ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Vol 13, Term Two, Week Eight, 21 June 2019
Dear ACG Sunderland Community This week we have had the entire Primary school visit the Howick Historic Village and the feedback and photos have been fantastic with all the students dressing up in period costumes for the trip. A special thank you to Mrs Chartrand for organising the trip and to all the staff and parent helpers who I am sure they had as much fun as the students did.
What’s in this issue:
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Mrs Drummond never disappoints us.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
On Thursday, our Primary Year Five/Six Basketball Team completed in the local cluster event held at the Trust Stadium. Missing the finals by one point, the team are to be congratulated on their sterling effort. A special thank you to Tyler Glenn and Mrs Allen for coaching and managing the team throughout their games. A special thank you to the Parents and Friends Committee and in particular, Louise Kumerich, Liz Campbell, Tania Good and Toni Rainey, for their efforts with the now legendary Hot Dog Day. I know a huge number of Hot Dogs were made with over 250 sold on the day. From the rock music and bass coming through the ceiling at present, I can only assume that the annual Battle of the Bands is eminent I know there is a huge amount of work taking place at present. I understand there are twelve bands taking to the stage this year. The biggest number ever. With only one week to go of school, I have been very impressed with the engagement of all the students as I tour around the campus. From Year One to Year Thirteen and particularly those students who just sat their mid-year examinations. Well done. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Please see below for the organisation for the final week of the term. College
Whole School Event
Week Nine
24 June to 28 June
Tuesday 25 June
1.15pm-3.10pm Battle of the Bands, Year 6 - Year 13
Wednesday 26 June
12.10pm-12.40pm House Wars, Newspaper Accessories
Parents and Friends
Value of the Week: Tactfulness
12.50pm South Africa trip departs Auckland International Airport, flight EK451 Thursday 27 June
8.30am-3.00pm A2 Bio trip to Massey University All Day, Henderson Cluster Basketball, Mr Baker in charge 2.40pm Primary Citizenship Assembly
Friday 28 June
3.00pm Students receive Term Two Report 3.10 Term Two completed
Saturday 29 June
7.00pm-12midnight Senior College Ball, Elliot Room, Crowne Plaza, 128 Albert Street, Akld
Aspire. Succeed. Respect.
Nathan Villars Campus Principal ACG Sunderland 3
Primary News Ex-Silver Fern, Anna Stanley Visits ACG Sunderland
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
We were lucky to have Anna Stanley (ex-Silver Fern) visit us and coach our Year Three, Four and Five/Six Netball teams. The girls really enjoyed it!
Year Six Science The Year Six class are learning about conductors and insulators in Science. Here are some photos of them experimenting with various materials to test if they are conductors or insulators.
College News
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
On Tuesday next week, we are holding the annual Battle of the Bands! This year many students have decided to get together to perform for the school. Good luck to all the bands performing!! Get ready for an amazing afternoon and we hope it will be fantastic time like all the previous years. This week we had the Form Class Volleyball Competition. Five students from each form class got together to play against another form class. Many students loved watching and cheering their form class on! We love Form Class Spirit! Keep up the enthusiasm!!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the whole school game of Chaos. It was a great success and everyone enjoyed themselves. Here are some pictures of students playing on the basketball court at lunchtimes. We love to see all the students getting involved with sports and other students at lunchtimes. Also, we love to see them taking advantage of the sunny weather as winter has arrived! One more week till the upcoming term holidays! All the students are excited for a break from school but they also need to remember that you need to take time out to study as well.
Charity Fundraiser
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
A call from the House Leaders ➢ We need your support ➢ Gold Coins ➢ Mufti Day outfits Make it happen for St Johns!
Mufti Rules ➢
Please wear casual, comfortable clothing that will not offend other students or staff.
Your clothing should not be rude, improper or revealing. A general guideline is that you should not be able to see up it, down it or through it.
No obscene (or perceived) text or images on clothing E.G. swear words, offensive statements, alcohol or cigarette advertising. You will be asked to remove such items.
Excessive jewelry is unnecessary and you may be asked to remove it for safety reasons in some classes.
Long hair will still need to be tied back in some classes for safety reasons.
If you have Physical Education or sport on Mufti day you must change into your full regulation PE gear as normal. This includes sports shoes.
If you have a Science or Technology class/workshop on Mufti day, you must have the appropriate footwear and clothing. You must have closed in shoes.
Badges will be sold in the Atrium and Library: 8:00am to 8:30am and 3:15pm to 4:00pm. $3.00 EACH
Ground Crew
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
ACG Sunderland Ring Road I need to bring to the community’s attention the use of the Ring Road before and after school. It is imperative for the safety of our students and visitors to the school that you do not use the parking by reception unless you are using the Mobility Parking and you are a permit holder. Please use the Ring Road to drop off your child either at the rear of the school or at the side by the Primary playground till 8.30am in the morning and the gates open in the afternoon at 3.00pm. The speed limit is 5kmph and I ask you to respect this. We wish to retain our 100% safety record. Keep your speed down, watch out for pedestrians and use the correct parking and drop off areas. Entry ONLY is the entrance opposite Smith and Smith Glass/VTNZ Exit ONLY is the exit opposite Get Fed Food
关于校园环岛路交通安全的通知 致亲爱的ACG Sunderland 家长和朋友们:
过去几周内,在校园环岛路上差点发生了两起交通事故,一起在早上,一起在下午。此事引起 ACG Sunderland 委员 会的关注。 我想借此机会提醒家长们在校园内保持 5 km/h 的车速。如果家长们需要进入学校大楼,请您把车泊在学校大门旁访问客 专用停车场。 小学旁的停车位仅限于接送孩子的家长们暂时停泊,并恳请家长们保留在车内,不要离开车位。 谢谢您们的关注与支持。 Nathan Villars ACG Sunderland 校长敬啟 22/3/2016
New carparks
URGENT NOTICE Parents and Caregivers using the Ring Road at the end of the school day, please note there is a PEDESTRIAN CROSSING by the Gymnasium now (just after the judder bar. PLEASE WATCH FOR STUDENTS.
There are also 12 new parks as you drive up the Ring Road to the Primary courts. We ask for the communities support to: * keep to the 5 kilometre an hour speed limit.
New Pedestrian Crossing
* watch for students.
ACG Sunderland 0800 222 199 | 09 838 7070 6 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland
Attendance: A reminder to the community, the procedure for when your child is away is to please let us know by emailing not the Form Teacher, thank you for taking note.
Gold Sponsors School Contact Details
Lenco Schoolwear Shop has shifted to: 100/102 Central Park Drive, Henderson. Telephone: (09) 838 6164
Thank you to the following Sponsors and Supporters of ACG Sunderland. We greatly appreciate their assistance. Please consider them if requiring a product or service they provide.
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm January and February Opening Hours are: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am to 3.00pm Email:
Active Security – Sharma Family Phone 0800 422 848 School Office: Phone: 838 7070 Fax: 838 7040 Address: 6 Waipareira Avenue, Henderson, Waitakere 0610 Email: Attendance: Web:
The Kids at School Care afterschool programme has a 30 minute Homework Club. Available now before school programme care from 7.15 am to 8.30 am . Please contact Nanette Carillo on 021 265 3242 or email
2019 TERM DATES Term 1 Thursday, 24 January – Friday 12 April Term 2 Monday, 29 April – Friday 28 June Term 3 Monday, 22 July – Friday, 27 September Term 4 Monday, 14 October – Tuesday, 3 December
2020 TERM DATES 23 and 24 January: Tutor Days. Senior students confirm subjects • Parents / Caregivers and student meet with Homeroom Teacher/Form Tutor, • 24 January International Students Orientation
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
Tuesday 28 January (Tue) – April 9 (Thu) April 28 (Tue) – June 26 (Fri) July 20 (Mon) – September 25 (Fri) October 12 (Mon) – December 4 (Fri) 8