Guidelines for Scientific Writing

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Guidelines for Scientific Writing

How to Write a Scientific Paper A scientific paper includes the following sections (or categories of information): Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited. The actual titles of the sections (i.e., Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited) should be used as headers within the body of a scientific paper. Note, also, that each section should begin on a new page (including the Literature Cited) and that tables and figures should appear at the end of a scientific paper (after the Discussion section but before the Literature Cited section).

Title The title of a scientific paper is not one of the paper’s sections. Rather, the title appears on the first page of the document. It should be centered and placed above the author’s name; it should not appear in bold or italics. The title should contain three elements: 1. The Latin name of the essential oil studied. 2. The particular aspect or system studied. 3. The variable(s) manipulated. For example: The Effects of Tea Tree New Zealand Leptospermum scoparium on Anxiety with Post-­‐Operative Cervical Cancer Patients


The Abstract is the first section of a scientific paper. It should appear on a new page following the title page. The Abstract is a very brief summary of the entire work described in the scientific paper. It should be one paragraph long (about 150-­‐200 words). HINT: Due to the cumulative nature of the Abstract, write this section after you have completed all other sections of the paper. Otherwise, you may not have adequate information. The Abstract should be a self-­‐contained section of writing. The Abstract is what people will read first; therefore, the Abstract should be very clear and

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