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QUARTE ERLY REP PORT Reporting Period: [1 October O – 31 3 December 2010] For THE E WORLD BANK - IN NDONESIA A Preepared by: Dr. Edi E Purwantto Januuary 31, 20111

KECAMATAN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND ENVIRONMENT (GREEN PNPM) IN SULAWESI Component 3: Awareness Raising and Training TF-090977 PROVINCE: SOUTH EAST SULAWESI Quarterly Report: October – December 2010

Dr. Edi Purwanto

Cover figure: Coconut shell charcoal briquette (CCB), one of outstanding Green PNPM smart practices in SE Sulawesi Province

Table of Contents Page


Table of Contents List of Tables List Of Box List of Abbreviation and Acronym CSO Contact Information Executive Summary Project Background Progress Made Over the Reporting Period A. Project Management A.1. Financial Issues A.2. Human Resources Issues B. Environmental Awareness B.1. Environmental Awareness and Training at Province Level B.1.1.Completion of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices. B.1.2.Strengthened Green-Sub-project Verification process and involved on MAD II and III B.1.3. Improved coordination among Green-PNPM actors at district and subdistrict level B.1.4.Participated on PNPM Evaluation Workshop for Camat, Parliament, SKPD and PNPM facilitators at Province Level (Swissbell Hotel, 5-6 October 2010) B.1.5.Green-Facilitator Training on Generative and Vegetative Seedlings Propagation (9 – 11 November 2010) B.1.6.Participated UPK and PL Training at Province Level (Kubra Hotel, Kendari, 25 November 2010) B.1.7. Exhibition of RE Products in the RE Regional Workshop in Makassar (Arya Duta Hotel, 15-16 November 2010) and Medan (Grand-Angkasa Hotel, 1617 December 2010): B.1.8. Workshop Green-PNPM for NGO (Imperial Hotel Kendari, 11 December 2010) B.1.9. Participated Green-PNPM Evaluation Workshop in SE Sulawesi Province (Horizon Hotel, Kendari, 21 November 2010) B.1.10. Join Workshops for DPRD (District Parliament) and SKPD (District Agencies), Buton, 30 November and 1 December 2010; Kolaka 15 and 16 December 2010; Muna, 29 and 30 December 2010 B.1.11. Join training for Setrawan, Buton, 16 December 2010, Muna, 17 December 2010 B.1.12. Participated on the Province PPKAN held at Wakatobi District (Wanci, 23 December 2010) B.1.13. Developed awareness films B.1.14. Development of Environmental Awareness Leaflets (Brochures) B.2 Environmental Awareness at District Level B.2.1 Buton District B.2.1.1 Monitoring and evaluation preparation of Sub-project implementation (Sampolawa, 8-15 October 2010) B.2.1.2.Participated on inter-sub district’s sub-projects verification (27 October – 8

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November 2010) B.2.1.3.Organized Coordination Meeting with District Government (27 November 2010) B.2.1.4.Organized Green PNPM exhibition in Bau-Bau (11-17 October 2010) and Buton Raya Expo (26-31 December) B.2.1.5.Facilitated the establishment of Green-Stall (Warung Lingkungan/Warling) at Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka Sub-District B.2.1.6. Provided technical assistances on Green-PNPM planting campaigns subprojects B.2.1.7. Developed Bau-Bau Office as Nursery and Smart Practice House B.2. Muna District B.2.2.1 Environmental awareness on managing animal dungs for biogas in Napabalano (October-November 2010) B.2.2.2 Distributed Green PNPM Stickers (December 2010) B.2.2.3 Intensive facilitation on the development of ‘Madu Jaya’ Honey Bee Culture, Napalakura Village-Napabalano Sub-District B.2.2.4. Final technical assistances on the formulation and writing of RPJM-Desa (October 2010) B.3. Kolaka District B.3.1. Environmental awareness and technical assistances on KPMD’s reguler monthly meeting in three sub-districts B.3.2. Intensified facilitation on the development of the Green-Trust Community Radio in Ladongi B.3.3. Strenghtened the formulation and functional roles of ‘Tim Pemelihara’ (Maintenance Team) B.3.4. Awareness campaigns to Village Women Group (PKK) on garbage separation and processing (October- December 2010, Ladongi, Baula and Watubangga) B.3.5. Workshop on the reflection on Green-PNPM Implementation (Baula, 10 December 2010) C. Environmental Training C.1 Buton District C.1.1. Training on Inter-Kecamatan Verification Team (29 October 2010) C.1.2. Training of Trainer on orange grafting (Warinta Village, Pasarwajo, 25 November 2010) C.1.3. Training of Trainer on Biogas permanent installation (8-10 December 2010), Watolo, Mawasangka C.1.4. Training of Trainer on side and shoot/top grafting for cacao plantation (Wasaga, Pasarwajo, 6 November 2010) C.1.5.Technical Assistances on recharge wells building in Watolo, Mawasangka (25 November 2010) and Saragi, Pasarwajo (8 December 2010) C.2. Muna District C.2.1.Training on Inter-Kecamatan Verification Team (14 October 2010) C.2.2.Training for environmental management for senior high school students (Lawa, 20 November, Tungkuno 23 November and Napabalano 24 November 2010) C.2.3. TPK Training (Lawa, 28 October 2010) C.2.4. Key-Village Champions Training on the making of energy saving stove and CCB (Napabalano, 4 December 2010, Tongkuno, 8 December 2010) C.3. Kolaka District C.3.1.Training of Trainer on the making of permanent biogas at Laolowosula,

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Ladongi (14 Desember, 2010) C.3.2.ToT on bee culture (Avis cerana) on FLER Gunung Sari (7-8 November 2010) C.3.3.Technical assistances on Community based Nursery (Kebun Bibit Rakyat/KBR) in Anggolosi (Ladongi), Watalara (Baula) and Sumber Rejeki (Watubangga) III.

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Challenges Faced, Remedial Actions Taken, and Lessons Learned A. Improper implementation of Green-Project Verification Process (Lesson Learned No. 23/20l0) B. Improper formulation of the Maintenanice Team (Lesson Learned No. 24/20l0) C. The need to empower local village institution(Lesson Learned No. 25/20l0) Concluding Remarks

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Planned Activities for the next reporting period



List of Appendices Annex A. The Impact of environmental awareness and training on Green PNPM Annex B. Environmental awareness raising activities Annex C. Environmental training activities Annex D. Key Project Personal Annex E. OWT’s Key Project Personnel Annex F. Photo-Documentation

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List of Tables Page Table B.1 Training agenda Table B.6 Detailed topics and sub-topics on the presentation and discussion during Theory session Table 5.1 Planned activities during the coming three months (January-April 2011) Table 5.2 Planned activities during the coming 6 months (November 2010 – April 2011)

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List of Box Box 1 Box 2

Setrawan: a Government official’s KPMD Improvement of Biogas Technology application

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Badan Perwakilan Desa, Village representative council Head of Sub-district Coconut shell charcoal briquette Community Radio Village Demonstration Plots Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, parliament at district level Fish Aggregating Devices (Rumpon). Green-PNPM facilitator at kecamatan level (consultant) Field Learning Site for Environmental Restoration Green facilitators Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia, Indonesia Community Radio Network Key village champions Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, village development cadre Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Community Empowerment Body Inter-villages meetings at kecamatan to socialize (G)-KDP Natural resources management PNPM Support Facility Government official in charge in operating the Green-PNPM at kecamatan level Peraturan Desa, village regulation Rencana Anggaran Biaya, project cost proposal Mid-term development planning document Smart Practices House Satuan Kerja Pemerintah Daerah, development agencies, including camat, at district level Tim Pemelihara (maintenance team) Team work in charge on executing project at village level Team work in charge on writing project proposal at village level Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Rural Community Development Office at central/province/district level Unit Pelaksana Kegiatan, implementing unit, PNPM Organization at Kecamatan level which is in charge in administering PNPM funding. Tim Verifikasi, Verification Team

List of Indonesian and Scientific Tree Species Names Growing group Vernacular name Species Family Fast growing Sengon Leguminosae Paraserianthes falcataria Jati putih Verbenaceae Gmelina arborea Mangga Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Asam jawa Leguminosae Tamarindus indica Jeruk Citrus sp Rutaceae Gamal Fabaceae Gliricida sepium Jarak Euphorbiaceae Jatropha curcas Kelapa Arecaceae Cocos nucifera Cengkeh Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum Pala Myristicaceae Myristica fragrans Cengkeh Myrtaceae Syzygium aromaticum Kemiri Euphorbiaceae Aleurites moluccana Middle growing

Nangka Durian Rambutan Trembesi Bakau Jabon

Artocarpus heterophyllus Durio zibethinus Nephelium lapacheum Samanea saman Rhizophora apiculata Antocephalus cadamba

Moraceae Bombacaceae Sapindaceae Mimosoideae Rhizophoraceae Rubiaceae

Slow growing

Mahoni Merbau/kayu besi Jati Manggis Tumaku

Swietenia macrophylla Intsia bijuga Tectona grandis Garcinia mangostana Macadamia sp

Meliaceae Fabaceae Verbenaceae Clusiaceae Proteaceae

CSO Contact Information Name Organization Address Phone/Fax Mobile Branch-Offices

Dr. Edi Purwanto Operation Wallacea Trust Jl. La Balawo No. 25, Bau-Bau, Buton, SE Sulawesi + 62 (0)402 2825506 + 62 (0) 81 296 55 233 Bogor: Taman Cimanggu, Jl. Akasia III, Block PVI No.4. Phone/Fax: 0251-8343184. Kendari: Perumahan Dosen Unhalu, Block A7. Jl. Mayjen S. Parman, Kemaraya, Kendari, Phone: 0401-3122097 Muna: Jl. I Made Sabara No. 30 Raha, Kabupaten Muna, Phone: 0403-2521483, 081 341 845 334 Kolaka: Jl. Pemuda No.37, Lalombaa, Kolaka. Phone: 0405- 2323841


e_purwanto@indo.net.id www.wallaceatrustindonesia.org

Executive Summary: 1.

Background: The Green-Kecamatan Development Program/G-KDP is a pilot program within the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) - Rural aimed to develop and integrate sustainable natural resources management (NRM) strategy into the PNPM-Rural. The objective of the Green KDP is: for villagers in rural Sulawesi to benefit from improved local governance and equitable access to, and sustainable use of, natural resources. The Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) is a Civil Service Organization (CSO) subcontracted by the World Bank (Bank) to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and Green-PNPM actors at village and kecamatan level and mainstreaming sustainable development at districts and province level in the Pilot GreenPNPM in South East Sulawesi Province.


Project Management: In response to the closing date of the no-cost extension until 30 April 2011, we accelerated field activities and associated financial administration. Since the beginning of November 2010, we took the following actions: (a) Developed acceleratedwork plan November 2010 – April 2011 to achieve planned outputs and fulfill performance indicators; (b) Accelerated financial administration management to enhance fund withdrawal frequency; (c) Recruited consultants to support the accelerated administration management at field level. In December 2010, we recruited three finance administrations; for Baubau (Laode Alsad), Raha/Muna (Ulul Azmi) and Kolaka Office (A. Kajamuddin) and one office-boy (Muslimin) for Baubau. From Mid December 2010, we recruited Communication Specialist (Lery Iskandar) to promote Green-PNPM smart practices on SE Sulawesi media (newspaper). The contracts of all dedicated staff and consultants are until 30 April 2011.


The focus of facilitations During the Reporting Period: The focus of our awareness and training during October and December 2010 were the following: (a) Training for GreenPNPM Facilitators, Camats and UPKs; (b) Awareness to government officials, parliaments and local NGOs on Green-PNPM smart practices; (c) Mainstreamed Green-PNPM smart practices at sub-district, district, province and national level; (d) Facilitated the adoption of Green-PNPM smart practices to government program/policy; (e) Enhanced the quality of demplots, especially for biogas and CCB at village level; (f) Facilitated the formulation of RPJM-Desa; (g) Developed tutorial and documentary films; (h) Finalized the book on ‘Good and Bad Environmental Practices’ and 6 awareness leaflets. Since the GreenPNPM sub-projects had been implemented for about three years (2008-2010), we have enriched our awareness campaigns using lessons learned of Green sub-project implementation as the truth cases to demonstrate good and bad examples.


Strengthened Green Sub-projects Verification process and MAD II: Learning from 2008 and 2009 Green-PNPM process, verification process and MAD II are critical process which determined the greenness of the sub-projects and performances of project implementation. Understanding this, in this year, in all pilot districts, we improve the process through: (a) Involved the selection of Verification Team (Tim Verifikasi/TV) members; (b) Became a member of TV; (c) Trained TV; (d) Facilitated the implementation of verification process; (e) Provided recommendations on the greenness level of the supervised sub-projects proposals; (f) Facilitated TV decision process to define the potential funded green subprojects proposals; (g) Facilitated MAD-II process, ensured that only the potential greensub project proposals are ranked. So far, we only involved until MAD-II. Understanding that MAD-III is critical to sharpen the focus of green activities and the efficient and 1

effective uses of Green-Block Grant, starting from 2011 cycle, we will involve on MADIII. 5.

Development of Green–PNPM Films: During this reporting period, we completed three tutorial films; (a) Generative and vegetative tree seedlings propagation; (b) Honey Bee (Avis cerana) Farming; (c) The making of CCB. Three films are still in the editing process: (a) Documentary Film: Generative and vegetative tree seedlings propagation campaigns in Mamasa District; (b) Tutorial Film: Installation of Permanent Biogas; (c) The profile of Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa.


Improved coordination among Green-PNPM actors at district and sub-district level: Since May 2010, we have started to facilitate regular monthly meeting involving keygovernment officials at district level (Head of Regional Development Planning/Bappeda, Head of Environmental Impact Assessment/Bapedalda, Head of Forestry Service and Head of Agriculture and Plantation Service) and parliament (DPRD), Green-PNPM actors (Head of PMD, PJO Kab) and facilitators at (sub)-district level. We realized that PNPM monthly meetings at district level do not have time to discuss detailed and specific problems of Green-PNPM, as the discussion topic mostly focused on regular PNPM issues. The meeting is very useful forum to: (a) socialize Green-PNPM to key district stakeholders; (b) search problems solving solution of Green-PNPM implementation; (c) synergize GreenPNPM activities with relevant district agencies and PNPM programs; (d) Internalize the program at district level. In response to the absence of district government supporting fund for Green-PNPM/Dana PAP (no travelling cost for key district government officials to monitor Green-PNPM), we facilitate their visits on Green-PNPM project sites.


Intensified facilitations on the development of the Green-Trust Community Radio in Ladongi (Kolaka District): After the visits of Combine Research Institute (CRI), PSF Communication Officer, since August 2010, the radio had been part of the Indonesia Community Radio Network (Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia/JRKI) and received continuous supports: (a) regular bulletins on communities radio (CR) development; (b) monthly technical assistance from JRKI Province Coordinator; (c) receive operational cost incentive IDR 700,000/month; (d) registered as one of the most active community radio (among 17 CR) in SE Sulawesi Province. During the reporting period, we intensified the production of community advertisements (Iklan Layanan Masyarakat/ILM) and ‘news spot’. The radio1 has developed from environmental awareness radio to agricultural extension and entertainment. The area coverage has been largely developed to cover Lambuya (Konawe District), Poli-polia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lalolae Subdistricts. On early December, keys Radio crew attended two days training in Surabaya. On 20/21 December, the Radio crew also attended CR Workshop in Kendari. The ILM and news spot published by the radio can be inspected on www.jarkomonline.net. The CR development is one of the important exit strategies of the Green-PNPM program.

Facilitation and completion of RPJM-Desa: The RPJM-Desa’s formulation team is composed of 11 persons, i.e. Village Head, Village Secretary, BPD, KPMD (male and female), Sub-village heads, and Key Village Champions. Our roles on RPJM formulation: (a) together with PNPM facilitators, facilitated the formulation of 11 Team; (b) training of the 11 Team on the formulation of RPJM-Desa; (c) refreshed the environmental profile of every villages to 11 teams; (d) facilitated village meeting (Musrenbang Desa) to collect sub-project ideas; (f) provided technical assistances on the writing process of RPJM-Desa 8.


The establishment of the radio was facilitated by OWT and aired since 11 February 2010


writing. RPJM-Desa for all villages in 9 Sub-districts has already been submitted to the UPK on 31 October 2010. 9.

Improved the formulation of ‘Tim Pemelihara’/TP: The roles of ‘Maintenance Team’ (TP) on the Green-PNPM are critical but often neglected. The establishment of TP is a ‘formality’, no clear jobs, commitments, responsibilities, and funding supports. To strengthen their commitment and responsibilities to maintain project assets and activities, after sub-projects implementation, we improved TP formulation and restructured the existing teams2. The improved TP selection and formulation: (a) Identification of subproject benefits; (b) Selection of KVCs among sub-project benefits; (c) With support of the selected KVCs, facilitated a meeting to formulate TP. The meeting invited key sub-project benefits and Village Government and Village Social Institution (LPM, PKK, Karang Taruna); (d) Facilitate the formulation of legal statement letter which signed by the key sub-project benefits, Village Government, LPM and PJOK.


Remarkable achievement: Improvement of Biogas Technology application The application of Biogas as Green-PNPM sub-project has so far experienced several major problems: (a) The vulnerability of plastic (Poly-ethyl Propylene) digester to leakage; (b) The biogas technology was only suitable to be used for one household. These conditions are unmatched with the communal principle of the Green-PNPM program; (c) The biogas is only suitable for those who raise cattle, while most of poor villagers in rural areas have no cattle. Efforts have been made to tackle the problems: (a) Instead of using plastic digester, we use fiber tank which can last (endure) for 20 years; (b) By using fiber tank with capacity of 200 litters, the produced biogas can supply the domestic fuel demand of at least three households; (c) As a substitute of animal dung, we use the residues of tempe and tofu (tahu) processing, this has solved the existing severe sanitation problems in the area. Such improvements have made biogas technology well-matched with GreenPNPM sub-projects.


Remarkable outputs (impacts) of environmental awareness and training n Buton District: During 2010, our awareness campaigns in Buton District has resulted: (a) The improvement of the selected sub-project types, from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders during sub-project implementation in 2008 and 2009, to nursery development in 2010; (b) The enthusiasm of local community to replant Jantropa (Jarak). The large scale planting campaigns of Jarak on community land during 2005-2006 had been considered as a failed government project, as the government was unable to develop processing infrastructures or market the seeds for bio-fuel as promise. In response to disappointment, local community in some areas had converted the plant to other crops. Our intensive campaigns have raised awareness of local community on the importance of Jarak as a source of domestic (subsistence) renewable energy;


TP is normally developed together with formulation of other PNPM village actors, which is long before the village defines sub-project proposals.


(c) We successfully promoted the commercial use of CCB and facilitated the establishment of community based CCB industry in Balabone Village (Mawasangka). With Green-PNPM block-grant, the Village Cooperative has established medium scale CCB processing machine (IDR 180 millions); (d) The establishment of a community based cashew nursery (65,000 seedlings) at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) to rejuvenate 30 ha of the old cashew plantation. The nursery is located at the FLER Mawasangka (Pak Lasamira garden). The nursery used 3 tons of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) developed by Green-PNPM (Tunas Harapan) Farmer Group. 12,

Remarkable achievement: Adoption of Green-PNPM smart practices by Districts and Province government: (a) Muna government in 2011 will facilitate the replication on the building of permanent biogas; (b) Kolaka Government in 2011 will allocate IDR 500 millions to replicate CCB development for women groups; (c) Sulawesi Province government (Bappeda) allocate one billion rupiah of village grant from SE Sulawesi Province Government (Bahteramas) to replicate the Green-PNPM smart practices on 20 sub-districts in Kolaka.


Lesson Learned No. 23/20l0: Improper implementation of Green-Project Verification Process: Verification process is the most crucial step in the Green-PNPM, but the process often conducted as a matter of ‘formal’ practices. The common mistakes in the verification process are: (a) Improper selection of TV. In many cases, the team member is not a qualified person, there was also a case that Camat wife became an evaluation team member; (b) The verification process was not conducted in serious manner. Different with physical, environmental sub-project required detailed and comprehensive verification. For planting sub-project: (i) Where are the exact planting sites, how large the size (ha)?; (ii) What the status of the land?; (iii) What kind of planting techniques to be applied?; planting on clear land or enrichment planting?; (iv) What are the species; Is the species affects on environmental improvement? Is the species light demanding and what will be the implication for planting scheme? Have the seedlings already been available or going to be purchased from other areas? (v) When the seedling is going to plant, associated with dry or wet season? etc. Remedial Action Taken: We have improved the process (see section B.1.2.).


Lesson Learned No. 24/2010: The TP is formulated during Village Meeting (Musyawarah Desa), at the same time with the formulation of TPU and KPMD, in which the type of funded sub-projects have not been defined yet. As such, the TP could be different or possibly not part of project beneficiaries. We reformulated TP members and selected among key persons of the project beneficiaries. The improved selection process is expected to strengthen TP member’s commitment and responsibilities to maintain the sub-project assets and its benefit roles. Remedial Action Taken: We have improved the formulation process of MT (see section B.3.3.)


The need to empower local village institution(Lesson Learned No. 25/20l0): 4

Any village development projects should ideally strengthen local village institution such as BPD and LPM. Instead of empowering the existing local village institution, (Green) PNPM develops various ‘ad-hoc’ project implementing bodies (PNPM actors) at village level, such as Project Proposal Writing Team (TPU), TPK, and TP. The developed project implementing bodies, in many cases, have no direct link with the existing local village institutions. Ideally TPU, TPK, TP should be part or linked with LPM as village development implementing body, while BPD as village legislative and supervisory body should supervise TPK’s jobs. Training on writing proposal, project implementation management etc. should be given to LPM, then LPM will formulate TPU and TPK Team. Training should also be given to BPD, so BPD can develop a supervision team to control TPK. By doing this, the project will have a strong social control and empower local village institutions. The absence links between (Green)-PNPM actors and local village institutions led the project have no or little impacts on village institution empowerment, poor social control and experience difficulties to maintain the (Green) PNPM assets and benefits during post project. The empowerment of local village institutions is an important action for the GreenPNPM Exit Strategy. Proposed actions: We will empower BPD and LPM as an important exit strategy of the program. 16.

Conclusion and Proposed 2011 and 2012 facilitations: The Green PNPM implementations during the last three years (2008-2010) have raised local community interest on NRM sub-projects within PNPM especially on tree planting campaign, improvement of farming practices, soil and water conservation measures, rehabilitation of coastal areas and application of renewable energy. For the coming two years (2011 and 2012), our facilitations will address three main issues, of the program, i.e. improved Green-PNPM performances, exit strategy and replication. Improved Green-PNPM performances: (a) Improved the Greenness of sub-project proposals; (b) Improve the quality of Green-PNPM process (verification, MAD II, III); (c) Improved the quality of sub-project implementation. Exit strategy: (a) Strengthen capacity of village government and local village institutions on NRM; (b) Enhance the roles of women and disadvantaged persons on NRM decision making process; (c) Strengthen NRM governance at village and district level; (d) Strengthen the application of appropriate technology and renewable energy as GreenPNPM smart practices; (e) Strengthen the capacity of PNPM facilitators on NRM issues and Green-PNPM smart practices. Replication: (a) Facilitate the adoption of NRM issues and Green-PNPM smart practices at district and province development planning; (b) Facilitate the adoption of Green-PNPM smart practices on villages of surrounding pilot (sub)-districts; (c) Promote Green-PNPM smart practices at district, province and national level. We will submit a technical proposal to extent our facilitation activities in SE Sulawesi Province for period May 2011 – October 2012.


I. Background The Green-Kecamatan Development Program/G-KDP is a pilot program within the Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) - Rural aimed to develop and integrate sustainable natural resources management (NRM) strategy into the PNPM-Rural. The objective of the Green PNPM is: for villagers in rural Sulawesi to benefit from improved local governance and equitable access to, and sustainable use of, natural resources. The Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) is a Civil Service Organization (CSO) subcontracted by the World Bank (Bank) to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and Green-PNPM actors at village and kecamatan level and mainstreaming sustainable development at districts and province Green-PNPM Pilot in SE Sulawesi Province is implemented in three districts, i.e. Buton, Muna and Kolaka. Three kecamatans (Sub-Districts) were selected for each district, Pasarwajo, Sampolawa and Mawasangka for Buton, Tongkuno, Lawa and Napabalano for Muna, and Ladongi, Baula and Watubangga for Kolaka. The project has two main components, i.e. environmental training and awareness. Both activities are inserted to the existing PNPM system to mainstreaming NRM at village, (sub) district and province level. To make tangible outputs of environmental awareness, the activity has been supported by facilitating local community to develop community based NRM models. The objective is to provide life examples of community based NRM which are applicable and affordable to rural community. Those have been successfully inspired local community to replicate the initiatives by proposing the activities to be funded by Green PNPM block-grant. Our strategies on mainstreaming environmental issues in the Green-PNPM are the following: (a) Conduct reconnaissance environmental survey on the targeted districts; (b) Conduct KAP survey; (c) Conduct participatory survey to develop sub-district environmental profile; (d) Select key village champions (KVCs); (e) Conduct environmental awareness and training through Green-PNPM cycle; (e) Facilitate the development of NRM smart-practices (including SPH and FLER) at village level; (f) Replicate the practices using Green-PNPM’s Block Grant; (g) promoting smart practices through training and awareness involving PNPM key actors at (sub)district and province level. Our strategy for Green-PNPM facilitators training is learning by doing, training is effectively conducted by working together, acting as working partner and provides readily problem solving technical assistances at field level. Formal training is not always effective as every area has its specific problem, while Centre PMD in collaboration with National Management Consultant (NMC) have organized regular trainings, where we always involved in the training delivery. After three years effective implementation, our awareness campaigns have, among others, resulted: (a) The improvement of the selected sub-project types, from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders, to seedlings (nursery) development; (b) The great enthusiasm of local community to replant Jantropa (Jarak) as Green-PNPM sub-project. The large scale planting campaigns of Jarak on community land during 2005-2006 had been considered as a failed government project, as the government was unable to market the seeds for bio-fuel. In response to the disappointment, local community in some areas had converted the 6

plant to other crops. Our intensive campaigns to use Jarak seeds for domestic bio-fuel (using Jantropa stove), have made community understanding the economic benefit for renewable energy; (c) We successfully promoted the commercial use of CCB and facilitated the establishment of community based CCB industry in Balabone Village (Mawasangka). With Green-PNPM block-grant, the cooperative has established large scale CCB processing machine (IDR 180 millions); (d) the establishment of a community based cashew nursery (65,000 seedlings) at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) to rejuvenate 30 ha of the old cashew plantation. The nursery is located at FLER Mawasangka (Pak Lasamira garden). The nursery has absorbed 3 tons of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) developed by Tunas Harapan Farmer Group. So far, our environmental training and awareness activities have influenced local government to adopt Green PNPM smart-practices: (a) Muna government in 2011 will facilitate the replication on the building of permanent biogas; (b) Kolaka Government in 2011 will allocate IDR 500 millions to replicate CCB development for women groups; (c) Sulawesi Province government (Bappeda) allocate one billion rupiah of village grant from SE Sulawesi Province Government (Bahteramas) to replicate the Green-PNPM smart practices on 20 sub-districts in Kolaka. On the coming 2011 and 2012, we will emphasize our environmental training and awareness on the replication and exit strategy of the program. This will be composed on the following specific objectives: (a) Enhanced communities participation, capacity building, access and control of women and disadvantaged communities on planning and implementation of NRM at village and sub-district level; (b) Enhanced technical capacity of Green and PNPM Rural Facilitators and ensure that Green-PNPM planning and implementation process at field level complied with (Green)-PNPM spirits; (c) Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues and actual types of sub-projects in which communities within and beyond the GreenPNPM pilot project areas invest block grant funding on Green activities. The report outlines our training and awareness facilitation progress during October – December 2010.


II. Progress Made Over the Reporting Period A. Project Management A.1. Financial Issues Understanding that the project could not be extended until October 2011 but only until 30 April 2011, while the remaining fund until mid November 2010 is still USD 210,199, to achieve planned outputs and fulfill performance indicators, some activities during the last semester require urgent and extra ordinary financial support. In response to Pak Andry Utama Thamrin (World Bank Disbursement Specialist) suggestion, on 1 November 2010, we sent a request letter via e-mail and hand-submit to accelerate disbursement during the last semester, we proposed to raise the ceiling fund disbursement to the Task Team Leader in accordance to the proposed work plan and cash-forecast. As we did not receive any response until the end of November 2010, therefore we have to withdraw the remaining fund using regulars ceiling. Understanding the time left is only five months ahead, the frequency of fund withdrawal should be enhanced, say from once in every three months in the normal situation to once in one and a half month or maximum three times fund withdrawal until mid April 2011. A.2. Human Resources Issues In response to the closing date of no-cost extension until 30 April 2011, we accelerated field activities and associated financial administration and since the beginning of November 2010, we took the following actions: (a) Developed accelerated-work plan November 2010 – April 2011 to achieve planned outputs and fulfill performance indicators; (b) Accelerated financial administration management to enhance fund withdrawal frequency; (c) Recruited consultants to support the accelerated administration management at field level. In December 2010, we recruited three finance administrations; for Baubau (Laode Alsad), Raha/Muna (Ulul Azmi) and Kolaka Office (A. Kajamuddin) and one office-boy (Muslimin) for Baubau. From Mid December 2010, we recruited Communication Specialist (Lery Iskandar) to promote Green-PNPM smart practices on SE Sulawesi media (newspaper). The contracts of all dedicated staff and consultants are until 30 April 2011.

B. Environmental Awareness B.1. Environmental Awareness and Training at Province Level The focus of our awareness and training during October and December 2010 were the following: (a) Training for Green-PNPM Facilitators, Camats and UPKs; (b) Awareness to government officials, parliaments and local NGOs on Green-PNPM smart practices; (c) Mainstreamed Green-PNPM smart practices at sub-district, district, province and national level; (d) Facilitated 8

the adoption of Green-PNPM smart practices to government program/policy; (e) Enhanced the quality of demplots, especially for biogas and CCB at village level; (f) Facilitated the formulation of RPJM-Desa; (g) Developed tutorial and documentary films; (h) Finalized the book on ‘Good and Bad Environmental Practices’ and 6 awareness leaflets. Since the Green-PNPM sub-projects had been implemented for about three years (2008-2010), we have enriched our awareness campaigns using lessons learned of Green sub-project implementation as the truth cases to demonstrate good and bad examples. This section discusses the environmental awareness conducted at province level and improved environmental awareness practices or activities which area conducted in all the three targeted districts in SE Sulawesi Province. B.1.1. Completion of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices. Learning of the World Bank Book outlines ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental management practices, we have collected photos related to example of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ environmental practices with special reference to Indonesian environmental conditions. In the reporting period, the book has been successfully completed and will be published at the beginning of 2011. B.1.2. Strengthened Green Sub-project Verification process, MAD II and III: Learning from 2008 and 2009 Green-PNPM process, verification process and MAD II are critical process which determined the greenness of the sub-projects and performances of project implementation. Understanding this, in this year, in all pilot districts, we involved on the following activities: (a) Involved the selection of Verification Team (VT) members; (b) Became a member of VT; (c) Trained VT; (d) Facilitated the implementation of verification process; (e) Provided recommendations on the greenness level of supervised sub-projects proposals; (f) Facilitated VT decision process to define the potential funded green sub-projects proposals; (g) Facilitated the MAD-II process and ensured that only the recommended green-sub project proposals are ranked in MAD-II. So far, we only involved until MAD-II. Understanding that MAD-III is critical to sharpen the focus of green activities and the efficient and effective uses of Green-Block Grant, we will involve on MAD-III on year 2011 and 2012. B.1.3. Improved coordination among Green-PNPM actors at district and sub-district level: Since May 2010, we have started to facilitate regular monthly meeting involving keygovernment officials at district level (Head of Regional Development Planning/Bappeda, Head of Environmental Impact Assessment/Bapedalda, Head of Forestry Service and Head of Agriculture and Plantation Service) and parliament (DPRD), Green-PNPM actors (Head of PMD, PJO Kab) and facilitators at (sub)-district level. We realized that PNPM monthly meeting at district level does not give sufficient time to discuss detailed and specific problems of GreenPNPM, as the discussion topic mostly focused on regular PNPM issues. The meeting is very useful forum to: (a) socialize Green-PNPM to key district stakeholders; (b) search problems solving solution of Green-PNPM implementation; (c) synergize Green-PNPM activities with relevant district agencies and PNPM programs; (d) Internalize the program at district level. In 9

response to the absence of district government supporting fund for Green-PNPM/Dana PAP (no travelling cost for key district government officials to monitor Green-PNPM), we facilitate their visits on Green-PNPM project sites. B.1.4. Participated on PNPM Evaluation Workshop for SKPD, Parliament, and PNPM facilitators at Province Level (Swiss Bell Hotel, 5-6 October 2010) We participated on the two days workshop organized by BPMD entitled ‘PNPM Evaluation Workshop’. BPMD invited us to deliver two hours presentation on the second day of the workshop. We made use the golden opportunity to socialize Green-PNPM and the initiated smart practices at village level, such as Biogas, CCB, energy saving stove, tree planting etc. We also motivated SKPD (including Camat) to adopt Green-PNPM smart practices which had been implemented in 9 sub-districts to be replicated in their own areas. We socialized our strategies in mainstreaming environmental issues, starting by developing smart-practices at village level, replicate the practices using Green-PNPM’s Block Grant, promoting smart practices through training and awareness involving PNPM key actors at (sub)-district and province level. We received great appreciation from the workshop participants, especially Camat, many of them expressed their great interest on the program. They complaint to the workshop committee on the limited time of our presentation and invited us to deliver training and awareness in their subdistrict. In this meeting, we learned how important the roles of Camat as key government officials to mainstream environmental issues. B.1.5. Green-Facilitator Training on Generative and Vegetative Seedlings Propagation (9 – 11 November 2010) We received criticism from Consultants that our training program for Green Facilitators is still lacking, especially if it is compared with CSOs in other provinces. The critic is true as far as training is meant as a formal-training. Our capacity building strategy is learning by doing, training is effectively conducted by working together, acting as working partner and provides readily problem solving technical assistances at field level. Formal training is not always effective as every areas has its specific problem, moreover Centre PMD in collaboration with National Management Consultant have organized regular trainings, where we always involve in the training delivery3. The selected topic for the training is Generative and Vegetative Seedlings Propagation. Why we select the topic?: (a) GFs have various educational backgrounds, but most are non-foresters, while 60% of the Green-PNPM block-grant (2008-2010) in Sulawesi was used for tree planting; (b) We witnessed that the quality of tree planting campaigns on the ground are not promising, mostly due to moral hazards of project implementer; (c) So far, GFs have never received training on seedlings propagation. Generally speaking, GF trainings have been designed with strong emphasis on Green-PNPM regulations/policy and facilitation techniques while there have been a lack of readily applicable technical knowledge/skills. This may be one of the underlying reasons 3 Since the end of 2008, starting with the pre-service training for Green Facilitators (GFs), OWT has been continuously involved in the regular refresher courses of GFs (Astal, MHP facilitator, FKL) in Green-PNPM Sulawesi.


why most GFs function most effectively as project administrators (for Green Block-Grant disbursement) and not really as community facilitators. The last refresher on this topic was held at ‘Toraja Heritage Hotel’, Rantepao (28 August 2010), Toraja Utara District. On this occasion, we presented a lecture on ‘Catchment Rehabilitation with special emphasis on generative and vegetative propagation’. Given that the time for our lecture is only two hours, we delivered the theory by showing a lot of photos drawn from our vast experience on catchment rehabilitation campaigns in Indonesia, including agroforestry and soil-water conservation. The training held for three days (See Table B.2), 80% of the training is composed of practical exercises. By doing this after attending the training, GFs are expected to be able to do the job and make things done. Based on our observation and analysis of participant’s responses, the training has great impacts to raise knowledge and skill of facilitators: They understood: (a) the position of tree planting campaigns on land rehabilitation and watershed management and conservation; (b) the need to support local community to develop their own village nursery as a source of high quality planting materials; (c) the importance of village nursery as a basis for income generation activities; (d) the need to develop the spirits of planting campaigns on the conservation of indigenous tree species, especially to develop Village Mother Trees of indigenous tree species (Pohon Induk Desa), Village Tree Nursery (Kebun Bibit Desa) and Village Seed Sources (Sumber Benih Desa); (e) networking to obtain high quality seeds sources. They can raised their skills on: (a) step-by-step development of generative and vegetative planting materials, starting from selection of mother trees until planting; (b) the making of organic fertilizer, (c) the making of organic pesticide; (d) the making of CCB. Table B.1. Training Agenda Time 9 November 2010 15.00 – 18.00 19.30 – 20.00 20.00 – 22.00 10 November 2010 8.00 – 12.45 12.45 – 13.30 13.30 – 15.40


Registration Opening Session: Training Objectives and Agenda Theory: Generarive and Vegetative Propagation (See Table B.3) Practical Exercise I: Selection of mother trees, Seeds extraction, dormancy scarification, germination media Lunch Break Practical Exercise II: Seed germination, making Bokashi, rice husk charcoal, making growth media, wilding collection.

15.40 – 16.00

Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.00 17.00 – 17.30

Practical Exercise III: Develop cuttings, grafting and planting Reviews and Participants Feedback

11 November 2010 11

8.00 – 10.30 10.30 –10.45 10.45 – 12.00 12.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 15.30 15.30 – 16.00

Theory: Catchment Management/Rehabilitation (See Table B.3) Tea Break The making of CCB Lunch Follow-up and Actions Plan Closing Session

B.1.6. Participated UPK and PL Training at Province Level (Kubra Hotel, Kendari, 25 November 2010) We participated on two days Training for UPK and PL (pembantu lokal or local assistant, key person to support GF job at sub-district level) of the Green PNPM’s Kecamatan Pilots in SE Sulawesi Province. Consultants invited us to deliver four hours presentation on the afternoon session during the first day of the training. We made use the opportunity to socialize GreenPNPM and the initiated smart practices at the village level, such as Biogas, CCB, energy saving stove, tree planting etc. We socialized our strategies in mainstreaming environmental issues. In this training, we clarified several issues such as the management and ownership of environmental libraries we had installed in every UPK. We emphasized that the environmental libraries were established by OWT and those are owned by UPK. B.1.7. Exhibition of RE Products in the RE Regional Workshop in Makassar (Arya Duta Hotel, 15-16 November 2010) and Medan (Grand-Angkasa Hotel, 16-17 December 2010): Serial Renewable Energy (RE) Workshop is organized by PSF (Mr. Per Rasmussen) as a way to socialize RE to the Green PNPM’s actors, stakeholders and facilitators. The workshop is also aimed to facilitate the meeting between RE vendors with Green-PNPM actors, thereby exhibition tables are provided to promote RE products to workshop participants. Learning from the first RE Workshop in Jakarta, instead of only RE products produced by the vendors, we proposed to promote RE products initiatives in the Green-PNPM pilot area. As such, we promoted CCB, Rice Husk Charcoal Briquette, Saw-timber waste Briquette, Permanent Biogas, Energy saving stove, Jantropa stove etc. Many people were interested in CCB, the underlined reasons are: (a) easy to make at community level, not required special skills and machine; (b) the raw materials are ‘waste’ of coconut product which are abundant in many areas. Those had make North Sulawesi Green-PNPM Facilitators interested in promoting CCB in their areas4. In fact, CCB had become popular subprojects in Buton and Kolaka Districts, but still unknown for North and South Sulawesi Provinces. Contained Energy (Mr. Mark Conner) who received contract from Danida to develop Renewable Energy Manual was keen to include CCB in the manual. In this workshop, we also distributed several brochure/leaflets on CCB and Biogas; we also distributed T-shirts to several key persons. Our exhibition tables have received considerable attention of the workshop participants. 4

North Sulawesi is rich of coconut products


Table B.2. Detailed topics and sub-topics on the presentation and discussion during Theory session No




Catchment management

Objective: Trainees aware of the urgent needs for catchment rehabilitation campaigns


Mother trees


Definition of catchment areas


Method to delineate catchment boundary


The roles of catchment boundary on NRM


The difference between catchment and administrative boundary


Land cover changes in the MHP catchment


Roles of Forest to regulate and produce water


The need of vegetative rehabilitation campaigns


Roles of seedling propagation to support rehabilitation campaign

Objective: Trainees understand the need to select high quality seeds 2.1

Mother trees as seeds sources


Basic concept to select mother trees

2.3 Groups of tree species: Fast Growing Species, High Quality Timber Species and Multi Purpose Tree Species 3.




Seeds Characteristics Objective: Trainees understand the different treatments needed for and treatments recalcitrant and orthodox seeds

Generative propagation

Vegetative propagation

Species Selection


Recalcitrant; example, Nangka, Gaharu, Kayu Afrika etc.


Orthodox; example. Sengon, Trembesi etc.

Objective: Trainees understand the steps involved propagation

in generative


Seeds collection, extraction and selection


Scarification to break dormancy


Germination and growth medium


Nursery establishment and maintenance


Slide presentation: Good and Bad on Seedlings Propagation5

Objective: Trainees understand examples of vegetative propagation 5.1

Cutting system/stek-pucuk



Objective: Trainees understand basic principles of species selection

5 Good and bad is very effective to inspire training participants. 13




Criteria for species selection


Groups of species: High Quality Timber Species, Fast Growing Species, and Multi-purpose Tree Species

Planting techniques and Objective: Trainees understand planting procedures and maintenances of maintenances the newly planted trees



Making planting strips, space and pattern


Maintenance of the planted trees

Objective: Trainees have a basic understanding of the economic and ecological benefits of agroforestry systems 8.1

Slide presentation of agroforestry best practices in Indonesia

B.1.8. Workshop Green-PNPM for NGO (Imperial Hotel Kendari, 11 December 2010): As part of mainstreaming environmental issues and socialize our smart-practices to local NGOs at province level, we organized workshop involving key NGOs representatives (LEPMIL, Yascita, Alpen-Sultra, Sintesa, Yayasan Bahari, LSM Perak, Solidaritas Perempuan, Corona, Forum Bumi); (Green) PNPM actors (Province Coordinator, PJO Province, SPL, MIS Specialist); Government officials (Environmental Agency, Province Development Planning Agency/Bappeda); Journalists (RRI Kendari, Aji Kendari, Kendari News, Kendari Express, KTV/Suara Alam, JRK Sultra). In the workshop, we socialized our environmental awareness and training strategies, demplots establishment initiatives, replication and mainstreaming smart practices. In this workshop we also invited Dr. Iladamai (Bappeda) to present the progress of province spatial planning review. Efforts are made by the Province Government to review the existing spatial planning to accommodate the expansion of mining activities at the expense of state forest areas. In the afternoon session, we facilitated NGOs to discuss the replication’s potential areas of the Green-PNPM smart practices in each NGO working areas. B.1.9. Participated Green-PNPM Evaluation Workshop in SE Sulawesi Province (Horizon Hotel, Kendari, 21 November 2010): We participated one day Green-PNPM Evaluation Workshop organized by Centre PMD and NMC. The workshop was dominated by Green-PNPM facilitators’ presentation and did not allocate time for OWT as equally important actors at field level. According to our views, there were two weaknesses in the evaluation workshop: (a) The workshop presentation emphasized on presenting statistical data, without going into detail on the process, problems, lessons learned and problem solving analysis; (b) The workshop put emphasis on the Green-PNPM Block Grant implementation, without considering awareness and training component. The improper design has made the forum ineffective to solve and improve the future Green-PNPM practices. B.1.10. Join Workshops for District Parliament (DPRD) and District Agency (SKPD), Buton, 30 November and 1 December 2010; Kolaka 15 and 16 December 2010; Muna, 29 and 30 December 2010: In the District DIPA 2010, each PMD has budget to organize DPRD and SKPD workshop for PNPM implementation. The objective of the workshop was to make DPRD and SKPD aware on PNPM program, progress, and achievements. DPRD (as District budget maker) was expected to aware on regular PNPM benefits on district development, as the district shares 14

10% of total regular PNPM Block Grant. SKPD was expected to use the forum to synergize its development program with PNPM. The workshop duration was two days; the first day is DPRD, while the second day is SKPD workshop. The participants of DPRD workshop were DPRD, Camat (sub-district Head) and UPK, while for SKPD were SKPD, Camat, and UPK. We made use the event to socialize Green PNPM smart practices by: (a) inserting our awareness program of the relevant district in the existing workshop agenda and (b) adding participants by inviting key Green-PNPM actors (FKL, PL, Korcam) in the meeting. We covered the cost for meals, snacks, accommodation, and transports as results of the agenda addition and also adding participants. On each day of the workshop, we gained time slot in the afternoon 15.30 – 18.00. In this meeting we socialized the following: (a) Green-PNPM Pilots as Green-Window within PNPM Rural; (b) Introduction about OWT and its roles in the Green-PNPM; (c) Strategy to conduct environmental training and awareness; (d) Socialization of Green-PNPM smart practices; (e) Presentation of some Tutorial films; (f) Discussions. B.1.11. Join training for Setrawan, Buton, 16 December 2010, Muna, 17 December 2010: The Setrawan (see Box 1) training of trainer (ToT) was held in October 2010 in Cisarua, Bogor and organized by central PMD. Pak Tasman (PJO Province) was a representative participant of SE Sulawesi Province. The ToT was followed up by Setrawan training at district level funded by the district government’s DIPA. We made use the two days Setrawan training in Muna and Buton District to socialize Green PNPM smart practices by inserting our awareness program in the existing training agenda. The training was held for two days, and we got the time slot in the second day of the workshop, from 14.00 – 18.00. In this training, we socialized the following: (a) Green-PNPM Pilots as Green-Window within PNPM Rural; (b) Introduction about OWT and its roles in the GreenPNPM; (c) Strategy to conduct environmental training and awareness; (d) Socialization of Green-PNPM smart practices; (e) Problems and lesson learned; (f) Good and bad of Green PNPM sub-projects. In this training, we distributed our awareness films to all participants. Box 1. Setrawan: a Government official’s KPMD Setrawan is a government official (PNS)’s community development cadres. They are equal with ‘KPMD’ for local community. Setrawan are selected out of young (23-40 years), energetic and prospective PNS, having high concern and commitment on community development whom they are expected as community empowerment development agent in the ‘government ecosystem’. They are expected as good PNS model that strongly support community development in doing their jobs. Normally, there are 4 setrawan at district level and 2 at sub-district level, the more Setrawan are the better. At district level, Setrawan are selected by BPMD, while at sub-district level are selected by Camat. The roles of Setrawan within PNPM are: (a) to communicate PNPM program to government; (b) seek government supports to PNPM; (c) facilitate adoption, integration of PNPM in the government development program.


B.1.12. Participated on the Province PPKAN held at Wakatobi District (Wanci, 23 December 2010): The summit of National Regreening Program and Nature Conservation (PPKAN) and Indonesian Tree Planting Day (HMPI) in SE Sulawesi Province held in Lia Togo Village, Lia Selatan, Wanci, Wakatobi District. The event was organized by the province government (led by Environmental and Forestry Agencies) and attended by SKPD or the head of all districts and province level agencies. This was the summit of serial regreening campaigns in SE Sulawesi Province in which the planting campaigns using Mahoni, Trembesi and Jati had been conducted all over the districts about one month before the summit. The event started by the opening speech of the Vice Governor of SE Sulawesi Province (H. Saleh Lasata) followed by the speech of Wakatobi Regent (Ir. Hugua) and tree planting by Vice Governor and all the head of district agencies. We supported the planting campaigns in the Green PNPM and supported the event by installing ballyhoos and banners for environmental conservation, we also provided the ‘Go-Green’ jackets (rompi) for all district heads, distributed 50 CDs environmental films6. The OWT film Crew documented the event and interviewed the Wakatobi Regent, Head of Forestry Province Agency, Head of Library Section and Head of Province Environmental Agency. The event was also supported by BNI and BRI. B.1.13. Developed awareness films: (a) Tutorial Film: Generative and vegetative tree seedlings propagation

The film duration is 23 minutes, a tutorial film delivered by Ujang Susep Irawan, S.Hut. MSi. The film starts with mother trees identification; continue with a step-by-step of tree seedlings generative and vegetative propagation. It is a smart and comprehensive tutorial film which is useful as technical guidance for local community. The film has been completed and distributed at national level. (b) Tutorial Film: The making of Coconut-shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB):

The film duration is 30 minutes, a tutorial film delivered by KVCs of Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka Sub-District, Buton. The film starts by illustration on the benefits of CCB compared with normal charcoal, kerosene, and fuel-wood, then followed by step-by step of CCB making. The film has been completed and distributed at national level. (c) Tutorial Film: Honey Bee (Avis cerana) Farming

The tutorial film delivered by Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa, starting from species identification, classification of honey bees, searching of the bees’s Queen of the bee colony; moving the bees’ colony to the stove (wooden box). The film has been completed and distributed at province level. 6

The CD contains three films, i.e. (a) Underwater marine Laboratory at the centre of the coral triangle; (b) The Giant Sponge of Indonesia; (c) Generative and vegetative tree seedling Propagation.


(d) Documentary Film: Generative and vegetative tree seedlings propagation campaigns in

Mamasa District The film presents: (a) Environmental degradation process in Mamasa District; (b) OWT facilitation on generative and vegetative seedling propagation campaign in several villages in Mamasa District; (c) Interview with Mr. Per Rasmussen. The film is still in editing process. (e) Tutorial Film: Installation of Permanent Biogas

The tutorial film delivered by Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa for plastic digester biogas and fibre digester biogas by Drs. Winardi. The film is still in editing process. (f) Documentary film: the profile of Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa

The film presents the profile of Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa, one of Key Village Champion (KVC) from Gunung Sari Village, Watubangga Sub-District (Kolaka), especially his daily activities in developing and managing smart practices house. The film is still in editing process. B.1.14. Development of Environmental Awareness Leaflets (Brochures): In the reporting period, we developed 6 new leaflets i.e. (a) planting techniques; (b) generative seedling propagation; (c) tree propagation with shoot cutting system; (d) The making of ‘Agar wood’ (Gaharu); (e) Biogas Installation; (f) the making of CCB.

B.2 Environmental Awareness at District Level B.2.1 Buton District B.2.1.1 Monitoring and evaluation on the preparation of Sub-project implementation (Sampolawa, 8-15 October 2010): Five villages received Green-PNPM block grant (BLM) 2010 on tree planting activities in Sampolawa Sub-district, i.e. Bangun (12,000 mahoni seedling), Wawoangi (4,000 mahoni seedlings), Lipumangau (2,700 Mango seedlings), Sandang Pangan (15,000 Sengon Seedlings), Jaya Bakti (16,000 mahoni seedlings). We provided on the job training to make local community able to produce high quality seedlings. We trained PNPM actors (KPMD, TPK, TP, Village Head) at village level on: (a) the making of germination bed; (b) how to transfer seeds from germination bed to poly-bags; (c) how to define contour line; (d) maintenances of the planted trees. B.2.1.2. Participated on inter-sub district’s sub-projects verification (27 October – 8 November 2010): We fully involved on the verification process of inter-sub-district sub-project verification which consisted of: (a) Participated coordination meeting to formulate Verification Team (TV) members (27 October 2010); (b) Trained inter sub-districts’ TV (29 October 2010); (c) Facilitated the implementation of verification process (2-5 November); (d) Facilitated TV decision making process (6 November 2010); (e) MAD II (8 November 2010). All the proposed sub-project are building Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD/Rumpon). The success of 2009 FAD’s


sub-project at Mawasangka District; reduced fish bomb and increase fishers income, had strongly inspired the recurrence of the proposals. B.2.1.3. Organized Coordination Meeting with District Government (27 November 2010): We organized coordination meeting involving all district agencies in Buton District and held in OWT office. The objective of the meeting was to identify workshops and events organized by district agencies which would be relevant with our mission in mainstreaming Green-PNPM smart practices. In this meeting, we identified several workshops/training organized by PMD which were relevant with our missions in mainstreaming Green-PNPM, i.e. PNPM workshop for DPRD, PNPM workshop for SKPD and Training for Setrawan. Later we understood that the workshop and training were also occurred for all districts, as such we organized joint workshop in Buton, Muna and Kolaka, similarly with Setrawan training. See Section B.1.10 and B.1.11. B.2.1.4. Organized Green PNPM exhibition in Baubau (11-17 October 2010) and Buton Raya Expo (26-31 December): We promoted Green-PNPM smart practices in the ‘Baubau Expo’ at the Betoambari Town Square, Baubau Town and ‘Buton Raya Expo’ at Banabungi Football Field. Those are annual events to promote development of all government agencies in the Baubau Town and Buton District and enriched by the sales of business companies (Honda, Yamaha etc.). We made use both events to socialize: (a) Pilot Green-PNPM in terms of its specific strategies and approaches; (b) Green-PNPM smart practices (biogas, CCB, Jantropa stove, energy saving stove, Nentu, high quality seedlings) produced by SPH and FLER; (c) Market home industries products facilitated by the program, such as organic fertilizer, Nentu and CCB; (d) Promoting OWT films, by presenting the film in the OWT kiosk; (e) Demonstrating the use of CCB. In the expo, we also promoted several environmental books, leaflets, and booklets published during Green-PNPM and Lambusango Forest Conservation Project (LFCP). We sold 56 sacks of organic fertilizer produced from SPH Oengkolaki, Mawasangka, 25 set of Nentu handicraft, 100 poly-bag of Trembesi seedlings, 20 bottles of honey. Most of the buyers were household wives. To promote Green-PNPM, we also distributed 10 multiple choice questionnaires related to Green-PNPM implementation in Buton District. To those who returned the questionnaires and had score 100, we provided a total of IDR 1 million prize plus stickers, T-shirt and wooden framed posters. In both expos, we were the only kiosk which promoting environmental issues, but successfully attracted lot of visitors. Those who visited our kiosk were interested in asking Green-PNPM, procedure to developed biogas and CCB; others also interested in having environmental books, brochures and watched Green-PNPM smart practices films. The Baubau Mayor (Drs. H. Amirul Tamin) and the Buton Regent (Ir. HLM Sjafei Kahar) visited our kiosk, B.2.1.5. Facilitated the establishment of Green-Stall (Warung Lingkungan/Warling) at Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka Sub-District: Our awareness strategy has been moving forwards. Starting from developing smart-practices demonstration plot (including SPH and FLER), promotion the demplot at kecamatan level, facilitated local community to replicate the demplot using Green-PNPM funding then promoting smart-practices as income generating activities. The promotion have been done in various ways, 18

such as: (a) Participated in the District Expos (see B.2.1.4.); (b) Exhibition in the RE Regional Workshop (B.1.7.); (c) Promotion during district and province workshops/trainings; (d) Selling the smart-practices products at the Green-Stall (Warling). We facilitated the establishment of Warling model at Pak Lasamira House, Oengkolaki Village, which sells several Green-Products, such as CCB, organic fertilizer, EM-4, Virgin Coconut Oil, honey bee, Jantropa Stove, Energy Saving Stove, coconut shell charcoal and tree seedlings. We will facilitate the establishment of Warling model in every sub-district target. B.2.1.6. Provided technical assistances on Green-PNPM planting campaigns sub-projects: We witnessed the poor quality of tree planting campaigns sub-project, such as no clear differentiation between new and old planted seedlings for enrichment planting, unclear planting boundary area, irregular planting space, the absence of project announcement-boards etc. In response to the problems, apart from improving sub-project types, for instance from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders, to tree seedlings propagation, we also provided technical assistances on the planting campaign sub-project. Our technical assistances are composed of: (a) generative propagation: (i) preparation of growth media; (ii) making germination beds; (iii) transplanting seedlings into poly-bags; (b) tree planting: (i) the use of bamboo stake/ajir (to ease maintenance); (ii) planting along the contour line; (iii) tree species which are suitable and not suitable to be planted on shading areas; (iv) develop agroforestry (multiple cropping system); (c) Maintenances: (i) installed announcement board; (ii) application of organic fertilizer; (ii) fencing (to prevent pig raids). Apart from technical assistances we also conduct awareness to raise ownership spirits and the benefits of the planted trees on future income generation. The technical assistances were provided to the following villages which implement sub projects during year 2010: (a) planting Trembesi at Matara Village; (b) Jantropa planting at Wasilomata I, Wasilomata II and Napa Villages (Mawasangka Sub-District); (c) Rambutan planting at Waanguangu Village (Pasarwajo Sub-District); (d) Mahoni planting at Bangun, Wawoangi and Jaya Bakti Villages (Sampolawa Sub-District); (e) Mango planting at Lipumangau Village and Sengon planting at Sandang Pangan Village (Sampolawa Sub-District). B.2.1.7. Developed Baubau Office as Nursery and Smart Practice House: To support the need of high quality seedlings for regreening program in Pasarwajo Sub-District, we use land surrounding our office in Baubau as nursery area. The nursery is a practical exercise areas for various trainings held in Baubau office. So far, we have developed 5,000 merbau (Intsia bijuga) and 4,500 mahoni (Swietenia mahagony) seedlings. We also use the office as Smart Practices House model. Apart from installing awareness materials, we also conducted various examples of waste separation, waste processing, and production of organic fertilizer.


B.2. Muna District B.2.2.1 Environmental awareness on managing animal dungs for biogas in Napabalano (October-November 2010): Biogas is a potential RE in Muna as many villagers raise cattle. The problem, many of the cattle are not put in cage, this makes difficulties on the dung collection. As we will develop permanent biogas pilot in Napabalano and Tongkuno, as a preparation, we made environmental awareness on: (a) the potential of biogas; (b) the benefits of raising cattle in cage; (c) willingness to collect cattle dungs on regular basis in the surrounding houses. B.2.2.2 Distributed Green PNPM Stickers (December 2010): Understanding that many villagers either within or outside pilot villages are still unaware on the Green-PNPM, we developed stokers on Green-PNPM and also the roles of OWT as facilitators. We distributed the stickers during awareness campaigns. B.2.2.3 Intensive facilitation on the development of ‘Madu Jaya’ Honey Bee Culture, Napalakura Village-Napabalano Sub-District: As a continuation of the last quarter activities, we provided intensive facilitations on the honey bee demplot development as this will become the embryo (pioneer) of bee-culture best practices in Muna District. The farmers group continuously maintains the colony and keeps searching bees to be cultivated in the wooden boxes. B.2.2.4. Final technical assistances on the formulation and writing of RPJM-Desa (October 2010): We facilitated the final technical assistances on the writing of RPJM-Desa before the documents submitted to sub-district office. From 19-30 October 2010, we gave technical assistances on Napalakura, Lakumapao, Lambiku, Pentiro, and Napabalano Villages (Napabalano Sub-District). On 6 October 2010, located in Watumela Village (Lawa SubDistrict), we provided technical assistances to 5 villages surrounding Watumela. On 27 October 2010, we provided technical assistances on Lapandidi Village. All the process has been completed and the drafts of RPJM-Desa for all villages in 3 Sub-districts have already been submitted to the sub-district on 31 October 2010. The RPJM-Desa which we had facilitated has become good examples/references for surrounding villages. On 24 November 2010, the RPJM Desa of Napalakura (Napabalano) and Lapandidi (Tongkuno) were presented by each subdistrict government at the district level meeting.

B.3. Kolaka District B.3.1. Environmental awareness and technical assistances on KPMD’s regular monthly meeting in three sub-districts: Since October 2010, together with UPK, we have intensified the effectiveness of regular monthly meeting for KPMD. We regularly discussed the progress, problems and constrains with them on project implementation and environmental issues. On each meeting, we facilitate or provide: (a) KPMD forum discussion to generate shared learning among KPMDs; (b) technical assistances; (c) the development of monthly workplan. B.3.2. Intensified facilitations on the development of the Green-Trust Community Radio in Ladongi: After the visits of Combine Research Institute (CRI), PSF Communication Officer, 20

since August 2010, the radio had been part of the Indonesia Community Radio Network (Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia/JRKI) and received continuous supports in the forms of: (a) regular bulletins on communities radio (CR) development; (b) monthly technical assistance from JRKI Province Coordinator; (c) receive operational cost incentive IDR 700,000/month; (d) registered as one of the most active community radio (among 17 CR) in SE Sulawesi Province. In this reporting period, we intensifed the production of at least two community advertisements (Iklan Layanan Masyarakat/ILM) and the making of eight ‘news spot’. The radio7 has developed from environmental awareness radio to agricultureal extension and entertainment. The area coverage has been largely developed to cover Lambuya (Konawe District), Poli-polia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lalolae Sub-districts. On early December, keys Radio crew attended two days training in Surabaya. On 20/21 December, the Radio crew also attended CR Workshop in Kendari. The ILM and news spot published by the radio can be inspected on www.jarkomonline.net. The CR development is one of the important exit strategies of the GreenPNPM program. B.3.3. Strengthened the formulation and functional roles of ‘Tim Pemelihara/TP’ (Maintenance Team): The roles of ‘Maintenance Team’ (TP) on the Green-PNPM are critical but often neglected. The establishment of TP is a ‘formality’, no clear jobs, commitments, responsibilities, and funding supports. The TP is formulated during Village Meeting (Musyawarah Desa), at the same time with the formulation of TPU and KPMD, in which the sub-projects proposals have not yet been formulated. As such, at the end, the TP could be different or possibly not part of project beneficiaries. To strengthen their commitment and responsibilities to maintain project assets and activities, after sub-projects implementation, we improved TP formulation and restructured the existing teams8. The improved TP selection and formulation: (a) Identification of sub-project benefits; (b) Selection of KVCs among sub-project benefits; (c) With support of the selected KVCs, facilitated a meeting to formulate TP. The meeting invited key sub-project benefits and Village Government and Village Social Institution (LPM, PKK, Karang Taruna); (d) Facilitate the formulation of legal statement letter which signed by the key sub-project benefits, Village Government, LPM and PJOK. B.3.4. Awareness campaigns to Village Women Group (PKK) on garbage separation and processing (October- December 2010, Ladongi, Baula and Watubangga): During the reporting period, we organized awareness campaigns to PKK at sub-district and village level on waste separation and processing. We will conduct training on this aspect on the beginning of 2011. B.3.5. Workshop on the reflection on Green-PNPM Implementation (Baula, 10 December 2010): The objectives of the workshop were: (a) to socialize the three years implementation of Green-PNPM to various parties; (b) to socialize the principles of Green-PNPM sub-projects; (c) 7

The establishment of the radio was facilitated by OWT and aired since 11 February 2010 TP is normally developed together with formulation of other PNPM village actors, which is long before the village defines sub-project proposals. 8


to learn the success and failure of Green-PNPM sub-projects and its underlined causes; (d) to learn good and bad practices of Green-PNPM sub-projects implementation. The resource people of the workshop were Camat, PJOK Kecamatan, Astal LMP Kolaka.

C. Environmental Training C.1 Buton District C.1.1. Training on Inter-Kecamatan Verification Team (29 October 2010): The training was conducted at OWT office in Baubau and attended by verification team members9 (7 persons). In this training, we delivered the following materials: (a) reviewed the principle of Green-PNPM; (b) Principles of Inter-Kecamatan sub-project; (c) Major environmental problems and potential natural resources on each and inter kecamatan; (d) Characteristics of the sub-projects; (e) Aspects which needs field verification; (f) Example of the previous good and bad interkecamatan Green Sub-projects in Buton District; (g) Lessons learned from previous verification process. C.1.2. Training of Trainer on orange grafting (Warinta Village, Pasarwajo, 25 November 2010): We facilitated the planting of grafted orange, the under-stem (rootstock) is Citroen (C. aurantifolia), while the upper stem (entrees) is Keprok Siem (C. medika). We facilitated the planting of 1,000 under stem orange trees in February 2010. It took four months (stem diameter 2 – 3 cm) before ready to graft with Keprok Siem. We trained and facilitated local farmers to develop grafted orange. In the training, local farmers grafted 470 orange saplings. Taking into account that optimal production age of an orange plantation is between 3 and 6 years, the planted orange will start to produce in 2014. C.1.3. Training of Trainer on Biogas permanent installation (8-10 December 2010), Watolo, Mawasangka: In response to the frequent problems of plastic (Poly-ethyl Propylene) digester (easily leakage due to animal disturbances), we started to develop ‘permanent’ biogas using fiber water tank with capacity of 200 litters as digester, using circular concrete and drum as gas storage to arrange gas outflow toward the stove. The average cost construction is IDR 7,200,000. It is four times higher than plastic digester (IDR 1,750,000), the predicted life time is about 20 years, it is much longer than plastic digester which is about 3 years, and in many cases were only several months. In this training, we invited Green-PNPM and KVCs of all villages within Mawasangka Sub-District. The pilot is developed on poor households and not connected with electricity.


The verification team was composed of Raden Survianto (leader, Marine and Fishery Agency), La Ode Risawal, Sos (Member, Village and Rural Empowerment Agency), Drs. Winardi (member, Operation Wallacea Trust), Hasanudin (member, Environmental Agency), La Ode Safii, S.Kel, M.Si (Member, Marine and Fishery Agency), La Ode Abdul Sumarno, S.Pi (Development planning Agency), Musfin Musi (Member, Village and Rural Empowerment Agency).


C.1.4. Training of Trainer on side and shoot/top grafting for cacao plantation (Wasaga, Pasarwajo, 6 November 2010): Most farmers in Buton grow cacao on the house lots and garden. Many of the plantations have low production, mostly due to poor quality of planting materials which makes them low resistant to pest and diseases. The pest and diseases are widespread and difficult to control due to bad environmental management, especially poor sanitation and garbage management. In several sites, the poor production is also caused by the old cacao plantation which needs rejuvenation. The common good practices for cacao rejuvenation are conducted through side and shoot grafting, the rootstock is taken from the old cacao tress while the entrees (upper stem) is taken from high quality cacao planting materials. We conducted one day ToT to key farmers in Wasaga Village and surrounding areas. We delivered: (a) Awareness campaigns on the need to improve sanitation and garbage management; (b) Techniques to improve sanitation and garbage management; (c) training on side and shoot grafting. With support of the Green-PNPM funding, we brought high quality entrees from Kolaka. C.1.5. Technical Assistances on recharge wells building in Watolo, Mawasangka (25 November 2010) and Saragi, Pasarwajo (8 December 2010): We provided technical assistances on the recharge wells building funded by Green-PNPM Block-Grant in Watolo Village. We put special concerns on the following aspects: (a) Building sediment controls to settle suspended load and bed load before the runoff water entering the well; (b) Installed filters on the inlets of sediment control and recharge wells. Such simple practices are frequently ignored on the establishment of recharge wells leading the wells quickly full of sediment only with several storms events. By building sediment control and installing filters and intensify maintenance (empty sediment on regular basis), the recharge well life time will be longer.

C.2. Muna District C.2.1. Training on Inter-Kecamatan Verification Team (14 October 2010): The training was conducted at OWT office in Raha and attended by verification team members10 (4 persons). In this training, we delivered the following materials: (a) reviewed the principle of Green-PNPM; (b) Principles of Inter-Kecamatan Green Sub-project; (c) Major environmental problems and potential natural resources on each and inter kecamatan; (d) Characteristics of the sub-projects; (e) Aspects which needs field verification; (f) Example of the previous good and bad interkecamatan Green Sub-projects in Buton District; (g) Lessons learned from previous verification process. C.2.2. Training for environmental management for senior high school students (Lawa, 20 November, Tungkuno 23 November, and Napabalano 24 November 2010): These trainings were aimed at raising awareness of young students on environmental issues surrounding the areas and the expected roles to tackle the problem. The trainings were held on state senior high 10

The verification team was composed of Charles, S.Hut (leader, Forestry Agency), Drs. Latando (Member, Village and Rural Empowerment Agency), Afiadin, SE (member, Environmental Agency), Marwan, ST (Development planning Agency).



school at sub-district level and attended by 50 students. The participants were selected among the best three students in every class. We focused our training materials on the on-site environmental problems of the sub-district. We divided participants in 10 groups; each group was asked to raise special environmental issues in their areas and required efforts to tackle the problems. The representatives of the group then present their findings to the plenary session. The trainings were concluded by planting 50 Trembesi in the school yard. C.2.3. TPK Training (Lawa, 28 October 2010): In this training we talked about environmental issues aimed to: (a) provide the principle activities and expected outputs of funded Green-PNPM sub-project; (b) emphasize the need to prioritize local resources; (c) lessons learned of good and bad project implementation during 2008 and 2009 sub-project implementation; (d) the need to manage the money in transparent manner and not violate the rule of Green-PNPM; (e) The procurement procedures and bidding rules/mechanism. C.2.4. Key-Village Champions Training on the making of energy saving stove and CCB (Napabalano, 4 December 2010, Tongkuno, 8 December 2010): The main ideas of the training were to introduce smart practices which have already been developed in Buton and Kolaka to Muna District. The number of participants was 30 people. We divided the participants into 10 groups, and each group should follow step-by-step procedure to make energy saving stove and CCB. Before practical session, we delivered awareness on the benefits of using CCB and saving stove energy. We also distribute DVD film on the making of CCB.

C.3. Kolaka District C.3.1. Training of Trainer on the making of permanent biogas at Laolowosula, Ladongi (14 and 15 December, 2010): Laolowosula village is the centre of tempe and tofu home industries in Ladongi Sub-district. The home industries, apart from providing a good economic impacts to local community, but also provide sanitation problems due to uncontrolled tempe and tofu residue disposal which creates bed smell and unhealthy environment. In response to the problem and bearing in mind that all organic materials produce biogas, we designed biogas installation using the residue of tempe and tofu. As usual, training of trainer were organized through learning by doing principle, participants were asked to do the jobs, so they will be able to develop the same installation in their own houses. We invited all PNPM actors and facilitators to learn about the installation process. The produced gas is used by three households. Box 2: Improvement of Biogas Technology application The application of Biogas as Green-PNPM smart practices have so far experienced several major problems: (a) The vulnerability of plastic (Poly-ethyl Propylene) digester to leakage (see Section C.1.3); (b) The biogas technology was only suitable to be used for one household. This is unmatched with the communal principle of the Green-PNPM program; (c) The biogas is only suitable for those who raise cattle, while most of poor villagers in rural areas have no cattle. Efforts have been made to tackle the problems: (a) Instead of using plastic digester, we use fiber water tank which can last (endure) for 20 years; (b) By using fiber water tank with capacity of 200 litters, the produced biogas can supply the domestic fuel demand of at least three households; (c) As a substitute of animal dung, we use the waste of tempe and tofu 24Â Â

processing waste (ampas tempe/tahu). Such improvements have made biogas technology wellmatched with Green-PNPM sub-projects. This is again a smart practice we have initiated in this program. Benefits of Improved Biogas technology Level Benefit Household -clean and convenient cooking fuel -time and labor saving in cooking and fuel collection -reduction in pollution levels in kitchen, affecting family health and that of women in particular -monetary saving in case of purchased fuels -cost-free organic fertilizer Community -reduces pressure on already scarce sources of biomass fuels like wood and crop residue -better health and sanitation through removal of cattle dung from open space

C.3.2. ToT on bee culture (Avis cerana) on FLER Gunung Sari (7-8 November 2010): The most important competence which is badly required by farmers in honey bee farming is how to develop honey bee colony in the wooden boxes or how to move the bee colony from wild to the wooden boxes. To do this, KVCs should be able to: (a) hunt bees’ colony on the wild; (b) identify the bees’s queen of the colony; (b) taking the queen out of the colony; and (c) put the queen into the wooden box. The skills require lot of practical exercises. Understanding this, we designed our training on two steps; the first step is the theory which composed of the following subjects: (a) species identification; (b) classification of honey bees; (c) maintenance of honey bee’s colonies in the wooden boxes, and (d) making the wooden box. The second step is practical exercises which are organized through long facilitations process, while assisting local community to develop honey bee farming. The trainings have been targeted for three villages, i.e. Gunung Sari, Tandebura and Sumber Rejeki. The first training step was held at FLER Gunung Sari (the farm land of Pak Made Tinggal Karyasa) for two days. The training was also invited 2 KVCs from Atula Village (Segara Madu), Ladongi. Technical facilitations then given on each village to develop honey bee culture colony on the wooden boxes. C.3.3. Technical assistances on Community based Nursery (Kebun Bibit Rakyat/KBR) in Anggolosi (Ladongi), Watalara (Baula), and Sumber Rejeki (Watubangga): After completed Gerhan (National Program for Land Rehabilitation and Reforestation) in 2008, Directorate General for Reforestation and Social Forestry (RLPS), Ministry of Forestry launched program so-called Kebun Bibit Rakyat (KBR) or community based nursery. In this program, Watershed Management Agency or Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (BPDAS), the technical implementing unit of RLPS at province level, provided IDR 50 millions block-grant to selected farmer groups (one village per sub-district) on the selected districts to develop village nursery. 25

In 22 October 2010, we had a meeting with the Head of BPDAS in Kendari to discuss the collaborate activities between Green-PNPM and KBR. The agreed actions plans: (a) OWT will provide technical assistances to the existing farmer group receiving KBR block-grant; (b) OWT and BPDAS will organize joint training on generative and vegetative propagation for key farmer group at province level. Since November 2010, we provided technical assistances on nursery development in Kolaka, i.e. Anggolosi (Ladongi), Watalara (Baula), and Sumber Rejeki (Watubangga). Our technical assistances were composed of: (a) selection and protection of mother trees on surrounding KBR sites; (b) vegetative propagation to develop fruit tress planting materials; (c) the making of bokashi.

III. Challenge Faced, Remedial Action taken and Lessons Learned A. Improper implementation of Green-Project Verification Process (Lesson Learned No. 23/20l0) Verification process is the most crucial step in the Green-PNPM, but the process often conducted as a matter of ‘formal’ practices. The common mistakes in the verification process are: (a) Improper selection of TV. In many cases, the team member is not a qualified person, there was also a case that Camat wife became an evaluation team member; (b) The verification process was not conducted in serious manner. Different with physical, environmental sub-project required detailed and comprehensive verification. For planting sub-project: (i) Where are the exact planting sites, how large the size (ha)?; (ii) What the status of the land?; (iii) What kind of planting techniques to be applied?; planting on clear land or enrichment planting?; (iv) What are the species; Is the species affects on environmental improvement? Is the species light demanding and what will be the implication for planting scheme? Have the seedlings already been available or going to be purchased from other areas? (v) When the seedling is going to plant, associated with dry or wet season? etc. Remedial Action Taken: We have improved the process (see section B.1.2.). B. Improper formulation of the Maintenance Team (Lesson Learned No. 24/20l0) The TP is formulated during Village Meeting (Musyawarah Desa), at the same time with the formulation of TPU and KPMD, in which the type of funded sub-projects have not been defined yet. As such, the TP could be different or possibly not part of project beneficiaries. We reformulated TP members and selected among key persons of the project beneficiaries. The improved selection process is expected to strengthen TP member’s commitment and responsibilities to maintain the sub-project assets and its benefit roles. Remedial Action Taken: We have improved the formulation process of MT (see section B.3.3.)


C. The need to empower local village institution (Lesson Learned No. 25/20l0): Any village development projects should ideally strengthen local village institution such as BPD and LPM. Instead of empowering the existing local village institution, (Green) PNPM develops various ‘ad-hoc’ project implementing bodies (PNPM actors) at village level, such as Project Proposal Writing Team (TPU), TPK, and TP. The developed project implementing bodies, in many cases, have no direct link with the existing local village institutions. Ideally TPU, TPK, TP should be part or linked with LPM as village development implementing body, while BPD as village legislative and supervisory body should supervise TPK’s jobs. Training on writing proposal, project implementation management etc. should be given to LPM, then LPM will formulate TPU and TPK Team. Training should also be given to BPD, so BPD can develop a supervision team to control TPK. By doing this, the project will have a strong social control and empower local village institutions. The absence links between (Green)-PNPM actors and local village institutions led the project have no or little impacts on village institution empowerment, poor social control and experience difficulties to maintain the (Green) PNPM assets and benefits during post project. The empowerment of local village institutions is an important action for the Green-PNPM Exit Strategy. Proposed Actions: We will empower BPD and LPM as an important exit strategy of the program.

IV. Conclusion The Green PNPM implementations during the last three years (2008-2010) have raised local community interest on NRM sub-projects within PNPM especially on tree planting campaign, improvement of farming practices, soil and water conservation measures, rehabilitation of coastal areas and application of renewable energy. For the coming two years (2011 and 2012), our facilitations will address three main issues, of the program, i.e. improved Green-PNPM performances, exit strategy and replication. Improved Green-PNPM performances: (a) improved the Greenness of sub-project proposals; (b) Improve the quality of Green-PNPM process (verification, MAD II, III); (c) improved the quality of subproject implementation. Exit strategy: (a) Strengthen capacity of village government and local village institutions on NRM; (b) Enhance the roles of women and disadvantaged persons on NRM decision making process; (c) Strengthen NRM governance at village and district level; (d) Strengthen the application of appropriate technology and renewable energy as Green-PNPM smart practices; (e) Strengthen the capacity of PNPM facilitators on NRM issues and Green-PNPM smart practices. Replication: (a) Facilitate the adoption of NRM issues and Green-PNPM smart practices at district and province development planning; (b) Facilitate the adoption of Green-PNPM smart practices on villages of surrounding pilot (sub)-districts; (c) Promote Green-PNPM smart practices at district, province and national level. 27

V. Planned Activities for the next reporting period Table 5.1. Planned activities during the coming three months (January–March 20l1) District/ Province


Targeted Participants





Performance Indicator A: A sustainable capacity among both KDP facilitators and KDP stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. Kolaka, Buton and Muna

1. Develop new awareness media (brochures, T-Shirt, hats and Sticker)

PNPM, Green PNPM, DPRD, Related district government agency

Province District, Sub district


Kolaka, Buton and Muna

2. Green-PNPM radio and TV talk shows and dialogue on GreenPNPM Best Practices

Government, DPRD, and PNPM actor




Kolaka , Buton and Muna

3. Conducting FGDs to build capacity of villagers and village government to ensure the transparency and accountability of PNPM implementation

BPD, Woman group, Farmer group, Youth group, village official, traditional leader

Sub district and Village



Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Strengthening OWT demplots and Green-PNPM subprojects institution


All Sub district



Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Taking ‘Lessons Learned’ the outputs and impacts of OWT’s demplot and GreenPNPM sub-projects to wider community

TPK/beneficiaries/PN PM village actor

All villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots



Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Training workshop for KVC on Green-PNPM Best Practices at district level


W1, W2

Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Awareness campaign of Green-PNPM best practices on various events organized by (sub) district and village government and local communalities


All Villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots All Villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots

Kolaka, Buton and Muna


Install environment announcement boards



Kolaka, Buton and Muna


Develop and distribute environmental brochure


All Villages within and beyond Green-PNPM pilots All Villages within and beyond Green-PNPM



Kolaka, Buton and Muna

10. Training for FK and FT on Green-PNPM smart practices

pilots Each district

FK and FT

Kolaka, Buton and Muna

11. Workshop on the reflection of GreenPNPM implementation (2008-2010)


Each district


Kolaka, Buton and Muna

12. Promotion of GreenPNPM smart practices on Kendari Pos and radio.

SE Sulawesi Province Community

Each district

W3 – W4 W1 – W3



Performance Indicator B: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. Kendari


Training workshop for Camat (Sub-district Head) on Green-PNPM Best Practices at Province level

Camat beyond GreenPNPM areas




Training workshop for Key District and Province policy makers on GreenPNPM Best Practices t at Province level

Staff of Bapeda, Bapedalda, forestry, agriculture and plantation agencies

District and province




Training workshop for District and Province Parliaments (DPRD) on Green-PNPM Best Practices at Province level

DPRD working on Environment section at district and province level

District and province


Buton, Kolaka and Muna


Training workshop for Camat (Sub-district Head) on Green-PNPM Best Practices

All Camat



Buton, Kolaka and Muna


Training workshop for Key District policy makers on Green-PNPM Best Practices

Staff of Bapeda, Bapedalda, forestry, agriculture and plantation agencies



Buton, Kolaka and Muna


Training workshop for District parliaments (DPRD) on Green-PNPM Best Practices

DPRD working Environment section


Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Facilitation the implementation of RPJM-Desa

Village headmen, BPD, KPMD, and villagers

Sub district and Village




Kolaka, Buton and


Intensive communication with government and

PNPM, Green-PNPM, DPRD, Related

Province District,

W1 W2

W1 W2

W1 W4







DPRD through PNPM Coordination meeting and Musrembang.

government agency (SKPD)

sub district



Performance Indicator C: Well trained KDP facilitators and other local KDP stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within KDP, not limited to those within KDP-Sulawesi Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Training for facilitators and OWT staff on NRM governance at village level

FKL, Astal Environment Specialist


province level


OWT facilitors (staff) at sub-district level Kolaka


Training on the making charcoal briquette and VCO

Farmer group (PNPM actors)



Training on the making of permanent biogas

Villagers actor)



Facilitating woman economic group on waste separation and processing

Kolaka and Muna




W1, W2

Mawasangka Sub district


PNPM group formed by PNPM

Ladongi district


Training on making of permanent biogas


Ladongi, Tongkuno


Training on making briquette charcoal and bokashi from rice husk

Farmer group

Kolaka, Muna


Follow up training on apiculture

Three farmer group (ten participants from each group)



Training on nursery and organic pesticide development for KBR (community based nursery)

Farmer group

Training on mahogany nursery development

Villagers ,Sub district and village government officer, PNPM actors Villagers




10. Building capacity

Village’s group


Baula district



Baula Sub district


Watubangga Sub district (Tandebura, Gunungsari, and Sumber Rejeki village) Baula, Ladongi and Watubangga Ladongi Sub district ( Ladongi Jaya village, Atula, Welala, Raraa, and Putemata village) Sampolawa Sub district



W2,W 3




W1,W 2







management of community radio (GTL and RGS)


Kolaka and Buton


Building capacity the management of SPH and FLER

Villagers and PNPM actors

Sub district



Training on the utilization of snail as dominat pest of rice



Kolaka , Buton and Muna

13. Building capacity of village government and village social organization on Green-PNPM

Village headman, BPD, LPM

All villages







Performance Indicator D: Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions they can participate in. Kolaka, Buton and Muna


Environmental/NR best practice’s film presentation at village’s special events

Woman group, female KPMD

9 sub district


Kolaka , Buton and Muna


Facilitation on domestic garbage separation

Woman group and students (SD, SMP, SMA)

9 sub district


Muna and Buton


Building capacity of woman economic group (woman’s handicraft and cashew nut economic group)

Woman group

Tongkuno and Pasarwajo


Muna, Kolaka, and Buton


Awareness in enhancing women’s role in environmental preservation

Woman group

9 sub district






Table 5.2. Planned activities during the coming 6 months (November 2010 – April 2011) MONTHS 2010/2011 NO Activities Beneficiaries NOV






Performance Indicator A: A sustainable capacity among both KDP facilitators and KDP stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. A.1 A.2



Develop and distribute awareness materials Promotion of Green-PNPM in radio and TV at local, district, province and national levels Awareness on disadvantaged villagers and Green-PNPM actors at village level to control transparency and accountability of PNPM implementation Strengthening OWT demplots and Green-PNPM subprojects institutions

(Green) PNPM actors , DPRD, Government, DPRD, and (Green) PNPM actor BPD, Woman group, Farmer group, Youth group, village official, traditional leader Villagers


Workshop for KVCs on GreenPNPM Best Practices at district level



Awareness campaigns of Green-PNPM approaches and best practices on various events organized by (sub) district and village government and local communalities Development and Publish awareness books

Green) PNPM facilitators/actor s, government, villagers


(Green) PNPM facilitators/actor s, villagers

Performance Indicator B: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. B.1

Training workshop for Camat (Sub-district Head) on GreenPNPM Best Practices at Province level

Camat beyond Green-PNPM areas


Training workshop for Key District and Province policy makers on Green-PNPM Best Practices t at Province level


Training workshop for District and Province Parliaments (DPRD) on Green-PNPM Best Practices at Province level

Staff of Bapeda, Bapedalda, forestry, agriculture and plantation agencies DPRD working on Environment section at district and province level



Training workshop for Camat and DPRD on Green-PNPM Best Practices


Training workshop for Key District policy makers on Green-PNPM Best Practices


Facilitation the development and legalization of RPJMDesa Intensive communication with government in the PNPM Coordination meetings and Musrembang .Meeting



Training for inter sub district’s Green-PNPM Sub-project Verification Team


Printing and Publishing training materials

All Camat at district level (Muna, Buton, Kolaka) Key district policy makers (Muna, Buton, Kolaka) Village headmen, BPD, KPMD, and villagers PNPM, GreenPNPM, DPRD, Related government agency (SKPD) District government agency (SKPD)

Performance Indicator C: Well trained KDP facilitators and other local KDP stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within KDP, not limited to those within KDP-Sulawesi C.1

Training for green facilitators and


FKL, Astal and Environment Specialist KVCs


Training for KVCs on Green PNPM Best Practices


Building management capacity of community radios

Green Trust Radio and Gunung Sari Radio


Building management capacity of SPH and FLER11

Villagers and PNPM actors


Building capacity of village officials to facilitate village regulation (Perdes) and establishment of Village Protection Area (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa)

Village headman and BPD

Performance Indicator D: Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions they can participate in. D.1

Training and facilitation for woman economic groups


Facilitation on Green PNPM best practice for women and children


Capacity building for women groups to strengthen their access and control in the NRM planning and implementation decision

PNPM group formed by PNPM Woman groups and students (SD, SMP, SMA) Woman group

11 Smart Practice House (SPH) and Field Learning Center for Environmental Restoration (FLER 33

making process


Awareness film development


Journalist trip gathering



Green-PNPM actors/facilitator s, KVCs Villagers and PNPM actors


Annex A. The Impact of environmental awareness and training on Green PNPM Indicator 1. Well trained [PNPM] facilitators and other local [PNPM] stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within [PNPM], not limited to those within [Green PNPM’s target locations] 1.A. Table listing all of the Green PNPM and PNPM-Rural NMC consultants and facilitators working in your target location. In examining progress the CSOs are making against this indicator, it is useful for the World Bank to know how many consultants/facilitators you are working with/providing training to – including those who are financed through Green PNPM and PNPM-Rural. Number of Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural Consultants/Facilitators within Target Area NMC # Facilitators/Con # Male Femal Total Location Stationed sultant Position e Title BUTON DISTRICT Green PNPM 4 Community Facilitators (FKL) 5 PNPM-Rural facilitator at district Level (FK and FT ) 4 PNPM-Rural Community facilitator at District Level ( Faskab, Fastekab, Faskeu) Green PNPM 2 Community Facilitators (FKL) PNPM-Rural 6 facilitator at district Level (FK and FT ) 5 PNPM-Rural Community facilitator at District Level ( Faskab,



One FKL station at each sub district, One FKL’s coordinator station at District level (ASTAL)



One FT and one FK station at each sub district



Three facilitator station at district level (Faskab, Fastekab and Faskeu), each Faskab and Fastekab is with an assistant.


MUNA DISTRICT 4 One FKL station at each sub district, One FKL’s coordinator station at District level (ASTAL)



One FT and one FK station at each sub district



Three facilitators station at district level (Faskab, Fastekab and Faskeu), each Faskab and Fastekab is with an assistant.


Fastekab, Faskeu) Green PNPM 4 Community Facilitators (FKL) PNPM-Rural 5 facilitator at district Level (FK and FT ) 5 PNPM-Rural facilitator at District Level (Faskab, Fastekab, Faskeu) PNPMP2SPP facilitator.


KOLAKA DISTRICT 4 One FKL station at each sub district, One FKL’s coordinator station at District level (ASTAL)



One FT and one FK station at each sub district



Four facilitators station at district level (Faskab, Fastekab and Faskeu and P2SPP (PNPM Integration facilitator), each Faskab and Fastekab is with an assistant.

1.B. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural consultants/ facilitators. Training for Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural Consultants/Facilitators Positions of Title/Focus of Training Date/Location Consultants/Facilitato Module rs Attended Green PNPM FKLs Training on Catchment 9-11 Rehabilitation/Generati November ve and Vegetative tree 2010, seedlings propagation OWT office, Baubau

Number of Result of Participants Training Men Women 14 2 Green PNPM facilitators provided technical assistance to villages with nursery development and planting sub project.

1.C. Please provide a brief narrative ‘impact statement’ indicating any observations you have noted in regards to training provided has led to improved performance by Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural consultants and facilitators in the areas where you work. The impacts on Green-PNPM consultants and facilitators: Based on our observation and analysis of participant’s responses, the training has great impacts to raise knowledge and skill of facilitators: They understood: (a) the position of tree planting campaigns on land rehabilitation and watershed management and conservation; (b) the need to support local community to develop their own village nursery as a source of high quality planting materials; (c) the importance of village nursery as a basis for income generation activities; (d) the need to develop the spirits of planting campaigns on the 36

conservation of indigenous tree species, especially to develop Village Mother Trees of indigenous tree species (Pohon Induk Desa), Village Tree Nursery (Kebun Bibit Desa) and Village Seed Sources (Sumber Benih Desa); (e) networking to obtain high quality seeds sources. They can raised their skills on: (a) step-by-step development of generative and vegetative planting materials, starting from selection of mother trees until planting; (b) the making of organic fertilizer, (c) the making of organic pesticide; (d) the making of CCB. The impacts on Green PNPM/PNPM sub-projects: Based on our observation, our trainings to local community and consultants have impacts on the improvement of the selected sub-project types, from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree breeders during 2008 and 2009 to seedlings (nursery) nursery in 2010. 1.D. Please provide a brief statement indicating how any of your CSOs’ interventions have impacted/attracted attention in Green PNPM from facilitators/consultants outside of Green PNPM’s target areas. Workshop and trainings, either organized by OWT or in-collaboration NMC/PMD and District and province government which mostly attended by PNPM facilitators and the widely distributed or our awareness materials (especially documentary and tutorial films) have strongly inspired facilitators to replicate the Green-PNPM smart practices. Example: PNPM facilitators from Mangolo Village, Latambaga (Kolaka) and Tobimeita Village, (Kendari) have requested us to train apiculture (honey bees farming) development at PNPM sub project (2010). As the impact of District agencies and Parliament workshop in Kolaka (Kolaka 15 and 16 December 2010), technical facilitator from Poleang Timur Sub-District (Bombana District) and Lasusua Sub-district (Kolaka Utara District) have requested to act as a trainer for development of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB) sub project budget year 2010.

Indicator 2. Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in. 2.B. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM community beneficiaries over this reporting period. Training provided to Community Beneficiaries Title/Focus of Training Module

Community Number of Participants Results of Group Men Women Children Training Targeted BUTON DISTRICT TPU 33 5 0 TPU were able to Training for TPU, 07/23/2010Sampolawa develop Green identifying Sub district, Proposal village NR Buton problem and potential, developing Date/Location


Green Proposal KPMD, TPK 15 Developing Smart 07/20/2010Kahulungaya and villagers Practices, Village Bokashi demplot Pasarwajo, development, Buton establish bokashi economic group Villagers, 10 Develop RE 07/27/2010KPMD Balobone Smart Practices , Village Coconut shell Mawasangka Charcoal , Buton Briquette(CCB) making, Establishing CCB economic group 10 Training on 11/25/2010 – Wambulaga Farmer Warinta orange grafting, group Village establishment Pasarwajo, and maintenance Buton of community orange nursery



One demplot and a bokashi economic group was established within the village



A group of woman produce and sell CCB is available in the village



The group has established village orange nursery


Previously, all TPS were confused with their main job, they usually were only attributed as TPS and did nothing. In this training we defined all TPS task and responsibilities, including amount of budget allocation from the project addressed to them. KPMD discuss village local NR potential, environmental problem and practices organizing and facilitating idea

MUNA DISTRICT Training for TPS, 08/21/2010TPS 15 15 Maintenance of Lawa Sub Green PNPM district, sub project Muna

Training KPMD

KPMD for 08/25/2010Tongkuno Sub district, Muna





112 Headmen, Training for BPD 08/29/2010Tongkuno traditional in developing Sub district, leader, BPD, Perdes and Muna Youth RPJM-Desa, group, establishing Woman village group development focus



SMA Students Training on 11/20/2010SMA 1, Catchment Lawa Sub management to district, Senior high Muna School Students




11/23/2010SMA Students Catchment SMA 1 Rehabilitation, Tongkuno planting Sub district, movement, and Muna identification of village mother trees.







SMA Students Training on 11/24/2010SMA 1 Catchment Napabalano management to Sub district, Senior high Muna School Students




Training developing




Training on the 12/04/2010making of Lambiku Energy saving Village stove Napabalano Sub-district,

on 12/08/2010Watolo

Woman’s group


collection at village level. Four villages in Tongkuno Sub district has submitted RPJMDesa (Lawama, Lapadindi, Lamorende, Waleale); 15 villages have finished 85%. The students comprehend Catchment terminology, catchment management, identify and measure mother trees. The students comprehend Catchment terminology, three trees identified as village mother trees, 50 trees were planted in the school yard Woman’s group demonstrates making energy saving stove for home use and for sell, to reduce the number of wood fire use. The students comprehend Catchment terminology, catchment management, identify and measure mother trees. Participants involves in 39

permanent Village biogas, Establish Mawasangka demonstration Sub district, plot Buton Woman group Developing RE 12/08/2010Tombula ,Energy saving Village stove and Tongkuno coconut shell Sub district, charcoal Muna briquette (CCB)

installing biogas




Villagers 12 4 Training on 12/26/2010Lahontohe developing Village permanent Tongkuno biogas, Establish Sub district, demonstration Muna plot KOLAKA DISTRICT Training for TPK, 07/09/2010TPK 20 10 Managing Watubangga planting/reSub district, greening PNPM Kolaka sub project


Youth group 5 Training on 07/15/2010Ladongi Sub Community district, radio Kolaka broadcasting, Developing and delivering green contented material Green PNPM 7 Training on 10/05/2010Sub project Raara biogas beneficiaries Village installment/Gree Ladongi Sub n PNPM Sub district, project, Kolaka Installing home scale biogas from PE Plastic Training on 10/27/2010Green PNPM 5 biogas Gunung jaya Sub project installment/Gree Village beneficiaries n PNPM Sub Ladongi, project, Kolaka



One village stove woman group and one village CCB woman group established. The CCB seeking for to purchase charcoal grind machine. The stove group has produced for their personal use. Villagers are able to demonstrate installing biogas, one demonstration plot is installed. TPK develop planting and maintenance action plan for better project implementation All the participants recruited to work with RGS community radio.





Under OWT’s assistant, Sub project beneficiaries were able to install their own biogas.



Under OWT’s assistant, Sub project beneficiaries were able to install 40

Installing home scale biogas from PE Plastic Training on biogas installment/Gree n PNPM Sub project, Installing home scale biogas from PE Plastic On the Job training on producing community advertisement, develop advertisement and news Training on Apiculture, Understanding bees social’s caste, bees farming Training for KPMD, Environmental campaign

their own biogas.

09/23-24/2010 Green PNPM 8 Sub project Atula beneficiaries Village, Ladongi Sub district



Under OWT’s assistant, Sub project beneficiaries were able to install their own biogas.

10/16/2010RGS crew Ladongi Sub district, Kolaka




The crew produced three community advertisements with green contented.

Farmer group 11/06/2010, Gunung Sari village Watubangga, Kolaka




Six apiculture group were established

11/14/2010KPMD Baula Sub district, Kolaka




PNPM actor at 41 12/01/2010RPJMdes village level, Ladongi Sub Development headmen, district, “Training on village Kolaka identification of leader NR potential and NR problem for BPD in developing Perdes and RPJM-Des, establishing village development focus



KPMD demonstrated handling meeting to collect idea for green’s proposal and gives talk to motivate villagers to protect environment. Nine RPJMdes with emphasize on Green issues have been completed by the RPJM-Des team. Anggalosi Perdes has completed 70 %.


2.C. Table listing all public/community environmental awareness-raising/demonstration events facilitated. Public Environmental Awareness Raising/Demonstration Events Title/type of Public Community Number of Participants Purpose/Result Groups Event/Demonstrati Date/Location Men Women Children of Event on Facilitated Targeted NATIONAL/PROVINCE LEVEL 15 0 To promote Regional workshop 11/15-16/2010 PNPM actor 33 and renewable and exhibition on Aryaduta stakeholder energies/inspir Hotel, appropriate e PNPM actor Makassar renewable energy and technologies for stakeholders application by rural on appropriate communities technologies facilitated by the for application World Bank by rural communities. PNPM actor 42 15 0 To promote Regional workshop 12/16and renewable 17/2010, and exhibition on stakeholder energies/inspir Grand appropriate e PNPM actor Angkasa renewable energy and Hotel, technologies for stakeholders Medan application by rural on appropriate communities technologies facilitated by the for application World Bank by rural communities 200 300 100 Government at Government National Wangi-wangi, 12/22Wakatobi 23/2010 province and Program plantation district level movement (PPKAN become more and HMPI), aware on the Distributing importance of Indonesia giant Green PNPM, sponge film, Distributing factsheet on Coral Reef monitoring report facilitated by Provincial Government office, Life environmental agency and Forestry agency. BUTON DISTRICT Radio talk on 07/29/2010 – General 50 50 0 To socialize Renewable energy” Baubau public CCB to the Coconut Shell general public 42

Charcoal briquette” facilitated by Radio Ozon

Cooking 07/23/2010 demonstration using Oengkolaki CCB facilitated by village, OWT Mawasangka , Buton





Green-PNPM exhibition

General public






50 student s

10/11-21/2010 –Baubau

12/25-31/2010 General Green-PNPM – Pasarwajo, public exhibition facilitated Buton within by Bau Bau Major Green government. PNPM target area

to open market potential for business development in the Green PNPM target area. To demonstrate cooking with CCB in comparison with fuel fossil oil and firewood. Public becomes aware on the existence of the Green PNPM and become friendly to the environment with using appropriate renewable energy To promote Green PNPM best practices

2.D. Table/description illustrating any relationship between trainings delivered/awareness-raising events facilitated and sub-projects selected by communities CSO Interventions related to Community ‘green’ Sub-Project Selection Process Type of training, demonstration, Specific sub-projects selected by communities environmental event facilitated related to CSO intervention (please include (intervention) by CSO location) BUTON DISTRICT Developing mahoni nursery demplot in Lapodi village (10.000 seedling), Kombeli village Waangu-angu village (50 ha) Workshop on Village preservation area in Spring Water rehabilitation in Kambula-bulana Pasarwajo Sub district village, Laburunci and Awainulu village Kambula-bulana village, Laburunci and Head water rehabilitation in Kancinaa Village Awainulu village Developing janthropa nursery Planting janthropa (20.000 seedling) in Oengkolaki Village 43

 Socializing spring water as village Developing Laloiya spring water eco tourism preservation area, Gunung Sejuk village. object in Gunung Sejuk Village Training on nursery development in Gunung Planting mahoni trees, Planting mango , Planting Sejuk Village, attended by all village Sengon Bangun Village, Wawoangi Village, representative from Sampolawa Sub district Jaya Bakti Village , Lipu Mangau Village and Sandang Pangan Village. MUNA DISTRICT Awareness to protect and replicate mangrove Mangrove planting in Bahari, Wangkulabu, Renda planting campaigns in Bahari, Renda , and Kombikuno Village Wangkulabu, Lakarama village Awareness protection of spring water in Sub- Planting campaigns surrounding Lambiku Springdistrict Hall water Facilitation the establishment of teak nursery Teak planting in Lakarama, Pentiro, Moasi, demonstration pilot in Napalakura Village Tangkumaho, Latawe Villages Facilitating Demplot development of cashew Training on cashew nut processing Katobu nut processing in Lalemba village ,Kampani, and Lindo village Awareness and training toward self sufficient Training on making energy saving stove Lalemba energy village village ( 35 people) Facilitating teak nursery demplot in Lalemba Teak planting in Madampi and Watumela village village Socializing critical land rehabilitation Sengon planting Wakontu village (10 ha) Lailangga village(25 ha) Demplot monoculture community forestry Planting teak in Lawama ,Waleale, and Lianosa (Hutan Rakyat) at Lianosa village village Facilitating apiculture (Avis cerana) demplot Apiculture development in UP Wuna Village development Spring rehabilitation Rehabilitation of Makantona spring water in Kulidawa Village and Oempu Springwater in Oempu Village KOLAKA DISTRICT Biogas training and demplot development Three villages (Atula, Raara and Gunung Jaya) implemented Biogas installation. Awareness at 2010 PNPM cycle on Catchment Puundoho village (Planting Gmelina arborea and area, durian), Puulemo village (Planting manggis), Watalara village (planting jati putih,18 Ha) Planting campaign on World Environmental Re-greening the house yard with fruit plantation day Awareness on water catchment rehabilitation Mataosu village (planting teak, 40 ha and durian, in PNPM cycle in 2010 5 ha), Polenga village (Gmelina arborea 25 ha and durian, 5 ha) Kastura village (Planting mango 15 ha), Sumber Rejeki village (planting teak, 47 ha)

44Â Â

2.E. Listing of all environmental information, education, communication (IEC) material produced over this reporting period. Green PNPM IEC Material Produced Types of IEC & training materials

Title of IEC/training materials

Documentary and 1. Home Biogas installation tutorial film tutorial film in CD and/DVD format

Produced by and year of production

No of IEC Disseminated in materials what areas produced


OWT, 2010

150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province & National level

Coco-shell (CCB) –

OWT , 2010

150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province & National level

OWT, 2009

150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

4. The Guardian of Archipelago OWT and METRO 250 copies (Menjaga Pagar Nusantara). TV, 2008 mangrove conservation – movie*

SE Sulawesi Province & National level

5. The Giant Sponge of Indonesia OWT and METRO 250 copies (Karet Busa Raksasa). TV,2008 Catchment Areas Management– movie*

SE Sulawesi Province & National level

6. Best practices of Lambusango OWT and BAKTI, 250 copies forest, Seaweed Farming, Short 2009 movie*

SE Sulawesi Province

7. Separation of domestic waste - OWT BAKTI, 2009 20 copies tutorial

SE Sulawesi Province

8. Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages’ (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM TalkShow with KBR68H

OWT, 2010

10 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

9. The Profile of Pak Lasamira

OWT, 2010

300 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

10.Women Group Profile: Nentu Handicraft Makers

OWT, 2010

150 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

11.Vegetative and generative tree seedlings propagation: Tutorial Film

OWT, 2010

200 copies

North, South, West and Southeast Sulawesi & National level

12. Lambusango Forest: the heaven of researchers

METRO TV and OWT, 2010

150 copies

National: Published by Metro TV on 22 November 2010

13. Underwater Laboratory in the world coral triangle

METRO TV and OWT, 2010

150 copies

National: Published by Metro TV on 27 November 2010

2. The making of Charcoal Bricked documentary

3. The Green-PNPM profile at Sub District Level - documentary


14. Tutorial Culture Radio Program





100 copies

SE Sulawesi Province & National level


Environment Information

Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM, 2009

12 times/ week



Green-PNPM Jingle

Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM, 2009

3 times/ week



Talk Show on Green Village

Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM, 2009

3 times/ Week



Green-PNPM Info

Radio Green Trust, 2010

3 times/ Week



Keep Muna Green

Radio Wuna Swara, 3 times/day Muna District 2010


Village Conservation Areas (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD)

Radio GSB 106,mi5 18 February Pasarwajo MHZ, 2010 2010

7.Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages’ (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM TalkShow Posters

OWT, 2010


Drought disaster could only be prevented by avoiding deforestation*


Save ‘Jompi’ Forest as the water tower of Raha Town*


Stop Deforestation: Cutting forest means inviting flood disaster*


Save water movement through build millions of recharge areas


Let’s sort domestic waste: Dislocating waste without sorting and processing is just moving problems


Utilizing cow-dung as a new source of sustainable fuel 1.

Garbage separation

KBR68H, 2010

OWT, 2010

14 April 2010


1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Baubau, Kendari 11000 copies Buton, Kolaka, Baubau

Muna, Raha,

OWT, 2010

1000 copies Buton, Kolaka, Baubau

Muna, Raha,

OWT, 2010

1000 copies Buton, Kolaka, Baubau

Muna, Raha,

OWT, 2010

1000 copies Buton, Kolaka, Baubau

Muna, Raha,

OWT, 2010

1000 copies Buton, Kolaka, Baubau

Muna, Raha,

OWT, 2010

OWT, 2010


Buton District


Fact sheet/brochure


How to make Coconut charcoal briquette


Map of Green-PNPM smart practices


Saving Village Conservation Area


Welcome to Conservation Sub-district


Buton District

OWT, 2010


Buton District

OWT, 2010


Buton District

OWT, 2010


Buton District


Developing Community Based Institution for Mangrove Forest Conservation

OWT, 2009

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Let’s Sort and Domestic Waste


OWT, 2009

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Ten Important Questions on Green PNPM

OWT, 2009

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Human Obligation to Maintain Life Sustainability

OWT, 2009

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Honeybee Culture : tip and benefit

OWT, 2010

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Village self-supporting energy through biogas

OWT, 2010

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Developing Village Nursery

OWT, 2010

2000 copies SE Sulawesi Province


Shoot cutting techniques

OWT, 2011

2000 copies SE Sulawesi


Tree planting techniques

OWT, 2011

4000 copies SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2011

4000 copies SE Sulawesi

11. The making of Bokashi

OWT, 2011

4000 copies SE Sulawesi

12. The making of ‘Agar wood’ (Gaharu)

OWT, 2011

4000 copies SE Sulawesi

13. Permanent Biogas Installation

OWT, 2011

4000 copies

SE Sulawesi

14. The maiking of Charcoal Coconut shell briquette

OWT, 2011

4000 copies

SE Sulawesi

1. Healthy, clean and efficient with charcoal briquettes

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

2. My green village, my green country (Hijau Desaku Lestari Negeriku)

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

3. Keep the village green with energy saving stoves

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

10. Generative propagation


OWT, 2010



(Melestarikan Kehijauan Desa dengan Tungku Hemat Energi)

Iron Campaign Boards

4. To maintain soil fertility using Bokashi (Menjaga Kesuburan Tanah dengan Bokashi)

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

5. Honeybee culture yield honey (Memelihara Lebah Menuai Madu)

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

6. Recovering coastal fortress (Memelihara Benteng Pesisir)

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

7. Livelihoods from coastal fortress (Sumber Kehidupan dari Benteng Pesisir)

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

8. Turning livestock dung into biogas (Meyulap Kotoran Menjadi Biogas)

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi Province

Save Village Conservation Areas (KPD). Forest, River, Spring Water and Coastal Area are life supporting systems which have to be protected. Save KPD through: (1) Trees planting campaign; (2) Develop Village Regulation to conserve KPD; (3) Save KPD from illegal logging; (4) Do not contaminate KPD with rubbish and poisoned waste. Conservation Village Areas

OWT, 2010

6 boards

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)

Do not let the coastal fortress gone. Mangrove forest is coastal fortress. It is an area for fish spawning, breeding and nursery ground. Destroy mangrove forest is destroying coastal life. REHABILITATE and PROTECT mangrove forest through: (1) Define mangrove areas as Village Protection Areas (KPD); (2) Do not cut and damage mangrove; (3) Do not convert mangrove to brackish water pond; (4) Do not use mangrove trees as fuel-wood; (5) Conduct planting campaign and mangrove maintenance’. Do not let the coastal fortress gone.

OWT, 2010

6 boards

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)

Save the Earth through: (1) Use energy saving stove; (2) Convert fossil fuel to biogas; (3) Switch off the lamp if not needed; (4) Save clean water; (5) Trees planting

OWT, 2010

6 boards

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)



OWT, 2010

6 boards

1. Janthropa Stoves User (Pengguna Kompor Jarak)

OWT , 2010


SE Sulawesi Province

2. Solar Voltage User (Pengguna Listrik Tenaga Surya)

OWT, 2010


SE Sulawesi Province

3. Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi)

OWT , 2010


SE Sulawesi Province

OWT, 2010


SE Sulawesi

Managing domestic waste through: (1) Waste separation between organic and non-organic; (2) Minimize the use of an-organic matter (plastic, paper, metal etc.); (3) Convert organic waste into compost; (4) Recycle and reuse an-organic waste; (5) Develop domestic waste processing unit. Stickers


Operation Wallacea Trust: Green- PNPM Facilitator (Pendamping PNPM-LMP)

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)


Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi)



SE Sulawesi

Jacket (waist-coat)

Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self – Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi)



SE Sulawesi

Training materials

1.Training Module: Measurement physical parameters of the watershed’

OWT, 2009

60 copies

North, South and SESulawesi

2. Training Module: Planning and Implementation of GIS to Support Decision Making Process

OWT, 2009

60 copies

North, South and SESulawesi

3.. Training Module: Spatial Planning for Environmental Management’

OWT, 2009

60 copies

North, South and SESulawesi


4. Training Module: Generative and vegetative tree seedlings propagation

OWT, 2009

100 copies North, South and SESulawesi

5.Training Material (TM): Crab fattening in mangrove area

OWT, 2010

40 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

6. TM: Seaweed farming

OWT, 2010

80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

OWT, 2010

500 copies SE Sulawesi Province

8.TM: Virgin Coconut Oil

OWT, 2010

70 copies

9. TM: Bokashi

OWT, 2010

400 copies SE Sulawesi Province

10: TM:. Biogas

OWT, 2010

300 copies SE Sulawesi Province

11.TM:Honeybee culture

OWT, 2010

90 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

OWT, 2010

80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

13.TM:Organic Farming

OWT, 2010

80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

14.TM: Domestic Waste Separation

OWT, 2010

80 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

15. TM: Water purification

OWT, 2010

60 copies

SE Sulawesi Province

16. TM: RPJM-Desa

OWT, 2010

600 copies SE Sulawesi Province

17. TM: The making of composting house

OWT, 2010

100 copies SE Sulawesi Province

18. TM:The making of rice husk charcoal

OWT, 2010

120 copies SE Sulawesi Province

19. TM: Selection of mother trees

OWT, 2010

150 copies SE Sulawesi Province

7. TM: Coconut-Shell Bricked


12.TM:.Developing Nursery


SE Sulawesi Province


Indicator 3: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. 3.A. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM government officials over this reporting period. Number of Positions of Title/Focus of Participants Government Result of Training Training Date/Location Officials Men Women Module Attended NATIONAL/PROVINCE LEVEL The participant were very PNPM 243 7 Training on 10/06/2010 – Green enthusiastic and inspired, Swiss Bell Stakeholders at Green PNPM they were aimed to develop Hotel, District and Sub NRM and RE related practices for their Kendari district Level Best Practices agencies during PNPM evaluation workshop SESulawesi and 17 5 Government agencies and Workshop on 12/11/2010 – BAPPEDA Imperial BAPPEDALDA NGO’s are aware on the OWT’s GreenHotel representatives at progress of Green PNPM PNPM NRM Kendari provincial level, and strategies taken by and RE Smart NGO OWT Practices for Government and NGO BUTON DISTRICT The team whom represented Training for Inter 10/29/2010 - Forestry agency, 8 0 related government OWT office, Life environment sub district agencies are aware of Bau Bau agency, Dinas verification Green PNPM, NR potential Sosial, BPMD, team and problem at targeted Marine and area. The representative of Fishery agency Life environment agency was seeking to work in partnership with OWT in guiding the communities and local government in developing environmental impact assessment. Training on NRM 11/30/2010 – SKPD, DPR, NGO 36 DPRD aware on the Green 5 and RE Best BAPPEDA PNPM and best practices practices during office, Buton developed by the program Workshop for DPR SKPD,UPK Related government agencies Training on 12/1/2010Buton at district level are aware Green PNPM on Green PNPM, and they NRM and RE become more concern with Best Practices environmental issues during Workshop for 51

SKPD Training on 12/15/2010Setrawan, PMD Green PNPM Lina Hotel, district officer NRM and RE Baubau Best Practices for Setrawan MUNA DISTRICT Forestry agency, 4 Training for Inter 10/14/2010OWT Office, Life environment sub district Muna agency, Dinas verification Sosial, BPMD, team Marine and Fishery agency

Training on 12/1617/2010Green PNPM Rosidah NR and RE Best Hotel, Muna Practices for Setrawan

Setrawan, BPMD


Training on community based re-greening for Forestry agency

11/13/2010OWT Office, Kolaka

Training on RE

11/14/2010Baula, Kolaka

KOLAKA DISTRICT KABID Forest and land 3 rehabilitation, Community based nursery (KBR) committee. Agriculture district 10 agency

Meeting with PMD Kolaka to discuss the nationals appropriate technology exhibition 2011 in Kolaka Training on Green PNPM NRM and RE Best Practices during workshop for DPRD

11/30/2010- PMD Office Kolaka

Kabid TTG, officer

12/15-16/2010 – Zam Zam Hotel, Kolaka



Setrawan are now fully aware of the Program, they know in which they should take apart



The team whom represented related government agencies are aware of Green PNPM, NR potential and problem at targeted area. The representative of Life environment agency was seeking to work in partnership with OWT in guiding the communities and local government in developing environmental impact assessment Setrawan are now fully aware of the Program, they know in which they should take apart


The development of Village based nursery in Kolaka takes several lesson from Green PNPM practices.


This training aims to inspire Agriculture agency to apply renewable energies of biogas. Green PNPM smart practices will be replicated by PMD at different sub district in Kolaka to prepare the national program.





OWT is trusted to assist the national exhibition on Appropriate Technologies on Renewable energy which will be conducted in Kolaka in 2011.


3.B. Table listing CSO contributions to preparation of RPJM-Desa, Village Regulations/Perdes, other local/policy decisions regarding the promotion environmental issues in development planning/implementation procedures. Type of CSO intervention related to preparation of RPJM-Desa, Village Regulations/Perdes, other Results related to CSO intervention local/policy decisions BUTON DISTRICT PASARWAJO SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The teams are with emphasized to consider Green issues to be RPJMdes team (08/01/2010) included in RPJMdes document, the facilitation timetable was set. Assisted RPJMdes team village meeting in Wangu 4 villages assisted have completed RPJMdes document while angu, Wasaga, Kancinaa, Wakaokili (08/02-05/2010) other is 85 % progress. SAMPOLAWA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The team are aware on the need to include green RPJMdes team (08/26/2010) consideration within RPJMdes document Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting (08/28- Villages assisted completed earlier the RPJMDes document 30/2010) in Gunung Sejuk, Bangun, Wawoangi Village) MAWASANGKA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The teams are with emphasized to consider Green issues to be RPJMdes team (08/24/2010) included in RPJMdes document, the facilitation timetable was set. Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting (08/25- Villages assisted by OWT completed earlier the RPJMDes 29/2010) in Oengkolaki, Watolo, Kancebungi, document, in which the document taken as a sample for Mawasangka Village other villages. MUNA DISTRICT NAPABALANO SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The team are aware on the need to include green RPJMdes team (07/31/2010) consideration within RPJMdes document Facilitated RPJMdes meeting 10/19-30/2010) in 100% RPJMdes document of all villages have been Napalakura, langkumapo, Lambiku, Pentiro, submitted. Perdes for Bahari Village has been 25% Napabalano and Bahari village, facilitated Perdes on completed. These villages assisted by OWT completed Mangrove protection in Bahari Village earlier their document and taken by PMD as an example during presentation at district level. LAWA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The team are aware on the need to include green consideration within RPJMdes document RPJMdes team (07/31/2010) Facilitated RPJMdes team (08/1-20/2010) in The RPJMdes has been 100% completed, Perdes 25%. Lassosodo, Lalemba, Latugho and Wamelai Village, Facilitated Perdes of Spring water protection in Latugho Village TONGKUNO SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The RPJMdes with good comprehension on the local NR RPJMdes team (07/31/2010) problem and potential Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting in Lawama, Four village has submitted RPJMdes Lawama, Lapadindi, Lamorende and Waleale Village(08/01Lapadindi,Lamorende, Waleale, 15 villages has finished 20/2010) 85%, Perdes progress is 15 % for Kulidawa village. KOLAKA DISTRICT BAULA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and local NR Problem The RPJMdes teams are with consideration on the (09/24/2010) environmental issues. Facilitated RPJMdes Meeting in Puulemo, Longori, All villages have submitted RPJMdes document with more Puubenua, Pewutaa, Pundoho and Watalara Village. emphasize on the environmental issues. LADONGI SUB DISTRICT Training for RJM-Des team (10/01-02/2010) Ladongi The RPJMdes teams are with consideration on the Sub district. environmental issues Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting Nine RPJMdes with emphasize on Green issues have been completed by the RPJMdes team. Anggaloosi Perdes has


been 70 % progress WATUBANGGA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR problem for The RPJMdes with good comprehension on the local NR RPJMdes team in Watubangga Sub district problem and potential (10/20/2010) Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting in Gunung 100% RPJMdes document has been completed Sari, Peoho, Tandebura Village (10/21-23)

Indicator 4. A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. 4.A Please provide any notable observations from the field that communities/government officials are continuing to manage sub-projects funded with Green PNPM block grants after funding has been fully disbursed. Based on our notable observations, the enabling conditions that communities/government officials are continuing to manage sub-projects after Green-PNPM block grants funding disbursed are: (a) the sub-projects are useful for local communities . especially useful to generate income generation or reduce their daily domestic costs. For examples: (1) the making of CCB and organic fertilizer development (income generation); (2) The use of Jantropa seeds for renewable energy (reduce their daily domestics cost); (b) the sub-projects are useful to support the better yield of the existing livelihoods or the recurrence of the lost livelihoods. For examples: Mangrove planting has supported the success of seaweeds production (existing livelihoods) and the crab mangrove collections (the recurrence of livelihood); (c) replicated by government program. For instances: (1) Muna government in 2011 will facilitate the replication on the building of permanent biogas; (2) Kolaka Government in 2011 will allocate IDR 500 millions facilitate on the replication of CCB development for women groups; (3) Sulawesi Province government (Bappeda/Planning Development Agency) allocate one billion rupiah of village grant from SE Sulawesi Province Government (Bahteramas) to replicate the Green-PNPM smart practices on 20 sub-districts in Kolaka District. 4.B. Please provide any notable observations of communities selecting to fund ‘green’ sub-projects which are aligned/related to work supporting RPJM-Desa preparation. These should include any ‘income generating activities’ which community members have used Green PNPM block grants to fund related training activities. We facilitated the formulation and the document preparation of RPJM-Desa on the basis on: (a) Rona Lingkungan Desa (Profile of village environmental problems and its natural resources potential) developed in collaboration with villagers in 2008; (b) Knowledge Attitude and Practices (KAP) Survey conducted in 2008; (c) the success implementation of Green-PNPM sub-projects (smart-practices) on the village and surrounding areas during 2008 and 2009; (d) List of potential sustainable livelihoods/income generating activities/Green-PNPM smart-practices which have not yet been funded by any fund sources until the end of 2010. Understanding this, the communities selecting to fund ‘green’ sub-projects are much aligned to work supporting RPJM Desa preparation !


Annex D. Key Project Personal Â






Drs. Askabul Kijo, M.Si

Head of BPMD

Government Official


Drs. Trias, M.Si

PJO Province

Government Official


Drs. Tasman

Staff of PJO Province

Government Official


Muslimin, SP

Environment Specialist



Fachrudin, S.Kom

MIS Specialist







L.M. Syaifuddin

Head of BPMD

Government official


Asnawi Hasan

PJO District

Government official


Ester Yuliana

PMD staff

Government official



MP District Facilitator



Bobi Rijal

MP District Facilitator



Muhammad Tarkip

MP Financial District Facilitator




ASTAL/ Green PNPM District Facilitator



H.Lahibu Tuwu

Head of Bappeda

Government official


Ahmad Mulya

Head of economic section, Bappeda

Government official


Wahid Ode SP

Staff BPLH

Government official


Sunarto Lanae

Head of District Forestry

Government official


Ir Guntur Dahlan

Head of District of Marine and Fishery.

Government official






La Kabona,S.Sos

Sub district head

Government official


La Sura, S.Sos

PJO Sub district

Government official


La Makki

Head of BKAD

Community representative


Abed Abdullah

Sub district Facilitator



Safarina Salam

Head of UPK

Community representative


La Hendra

PL/Local assistant for Facilitator

Community representative






La Ode Zakir, SH

Sub district head

Government official


La Ode Hasnu Panggu

PJO Sub district

Government official


Raflin, SE

Head of BKAD

Community representative


Rahmat Arafat

Green PNPM Sub district’s Facilitator



La Mohilu, S.Ag

Head of UPK

Community representative


La Ode Murianto

PL/ Local assistant for consultant

Community representative






Syarifuddin AS, S.Sos

Sub district head

Government official



PJO Sub district

Government official


Kadir Teme

Head of BKAD

Community representative


Ld. Abu Huraira

Green PNPM Sub district’s facilitator




Head of UPK

Community representative



PL/ Local assistant for consultant

Community representative






La Ora


Government official



Head of BPMD

Government official


Drs. Ayub

PJO District

Government official


La Udi Ari, SP

MP District’s facilitator



Udin Kaeba, ST

MP District Facilitator



Ikhwan, SP

Green PNPM District Facilitator



Drs. Mustari

Head of Bappeda

Government official


Ir. La Ode Anwar Agigi

Research and development section, Bappeda

Government official


Ir. Syahrir

Staff of Bappeda

Government official


Drs. L, Untu, M. Si

Head of BPLH

Government official


Mukadimah, S. IP

Head of District forestry

Government official


Ir. LM. Yakub, M. Si

Head of District Marine and Fisheries

Government official


Laskar Gombilo Bitu, STP, M.Si

Sub district head

Government official


La Ode Adi, S. Sos

PJO Sub district

Government official


LM. Handra


Community representative


Aswan Said, SP

Green PNPM Sub district facilitator



La Safuli

Head of UPK

Community representative


Budiman, SE

Sub district head

Government official


La Beremuddin, S. Ag

PJO Sub district

Government official


La Ode Aliddin


Community representative


Irawati, SP

Green PNPM sub district facilitator



Latief, SE

Head of UPK

Community representative


Amir Sulaiman Bolo, BA

Sub district head

Government official


La Lemadjid

PJO Sub district

Government official


Amir Mudin


Community representative


Marni, S. Hut

Green PNPM District Facilitator



Muh Ramadhan, S. Pd

Head of UPK

Community representative






Drs. H. A. Ahmad, M.Si

Head of BPMD

Government Official


Amri, S.STP.M.Si

PJO Sub district

Government Official


Sugiyarto, S.Pd.

MP District Facilitator



Mustakdir, ST

MP District Facilitator



Paoyen, SP

Green PNPM district facilitator







H. Muh. Jusrin Djafar, S.Sos

Head of Sub district

Government Official


Drs. Andi Dirham Riyadi, M.Si

PJO Sub district

Government Official


Onike Sherley. M, MA.

Head of UPK

Community representative


La Alam, SP

FKL/ LMP Sub district facilitator



Adam Anta

Head of BKAD

Community representative






Ir. Hasbir Jaya Rasak, M.H

Head of Sub district

Government Official


Sarijo, B.A

PJO Sub district

Government Official


Akil Fiat, SP

Green PNPM sub district facilitator




Head of UPK

Community representative


Drs. Andi Ramling, M.Si.


Community representative






Drs. Sabaruddin

Head of Sub district

Government Official


Syarifudin Rasyid

PJO Sub district

Government Official


Junaidin, S.Pi

Green PNPM sub district facilitator




Head of UPK

Community representative


Bio Mansur M,Si M.M .Pd


Community representative

Annex E: OWT’s Key Project Personnel No.




Dr. Edi Purwanto



Abdul Rahman, SE

Office Manager


Musyafir Siddiq, SE

Finance Manager


Astri Ivo

Administration Staff in Baubau Office


Ramadhan Isya Al Ansyari

Administration Staff in Muna Office


La Ode Muhammad Erwin, SP

Documentary and awareness film developer


Hendra Gunawan, S Hut

Training and Awareness Coordinator (SE Sulawesi Province)


Winardi, SP

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Buton District)


Abdul Hadedi, SP

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Buton District)


La Ode Rabiali Tongke, S Hut

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Muna District)


La Ode Alisyah, SE

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Muna District)


La Ode Mukmin, SP

Training and Awareness Coordinator (Kolaka District)


Andi Muh Sainuddin, S.Si, M.Si

Assistant Training and Awareness Coordinator (Kolaka District)



Awareness Coordinator at Mawasangka Sub-District


Sudin Side, SE

Awareness Coordinator at Pasarwajo Sub-District


Lamiludin, SP

Awareness Coordinator at Sampolawa Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Napabalano Sub-District


La Ode Suhasjuni, S. KM

Awareness Coordinator at Lawa Sub-District


Zakia, A. Mk

Awareness Coordinator at Tongkuno Sub-District


Gusti Suganda, ST

Awareness Coordinator at Ladongi Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Baula Sub-District



Awareness Coordinator at Watubangga Sub-District

Appendix F. Photo-Documentation National and Province Level

Participated workshop on Renewable energy in Medan, North Sumatera

National Program on regreening in Wakatobi Island

Participated Workshop on Renewable Energy in Makassar, South Sulawesi

Workshop on Green‐PNPM Smart Practices for local NGO, Kendari.

1 Edi Purwanto

Buton District

One day training on Green PNPM best practices for Setrawan in Lina Hotel, Baubau

Workshop on Green PNPM best practices for SKPD in Pasarwajo

Buton expo in Pasarwajo, Visitor of OWT’s Kiosk

Training on orange grafting in Warinta Village

2 Edi Purwanto

Muna District

Permanent biogas Demplot

Environmental awareness for senior high Women tra school students

Setrawan Training in Raha, Muna

CCB training for women group in Lambiku Village, Napabalano

3 Edi Purwanto

Kolaka District

Facilitated local community to make wooden boxes for honey bees farming

Workshop on Green-PNPM Reflection in Baula District

Coordination meeting with Head of PMD Kolaka and PNPM facilitators

Permanent biogas demplot in Ladongi: using residue of tempe and tofu home industry, the gas is used for three households.

4 Edi Purwanto

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