Jewel George Biddle Kelley Jewel Henry Arthur Callis Jewel Charles Henry Chapman Jewel Nathanial Allison Murray Jewel Vertner Woodson Tandy Jewel Robert Harold Ogle Jewel Eugene Kinckle Jones
Brothers, the chapter will be putting an Alumni Reclamation Plan in place for SPR’12. The Chapter has an Excel sheet with the contact info of our Alumni. Some of the info is incorrect. We value the support and communication of our Alumni Brothers and we are reaching out. We will be sending a “Test Email” to every Nu Zeta Alumni that we have on file. If you receive the message, please respond so that we can ensure that we have your correct info. We will also be asking for you to help us. If you know of any other Nu Zeta Brothers, Line Brothers and etc, and you have their contact info, please forward that to the chapter. Once we have a up to date contact spreadsheet, we can deliver chapter new faster and keep everyone up to date with Nu Zeta affairs.
-105 Years of Distinction-
Phounders Day Program -Come out and “Respect Your Roots”
Dec.4th.2011 7:00pm@ WCU UC Theater
“Dear Brothers, The Nu Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is proud to announce that we are hosting our annual “Remember the Jewels” Phounders Day Celebration. The program will be conducted at Western Carolina University in the University Center Theater. The program aims to be inclusive of all Brothers (College, Alumni, and Grad) who wish to celebrate and give tribute to 105 years of history. This year the program will be held most appropriately on Sunday, December 4th, 2011, commencing at 7:00pm and ending approximately at 8:30 pm.”
“Please make contact with the chapter to let us know if you will be joining us, and how many guest you plan to bring. Please note that all others are welcome and encouraged to attend. If would like to donate or help in expenses, please let the chapter know ASAP. You may contact me via email at finesse07miler@yahoo.com or, nuzetachapterofalphaphialpha@yahoo.com “
-Bro. Preston Stephon Roach, -President of the Nu Zeta Chapter-
August – – – –
Brotherhood Retreat Valley Balley Hoo and Village Palooza Freshman Move In Meet the Greeks
September – – –
Phirst Pham Affairs The Mockshow Voteless People is a Hopeless People
October – – – – –
Miss Black and Gold Pageant Tony Porter Presentation “How to Invest Your Money” Homecoming Greek Events/Tailgate Whee Putt
November – – –
Study Tools Program Annual Toy Drive ANCA Conference
December – –
Phounders Day Celebration Toy Delivery to Children's Hospital
What has the Chapter done this semester?
The Nu Zeta Chapter has been hard at work all semester. Each brother has been committed to academic excellence in the classroom while carrying out the work of Alpha to uphold the Light in Cullowhee, N.C. On the left is a month by month layout of what the chapter has done this semester. These few months have flown by and the Nu Zeta Chapter continues to progress onward and upward, reaching new heights of excellence. “The 1-9-0-6 will always stand above….” -”Burning Like Snow”
Please contact the chapter for more information.
To support our annual toy drive, the Alphamen will be doing the “Wobble�, and a few other popular dances, all day long to encourage the campus to donate toys. Bring a toy and come join us! Refreshments will be served
The Nu Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Presents our Annual Toy Drive November 1- December 5
Help Us Make Someone’s Holiday a Little More Special
SPRING ’07- “Guardians of the Sphinx” MAJOR/MINOR- Social Science Education D.O.B-
April 10th, 1988
QUOTE- ”The man who says he can't and the man who says he can are both right, which one are you?” CAREER PLANS- Get hired asap lol and do grad school over the summer
FALL ‘08 - “Weapons of a Warrior” MAJOR/MINORD.O.B-
Business Management October 23rd, 1987
CAREER PLANS- Symmetry Financial
Group Sales Representative.
SPRING ‘09 - “Phrozen S.O.L.I.D.” MAJOR/MINOR- Political Science/Soc. Work
May 11th, 1989
QUOTE- “Be as you wish to seem”
CAREER PLANS-My future career goals/plans is to one day become a city or county manager. After years of service I also plan on running for Governor of NC
www.notoriousalphamen.webs.com Facebook :Nu Zeta Chapter