What signs are we seeing here?
Here we see both an arcus senilis and a sodium ring. Spend some time reading over the key points for both. Arcus senilis is a cloudy opaque arc appearing over the brain area. It looks as if the sclera of the eye is actually coming down over the iris. It may be white, bluish white or have a yellow tint. To examine this sign accurately, ask the person to look down and gently lift the upper lid.
Key Points 路 Arcus senilis, the 'arc of old age' indicates severe brain anemia. 路 No matter what the chronological age, when the arcus senilis appears in the iris the brain is old. 路 It indicates the onset of senility and can cause symptoms of confusion, headaches, or forgetting words mid-sentence. 路 In a young person, it indicates heart trouble.
Protocol Vitamin E: up to 1,500 International Units daily. Begin with a 250 IU dose and increase gradually. Phosphorus foods: egg yolks, lentils, millet, seafood, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. Lecithin: avocados, free-range fertile egg yolks, and raw nuts. Manganese: green leafy vegetables, kelp, nuts, oranges, raw egg yolks, and seeds. Sulfur (aids the absorption of lecithin): cabbage, garlic, kale, onions, radish, and turnips. Stimulant herbs: cayenne pepper, garlic, red clover, and rosemary. Exercise: slant boarding and yoga (headstands, shoulder stands). The homeopathic remedy arnica stimulates blood circulation.
Sodium Ring Sodium ring, also known as a cholesterol or mineral ring, is seen as a translucent to opaque ring, usually white, sitting over the seventh zone. Its width varies and indicates the severity of the condition. It appears to be part of the cornea and the iris can usually be seen clearly through it.
Key Points It indicates one or more of the following: · An excess of sodium (table salt) in the diet causing hardening of the arteries. · Calcium out of solution. · Excessive levels of cholesterol and triglycerides excess of salicylic acid — aspirin and derivatives. · Excessive use of antacids such as baking soda. · Excessive intake of painkillers, saccharine, preservatives. · Symptoms associated with a sodium ring are: high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, calcium spots, joint pain, cold hands and feet, and poor memory.
Protocol · Salt free, low fat diet. Use a mixture of kelp granules and salt to slowly reduce a salt habit. · Calcium foods. · Potassium foods. · Lecithin granules: two tablespoons daily. · Homeopathic sodium. · Vitamin E. · Cayenne, garlic, red clover, and yarrow.
What sign do we see here?
The sodium ring appears as a whitish/grayish/yellowish ring over the circulatory and skin zone. It appears translucent around the whole iris or occasionally just around the upper half or lower half. Its presence suggests a number of possible conditions. Carry out further evaluative tests, examination, and questioning to pinpoint the cause. Recommend the client see their Primary Care Physician to get their blood pressure checked. With all cardiac and circulatory conditions, more so than with other systems, the whole iris should be considered particularly the brain, liver, lung and kidney areas. Also early warning signs can be seen in the fingernails, legs, and lips. The extremities, the brain, hands, and feet, are most affected by poor circulation. Chronic cold hands and feet is a common complaint of people with reduced circulation.
The sodium ring, also known as the mineral ring, indicates: 路 An excess of inorganic sodium, usually excessive use of table salt. The sodium ring is white. 路 Calcium out of solution, usually when there has been a history of excessive use of dairy products. The sodium ring is whitish/gray. An overall mineral imbalance is suggested by the appearance of a sodium ring. 路 Excess cholesterol, excess animal fats. The sodium ring has a whitish/yellowish coloration. 路 Salicylic poisoning, excessive use of aspirin or magnesium through overuse of antacids. The presence of a sodium ring can also indicate fragile capillaries, rheumatic conditions and overall reduction in the body's ability to deliver nutrients to the cells and remove waste products from them.
What sign do we see here?
Autonomic Nervous Wreath The main nerve structure found in the iris of the eye is the autonomic nervous wreath. The autonomic nervous system is not under the control of the will. This sign is located about 1/3 of the distance out from the pupil towards the edge of the iris. It is the line that separates the bowel zone from the organ zone, and it is usually quite jagged. Ideally, it should form a circular shape around the intestinal area but it is often very irregular and distorted. Key Points 路 A regular shaped autonomic nervous wreath indicates normal functioning of body organs. 路 A very distorted wreath indicates over sensitivity, nervousness, and lack of tone. 路 If the wreath points to an organ or groups of organs it indicates reduced nerve supply to the area. 路 If the wreath is standing out boldly and white it indicates that the body's nervous system is under stress and working overtime.
Protocol A disturbed, broken, jagged or inflamed nervous wreath indicates the need for: · Lecithin · B vitamins · Potassium · Magnesium · Kali phos. cell salt Nervine herbs — chamomile, hops, lemon balm, passionflower, skullcap, valerian Always check the adrenal glands as they are usually affected if the autonomic nervous wreath is evident.
What sign do we see here?
Nerve Rings Nerve rings are also called cramp lines, contraction rings, or neuro-vascular cramping. They appear as rings of furrows or wrinkles either around the whole iris or only in specific areas.
Key Points 路 Nerve rings indicate a high level of stress and anxiety. The stress may be: Internal: i.e., drugs and toxic deposits causing nerve irritation External: i.e., pollution, environment, emotional. 路 Nerve rings can occur in conjunction with a hypo-active thyroid. Always check the thyroid function. 路 Nerve rings result in a restriction of blood and nerve supply to the area in which they occur. 路 Nerve rings can appear as white indicating an acute state; gray or dark brown indicating a more chronic state. Nerve rings can become white during a healing crisis.
路 The cause of internal stress can be seen by observing the organs at each end of the nerve ring. If one of the organs is whiter, it can indicate an acute state in that organ causing nervous irritation. If seen over the genitourinary organs in women it indicates menstrual pain and cramping. If seen in the respiratory organs it can indicate coughing spells or dyspnea. If seen in the brain area convulsions and giddiness are often a problem. 路 Up to four nerve rings in an iris are considered an acceptable stress level by most iridologists. More than this and the nervous system is under considerable strain.
Protocol · The following calcium and magnesium rich foods should be included in the diet: almonds, dairy produce, dandelion leaves, dark green vegetables, kelp, lentils, nuts, parsley, sesame seeds, shell fish, molasses, and whole grains. · Nervine herbs: catnip, chamomile, hops, mistletoe, skullcap, passionflower, and valerian. · Cell salts: calcium phosphate and magnesium phosphate. · Yoga or full-bodied exercise. · Stress reduction techniques. · Cleansing diet and elimination regime.
What sign do we see here?
Scurf Rim The outside border of the iris is the skin zone. This zone should be the same color as the basic underlying iris color. Key Points · When the skin is under-active, and not eliminating toxins through perspiration and sweat as effectively as it should, this area darkens into a distinct ring that spreads in towards the pupil. · It becomes particularly noticeable if skin eruptions are suppressed with antibiotic or cortisone treatment. · A scurf rim in children can indicate excessive sugar in the diet. Acute symptoms associated with a scurf rim are: · Excessive sweating · Oily skin · Sensitive to heat and cold · Eruptions
Chronic symptoms are: · · · ·
Loss of hair Lack of sweat Poor complexion Poor circulation
· If the scurf rim is darker or wider over one particular area it indicates that area is more affected than others. · If a scurf rim is present, the other eliminative organs may be overloaded: remember to check these. · Deodorants, talcum powder, mineral oils, soaps, vaccines, and injections will all darken the skin zone.
Protocol · Saunas · Dry skin brushing · Massage · Hot and cold showers · Silica: barley, oats, oatstraw tea (must be simmered in water to release the silica), and sprouts. · Sulfur: garlic, onions, and watercress. · Blood cleansing and diaphoretic herbs: burdock, dandelion, yarrow, and yellow dock.
What sign do we see here?
Lymphatic Rosary Here we see a sub-acute lymphatic rosary (brown iris) and acute lymphatic rosary (blue iris) The lymphatic rosary is seen in the iris as small white or yellow dots around the periphery of the iris. Usually they are in the circulatory zone but they may appear in zones 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. They vary in shape and size. Their color indicates how acute and serious the tendency towards congestion is. They are indicative of lymph node congestion or a blockage in the flow of lymph. If they are in certain organs or heavily settled in just one organ, it indicates that the lymph supply to that organ may be very under-active. If the lymphatic rosary appears around the whole iris, it indicates an overall lowered immune response. It may also be evident if the person has allergies to a wide variety of foods and substances.