auckland City Hall) Thursday 23 November
12.25pm-12.45pm Whole School Pavement Art (Primary Asphalt) 5.30pm-7.00pm Primary Production (Auditorium) 8.30am-10.30am Senior Students End Year Process 9.40am-12.00noon Y1 to Y3 Rest Home Visit 5.30pm-7.00pm Primary Production (Auditorium)
Friday 24 November
8.30am-3.00pm Y7 & Y8 Northwest Athletics
Week Seven
27 November to 3 December
Monday 27 November
Year 6 Camp Year 7 to Year 11 Camps 9.00am-3.00pm Primary Cluster Athletics Sports Day (Rain Date 30 November)
Tuesday 28 November
Year 6 Camp Year 7 to Year 11 Camps
Wednesday 29 November
Year 6 Camp Year 7 to Year 11 Camps
Thursday 30 November
9.00am-3.00pm Primary Cluster Athletics Sports Day (Rain Date) 8.30am-3.10pm Y7 to Y13 Legacy Day 6.30pm-9.00pm Y13 Graduation Dinner (The Brigham)
Friday 1 December
8.45am-3.10pm Whole School Picnic (Long Bay)
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Week Eight
4 December to 10 December
Tuesday 5 December
9.00am-10.30am College Prizegiving (Auditorium) 11.00am-12.00noon Primary Prizegiving (Auditorium) 12.30pm School Closed
2017 Dates
2018 Dates 22 Jan & 23 Jan
23 Jan & 24 Jan 1
Wednesday, 25 January – Thursday 13 April
Wednesday, 24 January – Friday 13 April
Monday, 1 May – Friday 30 June
Monday, 30 April – Friday 29 June
Monday, 24 July – Friday, 29 September
Monday, 23 July – Friday, 28 September
Monday, 16 October – Tuesday, 5 December
Monday, 15 October – Thursday, 6 December
2019 Dates
2020 Dates 23 Jan & 24 Jan
24 Jan & 25 Jan 1
Tuesday, 29 January – Friday 12 April
Tuesday, 28 January – Thursday 9 April
Monday, 29 April – Friday 28 June
Tuesday, 28 April – Friday 26 June
Monday, 22 July – Friday, 27 September
Monday, 20 July – Friday, 25 September
Monday, 14 October – Thursday, 5 December
Monday, 12 October – Thursday, 3 December
Value of the Week Helpfulness The act of being ready to give help.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Primary News Students of the Week 1LP - Esha Liu 1SB - Arabella Endersby-Grant 2CF - Marcus Xue 3PB - Junkai Jia 4LC - Harry Jones 5WB - Alina Wang 6LC - Brooke Smith Caught being good: Rongze Gui for showing respect. Academic House Shield Upper Trophy Cheyenne Gavin Lower Trophy Brian Jin Honours Certificate Jack Cao Primary Art This term students have been working extremely hard on a number of different projects. Year Ones have been working on creating the leaves for their costumes which will be used in the school production this term. They have also been learning how to draw turtles. Year Two have been looking at lighthouses and have just started drawing their good copy of a lighthouse. Year Fours have been learning about Monet. They have been trying to use his techniques to create their own bridge painting. Have a look at students at work:
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Primary Scooter Day
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Primary Production
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
College News Academic House Merit Certificates Yong Yu Xian - First in 10A for Personal Adornment Project. David Li - First in 10B for Personal Adornment Project.
Honours Certificate Hannah Dong Shannon Macdonald Anjika Sharma Robert Burrell Honours Badge Hannah Dong Shannon Macdonald Robert Burrell College Art - Year Seven We have had a very strong Year Seven Art group this year. Students have followed a skills-based programme of study, predominantly focusing on the practical application of colour theory through a series of painting techniques. Here is a sample of some of the best final paintings. From top clockwise: Amelie Villars, Stella Dobson, Joy Jeung, Max Ogden
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
AUT Juniors Programme: On Wednesday 15 November 2017, ten students from Year Ten were selected to attend the AUT Juniors Programme at their campus in the city. Thanks to Mrs Tyler who also enjoyed the trip. She took all of us in the school’s van and got through the traffic well ahead of time. The programme started at approximately 9.30am in one of their lecturer halls and we were joined by three other schools: Massey, Epsom Girls and Mt Albert Grammar. There were three main activities we all had to participate in; a race and two workshops. We all participated in the Amazing “RIASEC” Race, which taught us how to be realistic, intelligent, artistic, smart, enthusiastic and creative. We all used these attributes in our activities and to finish the race! We also had workshops run by the AUT student ambassadors and the staff as well. The first was Leadership. It helped us to have a better understanding of what attributes a good leader might have and gave us an opportunity to test out in activities what leadership qualities we might have ourselves. The second was Teamwork. This showed us what a good team is made up of and how we can apply that in our own situations. The weather was just right as most of these activities involved a lot of running outside and inside. Of course, with other schools around there were many unfamiliar faces, so this required a lot of talking to your team and discovering how to work well with them. Overall, this trip was very enjoyable and a new experience for most of us. I know for sure that all of us learned new things about ourselves and what we might need to work on, because there is always room for improvement! Isabellia Lee Associate leader for Mcdonald
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
New for Term One 2018: PADI Open water dive course Enjoy snorkelling well this is the next level! Plus the opportunity to gain an internationally recognised qualification. Couse involves three segments; 1. 2. 3.
Classroom sessions (there is a homework requirement) Pool sessions Open water dive sessions
Prequisites: Can you swim 200m? Can you tread water for 10 minutes? – collect a medical form from Mrs Barlow Is the answer ‘No’ to all the medical questions?- you are eligible for the course Cost = $ 550.00 includes tuition, gear hire, travel Time/Dates: two weekends. Saturday and Sunday . Proposed dates: 24 and 25 February 2018 and 3 and 4 March 2018. Leave school at 8.20am return at 5.20pm approximately. (at centre 9.00am-5.00pm) Bring packed lunches and morning tea. Travel; either meet us at the venue and be picked up from there or travel in school mini bus from school. Times to be confirmed Deposit (non refundable) = $100.00, to be paid by Friday 1 December 2017 First come first serve basis, limited places There is a theory section that needs to be completed before your first lesson. Packs will be provided at the start of next year P.S. a recent PADI qualification is required for the Africa Trip 2019
Information evening = 20 February 2018 @ 7.00pm in the auditorium Trip includes one week in the bush + one week in a maritime environment PADI Diving course will be available in Term One, 2018 Exact dates are yet to be arranged, approx. last week of Term Two and a week in the holidays. Students must be 16 years of age at or older time of travel. 12
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Contact Nanette Carillo 02102653242 email – for bookings or queries. PLEASE NOTE: If you have already filled in an Enrolment Form and all your details have remained the same, then another form is not required. If you are new to our programme or your details have changed; please contact Nanette on 02102653242. A current enrolment form is a requirement of attending; this is for the safety of your children. 15
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Ground Crew From 19 September until the end of Term Four, school buses will depart from ACG Sunderland at 3.20pm daily. Second Hand Uniform Shop As of Monday 21 August 2017 we will only be accepting items for the second hand uniform shop with the below logo’s.
Except for Blazers. We are only accepting the new logo for blazers.
We do not accept any socks and currently do not accept any long pants as we have a large amount in stock. We appreciate all of your support. Lenco Schoolwear Shop has shifted to: 100/102 Central Park Drive, Henderson. Telephone: (09) 838 6164
NEW Opening Hours: Monday & Tuesday 8.30 am – 4.30pm Wednesday Closed Thursday & Friday 8.30 am – 4.30 pm Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm This will commence from Monday 13 November 2017.
Photolife Photos Photolife Photos have been handed out to class and form teachers on Friday 3 November 2017. Photos ordered for Year 11 to 13 please see Mr Keen for collection. Ten Year Anniversary Teddy Bear The ACG Sunderland Ten Year Anniversary Teddy Bears have been handed to class and form teachers on Monday 6 November 2017 to be handed back to students. Vodafone Email Services Recently Vodafone is closing its email services on 30 November 2017. Email addresses affected are those ending in,,,,,,, and 20
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Parents and Friends Calendar Art 2017 Parents and Friends Calendar Art orders have been handed out to students on Thursday 9 November 2017 to Primary class teachers. Parents & Friends Olive Oil Fundraiser As a result of receiving lots of great feedback on last year’s offer, and on the quality of the products, we have decided to run another Olive Oil Fundraiser from the Village Olive Press. There is two, three bottle gift packs available to choose from for $29.50 each. Parents & Friends will receive $5.00 for every pack sold. All students were given information and order forms. You can also find this on ‘Blackboard’. Please send completed order forms together with payment (Cheque made payable to ‘ACG Sunderland Ltd’). All orders need to be in to Sonya Eldridge at reception by Friday 10 November 2017. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Sonya. Email: ubiq Buyback The buyback day for ubiq (formally UBS) to purchase second hand textbooks is confirmed as Wednesday 6 December, 10.00am to 12.00pm. Legacy Day As part of the legacy day next term, for one of the activities we will require newspaper. If you have any at home could you please bring it in by 20 November, it would be greatly appreciated. Whole School Picnic The whole school picnic is on Friday 1 December. There will be a charge of $15.00 which will be charged against your child’s account this term. If your child is not attending the picnic for any reason please ensure you contact Mandy Allen. Email: 2017 Year Book As per 2017 students stationary list the Year Book charge of $39.00 will charged against your child’s account this term. If you do not require a Year Book for any reason please ensure you contact Mandy Allen. Email: ABSL Basketball We will be running Representative trials to select players for our U15, U17 and U19 boys and girls squads for 2018 season. Please click for more information for Representative trial musters: Please click below also for the registration link for all players and families: Please contact Aik Ho on 09 623 7651 for more information. Change of Details If you change address, cell phone numbers, home numbers, email addresses etc please ensure you advise reception.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
The Royal Easter Show The Royal Easter Show Art Awards 2018 are delighted to offer ‘free to enter’ competitions that are ideal for budding young authors, artists and photographers. The Royal Easter Show Write a Children’s Short Story Competition is open to youngsters in three divisions, aged 5-9; aged 10-14 and aged 15-18. Stories must be original, not exceed 1,000 words and can include illustrations. They must be suitable for children and contain no offensive words. The winning story in each division will earn a prize of $100. The Royal Easter Show Young Photographer of the Year 2018 has a theme of “Summer Holidays” and has been designed to encourage young photographers to enter their favourite summer holiday photos. There are two age divisions: Youth aged 5-11 and Youth aged 12-18. Each photographer can submit three photos and the winner of each division will receive a $150 prize. For the overall award for the Best Young Photographer in this section, a camera will be donated by the Auckland Agricultural and Pastoral Association. There are also opportunities for young Artists to enter our Open Youth Art Competition and also our Ceramic & Pottery competition (Open to 10-18 years of age). Entries are now open. Please do not hesitate to contact the 2018 Royal Easter Show Art Awards office (phone 09 638-9969) for further information or email The winning entries will be on display at the 2018 Royal Easter Show at the ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane Auckland, 29th March to 2nd April 2018. All winners will also be invited to attend a special Royal Easter Show Prize giving on Sunday 1st April 2018. Details will be forwarded upon receipt of entries. Senior Students University Course Planning Universities come to the school to help students with course planning, questions and enrolments. Dates are posted up in the study room so the students can plan ahead. If students wish for other universities to come in, please let Mrs Tyler know and she can arrange. Primary/Preschool Car Park The ring road is closed from 8.30am to 3.00pm each day. The exit gate will be closed from 9.00am until 3.10pm. Any cars that are parked in the Primary or Preschool car park from 9.00am to 3.00pm may be towed away. Primary Children After School I would like to ask parents to please organise to pick up their children afterschool so that your child is always supervised. The children are not to play on the primary playground while waiting for parents as they are not supervised at this time. Children waiting for parents are to wait with their teacher. After 3.20pm your child will be walked to After School care to wait for parents there so they can be supervised after school. After School Care A reminder to our families that we do provide an onsite, after school care, that can be used on a permanent basis, casual basis or we will do our best to work with your care requirements. This service is for Years 0 to 10 inclusive. Please contact Mrs Nanette Carillo, Phone: 021 026 53242, Email:, if you would like the use of these services.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Second Hand Uniform Shop - College Trousers Due to excess College long trousers in the second hand uniform shop for sale, we will not be accepting trousers for sale in the shop from today till further notice. Lunch Orders New Items and Price Changes have been updated and will come into effect from the week starting Monday 20 February 2017. College Students: please ensure you place your lunch order with Mrs Drummond, in the library, between 8.15am and 8.30am. Primary Students: please ensure you place your lunch order at Reception by 8.30am.
Library After School From 2017 Year Seven and Eight students will have access to the library afterschool and will not have to be in afterschool care. Students in Years One to Year Six must be in after school care if they are not being picked up or bussed home. Supervised care is required. Year 9 to Year 13 Students After School These students are permitted to be in the Library after school up until 5.00pm. Please note no food or refreshments are allowed in this area. Entertainment Book If you would like to purchase a book please see Mandy Allen or email her: Newspaper Donations Donations of any spare piles of newspaper you may have to the College Art department would be appreciated. Late arriving to school ALL College and Primary students MUST be signed in at Reception. Late slips from Mrs Eldridge to take to class.
Student Absences If your child is going to be away from school, please let us know on:
New Uniforms New uniforms are available for sale and are located in the Second Hand Uniform Shop. New items cannot be charged to student accounts. It would be greatly appreciated if items are paid for in cash, cheque and/or EFTPOS. Thank you.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
HELP SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE COASTLINES MOBILE PHONE APPEAL IN OUR SCHOOL It would be great if you could rummage around in your drawers and toy boxes and bring into School any unwanted mobile phones you may have.Phones collected help our School gain valuable rewards and the environment benefits too by keeping our landfills free of mobile phones and their array of hazardous toxic substances. Please drop any unwanted mobile phones you may have in the collection box in the reception area at School.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland is raising funds. Here's how you can help... We are raising as much as we can to help our School. You can help us by buying either an Entertainment Book or a Digital Membership. Whichever you choose, you'll receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do, and help our fundraising at the same time!
To order your Book or your Digital Membership securely online visit: Pre-Purchase before April 8th to receive Early Bird Bonus Offers you can use straight away! (Subject to availability) ACG Sunderland Mandy Allen 092135555 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! ACG Sunderland Ring Road I need to bring to the community’s attention the use of the Ring Road before and after school. It is imperative for the safety of our students and visitors to the school that you do not use the parking by reception unless you are using the Mobility Parking and you are a permit holder. Please use the Ring Road to drop off your child either at the rear of the school or at the side by the Primary playground till 8.30am in the morning and the gates open in the afternoon at 3.00pm. The speed limit is 5kmph and I ask you to respect this. We wish to retain our 100% safety record. Keep your speed down, watch out for pedestrians and use the correct parking and drop off areas. Entry ONLY is the entrance opposite Smith and Smith Glass/VTNZ Exit ONLY is the exit opposite Get Fed Food
关于校园环岛路交通安全的通知 致亲爱的ACG Sunderland 家长和朋友们:
过去几周内,在校园环岛路上差点发生了两起交通事故,一起 在早上,一起在下午。此事引起 ACG Sunderland 委员会的关注。 我想借此机会提醒家长们在校园内保持 5 km/h 的车速。如果家长们 需要进入学校大楼,请您把车泊在学校大门旁访问客专用停车场。 小学旁的停车位仅限于接送孩子的家长们暂时停泊,并恳请家长们保 留在车内,不要离开车位。 谢谢您们的关注与支持。 Nathan Villars ACG Sunderland 校长敬啟 22/3/2016 25
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Greece & Italy Trip April/May 2018 We now have the numbers for the proposed trip to Greece and Italy to GO AHEAD! The flights are booked and we are waiting for the travel agent to adjust the details of our travel itinerary in the two countries. The itinerary will include visiting UNESCO World Heritage sites in Athens, Delphi, Pompeii and Rome. Famous buildings such as the Parthenon; Temple of Apollo at Delphi; Colosseum; Pantheon and Sistine Chapel are included. Many of these sites feature in the AS Classical Studies course, and the archaeological museums we visit will help give students insight into the lives of ancient Greeks and Romans. For further information, please email: or
Gold Sponsors School Contact Details
Lenco Schoolwear Shop has shifted to: 100/102 Central Park Drive, Henderson. Telephone: (09) 838 6164 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm January and February Opening Hours are: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am to 3.00pm Email:
Thank you to the following Sponsors and Supporters of ACG Sunderland. We greatly appreciate their assistance. Please consider them if requiring a product or service they provide.
Active Security – Sharma Family Phone 0800 422 848
School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Fax: 838 7040 Address: 6 Waipareira Avenue, Henderson, Waitakere 0610 Email: Attendance: Web:
The Kids at School Care afterschool programme has a 30 minute Homework Club. Available now before school programme care from 7.15 am to 8.30 am . Please contact Nanette Carillo on 021 265 3242 or email