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Reportin ng Period:: [1 May – 30 June 2010] 2 For THE E WORLD BANK - IN NDONESIA A Preepared by:

Operation O n Wallaceea Trust (55 August,, 2010)

Tablee of Conten nts Page


Tab ble of Contentts Lisst of Tables Lisst Of Box Lisst of Abbrevia ation and Acroonym CS SO Contact Infformation Exeecutive Summ mary Prooject Background Proogress Made Over O the Repoorting Period

A. Project Man nagement B. Environmen ntal Awareness B.1. Environ nmental Awaareness and Training at Province P Levvel B.1.1. On going Developmentt of Good and a Bad Envvironmental Management M Practices B.1.2. Reinforcem ment Training on Apiculturre (Avis ceranna) B.1.3. Designed annd installed Stickers, S Leafl flets, Woodenn plank and Baallyhoos


Designed and Installedd Metal Cam mpaign Boarrd on the pubblic areas of 9 Sub-Disttric

B.1.5. B.1.6. B.1.7. B.1.8. B.1.9. B.1.10.

Updating Training T Moddule Development of 4 Greenn-PNPM Film m Media Visitts Promotion in i Bakti New ws Internal Cooordination meeeting and Evvaluation Supported the t World Bannk Missions to t Muna and Buton Districcts

1 5 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11

B.2. Buton District D B.2.1. Reinforcem ment of Mangrrove Crabs Faattening Fisheers Group B.2.2. Participatedd Training on Film Makingg B.2.3. Facilitated the t establisheement of Smaart Practice Hoouse (SPH) annd (FLER) B.2.4. Capacity buuilding of Greeen-PNPM acctors and facillitators B.2.5. Promoting Green-PNPM G M at Lambusanngo Workshoop B.2.6. Installed dooor stickers onn the Green PNPM P beneficciary houses

11 11 11 11 12 12 12

B.3. Muna District D B.3.1. Building Coommunity Foorest (Hutan Rakyat) R Modeel at Lianosa Village V B.3.2. Facilited thee establishmeent of Womenn Economic Group G B.3.3. Installed dooor stickers onn the Green PNPM P beneficciary houses B.3.4. Capacity buuilding of Greeen-PNPM acctors and facillitator B.3.5. Installment of Beneficiarries sticker off BLM PNPM M-LMP

12 12 13 13 14 14

ii Edii Purwanto

13 14 14 14 14 14

B.4. Kolaka a District B.4.1. Coordinatioon with Greenn-PNPM actors and facilitaators B.4.2. Green Camppaign on Worrld Environm mental Day B.4.3. Monitoring Green-PNPM M projects andd demplot: Biiogas B.4.4. Facilitated the t establishm ment of FLER R B.4.5. Monitoring Community Radio

C. Environmenttal Training

15 15 15 15 15 15

C.1. Buton District D C.1.1. Training onn Coconut Sheell Charcoal Briquette B C.1.2. Training BL LM Project onn Biogas Installation C.1.3. Training onn Orange Graffting C.1.4. Training off Verification Team

C.2. Muna District D C.2.1. Training off Verification Team C.2.2. Training onn Writing Villlage Project Proposal P C.2.3. Training onn Financial Administrationn and Packagiing on Womeen Economic Group,

16 16 16 16


Ch hallenges Faced, Remedial Actions A Taken n, and Lessonss Learned



Plaanned Activities, Deliverablles, Milestoness for next Rep porting Period d


Listt of Tabless Page Table 3.11 Table 6.11

Good and d Bad Environm mental Manageement

8 18

Planned activities andd deliverable

List of Appendiices Page Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D Appendix E. Appendix F Appendix G

Environ nmental Awaareness Raisinng Activities Trainin ng activities held h during Reeporting Periood Inform mation, Educaation Commuunications (IE EC) Materialss Produced or o Published during the Reportinng Period


OWT’s Contributiions on Greeen PNPM Peerformance Indicators

39 48 52 53

Key Prrojects Personnel Green PNP PM Key Prroject Personnnel OWT Stafff Photog graphs

31 34

iii Edii Purwanto

List of Abbrevviation and d Acronym m Bapedalda Bappeda BLM BPD BKAD COREMA AP CSO Desa Demplots DOK



En nvironmental Im mpact Control Agency at disttrict/province level Deevelopment Plaanning Agencyy at district/provvince level Ba antuan Langsuung Masyaraka kat, governmennt grant direcctly send coo ordinating boddy’s (UPK) bannk account Ba adan Perwakilaan Desa, Villagge representativve council



Ba adan Koordinassi Antar Desa, Inter-villages coordination unit u Co oral Reef Rehabbilitation and Management M Project Civ vil Service Orgganization/Nonn Government Organisation Villlage Deemonstration Plots Da ana Operasional Kegiatan, government g graant for Green-P PNPM’s operaational cost at village and kecam matan level (m meetings, traininngs and allowaances for villagge/kecamatan dev velopment caddres/facilitators) Focus Group Disscussion Grreen-PNPM faccilitator at kecaamatan level (cconsultant) Kn nowledge, attituude and practicces Keey village cham mpions Ka ader Pemberdaayaan Masyaraakat Desa, villaage developmeent cadre Co onsultant coorddinator at proviince level Penggalian gagaasan, collectionn of (sub) villagge project ideaas Intter-villages meetings at kecam matan to sociallize (G)-KDP Mu usyawarah Pim mpinan Kecam matan. Top leaders at kecam matan level, thoose consist of Caamat, Kapolsekk and Danramill. Naatural resourcess management PN NPM Support Facility F Petunjuk Teknik Operasional, guideline g for teechnical implem mentation Go overnment officcial in charge in i operating thee Green-PNPM M at kecamatann level Perraturan Desa, village v regulatiion Perraturan Daerahh, district regullation Rencana Anggaran Biaya, projject cost propoosal Team work in chharge on executting project at village level Team work in chharge on writingg project propoosal at village level l Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Rural Community Developmennt Office at cen ntral/province//district level Un nit Pelaksana Kegiatan, K impllementing unit,, PNPM Organnization at Keccamatan level wh hich is in chargge in administerring PNPM funnding.

iv Edii Purwanto

CSO Contact In nformatioon Name

Dr. Edi Purwanto P


Operationn Wallacea Trust T Jl. La Balawo No. 255, Bau-Bau, Buton, B SE Sulawesi S

Address Phone/Faax Mobile

+ 62 (0)4402 28255066 + 62 (0) 81 8 296 55 2333

Branch-O Offices

Bogor: Taman T Cimaanggu, Jl. Akkasia III, Bloock PVI No..4. Phone/Faax: 0251-83443184. Kendari:: Perumahann Dosen Unhalu, U Block A7. Parman, Kemaraya, K K Kendari, Phoone: 0401-31122097

Jl. Mayjen S.

Muna: Jll. I Made Sabbara No. 30 Raha, Kabuupaten Munaa, Phone: 0403-25221483, 081 341 845 3344 Kolaka: Jl. J Pemuda No.37, N Lalom mbaa, Kolakka. Phone: 04405- 23238441


e_purwannto@indo.neet.id www.walllaceatrustinndonesia.org

v Edii Purwanto

I. Executive Summary: 1. Background : The Green-Kecamatan Development Program/G-KDP is a pilot program within the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) - Rural aimed todevelop and integrate sustainable natural resources management (NRM) strategy into the PNPM-Rural. The objective of the Green KDP is: for villagers in rural Sulawesi to benefit from improved local governance and equitable access to, and sustainable use of, natural resources. The Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) is a Civil Service Organization (CSO) subcontracted by the World Bank (Bank) to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and Green-PNPM actors at village and kecamatan level and mainstreaming sustainable development at districts and province level in the Pilot Green-PNPM in South East Sulawesi Province. 2. Project Management: On the period of May to June, we moved the post of several old staff and recruited new staff to response the challenge of environmental facilitation program of each district. We raised the position of Andi Zainudin become Kolaka Awarness coordinator to replace La Ode Mukmin. The latter was given new responsibility as environmental awarenessand training material development. We recruited Prihantoro as an assistant Coordinator of Muna District to replace La Ode Alisyah; Prihantoro is also responsible to assist La Ode Muhamad Erwin to produce domentary, training and awareness film. We also recruited Ramadhan as an office administrator. 3. Strengthening and Reinfocement of NRM smart practitioner groups and promotion at (sub) district level: The focus of our awareness and training during May and June 2010 was to strengthen and reinforce of demplot institutions and maintenances and ensure the initiatives have a close-link with the overall Green-PNPM awareness program. The demplot is aimed to inspire villagers on the viable, affordable and replicable environmental friendly activities, which can be developed by villagers with or without the present of extra-ordinary supports. We continuously emphasizes that the demplot establishment is meant as an embryo (kegiatan perintis) of community based environmental restoration, those initiatives are worth to be maintained and replicated by villagers either by their own efforts (swadaya) or the use of BLM. We strengthened and reinforced the following initiatives: (a) 12 ‘CCB Makers Groups’ in Watubangga; (b) ‘Women Group for Nentu Handicraft Makers’ in Sampolawa; (c) ‘Listeners Groups’ of Radio Gunung Sari and Green Trust Community Radios; (d) ‘Crap Fattening Group in Mawasangka; (e) ‘Orange Farmers Group’ in Pasarwajo; (f) ‘Honeybee Culture Group’ in Ladongi (‘Segoro-Madu’), Baula, Lawa (‘Al Bainah’), Napabalano (‘Madu Jaya’); (g) ‘VCO Makers Group’ in Pasarwajo and Mawasangka; (h) ‘Seaweed Farmers Group’ in Sampolawa; (i) ‘Pala/Myristica fragrant (La Ode Wero) Nursery Group’ in Pasarwajo; (j)’Albizia Nursery Group’ in Sampolawa; (k) ‘Bukit Harapan Nursery Group’ in Lawa; (l) Facilitated the establishment of ‘Organic Farming Field Training Center’ in Watubangga and Pasarwajo. 4. Maistreaming the smart-practices initiatives at district, province and national level: We disseminated information on best practices and monitored benefits and impacts and outcomes of demplots to a wider community. We also monitored BLM implementation and its general impacts to awareness rising practices of the community towards improved environments and NRM. We organized media visits involving national media such as SCTV television, Antara News, Ozzon Radio


Edi Purwanto

Streaming and publication on Bakti News. Two of our smart-practices facilitation, Biogas and Coconut Sheel Charcoal Briquette (CCB) have been promoted at national level, see Appendix D. 5. Installed 18 Metal Campaign Board on 9 Sub-Districts: During the reporting period, 18 campaign iron (metal) boards (plank) displaying environmental campaign boards have been erected on 18 sites along the main roads and public areas across the GreenPNPM sub-district pilots at the Province level. The messages are expected as longlived environmental education for the young generation, whilst also acting as a ‘psychological deterrent’ for environmental destructors. We installed the plank on strategic areas such as market, areas surrounding sub-district office, surrounding school and cross-roads. There were 5 messages topics: (a) Preservation of Village Protection Area (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD); (b) Conservation of mangrove forest; (c) Managing domestic garbage; (d) Earth Preservation; (e) Terestrial forest Conservation. We also istalled ballyhoos at strategic sites in the capital of sub-district. The installment is aimed to promote the types of smart-practices and its associated geographic locations within Sub-District areas. 6. Facilitated the establishement of Smart Practice House (SPH) and Field Learning Center for Environmental Restoration (FLER): We facilitated the establishment of SPH at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka, Buton), while FLER in Kahulungaya (Pasarwajo, Buton) and Gunung Sari Village (Watubangga, Kolaka). SPH is a house model for environment friendly technologies and sustainaible livehoods, while FLER is a farm model for integrated farming. SPH in Oengkolaki is developed at Pak Lasamira House. The house is equipped with Biogas while Pak Lasamira family produces VCO and CCB. FLER in Kahuluhaya is developed at Pak Zakaria garden, he develops high quality trees seedlings, organic fertilizers and various agroforestry models; FLER in Watubangga is developed at Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa garden, we established an open building for farmers gathering (training), Pak Made known as organic farming and bee-culture specialist. We facilitated the development of integrated farming models in his garden. Pak Made also manages Gunung Sari Community Radio. Both SPH and FLER are strategic sites to conduct environmental awareness. 7. Updating Training Moduls: OWT has developed a set of moduls on environmental management practices. The moduls have been distributed to Green-PNPM actors/facilitators and local community during demplot establishment and regular training in the PNPM cycle. We treat moduls as lively documents; it is open for further improvement and adaptation to response on the ground implementation. Applications of environmentally friendly technology are not just simply copying from other areas, various adaptations and to a certain extent ‘new inventions’are required to response local specific conditions. For example: (a) We invented technique to modify a normal gas stove which are originally designed for high pressure gas to enable to be used for biogas (low pressure gas); (b) CCB making, we discovered the optimal ratio between the tapioca glue and charcoal coconut shell powders, we also invent simple technique to ignite CCB, similar cases for the making of ‘Bokashi’ organic fertilizer, biopores and recharge well. Realizing this, the developed moduls need regular adaptation to response on the ground experience. During the reporting period, we revised the following moduls: (a) Crabs fattening; (b) Charcoal briquette; (c) Energy saving stoves; (d) Sengon (Albizia falcataria) nursery; (e) Cashewnut


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processing; (f) Terracing oon rainfed land; (g) organic fertilizer; (h) Recharge well; (i) Mahoni (Swietenia mahagony) nursery; (j) Water Purification; (k) Biogas Installment. 8. Development of 4 Green-PNPM Film: Film is considered as the most communicative and effective media for environmental awareness. Good film can deliver message in attractive and interesting manner to the targeted audience. As awareness aids, film can raise the quality of message delivery and make the job of environmental awareness facilitators easier. We plan to establish a ‘Mobile Environmental Awareness Team’, where we have a car which is specially designed to distribute environmental awareness materials (films, leaflet, booklet, posters etc.). The cars will move from one village to others and deliver environmental awareness. During the reporting perod, OWT produced several tittles of documentary films. (a) Profiles of Key Village champion; (b) Green PNPM profile for Buton and Muna District; (c) Women Group for Nentu Handicraft Makers; (d) Techniques of honey bee culture. 9. Improve communication among Green-PNPM actors and facilitators at District Level: Since May 2010, we have started to facilitate regular monthly meeting involving key-government officials at district level (Head of Regional Development Planning/Bappeda, Head of Environmental Impact Assessment/Bapedalda, Head of Forestry Service and Head of Agriculture Service) and parliament (DPRD), GreenPNPM actors (Head of PMP, PJO Kab) and facilitators at sub-district and district level. We realized that PNPM monthly meeting at district level was not sufficient to discuss the details and specific problems of Green-PNPM, as it is mostly dominated with the discussion of regular PNPM issues. By facilitating the meeting, involving all key-Government officials and members of parliament with Green-PNPM actors/facilitators at sub-district and village level, the Green-PNPM program will be well-recognized at district level. We also facilitated the visits of key-government officials and parliaments to Green-PNPM activities/smart-practices. 10. Lessons Learned No 19/2010: Lack of funding for tree planting maintenance. Most of the BLM resource was invested for the planting activities, and limited for the maintenance. There are hardly maintenance activities of the newly planted trees after MDST (hand-over PNPM activities). The maintenance is required for any planting activities, especially mangrove. It is to safeguard the fences of the planted mangrove seedlings to prevent the flow of garbage during high tide and domesticalted animal raid during low tide. The growth of infant trees is often disturbed by garbage/rubbish. In 2008, under Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP), Renda Village, Napabalano, Muna was selected as the winner on mangrove rehabilitation competition, however after the project had been completed and no fund available to safeguard the fences, the mangrove is highly degraded. The same fate is going to happen for Green-PNPM mangrove rehabilitation in Renda conducted during 2009 (located nearby the CRMP project). Simmilar case also happens in Tampo Village, Napabalano. The mangrove rehabilitation conducted using GreenPNPM fund during 2009 experiences severe cows’ raid during low tide. Big proportion of fund certainly needs to be invested for the maintenance rather than planting as the maintenance activity will take at least 2 years after planting. 3

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11. Lessons Learned No 20/2010: Poor reliability of the tree planting projects. The major weakness of the current BLM‘s Community Forest model (tree planting) are: (a) Inconcistency of planting space, as mostly conducted through enrichment planting; (b) the frequent absence of the Project Announcement Boards, as the rebilitation areas are not concentrated at certain site; (c) Difficult to distinguish the new BLM trees out of the old trees population (non-BLM trees); (d) Difficult to assess the percentage of young trees survival. Some tree project planting beneficiaries in Napabalano claimed that the teak trees of 2 m height were planted through 2009 BLM funding, ironically the disbursement of BLM is only about three months ago. The absence of clear natural or artificial boundaries, any regreening activities can be claimed as BLM dunded tree planting. 12. Concluding remarks: The challenges for Green are bigger than non-green activities. Our main ‘home-work’ is how to present the spirits of community development on environmental improvement in this program. Big efforts are required to change government, local community and facilitator from ‘project oriented’ into the ‘mandiri’. The tasks of Green facilitators should be realistic; they deserve good remuneration, while strict punishments should be imposed if they violate PNPM rule on purpose. Awareness and training are highly required, but this should be accompanied by adaptive guideline (PTO) and effective monitoring and evaluation


Edi Purwanto



The Green-Kecamatan Development Program/G-KDP is a pilot program within the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) - Rural aimed to develop and integrate sustainable natural resources management (NRM) strategy into the PNPM-Rural. The objective of the Green PNPM is: for villagers in rural Sulawesi to benefit from improved local governance and equitable access to, and sustainable use of, natural resources. The Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) is a Civil Service Organization (CSO) subcontracted by the World Bank (Bank) to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and Green-PNPM actors at village and kecamatan level and mainstreaming sustainable development at districts and province Green-PNPM Pilot in SE Sulawesi Province is implemented in three districts, i.e. Buton, Muna and Kolaka. Three kecamatans (Sub-Districts) were selected for each district, Pasarwajo, Sampolawa and Mawasangka for Buton, Tongkuno, Lawa and Napabalano for Muna, and Ladongi, Baula and Watubangga for Kolaka. The total project budget for Component 3 (Awareness Raising and Training) is USD 764.650,00. The life of the project is three years, starting November 7, 2007 and ended October 31, 2010. Understanding that the remaining fund is sufficient to run the project for another year, and there are still many uncompleted tasks, on April 5, 2010, we submitted letter to the PNPM-Support Facility to propose No-Cost Extension until October 31, 2011. The project has two main components, i.e. environmental training and awareness. Both activities are inserted to the existing PNPM system to mainstreaming NRM at village, (sub) district and province level. To make tangible outputs of environmental awareness, the activity has been supported by facilitating local community to develop community based NRM models. The objective is to provide life examples of community based NRM which are applicable and affordable to rural community. Those have been successfully inspired local community to replicate the initiatives by proposing the activities to be funded by Green PNPM fund (BLM). During the reporting period, along with key village champions, we focused on strengthening and reinforcement and disseminating information of estabilished demonstaration plot, such as: (a) Improvement of home biogas installation in Ladongi, Baula, Watubangga and Pasarwajo; (b) Reinforcement training on Apiculture in Ladongi, Baula, Napabalano and Lawa; (c) VCO training and facilitate the development of women group VCO makers in Mawasangka and Pasarwajo; (d) Seaweed farming and facilitate the development of Seaweed Farmers Group in Sampolawa; (e) Reinforment (refresher) training on fattening Mangrove Crab in Mawasangka; (f) Monitoring and provide technical assistances on the use of Janthropa Stove in Mawasangka; (g) Training in organic farming in Watubangga, Sampolawa, Pasarwajo and Mawasangka; (h) Improvement of Water purification in Ladongi; (i) Strengthening Learning House on waste separation and processing in Bau- Bau. We also continuously raised awareness and facilitate the mapping activities of ‘Village Protection Areas’ (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD) in Pasarwajo (Buton) and Lawa (Muna), waste separation campaign in Mawasangka, Pasarwajo, Sampolawa (Buton) and Lawa (Kolaka); Environmental training is targeted to: (a) local community at village and kecamatan level; (b) government officials at district and province level; (c) Green-PNPM actors (FKL, Faskap, PJOK etc.) at kecamatan, district and province level. Training delivery for local community is mainly aimed at improving skills on NRM. Training delivery for government officials is


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aimed at nurturing problem solving dialogue and cross-fertilization among decision makers on NRM. Training delivery is organized in collaboration with government agencies to reduce training cost, ease technical arrangement and to deliver the training to considerable numbers of intended participants (key decison makers) efficiently. Training delivery for PNPM actors is aimed at mainstreaming visions on site specific environmental problems and associated solutions to stimulate the implementation of ‘green window’ to the existing PNPM. Training delivery is organized in collaboration with PMD and other Green-PNPM actors at district and province level. The principles taken as a basis on training design are as follow: (a) it is not aimed at raising skills but mainstreaming visions on sustainable development decisions; (b) its duration not longer than 8 hours (one-day), as key decisions makers have no time to engage more than one-day training. The report outlines progress, outputs and achievements during May and June 2010 and OWT contribution against Green-PNPM performance indicators.


Edi Purwanto

III. Progress Made Over the Reporting Period A. Project Management Due to the increase on volume of works and challenges, during this reporting period we have repositioned Andi Zainudin to become District Coordinator of Kolaka Sub district replaced La Ode Mukmin. The latter was repotitioned as an Environmental awareness Material Development Specialist. To tackle the absence of district assistant in Kolaka, we raised responsibilities of sub district awareness coordinator and gave additional responsibility of Salmi (Baula sub district awareness coordinator) as Office Administrator. In Muna, we recruited Prihantoro as a new staff to replace the posisition of La Ode Alisyah (Assitant Coordinator of Muna District). Prihantoro is also responsible to assist La Ode Muhamad Erwin to produce domentary film. We also recruited Ramadhan as an Office Administrator of Muna District. For Buton, we raised the responsibility of Abdul Hadedi as Office Manager of OWT Centre Office. On 28 June 2010, we received confirmation via e-mail from the World Bank/PNPM Support Facility/PSF (Jeremy Foster) that they noted that CIDA has no objections to the amendment of the closing date of the existing Grant Agreement to October 2011 and they (PSF) have been moving forward with OWT’s request for a ‘no-cost extension’.

B. Environmental Awareness The focus of our awareness and training during May and June 2010 was on the strengthening and reinforcement of demplot institution and maintenance. We continuously emphasizes that the demplot establishment is meant as an embryo of Green-PNPM activities, those initiatives should be maintained and replicated by villagers through BLM funding. The demplot is aimed to inspire villagers on the viable, affordable and replicable environmental friendly activities, which can be developed by villagers with or without the present of government supports. We disseminated information on best practices and monitored benefits and impacts and outcomes of demplots to a wider community. We also monitored BLM implementation and its general impacts to awareness rising practices of the community towards improved environments and NRM. B.1. Environmental Awareness and Training at Province Level B.1.1. On-going development of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices:Learning of the World Bank Book outlines ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices, since July 2009, we have collected photos related to example of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental practices with special reference to Indonesian environmental condition. We will develop a book, ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of each practice will be discussed. The lists of intended photos are presented on Table 3.1. Until this reporting period, development of good and bad environmental practices is still on the process of the completion of the materials (photos gathering). We expect to finish the book by August 2010.


Edi Purwanto

Table 3.1. Good and Bad Environmental Management Typology


(Sub)Ecosystem or practices Forest

Rainfed agriculture

Irrigated agriculture Settlement area Lowland Domestic waste management River Coastal

Mangrove forest Brackish water pond Sandy beach

Near shore marine/

Coral reef Fish stock

fishery Seaweed farming

Topic of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ management

Natural Forest: Intact vs degraded forest. A closer look on: surface and morphoerosion1 Manmade Forest: well management with good canopy cover and undergrowth vs forest with good canopy cover but poor undergrowth and poor canopy and poor undergrowth. A closer look on overland flow and accelerated erosion. Agroforestry: intercropping trees with annual crop vs annual crop (without tree crop). A closer look on surface erosion and land productivity. Intercropping vs monoculture. Example: intercropping rice, maize and cassava vs monoculture cassava. A closer look on accelerated erosion2 and land productivity. Upland agriculture with and without soil conservation. A closer look on accelerated erosion and land productivity. Bench terrace with and without terrace riser protection. A closer look on accelerated (rill) erosion and land productivity. Cocoa Plantation with and without pest management. A closer look on quality and quantity of fruit production. Steep sloping land along the roads with and without slope stabilization. A closer look on mass wasting. Sawah with and without ‘ngaguguntur’ (slope retreatment). A closer look on river suspended and bed load (total river sediment load). Settlement area with and without recharge well and water harvesting system. A closer look on surface water pounding and depth of ground water level. Domestic waste management with and without sorting and processing Erodible meandering river bank with and without slope stabilization using gabion and vegetative protection. A closer look on riverbank erosion. Coastal area with and without mangrove: A closer look on coastal line retreatment (abrasion). Brackish water pond with and without mangrove trees (Silvo-fishery): A closer look on bank stability and pond productivity. Sandy beach with and without Casuarinas’ trees: A closer look on coastal line retreatment. Near shore marine with good and degraded coral reef: A closer look on reef fish abundance and diversity Near shore fishery with and without environmentally sound fishing gears. Near shore marine with and without seaweed farming: A closer look on illegal logging and coral reef degradation.


Morphoerosion is the wearing away of soil and rock by mass wasting (e.g. gully erosion, landslide etc.).


Accelerated erosion/man-made erosion is erosion influenced by man.

8 Edi Purwanto

B.1.2 Reinforcement Training on Apiculture (Avis Cerana) Group: We conducted apiculture reinforcement training to strengthen institution and gave additional skill to demplot groups in Kolaka and Muna Districts. We found the group in Kolaka (Segoro Madu, Atula Village, Ladongi) had lost motivation to cultivate honey bees as the trainer was not onsite, while OWT awareness person was not capable tackling the challenges. During the initiation of the demplot, we provided ten boxes honey bees colony (3 boxes avis cerana and 7 boxes avis florean), now remain only three boxes. While BLM apiculture model in Watalara village (Baula Sub-District) from three boxes, remain only one box. The same cases occurred in Muna district (Lawa and Napabalano Sub-Districts). We found that the groups faced common challenges, i.e. losing the honey bee’s colony because they were lack of knowledge and skills on apiculture. The group has no skill to recognize bee castes (queen, worker and drones). Responding the situation we decided to conduct reinforcement training for the groups both in Muna and Kolaka Districts. Training in Kolaka was on 28 and 29 May involving apiculture farmer group from Ladongi and Baula (4 OWT staffs and 12 villagers), whilst training in Muna district was held on 30 May to 1 June 2010 attended by 7 OWT staffs and 11 villagers. The objectives of the trainings were: (a) enabled the group to distinguish castes of honey bees (queen, drones and workers); (b) Enabled the participants (apiculture group) to move the colony from its natural surround into the box. The impact of training was remarkable, all participants now are able to develop honey bees colony in the box. B.1.3 Designed and installed Stickers, Leaflets, Wooden plank and Ballyhoos: Since early May 2010, we designed some additional media for improving environmental awareness and technical skills. Stickers: To reach our mission on developing sustainable and energy self sufficiency village society, we printed 1,000 pieces of stickers and put at the house door of project beneficiary. We developed and distributed two stickers: (a) Sticker of BLM beneficiaries’ identification (3,000 sheets); (b) Sticker of family who conserve mangrove forest (2,000 sheets). Leaflet: It is aimed at providing technical knowledge of the step-bystep procedure on the making of environment friendly appropriate technologies, such as: (a) Coconut sheel charcoal briquette (CCB); (b) Biogas installation; (c) Bio-pores and recharge well; (d) Bokashi (organic ferlitizer) etc. Wooden plank: It is aimed at providing warnings of susceptible areas which should be protected from human activities, such as steep slope, areas surrounding water spring; along side the river coarses and the coasts. The planks are also made to give local specific environmental awareness, such as warning not allows throwing waste on the river or spring etc. Ballyhoo: We also developed ballyhoos and installed them in strategic public areas in the capital of sub-district. This is aimed at promoting type and spatial distribution of smart practices at sub-district level. B.1.4 Designed and Installed Metal Campaign Board on the public areas of 9 SubDistricts: 18 campaign iron (metal) boards (plank) displaying environmental campaign boards have been erected on 18 sites along the main roads and public areas across the GreenPNPM sub-district pilots in the Province. The messages are expected as environmental education for the young generation, whilst also acting as a ‘psychological deterrent’ for environmental destructors. To optimize the message content on each metal campaign board, each plank displayed two environmental messages topic, one message on each side of the board. We installed the plank on public areas such as market, sub-district office, school and cross-roads. There were 5 messages topics: (a) Preservation of Village Protection Area (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD); (b) Conservation of mangrove forest; (c) Managing domestic garbage; (d) Earth Preservation; (e) Terestrial forest Conservation. 9

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The detail message of each topic is the following: Save Village Conservation Areas (KPD). Forest, River, Spring Water and Coastal Area are life supporting systems which have to be protected. Save KPD through: (1) Trees planting campaign; (2) Develop Village Regulation to conserve KPD; (3) Save KPD from illegal logging; (4) Do not contaminate KPD with rubbish and poisoned waste. Do not let the coastal fortress gone. Mangrove forest is coastal fortress. It is an area for fish spawning, breeding and nursery ground. Destroy mangrove forest is destroying coastal life. REHABILITATE and PROTECT mangrove forest through: (1) Define mangrove areas as Village Protection Areas (KPD); (2) Do not cut and damage mangrove; (3) Do not convert mangrove to brackish water pond; (4) Do not use mangrove trees as fuel-wood; (5) Conduct planting campaign and mangrove maintenance’. Managing domestic waste through: (1) Waste separation between organic and non-organic; (2) Minimize the use of an-organic matter (plastic, paper, metal etc.); (3) Convert organic waste into compost; (4) Recycle and reuse an-organic waste; (5) Develop domestic waste processing unit. Save the Earth through: (1) Use energy saving stove; (2) Convert fossil fuel to biogas; (3) Switch off the lamp if not needed; (4) Save clean water; (5) Trees planting movement. Save Teak Forest from illegal logging, report to the Police if you find any illegal logers. B.1.5 Updating Training Moduls: OWT has developed a set of moduls on environmental management practices. The moduls have been distributed to Green-PNPM actors/facilitators and local community during demplot establishment and regular training in the PNPM cycle. We treat moduls as lively documents; it is open for further improvement and adaptation to response on the ground implementation. Applications of environmentally friendly technology are not just simply copying from other areas, various adaptations and to a certain extent ‘new inventions’are required to response local specific conditions. For example: (a) We invented technique to modify a normal gas stove which are originally designed for high pressure gas to enable to be used for biogas (low pressure gas); (b) CCB making, we discovered the optimal ratio between the tapioca glue and charcoal coconut shell powders, we also invent simple technique to ignite CCB, similar cases for the making of ‘Bokashi’ organic fertilizer, biopores and recharge well. Realizing this, the developed moduls need regular adaptation to response on the ground experience. During the reporting period, we revised the following moduls: (a) Crabs fattening; (b) Charcoal briquette; (c) Energy saving stoves; (d) Sengon (Albizia falcataria) nursery; (e) Cashewnut processing; (f) Terracing oon rainfed land; (g) organic fertilizer; (h) Recharge well; (i) Mahoni (Swietenia mahagony) nursery; (j) Water Purification; (k) Biogas Installment. B.1.6 Development of 4 Green-PNPM Film: Film is considered as the most communicative and effective media for environmental awareness. Good film can deliver message in attractive and interesting manner to the targeted audience. As awareness aids, film can raise the quality of message delivery and make the job of environmental awareness facilitators easier. We plan to establish a ‘Mobile Environmental Awareness Team’, where we have a car which is specially designed to distribute environmental awareness materials (films, leaflet, booklet, posters etc.). The cars will move from one village to others and deliver environmental awareness. During the reporting perod, OWT produced several tittles of documentary films. (a) Profiles of Key Village champion; (b) Green PNPM profile for Buton


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and Muna District; (c) Women Group for Nentu Handicraft Makers; (d) Techniques of honey bee culture. B.1.7. Media Visits (13 June 2010): We facilitated the visits of television and newspaper journalists to document Green-PNPM smart practices. The visits involved national and regional media such as SCTV television, Antara News, Ozzon Radio Streaming, Kendari Pos, and Radar Buton. As results two of our smart-practices facilitations, Biogas and Coconut Sheel Charcoal Briquette (CCB) have been promoted at national level, see Appendix D. B.1.8. Promotion in Bakti News (June 2010): We promoted our strategic approaches and smart practices facilitations in Bakti News (Volume V, Edition 56), May-June 2010, page 13 and 14. The article is written in Indonesian and English (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi/Towards Sustainable Village and Self Sufficiency Energy). B.1.9. Internal Coordination meeting and Evaluation: During the reporting period OWT conducted two times coordination and evaluation meeting in Kendari (Almaira hotel) and OWT office Bau Bau. The meeting was held at Almaira Hotel on 21 and 22 June involving Kolaka staff, while meeting for Buton and Muna staff was held in Bau Bau on 27 and 28 June. The actions-plan: (a) Intensify technical assistances and monitoring on the use of BLM funding; (b) Replicate biogas facilitation to potential areas; (c) Reinforce the demplots institution and documents the impacts and benefits; (d) Facilitate the establishment of Smart Practices Houses (SPH) and Field Learning Centre for Environmental Restoration (FLER) at sub district level; (e) Facilitated regular Green-PNPM coordination meeting at district level; (f) Conduct biannual meeting at district level to report the progress of GreenPNPM implementation to the District Government and Parliament. B.1.10. Supported the World Bank Missions to Muna and Buton Districts (21-25 June 2010): We provided supports on the mission from the preparation in PSF, coordination meeting Jakarta upon arrivals, and accompaniying the field visits. We facilitated wrap-up meetings in Bau-Bau (OWT office) whom all missions team visiting Buton, composed of Bank staf, NMC, PMD and OWT share the findings and experiences

B.2 Buton District B.2.1 Reinforcement of Mangrove Crabs Fattening Fishers Group: During May 2010, we provide intensive technical assistances to reinforce the demplot in Banga Village, especially improving the quality (strength) of the sea-cage (karamba) and facilitated the replication of Crabs sea-cages (3) at Oengkolagi Village. So far, the Banga Group has conducted two times harvests and developed the amount of sea-cages (using their own resource) from 5 to 10. B.2.2 Participated Training on Film Making (3-8 May 2010): The taining was organized by Bau-Bau Municipallity Government. The objectives were to train youth on film making as ways to promote Bau-Bau as a tourist destination. We made use the training to share some technical procedures on film making and introduce Green PNPM fims. The participants of the training were 80 people consist of high school, university students, local NGO staff and journalists.


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B.2.3. Facilitated the establishement of Smart Practice House (SPH) and Field Learning Center for Environmental Restoration (FLER): We facilitated the establishment of SPH at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka, Buton) and FLER in Kahulungaya Village (Pasarwajo, Buton). SPH is a house model which practices environmentall friendly technologies and sustainaible livehoods, while FLER is a farm model practicing integrated farming. SPH in Oengkolaki Village is developed at Pak Lasamira House. The house is equipped wirh Biogas while Pak Lasamira family produces VCO and CCB as the main source of household income; FLER in Kahuluhaya is developed at Pak Zakaria garden, he develops high quality trees seedlings, organic fertilizers and various agroforestry models. Both SPH and FLER have been used as environmental awareness center for the surrounding villages. B.2.4 Capacity building of Green-PNPM actors and facilitators: Partcipated MAD II in Pasarwajo (11 May 2010); we reviewed the example of smart and poor examples of previous project, emphasis the needs of transparency and effective use of BLM. Facilitated coordination meeting for UPK, KPMD and TPK (31 May 2010): Discuss lessoned learned of previous projects, and ways to improve the coordination and communication among Green PNPM actors. We stimulated participants to reveal untold problems, which were difficult to present in the regular Green PNPM meetings. Updated wareness materials (4-9 June 2010): Updated Information Boards with new leaflets and posters, all the materials are colourful with short and simple messages. 8 wooden planks diplaying local specific messages were also installed. B.2.5 Promoting Green-PNPM at Lambusango Workshop (18 May 2010): We involved on the organization of Lambusango Forest Conservation Workshop funded by Buton District Government. In the gathering, we promoted the progress and achievements of Green-PNPM, roles of KPD as buffer-zone of Lambusango Forest, presenting the proposed KPD map to support the protection Lambusango Forest, and stimulated Buton District Government and parliament to develop government regulations (Perda) to protect Lambusango Forest and it buffer zone areas (KPD). B.2.7. Installed door stickers on the Green PNPM beneficiary houses: It is aimed to identify the distribution of Green-PNPM assistances (including OWT) among villagers on targeted villages. The benefits of the stickers installment: (a) To mark those who have (and not yet) received Green-PNPM assistances; (b) To stimulate beneficiaries to have environmental friendly attitudes; (c) To understand whether the BLM has been properly targeted to poor villagers.

B.3 Muna District

B.3.1 Building Community Forest (Hutan Rakyat) Model at Lianosa Village, Tongkuno: The major weakness of the current BLM‘s Community Forest model (tree planting) are: (a) Inconcistency of planting space, as mostly conducted through enrichment planting; (b) the frequent absence of the Project Announcement Boards, as the rebilitation areas are not concentrated at certain site; (c) Difficult to distinguish the new BLM trees out of the old trees population (non-BLM trees). Some project planting beneficiaries in Napabalano claimed that the teak trees of 2 m height were planted through 2009 BLM funding, ironically the disbursement of BLM is only about three months ago. In response to the situation, we developed a community forest model at Lianosa Village. The model was developed on critical (bare) land, the size of the plot is 2 ha and owned by 5 famers. The planted species is teak with planting space of 2x3 m2. The model is equipped with wooden fences,


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announcement boards and protection of every single young tree (sapling) against animal raids. The land owner will plant annual crops along the alleys of teak crop; this will bring the plot into the agroforestry model. B.3.2 Facilited the establishment of Women Economic Group (Suka Maju) on Cashew Processing, Lalemba (Lawa): We selected the existing women group in Lalemba Village, who has daily livelihood on cashew processing to establish women economic group and improved the quality of the products. Since March 2010, we provided training on cashew processing, technical assistance on financial administration and management, and a small grant for initial capital of the group. The interest rate is 1 percent and the maximum loan period is 10 months. The women economic group has 22 members. On mid June, we provided weighing and sealing band machine (before they used candle) which enables them to pack 50 to 60 kg of processed cashewnut compared with manual that they were only able to pack 10 kg per hour. We assisted them to design the plastic package colorful environmental messages, the perfomace of the package enable the groups to increase the price as many five thousand. Ibu Sahida, is the champion of the group, B.3.3. Installed door stickers on the Green PNPM beneficiary houses: To enable the public and the villager identifying project beneficiaries, we initiated to make sticker (display information of name of project, type of project received, size and short environmental messages) and sticked at direct beneficiaries of each household in Napabalano sub district (Bahari, Renda, and Tampo village), Lawa sub district (Latugho, Lalemba, and Lailangga village), Tongkuno sub disctict (Lahontohe, Lianosa, and Waleale village). B.3.4 Capacity building of Green-PNPM actors and facilitator: Participated MKP Lawa Subdistrict on 15 to 19 of May (Latugho, Watumela, and Wamelai villages); we realized the lack of representation of women proposals funded during 2008 to 2009. To be able to emphasize the importance of gender participation on natural resource management, we participated in MKP meeting to assist women to promote Green-PNPM proposals. Participated Project Proposal Verification (8-9 May 2010); we support Team verification with environmental issues and lessons learned from the previous years; Installed awareness materials (‘Wahana Informasi’) ‘at UPK Offices; To promote environmental awareness and training, NRM smart-practices facilitation and other Green-activities to non-Green-PNPM actors/facilitators and government officials, we have displayed those materials at UPK (‘Wahana Informasi’) and Kecamatan office. To do so, we install display-board and cupboard at UPK Office in the pilot sub-districts. Updated wareness materials (10-14 June 2010): Updated Information

Boards with new leaflets and posters, all the materials are colourful with short and simple messages. 8 wooden planks diplaying local specific messages were also installed. Awareness at MAD II Napabalano Subdsitrict (30 June); We made use the meeting to reinforce substance of Green PNPM and talked about alternative energy of biogas, briquette charcoal and other best practices made by OWT at all sub districts (Green PNPM).

B.4 Kolaka District B.4.1 Coordination with Green-PNPM actors and facilitators: Promotion of smart practices at District PNPM Coordination meeting (10 May 2010); We participated District coordination meeting in PMD office on 10 May 2010. We made use the meeting to promote all smart-practices we have facilitated in Green PNPM. Coordination meeting with Subdsitrict ForestryAgency in Baula and Ladongi Subdistricts: On 12 of May 2010 we 13

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had coordination meeting with subdsitrict forestry agencies to inform our activities in order to maintain coordination and relationship. Facilitated coordination meeting for UPK, KPMD and TPK (31 May 2010): Discuss lessoned learned of previous projects, and ways to improve the coordination and communication among Green PNPM actors. We also discussed recomendations of World Bank mission. Awareness on MAD II: We emphasized the need of transparency in managing the project budget. B.4.2. Green Campaign on World Environmantal Day: Two weeks before the day, we pronouced the idea to Ladongi, Baula and Watubangga Sub-Districts government and they all showed positive responses. Ladongi Sub-District: Head of sub-district (Camat), FK-L and UPK managed to get forestry agencies provided 1.000 mahony sappling, UPK and subdsitrict official provided consumption and documentation. We facilitated Green-PNPM actors and facilitators to plant mahony trees along the side the road (5 kilometres). Baula Sub-District: The celebration was managed by sub-district government involving agriculture, forestry, policemen and all PNPM actors. We facilitated the establishment of 2 ha community forest, planted with mahony and demonstraed garbage separation at subdistrict market. The demonstration of this garbage separation attracted public as the Camat and participants showed up in the market and collected garbages. Watubangga Sub-District: The celebration involved all actors of PNPM and High School Students to plant trees on the roadside near the football field. B.4.3 Monitoring Green-PNPM projects and demplot: Biogas; In Kolaka, Biogas has become the second most interested 2010’s Green-PNPM project proposals after tree planting activities. Problems of biogas using plastic digester are vulnerable to animal’s disturbance and accidentally spike by hard material. Some Moslem do not want to see the demplot as the material of the biogas id using pig feaces.Gmelina Arborea demplot; The demplot in Puulemo (1 ha) has been replicated by villagers (5 ha) as a way to rehabilitate the critical land. B.4.4. Facilitated the establishement of FLER: Since March 2010, we facilitated the estabslishment of FLER at Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa garden, Gunungsari, Watubangga. We established an open building for farmers gathering (training), Pak Made known as organic farming and bee-culture specialist. We facilitated the development of integrated farming models in his garden. Pak Made also manages Gunung Sari Community Radio. Both SPH and FLER have been used as environmental awareness center for the surrounding villages. B.4.5 Monitoring Community Radio (Radio Green Trust Ladongi and Radio Gunung Sari Watubangga Sub district): We facilitated the establishment of two community radio in Ladongi and Watubangga. The radios have been an effective media to disseminate Green PNPM and other green issues information. On 15 April 2010, after the KBR68H Radio Talkshow in Bau Bau, both radios were visited by Ibu Citra (Communication Division, World Bank) and Pak Prianto Wibowo (Green PNPM, World Bank). On May 2010, both radios experience equipment and transmission troubles. We then repaired the radio equipment and providing a set of UPS, computers and internet modem. We made agreement with the radio crew to optimalize the environmental segment, in the mean time also provide technical assistance for fundraising. The Green Trust Radio is now able to reach Konawe, Konawe Selatan and Kolaka Town.


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C. Environmental Training C.1 Buton District C.1.1 Training on Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquete/CCB (31 May 2010): Coconut is one of the biggest agricultural commodities in Mawasangka Sub-District. Understanding this, we delivered CCB training for women group at Oengkolaki Village. The training was attended by 26 female and 4 male. The CCB introduction is expected to reduce the use of mangrove trees as the current main source of fuel wood. During the training, we demonstrated financial and environmental benefit of using CCB in comparison to kerosene, charcoal and LNG. We demonstrated that 3 small CCB (2 cm3) can be used to boil 20 liters water, while the fire can stand for 8 hours! CCB is also better to grill fishes, compared to charcoal; it is clean and hardly produces smoke. The women group, headed by the wife of Pak Lasamira, was very interested to adopt the practice, and now they all have produced CCB for their own consumption and for sale to Bau-Bau. Some restaurants in Bau-Bau has started to use CCB, we will promote this to Buton District and Bau-Bau town as new clean and economic energy. C.1.2 Training BLM project on Biogas Installation in Saragi Village (28-29 May 2010): The increase price of fuels has turned villagers back to use fuelwood and seek for alternative energy. LPG is not always a proper choice as unaffordable for the poor, while LPG explossion has scared many rural families. Biogas is unfamiliar alternative energy for the majority of Butonese community. We introduced biogas to the village with high animal population. The problem is that villagers are not used to cage the cows and this underlined its difficult adoption. So far, we have already developed three demplots in Buton. The biogas demplot in Oengkolaki is very successful. It has been promoted on Liputan 6 SCTV. We also provided support on biogas installation training funded by BLM in Saragi Village; the training was attended by 18 females and 15 male. The installation has not yet worked as the plastic digester was leakage due to animal disturbance. . C.1.3 Training on orange grafting in Warinta Village (23 May 2010): We facilitated the planting of grafted orange, the under stem is Citroen (C. aurantifolia), while the upper stem is Keprok Siem (C. medika). We facilitated the planting of 1,000 under stem orange trees in February 2010. It takes four months (stem diameter 2 – 3 cm) before ready to be grafted with Keprok Siem. Citroen is selected as under stem because of its strong stem, large rooting system, disease-resistance and longevity. The plant should be regenerated after 10 years. On 23 May 2010, we trained villagers to graft the under stem with the upper stem. Taking into account that optimal production age of an orange plantation is between 3 and 6 years, the planted orange will start to produce in 2014. C.1.4 Training of Verification Team in Pasarwajo, Sampolawa and Mawasangka (5 May 2010, 12 May, 16 May); We emphasized, (a) Potential Smart Practices (demplots) which need to be replicated using BLM; (b) smart and poor examples of previous projects, proposals which may potentially waste precious resource and worth to be funded; (c) Identification of local resources (seedlings, building materials); (d) Environmental impact assessment (Form 22); (d) urgent environmental problems and cross cutting impacts among villages.


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C.2 Muna District C.1.4 Training of Verification Team in Tongkuno, Napabalano and Lawa (7 May 2010, 17 May, 20 May): We made the Verification Team has the same perception on the substance of Green PNPM such as the background and purpose of the program,performance indicators and negative list. We asked the Team to put priority on villages having urgent environmental problems which impacts to the community welfare or natural hazards. C.2.2 Training on Writing Village Project Proposal in Lapadaku and Lalemba village, Lawa (25-28 May 2010): The training was to follow-up similar training organized by FKL. We provided training and technical assistances on proposal development (rambutan planting for Lapadaku and recharge well building for Lalemba). We also assisted TPU to design RAB. In many cases, project proposal is developed by KPMD and TPU, while the RAB is prepared by FKL. C.3.3 Training on Financial Administration and Packaging on Women Economic Group, Lalemba (Lawa), 8 May 2010: We introduced simple calculation of production cost and benefit, break event point, sale manual books and packaging. We provide intensive day-to – day guidance and technical assistance on its application.


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IV Challenges Faced, Remedial Actions Taken, and Lessons Learned A. Lack of funding for tree planting maintenance (Lesson Learned No. 19/2010:

Challenges faces: Most of the BLM resource was invested for the planting activities, and limited for the maintenance. There are hardly maintenance activities of the newly planted trees after MDST (hand-over PNPM activities). The maintenance is required for any planting activities, especially mangrove. It is to safeguard the fences of the planted mangrove seedlings to prevent the flow of garbage during high tide and domesticalted animal raid during low tide. The growth of infant trees is often disturbed by garbage/rubbish. In 2008, under Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP), Renda Village, Napabalano, Muna was selected as the winner on mangrove rehabilitation competition, however after the project had been completed and no fund available to safeguard the fences, the mangrove is highly degraded. The same fate is going to happen for Green-PNPM mangrove rehabilitation in Renda conducted during 2009 (located nearby the CRMP project). Simmilar case also happens in Tampo Village, Napabalano. The mangrove rehabilitation conducted using GreenPNPM fund during 2009 experiences severe cows’ raid during low tide. Big proportion of fund certainly needs to be invested for the maintenance rather than planting as the maintenance activity will take at least 2 years after planting. Proposed Action: Effort is required to improve the current Green-PNPM PTO to response the problem.

B. Poor reliability of the tree planting projects (Lesson Learned No. 20/2010):

Challenges faces: The major weakness of the current BLM‘s Community Forest model (tree planting) are: (a) Inconcistency of planting space, as mostly conducted through enrichment planting; (b) the frequent absence of the Project Announcement Boards, as the rebilitation areas are not concentrated at certain site; (c) Difficult to distinguish the new BLM trees out of the old trees population (non-BLM trees); (d) Difficult to assess the percentage of young trees survival. Some tree project planting beneficiaries in Napabalano claimed that the teak trees of 2 m height were planted through 2009 BLM funding, ironically the disbursement of BLM is only about three months ago. The absence of clear natural or artificial boundaries, any regreening activities can be claimed as BLM dunded tree planting. Proposed Action: Tree planting campaign should be planted at a bare (unvegetated land), the planting areas should have a clear boundary. This should become the important criteria for Verification Team to select the feasibility of Tree Planting Proposals.

C. Lack of women funded proposals (Lesson Learned No. 21/2010) Challenges faces: We realized the lack of representation of women funded proposals during 2008 to 2009. Proposed Remedial Action: We will put big proportion of awareness program on women groups. 17

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V. Concluding remarks: The challenges for Green are bigger than non-green activities. Our main ‘home-work’ is how to present the spirits of community development on environmental improvement in this program. Big efforts are required to change government, local community and facilitator from ‘project oriented’ into the ‘mandiri’. The tasks of Green facilitators should be realistic; they deserve good remuneration, while strict punishments should be imposed if they violate PNPM rule on purpose. Awareness and training are highly required, but this should be accompanied by adaptive guideline (PTO) and effective monitoring and evaluation


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VI.Planned Activities, Deliverables, Milestones for next Reporting Period Table 6.1 Planned activities and deliverable Actual Progress to Date (This Reporting Period)

Planned Progress (Next Reporting Period)

We have collected photos related to example of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental practices with special reference to Indonesian environmental condition. Pros and cons of each practice will be discussed.

We will prepare the book and hopefully to be completed on 31 August 2010

During the reporting period, we developed three factsheets; in total we have already developed seven factsheets and one faith base environmental campaign. Each material was printed for 1,000 copies.

Some NRM smart practices will be socialized in the form of factsheets such as ‘fattening mangrove crab’, ‘Making Coconut-Shell Charcoal Bricked’, ‘Making VCO’.

We will at least develop three new Green-PNPM factsheets.

During the reporting period we developed three films: (a) the process of Home Biogas installation; (b) the making of Coconut charcoal bricked; (c) Documentation of National Radio Talk-Show on GreenPNPM.

We are developing film about the making of Nentu handicraft in Todombulu Village, Sampolawa.

We will at least develop three new Green-PNPM films.

We believe that one of key success indicators of GreenPNPM will be materialized when the NRM issues bring by the program can be ‘infected’ to or ‘accommodated’ by local community participating on regular PNPM. In this reporting period, we conducted one-time socialization to mainstream Green-PNPM and NRM facilitation to non- Green PNPM actors at province level.

The progress, approaches, outputs and lessons learned of GreenPNPM need to be socialized on regular basis to non Green-PNPM actors/facilitators.

Activities and/or Milestones Developing ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Environmental Practices

Deliverable: A published book on ‘Good and Bad Environmental Practices’ in Sulawesi

Deliverable: Three factsheets.

Deliverable: Three films.

We will organize at least one socialization workshop to nonGreen PNPM actors at province level.

Deliverable: Workshop report.


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Installed Iron Campaign Boards on the main roads of pilot sub-districts

We have installed in Buton District

We will install at least 2 iron boards on the main roads of all pilot sub-districts in Muna and Kolaka. Output: Another 12 campaign boards installed

Installed wooden frame environmental awareness poster

We have installed 240 wooden frame environmental awareness posters

We will install another 60 wooden environmental awareness posters. Output: 300 wooden frame environmental awareness posters installed.

There are many environmentally sound products needs to gain economic value

Most of products such as honey, VCO, organic fertilizers, handicraft have no link with local/regional market.

We will improve the production units, packaging and marketing. We will facilitate the establishment of two ‘Environment Stall’ (Warung Lingkungan/Warling) in Warinta Village and Kolaka. Output: Two ‘Warling’ established and started to gain profits.

Facilitation development of RPJM Desa

Established awareness materials (‘Wahana Informasi’) ‘at UPK Offices

We facilitated the development of RPJM Desa, one village 7 subdistricts, i.e. Warinta (Pasarwajo), Oengkolaki (Mawasangka), Danagoa (Tongkuno), Lalemba (Lawa), Napalakura (Napabalano), Gunung Sari (Watubangga) and Gunung Jaya (Ladongi)

We will facilitate RPJM-Desa of one village in Sampolawa and one village in Baula.

So far, ‘Wahana Informasi’ only installed in 3 UPKs in Buton District

We will install ‘Wahana Informasi’ on other 6 UPKs.

Output: Nine villages RPJM-Desa completed.

Output: Nine ‘Wahana Informasi’ established.


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We facilitated and maintained the development of NRM smart practitioner groups

We have facilitated the development and maintenance of 22 NRM smart practitioners groups

We will develop another 5 NRM smart practitioners groups. Output: 27 NRM smart practitioners groups established.

There have been 5 households in Ladongi and 1 household in Watubangga (Gunung Sari Village) who built home biogas by their own efforts.

There are 20 households in Ladongi and 50 households in Watubangga which are ready to install biogas using their own resource.

We will subsidize plastics to the fist 50 persons who want to install home biogas. Output: 70 home biogas installed.

Many villagers still misunderstand with the truth roles of FKL.

Some thought that FKL is the representative of donor agency who hold authority in directing project implementation at field level.

We continuously clarify the role of every actors within the program

We will use organic farming as an entry-point to mainstream Green-PNPM in Kolaka District.

We are currently built Pak Made home garden and surrounding land as OWT Learning Center for organic farming.

We targeted 100 key farmers to be trained by Pak Made. 50 key farmers from Watubangga, 25 key farmers from Baula and 25 key farmers from Ladongi. Output: 100 key farmers trained and well aware on Green-PNPM

We will use waste separation and tree planting campaign as entry-point to mainstream Green-PNPM in Buton and Muna Districts.

We have campaign those aspects.

We will conduct intensive campaign for waste separation and tree planting involving various stakeholders.

We support and improve the implementation of GreenPNPM 2010

We continuously support and improve the implementation of Green-PNPM 2010

We will improve environmental proposals and facilitate the verification process.


Edi Purwanto

Appendix A. Environmental Awareness Raising Activities

Awareness Title

Brief description of awareness/type of Participants



1. Reinforcement Training on Apiculture (Avis Cerana) Group

Conducted Apiculture reinforcement training to strengthen institution and gave additional skill to demplot groups in Kolaka and Muna Districts

3. Designed and installed Stickers, Leaflets, Wooden plank and Ballyhoos 4. Participated Coordination Meeting for PNPM

5. Designed and Installed Metal Campaign Board on the public areas of 9 Sub-Districts

6. Internal Coordination meeting and Evaluation


3 Province and National level

Participants: All project beneficiaries we designed some additional media for improving environmental awareness and technical skills

Socialize progress, approaches, outputs and lessons learned of GreenPNPM to Green-PNPM actors/facilitators Participants: Faskab, SKPDs, Green-facilitators, The messages are expected as environmental education for the young generation, whilst also acting as a ‘psychological deterrent’ for environmental destructors Participants: All project beneficiaries and Community The meeting were to share information on progress and impelementation of Green PNPM of all parties, to learn from each problem, develop strategic plan toward exist strategy

28 - 29 /05/ 2010

14-25 /05/2010


#of Male Partici pants 5

#of Female Particip ants 6

1. Baula (kolaka District ) 2. Napabalano (muna District)





Buton and Muna District

3000 ( House Hold’s)

Location 4

Hotel Horizon/ Kendari




Bau-bau Town



21 /06/2010

Al-Maira Hotel, Kendari



21 Edi Purwanto

7. Discussed the progress, impact and challenges meet during project Green PNPM Project Implementation

Participants: All Staff OWT We brainstorm the knowledge to develop idea learning from previous implementation in order to learn from the problem to set up good strategy for future better project implementation

June 2010

Konsultan Office, Kendari



5 /05/ 2010

Sub district



3 – 8 /05/ 2010

Meeting room keraton Buton, Bau-Bau



12-15 /05/ 2010

200 T-Shirts Pasarwajo, Mawasangka, Sampolawa



25-27 /05/2010

Pasarwajo, Mawasangka, Sampolawa Sub district(6 plank)



Participants: UPK, FK-L, ASTAL Buton District 1. Awareness

at in project proposal verification of PNPM LMP T.A 2010.

2. Participated in

training on Documentary film making held by Pemerintah Kota in collaboration with Rumah Bambu film community 3. Distribution of sticker

4. Environmental

campaign with plank.

We involved in verification to assist the team and deliver and interacted with the villagers related to the environmental issues raised in their project proposal. Participant:KPMD,TPU,Ka des, BPD To comprehend techniques and steps of documentary film making. Participants: High School and University Student, NGO.

We distribute sticker of beneficiaries of BLM, to identify direct beneficiaries of the program. Participants: All project beneficiaries To deliver environmental messages on the protection of environment and natural resource and certain issues of renewable energy Participants: All project beneficiaries

22 Edi Purwanto

5. Modul

developing and editing.

6. Film

Making and finishing

7. Meeting with

crab farmer group.

8. Participated in

MAD II T.A 2010

9. Facilitating the

construction of learning house

10. Participated on

Workshop of Lambusango Forest

We developed modul of biogas, briquette charcoal to be distributed to all pilot area to raise awareness. Participants: All project beneficiaries We made documentary film of the Green PNPM and other facilitation by OWT in the pilot area to use as environmental campaign Participants: All project beneficiaries Give Explanation of programe to villagers Participants : Villagers, Headman,KPMD, KPMD,Gapoktan,CSO. To ensure the procedure run under the scheme of PNPM, Together with the team to explain the justification of each project proposal, Rank the priorities of project proposal Participant: PJOK,FK, village Headman, KPMD, BPD and Muspika. As an evironmental awareness and learning center for the villagers . Participants : All project beneficiaries Support the conservation policy of emphasizing the Lambusango forest function as the giant sponge of Buton island and introduce PNPMLMP and its program related to Lambusango.

05/ 2010

OWT Office




OWT Office



Banga Village, Mawasangka Sub district



11 /05/ 2010

Pasarwajo Subdistrict



15 /05/ 2010




18 /05/ 2010

PEMDA Meeting hall, Pasarwajo



7 /05/2010

Participant : Headman from six sub districts of villages located around Lambusango forest.


23 Edi Purwanto

11. Participated in

KPMD monthly meeting

12. Regular

meeting with Woman group of Nentu Lestari. 13. Facilitating the

construction of learning house

14. Distribute

poster and renew environmental booklet and fact sheet on board information corner 15. Framed poster


16. To install the

project beneficiaries sticker 17. Facilitated

Journalist visit.


To reinforce the perception of KPMD on the substance of PNPM-LMP Participants : KPMD, UPK and TPK.Participant : KPMD , UPK and TPK To estabilish administration

31 /05/ 2010

UPK Pasarwajo



15 /05/2010

Tondombulu village, Sampolawa Sub district



15/05/ 2010

Pasarwajo and Mawasangka Sub district




Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka


All villages (more or less 100 posters)



12/05/ 2010

Pasarwajo, Mawasangka, and sampolawa subdistrict. Sampolawa, Pasarwajo and Mawasangka Subdistrict





Participant : Member of Nentu Lestari group. As an evironmental awareness and learning center for the villagers . Participants : All project beneficiaries To renew the information sheets sticked on the information board. Distribute poster to the villagers Participants : All project beneficiaries

We distribute framed poster to schools, village office, rumah makan, UPK and actor PNPM at village level. Participants : All project beneficiaries Identification Beneficiaries of PNPM Participant: TPK. We facilitated the journalist visit to introduce the program and best practices of Green PNPM for publication of the project and awareness component.

13 -14/ 06/2010

24 Edi Purwanto

Participant: Journalist, PJO Kab and CSO. 18. On

the Job Training to seaweed farmer group

19. Environmental

campaign on renewable energy by giving free TShirts 20. CSO

Internal coordination and evaluation meeting

23. The Supervision And Evaluation of Program [Word BankNMC – Dirjen PMD]

Reinforcement on sea weed cultivation Participant : Sea weed Farmer group leader, ,village secretary and leader of TPK. . We give to all PNPM actors from district to sub district level and journalist to promote Green PNPM.

12 /06/2010

Tira Village, Sampolawa Sub district



12-20 /06/ 2010

all villages and sub district (200 T-Shirts)



Participants: All project beneficiaries To build the same perception of the work plan on awareness and training.

21 /06/ 2010

OWT Office



Participants: OWT Staff Muna and Buton To monitor the progress and develop strategic plan of BLM 2010 and related aspect.

21 – 25 /06/ 2010

BPMD District Buton , Sampolawa, Pasarwajo and Mawasangka Sub District



Raha, Muna



Lalemba village



Participants: World Bank, OWT, PMD Muna District

1. Participated PNPM coordination meeting

2. Enforcemnt of teakwood nursery

To evaluate the progress of community development facilitated by (Green) PNPM. Participants: SKPDs, PMD, KCVs, (Green) PNPM facilitator Enforcement on capacity of the group to support PNPMLMP project year 2009 – 2010, Established the Organization of the nursery.


11 /05/ 2010

Participants: Nursery group members, KPMD,TPK

25 Edi Purwanto

3. The Development of community forest. 4. Installed environmental plank

5. Installed the sticker of project beneficiaries

6. The Supervision And Evaluation of Program [Word BankNMC – Dirjen PMD] 7. Distribute posters and renew the leaflet at information board 8. Installment of book shelves at UPK

To develop community forest model.

20 /05 - 20/06/ 2010

Lianosa village

Participant : the villager To raise awareness on certain issues of environment to the public

16-17 /06/ 2010

Raha Town

Participants : All project beneficiaries To identify the household who happened to be project beneficiaries.

20-22 /06/ 2010

Sub district Lawa,Napabal ano,and Tongkuno



Participants : All project beneficiaries To monitor the progress and develop strategic plan of BLM 2010 and related aspect.

21 – 25 /06/ 2010

BPMD Institutions Muna District, Napabalano , Lawa and Tongkuno Sub District.



Kantor Sub District Lawa,Napabal ano, and Tongkuno



UPK(Lawa,Na pabalano,and Tongkuno Sub District)



28 /06 – 01 /07/2010

Napabalano Subdistrict



11 /06/ 2010




To socialize certain issues on environment Participants : All project beneficiaries To display environmental awareness material and publication and To display product of environmental

9. Reinforcement training on honey bee culture (Avis cerana)

Participants : All project beneficiaries Demostrate techniques on bees hunting to be able to identify honey bees caste and moving the queen in to the stoove.


Participants: Villagers and CSO. Enforcement on capacity of

12 /06/2010

10 – 12 /06/ 2010


26 Edi Purwanto

of teakwood nursery

village , Napalabalano Subdistrict

the group to support PNPMLMP project year 2009 – 2010 Established the Organization of the nursery. Participants: Nursery group members, KPMD,TPK

11.Participated in verification of project proposal

12.Mangrove forest monitoring

13.Reinforcement of demo plot cashew nut proccessing

14.Monitoring on Rambutan and Eco tourism

15.The Development of community forest. 16.Awareness talk at Inter village meeting (MADII)

8-9 /06/ 2010

Napabalano Sub district



Participants: FK-L, UPK, Tenaga ahli from Pemda Observe the implementation of mangrove plantation and identify mangrove problems

14 /06/2010

Bahari Village, Napabalano Sub District



Participant : FKL and CSO To give tecnical assistance on processing andpacking

5 /06/ 2010

Lalemba village, Lawa Sub-District



14-16 /06/ 2010

Latugho village


20 /05 - 20/06/ 2010

Lianosa village,Tongk uno SubDistrict Sub district (Napabalano, Lawa and Tongkuno)


Teach the verification team on technical implementation of project proposal. Directly involved assisting the team to verify the proposal.

Participants : Kelompok masyarakat To observe and evaluate the BLM plants. Participant : FKL and CSO , KPMD To develop community forest model. Participant : the villager As the resource person we reviewed on pros and cons of each potential of village proposal, to reinforce the potential and environmental problem in each village, assisted the team to rank and give justification of each proposal.

30/06/ 2010



Participants : All project

27 Edi Purwanto

beneficiaries Kolaka District 1. Integrate Coordination meeting

2. Installed Ironed Plank 3. Distribute Standing banner of biogas, briquette charcoal, and crabs farming 4. Coordination meeting with district Forestry agency 5. Awareness at KPMD monthly meeting

6. Monitoring biogas

7. Awareness at the honey bee culture group


Up date information of best practices and facilitation held by OWT at all pilot, To inspire PNPM facilitators to count green issues for their village project proposal. Participant : PJOKAB,Subdistrict head, FK and FKL, Astal, UPK ,Faskab To campaign environmental on certain green issues

10 /05/ 2010

BPMD office




Watubangga, Baula and ladongi Kolaka District Institution Government





To socialize the use of biogas to the public


Inform up date info and facilitation of OWT to the agencies.

12 /05/ 2010

Unit forestry sub district ;(Baula and Ladongi)


To have evaluation on the activites have been conducted, Design monthly strategic plan and Disscuss ideas on green issues

16 /05/ 2010

UPK Office



15- 20 /06/ 2010

Gunung Jaya and Gunung sari village



Atula Village , Ladongi SubDistrict



Participant ; UPK, KPMD and TPK ) To monitor the biogas demonstration plot, To get up date information and testimonial from beneficiaries Participants:KPMD,CSO, Kades To get up date info challenges meet by the group.


28 Edi Purwanto

Participant :KPMD, Headman group Bee culture Demostrate techniques on bees hunting to be able to identify honey bees caste and moving the queen in to the stoove.

28 /05 / 2010

Baula Subdistrict



12 /05/ 2010

UPTD Kehutanan Baula sub district



4 /06/ 2010

Lamundre Village



Participants : KPMD, CSO, Village headmen To raise concern on environmental issues,To motivate people to do action in environmental protection

5 /06/ 2010

Baula, Ladongi and Watubangga sub dsitrict



12. Awareness in MAD II project year 2010

Participant : KPMD, CSO Sub district head and TPK Reinforce the substance of PNPM, Explain environmental problem and potential at each sub district

/06/ 2010

Sub district meeting hall



13. Environmental awareness campaign on Community Radio

Participants: : KPMD,Kades,FKL,FK,FT and PJOK We have developed 8 ‘Listeners Groups’, Radio Gunung Sari (5 groups) and Green Trust Community Radios (3 Groups)

Since 06/05/ 2010 to date

Ladongi & Watubangga



14. Monitoring RHL demo plot

Participants: : KPMD We monitor RHL demo plot to observe the maintenance of the plot by the villager.

23 /06/ 2010

Sub district Baula



8. Reinforcement training on honey bee culture (Avis cerana)

9. Coordination meeting with Sub district forestry agency 10. Awareness at mangrove regreening demo plot

11. Initiated the celebration of World environmental day 2010

Participants: Villagers and CSO. Inform up date info and facilitation of OWT to the agencies.

To monitor mangrove demo plot, Identify challenges met by the group

Participants:CSO and All

29 Edi Purwanto

15. Monitoring biogas

16. Building Learning house demo plot

project beneficiaries To monitor the biogas demonstration plot, To get up date information and testimonial from beneficiaries Participants: CSO and All project beneficiaries To develop mode of centralized green activities for certain environmental awareness and training.

15- 20 /06/2010

Gunung Jaya and Gunung sari village



1-29 /06/ 2010

Gunung Sari Village , Watubangga Sub district



Participants: CSO and Key Person village champions


30 Edi Purwanto

Annex B. Training activities held during Reporting Period

Training Title

Brief description, Objective and Participants



Training on biogas installment

Training on orrange grafting

#of Male Partici pant 5

#of Female Particip ant 6




23 /06/ 2010

Warinta Village



25-26 /2/ 2010

Gedung serbaguna Wasaga village



31 /05/ 2010

Oengkolaki village




Warinta, Pasarwajo



Date 3

Buton District To raise awareness on the issue of 28-29 /05/ energy, Introduce renewable 2010 energy of biogas, Encourage house hold with potential to use biogas Participant : KPMD, masyarakat, Kades, TPK,TPU Show techniques on orange grafting, Introduce new source of income.

Location 4

Participant : Farmer group Participated Verification training


Training on Coconut shell charcoal briquette

Reinforce the team of the substance of PNPM, To discuss the technique of field visit, To remind the team of village potential and environmental problem Introduce renewable energy of charcoal briquete to the villagers, Introduce the making, using and bussiness potential of charcoal biquete Participant: FK-L, PL, PJOK,PL, Perwkilan KPMD

Training facilitation RPJM-Desa

and on

To stimulate villagers to incorporate environmental issues on RPJM-Desa

Participants: Headman, KCVs, PKK Muna District Participated in KPMD training


Develop strategic plan to facilitate RPJMDes

28 /06/2010

Sub district Lawa,tongk uno and



31 Edi Purwanto

Training on Proposal Writing

Participated Verification training


Training Organizations Groups Cashews nursery demplot

Participant : KPMD, TPU and TPK Train TPU to write proposal, To encourage TPU to elaborate ideas on problem and potential in the proposal Participant : KPMD, TPU and TPK Reinforce the team of the substance of PNPM, To discuss the technique of field visit, To remind the team of village potential and environmental problem We conducted training Groups and facilitated book Administrative of groups seeds.

Napabalano 4


25 – 28 /05/2010

Lapadaku village , Lawa SubDistrict

25-26 /2/ 2010





Lalemba, Lawa



Participants: Headman, KCVs, PKK Kolaka District Training on Water Purification

Training to develop radio broadcasting material

Participated in Maintenance Plant training Groups

Training Organizations Groups Briket arang demplot

Develop model on technique making simple affordable water purification Participants: KPMD,TPK, Kades , Community To build capacity and increase the quality of the bradcasting , To present well organized and comprehensive information to audience. Partisicipants : UPK,KPMD, CSO Reinforce the team of the substance of PNPM, To discuss the technique of field visit, To remind the team of village potential and environmental problem We conducted training and facilitated the development of plastic from selected mother trees.

29 /05/2010

Wunggulak o Village



15 /05/ 2010

UPK office



25-26 /5/ 2010





Watubangga ,



Participants: Headman, KCVs, PKK

32 Edi Purwanto

Training facilitation RPJM-Desa

and on

To stimulate villagers to incorporate environmental issues on RPJM-Desa





Participants: Headman, KCVs, KPMD,PKK


33 Edi Purwanto

Appendix C: Information, Education Communications (IEC) Materials Produced or Published during the Reporting Period Types of IEC & Title of IEC/training materials Produced by No of IEC Disseminated in training materials what areas materials produced Documentary 1. Home Biogas installation film/video in documentary and tutorial CD format



150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

2. The making of Coco-shell Charcoal Bricked (CCB) – documentary


150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

3. The Green-PNPM profile Sub District Level documentary

at -


150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

4. The Guardian of Archipelago (Menjaga Pagar Nusantara). mangrove conservation – movie*


250 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

5. The Giant Sponge of Indonesia (Karet Busa Raksasa). Catchment Areas Management– movie*


250 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Best practices of Lambusango forest, Seaweed Farming, Short movie*


250 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

7. Separation of domestic waste tutorial

8. Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages’ (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM Talk-Show with KBR68H Radio Program 1. Environment Information 2. Green-PNPM Jingle

Copyright 20 copies Paguyuban pemilah sampah Jogja dan Walhi OWT

Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM

10 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

SE Sulawesi Province

12 Watubangga times/week

Radio Gunung Sari 3 times/week Watubangga 92,8 FM

3. Talk Show on Green Village Radio Gunung Sari 3 times/week Watubangga 92,8 FM 4.

Green-PNPM Info

5. Keep Muna Green 6. Village Conservation Areas

Radio Green Trust 3 times/week Ladongi Radio Wuna Swara 3 times/day Muna District Radio GSB

18 February Pasarwajo 34 Edi Purwanto

(Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD) 9. Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages’ (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM Talk-Show Posters

1. Drought disaster could only be prevented by avoiding deforestation* 2. Save ‘Jompi’ Forest as the water tower of Raha Town*



1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, BauBau, Kendari 1000 copies

Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau

1. Honeybee Culture : tip and benefit


1000 copies SE Sulawesi Province

2. Village self-supporting energy through biogas


1000 copies SE Sulawesi Province

3. Developing Village Nursery


1000 copies SE Sulawesi Province

1. Healthy, clean and efficient with charcoal briquettes


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

2. My green village, my green country (Hijau Desaku Lestari Negeriku)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

3. Keep the village green with energy saving stoves (Melestarikan Kehijauan Desa dengan Tungku Hemat Energi)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

5. Let’s sort domestic waste: Dislocating waste without sorting and processing is just moving problems* 6. Utilizing cow-dung as a new source of sustainable fuel*


14 April 2010

1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau

4. Save water movement through build millions of recharge areas *





3. Stop Deforestation: Cutting forest means inviting flood disaster*

Fact sheet

106,mi5 MHZ

35 Edi Purwanto

4. To maintain soil fertility using Bokashi (Menjaga Kesuburan Tanah dengan Bokashi)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

5. Honeybee culture yield honey (Memelihara Lebah Menuai Madu)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Recovering coastal fortress (Memelihara Benteng Pesisir)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

7. Livelihoods from coastal fortress (Sumber Kehidupan dari Benteng Pesisir)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

8. Turning livestock dung into biogas (Meyulap Kotoran Menjadi Biogas)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

Iron Campaign Save Village Conservation Areas (KPD). Forest, River, Boards Spring Water and Coastal Area are life supporting systems which have to be protected. Save KPD through: (1) Trees planting campaign; (2) Develop Village Regulation to conserve KPD; (3) Save KPD from illegal logging; (4) Do not contaminate KPD with rubbish and poisoned waste. Conservation Village Areas


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

Do not let the coastal fortress gone. Mangrove forest is coastal fortress. It is an area for fish spawning, breeding and nursery ground. Destroy mangrove forest is destroying coastal life. REHABILITATE and PROTECT mangrove forest through: (1) Define mangrove areas as Village Protection Areas (KPD); (2) Do not cut and damage mangrove; (3) Do not convert mangrove to brackish water pond; (4) Do not use mangrove trees as fuel-wood; (5) Conduct planting campaign and mangrove maintenance’. Do not let the coastal fortress gone.


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

36 Edi Purwanto


Training materials

Save the Earth through: (1) Use energy saving stove; (2) Convert fossil fuel to biogas; (3) Switch off the lamp if not needed; (4) Save clean water; (5) Trees planting movement.


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

Managing domestic waste through: (1) Waste separation between organic and nonorganic; (2) Minimize the use of an-organic matter (plastic, paper, metal etc.); (3) Convert organic waste into compost; (4) Recycle and reuse an-organic waste; (5) Develop domestic waste processing unit.


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

1. Janthropa Stoves User (Pengguna Kompor Jarak)



SE Sulawesi Province

2. Solar Voltage User (Pengguna Listrik Tenaga Surya)



SE Sulawesi Province

3. Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi)



SE Sulawesi Province

1. Crab fattening in mangrove area


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

2. Seaweed farming


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province


80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

4.Virgin Coconut Oil


70 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

5. Bokashi


90 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Biogas

OWT/Kanopi Indonesia

3. Coconut-Shell Bricked


120 copies SE Sulawesi Province

7.Honeybee culture


90 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

8.Developing Cashew Nursery


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

9. Organic Farming


80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province 37 Edi Purwanto

10.Domestic Waste Separation


80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

11.Water purification


60 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

12.Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages


200 copies SE Sulawesi Province

13. RPJM-Desa


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

Remarks: * materials produced last year but mostly publish during the last six months

38 Edi Purwanto

Appendix D. OWT’s Contributions on Green PNPM Performance Indicators No



Expected Impacts

Performance Indicator A Well trained KDP facilitators and other local KDP stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within KDP, not limited to those within KDP-Sulawesi A sustainable capacity among both KDP facilitators and KDP stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas.

A.1. National Level A.1.1

Radio Talk-Show to promote Green-PNPM at National level (14 April 2010)

Radio listeners of KBR68H (700 members of private networking radio al over Indonesia) aware the existence and specific approaches of the Green-PNPM program At least 3,000 readers of Bakti News spread over in all provinces in Eastern Indonesa red the article.


Publication in Bakti News (Volume V, Edition 56), MayJune 2010, page 13 and 14


Deliver training for Green KDP facilitators on ‘Vegetative Land Rehabilitation’ (Toraja Heritage Hotel, Rantepao, 28 July 2010)

84 Green-PNPM facilitators from North, South, West and South-East Sulawesi trained on land rehabilitation.


Deliver training for Government Officials on “Environmental Management in the Upland and Low-land areas’ (Quality Hotel, Makassar, 3-6 November 2009)

61 key government officials2 (55 male, 6 female) from North, South and South-East Sulawesi awared on the on environmental management in the upland and low-land areas within GreenPNPM approaches.

The specific approaches of the program “Towards Sustainbale and Energy Self-Sufiiciency Villages” are socialized and enabling interested parties to replicate the approaches. The specific approaches of the program are understood and enabling interested parties to replicate the program in Eastern Indonesia. Green-PNPM facilitators are aware on OWT’s vegetative rehabilitation approaches1 and will be able to facilitate vegetative rehabilitation in proper manner in all Green-KDP sites. Key-Government Officials are aware on Green-PNPM approaches and enabling them to support t its iimplementation.


OWT’s vegetative rehabilitation approaches: (a) Collection of high quality of non-endemic tree species planting materials; (b) Establishment of Village nursery; (c) Maintenance of village nursery; (d) Identification and protection of selected endemic tree species as mother trees (pohon induk); (e) Development of organic fertilizer; (f) Participatory mapping to define the target planting areas; (g) Home Biogas Installation; (h) Development of Village Seeds Source/VSS (Sumber Benih Desa); (i) Development of Village Arboretum/VA (Arboretum Desa); (j) Trees planting for Catchment Area Rehabilitation; (k) Maintenance of the planted trees.


Province Development Planning Agency/BAPPEDA (3 persons); District Development Planning Agency (11 persons); Province PMD (3 persons); District PMD (11 persons) and Camat/Sub-District Head (33 persons).

39 Edi Purwanto


Deliver training on ‘Measurement of Physical Parameter of Watershed’ to old and new- recruited GreenPNPM facilitators (Mercure Hotel, Makassar, 17 July 2009)

68 Green-PNPM facilitators from North, South, West and South-East Sulawesi trained on the measurement of physical aspects of watershed.

Green-PNPM facilitators are aware on OWT’s vegetative rehabilitation approaches3 and will be able to collect data and information of the physical aspects of watershed in all GreenKDP sites.


Provide pre-service training for Green-PNPM facilitators in North, South and South-East Sulawesi (Celebes Indah Hotel, Makassar, 24-28 November 2010)

38 Green-PNPM facilitators from North, South, West and South-East Sulawesi trained on the following subjects: a) Natural resource management in upland and lowland ecosystem; (b) Watershed Management; (c) Agroforestry; (d) Village Business development for natural resources restoration; (e) Introduction to coastal ecosystem and mangrove. KAP Survey baseline in North, South and South-East Sulawesi Provinces conducted and reported.

Green-PNPM facilitators having various academic backgrounds are trainded on technical aspects of NRM.

Results of KAP Survey have become references to design on environmental awareness and training in Sulawesi.

Two Green films with duration of 30 minutes are published in the most popular national television.

Note: OWT provide leadership on the preparation, implementation, data processing and reporting of the baseline KAP survey in Sulawesi involving WCS, CARE and three universities. Unfortunately, the report document was unpublished. The films provide national awareness on the need to protect forest in the upper catchment and mangrove forest in coastal areas.



Coordinate the implementation of base-line Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Survey for Green PNPM in Sulawesi (January-August 2008).

Publish two Green-Films (The Giant Sponge of Indonesia and The Guardian of Archipelago) in the ‘EXPEDITION’ program in Metro TV (27 September, 2008, 12. 30, October 4, 2008 at 12.30). It also publish in http://www.imediabiz.tv/ and http://www.binusaccess.com/beewatch/index.php?tv=metro

Note: The films were broadcasted several times by METRO TV.

Note: In fact, among three CSOs working in Green-PNPM Sulawesi seems to be OWT has the strongest capacity in NRM technical aspects.

Note: ‘The Giant Sponge of Indonesia’ dealing with watershed management and Mycro-Hydro Power while ‘The Guardian of Archipelago’dealing with conservation mangrove forest


OWT’s vegetative rehabilitation approaches: (a) Collection of high quality of non-endemic tree species planting materials; (b) Establishment of Village nursery; (c) Maintenance of village nursery; (d) Identification and protection of selected endemic tree species as mother trees (pohon induk); (e) Development of organic fertilizer; (f) Participatory mapping to define the target planting areas; (g) Home Biogas Installation; (h) Development of Village Seeds Source/VSS (Sumber Benih Desa); (i) Development of Village Arboretum/VA (Arboretum Desa); (j) Trees planting for Catchment Area Rehabilitation; (k) Maintenance of the planted trees.

40 Edi Purwanto


Document the Green-Menu


The Green-Menu Book, as basic reference to inspire local community on alternative Green-PNPM proposal, is developed and published by the Bank


Develop website (www.wallaceatrustindonesia.o rg) to publish Green-PNPM activities in SE Sulawesi Province

We mainly use the website to publish Green-PNPM and NRM smart practices facilitations. We use two languages: Indonesian and English. We continuously update the website with our activities, outputs, achievements and lessons learned, we also publish awareness and training materials, such as training modules, factsheets, posters, films etc.


Develop high quality training moduls

Three OWT modules (‘Planning and Implementation of GIS to Support Decision Making Process’; ‘Techniques to Develop Trees Seedlings and Planting Materials’;

Note: OWT has so far developed 8 training moduls and 20 training materials

‘Measurement physical parameters of the watershed’ ) have been widely used by Government officials training in Eastern Indonesia

OWT provided contributions on development of the book.

great the

Note: OWT has already adapted and tested the entire Green menu. The website has been hit by 6,010 visitors

GIS modules has been used for government officials training in Ternate, Gorontalo and Manado, Trees Seedling and watershed Moduls have ben used for GreenPNPM actors and facilitators training in Mamasa, Luwu Utara and Toraja Utara Districts and for Green-PNPM facilitator for the whole Sulawesi.


Talk-show in ‘Ozzon’ Radio Streaming (www.ozzonradio.com, FM 105.30) on Biogas (29 June 2010) and on Coconut Charcoal Briquette/CCB ( 2 August 2010).

Biogas and CCB socialized at national level

Replication of simple, cheap and environmentally friendly technology at national level.


Publish Green-PNPM smart practices (Biogas) in National News paper (‘Rakyat Merdeka, 25 June 2010, www.rakyatmerdeka.co.id/nusa ntara) and Antara News Office (16 June 2010)4

Alternative of explosive gas for rural community identified.

Save and friendly environment technology socialized at national level.


Facilitated the publication of Biogas Demplot in Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka Sub-

Alternative of save (nonexplosive) gas is available and socialized at national level

Replication of save, simple, cheap and environmentally friendly technology at national


Title of the news: ‘Avoiding explosive gas, Green-PNPM (Buton) initiated Biogas’.

41 Edi Purwanto

District, Buton in SCTV (Liputan 65, 13 July 2010).


A.2. Province Level A.2.1

Training workshop for PNPM Actors and facilitators (Hotel Aden, Kendari, 23/02/2010)


Green-PNPM exhibition (Kendari, 23 – 27/04/2010)


Training workshop for SubDistrict Green-PNPM facilitators/FKL (OWT OfficeKendari, January 19 and 20, 2009).


Facilitated Inception (Socialization) Workshop on Green-PNPM/KDP in SE Sulawesi Province ( Attaya Hotel, Kendari, 15 January 2008)

District KDP facilitators within a.(Grreen) KDP facilitators in all and outside Green-PNPM districts in SE Sulawesi become targeted districts and KDP aware on the outputs, stakeholders at district and achievements, strategies, province level trained (48 male, approaches and lessons learned 11 female) of the on-going Green PNPM pilot Project. b.NRM issues bring by the program have been mainstreamed to (Green) KDP facilitators and strategic stakeholders at district and province level. c.KDP facilitators and local stakeholders will be able to ignite and facilitate Green activities in their areas. d.Key-Government Officials are aware on Green-PNPM approaches and enabling them to support the program implementation. At least 700 visitors at province Public becomes aware on the level aware on Green PNPM existence of the Green PNPM smart practices initiated by the program and environmentally program friendly NRM activities facilitated by the program. Common agenda among grassSpeed-up the implementation of root facilitators to speed up the Green-PNPM. implementation of Pilot GreenPNPM in SE Sulawesi Province achieved.

78 key Green-PNPM/KDP stakeholders aware on the commencement of the program. The workshop was successfully defined the following issues: (a) environmental issues at regional, district and sub-district level; (b) training needs at province and district level; (c) environmental awareness strategy at sub-district and village levels and how to integrated with KDP cycle; (d)

Key government and NGOs in SE Sulawesi Province awared on the development/specific objectives and strategic approaches of the program.



42 Edi Purwanto


Annual Evaluation Workshop for Green-PNPM (Aden Hotel 17 March 2009, Horizon Hotel, 9 March 2010)


Environmental Training Workshop for Bappeda (Development Planning Agency) Province and District in SE Sulawesi (Imperial Hotel, 20 March 2009)


Environmental Assessment Training for Bapedalda (Environmental Assessment Imapacts Agency) Province and District in SE Sulawesi (Auditorium of Bappedalda, Jl. Bunga Palem Raja No.1 Kemaraya-Kendari, March 20, 2009)

82 Key staff of Province and District Bappedalda trained on environmental assessment methods.

Improved environmental assessment impacts


Assesment of environmental problems and solutions in Green-PNPM target areas in SE Sulawesi Province (NovemberDecember 2007)

Causes and affects of environmental problems and its possible solutions in each targeted sub-district were identified and mapped.


Facilitated Green-PNPM Talkshow in Kedari TV and publication in Kendari Pos (January 15, 18, 2008) Environmental awareness publication on the rapid deforestation of Teak Forest in Muna Island in Kendari Pos (12 September 2009). Promoting SE Sulawesi Province Green-PNPM’s smart practices in Pos Kita (Kendari based newspaper) on 29, 30, October and 2 November 2009

Green PNPM program socialized at SE Sulawesi Province.

The map of environmental problems developed by OWT has become a basis to develop specific environmental awareness and training for Green-PNPM in SE Sulawesi Public recoqnized the program.

Written and distributed 7 factsheets (long summary of training modul ) and 8 leaflet (short summary of training

4200 factshetts and 800 leaflets distributed to FKL and local communities.




formulate principles and standards of GKDP activities at village and kecamatan level. OWT took part on the evaluation meeting of Green-PNPM implementation involving all Green-PNPM key actors at national, province and district levels. 48 Key staff of Province and District Bappeda trained on friendly environment development approaches.

Improved quality of the program

Improved regional development policy

Green-PNPM stakeholders aware on the severity of deforestation in Muna Island

Improved policy on teak forest management in Muna District

Green-PNPM’s smart practices applications sozialized at province level.

Replication of the smartpractices in SE Sulawesi Note: Province PMD has facilitated the replication of Green-PNPM smart Practices (Biogas and CCB) in Konawe Selatan District. Equipped FKL with handy materials to facilitate environmental awareness and training

43 Edi Purwanto

modul) and 1 faith based environmental campaign A.2.13

Published and environmental posters

installed 6 awareness

400 wooden frame posters are installed at strategic sites such as Government/public service offices, schools, restaurants etc.


Designed and Installed Metal Campaign Board on 18 sites in 9 Sub-Districts:

Long-lived environmental campaign installed at public areas such as market, sub-district office, school and cross-roads.

The messages are expected as environmental education for the young generation, whilst also acting reminder for old generation. The messages are expected as environmental education for the young generation, whilst also acting as a ‘psychological deterrent’ for environmental destructors.

A.3. (Sub)-District Level A.3.1

Facilitate monthly GreenPNPM actors and facilitators meeting every the beginning of the month

Monthly coordination meeting and training among GreenPNPM actors/facilitators regularly maintained


Awareness rising and building inter-village partnership to protect Village Conservation Areas (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD) in Lawa (29 June 2009), Napabalano (22 July 2009), Tongkuno (30 July 2009)/Muna and Pasarwajo/Buton (18 February 2010)

Commitment among key government officials of kabupaten, kecamatan and government and champions at village levels to protect village protection (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD) or ecotourism areas.

Awareness rising and building inter-villages partnership for mangrove reforestation in Mawasangka Sub-District (Buton) and Napabalano SubDistrict (Muna)

Commitment among key government officials of kecamatan and government and champions at village levels to protect and rehabilitate mangrove forest..


Enriched cross-fertilization among Green-PNPM actors/facilitators. Note: There is noForum to discuss Green-PNPM implementation as monthly PNPM meeting at district level mainly used to discuss regular PNPM issues. Inter-Village partnership to map and protect KPD and the use of BLM funding 2009 to rehabilitate water springs (especially in Lawa, Pasarwajo) and also in Tongkuno (BLM 2010). Note: The inter-village partnership led to Sub-district agrrement on the use of BLM funding 2009 to rehabilitate water spring in Lawa SubDistrict (Wakante), protection and rehabilitation of two water prings in Pasarwajo Sub-District (Awainulu and Poncucui). Inter-Village partnership to rehabilitate mangrove forest and the use of BLM funding 2008 in Mawasangka Sub-District (Mawasangka, Oengkolaki, Banga and Terapung Villages) and Napabalano Sub-District (Tampo, Renda and Bahari Villages). Notes: During MAD II, due to the strong influence of our

44 Edi Purwanto

awareness campaign, village representatives did not rank the proposals but directly agreed to focus BLM funding 2008 for mangrove rehabilitation.

Performance Indicator B: Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions they can participate in.

B.Village Level B.1





Awareness rising on the use of coconut shell waste to make charcoal and coconut shell charcoal briquete (CCB) and training on the making of CCB for women (30 April 2009), then facilitate the establishment of Women’s CCB Makers Groups in Gunung Sari Village, Watubangga Sub-District, Kolaka. Awareness rising on the use of coconut shell waste to make charcoal and coconut shell charcoal briquete (CCB) and training on the making of CCB for women (30 May 2010), then facilitate the establishment of Women’s CCB Makers Groups in Gunung Sari Village, Watubangga Sub-District, Kolaka. Awareness rising for women in Wakabangura Village, Mawasangka Sub-District (Buton) on the use of Janthropa seeds as fuel of domestic stove (Kompor Jarak), introduced and trained the use of Janthropa stove. We conducted sereial training on cashew processing for women group in Lalemba Village, then facilitate the establishment of Women’ Cashew Proccessing Group. Since the beginning of February 2010, we facilitated the establishment of Women‘s Nentu Craftsmanship Makers Group (Kelompok Wanita Pengrajin Nentu) and supported small-scale capital (IDR 2 millions) to procure

The establishment of 12 Women’s CCB Mskers Group (Kelompok Wanita Pembuat dan Pengguna Briket Arang Tempurung Kelapa)

All women group has received coconut charcoal grinding (Rp. 3 million) from Green-BLM 2009. With this machine, all groups have actively produced CCB for their own household use and for sales.

The establishment of 2 Women’s CCB Mskers Group (Kelompok Wanita Pembuat dan Pengguna Briket Arang Tempurung Kelapa)

The womwn group has proposed procurement of grinding for BLM 2010.

Women were interested and then proposed the procurement of Janthropa Stove for the 2009 Green Block-Grant.

2009 block grant provided Janthtopa stoves for 132 households in Wakabangura Village

Cashew processing business developed involving 20 adult women and 10 children

The women business group has provided good example to stimulate women and children to process cashews nut.

Nentu wickerwork activities developed involving more women and children in line with the better marketing of the products

The women business group has provided good example to stimulate the productivity of women and children

45 Edi Purwanto

equipments and support the marketing of the products We delivered training (23 August 2009) and facilitated the establsihment of Mahony (Swietenia mahagony) nursery for Women Group in WaanguWangu Village, Pasarwajo (Buton)


Training for women group to produce VCO in Napa Village, Mawasangka/Buton (17 April 2010). Similar training was also conducted to men and women in Wasaga Village, Pasarwajo/Buton (10 April 2010). Training on the making of saving stove energy (Tira, Sampolawa, 1-2 August 2009).



The tree seedlings were used to support reforestation of village forest using BLM 2008.

Women led VCO home industries in Napa and Wasaga Villages developed and the productions have been linked with Pak Lasamira’s VCO production6.

The Women Group Nursery remain alive and now producing Rambutan (Nephelium lapacium) and Mahoni tree seedlings, partly those will be used to support village forest rehabilitation on the neighboring villages funded by BLM 2010. The women business group has provided good example to stimulate the productivity of household wife.

The saving stove energy become women’s home industry

The women business group has provided good example to stimulate the productivity of household wife.

Waste separation established (organic, papers and metals) and maintained

The smart practice have been replicated by SMP I Mawasangka

Note: The training was aimed for men and women, but thie activity has become women activities.

Domestic Waste Separation Movement Model in SMA I Mawasangka (November 2009)


Performance Indicator C Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process.

C.1. Province Level C.1.1

Training workshop for PNPM Actors and facilitators (Hotel Aden, Kendari, 23/02/2010)

The smart practice on appropriate technology applications (Biogas and CCB) have inspired PMD province to facilitate similar activities in Konawe and Konawe Selatan Districts.

Adoption of smart practices by Government institutions

C.2. District Level C.2.1

We facilitated Workshop at district level, on ‘Sustainable Forest Management in Muna District’ (Raha, November 21,

182 key government officials from district to village levels attended the workshop.

Muna District has developed Grand-Design the restoration of Muna Teak Forest


Village champion from Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka (Buton) who initatied the development of VCO home industry

46 Edi Purwanto




Awareness rising and building inter-village partnership to protect Village Conservation Areas (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD) in Muna and Buton Districts

Facilitated Workshop on Lambusango Forest, Buton (Pasarwajo, 18 May 2010)

The workshop has stimulated the spirits of government from district to village level in Muna to develop collaboration to save teak forest. Buton and Muna Districts Government put great concern on the protection and rehabilitation of KPD.

Refresh commitment of Buton District Government and key village champions to conserve Lambusango Forest

They will incorporate KPD areas in the revised spatial planning map. Note: Muna is in the process of reviewing their spatial planning map, while Buton will do this in 2011. Buton Government will prepare Government regulations to conserve Lambusango Forest. Note: Since 2005, Buton Government has not issued any single cutting (forest exploitation) permits of the production forest in the Lambusango Forest.


47 Edi Purwanto

Annex E. Key Projects Personel PROVINCE SULAWESI SOUTH-EAST DISTRICT LEVEL NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

NAME Position Head of BPMD Drs. H. Tony Herbiansyah Drs. Trias PJO Province Drs. Tasman Staff of PJO Province La Ode Untung Environment Specialist Fachrudin MIS Specialist BUTON DISTRICT LEVEL

Organization Government Official Government Official Government Official Consultant Consultant

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

NAME LM Djafir , S.H, M.Si L.M. Syaifuddin Asnawi Hasan Ibu Ester yuliana Saharuddin Bobi Rijal

Organization Government official Government official Government official Government official Consultant Consultant


Muhammad Tarkip


Paoyin Assistant

8 9.

Habibu Ahmad Mulya


Wahid Ode SP

11. 12

Drs. Abidin Baso Ir Guntur Dahlan

POSITION SEKDA Kepala BPMD PJO Kabupaten Satker PNPM Faskab PNPM MP Faskab Tehnik PNPM MP Fasilitator Keuangan Kab Buton Asisten Ahli PNPM LMP Kepala Bappeda Kepala biandg Ekonomi Bappeda Staff Baand Lingkungan Hidup Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Kepala Dinas Perikanan and Kelautan PASARWAJO SUB DISTRICT

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

NAME Agus La Sura, S.Sos La Makki Harjono Safarina Salam La Hendra

Organization Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative


Sudin Side , S.E

POSITION Sub district head PJOK Ketua BKAD Fasilitator Sub district Ketua UPK Pendamping Lapang PNPMLMP Pendamping Lokal OWT SAMPOLAWA SUB DISTRICT

Consultant Consultant Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official

Community representative

48 Edi Purwanto

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7

NAME La Ode Zakir, SH La Ode Hasnu Panggu Raflin, SE Rahmat Arafat La Mohilu, S.AG La Ode Murianto La miludin ,SP

NO 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.

NAME Asrudin, S.Sos, M.Si Suardi PJOK Kadir Pene Ld. Abu Huraira Hamiruddin Anwar

8 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 2 3

POSITION Subdistrict head PJOK Ketua BKAD Fasilitator Sub district Ketua UPK Pendamping PNPMLMP Pendamping Lokal OWT MAWASANGKA SUB DISTRICT

Organization Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Community representative

POSITION Subdistrict head PJOK Ketua BKAD Fasilitator Sub district Ketua UPK Pendamping Lokal PNPMLMP Tarhim Jundi, S.Sos Pendamping Lokal OWT MUNA DISTRICT LEVEL NAME POSITION Zakaruddin Saga, SE, M.Si SEKDA Drs. La Ijazah Kepala BPMD Drs. Ayub PJO Kabupaten La Udi Ari, SP Faskab PNPM MP Udin Kaeba, ST FT Kab PNPM MP Ikhwan, SP Asisten Ahli PNPM LMP Drs. Mustari Kepala Bappeda Ir. La Ode Anwar Agigi Litbang Bappeda Ir. Syahrir Staff Bappeda Drs. L, Untu, M. Si Kepala Baand Lingkungan Hidup Mukadimah, S. IP Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Ir. LM. Yakub, M. Si Kepala Dinas Peternakan Ir. La Ode Muhammad Ilyas Kepala Balai Penyuluh Kec. Kabawo NAPABALANO SUB DISTRICT Haerun, SH Subdistrict head La Ode Adi, S. Sos PJOK LM. Handra Ketua BKAD

Organization Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Community representative ORGANIZATION Government official Government official Government official Consultant Consultant Consultant Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official

Government official Government official Community representative 49 Edi Purwanto

4 5 6 1. 2. 3. 5. 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 1. 2. 3. 4. NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NO 1. 2. 3. 4.

Aswan Said, SP

FK Lingkungan PNPM LMP La Safuli Ketua UPK Tairan Pendamping Lokal OWT LAWA SUB DISTRICT Budiman, SE Subdistrict head La Beremuddin, S. Ag PJOK La Ode Aliddin Ketua BKAD Irawati, SP FK Lingkungan PNPM LMP Latief, SE Ketua UPK La Ode SuhasJune, S. Km Pendamping Lokal OWT TONGKUNO SUB DISTRICT Amir Sulaiman Bolo, BA Subdistrict head La Lemadjid PJOK Amir Mudin Ketua BKAD Murni, S. Hut FK Lingkungan PNPM LMP Muhammad Ramadhan, S. Pd Ketua UPK Aman Askun, SP Pendamping Lokal OWT KOLAKA DISTRICT NAME Position Andi Sumardi, S.Pd PJO Kabupaten Daniel, S.P Faskab Ir. Eko Purwanto Fastekab Muslimin, S.P Assistant Faskab KECAMATAN BAULA NAME Position Drs. Bakri Balusu, M.Si Camat Supandi, SE Sekcam Drs. Dirham Yadi PJOK La Alam, SP FKL Yanti Head of UPK KECAMATAN WATUBANGGA NAME Position Ir. Hasbir Jaya Ras, M.H Camat Sarijo, B.A PJOK Akil Fiat, SP FKL Sapran Head of UPK

Consultant Community representative Community representative Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Organization Government Official Consultant Consultant Consultant Organization Government Official Government Official Government Official Consultant Community representative Organization Government Official Government Official Consultant Community representative

50 Edi Purwanto

NO 1. 2. 3. 4.

NAME Zulkarnain, S.E, M.M Syarifudin Rasyid Junaidin, S.Pi Rustam Effendi, S.Pd


Organization Government Official Government Official Consultant Community representative

51 Edi Purwanto

Appendix E: Key Project Personnel






Dr. Edi Purwanto



Abdul Rahman, SE

Office Manager


Musyafir Siddiq, SE

Finance Manager


Astri Ivo

Administration Staff in Bau-Bau Office


Ramadhan Isya Al Ansyari

Administration Staff in Muna Office


La Ode Muhammad Erwin, SP

Documentary and awareness film developer


Hendra Gunawan, S Hut

Training and Awareness Coordinator (SE Sulawesi Province)


Winardi, SP

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Buton District)


Abdul Hadedi, SP

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Buton District)


La Ode Rabiali Tongke, S Hut

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Muna District)


La Ode Alisyah, SE

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Muna District)


La Ode Mukmin, SP

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Kolaka District)


Andi Muh Sainuddin, S.Si, M.Si

Assistant Training (Kolaka District)



Awareness Coordinator at Mawasangka Sub-District


Sudin Side, SE

Awareness Coordinator at Pasarwajo Sub-District


Lamiludin, SP

Awareness Coordinator at Sampolawa Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Napabalano Sub-District


La Ode Suhasjuni, S. KM

Awareness Coordinator at Lawa Sub-District


Zakia, A. Mk

Awareness Coordinator at Tongkuno Sub-District


Gusti Suganda, ST

Awareness Coordinator at Ladongi Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Baula Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Watubangga Sub-District




52 Edi Purwanto

hs Annex F. Photograph 1. Provin nce Level

O OWT CSO Co oordination Meeting M

Supervisi missio on World Ban nk Project

2. Buton n District Acttivity

Interacctive dialog on n Ozon Radioo Bau Bau

Demoonstration Ploot of Crabs in Mawasangkaa (S Sub)-District

53 Edi Purwantto

3. Muna District Activity

Demo plot of Community forestry Tongkuno (Sub)-District

Plank installed at all (Sub)- District pilot Green PNPM

4. Kolaka District Activity

Coordination Reguler Meeting Integrated of Kolaka District

Green action on World Environmental Day 2010

54 Edi Purwanto

55 Edi Purwanto

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