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Lymphatic Iris Constitution

Biliary Iris Constitution

Hematogenic Iris Constitution

Overacid Subtype Observe: Blue Iris with whitish fibers

Febrile Subtype

Observe: Extremely white fibers, white blue, or according to Kriege, “steel gray”

Lymphatic Subtype, Febrile / Overacid

Hydrogenoid Iris Subtype Observe: Blue or blue gray iris with small, white to off-white flocculations in the outer zone parallel to the iris edge. These are called tophi and commonly appear in the areas of the lungs, breast, neck, groin, diaphragm, head, and nasal areas which are specific areas of possible lymph congestion. Tophi may also appear around the collarette. When tophi are yellow or brown/yellow in color, this may indicate chronic congestion.

Uric Acid Subtype

Observe: Thick white, yellowish white, or grayish white plaques interspersed around the mid-zone (ciliary zone) of the iris. Seen in blue and blue/gray eyes.

Scurf Rim Iris Sub-Type Observe: Dark distinct ring in the outer ciliary zone just inside the iris edge


Lipemic Diathesis Observe: A white or cream colored opaque deposit at the outer edge of the iris varying in depth and intensity. This deposit is actually in the cornea and is a corneal sign. It can also be called corneal arcus, corneal opacity, or cholesterol ring.


Ferrum Chromatose/Tiger Striping

Iris shows: snuff tobacco like pigments forming bands of color


Hydrogenoid Iris shows brownish colored flocculation’s called tophi in the periphery of the iris.Dark coloration of tophi in a biliary iris does not necessarily depict chronicity as it might in a blue iris.


Lipemic Daithesis Observe: A white or cream colored opaque deposit at the outer edge of the iris varying in depth and intensity. This deposit is actually in the cornea and is a corneal sign. It can also be called corneal arcus, corneal opacity, or cholesterol ring.


Lipemic Diathesis Hematogenic with Lipemic Diathesis AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTHCARE SCIENCES


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