Introduction for Health & Science LIRN Library Resources for ACHS Students LIRN Databases We’ll Look At: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) (good for topic overviews) Gale Health & Wellness Resource Center and Alternative Health Module Gale Health Reference Center Academic Gale Nursing & Allied Health Collection ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) PUBMED
LIRN Tools We’ll Look At:
LIRNSearch LIRN Titles
Accessing LIRN Resources Accessing LIRN from ACHS. You can get to LIRN at www.lirn.net. Then choose Databases. I believe you can also get there from your school’s student portal. You will see databases listed by vendor. The first four databases we look at will be listed under Gale InfoTrac (click Display/Hide to see the full list). The fifth under ProQuest. The sixth and seventh will be listed under Internet Resources. Please contact your instructor or an administrator at ACHS if you need your school’s LIRN login.
Gale Virtual Reference Library(GVRL) Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of online reference books. This is a great place to start if you don’t know much about your topic and you want to get a good overview before your narrow your focus to journal articles. It might also be a place where you go if you’re reading an article and you don’t understand a concept and want a definition from a specialized reference source. First, I want to point out the subjects listed along the left side of the page. The main subject of interest to you will probably by Medicine and possibly Science. You can choose to browse through a certain category, limit your search to a certain category, or you can cast a wider net by searching across the entire GVRL collection. If you plan to go into business for yourself, you may also be interested in the subject Business.