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GREEN PNPM IN SOUTH-EAST SULAWESI PROVINCE Component 3: Awareness Raising and Training TF-090977 Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010) For THE WORLD BANK – INDONESIA

Edi Purwanto November 1, 2010


Green PNPM in South East Sulawesi Province Component 3: Awareness Raising and Training

Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010)

By: Dr. Edi Purwanto (Director Operation Wallacea Trust)

Photo Cover: Mangrove planting campaigns in Renda Village, Napabalano, Muna District

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010) Table of Contents Page Table of Contents List of Tables List Of Box List of Appendices List of Abbreviation and Acronym List of Indonesian and Scientific Tree Species Names Contact Information

I. II.

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Executive Summary Background Progress Made Over the Reporting Period A. Project Management A.1. Financial Issues A.2. Human Resources Issues B. Environmental Awareness B.1. Environmental Awareness and Training at Province Level B.1.1.On-going development of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices B.1.2 Designing T-shirt and making awareness stickers B.1.3 Updating training modules B.1.4 Development of Environmental awareness film (July-August 2010) B.1.5 Designed three leafleats/fact-sheets/lembar informasi B.1.6. Improve communication among Green-PNPM actors and facilitators at District Level B.2 Environmental Awareness at District Level B.2.1 Buton District B.2.1.1 Promoting Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB) through Radio ”Ozone Radio Bau Bau” (29 July 2010) B.2.1.2 Participated in Coordination Meeting with PNPM actors (5 July 2010) B.2.1.3 Demonstrating the use of CCB at Balobone village Mawasangka Subdistrict (12 July 2010) B.2.1.4 Verification of Green–PNPM sub-projects proposals (13 to 18 July 2010) B.2.1.5 Awareness campaigns on SPH and FLER B.2.1.6 Capacity building to strengthen Orange plantation and Bokashi Demplot in Warinta Village B.2.1.7 Monitoring Biogas esablishment funded by 2009 block-grant in Saragi Village, Pasarwajo Sub-District t B.2.1.8 Participated in MAD II (27 August 2010) B.2.1.9 Land suitability survey for Mangrove Nursery in Mawasangka SubDistrict (3 September 2010) B.2.1.10 Assisting the initiation of Jarak Nursery (13 September 2010) B.2.1.11 Technical assistances on sub-project selection in Oengkolaki Village (29 September 2010) B.2.1.12 Awareness on the benefit uses of CCB in Sampolawa Sub-District B.2.1.13 Technical assistance for TPU B.2.1.14 Demplot Monitoring

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i Edi Purwanto

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010) B.2.1.15 Facilitated the establishment of cashew nursery in Mawasangka Sub District B.2.2. Muna District B.2.2.1 Installment of Framed Environmental Posters (10 August – 5 September 2010) B.2.2.2 Installment of Green PNPM Beneficiaries Stickers B.2.2.3 Monitored mangrove rehabilitation areas funded by 2008 Block-Grant (25 August 2010) B.2.2.4 Participated in Inter village Meeting II (MAD II) at Tongkuno and Lawa Sub-Districts (17 July and 20 July 2010) B.2.2.5 Participated in KPMD Monthly meeting B.2.2.6 Monitoring Block-grant funded Plantation at La Maeyo Spring Water (29 August 2010) B.2.2.7 Selection of PL for Lawa Sub district (8 July 2010) B.2.2.8 Hand-over Meeting (MDST) of spring water rehabilitation at Latugho village, Lawa Sub-District (20 August 2010) B.2.2.9 Meeting to discuss Honey Bee Culture Proposal in Fongkaniwa Village, Tongkuno Sub- District (20 August 2010) B.2.2.10 Participated MAD III in Tongkuno Sub-District (25 September 2010) B.2.2.11 Intensive facilitation on the development of ‘Madu Jaya’ Honey Bee Culture, Napalakura Village-Napabalano Sub-District B.2.2.12 Intensive facilitation of Teak Nursery Demplot at Napalakura VillageNapabalano Sub-District B.2.2.13 Intensive facilitation of teak nursery demplot (‘Bukit Harapan’) in Lalemba Village B.2.2.14 Intensive facilitation of woman economic group (Maju Bersama) on Cashew Processing, Lalemba (Lawa Sub district) B.2.2.15. Intensive facilitation of Community Forestry Demplot (Hutan Rakyat) at Lianosa Village-Tongkuno Sub-District


B.2.3. Kolaka District B.2.3.1 Initiated Forest and Environmental Protection District Regulation (Perda Lingkungan) to the Kolaka Parliament B.2.3.2 Coordination with KSDA Watubangga (17 August 2010) B.2.3.3.Facilitated coordination meeting between consultant and OWT (September 29, 2010) B.2.3.4 Delivered training and supported verification process B.2.3.5 Participated MAD II in Baula Sub-District (12 July 2010) B.2.3.6 Selection of new KVCs as OWT partners in Baula Sub-District B.2.3.7 Facilitated perdes socialization in Longori Village (13-14 July 2010) B.2.3.8 Awareness Campaign on Garbage Separation in Puulemo Village B.2.3.9 Demplot monitoring in Baula Sub-district B.2.3.10. Facilitated the establishment of SPH and FLER in Kolaka District B.2.3.11. Biogas Demplot Monitoring in Watubangga Sub-District B.2.3.12. Facilitated mangrove planting in Wolulu Village (23 September 2010) B.2.3.13. Participated MAD II Ladongi and Watubangga Sub-Districts B.2.3.14. Facilitated the network development of Green-Trust community radio B.2.3.15. Awareness at KPMD Monthly Meeting (KPMD, UPK and TPK) in Ladongi Sub district B.2.3.16. Monitoring Biogas Demplot B.2.3.17 Strengthening Honey-Bee Culture organization in Atula village, Ladongi

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ii Edi Purwanto

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010) Sub district B.2.3.18 Visiting Micro Hyro Power in Polenga village, Watubangga Sub-District (25 September 2010)



C. Environmental Training C.1. Buton District C.1.1. In-Service Training on Report Writing for Sub-District Coordinator (16 July 2010) C.1.2. Training on the Bokashi making in Kahulungaya (Pasarwajo) and Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) C.1.3 Training Verification Team (15 August 2010) C.1.4 Participated in TPK Training in Sampolawa Sub-District (7 September 2010) C.1.5 Training RPJM-Desa in Sampolawa and Mawasangka Sub-District (23 September 2010) C.1.6 Training on RPJM Desa Key-Formulation Team (28 August- 24 September 2010)

21 21 21

C.2. Muna District C.2.1 Training for Maintenance Team (TPS) Kecamatan Lawa (21 August 2010) C.2.2 Participated in KPMD Training at Tongkuno Sub district (25 August 2010) C.2.3 Training RPJM-Desa Team (31 July – 27 August 2010) C.2.4 KPMD Training for environmental assessment impacts (Form 22): (25 July – 15 August 2010)

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C.3. Kolaka District C.3.1 Training on Management of Community Radio B.3.2. Participated TPK Training in Watubangga (9 July 2010)

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Challenges Faced, Remedial Actions Taken, and Lessons Learned A. Improper facilitation of inter sub-district sub-project implementation (Lesson Learned No. 2l/20l0) B. The role of Green-PNPM Maintenance Team should be defined and supported with reasonable fund (Lesson Learned No. 22/20l0)

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Concluding Remarks



Planned Activities for the next reporting period


iii Edi Purwanto

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010)

List of Tables Page

Table 3.1. Table 6.l. Table 6.2.

Good and Bad Environmental Management Planned activities during the coming three months (October –December 20l0) Planned activities during the coming 6 months (November 2010 – April 2011)

7 27 31

List of Boxes Page Box 1 Box 2 Box 3

Ibu Sopnatun, KVC from Baula Sub-District Training, facilitation and completion of RPJM-Desa Green-Trust: A community radio facilitated by Operation Wallacea Trust

18 23 24

List of Appendices Appendix A. The impact of CSO interventions on community members’ selection of Green PNPM sub-projects Appendix B. Environmental aawareness raising activities Appendix C. Environmental training aactivities July to September 2010 Appendix D. The most pressing capacity building needs on planning and implementation of NRM/RE activities among (a) rural communities, (b) PNPM facilitators, and (c) local government staff Appendix E. Summary of OWT achievements and follow-up actions for 2011 and 2012 Appendix F. Information, Education Communications (IEC) materials produced during the Reporting Period Appendix G. Project personal Appendix H. OWT’s key project personnel Appendix I Photo- documentation

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iv Edi Purwanto

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010) List of Abbreviation and Acronym Bapedalda Bappeda BPD Desa Demplots FGD FKL FLER KAP KBR KVCs KPMD Korprov Pegas MAD NRM PSF PTO PJOK Perdes Perda RAB RE RPJM-Desa Rumpon SPH TPK TPU PMD

Environmental Impact Control Agency at district/province level Development Planning Agency at district/province level Badan Perwakilan Desa, Village representative council Village Demonstration Plots Focus Group Discussion Green-PNPM facilitator at kecamatan level (consultant) Field Learning Center for Environmental Restoration Knowledge, attitude and practices Kebun Bibit Rakyat, community based nursery Key village champions Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, village development cadre Consultant coordinator at province level Penggalian gagasan, collection of (sub) village project ideas Inter-villages meetings at kecamatan to socialize (G)-KDP Natural resources management PNPM Support Facility Petunjuk Teknik Operasional, guideline for technical implementation Government official in charge in operating the Green-PNPM at kecamatan level Peraturan Desa, village regulation Peraturan Daerah, district regulation Rencana Anggaran Biaya, project cost proposal Renewable energy Village Five Years Plan document Fish Aggregating Device Smart Practice House Team work in charge on executing project at village level Team work in charge on writing project proposal at village level Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Rural Community Development Office at central/province/district level

v Edi Purwanto

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010) List of Indonesian and Scientific Tree Species Names Growing group Fast growing

Vernacular name Sengon Jati putih Mangga Asam jawa Jeruk Gamal Jarak Kelapa Cengkeh Pala Cengkeh Kemiri

Species Paraserianthes falcataria Gmelina arborea Mangifera indica Tamarindus indica Citrus sp Gliricida sepium Jatropha curcas Cocos nucifera Syzygium aromaticum Myristica fragrans Syzygium aromaticum Aleurites moluccana

Family Leguminosae Verbenaceae Anacardiaceae Leguminosae Rutaceae Fabaceae Euphorbiaceae Arecaceae Myrtaceae Myristicaceae Myrtaceae Euphorbiaceae

Middle growing

Nangka Durian Rambutan Trembesi Bakau Jabon

Artocarpus heterophyllus Durio zibethinus Nephelium lapacheum Samanea saman Rhizophora apiculata Antocephalus cadamba

Moraceae Bombacaceae Sapindaceae Mimosoideae Rhizophoraceae Rubiaceae

Slow growing

Mahoni Merbau/kayu besi Jati Manggis Tumaku

Swietenia macrophylla Intsia bijuga Tectona grandis Garcinia mangostana Macadamia sp

Meliaceae Fabaceae Verbenaceae Clusiaceae Proteaceae

vi Edi Purwanto

Green-PNPM Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010)

Contact Information Name

: Dr. Edi Purwanto


: Operation Wallacea Trust


: Jl. La Balawo No. 25, Bau-Bau, Buton, Southeast Sulawesi


: + 62 (0) 402 2825506


: + 62 (0) 81 296 55 233

Branch Office

: Bogor: Taman Cimanggu Jl. Akasia III, Block P VI No. 4 Phone/Fax: 0251-8343184 Kendari: Perumahan Dosen Unhalu, Block A7. Jl. Mayjen S. Parman, Kemaraya, Kemdari, Phone: 0401-3122097 Muna: Jln. I Made Sabara No. 30 Raha, Kabupaten Muna, Phone: 0403-2521483, 081 341 845 334 Kolaka: Jl. Pemuda No. 37 Lalombaa, Kolaka, Phone: 04052323841 Mamasa: Wisma Tongkonan, Jl. Demmajannang, Mamasa Town, Phone: 081381941132, 085710487043


: e_purwanto@indo.net.id www.wallaceatrustindonesia.org

vii Edi Purwanto

Executive Summary: 1.

Background : The Green-Kecamatan Development Program/G-KDP is a pilot program within the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) - Rural aimed to develop and integrate sustainable natural resources management (NRM) strategy into the PNPM-Rural. The objective of the Green KDP is: for villagers in rural Sulawesi to benefit from improved local governance and equitable access to, and sustainable use of, natural resources. The Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) is a Civil Service Organization (CSO) subcontracted by the World Bank (Bank) to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and Green-PNPM actors at village and kecamatan level and mainstreaming sustainable development at districts and province level in the Pilot GreenPNPM in South East Sulawesi Province.


Project Management: During the reporting period, especially during the month of August and September 2010, we waited for the GA amendment for no-cost extension until April 2011. During the period, we did not conduct facilitation activities which need considerable fund support such as organizing training and workshop at district and province level, as we could not withdraw new funding until the GA amended. As such, during the time, which associated with fasting time (Ramadhan), we concentrated our activities to strengthen, enforce and mainstream the established best practices demplots/sub-projects, rather than to initiate or develop new ones. Understanding the need to speed-up the numbers and types of awareness films, we established film crew section/team, consists of La Ode Muhammad Erwin as leading cameramen and editor, Prihantoro as second cameramen and editor La Ode Mukmin (Yamin) as film director/script writer.


The focus of activities: During the reporting period, we focused on the following activities: (a) strengthening demplot and funded (BLM) Green-PNPM sub-project institution development and maintenances; (b) Intensive facilitations and involvement on Green-PNPM Cycles (Training of Verification Team, Sub-project verification process, MAD II and MAD III); (c) Training and facilitation on RPJM-Desa formulation and writing process; (d) Training and technical assistances for TPU, TPK, KPMD, TPS (Maintenance Team), and radio-communities; (e) Monitoring of funded Green-PNPM subproject implementation. Since the Green-PNPM sub-projects had been implemented for two years (2008 and 2009), we have developed our awareness campaigns using lessons learned of sub-project implementation as the truth cases to demonstrate good and bad examples.


Development of Green–PNPM Film: During this reporting period, we produced and finalized four new awareness documentaries films, two films were made in collaboration with Metro TV, which will be nationally broadcasted under Expedition program. Development of KVC films: “The Profile of Pak Lasamira” and re-sequenced of Women Group Profile on Nentu Handicraft”


Facilitated the sustainability of Green-Trust Community Radio in Ladongi (Kolaka District): After the visits of Combine Research Institute (CRI), PSF Communication Officer) and PSF/Green-PNPM staff, since August 2010, the radio had been officially registered on the Indonesia Community Radio Network (Jaringan Radio Komunitas 1 Edi Purwanto

Indonesia/JRKI) and received continuous supports in the forms of: (a) Regular bulletins on the development of radio communities from other areas; (b) Monthly visits/assistance from JRKI Province Coordinator to provide technical assistances. To maintain the sustainable funding of the radio, we searched over new funding support addressed to PT. Telkomsel, and PT Indosat. Similar facilitations are on-going for Gunung Sari (RGS) Community Radio in Watubangga Sub-District. We will facilitate the establishment of community radio in Muna and Buton Districts. 6.

Facilitation and completion of RPJM-Desa: The RPJM-Desa Formulation Team is composed of 11 key persons, i.e. Village Head, Village Secretary, BPD, KPMD (male and female), Sub-Village Head and Key Village Champions. We, together with PNPM facilitators, have facilitated the formulation of the 11 Team, training of the 11 Team on the formulation and writing of RPJM-Desa, refreshed the environmental profile of every villages, facilitated the village meeting (Musrenbang Desa) to collect sub-project ideas, and facilitated the technical aspect on the RPJM-Desa writing. All the process has been completed and the drafts of RPJM-Desa for all villages in 9 Sub-districts have already been submitted to the UPK on 31 October 2010. Challenge faced: it was difficult to facilitate the meeting/discussion on the 11 Team. The collection of sub-project ideas was conducted during Musrenbang Desa (Village meeting), while the formulation process, in many villages, mostly conducted by the Village Secretary and KPMDs. We facilitated the writing of the document and supervise the formulation of the sub-project ideas.


Remarkable outputs (impacts) of environmental awareness and training n Buton District: Our awareness campaigns in Buton have, among others, resulted: (a) The improvement of the selected sub-project types, from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders, to seedlings (nursery) development/generative propagation; (b) The great enthusiasm of local community to replant Jantropa (Jarak) as Green-PNPM subproject. The large scale planting campaigns of Jarak on community land during 2005-2006 had been considered as a failed government project, as the government was unable to market the seeds for biofuel as promise. In response to the disappointment, local community in some areas had converted the plant to other crops. Our intensive campaigns to use Jarak seeds for domestic biofuel (using Jantropa stove), have made community undertanding the economic benefit for renewable energy; (c) We successfully promoted the commercial use of Coconut shell charcoal briquette (CCB) and facilitated the establishment of community based CCB industry in Balabone Village (Mawasangka). With GreenPNPM block-grant, the Village Cooperative has established large scale CCB processing machine (IDR 180 millions); (d) The establishment of a community based cashew nursery (65,000 seedlings) at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) to rejuvenate 30 ha of the old cashew plantation. The nursery is located at the FLER Mawasangka (Pak Lasamira garden). The nursery has absorbed 3 tons of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) developed by Tunas Harapan Farmer Group.


Remarkable outputs (impacts) of environmental awareness and training in Muna District: (a) The widely-practiced Honey-bee culture in Napalakura Village (Napabalano). This is the impacts of our training on wild honey-bee hunting and the development of honey colony in the wooden box; (b) the completion of 7 RPJM-Desa, i.e. Napalakura, Langkumapo, Lambiku, Pentiro, Bahari, Tampo (Napabalano Sub-District) and Lapandidi (Tongkuno Sub-District).

2 Edi Purwanto


Remarkable outputs (impact)s of environmental awareness and training in Kolaka District: (a) The elaboration of Green Trust Community Radio (Ladongi) network and its implication to the new fund sources; (b) The well-known of FLER Gunung Sari which have successfully attracted many parties to learn; (c) The establishment of community based mangrove rehabilitation models in Wolulu Village (Watubangga).


Lesson Learned No. 21/20l0: Improper facilitations of inter sub-district sub-project implementation: The implementations for 2009 and 2010 in Kolaka District have raised conflicts among PNPM actors/facilitators and beneficiaries, similar cases may happen for Muna District. The underlined caused were; (a) there were hardly no socialization at village, sub-district and district level; (b) blanket funding allocation policy; each year, the budget is focused to fund one sub-district; (c) the inter sub-district sub-project often overlapping with Green-PNPM village sub-project or other government projects; (d) Some facilitation process, such as MAD I, MAD II, Verification Team Formulation and training were skipped or dishonesty conducted; (e) the verification process, in some cases, are implemented without consent or involvement of facilitators and PNPM actors at village and sub-district level.


Lesson Learned No. 22/20l0: The role of Green-PNPM Maintenance Team should be defined and supported with reasonable fund: During the life of Green PNPM, the task of Green PNPM maintenance team is similar with regular PNPM, while the nature of the sub-projects is different. In many areas, Maintenance Team is legally defined with no reasonable funding support to implement the tasks. Maintenance activities are often more important than its establishment. The problem is there are always limited costs for maintenance activities as most funding had been invested on the establishment phase. The maintenance for planting tree seedlings (watering, replanting, manuring etc) will ideally take at least two years after planting. This will be a big job if the planting areas are large (say more than 2 ha) and the planting areas are far away from their resident.


Concluding remarks: The effective Green PNPM implementations during the last two years have raised interest of local community on natural resource management subprojects within PNPM especially on tree planting campaigns, sustainable rainfed agriculture (the making of organic fertilizer and pesticide) and application on renewable energy at household (domestic) level (biogas, coconut shell charcoal briquette/CCB, Jantropa stove etc.). The villagers spirits to plant Jantropa (Jarak), which was previously considered as the failed government project, are restored, especially the case for Mawasangka Sub-District (Buton). The quality of tree planting campaigns, in terms of community participation and technical capacity on generative and vegetative propagation are still relatively poor. Most of villages in Buton District, however, have started proposing the development of village nursery as the first and the most important step to conduct planting campaigns. The decision making process in formulating village and inter sub-district sub-projects ideas and the associated implementations are still dominated by the village and sub-district elites which strong influence of Green-PNPM facilitators, while project facilitation process, in several villages (sub-districts) have not yet been fully implemented through participatory, democratic and transparent principles.

The issue will be one of our key „homeworkâ€&#x; during 2011 and 2012.

3 Edi Purwanto

I. Background The Green-Kecamatan Development Program/G-KDP is a pilot program within the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) - Rural aimed to develop and integrate sustainable natural resources management (NRM) strategy into the PNPM-Rural. The objective of the Green PNPM is: for villagers in rural Sulawesi to benefit from improved local governance and equitable access to, and sustainable use of, natural resources. The Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) is a Civil Service Organization (CSO) subcontracted by the World Bank (Bank) to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and Green-PNPM actors at village and kecamatan level and mainstreaming sustainable development at districts and province Green-PNPM Pilot in SE Sulawesi Province is implemented in three districts, i.e. Buton, Muna and Kolaka. Three kecamatans (Sub-Districts) were selected for each district, Pasarwajo, Sampolawa and Mawasangka for Buton, Tongkuno, Lawa and Napabalano for Muna, and Ladongi, Baula and Watubangga for Kolaka. The project has two main components, i.e. environmental training and awareness. Both activities are inserted to the existing PNPM system to mainstreaming NRM at village, (sub) district and province level. To make tangible outputs of environmental awareness, the activity has been supported by facilitating local community to develop community based NRM models. The objective is to provide life examples of community based NRM which are applicable and affordable to rural community. Those have been successfully inspired local community to replicate the initiatives by proposing the activities to be funded by Green PNPM block-grant. Now, we have arrived on the up-scaling, mainstreaming phase and preparation of the exit strategy, to make the local best-practices initiatives being replicable to sub-district, district, province levels through training, workshop and publication. After two years effective implementaton, our awareness campaigns in Buton District have, among others, resulted: (a) The improvement of the selected sub-project types, from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders, to seedlings (nursery) development/generative propagation; (b) The great enthusiasm of local community to replant Jantropa (Jarak) as GreenPNPM sub-project. The large scale planting campaigns of Jarak on community land during 2005-2006 had been considered as a failed government project, as the government was unable to market the seeds for biofuel as promise. In response to the disappointment, local community in some areas had converted the plant to other crops. Our intensive campaigns to use Jarak seeds for domestic biofuel (using Jantropa stove), have made community undertanding the economic benefit for renewable energy; (c) We successfully promoted the commercial use of Coconut shell charcoal briquette (CCB) and facilitated the establishment of community based CCB industry in Balabone Village (Mawasangka). With Green-PNPM block-grant, the cooperative has established large scale CCB processing machine (IDR 180 millions); (d) The establishment of a community based cashew nursery (65,000 seedlings) at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) to rejuvenate 30 ha of the old cashew plantation. The nursery is located at the FLER Mawasangka (Pak Lasamira garden). The nursery has absorbed 3 tons of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) developed by Tunas Harapan Farmer Group. 4 Edi Purwanto

The impact of CSO interventions on the selection of Green PNPM sub-projects is presented in Appendix A. The most pressing capacity building needs on planning and implementation of NRM/RE activities among (a) rural communities, (b) PNPM facilitators, and (c) local government have been identified and presented in Appendix D, while summary of our achievements and follow-up actions during 2011 and 2012 is provided in Appendix E. During the reporting period, however, especially during the month of August and September 2010, as we waited the Grant Agreement (TF-090977) amendment for no-cost extension, we did not conduct training and workshops which affect to considerable funding support, as we could not withdraw new funding from the Bank until the GA extended. As such, during August and September 2010, which were associated with fasting time (Ramadhan), we concentrated our activities on: (a) strengthening demplot and funded (BLM) Green-PNPM sub-project institution development and maintenances; (b) Intensive facilitations of several steps of Green-PNPM Cycles (Training of Verification Team, Sub-project verification process, MAD II and MAD III); (c) Training and facilitation of RPJM-Desa; (d) Training for TPK, KPMD, TPS (Maintenance Team), and radio-communities; (e) Monitoring of funded Green-PNPM sub-project implementation. On the coming semester, which is the last semester of the Green-PNPM implementation (November 2010 to April 2011), the main emphasis will be given on the training and workshop facilitations at sub-district, district and province level to mainstream Green-PNPM beyond the pilot program. The report outlines our training and awareness facilitation progress during July–September 2010.

5 Edi Purwanto

II. Progress Made Over the Reporting Period A. Project Management A.1. Financial Issues The total project budget for Component 3 (Awareness Raising and Training/(TF-090977)) is USD 764.650,00. The life of the project is three years, starting November 7, 2007 and ended October 31, 2010. Understanding that the remaining fund (ca. USD 320,000) is sufficient to run the project for another year, and there are still many uncompleted tasks, on April 5, 2010, we submitted letter to the PNPM-Support Facility (PSF) to propose No-Cost Extension until October 31, 2011. On 28 June 2010, we received confirmation via e-mail from the PSF (Mr. Jeremy Foster) that they noted that CIDA has no objections to the amendment of the closing date of the existing Grant Agreement to October 2011 and they (PSF) have been moving forward with OWT‟s request for a „no-cost extension‟. According to World Bank policy, all CSO grants funded by this Trust Fund must conclude six months prior to the Trust Fund's closing date. The existing Trust Fund's closing date is until October 2011, as such Grant Agreement (GA) between World Bank and OWT should only possible to extend until April 2011. In order to accommodate OWT's request to extend the duration of the existing grant agreement until October 2011, PSF must first amend CIDA's Trust Fund agreement to extend the closing date to April 2012. Only once the closing date of CIDA's Trust Fund agreement is extended will the World Bank be able to extend the closing date of OWT's grant agreement until October 2011. The World Bank's legal office has been working to extending CIDA's Trust Fund agreement; however the process took long time and it was not completed until mid August 2010. To response the situation, as the Bank will freeze the fund before the GA extended, instead of October 2011, on 20 August 20l0, we proposed to extent the GA only until April 2011. The request was agreed by the Bank and the emended letter was issued on September 20l0. During the reporting period, especially during the month of August and September 2010, as we waited the Grant Agreement amendment for no-cost extension, we did not conduct training and workshops which affect to considerable funding support, as we could not withdraw new funding from the Bank until the GA extended. As such, during the time, which associated with fasting time (Ramadhan), we concentrated our activities to strengthen, enforce and mainstream the established best practices demplots/sub-projects, rather than to initiate or develop new ones. A.2. Human Resources Issues Understanding the need to speed-up the numbers and types of awareness films, we established film crew section/team, consists of La Ode Muhammad Erwin as leading cameramen and editor, Prihantoro as second cameramen and editor La Ode Mukmin (Yamin) as film director/script writer. 6 Edi Purwanto

B. Environmental Awareness The focus of our awareness and training during July and September 2010 were the following: (a) strengthening demplot and funded Green-PNPM sub-project institution development and maintenances; (b) Intensive facilitations and involvement on Green-PNPM Cycles (Training of Verification Team, Sub-project verification process, MAD II and MAD III); (c) Training on RPJM-Desa for Village Formulation Team; (d) Training and technical assisrtances for TPU, TPK, KPMD, TPS (Maintenance Team) and radio-communities; (e) Monitoring of funded Green-PNPM sub-project implementation. Since, the Green-PNPM sub-projects have been implemented for two years (2008 and 2009), we have started to enrich our awareness campaigns with lessons learned of sub-project implementation as the truth cases to demonstrated good and bad examples. The detail awareness and training activities can be inspected on Appendix B and C, while Photo Documentation on Appendix I. B.1. Environmental Awareness and Training at Province Level B.1.1. On-going development of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices: Learning of the World Bank Book outlines „good‟ and „bad‟ environmental management practices, since July 2009, we have collected photos related to example of „good‟ and „bad‟ environmental practices with special reference to Indonesian environmental condition. We will develop a book, „pros‟ and „cons‟ of each practice will be discussed. The lists of intended photos are presented on Table 3.1. Until this reporting period, development of good and bad environmental practices is still continuously on the process of the completion of the materials (photos gathering). We improve the quality of the photos, and expect to finish the book before the end of this year. Table 3.1. Good and Bad Environmental Management Typology


(Sub)Ecosystem or practices Forest

Rainfed agriculture

1 2

Topic of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ management

Natural Forest: Intact vs degraded forest. A closer look on: surface and morphoerosion1 Manmade Forest: well management with good canopy cover and undergrowth vs forest with good canopy cover but poor undergrowth and poor canopy and poor undergrowth. A closer look on overland flow and accelerated erosion. Agroforestry: intercropping trees with annual crop vs annual crop (without tree crop). A closer look on surface erosion and land productivity. Intercropping vs monoculture. Example: intercropping rice, maize and cassava vs monoculture cassava. A closer look on accelerated erosion2 and land productivity. Upland agriculture with and without soil conservation. A closer look on

Morphoerosion is the wearing away of soil and rock by mass wasting (e.g. gully erosion, landslide etc.). Accelerated erosion/man-made erosion is erosion influenced by man.

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Irrigated agriculture Settlement area Lowland Domestic waste management River Coastal

Mangrove forest Brackish water pond Sandy beach

Near shore marine/

Coral reef Fish stock

fishery Seaweed farming

accelerated erosion and land productivity. Bench terrace with and without terrace riser protection. A closer look on accelerated (rill) erosion and land productivity. Cocoa Plantation with and without pest management. A closer look on quality and quantity of fruit production. Steep sloping land along the roads with and without slope stabilization. A closer look on mass wasting. Sawah with and without ‘ngaguguntur’ (slope retreatment). A closer look on river suspended and bed load (total river sediment load). Settlement area with and without recharge well and water harvesting system. A closer look on surface water pounding and depth of ground water level. Domestic waste management with and without sorting and processing Erodible meandering river bank with and without slope stabilization using gabion and vegetative protection. A closer look on riverbank erosion. Coastal area with and without mangrove: A closer look on coastal line retreatment (abrasion). Brackish water pond with and without mangrove trees (Silvo-fishery): A closer look on bank stability and pond productivity. Sandy beach with and without Casuarinas’ trees: A closer look on coastal line retreatment. Near shore marine with good and degraded coral reef: A closer look on reef fish abundance and diversity Near shore fishery with and without environmentally sound fishing gears. Near shore marine with and without seaweed farming: A closer look on illegal logging and coral reef degradation.

B.1.2 Designing T-Shirt and making awareness stickers: We considered T-shirt is a good awareness campaign media, if they are well-designed, similarly stickers, as they can be installed on every Green-PNPM beneficiary houses. We promoted the key sentences: „Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Village‟ on the T-shirt, while the stickers contain GreenPNPM and OWT logos. We expected that they are getting familiar with the „Green-PNPM‟ terminology and also familiar with the name of CSO who facilitates the program. Both T-shirt and stickers will be ready by mid November 2010. B.1.3 Updating Training Modules: OWT has developed a set of modules on environmental management practices. The modules have been distributed to Green-PNPM actors/facilitators and local community during demplot establishment and regular training in the PNPM cycle. We treat modules as a life document; it is open for further improvement and adaptation to response on the ground implementation. Applications of environmentally friendly technology are not just simply copying from other areas, various adaptations and to a certain extent „new inventions‟ are required to response local specific conditions. For example: (a) Bio-gas: We invented technique to modify a normal gas stove which is originally designed for high pressure to enable to be used for low pressure (bio) gas. In response to the frequently leakage of the plastic digester, we started developing plastic water container digesters, concrete and metal digesters. Efforts are also made to enable biogas installation could be used by several households; (b) CCB making, we 8 Edi Purwanto

discovered the optimal ratio between the tapioca glue and charcoal coconut shell powders. We also invent simple technique to ignite CCB, similar cases for the making of „Bokashi‟ organic fertilizer, organic pesticide, biopores and recharge well. B.1.4 Development of Environmental Awareness Films (July-August 2010): During this reporting period, we produced and finalized four new awareness films, two films were made in collaboration with Metro TV, which will be nationally broadcasted under program so-called Expedition (planned to be broadcasted on 6 and November 13, 20103); Development of Best Practices film: “The Profile of Pak Lasamira” and re-sequenced of Women Group Profile on Nentu Handicraft” documentary film. Joint production with Metro TV: The settings of films were Lambusango Forest Reserve and Wakatobi Marine National Park. Both documentaries film demonstrated best practices of terrestrial (Lambusango) and marine (Hoga and Kaledupa Islands) community based ecotourism activities. We learned technical skills in script writing, shooting and editing. KVC’s Best Practices Film: The film promotes the example of environmentally friendly activities done by selected KVCs. Pak La Samira from Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) is managing several productive and environmentally friendly activities and has successfully inspired their communities. During the reporting period, we also re-sequenced “Women Group Profile on Nentu Handicraft” documentary film. B.1.5 Designed three leaflets (brochures) on seedlngs propagation and planting: we developed three leaflets, all related to vegetaive rehabilitation planting, those are: (a) Generative propagation (Teknik Pembibitan Generatif) ; (b) Planting technique (Teknik Penanaman) and (c) Agar wood Cultivation (Budidaya Gaharu). ’Generative propagation’ is composed of the following information: (a) Why do we need generative propagation?; (b) Where to find seed sources?; (c) How to treat seeds (Orthodox or recalcitrant); (d) How to germinate seeds?; (e) How to make growth medium?; (f) How to develop and main nursery. ’Planting Technique’ is composed of the following information: (a) Preparation before planting; (b) Required materials and euipments; (c) How to conduct land clearing?; (d) How to define planting space; (e) How to make planting holes?; (f) How to transport seedlings to planting holes?; (g) How to plant seedlings?; (h) How to maintain the planted seedlings? ’Agar wood Cultivation’ is composed of the following information: (a) Agar Wood as vaulable non-timber forest products; (b) Generative propagation, planting and maintenance of Aqualiaria sp?; (c) How to infect the trees with Fusarium; (d) Evaluate the effects of infected Fusarium to the development of Agar woods; (e) Harvesting Techniques. 3

Because of Mount Merapi Eruption, the broadcast of the films is delayed until end of December 2010.

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B.1.6. Improve communication among Green-PNPM actors and facilitators at District Level: Since May 2010, we have started to facilitate regular monthly meeting involving keygovernment officials at district level (Head of Regional Development Planning/Bappeda, Head of Environmental Impact Assessment/Bapedalda, Head of Forestry Service and Head of Agriculture Service) and parliament (DPRD), Green-PNPM actors (Head of PMP, PJO Kab) and facilitators at sub-district and district level. We realized that PNPM monthly meeting at district level was not sufficient to discuss the details and specific problems of Green-PNPM, as it is mostly dominated with the discussion of regular PNPM issues. By facilitating the meeting, involving all key-Government officials and members of parliament with Green-PNPM actors/facilitators at sub-district and village level, the Green-PNPM program will be wellrecognized at district level. We also facilitated the visits of key-government officials and parliaments to Green-PNPM activities/smart-practices.

B.2 Environmental Awareness at District Level B.2.1 Buton District B.2.1.1 Promoting Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB) in ‘Ozone Radio’ Bau Bau (29 July 2010): To disseminate issues on renewable energy to a wider community, we have established link with local FM streaming internet radio (Lawero Radio and Ozone Radio) to promote GreenPNPM best practices. On July 29, we were invited by Ozone Radio to speak on two hours morning slot so-called Voice of the Town (mainstreamed at www.ozonia.com). We made use the opportunity to promote CCB. We shared with the radio audience group (Ozonia) regarding abundance and business potential of coconut shell in the Buton Island, briquette making, economic benefit in comparison with kerosene, fuel wood and coconut sheel charcoal. During our talk, we had listeners‟ interactive calls, asking where to get CCB. We provided our address and phone number for those who want to purchase (Rp 3,000/kg). B.2.1.2 Participated Coordination Meeting with PNPM actors (5 July 2010): PNPM Coordination meeting in Buton district is regularly held every three months at BAPPEDA‟s (District development planning Agency). The point of the meeting was to discuss the progress of PNPM implementation in each sub-district. In the meeting, we socialized the progress of environmental awareness raising and training, challenges faced, lessons learned and action plans. We expected all FK (from Green-PNPM pilot and non pilot sub-districts) and PNPM actors to mainstream green sub-projects and make environmental assessment on each PNPM sub-project in accordance to Form 22. B.2.1.3 Demonstrated the use of CCB at Balobone Village Mawasangka Sub-District (12 July 2010): To increase number of households using CCB, we demonstrated CCB making in Balobone Village (village with coconut abundance). We only demonstrated the use of CCB and not deliver training, realizing that villagers are used to make coconut shell charcoal either for home-use or sales. The participants were very enthusiastic; they found CCB is much more profitable compare to coconut charcoal. CCB is able to be used for two to three times, whilst coconuts charcoal only one time. We successfully facilitated the establishment of community

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based CCB industry in Balabone Village (Mawasangka). With Green-PNPM block-grant, the Village Cooperative has established large scale CCB processing machine (IDR 180 millions). B.2.1.4 Verification of Green–PNPM sub-projects proposals (13 to 18 July 2010): We involved the verification process in Mawasangka and Sampolawa Sub-Districts to ensure that the selected proposals were environmentally sounds, having significant beneficiary and sensitive to environmental issues and the real needs of local community. The verified proposal titles were: (a) Kancebungi village “The establishment of Fish Aggregating Device (Rumpon4)”; (b) Gumanano village ”Developing 10.000 Jati seedlings and planting”; (c) Wakambangura village ”Developing Rumpon”; (d) Napa Village ”Planting Jantropa/Jarak”; (e) Watolo village ”Developing 100 units of recharge wells”; (f) Balobone village ”Developing Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette Machine”; (g) Wasilomata I, ”Developing 20.000 Jantropa”; (h) Matara village ”Planting 10.000 Trembesi seedlings”; (i) Wasilomata I village ”Planting 20,000 Janthropa”; (j) Mawasangka village, ”Procurement of 15 units solar panel”; (k) Oengkolaki village ”Developing 20,000 Janthropa seedlings”; (l) Banga village ”Mangrove‟s crab fattening of 2,000 individuals”; (m) Dahiango village, ”Procurement of 75 units solar panel”; (n) Polindu village ”Developing 15,000 Janthropa seedlings; (o) Tanailandu village ”Developing 3,000 Seaweed lines; (p) Kanapa-Napa village ”Developing and planting of 10,000 Jati seedlings”; (q) Terapung village ”Developing 15,000 Jati seedlings”. While Verification in Sampolawa Sub district was held in (18 s/d 19 Agustus 2010 ) with 8 villages were ranked to receive block-grant: (a) Hendea village (”100 unit peanut skin pealer”); (b) Bangun village (”Developing and planting 10.000 Rambutan and Mahoni seedlings”); (c) Wawoangi village (”Developing and planting 10.000 mahoni seedlings”); (d) Kotilombu village (”Developing 150 unit seaweed driers”); (e) Jaya Bakti village (”Developing and planting 40.000 mahoni seedlings”); (f) Lipumangau village (”Developing 3,000 mango trees seedlings”); (g) Gunung Sejuk village (”Developing ecotoursm”); (h) Tira village (”Procurement of solar panel”); (i) Sandang Pangan village (”Developing and plantng of 20,000 sengon seedlings). From the above sub-project proposals, we can observe the improvement of selected sub-project types, from only planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders, to seedlings (nursery) development/generative propagation. Those were the results of our intensive campaigns on generative and vegetative propagation. B.2.1.5 Awareness campaigns on SPH (Smart Practice House) and FLER (Field Learning Site for Environmental Restoration): During the reporting period, we have organized awareness campaigns at SPH and FLER in Pasarwajo and Mawasangka Sub-Districts involving 5 farmers groups in Pasarwajo and 3 farmer groups in Mawasangka. The farmer groups members had fieldwork on the making of organic fertilizer, agroforestry (multiple cropping), development of fruit trees nursery, biogas, organic pesticide and the making of CCB.


The function of Rumpon is to attract pelagic fish, so as to reduce the coral reef fishing pressure. Care must be taken when the distance of one Rumpon and the other are to close, this will disturb fish dispersal (movement). 11 Edi Purwanto

B.2.1.6 Capacity building to strengthen Orange plantation and Bokashi Demplot in Warinta Village: We facilitated the planting of grafted orange, the under stem is Citroen (C. aurantifolia), while the upper stem is Keprok Siem (C. medika). We facilitated the planting of 1,000 under stem orange trees in February 2010. It took four months (stem diameter 2 – 3 cm) before ready to graft with Keprok Siem. Citroen was selected as under stem because of its strong stem, large rooting system, disease-resistance and longevity. The plant should be regenerated after 10 years. On May 23, 2010, we trained villagers on grafting technique. Taking into account that optimal production age of an orange plantation is between 3 and 6 years, the planted orange will start to produce in 2014. On August 2010, we conducted regular monitoring of the plantation, and gave technical assistance to the group and strengthen the institution. B.2.1.7 Monitoring Biogas esablishment funded by 2009 block-grant in Saragi Village, Pasarwajo Sub-District: Saragi Village received 2009 block-grant for home- biogas installation. On August, we found the biogas has no longer used by beneficiaries, as the digester tank was leakage due to animal disturbance. We suggested TPK to fix the problem and will provide technical assistances on the reinstallation. Understanding the frequent leakage of the plastic digesters, we will facilitate the use of other types of digesters. B.2.1.8 Participated in MAD II (27 August 2010): During the reporting period, we participated MAD II in Mawasangka Sub-District (22 August 2010) and Sampolawa Sub-District (27 August 2010). Selected villages in Mawasangka Sub-District to receive BLM sub-projects: (a) Balobone (1 unit CCB processing machine); (b)Wasilomata I (development and planting of 10,000 Jantropa seedlings); (c) Napa (development and planting of 10,000 Jantropa seedlings); (d) Matara village (development and planting of 10,000 Trembesi seedlings); (e) Wasilomata II (development and planting of 10,000 Jantropa seedlings); (f) Watolo village (building 20 units recharge wells); (g) Mawasangka village (procurement of 15 unit solar panel). The large scale planting campaigns of Jarak on community land during 2005-2006 had been considered as a failed government project, as the government was unable to market the seeds for biofuel as promise. Local community in some areas had converted the plant to other crops. Our intensive campaigns to use Jarak seeds for domestic biofuel (using Jantropa stove), have made community awared the economic benefit of Jantropa for renewable energy. Selected villages in Sampolawa Sub-District to receive BLM sub-projects: (a) Hendea village (100 unit peanut skin pealer); (b) Bangun village (Development and planting of 10,000 rambutan and mahoni seedlings); (c) Wawowangi village (Development and planting 10,000 mahoni seedlings); (d) Kotilombu village (150 units of seaweed driers); (e) Jaya Bakti village (Development and planting of 40,000 mahoni seedlings); (f) Lipumangau village (Development and planting of 3,000 mango seedlings); (g) Gunung Sejuk village (Development of ecotoursim); (h) Tira village (Procurement of solar panel); (i) Sandang Pangan village (Developiment and planting 20,000 sengon seedlings). B.2.1.9 Land suitability survey for Mangrove Nursery in Mawasangka Sub-District (3 September 2010): Understanding the poor success of mangrove regreening in some villages in Mawasangkat, we conducted field survey in Tanailandu Village along with village farmerâ€&#x;s 12 Edi Purwanto

group from Oengkolaki, consisted of 15 female, 10 male. The survey aimed to identify the suitable site to develop community based mangrove nursery to enrich the existing magrove rehabilitation areas. B.2.1.10 Technical assistance on the establishment of Jarak Nursery (13 September 2010): The trend of project proposal in 2010 for Mawasangka is the development of Jantropa (Jarak) plantation. It was proposed by three villages (Wasilomata I, Wasilomata II and Napa Villages). The villagers will use to regreen the critical land and then use the seeds as renewable energy for domestic use. We encouraged TPK and villagers and targeted beneficiaries to establish Jarak nursery, rather than purchase seedlings from outside breeders. B.2.1.11 Technical assistances on sub-project selection in Oengkolaki Village (29 September 2010): We were invited by KPMD to participate village meeting to assess the environmental impacts of the bulding fisherman access roads sub-project proposal. The meeting was attended by 30 male and 20 female participants. We suggested local community to change the sub-project proposal with others as the roads has to be built at the expense of mangrove forest. B.2.1.12 Awareness on the benefit uses of CCB in Sampolawa Sub-District: We introduced the use of CCB to minimize dependency on fuel wood and kerosene. The meeting was held at SubDistrict hall and attended by KPMD, TPK and KVCs from all villages. B.2.1.13. Technical assistance for TPU: We assisted TPU of 8 villages in Sampolawa SubDistrict to formulate project concept and activities, environmental impact assessment and budget break-down. The training was attended by 33 male and 5 female participants. B.2.1.14 Demplot Monitoring: The building of demplot is aimed to inspire villagers on the viable, affordable and replicable environmental friendly activities, which can be developed by villagers with or without the present of extra ordinary support. Demplot is the embryo of community based environmental restoration model. During the reporting period, we conducted regular monitoring to all demplots and use them as KVCs learning center, such as facilitated cross-visits among KVCs. B.2.1.15. Facilitated the establishment of cashew nursery in Mawasangka Sub-District: Cashew is the most significant agricultural product in Buton and surrounding islands. Cashews in Mawasangka Sub-District are „grown naturally‟ with minimum farmer intervention. About 60 % of cashew trees in the area are quite old, thirty years old or more (the optimum production of cashew ranges between 10 – 20 years old). In response to the poor productivity of cashew plantation in the area, we, in collaboration with the Buton District Plantation Service, facilitated the rejuvenation of 30 ha of community based cashew plantation by establishment of cashew nursery. The nursery is located at the FLER Mawasangka (Pak Lasamira garden). So far, we facilitated the establishment of 65,000 cashew seedlings. The cashew nursery has absorbed 3 tons of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) developed by Tunas Harapan Farmer Group, in which its establishment was also facilitated by us.

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B.2.2 Muna District B.2.2.1 Installment of Framed Environmental Posters (10 August – 5 September 2010): During the reporting period, we continuously deliver environmental awareness campaign through the process of the Green-PNPM cycle, organize Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and installing posters. We installed framed poster at KVCs houses to disseminate environmental preservation message. The numbers of posters installed at each sub district were 25 posters, installed on houses, village meeting hall and public areas. B.2.2.2 Installment of Green PNPM Beneficiaries Stickers: We installed Green PNPM beneficiaries‟ house doors at selected villages in three sub-districts: (a) Napabalano Sub-District (Bahari, Renda and Lambiku villages); (b) Lawa Sub-District (Latugho, Lalemba and Lailangga villages); (c) Tongkuno Sub-District (Kontumolepe, Lakologou, Tombula, Danagoa, Lahontohe, Lapadindi, Fongkaniwa and Waleale village). Objectives of the activities were: (a) to mark local communities who received Green-PNPM block-grant; (b) to stimulate Block-Grant beneficiaries to have environmental friendly attitudes; (c) to understand whether the Block-Grant have been properly targeted to poor villagers. Based on our analysis, 80% of the block-grant was enjoyed by poor people. B.2.2.3 Monitored mangrove rehabilitation areas funded by 2008 Block-Grant (25 August 2010): We monitored mangrove survival in Tampo Village and identify the challenges faced. The project implementation was poor, only 25% of the planted mangroves were survived. The underlined reasons were lack of maintenance; the broken fences had allowed animal raids. We encouraged Green-PNPM actors at village and sub-district level to rebuild and maintain the fences on the remaining mangrove survival. No actions were taken to restore the situations. B.2.2.4 Participated in Inter village Meeting II (MAD II) at Tongkuno and Lawa Sub-Districts (17 July and 20 July 2010): We participated in MAD II at Tongkuno Sub-District (17 July 2010) and Lawa Sub- District (20 July 2010). We assisted Verification Team to explain the verification results, why several sub-project proposals were not accepted and stimulated the meeting participants on the formulation of RPJM-Des. We reminded that they have the Environment Profile (Rona Lingkungan) Documents5 which are important as references in formulating RPJM-Desa. B.2.2.5 Participated in KPMD Monthly meeting: We participated KPMD monthly meeting at three sub-districts (Napabalano Sub-District, 2 July, 2 August, 2 September; Lawa Sub-District, 28 July and 28 September; Tongkuno Sub-District on 8 July, 6 September). On each meeting, we presented the best practices of Green-PNPM sub-projects from Kolaka and Buton Districts, especially the development of Renewable Energy (CCB, Jantropa stove, Biogas) and also the use of organic fertilizer. B.2.2.6 Monitoring Block-grant funded Plantation at La Maeyo Spring Water (29 August 2010): Rehabilitation of head water catchment of La Maeyo Spring Water was implemented in 2009. Total numbers project beneficiaries were 30 male and 40 female. On 29 August 2010, we 5

During 2008, we facilitated participatory survey to develop „Rona Lingkungan‟ (environmental profile) Book for each Green-Pilot sub-district.

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conducted monitoring and we found that 70% of the planted seedlings were not survived. The underlined reasons were lack of seedlings quality and poor maintenances. B.2.2.7 Selection of PL for Lawa Sub-District (8 July 2010): We involved the selection of FKL‟s local assistance (pendamping lokal/PL). The participants of the selection were 18 male and 11 female, the selected PL was Hariono, S.Pd. B.2.2.8 Hand-over Meeting (MDST) of spring water rehabilitation at Latugho village, Lawa Sub-District (20 August 2010): The rehabilitation of spring water and building ecotourism facilities in Latugho village had been completed and the MDST was conducted on 20 August 2010. In the meeting, we facilitated the establishment of ecotourism management of the spring water which is handled by village government. While to maintain the beauty and clean of the spring water environment, we stimulated Village Government to develop Village Regulation to protect the existing land cover and develop garbage management system. The meeting participants were 40 male and 10 female. B.2.2.9 Meeting to discuss Honey Bee Culture Proposal in Fongkaniwa Village, Tongkuno Sub- District (20 August 2010): We were asked Fongkaniwa villagers to discuss the potential of honey bee culture development in their village. The village developed two proposals, cashew nut plantation and honey bee culture. They were confused which one to select. We gave explanation relating to the pros and cons of the proposals. They selected honey bee culture based on the reason that, honey bee culture will become new alternative livelihood that the villagers have not familiar with. The participants of the discussion were 15 male and 3 female composed of FKL, TPK, KPMD, KVCs and Village Headmen. B.2.2.10 Participated MAD III in Lawa Sub-District (25 September 2010): We participated the meeting to strengthen the design of selected village sub-projects implementation. We emphasized the need to manage the sub-project participatory, transparency and accountably. The participants of the meeting were 20 male and 10 female. B.2.2.11 Intensive facilitation on ‘Madu Jaya’ Honey Bee Culture, Napalakura VillageNapabalano: We provided intensive facilitations on the honey bee demplot development as this will become the embryo (pioneer) of bee-culture in Muna District. The farmers group continuously maintains the colony and keeps searching for wild bees to be cultivated in the wooden boxes. The stove pole have been replaced with teak and relocated to Pak La Rabia garden from its previous location. The previous location was vulnerable to stress. The high rainfall frequency and intensity have hampered the hunting of wild honey bees during the August and September. B.2.2.12 Intensive facilitation of Teak Nursery Demplot at Napalakura Village-Napabalano Sub-District: The village nursery development is smart practice model for the Green-PNPM subproject. Apart from providing technical assistances, we also provide seeds, poly-bags and manure. The nursery has become a new business venture potential for the community. District Forestry Agency had promised to include them in the Community Based Nursery (Kebun Benih Rakyat) program.

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B.2.2.13 Intensive facilitation of Teak Nursery Demplot in Lalemba Village: The nursery group in Lalemba village (Bukit Harapan), Lawa Sub-District was developed to support GreenPNPM implementation. The group member consists of 14 male and 4 female. Since the establishment, the nursery has supplied 50,000 seedlings for Green-PNPM sub-project implementation. B.2.2.14 Intensive facilitation of Woman Economic Group (‘Maju Bersama’) on Cashew Processing, Lalemba (Lawa Sub-District): Woman economic group dealing on cashew processing was selected as women based livelihood development model. Since March 2010, we have conducted serial trainings on cashew processing and packaging, and also providing technical assistance on the administration and financial management. We also provided grant for initial capital with low interest. The rate is 1 percent for ten months period. On mid of June 2010, we equipped the group with sealing band machine (before they used candle) which enable them to pack 50 to 60 kg of processed cashew per hour. The high rain frequency and intensity has affected to the unsuccessful fruiting seasons leading to the sharp decline of cashew production. B.2.2.15. Intensive facilitation of Community Forestry Demplot (Hutan Rakyat) at Lianosa Village-Tongkuno Sub-District: The planted teak seedlings (800) did not grow optimally due to high rain intensity which led to pounding. We have facilitated the development of bio-pores.

B.2.3 Kolaka District B.2.3.1 Initiated Forest and Environmental Protection District Regulation (Perda Lingkungan) to the Kolaka Parliament: Two out of three Green-PNPM Sub-district pilots in Kolaka district share boundary with Forest Reserve Areas. Ladongi is bordered with Rawa Aopa National Park, while Watubangga is bordered with Matausu Reserve. Kendari Post Newspaper depicted that many people occupied forest areas for the sake of HTR (Community Forestry Program), while many of them could not prove the legal document. Large forest conversion to oil palm plantation in Watubangga has diminished and polluted fresh water, while mining concession in Baula has degraded coastal areas with mega sedimentation. Understanding the situation, we drafted district regulation on forest and environmental protection, we together with forestry district agency and PMD has submitted the draft to the Kolaka parliaments. Further facilitation on parliament side will be followed up. B.2.3.2 Coordination with BKSDA Watubangga (17 August 2010): We had a meeting with BKSDA (Natural Resource Conservation Agency at Watubangga) to discuss land-ownership status of 30 ha land in Kastura Village allocated as community forestry and funded by GreenPNPM Block-Grant 2010. The Ministry of Forestry (BKSDA) data shows that 20 ha out of the 30 ha land belong to Natural Reserve. We had informed the case to Verification Team, FK-L and UPK; however the headman of Kastura village persuaded FKL that Forestry Agency data is inaccurate. To prevent future conflict, we facilitated the meeting involving BKSDA, Kastura Village Head and Green-PNPM actors. The villagers agreed to renew the proposal, i.e. to develop fruit plantation (10 ha) and 2 units of biogas. Learning from the case, FKL has to take into account inputs (confirmation) from various parties before processing sub-project proposal to ensure that the land ownership status are clean and clear.

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B.2.3.3. Facilitated monthly coordination meeting with Green-PNPM Facilitators: Since July, we have conducted regular coordination meeting involving all of our sub-district coordinators, FKL and Astal. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the progress of Green-PNPM cycles, problems faced and sinergized actions and strategy to solve problem and reach the targeted outputs. B.2.3.4 Delivered training and supported verification process: We delivered training for verification team to ensure that the team had clear understanding on Green-PNPM objectives, roles and responsibilities of each actors, local potential resources and environmental problems on each village. We also supported field verification process to ensure; (a) the project proposal were collected through proper Green-PNPM cycle process; (b) ensure availability of land for planting and its current ownership status; (c) the urgency of the proposal and relevancy with Green-PNPM; (d) proper environmental impact assessment, and (e) project beneficiaries are poor and disadvantaged villagers. B.2.3.5 Participated MAD II in Baula Sub-District (12 July 2010): We participated MAD II to assist the process and witnessed how communities count priorities and urgency of environmental problems upon their interest to receive block-grant. The ranks of verified proposal were: (a) Longori village “Developing fruits plantation at house yard” (b) Puundoho village “Developing Durian and Jati Putih in the head water catchment area; (c) Baula village “ Developing Jati plantation”; (c) Puulemo village “Developing Manggis and Sengon plantation in the head water catchment area; (d) Watalara village “Developing Jati Putih plantation (25 Ha) in the head water catchment area”; (e) Pewutaa village “Developing Durian plantation and Solar panel”; (f) Puuroda village, “Developing fresh water fish farming and Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette Training”; (g) Puubunga village “Developing durian plantation”; (h) Puubenua village “Establishing Solar cell”. We concluded that most villagers are still looking after the block-grant rather than the truth intention to improve their environment. Most of the proposals were tree planting by purchasing seedlings from outside, rather than developing their own nursery. B.2.3.6 Selection of new KVCs as OWT partners in Baula Sub-District: KVC is attributed to a person having great concerns on environmental issues and able to inspire and influence their community. In Kolaka District, we already had Pak Made Tinggal Kariasa from Watubangga Sub-District, Pak Sujianto from Kolaka Town. In July, we found new KVCs for Baula Village, i.e. Ibu Sopnatun from Puubunga (see Box 1) and Pak Tombang from Watalara, both have committed to become our partners to inspire local community on NRM smart practices.

B.2.3.7 Facilitated Perdes socialization in Longori Village (13-14 July 2010): Longori Village (Baula Sub-District) received Green-PNPM Block-grant in 2008, then received again in 2009 plus inter-sub-district block-grant (500 million), all sub-project activities were in the form of vegetative planting. The rehabilitation areas are vulnerable to fire because located near the grass land. Understanding the threat, we discussed with village headman to investigate the reason behind the fire problem, we were informed that the fire was purposively conducted by villagers to stimulate the growth of grass for cow fodder. We discussed solution to the problems with headmen; we came up with the idea of formulating village regulation. We talked with BPD about the regulation, and BPD had drafted the regulation related to environment (village cleanliness, 17 Edi Purwanto

domesticated cattle raid, and transporting timber forest product). On the 13 and 14 of July, along with BPD, we went through the draft; we gave additional inputs related to environmental and NRM issues. BPD and village government required our assistance to facilitate the drafting and liaise with PMD and District Law Section to enact the regulation.

Box. 1 Ibu Sopnatun, KVC from Baula Sub-District Ibu Sopnatun works as Sub-District Agriculture Extension Worker in Baula. She was born in Magelang, Central Java on August 10, 1962, living in Puubunga village (Baula) since 1988, when she started her career as extension worker. Apart from active as facilitator of various development programs in Baula, she is widely known as women group (PKK) motivator in Baula, especially to campaign and facilitate the establishment of TOGA-Tanaman obat keluarga (medical herbal plantation). She is also active in all process in the Green-PNPM and always being member of Verification Team. Together with her, we have conducted environmental awareness and facilitated the development of women based smart practices houses (SPH) in Baula District. We work with her to facilitate women activities surrounding the house, such as cultivate vegetable, develop organic fertilizer and pesticide, garbage separation and the making of CCB.

B.2.3.8 Awareness Campaign on Garbage Separation in Puulemo Village: Villages woman groups (PKK) play an important role in the village health nutrition post (Posyandu) for pregnancy and children nutrition or immunization and clean village environment. On July, we had a meeting with woman group (PKK) in Puulemo village to discuss clean environment issues. We demonstrated domestic garbage separation movement and encouraged PKK to reduce garbage from home by using food remain as organic fertilizer, reduced the use of plastic bags, reuse plastic and metal garbage. B.2.3.9 Demplot monitoring in Baula Sub-District: We regularly monitor all established demonstration plot in every sub-district. We had already facilitated the establishment of the folllowing demplots: (a) land rehabilitation model in Puulemo village; (b) honey bee culture in Watalara and Puulemo villages; (c) Biogas in Puubenua village and (d) water purification in Puubunga village. Biogas Demplot: The demplot in Puubenua work well and useful. This has inspired 15 neighbors to develop home-biogas with their own budget. On the other hand, the biogas in Pewutaa and Puuroda villages, which funded by block-grant, are no longer functions due to lack of maintenance. This is to explain that, Green-PNPM sub-project beneficiaries should pledge strong commitment on the maintennce. In the block-grant 2010, biogas was proposed by women group at Puuroda village. However, it was not selected as priorities in the MD II, they assumed the proposal only targeted to household with cattle and the budget is relatively small compared to other proposals. Water Purifier Demplot: The demplot built on March 2010 and with 15 beneficiariesâ€&#x; households, and has been replicated by one household. The demplot has overcome problems on over zinc substances concentration.

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Land rehabilitation demplot: The demplot has been used as a model for community forestry block-grant. B.2.3.10. Facilitated the promotion and effective used of FLER as learning center by various parties beyond Green-PNPM: We promoted FLER Gunung Sari to various parties in Kolaka. As results, the models have been effectively used by various parties beyond Green-PNPM actors such as: (a) field visit of high school students to study alternative energy; (b) farmer group discussions on honey bee culture; (c) elementary school practical exercise to learn environmental best practices; (c) Field visits of 25 university students from Faculty of Agriculture Sembilan Belas November University (Kolaka). The students were facilitated by Pak Made (owner/manager) to learn biogas installation, CCB, organic farming and vegetative and generative propagation. Pak Made also introduced Green-PNPM and the role of Operation Wallacea Trust in this program. B.2.3.11. Biogas Demplot Monitoring in Watubangga Sub-District: We regularly monitor progress, impacts and problems faced by the beneficiaries. The results of our monitoring on biogas sub projects were: (a) plastic leakage caused by animal disturbance; (b) lack of maintenance. Those problems were occurred in Gunung Sari Village, Peoho and Kututio villages. From 6 biogas installed in Gunung Sari village, only 4 biogas remain useful, another two, including at Pak Made‟s house was disturbed by animals. B.2.3.12. Facilitated mangrove planting in Wolulu Village (23 September 2010): There are three coastal villages in Watubangga Sub-District; i.e. Wolulu, Watubangga and Lamundre villages. The local communities have largely converted mangrove into brackish water ponds. During the first year of Green PNPM, we campaign mangrove rehabilitation to control coastal degradation, as results Lamundre and Wolulu villages proposed coastal area reforestation, however the proposal were not funded. We then facilitated the development of mangrove demplot in Lamundre village. During the first 6 months the mangrove grew well, however, the flow of garbage during high tide and domesticated animal raids during low tide destroyed the plantation. On 13 September 2010, to follow up serial awareness at village level, we facilitated mangrove planting campaigns in the coastal areas of Wolulu Village; the planting campaign was supported by District Forestry Agencies (which donated 100 seedlings). B.2.3.13. Participated MAD II Ladongi and Watubangga Sub-Districts: We participated MAD II in Ladongi Sub-District on 5 July 2010 and Watubangga Sub-District on 19 July 2010. We made use the meeting to update information related to Green-PNPM, urgency of environmental problems, lesson learned from previous Green-PNPM sub-project implementation. Ranked of village proposal in Ladongi Sub-District were: (a) Ladongi village “Rehabilitation of Village head catchments with Jati Putih”; (b) Lalosawula “Rehabilitation of headwater catchments with Jati Putih”; (c) Welala “Land rehabilitation with Jati Putih, Bokashi making from cocoa shell and animal fodder making”; (d) Gunung Jaya village, “Developing Jati Putih plantation and 2 unit biogas”; (e) Raraa “Regreening headwater catchment with Jati Putih plantation, and biogas installation”; (f) Atula “Regreening catchment areas with Jati Putih”; (g) Wunggoloko “ Regreening headwater catchment areas with mahoni and rambutan”.

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Ranked of village proposal in Watubangga Sub-District were: (a) Mataosu village “Developing 30 ha Jati and 5 ha Durian plantation”; (b) Sumber Rejeki village “Developing 30 ha Jati plantation” and “Developing 5 ha Durian plantation”; (c) Kastura village “Developing 30 ha Jati plantation and 15 ha Mango plantation”; (d) Polenga village “Development of 30 ha Jati Putih plantation, and 10 ha Durian plantation” B.2.3.14. Facilitated the network development of Green-Trust community radio: We facilitated the network development of Green-Trust Radio. After the visits of Combine Research Institute (CRI), PSF Communication Officer) and PSF/Green-PNPM staff, since August 2010, the radio had been officially registered on the Indonesia Community Radio Network (Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia/JRKI) and received continuous supports in the forms of: (a) Regular bulletins on the development of radio communities from other areas; (b) Monthly visits/assistance from JRKI Province Coordinator to provide technical assistances. To maintain the sustainable funding of the radio, we searched over new funding support addressed to PT. Telkomsel, and PT Indosat. Similar facilitations are on-going for Gunung Sari (RGS) Community Radio in Watubangga Sub-District. B.2.3.15. Awareness at KPMD Monthly Meeting in Ladongi Sub district: The Village Cadre facilitator monthly meeting is held every beginning of the month. The meeting is attended by KPMD, UPK, TPK and FK. We made use every meeting to understand progress made with Green PNPM implementation at village level, give inputs on strategies and problems faced during implementation, provide update information on environmental awareness and training. During September 2010 meeting, we emphasized the meeting to talk on proposal which effect to income generation activities such as cattle fodder, organic fertilizer and home industry. B.2.3.16. Monitoring Biogas Demplot: We have developed 2 biogas demplots in Ladongi SubDistrict (one in Gunung Jaya village and one in Atula village), the demplot has been replicated by one household (Pak Made Yudistira) in Atula village, and three villages (Atula, Raara and Gunung Jaya village) which proposed biogas on block-grant 2010. Many villagers are still keen to install biogas using their own cost. B.2.3.17. Strengthening Honey-Bee Culture organization in Atula village, Ladongi Sub district: Even though the Honey-Bee Culture Group Segara Madu in Ladongi has not been successfuly established honey bee culture. The group has harvested two times (half litre each times harvest), however they have not been able to multiply numbers of bees colony. The problems faced by the group are: (a) unable to distinguish different honey bee caste; (b) unable to move the bees from its natural life into the stove. We will send some of key-members of the group to attend the training in Pak Made‟s SPH/FLER at the beginning of November 2010. B.2.3.18. Visiting Micro Hyro Power in Polenga village, Watubangga Sub-District (25 September 2010): From 13 villages in Watubangga, 5 villages have no access to electricity. They are (a) Sumber Rejeki village; (b) Longgosipi village; (c) Kastura village; (d) Mataosu village, and (e) Polenga village. The Mining District Agency has provided poor villagers with free solar panel. As renewable energy is become the concern of Green PNPM, we continuously search new inovation to find viable and affordable renewable energy models. We visited one MHP model developed in Polenga Village as a reference for future renewable energy development in Watubangga. 20 Edi Purwanto

C. Environmental Training C.1 Buton District C.1.1. In-service Training on Report Writing for Sub-District Coordinator (16 July 2010): We conducted in-service training on report writing for OWT Sub-District coordinator in Bau-Bau Office. The training was aimed at strengthening day-to-day activities and improve the skills on monthly report development. C.1.2. Training on the Bokashi making in Kahulungaya (Pasarwajo) and Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka): We conducted training on Bokashi making at Pak Zakaria FLER. We facilitated the training in collaboration with Buton District Agriculture Extension Agency (BPP). The BPP was eager to partner training with us, as the training subject was in line with “Go Organic 2010â€&#x;. The same training was also conducted at Oengkolaki Village at Pak La Samira FLER (Oengkolaki, Mawasangka) on 2 September 2010. Participants of the training were KPMD, TPK, Head of the village, and head of Gapoktan. The materials required for practical exercise was composed of 250 kg animal dungs provided by participants, grinding machine provided by Agriculture Agency and 5 sacks of rice husks. C.1.3 Training Verification Team (15 August 2010): We facilitated training on verification team at UPK office in Sampolawa Sub-District. We delivered the following subjects: (a) GreenPNPM principle and objectives; (b) Roles and responsibilities of each actors; (c) Local potential resources and environmental problems on each village; (d) Lessons Learned of good and bad Green-PNPM sub-project implementation in Sampolawa Sub-District during 2008-2009. After attending the training, we expected verification team would understand: (a) main issues of natural resource potential and environmental problems in Sampolawa Sub-District; (b) the urgency of local environmental problem; (c) the impacts of proposal on environmental restoration and income generation activities; (d) Ensure that the proposal is collected through PNPM cycle and accommodated the needs of disadvantages community rather than village elites. The training was attended by 9 male and 4 female to represent Forestry, Agriculture and Environmental Assessment Agencies. C.1.4 Participated on TPK Training in Sampolawa Sub-District (7 September 2010): In this training we talked about environemntal issues aimed to: (a) provide the principle activities and expected outputs of funded Green-PNPM sub-projects; (b) emphasize on the need to prioritize local resources; (c) Lessons learned of good and bad project implementation during sub-project implementation 2008 and 2009. The training was attended by 29 male and 12 female. C.1.5 Training of RPJM-Desa in Sampolawa, Pasarwajo and Mawasangka Sub-District (2328 September 2010): We organized RPJM Desa Formulation Team training on three subdistricts. The objectives of the training were: (a) to build capacity of the 11 Team; (b) to refresh list of environmental issues in every village, as documented in the Environmental Profile Book (Rona Lingkungan), which have not yet been addressed by Green-PNPM sub-projects 20082010. Those issues are worth to be included in the RPJM-Desa also aspects still need follow-up actions of the funded sub-projects; (c) Lessons learned of good and bad environmental projects; 21 Edi Purwanto

(d) to facilitate the development of detailed action plan for RPJM-Des formulation. The participants of the training composed of Village Headmen, BPD, local leaders, youth leader and religious leader, consisted of 74 male 13 female.

C.2 Muna District C.2.1 Training for Maintenance Team (TPS) Lawa Sub-District (21 August 2010): Green PNPM project implementation for 2009 has been handed-over (MDST) and maintenance team has been formed. We delivered training for the maintenance team, the objective of the training were: (a) to refresh the principle objectives of the sub-project; (b) to formulate success indicators of the sub-project on environmental restoration; (c) to give emphasis the great importance roles of maintenance to guarantee the real effects of the sub-project on environmental restoration; (d) Lessons learned from similar sub-project having good and bad outputs/outcomes resulted from good and bad of maintenances. The participants of the training consist of 15 male and 15 female. C.2.2 Participated in KPMD Training at Tongkuno Sub-District (25 August 2010): We made use the training to reemphasis some environmental issues have not yet been addressed by funded sub-projects and the need to put them in the RPJM-Desa; deliver some techniques to collect subproject ideas from women and disadvantaged people; lessons learned from good and bad of two years project implementation. C.2.3 Training and facilitation of RPJM-Desa (31 July – 27 August 2010): The training was conducted in three Sub-Districts (Napabalano, Lawa and Tongkuno). The objectives of the training were: (a) to build capacity of village government such as Headmen, BPD, village elders, youth and woman groups as key community elements; (b) to refresh list of environmental issues in every village, as documented in the Environmental Profile Book (Rona Lingkungan), which have not yet been addressed by Green-PNPM sub-projects 2008-2010. Those issues are worth to be included in the RPJM-Desa also aspects still need follow-up actions of the funded subprojects; (c) Lessons learned of good and bad environmental projects; (d) to facilitate the development of detailed action plan for RPJM-Des formulation. The participants of the training consisted of 42 male and 32 female for Napabalano, 60 male and 43 female for Lawa, 75 male and 50 female for Tongkuno Sub-District. Box 2: Training, facilitation and completion of RPJM-Desa The RPJM-Desa Formulation Team is composed of 11 key persons, i.e. Village Head, Village Secretary, BPD, KPMD (male and female), Sub-Village Head and Key Village Champions. We, together with PNPM facilitators, have facilitated the formulation of the 11 Team, training of the 11 Team on the formulation and writing of RPJM-Desa, refreshed the environmental profile of every villages, facilitated the village meeting (Musrenbang Desa) to collect sub-project ideas, and facilitated the technical aspect on the RPJM-Desa writing. All the process has been completed and the drafts of RPJM-Desa for all villages in 9 Sub-districts have already been submitted to the UPK on 31 October 2010. In Muna District, we fully facilitated the formulation and the writing process of 7 RPJM-Desa, i.e. Napalakura, Langkumapo, Lambiku, Pentiro, Bahari, Tampo (Napabalano Sub-District) and Lapandidi (Tongkuno Sub-District). 22 Edi Purwanto

Challenge faced: it was difficult to facilitate the meeting/discussion on the 11 Team. The collection of sub-project ideas was conducted during Musrenbang Desa (Village meeting), while the formulation process, in many villages, mostly conducted by the Village Secretary and KPMDs. We facilitated the writing of the document and supervise the formulation of the sub-project ideas.

C.2.4 KPMD Training for environmental assessment impacts (Form 22): (25 July – 15 August 2010): After three years Green PNPM implementation, we found that most villages sub-project proposal did not fill the Form 22, such as Napabalano Sub-District (Napalakura, Langkumapo, Lambiku, Pentiro, Tampo, Napabalano Villages), Lawa Sub-District (Lalemba, Latugho, Latompe, Wamelai, Madampi, Lapadaku, Lagadi Villages), Tongkuno Sub-District (Kontumolepe, Lakologou, Lamorende, Danagoa, Fongkaniwa, Tombula, Lahontohe, Lianosa, Watondo Villages). Understanding the importance of environmental assessment for each PNPM sub-project, we redelivered training for KPMD to conduct environmental impact assessment as laid in the Form 22. The training was attended by 15 male and 10 female.

C.3 Kolaka District C.3.1 Training on Management of Community Radio: We participated Radio community training conducted by CRI in collaboration PSF-PNPM, and JRKI aims to stimulate establishment of community radio, strengthening institution and management of community radio to act as journalistic to enhance accountability and transparency of PNPM implementation. The training was conducted on 17 to 19 of August attended by 16 representatives of community radio in SE-Sulawesi (Rakom Bensol Wakatobi, Rakom Lestari Bahari from Konsel, Rakom Suara Maranu from Konsel, Radio Nirwana from Konsel, Radio Mola from Wakatobi, Rakom Onetu Louwa from Wakatobi, Rakom B Voice from Konsel, Green Trust Ladongi, Rakom Taombo from Wakatobi, Pasituruang from Konawe, Rajawali from Konsel, Kantorana from Muna, Cemara from Kolaka, Radio Patalolo from Wakatobi, Radio Symphoni from Konsel, Radio Gaul from Kolaka). The objectives of the training were: (a) to enhance participation of community radio as the main actor in PNPM journalistic; (b) to develop PNPM partners in order to increase output of PNPM; (c) to build dialog from various actor to support PNPM; (d) to develop actions plan, frame-work and strategy with community radio to support PNPM; (e) to disseminate PNPM info through community radio. The training was conducted at Kartika Hotel Kendari, on 17 to 19 of August 2010, started with introduction of each representative, history/background of radio establishment, mainstreaming accountability and transparency of community radio. The trainer was Arisandi SE/PNPM Urban, Mustakim Darwis/Chief of JRKI Sultra, Ibrahim/Province Facilitator for broadcasting, Sarwono/JRKI Coordinator and Gusti Suganda/OWT Facilitator for Community Radio Development. On the first day (19 August), the training was focused on simulation on broadcasting, arranging talk show, making bulletin, interview technique and internet use. The simulation materials were news-development process, delivering news, recognizing the audience needs, vocal coaching, body language training, evaluation of radio program, designing Community Advertisement Services/Iklan Layanan masyarakat (ILM) with edit program, arranging talk show, designing bulletin.

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Box-3: Green-Trust: A community radio facilitated by Operation Wallacea Trust Green Trust Community Radio (RGT) was located at UPK office Ladongi Sub district, Kolaka District. The radio has officially operated since December, 12, 2010. After 2 weeks operating, the radio encountered troubles with equipment whilst the technician was not available on site, until May 2010, the radio then find the skillful technician from Anaway FM radio in Kolaka District and managed to fix the problem. RGT establishment was initiated by Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) after discussing with UPK and certain people in Ladongi Sub-District with experiences working for community radio. With assistance from OWT and good team work (UPK and the PNPM facilitator), together we have developed RGT as an effective media to disseminate Green issues and PNPM information. The radio is expected to play a good role in building Green perception and acting as an agent of control for communities in ensuring transparency and accountability of PNPM as well providing opportunities for senior high school students to learn radio broadcasting. Since 18 August 2010, the radio management signed MoU with Combine Research Institute (CRI) to be linked with Indonesia Community radio networks (JRKI-Jaringan radio komunitas Indonesia), given responsibilities a to (a) act as journalist for PNPM; (b) enhance transparency and accountability of PNPM. RGT airs from Monday to Sunday, starting at 08.00 am to 11.00 pm, with segmentation breakdown as follow: (a) Green issues = 20 %; (b) News = 10 %; (c) Entertainment: 30 %; (c) PNPM, local issues =20%; (c) Talk show 5 %; (d) Healthy life and culinary = 15 %. Coverage areas: Kolaka District (Ladongi, Poli-polia, Labandia, Lalolae, Tirawuta) Lambuya Konawe District SP 5 and SP Konawe Selatan District. The number of announcer is nine personnel, consist of four experienced announcer (2 volunteer/Gusti Made Eka Sutrawan, Putu Suasana), two were paid by UPK Santi Liana, Made Suliawan, and 5 people from Senior high school (Anita, Fitri A, Fitri, Sumarni Made, Eska) who responsible for certain segments and only available at the radio station at defined time. Green issues and PNPM delivered by Pak Yusuf from UPK, Gusti Suganda from OWT, Ipul and Jidon from KPMD. RGT personels (a) Director (Yusuf/Head of UPK), (b) Treasurer (Darna), (c) Studio manager (Muhammad Ikbal).

C.3.2. Participated TPK Training in Watubangga (9 July 2010): In this training we talked about environemntal issues aimed to: (a) provide the principle activities and expected outputs of funded Green-PNPM sub-project; (b) emphasize on the need to prioritize local resources; (c) Lessons learned of good and bad project implementation during 2008 and 2009 sub-project implementation. The training was attended by 10 male and 8 female participants.

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III. Challenge Faced, Remedial Action taken and Lessons Learned A. Improper facilitations of inter sub-district sub-project implementation (Lesson Learned No. 2l/20l0) Challenges faced: The implementations for 2009 and 2010 in Kolaka District have raised conflicts among PNPM actors/facilitators and beneficiaries, similar cases may happen for Muna District. The underlined caused were; (a) there were hardly no socialization at village, subdistrict and district level; (b) blanket funding allocation policy; each year, the budget is focused to fund one sub-district; (c) the inter sub-district sub-project often overlapping with GreenPNPM village sub-project or other government projects; (d) Some facilitation process, such as MAD I, MAD II, Verification Team Formulation and training were skipped or dishonesty conducted; (e) the verification process, in some cases, are implemented without consent or involvement of facilitators and PNPM actors at village and sub-district level. Remedial Action Taken: We facilitated mediation meeting among Green-PNPM facilitators/actors, police, PjoK and Sub-district Head to solve the problem in Kolaka. We had reinforced facilitators to follow the rules (PTO), however this seemed to be the problems recurrence in Muna District. Law should be imposed to those who deteriorate the spirits of Green-PNPM and degrade mutual trust and respect among PNPM actors at the ground level. B. The role of Green-PNPM Maintenance Team should be defined and supported with reasonable fund (Lesson Learned No. 22/20l0) Challenges faced: During the life of Green PNPM, the task of Green PNPM maintenance team is similar with regular PNPM, while the nature of the sub-projects is different. In many areas, Maintenance Team is legally defined with no reasonable funding support to implement the tasks. Maintenance activities are often more important than its establishment. The problem is there are always limited costs for maintenance activities as most funding had been invested on the establishment phase. The maintenance for planting tree seedlings (watering, replanting, manuring etc) will ideally take at least two years after planting. This will be a big job if the planting areas are large (say more than 2 ha) and the planting areas are far away from their resident. Proposed Action: Maintenance activities should become the key success of Green-PNPM subprojects and that is why should receive considerable fund support.

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IV. Concluding remarks: The effective Green PNPM implementations during the last two years have raised interest of local community on natural resource management sub-projects within PNPM especially on tree planting campaigns, sustainable rainfed agriculture (the making of organic fertilizer and pesticide) and application on renewable energy at household (domestic) level (biogas, coconut shell charcoal briquette/CCB, Jantropa stove etc.). The villagers spirits to plant Jantropa (Jarak), which was previously considered as the failed government project, are restored, especially the case for Mawasangka Sub-District (Buton). The quality of tree planting campaigns, in terms of community participation and technical capacity on generative and vegetative propagation are still relatively poor. Most of villages in Buton District, however, have started proposing the development of village nursery as the first and the most important step to conduct planting campaigns. The decision making process in formulating village and inter sub-district sub-projects ideas and the associated implementations are still dominated by the village and sub-district elites which strong influence of Green-PNPM facilitators, while project facilitation process, in several villages (sub-districts) have not yet been fully implemented through participatory, democratic and transparent principles. The issue will be one of our key „homeworkâ€&#x; during 2011 and 2012.

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V. Planned Activities for the next reporting period Table 6.l. Planned activities during the coming three months (October –December 20l0) District/ Province


Targeted Site Participants Performance Indicator A:




A sustainable capacity among both KDP facilitators and KDP stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven „green‟ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. Kolaka, Buton and Muna

1. Develop new awareness media (brochures, T-Shirt, hats and Sticker)

PNPM, Green PNPM, DPRD, Related district government agency

Province District, Sub district


W3 W4

Kolaka, Buton and Muna

2. Green-PNPM radio and TV talk shows and dialogue on GreenPNPM Best Practices

Government, DPRD, and PNPM actor




Kolaka , Buton and Muna

3. Conducting FGDs to build capacity of villagers and village government to ensure the transparency and accountability of PNPM implementation

BPD, Woman group, Farmer group, Youth group, village official, traditional leader

Sub district and Village



Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Strengthening OWT demplots and Green-PNPM subprojects institution


All Sub district



Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Taking „Lessons Learned‟ the outputs and impacts of OWT‟s demplot and GreenPNPM sub-projects to wider community

TPK/beneficiaries/PN PM village actor

All villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots



Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Training workshop for KVC on Green-PNPM Best Practices at district level


W1,W 2

Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Awareness campaign of Green-PNPM best practices on various events organized by (sub) district and village government and local communalities


All Villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots All Villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots


Develop website

Performance Indicator B: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. Kendari


Training workshop for Camat (Sub-district Head)

Camat beyond GreenPNPM areas




27 Edi Purwanto

on Green-PNPM Best Practices at Province level Kendari


Training workshop for Key District and Province policy makers on GreenPNPM Best Practices t at Province level

Staff of Bapeda, Bapedalda, forestry, agriculture and plantation agencies

District and province




Training workshop for District and Province Parliaments (DPRD) on Green-PNPM Best Practices at Province level

DPRD working on Environment section at district and province level

District and province


Buton, Kolaka and Muna


Training workshop for Camat (Sub-district Head) on Green-PNPM Best Practices

All Camat



Buton, Kolaka and Muna


Training workshop for Key District policy makers on Green-PNPM Best Practices

Staff of Bapeda, Bapedalda, forestry, agriculture and plantation agencies



Buton, Kolaka and Muna


Training workshop for District parliaments (DPRD) on Green-PNPM Best Practices

DPRD working on Environment section


Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Facilitation the development of RPJMDesa

Village headmen, BPD, KPMD, and villagers

Sub district and Village




Kolaka, Buton and Muna


Intensive communication with government and DPRD through PNPM Coordination meeting and Musrembang.

PNPM, Green-PNPM, DPRD, Related government agency (SKPD)

Province District, sub district

W1 W2 W3

W1 W2 W4

W1 W4

Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Training for inter sub district‟s Green-PNPM Sub-project Verification Team

District government agency (SKPD)

District and Sub district




Performance Indicator C: Well trained KDP facilitators and other local KDP stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate „green‟ projects within KDP, not limited to those within KDP-Sulawesi Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Training for facilitators and OWT staff on Catchment Rehabilitation.

FKL, Astal Environment Specialist


Sub-district, district and province level


OWT facilitors (staff)

28 Edi Purwanto

at sub-district level Kolaka


Training on the making charcoal briquette and bokashi from rice husk

Farmer group (PNPM actors)

Ladongi district Baula district



Training on the making coconut shellâ€&#x;s charcoals briquette (CCB)

Villagers actor)

Mawasangka Sub district




Facilitating woman economic group on making banana chips (keripik)

PNPM group formed by PNPM

Ladongi district


Kolaka and Buton


Training on making organic fertilizer from biogas disposal.

Farmer with domesticated cow

Todombulu village, Sampolawa Sub district




Training on making energy saving stoves

Woman group

Kahulungaya village, Pasarwajo Sub district




Training on making briquette charcoal and bokashi from rice husk

Farmer group (30 people)



Training on mahogany nursery development



Follow up training on apiculture


10. Training on nursery and organic pesticide development.


11. Training on mahogany


Sub and sub

W1, W2


Baula Sub district (Puubunga, Pewutaa, Puuroda, Puubenua and Longori village) villagers ,Sub district Sampolawa Sub and village district government officer, PNPM actors Three farmer group Watubangga (ten participants Sub district from each group) (Tandebura, Gunungsari, and Sumber Rejeki village) Poor household, Baula sub farmer group district. (25 people) (Baula, Puulemo, Watalara and Puundoho village) Villageâ€&#x;s farmer Ladongi Sub group district ( Ladongi Jaya village, Atula, Welala, Raraa, and Putemata village) Villagers ,Sub district Sampolawa Sub and village district government officer,

W2,W 3






W1,W 2



29 Edi Purwanto

nursery development

PNPM actors


12. Building capacity management of community radio (GTL and RGS)


Ladongi and Watubangga


Kolaka and Buton

13. Building capacity the management of SPH and FLER

Villagers and PNPM actors

Sub district


14. . Training on water purifier




Kolaka , Buton and Muna

15. Building capacity of BPD and village government in facilitating village regulation and initiating village preservation areas.

Village headman and BPD

Sub district and Village

W1,W 2



Performance Indicator D: Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions they can participate in. Kolaka, Buton and Muna


Environmental/NR best practice‟s film presentation at village‟s special events

Woman group, female KPMD

9 sub district

Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Facilitation on domestic garbage separation

Woman group and students (SD, SMP, SMA)

9 sub district

Muna and Buton


Building capacity of woman economic group (woman‟s handicraft and cashew nut economic group)

Woman group

Sampolawa Tongkuno

Muna, Kolaka, and Buton


Awareness in enhancing women‟s role in environmental preservation

Woman group

9 sub district









30 Edi Purwanto

Table 6.2. Planned activities during the coming 6 months (November 2010 – April 2011) MONTHS 2010/2011 NO Activities Beneficiaries NOV






Performance Indicator A: A sustainable capacity among both KDP facilitators and KDP stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven „green‟ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. A.1 A.2



Develop and distribute awareness materials Promotion of Green-PNPM in radio and TV at local, district, province and national levels Awareness on disadvantaged villagers and Green-PNPM actors at village level to control transparency and accountability of PNPM implementation Strengthening OWT demplots and Green-PNPM subprojects institutions

(Green) PNPM actors , DPRD, Government, DPRD, and (Green) PNPM actor BPD, Woman group, Farmer group, Youth group, village official, traditional leader Villagers


Workshop for KVCs on GreenPNPM Best Practices at district level



Awareness campaigns of Green-PNPM approaches and best practices on various events organized by (sub) district and village government and local communalities Development and Publish awareness books

Green) PNPM facilitators/actor s, government, villagers


(Green) PNPM facilitators/actor s, villagers

Performance Indicator B: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. B.1

Training workshop for Camat (Sub-district Head) on GreenPNPM Best Practices at Province level

Camat beyond Green-PNPM areas


Training workshop for Key District and Province policy makers on Green-PNPM Best Practices t at Province level


Training workshop for District and Province Parliaments (DPRD) on Green-PNPM Best Practices at Province level Training workshop for Camat and DPRD on Green-PNPM Best Practices

Staff of Bapeda, Bapedalda, forestry, agriculture and plantation agencies DPRD working on Environment section at district and province level All Camat at district level (Muna, Buton,


31 Edi Purwanto



Training workshop for Key District policy makers on Green-PNPM Best Practices

Key district policy makers (Muna, Buton, Kolaka)


Facilitation the development and legalization of RPJMDesa Intensive communication with government in the PNPM Coordination meetings and Musrembang .Meeting

Village headmen, BPD, KPMD, and villagers PNPM, GreenPNPM, DPRD, Related government agency (SKPD) District government agency (SKPD)



Training for inter sub district‟s Green-PNPM Sub-project Verification Team


Printing and Publishing training materials

Performance Indicator C: Well trained KDP facilitators and other local KDP stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate „green‟ projects within KDP, not limited to those within KDP-Sulawesi C.1

Training for green facilitators and


FKL, Astal and Environment Specialist KVCs


Training for KVCs on Green PNPM Best Practices


Building management capacity of community radios

Green Trust Radio and Gunung Sari Radio


Building management capacity of SPH and FLER6

Villagers and PNPM actors


Building capacity of village officials to facilitate village regulation (Perdes) and establishment of Village Protection Area (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa)

Village headman and BPD

Performance Indicator D: Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions they can participate in.



Training and facilitation for woman economic groups


Facilitation on Green PNPM best practice for women and children


Capacity building for women groups to strengthen their access and control in the NRM planning and implementation decision

PNPM group formed by PNPM Woman groups and students (SD, SMP, SMA) Woman group

Smart Practice House (SPH) and Field Learning Center for Environmental Restoration (FLER 32 Edi Purwanto

making process


Awareness film development


Journalist trip gathering



Green-PNPM actors/facilitator s, KVCs Villagers and PNPM actors

33 Edi Purwanto

Appendix A. The impact of OWT environmental awareness and training on Green PNPM sub-projects Year of interven tion











Type of Intervention

Awareness to protect mangrove and coral reef in Tampo, Renda and Bahari Villages

Impact to selection of Green-PNPM Sub-Project MUNA DISTRICT Napabalano Sub-District Sub-project for planting mangroves in three villages (Tampo, Renda and Bahari)


Year of execution

Renda (4 ha, 15,000 seedlings) , Bahari (4 ha,20,000 seedlings) and Tampo ( 3 ha, 15,000 seedlings ) Napabalano (55,000 seedlings, 50 ha)


Training on generative propagation in Tampo, Napalakura villages

Sub-project to plant teak

Kecamatan (sub-district) Workshop to save „Village Protection Areas‟

Inter-sub district sub-project for tree planting in the upper Lambiku Catchment

Lambiku and Langkumapo, Napabalano Sub-District and Lasalepa Sub-District

Training on seaweed farming in Latawe , Wangkulabu and Lakarama Villages Awareness to protect and replicate mangrove planting campaigns in Bahari, Renda, Wangkulabu, Lakarama Awareness protection of spring water in Subdistrict Hall

Seaweed farming

Moasi , Latawe , Wangkolabu dan Lakarama (10-15 persons/group; 47 groups) Bahari, Wangkulabu, Renda Kombikuno Villages

Facilitation the establishment of teak nursery demonstration pilot in Napalakura Village Spring water preservation campaigns

Spring water preservation campaigns

Mangrove planting campaigns

Planting campaigns surrounding Lambiku Spring-water


2009 – 2010





Teak planting campaigns

Lakarama, Pentiro, Moasi, Tangkumaho, Latawe


Inter sub-district block grant to rehabilitate headwater catchment

Lambiku(Napabalano SubDistrict), Kombungo (Lasalepa Sub-District)


Inter sub-district block grant to rehabilitate headwater catchment

Tangkumaho (Napabalano Sub-District), Wakadia (Watopute Sub-District) Tangkumaho (Napabalano Sub-District), Umba (Napano Kusambi SubDistrict)


Sub-projects which provided impacts on income generation activities

34 Edi Purwanto

Lawa Sub-District 2008






2010 *

2010 * 2010 2010 2008/9

2008 2008

2008 *

Kecamatan Workshop to save „Village Protection Areas‟ Awareness on the need to rehabilitate critical land in 15 villages

Ecotourism development on Katobu Spring Water

Facilitating establishment of Jati nursery demonstration pilot in Lalemba Village Spring water preservation campaigns in 15 villages at Lawa Sub-district

Jati planting campaigns

Rambutan planting campaigns

Develop eco-tourism, Wakante spring water. Lamaeyo head water catchment rehabilitation



Lakanaha (24 ha ), Watumela (7 ha), Wakontu (14 ha), Lindo (47 ha), Lailangga (29 ha)


Lalemba (35 ha)






Madampi (25 Ha ) Wamelai ( 20 ha ) Kampani ( 22 ha)


Campaigns on land and agriculture intensification (15 villages)

Rambutan and Durian planting campaigns

Facilitated cashew nursery demplot

Rejuvenate of cashew plantation

Facilitated cashew processing for women group in Lalemba Village

Training on cashew processing

Awareness and training on self sufficient energy

Training on the making of energy saving stove

Lalemba ( 35 people)


Facilitated Jati nursery demplot in Lalemba Critical land rehabilitation campaigns Spring water preservation campaigns

Jati Planting

Madampi and Watumela


Sengon planting

Wakontu (10 ha) Lailangga (25 ha) Lakanaha (Lawa SubDistrict), Marobea and Lakalamba (Sawerigadi Sub-District)


Workshop on „Village Preservation area‟ Facilitated teak nursery in Fongkaniwa Village

Awareness on coconut income generation activities

Inter-sub district block grant to rehabilitate headwater catchment

Tongkuno Sub-District Spring water rehabilitation

Lalemba (25 Ha, 1,600 seedlings) Lapadaku (35 ha, 2,240 seedlings ) Katobu, Kampani, and Lindo (140 people )




Lamorende 2009

Jati planting

Training on the making of coconut oil

Matombura (30 ha, 19,800 seedlings ) Fongkaniwa (48 ha, 31,680 seedlings) Lakologou



35 Edi Purwanto


Awareness on coastal areas preservation

Building coastal dykes


Spring water preservation campaigns










Critical (degraded) land rehabilitation campaigns

Facilitated the development of Community Forestry (Hutan Rakyat) at Lianosa Village Facilitated the honey-bee culture demplot Spring water rehabilitation campaigns

Kecamatan Workshop to identify potential and environmental problems



Inter-sub district block grant to rehabilitate headwater catchment

Danagoa (Tongkuno SubDistrict) and Oelongko (Bone Sub-District)


Inter-sub district block grant to rehabilitate headwater catchment

Kontumolepe (Tongkuno Sub-District) and Walambeno Wite (Parigi Sub-District)


Jati planting

Lianosa (20 ha) , Tombula (28 ha), Kontumolepe ( 22 ha), Waleale ( 13 ha ) , Watondo ( 22 ha)


Jabon planting Kemiri planting Teak planting

Lahontohe and Danagoa UP Wuna Lawama ,Waleale, and Lianosa

2009 2009 2010

Honey-bee culture development

UP Wuna


Rehabilitation of Makantona Spring water Rehabilitation of Oempu Spring water BUTON DISTRICT Pasarwajo Sub-District Planting Cloves





Waangu-angu (10 ha)



Kondowa (4,000 seedlings)

Planting Mahoni

Waangu-angu (20,000 seedlings ) Wakokili (10 ha)

Awareness on multiple cropping in the community forest land (agroforestry) Awareness on critical land rehabilitation

Enrichment planting of Wakaokili Customary Forest (Hutan Adat) with mahoni Mahoni Planting

Kecamatan Workshop to identify potential and environmental problems in Pasarwajo Facilitated the development of bio-pores and recharge

Re-greening surrounding spring water and river-banks with Mahoni Establishment wells




Awainulu (12,000 seedlings)


Wasaga (20 ha )


Kahulungaya (13 units )


36 Edi Purwanto


well demplot Training on nursery development in Kahulungaya Village

Planting Mahoni

Takimpo (10 ha), WaanguWangu (20,000 seedlings)


Planting Kemiri 2008*

2009 *

2009 *






Awareness on cashew processing as income generation activity Training on cashew processing at Saragi Village.

Facilitated the establishment of Biogas Demplot at Winning Village Awareness the use of domestic waste as organic fertilizer. Facilitated the establishment of mahoni nursery demplot in Waangu-angu Village Kecamatan Workshop to identify potential and environmental problems in Pasarwajo Facilitated establishment of Kemiri nursery Awareness rising on mangrove rehabilitation in Kecamatan Mawasangka:

Training and procurement of cashew processing tools. Training processing



2009 *

2009 *

2009 *


Kecamatan Workshop to identify potential and environmental problems Facilitated establishment of Tamarind nursery demplots at Wasilomata II Village. Awareness rising on the use of Jantropa as renewable energy (RE) Awareness rising on the use of Janthropa to rehabilitate critical land and new source of RE. Facilitated the development




Pasarwajo Dongkala Saragi


Wakaokili and Wasaga


Lapodi (10,000 seedlings), Kombeli (50 ha)


Kambula-bulana, Laburunci and Awainulu


Head water catchment Kancinaa rehabilitation with Kemiri Mawasangka Sub-District Mangrove planting Oengkolaki (20,000 seedlings)


Establishment installation



Training on the making of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) Mahoni planting campaigns

Rehabilitation of springwater as a new eco-tourism destination areas


Terapung (20,000 seedlings )

Building inter-villages partnership for mangrove rehabilitation in Mawasangka. 2008*

Winning (13 ha) Saragi

Banga (15,000 seedlings) Kanapa-napa seedlings)


Tanailandu (12,500 seedlings) Gumanano


Tamarind Planting

Wasilomata II


Procurement of Janthropa stove

Wakambangura (135 stoves)


Jantropa planting

Napa Wasilomata I (20.000 seedlings)

2009 2009



Rehabilitation land



Establishment of Biopores

37 Edi Purwanto

of bio-pores and recharge well demplot at Oengkolaki Village


Training on CCB making in Balobone village


Awareness the use of Trembesi for regreening program

2008* 2008* 2008







Training on seaweed farming in Tira village Socialization the use of energy saving stove to KPMD and TPK Socialization the use of recharge well to Village Head, KPMD,TPK Awareness the need of Perdes for village natural resources protections in Gunung Sejuk, Lipumangau and Tondombulu Villages Building inter-villages partnership for Gliricidae planting along the river bank (riparian areas) Facilitation the establishment of trees nursery in Gunung Sejuk Village

Kecamatan Workshop to identify potential and environmental problems

Kecamatan Workshop to identify potential and environmental problems Training on catchment rehabilitation to KPMD

Establishment of recharge well (10 units) Procurement of Coconut shell charcoal briquette (CCB) machine8 Regreening of critical land and along the roads with Trembesi (10.000 seedlings) Sampolawa Sub-District Development of Seaweed farming








2010 2009

Training on the making of energy saving stove

Woman group in Tira

Developing 4 unit recharge wells Training on Village institution and Perdes Development


2009 Lipu Mangau

Building river bank protection (gabion)

Gunung Sejuk, Katilombu, Gerak Makmur

- Planting Sengon and Mahoni

Jaya Bakti, Todombulu, Bangun, Sandang Pangan

- Planting

Lipu Mangau



- Planting Kemiri


- Planting mangrove


Rehabilitation of Laloiya spring water; a new ecotourism destination area . KOLAKA DISTRICT Baula Sub-District Regreening land with fruit trees

Gunung Sejuk




Catchment rehabilitation with Jati, Jati Putih and Mahoni.

Puundoho, Puubunga, Watalara, Pewutaa, Puulemo, Puubenua, Baula, Puuroda and Longori Puulemo (10 ha, Jati), Longori (15 ha, Mahoni),




The machine is specially designed for briquette processing, i.e. grinding machine, mixing and molding. It is made in Yogyakarta and cost about IDR 180 millions.

38 Edi Purwanto

Puundoho (15 ha, Jati) Establish fruit plantation

Puuroda (7 ha, Durian), Puubunga village (5,5 Ha Durian and Rambutan)


Training culture


Honey-bee culture

Puubenua (6 ha Mango) Watalara Village



Awareness and training biogas as renewable energy

Biogas installation

Pewutaa (1 unit)



Awareness and training on land rehabilitation Awareness and training on land rehabilitation

Rehabilitate critical land

Awareness and training on land rehabilitation






Planting campaigns on World Environmental Day

Planting critical land in Watalara Village with 500 mahoni seedlings

Puuroda (2 units) Puulemo (Durian, 13 Ha)

2010 2010

Inter-sub district Block-Grant for reforestation

Longori (Baula SubDistrict) and Huko-Huko (Pomalaa Sub-District), 80 Ha, Mahoni, Jati putih, Jati and Kayu Kuku


Critical land rehabilitation

Pewutaa (Jati Putih, 20 Ha), Puubenua (Sukun and Durian 7 Ha), Baula ( 20 Ha, Jati), Puundoho (15 Ha, Jati), Longori ( 15 Ha, Jati Putih), Watalara (5 Ha, Mango), Puubunga (2 Ha, Mahoni) Puundoho (Jati Putih and Durian), Puulemo village (Manggis), Watalara (Jati Putih,18 Ha)

Head water catchment rehabilitation

Puuroda (freshwater farming) Installation of solar panel




Solar panel procurement, Pewutaa (3 units/ 3,000 watt for 35 HH), Puubenua (6 Unit/3,000 watt for 60 HH)

Ladongi Sub-District 2008


Training and demplot development on Water purification in Wongguloko Village Training and demplot development of critical land rehabilitation in Raraa Village

Installation of Water purification in Wungguloko and Pembeoha

Wungguloko (15 units, 30 HH), Pombeoha (10 units, 20 HH )


Catchment areas rehabilitation with Jati Putih and Durian

Ladongi Jaya (Jati, 18 ha), Lalosawula (Jati, 18 ha), Atula (Jati Putih, 13 ha), Lembah Subur (Durian, 20 ha), Dangia (Durian, 18 ha); Putemata (Durian, 19 ha).


39 Edi Purwanto






Training and demplot facilitation on home biogas in Gunung Jaya and Atula Villages Green campaign during World Environmental Day

Training and facilitation of community radio

Awareness raising of villages woman on productive and environmentally friendly activities

Biogas installation

Raraa, Gunung Jaya Villages (one unit each)

Rehabilitation of critical land *) Planting trees along the main road*) Establishment of Green Trust Community Radio at UPK office*)9 Watubangga Sub-District CCB development and coconut oil making.

Training and Biogas installation in Gunung Sari Village Training on land rehabilitation in Lamundre village

Biogas Installation


Awareness Agroforestry garden)

Establish mixed garden


Awareness on catchment areas rehabilitation

Teak and fruit plantation


Training and facilitation of community radio

Establishment of Gunung-Sari Community Radio at Pak Made House *)10


9 10


on (mixed

Lalosawula, Ladongi Jaya, Wongguloko, Atula, Raraa, Welala and Gunung Jaya



Atula Village 2010

Lamunde (6 group, CCB makers, 3 group coconut oil makers), Gunung Sari (12 group CCB makers),Watubangga (5 group CCB makers)


Gunung Sari (5 units). 2009

Head water rehabilitation.


Langgosipi (teak, 29 ha); Peoho (teak, 60 ha), Watubangga (teak, 10 Ha). Wolulu (teak), Kukutio (mango 27 ha) Tandebura (mango 27 ha)

Mataosu (Jati, 40 ha and durian, 5 ha), Polenga (Jati Putih, 25 ha and Durian, 5 ha); Kastura (Mango, 15 ha), Sumber Rejeki (Jati, 47 ha) Gunung Sari Village





*) Facilitated and funded by OWT (Component 3) *) Facilitated and funded by OWT (Component 3)

40 Edi Purwanto

Appendix B. Environmental Awareness Raising Activities Awareness Title 1 1. Completed pictures selection and developed description of ongoing “Good and Bad environmental practices” book. 2. Designed and Produced T-Shirt for awareness.

3. Revised environmental module


Produced documentary film

Brief Description/ Objective and Types of Participants 2





Environmental Awareness Raising at Province and National Level 24-07-2010/ 15Bogor Objective: We revised Good and Bad 08- 2010 book‟s design, lay out and additional pictures for the book completion. Participant: OWT Bogor Objective : We produced T-Shirt for OWT‟s facilitators and to distribute to environmental awareness and training participants of targeted people at province and village level. Participant: OWT Bogor Objective : - Develop module of briquette charcoal - Revised several published module Objective : We produced four documentary films during August. Two films were produced by OWT film group entitled with “Key Village Champion‟s Profile” and “Nentu Lestari”, two other films produced in collaboration with Metro TV. These films with Metro TV took place at Lambusango forest and Wakatobi island, aimed to show best practices of OWT facilitation and Wallacea Ltd Ecotourism activities both Terrestrial and Marine. The films will be broadcasted on Special weekly program on Metro TV called Expedition.

# Male Participan ts 5

# Female Participan ts 6







16 – 20/08/ 2010



August 2010




Participants: OWT film group, Expedition Team Metro TV.

41 Edi Purwanto

19 – 27/09/ 2010

6. Conducted FGD on PNPM and other project concern with NRM

Objective: We conducted FGD at two villages (Warinta and Holimombo Jaya) aimed to acquire perception of different social group in the villages toward PNPM and other related NRM projects. We expected the discussion would bring the villagers to be more concern with PNPM and related NRM projects.

Warinta and Holimombo jaya village

5. Met PMD‟s staff Kendari regarding preparation of Evaluation meeting

28 -29/09/2010 PMD office Objective : OWT and consultants met Kendari PMD‟s staff in Kendari to discuss preparation for the evaluation meeting which will be held on October 4 to 6; we also made use the meeting to discuss progress made by OWT during the reporting period and seeking for collaboration to develop smart practices of environmental friendly technologies. Environmental Awareness Raising at District level



Buton District

1. CSO

internal coordination meeting

2. Guest speaker for Radio live interactive Dialogue “Voice of the Town” at Ozzon Radio

3. Participated PNPM Coordination meeting

We held monthly internal coordination meeting with sub district‟s staff to discuss progress, achievement and output made over a month. We focused the July meeting to discuss monitoring result of established demonstration plot and BLM implemented project maintenance. Participants: OWT Sub district and district‟s staff Objective: (1) Socialize Green PNPM best practices (2) Established communication network Participant : OWT and Radio‟s announcer Objective: We took our part in the meeting presenting facilitation and best practices developed by OWT on the effort to raise environmental


OWT office, BauBau



Ozzon Radio, Bau-Bau



Buton District office, Bau Bau


42 Edi Purwanto

awareness. Participants : Faskab, PJOKab, Satker PNPM, UPK, FK L , FT,FK regular


Conducted internal discussion to assess impact and result of activities of Green PNPMâ€&#x;s third component

16/07/ 2010 We evaluated awareness and training activities to learn from the strength and weakness of each initiated activities conducted by OWT to be able to arrange effective action plan for the upcoming facilitation.

OWT office, Bau Bau


Participants: OWT sub district and district staff



Mapped household with GPS in Holimombo Jaya village

Training Bokashi



Monitored bokashi making process.


Awareness raising at Verification Team and Verification Process for BLM Budget year 2010

We conducted household mapping of Holimombo Jaya village aimed to have the pictures of demographic of the village to enable to see the awareness and training activities. Participants: OWT Pasarwajo Objective: The training aimed to introduce the use of bokashi to the villageâ€&#x;s farmer group. Participants: Farmer group, KPMD Objective: monitored the process of fermenting and group participation Participant: Farmer group, head of the village Objective: Emphasized the team to pay attention on the environmental impact assessment of each project proposal. Emphasized the community to be aware on their project proposal how they impact to the environment, pro poor and count gender

17 -18/07/ 2010

Holja village

21/07/ 2010

Kahulungaya village

26 and 29/07/ 2010

Kahulungaya village

13-16/07/ 2010

All villages at Mawasangka Sub district



43 Edi Purwanto


9. Surveyed seedling PNPM-LMP,

Participants; Verification Team (consist of UPTD Kehutanan, BPP, UPK, Setrawan , FK-L, OWT Objective : the To support the existence of for nursery within village community in order to enlarge the number of project beneficiaries.


Mangrove site Tanailandu village.



Participants; FK-L, UPK, TPK and OWT

10. Distributed framed Objective: posters

11. Coordination meeting with UPK regarding the preparation of World Bank Mission.

12. Installed

project locationâ€&#x;s map PNPM-LMP in front of UPK office.

13. Demonstrated cooking using briqutte charcoal and fried with VCO

14. Coordination meeting with head of the sub district related to briquette charcoal demonstration.

15. Monitordevelopme nt of Energy saving

7 -10 July 2010

All villages at Mawasangka sub district


UPK office




UPK office



We distributed additional framed posters (drought hazard, domestic waste separation, mangrove and biogas. Objective: We participated to coordinate world the field preparation regarding the world bank visit. Participant: Head of UPK, OWT Objective: To socialize project site to the community and all Participants: OWT,UPK Objective : Introduce the use charcoal briquette Introduce VCO as non cholesterol coconut oil. Participants: Villagers, TPK and KPMD of Oengkolaki village. Objective: To integrate socialization of using briquette charcoal demonstration with the celebration of National independence day. Participants: Head of the district, organizer in charged. Objective : We monitored the development


Oengkolaki village




Sub district office, Mawasangka




Gunung Sejuk and Lipumangau



44 Edi Purwanto


16. Distribut factsheet at Friday praying participants.

17. Introduce Albizia plantation

18. Installed factsheets at information board. 19. Distributed environmental factsheets.

20. On the Job Training to TPU prior to proposal writing.

21. Distributed factsheets and framed posters

of energy saving stove production. Participants : Villagers, KPMD, PL, Head of the village Objective : To disseminate information to the villagers the importance of environment and NRM. Participants: The participants of Friday praying Objective : - To socialize the tecnique and benefit of planting Sengon in comaprison with other trees plantation - Develop sengon nursery Participants : Villagers, KPMD, PL, Head of the village Objective: To provide information accessible for villagers Objective : To disseminate information to the villagers Objective : To Build capacity of TPU in constructing and elaborate idea for village project Green proposal. Participant: TPU and OWT Objective : Disseminate information regarding environmental and NRM good practices.


9-16/07/ 2010

Mosque of Gunung Sejuk and Sampolawa




Jaya Bakti, Bahari and Gunung Sejuk village






Bahari village


Katilombu, Wawoangi, and Bangun village




Hendea, Gunung Sejuk and Lipu Mangau village




Lipumangau, Gunung Sejuk Jaya Bakti, Katilombu, Wawoangi and Bangun village

Muna District 1. Installed framed posters at villages office 2. Installed beneficiaries door stickers

Objective : Disseminate information of environmental friendly practices through pictures. Objective : To identify household selected as BLM beneficiaries.

10/08/2010 and 05/09/ 2010

25/07 to 10/08/2010

Napabala, Lawa, Tongkuno and Raha town Napabalano, Lawa and Tongkuno Sub district

150 hh

150 hh

45 Edi Purwanto

3. Monitored the grow of mangrove (PNPMLMP)

4. Participated Intervillage Meeting II

Objective : Monitored the mangrove plantation by BLM Participants : FK-L, KPMD,TPK,CSO Objective : To remind the participants of the meeting regarding priority of village potential and urgency of environmental problem to be solved with Green PNPM

25/08/ 2010

20/07/ 2010

Tampo village, Napabalano sub district



Lawa Tongkuno district



and Sub

Participants: Head of the village, BPD, Woman group 5. Participated KPMD regular monthly meeting

6. Participated KPMD regular monthly meeting

7. Participated KPMD regular monthly meeting

8. Monitored Maeyo spring


Objective : Developed strategy in facilitate integration RPJMDES and PNPM.

Participants: KPMD, FK-L, UPK Objective : Developed strategy in to facilitate integration of RPJMDES and PNPM.

Participants: KPMD, FKL,UPK Objective : Developed strategy in to facilitate integration of RPJMDES and PNPM.

Participants: UPK Objective :


Napabalano Sub district




Lawa Sub district




Tongkuno Sub district

to of



KPMD, FK-L, 29/08/ 2010

Lagadi village, Lawa sub district




Tongkuno sub district





To directly observe the percentage of alive plantation.

Participants: KPMD, Headman, TPK, CSO 9. Participated in the selection of PL PNPM LMP

10. Participated in the formation of RPJM

Objective : To give input on the selection of PL who eligible to assist FK-L Participants : KPMD, FK-L, OWT Objective: To create cadre who are able to

31/07/2010 to 20/08/2010


46 Edi Purwanto

DES team

11. Participated in the formation of RPJM DES team

12. Participated in the formation of RPJM DES team

13. Participated MDST


14. Gave technical assistance on Apiculture (Avis cerana)

facilitate the process in constructing RPJM DES. Participants: Headman, BPD, Customary leader, Adat, youth and woman group Objective: To create cadre who are able to facilitate the process in constructing RPJM DES. Participants: Headman, BPD, Customary leader, Adat, youth and woman group Objective: To create cadre who are able to facilitate the process in constructing RPJM DES. Participants: Headman, BPD, Customary leader, Adat, youth and woman group Objective : Explained to the participants of the meeting the maintenance of the project by creating Perdes Participants ; KPMD, TPK,TPU and beneficiaries of the project Objective : To give general explanation on how to develop apiculture (Avis cerana) including economic analyses Participants: FKL, Headman, and villagers

11. Participated MAD III

15. Monitored the apiculture group

31/07/2010 to 20/08/2010


31/07/2010 to 20/08/2010




Latugho village

Fongkaniwa village, Tongkuno district










. 10





Objective : Explain the negative impact related to the impact of the program Participant: Headman, and villagers Objective : Clean the stoves and another maintenance technique.

25 September 2010

Lawa Sub district

August and September

16. Gave technical assistance to teak nursery

Participants: KPMD, Apiculture group Objective : Assisted the nursery group to form the good management.

Bukit Harapan nursery group, Lalemba village



17. Assisted Cashew nut processing group

Objective : To develop strategy to find credit to help the group to

Farmer group Maju Bersama Lalemba village



47 Edi Purwanto

develop the business. Participants : Farmer group 18. Assisted Apiculture (Avis cerana) group

19. Build Community forest (Hutan rakyat) model

Al-Bayinah, Lalemba village Lawa Sub district



Lianosaa village, Tongkuo sub district




Baula Sub district




Baula Sub district office




Watalara, Puuroda and Puubunga village




Longori village



Objective: To enable the group to identify natural habitat of avis cerana and to move the bees into the stove. Participants : Apiculture and KPMD Objectives: To replace dead plantation with new seedling Participants: KPD Awareness Activities Kolaka District

1. Assisted verification team

2. Met with PJOK and head of the district to inform awareness raising progress.

3. Identified the influential villagers for Key Village Champion

4. Socialized Village regulation concerning environment.

Objective : Ensure that project proposal is collected through PEGAS Participant : Verification team We had meeting with PJOK and head of the district to report awareness raising and training progress to have their opinion and their consideration of better strategy for the smoothness of the program implementation

Participants: PJOK, CSO, Camat We discussed with villagers to identify influential people within the village, who has initiation and concern on the environmental issues to be the partner of OWT in awareness raising at the village level Participants: Headmen, KPMD, TPK and village leaders. We discussed with village government staff regarding village regulation aim to share and push the village government to write village

48 Edi Purwanto

regulation concerning environment.

5. Discussed with PKK about domestic waste separation

Participants: Head of the village, BPD and KPMD Objectives: To raise concern on the waste issue Socialize some solution toward residual to become useful material Participants: woman group

6. Monitored biogas and Apiculture BLM

7. Facilitated the construction and the use of central learning house.

8. Repaired biogas installation in Peoho village

9. Initiated mangrove planting in Wolulu village.



Puulemo village

20 -22/07/2010

Puubenua village



Gunung village




We discussed with beneficiaries of biogas and apiculture (Avis cerana) regarding the maintenance Participants : BLM beneficiaries Objective : - To make effective the use of established learning house Participants: Pak Made, villagers Objective : - To repair the installation elements of the biogas - Explained technical assistance regarding the maintenance of biogas Participants: Baula district awareness coordinator, KPMD, and villagers Objective : - Initiate the community to plant mangrove - Explained the benefit of mangrove plantation to the coastal ecosystem.




Peoho village



30 July 2010

Wolulu village



Participants: KPMD, Head of the village,

49 Edi Purwanto

10. Involved in assisting BLM implementation.

11. Internal meeting of Green trust community radioâ€&#x;s staff to establish corporation with PT. Telkomsel

village leaders Objective : Remind the head of the villager, another villagers leader and PNPM actors on development of environmental friendly infrastructure Participants : KPMD, village head, Village leader Objectives: - To make effective the roles of community radio in providing information for the community - To link with Telkomsel in order to have income through management which can sustain operational cost of the radio


17 -19/08/ 2010

Watubangga Sub district

Ladongi district






Participants : Radioâ€&#x;s staff, OWT 13 Awareness at KPD monthly meeting

14.Monitored the biogas demonstration plot

15.Discussed with Segara Madu Apiculture Group

Objective : - To give opinion on the preparation of MAD III. Participants: KPMD, UPK, OWT Objective : To check the installation trouble Participants: Villagers Objective : - To discuss the future prospect of apiculture - To develop strategy to maintain the colony.

10 Juli 2010

Ladongi Sub district




Atula village




Segara Madu Apiculture (Avis Cerana) group Atula village Ladongi sub district



Participants: Apiculture group and KPMD

50 Edi Purwanto

Appendix C. Environmental Training Activities July to September 2010

Training Title

Brief Description:Objectives’ and Types of Participants



# Male Particip ants

# Female Participa nts








OWT office, Bau- bau



Kahulungaya village



Sampolawa Sub district



Balabone village



Lawa Sub district




Tongkuno sub district



25/07/2010 – 15/08/ 2010

Napabalano and Tongkuno sub district



Buton District 1. Trained Sub OWT‟s sub district staff on reporting

2. Training on Bokashi making

3. TPU training

4. Demonstrated the use of briquette charcoal

1. TPS training

Objective: - Trained the sub district awareness coordinator to fill in the new report‟s form. Participants: OWT‟s sub district awareness staff Objective : - To increase skill on producing bokashi - Encourage the villagers and PNPM actor to use organic fertilizer Participants: KPMD, TPK and villagers Objective : - To train TPU on constructing good environmental project proposals Participants : TPU Sampolawa sub district Objective : To introduce and train the participants on the procedures of making charcoal briquette

Juli 2010


Participants: Villagers and actor of PNPM Training Activities Muna District Objective : 21/08/ 2010 To define task of maintenance team Participant: TPK and KPD

2. KPMD Training

3. Technical assistance to KPMD on filling

We trained KPMD on writing village profile with information on potential and environmental problem. Participant: KPMD Objective : To enable the KPMD in filling FORM

51 Edi Purwanto

22 (Environmental Impact Assessment)

22 as the attachment of Green PNPM Participants : KPMD

4. Training on Village regulation and RPJM Desa

1. TPK Training

2. On the Job Training on Radio broadcasting and management.

29 August and Objective : -Encourage BPD to write village 4 September regulation regarding environment and 2010 RPJM desa Participants: Head of the village, BPD, Village leaders, Youth group, Woman group Environmental Training Activities Kolaka District 09/07/2010 We participated in training TPK together with consultant regarding bidding procedures. We made use the training to discuss environmental impact assessment. Participants : TPK, FK-L Objective : - To improve the skill of announcer in delivering various segments - Enable the participants to write report for Community Radio Network (JRK)

15 /07/2010

Tongkuno sub district



Watubangga sub dsitrict



Atula village, Ladongi Sub district



Participants: GTL radio announcers

52 Edi Purwanto

Appendix D: The most pressing capacity building needs on planning and implementation of NRM/RE activities among (a) rural communities, (b) PNPM facilitators, and (c) local government staff Existing Problem Main Reasons Pressing Capacity Building OWT Roles

A. Rural Communities: Specific Objective A: Enhanced communities participation, capacity building, access and control of women and disadvantages communities on planning and implementation of NRM at village and sub-district level A.1. Lack of To speed-up the grant The needs to intensify Enhanced awareness PARTICIPATION of disbursement during awareness of women and of women and rural communities, 2008 and 2009, some disadvantages villagers on disadvantages especially women and facilitation short-cuts local specific environmental community through disadvantages were taken by Green- problems and enhancement small group discussion communities on the PNPM facilitator/actors of Green-PNPM spirits. (FGDs) to deliver decision making at the expense of poor awareness on: (a) process in the Green- participation of the local specific PNPM planning and major part of rural environmental implementation. communities. problems; (b) the spirits of GreenPNPM and (c) their roles and responsibilities in the Green-PNPM planning and implementation. A.2. Lack of CAPACITY of rural communities, especially women and disadvantages communities on the vegetative rehabilitation and application of local specific environmentally friendly technology.

Capacity building on vegetative rehabilitation and application of local specific environmentally friendly technology (smart-practices) has been given, but much works still need to be done. Training and awareness had been given to key Green-PNPM actors (KPMD, TPU, TPK etc) on various occasions. Later, we realized that those actors do not always represent either their community or being the truth development agent. As results, many rural communities are still not aware with Green-

Much works are still required to raise capacity building of women and disadvantages communities. Learning from Catchment Management Program (OWT-Danish Embassy) in South and West Sulawesi Provinces, we have demonstrated how vegetative rehabilitation more meaningful to local community by nurturing the spirits of biodiversity conservation through the selection and protection of Village Mother Trees of indigenous tree species (Pohon Induk Desa), the development of Village Tree Nursery (Kebun Bibit Desa) and Village Seed Sources (Sumber Benih Desa).

Replication and enhanced the scale of the developed and new smart practices to the whole targeted villages and beyond.

On 2011-2012, if OWT is still part of the Green-PNPM, we will establish ‘Environmental Awareness and Training Car’ to deliver village to village intensive environmental awareness and training within and beyond Green-PNPM targeted areas. See also C.2. 53 Edi Purwanto


A.3.Lack of ACCESS AND CONTROL for women and disadvantages communities on the planning and implementation of NRM at village and sub-district level

The decision making of any projects at village level are still dominated by Village elites and Key (Green)-PNPM actors

Capacity building, stimulation and to a certain extent advocation are required to raise women and disadvantages communitiesâ€&#x; access and control on planning and implementation of NRM at village and subdistrict level

Enhance capacity building, provide stimulation and advocation to women and disadvantages communities on planning and implementation process of NRM at village and sub-district level

B. PNPM Facilitators: Specific Objective B: Enhanced technical capacity of Green and PNPM Rural Facilitators and ensure that Green-PNPM planning and implementation process at field level complied with (Green)-PNPM spirits B.1. Lack of CAPACITY of (Green)-PNPM facilitator (GF) on TECHNICAL ASPECTS of environmental restoration and application of local specific environmentally friendly technology.

GF are mostly non- The capacity building of GF forester, while more (consultant) on several than 60% of the Greensub-districts did not run PNPM block-grant smoothly due to lack of (2008-2010) in communication between Sulawesi was used for GF and CSO. tree planting. We witnessed the quality of tree planting campaigns during 2008 and 2009 were under the standard, while the cost were far above the normal standard. Those were the results of improper facilitation and lack of GF technical capacity on regreening project which led to moral hazards and waste of precious resource.

- Enhanced capacity building of GF and PNPM Rural Facilitators on technical aspects, especially on vegetative and generative propagation and application of site specific environmentally friendly technology -

Improve communication gab, between CSO and GFs through the establishment of bimonthly coordination forum/meeting at district and province level.

Remarks: To ensure the chemistry between CSO and consultant, we proposed to improve the existing 54 Edi Purwanto

organization structure at province level (see Figure 1).

B.2. Many GFs do not do their job as community facilitator, but rather grant disbursement facilitator and to a certain extent also project implementer, this has deteriorated the spirits of GreenPNPM.

The big pressure of GF during 2008 and 2009 (the disbursement of two years Block-Grant in one year) led GF to deviate their jobs from community organizer to grant disbursement facilitator. Unfortunately, after the „emergency situation‟ passed by and the Block-Grant disbursement returned to the normal situation during 2010. The anomaly attitudes of some GFs still persist, as they treat the program as a „pilot‟

Some GFs need to be Being a ‘watch-dog’ and managing ‘Back to Basics’ as ‘grievance unit community empowerment instrument’ to facilitator and should ensure that project stimulate the spirits of planning and independency (mandiri), implementation accountability and decision making transparency among process at field level Green-PNPM are well-complied actors/communities. with Green-PNPM spirits.

C. Local Government Staff: Specific Objective C: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues and actual types of sub-projects in which communities within and beyond the Green-PNPM pilot project areas invest block grant funding on Green activities. C.1.

Many local government staff and parliaments (DPRD) have not yet been aware on GreenPNPM

The above situation have led: (a) The Green-PNPM subproject often overlapping with other government projects,

Socialization workshops at province and district level have been conducted on several occasions, but much works still need to be done.

Socialization in the form of -Provide intensive workshop and DIRECTfacilitation of Key FIELD VISITS of Key government staff and Government Staff and parliaments to Parliaments on the sites of Green-PNPM Smart Green-PNPM SmartPractices as away to: Practices are urgently (a) influence required. government policy, (b) mainstream On June 2010, we facilitated Green development the direct field visits of local and (c) government staffs and institutionalization of parliaments of Buton and the Green-PNPM at 55 Edi Purwanto

leading to waste of precious resource; (b) lack of care, participation and attentions of key Government staff to Green-PNPM planning and implementation process; (c) The sustainability of Green-PNPM are in big-question given the lack of internalization and institutionalization at province and district level.


Many Sub-district Head (Camat) and PNPM rural facilitators/actors beyond Green-PNPM sites have not yet been well-informed on Green-PNPM.

Muna Districts to the sites of province and district Green-PNPM smartlevel. practices and their appreciation were great. - Facilitate bimonthly coordination meetings at district level involving (a) Key Government staffs, (b) parliaments, (c) Green facilitators, and (d) GreenPNPM actors as away to internalize and institutionalize the program at district level. Socialization workshops at province and district level to Camat and PNPM Rural Facilitators/ Actors beyond GreenPNPM have been conducted on several occasions, but much works are still need to be done.

On 6 October 2010, we were invited by PMD of SE Sulawesi Province to socialize Green-PNPM during PNPM Rural Evaluation Workshop at Swiss Bell Hotel, Kendari.

Provide intensive awareness facilitation to Camat and PNPM Rural Facilitators/Actors outside Green-PNPM pilot areas as away to mainstream Green development and The responses of Camat upon our presentation were institutionalization of great. Many of them invited the Green-PNPM at and us to deliver training and Sub-district awareness on the application village level. of environmentally friendly technology in their subdistrict.

56 Edi Purwanto

Appendix E: Summary of OWT achievements and follow-up actions for 2011 and 2012 1.






Achievement: We have facilitated the development of NRM smart-practices (demplots) on the application of appropriate and environmentally friendly technologies in rural areas, such as biogas, organic fertilizer/pesticides, coconut shell/rice husk-charcoal briquette, Janthropa stoves, energy saving stoves, honey bees, mangrove crab fattening, virgin coconut oil, recharge well, infiltration enhancement, water purification, seaweed farming, vegetative/generative propagation techniques. The demplots are aimed at inspiring rural community on the viable, affordable and replicable environmental friendly activities. It is meant as embryo (kegiatan perintis) of community based resources saving and environmental restoration. Those have been strongly colored the Green-PNPM sub-project during 2009 and 2010. Follow-up: Follow-up facilitations are required to make those initiatives become new income generating activities. We will facilitate the establishment of production units; improved products packaging, link to local, regional and national market. Achievement: We have promoted our efforts to facilitate community based resources saving and environmental restoration campaigns to PNPM actors/facilitators and government officials (Head of district/province agencies, Head of sub-district/camat) on various occasions. Follow-up: Intensive promotion and direct facilitations are urgently required within and beyond Green PNPM Pilots. We will campaign from village-to-village using „Environmental Awareness Car. Achievement: We have campaigned and facilitated the establishment of „Village Protection Areas‟ (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa), such as mangrove restoration areas, spring water protection/ecotourism sites, spring water catchment areas, customary forest. Those initiatives have been strongly colored the Green-PNPM sub-project during 2009 and 2010. Follow-up: Further facilitations are required to achieve sustainable management of village protection/ecotourism areas and put such commitment in the Village Regulation (Perdes). Achievement: We have delivered awareness, training, technical assistances and facilitations to key GreenPNPM actors and Key Village Champions (KVC) at sub-district and village level since early 2008 and support the cycle of Green-PNPM. Based on our recent beneficiary survey in Buton 11 and Kolaka, the process of Green-PNPM planning and implementation were strongly dominated by village elites, while intervention of FKL were pronounced. Access and control of women and disadvantaged community on the planning and implementation of NRM at village and sub-district level were poor. Follow-up: Intensive capacity building and to a certain extent „advocation‟ to various target groups at village level such as women, disadvantaged communities and village community organizations (e.g. farmer groups, youth groups and religious groups) are required to enhance their access and control on the NRM planning and implementation. Achievement: We facilitated the establishment of Smart Practice House (SPH) at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka, Buton), and Field Learning Center for Environmental Restoration (FLER) in Kahulungaya (Pasarwajo, Buton) and Gunung Sari Village (Watubangga, Kolaka). SPH is a house model which practices environmentally friendly technologies (biogas, coconut shell/rice husk-charcoal briquette, VCO), while le FLER is an integrated farming model managed by individual farmer. Follow-up: Further efforts are required to facilitate the development of at least one couple of SPH and FLER in every kecamatan. Those will be very useful as learning sites for KVCs of each kecamatan. Achievement: We have facilitated the establishment of two Community Radios, e.g. Gunung Sari and Green-Trust12. The radios have been very effective as Green-PNPM communication agent. Since early 2010, we successfully linked the Green-Trust radio with National Radio-Community Networks and the radio has been self-funding.


The survey was conducted by Vivi Rambe, the Former Team leader of Green-PNPM. Now is PhD student of Murdoch University. The research topic is dealing with Green-PNPM in Buton District.


The Green-Trust Radio is able to reach several 5 sub-districts, i.e. Loea, Tirawuta, Poli-Polia, Lambadia (Kolaka District) and Lambuya (Konawe District).

57 Edi Purwanto










Follow-up: We will replicate the initiatives to Muna District. Efforts will be conducted to link Gunung Sari with National Radio Community Networks. Achievement: We have installed 18 Metal Campaign Board over 9 Sub-Districts (two for each district). The messages are expected as long-lived environmental education for the young generation, whilst also acting as a „psychological deterrent‟ for environmental destructors. There were five message topics: (a) Preservation of Village Protection Area; (b) Conservation Mangrove Forest; (c) Managing Domestic Garbage; (d) Earth Preservation; (e) Terrestrial Forest Conservation. We installed the metal plank on strategic areas such as market, areas surrounding sub-district office, school and cross-roads. Follow-up: We will install the metal campaign boards at Village Protection Areas over 9 Sub-Districts. Achievement: We have facilitated the establishment and the on-going work of village working group13 to formulate RPJM-Des. Follow-up: Intensive facilitation is required to ensure that the formulated RPJM-Des will contain sufficient and relevant environmental issues (2010) and ensure that the Perdes will be used as reference to define (Green)-PNPM sub-projects and other village development initiatives during 2011 onwards.

Achievements: We have installed of 650 wooden frames environmental posters in strategic public areas such as schools, mosques, restaurants, village halls, sub-districts/UPK offices, police offices, hospitals, hotels, banks etc Follow-up: We need to develop and install more posters to mainstream environmental issues. Achievement: We have supported Green PNPM facilitators to facilitate Green-PNPM process during 20082010. To strengthen coordination among FKL and key PNPM actors at village and (sub) district level, since June 2010, we have facilitated the monthly coordination meeting among PNPM facilitator and actors at district level. Follow-up: The forum needs to be maintained to enhance the chemistry among Green-PNPM actors/facilitators, problem solving and training and awareness needs assessment. Achievement: We have developed 10 awareness films; two of them were published by „Metro TV‟, i.e. „The Giant Sponge of Indonesia‟ and „The Guardian of Archipelago‟ in the „Expedition‟ Program. We have developed several tutorials films and documentation of smart practices and profiles of KVC. Follow-up: We need to develop more good films to enrich our awareness materials. Achievement: Since June 2009, we have started to campaign waste separation (Gemes/Gerakan Memilah Sampah) in the capital of sub-districts town in Buton District. We conducted this through simulation of garbage separation to KVCs, Women Groups (PKK) and students on elementary and secondary schools. We also installed 25 garbage separation beans. Follow-up: We need to intensify the campaign in Buton, similar activities will be conducted in Muna, Kolaka and beyond Green-PNPM pilot areas. Achievement: We have actively involved on the selection and training of Green-PNPM facilitators, i.e. preservice training, serial refresher trainings, on-site technical assistances. Follow-up: We will strengthen our support on community facilitation, advocation and activate „grievance unit‟ to ensure that project planning and implementation decision making process at field level are wellcomplied with Green-PNPM spirits. Achievement: We have facilitated the field visits of key government officials and parliaments at district level to Green-PNPM smart-practices in Buton, Muna and Kolaka. Follow-up: Further efforts are required to internalize and institutionalize Green-PNPM visions at district and province level. Achievement: We have completed the establishment of 8 training modules and in the process of completion of several awareness materials, (a) Good and Bad of Environmental Practices; (b) Profile of Environment Heroes; (c) Lessons Learned on Green-PNPM Pilots; (d) Green-Nationalism. Follow-up: With PSF permission, we will publish the books as awareness materials for other Green-PNPM project areas.


It is so-called „Eleven Team‟ or „Tim Sebelas‟, as the working group is composed of 11 Key Village Champions (including Village Head and Head of the Village Representative Council/Kepala BPD).

58 Edi Purwanto

Appendix F: Information, Education Communications (IEC) Materials Produced or Published during the Reporting Period Types of IEC & Title of IEC/training materials training materials Documentary 1. Home Biogas installation film/video in documentary and tutorial CD format

Produced by

No of IEC Disseminated in materials what areas produced



150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

2. The making of Coco-shell Charcoal Bricked (CCB) – documentary


150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

3. The Green-PNPM profile Sub District Level documentary

at -


150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

4. The Guardian of Archipelago (Menjaga Pagar Nusantara). mangrove conservation – movie*


250 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

5. The Giant Sponge of Indonesia (Karet Busa Raksasa). Catchment Areas Management– movie*


250 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Best practices of Lambusango forest, Seaweed Farming, Short movie*


250 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

7. Separation of domestic waste tutorial

8. Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages‟ (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM Talk-Show with KBR68H Radio Program 1. Environment Information 2. Green-PNPM Jingle

Copyright 20 copies Paguyuban pemilah sampah Jogja dan Walhi OWT

Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM

10 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

SE Sulawesi Province

12 Watubangga times/week

Radio Gunung Sari 3 times/week Watubangga 92,8 FM

3. Talk Show on Green Village Radio Gunung Sari 3 times/week Watubangga 92,8 FM 4.

Green-PNPM Info

5. Keep Muna Green

Radio Green Trust 3 times/week Ladongi Radio Wuna Swara 3 times/day Muna District

59 Edi Purwanto

6. Village Conservation Areas (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD) 9. Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages‟ (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM Talk-Show Posters

1. Drought disaster could only be prevented by avoiding deforestation* 2. Save „Jompi‟ Forest as the water tower of Raha Town*



14 April 2010


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, BauBau, Kendari 1000 copies

Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau

1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Bau

1. Honeybee Culture : tip and benefit


1000 copies SE Sulawesi Province

2. Village self-supporting energy through biogas


1000 copies SE Sulawesi Province

3. Developing Village Nursery


1000 copies SE Sulawesi Province

1. Healthy, clean and efficient with charcoal briquettes


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

2. My green village, my green country (Hijau Desaku Lestari Negeriku)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

3. Keep the village green with energy saving stoves


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

4. Save water movement through build millions of recharge areas * 5. Let‟s sort domestic waste: Dislocating waste without sorting and processing is just moving problems* 6. Utilizing cow-dung as a new source of sustainable fuel*



18 February Pasarwajo 2010


3. Stop Deforestation: Cutting forest means inviting flood disaster*

Fact sheet

Radio GSB 106,mi5 MHZ

60 Edi Purwanto

(Melestarikan Kehijauan Desa dengan Tungku Hemat Energi) 4. To maintain soil fertility using Bokashi (Menjaga Kesuburan Tanah dengan Bokashi)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

5. Honeybee culture yield honey (Memelihara Lebah Menuai Madu)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Recovering coastal fortress (Memelihara Benteng Pesisir)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

7. Livelihoods from coastal fortress (Sumber Kehidupan dari Benteng Pesisir)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

8. Turning livestock dung into biogas (Meyulap Kotoran Menjadi Biogas)


5 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

Iron Campaign Save Village Conservation Areas (KPD). Forest, River, Boards Spring Water and Coastal Area are life supporting systems which have to be protected. Save KPD through: (1) Trees planting campaign; (2) Develop Village Regulation to conserve KPD; (3) Save KPD from illegal logging; (4) Do not contaminate KPD with rubbish and poisoned waste. Conservation Village Areas


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

Do not let the coastal fortress gone. Mangrove forest is coastal fortress. It is an area for fish spawning, breeding and nursery ground. Destroy mangrove forest is destroying coastal life. REHABILITATE and PROTECT mangrove forest through: (1) Define mangrove areas as Village Protection Areas (KPD); (2) Do not cut and damage mangrove; (3) Do not convert mangrove to brackish water pond; (4) Do not use mangrove trees as fuel-wood; (5) Conduct planting campaign and


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

61 Edi Purwanto

mangrove maintenanceâ€&#x;. Do not let the coastal fortress gone.


Training materials

Save the Earth through: (1) Use energy saving stove; (2) Convert fossil fuel to biogas; (3) Switch off the lamp if not needed; (4) Save clean water; (5) Trees planting movement.


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

Managing domestic waste through: (1) Waste separation between organic and nonorganic; (2) Minimize the use of an-organic matter (plastic, paper, metal etc.); (3) Convert organic waste into compost; (4) Recycle and reuse an-organic waste; (5) Develop domestic waste processing unit.


6 boards

Pasarwajo, Sampolawa, Mawasangka

1. Janthropa Stoves User (Pengguna Kompor Jarak)



SE Sulawesi Province

2. Solar Voltage User (Pengguna Listrik Tenaga Surya)



SE Sulawesi Province

3. Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi)



SE Sulawesi Province

1. Crab fattening in mangrove area


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

2. Seaweed farming


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province


80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

4.Virgin Coconut Oil


70 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

5. Bokashi


90 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Biogas

OWT/Kanopi Indonesia

120 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

7.Honeybee culture


90 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

8.Developing Cashew Nursery


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

3. Coconut-Shell Bricked


62 Edi Purwanto

9. Organic Farming


80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

10.Domestic Waste Separation


80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

11.Water purification


60 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

12.Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages


200 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

13. RPJM-Desa


40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

63 Edi Purwanto

Annex G. Key Project Personal PROVINCE SULAWESI SOUTH-EAST DISTRICT LEVEL NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

NAME Position Drs. H. Tony Herbiansyah Head of BPMD Drs. Trias PJO Province Drs. Tasman Staff of PJO Province Muslimin Environment Specialist Fachrudin MIS Specialist BUTON DISTRICT LEVEL

Organization Government Official Government Official Government Official Consultant Consultant

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

NAME LM Djafir , S.H, M.Si L.M. Syaifuddin Asnawi Hasan Ester Yuliana Saharuddin Bobi Rijal

Organization Government official Government official Government official Government official Consultant Consultant


Muhammad Tarkip


Paoyin Assistant

8 9.

Habibu Ahmad Mulya


Wahid Ode SP

11. 12

Drs. Abidin Baso Ir Guntur Dahlan

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

NAME Agus La Sura, S.Sos La Makki Harjono Safarina Salam La Hendra

POSITION SEKDA Kepala BPMD PJO Kabupaten Satker PNPM Faskab PNPM MP Faskab Tehnik PNPM MP Fasilitator Keuangan Kab Buton Asisten Ahli PNPM LMP Kepala Bappeda Kepala biandg Ekonomi Bappeda Staff Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Kepala Dinas Perikanan and Kelautan PASARWAJO SUB DISTRICT POSITION Sub district head PJOK Ketua BKAD Fasilitator Sub district Ketua UPK Pendamping Lapang PNPMLMP

Consultant Consultant Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official

Organization Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative

64 Edi Purwanto


Sudin Side , S.E


Community representative

NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7

NAME POSITION La Ode Zakir, SH Subdistrict head La Ode Hasnu Panggu PJOK Raflin, SE Ketua BKAD Rahmat Arafat Fasilitator Sub district La Mohilu, S.AG Ketua UPK La Ode Murianto Pendamping PNPMLMP La miludin ,SP Pendamping Lokal OWT MAWASANGKA SUB DISTRICT

Organization Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Community representative

NO 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.

NAME Asrudin, S.Sos, M.Si Suardi PJOK Kadir Pene Ld. Abu Huraira Hamiruddin Anwar

Organization Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative

8 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


POSITION Subdistrict head PJOK Ketua BKAD Fasilitator Sub district Ketua UPK Pendamping Lokal PNPMLMP Tarhim Jundi, S.Sos Pendamping Lokal OWT MUNA DISTRICT LEVEL NAME POSITION Zakaruddin Saga, SE, M.Si SEKDA Drs. La Ijazah Kepala BPMD Drs. Ayub PJO Kabupaten La Udi Ari, SP Faskab PNPM MP Udin Kaeba, ST FT Kab PNPM MP Ikhwan, SP Asisten Ahli PNPM LMP Drs. Mustari Kepala Bappeda Ir. La Ode Anwar Agigi Litbang Bappeda Ir. Syahrir Staff Bappeda Drs. L, Untu, M. Si Kepala Baand Lingkungan Hidup Mukadimah, S. IP Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Ir. LM. Yakub, M. Si Kepala Dinas Peternakan Ir. La Ode Muhammad Ilyas Kepala Balai Penyuluh Kec. Kabawo Napabalano Sub district Haerun, SH Subdistrict head

Community representative ORGANIZATION Government official Government official Government official Consultant Consultant Consultant Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official Government official

Government official 65 Edi Purwanto

2 3 4 5 6 1. 2. 3. 5. 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 NO 1. 2. 3. 4. NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NO 1. 2.

La Ode Adi, S. Sos LM. Handra Aswan Said, SP

PJOK Ketua BKAD FK Lingkungan PNPM LMP La Safuli Ketua UPK Tairan Pendamping Lokal OWT Lawa Sub District Budiman, SE Subdistrict head La Beremuddin, S. Ag PJOK La Ode Aliddin Ketua BKAD Irawati, SP FK Lingkungan PNPM LMP Latief, SE Ketua UPK La Ode SuhasJune, S. Km Pendamping Lokal OWT Tongkuno Sub district Amir Sulaiman Bolo, BA Subdistrict head La Lemadjid PJOK Amir Mudin Ketua BKAD Murni, S. Hut FK Lingkungan PNPM LMP Muhammad Ramadhan, S. Pd Ketua UPK Aman Askun, SP Pendamping Lokal OWT KOLAKA DISTRICT NAME Position Amri, S.STP.M.Si PJO Kabupaten Sugiyarto, S.Pd. Faskab Mustakdir, ST Fastekab Paoyen, SP Assistant Faskab KECAMATAN BAULA NAME Position H. Muh. Jusrin Djafar, S.Sos Camat Drs. Andi Dirham Riyadi, Sekcam/PJOK M.Si Onike Sherley. M, MA. Head of UPK La Alam, SP FKL Adam Anta BKAD KECAMATAN WATUBANGGA NAME Position Ir. Hasbir Jaya Ras, M.H Camat Sarijo, B.A PJOK

Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Government official Government official Community representative Consultant Community representative Community representative Organization Government Official Consultant Consultant Consultant Organization Government Official Government Official Government Official Consultant Community representative Organization Government Official Government Official

66 Edi Purwanto

3. 4. 5 NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

Akil Fiat, SP FKL Sapran Head of UPK Drs. Andi Ramling, M.Si. BKAD KECAMATAN LADONGI NAME Position Drs. Sabaruddin Camat Syarifudin Rasyid PJOK Junaidin, S.Pi FKL Yusuf Head of UPK Bio Mansur M,Si M.M .Pd BKAD

Consultant Community representative Community representative Organization Government Official Government Official Consultant Community representative Community representative

67 Edi Purwanto

Annex H: OWT’s Key Project Personnel No.




Dr. Edi Purwanto



Abdul Rahman, SE

Office Manager


Musyafir Siddiq, SE

Finance Manager


Astri Ivo

Administration Staff in Bau-Bau Office


Ramadhan Isya Al Ansyari

Administration Staff in Muna Office


La Ode Muhammad Erwin, SP

Documentary and awareness film developer


Hendra Gunawan, S Hut

Training and Awareness Coordinator (SE Sulawesi Province)


Winardi, SP

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Buton District)


Abdul Hadedi, SP

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Buton District)


La Ode Rabiali Tongke, S Hut

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Muna District)


La Ode Alisyah, SE

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Muna District)


La Ode Mukmin, SP

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Kolaka District)


Andi Muh Sainuddin, S.Si, M.Si

Assistant Training (Kolaka District)



Awareness Coordinator at Mawasangka Sub-District


Sudin Side, SE

Awareness Coordinator at Pasarwajo Sub-District


Lamiludin, SP

Awareness Coordinator at Sampolawa Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Napabalano Sub-District


La Ode Suhasjuni, S. KM

Awareness Coordinator at Lawa Sub-District


Zakia, A. Mk

Awareness Coordinator at Tongkuno Sub-District


Gusti Suganda, ST

Awareness Coordinator at Ladongi Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Baula Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Watubangga Sub-District




68 Edi Purwanto

Green-KDP Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010)

Appendix I. Photo-Documentation Province Level

OWT internal coordination meeting with Muna awareness coordinator from Muna District

OWT internal coordination meeting with Muna awareness coordinator from Muna District

Buton District

Buton District Awareness Coordinator (Pak Winardi) handled biogas framed poster to Ozone radio manager

Fishermen Group in Banga village, Mawasangka SubDistrict installing keramba for mangrove crab fattening

70 Edi Purwanto

Green-KDP Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010)

Muna District

Madu Jaya group activities on honey bee hunting with Pak Made (honey bee specialist) in Napabalano

Green-PNPM best practices installed at information board in Muna District

Sub district

Awareness at MAD forum in Lawa Sub-District

Community forestry (Hutan Rakyat) demplot announcement board at Lianosa village, Tongkuno SubDistrict

71 Edi Purwanto

Green-KDP Quarterly Report (1 July – 30 September 2010)

Kolaka District

Gusti Suganda interviewed Green-PNPM actors on the Green session at Radio Green Trust, Ladongi Sub-District

Home biogas installation model in Atula village, Ladongi Sub-District

Segara Madu group’s honey bees harvesting honey in Ladongi Sub-District

Farmer group discussion on honey bee culture potential at Smart Practice House (SPH) in Watubangga Sub-District

72 Edi Purwanto

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