
11 minute read

ACI marina Rijeka jedinstven je projekt koji nudi najvišu razinu kvalitete usluge, ne samo za nautičare, već za i građane, i to u samom centru grada ACI marina Rijeka is a unique project that offers the highest level of service, not only for boaters but also for the residents, in the very centre of the city
Pred predsjednikom Uprave ACI-ja Kristijanom Pavićem i najvećim lancem marina na Mediteranu novi je poslovni izazov. Jedinstveni projekt ACI marine Rijeka koji će u budućnosti staviti snažan naglasak na razvoj nautičkog turizma, ne samo Kvarnera, nego cijele hrvatske obale. Kristijan Pavić, the President of the Management Board of ACI, and the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean are facing a new business challenge: the unique project of ACI Marina Rijeka, which will put a strong emphasis in the future on the development of nautical tourism not only in Kvarner but on the entire Croatian coast.
ACI marina Rijeka elitna je marina s 5 sidara s najvišim standardima opremljenosti kako u smislu uređenja, ponude vezova, tako i pružanju vrhunske usluge i različitosti ponude koja će privući sve one željne izvrsnosti usluga u nautičkom turizmu.

ACI Marina Rijeka is an elite marina with a five-anchor rating that boasts amenities of the highest standard both in terms of design and berthing possibilities and in terms of providing a superior service and offering a variety of services that will attract all those looking for excellence in nautical tourism.
Kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu ACI posljednjih nekoliko godina konstantno podiže razinu usluge u nautičkom sektoru. Što će novoga projekt ACI marina Rijeka ponuditi tržištu i koja su tržišta ključna za njegov razvoj?
ACI marina Rijeka od strateške je važnosti za razvoj nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj. U suradnji s našim partnerom, GITONE Kvarner d.o.o., želimo stvoriti elitnu marinu s kategorizacijom 5 sidara kojom se mogu pohvaliti samo tri hrvatske marine od čega su dvije ACI-jeve (Rovinj i Cres). Rijetkih i prestižnih 5 sidara klijentima jamče ispunjavanje najviše razine kvalitete u pogledu niza posebnih uvjeta i visokih standarda opremljenosti te izgleda prostora u kojima se djelatnost obavlja, načina na koji se usluge pružaju, sadržaja koji marina nudi te u konačnici, i u pogledu primjene načela zaštite okoliša u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Projekt ACI marina Rijeka jedinstven je projekt kakvog dosad u Hrvatskoj nismo imali prilike vidjeti budući da nudi najvišu razinu kvalitete usluge, ne samo za nautičare, već za i građane, i to u samom centru grada. Geoprometni položaj marine izuzetno je povoljan, od većine emitivnih tržišta dijeli je tek nekoliko sati vožnje automobilom, a budući da se nekoliko aerodroma nalazi u neposrednoj blizini marine, očekujemo i priljev gostiju iz udaljenijih destinacija. Ne smijemo zaboraviti ni domaće nautičare kojih je iz godine u godinu sve više što nas iznimno veseli. As the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean, ACI has been steadily raising the level of service in the nautical sector over the past few years. What are the novelties that the ACI Marina Rijeka project will offer in the market and which markets are key to its development?
ACI Marina Rijeka, is of strategic importance for the development of nautical tourism in Croatia. In cooperation with our partner, the company GITONE Kvarner, we want to create an elite marina with a five-anchor rating – the rating that only three Croatian marinas can boast, two of which are ACI (Rovinj and Cres). The rare and prestigious five anchors are a guarantee to clients of the highest level of quality in terms of meeting a number of special requirements and having a high level of equipment as well as in the terms of the design of the premises in which the activity is carried out, the way the services are provided, the amenities offered in a marina and, ultimately, the implementation of environmental principles in everyday business as well. The ACI Marina Rijeka project is a unique project that we have never had the opportunity to see in Croatia, since it offers the highest level of the quality of service, not only for boaters but also for the residents, in the very centre of the city. The position of the marina is extremely advantageous in terms of geography and transport routes; it is only a few hours away by car from most outbound travel markets, and since several
Fotografija/ Photo: Zona sto d.o.o.

Na koje razdoblje se daje koncesija i koja je procijenjena vrijednost?
Koncesija na pomorskom dobru daje se u svrhu izgradnje i gospodarskog korištenja luke posebne namjene – luke nautičkog turizma Porto Baroš. Davatelji koncesije su Hrvatski sabor i Vlada Republike Hrvatske, u ime Republike Hrvatske, a koncesija se daje na 30 godina. Ukupna procijenjena vrijednost koncesije je 1.165.410,256,41 kn HRK (bez PDV-a).
ACI marina Rovinj i ACI Sail su kao projekti otvorili ACI-ju svijet luksuznog jahtinga. Na koju klijentelu cilja ACI marina Rijeka?
Kao što sam spomenuo, cilj nam je da ACI marina Rijeka bude elitna marina s 5 sidara. S obzirom na kvalitetu usluge koju će marina pružati, nadamo se da će privući sve one željne izvrsnosti usluga u nautičkom turizmu. Želimo staviti snažan naglasak na razvoj nautičkog turizma, a grad Rijeka i ACI marina Rijeka imaju ogroman potencijal u tom segmentu što je i prepoznato.
Koje ćete druge aktivnosti, osim veza, pružati nautičarima?
Osim očekivane usluge veza i travel lifta, na raspolaganju će biti i trgovački i ugostiteljski prostori, smještajne jedinice za nautičare, wellness/spa, vanjske rekreacijske površine, preljevni bazen, parkiralište, benzinska postaja i šetnica. Većina će sadržaja, uključujući šetnicu, biti otvorena za sve građane te time približiti Rijeku moru.
Ovaj projekt promijenit će kompletnu sliku Rijeke. Što dolazak velikih jahti na Kvarner znači za čitav grad?
Najveću dobrobit osjetit će stanovnici riječkog područja jer otvaranje marine znači i otvaranje novih radnih mjesta. Predviđena su 132 nova radna mjesta. Marina je od velike važnosti, ne samo za nautičare, već i za sve građane grada Rijeke, pa i šire budući da će izgradnja marine trajno promijeniti izgled grada, ponuditi mnošairports are located in its immediate vicinity, we also expect an influx of guests from more distant destinations. We must not forget the Croatian boaters either, whose number is rising year after year, which makes us very happy.
For what period is the concession granted and what is its estimated value?
The concession on the maritime domain is granted for the construction and commercial use of the special purpose port – port of nautical tourism of Porto Baroš. The concession is granted by the Croatian Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Croatia, on behalf of the Republic of Croatia, for a period of 30 years. The total estimated value of the concession is HRK 1,165,410,256.41 (excluding VAT).
As projects, ACI Marina Rovinj and ACI Sail opened up the world of luxury yachting to ACI. What clientele is ACI Marina Rijeka targeting?
As I mentioned, our goal is to make ACI Marina Rijeka an elite marina with a five-anchor rating. Given the quality of service that the marina will provide, we hope that it will attract all those looking for excellence in services provided in nautical tourism. We want to put a strong emphasis on the development of nautical tourism, and the city of Rijeka and ACI Marina Rijeka have a huge potential in this segment, which has been recognised.
What other activities, besides the possibility of berthing, will you provide to boaters?
In addition to the berthing and travel lift services, which is to be expected, there will be retail and restaurant facilities, accommodation for boaters, a wellness/spa, outdoor recreation areas, an overflow pool, a car park, a petrol station and a promenade. Most
Geoprometni položaj marine izuzetno je povoljan, od većine emitivnih tržišta dijeli je tek nekoliko sati vožnje automobilom, a budući da se nekoliko aerodroma nalazi u neposrednoj blizini marine, očekujemo i priljev gostiju iz udaljenijih destinacija. Ne smijemo zaboraviti ni domaće nautičare kojih je iz godine u godinu sve više što nas iznimno veseli. The position of the marina is extremely advantageous in terms of geography and transport routes; it is only a few hours away by car from most outbound travel markets, and since several airports are located in its immediate vicinity, we also expect an influx of guests from more distant destinations. We must not forget the Croatian boaters either, whose number is rising year after year, which makes us very happy.

Fotografija/ Photo: Zona sto d.o.o.

tvo sadržaja i unaprijediti kvalitetu života stanovnika riječke regije. Nadamo se da ćemo pridonijeti repozicioniranju grada, iz tranzitne postaje u kojoj se turisti kratko i usputno zadržavaju u urbano turističko središte. Valja naglasiti da se prilikom novih zahvata i prenamjene građevina unutar luke uzima u obzir povijesno, kulturološko i arhitektonsko-urbanističko naslijeđe. Posebno se vodilo i vodit će se računa o tome da marina ostane dio cjeline tj. grada u kojem se nalazi.
Velike jahte su tek prije par godina počele u većem broju dolaziti u Hrvatsku. Koje su komparativne prednosti Rijeke i cijele naše obale?
Drago nam je što je Hrvatska prepoznata kao sjajna 'jahting' destinacija. To je rezultat zajedničkih napora cijelog nautičkog sektora, a ACI kao najveća kompanija u tom sektoru želi Rijeci podariti perspektivnu nautičku budućnost. Kvalitete Hrvatske kao idealne nautičke destinacije su višestruke: opremljene marine i stručno osoblje, predivna priroda, vrhunska gastronomija, sjajna prometna povezanost. ACI marina Rijeka posjeduje sve navedeno, a obogaćena je i povijesnom baštinom Rijeke kao grada. Ovim projektom Hrvatska će se dodatno pozicionirati kao jedna od svjetski najprivlačnijih nautičkih destinacija.
Kao veliki poznavatelj luksuznog jahtinga znate da industrija podrazumijeva i razvoj čitavog niza pratećih sadržaja poput opskrbe, vrhunske gastronomije i edukacije kvalitetnog kadra. Može li Rijeka postati regionalni lider po tom pitanju?
Izvrsnost nije samo vještina, već i stav koji proizlazi iz tradicije i kvalitete usluga koje nudimo. Upravo na tome ACI gradi svoju prepoznatljivost u svijetu nautike. Naša investicija u rekonstrukciju ACI marine Rovinj bila je jedan od prvih koraka prema razvoju Hrvatske kao destinacije za velike jahte. Taj segment tržišta jedan je od najlukrativnijih segmenata luksuzne industrije u kojem se možete isprofilirati ako za to imate ostvarene preduvjete. Pritom mislim na infrastrukturu potrebnu za jahte takvih dimenzija, ponudu u marini i samoj destinaciji koja za goste takvih plovila mora biti na najvišoj razini. Bitno je istaknuti kako ACI želi takvim ljudima ponuditi jedno novo iskustvo i doživljaj Hrvatske zbog koji će se vraćati na naše more. Rijeka i Kvarner možda još uvijek nisu dovoljno iskorišteni i popularizirani u nautičkom smislu u čemu vidimo izazov i priliku za daljnji razvoj. of the facilities, including the promenade, will be open to all residents, bringing Rijeka closer to the sea.
This project will change the entire image of Rijeka. What does the arrival of large yachts to Kvarner mean for the whole city?
The greatest benefit will be felt by the inhabitants of the Rijeka area, because the opening of the marina also means the creation of new jobs. 132 new jobs are planned. Marina is of great importance, not only for boaters but also for all residents of the city of Rijeka and beyond, since the construction of the marina will permanently change the appearance of the city, offer a multitude of facilities and improve the quality of life for the residents in the Rijeka region. We hope to contribute to the repositioning of the city from a transit stop, where tourists stay briefly and in passing, to an urban tourist centre. It should be noted that the new interventions and the conversion of buildings within the port take into account historical, cultural and urban architectural heritage. Special care has been taken to ensure that the marina remains part of the whole, i.e. of the city in which it is located.
It is only a few years ago that large yachts began coming to Croatia in greater numbers. What are the comparative advantages of Rijeka and our entire coast?
We are glad that Croatia has been recognised as a great yachting destination. This is the result of the joint efforts of the entire nautical sector, and ACI, as the largest company in the sector, wants to offer Rijeka a promising nautical future. The qualities of Croatia as an ideal nautical destination are multiple: equipped marinas and professional staff, beautiful nature, top quality gastronomy, great transport connections. ACI Marina Rijeka has all of the above, and is enriched with the historical heritage of Rijeka as a city. With this project, Croatia will further position itself as one of the world's most attractive nautical destinations.
As an expert on luxury yachting, you know that the industry also implies the development of a whole range of accompanying services such as supply, top quality gastronomy and quality staff training. Can Rijeka become a regional leader in this regard?
Excellence means having not only a skill but also an attitude that arises from the tradition and quality of the services we offer. It is precisely this aspect on which ACI builds its recognition in the world of boating. Our investment in the reconstruction of the ACI Marina Rovinj was one of the first steps towards the development of Croatia as a destination for large yachts. This market segment is one of the most lucrative sections of the luxury industry in which you can establish yourself if you have the prerequisites. By this, I mean the infrastructure necessary for yachts of such dimensions, the services provided in the marina and the destination itself, which must be at the highest level for visitors with such vessels. It is important to point out that ACI wants to offer those guests a new experience and a new encounter with Croatia that will make them return to our coast. Rijeka and Kvarner may not yet be sufficiently exploited and popularised in nautical terms, and this is precisely where we see a challenge and an opportunity for further development.