Issue 20
December 2013
Cypress Essential Oil andYour New “Little Friend” by Robert Turchyn In my previous professional life, most eight-hour days were spent sitting in a chair, phone to my ear, staring at a computer screen. Add to the mix a high stress level, a motion-deprived environment (notwithstanding some arm flailing and jaw movement), throw in a diet high in refined carbohydrates and excessive amounts of caffeine, and the table was set for the arrival of my new “little friend.” The term “little friend” (I stole this from a customer who experienced similar visitations over the years) is ironic. In the same fashion that only a good friend can tell us things about ourselves we may not want to hear, a hemorrhoid is a call to revisit lifestyle and diet choices…and this is a “little friend” with a loud voice. So why the unwelcome visit? Sometimes referred to as “varicose veins of the anus and rectum,” hemorrhoids are enlarged, bulging blood vessels that come in two endearing iterations, internal and external. It doesn’t take much to imagine the distinction between the two, but it is important to know that these blood vessels lack tone, can be attached to compromised connective tissue, and can clot (blood becomes superviscous and is poorly circulated). More than half of the population develops hemorrhoids, usually after 30 years of age. Despite the prevalence of these “friendly visits,” conventional medicine talks about conditions associated with hemorrhoids rather than what actually causes them. Chronic constipation, overly “toned” musculature, and pregnancy are just a few. Accidents of evolution (being a bi-ped) and poor toilet habits (sitting on the toilet too long) are others. In addition, most major medical center websites (Mayo Clinic, Harvard Health, MedlinePlus) only discuss diet as a tool to lessen discomfort and irritation, i.e. lots of water and fiber-rich foods. Less discussed, as either a cause or a means to prevention, are considerations of diet and exercise. Chronically elevated blood sugar levels, often associated with diets high in refined carbohydrates and sugars, can erode the linings of blood vessels, a condition akin to “making-up the guest room” in preparation for our little friend’s arrival. Alcohol consumption in excess raises triglyceride levels, hardens and thickens veins and arteries,
and impairs circulation. Conversely, exercise improves muscle tone (even in areas most people don’t flex in front of mirrors) and increases metabolism and blood circulation. Bottom line: if the object is to change this relationship status from little friend to rarely seen acquaintance, changes in diet and lifestyle need to be adopted. Treatment Protocols Conventional medical treatments for hemorrhoids can range anywhere from steroidal topicals and suppositories, ligation (cutting off the blood supply by wrapping a rubber band around the protruding hemorrhoid) to, in severe cases, surgery. While it is estimated that two million Americans seek treatment for hemorrhoids each year, many sufferers opt for over-thecounter, non-prescription medications. These include zinc oxide and mineral oils (protectorants), vasoconstrictors such as phenylephrine (Preparation H), treatments for itching (hydrocortisone) and pain (pramoxine), as well as fiber supplements like Metamucil. Many of the same healthcare/pharmacy-type retailers that sell these remedies also feature essential oils by Aura Cacia, Nature’s Bounty and others. Cypress sempervirens (Cypress oil) in particular, as part of an essential oil blend that is easy to make, can be a very effective natural alternative for treatment of hemorrhoids. The use of cypress for hemorrhoids dates back thousands of years: the “shavings” of the plant were part of a “cataplasm” prescribed by Hippocrates for bleeding hemorrhoids back in the year 400 BCE. Interestingly, Hippocrates suggests using turpentine as a substitute in the poultice if cypress is unavailable. Turpentine, the resinous extract from conifer trees, is a mixture of monoterpene hydrocarbons. Monoterpenes, known for their astringent and vasoconstrictive qualities, represent up to 50% (in the form of alpha-pinene) of the chemical constituents in the essential oil (EO) of cypress. The tightening or “tonic” quality of monoterpene-rich cypress, along with the oil’s reputation as a “venous decongestant,” makes cypress a particularly good choice for hemorrhoids. (Continued on page 2)