ACG School Jakarta Newsletter - The Wolfpack - April 2024 Edition

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From our Principal, our Vice Principal & PYP Coordinator, and our IB Diploma Coordinator

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Welcoming all of the future parents and students of ACG School Jakarta

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This time, we do our Coffee Morning a bit different . We are learning on how to make the best coffee from the expert, right in their headquarters

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The Exhibition that is conducted by the students with indepth research and a very thorough investigation . The preparation was really good, hence the event was a huge success



n this vibrant season of renewal and reflection, we at ACG School Jakarta find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of achievements and milestones that illuminate the hard work, dedication, and spirit of our diverse community. As we embrace the joys of Easter and the blessings of Lebaran, it is a time to celebrate not just the festive occasions but also the collective efforts and successes that unite us in a journey of educational excellence and cultural appreciation.

To support our student leaders, ACG Jakarta offers a comprehensive mentorship program where experienced educators guide students in understanding their roles, setting realistic goals, and overcoming challenges. This hands-on approach ensures that our young leaders not only take on responsibilities but also learn from them, gaining confidence and resilience

Moreover, participation in external events plays a crucial role in broadening our leaders' horizons. A prime example is the HELP Leadership Conference for Primary Students, an event that brings together young leaders from various schools.

Here, our students engage in workshops and activities that challenge them to think critically and collaborate effectively, while also providing them with a platform to network with peers and learn from accomplished leaders.

Myles D’Airelle

Research underscores the effectiveness of such initiatives. A study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) highlights leadership as a top skill sought by employers. Additionally, academic research indicates that early leadership experiences contribute significantly to academic success and personal growth, fostering qualities like self-esteem and social awareness.

Our student leaders have successfully led several initiatives, such as enhancing our campus ' s recycling efforts and organizing inter-house competitions that not only promote school spirit but also allow leaders to practice logistical and team management skills. These experiences not only prepare them for future educational challenges but also position them as attractive candidates for competitive higher education and career paths.

By providing these opportunities, ACG School Jakarta ensures that our student leaders are not only prepared to excel in their academic and personal pursuits but are also empowered to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the broader world. We are committed to nurturing the next generation of innovative, responsible leaders who will drive positive change locally and globally.

Kind regards,




Dear Parents, Caregivers, and Students,

April was a month of reflection and connection with others for most of our school community Our Kindergarten and Primary students started their reflective process on how far they have come in their learning and what learning goals they have met during this academic year, in preparation for our upcoming Student Led Conferences on 21 May. The highlight of the month was our PYP Exhibition on 25-26 April

The exhibition is a celebration and a culmination of students PYP experience at our school. You can read some details on the following pages of this newsletter. In February, our Y6 students visited Global Jaya School’s PYP Exhibition, and we were happy to host a group of teachers from Nassa School at our Exhibition. Through such exchanges, our communities are able to reflect on and improve our practices.

On 30 April, our Student Council members from Years 4, 5 and 6 represented our school at the Student Leadership Conference organized by NAS Jakarta Together with student leaders from other schools around Jakarta, they took part in team building challenges, inquired into collaborative leadership and learned about what help is available to and needed for refugees, and they collaboratively created a service learning project.

On the same day, a group of ACGSJ parents participated in a Coffee Barista training offered by one of our parents You can find the details on the following pages

On 29 April, our Year 4 students also had culinary learning experience and practised their Bahasa as well as Procedural Writing Skills during a Pizza Making workshop near our campus. The month of May will see more of such learning experiences outside our school borders.

Kind regards,



Learning in the Primary Years Programme(PYP) provides many formal and informal opportunities for students to demonstrate how they have developed and applied their knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and learner profile attributes through the inquiries they undertake. The PYP exhibition is a notable example of these opportunities.

In the PYP exhibition, students demonstrate their understanding of an issue or opportunity they have chosen to explore. They undertake their investigation both individually and with their peers, together with the guidance of a mentor. Through the exhibition, students demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their learning and their capacity to take action as they are actively engaged in planning, presenting and assessing learning.

The exhibition is a powerful demonstration of student agency, as well as the agency of the community that has nurtured them through their years in the PYP. The learning community participates in the exhibition, supporting and celebrating the development of internationally minded students who make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others.” (PYP: From Principles into Practice, The exhibition)

This year ’ s ACGSJ PYP Exhibition opened with the Year 6 students powerful words: “It’s important that we believe in ourselves, no matter what happens in our lives”, followed by their rendition of My Own Superhero (song by Shawna Edwards): “It starts with me, I know So I will move I will rise I will choose I will try To be my own superhero...”



They then shared the behind the scenes video, which showed all the hard work behind the symbolic exhibits of their learning in their Primary School learning. School community members (students and teachers on the first day, and parents on the second day) were able to see how the PYP Exhibition was:

Student-initiated: With the support of experts/guest speakers who introduced them to a variety of global issues, students were able to make an informed choice about the issue or opportunity they wanted to explore. They created their own unit plan: ; the transdisciplinary theme(s); the central idea; the lines of inquiry; and identification of the specified and additional concepts that would drive their inquiries. They identified what knowledge they would need to acquire, and what skills they would need to develop.

Student-designed: Students designed their learning goals and established the criteria of what success will look like for them. They co-designed strategies and tools with teachers, mentors (ACG School Jakarta teachers and administrative staff) and peers to document and self-assess their learning, and evaluate the success of the exhibition.

Collaborative: Both those students who chose to work in pairs, and those who worked independently, collaborated with their peers, teachers and mentors throughout the exhibition process. There was a genuine sense of participation and engagement through regular sharing of progress and feedback. Some of the mentors were our Secondary School teachers, and in this way, they had a first hand understanding of what our Year 6 students are interested in, how they prefer to learn, and many other aspects of the incoming (next year ’s) Year 7 students.

On June 10, ACG School Jakarta’s Prizegiving Day when we honour our students with tokens of appreciation of their progress and growth, Year 6 students will be receiving their official “Certification of participation in the Primary Years Programme” from the International Baccalaureate Organization.



On Tuesday 30 April, a group of our parent co Kenangan Academy, a professional developm beverage sector in Indonesia, owned by one o had a two-hour experiential barista training, coffee, standards of coffee preparation, and and mission.

Participants’ were able to get a deeper understanding of the challenges and joys of being an entrepreneur in Jakarta and sustainable coffee farming and production basics, as well as how important precision is for good coffee making in an industrial scale. ACG School Jakarta would like extend our thanks to the owners of Kopi Kenangan, and trainers at Kenangan Academy for their generosity.



Dear Caregivers and Students,

I hope that everyone is doing well as we head toward the end of the academic year.

Year 13 Update

For the Year 13 students, the time has arrived, and they are sitting their final IB examinations! We wish them all the best of luck and will eagerly await their final results in July. Examinations will run until the 17th of May.

After each student has finished their final exam, I’ve been recording a short video on their thoughts and advice for the Year 12 cohort, who are moving into the final year of their program. I will share this with them in the near future.

The Year 12s are not too far away from their final year of the IB program. The final year is an intensive period filled with significant milestones that require careful planning and dedicated effort Among the critical tasks ahead are the Internal Assessments (IAs) in various subjects. These assessments are integral to the students' final grades and offer an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and application of the knowledge they have gained. Students should approach these assessments with diligence and ensure they meet all requirements and deadlines


In addition to the IAs, students will also prepare for the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition. This exhibition is a key component of the IB program, allowing students to explore complex questions about knowledge and its implications. It encourages them to think deeply and critically about different perspectives and to articulate their insights effectively. The skills developed through this process will be invaluable, both academically and personally.

As we move forward, it is important to acknowledge that the pressure will increase. To manage this, students need to be organized and proactive. Effective time management and organization will be crucial for balancing the demands of their coursework, assessments, and other responsibilities.

Encouraging your child to use planners, set priorities, and break down tasks into manageable steps will help them stay on track and reduce stress. We will also offer support to students through their advisors and our school counselor. Please reach out to your advisor, Mr. Wilson, or myself if you need any support or assistance.

The end-of-year examinations for Year 12 students are an important indicator of student progress, and we wish them all the best in these. We are looking forward to seeing their knowledge and understanding of their subjects.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.



Brewing Connections: Kopi Kenangan Academy's Coffee Morning

In the bustling world of parenting, finding moments of connection and community can feel like discovering a rare gem. However, amidst the aroma of freshly ground beans and the hum of lively conversation, parents at Kopi Kenangan Academy have found just that in their monthly "Coffee Morning" gatherings.

Nestled within the walls of Kopi Kenangan Academy, a training center renowned for honing the skills of budding baristas, these gatherings are not just about sipping on a cup of java. They're a delightful blend of learning, socializing, and fostering a deeper appreciation for the art of coffee-making.

Picture this: a group of parents, each with varying degrees of coffee knowledge, gathering eagerly around gleaming espresso machines and towering coffee bean dispensers. Led by seasoned instructors, they embark on a journey to master the craft of brewing the perfect cup.

From mastering the delicate art of frothing milk to the precise grind size for different brewing methods, there's something for everyone to learn But beyond the technicalities, there's an undeniable sense of camaraderie as parents bond over shared experiences and a mutual love for coffee.

Yet, it's not just about the coffee; it's about the connections forged over steaming mugs and laughter As each session comes to a close, there's a palpable sense of anticipation for the next Coffee Morning, a testament to the joy and fulfillment found in coming together as a community.





27 APRIL 2024

ACG School Jakarta's Open House Extravaganza

On April 27, 2024, ACG School Jakarta opened its doors to prospective students and their families for yet another engaging Open House event. This year ' s affair was marked by a few delightful additions that set it apart from previous years, making it a memorable experience for all who attended.

One noticeable addition was the presence of a vibrant photo booth backdrop in the lobby, beckoning guests to capture fun moments with their loved ones. The lively atmosphere was further enhanced by a popcorn cart, offering savory treats to tantalize the taste buds of visitors as they explored the school.

The enthusiasm of the attendees was palpable throughout the event, with parents and potential students alike expressing their satisfaction and excitement.

It was evident that the efforts to create an inviting and enjoyable environment had paid off, as smiles adorned the faces of all who roamed the halls of ACG School Jakarta.



27 APRIL 2024

A highlight of the day was the invaluable assistance provided by the school's upper primary and secondary students. These young ambassadors took on the responsibility of giving tours to parents and sharing insights about the school from their unique perspective. Their enthusiasm and firsthand experiences added a personal touch to the event, leaving a lasting impression on the guests. As the day came to a close, the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their eagerness to become part of the ACG community.

The success of this year ' s Open House has set a promising tone for the upcoming academic year, with hopes high for an influx of new students eager to embark on their educational journey at ACG School Jakarta.

With the unwavering dedication of its staff and the warm embrace of its student body, ACG School Jakarta looks forward to welcoming even more bright minds through its doors in the future. As the school continues to grow and thrive, it remains committed to providing a nurturing environment where students can flourish academically, socially, and personally



In a celebration of inquiry, knowledge, and personal growth, ACG School Jakarta recently hosted its annual Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition. This event marked the culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and passion as students showcased their understanding of real-life issues and topics they have explored throughout their learning journey.

The PYP Exhibition is a significant milestone for students, providing them with the opportunity to delve deep into a topic of personal interest or relevance. Through this process, they not only deepen their understanding of the subject matter but also develop essential skills such as research, communication, and critical thinking.

Preparation for the exhibition began long before the event itself, with students immersing themselves in in-depth research, conducting interviews with relevant sources, and meticulously preparing their presentations. From exploring environmental sustainability to investigating cultural diversity, each student approached their chosen topic with curiosity and enthusiasm, driven by a desire to make a meaningful contribution to their community.



As the day of the exhibition arrived, the school buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Students eagerly set up their displays, fine-tuning their presentations and preparing to share their newfound knowledge with peers, teachers, and parents alike.

The atmosphere was one of pride and admiration as visitors roamed the exhibition, engaging with students and learning from their insights. Teachers marveled at the depth of understanding demonstrated by their pupils, while parents beamed with pride at the confidence and eloquence displayed by their children.

The PYP Exhibition was not just a showcase of academic achievement; it was a testament to the holistic education provided by ACG School Jakarta. Through their participation in the exhibition, students not only demonstrated their academic prowess but also their ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others.

As the day drew to a close, there was a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment in the air. The success of the PYP Exhibition was a testament to the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers, as well as the unwavering support of parents and the wider school community.

To all the students who participated in this year ' s PYP Exhibition, we extend our heartfelt congratulations Your passion, curiosity, and commitment to learning are an inspiration to us all. May you continue to pursue knowledge, embrace challenges, and make a positive impact on the world around you.

Great job, students!





In a celebration of diversity, collaboration, and community spirit, North Anglia School Jakarta recently played host to a dynamic Student Council event that brought together students from across Jakarta, Bogor, and Bandung. Among the enthusiastic participants was ACG School Jakarta, contributing to an event that proved both insightful and enjoyable for all involved. The event transcended the boundaries of individual schools, providing an opportunity for students to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds. Placed in mixed groups with students from different schools, participants engaged in a series of interactive games and activities designed to foster teamwork and camaraderie.

From the challenge of moving a glass with threads to the thoughtful task of selecting and discussing their favorite inspirational leaders, students embraced each activity with enthusiasm and creativity The atmosphere was alive with energy as friendships were forged, and new perspectives were gained through collaborative engagement.

One of the highlights of the event was a visit from a very special guest, facilitated by the Help for Refugees organization. Representatives shared firsthand accounts of the struggles faced by refugees in Indonesia, shedding light on their experiences and the challenges they encounter on a daily basis This eye-opening session served as a catalyst for meaningful discussions among students, prompting reflection on how they can contribute to positive change and support those in need within their community



Following the presentation, students were tasked with brainstorming potential solutions and initiatives to support the Help for Refugees organization and improve the lives of refugees in Indonesia. Working together in their groups, students demonstrated empathy, creativity, and a genuine commitment to making a difference, showcasing the power of youth-led action in addressing pressing social issues.

As the event drew to a close, the sense of solidarity and shared purpose among participants was palpable. The Student Council event at North Anglia School Jakarta not only provided a platform for fun and interaction but also served as a catalyst for meaningful dialogue, collaboration, and positive action.

To the students of ACG School Jakarta and all participants, congratulations on your active engagement and thoughtful contributions. Your participation in events like these not only enriches your own educational experience but also contributes to the collective strength and vibrancy of our school community. May your passion for positive change continue to inspire others and drive meaningful impact in the world around you.






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