Cayman Parent 2018

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IMPROVED! Look Inside!

2018 Edition

The State of Cayman’s Schools Today p18 Kids Activity Guide p79

Kids & Immigration

Know the Rules! p225

The State Feature Article p12







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Publisher Acorn Publishing Co Ltd.

Editors Joanna Boxall & Charles Grover

Sales Charles Grover Sean Kelly Mahreen Nabi

Writers / Researchers Pippa Davies Satina DaCosta Grace Edgington Mahreen Nabi Chloe Williams Jessica Wright

Design & Production Claire Rohleder Elicia Wilson

EDITOR'S LETTER Our latest project, Cayman Parent, has been a huge undertaking. We acquired the product in 2016 after the previous owner, Heather Cassidy headed back to Bermuda. Just as a relay runner hands over the baton, so Heather gave us the task of taking Cayman Parent to the next level and the Acorn team has more than risen to the challenge. With the help of numerous contributors, office snacks, lots of coffee, late nights, but more than anything else, a talented team of employees, we have reimagined the magazine to produce what is undoubtedly the most comprehensive source of information for parents and families in the Cayman Islands. We want the magazine to be a catalyst for challenging and improving the lives of children in Cayman by giving parents, mentors and educators relevant, well-researched and comprehensive information in a really useful guide. Help us achieve this goal by sharing with us your stories of success, overcoming adversity, your role models, or simply information to help make parenting in the Cayman Islands easier. We will consider anything that will ultimately encourage our youngsters to lead

Cover Photography Rebecca Davidson

Contributors Carol Bennett Carla Bregani Niall Browne Sean Childers Kary Claybourn Sheena Conolly Maureen Cubbon David Dinner Dr Rommel El-Madany Erin Fitzgerald Mark Gaus Faith Gealey Nick Joseph Georgie Loxton Emma McArthur Dr Rebeca de Miguel Sheila Purdom Emily Roberts Lindsay Thompson Clare Thorpe Natasha Were Jeanette Verhoeven

Additional Photography

more fulfilled lives. Cayman Parent will continue to evolve over the years based on the input from the Cayman community, so please share with us topics you would like us to research and include in future editions. Also, we are always looking for fun new photos, so if you are a budding photographer or want us to feature your family in these pages, then send us your best! We look forward to hearing from you and in the meantime enjoy the new Cayman Parent!

Julie Corsetti Deep Blue Images Lucy Beighton | Creations Unlimited Rebecca Davidson Photography Daria Keenan | Picture This Jenna Leigh Photography Picture This Photography Cayman Islands National Archive Monika Wojtkiewicz

Special thanks to:

Charles Grover

Joanna Boxall

Acorn Publishing Co Ltd. PO Box 31403, Grand Cayman KY1-1206, Tel: (345) 946 3200 Email:, Cayman Parent is published annually in September. Complimentary copies can be found throughout the Island. The information can also be found at All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic or mechanical, including photography and recording without the prior consent of the publisher. While every effort has been taken to provide information that is accurate as possible, the publishers and respective contributors and researchers do not accept any responsibility for injury, loss or damage occasioned to any person as a result of material in this book.

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Winston Connolly and family Joel Francis, Kary Claybourn, Lindsay Thompson, Camille Angel, Judy Singh Hurlston, James Myles, Victor Crumbley, Tiffany Knowles, Jennifer Skinner, Aly Reilly, Paulinda Mendoza-Williams and Felicia Robinson.

Cayman Parent Moments With the sun, sand and blue skies, Cayman is the perfect place to raise kids. Get out, enjoy, and send us your photos ( to be featured in the next edition of Cayman Parent Magazine. Photos courtesy of Daria Keenan of Picture This Studios

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Home is the safe place where you live and raise your family. Finding the right proper ty begins with someone who listens and is dedicated to helping you ďŹ nd that perfect ďŹ t.

CONTRIBUTORS CAROL BENNETT "I love raising my daughter in Cayman, surrounded by family and enjoying the comfort of living in a small society while also have ready access to interact with the global community." Carol is the Senior Policy Advisor and Manager of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Unit which supports early childhood centres. She has been a Special Education Teacher at the Lighthouse School, coordinated the Early Intervention Programme and worked as an ECCE Officer.

NICK JOSEPH "The opportunity for adventure and discovery in the ultimate of playgrounds." Admitted as a Cayman Islands Attorney at Law in 1997 and currently working as a partner at HSM Chambers, Nick leads the firm’s Cayman Business Team and specialises in immigration and licensing matters relating to the acquisition and maintenance of residence in the Cayman Islands, and the regulation of employment of foreign nationals.

SHEENA CONNOLLY "The wonderful sense of community, sharing and caring amongst fellow parents!" Sheena has over twenty years of valuable experience working in Cayman real estate and currently serves on the board of CIREBA. She launched Cayman Islands Sotheby’s International Realty in 2005 and she has since received many prestigious awards.

DAVID DINNER "The variety and quality of extra-curricular activities, all of which are so close to home – we are truly lucky in that regard. Plus it saves on gas…" David arrived in Cayman in 2008 and worked for a boutique law firm for five years before joining Randall Foster Martin in starting their own firm. Today he is managing partner of Dinner Martin Attorneys which specialises in corporate/commercial work, immigration, business licensing, wills and estates, and civil litigation.

JEANETTE VERHOEVEN "Due to our small size and relative safety, most of our children stay “kids” longer, playing with other children no matter the ages and without all the pressures of the overseas fads." Jeanette is a registered nurse and helps manage the health, life and disability insurance portfolios with Aon Risk Solutions brokers (ARS). She assists clients in obtaining and maintaining the best insurance protection possible, and brings over 25 years of experience to her role at Aon.

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What do you consider the best thing about Parenting in Cayman?

LINDSAY THOMPSON "There is an incredibly supportive community of parents here in Cayman. Mums and Dads alike are friendly, inclusive and always ready to give advice or lend a hand when needed!" Canadian born Lindsay has lived in Cayman since 2012. Former teacher and mum of one, she has developed an innovative interior décor concept called Fuse-In Designs, which offers custommade decorative magnetic covers for electrical panels.

MARK GAUS "The beautiful subtropical weather, free activities on the beach, excellent prep schools and the great number of other young families to relax with." Originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Mark studied Business Management at Palm Beach Atlantic University where he received his Masters of Business Administration degree, MBA. He has a long-time passion for real estate and broad experience in both sales negotiations and pioneering marketing practices.

GEORGIE LOXTON "The weather and the fact that my kids can always be outside. In a time when kids are getting more and more sedentary, ours get more and more active." Georgie is a Financial Planner and Wealth Manager at International Financial Planning. She is a CFA charterholder and has 13 years of experience managing investments and navigating people through life’s ups and downs. Her practice focuses on affluent women, particularly those in transition.

SHEILA PURDOM "One of the very best things must be to see your children growing up in a friendly, supportive community." Sheila graduated from the University of Bristol with a Bachelors and Master’s degree in Education, specialising in English and Philosophy. She brings a wealth of educational experience having been headmistress of eight schools in five different countries: England, Venezuela, Panama, Jamaica and Grand Cayman.

FAITH GEALEY "The multi-generational aspect of the community. I love that my daughter is friends with the children of my friends and the grandchildren of my mother’s friends." Faith is a speech language pathologist with the Health Services Authority. She hold a Master’s of Science degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders and has been working with individuals with special needs for over 10 years.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Caymanian Roots: Winston Connolly P 12

OBGYNS & Hospitals in Grand Cayman P 52

Cayman's Public Education System P 18

Planning the Perfect Baby Shower P 62

Food for Thought "A Guide to Nutrition in Cayman" P 25

A Day in The Life of a New Mum P 65

The Best Education System in the World P 32 A Fine Balance: The Rights of Children in the Parent-Child Relationship P 36

Baby Food Decisions P 74 How to Choose a Nanny P 75 Car Seat Safety P 78 Weekly Activity List P 79

Book Club P 66 Hospital Bag Essentials P 67

Developmental Milestones P 92 Story of a Transformation P 88

The Listings P 70

Stress-Free Dining p 96 The Listings P 98

An Unlikely Pairing: Adventures in Mentoring P 40


How to Choose a School P 104 Homeschooling 'Cayman-Style' P 112 The Importance of Parenting in the Education of a Child P 120 Raising Children with Faith P 122 The Explosion of Tutoring P 124 The Danger of Too Much Screen Time - Plus Helpful Tips P 132 The Listings P 136

Capturing Family Moments P 43 The Listings P 46


51 FIRST WORD 10 Cayman Parent Magazine




Make Volunteering a Family Thing P 192

Have Passport? Will Travel P 224

Getting Immunisations Right! P 168

Striking the Right Note with Children & Music Education P 194

Immigration Rules Relating to Children P 225

What Makes an Employable Adult? P 153

Health Insurance for Kids P 170

Cost Guide for Children's Activities P 195

The Importance of Internships P 154

Do You See What 'Eye' See? P 173

5 Easy Tips to Make Recycling Fun! P 196

Learning to Drive P 158

Dental Care for Children P 174

For the Love of Art P 197

Bank Accounts for your Children P 233

Bright Young Things P 200

The Listings P 236

Parks & Playgrounds P 205

Index P 238

The Listings P 214

Community Role Model Franz Manderson P 240

Preparing for College & Tips on How to Get a Scholarship P 146

Childhood Behavioural Learning & Cognitive Issues P 164

Saving for College Fees P 151

Rules of the Road P 160 The Listings P 161

Ask a Doctor P 176 Child Abuse P 178 The Listings P 182

The Divorce Dilemma P 229 Preparing for the Worst P 230









Photo courtesy of Rebecca Davidson of Rebecca Davidson Photography

Winston gets personal! He talks weathering Cayman’s political storms, his past and future, and why being the best husband and father is now his priority.



Are you overwhelmed with all the latest studies and the conflicting food dos and don’ts? Don't worry! We have the ultimate food guide.

Q&A P.34


Find out how four Cayman-based moms are juggling their families and small businesses… these women almost make it look too easy!

They say a good mentor is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction. We bet you haven't heard that mentorship can be an adventure!





Description of photo - Photographer Name Description of photo - Photographer Name


WINSTON CONNOLLY For the four years he served as an independent Member of the Legislative Assembly, Winston Connolly put his people and his country before his wife and children. Now it’s time to put his family first.

Before stepping into the political fray, Winston Connolly had an better future for Cayman. enviable life. He was a successful lawyer, a partner in a fiduciary “I wasn’t a politician,” he insists. “I was just someone who services firm with a wife and young son. Along with the comforts felt compelled to help my country and my people, given the of financial security, Winston also had an active social life. But as circumstances that we found ourselves in at the time." However, a proud and patriotic Caymanian, he was not able to sit back and his ideals and his dedication, cost him dearly. simply watch the chaos unfold in the wake of the arrest of the Choosing to give up his partnership in the fiduciary services then premier McKeeva Bush. He knew he had to do something firm, and forfeit the financial security that went with it, was for his people and his country. the single hardest decision he has ever had to make. But doing In May 2013 he was elected as an independent Member of the nothing was not something he would have been able to live with. Legislative Assembly and for the next four years worked tirelessly, “The country that gave me so much was under threat,” he says. in the face of huge adversity, to push for change and build a “Life, as I knew it, was at stake…. In many ways it was not a

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choice – even though in the back of my mind I knew there would be a huge personal cost.” Without his partnership income, his wife Lesley became the primary breadwinner. With Winston on a significantly reduced salary, they found themselves paring back their lifestyle and liquidating assets to live within their means. But financial sacrifices were only the beginning. As a politician and public figure, the intrusions into their private life were constant. “We had previously done a lot socially, but going out became a burden,” he says. “There are zero degrees of separation in politics.” Everybody wanted a piece of him. After a while, he stopped going to the grocery store or even out to restaurants to avoid attention. Eventually, the intrusions became so hard to bear that he and Lesley took the decision to rarely venture out at all, unless they had to. They even stopped their date nights, which they had done since they were married in 2008, because people would often inject themselves into the date to try and discuss politics. Meanwhile, in the political arena, Winston fought hard for what he believed in and spoke his mind, regardless of the opposition he encountered. During his four years as an MLA he remained an independent, speaking out on issues that others dared not address. “I took on causes not for personal or political gain, but because I thought they were good for Caymanians and for Cayman – in that order,” he says. He is proudest of having stood up for his people and his beliefs in relation to the Legal Practitioner’s Bill, in spite of initially having little support. But his refusal to conform came at a high price. “I’ve been called all sorts of names. I lost acquaintances, I was ridiculed and castigated, and have probably been blackballed from my chosen profession as a lawyer,” he admits. “I’ve made lifelong political and professional enemies for my stance on equality of opportunity for Caymanian lawyers.” However, one of his proudest moments was when he brought the Private Member’s Motion that eventually resulted in the unanimous vote for the previously shelved National Energy Policy for the Cayman Islands. When the other members of the coalition government didn’t see the urgency of getting an energy policy off the ground, Winston decided to host his own international energy forum. Irrespective of initially having no

“I wasn’t a politician, ... I was just someone who felt compelled to help my country and my people, given the circumstances that we found ourselves." - Winston Connolly


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support, he used social media to help turn the tide. Ultimately, he was able to bring a motion that was unanimously approved by the entire Legislative Assembly, with the result being bi-partisan support for the significantly increased use of renewable energy in Cayman. At the time the motion was passed the target for renewable energy was 1% and it has now been set at 70% usage of renewable energy by 2037. In spite of the immense and sometimes unbearable pressure he was under, the fact that he could make a difference for his country kept him motivated. Unfortunately, both the long working hours and his desire to help his country, had a damaging effect on his relationship with his wife and children. For example, in 2015 Winston and Lesley welcomed their second child Edyn into the world. However, he was so busy, that the only time he saw his children awake was on weekends. “Because my children didn’t see me, they didn’t know me. They clung to their mother or other family members,” he recounted. Lesley too was under incredible strain. Not only was she holding down a 60 to 70 hour a week job, but she was also the one handling all the domestic chores, whilst trying to fill the role of both mother and father in her husband’s absence. He notes, “It was not fair on her, the children, or the other family members who had to step in to take my place.” His family life was in jeopardy and the time had come for him to put them first. Winston has always said – to anyone that would listen – that he does not love politics and only planned to be there for a limited time. For four years he gave it his all, and thus in May 2017 felt able to walk away with this head held high, knowing he had done all he could.

ON FAMILY LIFE Winston’s deep-seated sense of duty to the country and the people he loves was no doubt shaped by his upbringing. His family was not political at all: He doesn't recall ever discussing politics with his parents and doesn’t believe that they would have wanted him to become a politician. However, the values they taught him contributed to him feeling a call to public service. He was raised in what he describes as a strict but loving home in North Side. His mother a teacher and his father an accountant with the Public Works Department were a humble Christian couple who emphasised the importance of faith first and foremost, followed by family and education. They always instilled in their children the principles of charity and giving back with his mother encouraging him to become involved in philanthropic clubs. This was a practice he continued into adulthood having served as President of Rotary Sunrise, a board member and vice president of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society, a volunteer on the Legal Befrienders groups and a member of the Joanna Clarke Excellence in Education Award Committee. When it comes to raising his own children, Winston hopes he can replicate many elements of his own childhood, but in particular the focus on family. He observes that with a strong family unit around you, you can take on almost anything. Whilst his own upbringing was very regimented, with time allocated to study, piano lessons and reading, Winston and Lesley take a less restrictive approach with Wade and Edyn. They encourage them to make time for sport and social activities, (things that Winston feels he missed out on) and they encourage reading “to expand their minds and comprehension, and to escape to imaginary and far away places.” Ultimately, they strive to lead by example – treating everybody with love and respect so that their children will do the same. In Winston's view, there is no such thing as perfect parenting – you just try to be better at it today than you were yesterday.


ON EDUCATION Like any parent raising children on a small island, there are aspects that worry him. One is that living in Cayman will mean their exposure to other lifestyles and cultures will be somewhat limited. But the benefits of growing up in a safe, loving and secure environment, and in a place they feel connected to, makes it worthwhile. His greatest concern, however, relates to the educational opportunities available to children growing up in Cayman. A passionate advocate for education reform, he believes that the public school system here is generally failing young people. The low expectations the system has for its students, he says, in many cases, is turning out low achievers. This is why, during his term in politics, he told the Assembly that he would not send his children to public school, and that he would make no apologies for it until the system was fixed. Winston was a gifted student himself: He was the Leo’s Club Child of the Year in 1982 which meant that at the age of eight, he won a university scholarship* [*Editor: At the time the first prize for the Leo Child of the Year contest was a full university scholarship guaranteed by the Cayman Islands Government, although the child was required to maintain high grades up to graduation from high school.] However, he still felt ill-prepared for university when the time arrived. Even back then, the difference in attitudes to education in Cayman as compared to the UK were clear to him. His friends who went to boarding school in England were sitting more GCSEs and more A levels than their counterparts in Cayman. “At the time I was grateful, but later it was very apparent that I could have been pushed harder, and I always wondered why, as a country, we didn’t. Was it because we believed our students couldn’t?". Ever since then, this question has fuelled his passion for educational reform. Given that young Caymanians will one day be competing for jobs with their peers from the US and UK, he argues, why are the educational standards here not being raised to at least match those of the competition? If we raise the bar for education, surely the students will rise to the challenge.

Lainston International Management (Cayman) Limited Lainston is an independent, privately held, Cayman Islands based firm offering a full range of fiduciary, corporate governance and advisory services. Their team of legal, accounting and investment professionals can assist with the establishment, management and winding up of offshore business structures.

16 Cayman Parent Magazine | FIRST WORD

If policy makers truly committed themselves to raising standards, he believes Cayman could have an education system that would be the envy of the region. “We could graduate scholars who could take their place amongst peers anywhere in the world. Why shouldn’t we set a goal to have Cayman’s first Rhodes Scholar? Why not instil in our students the drive, the idea, to go after something like that? Is it because we think they can’t? Or is it because we think too small? These are the questions that keep me up at night and drive my views on education.” Despite his passion on this and many other matters, Winston Connolly is, for now, changing course. He’s left a career in law, stepped back from politics, and is starting over as Managing Partner at boutique financial services firm Lainston International Management (Cayman) Limited (see information below). He and his family have weathered the storm that was a life in the public and political eye, but they didn’t come out unscathed. His priority now is rebuilding his relationship with his wife and children.

What Has Winston Learned as a Cayman Parent? Top three challenges facing parents: • Financial challenges • Lack of time • Shielding kids from negative influences Best parenting moments: • Holding my son and daughter for the first time • Seeing them take their first steps • Their first birthday parties Worst Parenting moments: • Feeling helpless when Wade had croup • Wade’s first major fall and seeing the scar • Almost dropping Edyn whilst changing her for the first time Qualities parents need: • Patience • Perseverance • Consistency Ways his children surprise him: • Their intelligence • Their individuality • Their personalities

Photos this section courtesy of Rebecca Davidson of Rebecca Davidson Photography


Photo from a School House in Spot Bay, Cayman Brac Circa 1980s Photos courtesy of the Cayman Islands National Archive Photographic Collection


EDUCATION SYSTEM The state of public education in the country has been a hot topic for decades. Underperformance, mismanagement of resources and inconsistent teaching standards have plagued Cayman’s public education system. But the tide is slowly turning with more support and professional training for teachers, more support for students with special needs and the modernisation of the Education Law which had remained effectively unchanged since 1983. This new framework not only sets new standards but opens the door for more publicprivate partnerships in the governance of public education so that irrespective of their ability, every child has a chance to reach full potential.

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Introduction: A Slow Start Reading Michael Craton’s formative history of the Cayman Islands, Founded Upon the Seas, it’s obvious to see that formal education in the country had a slow start. Severely underfunded under the governance of Jamaica on behalf of the Crown, and without a plantocracy to support infrastructural development, the Islands were virtually Robinson Crusoe outposts in the early years, and only a few trained teachers trickled in. One of the first brave souls to champion education in post emancipation Cayman was an Anglican minister and teacher Andrew Malcolm in the mid-1800s. It is said that he, “suffered from social isolation, heat and mosquitoes…” writes Craton, and faced backlash from former slave owners who wanted a school with segregated facilities. Malcolm, like other teachers who followed during that period, arrived to a country with almost no infrastructure. Fast forward almost an entire century to 1920 when Cayman’s first Education Act was finally passed, making education mandatory for children ages seven to 14 and public education free for all. Yet, only 1,500 pounds sterling per annum was set aside to fund public education. The country then had to wait almost two more decades for the first secondary school to be established, which was privately funded by the Church of God. Cayman’s first public secondary school, the Cayman High School, wasn’t established until 1949 by the Presbyterian Church, with government later taking over.


Cayman’s Public Schools – the Challenges in Public School Culture Many of Cayman’s brightest citizens are products of the public school system: Partner of Ernst & Young, Rohan Small, Chief Officer in the Ministry of Financial Services, Dr. Dax Basdeo; and partner of Walkers, Dorothy Scott are respected professionals who are graduates of The Cayman Islands High School. Some students such as former Clifton Hunter High School honour student Derricka Neysmith, are flourishing, receiving 13 honour passes before receiving a scholarship to attend Cayman Prep and High School (CPHS) to complete her A Levels. In 2017, this 17 year old received the 'Top In The World' award from Cambridge International Examinations. Read about Cayman’s bright young things on page 200 to learn about other public school graduates who are finding success after graduation. The calibre of such students in our public schools indicates that the system is not a categorical failure as is often claimed. Unfortunately, based on recent findings, students like Ms. Neysmith are not the norm. In fact, the opposite appears to be

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the case: students are having difficulty thriving in Cayman’s public schools. A retired teacher told Cayman Parent that when she arrived to Grand Cayman in the early 70s, she found a culture of ‘underperformance’ among students. Coming from a leading private school in a larger Caribbean country, where competition and expectations were greater, this former teacher said she was shocked to find a laissez-faire approach to learning among students supported by low expectations of public school educators. These attitudes may have indeed existed in Cayman’s public schools, possibly fuelled by the promise of easy employment when Cayman’s economy was less developed. If so, those days of easy employment have certainly passed, with the laissez-faire attitude arguably slow to change. Then in the 1980s, anti-social behaviour within Cayman’s public schools reared its ugly head. Colin Ross, a former principal at the Cayman Islands Middle School said that when he gave his commencement address in 1986, he spoke about the emergence of gangs on-Island based on first-hand accounts he received from his students and observations he and other senior staff made of gang loyalties on the school compound. Weapons were

also trickling into the school and it was an open secret among educators that some young boys, who were members of Cayman’s first wave of gangs, were participating in criminal activity such as the selling of illegal drugs. More troubling was that some of these students were exhibiting acute anti-social behaviours, which hinted at untreated mental health problems. School principals reported what they witnessed to their superiors but support from certain key government officials was not forthcoming, at least initially. Apparently there were concerns that this admission would be damaging to the profile of Cayman’s public schools. A 2006 report, The Predisposing Factors to Criminality in the Cayman Islands, — referred to simply as the Yolande Forde Report after the criminologist who authored it — found that a significant number of prison inmates at Her Majesty’s Prison Northward that attended public school had poor literacy and numeracy skills. Some were illiterate and a few never graduated at all. It reported that from an early age they displayed a host of developmental challenges and antisocial behaviours, including drug use, that were never effectively addressed at home or in school. Most of the male inmates in Forde’s report were products of highly dysfunctional homes where discipline, positive reinforcement and supervision were nearly non-existent, setting them up for a life of criminality. Six years later, in 2012, it was revealed that a report with serious implications about behaviour management in Cayman’s public schools may have been altered by government officials. This report, drafted by British consultant David Moore, claimed that a small number of students influenced by criminal intent and drug use were having an overwhelming effect on school life. The report also alleged that John Gray High School was in crisis. While there may have been some reluctance in the past to acknowledge or even to suppress criminality or gang participation among Cayman’s public

school students, the digital era has made the bury-your-head-in-the-sand response seem absurd. Smartphone usage is ubiquitous among public school students, who freely share antisocial behaviours recorded on or off school grounds with friends and family on social media. In 2015, it was reported that two 15-yearold public school students were arrested following a violent brawl that may have involved more than five other students. No serious injuries were reported, but sources in youth development claimed that the recent escalation in violence among young people in Cayman was due to the unmitigated gang problem in Grand Cayman which has been escalating since the 80s.

Effect of Economic Growth Another factor that must be considered in assessing the state of public education is that Cayman experienced tremendous economic growth in the past 40 years. If growth isn’t carefully planned for or projected, it can exert enormous stress on small island countries. Looking at Cayman’s economic progression from the 1970s to the present day, you see the development of the financial services industry as well as an enormous population increase: Cayman’s economic profile literally transformed. Additionally, the money that flowed into the country during this period of economic growth triggered unprecedented infrastructural growth and prosperity. But many believe Cayman’s public education system was not preparing its students to take advantage of post-graduation opportunities in such a developed economy. One government official told Cayman Parent that there was less inclination to focus on improving standards within public education because from the 70s well into the 90s, employment opportunities were plentiful and corporate culture supported investing in on-the-job training. Today, attitudes have changed: many private sector employers

are more inclined to give preference to employees who can hit the ground running, and are less willing to invest in graduates who may require more on-thejob training. Likewise, companies today are less inclined to employ graduates who have few GCSEs passes and who lack basic literacy, numeracy and computer skills.

Applying Goverment Resources While the standards in public education may not have kept in step with the Islands’ economic growth, government investments in education did keep apace. Cayman Parent spoke to one teacher who remembers when the Lighthouse School was first established in 1976. The administration of the day saw the widening educational gap for children with moderate to severe special needs and disabilities and made a key investment in establishing a primary and secondary school focused on these needs. Today, there are over 100 students enroled at

the Lighthouse School and in 2015 it was recognised as an ASDAN Centre of Excellence for Inclusive Curriculum. Another important capital development in 1976 which laid the foundation for public education in the Cayman Islands was the establishment of a community college. This institution later grew into the University College of the Cayman Islands and currently offers programmes at an Associates, Bachelors and Masters Level. Another notable investment in public education was made in the mid80s, when the Cayman Middle School was built. Offering students aged 10 to 13 a mixed curriculum of core academics, art, music, and technical and vocational classes such as technical drawing and cookery, the school was seen as a success story of its day. Several decades later, public opinion is that the public education system is lacking in resources, specifically when reports


"There appeared to be some anger and frustration at a lack of high quality resources, not just the amount, but the frequency of use. This was particularly aimed at the quality of teaching, where it was stated that there were too many ‘poor’ teachers in the sector …” abound of teachers having to purchase classroom supplies out of their own pocket, and particularly when compared to neighbouring Caribbean countries whose students perform better in external examinations. But one only has to look at the $110 million expenditure for the planning and construction of Clifton Hunter High School — a sleek, modern educational institution beleaguered by poor public opinion due to its excessive cost. Evidently, the public education system is not lacking in resources. According to one former education official who asked to remain anonymous for fear of being blacklisted, Cayman’s public school system lacks not funding but often technical expertise in how to effectively apply resources. The management of the construction of Clifton Hunter High School is just one example. Former Auditor General Alistair Swarbrick stated in his report Major Capital Projects – Schools (2015), “the Ministry of Education demonstrated that it does not have the capacity to deliver major capital projects in a manner that ensures that value for money is achieved.” Clifton Hunter is currently operational, but is plagued by ongoing repairs to correct a myriad of issues including electrical, mechanical, plumbing, floors, and other critical structural repairs.

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Inconsistent Teaching



In 2014 the quality of teaching became another negative headline, when the International Schools Inspection Consultancy (ISIC) inspected 15 public schools in Cayman (including those in Cayman Brac) and found that teaching standards were inconsistent, and in some cases unsatisfactory. The system-wide review was commissioned by former Minister of Education Hon. Tara Rivers to establish a baseline of achievement to date and to get a comprehensive overview of what was working and what required improvement in public schools. The report, which can be viewed on the Ministry of Education website, found that core competencies and mathematical understanding were well below average for certain teachers. The inspection team found that Cayman falls below the United Kingdom’s (England’s) national average when it comes to achieving a level 2 pass in English by end of Year 11, and that standards of achievement in English are improving only at a very slow pace, despite reported progress over recent years. It should be noted that England’s data is presented in aggregate across all public and private schools in the country where Cayman reports on public schools data only. Also during the 2014-2015 school

year, as a part of a government-sponsored system-wide review, KPMG conducted an independent review of Cayman Islands’ Public Education System and found that parents and PTA members of public schools interviewed were dissatisfied with the quality of teaching, reporting that: “There appeared to be some anger and frustration at a lack of high quality resources, not just the amount, but the frequency of use. This was particularly aimed at the quality of teaching, where it was stated that there were too many ‘poor’ teachers in the sector …” In response to these findings, the Ministry of Education directed more resources to support teachers in up-skilling and learning new teaching methodologies. They also partnered with leading education experts, including Dr. Avis Glaze, who has assisted in reforming educational systems worldwide, to create programmes aimed at improving teaching skills. The Ministry also launched professional development events for public school teachers in Cayman. Mandatory annual minimum Professional Development (PD) hours for all teachers have been adopted as part of a new PD policy introduced in 2015. Teachers’ aides were also a part of this reform, and many aides had to up-skill and improve their numeracy and literacy skills before returning to the classroom. In response to the International Schools Inspection findings and the KPMG Report, the 2016-2017 Education Plan of Action was developed collaboratively by the Ministry, the Department of Education Services and all public school Principals. Its aim, among other things, was to improve the quality of teaching in public schools, and was endorsed by Dr. Glaze as “outstanding”. The implementation of this Plan is ongoing.

A System In Flux When it comes to the state of public

education, teachers are often the patsies for every government ill. But that sentiment ignores one glaring challenge: the political will of the day and whether education is placed high on Cabinet’s agenda. Largely, this is dependent on who’s in office, who the Chief Officer of Education is, and who has the leadership role in government. Since Truman Bodden’s tenure as Education Minister from 1992 to 2000, Cayman has not had one consecutive twoterm Minister of Education. A changing of the guard every four years has led to a lack of continuity, resulting in a system that is constantly in flux. Government sources told Cayman Parent that every new Minister of Education comes with their own political agenda, which can greatly be at odds with their predecessor’s, leaving civil servants scrambling. It’s important to note that constitutionally, every Minister of Cabinet is responsible for formulation and implementation of policy within their respective Ministries, therefore a Minister of Education is in fact permitted to set differing agendas from their predecessors. Therein lies the challenge.

The Positive Behavioural Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Framework In 2015, as a first step response to the challenges in public school culture, the Ministry of Education developed and adopted the Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework with a four-year implementation plan. During the 2015-16 school year, international PBIS specialist George Sugai conducted training sessions for senior staff and school team leaders at Cayman’s public schools. And beginning in the 2016-2017 school year, all public schools (including those in Cayman Brac), created a School Climate and Achievement Team, which established a set of universal expectations

for school behaviour focusing on the core behaviours of respect, responsibility, and safety. But is this just more policies on paper? The Ministry of Education maintains that the PBIS framework represents the first system-wide behaviour initiative for public schools that is holistic, student-driven and capable of producing quantifiable data. Since the launch of this programme, officials have seen significant improvements in school culture. There has also been a dramatic improvement in the behavioural incidents in the high schools in Grand Cayman. In 2016 it was reported that the serious behavioural incidents requiring exclusion (e.g. suspension or expulsion) from John Gray High School reduced by 57% in just one year.

possessing innate skills to circumvent the overwhelming odds stacked against them, most young learners require active parental participation in the education process. A study in 2012 by researchers at North Carolina State University, Brigham Young University and the University of CaliforniaIrvine, found that parental involvement such as checking homework, attending school meetings and events, and talkingover school activities at home, have the most powerful influence on a student’s academic performance.

Parental Responsibility While the success of PBIS has brought measurable improvements to Cayman’s public schools other factors can impede a student’s success in the classroom, including a high-conflict home life, disengaged family members or poor nutrition. These factors present a daily challenge for public school educators. While the Department of Children and Family Services is responsible for family support initiatives like providing free lunches and uniforms, and NGOs such as Feed Our Future provide balanced meals to children in need, former Minister of Education Hon. Tara Rivers maintains that solving these complex social issues is not the sole responsibility of the government or NGOs; families must accept more responsibility for their children. She adds, “Parents or guardians who do not play an active role in the education of their children are not only setting them up for failure in the classroom, but also in life.” While there are exceptional children who come from high-conflict households (with unsupportive family members),


The new Education Law, 2016, which used the earlier Education Modernization Law, 2009 as a starting point for development, was passed in October 2016. This new legislation encapsulates the collaborative 20162017 Education Plan of Action in turn based on the ISIC findings and KPMG’s report, and therefore has the potential for transformational changes within the system. This new law was slowly being implemented just before the 2017 election in May. During the run-up to the elections, insiders within the Ministry of Education worried that a possible change in leadership could derail all that was accomplished in the last four years, as the previous Education Minister Hon. Rivers did not assume the role of Minister of Education in the new government administration — she’s currently Minister of Financial Services and Home Affairs. However, it is expected that the work that was completed during her four year tenure will continue. The Cabinet is still PPM-led, with a consecutive two-term Premier at the helm, and the current Minister of Education Hon. Julianna O’Connor Connolly is likewise a PPM member. The hope therefore is that there should be no unexpected deviations in policy and legislation adopted by the previous PPM-led government. While the new Education Law may bring real change to the system, Andrea Bryan, a member of literacy group LIFE and retired Chief Officer in Government, argues that “a law will only work if there is a willingness to make meaningful change and there

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is effective implementation.” This is where the role of the Chief Officer for Education and other civil servants, including educators, come in play. Based on progress in recent years, some insiders remain hopeful. Strides made in establishing full-time, nonteaching, Special Education Needs Coordinators at all government schools, for example, ensuring dedicated and attentive support for children with special education needs and disabilities, were considered a critical achievement. In 2016, the Ministry of Education also spearheaded Child Protection training for 171 public school workers, consistent with international standards on the safety of children. It should also be highlighted that the new Education Law mandates that across the Cayman Islands, corporal punishment and excessive force against children in schools is against the law. For more information about what has been accomplished, visit the Ministry of Education website, www. There has also been effective private-public partnerships in recent years, with Cayman Finance’s pilot project being just one of the laudable successes. In 2015, the Cayman Finance Student Education and Work Experience Programme was developed in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Financial Services to educate young Caymanians in Year 12 about the importance of the financial services industry, and creating a channel for students who show an interest in pursuing careers in the industry. Cayman Finance reports that over 68 students completed the programme which includes classroom workshops and one-on-one mentorship, with

64 more students accepting work experience and placements at 29 organisations. Another exceptional partnership — one much needed in Cayman’s public schools — is the partnership between LIFE, a charitable organisation dedicated to addressing literacy issues in the Cayman Islands, and the Government. LIFE offers reading intervention programmes to primary and secondary students and also donates books to public school libraries. “These are some of the effective programmes that LIFE runs as part of our coordinated literacy programme in public schools”, said Chairman for LIFE, Woody Foster. But is there room for even more public sector participation and leadership? Woody Foster certainly believes so. “While the government has a constitutional mandate to direct education policy, there should be an independent body comprised of experts and stakeholders from both the private and public sector to provide governance to public schools and to also hold the Ministry of Education accountable”, said Mr. Foster. He adds “changing laws and creating plans is one thing, but there needs to be more accountability for our government and school leaders; not only on how they use the country’s resources but also how they are managing the education of such a large number of Cayman’s children — a poorly managed and underperforming public school system affects everyone in this country.”

Feed Our Future Feed Our Future Cayman is an NGO that provides nutritionally balance meals to children in public and private schools to children in need. Donate by visiting www.

Photos this section courtesy of Cayman Islands National Archive Photographic Collection

New Hope - A New Law, Special Educational Needs Strides & Public Private Partnerships


FOOD A Guide to Nutrition in Cayman With the help of Maureen Cubbon, Cayman Parent has produced a Nutritional Guide to give you the lowdown on locally produced goods, purchasing food in Cayman, tips on dealing with fussy eaters, plus, a delicious recipe for chocolate chip zucchini bars – a great way to sneak some veggies into your child’s diet! -Maureen Cubbon

Fresh is Always Best! These days we are constantly bombarded with messages warning us about eating the wrong foods and as a result there is now a growing awareness of the importance of eating nutritious food and knowing where your food has come from. We are now savvier than ever and look to our supermarkets to offer us a good selection of nutritious choices as well as transparency on the provenance of the food they sell and how it is produced. Living in Cayman we are very lucky to have seen a wonderful growth in fresh and locally grown fruits and vegetables which can now be found in supermarkets, at the Farmers Markets and on restaurant menus. However, dairy, meat and other food items have to be imported, so we have outlined some simple things to look for when shopping for healthy grocery items. The popularity of locally produced goods in Cayman is growing day by day. Not only does locally grown produce not have to travel thousands of miles to reach our plates, but it is harvested at the peak of its freshness and flavour and a lot of consideration is given to the growing and cultivation process. To meet this growing demand farmers have started to invest in large scale greenhouses and farmland to ensure that

fresh and nutritious foods are available year-round. This is great news for residents as items such as beets, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, greens and tomatoes will soon be readily available year round. The majority of farmers in Cayman – and certainly the main suppliers you see at the Farmers Market and in grocery stores – use natural, organic and non-GMO options for their crops. Farmer Clarence McLaughlin of Green Valley Plantation has recently partnered with CayFresh to invest in a 20,000 square foot greenhouse to produce vegetables and herbs year round. He uses natural and organic treatments and drought and heat resistant soils of which all have been tested with the Department of Agriculture for viability and quality. Other farmers do use commercial grade items such as Safer® brand products which contain components made from diatomaceous earth and/or high-quality fish and molasses giving an immediate boost of nutrients that are readily absorbed by emerging roots. This brand is OMRI Listed® and approved for use by organic growers and seems to be used by several farmers in the Cayman Islands.

Cayman Farmer's Markets -Mon – Sat | 7am-6pm | Cricket Oval, George Town Every Weds | 10am – 5pm | Camana Bay Be sure to get there early for the pick of the best produce and fruit selection!

Maureen is the Wellness Director at Best Life and has over 15 years of experience working with local, international and Fortune 500 companies to help align their brands with health and wellness in the Caribbean.



The Smart Food Shopper

Grocery stores in Cayman offer high quality food with many brands and items to choose from. They range in price, source and availability depending on your shopping needs and choices. When shopping for imported food, here are some things to look out for to help you make healthy choices. Sources: | |


Most major health authorities recommend you choose low or nonfat milk and other dairy foods to meet the recommended three daily servings of dairy. New USDA rules require that organic cows be kept on pasture at least half the year so they can obtain plenty of fresh grass. Organic cows may not be treated with synthetic hormones to boost milk production. Look for milk that is organic, and non GMO. Try and buy the cartons with the latest sell by date, always keep milk cold and don’t freeze it as this causes separation and graininess. There are several kinds of milk on the market – lactose free, rice and soy based milks, nut milk to cater for all needs and intolerances.


Brown, white, jumbo, organic, free-range, vegetarian-fed, humane, farmfresh – there are dozens of options and range in price from CI$2.99 all the way up to CI$9.99. (You can also buy local eggs!) Outside of buying local, Free Range is the top choice which means the chickens must have access to the outdoors. Cage free is the next best option, however, note that just because the chickens are not in cages does not mean that they are still not in a confined space together and mass produced. The FDA already outlaws hormones in poultry production. Check the asterisk on the carton. Any claim of hormonefree should be qualified by the statement: "Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones.”

Beef: Cayman does have local beef that is quite tasty. Though there isn’t a large quantity available, it is worth trying out with best uses being in stews, chili or slow cooker recipes. Here are some tips for shopping for imported beef:

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•Grain-fed vs. grass-fed: Nearly 75% of U.S. beef comes from cattle fattened on grain (usually corn) for three to six months in feedlots. Since corn is not a natural part of a cow’s diet, cattle fed on it may experience stress and other ailments, so they are routinely treated with antibiotics. They also receive growth hormones to increase their size (and value, as beef is sold by weight). •Grass or pasture-fed beef comes from cattle that forage on grasses and legumes. Their meat is lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories than grain-finished. Many people believe that grass-fed cattle are a more sustainable choice. However, raising grassfed cattle is time-consuming and requires large open spaces, variables that raise its price. Most are imported from Canada, followed by Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Brazil. •Natural and organic: Beef labeled 'natural' must not contain any artificial ingredients and cannot be more than minimally processed, such as ground beef. 'Organic' beef must come from cattle raised and certified according to the USDA’s National Organic Program. Organic cattle must be fed 100% organically and without antibiotics or hormones.


Select farmers in the Cayman Islands have free range chicken available – it is best to visit the farmers market and talk with the farmers to see what they have to offer. Several brands are available at your grocers; here are some guidelines for your best chicken options: •Free Range: While this term might imply more, this USDA-regulated term means only that the birds are granted access to the outdoors. •Raised Without Antibiotics: This term indicates that the chicken was raised

without antibiotics for health maintenance, disease prevention or treatment of disease. Medications not classified as antibiotics may still be used. •No Hormones: The USDA prohibits the use of hormones in poultry, so while the label 'hormone-free' is accurate, it doesn’t set one chicken apart from another. •Natural: One of the most widely used labels, the term means that no additives or preservatives were introduced after the poultry was processed. 'Natural' has absolutely nothing to do with standards of care, type and quality of feed or administration of medications.

Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen According to the Environmental Working Group the dirty dozen and the clean 15 refer respectively to the fruits and vegetables that are the most and least contaminated by pesticide use. For example, a single serving of strawberries came with 20 different pesticides.

Dirty 12 Apples | Celery | Tomatoes Grapes | Cucumbers Nectarines Peaches | Potatoes Spinach | Strawberries Blueberries | Sweet Bell Peppers

Clean 15 Onions | Avocado Sweet Corn (watch for GMO) Pineapple | Mango | Sweet Peas Eggplant | Cauliflower Asparagus | Kiwi | Cabbage Watermelon | Grapefruit Sweet Potatoes | Honeydew


Kids & Food Grocery stores in Cayman offer high quality food with many brands and items to choose from. They range in price, source and availability depending on your shopping needs and choices. Check out our guide to learn about what is in season and how to 'persuade' your children to eat fruit and veg!

Fussy Eaters - Tips & Tricks It’s natural for parents to feel worried and frustrated if children refuse to eat certain types of food, or worse, if they seem to have little appetite or refuse food altogether. To combat this, try to come up with strategies to spark their interest, and reinforce and encourage positive eating habits over time. It’s incredibly important to get kids wanting to eat good stuff on their own, to embrace and be excited by new flavours, textures and ingredients, to grab their attention and inspire them to step outside their comfort zone and try new things. After speaking with several parents and turning to one of my trusty resources through the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution programme, some common advice and themes came up: • The trick is not to worry about what your child eats in a day, or if they don't eat everything at mealtimes. It's more important to think about what they eat over a week. • If your child is active and gaining weight, and it's obvious they're not ill, then they’re getting enough to eat, even if it may not seem like it to you. • It’s perfectly normal for toddlers to refuse to eat or even taste new foods. Providing your child eats some food from the four main food groups (milk and dairy products, starchy foods, fruit and vegetables, protein), even if it’s always the same favourites, you don't need to worry. Gradually introduce other foods or go back to the foods your child didn’t like before and try them again.


Hide & Seek Veg If you have a really stubborn eater, then you could try hiding their vegetables to ensure they are getting enough vitamins and minerals! Blitzing or blending them into their favourite dishes is a great place to start – over time you can begin to leave them a bit chunkier, until they eventually stop noticing them. It can be a challenge to come up with new and innovative ways to hide food, but good options include veggie pasta sauce, cauliflower crust pizzas, sweet potato pancakes, zucchini muffins, smoothies and fruit popsicles. Check out my recipe (on the next page) for delicious Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bars which is a great way to sneak some veg into a sweet treat!

"If you give kids a little bit of ownership over their food, they'll really embrace it, so make sure to get them involved in cooking!" -Jaime Oliver

• Potato

IN SEASON Year Round Passion Fruit • Cantaloupe Papaya • Watermelon Banana • Sweet Potato Lime • Cassava • Breadfruit Eggplant • Callaloo Long Beans • Mint • Pumpkin Cabbage • Bok Choy • Cucumber Scotch Bonnet • Okra Seasoning Peppers Bell Peppers

28 Cayman Parent Magazine | FIRST WORD

• Lettuce • White Yam • Kale • Yellow Yam • Mustard Greens • Arugula • Purple Basil • Green Beans • Tomatoes • Zucchini • Butternut Squash • Broccoli • Beets




• Mango • Tamarind


• Sorrel • Dragon Fruit • Sour Sop


• Sweet Sop • Orange



Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bars

for encouraging children to enjoy healthy options and try new foods:

Recipe by Maureen Cubbon


Ingredients • 1 1/2 tablespoons flaxseed, ground •3 tbs water •1 can organic chickpeas canned


•2-3 tablespoons of sugar free applesauce •1 large ripe banana (optional) •3/4 cup quinoa flour/oat flour or coconut flour •1/2 cup coconut sugar or other natural sweetener – 100% maple syrup is great too! •1 teaspoon cinnamon •1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract •1/2 teaspoon baking soda •1/8 teaspoon salt •1/4 cup chia seeds (optional)

Get your kids involved with preparing and cooking food. If they’ve helped, they’re more likely to eat it. Use whatever tricks you can to get them on board. If it takes cutting things up with a crinkle-cut knife, making veggie ribbons with a speed-peeler, or giving something a funny name to get them to try it, do it! Establish an eating routine, whether it’s three main meals a day (plus snacks) or more smaller meals throughout the day. Kids will know when to expect to eat, have a chance to build up their appetite and look forward to meals.

4 Give

small portions and praise your child for eating, even if they only manage a little.

•1 medium zucchini grated •1/4 cup chocolate chips, dark

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease and line an 8x8 baking pan with parchment and set aside. 2.Whisk together the flaxseed meal and water in a small

bowl. Set aside for 5 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, drain

the chickpeas and add 1 cup to a food processor along with applesauce 1 cup of mashed bananas if using, until completely smooth. 4. In a large mixing

bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients, reserving chia seeds, zucchini and chocolate chips.



the chickpea puree into the bowl along with the flax

egg and mix to combine. 6. Fold in the chia seeds, grated zucchini and chocolate chips.


Be a role model – children tend to copy behaviour, so if they see you eating a healthy diet, they will too. Give your child the same food as the rest of the family and try to eat with them as often as you can so that you can set a good example.

7. Dump the

batter into the prepared pan. Bake on the centre rack for 24-26 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. 8. Let cool in the

pan for 10 - 15 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely before slicing (this is impor-

5 If your child rejects the food, don’t force them to

eat it. Just take the food away without comment. Try to stay calm even if it’s very frustrating.

give too many snacks between meals. 6 Don’t Limit them to a milk drink and some fruit slices or a small cracker with a slice of cheese.

7 It’s best not to use food as a reward. Your child may

start to think of sweets as nice and vegetables as nasty. Instead, reward them with a trip to the park or promise to play a game with them.

8 Make mealtimes enjoyable and not just about

eating. Sit down and chat about other things.

9 If you know any other children of the same age

who are good eaters, ask them round for tea.

10 Children’s

tastes change. One day they’ll hate something, but a month later they may love it – so try not to stress!

tant!). Slice into 12 - 16 bars.



PARTY TIME! It’s time for you to organise a kid’s birthday party but you don’t have a clue where to start. You know you want your child to have loads of fun, but hosting can be stressful whether it’s just a handful of children or the whole class! To help you out Cayman Parent has put together an overview of how to organise kids’ parties in Cayman.

The Perfect Party Checklist! Pick a Date & Time Younger kids tend to do better in the mornings (9am-11am is ideal), whereas school age children suit afternoon parties and it gives you some extra organising time. If you’re hosting a party outside then be mindful of the heat and ensure you have plenty of water on hand. If your child’s birthday falls during the school holidays, you may want to schedule a term time party date before their friends leave the Island for weeks or months.

Decide on the Venue If you are hosting the party outside the home, then book your venue well in advance as they can get booked up early. If you are holding the party in your garden, at your condo pool or on the beach, make sure you have a bad weather back up plan.

Choose a Theme & Decorations There are endless party themes to choose from! If you’re planning on buying the decorations, it’s worth having a look at what’s available in Cayman’s party shops before you commit to a particular theme. If you plan in advance, the party shops can order in decorations for your theme, but you must give them plenty of notice. Popular themes include: Pirate (perfect for Cayman!), Disney, Mad Scientist, Frozen, Animals/Jungle, Circus, Sports – the choices are endless! Cayman’s party shops offer a huge range of decorations including party hats, streamers, balloons, bunting, banners, piñatas (always hugely popular!), party tableware and much more. They also offer equipment rental such as tables and chairs.

Decide on Invitations Choose from traditional pre-printed invitations (available from party shops in Cayman) which come in all sorts of themes, or for personalised invitations check out tinyprints, who will deliver to the Cayman Islands. Alternatively send free email invitations from Paperless Post. Make sure you send the invitations out at least a month before the big day. Include an RSVP on the invitation with a contact name, telephone no. and date by which you need a reply. Remember to specify whether siblings are welcome or you could end up doubling the size of your party!

Book the Entertainment Face painters, magicians, balloon twisters and other entertainers will all elevate your child’s party, but make sure to book them well

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in advance. You could also hire a bouncy castle, water slide (for older children) and giant garden games such as Connect Four, Jenga and Twister.

Organise the Food & Drinks

Top Tip! If you decide to host a party in your home or condo pool, then consider hiring a life guard from one of the swimming schools (see page 219). That way you can ensure the children’s safety while you are rushing around.

Party venues will usually provide food in their party packages, but if you are hosting at home then you will need to organise some food. If you are inviting parents then you may also want to serve some alcoholic drinks. Depending on the size of the party you could prepare this yourself. Sandwiches, mini pizzas, sausage rolls and chips are always popular. Don’t forget to stock up on plates, cutlery napkins, cups and ice! For a larger crowd you may want to consider a local caterer such as Mise en Place who will provide delicious party food. Alternatively, Cayman’s supermarkets can provide party platters of fresh sandwiches, wraps, snacks, fruit and cakes. It’s worth noting that many caterers are closed on a Sunday, so you will need to pick up the food or cake in advance.

Photographer It’s easy to forget to take photos of your child’s special day when you are rushing around organising children, so it makes sense to hire a photographer. Cayman’s photographers can capture all the highlights of your little one’s big day!

Order or Bake a Cake You might want to follow the party’s theme or go for your child’s favourite flavour. Mise en Place, Petit Paris French Bakery and The Cake Studio can produce wonderful creations that are guaranteed to wow your guests. Alternatively bake your own cake - not only will it be cheaper but children love homemade creations! Don’t forget to buy candles and make sure you have matches and a cake knife ready on the day!

Party Favours These are hugely popular and are a nice way for the birthday child to thank you for attending their party. Gifts can include pencils, stickers, mini colouring books, bouncy balls and sweets. Or you could give a single gift such as a sticker book with some ribbon wrapped around it. Be sure to buy some boxes to hold the gifts in.

Parties on a Budget Gone are the days when a sandwich, a bowl of jelly and a couple of games were enough for a party. Endless pictures on social media and peer pressure can make parents feel like they have to throw an elaborate, expensive party. However, we believe that’s not always necessary, especially if it’s not financially feasible and you have multiple children that you have to throw parties for. Children are happy just having fun with their friends and blowing out the candles, they won’t remember if it’s a simple or an extravagant occasion. So, on that note, here are Cayman Parent's top tips on keeping the costs down.

• Pair Up – Consider holding a joint party with another child who has a birthday around the same time as your child so that you can split the costs. Make sure you get two cakes though!

• The Venue – Cut costs by hosting the party at home, or if you

can’t face a house full of kids then head to the beach, it’s free and tons of fun! If you live in a condominium complex then hosting the party at your condo pool is a good way to save money. You could also look into hiring a church hall/meeting space which is usually very reasonable.

• Invites – Utilise free digital email invitations such as those on Paperless Post or Evite.

• Traditional Party Games - Games such as musical statues,

sleeping lions, blind man’s bluff and pass the parcel are suitable from about the age of four and offers lots of fun for little or no cost. You could also organise a craft activity such as cookie decorating – it’s messy but fun!

• Party Food – Make the sandwiches and cakes yourself or you can

even just order pizzas or throw some burgers on the BBQ. Serve with chips and fruit skewers.

• Guest List – This is an easy way to keep costs down. Don’t feel

pressurised into inviting the whole class if it’s not financially possible or you do not wish to host a large party. Also make it clear that siblings of guests are not invited.

• Party Bags – Ditch the party bags altogether and give each child a small memento or slice of birthday cake to take home.

• Décor – Keep the decorations simple with just some balloons and streamers – or even better, create your own bunting – you will find plenty of free templates online.

Etiquette & Things to Consider How long should a child’s party last? Parties for children aged seven and under need only last two hours. For children eight and up a three hour party is better. To avoid any confusion it helps to write the finishing time clearly on the invite. How many children should I invite? This can be a minefield and many parents worry about making children feel left out. School etiquette suggests that for the first two years (KG and Year 1) the whole class should be invited, but this may not be feasible for everyone. If you decide to throw a smaller party for just a few friends then that is totally acceptable, however, to avoid hurting anyone's feelings, you may want to avoid distributing the invitations or talking about the party at school. Should parents be invited? The general rule of thumb is that if children are under five years old, a parent should be present. There may be exceptions, especially if it’s an activity based party, so to avoid any confusion, state whether parents should be present on the invitation. How long do I have to send thank you notes? Generally, it’s thought that children should write thank you notes for gifts within two weeks. Turn it into a craft activity so as well as teaching your child good manners, it also becomes an enjoyable activity. If you have used online invitations, then you can send out a single email of thanks, with a promise of individual thank yous to follow.

• Ask for Help – Ask friends or family to help you out on the day

whether it’s supervising children, distributing food and drinks or organising games – you can’t be everywhere at once! Ask someone to be in charge of taking photographs with your camera so you can concentrate on the fun. Don’t forget to let them know if there are any key pictures you’d like, such as blowing out the candles.

For More Information Turn to page 46 for details on Cayman’s party shops, venues, entertainers, photographers, caterers and event planners.



Finland VS Singapore

The Best Education

System in the World In the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a survey that evaluates the performances of students in dozens of countries, Finland and Singapore consistently rank among the top scorers. But the education systems of these two nations are completely different. So what makes each so successful and is one better than another? -Natasha Were Is One System Better than Another? These two education systems are almost diametrically opposed, yet both produce excellent academic results. So, is one better than the other? Each system has evolved from a different historical narrative and set of cultural values, and those receiving the education also have different mind sets. Comparing the Two Countries In Finland, where collaboration and equality are highly valued, there are no elite schools and children are not separated into academic sets. The guiding philosophy is “we all progress together”. All schools are publicly funded, classes are small and teachers are highly qualified: all teachers must hold a Masters degree and teacher training candidates are selected from the top 10% of graduates. Finns also believe there is much learning to be done outside the classroom, so school days are short and homework is rarely set which allows time for extra curricular activities. If there is a downside to the system, it could be that a particularly strong student might not be pushed to achieve their full potential in a noncompetitive setting. In Singapore, industriousness and diligence are praised, and children are expected to put in many hours of study.

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Education is all-important and many parents believe that the earlier a child’s brain is trained, the better they will do academically. Whilst the style of learning prepares students well for examinations, there is concern that the methodology does not encourage critical thinking, creativity and innovation. The hours of homework, constant testing and after school tutoring they receive all put a great deal of pressure on young children, and leave little time for enrichment or leisure activities. It also begs the question: do Singaporean students do well academically because the teaching is excellent, or is it because they devote more time to study, often to the exclusion of other activities? And if Finland can achieve similarly good results, without putting children through regular exams and whilst giving them a more rounded, well-balanced education, is that not preferable?

Which one reigns as the best education system in the world?

Starting Age Finland: Formal schooling begins at age 7 –when children are considered ready to learn Singapore: Schooling is compulsory from age 7, but children begin learning much earlier

Teacher/Student Ratio Finland: Teacher to student ratio in primary schools is 1 to 7 Singapore: Teacher to student ratio in primary schools is 1 to 18

In Singapore, learning by rote is emphasised, with little extended discussion

Streaming Finland: Streaming students based academic performance is outlawed


Singapore: Students are streamed based on examination results, starting in primary school

Teaching Methods Finland: Teaching focuses on learning and understanding, rather than testing Singapore: “Teaching to the Test” -Teaching focuses on transmission of the necessary knowledge to pass exams.

Preschool Finland: Preschool for 3 to 6 years olds is fully subsidised and focused on play and socialisation Singapore: Activities include written and oral English plus mother tongue, numeracy, music and games

Testing Finland: No regular tests or exams. Students only take exams in the senior year of high school Singapore: Students are tested monthly and take exams twice per year, from Year 4 of primary school onwards

The difference between the strongest and weakest students in Finland is the smallest in the world

Extra Attention Finland: Students who struggle to keep up receive lots of individual attention

What Education Options are Available In Cayman? See page 136 for a list of primary and high schools. See page 112 for information on Homeschooling in Cayman.

Singapore: Over 70% of children are enrolled in extra tutoring classes after school

RIGIDITY Finland: Children attend 3 to 4 classes per day, with lots of recess time to play outdoors Singapore: Teaching is highly scripted and follows a rigid curriculum

Character Knowledge Service

Nursery - Grade 12 Ages 2-18

With more than thirty nationalities of families, CIS is a school of excellence where students learn, play and grow in a beautiful, safe environment. Director: Jeremy Moore Web: Tel:1(345) 945-4664 | Fax: 1(345) 945-4650 Email:



Momtrepeneur's Q&A Being a mother and entrepreneur are both challenging and rewarding roles. We hope you will be inspired by how some of these ‘Cay-Mums’ juggle the daily demands of parenthood with those of starting and running their own businesses.

Britta Lindsay Bush Thompson

Saucha - Conscious Living

What is your business, product or invention? My business is Saucha Conscious Living. In short, we brew Kombucha and sell it at a variety of retail partner locations, provide a locally sourced vegan meal delivery service, offer special event menus and catering, as well as offer Yoga Retreats. What motivated you to start your business? It is truly a matter of making a career out of my passion, loosely based on the concept "if you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life". I love sharing my knowledge, tips, and food offerings with other people. What challenges do you face “juggling” being a parent and business owner? As any working mother would probably tell you, the major challenge is finding time for yourself. I often intend to make time for myself, but that quickly falls to the bottom of the list and is taken over by the needs of the baby, the business and domestic duties. It's harder as a business owner, because it's another switch that you can never turn off. What words of advice do you have for other mothers/parents who are toying with the idea of starting their own business? Have a support system in place, create a plan, and don't be too hard on yourself. What is one thing that you have learned about yourself through the experience of starting your own business? I'm a hopeless perfectionist; I have learned to let some things go, but have also learned to hold on tight to those things that really matter to me.

Fuse-In Designs What is your business, product or invention? I have invented an innovative interior décor concept called Fuse-In Designs, which offers custom-made decorative magnetic covers for electrical panels.

How did you come up with the idea? The concept for Fuse-In Designs stemmed from my frustration in seeing exposed electrical panels occupying valuable livable space on the walls of homes and condos here in Cayman. What challenges do you face “juggling” being a parent and entrepreneur? Time and how little of it there is. What tips and suggestions/ words of advice do you have for other mothers/parents who are toying with the idea of starting their own business? If it is a real dream and passion for you - don’t let it fall by the wayside. Do something each day to bring you one small step closer to your goal. What is one thing that you have learned about yourself through the experience of starting your own business? I’ve learned never to underestimate myself; I am resilient and resourceful beyond belief. What aspects of being an entrepreneur have made you a better parent? I have developed a much greater sense of patience throughout the journey of bringing an idea of mine to fruition.

Photos this section courtesy of Lucy Beighton of Creations Unlimited

Find more Q&A's on Cayman Parent is pleased to showcase these talented and creative business-minded mothers. Read on to hear firsthand accounts of the drive and dedication of these Momtrepeneurs, who have done precisely what they put their minds to. From building a conscious living catering business, creating a successful art collective and popular hair salon to inventing and patenting a new interior design product, these women are incredible!

Aimee Kellie Randolph Campos 3 Girls and a Kiln What is your business? I'm 1/3 of a modern ceramics company called 3 Girls and a Kiln; specialising in custom ceramic pieces for home and special occasions. How did you come up with the idea to start 3GK? The girls and I saw a gap in the market here in Cayman for fun, untraditional, yet functional ceramic-ware. What challenges do you face “juggling” being a parent and entrepreneur? The biggest struggle I face is knowing when there is "too much" on my plate. I have a perfectionist mentality wanting to be the best entrepreneur while also being the best mom. I now know that sometimes I just need to dial it back a bit and do the best I can. What words of advice do you have for other mothers/parents starting their own business Do it! Being your own "boss lady" is incredibly freeing and gratifying. I get to spend more time with my child and also pursue a passion. Plus, I am setting an example for my child to take risks and be present. What is one thing that you have learned about yourself through the experience of starting your own business? That I am in control of my own happiness; one ceramic piece at a time. What aspects of being an entrepreneur have made you a better parent? Two things for sure: 1) taking criticism and 2) negotiating.

Rock Gorgeous Hair What is your business? My husband and I own two beauty and retail salons called Rock Gorgeous Hair. We have one in Orlando, Florida, and the other in Grand Cayman. I am also a hair stylist and hair extension specialist. What motivated you to start Rock Gorgeous? It really is in my blood. My parents had their own business, as do my sister and brother.

What challenges do you face “juggling” being a parent and a business owner? I want to be the absolute best at both; the best mum and the best boss. Turning the business-brain off at home has been my biggest challenge. I have now trained myself to put my cell phone down during story time (now that they read to me) or actually bathing them and putting them to sleep myself (instead of relying on our babysitter/nanny). What words of advice do you have for other 'momtreprenuers'? I would say save a lot more money than you think you will need to start up and wait until your little one is at least one or two years of age so you can enjoy those young years. You can never get them back. What is one thing that you have learned about yourself through the experience of starting your own business? You’ve got to go with your gut about big decisions. Employees can be the very best thing for your team or the very worst. Employ your staff smartly and slowly.



The Rights of Children in the Parent-Child Relationship The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was officially adopted by the Cayman Islands in 1994. Every five years, the Cayman Islands Government sends a report to the UNRC to show progress on how the Cayman Islands community has supported children’s rights. Upon one submission, Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin noted that, “the extensive submissions received from both Government entities and non-governmental organisations are testament to the importance that the people of the Cayman Islands clearly attach to the human rights of children”. – Mahreen Nabi But what does this actually mean? The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international document that states that every child has rights (54 rights to be exact!) that must be respected no matter their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status. It is understood that children (defined as anyone under the age of 18) need special rights because they require extra protection that adults don’t. Some of the most important rights that have also been adopted in The Cayman Islands Children’s Law of 1995 include the following:

The right to: Be protected from any type of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse or sexual exploitation, while you are living with your parents or in the care of anyone else Have your best interests taken into account when any decision is made which affects you Practise your religion as long as this

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doesn’t cause you or anyone else any damage, or interferes with anyone else’s rights. Parents are allowed to give guidance on practising your religion Be given the chance to give your opinion when decisions are made that affect you Be as healthy as you can be, and that you are able to get healthcare when you need it Make sure that no one is able to interfere with your privacy or damage your honour or reputation A standard of living that is necessary for your physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. It is your parents’ responsibility to make sure you have these needs met, but the Government must help your parents by giving them support. A good, quality of education. Your education should help you develop to your full potential and learn to respect human rights, your parents and the values, language and culture An identity: To be registered at birth

(i.e. that you have a birth certificate), and that you have a name and a nationality and that you know who your parents are Be cared for if you are not living with your parents, or have had to be taken away from your parents, and that you are given special help and protection Make sure that you are able to live a full and good life if you have a mental or physical disability and do things independently, and be involved in the community Be treated as innocent until you have been proven guilty if you have been accused of breaking the law, and be told about why you have been arrested straight away. Key to note is that all these rights are linked and no right is more important than another. To be truly successful in upholding these rights, all of society – from parents to educators, caregivers, community groups, and government must feel a collective responsibility.

Did You Know? In Cayman, children under the age of 16 may not work during school hours, and children of school age are prohibited from lifting, carrying, or moving anything heavy that may cause them injury. They also cannot work between the hours of 10pm and 7am, nor for more than eight hours on a non-school day, and no more than two hours after school.

Strike the Right Balance As a parent it can be incredibly difficult to balance teaching your children respect for authority (your rights) while teaching self-determination and independence (their rights). Here are some tips to help you strike the right balance:

1. Instead of saying “Do what you're told!” help your

child understand why they need to do what they need to do (whether it’s going to bed on time, coming home to meet curfew or not hitting other children). This can help avoid future strife and unnecessary verbal, emotional or physical altercations.

2. Take the approach that as much as is possible (other than with issues that overlap with safety and health), that children need to find out for themselves why they should or should not do things – with some guidance and suggestions, but ultimately less and less as they get older.

3. Appeal to your child’s sense of maturity in a positive way: have clear expectations of your child and hold them accountable. One example is to reward (even just verbally) a positive behaviour when you see it. There is nothing wrong with providing rewards that encourage structured and guided independence.

4. Write up a contract with your child so that you

both understand what the rules are – Whose rights take precedent at which time and in which circumstance negotiation is acceptable. The contract should state that if they comply, they will garner some specifically outlined reward, and also be very clear about what the consequences will be for competing with you as a parent.

DEBATING in CAYMAN Debating is a great way for your child to gain confidence, become knowledgeable on current affairs, improve public speaking, develop the ability to see a range of perspectives on a certain issue and enhance listening skills. More and more schools today are encouraging students to take up debate, as it not only provides them with skills that are beneficial for future career options, but additionally is seen by universities as extremely beneficial. Debate students have analytical skills that many other students don’t have. Although many schools have their own debate programmes, others participate in the Model United Nations and the Conyers Inter-Schools Debate Tournament, and there is also the Youth Parliament. The aims of these programmes are to encourage debates and discussions between students on current issues that may be affecting students’ lives.

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Cayman has fabulous outlets to get your child out of the house and into the 'great debate'. Read on to learn more about these programmes:

Conyers Inter-Schools Debate Tournament Conyers Inter-Schools Debate is the largest single-day debating event in the Cayman school calendar. For several years Conyers have been running their inter-schools debate tournament to build the skills needed to create future politicians and lawyers. During the debate tournament, public and private schools go head to head in debate, arguing both sides of a relevant topic. In 2017 they debated the topics of torture, smart technology and traditional classrooms. These debates are judged by members of the community including lawyers, accountants and parents. Conyers believes that the tournament helps students overcome the fear of public speaking as well as improve their ability to think and persuade, creating “an educational foundation that is transferable to all kinds of careers and situations.”

Youth Parliament For over ten years the annual Youth Parliament has allowed students from nine local schools to take over the Cayman Islands’ Legislative Assembly. Students choose their roles, such as whether they are going to serve on the government


or opposition bench, and what topics they should debate. Before each Youth Parliament, the students are given talks by the Cayman Islands Branch of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) on topics such as the Legislative Assembly, the roles of the Speaker, the Governor, the Clerk and Sergeant-atArms and the role of the Government and the Opposition as well as parliamentary practice and procedures. This preparation helps the students understand how the Cayman Islands’ Legislature functions and gets them ready to conduct legislative business on their own. Youth Parliament is an excellent way for students to get involved in the current affairs of Cayman, as well as understanding the governmental system they are living in.

Youth Assembly Now in its 10th sitting, the Cayman Islands Youth Assembly (CIYA) is composed of two cohorts who advocate for youth issues which have included:

public transportation reform, child neglect, marriage equality, education, employment and more. Cohort A, the youngest cohort, is comprised of students aged 13-17 who have been nominated by their respective high schools to join the Assembly which meets every Thursday during the school year. Frequent debates are held among its members to determine their position on these social issues and what solutions they can propose. Today Cohort A, which has traditionally produced research papers presented to the Minister of Youth, has shifted its format by requiring members to host youth forums at local high schools and within the districts with assistance from the Youth Services Unit. Cohort B, the second cohort, consists of youth aged 1825 and now forms the core of the Cayman Islands Youth Ambassador Team. This cohort focuses primarily on producing content that addresses issues of concern for young adults living in the Cayman Islands. By training young people to find constructive means for advocating social

change, the Youth Assembly offers a unique platform for both cohorts to share proposed solutions and to create meaningful dialogue with stakeholders across our community. For further enquiries regarding the CIYA please contact Victor Crumbley on (345) 943 1127 or email:

Model MUN Model MUN is an academic simulation of the United Nations where students roleplay delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues working with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. Students are required to argue their country’s position on a chosen subject such as climate change or nuclear non-proliferation, to name just two, and in the process they learn a great deal. It helps broaden perspectives, exposes students to the wider world and the issues affecting others. Universities love students that have participated in MUN; it might well help them get their first job and even inspire them to change the world!

The National Youth Commission in partnership with the Cayman Islands Government is proud of the 84 young people who were recognised for attaining extraordinary heights in the areas of Academics, Careers, Business, Sports, Culture or Community Service. We commend the parents, guardians, teachers, coaches, sports clubs, churches, government agencies, youth groups and all who have contributed to their successful development in a wide variety of areas. Keep a look out for the next round of nominations coming soon. Let’s celebrate the success of our young ambassadors and let them be an inspiration to others!

For more information email: or

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National Youth Commission Box 311 Grand Cayman KY1-1301

Miss Emily Roberts (teacher at Cayman Prep High School) explains her top five reasons to get involved in MUN:

1. Academic benefits: MUN is an academically demanding

activity. Students are required to research their set country and topic to a very high level and then write a position paper setting out their country’s solution to a world problem. These position papers have to be referenced to university standards and solutions need to be clearly explained. Students develop the skills to work independently and to an extremely high level. Students learn skills at MUN which are of benefit in all of their academic school subjects.


Builds confidence: Students develop a huge amount of confidence when they participate in MUN. I have seen very shy young children able to command a room of strangers during their committee sessions because they are passionate about what they are doing and they are enjoying the simulation. All students have to give an opening speech outlining the solution to their issue and this may be delivered in committees of around 100 people. Every single student I have encountered in MUN has been able to rise to this challenge.

3. Promotes negotiation and problem solving: Education is dominated by competition and while this teaches our students valuable lessons, we can sometimes forget the importance of negotiation. MUN focuses students on reaching a solution to a world issue through negotiation and students have to be creative in order to work with countries that have completely opposing views and cultures to their own. MUN demands that students use formal, non-aggressive language (the same terms used in the UN) in order to help negotiation.


Builds empathy and awareness to current world issues: Students will be assigned a country and a topic.

They may have to take a stance that completely opposes their own views. Although this may be challenging at times, it does promote understanding and tolerance of other views and students gain an in-depth understanding of the causes of conflict in the world.

5. It’s fun! There is a lot of hard work but it also a lot of fun. It gives children a voice on important issues in the world and the solutions that they reach are often more diplomatic and positive than those of adults! Students have a great time in committee sessions and leave with a real sense of accomplishment.

How to Get Involved Cayman Prep, Cayman International School and Montessori by the Sea offer the Model MUN experience. However, since public speaking and debate skills are so important, almost all public and private middle and high schools incorporate it into their regular English curriculum and are participants in the Conyers Inter-School Debate Tournament every year.



An Unlikely Pairing


Digging Deep into Cayman’s Longest Lasting Mentorship

The idea of mentorship is said to be rooted in the Greek myth of Odysseus who entrusted his son’s education to his friend, Mentor. Today, mentorship comes not only in the form of educators, but rather informal and formal relationships we have with people who help to shape our perspectives on the world around us, build our confidence in ourselves, show care for us in difficult times and celebrate our successes. – Mahreen Nabi Although mentorship in principle is incredibly important for both children and adults, the presence of a mentor in the life of a child has even more of an impact. This is supported by a five year study by Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada that found that children with a mentor were not only more confident, but also had fewer behavioural problems. Both boys and girls showed an increased belief in their abilities to succeed in school and felt less anxiety due to peer pressure. Despite this, on average, one in three children grow up without any mentorlike figures in their lives. To help bridge this gap Cayman has a number of opportunities and programmes in place for young people aged seven to 18. One active programme that has grown rapidly under the leadership of current Programme Director, Angela Sealey, is the Big Brothers Big Sisters Cayman Islands (BBBS KY) mentorship programme. BBBS KY aims to provide children, who are facing adversity, with a strong and enduring one-on-one relationship with a mentor who will help change their lives for the better. The current programme is deeply rooted in an informal programme that was started back in the early 1990s under the leadership of Pastor Stanwyck Myles.

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Organising a group of island residents, he worked to provide mentoring to various children and teenagers. With the help of the Lions Club of Grand Cayman, the formal BBBS KY Programme was incorporated in 1995. The current programme works to ensure that heavily vetted mentors are matched appropriately with mentees – even if it means that both Bigs (mentors) and Littles (mentees) have to wait a long time to be matched. Just as a match can be incredibly powerful, a failed match can be detrimental for both the Big and the Little. Therefore, a thoughtful approach is taken with consideration given to personal likes and dislikes, life experiences and personality traits. Current mentor Gerardo OchoaVargas knows the waiting game all to well. One full year after he was successfully approved as a Big, he was finally matched with his Little, Alex. eight years later, they’ve agreed to share their story with us. Gerardo describes himself as a selfproclaimed science nerd who had few friends growing up and always preferred to play with a microscope than a soccer ball. A physician (M.D.) by trade, he worked his way up to the role of Senior Advisor in the Health Secretariat for the Mexican Government, and then ultimately landed

THE BENEFITS OF MENTORING Studies on mentoring have shown that youths who regularly meet with mentors are: • 52% less likely than their peers to skip school • 46% less likely to start using illegal drugs • 27% less likely to start drinking • 55% more likely to enrol in college • 78% more likely to volunteer regularly • 130% more likely to hold leadership positions as they get older

in Grand Cayman on a professorship with St. Matthew’s University. After arriving in Cayman he tried volunteering with various groups around the Island: helping the Blue Iguanas at the Sanctuary and walking the dogs at the Humane Society - but for him, volunteering with these organisations didn't feel like the right fit. Hearing about the profound impact the BBBS KY programme had had on one of his friends, he decided to apply to be a Mentor. Alex spent his childhood growing up in a loving and middle-class two-parent household but notes that he faced two key challenges. First, his time at home was filled with women: living with his mother, sister, aunt and a female family friend left him longing for a brother. Secondly, while his father did everything he could to be

present, his job as a chef often kept him out of the house for up to 18 hours per day. At the age of 8, Alex’s mum recognised his need for a male role model that could provide committed time to him regularly and then decided to introduce him to the programme.

Let’s Go Do It! Over the next few months, Alex and Gerardo found out that there were as many similar things between them as there were different things. They both considered themselves non-religious, loved swimming, and had an infinite sense of adventure. This sense of adventure was key to how Gerardo was able to create real and meaningful moments with his Little, Alex. These adventures not only bonded them, but helped them grow as people. He recounts “I took a step back and realised that collaborating with Alex on planning our next adventure or activity really got him excited. So every Friday Alex would call me to plan what we would do when we met on Saturday. I could hear the excitement in his voice build, as the list he compiled grew. We hardly ever followed the plan we made, but it gave him a sense of responsibility, helped him build his independence and provided him with an opportunity to work on a team to plan for and execute an adventure”. When asked to pick their top three adventures together, Alex and Gerardo both agree on the following: Swimming out to and snorkelling the Kittiwake. One of the adventures Alex is

most proud of is successfully swimming out to and back from the Kittiwake. He and his Big Brother researched currents, studied the location and features of the sunken ship, and worked as a team to successfully complete this adventure. [Editor's Note: Swimming out to the Kittawake can be an incredibly dangerous activity due to constant boat traffic.] The Flamingo boating adventures. After spending hours paddling, crawling in the mud and exploring Malportas Pond, Gerardo and Alex were able to get some stunning pictures of the visiting Flamingos. Exploring the post-Ivan grounds of the old Hyatt. Alex describes this exploration as one of his most thrilling adventures. Crawling through what remained of the Hyatt Regency Britannia brought on thoughts of scary movies, and they both had to push past their comfort zones.

Turn to page XX for a list of items you will need when giving birth in a Cayman hospital.

A brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right Although adventure, direction! positivity and excitement have all been a large part of the eight years Gerardo and Alex have spent together, so have times of challenge and sadness. Alex’s mother was diagnosed with cancer in October of 2014 and sadly passed away nine months later. During the same period, Gerardo’s mother fought against a less aggressive form of cancer. Although they aimed to support each other during this time, at only 14 years old, a few months after his mother’s untimely passing, Alex told the


programme director that he no longer wanted to be a part of the programme. However, as they had a true friendship, Gerardo and Alex were reunited nine months later at Alex’s request. When asked about what happened during that period, Alex says that it was a time of “anger, binge moods and hot-headed moments and I realised that I missed my sanctuary at Gerardo’s office…the reliability of Gerardo being there when I needed him…and of course the good days when we had fun”. Although initially hurt, Gerardo understood that sometimes people, whether young or old, need a little bit of space to work through grief and their feelings. As the years have passed Gerardo feels that his role as a mentor has become ever more important. Alex agrees, noting that his Big has “helped me through tough situations at school…took the time to consider other options when they diagnosed me with dyslexia…taught me to use public buses to get around by myself on the Island…even helped me start my own business (”.

Interested in Mentoring or Mentorship?

Mentoring in Cayman is a breeze thanks to the following organisations and programmes.

Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce - Mentoring Cayman has been providing students with guidance through the Mentoring Cayman programme for over 15 years. This programme provides high achieving year 11 students the opportunity to develop a long-term relationship with a mentor in the business community or Government. Common interests and career choices are carefully matched. Mentees take part in work experience at the mentor’s place of work, they attend luncheons where young Caymanian leaders give talks, and the aim is to provide participants with the tools to achieve their professional goals. There is also the hope that they will mentor a future student one day. For further information, or to apply to be a mentor, please visit

The DART Minds Inspired Mentoring Programme

is for those students who receive the Minds Inspired Scholarship. Mentors are Dart employees who are there to provide professional and academic advice within their fields of interest. Mentors give direction and support to the scholars throughout high school. They help make decisions on career choices, course application and university selection. They also help prepare the students for independent living giving advice on time management, budgeting, studying and communication skills. Finally, the programme offers work experience within Dart. For more information on the Minds Inspired Scholarship visit


Big Brothers, Big Sisters aims to help children in many situations. For

Gerardo and Alex are a great example of a BBBS KY mentorships that has worked really well! Their story shows that by offering a consistent adult presence in a young person’s life, while providing emotional support, encouraging personal growth, and delivering timely invaluable advice, a mentor has the potential to change the life of their mentee. Gerardo wanted us to mention that mentoring has also transformed him immensely. "Since Alex has come into my life, I have felt a different fulfilment; it has been a great adventure and an experience I would never trade! I encourage everyone to take on a mentorship role – the only requirement is that you care.”

example: those growing up with one parent or those being raised by relatives; children whose families are stretched for time, resources or money; children who have difficulty in school both academically or socially; children whose parent may have a terminal illness, or who has lost a family member through death or divorce; those who have been subject to verbal or physical abuse at home, school or in the community; and finally, children who lack access to extracurricular activities or extra help to get caught up academically or socially. For more information please visit or call (345) 923 2471.

Are you interested in becoming a mentor? Know a child or teen that would benefit from becoming a mentee? Please visit or call (345) 923 2471 for more information.

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Aim Higher is a mentoring programme for John Gray students who are 15/16 years old and who need help achieving their potential. Students and mentors meet once a week during term time to discuss school life and for upcoming GCSE exams. Both mentors and mentees will have training to introduce them to the nature of the mentoring relationship, and develop the skills that will help make a difference in the student’s educational lives. Students who are eligible are those that have one or two weak areas in an overall good school performance. They also feel they could overcome their areas of weakness with the help of a mentor. For more information, students of John Gray should talk to their teachers about the programme at the beginning of the academic year.



CAPTURING FAMILY MOMENTS Kids grow up much too fast. They hit milestones quickly and there will be many special moments that you’ll want to cherish as time passes. Hiring a professional photographer to capture life’s special moments will ensure you have beautiful photographs (rather than lots of blurry pictures on your phone!) to look back on and enjoy for years to come.

Why Choose a Professional Photographer? Lots of people think they can take good photos but unfortunately simply owning a fancy DSLR camera doesn’t make one a good photographer! A professional photographer has a creative eye, experience and skills that cannot be bought at a camera store. When you book a professional photographer they will help you decide on location, give you helpful tips on wardrobe choices and are experienced with helping everyone feel comfortable in front of the camera. They are also on hand to capture beautiful candid family moments that you would otherwise miss if you were taking your own photos (and mums in particular are hardly ever in their own family photos!). Pressing the red button isn’t the end of the process either, a professional photographer will take the time to edit and retouch your images so you receive beautiful polished photos. Investing in professional photos will ensure you have high quality images that you are proud to display on your walls for years to come!

Important Things to Consider Budget When considering your budget you’ll find that there are many different price points out there. A photographer will generally offer a package price, however, don’t be afraid to discuss adapting the shoot to be more in line with your price point. If there is a photographer whose work you truly admire then often the investment is well worth it. You’ll never regret having beautiful images of your family.

When you are investing in a professional photoshoot, you’ll want to ensure you get the best result. As with most things, the key to getting the most out of your photoshoot is in the planning. Cayman Parent has come up with some top tips to help you achieve just that!



FAMILY MOMENTS • Maternity bump photos • Newborn photos • When babies are around

six months and sitting up by themselves

• The arrival of new siblings • Kids birthday parties • First day of school • When grandparents visit • Religious milestones • Teenagers leaving for school

or university

• Holidays – Christmas or


• Annual family portrait • Anniversaries


Shot List Let your photographer know what you are hoping to achieve and be specific with them if there are certain types of photos you would like • Do you want one stand-out image of the whole family to print and frame, or do you want lots of natural candid images for an album? Do you want the focus to be on a baby, or is your dream image all your kids together? Do you prefer everyone smiling at the camera, or interacting as if the camera is not there?

Clothes & Make Up Wardrobe choices can really make a photo and your photographer can help advise you what looks good on camera.

• Mums may want to up the glamour by getting their hair, makeup and nails professionally done. • Most importantly – wear something you and the children feel comfortable in! You’ll feel far more relaxed!

Location & Time of Day When it comes to locations in Cayman we are spoiled for choice! Beautiful beaches, lush landscapes, parks, gardens and photography studios are all available to you. Look at your photographer’s portfolio and decide which option is best for you.

• If you opt for an outdoor shoot then discuss with your photographer the times of day as the light varies so much. The ‘golden hour’ (about an hour before sunset and after sunrise) produces some of the most flattering photos with its soft, warm lighting. If you can face a sunrise shoot, you’ll enjoy having the beach all to yourself!

• It’s best to avoid the harsh midday sun as it offers less flattering light and is too hot for most children.

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Booking the Right Photographer • Take time to do some research, ask friends and look online at portfolios. Do you want someone who will photograph your family in all its natural messy glory, or do you want more stylised posed portraits that the grandparents will love? Photographers are very different in their style so it’s really important to find one whose work you love.

• Consider whether you just want digital images or a photographer that is going to help you design pieces of art for your walls and arrange for prints to be made.

• Choose a photographer that you are very relaxed and quite comfortable with. People are sometimes apprehensive about being the centre of attention so it really helps to be photographed by someone that is warm and friendly - and patient with your kids!

• To avoid any disappointment, don’t forget to ask how long it will take to receive the final photos.

• Once you have picked your photographer make

Photos this section courtesy of Daria Keenan of Picture This Studios

sure you let them know which photos from their portfolio you love; this will give them a clear idea of the style of photography you prefer.




LISTINGS party shops, venues, catering, photographers and childcare providers



Throwing a party in Cayman? These listings are your one stop shop for all your party related needs. We also list the photographers and childcare agencies in Cayman.

Young at Art Dee’s Plaza, Crewe Road. Tel: (345) 928 0284 Email: Web: Face painting, airbrush tattoos, magic shows and clowns, both on and off-site.

Party Shops & Fancy Dress Shops

Party Venues

Parties are like road trips: Getting there is half the fun! Deciding on a theme, decorations, activities and guest lists can be thrilling or stressful - Check out our list of vendors to help make things easy. It’s Your Party Bodden Place, Shedden Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 4453 Email: sherleenduval@gmail. com Web: Party Source Paddington Place, George Town. Tel: (345) 947 2789 Email: Web: PartyVille 38 North Sound Road, Plaza Venezia. Tel: (345) 943 8455 Email: Web: Party supplies for all events including decorations, table wear, costumes, balloons, bouncy castles, face painting and more. They also offer a party planning service.

Party Entertainment Party supply stores also offer party entertainment services. See PartyVille and other listings above.

Art Nest 24 Smith Road, Pasadora Place. Tel: (345) 949 0107 Email: Web: Themed children’s parties with art activities, staff supervision, games and music. Art’y Party, Young at Art Dee’s Plaza, Crewe Plaza. Tel: (345) 928 0284 Email: Web: Beach and Park Cabanas Tel: (345) 946 8250 Web: Cabanas free for hire on public beaches and in local parks. Booking required. Black Pearl Skate Park Grand Harbour, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 939 1301 Email: Web: www. Can be hired for fun and games at the skate park. Equipment rental and food packages available. Bon Vivant Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 623 2665 Email: Web: www. Fun and interactive cooking parties where kids will prepare a child friendly meal from scratch.

Cayman Face Painting Tel: (345) 927 9558 Email: kyfacepainters@gmail. com Provides fun and creative face painting.

Bright Start Learning Centre 7 Mile Shops, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 939 8355 Email: Web:

Paradise Pixies Tel: (345) 926 5200 Email: paradise_pixies@ Face painting, body painting and temporary tattoos by professional painters.

Cayman Crazy Golf Located next to Decker’s, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 945 6600.

Shilpa’s Creative Unique Arts Tel: (345) 927 1763 Email: Henna tattoos, face painting and arts and crafts

46 Cayman Parent Magazine | first word

Cayman Riding School Hirst Road, Savannah. Tel: (345) 926 7669 Email:

Cayman Turtle Centre 786 N W Point Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 3894 Email: Web: Parties offering interactive games, activities and music. Equestrian Center Linford Pierson Hwy, George Town. Tel: (345) 516 1751 Email: equestriancentercayman@ Web: Kids parties include pony rides, access to the petting zoo, staff supervision and picnic areas. Holiday Inn 278 Crighton Drive, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 949 3100 Email: reservations@grandcaymanian. ky Pool parties with staff supervision and food options. Fitness Connection 1 Bambi Close, South Sound. Tel: (345) 949 8485 Email: Web: Pool/disco parties with various options including activities, music, games, decorations, staff supervision and food. King’s Sports Centre Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 5464 Email: Web: www. Bowling and roller/inline skating parties. Lil’ Monkeys Bodden Place, Shedden Road. Tel: (345) 949 2580 Email: Indoor playground parties. Margaritaville 32 Harbour Dr, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6274 Web: locations/grand-cayman Pool parties with several food and beverage packages available. Motions Unlimited Gymnastics Studio Sparky's Dr, George Town. Tel: (345) 749 8365 Email: Children’s parties offer full use of the gymnastic studio plus staff supervision, food and cake. National Gallery Esterley Tibbetts Highway. Tel: (345) 945 8111 Email: Web: Themed parties with art activities, play area, games, staff supervision and food options.

The Jolly Roger Tel: (345) 947 3329 Email: info@jollyrogercayman. com Web: Pirates themed parties aboard the Jolly Roger ship. Pedro St. James Pedro Castle Road, Savannah. Tel: (345) 922 9922 Email: Web: www. Lawn area and playground available to rent. Food can be provided or parents bring their own. Kids can watch the theatre show take part in 'coconut bowling' and meet the donkey too. The Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 943 9000 Web: caribbean/grand-cayman Birthday parties available at either Starfish Cay Waterpark, The Courts or Ambassadors of the Environment. Starfish Village Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 640 7827 Email: Web: www. Various party packages available including activities, games, staff supervision, party food, cake, decorations and entertainment options. The Venue by Mise en Place Caribbean Plaza, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 623 6666 Email: Web: www. A private event space perfect for baby showers, birthday parties, graduations and other special events. Catering services available. Yoga Sprouts Tel: (345) 326 9876 Email: yogasproutscayman@ Web: Party packages include yoga, craft activities, supervision, food and drinks. Parties can be hosted on or off site.

catering company for your next event. The Cake Studio Tel: (345) 926 4944 Email: thecakestudio@ymail. com Web: Carousel Creative Catering Tel: (345) 946 0926 Email: Web: Foster’s Food Fair- IGA Tel: (345) 945 3663 Email: Web: A wide selection of party platters, fruit baskets and cakes.

Planning an epic party? Whether it's for 10 or 100 guests, party and event planners can help. Let someone else take on the organising so that you can fully enjoy your precious family moments stress-free! Celebrations Tel: (345) 623 2044 Web: www.celebrationsltd. com. Poppet Studio 33 Eclipse Drive, Eastern Avenue. Tel: (345) 926 2551 Email:

Catering Cooking for a crowd can be challenging! Worries about preferences, quantity, dietary requirements and allergies. Save money, stress and offer a versatile menu by hiring a

Picture This 45 Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 3686. Web: Email: admin@ Party photography, family photography, newborn, bump pictures and more. Rebecca Davidson Photography 32 Captain Currys Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 916 1654 Web: An expert in capturing stunning family photography.

Hurley’s Supermarket Tel: (345) 947 8488 Web: Party trays, sushi, cakes and pizzas.


Kirk Market Tel: (345) 949 7022 Email: preparedfoods@ksl. ky Web: Catering services including gourmet appetisers, sandwiches, wraps, snacks and desserts.

Fresh flowers can add just the right touch to the any occassion. Let Cayman's floral experts guide you in selecting the perfect flowers for your occasions based on budget, season and price.

Mise en Place Tel: (345) 623 2433 Email: Web: Catering for birthday parties, baby showers and other celebrations, large or small. Also offers custom-made cakes.

Celebrations Tel: (345) 623 2044 Web: www.celebrationsltd. com.

Petit Paris French Bakery Tel: (345) 328 4000 Email: Catering for every occasion, large or small with sandwiches, baguettes, salads, cakes and more. Treats Tel: (345) 945 4262 Email: treatsrestaurant@ Catering for all types of parties.

Photographers event planning

Deep Blue Images 245 North Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 916 0016 Email: info@deepblueimages. com Web: Family, children and event photography

The only thing more fantastic than making incredible family memories is having beautiful photographs of the moments to look back on and cherish as keepsakes. Get in touch with one of the photographers listed below to capture your family events and milestones! BabyLove Newborn Photography Email: Web: www.babylove. ky Specialises in newborn photography. Creations Unlimited Eucalyptus Building, Shedden Road. Tel: (345) 326 1557 Email: Web: www. Parties, newborn, maternity and family photography. Cathy Church Photo Centre Sunset House, South Church Street, South Sound. Tel: (345) 949 7415 Email: info@ Web: www. Photography for parties, maternity, newborn, families and more.

Trisha’s Roses North Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2423 Web: Every Bloomin’ Thing 384 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 945 1701 Email: Web: www.ebt.

childcare agencies Whether you're looking for an evening alone away from the kids, or a professional to help manage the little ones at your next dinner party, Cayman has profesisonal baby-sitters and well-experienced caregivers available to suit your needs. AAA Caregivers Agency Tel: (345) 916 5925 Email: aaacaregivers@candw. ky Web: A childcare agency with experienced and highly trained nannies. They also offer evening babysitting services at your home or at your hotel. Best Home Care Agency Tel: (345) 947 2297 Email: Web: They offer professional childcare and babysitting services as well as housekeeping services.

Planning a Baby Shower? Turn to page 62 - 63 for tons of suggestions on where to start your planning, great baby shower venues, where to register plus creative game suggestions.


Mise en Place Professional Catering

Caymanian owned and operated for over a decade, Mise en Place sets the precedent for excellence in culinary service. Since their humble beginnings out of small family kitchen, the company has grown to develop an exciting assortment of hospitality businesses all sharing in the same mindset: a great love of food and passion for providing the best possible service. Whether they are delivering your family’s Friday night pizza from Gino’s, feeding your kids nourishing school lunches, executing a dinner party, or creating the most amazing birthday cake you’ve ever seen, they do it with true professionalism.


Cayman’s original catering company for 10+ years • Fully licensed mobile bar service Intimate to large-scale events • 3 exclusive event venues across the island • Bespoke cakes and artisan pastries/breads

Services Include:

Gino’s Pizzeria serving Cayman’s only New York style scratch-made pizza • Mise en Place School Catering fueling Cayman’s young minds • Birthday cakes, cupcakes, donuts, candy bars and more • BBQs, children’s parties, brunches, family friendly event catering • Private Chef lunches and dinners

13 Red Gate Warehouse, Red Gate Road, GT | (345) 623 2433 | |

The PartyVille Let the Memories Begin!

The PartyVille offers an extensive array of party supplies for anyone in Cayman planning an event. Whether it be a birthday party, baby shower, corporate event, graduation party, wedding, or a simple gathering between friends and family, the Partyville can help plan and execute your party. They are dedicated to making every party a memorable one by taking the stress off the client so the party is nothing less than enjoyable. They also organise fully coordinated theme parties with all of the necessary party supplies and decorations at very affordable prices.


Offers services for any type of party • Have professional, experienced party planners • Brings the client's vision of the party to life • Have many resources to help organise the party efficiently

Services Include:

Weddings • Birthday parties • Baby showers • Corporate events • Event decor • Graduation parties • Anniversary parties • Event decor • Party supplies rentals • Floral arrangements services • Foam cups and containers • Bouncy castles • Masks • Disposable cutlery • Face painting • Costumes • Gift baskets • Plastic cups and containers • Paper products • Champagne flutes • Piñatas • Balloons • Gift items • Party favours • Paper & plastic bags • Wine glasses • Party banners

38 North Sound Road #5 Plaza Venezia | (345) 943 8455 | | 48 Cayman Parent Magazine | first word

Pedro St. James Party Venue & Cultural Site

If you are looking to throw a party then Pedro St. James offers the unique combination of stunning scenery, custom catering, entertainment for children and experienced staff. Pedro St. James’ beautiful grounds have the capacity to accommodate parties for all occasions whether it’s a small children’s party, baby shower or a wedding for up to 1,200 people.

Highlights: Children's Parties: With a multi-sensory movie theatre, an 18th Century Great House, a playground, lots of green space to run around on, kids' activities and the new Outpost Bar serving slushies, your children are guaranteed to have a fun time at Pedro Castle! Ask for the nature and history trail hunt, the history quiz, or coconut bowling! Food and beverage packages are available or you can bring your own food. High Tea: The perfect setting for a birthday party, baby shower, or any special family occasion. Experience a traditional English afternoon tea in a stunning historic setting. Includes optional guided tour of the Great House and grounds, a movie showing, a selection of teas, sandwiches and pastries. Full bar also available. Advanced booking required. Minimum five guests, maximum 60 guests.

Rum Tasting Tour: Experience a local rum tasting tour for just CI$5 or book a private event with the Cayman Spirits Outpost Bar at Pedro! Located on the beautiful side lawn with stunning ocean views. Mobile bar and food catering options available.

Pedro Castle Road, Savannah | (345) 947 3329 | |

Cayman Turtle Centre

Explore The Best Grand Cayman Excursions The Cayman Turtle Centre hosts birthday parties, weddings, and corporate events customised to every client. Using its marine adventure park, the Centre uniquely combines nature's wonders to offer a variety of scenic and exotic backgrounds to make any party special. In addition, they help plan the party by offering many customer services from limo services to flower arrangements that come together and create the most ideal way to celebrate. They also offer interactive activities, entertainment and prizes for endless options.


Cayman's premier party destination • Hosting birthday parties, weddings, and corporate events • Unique, natural setting • Offers interactive games • DJ entertainment • Limo services • Choose an indoor or outdoor venue, including a beach setting • Custom activities for your party • Flower arrangements • Catering


Every day: 8am-5pm with last admission at 4:30pm • Turtle lagoon closes at 2:30pm, Breakers Lagoon & Turtle Twister water slide close at 4pm • Residential rates & annual passes available • Party favours • Book your appointment online Wine glasses • Party banners

786 NW Point Rd, West Bay | (345) 949 3894 | |





Photo courtesy of Deep Blue Images

One of the biggest questions facing every new mum out there: How much is this going to cost? Here, we break down the costs which range from insurance to labour and delivery.


DO'S & DON'TS P.62


Know your rights before you request time off for the arrival of your newborn. In this article, we discuss your rights as a Cayman resident compared to other countries.

You've been assigned the task of throwing a mum-to-be the best baby shower... now what? Turn to page 62 for tons of tips and ideas!

After nine months of not-so-patiently waiting, your newborn has finally arrived and it's petrifying! Go to page 65 for a first hand 'cheeky' account from a new mum.


STAGES Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a daunting experience for most parents-to-be but the Cayman Islands is lucky to have world-class care with highly trained doctors, nurses and midwifes who will see you through this wonderful experience. To help demystify the process, here is an overview of the maternity care you can expect to receive in the Cayman Islands.

Picking an OBGYN As soon as you think you may be pregnant (or even better, when you decide you are going to start trying) you should book an appointment with an OBGYN. If with child, you will probably have your first scan at around six weeks. If your medical history is such that it may affect your pregnancy, it is important to have a consultation before conceiving. All the obstetricians (OBs) in Cayman are highly qualified and come from all over the world including America, Canada, the UK, India and beyond. They all have ultrasound equipment in their clinics and provide world-class care that you would expect

Fun Fact! In 2016 there were 746 live births in the Cayman Islands.


to receive in any developed country. The doctor you choose will guide you through your entire pregnancy and deliver your baby, however, this is not to say that you can’t switch doctors at any point during your pregnancy if you so choose. Review the list of doctors on page 70 and book an appointment to meet a doctor of your choice. You should be able to secure an appointment within a week or two of calling. It is also possible to opt for a midwife delivery under the Health Services Authority (HSA). Those on basic insurance plans, or those who don’t have the resources to pay for private care, often choose this route. Please turn to page 56 for more details on the costs of having a baby in the Cayman Islands.

Prenatal Appointments After your first appointment, most OBs will usually see you every four weeks

To find out more about the cost of having a baby in the Cayman Islands turn to page 56.

52 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

up until 28 weeks, every two weeks until 36 weeks and then every week until full term, which is the standard in most countries. If there are any issues during your pregnancy, you will be seen more frequently. In special circumstances you may have to go overseas before or after delivery for treatment, although thankfully such cases are rare. Early on in your pregnancy, your doctor will require you to undertake some initial blood tests to rule out any infections or concerns. These usually include: full blood count, Hepatitis B screening, Rubella IgG screening, VDRL (tests for syphilis), HIV, ABO/ Rh status. You can also opt to have the NIPT (None Invasive Prenatal Test) from nine weeks to screen for certain chromosomal and genetic conditions such as Down Syndrome. Your doctor will seek approval from your insurance company before conducting the test. Most insurance companies cover a portion of the testing fee if you are

35 years or older, or you have a medical condition to warrant the test. Otherwise, you will be responsible for covering the cost of the test if you opt to have it done. Between 24-28 weeks you will also be given the Glucose Tolerance Test to screen for Gestational Diabetes. You will have to fast before the blood test in the morning. You will then be given a glucose drink and then another blood test an hour later. If your results show any cause for concern, you will be required to start controlling your sugar intake. Any further medical treatment can be administered in Cayman.

Prior to the Birth Date As you get closer to your due date, it’s advised that you discuss your birth plan with your OBGYN including your thoughts on pain relief during labour. They will be able to provide some guidance. You will also have the opportunity to pick which paediatrician you would like to care for your newborn. Turn to page 182 for a full list of paediatricians in Cayman.

plus the only Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) on the Island. The standard of care is excellent. CTMH Doctors Hospital opened their maternity ward in 2017 and it now offers two delivery suites. Most high risk pregnancies can be managed on-Island and the NICU at the Cayman Islands Hospital provides excellent care for premature babies from 28 weeks. In emergencies, they can also care for babies born even earlier. In some cases the decision may be taken to transfer the mum-to-be or the newborn overseas, most likely to the USA. If this is required, it is worth noting that if the baby has been born it will

"You can expect to receive world-class maternity care in Cayman." -OBGYN Dr. Rommel El Madany

Hospitals In the Cayman Islands, all babies are born in hospitals. Home and water births are not currently offered. There are two maternity wards in Grand Cayman and one in Cayman Brac. You should discuss with your OBGYN which hospital they practice at. It’s also recommended that you tour your chosen hospital beforehand to familiarise yourself with the space, staff and amenities. The Cayman Islands Hospital offers three single delivery suites, eight maternity rooms, three single and five double rooms,

Turn to page 67 for a list of items you will need when giving birth in a Cayman hospital.

and ‘Full Term’ are good options.

• Make sure you continue to eat and drink throughout your early contractions so that you have enough energy for labour. You should also try and rest as much as possible.

• When you arrive at the hospital, head straight





Don’t forget to bring your your ID and insurance card if you have one.

• Leave your hospital bag in the car. Your partner or caregiver can go back and retrieve it once you are settled, as you might need them

Pre-Birth Classes & Doulas It’s recommended that you prepare for childbirth by enroling in some pre-natal classes. You may also wish to employ the services of a doula. Turn to page 70 to learn more about what is offered in the Cayman Islands.

No idea what to pack in your hospital bag?

to have both hands free to help you.

still require an emergency passport to travel, and you will need your passport and a visa if required. Organising all of these documents in a rush could be very complicated, so make sure your documents are in order and valid should you need them. See page 224 on how to obtain a passport for your child.

Delivery & Hospital Time As most baby books will tell you, you don’t need to head straight to the hospital once you feel your first contraction. It is, however, advisable to discuss in advance with your OBGYN or midwife when to contact them and how. Once you have made contact, be sure to follow their advice carefully. Other top tips include: • Record the length and frequency of each

Length of Hospital Stay How long you stay in the hospital is a decision both you and your doctor will make. Some women feel more comfortable with a longer stay, while others prefer to go home earlier. Here are a few other things to consider: • Most




two nights after the minute of a natural delivery, and three nights after a cesarean section (the period in labour is not calculated in this).

• Mum will be discharged by her OBGYN, while the baby is discharged by the paediatrician.

• Hospital stays are in general very expensive, so if you do not have insurance coverage, you will need to make arrangements to cover your bill.

contraction. Apps such as ‘Labour Signs’


STAGES Pregnancy

PREPARING FOR CHILDBIRTH As tiny little humans grow in pregnant bodies, thoughts turn towards ‘What can I do to prepare’? Fortunately, for mums-to-be, there are plenty of options to help you feel prepared and take the mystery out of childbirth in Cayman. A good class can teach you about pain relief, hospital procedures, and provide a forum for questions you forgot to ask your OBGYN. These classes are also a wonderful way to meet other parents-to-be at a similar stage of pregnancy. They are also great for dad as taking a class helps him feel included, fully prepared and confident about his role during childbirth. - Jessica Wright

Childbirth Preparation Classes The Cayman Islands Hospital Childbirth Classes

The Cayman Islands Hospital offers a free eight-week educational series called ‘Parentcraft’. Classes are held on Monday evenings 5.30pm-7.30pm at the Women’s Health Centre located at the Cayman Islands Hospital. There is no charge or need to register in advance. If you miss a class, you may make it up during a subsequent eight-week course cycle. Call the Antenatal Services Department on (345) 244 2649 for more information.

Lamaze Childbirth Preparation Classes

The Lamaze method is one of the most common type of birth classes. Lamaze classes approach childbirth as a natural and healthy process. They neither support nor discourage the use of medicine or medical interventions during labour and delivery. Instead, they inform mums-to-be about their options so that they can make decisions about their own birth plan. RVC Rehab services offer both group and private Lamaze classes. The course consists of four two hour sessions with a maximum of 12 couples. These classes are often a great way to meet other parents-to-be at a similar stage of pregnancy. The course covers topics such as coping techniques for labour, birth plans, coping with problems during labour, breastfeeding, and early postpartum and baby care. Private classes and refresher childbirth classes are also available.

Baby Whisperers Childbirth Education Workshops

Run by Kelly Johnson, a nurse with over 15 years experience, Baby Whisperers offers one-day group childbirth classes to help parents-to-be prepare for the challenges of labour and life with a newborn. Classes cover labour, massage techniques, coping skills, labour support for the birth partner, epidurals, caesarean sections, breastfeeding and newborn care. Private classes can also be arranged.


For more details on the organisations offering prenatal and postnatal care services in the Cayman Islands see page 70.

54 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

Birth Doula Services Most first time mothers find the prospect of childbirth extremely daunting. The fear of the unknown and knowledge that births aren’t always straightforward, lead many women to employ a doula. Doulas provide nonmedical support to women and can be invaluable in providing knowledgeable and emotional support to families during labour, childbirth and the postpartum period. Doulas witness numerous births and can provide reassurance that things are progressing as they should be, or provide invaluable support if birthing plans need to be changed without much notice. During childbirth, the ultimate purpose of the doula is to help women have a safe, memorable, and empowering experience.

Post-Partum Care & Lactation Consultants With many new mums in Cayman living far away from family and in different time zones, the post-partum care offered in Cayman can really come in handy. This is particularly useful for those without immediate family to contact at all hours with questions and anxieties. Qualified, postnatal experts are on hand to help alleviate any concerns and help with breastfeeding and general baby care.

RVC Rehab Services Offer lactation services to help mothers get off on the right foot with breastfeeding. They offer in home visits and work with the mother to address practical issues and help set realistic expectations for your baby and yourself. They will leave you with a plan and strategies for a way forward, so that you can better achieve your breastfeeding and mothering goals.

Baby Whisperers Provide in-home service with postpartum care and board certified lactation support once parents have brought their baby home. They can assist with newborn care, feeding, emotional and physical recovery, soothing and coping skills.

The Children’s Clinic Jenny Coleman, RN/Midwife at The Children’s Clinic, provides advice on lactation and newborn care. Jenny offers appointments to assist with breastfeeding technique and general concerns at the clinic, at home or at the hospital.

Cayman Islands Breastfeeding Support Group A volunteer group who meet at least once a month to offer free support and education in breastfeeding to expecting and existing mothers. The group typically meets in the morning on the second Wednesday of each month and is a great way to meet other mothers.

The volunteers will visit new mothers in hospital and at home to offer free breastfeeding advice and support. They will also rent hospital grade pumps in emergency situations. Visit cibreastfeeding or email for more details.

The Health Services Authority (HSA) The HSA offers free nursing clinics around the Island: Bodden Town Health Centre Nursing services are available Monday and Thursday 8.30am8pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am-4pm and Saturday 8.30am-12pm. Tel: (345) 947 2299. East End Health Centre Nursing services are available Monday-Friday 8.30am-4pm and Saturday 8.30am-12pm. Tel: (345) 947 7440. West Bay Health Centre Nursing services are available during clinic hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 8.30am–4pm; Wednesdays 8.30am–8pm and Saturdays 8.30am–12pm. Tel: (345) 949 3439. North Side Clinic Services are available Monday-Friday 8.30am-4pm and Saturday 8.30am-12pm. Tel: (345) 947 9525. General Practice Clinic at George Town Hospital Services are available Monday to Friday 7.30am -8pm, Saturday8.30am -4pm. Tel: (345) 949 8600.

Other Family Resources

What is their role during delivery? A doula will act as an advocate for the mother during the birth, encouraging her and helping her achieve her birth plan. The goal of a doula is to help the mother experience a positive and safe birth, whether it is a medicated or unmedicated birth. They will remain close to the mother throughout the delivery and help provide comfort through nonmedical pain relief such as breathing, massage and labour positioning.

What about Dad? A doula should be seen as complementing and enhancing dad’s role. Doulas know what to expect in a labour so they take the pressure off partners — especially first-time dads — who would otherwise constantly wonder, “What’s happening now?”. Having a doula allows dad to support their partner and enjoy the experience without having to remember everything he learned during childbirth classes! Doulas are not emotionally attached to mum, so they will remain calm and focused offering dad guidance and tips in an emotionally charged atmosphere.

What happens after the birth? Following the birth, the doula will spend time with the mother, helping with the first breastfeeding experience and encouraging the bonding process between parents and the baby.

The Department of Counselling Services also offers a range of free programmes to help new and young families. Programmes include: Young Parent Services - Designed for young mothers and their families; this programme supports the development of healthy parent-child relationships and provides practical tools for raising children.

Photos this section courtesy of Julie Corsetti of Deep Blue Images

What does a doula do? Most mums-to-be begin working with their doula prior to birth. Meeting several times before childbirth will help everyone involved feel more comfortable with each other. Doulas are on hand to answer questions and talk about any fears. The doula will also be instrumental in helping the prospective parents create their birth plan.

Fathers First - A support group for fathers both single and in relationships to provide them with knowledge and strategies to build family relationships, as well as develop parenting tools and coping strategies. For more information call (345) 949 0006 or email:


STAGES Pregnancy

COSTS OF HAVING A BABY ON ISLAND If you are planning on having a baby in the Cayman Islands, having the legally required plan is a necessity. Birth-related costs are expensive and Cayman does not have public healthcare. Costs related to births revolve around the prenatal (also called antenatal) care, labour and delivery, and newborn care. As always, you will want to be on the best insurance plan you can afford and having a baby is another good reason to have the best coverage possible.

Some Insurance Issues to Consider Prenatal Health Insurance If you are working and are covered by a company health plan (or if you are covered under your partner’s company health insurance plan), it is important to read the policy thoroughly and understand what benefits are and aren’t included to avoid unpleasant surprises later on. You will want to ask your provider about the cost of your prenatal care (including labs and ultrasounds), delivery and the immediate care of your newborn baby, especially those costs which will be above your health plan coverage. Policy provisions can be different, even if issued by the same insurance company. Even with premium plans, new parents can still expect to incur some significant costs. When working through these matters with your doctor's office and the insurance company, try to always get confirmations in writing to be sure you understand the charges and benefits fully.

Pregnancy as a Pre-Existing Condition

If you are pregnant upon arriving in Cayman, or sign up to a health insurance plan whilst already pregnant (even if you don't know), your pregnancy will be considered a ‘pre-existing condition’. As such, you may not be covered by your new insurance policy except up to the minimal benefits limits mandated by law. Some insurance plans require a 10-month waiting period before they will cover your pregnancy with full benefits. Most policies have limits on prenatal care, e.g. CI$500 only on basic Standard Health Insurance Contract (SHIC) plans, which might only cover the first visit and ultrasound. Therefore, it is critical to

Note: Caymanian women may have assistance available via Public Health and/or via the Department of Children and Family Services if they are in need of services in excess of their health plan coverage.

56 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

discuss cost with your doctor's office before you begin your prenatal care.

Gift of Life Gift certificates can be purchased by friends and family at the Cayman Islands Hospital, to be used by a mother towards any medical costs for any amount from CI$25. Call Carene Osbourne at the Cayman Islands Hospital on (345) 244 2597 for more information.

Adding a Newborn to Your Health Insurance You should also inquire about adding your new baby to your health insurance policy as soon as possible. This should generally be done within the first 30 days after the birth, to ensure the baby has the best coverage possible (adding the baby cannot wait until you are back from maternity leave!). Parents are advised to compare the benefits and costs of both the father’s and mother’s plans to decide which plan to enrol their newborn onto. The parents do not have to be married for either the father or mother to add their child to their health plan. Premature or sick newborns can be the largest claims that insurance companies face, so read the policy, (not just benefit summaries), very closely to understand the potential limits in place if you have complications at the birth or the baby is born with congenital problems. In some cases, double enrolment on both parents’ plans may be allowed if each are with separate insurers. The mother or father must submit the paperwork via their HR manager if on an employer’s group plan or via the broker or insurance agent if on an individual plan. See page 189 for health insurance providers.

Choosing a Paediatrician Most paediatricians are open to a courtesy meeting with expectant parents. These visits can help parents make this important choice. We suggest using this opportunity to ask whether s/he charges within Standard Health Insurance Fees (SHIF) or not. See page 182 for a list of paediatricians in the Cayman Islands.

Cost of Birth Options In the Cayman Islands, all babies are scheduled to be born in hospital. Home and water births are currently not offered options on-Island. Private doula services are available and may be hired to assist with the birthing processes.

To Circumcise or not to Circumcise

Midwife Birth

If you have a son it is important to discuss with your partner whether to have your newborn circumcised or not. If you wish your son to be circumcised then you should inquire with your doctor or midwife as to who would perform the procedure. You'll then need to verify if this is covered on your insurance policy or not. After leaving the hospital, unless there are problems later in life, an elective circumcision will usually be considered a nonmedically necessary procedure and therefore something you will have to pay for yourself, hence the importance of thinking ahead.

If you have your pregnancy and delivery under the care of CIHSA (Cayman Islands Health Service Authority), you will likely have your baby delivered by an experienced midwife at the Cayman Islands Hospital. The hospital’s obstetricians oversee the midwives and will be called in as necessary during prenatal care or delivery. Since the CIHSA pre-natal costs are lower than most private offices, many women, especially those with fewer pre-natal benefits on their health plan will start with, or transfer over care to, the CIHSA.

Obstetrician Birth If you have your pregnancy and delivery under the care of a private obstetrician (OB), s/he will provide both the antenatal care at their clinic and the delivery at the hospital. Most parents-to-be, especially those with higher-coverage insurance plans, will opt to have a private obstetrician who will then follow them through their pregnancy. Usually private OBs will be with you through your labour and the delivery of your baby. Make sure to ask your doctor whether s/he will be on Island for your due date, as sometimes they will ask a colleague to handle their caseload if they are going off Island. Either way, the insurance companies in Cayman are only mandated by law to pay up to “Standard Health Insurance Fees” (SHIF) within your policy cover but private doctors do not have to charge within those SHIF levels. Given that malpractice insurance for obstetricians worldwide has increased significantly over the years, without concurrent increases in the SHIF birth fees, some OBs will add surcharges above SHIF allowances so the gap between the two figures (the OB fees and what insurance covers) can be significant. Since each doctor can set their own fees, you should ask your doctor how much the difference will be. You can then budget for the difference. See page 70 for a list of Obstetricians in the Cayman Islands.

Overseas Births


High risk pregnancies may be referred overseas for care and would be covered up to the allowed limits of your health plan benefits, as long as your insurance has approved the transfer of care. For elective births overseas, i.e. you made the choice, you must check with your insurer’s health claims office to verify if and which of your health plan benefits are eligible for births either in the USA and/or another country, such as your home country if you are an expat.

Labour & Delivery

Additional Charges Additional charges can also be incurred by the anaesthetist (for an epidural or c-section), the hospital and paediatrician. For example, the paediatrician is required to be at the birth, and along with his/her vistitation fee, will also charge a US$700 resuscitation fee whether your baby needs resuscitating or not.





Care & Cost Considerations Labour and delivery charges have a capped coinsurance (otherwise known as Out of Pocket or OOP) sum of CI$1,000 each, but if the doctor(s) charge above the SHIF fees, there may be an additional amount to pay.







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Come and meet me before your delivery (free antenatal appointment)

Insurance Ask your insurance company what your coinsurance will be. This is usually covered as the first insurance claims go in and the hospital and doctor could ask you to cover the coinsurance (up to CI$1,000 each) that you may already have covered.


/ / s a r a @ t h e m e d ic a lc lin ic .c o m

Grand Harbour Medical Centre P.O. Box 2777, George Town, Grand Cayman, KY1-1111 ttp

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STAGES Pregnancy


OPTIONS Maternity Leave for Adoption Cayman Islands law also provides for adoption leave. A female employee who adopts a child under the age of three, is entitled to adoption leave of nine calendar weeks, of which 15 working days are on full pay. Adoption leave may be granted once in any 36 month period.

Paternity Leave


Maternity leave is a special period for mum and baby. Make sure you know what you are entitled to! - Jessica Wright

The Cayman Islands’ Labour Law (2011 Revision) provides for a minimum maternity leave allowance of 12 calendar weeks in any 12 month period. However, this is only available as an entitlement where the mother concerned has completed a full year of employment with her employer. Where an employee has not completed 12 months, the law prescribes that any maternity leave may be pro-rated. You should enquire with your employer as to their policy regarding maternity leave, as some employers can be more flexible than others. There is nothing in the law that prevents an employer from providing maternity benefits in excess of the

minimums prescribed. Currently an employer is legally required to offer 20 working days leave on full pay, 20 working days leave on half pay and 20 working days on no pay. For practical purposes this is treated by many businesses as the equivalent of six weeks at full pay, and six weeks at no pay. Maternity leave may generally be taken in whatever portion requested by the employee including both before and after childbirth. In June 2015, The Labour Relations Bill 2015 was put out for public consultation and accompanied by a suggestion that maternity leave would increase to 14 weeks. No decision had been made at the time of going to print.

Paid Leave How does Cayman Compare? FRANCE

Turn to pages 75 for information on finding a nanny and page 86 for pre-schools.

58 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY






For More Info:


52-78 WEEKS


Includes Partial Maternity Pay

Photo this section courtesy of Julie Corsetti of Deep Blue Images


At present there is no provision in the law for paternity leave. However, some companies are flexible and will allow the father of a newborn anything from a few days off to two weeks off. Usually it is a mix of paid and unpaid leave. The new Labour Relations Bill 2015 proposes that employers should offer paternity leave to new fathers, with five days paid and five days unpaid as a minimum. This has not yet been established at the time of going to print.

DECODING MEDICAL TERMS FOR DAD Becoming a father for the first time can be an overwhelming experience with so much information to take in and new jargon to learn! Check out our list of medical terms to help start demystifying the process! - Jessica Wright


'OB' is short for obstetrics or for an obstetrician, a physician who delivers babies. 'GYN' is short for gynecology or for a gynecologist, a physician who specialises in treating conditions of the female reproductive organs.


Baby Led Weaning Letting your child feed themselves bite sized

Baby Catcher

pieces from the very start of weaning, rather than feeding them puréed food.

An obstetrician.

Gestational Age The length of time from conception to birth (how

Baby Moon A last hurrah

long the baby stays in the womb). Full-term gestation is between 38 and 42 weeks.

Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes that arises during pregnancy. In most cases, it results from the effects of hormones and subsides after delivery. Most women will be given a glucose test between weeks 24 and 28.


The first bowel movement/stool passed by a newborn, usually dark green and sticky.

Jaundice The yellow discolouration of a baby’s skin and eyes caused by too much bilirubin (which is normally excreted by the liver) in the blood.

Kangaroo Care Skin-to-skin contact where baby is positioned on mum or dad’s bare chest to promote bonding and healing.

NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – If your baby is premature then he or she might have to stay in the NICU where hospital staff care for newborns who have medical complications.


An 'Ultrasound Scan' – This is a scan that sends high-frequency soundwaves through the womb. These bounce off the baby and the echoes are turned into an image on a screen that show the baby's position and movements.

For More Info:

for couples before becoming new parents. A chance to bond and enjoy some R&R before the baby arrives.

Helicopter Parent

Characterised by a helicopterlike tendency to hover over children and swoop in to rescue them at the first sign of trouble.

NPS New Parent Syndrome. An intensive state of parenting in which the afflicted adult becomes alarmingly obsessed with (among other things) the safety, nutrition and intellectual development of their offspring. It usually strikes hard with the first child and disappears entirely thereafter.


Tired of Being Pregnant - This usually happens after 35 weeks of pregnancy when mum-to-be is tired, achy and really quite uncomfortable.

See page 66 to get clued up on pregnancy with our recommended book list.


STAGES Pregnancy


NECESSITIES Decorating your nursery is one of the most exciting tasks during pregnancy! Picking cots, colour schemes and clothing suddenly makes everything seem very real and that one day, you will have a tiny baby living with you. Houzz and Pinterest are fabulous websites for inspiration and help organise all your design ideas so that you can create your perfect nursery. Kitting out a nursery in Cayman is, however, not the easiest experience. As much as you would like to buy everything you will need on-Island, this isn’t always possible. You will most likely have to ship at least a few things in. That said, there is a booming second-hand market in Cayman and good friends are often more than willing to pass on items that they no longer use. Keep an eye on and Caymums Buy & Sell Facebook Group as you will find some great bargains – but be warned that things sell quickly so you need to move fast! Kids Karma Closet also stocks some second hand nursery equipment as well as a fantastic selection of gently used clothes.

Changing Table

Baby Monitor

It can be a challenge changing a wiggly newborn, so a well-padded and wipe clean or washable surface is a must. Look for a stable model with safety straps and padding that is easy to clean.

An essential piece of equipment for any new parent. A baby monitor allows you to keep an ear out (or eye on) your little one when you're not in the room.

Available in Cayman: The Baby Shoppe, Little Darlings

Available in Cayman: Valu-Med Pharmacy, The Baby Shoppe, Little Darlings

Moses Basket, Cradle,

Glider & Ottoman

Crib, Cot & Mattress

This can be a pricey purchase but expensive doesn’t always mean better. All cribs sold in the United States must meet the same Federal safety standards, so you can rest assured that there are plenty of safe ones out there that fit your price range. Crib mattresses should be firm and fit snugly with no more than two fingers width between the edges of the mattress and the crib side. Waterproof mattress covers are essential! You will also need a moses basket or cradle for the first three to six months as most parents have the baby sleep in their room.

Available in Cayman: Bedside Manor, The Baby Shoppe, Little Darlings

While these are more of a nice-to-have than a necessity, they make the long hours of night feeding much more comfortable. They are also the perfect spot for snuggling with your newborn. You will most likely need to have these shipped in.

Pram/Stroller/Pushchair There are several different types of strollers you can go for, from traditional prams, travel systems, or lightweight travel strollers. We recommend you do your research to find out which option suits your needs best.

Available in Cayman: The Baby Shoppe, Little Darlings

Newborn Baby Clothing

Car Seat

Stock up on plenty of bodysuits and sleepsuits before your baby arrives – it's hard to believe how many a tiny baby can go through in a single day, let alone in a week! Five to seven soft cotton onesies, socks and scratch mittens are essential. So are a couple of knitted hats to help baby retain body heat and sun hats to protect them from the sun. You will also need several sleepsuits and sleepsacks/bags.

One of the most important purchases you’ll make. See page 78 for more information on car seat safety and installation guidance.

Available in Cayman: Valu-Med Pharmacy, Atlantic Kids, Baby Shoppe, Bedside Manor, Partial to Blue, Little Darlings

60 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

Available in Cayman: The Baby Shoppe, Little Darlings

Turn to page 70 for information and details on where to find the stores listed here.

What Can you Easily Buy in Cayman? • Formula and baby food • Nappies/Diapers • Baby wipes • Clothing – onesies and newborn sizes

• Nappy rash cream • Baby wash & shampoo • Bottles and nipples • Sterilising tablets

Useful US Furniture Retailers that offer in-store and online shopping • • • •

Amazon Babies “R” US Buy Buy Baby Giggle

• Pottery Barn Kids • Restoration Hardware • Target • The Land of Nod

How to Ship to Cayman? Shipping to Cayman is a lot easier and less daunting than one might imagine. Shipping costs are reasonable, in fact, it is the duty rate that usually pushes the cost up. The vast majority of baby items will be charged 22% duty on arrival in Cayman. Small cargo shipping services are often the most convenient and cost effective method for the amount of furniture needed to kit out a nursery. The shipper will give you an address in Miami to have your items delivered to. They will then be shipped to Cayman on their weekly sailing. If you have a number of items, they will hold them for up to 30 days. Free of charge, and ship them to Cayman in one go. On arrival in Cayman, the shipper will clear the shipment through customs for you and let you know when you can collect the shipment. They can even deliver it to your home for an additional charge.

For details on reputable shipping companies and small cargo shipping services see page 71.

A Great 'Top Tip' from a New Mum! Create a custom mural by finding decals and painting a background scene for them. Keep it simple. Babies have enough stimulation as it is. Find designs that are big enough to see from a short distance and have simple faces or outlines. A.L. Thompson and Kirk Home Centre have decals at reasonable prices or you can order what you like online.

- New Mum Judy Singh Hurlston & Baby Liam


STAGES Pregnancy



Baby showers are a fun way to celebrate new mums and dads-to-be – one final big gathering of friends and family before the era of sleepless nights, dirty nappies and spit-up begins. With the strong influence of Americian culture in the Cayman Islands, baby showers are now a rite of passage and you’ll often spot baby themed gatherings happening when out and about at the weekend.

Where to Start A family member, friend or coworker usually hosts a baby shower. It is typically held during the last two months of pregnancy but allow a few weeks' cushion from the due date since you don’t want mum’s waters breaking during the party! You could host the baby shower at one of Cayman’s restaurants, an afternoon tea or brunch is a great option and anywhere that will offer a set menu will ensure that settling the bill is a breeze. Alternatively, it can be hosted at someone’s home. With numerous catering options, florists

Fun Fact! The term 'Baby Shower' may derive from the 19th century custom of putting presents inside a parasol which, when opened, would "shower" the mother-to-be with gifts.

For More Info:

and party shops in Cayman, you can really curate a special event! Traditionally only women attend baby showers, but there is no reason it can't be co-ed. Often dad will at least make an appearance towards the end of the party. Some mums-to-be might even prefer a ‘Meet the Baby Party’ or a ‘Sip & See’ gathering after the baby is born. These are generally more low key affairs and are a great opportunity for friends to meet the new bundle of joy. These types of events tend to happen at least a month after the baby is born. Whether planning a baby shower for your bestie or a family member, here are some great ideas for creating your ultimate baby shower party.

Cayman Baby Registries Ask mum-to-be if she would like to register for gifts for her baby shower. Baby registries are a great way for mum to receive items for the baby that

she actually needs and it makes gift giving easy for friends. Registries are super simple to set up at any of the following stores: Atlantic Kids (345) 943 2296 Bedside Manor (345) 947 2711 Little Darlings (345) 949 2580 Partial To Blue (345) 943 2583 The Baby Shoppe (345) 949 2229

For more details on the retailers listed here please refer to page 70.

Baby Shower Venues There are many wonderful locations to choose from that serve delicious food. Enjoy stunning views outside, or if mum-to-be would prefer to avoid the heat, then choose an indoor option with air-conditioning. Private Residence - To keep costs down you could host the shower at home. While it does mean you will need to provide some food and drinks,

Refer to the listings on page 46 for details on Cayman's party shops, party venues, entertainment, event planners, florists, caterers, photographers and more.

62 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

you can keep things simple with sandwiches, cheese/fruit trays, crudités, cupcakes and some soft drinks and sparkling wine. Put on some music and play some baby shower games! The Beach - What better way to celebrate the arrival of an island baby than a baby shower at the beach! Whether you BBQ or hire a caterer, bring some beach games, play some music and you’re ready to go! If it’s during the summer then a morning or late afternoon party might be more comfortable for mum. Bring a beach chair for mum-to-be and don’t forget to set up an umbrella so she has some shade. Alternatively, you can rent a cabana on Public Beach (Seven Mile Beach) by calling (345) 946 8250. Hotels/Restaurants - When organising a large group of people, you could opt for a hotel or restaurant that offers a set price menu, brunch or afternoon tea. This will make settling the bill much less stressful as you can gather the money ahead of time so that you don’t have the hassle of collecting 10+ credit cards at the end of the event.

Check out some of Cayman’s Top Baby Shower Spots: •

Anchor & Den, Marriott Beach Resort (345) 326 6981 Saturday afternoon tea or Sunday brunch

Catch (345) 949 4321 Set menu available

Cracked Conch (345) 945 5217 Set menu available

Every Bloomin' Thing (345) 945 1701 Afternoon tea

Grand Old House (345) 949 9333 Set menu available

Kimpton Seafire (345) 746 0000 Afternoon tea and Sunday brunch

Luca, Caribbean Club (345) 623 4550 Sunday brunch

Silver Palm Lounge, The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 Afternoon tea and Sunday brunch

Pedro St. James (345) 947 3329 Afternoon tea

The Venue by Mise en Place (345) 623 2433 Set menu available

Adorable Decorations & Delicious Shower Snacks Decorations - Create an elegant atmosphere with tasteful decorations. From helium balloons and bunting to cake toppers and confetti, Cayman’s party shops have a wide selection of baby shower themed decorations. Flowers - Flowers are an important part of the decorations at a baby shower and can really help tie a theme together. If you have a larger budget to work with, then centrepieces will look incredible, or you could even hang garlands of flowers around the venue. Food & Drinks - If the baby shower is being held at home or on the beach then you will need to provide food. Finger foods and fork buffets are ideal. They’re easy to prepare, easy to eat and easy to clean up after! Try mini sandwiches, chicken skewers, chopped veggies, dips and mini cupcakes. Baby showers are the perfect excuse for guests to sip on some fizz, but don't forget to serve soft drinks for mum. Mix up a delicious pitcher of a non-alcoholic cocktail or fruit punch for mum to enjoy! Cayman has a number of reputable and talented caterers who can provide delicious food and drinks which means there is no cooking or clearing up.

Trendy Themes Add some extra excitment to the baby shower with a fun theme. Cayman Parent has come up with some top themes which are sure to please mum-to-be. Alice in Wonderland - Incorporate whimsical decorations with a vintage tone, eat Wonderland-inspired cakes, and fix 'drink me' labels to glasses. Request that guests wear hats or facinators to really amp up the theme. Books - Celebrate mum's love of literature with a book themed shower. Pick one of mum's favourite books and pick decorations around that theme. Ask guests to bring a book instead of a card to build up baby's library and write a personal note inside. Red Carpet - Glamorous mums-to-be will love the red carpet treatment! Think sequins, film reels and popcorn. Encourage guests to don their most film-worthy outfits. Welcome to the World - Perfect for the globetrotting mumto-be! Decorate with stylish vintage maps, globes, hanging map mobiles and travel-stamped suitcases. Serve a globe themed cake and circulate a guest book covered in a world map.


The Complete Baby Shower Checklist (Cut, keep and 'check off' as you get closer to the date!)

Set a date and time.

Decide on guest list with mum-to-be and send out invitations four to six weeks in advance. Digital invites such as those offered by Paperless Post are a great free way to send gorgeous personalised invites by email.

• • •

Decide on a location with enough space to fit the number of expected guests. Choose a theme - The theme could reflect mum’s personality or the baby’s gender (if you know) and will ultimately tie the whole event together.

Baby Time Capsule

Ask guests to bring a momento of the world today - for example a magazine or newspaper article, a CD or USB key of recent songs, a popular toy in 2017/18 or a copy of a bestselling book. The capsule can then be sealed and opened on the child’s 18th birthday!

Birth Predictions

Hand out a small square of card and ask everyone to guess the baby’s weight, date of birth, time of birth and, if it’s not already known, the gender. Mum-to-be will enjoy reading through all of the predictions during the last few days of pregnancy!

Guess the Baby Food

Set out several jars of baby food with the labels removed and have everyone take a taste test to guess the correct flavour!

Guess the Baby Picture

Ask attendees to submit a picture of themselves as a baby and arrange the pictures in a collage. Guests must guess which picture belongs to who. Whoever gets the most correct answers, wins.

Organise the menu with caterers or venue.

Celebrity Mum Trivia

Prepare games – See the list opposite for ideas!

Baby Animal Game

Circulate the registry if the mum-tobe has one or if you are organising a group present, collect money and order the gift so it arrives on time.

Baby Book

Follow up on RSVPs and confirm numbers with venue/caterers.

Purchase decorations – Visit Cayman’s party shops for a wide range of décor options.

Purchase any props and prizes you will need for games.

Assign a photographer (pick a guest to take photos) so mum-to-be has wonderful memories to look back on.

Baby Shower Games

On the day, designate someone to pick up the mum-to-be and drop her home after the shower.

64 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

List some celebrity Mums and see who can name all of their kids.

Display images of various baby animals and ask guests to guess the name of the baby animal.

Have guests write personal messages to mum in a baby book.

Wishes for Baby

Print free notecards from the internet and have guests write their wishes for the baby. Mum will have a lovely keepsake to look back on.

Don't Say Baby

Mum's the word when it comes to saying 'baby'! Get this great icebreaker started the moment your guests walk through the door. As you greet each guest, give each a diaper pin to wear on his or her shirt. Once all of your guests have arrived, tell everyone that they can't say 'baby' for the duration of the shower. If anyone hears someone else saying the forbidden word, he or she can steal the rule breaker's pin. At the end of the game, the person with the most pins wins a gift.

For More Info:

Refer to the ‘Party List’ on page XX for details of For party More shops, Info: Name the Nursery Rhyme Write lines from nursery rhymes on index cards florists, caterers and more. (before the Refer to the rhyme ‘Partybefore List’ on page party) and have players try to guess the nursery passing it on to the next player.XX Whoever the most for gets details of right party shops, in a minute wins! florists, caterers and more.



STAGES Pregnancy

Cheeky Musings on Motherhood

After your family and friends have left the hospital, you are left alone with your baby for the very first time. It’s late in the evening, you are exhausted and here you are, left to bond with the wee human who was, just hours ago, living inside your body. The endless months of imagining these first moments are finally here. You realise that you now have your very own BABY - and you are expected to know what you are doing, without ever having done this before.

12, 2 and 4am Fumble in the dark in an attempt to change and feed screaming baby. Feed said baby for 30 minutes, spend 30 minutes trying to get back to sleep yourself, wake within the next hour to check that baby is still breathing.

1, 3 and 5am Accidently wake sleeping baby while ensuring baby is still alive. Instantly regret checking for vitals, rock, shush, and sing baby back to sleep while promising yourself not to check for a pulse on the neck next time.

At some point within the first 2 weeks:

Plan to take your baby out of the house to a store or restaurant. Invite 3-4 other adults to help you. Ensure your baby is securely in their car seat and drive as slowly as possible to your destination while cursing at any other vehicle who has the audacity to drive anywhere near you. Arrive at your destination and realise you have forgotten an essential item for the baby and then agonise about whether to return home. Promise yourself you will be more organised next time.


Can't get back to sleep as you are absolutely starving and need something to eat. Pray there is still some of that soup in the fridge that your mother brought you yesterday.

6am and every two hours thereafter:

Feed and change baby. Sometimes both at the same time. Whenever you are not feeding or changing the baby, try to get the baby to sleep, so you can attempt to sleep while thinking about how messy your house is.

12pm and several times a day throughout the following weeks/months: Spend a considerable amount of time staring at your baby in wonderment. Examine all fingers, toes, ears and eyelashes intently in sheer amazement that you grew another human being.

6pm (and as often as possible throughout the following weeks, months and years: Worry that you are not doing things properly. Criticise yourself and feel guilty about something (anything) that you think you should be doing and are not.

Lindsay Thompson Meet our new Mum, the founder of Fuse-In Designs - a company that creates decorative magnetic panels that adhere to electric fuse boxes making them a functional yet attractive addition to any home.


STAGES Pregnancy


Finding the pregnancy book that is right for you can be a minefield! Don’t worry, we’ve done our research and come up with five books we recommend for mums-to-be! Don't see what you're looking for? Turn to page 98 for a full list of book shops! - Jessica Wright


If You're 'App'y & You Know It

What to Expect When You're Expecting - Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel This classic book is a pregnancy bible and one of the most popular books out there. It covers everything you should expect through pregnancy to birth, and includes lots of information on pregnancy safety.


The Baby Bump: 100s of Secrets to Surviving those 9 Long Months - Carley Roney A comprehensive guide that offers expert and real mum advice on surviving those nine months. Featuring tips on everything including what is safe to eat, how the baby develops week by week, and what to expect during labour.


The Bump Great for the first-time-mum. It features a week by week pregnancy guide that compares the stage of pregnancy with a piece of fruit and contains useful information and articles by experts. Free, available on iOS and Android

Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: From Doctors Who Are Parents Too! - Mayo Clinic Written by trustworthy professionals (doctors who are also parents!) in language that’s easy to read, yet professional. It’s simple to navigate with three distinct sections: pregnancy, childbirth and newborn, detailing all of the stages and the things you should know in each.


The Whole 9 Months: A Week-By-Week Pregnancy Nutrition Guide with Recipes for a Healthy Start - Dana Angelo White and Jennifer Lang Written by an OBGYN, this book is a must for anyone with an interest in eating healthily throughout their pregnancy. It offers numerous recipes and fact based advice for eating.


Baby Names Search over 30,000 baby names before your baby's arrival. Names can be sorted by popularity, gender and origin. Save your favourites and refer back until you decide. Free, available on iOS and Android

Preggatinis: Mixology For The Mom-To-Be - Natalie Bovis Nelsen A fun book with 75 delicious virgin cocktail recipes using freshly squeezed juices, fresh fruit or vegetables, herbs, and homemade syrups. Bring this book to Cayman bars and have fun asking for a "Folic Fizz" and "Gingerly Gestating"!


Don't forget about Dad... Pregnancy for Men: The whole nine months - Mark Woods Written by a man, for a man; this easy read lets dads know what to expect during each month of pregnancy and childbirth. Written with wit and humour, it’s guaranteed to hold dad’s attention!

66 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

Full Term A simple way to record duration, frequency and intensity of contractions. This will help you determine how quickly you’ll need to head to the hospital! Free, available on iOS and Android

Maternity Clothes


ESSENTIALS Your home is all ready for your new arrival. The nursery is ready, you’ve cleaned the house from top to bottom (nesting is so much fun!), and toured the hospital. But before you can relax, don't forget to pack your hospital bag. We have compiled a list of items that can take the stress out of the lead up to the big event itself and the hours and days after it. If you are having a planned caesarian section you may need more clothing as you could be in hospital for up to five days. You're not provided with nappies, formula, towels or toiletries at Cayman hospitals, so to avoid any emergency trips to the shops, make sure you are prepared. - Jessica Wright

The Newborn • Four baby onesies • Four sleepsuits • Six receiving blankets or muslin wraps • Two baby hats • Two sets of baby socks and mittens • Four bibs • Going home outfit • Two towels • Two wash cloths • Two dozen newborn nappies • Baby wipes • Formula, if you don’t plan on breastfeeding • Infant car seat for day of discharge

Turn to page 70 for retailers to stock up on all your hospital bag needs!

The New Mum • Your birth plan • Four sets of sleepwear (front opening for breast feeding) • One dressing gown • One pair of flip-flops/slippers • Four to six pairs of underwear • Three nursing bras and bra pads • Loose and comfortable going home clothes • Laundry bag for dirty clothes • Toothbrush, toothpaste, flannel/washer, moisturiser, soap, deodorant, hair ties, lip balm • Glasses/contact lenses • Three towels • Two dozen maternity sanitary pads • Pillow (optional) • Breast pump • Camera, memory card, charger • Mobile phone and charger • Snack bag (for mum and dad!)


Pack your hospital bag at least four weeks before your due date in case your baby decides to arrive early.


Don’t pack your best towels, underwear, nightwear or night gown as they may get ruined.


Pack a separate suitcase for you and your baby so you can find what you’re looking for easily.


Labour is hard work so pack some healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. Good options include dried fruit, nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. Dark chocolate is great for a quick burst of energy.


Load up your iPad/ tablet with plenty of entertainment in case you are in labour for a long time, and possibly confined to the bed.

Top Tip from a New Mum! A microwaveable wheat pack that can be heated and put on your back is invaluable when the contractions really start to get strong! I also recommend bringing a big drinking cup with a straw from home so that your partner can help keep you hydrated during labour.

- New Mum Aly Reilly & Baby Joseph


STAGES Pregnancy

EXERCISE FOR PREGNANCY When you’re pregnant and feeling tired, bloated and ungainly, the last thing you may want to do is exercise, however, sometimes it can be just the ticket! Most doctors now recommend that expectant mothers exercise throughout their pregnancy. Both the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the NHS recommend a minimum of 20-30 minutes of exercise at least four times a week. You should always, however, consult with your doctor before starting an exercise programme.

Working out while pregnant needn’t be too strenuous to provide the benefits your body needs. As a rule of thumb, you should always be able to hold a conversation while exercising without getting out of breath.

Top Five Benefits of Exercising While Pregnant 1. Boosts your Energy and Spirits!

4. Prepares your Body for Childbirth

Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system meaning you don’t get tired so quickly. It also boosts levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, putting you in better spirits.

It has been said that giving birth is like running a marathon. The better shape you’re in, the better stamina, focus and determination you’ll have!

2. Helps you Sleep Better

5. Faster Post-Delivery Recovery and Return to your Pre-Pregnancy Weight

Getting comfortable while pregnant can be a challenge, not to mention the numerous trips to the bathroom! Exercising helps you feel more tired at the end of the day, manages restlessness and increases the chances of you enjoying a good night’s sleep.

3. Reduces Discomfort in Pregnancy As your stomach expands and puts greater pressure on your back, strengthening your muscles can help alleviate back pain and strain on your joints.

Top Tip!

Attending prenatal exercise classes will help you feel prepared for labour and beyond. You'll also meet other expectant parents! See page 70 for more information.

68 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

The more fit you are during pregnancy, the faster you’ll recover after delivery. Exercising will also mean you gain less weight during pregnancy, making it easier to return to your pre-baby weight.


THE KEGELS • Kegel pelvic floor exercises are named after the doctor who published a study about them in 1948. • Aim for at least three sets of 10 repetitions a day. • Practise your Kegels at the grocery store, during a work meeting or in the car, nobody will know what you’re doing!

PRENATAL EXERCISE OPTIONS IN CAYMAN Cayman is a wonderful place to exercise while pregnant. Not only will you meet fellow mums-to-be, but you have the beach and the sea on our doorstep, providing the perfect opportunity for low impact exercise.

Prenatal Circuit Classes Circuit classes are great for building strength and weight management throughout your pregnancy. You’ll be provided with both low impact and slightly tougher options depending on your fitness level.

Walking Walking is one of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women. It suits all levels of fitness and it’s free! All you need is a good pair of shoes and a water bottle. Start with 15 to 30 minutes of walking, three days a week and then, if you feel comfortable, extend it up to 60 minutes five-six days of the week. Luckily for us in Cayman we have wonderful beaches to enjoy long walks on.

Safety First! • Avoid exercising in the heat of Cayman's sun during the day. • Have a snack at least 30 mins before exercising and drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise. • Try to pace yourself. Avoid exercising beyond your current fitness level. • Always warm up before exercising, and cool down afterwards. • Stop immediately if you feel dizzy or lightheaded. • Exercises to avoid: scuba diving, skiing, climbing, cycling, horseback riding, Bikram Yoga.

Prenatal Yoga Yoga is perfect for pregnant women as it helps increase strength, balance and flexibility. Prenatal yoga breathing techniques might help you reduce or manage shortness of breath later during pregnancy and work through contractions during labour.

Gyms Gyms are a great option when you want to avoid the heat. Low impact machines such as the treadmill (for walking), bike and elliptical are all great ways to get moving without putting too much stress on your body.

What Should Pregnant Women Really Avoid? Must Avoid: Unpasteurised dairy, Uncooked meats, Smoking, Alcohol

Swimming This is the perfect activity for mums-to-be. Not only do you feel weightless but it takes all the pressure off your joints. Swimming will help strengthen your arms, legs and back, making it easier to bear your increasing weight. Cayman’s warm, calm waters allow women to swim safely throughout the year, so aim for 20-30 mins several times a week. Don’t forget that you can still overheat in the water, so be careful not to overexert yourself. Always drink plenty of water before and afterwards.

Prenatal Pilates A low impact option that is good for posture, upper and lower body strength and stability. It is a very adaptable form of exercise that can be modified as your body and ability to exercise change throughout the pregnancy.

Remember to always consult with your doctor before starting an exercise programme!

Mostly Avoid: Fish, Caffeine, Travel, Jarring exercise

Don’t Avoid: Yoghurt, Avocados, Leafy Greens, Nuts

If You Slip Up: Always inform your doctor of any problems or concerns you have.


STAGES Pregnancy



PREGNANCY LISTINGS Becoming a parent is one of life's greatest moments. We'll help you navigate getting the best care possible for you and your newborn during this special time.

OBSTETRICIANS/GYNAECOLOGISTS (OBGYNs) Dr. Venkamma Bonigi MBBS DGO Faith Hospital, Cayman Brac. Tel: (345) 948 2243. Dr. Edward Caudeiron MD 33 Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 9090. Dr. Gilbertha Alexander MBBS DM MRCOG Dr. Elaine Ebanks MBBS DM Dr. Gillian Evans-Belfonte MBBS MRCOG Dr. Rhonda Reeves DM Dr. Davina McCoy MD Dr. Zbigniew Zwierzchowski MD OBGYN Cayman Islands Hospital, 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8600. Dr. Sarath De Alwis FRCS FRCOG MRCP FFSRH (UK), MRCS LRCP (UK) MMACS CTMH Doctors Hospital, 16 Middle Rd, Off Walkers Rd, George Town. Tel: (345) 945 6066. Dr. Howard Deosaran BSc MD DM FACOG LLB (Hons) Trincay Medical Centre & Urgent Care, 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Email: Web: www. Dr. Rommel El-Madany MB BCH FRCS (GYN) (Edin), HDGO (Dublin) DM, MD RCSI/IPA (Dublin), Diploma of Advanced Obstetrics Ultrasound RCOG/RCR (London) 9 Smith Road Plaza, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 946 2496 Email: Dr. Suzanne Muise BSc MD FRCS (Canada) West Shore Centre, 508 West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 749 8600 Email: Dr. David Stone BSc MD FACOG Trincay Medical Centre & Urgent Care, 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Email: Web: www.

paediatricians - SEE PAGE 182 maternity HOSPITALS The Cayman Islands Hospital (CIH) 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Maternity Unit Tel: (345) 244 2842/2841 Web: The Maternity Unit offers five double and three single rooms plus three labour/delivery rooms. The hospital caters to both low and high-risk mothers and babies. CTMH Doctors Hospital 16 Middle Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6066 Web: www. Two private suites with bathroom and pull out beds for the birthing partner.

Doulas | Childbirth Classes | Post-partum Care & Lactation Consultants Baby Whispers Tel: (345) 324 1380 Email: Web: www. Doula services, childbirth classes, lactation and post-partum advice. RVC Rehab Services 19 Middle Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6024 Email: Web: www. Lamaze classes, doula services and lactation services. The Children’s Clinic & Family Practice Windward Centre, 93 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2970 Email: Web: www. Advice on lactation and newborn care.

BABY & CHILDREN'S SHOPS Atlantic Kids Paddington Place, Godfrey Nixon Way, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2296 or 943 2296 Web: A treasure trove of baby and children's clothes as well as shoes and toys. Bedside Manor Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 947 2711 Web: High-end baby products and a small range of baby clothing.

70 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

Funky Monkey Governors Square, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 8659 Web: www.funkymonkeycayman. com Fashionable clothing for children. Kids Karma Closet Buckingham Square, 720 West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 947 7330 Good quality second-hand and new baby clothing, equipment, toys and carriers. Little Darlings Bodden Place, Shedden Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2580 A baby and childcare store offering products for newborns to school age. Little Angels Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 946 2645 High-end swim and beach wear for toddlers and children up to 14 years. Partial to Blue Plaza Venezia, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 943 2583 A good range of baby and childrens clothing plus new born equipment and accessories. The Baby Shoppe Alissta Towers, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 949 2229 Baby and toddler products, car seats, strollers, clothing and toys. Valu-Med Pharmacy Walkers Road, George Town and Evron Plaza, Bodden Town. Tel: (345) 949 0442 Baby and toddler clothing, toys, formula and other essentials.

Gyms/Exercise studios 345 Personal Training Tel: (345) 926 2117 Email: 345personaltraining@ Offers weekly group pre and postnatal circuit classes. Personal training also available. Anytime Fitness Market St, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 946 4748 24 hour gym with numerous machines and classes. Balance Cayman Caribbean Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 326 8111 Web: Small group classes and personal training. Bliss Living Yoga Marquee Plaza. Tel: (345) 949 9642 Web: www. Popular yoga studio with

a weekly prenatal yoga class. Body Alive Cayman Centre, off Dorcy Drive. Tel: (345) 926 4433 Web: Circuit classes, personal training and weight loss advice. Body Shaper’s Fitness Studio Cayman Village, North Sound Rd. Tel: (345) 939 5288 Email: Personal training, boot camp classes, group training, fitness classes. Cayman Crossfit Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 929 8450 Web: High intensity fitness classes with free trials on Saturdays. Energy Essential Fitness Cricket Square. Tel: (345) 946 6006 Web: www. A wide range of fitness classes including weekly prenatal pilates. F45 The Strand, SMB. Tel: (345) 925 1733 Web: www. High intensity group training with new workouts weekly. Life Extensions Park Place, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 3753 Web: 24 hour boutique gym with personal training available.

Fitness Connection Glen Eden Road, Off South Church Street, South Sound. Tel: (345) 949 8485 Web: ky A family fitness and aquatic facility offering numerous fitness classes and personal training. Powerhouse Gym 861 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 5464 Web: Cardio and strength training equipment, plus two group fitness studios. Personal training available. Revolutions Indoor Cycling Barnett Building, 24 Huldah Avenue. Tel: (345) 516 2453 Email: revolutionscayman@hotmail. com Spinning centre with daily classes. Ryde Cayman Camana Bay. Email: Web: Performance cycling on stationary bikes set to music. Universal Fitness Countryside Shopping Village, Savannah. Tel: (345) 947 5464 Email: membership@ Full service gym with machines and group fitness classes. World Gym Snooze Lane, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 949 5132 Large gym with a good selection of machines and classes.

freight forwarders/SHIPPING COMPANIES The following reputable companies offer shipping services between the USA to Cayman for all your personal goods, large or small. Cayman Islands Customs Agency (CICA) 39 Ashco Street, off Godfrey Nixon Drive, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2350 Email: Web: www. Twice weekly shipping service for small and large packages. Mail Boxes Etc. 10 Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 745 1400 Email: Web: Air and ocean cargo service plus customs clearance. Miracle Brokers 40 Kingbird Drive, Off North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 949 5989 Email: info@miraclebrokers. com Web: Freight forwarding plus a small package service. Sta-Mar Enterprises Ltd. 226 Dorcy Drive, Industrial Park, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2399 Email: stamarcayman@ Web: A shipping service from Miami plus customs clearance and delivery to your door.

Da Vinci Centre

For Wellness and Alternative Therapies

The Da Vinci Wellness Centre is Cayman’s most exclusive Wellness and Alternative Therapies Centre where the genuine comfort and care of clients is their focus. The Da Vinci Centre staff are licensed and experienced professionals dedicated to maximising individual talent to benefit each individual client. Da Vinci Centre sets a standard of service excellence by which others in the industry may be compared, and their staff will work together to optimise you and your family’s health needs.


Children's Chiropractic: Children encounter many physical stresses during their growth and development. The chiropractors at Da Vinci Centre use gentle techniques to help maintain your child’s spinal mobility and proper nervous system function.

Women’s Health: The goal of this physiotherapy is to minimise discomfort and dysfunction during pregnancy and post partum by normalising the pelvic floor and surrounding lumbopelvic muscle activity.

Acupuncture and Chinese Therapies for Infertility and Pregnancy: Acupuncture is one of the main branches of Chinese Medicine that unblocks and re-balances the flow of energy throughout the body. This has been shown to be complimentary to infertility treatments.

Post Partum Body Contouring with Vela Shape: New moms may face a unique set of physical and emotional challenges following pregnancy and childbirth. Vela Shape body contouring can help moms get back in shape by improving cellulite and reducing circumference in a few treatments.

Park Place Plaza, West Bay Rd | (345) 943 2002 | |


Health Services Authority (HSA) General Healthcare

People in the Cayman Islands can expect world-class healthcare services at the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA), the country’s principal health care facility which comprises of the modern 124-bed Cayman Islands Hospital (104 inpatient & 20 observation beds) on Grand Cayman & the 18-bed Faith Hospital on Cayman Brac. At the Cayman Islands Hospital, patients have access to accident and emergency services, a general practitioner clinic, full maternity services, haemodialysis, a full service outpatient pharmacy, a dental clinic and an eye care clinic. They also have the convenience of receiving primary care in their own districts through health centres located in Grand Cayman (West Bay, Bodden Town, North Side and East End) and a clinic in Little Cayman. Patients are offered the highest degree of care, comfort and safety, delivered by a highly competent, professional team of physicians, nurses and support staff.



• 24hr Accident & Emergency Service • Full Maternity and NICU Services • Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services • Primary Healthcare and Immunization • General Practice Services

Services Include:

"Our mission is to provide the highest quality healthcare and improve the well-being of people in the Cayman Islands through accessible, sustainable patient-focused services by highly-skilled, empowered and caring staff in collaboration with our partners." - Lizzette Yearwood, CEO

• Anesthesiology and Pain Management • Cardiology • Oncology, Hematology and Chemotherapy • Clinical Dietary & Nutrition Services • Dentistry • Forensics and Pathology Lab Services • General Surgery • Hemodialysis • Internal Medicine • Interventional Radiology • ENT and Maxillofacial Surgery • Mental Health • Nephrology • Ophthalmology • Orthopedics • Paediatrics • Pharmacy • Physiotherapy • Urology • Women’s Health

95 Hospital Road, Grand Cayman | Tel: (345) 949 8600 | Email: | 72 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | PREGNANCY

EARLY YEARS Baby Food, PreschoolS, domestic help, choosing a car seat, Childproofing & kids activities

75 HOW TO Photo courtesy of Rebecca Davidson of Rebecca Davidson Photography

CHOOSE A NANNY Eight points to consider when hiring a nanny, plus the formalities involved when hiring a nanny or domestic helper on Island.





A full list of activities that are kid tested and Cayman Parent approved! From Story Time to Yoga for the young ones - there are tons of Island activities to enjoy.

Things to consider when choosing a preschool in Cayman: teacher-led or child-led, learn through play or other teaching methodologies.



From two months old to tweens and teens, Cayman Parent has done the research and gotten the best recommendations on how to dine stress-free!


STAGES Early Years



Cayman’s grocery stores sell a wide variety of high quality baby formulas and first foods, as well as many organic options. Here is a list of brands that you can expect to find in Cayman's supermarkets. You can also purchase baby food in bulk from Cost-U-Less and Priced Right.

Hurley's Grand Harbour Shoppes, Red Bay Tel: (345) 947 8488 Open Mon to Sat 7am-11pm Visit

Infant Formula Aptamil Cow & Gate Enfamil Nestle PediaSure Lasco One & U Similac SMA

Valu-Med Pharmacy Photo-Pharm Centre, Walkers Rd Tel: (345) 949 0442 Open Mon to Sat 8am-10pm Sun and holidays 10am-5pm Evron Plaza, Bodden Town Tel: (345) 946 5511 Open Mon to Sat 8.30am-9pm Sun and holidays 10am-5pm Visit

Infant Formula Enfamil LASCO Nestle Similac

Baby Food Gerber Earth’s Best Organic Happy Baby Organic Mum-Mum Plum Organics Sprout

Various options are available in the infant formula category including lactose-free, soy, hypoallergenic, goat's milk formula and more. Numerous purées, yoghurts, cereals, snacks and more are available in the baby food category.

Baby Food PediaSure Grow & Gain

Bay Market Market Street in Camana Bay Tel: (345) 815 1080 Open Mon to Sat 7.30am-7pm Visit

Infant Formula

74 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years

Baby Only

Baby Food Ella’s Kitchen

Foster’s Food Fair-IGA Airport Centre, Tel: (345) 949 5155 Open Mon to Sat 7am-11pm The Strand, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 945 4748 Open Mon to Sat 7am-11pm Republix Plaza in West Bay Tel: (345) 949 3214 Open Mon to Sat 7am-11pm Countryside Shopping Village Savannah, Tel: (345) 943 5155 Open Mon to Sat 7am-11pm Morritt's Shopping in East End Tel: (345) 947 2826 Mon to Thurs 7am-7pm Fri & Sat 7am-9pm Visit

Infant Formula Alacta Baby Only Enfamil Enfagrow Gerber LASCO NIDO Nestle Nutramigen organic Promil Similac SMA

Baby Food Mum-Mum Earth's Best Organic Ella’s Kitchen Farley’s Rusks Gerber Pedialyte President’s Choice Sprout

Kirk Market 413 Eastern Avenue, George Town Tel: (345) 949 7022 | Visit Open Mon to Thurs 7am-10pm

Infant Formula Aptamil Babynat Organic Baby’s Only Organic Earth’s Best Organic Enfamil HiPP Organic Nanny Care First Infant Milk (Goat Milk Based)

Nestle Nutramigen

(Hypoallergenic Infant Formula)


Baby Food Baby Mum-Mum Organic Rice Rusks For Teething BeechNut Earth’s Best Organic Ella’s Kitchen Enfamil EnfaGrow Toddler Next Step Milk Drink Farley’s Rusks Gerber HappyTot Super Foods HiPP Organic Baby Food Jars Jammy Sammy Sandwich Bars LavenBerry Baby Food Pouches Organics HappyBaby Organic Pedia Smart Complete Nutrition Organix PediaSure Peter Rabbit Organics Snacks Plum Organics



One of the most important tasks in parenthood is finding suitable care for your children. Cayman offers several options in childcare with lots of families opting for a nanny or helper, but finding the right person can be a daunting process. Cayman Parent, with the help of Clare Thorpe, an early childhood education expert, offers some advice. - Clare Thorpe


Points to Consider When Hiring a Nanny

1. What type of care do you need? Will your children be in school? Do you need full or part-time help? What about the school holidays or when your child is sick? Do you need a nanny to help with homework? If your priority is house-care then you will find it easier to find a person to clean the house and babysit occasionally. You may find it more challenging to find someone to be the primary source of education, development and stimulation, as well as help with the cleaning and laundry.

2. How much can you afford to pay?

As with any job the most qualified and experienced candidates will require a higher salary. There is a huge scope of range from an early childhood trained nanny or teacher, to a cleaner with occasional evening babysitting experience. Both a full-time nanny and domestic helper require health insurance, however, the law does not require you to pay the pension of a domestic helper.

3. Do you need a driver? If you require help with driving your child to and from school or after school activities then a nanny that can drive is essential. Please consider whether or not the nanny's car is suitable for your children to be driven around in, or whether you will provide a car for the nanny's use.

4. Live in or out? Some positions that require long or late hours are more suitable for a live-in person. If opting for a live-in caregiver, you will be required to provide accommodation with sufficient space. If you are considering bringing a nanny on-Island, it is important to be mindful of the cost of living in Cayman for a single person, and factor that into your salary offer. Many families include a yearly ticket back to their nanny’s home country as part of their contract.

5. Education

Early childhood care greatly impacts childhood development. If you are hiring a nanny to take care of a young baby or toddler, it is essential to find a candidate with the ability

STAGES Early Years

to educate and aid in your child's development. Does the nanny have experience and qualifications? Do they speak clearly? Are they warm and engaging? Do you feel comfortable and relaxed in their company? Do they have a similar set of values as you? Does their outlook on child rearing and education match with yours? Are they willing to learn through on-Island workshops and training? Do they have an up-to-date infant first aid CPR certificate?

6. Where to Look?

The best reference for a nanny is a positive referral from a friend or colleague. However, if you are new to the Island, take a look on ecay trade, CayMums or ask an agency (AAA Caregivers and Best Home Care). Cayman is a transient place and when families leave the Island they will often try their best to find their nanny another position. You could also place an advert yourself on ecay trade or reach out to the CayMums Facebook group saying you are looking for help.

7. Family Support

For many families who have moved here from overseas, the lack of family support can make life difficult for them if they have children. Your children's nanny or family helper will, if chosen carefully, become an important person in you and your child's lives. Finding a person who you feel comfortable with and you can trust to help raise your child is not easy. Be sure to set out a clear idea of your needs prior to interviewing. Using an agency to help in the interim or having a family member join you while you look will ensure you hire the best person for your situation, instead of rushing this important decision.

8. Be Realistic Could you care for a baby, entertain a toddler, clean a house, do the laundry, iron, cook, run errands, do the school run and homework with your children? Doing all of those things to a high standard is challenging for anyone. Prioritise your requirements and understand the difference between a nanny and a cleaner.

Potential Interview Questions to Ask a New Nanny or Helper • What kind of activities would you plan for my child?

• What are your approaches/views on discipline?

• What is your approach to potty training?

• How much TV/iPad time would you allow?

• At what age would you start reading to the baby?

• What sort of snacks would you offer my child?

• Can you swim? Can you drive? Are you CPR certified?

• How often do you get sick?

• What would you feed an eight month old baby, a five year old, a ten year old?

• Why did you leave your last position?

• How would you make homemade baby food?

• Do you smoke or have any health problems?

• What would a regular day look like to you if you had a seven month old versus a five year old to care for? • For how many hours would you allow a two year old to nap?

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• Are you able to work longer hours with little notice? • What would you do if my child had a fever or fell unconscious and you couldn’t get hold of us?

The Formalities of Hiring a Domestic Helper or Nanny in the Cayman Islands Hiring a Domestic Helper Through an Agency Expect to pay CI$12 per hour for a minimum of four hours if hired on a full-day or half-day regular weekly basis. On a temporary basis allow CI$14 or more per hour. The convenience of using an agency is that they train the staff, pay their health insurance, pension, and will replace them if they can’t work for any reason. Agencies also interview and trial potential domestic helpers. See page 47 for details on the two most reputable agencies on Island.

Hiring a Domestic Helper A domestic helper is primarily employed to clean the house, prepare food and babysit the children. They would transport the children to activities but they would not be expected to plan activities or get involved with doing homework. The top salary for a domestic helper that works five days per week, for a nine hour day is CI$400 per week. You would expect this person to be able to drive. If you only want the person on a part-time basis then expect to pay CI$80 for an eight hour day. For occasional babysitting you will find that almost everyone will ask for CI$10 per hour. For non-agency helpers, you will need to take care of their health insurance, give them at least two weeks paid vacation per year and pay them double time for working any public holidays. By law, you do not have to contribute to a domestic worker's pension. A good employer will also pay for one airline ticket home per year.

Hiring a Professional Nanny A professional nanny is expected to have a university degree and/ or some form of childcare training. Their role is to focus on the children and not household chores. For a professional nanny working part-time (1pm-6pm Monday to Friday) you would expect to pay CI$2,000 per month. Overtime pay is either CI$15 or CI$20 an hour, depending on their qualifications. Typically a nanny's job includes washing the children’s laundry, doing dishes, doing the household’s grocery shopping, preparing a weekly menu, preparing a healthy well rounded dinner or homemade baby food, arranging age appropriate activities, helping to organise and drive children to after school activities, assisting with homework, hosting and organising playdates. They would be expected to help develop a well-rounded, responsible child with a strong moral compass. They encourage the child's independence and ensure they

have healthy relationships with their friends and adults. The nanny would not be expected to clean the house. You can find professional nannies by word of mouth, through or through If you are looking for a live-in au pair then visit Most nannies would expect to be provided with a car to use seven days a week, a monthly fuel allowance of CI$50, a flight home once a year, two weeks paid vacation, non-contributory health insurance and to be paid their monthly salary whether the family are away on holiday or not. It is not unusual for a nanny to travel with the family on vacation and stay overnight as needed. For overnight stays the going rate is a sleep fee of CI$10 an hour or CI$40-CI$50 a night and then CI$15-CI$20 an hour for the hours the children are awake but outside of the nanny’s regular working hours.

Things Worth Noting If you are an expat then you cannot submit your domestic helper’s or nanny's work permit paperwork until your own work permit has been approved. It is illegal to have them pay for their own work permit. Helpers are not allowed to have dependents on their work permit and the absolute maximum time they are allowed to stay on the Island is ten years. You can take out a work permit for any nationality of a helper or nanny as long as you can demonstrate a genuine need. It is worth noting that the Department of Immigration does not usually grant expatriates a work permit for domestic help or a nanny, unless they show sufficient need i.e. they have children who need looking after. If this is the case you will also need to provide certified copies of the birth certificate of each child to be cared for and think carefully about the information you provide in your cover letter to support your application. Please note, a work permit for a ‘Nanny’ needs to be advertised in the newspaper for two consecutive weeks but a work permit for a ‘Domestic Helper’ does not need to be advertised. The work permit for a domestic helper costs CI$250 per year while for a nanny the cost is CI$650.

Top Tip! Most phone plans run on pre-paid credit. As such, you may want to consider giving your helper/nanny a monthly CI$50 phone allowance so they can contact you.


STAGES Early Years


Safety in the Cayman Islands

Buying and installing a car seat is one of the most important tasks faced by parents. Your child will need a car seat from the moment you leave the hospital until he or she is about 12 years old. Not having the correct car seat for your child’s age and weight is not only extremely dangerous, but it’s also against the law.

The law of the Cayman Islands states that a person under the age of 14 years must wear an adult seatbelt or a child restraint, except in certain and very limited circumstances. The law states that a rear-facing child restraint seat must not be fitted in a seat protected by an active frontal airbag.

Tips for Buying a Car Seat • Make sure the car seat meets the appropriate safety guidelines for your child’s weight and age group. • When purchasing a car seat, do your research on consumer websites such as in the UK or Consumer Reports in the US. Also research possible recalls. • Familiarise yourself with the most up-to-date safety standards when purchasing a car seat. • Buying a car seat second hand is not recommended as it could have been damaged in an accident or may not have all its parts.

Fitting Car Seats in European and American Vehicles As you can purchase both European and American cars in the Cayman Islands, parents should be aware of the different safety systems and how to fit their child's car seat properly. European Cars i-Size is a new European standard for car seats. i-Size seats are fitted into a car using the Isofix system, which reduces the risk of car seats not being fitted properly. Most cars made from 2007 onwards are fitted with an Isofix system, so fitting a car seat should be simple and easy for everyone.

American Cars In the US, all child safety seats and vehicles manufactured after 2002 must be compatible with the LATCH system, which stands for Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children. Some cars manufactured between 1999 and 2002 also have the LATCH system.

Isofix anchorage points allow you to fix the seat securely and rigidly, provided the points are compatible. Isofix points make fitting the seat correctly much simpler, as you just slot the seat in.

The LATCH system is designed to make installation of a car seat easier and safer by attaching the car seat directly to anchors permanently attached to the vehicle instead of using the seat belt to secure the seat. Although only front-facing infant and toddler car seats are required to have both the upper and lower attachments, all child safety seats with a five-point safety harness (including rear-facing infant car seats) are required to have the lower anchors. (Source:

Isofix anchorage points are found in the back of the car, in the gap between the upholstery. There may also be insertion aids for the connectors that will lock into specific points or a top tether or supporting leg that needs to be in place. (

78 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years


CAR SEAT? Car seats are divided into three main groups, depending on your baby or child's age and weight: GROUP 0+ Rear-facing car seats suitable for babies aged up to 15 months or who weigh up to 13 kg (29lb). GROUP 1 Forward-facing seats are suitable for children who weigh 9-18kg (20-40lb) or between the ages of 9 months to 4.5 years. GROUP 2/3 High-backed booster seats are suitable for children who weigh 15-36kg (33lb5st 9lb) or between 3 to 12 years of age. Source:

Buying Car Seats in Cayman Children’s car seats can be bought at The Baby Shoppe, Little Darlings and sometimes at PricedRight and Cost-ULess. See page 98 for retailer information.



Installation • Fit your car seat exactly according to manufacturers instructions. • All newborn car seats should be installed in the rear facing position in the back seat. Use a rear facing car seat for as long as your baby fits into it, as they offer the best protection in the event of an accident. • Ensure the car seat actually fits your model of car as not all seats fit in all cars, while others might just about squeeze in, but leave very little leg room or space for another seat next to it.

Using a Car Seat Safely • Make sure the child is securely strapped in, according to the manufacturers instructions. • All straps should lie flat against your child without twists or knots. Straps should be snug but not too tight. • 2016 research found that newborn babies shouldn’t be left in car seats for more than 30 minutes at a time in order to avoid restriction to their breathing and heart rate. (Source: Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust). • Never leave your child in a vehicle where they can overheat and risk suffering from heat stroke. • Always place your child in the seat from the pavement side of the car.



Car City and Tony's Toys both offer a car seat fitting service to ensure that your car seat is fitted safely and securely.

Weekly Activities For Parents & Children For contact details of all the activities listed here please refer to pages 214-221.

Activities for Kids Aged 0- 12 Months Monday South Sound Playgroup South Sound Community Center, South Church Street Time: 9.30am-11.30am Age: 0-4 Years Cost: CI$8 (Includes snacks for children and coffee for parents) Description: Lots of toys for kids, weekly craft activity, healthy snacks, ending with a sing-along.

Tuesday Imagination Playground The Crescent Fountains, Camana Bay Time: 10am-7pm Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Let your child’s imagination run wild while they play in the fountains and build with large blue foam blocks. Indoor Playground & Café Lil’ Monkeys, Bodden Place, Shedden Road Time: 9am-6pm Age: All ages Cost: CI$8 per hour Description: Loads of fun for kids - ball pits, slides, play kitchen sets, toys geared to all ages with arcade games for older kids as well. Two hours of play for the price of one hour. Little Explorers Playgroup Dart Family Park Clubhouse, South Church Street Time: 9am-11am Age: 6 Months-3 Years Cost: $175 per 12-week term or $10 per drop-in Description: A holistic and natural approach to learning with an emphasis on Cayman's natural and cultural heritage. Complete with a daily art project, music time and an organic snack. Registration required.

Mummy and Me Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 8.30am-9am Age: 6-18 Months Cost: CI$150 per term Description: An energetic class including interaction, music, learning, dancing and singing. Story Time Regal Cinemas, Camana Bay Time: 11am-11.30am Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Songs and stories on the big screen.

Wednesday Toddler Play Day Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 10.30am-12pm Age: 0-5 Years Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play.

Thursday Sing-a-long with Miss Izzy Starfish Village, Camana Bay Time: 9am-9.45am Age: 0-5 Years Cost: CI$15 Description: Live music for children. Story Time & Sing Along with Miss Izzy Books’N Books, Camana Bay Time: 3pm-3.30pm Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Live music for kids to singalong as well as story reading from the shelves of Books’N Books. Toddler Play Day Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 10.30am-12pm Age: 0-5 Years


STAGES Early Years

Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play.

Cost: CI$5 Description: Full length movies for children.


Toddler Play Day Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 8.45am-10.15am Age: 0-6 Years Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play.

Little Scooters Playgroup ~ Hosted by Timesavers South Sound Community Center, South Church Street Time: 9.45am-11.30am Age: 0-24 Months Cost: CI$8 (Includes coffee) Description: This group also serves as a platform for stay-at-home parents to share their business and network with other parents. Most of the toys are geared from 0-12 months, please feel free to bring toys for your children over 12 months of age. Motor Skills Class Chatterbox, 16 Pasadora Place, Smith Road Time: 9am-10am | Age: 0-12 Months Time: 12pm-1pm | Age:1-2 Years Cost: CI$75 per child per class Description: A class to develop your child’s gross and fine motor skills plus their sense of vision, hearing and touch. It also helps with social development and independence. Sing-a-long with Miss Izzy Starfish Village, Camana Bay Time: 3.30pm-4.30pm Age: 0-5 Years Cost: CI$15 Description: Live music for children. Toddler Play Day Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 10.30am-12pm | Age: 0-5 Years Time: 2.30pm-4pm | Age: 0-6 Years Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play.

Saturday Imagination Playground The Crescent Fountains, Camana Bay Time: 10am-7pm Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Let your child’s imagination run wild while they play in the fountains and build with large blue foam blocks. Kids Club Regal Cinemas Camana Bay Time: 10am | Age: All Ages

Sunday Yoga Sprouts ~ Peace Baby Yoga Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 12.30pm-1.10pm Age: 3-12 Months Cost: CI$75/ 5 classes Description: Learn how yoga, movement, music and play can nurture the development of your baby's cognitive, emotional, and physical growth. Pre-registration required.

Activities for 12 Months to 5 Years of Age Monday South Sound Playgroup South Sound Community Center, South Sound Time: 9.30am-11.30am Age: 0-4 Years Cost: CI$8 (Includes snacks for children and coffee for parents) Description: Lots of toys for kids, weekly craft activity, healthy snacks, ending with a sing-along.

Tuesday Broadway Tots Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 3pm-3.30pm Age: 3-5 Years Cost: CI$180 per term Description: Students learn through fun and games and focus on musical numbers from some of the well-loved shows around. Imagination Playground The Crescent Fountains, Camana Bay Time: 10am-7pm Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Let your child’s imagination run wild while they play in the fountains and build with large blue foam blocks.

80 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years

Indoor Playground and Café Lil’ Monkeys, Bodden Place, Shedden Road Time: 9am-6pm Age: 4-5 Years Cost: CI$8 Description: Loads of fun for kids - ball pits, slides, play kitchen sets, toys geared to all ages with arcade games for older kids as well. Two hours of play for the price of one hour. Leap Frog Boys & Girls Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 3.30pm-4.15pm Age: 4-5 Years Cost: CI$30 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Little Explorers Playgroup Dart Family Park Clubhouse, South Church Street Time: 9am-11am Age: 6 Months-3 Years Cost: CI$175 per 12-week term or CI$10 per drop-in Description: A holistic and natural approach to learning with an emphasis on Cayman's natural and cultural heritage. Complete with a daily art project, music time and an organic snack. Registration required. Me and My Shadow Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 2.45pm-3.30pm Age: 18-36 Months Cost: CI$20 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Mummy and Me Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 9.15am-9.45am Age: 18 Months-3 Years Cost: CI$150 per term Description: An energetic class including interaction, music, learning, dancing and singing. Pre-Junior Ballet Centre Pointe Dance Studio, Nth Sound Rd Time: 3.15pm-4pm Age: 4-5 Years+ Cost: CI$160/ten weeks Description: Creative movement/ballet/ tap combination class. Registration required.

Story Time Regal Cinemas Camana Bay Time: 11am-11.30am Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Songs and stories on the big screen. Tumbling Turtles Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 2.45pm-3.30pm Age: 3-4 Years Cost: CI$30 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play.

Wednesday Broadway Stars Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 3.30pm-4.25pm Age: 6-9 Years Cost: CI$260 per term Description: Kids learn songs and dance combinations from legendary Broadway hits. Pre-Junior Ballet Centre Pointe Dance Studio, Nth Sound Rd Time: 3.15pm-4pm Age: 4-5 Years+ Cost: CI$160/ten weeks Description: Creative movement/ballet/ tap combination class. Registration required. Toddler Music & Dance Cayman Music School, Camana Bay Time: 9am-9.45am Age: 1-3 years Cost: CI$18 Description: Toddlers dance to music and learn about tempo and rhythm. They can also play with an assortment of musical instruments. Toddler Play Day Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 10.30am-12pm Age: 0-5 Years Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Yoga Sprouts ~ Kids Yoga Fitness Connection, South Sound Road Time: 4.15pm-5pm

Age: 5-8 Years Cost: CI$144/8 classes Description: Playful yoga poses, animated breathing exercises and imaginative relaxation techniques will foster your child's emotional growth, self-esteem and creativity while improving their flexibility, strength, balance, and posture. Preregistration required.

Thursday Leap Frog Boys & Girls Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 3.30pm-4.15pm Age: 4-5 Years Cost: CI$30 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Little Bear Feet Centre Pointe Dance Studio, Nth Sound Rd Time: 9.30am-10am Age: 2 Years+ Cost: CI$14 drop in fee Description: Mum and toddler class for the budding ballerina. Registration required. Me and My Shadow Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 9.30am-10.15am Age: 18-36 Months Cost: CI$20 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Sing-a-long with Miss Izzy Starfish Village, Camana Bay Time: 9am-9.45am Age: 0-5 Years Cost: CI$15 Description: Live music for children. Story Time & Sing Along with Miss Izzy Books’N Books, Camana Bay Time: 3pm-3.30pm Age: All ages Cost: Free Description: Live music for kids to singalong as well as story reading from the shelves of Books’N Books. Toddler Art & Sensory Playgroup Art Nest, 94 Smith Road, GT Time: 3.45pm-4.45pm Cost: CI$20 per session for non-members. CI$15 for Art Nest members

Age: 1-3 Years Description: First half hour is a prepared art activity. The second half hour is child-led play/discovery time with creative prompts to stimulate imagination. Tumbling Turtles Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 2.45pm-3.30pm Cost: CI$30 per session Age: 3-4 Years Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Twinkle Toes Centre Pointe Dance Studio, Nth Sound Rd Time: 3.30pm-4pm Age: 3-4 Years Cost: CI$145/10weeks Description: Creative movement class. Registration required. Yoga Sprouts ~ Tots Yoga Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 9.45am-10.30am / 10.45am-11.30am Age: 12 Months-36 Months Cost: CI$150/10 classes Description: Tots will engage in yoga poses, movement concepts, free exploration, songs and rhymes, and sensory activities, all which nurture their fine and gross motor skills, language, and social emotional development. Pre-registration required.

Friday Motor Skills Class Chatterbox, 16 Pasadora Place, Smith Road Time: 12pm-1pm Age: 1-2 Years Cost: CI$75 per child per class Description: A class to develop your child’s gross and fine motor skills plus their sense of vision, hearing and touch. It also helps with social development and independence. Pre-schoolers & Parents Art Class The National Gallery, Esterly Tibbetts Hwy Time: 10.30am-11.30am Age: 2-4 Years Cost: CI$5 Description: Weekly classes provide structured arts and craft activities for preschoolers, their parents, and caregivers. No sign-up required.


Sing-a-long with Miss Izzy Starfish Village, Camana Bay Time: 3.30pm-4.30pm Age: 0-5 Years Cost: CI$15 Description: Live music for children. The Little Scooters Playgroup~ Hosted by Timesavers South Sound Community Center, South Sound Road Cost: CI$8 (Includes coffee) Time: 9.45am-11.30am Age: 0-24 Months Description: This group also serves as a platform for stay at home parents to share their business and network with other parents. Most of the toys are geared from 0-12 months, please feel free to bring toys for your children over 12 months of age. Toddler Play Day Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 10.30am-12pm | Age: 0-5 Years Time: 2.30pm-6pm | Age: 0-6 Years Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play.

Saturday Broadway Stars Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 3.30pm-4.25pm Age: 6-9 Years Cost: CI$260 per term Description: Kids learn songs and dance combinations from Broadway hits. Broadway Tots Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Time: 8.45am-9.15am Age: 3-5 Years Cost: CI$180 per term Description: Students learn through fun and games and focus on musical numbers from some of the well-loved shows around. Registration required. Imagination Playground The Crescent Fountains, Camana Bay Time: 10am-7pm Age: All ages Cost: CI$5 Free Description: Let your child’s imagination

run wild while they play in the fountains and build with large blue foam blocks. Kids Club Regal Cinemas, Camana Bay Time: 10am Age: All ages Cost: CI$5 Description: Full length movies for children. Leap Frog Boys & Girls Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 11.15am-12pm Age: 4-5 Years Cost: CI$30 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Play Shop: Kids Music & Dance Cayman Music School, Camana Bay Time: 10am-10.45am Age: 2.5-5 Years Cost: CI$18 Description: Creative movement, dance and music with a specially curated playlist that allows kids to travel the world becoming astronauts, clowns, dinosaurs, birds hatching from eggs and more. Pre-Junior Ballet Centre Pointe Dance Studio, Nth Sound Rd Time: 10.30am-11.15am Age: 4-5 Years+ Cost: CI$160/ten weeks Description: Creative movement/ballet/ tap combination class. Registration required. Story & Craft Time Books’N Books, Camana Bay Time: 10.30am-11:30am Age: 2-7 Years Cost: Free Description: Join in the fun of story reading and a craft. Super Kid Yoga Cayman Music School, Camana Bay Time: 9am-9.45am Age: 4-7 Years Cost: CI$18 Description: Kids practise yoga through yoga inspired songs, stories, books and mindfulness exercises.

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Tall Tales International Folk Stories Cayman Music School, Camana Bay Time: 11am-11.45am Age: 3-12 Years (Adults welcome) Cost: CI$18 drop in. Adults CI$5 Description: Mesmerising stories are performed featuring genies, tzars, princesses, trickster spiders, coyotes and many more exotic, fantastical creatures. Toddler Play Day Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 8.45am-10.15am Age: 0-6 Years Cost: CI$15 per session Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Tumbling Turtles Motions Unlimited, Sparky's Drive Time: 10.15am-11.30am Cost: CI$30 per session Age: 3-4 Years Description: Crawl, jump, roll, tumble and play. Twinkle Toes Centre Pointe Dance Studio, North Sound Rd Time: 10am-10.30am Age: 3-4 Years Cost: CI$145/10weeks Description: Creative movement class. Registration required.

Sunday Yoga Sprouts ~ Kids Yoga Musicians Ltd., Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Dr Age: 2.5-5 Years, with caregiver Time: 10am-10.30am Cost: CI$80/6 classes Description: Playful yoga poses, animated breathing exercises and imaginative relaxation techniques will foster your child's emotional growth, self-esteem and creativity while improving their flexibility, strength, balance, and posture.

If you know of any playgroups or activities that we are missing then please call or email us (345) 946 3200,, so that we can update this is the next edition.


Fitness Connection

Early Years

Celebrating 30 Years of Fitness and Fun in Cayman!

For 30 years, Fitness Connection has been Cayman’s leader in providing safe, effective fitness and aquatic programmes for families. They are committed to highquality, personalised programmes for both kids and adults. They love what they do! With a small and intimate facility located in the heart of South Sound, their kids camps, swimming lessons and personalised fitness classes are popular with residents and visitors alike!

Swimming: Fitness Connection is Grand Cayman’s premier swim school and

provides safe, effective fitness and aquatic programmes for children and adults of all ages and abilities. They offer a wide range of programmes with flexible onsite and mobile scheduling.

Kids Night Out:

On select Friday evenings, Fitness Connection offers a night of fun for your kids! Drop the kids off at 5:30pm for three hours of activities, food, music, games and more - a great Friday night in a safe and child-friendly environment.

Kids Pick Up: Fitness Connection offers school pick-up from several local

schools to make life easier for working parents. Parents are able to easily schedule after-school care and swimming lessons all in one place.



Swim Lessons

Parent & Me Swimming Free Baby-Swim Orientation Kids & Adult Swim Lessons Onsite and Mobile

Adult Fitness

Pre/Post-Natal Fitness Aerobics/Group Fitness Pilates Aqua Fitness Personal Training

Camp Details

Holiday, Midterm and Summer Camps Ages 4-10, 8am-5pm

After-School Care

Tues & Thurs 2:30-5:30pm

"We have over 30 years experience in educating and working with children of all ages and this is reflected in the programmes we provide".

Laura Ribbins

Come Meet Our Team! 1 Bambi Close, South Sound | (345) 949 8485 | |


STAGES Early Years


ESSENTIALS In a tropical climate like ours, where the sun is strong and a great deal of time is spent outdoors, practicing sun safety is essential for all ages and ethnicities. Dr. Rebeca De Miguel, Dermatovenereologist at Celimar Central Clinic, sees at least two patients a day with skin cancer at her office. Fortunately, not many are melanomas, which is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, and few of them are in children. However, skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer and accounts for more cases than all other forms of cancer combined. The vast majority of skin cancers – both melanomas and nonmelanomas – are associated with exposure to the sun. Despite the high incidence of skin cancer in general, it is fortunately rare in children. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, melanoma accounts for just 3% of paediatric cancers. However, childhood melanoma can be harder to detect, resulting in treatment

being delayed. According to Dr. De Miguel, the ABCDE – a set of signs commonly used to identify potential skin cancers – is not all that accurate in children. However, it's still important to be aware of the signs, and any abnormalities or changes in a child’s skin, moles or lesions should be monitored. Dr. De Miguel believes that, “Parents are usually the best ones to detect a suspicious mole on their children, even in less common places.” One of her cases, for instance, is a five year old girl with a lesion on her scalp. It struck her mother as “weird” and led her to seek medical advice. “As soon as you find a suspicious mole or a change in a pre-existing mole, either on yourself or on your child, you should get it checked by a dermatologist,” Dr. De Miguel advises. “We use a special tool called a Dermoscopy that allows us to make a proper diagnosis, in most cases without needing to remove the mole.”

ABCDEs - Warning Signs in Moles Asymmetry A Border B Colour C Diameter D Evolving E If you draw a line through the centre of the mole and the two halves do not match.

An uneven, notched or scalloped border is something to be worried about and means you should seek a doctor's advice.

The colour is not the same all over and may include different shades of brown or black, or sometimes patches of pink, red, white or blue. Be vigilant of moles with a diameter greater than 6mm, although smaller moles may also be malignant. If a mole changes size, shape, colour, elevation over time, or bleeds or itches, these are danger signs.

84 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years

KIDS & SUNGLASSES Infants and children lack the pigment in the lens of the eye that helps to filter UV rays, so wearing sunglasses in direct sun is recommended. Look for lenses that block at least 95% to 100% of UV rays. Don’t be fooled into thinking the most expensive are the best: good lenses need not be expensive.

FAST FACTS • About 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and about 86% of melanomas are associated with exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

• Over the past three decades, more people have been diagnosed with skin cancer than all other types of cancers combined.

• Basal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in Caucasians, Hispanics, Chinese Asians and Japanese.

• Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer among blacks and Asian Indians.

• Melanoma accounts for up to 3% of all paediatric cancers.

• The treatment of childhood melanoma is often delayed due to misdiagnosis of pigmented lesions, which occurs in up to 40% of cases.

SUNSCREEN & SPF The vast majority of skin cancers are related to sun exposure. It is a parent’s duty not only to protect the tender young skin of infants, toddlers and young children from over exposure, but also to instil in them sensible sun safety habits for later in life. “Suffering blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence could increase the chances of developing skin cancer in the future, in particular melanoma,” warns Dr. De Miguel. However, babies’ skin is different from adult skin. Sunscreen should not be applied to infants and they should be kept out of direct sunlight. “Although many sunscreens claim to be safe for babies above six months of age, the more appropriate age would be one to two years old,” says Dr. De Miguel. After infancy children’s sunscreens are usually a good bet, but spray-on versions should be avoided as these may be damaging to the lungs.

Sunscreen: Organic vs Inorganic There is no single “best” sunscreen, but it’s important to be aware of the general differences. There are two general types of sunscreen: organic and inorganic. • Organic (chemical) sunscreens absorb UV rays and transform them into a small amount of heat. There is, however, some concern that chemicals such as oxybenzone, benzophenones and octylmethoxycinnamate, may be hormone disrupting, as these can penetrate the skin and have been detected in the urine. • Inorganic (physical) sunscreens contain titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide which create a physical barrier on the skin that reflects the suns UV rays. These are a good option for individuals with sensitive skin because the ingredients are less likely to irritate the skin. In the past, inorganic options tended to leave a white film on the skin, but advancements in technology have led to greatly improved physical sunscreens.


STAGES Early Years


PRESCHOOL Choosing a preschool is a big decision for any parent. You want the assurance your child will leave preschool armed with the skills and knowledge they need for primary school, but you also want them to be safe, happy and stimulated during these formative years.

As Clare Thorpe, educator and owner of Island Montessori, says, “Your child's preschool should feel like a second home: warm, inviting and friendly.” Cayman has a wide variety of preschools ranging from faith-based establishments, child-centred Montessori schools to preschools that place greater emphasis on early academic learning. To help narrow down your choices, it is worth familiarising yourself with the teaching methodologies and educational philosophies of different schools, and deciding on the approach you feel is the best fit for your child.

sooner they learn their numbers, the better prepared they will be for the classroombased learning to come. However, there is concern among early childhood experts that this focus on academic learning is happening at the expense of play. As Kyle Snow, director of the National Association for the Education of Young Children centre for applied research puts it, “Policy-makers and some parents are expecting preschool programmes to look more like classrooms for older children. They believe direct instruction is the way to meet these expectations.”

Teacher-led or child-centred

The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development

Children are naturally curious and predisposed to learning, but how they are taught varies tremendously. Some preschools provide a more structured learning environment, with a set curriculum and activities that are preplanned and guided by teachers. Others – those that take a child-centred approach – allow children to pick and choose the activities that most interest them and to learn at their own pace. The teacher-led approach has grown in the past decade or two in response to the increasing pressure students are under to perform well in standardised testing. The thinking is that the earlier children receive a grounding in their ABCs, and the

Whether a preschool aims to give children a head start in literacy and numeracy or simply provides a safe space in which to paint, run and explore, the importance of incorporating play cannot be overstated. For children, playing is not just fun: it’s how they learn best. There is a huge body of research that demonstrates this, one example of which is a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the study, researchers gave two groups of children a toy that could squeak, light up, play music and more. One group was shown how to make the toy squeak, while the other group was given no instruction. At the end of the test period, the first

86 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years

POINTS TO CONSIDER IN CHOOSING A PRESCHOOL •Is there a pleasant outdoor space where little ones can run, jump, climb and discover the natural world? •Are classrooms equipped with plenty of toys, games, books and art supplies? Are these readily accessible and available to children? •Is the whole class performing the same task or are there groups of children engaged in a variety of activities? •Observe how teachers and children interact. Is there two-way communication? Are teachers asking the children lots of questions or just giving instruction? •What do you hear? Is it calm and ordered or lively and spirited? Is it perhaps too quiet, or too rowdy? •Are children busy and engaged, or passive and uninterested?

group could make the toy squeak, but had discovered nothing else, whilst the second group had worked out, on their own, everything the toy could do. Children, they concluded, learn better and faster through ‘doing’ than by being ‘told’. In other words, they learn actively, not passively. Furthermore, advocates of play-based learning argue that 3 and 4-year olds are not physically ready to sit still at

desks and fill out worksheets, nor do they have the fine motor skills to hold pencils and learn to write. As well as play being a more effective way for children to learn than through

overall atmosphere. As the parent, you know your child best, and are uniquely qualified to decide which preschool will best suit them.

instruction, it also fosters the social skills

Teacher qualifications

that they will need to thrive at school.

Ideally, preschool teachers will have

Through play children learn to share,

some training or qualifications in early

cooperate, work in groups and converse –

childhood education but perhaps more

skills that cannot be taught from a syllabus.

important than certifications is the teacher

Through play children experiment, discover

to student ratio. According to the National

and solve problems, seemingly faster and

Association for the Education of Young

more effectively than if they are told or

Children (NAEYC) a good ratio is one

shown the same things.

teacher for every eight 4 to 5 year olds, and

What to look for when visiting preschools There is no substitute for visiting a variety

one to every six 2 and 3 year olds, ensuring each child receives plenty of individual attention.

facilities, observing the way teachers and

What do you want your child to gain from preschool?

children interact, and getting a feel for the

Despite pressure to get children started

of preschools and seeing for yourself the

with reading and writing as early as possible, there is evidence to suggest that the practice of preparing three and four year olds for classroom learning, does not necessarily mean they perform better when they enter primary school. As the purpose of primary school is to learn these skills anyway, perhaps there is no need to start teaching them any earlier. Instead of focusing soley on academics, focus on a school that will benefit your child’s all round development. The childhood years are over all too soon, but while they last, they should be carefree and filled with fun and laughter. As Caymanian mother of three, Leigh Fagan, puts it, “I want my daughter and son to come home looking like they've been pulled through the bush backwards. I want a preschool where my daughter can chose to go to school every day dressed as a princess or as batman - to me that is a sign of a good day at preschool.”


STAGES Early Years


TRANSFORMATION Sister Janice's Pre-School - Grace Edgington

Sister Janice’s Early Learning Centre has been teaching and preparing students for primary school for over twenty years. They have just over seventy students, ranging in age from zero to five, and five of them having special needs. The school was founded by Sister Janice, with the aim of teaching children the basics they needed before attending the next level of education, alongside the Christian faith. Today the school engages their pupil’s minds in an enjoyable learning environment where each week is focused on learning from a story or a fable alongside the incorporation of the Government’s Early Childhood Curriculum Guidelines. In 2012 the Government of the Cayman Islands added the goal of building “a world-class early childhood care and education system” to their Strategic Plan for Education 2012-17. This came with ensuring that every child had the best opportunity to

How to Contact Sister Janice's

develop as a learner, and that they were sufficiently prepared for the school years to come. To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Education carried out inspections of every early childhood care and education centre, highlighting where schools needed to improve. These reports looked at the environment students were being taught in, as well as what and how they were being taught. Similar to the majority of early childhood centres, Sister Janice’s was put under review and the outcome of the report was not positive. The report stated that the small classrooms, little range in activities for the students to partake in, and lack of structure to how the children were being taught, was negatively impacting the children’s learning and progress. It was thanks to this report that Sister Janice’s Early Learning Centre completely rethought the way the students were being taught and what they were learning. They embarked on a plan to create a school

Sister Janice's Early Learning Centre 41 Desmond Dr. | George Town | (345) 949 2524

88 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | EARLY YEARS

where students are excited about the next day of school, and where a teacher’s passion for their job is allowed to flourish. Parents now see happier children that are easily adapting to primary school. The current principal of the school, Carol Mae Watson, joined Sister Janice’s in 2006 as a teacher. However, in early 2012, almost a year before the review, she took up the principal’s position and was the mind behind transforming the school into what it is today. With the help of the curriculum guidelines she developed an understanding of what needed to be incorporated into lessons, and what changes needed to be made to the environment the students were being taught in. It was thanks to these guidelines and support from the Ministry of Education that Principal Watson came up with the idea of basing teaching around a different story each week. From these stories, students were taught about Science, Maths, English and the Arts. She explained the reasoning behind this new method of teaching was due to her “wanting each classroom to have a play centre” in it, but the rooms where too small.

This led to them having every classroom focused on a different subject, and students being moved around to study the subject, instead of being sat in one classroom all day. For example, when learning the story of the three little bears, the students would go into the drama room to act out the story, but also be taught about the number three in the maths room and bears/animals in the science room. With students in the past being given three pieces of homework a week and taught in one small classroom all day long, to now rotating classrooms and only being given project-based homework, some truly incredible changes in the students and how they view learning have taken place. The one thing that was perfectly clear to Principal Watson, was not only did the students adapt almost immediately, -Principal Carol they all prospered from this change. She said how moving the students from room to room taught them how to adapt to new environments easily as well as teaching them to explore and learn from a new environment. When talking with a parent whose child was at the school during this change, it was clear that students were not only happy, but sufficiently prepared for primary school. The parent voiced how before the changes the child was tired and uninterested in talking about school, but following the change she was excited to discuss her day. Further, the positive impact of this new method of teaching stretched beyond the child’s enjoyment of school: most students heading off to primary school were able to read and write. One of the issues highlighted in the Ministry of Education’s report was a negative reflection on the teachers. It was indicated that teachers were not providing

enough diversity for the students, as well as lessons not being planned well enough. With a new understanding of the Government guidelines, teachers are planning lessons that are engaging for students, benefiting them as all-round learners. Principal Watson suggested that the teachers at the school were enjoying their teaching more. The new method of rotating the children to different classrooms was of huge benefit to students as they did not become unsettled from sitting in one room for long periods of time. Additionally, the teachers could teach a variety of different subjects in one day. The new methodolgy of teaching also incorporated more play into the children’s day, meaning that teachers could better observe the students, pick up on who was falling behind, and in turn, allowing them to pay special attention to those who need more help. Although students and teachers Mae Watson quickly adapted and benefited from the new system, many parents had concerns with their children no longer receiving traditional homework as well as the introduction of a learn-through-play teaching philosophy. It took time for them to realise that with the introduction of play alongside learning, the children were enjoying what they were doing, and therefore more engaged in what they were learning. Principal Watson, describes how this change in the school has grown her own passion for early childhood teaching. She sees first hand that the students are happy, and teachers are much more fulfilled. To the Ministry of Education Sister Janice’s stands as a testament to the positive outcome of their Strategic Plan for Education and what can happen when changes are suggested and acted upon. For parents the results speak for themselves: happy children who are excited and prepared for primary school.

Turn to page XX for a list of items you will need when giving birth in a Cayman hospital.

"The students are all happy, and the teachers are loving teaching the children."


Safety and Wellness around the Home... A. L. Thompson's has been meeting the needs of consumers in the Cayman Islands since 1920 with a vast selection of building materials, hardware, appliances, and home fashions. They offer equipment to keep your family safe around the home and outdoors, as well as indoor and outdoor toys and play sets. With a 130,000-square-foot main retail site and a lumberyard in George Town, as well as another retail location in Savannah, A. L. Thompson's provides almost every product that you need for your family at everyday low prices.

Medline TwoButton Folding Walker with 5" Wheels

Mommy's Helper Nursery Essentials Medline Bed Assist Bar

Delta Faucet Company makes residential and commercial faucets and other products for kitchens and bathrooms that improve everyday experiences with water.

George Town 189 North Sound Road, George Town, Grand Cayman (345) 949 8622 Savannah Countryside Shopping Village, Savannah, Grand Cayman (345) 949 8922



Early Years

YOUR HOME, YARD & POOL The leading cause of serious injury and death among young children are accidents that could have been easily prevented. Inadvertent poisoning, drowning, falls, or blunt force trauma caused by unsecured pieces of furniture are the most commonly reported incidents leading to emergency room visits for toddlers and young children each year. The unsettling reality is that the majority of these horrific incidences are completely preventable by thoroughly childproofing the home, garden and pool.

The Home Baby/Child Gates Ensure that all staircases are blocked off using gates that have been firmly attached to the walls as opposed to pressure gates, which can easily be pushed or pulled down by children. Block access to spaces such as the patio, kitchen and bathroom to keep children away from water, potential exposure to toxic chemicals and hot surfaces. Secure large items to the walls using screws and fasteners. Properly secure televisions, dressers, bookcases and all other large pieces of furniture to prevent these items from falling onto a child.

Safety Latches

Bathroom cupboards and drawers: Ensure you have safety latches properly installed on all cupboards and drawers containing sharp or harmful substances. Be aware that these latches do not prevent children from opening cupboards/drawers far enough to pinch their fingers, which can result in serious injury to tiny bones, joints and ligaments. Install safety latches on your toilet lid, oven, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer to prevent accidental drowning, burns, suffocation or entrapment inside of these appliances.

Electrical Outlets, Plugs, Cords

Ensure you have plastic electric safety plugs blocking access to any electrical outlets within reach of children.

Tape exposed cords to baseboards, walls, or behind furniture to ensure children cannot pull cords out of sockets or pull lamps, computers, or other household items down onto themselves. Ensure that all electrical items such as hair dryers, tools, toasters, fans and cell phone cords are well out of reach. Do not allow children to play with items containing batteries. Accidental ingestion of batteries by children can have disastrous outcomes resulting in serious and irreparable damage to the stomach and intestines, often resulting in death. Remote controls and other electronics pose serious risks to children. Children’s toys are specially designed to keep the batteries safely enclosed, only accessible by removing a set of screws. Unless the item has been specifically marketed as a toy, keep it out of reach of tiny hands.

Windows & Window Treatments

Ensure all windows within reach of children have locks and/or window guards to prevent children from being able to open, climb through or fall out of windows.

Affix all cords, ropes and ties like those used for opening and closing blinds and curtains with a hook or velcro tape along the top of the window. Keeping the cords inaccessible is important as they pose a high strangulation risk.


The Pool


Early Years

The most important preventative means of avoiding accidents is to always ensure there is an adult supervising children in or near the pool. Designate a ‘water watcher’ to keep an eye on the children at all times and rotate every 30 minutes or so.

Install a fence of at least four feet in height around the perimeter of your swimming pool. Ensure that the gate for entry to the pool has childproof locks, handles and/or latches to prevent children from being able to open the gate. Remove or secure any items that a child could use to climb up and over the gate/fence to gain access to the pool. Install a pool alarm to notify you when and if anyone has entered the fenced-in area. Some systems are capable of detecting underwater movement and will notify you accordingly. Install an automatic pool safety cover that can only be opened and closed with a key. Upgrade drain covers to be VGBA compliant and the pump to a SVRS (Safety Vacuum Release System), which will reduce the chance of entrapment.



THE FIRST 2 YEARS The first two years of a child’s life are chock-full of colossal physical growth and truly astounding cognitive development. By age two, the majority of children have more than likely quadrupled their birth weight and are approximately half as tall as their predicted height in adulthood. Keeping in mind that all babies and infants develop at differing rates, it is a good idea to perform your own parent-led developmental checks from time to time, reporting any concerns to your paediatrician.

Ensure children who are playing in a garden with a pool have life jackets on or are wearing a safety alarm which will notify you if they come into contact with water. As there are many to choose from, be sure to check the most recent safety ratings and reviews for the one that best suits your needs. Make certain your children have received basic swimming lessons that teach them how to roll over in the water and swim towards and hold onto the edge. A list of certified swim schools and swim instructors can be found on page 219. For further information on making your pool area as safe as possible, contact Oasis Pools (345) 945 7665, Pool Patrol (345) 949 8543 or Spartan Fencing at (345) 946 3191.

The Garden

Ensure that all access points from the house into the garden are blocked off either using baby/child gates or by doors with childproof knobs, handles, latches or locks. Do not leave sources of water accessible in your garden; buckets, water play tables, baby splash pools/swimming pools and even wheelbarrows can pose serious dangers and increase the risk of drowning for children when unsupervised.

FIRST AID & CPR Ensure you know basic First Aid and are confident with how to perform CPR as well as the Heimlich manoeuvre. The Cayman Islands Red Cross ( and Fitness Connection ( both offer First Aid courses.

92 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years

0-1 mo. Your baby has made their way safely into the world and is busy adjusting to his or her new surroundings outside the womb. You will notice that he/she is doing some or all of the following: •

Bringing hands toward eyes and mouth with jerking and or quivering motions.

Is able to move his/her head from side to side. Can focus eyes anywhere from 8 to 12 inches (20.3cm to 30.4cm) away.

Will often balled fists.

Has strong reflex movements, will startle easily, feet and hands will make grabbing motions if stimulated in the palm/arch areas.

May recognise some familiar sounds, turning head and or eyes to investigate. A four week old baby can tell the difference between the sound of ‘ma’ and ‘na’.






Has a heightened sense of smell and will recognise the scent of primary caregivers.

Holds head up briefly when lying on tummy or being held by you. May also be able to turn head from side to side.

3 mos.

4-7 mos.

At three months of age, your baby has made some very impressive developments and is no longer a passive recipient of information from his/her surroundings. Babies at this age are losing some of their newborn reflexes and taking a more active role in controlling their physical movements, especially with their hands and eyes. By this age your baby will be demonstrating many of the following abilities: •

Opens and closes fists, bringing his/her hands to mouth.

Inserts items into the mouth.

Shows interest in faces and objects.

Follows objects with eyes and may even recognise familiar objects.

Makes attempts to grab at objects or toys of interest.

Begins using basic hand-eye coordination while

Is able to raise their head and makes attempts to use his/her arms to support themselves during tummy time.

Begins to smile, babble and attempts to communicate with verbal utterances other than crying.

Startles at loud noises and turns head to investigate sound.

More likely than not, you have been noticing some very big changes in your baby’s increasing physical abilities. His/her coordination has come a long way in these last few months and if you haven’t yet, you soon will see signs of early crawling as well as many of the following skills emerge: •

Greater control of hand-eye coordination and more precise movements.

Greater ability to accurately track moving objects with his/her eyes.

Reaches for and grabbing smaller items, transferring items from one hand to the other.

Recognises his/her name and turns head in response.

Greater ability to roll about, moving from front to back and back to front.

Becomes more vocal verbally to express likes and dislikes.

Makes attempts to pull themselves along on bottom or belly.

Babbles lengthy chains of utterances.

May shake head to show “no”.

Is able to sit, although may still need assistance to remain upright.

Enjoys playful interactions with others.

Smiles and interactions.

8-12 mos.

grasping, shaking and moving small objects and toys.





Your baby is most certainly on the move now. Whether that be dragging him/herself about on the belly or bottom, crawling in the proper sense of the word or full on walking–you officially have a mover! By this stage, your wee one will be exhibiting some or all of the following skills: •

Crawls forward, somewhat dragging oneself on the stomach using arms to pull and legs to push.

Crawls on hands and knees.

Points at items of interest.

Can get to a seated position from laying down (on front or back).

Can put items in and take them out of a box or container.

Can get to a laying down position from seated.

Smashes and bangs items together during play.

Is able to pull self to stand and remain there briefly, with support.

Walks for short periods using furniture/wall for support.

Demonstrates an increasing understanding of speech and may indicate some understanding; nodding head for “yes” or shaking head for “no”.

Begins to imitate adult actions and behaviours.

May take several steps in a row, independently.

Able to use thumb and pointer finger as pinchers to pick up smaller items or to feed him/herself.


12-18 mos.

18-24 mos.

By this stage, your baby has turned into a busy little bee. Chasing them from one room to the other will most certainly get you into the mindset of properly baby-proofing your home for their safety and your sanity! They will be demonstrating many of the following abilities by this age: •

Walk unassisted, maybe a little unstable, but well on the way to walking independently.

Recognises their name and responds by turning his/her head.

Indicates interest in items by pointing and making sounds.

Points to objects looking for you to give them/it a name or an explanation of the item.

Turns head toward where you point.

Points to simple and common objects, familiar toys, animals, family members or body parts.

Can detect where a sound is coming from.

Babble in response when spoken to and may even be able to say a few simple words.

Has an understanding of the word “no”.

Looks for and is able to locate where a sound is coming from.

Waves hello/goodbye and claps.

Pays greater attention during book reading, points to familiar items when you give their patiently for you to read each page.

From walking to running, baby talk to babbling sentences at full speed; you have a chatty child at this age. Prattling along with intention and intonation, some of which you may even be able to understand! Don’t expect anyone else to be able to make much out though, you will be playing interpreter for a while to come yet. Your baby will now be doing much of the following: •

Walks and runs independently.

Carries/pulls/pushes toys or other items while walking.

Sorts and organises objects during play, lining items up in rows, according to size, colour and shape.

Is able to follow simple one step directions from an adult.

Locates and brings a few familiar objects/toys when asked to.

Names/recognises simple items from books and pictures.

Says several words (between 50-100- not necessarily clearly) and will continue to learn new words at an impressive rate.

Is beginning to say simple two word sentences such as: “Me do”, “Not Yours”, “Cookie Mine”.

Repeats words overheard in conversation.

Mimics actions of others, both adults and children. Can stand on tip-toes to reach desired items.


caribbean optical

What Every Parent Needs to Know (Copyright © American Academy of Pediatrics 2012) Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5 (Copyright © 2009 American Academy of Pediatrics)

94 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | EARLY YEARS



Early Years

Foster a love of reading from an early age and stimulate children’s imaginations with fun and engaging books. Here are Cayman Parent’s suggestions by age group.

Top choice for 0-12 months The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle A much-loved classic that captivates children with its vivid images and simple but optimistic story. The board version is ideal for little ones who will love the die-cut pages and finger-sized holes.

That’s Not My Elephant - Fiona Watt The bright pictures, with their patches of different textures, are designed to develop sensory and language awareness. Babies and toddlers will love turning the pages and touching the patches.

One Stop Book Shops Atlantic Kids A large selection of books, games and other educational items for children.

Paddington Place, Godfrey Nixon Way, GT.

Books & Books Top choice for 1-2 year olds Guess How Much I Love You - Sam McBratney This best-selling board book is an endearing story of Little Nutbrown Hare telling his father how much he loves him. A perfect bedtime read.

Top choice for 2-3 year olds The Gruffalo - Julia Donaldson A modern classic and award-winning rhyming story of a mouse and a monster that has found its way into the hearts and bedtimes of countless children.

Room on the Broom - Julia Donaldson A very funny story of quick wits and friendship that will captivate children. The rhythmical text is ideal for reading aloud and kids will love the brightly coloured illustrations!

Top choice for 3-4 year olds

A popular book store with a wide range of children’s books plus a craft and toy area. Story and craft time every Saturday 10.30am-11.30am.

45 Market Street, Camana Bay.

The Book Loft Plenty of second hand books in great condition including kid's books, toys and puzzles.

Above the Humane Society, North Sound Rd, GT.

Book Nook A charming book shop offering a good selection of children’s books, toys and games.

Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach.

Cayman Nature Store A small but interesting selection of children’s books.

Dart Family Park, South Church Street.

Rosie Revere, Engineer - Andrea Beaty Rosie may seem quiet during the day, but at night she's a brilliant inventor of gizmos and gadgets who dreams of becoming a great engineer. A charming picture book about pursuing your passion.

See page 98 for details on Cayman's other book and toy shops.


STAGES Early Years



DINING OUT With The Wee Ones

Does dining out with your new baby, busy toddler or withdrawn teen fill you with dread? Cayman Parent is here to help you minimise the stress and put the fun, engagement and family togetherness back into dining out with your children! Check out these handy tips for all ages:

1 2

3 4

Two Months & Up Pack accordingly: Are you adequately prepared to venture out to a restaurant with your baby in tow? First, be sure that you have packed the essentials in your baby bag. Plenty of diapers and wipes, an extra change of clothes, a few spit-up cloths and a spare blanket should suffice. If your baby is bottle fed, be sure to have plenty of milk/formula at the ready to fill that tiny tummy should the need arise. Take your baby’s schedule into consideration: When your baby is small, they dictate much of your daily plans. Once you are familiar with the temperament of your baby and his/her feeding and eating schedule, put your windows of baby-contentment to good use when you are making your dining plans. Be sure your baby is well fed before leaving the house, this should help keep baby content while you dine. If possible, plan your meals out during a time when you know your baby will be sleeping. This will provide you with a brief reprieve from parenting duties so you can relax a bit and enjoy your meal.

All hands-on deck: Make your first few dining out experiences a ‘four-handed’ affair. You will find it reassuring to know that there is a second set of hands/arms available to assist you if need be. Plan to meet up with a friend or family member who can lend a hand so to speak, until you have mastered the fine art of dining out with your baby.


Set a time limit: Do not plan to brunch all day with a very young baby, especially at a loud and busy eatery. Long exposure to stimuli can often be too much for them and may result in excessive fussiness. Young babies need quiet time and rest, so plan on dining out for an hour or two at the most.

Toddlers & Infants Do your homework: Spontaneity is wonderful when you are flying solo, but if you are dining out with a toddler, it is always

96 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | Early Years


3 4 5

a good idea to select your final destination prior to getting into the car. Be sure that the restaurant is child friendly and has a kid’s menu. If you have a picky eater or a child with food allergies, be sure to bring along a few of your child’s favourites, in case the menu doesn’t meet your child’s needs/ likes. is a great place to check out restaurant menus before venturing out! The roomier the better: It’s often best to avoid small/intimate restaurant settings when dining with toddlers and young children. A roomy location where you can easily manoeuvre a stroller or carrier without disturbing other diners makes for a more enjoyable experience. A larger restaurant will also provide you with additional noise as a cushion for tell-tale toddler talk as well as extra space to stroll about with your toddler if a distraction is required. Cayman Parent loves restaurants with outdoor dining areas that open onto a beach or grassy area. Don’t be afraid to call ahead and ask if the bathrooms are equipped with a baby/child changing area. Arrive fully loaded: Bring everything you will need for your child. From sippy cups to bowls and cutlery, most restaurants are not equipped with toddler sized plates or utensils. Having familiar cups and the like can lessen upsets as well as avoid unnecessary spills from using oversized or unfamiliar utensils. Keep octopus arms occupied: Ask the server to remove all unnecessary items from the table the moment you are seated. That fancy candle on the table is not a toy. Do bring along a few crayons and paper for drawing as well as a favourite book or toy to help keep your child occupied before or after eating. Be considerate of fellow diners: You know your child best. If you have a toddler who is prone to tantrums or public meltdowns when they are hungry or tired, take steps to prevent one from occurring. Ensure they are not overly hungry or too worn-out when you are heading out. Having a light snack handy to keep

the peace while the food is being served can be a life-saver. If the restaurant isn’t particularly busy, asking to be seated away from other diners without children can lessen your angst of offending or upsetting others. If all else fails, and a tantrum or outburst ensues, take your child outside. If calming your child is not possible, be prepared to head home early. Ask your server to pack your food to go and plan to dine out another day.


1 2


Teach proper table manners at home: It’s never too early to start! Model proper meal time etiquette for your child by sitting and sharing meals together. Teach them that getting up and running around during the meal is not acceptable and that you sit at the table until everyone is finished eating. Fostering good behaviour during meal times will make dining out an easier transition for your children. Pick your battles, if your four-year-old is adamant about not eating greens at home, chances are greens will not suddenly turn into a favourite at a restaurant. Nurture your children’s love for greens and other wholesome foods at home and stick to the foods that you know they enjoy while eating out.

Tweens & Teens Do as I say and as I do: Cayman Parent highly recommends making all meal times, whether at home or while dining out, an electronic device free zone. That’s right, no smart phones or iPads, and that goes for parents too! Be a role model for your children and make dining a special time to nurture family togetherness. Get to know them: Between the ages of twelve and thirteen, hormones kick in and many children retreat into their own worlds. Friends, the latest happenings at school or on Snapchat can become the sole focus of their existence— it is not difficult to become disconnected from them during this tricky period. Dining out with your teen presents a perfect opportunity to reconnect. Why not come up with a few questions to ask as a basis for conversation before heading out to eat? Consider engaging your teen by brushing up on topics of interest to them. Meal times present an opportunity for conversation— this way you will be fully prepared! Shake it up: It’s easy to get into a rut when dining out. Although you and your children may have a favourite restaurant, do not be afraid to be adventurous. After all, Grand Cayman is the culinary capital of the Caribbean with an extraordinary number of restaurants within a twenty mile radius. Dine at a new restaurant for a change and challenge yourself and your children to sample a new dish. You can even share one! This is another great way to engage with your children and build new experiences as a family. Bon Appétit!


STAGES Early Years


LISTINGS playgroups, book shops, supermarkets, nurseries, sun safe clothing

Early Years listings We help you navigate those early years of education with details of playgroups and nurseries. We also list supermarkets, farmers markets, where to buy swimwear and sun tops.

Priced Right Two locations: Airport Centre, 63 Dorcy Drive, GT. Tel: (345) 949 5155 Republix Plaza, Willie Farrington Drive, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 3214 Web: A small selection of toys.

Child safety equipment books & Toy shops A. L. Thompson's 189 North Sound Road, off Butterfield Roundabout, GT. Tel: (345) 949 8622 Web: www. A good selection of Melissa & Doug toys suitable for children ages 2-10+. Popular toys include kitchen kitchen, lemonade stand and gardening tools. Atlantic Kids Paddington Place, Godfrey Nixon Way, GT. Tel: (345) 943 2296 Web: A large selection of books, games and other educational items for children. Books & Books 45 Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 640 2665 Web: A wide range of children’s books plus a craft and toy section. Story and craft time every Saturday 10.30am11.30am. The Book Loft Above the Humane Society, North Sound Rd, GT. Tel: (345) 946 8053 Web: www. A large selection of second hand books, toys, and puzzles in good condition. Book Nook Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 945 4686 A good selection of children’s books, toys and games. Cayman Nature Store Dart Family Park, South Church Street Tel: (345) 749 1121 Web: A selection of children’s books. The Christian Enlightenment Centre Elgin Avenue, George Town Tel: (345) 945 1252 Christian books and bibles for children. Cost-U-Less Governors Square, 51 Lime Tree Bay Avenue. Tel: (345) 745 5377 Web: A reasonably priced selection of toys and books.

Both A. L. Thompson's and Kirk Home Centre carry a fairly extensive selection of child safety equipment from stair gates to door stoppers and cupboard locks. A. L. Thompson's 189 North Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8622 Web: Offers Mommy's Helper safety items to childproof your home. Kirk Home Centre Eastern Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2521. Web: Sells Safety 1st as well as Dreambaby safety items to childproof your home.

farmers markets Farmers & Artisans Market The Paseo, Camana Bay. Web: www.camanabay. com Every Wednesday 12pm-7pm. Local purveyors offering fresh produce and farm goods, plus a selection of artisanal products and handicrafts. Evening entertainment with art and cultural demonstrations. Green Market at Plantation Organic Garden Doubloon Drive, off Shamrock Road, Bodden Town. Organic produce available to purchase on Sundays. Market at the Cricket Grounds Huldah Avenue next to the cricket pitch in George Town. Monday to Saturday from 7.30am. Fresh local fruits, vegetables and herbs, fresh caught fish, all natural meats and eggs. Arts, crafts, beauty products and locally made jewellery are also available for purchase.

Nurseries & Preschools The Achievement Center 197 Shamrock Road, next to Red Bay Primary. Tel: (345) 947 5050 Email: achieve4u@hotmail. com Ages: 12 months - 4 years 9 months

98 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | EARLY YEARS

Monthly Fees: CI$550. Bright Start Learning Centre 7 Mile Shops, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 3017 Email: Web: www. Ages: 6 weeks-5 years Monthly Fees: CI$660-CI$475. Cayman Academy Accepts children from 2 years 9 months. See page 140. Cayman International School Accepts children from 2 years-18 years. See page 139. Chatterbox Playschool Pasadora Place, Smith Road George Town. Tel: (345) 926 1693 Email: Web: Ages: 2-5 years Monthly Fees: Half days CI$800-CI$1200. Discovery Kids Preschool Sigma Building, 93 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 5437 Email: Web: Ages: 6 weeks-5 years Monthly Fees: CI$400-CI$550. First Baptist Christian School/ WEE Care Centre 920 Crewe Road, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 949 0691 Email: Web: www.weecare. Ages: 3 months-4 years 9 months Monthly Fees: CI$590-$730. Grace Christian Academy Accepts children from 3 years-18 years. See page 140. Island Montessori Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345)945 5814 Email: Ages: 6 months-5 years Monthly Fees: CI$875 Web: Launch Pad Enrichment Centre 1866 Shamrock Road, Savannah. Tel: (345) 945 1866 Email: Ages: 6 weeks- 4 years 9 months Monthly Fees: CI$350-CI$500. Little Trotters Farm & Nursery School 39 Columbus Close, off Walkers Road, GT. Tel: (345) 949 4080 Email: littletrotters@candw. ky Website: Ages: 18 months-5 years Monthly Fees: CI$825-CI$995.

Montessori By the Sea Accepts children from 21 months-14 years. See page 140. Montessori Del Sol 11 Hinds Way, off Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 3222 Email: montessori@candw. ky Web: Ages: 18 months-6 years Monthly Fees: CI$885-CI$995. Montessori School of Cayman 519 South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 0202 Email: montessorischoolofcayman@ Web: Ages: 18 months-4 years 9 months Monthly Fees: CI$600-CI$925. Rite Start Daycare & Preschool Shamrock Road, Savannah Tel: (345) 945 3432 Email: Ages: 3 months-4 years Monthly Fees: CI$500-CI$600 St. George’s Anglican Preschool 64 Courts Road, Off Eastern Avenue, GT. Tel: (345) 945 0441 Email: stgeorgespreschool@candw. ky Web: Ages: 2 years-5 years. Monthly Fees: CI$125-CI$400. St. Ignatius Catholic School/Early Years Centre 599 Walkers Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 9250 Email: general@st– Web:– Ages: 3-5 years Monthly

Fees: CI$974. Shining Stars Childhood Care & Education Centre 17 Pasadora Place, Pines Road, off Smith Road. Tel: (345) 943 7077 Email: shiningstarscayman@gmail. com Web: Ages: 6 weeks-5 years Monthly Fees: CI$650CI$725. Sister Janice Early Learning Centre 41 Desmond Drive, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2524 Email: Ages: 6 months-4 years 9 months Monthly Fees: CI$475. Sprogs Nursery and Eco-School 832 Walkers Road, George Town Tel: (345) 924 1220 Email: Website: www. Ages: 12 weeks - 5 years Monthly Fees: CI$520-CI$1195 Starfish Village Learning Studio 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay. Email: info@ Web: Ages: 2-4 years Monthly Fees: CI$590-CI$950. Tiny Tots Academy 109 Hinds Way, off Walkers Road, GT. Tel: (345) 623 8687 Email: Ages: 6 weeks-4 years 9 months Monthly Fees: CI$200-CI$725 per month.

Treasure Garden Preschool 19 Elroy Arch Road, off Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 6230 Email: Web: Ages: 18 months-5 years Monthly Fees: CI$700-CI$850. Triple C School Accepts children from 3 years-18 years. See page 140. Truth For Youth School Accepts children from 3 years-11 years. See page 140. Village Montessori 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 640 7827 Email: Web: Ages: 18 months-6 years Monthly Fees: CI$900CI$995.

Playgroups See the article on page 79 for times, days and costs of playgroups and activities. Art Nest Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 0107 Email: Web: www.

Montessori By The Sea

A Legacy of Limitless Possibilities (ages 20 months - 12 years)

School Description: MBTS opened its first classrooms by the seaside almost twenty years ago, and it has grown steadily to become a vibrant, closely-knit community of over 160 joyful students, and their dedicated families and teachers. Now spanning Toddler to Upper Elementary, MBTS shines as a beacon of inspired, child-centred Montessori education in the Cayman Islands. Curriculum: MBTS offers an enriched, internationally-recognised Montessori

curriculum that emphasises inquiry-based study and cross-curricular integration, complemented by specialised instruction in French, ICT, Physical Education, the Arts, and Music.

Highlights: Individualised, inquiry-based learning approach • Warm, inviting

environment • Cultivates life skills such as concentration, confidence, communication and creativity • Half-day and full-day programmes for Toddler and Preschool/Casa • After-school clubs, after-care and summer camps available

Details: Principals: Debbie Thompson & Kourtni Jackson Student Population: 160 Student-teacher ratios: Toddler 5:1; Casa/Preschool 10:1; Elementary 12:1 School fees: Full-Day Toddler CI$11,015; Preschool/Casa CI$9,940 CI; Elementary CI$10,200

277 Prospect Point Road | (345) 947 0684 | |


Cayman Music School Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 938 3838 Email: Web: Centre Pointe Dance Studio Alissta Towers, North Sound Rd, George Town.Tel: (345) 926 9603 Email: Web: www. Chatterbox Pasadora Place, Smith Road George Town. Tel: (345) 926 1693 Email: Web: Lil’ Monkeys Indoor Playground and Café Bodden Place, Shedden Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2580 Web: lil-monkeys-cayman. Little Explorers Playgroup Dart Family Park Clubhouse, South Sound Road. Tel: (345) 923 5805 Web: www. The Little Scooters Playgroup - Hosted by Timesavers South Sound Community Center, South Sound Road. Tel: (345) 939 2880.

Motions Unlimited Sparky's Dr, George Town. Tel: (345) 749 8365 Email: Web: www. Musicians Ltd. Dot Com Centre, 342 Dorcy Drive, Airport Industrial Park. Email: Tel: (345) 525 6787 Website: www.musicians. ky. The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands Esterley Tibbetts Highway. Tel: (345) 945 8111. Web: Regal Cinemas – Kids Club Market Street, Camana Bay. Web: www. South Sound Playgroup South Sound Community Center, South Sound Road. Tel: (345) 943 6556. Email: Starfish Village Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 640 7827 Email: Web: www. Yoga Sprouts Dorcy Drive, Airport Industrial Park, GT. Tel:

Shining Stars Education Centre

Creating Prestigious Successful High Achievers (ages 6 weeks - 5 years) Located adjacent to George Town Hospital, Shining Stars Childhood Care & Education Centre fosters the holistic development of the child. Following the Cayman Islands Early Years Curriculum, children learn through play with emphasis on four areas of development: exploration, respect, communication, and well-being. Shining Stars promotes a Christ-centred atmosphere.


Awesome Staff and Facility with CCTV • Cayman Islands Early Years Curriculum • Professionally prepared nutritious meals and snacks • Safe, fun and bright environment with great outdoor playground


Open 7:00am – 6:00pm Monday through Friday Monthly Fees Full Time: CI$650 Monthly Fees Part Time: CI$495 Monthly Fees (Nursery/ Ages 6-12 months): CI$725

17 Pasadora Place | (345) 943 7077 or 936 7077 | |

100 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | EARLY YEARS

(345) 326 9876 Email: yogasproutscayman@ Web: Classes held at studio.

supermarkets See article on page 74 for details on baby food brands carried by supermarkets on Island. Bay Market Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 815 1080 Web: A gourmet food store with a great selection of organic produce. Baby and children’s food available. Foster’s Food Fair Five locations: Airport Centre, Tel: (345) 949 5155, The Strand, West Bay Road, Tel: (345) 945 4748, Republix Plaza, West Bay, Tel: (345) 949 3214, Countryside Shopping Village, Savannah, Tel: (345) 943 5155, East End (opposite Morritt’s Tortuga Club). Tel: (345) 947 2826.Web: www. Offers a wide range of baby food, formula, nappies and other baby and childcare essentials. Hurley’s Supermarket Grand Harbour, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 947 8488 Web: A good choice of baby food, children’s food, plus child and baby essentials.

Rite Start Daycare & Preschool A Solemn Beginning That Lasts (ages 3 months - 4 years)

Rite Start Daycare & Preschool mission is to provide a comfortable and safe learning environment with the highest standards of care and well being for those entrusted to them. Every child can and must learn, hence they will ensure that each child is fostered in a stimulating environment.


Cayman Islands National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education • Integrates language, math, science, music, movement and arts studies • Provide students with activities intended to develop each child’s abilities


Director: Grace Langley Student Population: 45 Monthly Fees Daycare: $600 Monthly Fees Preschool: $500

1548 Shamrock Rd, Savannah | PO Box 1365 KY1-1504 | (345) 945 3432 |

Kirk Market 413 Eastern Ave, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7022 Web: www. An exceptional selection of baby and children’s food with a good selection of organic options. Complimentary piece of fruit offered in-store daily for children. Baby and childcare essentials also available.

Swimwear & sun tops Divers Supply West Shore Centre, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 7621 Web: www. A good selection of swimwear and sun tops for children. Funky Monkey Governors Square, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 8659 Web: www. Swim wear, sun tops and rash guards for children. Little Angels Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 946 2645 Extensive collection of SPF 50+ sun protection tops, swimwear, ‘jelly’ shoes and more. Red Sail Sports Located at the Westin Beach Resort, Morritts Tortuga Resort and Rum Point. Tel: (345) 623 5965 Web: Swimwear and sun tops for children. Waterman Cayman Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 769 787 Web: www.watermancayman. ky Swimwear, rash guards and sun tops for children.

Dr. Shirley Cridland's Clinic Dr. Shirley Cridland MB BS DCH (London)

Dr. Shirley Cridland's Clinic is focused on the well-being of every patient. Known around the Island for her thorough care, knowledge and warm approach, Dr. Cridland aims to promote the total health and wellness in a comfortable setting. For Dr. Cridland it is not only about the patient, but the entire family, Cridland and making aDr long, lasting relationship with each. You can be sure that your child is in smart, caring hands with Dr. Shirley Cridland.


Paediatrics • Urgent after hours service • Health consultations • Immunisations • Home visits • Thorough checkups


Many years of wonderful service on the Island. Focused on the physical, behavioural, and mental health issues of every child.

247 Smith Road, George Town | (345) 949 5225 Urgent After Hours: (345) 949 7223

Island Montessori

(ages 6 months - 5 years )

Island Montessori

Island Montessori is a nurturing environment, committed to the development of the 'whole child'. We believe that children flourish in a welcoming and inclusive environment. We adhere to, ISLAND MONTESSORI Island but are not limited to, the Montessori philosophy and teachers Montessori are encouraged to develop individualised approaches for each student's needs.


Highly qualified and experienced staff • Classrooms & programmes prepared and guided by Montessori trained teachers • 4,000 sq ft of indoor space • 1.5 Island acres of natural gardens, outdoor learning environments and several play Montessori areas


Principal: Clare Thorpe Monthly Fees: CI$875 Opening Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30am-5pm

Crewe Road, George Town | (345) 945 5814 |

Sister Janice's Early Learning Centre Prepare to Teach and Teach to Prepare (ages 6 months - 4 years 9 months)

Situated in George Town, Sister Janice’s Early Learning Centre promotes the whole growth of the child through handson learning and experiencing. Each child is cherished and encouraged to develop the social, physical, and emotional development. Sister Janice’s school promotes the well-being of the child within a Christian-centred atmosphere.


Creative early childhood education • Promoting Hands-On Experiences • Developing the whole child • Christian-based education


Principal: Carol Watson Student Population: Approximately 70 Monthly Fees (five Full-Days): CI$475 (including breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack) Opening Hours: 7am-6pm

41 Desmond Drive, George Town | (345) 949 2524


102 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | EARLY YEARS

SCHOOL AGE Choosing a school, boarding schools, tutoring, libraries



THE RIGHT SCHOOL British vs American education? Caribbean vs International? When living on an island that's such a melting pot, there are tons of education options to choose from.

Photo courtesy of Monika Wojtkiewicz



Learn about the importance of reading to your child and having them read to you every day. It will help them with their vocabulary and overall literacy.



Kids and technology is a hot topic these days - and for a good reason! Turn to page 132 for more details.



How and why to raise your child with faith, plus a few details on Sunday School and church services.





Cayman has a selection of high quality schools, however, more often than not, sometimes there are too few spots for those entering kindergarten or Year 1. The old adage of “get your child on a list” cannot be stated strongly enough; leave it until your child is 18 months old and you will find there are 130 names on the list for only 72 places at Cayman’s top private schools. If you are Caymanian or have Caymanian Status then you are in the fortunate position of having a choice – either send your child to a government school within your catchment area and don't pay school fees, or choose a private school. Both American and British schools operate in the Cayman Islands, so parents have a great choice.

Here are a Couple of Things to Think about: Cost

Government schools are free for Caymanians, although external examination fees are the parent's responsibility. Private School fees range from CI$3,650 to CI$19,540 per year depending on the grade level and the school.


Government schools follow the National Curriculum and students take CSEC’s, GCSEs and BTECs. In Year 12, students have a choice of beginning tertiary education at a private school (A Levels, an Associates Degree at University College of the Cayman Islands or completing their studies at CIFEC. The British private schools take GCSEs or IGCSEs and then A Levels. The American system leads to a US high school diploma and AP (Advanced Placement) credits. The highly regarded International Baccalaureate (IB) programme is available in Cayman.

Class Sizes

Government school class sizes are capped at 24 students per class for kindergarten and Grade 1, and 28 students in other years. In private schools it ranges from 13 students to 25 students, though many private schools will have a full-time learning assistant helping the teacher in a class of 25 children (KG and Year 1 typically).

Religious/Non-Religious Most of Cayman’s schools have a strong Christian tradition and celebrate the Christian faith in fairly non-intrusive ways. If you would prefer a school that is not affiliated with a church or religious group, then there are a few to choose from. See pages 136-140.

Location Entry to a Government school is dictated by catchment area. If you would like to send your child to a private school, then these are spread from West Bay to Prospect.

Exam Results

Schools in Cayman value their exam results very highly but these results are often kept private by each school. National data reports are published annually and can be viewed on the Ministry of Education website.


Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

ENROLMENT POLICIES FOR CAYMANIAN CHILDREN Limited space, resources and the high demand for a public education results in Caymanians (including status holders ) being given priority when it comes to enrolment. Expatriates employed in the private sector who qualify to have their dependants on-Island with them (i.e. earn over CI$3,500 per month and have two dependants on their work permit), must educate their children in private schools. If the government employs an expatriate, then that employee has the option of sending their children to a government school if there is space. In Government schools, expatriates are required to pay fees that are considerably less than private school fees. If you are an expatriate on a work permit, the process is as follows: 1) Apply to your chosen school; 2) Get confirmation from the school by letter that your child has been accepted "pending Immigration approval"; 3) Take this letter to Immigration along with your work permit application; 4) Take a copy of the letter verifying that your child has been added as a dependant to your work permit to the school prior to attendance.

ACRONYMS 101 CSEC: Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate | GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education | BTEC: Business and Technology Education Council | IGCSE: International General Certificate of Secondary Education


British vs. American vs. Caribbean vs. International Cayman has a very good selection of schools including Government, British, American and International. The difficulty comes in choosing which one you feel will best suit your children. Cayman Parent is here to help you make an informed decision.

British Curriculum IGCSE's, GCSE's, CXC's,

American Curriculum High School Diploma, AP, GPA

A-Levels? It can all be somewhat daunting if you don't know the ins and outs.

The Basics

averages or IB? Again it can be tricky knowing how to make an informed choice.

The Basics

Children entering the British school system have to be four by September 1st. They enter kindergarten and then stay in primary school until the end of Year 6 or the year they are turning 11 (a total of seven years). They then go to high school for Year 7 through 13, taking GCSEs or IGCSEs in Year 11 (when they are 16). At GCSE students are required to take a science, a language as well as maths and English. Many international schools that have the British curriculum often offer the IGCSE which is widely considered to be more rigorous than the GSCE. After finishing GCSEs the twoyear A Level programme commences in Year 12 and is completed in Year 13 when students are turning 18. Since Government high schools in Cayman do not offer A Levels, students will often move to the British system on or before Year 12.

Please note that some schools offer a Pre-K programme and admit children to this class at the age of four. These children will be given preference for kindergarten places. Children entering the American school system have to be five to enter kindergarten. The cut-off date varies, but it is usually between September 1st and December 1st, so check with the school. Children then move up to Grade 1 when they are six and stay in school for a total of 13 years, graduating at 17 or 18 when they are in Grade 12. They usually graduate with an American High School Diploma but Cayman International School (CIS) also offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma to students who are best suited to an academically rigorous programme. (We cover more on IB later).


To graduate with an American high school diploma, students need to obtain at least 20 credits, split between English (4), Social Studies and a Foreign Language (6), Math (6), Arts/Drama/ Music (1) and Physical Education (2). Credit requirements for graduation is different for every school, however, and will depend on how a school’s curriculum is structured. Having said this, all have standard requirements for core subjects such as English, Math, Science and Social Studies, and then elective credits for other classes. Parents should familiarise themselves with the credit requirements of their child’s school, keeping in mind that some will require a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) for graduation. The GPA is the grade (number/percentage) representing the average value of the accumulated final grades and ranges from 0.0 to 4.0. For example, 4.0 = A, 3.0 = B, 2.0 = C, 1.0 = D and 0.0 = F. Most universities in the United States will require a specific high school GPA before a high school graduate can even be considered for admittance, so it is very important for parents to be aware of what the requirements are for any college/ university in which their child may be applying. Students should also be aware of this if hoping to secure a scholarship.

Students usually take between 8 and 11 GCSEs and they need to have passed Maths and English to get into a university. They will also need three A levels with grades A* to C to get into university. Students will often start doing four A Levels and then drop their weakest subject. Exam passes at A Level are graded A*, A, B, C, D and E.

University Options Students who have gone through the British school system are not limited to British universities and may choose either a university in America or any university in the Commonwealth. A Levels are considered the equivalent of the first year of an American university and students will be awarded points towards their degree. Students usually pursue a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree which takes three years (for UK universities) or four years (for American universities). At British universities, results are graded as a first-class honours (1st), second-class honours (2:1), second-class honours (2:2) or third-class honours (3rd). They may then go on to do a Masters degree for one or two years. After a Masters they can do a Doctorate which takes three to four or more years.




Caribbean Curriculum

Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), GCSEs, Associates degree & BTEC vocational qualifications

Caribbean & Government School System The Basics Students in government schools enter the school in kindergarten by age five, and follow the Cayman Islands National Curriculum up to Year nine. In Year 10, students begin their preparation for internationally accredited external examinations, following the relevant syllabuses, taking exams set either by a UK exam board (GCSE) or the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) in the summer of Year 11. All students take classes in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, Physical Education and Careers and then have the option of taking a multitude of other subjects of their choice. Students then graduate from high school at 16 but must stay in full-time education for one more year. Those who earn at least five external exam passes (CSEC/GCSE) including Maths and English receive 'dual enrolment' and can either enrol at UCCI or enter an A Level programme at a local private school. Year 12 Dual Enrolment students at UCCI, have the opportunity to complete their last year of high school, while obtaining college credit towards an Associates degree. Government high school students who do not achieve five external exam passes including English and Maths in Year 11 are given alternative options at CIFEC for Year 12 and a second chance to pass English and Maths.

Grades A minimum of five passes at GCSE, including Maths and English at grades 1 or 2 or A*, A, B or C are considered necessary for entry to an A Level programme, and five passes at A-C or 1-3 are essential if applying for a government scholarship. For those sitting the CSEC, passes in the 1-3 range are required. For those in the US system, a 2.75 GPA is considered necessary for entry to a university course.

CIFEC Students At the CIFEC (Cayman Islands Further Education Centre) students have the opportunity to re-sit certain external exams which they may not have passed, engage in internships and enrol in BTEC secondary or vocational qualification programmes. Students who do not have the minimum five external passes (at CSEC or GCSE) after graduating from high school may have the opportunity to be admitted to UCCI’s PreCollege Matriculation programme where they can obtain transferable college credits. This programme allows students to take foundation level courses in Maths, English and college skills in order to prepare students to transition into an Associates degree programme.


Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

Options for Government High School Year 12 Students At all Government high schools in the Cayman Islands students take external examinations (GCSE/IGCSE, CXC or GSEC) in Year 11 (age 16), but Year 12 is a compulsory year, and is considered the end of secondary education. Year 12 students have a choice of which institution they wish to attend to complete this final year, however where they go is determined by their external examinations results. Their choices include a private school to complete A Levels, University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) to begin an Associates degree programme or the Cayman Islands Education Centre (CIFEC). At this stage some students do move to a private high school in Cayman or to a boarding school in Canada, the United States or the UK. If they stay in Cayman, they can do a two-year A Level course and depending on the exam results, parents can apply for a scholarship to cover all or part of the school fees to be paid for by the Ministry of Education. Alternatively, they can go to CIFEC and take a BTEC vocational course (a BTEC diploma is a secondary or vocational qualification offered in the UK and the Commonwealth and has been around since 1984. It stands for 'Business and Technology Education Council) or, depending on their CSEC/GCSE results and age (must be 17+), apply to attend UCCI to obtain an Associates degree.

International Baccalaureate (IB) The IB is an academically rigorous system that is highly valued by top universities

International Baccalaureate Programme (IB) Cayman International School offers the IB programme to 11th and 12th grade high school students, who then work towards attaining an IB diploma. IB is a non-profit educational foundation offering four highly respected programmes of international education that develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills of students. Schools that offer IB must be authorised; exceptional institutions around the world such as the United World Colleges also offer IB. This programme is generally thought to be academically rigorous, and also geared towards developing critical thinking and strong social and emotional characteristics. An IB diploma is also highly valued and recognised by top universities around the world (the United States, Canada, UK, Europe and Asia to name a few countries and regions).

Cayman Grades Explained To graduate with a High School Diploma, all students leaving a Government high school must attain one of four academic levels. In addition, during their last three years (Years 10-12) they must have at least a 90% or more attendance record, along with less than 15 days of suspension. According to education officials, the aim in standardising the graduation criteria is to recognise and inspire excellence in achievement, and to make clear to both students and future employers what academic level has been attained at high school. It also ensures everyone in the community understands how qualifications are ranked, and how they then match up to skills and knowledge levels.

Level 2 Diploma With High Honours: > At least 9 subjects passed at Level 2 or higher, at grades I-II/ A*-B or the equivalent standard (grades I or II for CXC, CSEC, A*, A or B for GCSE/IGCSE; Level 2 BTEC qualifications with distinction; or the equivalent standard for other externally awarded qualifications) > must include English and Mathematics

Level 2 Diploma With Honours:

Standardised Tests SAT/ACT/PSAT For those unfamiliar with the SAT, this standardised test is intended to assess a high school student’s readiness for college/university. Tertiary institutions in the United States will often look at a student’s SAT score and high school GPA (or GCSE results) before they consider admitting them. The SAT measures Math, evidencebased reading and evidence-based writing skills and also includes an optional essay section. The SAT is scored on a 1600-point scale with Math and the reading/writing sections each awarded between 200-800 points. The score of the optional essay section is not included in the composite score. There is also the ACT that measures a student’s aptitude in English, Math, critical reading, Science and writing. The ACT is scored on a 36-point scale and the four sections receive a score of 1 to 36. The composite score is the average of the four sections. Like the SAT, the ACT is a multiple-choice test. The PSAT is a preparatory version of the SAT. High school students may take the PSAT once per year and many students in American high schools take this test in 10th and 11th grade to prepare for the SAT.

> At least 7 subjects passed at Level 2 or higher (i.e. grades I III for CXC, CSEC; A*-C for GCSE/IGCSE; Level 2 BTEC; orthe equivalent standard for other externally awarded qualifications) > must include English and Mathematics

Level 2 Diploma: > At least 5 subjects passed at Level 2 or higher (i.e. grades I - III for CXC, CSEC; A*-C for GCSE/IGCSE; Level 2 BTEC; or the equivalent standard for other externally awarded qualifications) > must include English and Mathematics

Level 1 Diploma: > At least 5 subjects passed at Level 1 or higher (e.g. grades IV-VI for CXC, CSEC, D-G for GCSE/CXC, Level 1 BTEC; or the equivalent standard for other externally awarded qualifications) > must include English or Literacy Functional Skills, and Mathematics, Numeracy or Mathematics Functional Skills.

For those who go on to Level 3 (International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement diplomas, A Levels or an Associates degree at UCCI) after leaving high school, the passing of this level indicates suitability for pursuing tertiary education.




INFORMATION Enrolment Age & Requirements

For preschool, your child can usually start at age two or sometimes as young as 18 months. For primary school, the starting age is either four or five and depends on whether you will be educating your child through the British school system (Blue Waters Academy, Cayman Prep and High School (CPHS), St. Ignatius and government schools) or the American school system (Cayman International School, First Baptist School, Grace Christian Academy and Triple C School). Most private schools in Cayman will only test your child for placement if they are entering after Kindergarten (or Pre-K4). If your child is transferring from another school, they will likely need official school records from the previous school(s), an up-to-date medical record that includes vaccination details, and a completed transfer form which has to be signed by the previous school. As well as a standard report on the child’s performance and behaviour, this form clearly states whether financial commitments have been met. It is an essential component of the acceptance process for students transferring within the private school system.

Government Scholarships for A Levels All Caymanian students accepted at a private school to take A Levels or an Associates degree at UCCI, can apply for a scholarship to help pay for their school fees. If a student is accepted from a government school, they get the first year’s fees paid in full (plus text books) and then either CI$7,000 or CI$5,000 paid for the second year (it is decided on a points system based on the student's GCSE results). They also


must have higher passes in GCSE and/or CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) English Language and Mathematics to secure funding. Current Caymanian students of either CPHS or St. Ignatius can apply for funding when they enter Year 12 (and 13). All students must obtain a minimum of two Cs and a D pass in their AS levels at the end of Year 12 in order to get the funding for the second year of 6th form. The application period for local scholarship funding is 1st March to 30th April. Late applications will not be considered. For more information please see the scholarships section of www.

Health Screenings All new students entering either private or government schools for the first time must have a school medical exam before the new school year begins in September. For students entering schools in West Bay and Eastern districts, health screenings will take place at district health centres from June 1-30. For all other students, health screenings will take place at the John Gray High School Medical Centre (Nurse’s Office) from (approx.) 5th July to 18th August each year. Appointments can be made at the school the child will be attending. Parents and guardians need to accompany their children to the health screening and they should also bring the child’s immunisation record. Vaccines will be offered to children whose immunisations are not up-to-date. Parents may have their child’s health screenings done by a private doctor. The completed forms should be handed in at the John Gray High School Medical Centre (Nurse’s Office) before August 18th. For

Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

ARTICLE & INFOGRAPHIC SOURCES - Huffington Post - Centre of Disease Control and Prevention - Cayman Resident - University of Phoenix - National Assembly of State Art Agencies - - The Guardian - BBC

more information, please contact Nurse Carvell Bailey on (345) 244 2734 or (345) 244 2648. In Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, school entry screenings can be done through the Public Health Nurse, Paula Moore-Simpson, at Faith Hospital on (345) 948 2243 7643, 244 2734 or (345) 244 2648.

Uniforms & Dress Code Each school in Cayman will have approved vendors that sell uniforms and some schools sell them directly to parents. Every school will have different rules but most maintain a strict policy for school uniforms e.g. girls may have to wear their uniform skirts at a specified length. Some schools limit or prohibit jewellery and a few have specific rules for the hair styles of their male students. Parents should read the school’s dress code policy very carefully as most are not flexible and strictly enforced.

Exam Fees It is worth noting that whilst all education is free for Caymanians (at government schools), parents must still pay for exam entry fees i.e. They have to pay for every CXSEC, GCSE or BTEC course (British and Technology Education Council) that is taken. Fees are approximately CI$25 per subject for CSECs, CI$50 per GCSE and between CI$110 and $250 per BTEC Vocational Qualification, depending on the subject and the level.

4.9 Hours Students from countries within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development spend an average of about 4.9 hours a week on homework. Whereas teens in Korea and Finland spend less than three hours a week on homework, students in Russia spend about ten hours, and those in Shanghai spend about fourteen hours.

49.1% 49.1% of all students in the Cayman Islands attend government schools.

14 Points

6.5 Hours

In an international study involving 15 year olds from 14 developed countries, students whose parents read books with them regularly during the first year of their primary school lives, scored an average of 14 points higher on a comprehensive reading assessment. Young children who are regularly read to have a larger vocabulary, higher levels of phonological letter names, more sound awareness, and have far more success at decoding words.

A CHILDWISE study shows that children aged 5 to 16 spend an average of six and a half hours a day infront of a screen. Teenage boys spend the longest with an average of eight hours, whereas eight-year-old girls spend three and a half hours.

2.7 Hours



Adolescents lose around 2.7 hours of sleep on school nights as a result of early school start times. The University of Phoneix suggests that school should start after 8.30am, to allow for students to be fully ready and able to learn.

A group study showed that 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students who were taught a foreign language every day in school outperformed the students who were not.

A study in 2013 showed that only 29% of high school students participated in at least 60 minutes a day of physical activity. 15.2% of high school students did not participate in any form of physical activity.

The Arts

The State of Our Students

In a study of 25,000 middle and high school students in the US, it was discovered that students involvement in art at high school performed better on standardised achievement tests. These students also watched fewer hours of TV, participated in more community service and reported less boredom in school.

33% to 67% Play can enhance early development by anything from 33% to 67% by increasing adjustment, improving language skills and reducing social and emotional problems. This has positive implications for both educational development and everyday intellectual life.



Cayman attracts some of the best teachers in the industry and we thought it would be great to feature four of them. Two are from government schools and two are from private schools. We hope you find their answers as inspirational as we have!

Ms. Dominique Chenier

Ms. Karlene Buckle

Dominique Chenier teaches IGCSE and A Level Accounting at St. Ignatius where she is the head of the Accounting and Business Studies department and is also the Examinations Officer. She has been teaching at St. Ignatius for 18 years.

Karlene Buckle worked as a teacher at George Town Primary and then Principal at Bodden Town Primary between 2004–2008. She has been teaching at Cayman Prep School since 2013.

Which teacher most inspired you as a child and why? My High School Biology teacher, Mr. Bourbonnais, who made his teaching style special with his sense of humour, and his humility. He never hesitated to admit that he was wrong, or that he did not know the answer to a question. I have strived to use humour in my lessons (which can be challenging when you’re teaching Accounting!) What is your greatest wish for the future generation? As a Business Studies teacher, I always stressed to students the importance of a balance between maximizing profits, and thinking of future generations with regards to the sustainability of the environment. I am always impressed by the younger generation’s general philosophy with regard to the environment, but also how widely they accept diversity. I hope that they will become members of the community who accept, tolerate and embrace differences in each person they meet. If you could take your class anywhere in the world for just one day, where would it be and why? As long as I was assured of their complete safety, I would take them to Aleppo, Syria in order for them to see first-hand the plight of the refugees. Many countries are asked to help refugees, but sadly the small risk of a link to terrorism often outweighs the necessary compassionate response to this crisis. If you could invite someone famous to talk to your class who would it be? I would like to invite the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau. I do not only think that he has a very open philosophy of life and great humanitarian objectives, but I admire that he was able to become such a prominent figure at such a young age. I would like him to talk to the future generation, with whom he is closer in age than I am, about using their leadership skills and powers as a group to accomplish things that benefit the entire community.

What do you consider to have been the most important skill you have learned and why? Resilience – at every stage of my life, especially during those times when I felt like all was going well, there’s always something for me to learn and think more deeply. I’ve learned to stay calm, be true to myself, be realistic, improvise if necessary, focus on what I have and show gratitude. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 16-year-old self? Focus on my career goals before getting too caught up with the dating crowd. What is your greatest wish for the future generation? I wish they will meet the right people at the right times, people who genuinely care for them and who will steer them toward achieving success. Your favourite and most inspiring quote? Albert Einstein – “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” If you could take your class anywhere in the world for just one day, where would it be and why? Washington DC – The National Air & Space Museum because my present students are big on science, then to the Albert Einstein Planetarium, the Theatre, and the Public Observatory on the east terrace. If you could invite someone famous to talk to your class who would it be and why?Barack Obama, with Michelle by his side, to sell the whole positive image of family, strength, success, happiness and drive.

Ms. Sarah Crowley

Mrs. Janet Dash-Harris

Sarah Crowley was born in the Cayman Islands before moving to the USA at the age of eight. She has been teaching Year 3 at John A Cumber Primary since 2013.

Janet Dash–Harris, was born in England, raised in Barbados and teaches Spanish at Clifton Hunter School. She is a Golden Apple Award recipient and an award winning publisher.

Which teacher most inspired you as a child and why? My high school Biology teacher, Mr. Hendricks, who showed patience and kindness, all the while challenging me to do my best. He took the time to understand what I was interested in so that my education became relevant and engaging. He taught me much more than basic content - he taught me many of the skills that I use in my classroom with my students today. What do you consider to have been the most important skill you have learned and why? Flexibility is definitely the most important skill I’ve learned. This skill allows me to not only think outside the box, but to be more accommodating and tolerant of different perspectives, abilities, and strategies for doing things. As a teacher, this is an essential skill to have. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 16-year-old self? I would tell myself to never let a little discouragement or disappointment affect my willingness to try something new. I would advise myself to spend more time focusing on the opportunities in front of me instead of the failures behind me. What is your greatest wish for the future generation? I wish that the future generation will gain the skills and confidence to not only succeed in their personal endeavors, but to make the world a better place.

What do you consider to have been the most important skill you have learned and why? The ability to break down information so that my students can understand it. I've learned never to assume! Although I do sometimes put my foot in my mouth, I am always quick to say I am sorry if I think I have offended you. I do like to inspire people with words of encouragement and I also like to celebrate people's success because it makes them feel good about themselves. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your 16-year-old self? Pay more attention in school and don't waste time. At 16 I was doing my A levels at the Barbados Community College and while I enjoyed some success, now in hindsight, I realise that if I had been more diligent I could have enjoyed even greater success. While I did a lot of reading I didn't always study what and when I should. Your favourite quote? “Other people's opinions of me do not define who I am or what I can be”. You are going to a deserted island for one month. You can take one book, one music album and one treasured item. What would they be? My book would be The Bible. One music album is a hard one, but it would definitely be something religious and inspirational. My husband would be my treasured item. He has excellent navigational skills, is a great cook and a fabulous partner. I wouldn't feel deserted at all and I would be able to eat!

Photos this section courtesy of Lucy Beighton of Creations Unlimited

Interesting facts about the teachers featured: If Ms. Dominique Chenier was stuck on a desert island for a month she would take a lighter, knowing that it would probably be incredibly useful. Ms. Sarah Crowley would take a photo of her baby boy and a copy of The Great Gatsby. Karlene Buckle would take her favourite necklace that her oldest friend Ruth gave her, and Mrs. Janet Dash-Harris would take her husband who is a fabulous cook and a great partner.



'CAYMAN-STYLE' All children between the ages of 5 and 16 in Cayman should be registered in an approved educational plan, which could be a private school, a public school or a homeschool. In Cayman, over 100 children are homeschooled. While they are certainly in the minority, in certain circumstances it can be the most desirable option for both student and parents. Like any education system, homeschooling has distinct advantages and disadvantages, and a set of standards and regulations that must be met. For an overview of how and why one might choose to homeschool in Cayman, read on. - by Natasha Were

Rules & Regulations for Homeschooling in Cayman The Department of Educational Services sets out certain requirements and regulations for homeschoolers. The bare bones of these are: • A homeschool must serve no more than 5 students. • Parents must keep records of attendance and make these available to the Chief Education Officer. • A record of student progress must be maintained with semi-annual progress reports to be submitted to DES. • The Department of Educational Services will perform two site visits annually, one arranged and one impromptu. • Parents must make an Individualised Homeschool Plan (IHSP). • Children must receive at least 185 school days per annum and at least 5 hours study per school day. Parents must inform the Department of Educational Services in writing of their intention to homeschool their child by August 1st each year. • Curricula must cover core subjects of maths, reading, writing, science and social studies.

Resources in Cayman for Homeschoolers Cayman Homeschoolers:

online teachers.

A Facebook group with 140+ members, that keeps homeschoolers up to date with news about get togethers, field trips, celebrations and other events. It is also a forum where parents can ask questions, share ideas and find support and encouragement.

Check out their website for homeschooling standards, information sheets and application form. Visit:

After School Programmes: Art Nest, Footsteps, Young at Art, Clever Fish and Cayman Learning Centre all offer programmes for homeschooled children.

Online Programmes: Accredited programmes such as K12 have


Department of Education Services:

Qualifications Required for Tutors/ Parents to Homeschool: • Primary – the parent(s) must have at least a high school diploma if they are the child’s tutor/instructor. • Secondary – the parent/tutor must be a licenced teacher with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

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Socialisation & Friendship for Homeschooled Children Is there a danger that a child who is home schooled might miss out on socialising with their age group and thus have less friends than a regular school goer? It’s a valid concern, but there is much that can be done to ensure a child does not become isolated. Enrolling kids in extra curricular activities, sports lessons, church groups, music and art lessons, will ensure they meet and socialise with kids of their age. Where one lives can also be influential: some residential areas are particularly family friendly, guaranteeing there will be plenty of other kids around to play with.

REASONS FOR CHOOSING HOMESCHOOLING Advantages of Homeschooling • Teaching their children to read and write can be an immensely rewarding and bonding experience for parents. It allows parents to spend far more time with their children at a tender young age, with the potential to make learning fun and flexible. Lessons don’t have to be conducted at home: they can learn outdoors, even at the beach, and timings can be fitted around one’s lifestyle.

• As Tiffany Knowles, a homeschooling parent and the founder of Cayman Homeschoolers, says: “You can homeschool around big life events, like moving or having a baby. If children work hard and get done with schoolwork early, then they can go out and play, or be off school for the rest of the day. There are no set timetables, and every outing can be turned into a learning experience.”

• There is no big rush to leave the house in the morning, no time wasted sitting in rush hour traffic, and music, art or other extra curricular activities can be booked during the day, when other kids are in school.

• Cayman also offers a growing number of after-school


Parents can choose a curriculum that will be fun and inspirational for their child and they can adapt the teaching to a child’s learning style. It also allows them to spend extra time on topics a child struggles with, eliminating concerns parents may have with class sizes or a child’s progress.


For some children conventional schools may not have the resources to adequately meet each child’s different needs, whereas at home a child receives all the individual attention he/she needs and an education tailored to his/ her abilities.

programmes (see previous page) in which homeschooled children can participate and an increasing choice of activities where they can socialise with their peers in regular schools.

• As the homeschooling community is grows chidlren in Cayman, are regularly invited to participate in spelling bees, science fairs and swim meets.

Disadvantages of Homeschooling


For some parents, homeschooling is a means of shielding their children from the less pleasant aspects of large schools – peer pressure, bullying, violence or drugs, for instance. For others it is to remove a child from a school where they were unhappy.

• Whilst for some families homeschooling makes financial sense, for others the opposite is true: if one parent stays home to teach, there is one less income to support the family.

• Depending on the curriculum chosen, the preparation and planning of lessons can make it a full time occupation for the teaching parent.

• Home schooling gives the homeschooling parent quality time with their kids, but it also means little ‘alone’ time. For families with multiple kids, it can be challenging to provide quality teaching to different ages at the same time.


If a child is on a waitlist for a private school - which is not uncommon in Cayman - homeschooling can be a good temporary solution until a place becomes available.

• Social interaction is an essential part of education and growing up. Children in the conventional school system are surrounded by other children of the same age and tend to make friends easily through school. Homeschooled kids don’t have that opportunity, so it requires more effort to ensure they can meet and play with kids in their age group.


Private schooling is expensive, especially for families with more than one child. Homeschooling is very affordable with the main cost being teaching materials.

• Being a small community, the resources available to homeschoolers are more limited than they would be in other countries, and the size of the homeschooling community is also smaller.

• For parents who choose the homeschooling route, one of the toughest aspects of it can be the questions, attitudes and misconceptions non-homeschoolers will have about their choice.


For parents who travel a lot, homeschooling means that children can join their parents without missing class.




Although Cayman has excellent schools, many parents will look to broaden their children’s horizons by sending them overseas to boarding school. Over the years, the image of boarding schools has changed immeasurably; the transformation from the hardship and coldness of Dickens’ Dotheboys Hall to the spellbinding excitement of Hogwarts has been both evolutionary and revolutionary. However, the changes in perception and the reality are not works of fiction; boarding schools in Britain and North America are flourishing and should be a real consideration for families thinking about the future schooling of their children. - Niall Browne, BvS Education

Why Choose Boarding School? There are many reasons for choosing a boarding school, from the standards of teachers and teaching, to the friends and connections that are made. The following are all key factors to consider when deciding if boarding school is right for you and your child.

1. First Rate Education The reputation of leading schools in the UK, USA and Canada is not just a label of prestige from the past; the academic, sporting and social success of these schools is evident. Academic excellence, their successes in international exams and their students winning places at Ivy League and Russell Group universities speak for themselves. The structured independence helps teenagers to thrive.

2. All-Round Education Boarding schools are concerned with much more than academic prowess; pupils exceeding their potential in the classroom is paramount, but the ability to be involved in whichever sporting, creative or intellectual pursuit that stimulates a child, is of huge importance too. All these things are on the student’s doorstep; schools are (rather charmingly) extremely busy places where children are seldom bored or lonely.


3. Support

confidence, maturity and independence

Success is achieved through sound

to excel in their future worlds. Exposure

teaching, individual care and attention.

to the wider world and internationalism

Staff at boarding schools are with their

also helps prepare students for the world

students for most of the day and are there

of business.

to ensure that every child is happy and performing well at all times, addressing problems swiftly. Boarding schools are well-equipped and qualified to support most learning requirements. Plus a wide range of schools offer specialist ‘Additional Support’ for learning and emotional needs.

Choosing the Right School Cayman has no boarding schools, so choosing




school is difficult, as visiting overseas schools is a huge task. Making sure you choose the right school for your child’s needs and wants is extremely important

4. Facilities

and deserves time and preparation. Both

Boarding schools have some outstanding

you and your child must consider whether

facilities and offer beautiful spaces in

you are looking for a school that excels in

which students can grow and develop.

a specific subject, or whether you would

Academic arts and sporting facilities can

like them located near friends and family.

be state-of-the-art, and boarding houses are designed to offer the comforts of a home away from home.

Time and Preparation Boarding schools can be very competitive and many schools fill their places several

5. Friends

years in advance of entry. Therefore, give

A boarding education exposes children

yourself plenty of time to choose the right

to a wide array of people from all walks

school. In addition to allowing time to

of life – some they will become life-long

visit schools you should allow time for

friends with, others they will get to know

your child to be prepared for the entrance

well, but they will probably know these

exams and for the transition to boarding

people better than they know anyone

school. Parents often underestimate how

else in their lives. The ability to live and

much time should be given to these steps,

work with such a diverse group of people

but at least one or two years in advance

is what gives boarding school students the

is the best time to begin the process. The

Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

most important thing to remember is to involve your child in the process from the very beginning, as this will allow them to become comfortable with the prospects of going away to a boarding school.

Location Deciding where to send your child to school is extremely important but first you need to decide what system of schooling you want your child to participate in. This will also be influenced by what school in Cayman they previously attended. For example, to attend sixth form in the UK it is often required that the student has taken GCSEs or the equivalent. It is also important to consider whether you are looking for a school near family and friends. Although the support systems provided by schools are very good, it is also beneficial to have a support system

outside of school, and people there to keep an eye on your child when you cannot.

Understanding Your Child’s Needs

vocational courses) best suited to your child and their intended higher education and career path.

Enjoy the Process

It is vital to find the school in which your child will be happy and will thrive. Friends and acquaintances may offer school suggestions based on their own children’s success (or otherwise!) but, just because this school was right for their children, is no guarantee that it will be right for yours. Choose a school based on your child’s specific talents, interests and needs, even if this is wildly different to that chosen by others. Unless your child is happy and comfortable at their new school, they won’t perform well in the classroom. Make sure that the school offers the qualifications (International Baccalaureate; GCSE; A Level; SATs;

You will probably be visiting some of the finest schools in the world - and you may even wish you were going back to school yourself!

Get Help There are many people who can advise you about UK or North American private schools, and it is worth seeking guidance – this is, after all, one of the most important decisions you will make for your child. However, it is important to choose a consultant who really knows the full range of British or North American independent schools and the complicated admission procedures involved.

Offering Schools Placement Advisory Services in the Cayman Islands for education at home and overseas. • Independent advice and first hand knowledge. • Preparing shortlist of good match boarding schools in USA, Canada and UK. • Reviewing transcripts and applications. • Referrals to tutors for SSAT preparation. • Arranging boarding school visits. • Guidance through the admissions process. • Help in finding scholarships and financial aid. • Day school advice for new residents. • Personal service for every family. To make an appointment today:

Call: (345) 936 DORM or (345) 925 4610 or (345) 949 8268 Email:


Admiral Farragut Academy (ages 13-18) Cultivating leaders through innovative programs School Description: Admiral Farragut Academy is a college-prep, private,

boarding and day school located on the waterfront in St. Petersburg, Florida. The Upper School, which is 8th-12th grade, is known worldwide for its boarding and military program. The school provides an international experience with students representing an average of 27 countries and 17 states. Each year Farragut’s graduating class earns over $5 million in academic, athletic, and military scholarships and have matriculated to universities including Stanford, the Naval Academy, and UCLA. Farragut is also a quick and direct flight from Grand Cayman to Tampa.

Curriculum: Farragut offers honors, advanced placement, and dual enrollment

courses. However, the signature programs are what separates Farragut from other boarding schools: Aviation, Engineering, Scuba, Marine Science, Sailing, Naval Science, and Leadership.

Facilities: 2-3 person dormitories with private bathrooms and waterfront views. Athletic gyms and fields. Boat house and basin. Aviation center. Marine science center. Student center with academic services and library. Full-service dining hall. Courtyards and decks. 24/7 security personnel. Extracurricular: Exposure to new ideas, skills, lessons, and achievements is a valued part of the school’s mission. Students can choose to kayak, sail, or paddleboard at the waterfront, participate in one of our 13 sports, or join clubs like Drill Team, Drone, or Scuba.



Many successful alumni from Cayman • Leadership, respect, and independence • Located in urban city near beach and theme parks


Headmaster: Robert J. Fine, Jr. Assistant Headmaster: Dr. Tom McGlinn Student Population: 300 (grades 8-12) Annual Fees (2017-18): $50,500 USD (non U.S. citizen) and $47,500 (U.S. citizen) Sibling Discount: 10% Average Class Size: 15 Meals: Hot breakfast, lunch, and dinner buffet is included.

Robert J. Fine, Jr. "Our faculty and staff are committed to helping our students on their journeys of selfdiscovery by modeling integrity, self-discipline, perseverance and wellness while preparing them for 21st century challenges within a global society".

Headmaster at Farragut 501 Park Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 | 1 (727) 384 5500 | | 116

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Pros and Cons of Boarding School Listed are some pros and cons of Boarding School from the perspective of ex-boarders and education consultants.


• Students tend to be more independent and confident. • Children benefit from additional non-classroom contact with teachers in the evening, as well as supervised homework and extracurricular activities. • Boarding school students are members of a tight knit, well- connected community not just until they graduate but for life. This opens countless doors for them - in the college admissions process, in job interviews, and in numerous other ways. • Since boarding schools charge more, they can afford to pay staff higher salaries and therefore employ excellent teachers.


• Missing out on home life and becoming homesick can be common. Homesickness can easily lead to children becoming frustrated and socially withdrawn. • Less free time and more rules. With extra academic classes and less time to be alone with their thoughts and personal interests. • Pressure to succeed, look good and to do well is more prevalent at boarding schools than it is at a day school. Whereas day pupils are released each day from the pressures of school life, boarding school students do not have these benefits. • Costs are very high due to the 24/7 care of children.

• Facilities and resources are also often better than they are at a day school.

Brehm (ages 11-17)

A School for Learning Disabilities & Learning Differences

School Description: Brehm is a family-style boarding school for boys and girls, grades 6-12 with learning difficulties/disabilities. Brehm offers a unique holistic programme that individually addresses each student’s academic, emotional, and social needs. The Brehm experience includes: a fully accredited high school, individualised academic curriculum, 5:1 student/teacher ratio, with medical support, speech language pathologists and more. Curriculum: American. IB Diploma, IB Certificates, United States High School

Diploma. The academic programme is accredited by ISACS and approved by ISBE. Highly trained teachers teach core classes and other programmes.


Boarding School • Complex Learning Specialised • Tiered Scheduling


Principal: Brian Brown Student Population: 90 • Average Class Size: 8 International Boarding Feed (2016-17): 7-day boarding: US$75,300 Boarding Facilities: There are 3 boys dorms and 2 girls dorms. Each student is supervised by two dorm parents and multiple assistants Extracurricular Activities: Team recreational programmes and interscholastic sports.

950 South Brehm Lane, Carbondale, IL 62901 | (618) 457 0371 | |




FRIENDSHIPS One of the most important things parents can do to set their children up for a happy and fulfilling future is to ensure they form solid, healthy friendships. Although children will eventually choose their own friends based on common interests and personality, parents still play a significant role in how easily their children socialise and interact with their peers. Numerous psychological studies have examined the characteristics that popular and less popular kids exhibit. Not surprisingly, these are the same characteristics that adults are either drawn to or avoid. Regardless of age, culture or social status, aggressive, disruptive, domineering or selfish behaviour tends to alienate, whilst cooperation, kindness, empathy and tolerance attract us to others. Read on for some recommendations on how parents can help their children foster these desirable qualities - Natasha Were

Reasoning Rather Than Ruling The style of parenting – whether authoritarian or authoritative – can have a big influence on a child’s ability to make and maintain friends. Authoritarian parents attempt to control behaviour through punishment and discourage discussion about a child’s behaviour. Their children are, in turn, more likely to exhibit aggression and hostility, and may not develop an instinctive sense of right and wrong. Authoritative parents, on the other hand, aim to shape a child’s behaviour through calm, reasoned discussion and a clear explanation of the reasons behind the rules. Children raised in these environments tend to be more selfcontrolled and better liked by peers.




Encouraging Kindness and Compassion In study after study, kindness and helpfulness are associated with higher levels of popularity. In one study, a group of primary school children were tasked with performing three acts of kindness per week. Over time, those kids became more popular than their classmates who had not been assigned the same task. Parents can therefore help foster these qualities in their children, for example by taking them along to help out a neighbour or friend with a household chore, or giving them an unexpected gift, and also by encouraging them to think of ways they can show similar kindnesses to others.

Communication and Control Verbal communication is key to developing interpersonal relationships. Kids who don't communicate well often have trouble making friends. They can, however, be taught simple ways to communicate better: making eye contact, turning to face the person speaking to them, listening and responding in a relevant manner, are all things parents can teach their children to do.

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How To Plan A Successful Play Date • Invite Children that your children naturally gravitate towards. By age 4, children start to choose their own friends anyway. • Find Toys and Activities that encourage cooperation (crafts, scavengershunts and dancing are all good options). • Put Away Toys designed for solitary play, such as video games, and those your child does not want to share. • Avoid Threesomes: Two’s company and four can pair up, but a third can easily get left on the sidelines. • Keep It Short: Leave them wanting more! • Start Organising Playdates as soon as your children are in kindergarten and keep making the effort through Year 1. Ask the other parents to reciprocate.

All children are prone to occasional outbursts and selfish impulses but how parents deal with these behaviours will shape a child's emotional responses in the future: talking to them about why they reacted in the way they did and what feelings they experienced, is more constructive than trivialising the incident as ‘silliness’ or an ‘overreaction’, or indeed something that deserves punishment.

Dealing with conflict When a squabble arises, as they inevitably do, parents are often tempted to step in and resolve the issue. However, conflict resolution is a problem-solving skill kids should be encouraged to develop themselves. A good approach for parents is to give each child a chance to express how they feel, encouraging them to use words rather than actions, ask them what they would like to happen next, and help them think of ways to solve the issue.


YOUR GUIDE TO SCHOOL DRESS UP DAYS For the uninitiated, or the unprepared parent, dress-up/dress-down days can be a complete headache. Leave it too late and every store in Cayman is completely sold out of what you need to turn your child into a doctor or a scientist for a day. So, to help parents feel prepared, we have done a bit of digging and here is what we found.

Cayman International School (CIS) At CIS the last Friday of every month is a dress down day in aid of a specific charity. Students are encouraged to donate CI$2 and they can then dress in the specific theme or colour chosen for that day. The middle and high school students at CIS hold an annual Spirit Week (usually in February or March) where every day is given a different theme, and for a week the students will dress up accordingly. CIS also encourages dressing up at Halloween but students are asked to wear non-violent and non-revealing costumes. Finally, once a year CIS holds an international day during which students dress in national clothing from their country of origin.

Cayman Prep School Cayman Prep holds various dress-up days during the course of the school year and specific ones that happen annually. These are in addition to the occasional dressdown day in aid of a charity. Children should bring CI$2 to participate.

February: Science Day – Children should dress up as a scientist, doctor or science item.

Photo courtesy of Lucy Beighton of Creations Unlimited

March: Cayman Day – Held every other year, students should dress in traditional clothing or like something that represents Cayman (an iguana, turtle, stingray, flag etc).

in support of a local or an international charity. Students are encouraged to contribute CI$1.

March: Commonwealth Day – Held

National Trust, children are encouraged to dress in anything that represents Cayman.

every other year, students are encouraged to dress up as anything to do with the Commonwealth.

April: Year 3 students have an Egyptian day when they have to dress as an Egyptian and Year 5 students have a Greek day.

May: Crazy sock day one year and crazy hair day the next year.

October: Pyjama Day – Children in Kindergarten also take part in a fairy-tale day as well as a pirate day.

George Town Primary School GTPS hold Culture Days throughout the year and there is a significant emphasis on students and teachers dressing up.

February/March: GTPS participate in the Cayman National Cultural Foundation’s, Dress for Culture Day, which is held during Cayfest. Students are encouraged to dress up in anything Caymanian.

March: Commonwealth Day - Students are encouraged to dress up as anything to do with the Commonwealth.

Other themes with no particular month include: Stride Against Cancer, Valentines for Veterans, Crazy Hair Day (Girls), Crazy Socks Day for Downs Syndrome, Cool Shades Day (Boys).

First Baptist Christian School FBCS hold a dress-down day once a month

May: Cayman Culture – Held to benefit the

Montessori By The Sea On the last Friday of every month, Montessori by the Sea hosts a dress-down day. Students contribute CI$1 in support of a chosen charity (e.g. the National Trust, ARC, Feed Our Future) and are usually required to wear a specific colour showing their support. In addition to the monthly dress-down days, students occasionally participate in separate themed dressup days. The themes of these days are learning-based and may change, according to the specific subject being covered in the respective class.

St. Ignatius Catholic School Like most private schools on the Island, St. Ignatius holds various dress-up/down days during the course of the school year and specific annual ones. Students are asked to contribute CI$2 to a charity. On Commonwealth Day children are invited to come in their national dress. On National Book Day, students are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite character from a book. However, on the days they do a charity dress up/down students are asked to dress in the colour that supports the charity. For example, yellow and green for Cayman Hospice, purple and red for Feed our Future or pink for Cayman Cancer Society. More information can be found on the school calendar website on the St. Ignatius website.




PARENTING in the Education of a Child

The secret to preparing children for academic success is much simpler than we think. In an age of apps, tools, programmes and resources promising early and advanced academic development, parents are perhaps more confused than ever as to the best way to support their child’s growth and education at home. So what should parents and other caregivers do to set the stage for life-long learning? - Carol Bennett

Support Independence It is difficult for some parents to leave their children to independently attempt to problem solve, master a new skill or step out on their own to be socially independent. Watching a little one attempt to feed themselves with a utensil, or put on their shoes without help is excruciating for some parents. They often swoop in and save their child. Nannies and grandparents are also just as guilty of this. This deprives the child of very important opportunities to build independence and find out who they are as a person and what they are capable of. Allow children to make attempts to develop new skills and try out new situations while offering them only the minimum level of support they require to avoid an excess of frustration, while helping the child confidently face new tasks and situations.

Foster Resilience Resilience is such an important quality. As much as parents would like to insulate their children from the challenges and heartaches life will bring, this is an impossible task. Supporting your child through difficult times, getting professional help if needed, and ensuring that each family member has the help and support they require, are all things that will work to build a resilient child. These important building blocks, along


with ensuring that structure and routine is regained as soon as possible after a setback, will help children see that they can overcome obstacles. This will encourage your child to attempt difficult tasks, face failure and get back up after a scary fall. Resilient children are more likely to not give up when they face a challenge that parents know they can overcome.

Let Your Child Have Free Time Leaving unscheduled time in your child’s day where the child can play freely, using his/her imagination and follow personal interests is very important. Parents often feel that in order to give their child the best headstart, they must involve them in numerous activities. The day is spent chauffeuring the child from karate to music lessons to football to tennis and swimming, tutoring, photography for beginners, yoga, astronomy club and on and on. While engaging in structured extra-curricular activities is very important, parents must be very mindful of not exhausting their children. It is sadly oxymoronic that children are often deprived of their childhood in an effort to "give them a better childhood!" Parents should ensure that children have time during the day where they can free play in any safe manner. Free time in the child’s day lends them the opportunity to develop their social skills, language and

Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

TOP TIPS For the parent who feels as if they are lost, or not doing all they could to support their child’s development, take heart, there is help out there: The Family Resource Centre has trained professionals who can offer guidance free of charge. Just remember, there are no gimmicks nor is a house full of expensive toys required: • Talk to your child and let them talk to you. • Show interest in what they are learning and who their friends are. • Help them foster resilience and support their attempts at independence. • Manage appropriately. Also allow free play time. • Give children time to develop at their own pace instead of rushing through the stages. Help them cuild a firm foundation to see them through the demands of life. • Let your child be a kid with time to investigate and imagine, and above all be lovingly supportive, so they know that come what may you are on their team and always will be. If a child knows that they are loved unconditionally and that they have your support, they will feel confident to branch out, explore and do the best they possibly can.

physical development. Children learn through play, so enabling the child to develop skills in every area is critical. Sensory play is particularly important. Academic and work environments in the child’s later life will demand that they manage their time independently. Therefore, managing their own time in their own way is a important life skill.

Provide A Language-Rich Environment The single most important thing a parent can do to help facilitate their child’s growth and development is much more simple than one would think. University of Kansas Psychologists Betty Hart and Todd Risley conducted a study in the 1980s which looked at language use of parents with their children from the different socio-economic sectors. They found that, in a one hour time span, parents on welfare spoke 1,530 less words to their child than parents who were in the upper-socio-economic class. This study was especially important to help address the widening academic performance gap. Ensuring that children are raised in a languagerich environment helps more with putting the child on the path to success than any other single factor. Having conversations with your child, exposing him/her to conversations between adults, reading a variety of age appropriate books, extending the child’s own attempts at using language and framing your words in a positive light all strengthen children’s propensity towards later academic success. For ease of accessibility to quality children’s books, Cayman's Public Libraries have a wonderful selection which families can borrow free of cost. Thrift shops, such as the Humane Society Book Loft also have gently used books at hugely discounted prices. (see page 98)

preschoolers grow and begin school, parents then become their children’s learning coaches. Through guidance and reminders, parents help their children organise their time and support their desire to learn new things both in and out of school.

Practise What Your Child Learns At School Many teachers encourage parents to go over what their young children are learning in a non-pressured way and to practise what they may need extra assistance with. This doesn’t mean drilling them for success, but it may mean going over skills being worked on at school depending on the needs and learning level of the child. This could include basic numeracy and literacy skills; number sense and letter recognition for example. "There may be times to review, but don’t take on the role of drill master," adds Diane Levin, Ph.D. "And when you do review it should feel as if your child wants to be a part of the practice."

Set Aside Time To Read Together Read aloud regularly, even to older kids. If your child is a reluctant reader, reading aloud will expose your child to the structure and vocabulary of good literature and work to foster your child's future interest in reading. “Reading the first two chapters of a book together can help, because these are often the toughest in terms of plot,” notes Susan Becker, M. Ed. “Also try alternating: you read one chapter aloud, she reads another to herself. And let kids pick the books they like. Book series are great for reluctant readers.”

Utilise Screentime Appropriately It is rare to find a family without an electronic device of some sort– whether a television, tablet or smart phone. Many a megabit is filled with 'educational' apps, promising parents early academic development; however, screentime must be limited. In fact, infants under 18 months should not be exposed to electronic use at all unless it is to video chat with loved ones, according to The American Academy of Pediatrics. The recently revised guidelines advise that toddlers between 18-24 months should only be exposed to high quality programming, and should be done so with parental supervision/involvement. Screentime should be limited to one hour per day of educational programming, once again with an adult watching with the child. Parents should always ensure that the use of technology does not affect other areas of the child’s life such as sleep, interpersonal interactions and physical activity.

Be A Role Model For Learning In those very important early years, parents are their children’s first teachers: they read and count together, cook and explore. When a young child begins formal school, the parent’s job is to show the child how school can extend the learning they began together at home, and how exciting and meaningful this learning can be. As





When Cayman Parent asked Pastor Randy, from the Cayman Islands Baptist Church on Pedro Castle Road, if he could help us write an article about kids and faith, he reached out to his Minister of Children, Carla Bregani. After praying about it, and taking an afternoon walk, this is what she shared with us. We hope you are as inspired as we have been! Their Children's Church starts at 10am every Sunday and all are welcome. - Carla Bregani

When I was asked to write this article I was excited but intimidated. What could I possibly share with such a diverse and thoughtful audience? I'm no stranger to essays, so I brainstormed and collated my thoughts into a tidy set of notes, referencing all the usual suspects. I spent time thinking about opportunities to connect with peers and caring adults, sharing a common life purpose, giving kids space to dive into faith-related questions and doubts, learning to serve one another, family support, etc. Then I set out for a Saturday afternoon walk around the block. As I walked, I began to ask myself what I would say to you if we were sitting down to talk about kids and faith over coffee at Full of Beans or while taking a relaxing beach walk. And all of a sudden, my tidy little set of notes didn't seem like the right thing to share. Instead, here's what I know: The world is a mess. I'm a mess. You're a mess. Our kids are a mess (and if they aren't now, they will be). As Andy Stanley has said: "Either you were a mess, are a mess, or are one dumb decision away from becoming a mess." I think that pretty much sums it up. There are wonderful, amazing, stunningly beautiful things about life on earth. There are also terrifying, horrifying, shattering things about life on earth, if you don't believe me, turn on the evening news, pick up your phone, or ask an 11 year old about their day. Sooner or later, our kids are going to face both.


So if we were meeting over coffee or chatting as we walk along the beach, here's what I would say, and here's what I want for our kids: I want them to know love. I want them to know goodness. I want them to know kindness that shocks them and grace that overwhelms them. I want them to know forgiveness when they feel like they are the worst person in the world, and I want them to know the joy of sharing that same forgiveness with others. I want them to know peace that doesn't make sense because things are awful, and contentment that starts deep in their stomachs and spreads all over them until they heave a deep, satisfied sigh. I want them to know the anguish of empathising with the pain of another, and the relief when someone else helps carry their own emotional burden. I want them to know the wonder of a prayer answered, and the grateful hindsight of a prayer that went unanswered. I want them to know the compassion of caring until it hurts, and the humility of sacrificing for the sake of others. And most of all, I want them to know that there is a God who made them, who loves them unconditionally, and who paid the ultimate price so that He could have an authentic relationship with them for their whole lives. That He wants to be their strength when they think they can't take another step, their comforter when they are in despair, and their perspective when

Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

" I want them to know the wonder of a prayer answered, and the grateful hindsight of a prayer that went unanswered..." - Carla Bregani

things don't make sense. It excites me to know that He has a grand life adventure planned for them; maybe not the 'health and wealth' squeaky-clean, shiny, sanitised one that we envision when a child is first born; but a dynamic, exciting plan that is full of twists and turns - and it is the BEST possible plan for them because He loves them and wants what's best for them! Joining a church or faith community doesn't guarantee that a child will know this loving Father, just as choosing not to join a faith community doesn’t mean that they won't! But despite their flaws (and church families have so MANY flaws .... after all, we're all human and we're all a mess) or perhaps because of their flaws, communities of faith are opportunities for children and families of all shapes and sizes to connect, to grow, to love, to make mistakes, and to get back up again, confident in their love for one another and for the God who loves them without any conditions. So hi! My name is Carla, and I'm a mess! I'd love to welcome you and your child to our community of love and faith! Come on in! Carla Bregani is the Minister of Children at the Cayman Islands Baptist Church on Pedro Castle Road in Savannah. Their Children’s Church starts at 10am on Sunday mornings and all are welcome.

Sunday School & Sunday Church Times Anglican Church Church of England St. Alban’s 461 Shedden Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 2757 Sunday Matins 8.35am; Church School 9am; Holy Communion 9.30am with Sunday school.

Anglican (Episcopal) St. George’s Anglican Church 64 Courts Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 5583 Email: Sunday mass 7am and 9am; Sunday School 9am; 1st and 2nd Sunday Eucharist and sermon 11.15am. Youth evening Fri 7.15pm.

Assemblies of God First Assembly of God 195 Old Crewe Road, George Town Tel: (345) 945 2182 Children’s Church 10.30am. West Bay Assembly of God 100 Finch Drive (off Stadium Road) Tel: (345) 946 2455 Sunday School 9.30am. Cayman International Assembly Meeting place: Camana Bay Cinema Tel: (345) 917 5774 Sunday Service 10am.

Baptist Churches Cayman Islands Baptist Church 163 Pedro Castle Road, Savannah Tel: (345) 946 2422 or (345) 926 2422 Email: Sunday School 9am (Bible study for all ages); Worship Service: 10am plus seasonal weekday events for adults and children. First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman 920 Crewe Road (Across from the Lion’s Centre and near Hurley's Shopping Centre) Tel: (345) 949 0692 Email: Sunday School for all ages 9.15am; Sunday Service 10.30am.

Catholic Churches St. Ignatius Catholic Church 597 Walkers Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 6797 Email:

Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday 7am and Friday 6pm, Weekend Masses: Saturday 8.30am and 6pm, and Sunday 8am, 11.30am and 6pm; Sunday School 10.15am–11.15am. Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church Reverend Blackman Road, West Bay Tel (345) 949 6797 Sunday Mass 9.45am. Stella Maris Catholic Church Alta Vista Drive, Cayman Brac Tel: (345) 925 6215 or (345) 948 0551 Sunday Mass or Eucharistic Service 11am.

Lutheran Safe Harbour Lutheran Church 205 Andrew Drive, Snug Harbour Tel: (345) 949 1835 Sunday service 10am at The South Sound Community Centre.

Methodist Wesleyan Holiness Church 150 North West Point Road, West Bay Tel: (345) 949 1121 Sunday services: 9.45am, 11am and 6pm. Sunday School at 9.45am.

and a Children’s Church group.

Pentecostal All Nations United Pentecostal Church 23A Woodlake Drive, George Town Tel: (345) 949 9533 Email: Tuesday youth service 7.30pm; Sunday School 9am, Sunday worship 11am and Evangelistic service held at 7.30pm. The Power of Faith Deliverance Ministry Ltd. 100 Greenwood Drive, George Town Tel: (345) 949 1516 Email: Tuesday Prayer Service & Bible Study 7.30pm; Friday Youth Service 7.30pm; Sunday School 9.30am; Sunday Worship 10.30am and 7.30pm.

Presbyterian & Congregational Elmslie Memorial United Church Tel: (345) 949 7923 Email: Sunday services: 10.30am. South Sound United Church service: 9am.

Seventh Day Adventist

Covenant Moravia Church 6 Devon Road, Off Marina Drive, Prospect Tel: (345) 947 7935 Sunday services: 11am and 7pm.

Cayman Islands Conference of SeventhDay Adventists Tel: (345) 640 2647 Saturday Sabbath School service 9.15am, Divine Service 11am.


Jewish Services


Agape Family Worship Centre Tel: (345) 949 2539 Email: Sunday service 10am; Sunday School 11am; Friday youth group held at 7.30pm. Church of God Chapel Frank Sound 1275 Frank Sound Road Tel: 345 947 3691 Email: Sunday service 10.30am. Kinder Church (3-5 years), Children’s Church (6-9 years) and Pre-teen Ministry (10-14 years). Friday’s Fusion Youth Group from 8pm for 13-18 year olds. Sunrise Community Church Services held at the Harquail Theatre, Seven Mile Beach Tel: (345) 926 7473 Email: Sunday Services 10am with nursery care

Cayman Hebrew School 7 Mile Shops, West Bay Rd. (345) 516 4474 Email: Cayman Hebrew School offers a warm and lively Jewish atmosphere where children attain an exciting awareness of their Jewish identity. The programme includes Hebrew reading, Jewish history, Shabbat and holidays and values. The Sunday School Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon for children between the ages of 1.5 and 13 years of age.

Islamic Islamic Society of The Cayman Islands Unit C3, Cayman Business Park, 10A Huldah Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman Tel: (345) 329 2079 , Email: Friday Jummah Services, Children's Sunday School 10am.





Photo courtesy of Jenna-Leigh Photography

Katie Dilbert from Triple T Learning teaching a pupil

It could never be said that the idea of private tuition is a new concept. In classical Greece, Socrates tutored Plato, who in turn was tutor to Aristotle; therein laying the cornerstones of science and philosophy as we know it. Jump forward approximately 2500 years and about 6000 miles and we find ourselves here in Cayman with an industry whose growth over recent years has been nothing short of staggering. - by Emma McArthur

The sudden boom in private tutoring (that is, subject-specific extra-curricular classes), has been well documented in both the UK and the US since the early 2010s. The Spectator newspaper remarked in 2015 that, “The tuition industry is growing


rapidly in Britain, doing great work in improving numeracy and literacy and also aiding social mobility and aspiration.” In 2016 the Guardian described a report which found that the “proportion of pupils who have had a private tutor is up from 18% in 2005 to 25% in 2016.” Across the water in the USA, the hiring of private tutors was both widely adopted and accepted for several decades before it took off in the UK. Arguably, the idea of seeking extra help for children was associated with some degree of stigma in Britain until recent years. In the States however, tutoring was a $4 billion industry as far back as 2005, with National Public Radio going as far as to say; “Once an upper-class phenomenon, tutoring is now becoming so pervasive it

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is arguably changing the face of American education.” Back on these sandy shores, one could be forgiven for making a similar claim; could private tutoring be really changing the face of education in Cayman? Around ten years ago, it was possible to enlist the services of a few personal tutors to assist students in their home, with subjects such as maths and English. Right now in 2017, there are over ten well-established companies offering both classroom-based and mobile services, with countless more individual tutors to be found in the small ads. Julia Martins of High Achievement Academy describes the astonishing boom in business; “In the summer of 2015 there were just two tutors employed here, and now we have a total of 14 teaching staff.

The demand for services just keeps coming and we are constantly expanding!” Several new tutoring companies have also been established and found great success over recent years. Katie Dilbert of Triple T Learning says that since the company was founded in 2013, they have seen a constant increase in demand for tutoring services on-Island and attributes this partly to population growth: “In our view, school readiness, reading remediation, and math support have been the top reasons parents have been engaging in tutoring services on-Island. My outlook on the demand for tutoring services is that it will continue to increase especially with a growing population.” Bryony Platt of Footsteps Tutoring also offers some insight as to why the business of private tuition has become so popular here: “We think that perhaps there has always been an interest in tutoring, but a lack of services previously. There is huge competition for school places (not enough spaces in the private sector here) and children trying to get into boarding schools abroad need extra help to get into the schools that they want. Parents obviously want the best for their children but are also extremely busy and many don't have the time to help children with heavy homework loads.” Cayman's unique and diverse cultural melting pot could perhaps provide the key to understanding the rise of this business on the Island. Children come here from UK schools as well as US and Canadian schools and beyond, with parents often finding themselves having to “bridge the gap” upon arrival. Cayman Prep School and St Ignatius regularly update their curriculum to stay in-step with the British system, whilst some newcomers may try to enter their school of choice but later join a school which uses another country's curriculum. Younger children often begin their education in public pre-schools or

kindergartens and need that extra boost before starting in the private school sector. Pre-schools and kindergartens are extremely varied and relatively unmonitored. In these cases, there may be a large jump to go from the early learning already acquired and the standards expected for year one of primary school. Ms. Wendy Ebanks of Grand Harbour, describes how her daughter Charlee needed some extra help before Year 1 of Cayman Prep School, "We started tutoring services initially to get our daughter ready

“In our view, school readiness, reading remediation, and math support have been the top reasons parents have been engaging in tutoring services on-Island." for school and the effect this had on her development was immediate and so impactful that we've continued with the same tutor and never looked back. Our class teacher gives instruction according to the national curriculum while our tutor reinforces the material, and works with our daughter to close any learning gaps as they are identified. We receive regular feedback from both our class teacher and our tutor which we openly share with the other, and we find this helpful in supporting her academic development without compromising her love for learning. To be clear, this is not a substitute service to eliminate at-home review, but when used consistently as a tool to reinforce in-class instruction and at-home review, the results can be astounding." In other cases, tutoring can be sought simply because a child is shy or lacking in confidence – this helping hand can really help such children enjoy their school experience. For example, if a student has

trouble in a particular subject, it can result in a feeling of anxiety about going to school, and the addition of a tutor can help to foster a love for learning. One doting mother said of her son, “We have decided to continue with tutoring not just because of the leg up it gives him, but because of the confidence he has gained. He has gone from not wanting to go to school to being a super star!” One reason that this is such a gamechanger for the face of education in Cayman, is that children in the public system here are now enjoying the opportunity to get extra help with their homework, school-work and exam preparation. Whereas previously, students at the top private schools were able to graduate with excellent exam results allowing them greater opportunities in college and beyond, nowadays students from public schools also have access to the help they need to succeed. Although the standards of education in the public schools are generally good, the childto-teacher ratio is high and children can become confused with homework tasks which they may not have sufficient time to discuss with their teachers in class. Mrs N. Ebanks of Prospect explains, “I choose to pay for extra tuition for my two children because of the large number of kids in the class, and there is not enough help in class to focus on the kids' needs.” Whatever the reasons, it is clear that parents in Cayman truly value their children's education, and for as long as this demand exists, it seems that the supply of tutoring services will continue to flourish.

If you are interested in finding a tutor for your child, please turn to the listings at the back of the 'School Age' section.




A tutor is a practitioner who is either qualified in education, or highly trained in a specialist area, for example someone highly qualified in science, maths or languages. Grand Cayman offers a wide range of options for families seeking additional help with their child's education. Tutoring can take place either in the student's home or in a classroom setting, and ranges from pre-K (primarily focusing on phonics skills / early literacy and numeracy); special needs or learning disabilities; subject-specific tuition; languages; and general tuition / homework assistance.


Some children, who may possess good focus and concentration skills, can really flourish in their home environment. Others can become distracted in their own home and will benefit more from a classroom setting where they can also socialise with other children. If parents are able to transport the student to classroom sessions, they can consider one of the available class-based options, such as High Achievement Academy, Footsteps, Alpha Academy. If they prefer to hire a tutor to attend classes in the home, they can choose from one of Cayman's mobile companies such as Triple T Tutoring. Other variables to consider are price (usually CI$30$60 per hour) and location (mobile options are available in North Side and East End in addition to the centrally based companies). Tuition should supplement the learning already taking place inside the school classroom. A good way to aid this is to regularly forward class newsletters, spelling lists, school reports etc to the tutor, for inclusion in the tutoring sessions.


Better grades: A tutor can quickly work out where the student has

gaps in a subject or area and work one-on-one to remediate it. Confidence in school: The confidence a child gains from not only knowing they can keep up but they are actually capable, cannot be understated.

PROS: • The tutor will put together a personalised plan for the student, getting to know his or her specific needs, working closely with the family to address their educational goals.

• The student will receive the full attention of the tutor during one-on-one sessions whereby they can freely discuss all of their questions and concerns.

• Regular assessments / reports: A good tutor should regularly report home as to the progress of the child and should perform frequent assessments.

• Fun free-time with the family: After a long day at school and at work, the family will not have to worry about forcing their homework time. • A tutor can catch areas where a student is falling behind. It is impossible for a classroom teacher to give the attention he or she deserves when they have 24 other students in the class. If reading or writing skills develop too slowly for your child to keep up, then there is very little that can be done in school to correct the problem.

CONS: • If the student becomes reliant upon the assistance of a tutor for homework help, there is the chance they might become demotivated. To prevent this, regular communication with both teacher and tutor should take place.

• Too much work: It's crucial not to overwhelm children with too much pressure, especially those under the age of ten. Forcing children into additional classes after a full day of school or on a Saturday could be demoralizing. Be sure to provide rewards and fun, relaxation time.

• Too young: Children under the age of 7 should enjoy learning, and play is essential in order to develop cognitive, motor and social skills. The rest of their academic life will become increasingly competitive, so allow them to have fun at a young age. Tutors of this age group should employ games and fun-based learning.

Increased social confidence: Academic success can improve overall self-esteem. Different perspective: Sometimes a tutor can offer new insight or


Simplifying core concepts: Tutors can simplify core concepts to

approaches to a subject than school teachers or family members.

create a deep rooted, thorough understanding of subjects at a

One-on-one time: Tutors can dedicate their full attention to each

young age before schoolwork becomes more complex; providing

student. Shy students might be too embarrassed to ask questions

a solid toolkit of problem-solving skills and a confidence in their

in class or tell others that they are struggling.

ability to tackle difficult work in the future.

Meet new friends: Children can create a new circle of friends in their

Excelling in exams: Many parents hire a tutor for their children so

tutoring environment.

that they can feel prepared and confident in exams. A tutor will

Allows for extra family time at home: At the end of the day, children

often help the student tackle past test papers.

and parents are exhausted and it can become stressful to start

Keep the level of knowledge up: A tutor will help maintain a child's

tackling difficult homework tasks. Tutors can relieve some of this

skills over school holidays to ensure the student does not fall

pressure and allow for more enjoyable family time.


Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE



Raising children who know right from wrong is definitely not a science, and noone can pretend to say they have a guaranteed formula on how to do it. However, there is quite a lot that parents can do to help their children learn right from wrong and how to treat others respectfully. - Carol Bennett

Be A Good Example

Children are constantly watching those around them. They truly do “learn what they live�. Adults have to be good role models for the little ones in their lives, being constantly mindful that a child is learning right and wrong from us. Allowing the child to see that you are human goes a long way. Letting your child hear you sincerely apologise to someone when you may have hurt their feelings or done something inadvertently wrong and then allowing the child to watch you correct your mistake, will help your child to understand that we all make mistakes. It also teaches that we can all make the right choice to correct those mistakes and also adjust our behaviour. Being a person of integrity yourself is perhaps the most powerful tool in your arsenal to help your child learn right from wrong.

Ensure Consequences Fit the Actions

Showing the child respect and treating the child with dignity helps the child to, in turn, do the same toward others. One of the ways we can show respect to a child is to ensure that all consequences fit the action. Some consequences happen naturally as a result of the child’s behaviour. For example, if the child constantly hits a peer, the peer will be less inclined to play with the child in the future. Other consequences may have to be adult imposed. If a child steals a cookie prior to supper, an appropriate consequence may be that the child does not have dessert after supper. Discussions using developmentally appropriate language should always be had with the child regarding their actions and the consequences. Support, guidance and even comfort should be offered to the child when needed. This may help the child to understand how their choices impact their own enjoyment and fulfillment. The child may be intrinsically motivated to make a more appropriate choice in the future.

We now live in a world where our thoughts, ideas and actions are so easily shared in the public domain that it is even more pertinent to raise children with a sound sense of self and an acute awareness of how their actions impact others. The more children we raise with a good character, the stronger our society becomes, and the better the future will be for all of us.

Set Clear and Consistent Boundaries Children





consistent lives.


expectations constantly change, and the boundary lines shift often, children cannot know what is expected of them. Adults should make sure expectations are clear, developmentally appropriate and that they address infringements of boundaries in a timely manner, using the same measuring stick that they used in prior situations.

Help Children Verbalise Their Emotions Understanding emotions, and self regulating as they experience those emotions, is quite a high level skill that children need support to develop. This can help them develop empathy for others and understand how their own actions might affect another person.





The sheer power which reading has upon the intellectual development of a child cannot be over-estimated as shown in numerous academic studies. An interest in books and a love of reading are arguably the sharpest tools in the box of any parent or educator aiming to increase overall literacy and academic success. Besides this, it seems to fundamentally make sense to those of us with a love of reading, that it should be encouraged in children almost above all else. Speaking at London's second annual Reading Agency lecture in 2013, much-loved author of both adult and children's fiction, Neil Gaiman, put it most wisely; "The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity. And that means, at its simplest, finding books that they enjoy, giving them access to those books, and letting them read them." - Emma McArthur

Why Reading at a Young Age Matters... The evidence is overwhelming. Introducing a child to reading gives them one of the most important personal habits they’ll need to have a successful career and a happy, productive life.

15 minutes / day of independent reading can =

1 million + words in a year

Today, more than ever before, we need to


advocate for the importance of the good

It goes without saying that the more words you see, the more words you will know! Expansion of vocabulary is absorbed by little minds without any boring spelling tests or English classes – new words are simply taken in unconsciously. The ability to be articulate will aid in creativity, selfesteem and also will also assist eventual career prospects.

old-fashioned book. In these modern times of constant screen time, multiple devices and minimal attention span; the immeasurable benefit of the simple act of reading a (real) book, is absolutely critical for children and young people across the board. With the average attention span for the average 5 – 6 year old at under ten minutes and decreasing every year, it is imperative to encourage children of all ages to recognise the beauty of stories. An interest in reading can remedy an unlimited amount of issues, not only in terms of literacy acquisition but for also




focus skills, problem-solving, increased vocabulary and logical thinking. All of the above was summed up perfectly by Jacquie Onassis when she said that, "there are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all."


Overall literacy A study by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research in 2013 showed that youngsters of four to five years whose parents read to them between three to five times per week, are at least six months ahead of their classmates in terms of overall literacy skills. Additionally, those who are read to every day were shown to be a full year ahead. Research from the Institute of Education proved that children who read for pleasure perform better in school than their peers. The IOE study showed that children from 10 – 16 who read for pleasure were further ahead in terms of spelling, vocabulary

Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

Reading to a child in an interactive style raises his or her IQ by

6 points

Daily reading to children puts them almost 1 Year ahead of those who are not being read to!

and even maths skills, compared to those who rarely read books. This study, based upon the reading behaviour of approximately 6000 children, also found that those children whose parents read to them as infants were significantly more successful in school than those whose did not. Overall, the biggest factor appeared to be that of reading for pleasure during secondary school. "The combined effect on children’s progress of reading books often, going to the library regularly and reading newspapers at 16 was four times greater than the advantage children gained from having a parent with a degree."

Memory Studies have also shown that information read on a screen is not digested in the same manner as when it is perceived on paper. The more that a young person becomes distracted by the fast-paced environment around them, the less they will use their brains

to think and form synaptic connections creating memory. It is crucial to limit screen time in order to let little minds think for themselves. In each story absorbed by a young brain, there is a whole new universe of plotlines, characters and backgrounds to unconsciously absorb. Each new association creates new synapse connections in the brain which in turn assists both short term and long term memory. The more that we strengthen those connections by reinforcing the enjoyment and recall of such characters and plots, the more the brain will benefit and the memory will endure.

Logical Thinking Skills The ability to comprehend concepts and situations was also shown to be increased by an interest in books and reading. Perceiving a variety of adventures and complex storylines assists in the application of logic, judgement and the ability to recognise cause and effect.

READING DO'S & DON'TS! Let kids read whatever they want to read! It could be road signs, comic books, or anything at all which holds their interest.





Let them see the association between stories and movies – show them that many books are made into films, TV shows and even cartoon series. If there happens to be a film in the cinema which was adapted from a book – go to see the movie together and then encourage them to read the book – talk about the differences and similarities.

Take them to the library! There is a wonderful children's selection in the George Town library with quiet places to sit and read together, that provides little ones with the opportunity to explore and find out what interests them. The more input they are allowed in terms of choice, the more they will be engaged in reading and the enjoyment will be self-rewarding. Even better, library cards for children are absolutely free!

Interact and talk to children about what they are reading, ask questions about what is happening to the characters or how the storyline is progressing. Another good idea is to suggest a book which you may have read as a child, so you can discuss and enjoy it together.

Let your children see you reading – and enjoying it! Children really look up to their parents and relatives, both consciously and unconsciously, and to see grown-ups reading books for fun has a profoundly lasting effect. Consider taking books to picnics or beach days and reading together, rather than looking at your phones and devices.


Before you read – engage them with prompts to get them pre-thinking about the text and the topic; this will aid early comprehension. Look at the cover and ask whether they think it will be fiction or non-fiction (made-up story or real-life story for the little ones). This will also help them to develop an idea of the genres they enjoy the most.


Force kids to read something they're not interested in! If school sends home mandatory reading logs and written responses, try to help children to find connections which may not be obvious, or compare storylines to real life situations. This can make something seemingly boring much more fun.


Over-correct them or point out their reading mistakes at a young age, this might prove detrimental to their self-confidence and reading ability.




Nuture your child's love of reading by encouraging them to read fun and challenging books throughout their youth. - Jessica Wright

Top choice for 5 - 6 years Handa's Surprise - Eileen Browne A modern classic which tells the story of Handa, who is part of the Luo tribe in south-west Kenya. This is a delightful and funny book that lends itself to many discussions on maths, animals, food and culture.

If You're 'App'y & You Know It

Here are some great educational websites and apps recommended by Katie Dilbert from Triple T Learning! Your children will love them!

Top choice for 7-8 years The Diary of a Killer Cat - Anne Fine An unique and entertaining story told from the viewpoint of Tuffy the sarcastic cat as he embarks on various adventures. It’s a hilarious read with lighthearted illustrations.

Top choice for 9-10 years Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo A website and iPad app that teachers recommend and children love. It is packed full of Maths and English games that make learning genuinely fun. It costs GBP 12.99 per month and is ideal for children aged 4 to 18.

A heartwarming classic story of Bertie and his beautiful white lion. This short book deals with loneliness, love, loyalty, courage and success against all the odds set against the backdrop of the Great War.

Top choice for 11-12 years Holes - Louis Sachar Topmarks is a website that offers homework, exam and revision help along with maths and English games

A modern classic that tells the story of Stanley Yelnats who

for children aged 3 to 14. It's free and

is under a curse and unjustly sent to a detention centre. There

only available as a website.

Stanley tries to uncover what secret the camp is hiding. A beautiful tale of friendship, hope, inner strength and persistence.

Top choice for 13-14 years The Alex Rider Series - Anthony Horowitz

A series of spy novels about a 14 year old MI6 spy called Alex Rider.

Offers maths, English, strategy and

This action-packed James Bond-style adventure will thrill young

skills games that aim to make learning


Top choice for 15-16 years

fun. It's available as a website and also as an iPad app but the ad-free website version costs US$6.99 per month. Ideal for children aged 3 to 11

Cider with Rosie - Laurie Lee

years. ABCya has all sorts of spin-offs

A charming memoir full of vivid descriptions of Laurie Lee's

such as Maths Bingo, Word Bingo, and

childhood in a remote Cotswold village, before the arrival of the

Create a Car which we know children

modern world. A warm, lovely and at times very funny read.

love. [Editor: Our children love to play the games!]


Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE



PUBLIC LIBRARIES The Cayman Islands Public Library Service boasts a fully accessible physical book collection for both adults and children, as well as a comprehensive eBook collection and an online SIRS (Social Issues Research System) database. The SIRS database is an excellent reference resource for students to find news articles, documents, books and journals. The library has made quite the transformation from its humble beginnings in 1920, as one room above the old jail, to the historic and beautifully maintained building that stands in the centre of George Town today. Well known for fostering a love of reading, the Cayman Islands Public Libraries provide a wide range of services, with branches in George Town, Bodden Town, West Bay, North Side, East End and Cayman Brac. - Lindsay Thompson



Play, Read, Learn

George Town Library, 68 Edward Street, Tel: (345) 949

For children between the ages of 3-5, with a parent or caregiver. Days and times vary, contact the George Town Library on

5159. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10am6pm, Thursday 10am-7.30pm and Saturday 10am-2pm.

Tel: (345) 949 5159 for details.

Summer Reading Programme Begins early July, geared toward school aged readers as a means of developing a childhood enjoyment of reading.

Saturday Chess Chess sessions are held from 11am-12noon every Saturday and are designed to introduce beginners to the game, and help intermediate players develop their skills. Open to children of all ages. A parent or caregiver must be in attendance.

LibraTech Computer literacy courses that cover basic computer skills. For further information on library programmes, please contact Director Ramona Melody at (345) 949 5159 (ext. 6105), email, or visit

Bodden Town Library, 69 Bodden Town Road, Bodden Town, Tel: (345) 947 0966. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am6pm, Friday 10am-1pm and Saturday 10am-2pm. East End Library,

2739 Sea View Road, East End, Tel: (345) 947 7729. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-1pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.

North Side Library, 891 North Side Road, North Side, Tel: (345) 947 9362. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-1pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.

Emily Redley Powery Memorial Library and Learning Centre, 182 Reverend Blackman Road, West Bay, Tel: (345) 949 7659. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.

Cayman Brac Library, 263B Stake Bay Road, Cayman Although not affiliated with the Cayman Islands Public Library Service; the Sam Basdeo Learning Resource Center, located at the University College of the Cayman Islands has some excellent academic resources within their collection. For further information on accessing their resources, please contact Mrs. Lucille Kong at (345) 623 0563 or email at:

Brac, Tel: (345) 948 0472. Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.

LIBRARY CARDS Library cards, are available to residents at an annual cost of CI$5 for adults and are free for children 17 and under.



The Danger of Too Much

SCREEN TIME Plus Helpful Tips & Tactics

Screen time is increasingly replacing the time that children and teenagers used to spend playing outside, hanging out with friends or talking to their families. Digital devices are so ubiquitous, and the games and apps available so engrossing, that screen addiction is becoming a very real danger. According to Common Sense Media the average American teen spends nine hours a day on digital media for enjoyment, while market research firm Childwise reports that 5 to 16 year olds in the UK spend between five and seven hours a day in front of a screen. - Natasha Were

With so many hours monopolised by screens, children are not getting the physical activity that they need to grow up fit and healthy: it’s a big contributor to the skyrocketing rates of childhood obesity, and it also means they are missing out on the joys of the great outdoors. Because so much of their interaction with their peers takes place via text message, through gaming or apps like Snapchat, virtual connections are replacing real friendships and socialisation skills are negatively affected. Even more worrying perhaps are the psychological effects: free or creative play is key in early childhood development, but the constant stimulation that children get from colourful moving images on screens may be stunting their own creative abilities. They’re receiving stimulation in a passive form – it’s being fed to them constantly - and as a consequence they are not having to use their imaginations to invent their own games and entertainment. With their attention narrowed down to one focal point - a screen - their awareness of, and natural curiosity about the real world is dulled or deadened.

Video Game Addiction Video games are particularly dangerous. These games are designed to be as addictive as possible: brain imaging shows that when engaged in video games like Candycrush or Minecraft, dopamine levels are raised. These are the feel-good neurotransmitters that play a key role in addiction dynamics. In other words, the brain of a child addicted to gaming looks like the brain of a person on drugs. This is why so many parents report their children becoming grumpy, irritable and even aggressive when their screens are taken away from them.


Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

Is this your child?

As with other addictions, children and teens that become addicted to online games may isolate themselves, skip meals and stay up late at night, to devote more time to their games. Worse still, excessive gaming can cause still-developing brains to be unable to distinguish between reality and the virtual worlds in which they spend so much time. And yet, despite the dangers, not all digital technology is bad. There are plenty of educational YouTube channels, apps that can help with reading and arithmetic, and interactive games that make them exercise their minds and bodies. Banning screens completely is therefore not necessarily the answer. A parents’ job is, after all, to prepare their child for the future – a future that will no doubt be filled with digital devices. So they’re going to need to be familiar with them – but also understand the dangers they pose. Addiction experts warn that overcoming gaming and screen addiction is as hard, if not harder than, overcoming substance addiction, so it’s vital to prevent that addiction taking hold.

Can Screen Addiction lead to Brain Damage? According to Dr. Victoria Dunckley, author of the article 'Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain,' for, there have been multiple studies involving the neuroimaging of children's brains that clearly show that excessive screen time can lead to brain damage. These studies show that, amongst other things, gray matter in our children's brains atrophy (shrink) in the area where processing occurs; this affects their planning and organising skills as well as the ability to organise and control their impulses.

Fortunately, there are numerous ways that parents can limit screen time, or make time spent on digital devices more constructive. A few ways to do this are:

Establish tech-free times and zones

Have an open and honest discussion Rather than simply taking the device away or setting rules, make it a two-way discussion. Most children will have some experience of classmates or peers with screen addiction. Be open about the dangers and why screen time needs to be controlled, and discuss how these devices can and should be used outside the classroom.

Take the virtual into reality There are plenty of ways to take the games and characters children know out of their digital form and make them real. Simple games like Angry Birds can be played in real life with a simple slingshot and empty cans or boxes as targets. Why not have children draw their favourite characters, or make their costumes and recreate the game?

Make use of parental controls Use the parental controls to block or filter internet content: Operating systems all have built-in parental controls and you can set restrictions in your browser to filter the content your children can access. Software such as NetNanny and Qustodio lets you block websites, impose screen-time limits, and monitor online activity. For smart phones and tablets, there are certain apps available (Bark, Limitly and TeenSafe, for instance) that allow parents to monitor and control online activity, whilst Social and Offtime restrict the time you can spend online or on-screen.

Practise what you preach Parents need to lead by example. Not allowing your children to do something while you do it yourself is unlikely to be well received. Adults are in just as much danger of becoming screen-obsessed as their offspring, and children certainly don’t want to feel they are competing with a phone or computer for their parents’ attention.

Make sure that certain times, such as meal times, are tech-free all round: everybody leaves their phones and tablets in a different room, the TV is switched off, and the family eats and talks together.

• Setting tech free areas – bedrooms in particular – will also help to ensure kids are not over-stimulated immediately prior to bedtime, and will not stay up late gaming and texting.

• A TV-free night once a week can also be a great opportunity for the family to enjoy quality time together playing board games, doing jigsaw puzzles or working on some kind of shared project.


Find apps to get them out and about

If they’re going to use apps, find ones that require movement and a connection to the natural world. Star gazing apps are a great way to get kids excited about the night sky, and plant and animal identification apps will stimulate their curiosity about the world. Zombies, Run! (for over 12s) send kids on a ‘mission’, while audio and visual effects simulate a zombie chase. The Walk is an app that challenges the player to walk 500 miles in 3 months, with plenty of challenges along the way.

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS SCREEN TIME RECOMMENDATIONS • Children younger than 18 months: Avoid all digital devices other than video-chatting.

• Children ages 2 to 5 years: Limit screen use to one hour per day of high - quality programmes. Co-view media with children to help them understand what they are seeing.

• Children ages 6 and up: Limit recreational screen time to two hours per day.


Common Sense Media:

Find independent age-based and educational ratings and reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows & websites. Amongst other things this resource from the American Academy of Paediatrics lets you create a Family Media Plan that you can print out and hang up at home.



Navigating The Troubling


Each stage of growth has its rewards and challenges. During infancy, a parent’s life is completely consumed with the needs of their little one - feeding, diapering, comforting. But watching the rapid development (albeit through sleep deprived eyes) that happens in this stage is very rewarding. Then, toddlerhood hits – with all the zeal and excitement of… well… a toddler. The challenges here are obvious for anyone who has survived their child’s toddler years – tantrums, a constant fight for independence, testing the limits, and bucking against what most parents expect of their child. Then the child grows and matures, beginning to venture out into the world on their own, to school and playdates and extracurricular activities and parents are lulled into familiar routines. Then, along comes the teen years – somewhat of a parallel to toddlerhood. - Carol Bennett

The teen years, when a child is between 13 and 19 years old, are the 'terrible two’s' all over again… only this time, your child has words, is independently mobile and they do not quite fit into the little wooden chair in the timeout corner anymore. Plus, they all of a sudden have their days and nights mixed up again. Their stomachs become 'bottomless pits' as they power through the week’s groceries in two days. They test the limits and scoff at sanctions imposed, and they commit the ultimate sin – depriving their parents of their company. Why is it that teens do such things? It is apparently all about establishing independence and developing a sense of self – finding out who they are separate from their parents. The changes in their bodies, mainly being flooded with a fresh boost of hormones, also helps to explain their behaviour. Puberty is a time of many physical changes. It takes a lot of fuel to power the growth and development of a teen. Parents will most likely find that the grocery budget has to be increased dramatically during these years. Keeping a steady supply of healthy food – including healthy carbohydrates and fats


– is advisable. Having food your teen can prepare themselves without assistance will help them develop the independence they are fighting for. Ensuring that you sit down to healthy, well-balanced family meals will serve many purposes, including helping parents monitor any changes in eating habits, which may be a sign that the child may need more support and guidance than they are accepting. A teen’s relationship with food may change. They will develop their own preferences outside of what is regularly served at the family table. This could mean that their eating habits may be more healthy than those of their family, and the teen could be a positive change agent in the family’s eating habits. However, be aware that teens may use food in unhealthy ways. One example is 'binge eating' to help deal with difficult situations and emotions. Another example is depriving themselves of food in order to change the way their bodies look. Be cognisant of any unhealthy relationship your child may have with food as these may be signs that your child needs professional help. Your once don’t-force-me-go-to-sleep

Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | SCHOOL AGE

child will most likely morph into the exact opposite and your teen will sometimes make you question whether he/she is hybernating. During the teen years, the Circadian Rhythm is temporarily reset, and could cause teens to get sleepy later at night, and want to sleep later into the day. The difference between this stage, however, and the newborn stage is that your teen will most likely not cry out for you in the middle of the night, and if you do go in to check, you may be greeted by a locked door or a child adorned with earphones which gives you a clear indication that your presence is not required. Teens, regardless of what their personal opinions are, do still require adequate amounts of sleep (between 8 – 10 hours per day). Helping your teen develop a bedtime routine, keeping their room quiet and calm, limiting the use of electronics prior to bed time while getting enough exercise can assist with healthy sleeping patterns. During this time, watch for teens who do not want to sleep at all (night nor day) or who are so excessively lethargic and fatigued that they sleep in such excess that it then interferes with other areas of their

life such as relationships and school. These may point to physical or emotional issues, including depression, which your child may need help to address. I know this will come as quite a shock – but your teen will most likely begin to think that you are no longer cool. Sorry, I know that hurt. But children in this stage begin to explore their identity outside of their family unit and independent of their parents. They begin to make choices for themselves and may challenge things which you thought you 'taught' them in their younger years. They may want to listen to music which you do not approve of, go to events which you yourself would never think of frequenting and the real kicker – they may want to spend time with people who may actually scare you. Your child is searching for their own self-identity separate from who they are as your child. Their relationship with their peers may become more important than any family bonds as this stage. You may find that they do things that are out of character. They test the limits and boundaries that you have established, and sometimes even laugh in the face of consequences. Children spend quite a lot of time alone when they are at home, usually locked in their own private space. When they are out of the house, it may be a rare find to see a lone teen. Peers seem to influence the child more than the family unit does at this age. Things to watch out for during this time are complete isolation and an undercurrent of anger and outright defiance. Consistently locking doors, not only when they need privacy, and insisting that you cannot have access to their electronic devices may also be red flags that they are hiding something that may be too difficult for them to handle alone. Children who have no close friendships at all or seem to be giving into peer pressure to the point where behaviours may lead to illegal activity or self harm are definite red flags. The child may need professional help to improve their self-image and develop skills to help them deal with negative peer pressure. The teen years are perhaps the most difficult, yet exciting time in a person’s life. Parents and other adults have to remember not to take things personally and to have patience with the developing teen, who is no longer a young child but a young adult. Continuing to ensure that the child knows that they have a strong and supportive network of people – their own 'village' - who care about them is important. Remembering that every generation ages in a different kind of world is helpful as you help your child navigate successfully through their teen years.


Things Scientists Have Learned About The Teenage Brain New Thinking Skills

Teen brains become more interconnected and gain processing power, due to the increase in brain matter during adolescence.

Highly Emotional

The accelerated development of the amygdala during teen years is believed to influence emotional responses and hormonal changes. This may cause teens intense experiences of rage, fear, aggression, excitement and sexual attraction.

Peer Pressure

Abstract reasoning is developed during the teenage years. Teens use their new reasoning ability to think about what others are thinking of them. As peer approval has been proven to be highly rewarding to teens, this ability to see themselves from another’s perspective can lead to an increase in social anxiety.

Measuring Risk

Adolescents have not yet fully developed the part of the brain responsible for risk-aversion, making them vulnerable to engaging in risky behaviour.

Super Self-Conscious

Increased sensitivity to the hormone oxytocin during adolescence has been linked to teens feeling highly self-conscious and like everyone is watching them.




LISTINGS Primary & High Schools, tutoring and special needs, libraries and more

school age LISTINGS

If you have children aged 4.5 to 18 then these listings will be useful for you. We list the Cayman Islands Government's primary and high school options, as well and the private primary and high school options. We also list: 1) all the tutors and tutoring companies 2) who to contact if you want to home school your child 3) the extra-curricular cultural and educational options and 4) where to get school uniforms and sporting equipment.

Education – government primary Seven of Grand Cayman's eight government primary schools now have a Kindergarten/ Reception year. Red Bay Primary School is the only government primary school that starts students in Grade 1, at the age of five (must be five by August 31st of the year of enrolment). In Cayman Brac, West End Primary and Creek Primary both have kindergarten years. Therefore, children who are four by September 1st can start in kindergarten (the same as the private schools) and stay in the primary school system until the end of Year 6 (aged 10, turning 11). Please see page 106 to learn more about Government schools. Please note that expatriates cannot send their children to Government schools unless one of the parents works for the Cayman Islands Government, and then only if there is space for the child. Students enrolling in Government primary and high schools must register with the Department of Education Services, 130 Thomas Russell Way, George Town, Grand Cayman or the Cayman Brac Teacher's Centre, between mid-May and mid-July. You will need to present a copy of your child's birth certificate, immunisation card and documentation showing the child's residency category (i.e. a passport, Right to be Caymanian certificate or status letter). Parents must also supply proof of their street address, by presenting a utility bill and lease or authorised letter from a landlord if renting. Catchment areas determine which school your child will attend. See for more information on the schools listed below. Bodden Town Primary School 6 Condor Road, Bodden Town. Tel: (345) 947 2288 Email: Acting Principal: Ms. June Elliott.

Creek Infant School (Brac) 28 Student Drive, Creek, Cayman Brac. Tel: (345) 948 0226 Email: Principal: Ms. Claudette Lazzari. East End Primary School 17 Sea View Road, East End. Tel: (345) 947 7428 Email: Principal: Mrs. Allison Greaves. Edna M. Moyle Primary School 907 North Side Road, North Side. Tel: (345) 947 9516 Email: Principal: Ms. Marcia Rennie. George Town Primary School 168 School Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2689 Email: Principal: Miss Marie Martin. John A. Cumber Primary School 44 Fountain Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 3314 Email: Principal: Mrs. Paul Samuel. Little Cayman Education Service Tel: (345) 948 1052 Email: veronica.juman-khan@ Teacher in Charge: Mrs. Veronica JumanKhan. Prospect Primary School 169 Poindexter Road, Prospect. Tel: (345) 947 8889 Email: Acting Principal: Mr. Matthew Read. Red Bay Primary School 271 Shamrock Road, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 947 6333 Email: Principal: Mrs. Vickie Frederick. Savannah Primary School 1659 Shamrock Road, Savannah. Tel: (345) 947 1344 Email: Principal: Mrs. Carol Nyack. Spot Bay Junior School (Brac) 170 Spot Bay Road, Cayman Brac. Tel: (345) 948 0225 Email: Principal: Ms. Claudette Lazzari. West End Primary School (Brac) 10 East West End Road, Cayman Brac. Tel: (345) 948 1425 Email: Acting Principal: Mrs. April Tibbetts.

136 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | School AGE

Education – Government High Schools & CIFEC All three Government high schools follow the Cayman Islands National Curriculum from years 7-9 and do CXC or GCSE from years 10-11. However, they do not have a year 12, although that year must be spent in full-time education. Clifton Hunter High School 311 Frank Sound Road, Frank Sound. Tel: (345) 949 9488 or (345) 947 7353 Email: pauline.beckford@ Principal: Ms. Pauline Beckford. John Gray High School 73 Academy Way, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 9444 Email: Principal: Mr. John Clark. Layman E. Scott High School (Brac) 941 A Dennis Foster Road, Cayman Brac Tel: (345) 948 2226 Email: Principal: Mr. Adrian Jones. CI Further Education Centre (CIFEC) 515 Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 3285 Email: Director: Ms. Delores Thompson Ages: 16-18 Curriculum: CIFEC offers BTEC vocational courses at Levels 1-3, which are the equivalent of GCSE (level 2) and A Levels (level 3). Each BTEC programme includes an internship with an employer. Many employers work with CIFEC and BTEC students often find that their employment is extended after the internship has finished. Students are given the opportunity to re-sit Level 2 Maths, English and Science if they did not pass them in High School. BTEC courses on offer include ICT, Beauty Therapy, Hospitality, Health & Social Care, Art, Creative Media, Work Skills, Business, Construction and Sport & Leisure. Also on offer is the IMI Motor Vehicle course.

Education – private primary & high schools Cayman has excellent private schools, all offering either the American, British or Caribbean curriculums and one school offers the International Baccalaureate diploma. In each school the main intake is for Kindergarten (British) and Pre-K (US) in the year your child is turning 4. The most popular schools have very few places available in KG/Pre-K and virtually none in Year 1, so you must put your child's name on the waiting list before your child turns one.

Cayman Prep and High School (ages 4-18)

Leading the Way. Excellence in Action.

School Description: At CPHS their students are placed at the centre of learning and teaching. Differentiated instruction enhances learning for all students by engaging them in activities that respond to particular needs, strengths, and preferences and is effective in supporting the full range of ability levels in the classroom. Their Christian ethos is evident throughout the school and they inspire their students to think, from the very earliest ages, about what sort of contribution they will make to the world.

Curriculum: Revised National Curriculum of England (2014), IGCSE & GCSE, AS and A-levels - Cambridge International Examinations and Welsh Joint Education Committee.

Facilities: FIFA Grade multi-purpose astro-turf playing field and multipurpose hardcourt, Computing & Media Suites with tablets and laptops, Arts rooms with kilns, state of the art science labs, interactive technology in all classrooms, and a Virtual Learning Environment.

Extracurricular: Primary Aftershool Care until 5.30pm daily. Afterschool Clubs: art, drama, music, rugby, cricket, badminton, basketball, netball, GAA, football, volleyball, Robotics, Key Club, science, Duke of Edinburgh, homework club, diving, snorkelling, Junior MUN, Senior MUN.

Mission “We offer a high quality learning-focused environment where learning is irresistible, engaging and enjoyable and a setting where students make real choices, develop positive self-esteem and high moral values, based on our Christian beliefs” Trish Taylor, Primary School Principal, CPHS


Year 11 GCSE achievements: 95% A*-C, 75% A*-B, 45% A*-A. Year 12 AS-level achievements: 96% pass rate, 73% of all passes in the A-C band, 49% at A-B. One student received the highest grade in the world in AS Travel & Tourism. Our Year 13 A-level students recorded 54 passes at the very highest A*-A grades. 70% of grades awarded were A*-B.

Details: Primary Head: Trish Taylor High School Head: Phillip Burgess Student population: 950 Annual fees (2017-18): KG-Yr 6 $10,045 Years 7-9 $10,905 Year 10-11 $11,550 Year 12-13 $12,750 Sibling Discount: 3rd child 25%

“I have been humbled by the amount of time and energy students and staff contribute to raising funds and awareness of causes and charities both local and international” Phillip Burgess, High School Principal, CPHS

Primary School: 242 Smith Road, GT | (345) 949 5932 | | High School: 559 Walkers Road, GT | (345) 949 9115 | | Facebook: @caymanprep


St. Ignatius Catholic School (ages 3-18)

Catholic education as an integration of body, mind and spirit. School Description: At St. Ignatius, the holistic development of each individual is our primary purpose. Our Staff, from Nursery to Sixth Form, strive to know and nurture each pupil, working together to promote strengths and self-worth, in mind, body and spirit. We work diligently so that all pupils leave us as discerning believers, effective communicators, reflective, creative and holistic thinkers, self-directed lifelong learners, collaborative contributors, caring family members and responsible citizens. We invite you to join the St. Ignatius community of 30 nationalities, providing a rich diversity of cultures and perspectives.

Curriculum: Modified British Curriculum (IGCSE and GCSE); AS and A Levels – Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and WJEC.

Facilities: Three science labs, music wing (including sound–proof practice rooms), canteen with full kitchen, art room, school hall, modern classrooms, sports field, basketball and a netball court, Virtual Learning Environment and laptop programme for Years 7-13. Extracurricular: After-school clubs, art, drama, music, sailing, tennis, diving, cricket, rugby, soccer, Cub Scouts, Brownies, cooking clubs, annual music production, house activities. After-school care available 2.30pm–5.30pm daily. Weekly learning support available, football (girls and boys), netball, table tennis, field hockey, volleyball, badminton, fitness, sailing and diving.


British Curriculum • Three Science Labs • Music Wing • 1:1 Laptops for High School • Wide Variety of After-school Clubs

Details: Secondary Head: Mr. Peter Embleton Primary Head: Mr. James Hickey Student Population: 675 Annual Fees (2017-18): Nursery - Year 6: Annual CI$8,905 Years 7-11: Annual CI$10,301 Years 12 – 13: Annual: CI$12,046 Sibling discount: A third child receives a 25% discount on fees. Average class size: 22-26 Meals: Hot lunches CI$5-CI$6 daily

599 Walkers Rd, George Town | (345) 949 9250 | general@st– |– 138 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | School AGE

Cayman International School

Character - Knowledge - Service (ages 2-18)

School Description: CIS is a private, college preparatory, non-sectarian, co-educational school that provides strong academic and extensive extracurricular programmes. The 13 acre campus located in Camana Bay includes early childhood (from age two), elementary, middle and high school. CIS has a strong sense of community where students learn, play and support each other in a modern, safe and studentfocused environment. Curriculum: Students enrol in a college preparatory programme through American and international curricula that respond to the individual needs of students. CIS is accredited by Middle States Association and is authorised for the IB Diploma Programme.


IB Programme • 1:1 iPads and Chromebooks • STEAM Lab ProjectBased Learning, Athletics and Arts programmes


Director: Dr. Jeremy Moore Student: 600+ • Average Class Size: 15 Faculty Size: 70 teachers Annual Fees $3,978- $19,540

95 Minerva Dr. Camana Bay | (345) 945 4664 | |



Working Together To Be The Best


Hope Academy (ages 5-18)


School Description: A full-time educational programme designed especially for those who would benefit from a smaller learning environment. Hope Academy also offer online courses and an automotive vocational programme for high school students. Curriculum: American. Extracurricular Activities: Several after-school programmes are available and may include academic intervention, homework assistance or one of the therapy options available.


American Curriculum • Small Class Size • Assisted Learning available for students needing extra support • Extracurricular activities and sports


Head of School: Samantha Tibbetts Student Population: 120-130 • Average Class Size: 8-15 Fees (2016-17): CI$14,000-CI$30,000

Grand Harbour Shops, Units 1-8 | (345) 769 4673 | |


Blue Waters Academy Opposite Red Bay Primary School, Shamrock Road, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 916 4782 Email: Director: Sue Horrocks Age range: 4-11 years Application fee: CI$150 Annual school fees: CI$9,999 Curriculum: English National Curriculum. Cayman Academy 211 Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 640 2630 or (345) 926 7190 Email: Age Range: 2 years 9 months-18 years Student population: 329 Fees per year: Pre-K–Grade 6: CI$3,623; Grade 7–12: CI$5,965; CAPE: CI$9,000 Average class size: 20-25 Curriculum: Cayman Islands Curriculum, CSEC and CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination). Cayman International School 95 Minerva Drive, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 945 4664 Email: cis@cayintschool. ky Web: Age Range: 2–18 years Student population: 590 Application fee: CI$300 Annual fees (2016-17): Nursery: 5 days/week: CI$9,944; 3 days/week: CI$5,966; 2 days/week: CI$3,978; Pre K3: 5 days/week CI$11,941; 3 days/week: CI$7,165; Pre K4: CI$11,941; Kindergarten: CI$12,910; Grades 1–3: CI$15,049; Grades 4–12 CI$18,228CI$19,540. Average class size: 13-18 (Pre-K to Grade 12) Curriculum: American. IB Diploma, IB Certificates, United States High School Diploma. Cayman Prep & High School Primary School site: 242 Smith Road, GT. Tel: (345) 949 5932 Email: psoffice@ High School site: 559 Walkers Road, GT. Tel: (345) 949 9115 Email: Web: Ages: 4–18 years Registration fee: CI$300 Annual fees: Kindergarten-Year 6: CI$10,045, Years 7–13: CI$10,905-CI$12,750 Student Population Primary School: 500 Student Population High School: 420 Maximum class size: 25 with all infant classes (KG to Year 2) staffed by a qualified teacher and a Learning Assistant. Curriculum:

FBCS & WEE Care (ages 3 mons-11 yrs)

Academic Excellence Centered On Jesus Christ At First Baptist Christian School we accept children from 3 months to 11 years old and take great pride in assisting our students excel both academically and spiritually. As a proud member of the ACSI you can expect nothing but the highest level of education for your children with our U.S. based curriculum.


American Christ-centered curriculum • Researchbased instructional practices, and 21st Century Skills • ACSI Member • Terra Nova tests


Principal: Dr. Linda Cross WEE Care Director: Beverly Chin-Sinn Student Population: 250 Annual Preschool fees: $5695 - $7045 Annual Fees Grade K-6: $7,797 - $8,203 920 Crewe Road | (345) 945 7906 | | |

140 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | School AGE

British based. IGCSE, GCSE, AS and A Levels (Cambridge International and Welsh examination boards). First Baptist Christian School & WEE Care 920 Crewe Road, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 945 7906 Email: Web: Ages: 5-12 years (Kg-Grade 6) Application fee: CI$150 Annual fees: Kindergarten-Grade 6: CI$7,915 Sibling discount: Sibling's fees are CI$7, 527 Student population: 130 Average class size: 16-22 Curriculum: American, Christian-based education. US Curriculum. Grace Christian Academy 21 Crescent Close, off Boltins Ave, West Bay. Tel: (345) 945 0899 Email: Web: Ages: 3–18 years Application fee: CI$150 Annual fees: Preschool Half-Day: CI$4,764; Preschool Full-Day: CI$8,711; Grades K–5: CI$9,610; Grades 6–12: CI$10,112– CI$10,582 Curriculum: American, Christian-based education. Grades 6-12: US curriculum. Advanced Placement classes are also offered. Students take SAT in Grade 12. Hope Academy Units 1-8 Grand Harbour Shoppes, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 769 4673 Email: office@ Web: Ages: 5–18 years Application fee: CI$150 (includes Academic/Therapeutic Screenings as needed) Annual school fees: KG - 12: CI$13,650 Annual book fees: CI$450 per student Tutoring fees: CI$50/hour session Speech fees: CI$125/hour session Behaviour therapy: CI$200/per hour Neuropsychological assessment: CI$3,300 Educational assessment: CI$2,200 Student population: 120-130 Maximum class size: 12-15 Curriculum: American. Montessori By The Sea 277 Prospect Point Drive, Prospect. Tel: (345) 947 0684 Email: kourtni@ Web: Ages: 21 months – 12 years (Toddlers – Grade 6) Student population: Approximately 155 Application fee: CI$250 Annual fees: (once per year) CI$700 Programmes: Toddler (21 months-3 years): 5 full days/week CI$11,015, 8am–3pm; 5 half-days: CI$9,890, 8am–12pm. Casa/ Pre-K–Kindergarten (3-6 years): Full-days/week CI$9,940, 8am–3pm; half-days (3-4 years 9 months): CI$8,980, 8am–12pm Elementary–Lower/ Grades 1-3 (6-9 years) and Upper/Grades 3-6 (9-12 years): CI$10,200, 8am-3.15pm Mixed Ages: There are mixed ages in each of the programmes. Teacher-student ratio: Toddler: 1:5; Casa: 1:10; Elementary: 1:12 Curriculum: Follows the Montessori philosophy, while integrating the British and Canadian education curriculum. St. Ignatius Catholic School 599 Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 9250 Email: general@ st– Web:– Ages: 3–18 years Student population: 665 Average class size: 22–26 Application fee: CI$100 Annual Fees: Nursery–Year 6: CI$8,905; Years 7–11 CI$10,301; Years 12–13 CI$12,046 (fees can also be paid per term and per month) Curriculum: Modified British Curriculum (IGCSE and GCSE); AS and A Levels – Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC) Triple C School 74 Fairbanks Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6022 Email: triplec@candw. ky Website: Ages: 3-18 Student population: 400 Average class size: 20 Application fee: CI$100 Capital fee: CI$400 Annual fees: Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten full-day: CI$6,724, half-day: CI$5,043; KgGrade 3: CI$7,153; Grades 4–8: CI$7,439-CI$7,870; Grades 9–12: CI$9,299CI$9,586 Curriculum: American - children work towards an American high school diploma accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Truth For Youth School 84 Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2620 or (345) 949 7041 Email: Ages: 4 years 9 months-11 years Monthly Fees: Kindergarten to Grade 6: CI$400 per month Curriculum: American.

Wesleyan Christian Academy 150 North West Point Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 1121 Email: Ages: 3 years 9 months - 18 years Annual fees: Pre K– Grade 12: CI$5,000-CI$5,500. Book Fee, Lunch and other fees not included Curriculum: American.

Special Needs Education For children requiring more intensive help, there are a number of other schooling options. For private tutors see this page and for medical practioners who can help with physical or behavioural problems see the Health listings on page 185. Early Intervention Programme 515 Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 926 1413 Email: Services provided: early intervention teachers, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, programme for the visually impaired, teacher for the hearing impaired, counselor, educational psychologist, music therapy. The Lighthouse School Shamrock Road, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 947 5454 Email: This is a government school for children from ages 4–17 who have moderate to severe special educational needs, or for children with complex or multiple challenges to their learning. Sunrise Adult Training Centre 181 Powery Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 3330 Email: A government run facility for adults aged 18 to 45 with disabilities. They offer training and therapeutic programmes to ensure independence and full inclusion within the larger Caymanian community. The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman Tel: (345) 321 2957 Email: info@ Web: www. A non-profit organisation of parents, educators and professionals, committed to supporting children with a range of special needs.

HOmeschooling The homeschooling community in Cayman is well-established and Tiffany Knowles, who founded the vibrant Cayman Homeschoolers group, says that they co-ordinate extracurricular activities, share advice and support each other. There are very strict rules on homeschooling your children, and you must complete and submit the Home Schooling Registration Form. See page 112 for more information. Department of Education Services Director of the Department, 130 Thomas Russell Avenue, PO Box 91, Grand Cayman KY1-1103, Cayman Islands. Tel: (345) 945 1199, Email: errol. or or Web:

Mental & Educational Assessments educational assessments Hope Academy Clinical Services Tel: (345) 769 4673 Email: office@hopecayman. com Web: They offer psycho-educational and neuro-psychological evaluations to school-age children and adults. Transformations Ltd. Tel: 345 324 1298 Email: admin@ Web: www. Services provided: educational assessments, school consultations, in-class support, home support for parents and children, training for caregivers.

Extra-Curricular classes Acting & Theatre classes Cayman Drama Society (CDS) Prospect Playhouse, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 938 1998 Email: Web: CDS offers ongoing after-school acting and stage production classes as well as intensive holiday acting and drama camps. CDS has a full-time education officer on staff. Centre Pointe Dance Studio (CPDS) Alissta Towers, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 926 9603 Email: Web: CPDS produces theatre and dance shows, involving students of the school. They often perform with the Cayman Drama Society on their musical productions. Musicians Ltd 4 Dot Com Centre, 342 Dorcy Drive, Airport Industrial Park. Tel: (345) 525 6787 Email: janine@ Web: Known for their musical theatre performances, students at Musicians Ltd prepare over a number of months.

art classes Art Nest Unit 24, Pasadora Place, 94 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 0107 Email: artnestcayman@ Web: The Art Nest holds art classes for Hatchlings (ages 4-8) and Nestlings (ages 9-12) where they are taught a variety of art techniques using various mediums. They also host a toddler art and sensory playgroup and a popular summer camp.

summer CNCF offers and educational youth programme called Young At Arts (YAA) for children aged 14-22 years. They also offer the Summer Arts Camp programme for children aged 6-16. In the Easter holiday they host the Young Image Makers' Introduction to film making workshop for ages 10 to 17. Visual Arts Society of the Cayman Islands Email: Web: www. They offer art and craft camps after school, during school breaks and in the summer. The camp is held at the studio on the grounds of Pedro St. James, which provides an inspiring location and space for painting, drawing, arts and crafts and ceramics, with plenty of room for the children to enjoy the outdoors. Young at Art Dee’s Plaza, Crewe Road. Tel: (345) 928 0284 Email: Web: They offer after school and school holiday art camps and also hosts birthday parties.

Cadet Corps Cayman Islands Cadet Corps Tel: (345) 946 9810 Email: cadetcorps@gov. ky Cadets learn life skills, develop morals and high standards of conduct through challenging, military-style activities. The programme offers a wide range of activities including drills, field craft, adventure, navigation, first aid, music and waterbased activities.

Cooking Classes Bon Vivant Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 623 2665 Email: info@ Web: They run regular after school and weekend classes that are designed to inspire budding young chefs (ages 4-12 years). They’ll learn basic cooking skills and create delicious and nutritious dishes.

Diving Courses

Local diving companies offer a number of programmes for children, who can become PADI certified (Junior Open Water Diver) as early as age 10. Those who are younger have several options: the Bubblemaker programme is available to 8-9 year olds, and is a chance for them to try out scuba gear in the confines of a pool under the supervision of a qualified instructor. For children aged 5-8 years, there is S.A.S.Y (Supplied Air Snorkelling for Youth). This is for surface snorkelling only, but participants wear buoyancy jackets and regulators so they can feel what it might be like to use dive gear.

The Cayman Islands National Gallery Esterly Tibbetts Highway, mid-way between Camana Bay and the Butterfield roundabout. Tel: (345) 945 8111 Web: ky They run workshops throughout the year for all age groups and skill levels based on their temporary exhibitions series.

Divetech Lighthouse Point, West Bay. Tel: (345) 946 5658 Email: Web: www.divetech. com. Offers the S.A.S.Y. training to children aged eight and up.

Cayman National Cultural Foundation Tel: (345) 949 5477 Email: Web: Once a year in the

Don Fosters South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 945 5132 Email: Web: www. They offer Discover Scuba


Diving classes, Open Water and Divemaster courses plus boat training from small power boats to dive boat mate courses. Fitness Connection Glen Eden Road, off South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8485 Email: fitness@fitness. ky Web: They run PADI courses for kids including the Seals programme, Junior Open Water Diver and scuba. Private courses can be arranged. Red Sail Sports Tel: (345) 525 6972 They offer the Bubblemaker programme for 8-9 year olds. Sunset Divers 390 South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 6789 Email: Web: www.sunsethouse. com They offer various dive courses plus boat and shore dives.

First Aid, CPR & Water Rescue Courses Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) Thomas Russell Way, George Town. First Aid Training Manager: (345) 925 0715 Email: firstaid@ Web: They offer the American Red Cross (ARC) syllabus and certification in the following courses: Infant/ Child/Adult First Aid, CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) course; Lifeguard Training, Pro Responder CPR and Basic Water

Rescue. Although the American Red Cross does not set a lower age limit on any of their courses, unless your child can complete the full range of skills they will not be certified. They will however receive a certificate of attendance. The minimum age they recommend is 14. Fitness Connection Glen Eden Road, off South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8485 Email: fitness@ Web: They teach the ASHI CPR/AED course as well as the SAI Safety Training Aquatic Rescue Course and Starguard Life Guard training. The minimum recommended age for any of these courses is 14.

HIV, AIDS, Gender & Sexuality Training Cayman Islands Red Cross Thomas Russell Way, George Town. Tel: 345 916 1742 or 345 949 6785 Email: deputy@redcross. The CIRC offers a basic information course on HIV and AIDS, as well as courses on gender and sexuality, healthy sexuality and sexualisation, and HIV and AIDS stigma and discrimination. The course is aimed at children 16 and up, but they can modify a course for children aged 12-15 with some advance notice.

Language Courses

Spanish and French are offered from Kindergarten to A Levels in most of the private schools, however, fewer schools offer French at

Cayman (ages 5-18) Learning Centre

Cayman Learning Centre

Helping Students Achieve Their Potential Cayman Learning Centre makes learning easier. Some students come to us with previously diagnoses such as dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders or general learning challenges – and we make a difference for each of them. We knowthat all students can be helped to reach their true potential – and we get results.


Highly qualified teachers versed in learning differences • Initial assessment to identify strengths and weakness • Research-based and individualised programs


Centre Director: Carrie Patraulea Student Teacher Ratio: 3:1 private tuition available Fee: In-centre $40 per 50 minute session Fee: Private home tutoring $60 per session Home-school fee: Pricing available upon request

7 Pasadora Place, Smith Road | (345) 943 7323

142 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | School AGE

early childhood level. Most of the government schools now offer Spanish classes as part of the regular curriculum from primary school but classes are limited to one hour per week per year group. If you think your child would benefit from tutoring in a second language then you can contact the following companies. French Tuition Cayman Tel: (345) 928 7526 Email: frenchtuitionky@ They offer French classes in your own home for children aged 5 and up, from beginner to advanced levels. Modern Language Institute Jetik Building, 12 Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 8254 Email: modernlanguages11@ They offer regular tutoring in English as a second language and Spanish. Depending on demand they can offer other languages as well.

Tutoring Companies If your child is struggling to learn to read by the end of Year 1 (5 going on 6) then don't take the school's word for it (that they just need time) and consider getting your child assessed for dyslexia. You can have a full-blown emotional, behavioural and learning assessment done (which is invaluable, but can cost upwards of CI$3500) or you can discuss your concerns with a tutoring

Footsteps (ages 3 & up) Tutoring Ltd.

Helping Children Achieve Their Goals, One Step At A Time

Footsteps is a private tutoring company run by competent, professional and caring teachers with experience in leading UK schools and Cayman private schools. Footsteps offers support, consolidation and extension to children aged three and over, in all areas of the curriculum. Footsteps also specialises in homeschool support and enrichment, offering a range of options to suit the varied needs of homeschooling families on island.


Individualised private tutoring • Homeschool support for children aged 3 & over


After school tutoring in all areas of the curriculum • Individual and small group sessions available • Homeschool enrichment group session available every day • Special needs support for students with developmental differences

(345) 917 7657 | (345) 916 0875 |

company that specialises in either the Wilson or the Orton-Gillingham dyslexia remediation programme. Within the space of an hour they can complete a comprehensive test that assess the students' current reading level, reading fluency, phonological skills, and their understanding of letter-sound combinations. Alpha Academy #6 Paddington Place, Godfrey Nixon Way, George Town. Tel: (345) 947 7475 or (345) 928 7992 Email: Web: www. Full time tutors in physics, chemistry, biology, technology (including IT), engineering and maths, as well as English and Spanish for students from primary school age to college level. Cayman Learning Centre #7 Pasadora Place, Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 7323 Email: info@caymanlearning. com Web: CLC offers tutoring programmes in literacy and numeracy skills including reading, writing, spelling and comprehension. Clever Fish Windjammer Building, Walkers Road. Tel: (345) 516 4623 Email: An after-school academic and enrichment programme for students from Year 4 and up.

Footsteps GKF Building, Godfrey Nixon Way, George Town. Tel: (345) 917 7657 Email: footstepsltd@ Web: www.footstepscayman. com Private and semi-private tutoring for all age groups including special learning support, homeschooling support and exam preparation. Subjects covered include English, maths, science and humanities. High Achievement Academy Windjammer Building, Walkers Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 746 5555 Email: info@ Web: Educational and professional tutoring for all ages (5+) and abilities in small groups or oneon-one. Classes available seven days a week including holidays during the day or evening. They also offer a homework club from 3pm-5pm for CI$10. I Read For Life Barnett Building, 24 Hulah Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 947 1497 Email: Web: They offer a method of reading remediation that helps struggling readers gain self-confidence, improve comprehension and read faster. Math Tutoring With Claude Bailey Tel: (345) 926 3812 A former Golden Apple recipient, Mr Bailey offers maths tutoring for

High Achievement Academy (all ages) Confidence • Success • Skills

High Achievement Academy offers small group and one - on - one tutoring for all ages and abilities. Sessions offered seven days a week provided by highly qualified and experienced teachers knowledgeable in UK, US, Caribbean and IB curriculum.


Subjects: Maths • English • Science • Geography Business • Languages • Accounts • ICCI • UCCI • ITC/Computing Courses: Primary • Secondary • CXC • (I)GCSE • IB A Levels • College • Homework Help • Study Skills


Personalised learning approach to meet your objectives • Day and evening sessions available • Spacious, modern learning environment

461 Walkers Rd, #10, 2nd Floor, Windjammer Plaza | (345) 746 5555 | |

grades 3-12 and help for university level maths. 100% Math Windward Plaza, 93 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 327 1872 Email: info@100percentmath. com Web: They offer one-on-one, collaborative and small group tutoring in maths along with home tutoring and a homework club. 100% Math educates, excites, transforms and empowers learners. Peter Westin Tel: (345) 949 9137 Email: pwestin@easyconnect. ky Peter offers tutoring in middle and/or high school history, English and maths. Triple T Learning Tel: (345) 323 0665 Email: Tripletlearning@ Web: Katie Dilbert and her team at Triple T Learning offer research-based reading remediation, as well as enrichment for children from Pre-K to Grade 12. Triple T also specialises in literacy and dyslexia; each teacher is trained in the Orton-Gillingham approach and uses the Wilson-based reading products. They offer a mobile service and will come to your house or your child's school.

Tell them you saw it in


Triple T Learning

(primary school to high school tutoring) Teach, Try, Triumph Triple T Learning is a mobile tutoring company that provides academic tutoring in the comfort of your own home or venue most convenient for you. Tutors are also available to work during school hours at various, local schools. All teachers are highlyqualified and experienced educators with experience in teaching various subject areas. Their motto is "Teach, Try, Triumph!"


Individual and personal rapport with all clients • 1:1 reading intervention services • Orton-Gillingham approach for adults and children with dyslexia (or similar reading difficulties) • Tailored to meet the needs of the individual


General subjects/homework help • Exam preparation • School readiness skills (preschool-aged children) • Math and English enrichment services

(345) 323 0665 |


Music Equipment & Lessons Music Equipment The Music Box Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 938 3838 Email: Web: www. They sell musical instruments, accessories, music books and recording equipment. They also repair and rent musical equipment. Myles Music Store Barnett Building, 24 Hulda Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 1753 Email: They also sell, rent and repair guitars. William Steward Tel: (345) 925 4535 Email: pianotunacayman@ A very experienced piano technician and member of the Master Piano Technicians of America. He can tune, regulate and repair acoustic pianos as well as install dehumidifier systems.

Music Lessons

There are multiple avenues for children and adults to learn to play a musical instrument, whether through school or with a private music tutor. Twice a year examiners from Trinity College London fly to Cayman to offer exams to students who have been preparing according to the Trinity music syllabus. Musical instruments are duty free and prices of instruments are very reasonable. Cayman Music School Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 938 3838 Email: Web: www. They offer a wide variety of instrumental lessons as well as tuition in singing, music theory, music appreciation, ear training/Solfege, composition, music technology and recording. They also offer a Rock School programme, jazz programme, bands (rock and jazz), dance classes and yoga. Musicians ltd 4 Dot Com Centre, 342 Dorcy Drive, Airport Industrial Park. Tel: (345) 525 6787 Email: janine@ Web: They offer group performing arts classes, private instrumental lessons, a Rock School and music theory. Myles Music Store Barnett Building, 24 Hulda Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 1753 Email: They offer piano, guitar and drum lessons. They also sell, rent and repair guitars.

Fancy dress costumes Cayman have some very good party stores that stock fancy dress costumes. Around Halloween and Pirates Week the variety of costumes increases considerably, however, if your child has a themed dress-up day we suggest you get organised early as supplies sell out quickly. Useful stores for buying costumes include:

It’s Your Party Bodden Place, Shedden Road, George Town, Grand Cayman. Tel: (345) 946 4453 Web: www. Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am7pm and Sundays 10am-1pm. Party Source Paddington Place, Godfrey Nixon Way, George Town. Tel: (345) 947 2789 Email: party.source@ Web: Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm and Sundays 10am-2pm. The PartyVille 5 Plaza Venezia, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 8455 Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm.

Design Your Own Costume

Although buying a costume on the Island is quick and easy, it can often get expensive. Making your own costume can be a fun, budget-friendly alternative, especially with the availability of stores that supply fabrics and accessories. These stores include: Super Stitch Sewing and Fabric Centre Tel: (345) 949 2833 Creative Fashion & Design Tel: (345) 949 0034 Smith Road Sewing and Supplies Tel: (345) 949 8407

Medical health providers for children See page 182 in the health chapter for a list of medical health providers for children. These include paediatricians, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, counselors and psychologists.

SCHOOL HEALTH SCREENINGS See page 108 for information on getting your child a school health screening prior to starting at primary school for the first time.

Island Embroidery 119 Dorcy Drive, opposite the Airport Park. Tel: (345) 949 4733 Sells school uniforms for Hope Academy, Triple C, First Baptist Christian School and Truth for Youth. However, many other schools, such as Cayman Prep, suggest that Tilley hats and book bags are brought in to be monogrammed with your child's name.

Sports Clothing & equipment There are several places to buy sports clothing and equipment on the Island. You can also find golf apparel and equipment at the pro shops at North Sound and Ritz-Carlton golf courses. Tennis gear can be purchased at the Ritz-Carlton tennis shop and the Cayman Islands Tennis Club. You can find a very nice selection of yoga clothing, yoga mats and accessories at Activ Angels in Camana Bay and at Bliss Living & Yoga in the Marquee Plaza. Activ Angels 10 Market Street, Camana Bay Tel: (345) 946 2645 Though mostly aimed at adults, Activ Angels do carry apparel for children, and they also sell yoga mats, towels and water bottles. Sport ‘N’ Zone Hospital Road Plaza, Walkers Road, George Town Tel: (345) 945 6453 Sells branded clothing and footwear including Nike, Reebok, Adidas and more. Sports Supply Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 7884 Web: Offers clothing for football, yoga, tennis and general fitness. Brands include Nike, Adidas, Asics, Champion and Under Armour. They also stock watersports equipment and home gym equipment. Waterman Cayman Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 769 7873 Sells equipment and clothing for watersports such as paddleboarding, surfing and kiteboarding.

Sunday school & Church services school uniforms & embroidery services All the Government schools in Cayman provide uniforms which they sell through their uniform shops. Many private schools also do this, but if there is a polo shirt that needs to be embroidered with the school logo then these are usually supplied by Island Embroidery. Other schools supply part of their uniforms in-house and outsource the rest to Lands End where you can find the school, and their uniform, listed under the Cayman Islands. Uniforms should be duty free but only with a duty waiver, so it is cheaper if you allow the school to place a bulk order on behalf of the parents. Cayman International School is the only school that does not have a uniform shop and all uniforms are ordered through Caribbean Creations, but you have to go through the school to order the clothes.

144 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | School AGE

See page 123 for a list of churches and Sunday school times.

TEEN LEADERSHIP TRAINING YMCA Tel: (345) 926 9622 Email: ysummercamp@ Web: The YMCA Teen Leaders programme reaches young people aged 13-17. Teen Leaders gain important leadership skills and experience through projects that they select. Many also serve as Counselorsin-Training during Y day camps which reinforces core values and leadership skills. This free programme fosters a positive sense of identity, values, and confidence amongst participants.





Cayman Parent has interviewed two young Caymanians about their internships at Dart and Deloitte - see what they have to say!

Photo courtesy of Creations Unlimited








From preparing for college, finding the right university and applying for a scholarship Cayman Parent has all the info you need.

How to politely ask your teenager to find their own place and to figure out their own footing in the world.

Driving in Cayman can be daunting especially for those just getting their licence! In this section, we break down the rules for young drivers.





GET A SCHOLARSHIP Preparing For College College is an important investment in your child’s future and it is never too early to start to prepare. Even if your child is a high academic achiever, more than good grades may be required to be offered a place in the college or university of their choice, or to attract a scholarship. Cayman Parent provides you with some guidance on how to prepare your child for college and advice on scholarships that may be available.

It’s Never Too Late To Prepare Some children will know very early on what they want to do in life, but for others, it will take some time. Allow your child the freedom to try many different activities and encourage them to excel in a few of their favourites. Whether its sports, the creative arts or chess club, exposure to extracurricular activities will help them develop their true talents. Encourage them to learn a new skill during their summer breaks and to play an active part in helping their local community. Most colleges and universities favour well-rounded individuals who have developed the commitment to make significant contributions in their fields of interest and have taken on leadership roles. Fortunately, there are many excellent activities available in Cayman from music and dance schools to martial arts training and acting opportunities at the Cayman Drama Society. There are also many community-based and voluntary organisations where your child can become actively involved.

Plan Ahead & Consider a Scholarhip You should be discussing life beyond compulsory schooling with your child before the end of middle

146 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | ADOLESCENT

school. It’s never too early! Encourage realistic goals but do not limit their aspirations! Discuss the options of studying in Cayman or going overseas. Most importantly, be transparent about the financial costs of college education early on. This will help you optimise your college search and avoid disappointment later on. Studying abroad presents tremendous opportunities for personal growth and career development, but for some families, it is too costly an option. Fortunately, there are many generous merit-based and vocational scholarships awarded annually by both the public and private sector that provide excellent opportunities for overseas studies. For students who prefer to stay closer to home while earning a degree, it’s important to note that there are scholarships available that provide funds for degree programmes at excellent local institutions such as the University College of the Cayman Islands, St. Matthews University, International College of the Cayman Islands and the Cayman Islands Truman Bodden Law School. Every scholarship is different and will have varying requirements, so for detailed information on all the requirements needed to apply for a government scholarship, parents can visit the web page; email the Scholarship Secretariat on or check the Cayman Scholarship Directory at for information about private sector scholarships. Students may also apply for scholarships offIsland directly from the educational institute they are seeking to attend. The latter often applies to athletic scholarships in the United States (keep reading for more information on scholarships starting on page 148).

Foster Academic Readiness Planning for life after high school should begin long before graduation. You should have a keen understanding of your child’s strengths, weaknesses and unique talents. It is important to keep in mind that all tertiary institutions, both at home and overseas, require higher level passes (CXC Level 1-3 or GCSE A*-C) in English Language and Mathematics. If your child is underperforming in either of these core areas, you should find out why and then determine the best course of action to take to address this challenge. Taking an active role in your child’s education and regularly attending the school’s reporting sessions, will develop a supportive partnership where you and the teachers are working together in your child’s interests. Talk to your child’s teachers and work together to encourage your child to meet targets for improved performance. The key is not to focus on your child’s weaknesses (we all have them!) but to take an active role in optimising your child’s performance in all subjects before they get to high school and academic demands become more rigorous. Keep in mind that most scholarships are merit-based and are awarded to children who have obtained at least a 3.0 GPA, IB diploma, three A Levels and at least seven passes in IGCSE, GCSE, CXC or O Level, including the core subjects of Mathematics and English.

Encourage Good Study Habits Help your child to find out how he/she studies best and to develop an 'Action Plan' for studying and time management. This should include prioritising tasks and listing them in order of importance. Discuss realistic goals and commitment, bearing in mind that outside interests remain important in developing a ‘well-rounded’ individual. Your goal is to develop in your child, a personal sense of direction and purpose, and the self-motivation which is essential for successful further education.

Teach Your Child to Budget Wisely Discuss with your child the costs of life at university which will far exceed the cost of tuition fees. From an early age, help your child to manage money wisely and to make good spending and saving choices.

guidance. Also, be sure to ask around if your friends have or know of an older child who may have been a scholarship recipient or is currently studying overseas on a local scholarship. It may be a good idea to set up a time for them to meet your child to share how they obtained their scholarship. You may even want to encourage them to develop a mentoring relationship with your child.

Finding The Right College or University Begin by considering these questions: • Does my child want to go to a two-year or four-year degree? With a two-year course, students can earn an Associates Degree. With a four-year course, students can earn a Bachelor's Degree. Some students begin with a two-year course and are then on the future path to a four-year Bachelor's Degree. If your child prefers to have options such as these, then a college at home in the Cayman Islands or in the United States may be the right choice.

• Does my child want a three-year vocational degree course before considering opportunities for further research leading to a Master’s Degree? If so, you may want to consider universities in the UK, Canada or even further afield.

• What academic qualifications will be required by the college or university?

• What is the overall cost likely to be? Are grants or scholarships available? Are we entitled to ‘home student’ or ‘international’ tuition fees?

University College of the Cayman Islands Tuition cost is the most affordable option for Caymanians ranging from CI$55 per credit in the Associates level and $200 per credit at the Bachelor level for Caymanian students, making the overall cost for an Associates approximately CI$3,850 and CI$6,600 for a Bachelors. • Entry requirements: 5 CXC or GCSE or IGCSE examinations including English and Mathematics. CXC grades must be Grade I-III at General or Technical Level. GCSE or IGCSE grades must be A* - C. SAT scores must be at least 1040 on the new scale (March 2016)

• Length of study: Full-time study is composed of at least two years in the Associate programme and then at least two years in the Bachelor programme. They are usually done back-to-back.

Find a Mentor A good mentor can have a positive impact on your child. You may know someone in your circle of friends, or even a family member, who can act as a role model in your child’s life, keeping them on the right track and encouraging them to stay focused on their studies. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands (Tel: (345) 923 2471) also provides mentors to children who need adult

• Grades: Are usually based on a student’s overall performance on assignments and final exams.

• Scholarships: Various government and private scholarships are offered. See details below.

• Housing: Off campus.


American Universities: Tuition costs for international students are usually US$22,000+ for state universities and US$31,500+ for private non-profit universities. • Entry Requirements vary by school. A-Levels and the IB Diploma are recognised and often count towards several college credits. Most schools will require an SAT/ACT. SAT scores of 1200 or higher are usually required for top schools.

• Length of Study is four years for an undergraduate degree. If you’re unsure about what major to select, you don’t have to decide until your second year, some students even defer this until the third year.

• Grades are usually based on a student’s overall performance on assignments and final exams.

then you may also be a British Citizen (by virtue of the British Overseas Territories Act 2002). If you are such a British Citizen, you will be entitled to ‘home’ tuition fees of around GBP9,000 per year in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. In Scotland, where ‘home’ students do not pay for tertiary education, BOTC students come into a seperate band, but the tuition fee rates end up being similar to those in the rest of the UK. • Entry requirements vary, but typically you should have a C or above in GCSE English and Mathematics, with passes in at least three A Level subjects. IB diplomas are welcomed.

• Length of study is usually three years unless you do a modern languages or business course, which will then be four years with a year out. Course work is related to your major from

• Scholarships for academics and athletics are offered, plus financial aid. At more competitive universities, scholarships can be quite limited and reserved for students with exceptional academic

the first year, although if you switch courses you may have to start from the beginning again.

• Grades are based on final exams and also a thesis which has to be completed in the final year. Scholarships and financial aid


• Housing on and off campus is usually available. Students who opt to

are offered, but very few athletic scholarships are offered.

live on campus usually have to share with a roommate (or two) for

• Housing on and off campus is usually available. If possible, pick

their first two years. Single-room dormitories may only be

student housing in newer buildings, for obvious reasons!

available to juniors or seniors, but each school will have their own housing policy.

An excellent source of information on American tertiary education is which also offers advice for international students. Each year, the College Board helps more than seven million students prepare for a successful transition to college through programmes and services in college readiness and college success — including the SAT and the Advanced Placement Program.

Canadian Universities: Tuition costs are generally less that of American universities (CA$14,000- CA$20,000+). • Entry requirements vary with every school, but top schools such as McGill will ask for high scores in SAT maths and writing and will look









Funding For College or University There are five main categories of expenses to think about when figuring out how much your college education is really going to cost: tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses, and transportation. You can control some of these costs to some extent. And when you know how much you'll need to spend on these expenses, it makes it easier to create a college budget.


• Length of study is usually three years for an undergraduate degree, as programmes are more focused and similar to UK universities.

• Grades are usually based on a student’s overall performance on assignments and final exams.

• Scholarships for academics are offered, plus financial aid. At more competitive universities, scholarships can be quite limited and reserved for students with exceptional academic performance.

British Universities It is worth noting that Scotland applies different rules (as compared to England, Wales and Northern Ireland) where tuition cost is concerned. If you are a British Overseas Territory Citizen

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For useful information, consult websites such as or The UK Council for International Student Affairs also offers helpful advice.

Government Merit-Based Scholarships The Cayman Islands Government provides merit-based scholarships to Caymanian students to study at overseas and local institutions every year. FAQs, lists of private and public scholarships available in Cayman, scholarship requirements plus the actual application forms (for government scholarships) are all available online at You may also contact The Scholarship Secretariat, Ministry of Education on Tel (345) 244 2482 or by email if you have questions. Government requirements for overseas scholarships for undergraduate programmes usually call for either an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, Advanced Placement (AP) courses,

three or more A-Levels/Cape Unit 2 with a minimum of a C pass, an Associate’s Degree, BTEC Level 3 with a minimum MMM grade average. The Education Council states that they also consider students who obtain seven GCSE/CXC/IGCS passes, including English and Mathematics with not less than a B-grade in all subjects or a cumulative high school GPA of 3.25 or higher at an approved secondary school with a minimum SAT score of 1100.

the top legal and accounting firms directly. Although you will need to review the individual companies’ scholarship requirements, to be considered for a private sector scholarship your child may need at least five IGCSE, GCSE, CXC passes including English and Mathematics with a minimum of B or 2, or a high school diploma with at least a 3.0+ GPA and/or a SAT score of 1200 or more. • The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman offers four-year culinary scholarships to any of the Johnson & Wales University campuses

Government Vocational Scholarships

in the United States plus a paid internship at the Ritz-Carlton

Vocational degrees or certification will offer many career opportunities including in the medical, culinary and hospitality fields. The Cayman Islands government offers the same amount for overseas vocational scholarships as it does for standard overseas scholarships. Find out how to apply for one of Government’s generous vocational scholarships online at or email for more information.

Grand Cayman for each year of study. Contact Julia Emlen on julia. emlen@jwu.ed for more information.

• American universities also offer many merit-based scholarships to international students every year. And the United Kingdom offers more than 4000 scholarships to students annually. Do your homework! Checkout websites such as for scholarships in the United Kingdom and www. for scholarships available in the

Private Sector Scholarships Most of the top law and accounting firms provide generous scholarships to Caymanians. For a list of private sector scholarships, check out the Cayman Scholarship Directory or contact a few of

United States and in other countries around the world.

• Athletic scholarships are offered by National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I and II schools and financial aid is offered by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics

Scotiabank 2017 Student Bursary Company Overview:

Scotiabank & Trust (Cayman) Limited has been operating in the Cayman Islands for over 50 years and has a staff compliment of 145 employees. Identified as a prominent financial institution on a global level, our international reach has provided a unique opportunity to help people around the world.

Scholarship Details:

The Student Bursary is awarded annually to assist five Caymanian students who portrays academic leadership, good character and demonstrates financial need. By providing assistance to pursue an undergraduate degree/diploma in Business and/or Finance from an accredited college/university overseas. The Bursary is intended to be used toward standard tuition, student fees, books and supplies.

Application Deadline: June 29, 2018 For more information on the student bursary programme and to receive an application package please contact:

Lovenia Ebanks | T: 345.949.7666 | E: Scotiabank & Trust (Cayman) Limited Attn: Manager Human Resources 6 Cardinall Avenue, 4th Floor | P.O. Box 689 George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands KY1 - 1107


• Receive up to $5,000 per annum • The Recipient may re-apply for the Bursary following completion of their first year of study and will receive first preference based on their academic standing at the college/ university.


• Be Caymanian or hold Caymanian Status • Aged between 16 and 25 years old and must have the necessary background to achieve success at a competitive college/ university overseas • Demonstrate financial need • Possess a High School Diploma • Pursue an undergraduate degree/ diploma in Business and/ or Finance from an accredited college/university overseas • Hold a minimum GPA of 3.0 or grade equivalent

6 Cardinal Ave | P.O. Box 258 | George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1104 | (345) 949 7666 |


(NAIA) schools. The popularity of the sport at a particular school and the demand for players can affect how much money is offered. While American universities often offer more money to American football players and basketball players, there have been a significant number of Caymanians who were able obtain a scholarship (full and partial) for participating track & field, soccer (football) and swimming teams.

It is wise to have a back-up plan in the event your child is not accepted to a college or university. Working for a year in a field that is of interest to them is always a good option for a high school graduate to consider. The National Workforce Development Agencies ( has a Career Assessment Centre and offers a range of internships with top employers on-Island. Also, the Chamber of Commerce and International College of the Cayman Islands offer great training opportunities for job seekers. It is also worth asking around if people know of any businesses that might be offering a summer internship. Many businesses welcome interns and often have real work for them to do. Acorn certainly does! We look for two or three interns a year.

Be Prepared To Try Again! Some children will not become focused students until after their high school years. For some of them, watching their peers head off to university without them is enough to get them on the right track. Do not despair if your child was not eligible for a scholarship right after high school. There may be other opportunities to try again. Some may benefit from taking the Pre-College Programme at the University College of the Cayman Islands, which is only for one year. If your child performs well in this programme, they may be eligible to apply for one of the school’s Associate Programmes which will provide them with another opportunity to perform well enough to be eligible for a scholarship to study overseas. Your child may have achieved excellent grades but may still not have been offered a place in the university of their first choice. Be prepared to try again! Many top universities are attracted by perseverance and the determination to succeed!

Scholarships Offered in the Cayman Islands Name of Scholarship

Scholarship Provider

Value of Scholarship

Scholarship Type

Application Period

Standard Local Scholarship

Education Council Cayman Islands Government

Full scholarship covering tuition, books for both full-time and part-time study at a local institution

Any Field

Mar 1 - April 30

Visual Arts Scholarships

Deutsche Bank & National Gallery of the Cayman Islands

Up to USD20k for four years study at visual arts at an overseas institution

Visual Arts

Jan 1 - April 30

Standard Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship

Education Council – Cayman Islands Government

Up to max KYD20k per annum at an overseas institution for tuition, housing, meals, travel, books

Any Field

Nov 15 - Jan 31

Standard Overseas TVET Grant

Education Council – Cayman Islands

Up to max KYD20k per annum for tuition, housing, meals, travel, books

Vocational & Techincal Fields

Nov 15 - Jan 31

Appleby Legal Education Scholarship

Appleby Global

Up to USD92k total funding to pursue law at the Cayman Islands Law School or an approved overseas university


Application period closes at the end of May

Hot Tip on Two-Year Medical Degrees "Many young people think their career options in healthcare are limited to being physicans or nurses, but there are many other options available. High schoool students interested in a two-year medical degree should aim to complete high school level studies in life sciences to a high standard, consider preparing and taking SAT subject tests in life sciences and look for volunteer opportunities or internship programmes that provide them with the opportunity for a real life introduction into the medical field." Jacqueline Ebanks, Former Montessori Educator, Education Council Member & Owner of the Heart Health Centre.

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For many people, saving to send their kids to college is high on the priority list when it comes financial planning. It can be a challenging task, and sadly, the cost of a college-level education is not getting any less expensive. In the US, college fees have risen significantly more than the rate of inflation over the last decade. But with good and early planning, college doesn’t have to be something that tips the family finances over the edge. - Georgie Loxton

Plan, Plan, Plan Saving for college is no different from any other financial goal in that it needs a plan. Your starting point is where you are today and what you have accumulated so far. Take an honest look at your current financial situation. From there, start to make some guesses as to how much you may need and when you will need it (the latter being the easier bit). Then, with the help of an online calculator, you can start to work out the monthly savings needed to get you to where you want to go. There are lots of online tools that can help you calculate how much you need to save. There is a particularly good one on the FINRA website: http://apps.finra. org/Calcs/1/CollegeSavings.

Discuss College Education Early Having conversations early on with your child is critical to assessing how much you may need. Is there a burning desire to attend a top

US university, or will they look to you for direction on where they should go? How much might you be able to fund and how much are you expecting them to fund themselves? It is important to have open and candid discussions with your children so that they have an understanding of the expectations being placed upon them. If you are struggling with where to begin, try starting with 1/3, 1/3, 1/3; with you covering 1/3, the child being responsible for 1/3 (either through parttime work or student loans) and 1/3 being raised from scholarships or grants. If the plan involves your child taking responsibility for part of the funding, you will need their participation well before college starts. Keeping grades up and researching the scholarships takes work and dedication. Saving earnings from their part-time employment takes discipline. Creating a plan early on and sitting down to revisit it regularly is critical to success.

US Versus the UK? For many in Cayman, the US is a logical choice, simply because it is closer.

TOP TIP There are quite a few scholarships and grants available to Caymanian students. Some will cover all living costs, books and travel costs to and from school. Look at www. for more information. However, for both Caymanian and expat students the UK is considerably cheaper. In the US, tuition fees tend to be between US$29,000 and US$55,000 per annum, with living costs adding another US$20,000 to US$30,000. In the UK, a Caymanian student will pay the local UK tuition fees of around GBP9,000 per year, with another GBP10,000 per year living costs (not including flights to and from the UK). An expat student will pay closer to GBP17,000 in tuition fees, which still puts the UK at a little over half of the cost of the US. Of course, adding another dimension to this is the fact that many parents will have two children (or more) overlapping at college at the same time. See page 146 for information on how to prepare your child for college as well as how to secure a government or private scholarship.

Georgie Loxton is a Financial Planner and Wealth Manager at International Financial Planning in Cayman. She started her career at Rathbones Brothers Plc in London and spent ten years managing European equity funds. Georgie is passionate about education and the psychology around money. Her practice focuses on affluent women, particularly those who find themselves suddenly responsible for managing their money through a life transition. Georgie hosts regular events and workshops for women. Her mission is to help women learn about their financial life whilst having fun, to increase their confidence around the financial decisions they make, and to ensure they understand how those decisions will impact their future. To find out more visit and sign up for the newsletter.


Start Saving Early It is never too early to get started. There is great power in making small and regular contributions over a long period of time. The tables below show how much money you would need to save and invest each month to send your child to university in the UK in 6 years, 12 years and 18 years, given different growth scenarios. This takes into consideration the current cost of GBP 19,000 and assumes the cost of tuition and living increases at 3% per annum. Per Month Investment (USD*) assuming 3% growth per annum

have some years ahead of you. Time enables you to ride out the ups and downs and benefit from the long-term growth.

Financial Commitments One of the most important pieces of advice is to ensure that your college savings plan is considered alongside your other financial goals; retirement, caring for elderly parents, paying off mortgages, having emergency cash balances, etc. To put your college savings in context, it is worth seeking the advice of a professional financial planner. A good advisor will help you create a plan that is right for you, your priorities and your life. Look for someone who is dedicated to education. They will recommend the correct assets to invest in (investing in the stock market is not for everyone), and more importantly, they will act as your accountability partner to keep you on track over the years to come.

Paying Full Amount

Paying Half

Paying One Third

Cost of 3 Year Course (+)

6 years





12 years




108, 850

Final Word

18 years




129, 973

As a final note, remember that your financial security is important too. Money is emotional and it is easier to give freely, without resentment or blame when your cup is full (or being filled). Money is not love, and love is not money. Teaching your children good financial planning practices will set them up for life, and help them pay off off any student loans more quickly and efficiently. Sadly, there are no loans available for retirement. For that, you simply have to save.

Per Month Investment (USD*) assuming 5% growth per annum Paying Full Amount

Paying Half

Paying One Third

Cost of 3 Year Course (+)

6 years





12 years





18 years





5206 IFP | Press Ad | CAYMAN Parent | Size: 3.55n x 4.85in | OPT 1 | CMYK | BB&P | 31 May 2017

Per Month Investment (USD*) assuming 7% growth per annum Paying Full Amount

Paying Half

Paying One Third

Cost of 3 Year Course (+)

6 years





12 years





18 years





* Using a GBP / US exchange rate of 1.30 + Cost of 3 year course after 3% annual inflation (USD) Investment rates are calculated based on compound interest (ie all annual gains are continually reinvested)

As you can see, you have to save a lot less per month if you give yourself more time. Growing your money at more than the rate of inflation is really important, as over time inflation erodes your purchasing power and means that you have to save more to get to the same point. Opening an account at Credit Union (for those who are eligible) will enable you to generate interest in the region of 2%-3% per annum. To grow your money at a higher rate, you will need to consider investing in the stock market. However, it is important to consider your time-frame before jumping in. It is impossible to know whether the stock market will go up or down in the short-term, and therefore it is only a sensible option if you

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It’s never too soon to start planning your family’s financial future.

Talk to us today at +345 769 5352 or visit us at


EMPLOYABLE ADULT? Employability skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them 'employable'. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they require from an employee. - Kary Claybourn

There are a number of ways to acquire, develop and improve your employability skills:

Work Experience Work placements and experience enable young adults to apply their skills in a real-world environment and see the impact they can have on an organisation or industry. It is widely documented that early work experiences are core determinants of career outcomes. Work experience equips your child with essential skills such as teamworking, communication skills and commercial awareness, all of which are highly sought after by employers.

Overseas Experience The number of new experiences that come from living and studying in a different country and culture are extraordinary and can make a CV stand out from the crowd. Someone who has spent time abroad will have acquired a unique set of experiences and skills unlike any other candidate. The overseas scholarship programme set up by the Ministry of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs is making overseas study an option for many Caymanian students.

Sports & Community Recruiters often stress how important it is for candidates to be involved in sports or community groups. Not only

does it expose a person to a wider skill set, networking opportunities and skill application, but it contributes towards building confidence and resilience. Team sports, in particular, will encourage teamwork, commitment, self-discipline, strategic development and organisational skills.

Choosing Wisely Parents, friends, lecturers and employers will all have different perspectives on career choices for a child. Deirdre Carmola, manager of the Ministry of Education’s Scholarship Secretariat, explains that when it comes to choosing subjects in tertiary education, they strongly advise students to think beyond what their parents feel they should do. They also need to broaden their options. More recently students have been encouraged to choose a combination of subjects to provide them with a broader knowledge base, in the hope that this will create more opportunities at a later stage.

Professional Career Advice Support and assistance from a professional careers adviser can be greatly beneficial. They can help a student think through the different options. The National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) provides general career counselling and guidance services in addition to offering various courses for unemployed adults. Dianne Connolly, NWDA Training

THE TOP 10 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: • Good communication& interpersonal skills • Problem solving • Using initiative and being self-motivated • Working under pressure and to deadlines • Organisational skills • Teamworking • Ability to learn and adapt • Numeracy • Valuing diversity • Negotiation skills and Development Manager, explains that they have launched an apprenticeship programme, an internship programme and they are looking to launch a formal mentorship programme later this year.

Get Involved in Everything! Ms Carmola expressed concern that the current generation of unemployed young adults often have little experience, high expectations, and expect instant gratification. She continued the thought by saying, “I encourage returning candidates to take the opportunity to get into anything, not just what they think they want to do” she says, “and all returning scholarship candidates are encouraged to register with the NWDA and sign up for further courses to enhance their skill set while they search for a job.”

See page 148 for info on applying for a scholarship, or visit





A 2016 ‘Internship & Co-op Survey’ conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers of America, found that employers listed “converting students who have taken part in internships, into full-time employees”, as the primary goal of their internship programmes. This emphasises just how important internships are when applying for a job. In a highly competitive job market, employers look for candidates who show initiative and an eagerness to work. Cayman Parent sat down with interns and employers alike to discuss the how-to, the benefits and the significance of internships in Cayman’s current economic climate. – Sophia Muller

Internships at Dart Enterprises “Dart has been offering work experience opportunities to students for approximately a decade,” says Dart Enterprises educational programmes expert, Glenda McTaggart. “Over the last five years, Dart has worked towards structuring these opportunities, and evolving them into an educational programme. Students are assigned real responsibilities, given deliverables, and held to strict deadlines. They are required to meet certain criteria while getting hands-on, industry-relevant experience.” With a portfolio of companies that range from real estate development to retail, finance and technology, there are opportunities to gain experience in a wide range of industries. Students are matched with positions that align with their studies and career interests, giving them an insight into the various directions their careers could take them. “Our work experience is one aspect of our talent pipeline. Students who perform well, demonstrate future potential and who are a good fit for the organisation are considered for recruitment,” says Glenda.

During her four years at Andrews University in Michigan on a Government Scholarship, Keri-Elaine Lawrence, a young Caymanian, applied for an internship at Dart Enterprises. We asked the intern-turned-employee how her experience has impacted her career.

"Interning at Dart allowed me to experience the inner workings of a high-functioning, multi-faceted company..." - Keri-Elaine Lawrence

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How To Apply at Dart Complete the application form on the website and submit with an up to date resume to workexperience@

Name: Keri-Elaine Lawrence Place of birth: Cayman Islands Occupation: Junior Graphic Designer at Dart Real Estate What were the benefits of doing an internship during your studies? “Interning at Dart allowed me to experience the inner workings of a highfunctioning, multi-faceted company. At school, the focus is on gaining theoretical knowledge and at Dart I was able to put the theory into practice. It exposed me to the different phases, from the beginning to the end, of a particular project. Being included in team projects taught me the importance of collaborating and respecting hierarchy.” How did you apply for the internship? “I simply filled out an internship application form, created a resume, and sent it to the Dart office. The Dart recruitment staff are incredibly efficient in placing interns. Interns are immediately matched-up with the relevant departments according to their experience and individual skill sets.” How long was your internship with Dart and was it paid or unpaid? “It was a paid internship. Internships vary in length: mine lasted for six weeks.” How would you describe a typical day as an intern? “A typical day as an intern is very similar, if not identical to, a day as an employee. Interns are fully immersed in company culture and expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. As an intern, I had my own projects, responsibilities and deadlines.”

Internships at Deloitte Boasting the title of ‘the world’s largest professional services firm’ and with a taskforce of 244,400 professionals globally, it is no wonder that positions at accounting firm, Deloitte, are highly sought after. Luckily, for students and graduates looking for a foot in the door to the financial sector, Deloitte offers ample opportunity in the form of internships and work/ study programmes for both undergraduates and advanced degree students. Their Cayman internship programme, the Deloitte Exclusive Experience Program (DEEP), runs for six weeks through the summer months and offers a range of professional experiences that are highly sought-after. “At Deloitte, our structured internship programme allows us to see how the students solve problems, work on completing tasks and interact with others in a team. By the end of the internship programme, many are asked to return for the following year or join us as full-time employees.” says Jen Skinner, Talent Director at Deloitte.

"...Having the opportunity to work as a part of a team (at Deloitte) has been a good indicator of what the rest of my career will be like." - Danielle Borden

Is (DEEP) a paid programme? Deloitte pays an hourly rate to all interns. Interns are expected to work seven and a half hours per day, five days a week for theduration of the internship.

To be eligible for an internship at Deloitte you must: • Be 16 years of age or older • Have a GPA of at least 3.2 and an interest in pursuing a career in the professional services

• Plan on attending further education or be currently enrolled in a college or university programme and working towards a Bachelor's or Master’s degree.

How To Apply at Deloitte Visit and search for job postings under the Internship Programme section. A resume and copy of current grades/ transcripts should be submitted along with the application.



1 2 Name: Danielle Borden Place of birth: Cayman Islands Occupation: Student at Pennsylvania State University, USA Intern Danielle Borden, was awarded a Deloitte Scholarship in 2012 and completed four summer internships at the Deloitte office in Grand Cayman.

3 4

What have you gained from your internships with Deloitte? “Working in a professional environment has allowed me to grow as an individual. Having the opportunity to work as a part of a team has been a good indicator of what the rest of my career will be like.” What skills have you learned in your studies that prepared you for this internship? “While at Penn State I increased my knowledge of key accounting terms and concepts. I also developed skills that helped me during my internships, such as the importance of working in groups and being a good team player, not being afraid to ask questions of your peers or professors, and managing my time wisely.” How have your internships prepared you for university studies and/or full-time employment? “My internships gave me an insight into what it is like working fulltime for Deloitte. Each summer I had the opportunity to work with real clients and complete a number of tasks that form part of the day-to-day duties of a fulltime Associate.”

5 6

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FROM AFFINITY RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST, MICHELE AUBERT What to Wear, or Not to Wear Decide on your outfit well in advance; ideally it should be a suit or equivalent business wear. Ensure it is ironed and ready to wear. Make sure your shoes are polished, and that your accessories are subtle. Get to Know the Company Prior to the interview, find out information about the company you are interviewing with. Visit the company’s website, social media channels and search for articles written about or by the organisation. Knowledge about Yourself If you are being interviewed for a job that was advertised, use the job description as a guideline as to what you’ll be asked about in terms of your personality, skills, work experience and qualifications. Other candidates may have similar abilities, employment and academic experience to you. Think about how you stand out from other candidates. With practice, it is possible to highlight all your strengths without sounding over-confident or aggressive. Making a Good Impression First impressions really do count. If you get an interview, you can assume that your potential employers already liked what they saw on your resume. The interview is an opportunity for you to build on that impression to secure the job. Here are some tips: • Arrive on time – ideally at least ten minutes early • When you arrive state your name, the time of your appointment and the name of the person you expect to meet • Switch your mobile phone off before you enter the interview room • Listen carefully to each question, give concise answers supported with examples, avoid saying just yes or no and ask for clarification if a question is unclear • Speak clearly and keep a moderate pace • Give each interviewer a firm handshake at the beginning and end of the interview • Keep a relaxed but alert posture and a friendly expression and make eye contact. Challenging Questions Think of all the questions you would least like to be asked, for example: “Have you had some poor academic results?” or “Were you ever fired?” Answer as honestly as you can, without being defensive or blaming anyone. Try to turn your answer into a positive statement with a successful outcome. Show how you overcame any difficulty and what you learned from the experience. Prepare Questions Have a list of questions in mind to ask. You may feel that all your questions have been answered at some point during the interview but try to ask a few, if only to show enthusiasm and interest. These might include questions concerning progression opportunities, support for further study or any plans that the company has to expand. Avoid asking questions for the sake of it or asking very basic questions that you should already know the answer to.


EMPTYING THE NEST Practising Tough Love with... L O V E !

Leaving the nest may once have been a rite of passage, but for many millennials, life in the nest is where they want to be. These days it’s not just the high school leavers who aren’t heading to college that show no interest in moving out; more often than not college graduates are opting to return to the comfort of their parent’s home. If having junior live at home for an indefinite period does not excite you, Cayman Parent is here to offer some advice on gently nudging your child out of the nest! - Satina DaCosta





Establish a Deadline for Moving Out Setting a deadline for moving out will demonstrate that living at home is only a temporary arrangement. Of course the timeframe that you both agree to should be unique to each child’s earning potential as well as how quickly they are able to find accomodation that fits within the budget. If your child is a high school graduate who will not be moving on to tertiary education, they should still have an idea of how they intend on supporting themselves independently, so a deadline should still apply. Set House Rules Establishing house rules for your nester is the key to a happy home. If your college graduate has spent the last four years living a laissez-faire existence in a college dorm, readjusting to a more structured environment may be a challenge. This is why we encourage setting house rules: enforcing kitchen clean-ups after use and not commandeering family areas as a personalised space are just a few ground rules that will make life with your grown-up child more harmonious. Also, establishing clear parameters for visitation of significant others or friends is key. Find Employment There are number of reasons why your grown-up child may have moved back in (or have never left) the nest. The most common motivation for living at home is a lack of funds to rent or purchase a home, due to being unemployed or underemployed. If your college or high school graduate does not have a job, they should make actively applying for one akin to their daily job. There are many online job portals for job seekers and has a list of all local employment agencies as well as great information on the types of jobs available locally. If your high school graduate needs to ‘up-skill’ before entering the job market, the Chamber of Commerce, University College of the Cayman Islands and the National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) all offer a host of training opportunities for job seekers. Pay Rent Once your grown-up child is employed, they should begin contributing to household expenses. Paying rent not only

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encourages responsibility, but it demonstrates that a portion of one’s earnings has to be set aside each month to pay for basic necessities, such as electricity. At this age, monthly earnings should not be treated as pocket money to be used indiscriminately. Depending on what your child’s take home salary is, you may plan to request between 10 to 20 percent of their monthly pay check in rent. Establish a Budget Having your nester set a monthly budget will help them save towards a life of independence e.g. a deposit on a rental apartment or the purchase of a car. If your child does not have a savings account, now is the perfect time to have them set one up. You may even wish to request access to this account to ensure this does not become the "party" fund. Get off the Couch Living at home should not be seen as a free ride. If you have had the keen foresight to raise your child to regularly contribute to household chores, skip this section. But if you have a grown child who would rather lounge all day on the couch, than lift a finger, you may want to establish a different culture at home. As hard as it may be to teach that proverbial old dog new tricks, you must! Resentment will quickly build if you feel your child is not pulling their own weight, particularly if they are unemployed. Tough Love It is difficult for some parents to treat their grownup children as adults, but it is necessary. Whether your child is a high school or college graduate, they will benefit immensely from some tough love. And what we mean by 'tough love' is actually holding your grown-up child accountable. If you have set house rules, and they are repeatedly broken by your nester, you must establish consequences to incentivise better behaviour. Also, if you have set a clear deadline for moving out, and this has not been met due to a lack of effort in finding employment, you must be willing to give your child a firm push in the right direction. For some parents, that may be out the door. In the end, this type of tough love may be just the thing your child needs to become a responsible adult.



Learning to Drive



Nothing screams "I'm finally an adult" like learning how to drive. While driving affords young adults the independence they crave, every parent knows this newfound freedom may come with a significant price tag and of course, associated risks.

Getting Your Licence Cayman's teens are eligible to begin the process of getting their driving licence once they turn seventeen and the first step is to sit the theory exam. Teens will need to make an appointment at one of the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL) offices to take this exam. The 40-minute test consists of 40 questions, and the pass mark is 80%. Candidates should do their homework by reviewing the official road code booklet that is available online at the DVDL website or by reading the very detailed driving instruction book, Drive Safely in Cayman, by Graham Walker. It has helped to prepare a lot of young drivers in Cayman and is available for CI$18 at most book stores. Once the theory has been passed, a learner’s licence is issued which is valid for six months and allows one to drive a vehicle while accompanied by a holder of a full Cayman licence. An ‘L’ plate must be visible on the front and back of the car and the insurance policy needs to cover the 'learner' driver. Learners must wait six weeks before taking the practical test, and are encouraged to take driving lessons during this period. The Cayman Islands Driving School has been in business for many years and the two instructors, Graham Walker (Tel: (345) 926 2501) and Willard Isaacs (Tel: (345) 928 5577), come highly recommended. Once the learner has passed the practical driving examination, they will receive a full, unrestricted drivers licence.

COST OF GETTING YOUR LICENCE Theory Test - CI$ 25 Learners Licence - CI$ 60 Practical Test - CI $50 Full 3 Year Licence - CI$ 75 Full 5 Year Licence - CI $125

FAST FACTS • Car accidents are the leading cause of death among 15 to 20 year olds.

• 17 year old drivers are nine times

more likely to have an accident than middle aged drivers.

• Speed is the number one cause

of death on Cayman's roads, 12 fatal accidents occurred in 2015.

• 34% of 16 to 17 year olds confess to texting while driving.

Insuring a Young Driver All drivers in the Cayman Islands must be insured on the vehicle(s) they drive. This includes being insured as a learner, which most insurance companies have specific policies for. Standard insurance policies usually only cover drivers aged 25 - 65, who have had a driving licence for twelve months or longer. So a special policy will need to be taken out for your young driver, but there's a catch. Insurance rates for young, inexperienced drivers can be very high. Certain vehicles such as those with engine sizes greater than two litres, convertibles or modified vehicles attract a higher premium, as do newer, higher value vehicles.

For More Information

• 36% of male drivers aged 15 to 20 involved in fatal were speeding.


• 50% of teens in the US who died

in car accidents in 2014 were not wearing seatbelts.

• Insurance rates are typically higher in male drivers than female drivers.

The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service provides a list of tips and advice for avoiding collisions as a young driver. For further information please see:

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Buying a Second-Hand Car Fortunately, quality second-hand vehicles are easy to come by in Cayman. For older, cheaper vehicles, can be a good place to look – but buyer beware! Purchasing a car from a private individual means that you may be driving home a lemon. For peace of mind, consider a registered dealer. Transfer of vehicle ownership is very straightforward, as long as you deal with the official owner of the vehicle or go through a reputable car dealer. On average, the cost of a reliable used car is between CI$6,000 to CI$8,000. Visit and search for 'used cars' to get a comprehensive list of all used car dealers on-Island.

The Department of Vehicle & Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL) has three locations in Grand Cayman:

Speed Kills Too Many Young Drivers in Cayman Despite the advantages being able to drive provides Cayman's young adults, this responsibility also carries a significant risk. The lack of experience, the thrill of speeding to look ‘cool’ in front of friends along with the temptation to drink and drive means that car accidents among the young are far too common. As shown in the 'Fast Facts' (previous page), texting and driving is also becoming a growing issue among our young ones behind the wheel. Talk to your young driver about the risks and set ground rules.

Loss of Licence & Your Freedom All drivers may lose their right to drive if they are caught driving under the influence or speeding excessively. If a driver loses their right to drive, they will be required to surrender their licence and, in some cases, at the end of the disqualification period, they may be required to take out a learner’s licence and retake the driving examination.

See page 161 for details on Cayman’s Car Insurance providers and a list of Car Insurance Brokers.

990 Crewe Road, Red Bay (next to First Baptist Church near Grand Harbour) Tel: (345) 945 8344 or Open: Monday-Friday 8.30am-4pm 9 Reverend Blackman Road, West Bay (Across from the West Bay Police Station) Tel: (345) 949 7231 Open: Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 9am-4pm Breakers, Frank Sound (across Sea View Road from the South Coast Bar and Grill) Open: Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 9am-4pm

The Department of Vehicle & Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL) in Cayman Brac: District Administration Building, Dennis Rd Tel: (345) 948 2222 Here are some taxi companies recommended by Cayman Parent: Ace Taxi: (345) 943 7777 | Charlie's Taxi: (345) 949 4748 Holiday Taxi: (345) 947 1066 Truly Blessed Taxis: (345) 517 2274


The Rules of the Road in Cayman If your young adult has passed his or her driving test and is now fully mobile (and relishing the role of the official errand-runner), it is important that they observe these six basic safety rules to keep themselves, their passengers, fellow drivers and pedestrians safe. Please review this section with them. Never Drink & Drive: Unfortunately, as in most countries, it is an unavoidable fact that you will be tempted to drink and drive, with the consequences being tragic. The RCIPS therefore advises teens never to get into a car with someone who has been drinking or has taken drugs. Instead, call a family member, friend or a taxi. This might save your life. It is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol level over 0.1%. DUI penalties include CI$1000+ fines, imprisonment for six to 12 months and possible loss of your licence. Drinking and driving can also result in your death or the death of your passenger(s). No Texting & Driving: Using a mobile phone while driving in Cayman is illegal and may result in a fine or loss of your licence if you are stopped. Texting while driving can also cause an accident or worse, take a life. Wear Your Seat Belt: In Cayman, every driver or passenger in a vehicle must wear a seatbelt. Failure to do so can result in being fined $500+. As the driver of your vehicle, it is your responsibility to ensure all passengers are buckled up.

Slow Down: According to the RCIPS, speeding is one of the main causes of road fatalities in the Cayman Islands. Speeding does kill. If you're caught speeding you will be fined or worse, be completely disqualified from driving for six months or more. Have a Valid Driving Licence & Insurance: Never drive a vehicle if the vehicle is not insured. If you injure (or kill) someone or damage their car, you will be responsible for 100% of the costs which may result in serious jail time too. Driving without a valid licence is also illegal, and yes, it is still illegal to take your parent's car for a spin around the neighbourhood if you don't have a valid licence. Park with a Conscience: Have you seen the blue parking spaces that are marked with the universal handicap parking symbol? If you are not handicapped, you cannot park your car there. Not even for a minute. Those parking spaces are reserved for drivers with disabilities who hold special permits to park in those spots. Visit The Blue Spot Facebook page to see how unlawful parkers are exposed in Cayman on social media.

Take some of the worry out of parenting, knowing your home and contents, vehicles and health are insured with Cayman First. www.caymanďŹ or call 345-949-7028 BUSINESS. HOME. MOTOR. HEALTH. STRATA. LIABILITY.

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LISTINGS Cayman universities, trade schools and car insurance providers

Adolescent listings Check out the following listings for information on everything from degrees and certifications in Cayman, to who to contact for car insurance as a new driver.

Colleges & Universities International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI) 595 Hirst Road, Newlands Tel: (345) 947 1100 Email: Web: www. Numerous associate, bachelor and certificate programmes available. St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine Regatta Office Park, Leeward 3, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 945 3199 Email: amarin@ Web: Medical students complete five semesters of basic science and pre–clinical studies in Grand Cayman, and then do clinical rotations at teaching hospitals in the US, Canada or UK. School of Hospitality Studies (part of UCCI) Tel: (345) 623 8224 Email: Web: Offers an industrydriven, internationally accredited hospitality and tourism studies programme. School of Veterinary Medicine (part of St. Matthew’s) Regatta Office Park, Leeward 4, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 745 3199 Email: amarin@ Web: www.stmatthews. edu Veterinary students complete seven semesters of basic science instruction in Grand Cayman and a year of clinical instruction at an affiliated US or Canadian veterinary school. The Truman Bodden Law School (TBLS) Old CIBC Building, 54 Edward St, 2nd & 3rd floor, GT. Tel: (345) 945 0077 Email: mitchell.davies@ Web: TBLS is an affiliated institution of the University of Liverpool (UK). Full and part-time law degrees plus the PPC are available. University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) 168 Olympic Way, GT. Tel: (345) 623 8224; Brac Campus: Avistar Building, West End, CB Tel: (345) 623 0540 Email: Web: www. Numerous associate, bachelor and certificate programmes available. There are also graduate programmes, trade courses and an IT academy.

University of the West Indies (Open Campus) Cayman (UWI) Olympic Way, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 8322 Email: Web: Distance learning as well as a number of shorter face to face courses available.

Vocational and Professional Training Community Vocational Training Centre 120 School Road (corner of McField Lane) George Town. Tel: (345) 917 7320 Courses are open to students aged 17+ and there are no entry requirements. Students work towards a professional licence to become an electrician, plumber, welder or an AC technician. Chamber of Commerce Professional Development & Training Centre Governors Square, Lime Tree Bay Avenue. Tel: (345) 743 9121 Web: A range of courses and workshops available in: customer service, business essentials, legal masterclasses, finance, supervision, management and more. Innovative Management & Professional Training (IMPT) 201 Alissta Towers, North Sound Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 4678. Email: info_impt@ Web: IMPT offers a range of accounting, finance, business and administration certifications, plus computer training courses and business skills seminars. Leadership Training for Teens (YMCA) Tel: (345) 926 9622 Email: info@ymcacayman. ky Web: The YMCA BesTeams Team Building and Leadership Development programme. Participants learn to improve communication, trust and problem solving skills. National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) 2nd Floor Midtown Plaza, 273 Elgin Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 945 3114, Email: nwda@ Web: Nova Grand Pavilion Commercial Centre, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 949 1345. Email: info@nova. ky Web: Nova offers a range of online courses, covering Microsoft Office, presentation skills and many other business related courses to help develop careers.

Passport2Success Tel: (345) 945 3114 Email: ky Web: A 12-week programme for 17 to 23-year-old Caymanians and a 16-week programme for Caymanian single mothers, designed to enhance both workplace readiness skills and increase the employability of participants. Ready2Work KY Tel: (345) 945 3114 Email: Web: A government programme for unemployed, high school or recent university graduates. The programme delivers structured training, individual and group support and other programmes to mitigate the barriers to employment.

Car Insurance Providers Aon Cayman Risk Solutions (Cayman) Ltd. Tel: (345) 945 1266 Email: nigel.twohey@aon. com Web: British Cayman Insurance Tel: (345) 949 0579 Email: Web: Fidelity Insurance (Cayman) Ltd. Tel: (345) 949 5836 Email: insurance@ or Cayman First Insurance Company Ltd. 3rd Floor, Harbour Place and Savannah Country Side Shopping Centre (Branch). Tel: (345) 949 7028 Email: Web: Cayman Insurance Centre (Insurance Brokers) Cayman Business Park, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 4657 Web: The Insurance Company of the West Indies (Cayman) Limited (ICWI) 150 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6970 Email: Web: www.icwi. com. Island Heritage Insurance Company Ltd. 128 Lawrence Boulevard, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 949 7280 Email: ky Web: Saxon Insurance 14 Saturn Close, Eastern Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 947 2966 Email: Web:


Health City Cayman Islands

Tertiary Care Hospital in the Caribbean

Health City Cayman Islands is a state-of-the-art tertiary care hospital located in East End, Grand Cayman. The hospital, founded by renowned heart surgeon and humanitarian Dr. Devi Shetty, and is supported by two major health-caree organisations, Narayana Health and the U.S.-based Ascension, which is America's largest faith-based anf nonprofit health system. Health City Cayman Islands is committed to delivering world-class healthcare that is accesible and affordable for all, offering a tranquil environment conducive to healing and recovery. The innovative business model ensures costs are kept low by implementing cost-efficient processes and sustainable buildings, along with a bundled pricing model which provides patients with an upfront flat rate fee for every procedure and associated services. Health City Cayman Islands provides care for adult and hild patients both locally and abroad, providing highly skilled physicians and surgeons with extensive medical and surgical experience.


Semi & Private Patient Rooms Three Operating Theatres Two Hybrid Operating Theatres

Services Include:

Only the second hospital in the Caribbean to receive the Joint Commission International's seal of approval, which is awarded to hospitals operating at the highest standards, Health City is committed to providing compassionate, high-quality, affordable health-care services in a world-class, comfortable, patient-centred environment without the need to travel overseas.

• Adult & Paediatric Cardiology


• Thoracic and Vascular Surgery

• Electrophysiology • Adult and Paediatric Cardio • Orthopaedic Surgery (Knee/Hip) • Shoulder Replacements • Spinal Surgery • Sports Medicine (Arthroscopies) • Neurology and Neurosurgery • Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine • Medical Oncology and Chemotherapy • Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Management)

"A solution is not a solution, if it is not affordable." Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty Health City Cayman Islands

• Urology • Colorectal Surgery • Anaesthesiology • Paediatric Endocrinology • Gynaecology • Dental • Psychiatry • Laboratory Services • Imaging and Radiology • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation • Executive Health Checks • Nutrition Counselling.

1283 Sea View Rd, East End | 640 4040 | | 162 Cayman Parent Magazine | STAGES | ADOLESCENT



When should your wee one start brushing? Flip to page 174 for answers to some of the most pressing questions about dental care for kids.



CP? ADHD? ASD? We try to make sense of the acronyms and the various related terms to make understanding learning disorders just a wee bit easier.


Read on to understand how your health insurance policy can affect your children and their travels abroad.

An article 'focused' on debunking eye care myths and explaining what common practises might be good and not so good for young eyes.





COGNITIVE ISSUES All children develop at their own pace, and tracking your child’s development is a normal part of the parenting process. It is important to continually monitor how your child develops their language, play, cognitive and motor skills, as well as their behaviour. - Faith Gealey MS CCC-SLP, a Speech and Language Pathologist at the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority

There is nothing more unsettling for a parent than the thought

worry about forgetting any key areas you want to discuss with

that their child may not be developing typically, and usually the

your paediatrician. It may be helpful for you to ask your child’s

first instinct most parents have is to ignore the issue and hope that

caregiver (nanny, day care teacher, family member etc.) if they

it goes away on its own. But it usually doesn't. You may notice that

have any areas of concern based on their interactions with your

your child is not meeting milestones as quickly as another child.

child. Be as specific as possible, as this can often provide insight

At a play group, you may notice that your child is not keeping up

into an underlying cause of your child’s special needs.

with their peers. Your child may also engage in strange behaviours or do odd things that just do not seem right. So, you scour the internet and pour over baby books looking for hope that your little one is just a late bloomer. Then a feeling of dread forms in the pit of your stomach, your heart races and you start to think

See Your Child’s Paediatrician: Paediatricians are not only there for when your child is feeling sick. Your child’s health care providers are also there to assist you with tracking your child’s development. Discuss your concerns with them so that an action

- "maybe there is something wrong and perhaps my child has a

plan can be developed. These are individuals who see children

behavioural, cognitive or learning disability - aka a special need."

on a daily basis and are familiar with what the range of normal

When your instinct tells you that things are not going the way

development looks like. Allow them to assist you in this process

they should, be guided by it. While a million questions may run

with securing the appropriate referrals and to ease any concerns

through your mind, know that every parent of a child with special

you may have.

needs goes through this process. Your best option is to design

Follow Through With Referrals: Your paediatrician may

an action plan for your family to follow. By using these tips to guide you, the process from concern to diagnosis and finally to treatment, should result in a smoother transition for you.

Document Your Concerns: Sometimes we forget to bring

recommend that your child see one or all of the following service providers on-Island: Audiologist, Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Psychologist, ENT Physician. Please do not wait! Proceed with making the necessary

areas of concerns to our paediatricians or family doctors for

appointments for your child based on your paediatrician’s

a variety of reasons. Make a list of your concerns about your

recommendations. Keep in mind that for some services, there may

child’s development. It will be easier for you to discuss these

be a short waiting period between when the appointment is made

concerns once they are written down and you do not have to

and when your child is seen.

164 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Report Back To Your Paediatrician: Your paediatrician

an IEP encourages a higher level of accountability for all stake

will be your child’s biggest advocate in relation to your child’s medical team. After following through with your child’s referrals, it will be best to forward these results to your child’s paediatrician. Not only will they be able to decipher any of the technical aspects of the report, they can make subsequent referrals for any therapy that is required. Many insurance companies will not cover services without a physician’s referral, so having your paediatrician as an integral part of your team is vital.

holders involved (family, teacher and therapists). It also provides

In-School Support: If your child is under the age of five, enroll them in the Early Intervention Programme (EIP). This programme involves a group of early childhood teachers and therapists who specialise in providing services to children under the age of five. These professionals can assess your child’s overall development and provide additional support and services if your child demonstrates a need for them. Their goal is to have your child ready for school. They are a wonderful resources for any young child with a suspected or diagnosed special need. If your child is over the age of five or enroled in school, seek school-based guidance. For children already enroled in primary or secondary school, seeking help will be varied based on the school setting. Most public and private schools have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), or an equivalent position. Discuss your concerns regarding your child’s classroom teacher and the SENCO for your child’s school. Your SENCO will coordinate a meeting with all of the stakeholders so that all concerns can be discussed and can assist you with getting the necessary referrals. For children who attend government schools, many services such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Behaviour Therapy, Music Therapy and Education Psychology are offered within the school system. For children who attend private schools, parents may need to seek support through the Health Services Authority or through one of the privately owned medical service providers on-Island.

Ask for an Individualised Education Plan: This is a plan that outlines in writing what services will be provided to your child and what accommodations can be offered to him or her in their academic setting. It also includes short term and long term goals that your child’s therapy team and teachers will focus on. Establishing an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) will assist your child’s therapy team with planning and implementing goals that will enhance your child’s academic success. IEP’s are often written by the school’s SENCO (or equivalent) with all stakeholders included. As a result, it encourages an open dialogue between you, your child’s teacher and your child’s service providers. Having

additional opportunities for stakeholders to discuss progress and the establishment of new goals as skills are mastered and educational needs change. Typically IEPs are updated annually, however, these can be updated more or less frequently, depending on your child’s unique academic needs.

Seek Support: The process of having your child assessed for a special need is quite harrowing, even for the most “put together” parents. If your child has been diagnosed with a special need, it can be overwhelming and it is quite natural for you as a parent to go through periods of grief, denial, sadness, anger or anxiety as you try to wrap your head around their diagnosis and the way forward. Seeking support from other parents who have gone through similar experiences can help you come to terms with your child’s diagnosis. Additionally, there are non-profit agencies onIsland, such as the Special Needs Foundation of Cayman (SNFC) that are available as a resource to families to provide access to trainings, guidance and general support as you and your family goes through this difficult period.

Hope Academy Clinic Services

Mental Health Therapy Psychology Speech & Language Therapy Occupational Therapy Neuropsychological Assessments Confidential questions can be directed to Pauline at Tel: (345) 769 4573 |


Remember that the diagnosis of a special needs child does not change who your child is to you or their role in your family. They are still the little child that you are madly in love with. As you go through the therapy process, take time to appreciate the small gains your child will make. The small changes eventually add up to greater transformations over time – and these are worthy of celebration – no matter how small!

Special Needs To Look Out For Medical, emotional, mental or psychological disorders can range in severity from very mild to profound and there is an exhaustive list of disorders that can be classified as “special needs”. We want to highlight a few of the more prominent disorders seen within the Cayman Islands.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Autism Spectrum Disorder (often abbreviated to ASD) is a multifaceted neurological disorder that affects communication, cognition and social skills. It is usually noticeable prior to three years of age. It is an umbrella term that is used to describe a wide range of behaviours and abilities, thus the reason it is referred to as a 'spectrum' disorder. There are several 'red flag' characteristics across three domains that provide strong indicators that ASD is present. The red flags across these main 'domains' are as follows:

Communication • • • •

Does not respond to his or her name. Seems to hear sometimes, but not other times. Used to say a few words or babble, but now does not. May engage in “echolalia” or repetition of words or phrases heard in conversation or from other sources (toys/television etc.) but no functional communication is initiated.

Social Interaction • • • • •

Demonstrates poor eye contact. Lack of warm, joyful expressions. Seems to be in his or her “own world.” Is not interested in interacting with other children or people. Does not like to play social interaction games, like “peek-a-boo.”

Behaviour • Repetitive movements with objects or repetitive verbalisations. • Odd movements or posturing of body, arms, hands or fingers (such as hand flapping, rocking etc.).

• Plays with toys unusually (i.e. only playing with a small part of the toy, like the wheel of a car, or lining toys up instead of playing with them).

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A diagnosis of Autism is usually made by a developmental paediatrician or a clinical psychologist. Obtaining a diagnosis often involves the input of a multidisciplinary team of various other therapists, such as speech language pathologists and occupational therapists who evaluate and treat children with ASD, and is attached to a level of severity.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder of the brain that affects how a person pays attention and concentrates on tasks. This neurological disorder is characterised by delayed frontal lobe development, which impacts a child's ability to attend to tasks, stay organised, manage impulsive behaviours and follow through with instructions. ADHD is three times more likely to occur in boys than girls. There are three types of ADHD – Inattentive, HyperactiveImpulsive and Combined. Here are the red flags:

Inattentive • Easily distracted by environmental noises and activities around them.

• • • • • •

Look around frequently. Often found to be “daydreaming.” Difficulties with staying focused on one task or activity. Difficulties with remembering instructions. Difficulties with paying attention to details. Difficulties with organising belongings and tasks.

Hyperactive-Impulsivity • • • • • • • • •

Always engaging in movement. Fidgeting when asked to sit still. Difficulties with remaining seated. Often stands instead of sitting at table. Often touching objects. Excessive talking, often during inappropriate times. Difficulties with waiting for a turn. Difficulties with standing in line. Impulsive behaviour or decisions.

Combined • Characteristics from both the Inattentive type and HyperactiveImpulsivity type are observed.

ADHD is usually diagnosed by a psychologist, but treatment of the disorder may include the guidance and care of a psychiatrist. Diet, environmental changes, therapy and medication are all methods used to treat ADHD. Families usually work closely with their child’s paediatrician to monitor a child’s response to treatment methods.

Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a broad term for a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. These neurological movement disorders are typically the result of a brain injury that occurs during pregnancy or during birth. The type of cerebral palsy that a child presents with is typically correlated with the symptoms and deficits that are noted within that particular child. CP is not always noticeable at birth, but may be diagnosed over time as development is delayed. It is usually evident by age three. CP often co-occurs with other disorders such as cognitive delays, communication delays, developmental delays, digestive health issues, swallowing disorders, hearing deficits, visual deficits and seizures. There are usually eight clinical signs that indicate the presence of CP. These include: Impairment of muscle tone, difficulties with movement coordination, abnormal reflexes, difficulties with maintaining

completely (i.e. expressive language) or a combination of the two. Typically children with language disorders have difficulties with expressing themselves clearly and fluently. Many types of communication disorders fall under the diagnosis of a “language disorder” including:

• Preschool Language Deficits (typically this is seen as a language delay, which is the result of atypical language acquisition).

• Language-Based Learning Disabilities (these typically involve learning disabilities that affect a child’s ability to develop reading, writing and spelling skills).

• Selective Mutism • Cognitive Deficits (where cognitive challenges affect language acquisition and development)

• Executive Functioning Deficits (where metalinguistic skills such as organisation, attention, self-regulation etc. are delayed)

appropriate posture, difficulties with balance, delayed gross motor skills, delayed fine motor skills and delayed oral motor skills.

Learning Disabilities: Learning disabilities are neurologically based processing difficulties which interfere with the development of executive functioning skills and also impact the ability to learn basic skills such as reading, math and writing. These children typically have difficulties with learning new tasks, remembering and recalling key pieces of information, answering questions appropriately, telling time and often mix up the order of information (i.e. mixing up letters during spelling, or mixing up the order of a story etc.). These disorders can include: Auditory processing disorders, dyslexia,

Many parents are cautious and scared about having their child “labeled” or classified as having a special need. The fear that a child with special needs will be ostracised by their educators, peers and by society in general is a very real one that many parents struggle with on a daily basis. However, in most cases, having a diagnosis is beneficial to the child and this entitles them to a myriad of services, classroom supports, and educational accommodations.


Connecting Therapy and Education

dysgraphia, dyscalculia, non-verbal learning disorders, visual motor/ visual processing disorders.

Down Syndrome: Trisomy 21, most commonly referred to as Down Syndrome is one of the most commonly occurring chromosomal disorders. It occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. This results in characteristics and features that are typically associated with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome can be diagnosed prenatally or at birth. Common characteristics that are seen in individuals with Down Syndrome include: Developmental delays, Cognitive impairment, Low muscle tone, Flat head shape, Flexible ligaments, Large tongue, Abnormal shape of the ears, Flattened nose, Upward slanted eyes, Language Disorders.

Language Disorders: The American Speech Hearing Association describes a language disorder as when a person has difficulties understanding others (i.e. receptive language), or sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings

Chatterbox is a multidisciplinary team of therapists and educators providing therapy and educational services in a fun and safe learning environment. They are committed to finding the right solutions for your family.

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The Cayman Islands has one of the lowest incidences of vaccine-preventable diseases in the world, with certain diseases such as polio eliminated. - Satina DaCosta While immunisations are not mandated by law in the Cayman Islands, they are highly recommended by the Public Health Department, who has oversight for monitoring and administering immunisations in the country. According to UNICEF, vaccine-preventable diseases are one of the major causes of illness and long-term disabilities among children both in industrialised and developing countries. The prevention of Paralytic Polio in hundreds of thousands of children worldwide since the beginning of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is just one example of the effectiveness of vaccines. Conversely, there have been a number of controversial vaccine-related headlines in recent years, linking certain vaccines to the rise in autism among certain populations. There is a growing minority of parents in certain developed countries who are opting not to vaccinate their children due to some compelling revelations by whistleblowers in the medical community, particularly in the United States. According to the Public Health Department, most parents in Cayman still choose to vaccinate their children. It is also important to note that the Cayman Islands has never had a serious

outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease and this is highly correlated with the country’s successful vaccination programme. “Cayman has a very transient population and we have visitors and residents who travel to countries that have higher incidences of vaccine-preventable diseases, so we strongly recommend that parents protect their children by following our immunisation schedule,” says Nurse Joanna Rose-Wright, Nurse Manager for the Primary Health Care Services, HSA. Currently, there are four nurses who are assigned to all the public and private schools in the country. You may contact the Public Health Department (Tel: (345) 244 2734) or arrange to speak to a school nurse if you have any questions or concerns about vaccinating your children. Nurse Joanna confirmed that there are cases when Public Health officials have recommended deferring a vaccination due to medical reasons, while a parent may refuse to immunise his or her child based on religious beliefs. Nurse Joanna further explained that occasionally a vaccine may also be deferred if a child is experiencing ill-health such as a high fever.

Why are vaccinations essential for your child? Immunisations are one of the most effective ways of protecting your child's health from the very beginning. Protecting your baby from over 16 serious diseases with the help of vaccines is a powerful defense that's tested, safe and effective.

168 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

IMMUNISATION TOP FACTS • The Cayman Islands follows immunisations standards set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). • The last case of Polio in the Cayman Islands was in 1957. • The last case of Polio in the Caribbean was recorded in 1982 and the WHO officially declared the Americas free from the disease in 1994. • The last case of Measles in the Cayman Islands was in 1990. • The last case of Rubella in the Cayman Islands was in 1996. • Tdap and HPV vaccines are often administered to children by school nurses at schools in the Cayman Islands, but only when written consent from a parent has been received. • Occasionally a parent may choose to defer a vaccine due to personal reasons. • If a parent chooses not to immunise their child in the Cayman Islands, they must sign a legal document accepting full responsiblity if their child contracts a vaccine-preventable disease indemnifying the Public Health Department and the Government. • The Cayman Islands Public Health Department administers immunisations for free, but parents may choose to have their children immunised by a private paediatrician. • Schools in the Cayman Islands will request to see your child's immunisation record and a health screening report prior to enrolment.

AGE > VACCINE Hepatitis B Bacillus CalmetteGuerin (BCG) for Tubercolosis

At Birth

6 weeks



2 months

4 months

6 months

12 months

15 months

3-6 years


4 years DTaP Booster 2

11-12 years (girls)

14-15 years



Diphtheria Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis




Inactivated Poliovirus




Haemophilus Infuenzae (Type B)









9 months


Peumococcal Conjugate Vaccine


Influenza - Yearly (2-doeses for some)

Td/ Tdap

4 years IVP HiB


6 months or older

Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) Varicella B (Chickenpox)

MMR Varicella

MMR Varcicella

Human Papillmavirus C (HPV4)

2-dose series

15 years 3 dose series

VACCINE 101 Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (HIB):

HiB is a bacteria responsible for causing flu like infections like Meningitis, Pneumonia and other throat infections. Depending on the type of infection, symptoms may include headache, stiff neck, cough, breathing problems, fever, muscle pain, etc.

BCG - Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection which generally affects the lungs, and is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. It is contagious and spreads from one person to another through the air. Symptoms include chronic cough, difficulty in breathing, fever, weight loss etc.



Tetanus (DPT): Often called Lockjaw, Tetanus is a bacterial infection that causes painful muscle spasms and can lead to death. Symptoms include painful muscle contractions, difficulty in breathing and intermittent muscle spasms.

Diphtheria (DPT): Diphtheria is a bacterial disease that spreads easily and occurs very quickly. It mainly affects the upper respiratory system, including the nose and throat. Symptoms include sore throat, fever swollen lymph nodes and weakness. Polio: Polio is a highly contagious disease, caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. Symptoms may range from non-paralytic fever and throat infection, to limb deformity, and complete paralysis.

Reactions to Immunisations... It is uncommon for children to experience a severe reaction to an immunisation, but these three common reactions can occur: Redness in the area, swelling, pain or fever. Contact your child’s paediatrician or the Public Health Department on Tel: (345) 244 2724 .

The Cayman Clinic has provided family oriented health services since 1972. The doctors here are known for their personal and compassionate care, provided with the total well being of the patient in mind.

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Everything you need to know about health insurance for children in the Cayman Islands! - Jeanette Verhoeven Wherever you may be in the world, accidents and disease can and do occur. If you live on a small island though, it is particularly important to know that when you or your child needs medical care, you will be able to get it, whether that is here in Cayman or overseas. Jeanette Verhoeven, Vice President of Health and Life at Aon Risk Solutions, explains the ins and outs of health insurance for children in Cayman. Although decades ago medical care for children was free at the George Town Hospital, this is no longer the case. Cayman has adopted 3rd-party American style health insurance instead of socialised medicine. Cayman Laws mandate that every citizen, including children, must have at least a Standard Health Insurance Contract (SHIC). The only instances when Public Health may cover some, or all, medical costs are those relating to immunisations, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and pre-natal expenses: • In order to maintain Cayman’s high vaccination rates, and maintain the freedom we have had from measles and whooping cough outbreaks, Public Health will waive the balance of the costs of Cayman-required immunisations not covered by insurance policies.

• Some Caymanian women may qualify for financial assistance with pre-natal expenses, via Public Health, if their insurance benefits have been exhausted. This does not include delivery costs though!

• Because of the threat that Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS pose to the community, the cost of treatment for these conditions is covered by Public Health.

Insuring Children There are no insurers in Cayman that offer child-only individual policies for under 18s, so children must be added to their parent’s plan. Any parent working in the Cayman Islands should have health coverage offered by their employer, and the employer is required to extend coverage options to any legally-resident dependents. This extension applies to spouses not covered by their own employment and their children, step-children or adopted children living in Cayman (even if they are attending school overseas). The employers do not have to pay towards the children’s premiums, although some do contribute. Health insurance for family members can be a large expense in the budget, thus, should be discussed as part of your employment process. Unemployed parents must insure their children also via an individual policy.

170 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Planning for Pregnancy If you plan on having a child, review how your plan will cover pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care well in advance to help ensure the costs will be covered. If you try to join the insurance plan after you are pregnant, your pregnancy will be viewed as a pre-existing condition, thus limited to the SHIC basic plan benefits: $500 in prenatal coverage and an annual cap of $100,000 for major care for mother and baby. If you try to upgrade whilst already pregnant, the expenses are usually allowed at the original plan’s benefits only. Similarly, if a dependent daughter becomes pregnant and is on her parent’s plan, the pregnancy will usually be limited to the SHIC benefits, and her baby’s expenses may have limited cover, or none at all, via the grandparent’s plan. In such situations, mother and baby are usually better off on their own plan.

When the Baby Arrives Once a baby arrives, those on individual plans must take the necessary steps with the insurer to add the baby to the plan themselves. Employees on a group plan, however, need to have the plan administrator to authorise the addition of any dependent. You will need to speak to your HR department or insurance company about how to add your newborn. Bear in mind adding the baby should be done within 30 days of birth. Do not wait until you return to work after maternity leave or your medical bills may not be paid, and if the baby is found to have medical issues, more restrictions could be applied. Sometimes forms can be presigned to enrol the baby. Then, once you have given birth, let HR know the date of birth and baby’s name, so that the forms can be sent to the insurer. You also may need to provide a birth certificate. It is also worth noting that you do not need to be the primary custodial parent nor be married to the child’s other parent to provide for their health insurance plan.

What Can You Afford? Mum’s Plan or Dad’s Plan? If you and your spouse (or other parent) are on different health plans, you should choose to add your child to one or other plan, or apply for both parents’ plans. When deciding which plan to go with consider the following: • What are the benefits of each plan? • Which parent is likely to stay in their job longer? Although it is possible to change plans, it can be time-consuming and things like deductible credits may be lost.

• What are the monthly premiums and what amount does each parents’ employer contribute towards dependent’s coverage?

• Ask your employer about renewal dates (the rates you are quoted today may change at renewal time, so what appears to be the best deal right now may not be the best deal in a few months time).

• When calculating the costs of insuring children, remember to take into account the variance in pay periods: if you are paid every two weeks, will you be looking at deductions on every pay check, including those months when there are three pay cheques?

Both Plans? Whilst the law requires a minimum coverage it does not block additional coverage, so in some cases it is possible to put a child on two plans. If both parents have the same insurer, double enrolment is not an option. In double coverage, the benefits should be coordinated between the two plans: the primary plan should pay first, and eligible differences can be submitted for coverage by the second. In Cayman, the father’s plan is usually considered the primary plan in cases of coordinating benefits (COB). It is important to consider, however, whether the potential benefits warrant paying the additional premiums. A possible instance when double-coverage could be beneficial is if a baby is ill or premature and one plan’s benefits will not suffice.

Insurance for School & College Age Children Whilst they are dependents, children are to be insured on their parents’ plan but once a child marries or begins regular work (not counting holiday jobs), they are usually no longer considered dependents eligible for the parents' plans and should go on their spouses’ or own employer’s plan (even if under age 18). It is not unusual for parents to worry that their child’s employer’s health plan is too expensive, or does not provide as adequate coverage. It is important to be aware though, that it may not help to keep a young person who is in employment or married on the parent’s plan. Insurers may deny claims when the eligibility criteria are not met and thus at a time of need, the plan may provide no cover at all.

As a rule of thumb, the wisest course of action is to choose the highest coverage you can afford as even the most mundane of procedures quickly climb in costs. If, however, you opt for a lesser coverage in order to save on monthly costs, consider putting some of those savings aside for an ‘emergency fund’ which you can dip into if and when you need extra care or tests not covered by your plan.

As per the Health Insurance Law, if you are Caymanian and cannot afford the premiums to cover your child, you may apply for medical coverage for your children through the Needs Assessment Unit (NAU), which is part of the Community Affairs Youth & Sports Ministry. Applications and relevant documentation should be submitted before a medical emergency arises. It also worth noting that Government allows Caymanians to sign IOUs or put their property up for collateral for urgent medical care not covered by their insurance. This does not, however, apply to expatriates.

In the event that the child loses his or her job, returns to school or becomes financially dependent again, it is possible to add them back on to their parents' plan. Young adults aged between 18/19 (depending on the insurer) and age 30, who are in school or college or otherwise financially dependent on their parent, may remain on their parent’s plan as an ‘overage dependent’. In order to cover an overage dependent, however, proof that they are studying or financially dependent must be provided. It is the parent’s responsibility to maintain valid proof at all times. Some insurers require proof from the school annually or each semester, (so as little as three months may elapse between semesters) or a statement of financial dependency as often as every six months. Parents need to know and follow their insurer’s requirements in this important matter. Failure to provide such proof – even when premiums are paid – may result in claims being pended/not paid, and the insurer will not be able to verify coverage in emergency situations.

Children & Travel Parents whose children travel either on school trips or to study overseas, should make sure the insurance plan covers them wherever they may be. If studying overseas, it is not necessarily a good idea to drop their Cayman plan in favour of a college plan, especially if the college plan does not cover them during vacations or whilst in Cayman. Equally, children studying in Cayman may travel to other countries for sports or school trips. In such cases it is important to find out what coverage their plan provides abroad. Many of the


Eligibility Details basic plans have minimal or no emergency benefits and require Cayman referrals signed by two doctors or the Chief Medical Officer in order to receive major care overseas. Parents may therefore need to purchase additional medical travel insurance for the periods when their children make trips overseas. Besides an ID card, it is a good idea to provide the child or his/her caregiver guidance how to use the plan overseas (e.g. point out the website or phone # for finding network providers and where to access claim forms to print). If a parent has children living overseas who come to visit them in Cayman, they too should ensure that the child(ren) have a home policy including overseas benefits, or a travel policy, to cover them in Cayman, with the major medical benefits being the most important part of the coverage to review.

Changing – Portability Protection & Importance of Declaring Pre-Existing Conditions Accurately It is possible to change plans, and ‘portability protection’ means that if you or your child have been covered for 12 or more months with no more than a three month break in coverage on a Cayman-based compliant plan, the next Cayman insurer cannot refuse your entry nor add new restrictions onto your enrolment for a similar level of plan. The insurers may rate the premiums higher for the risks presented. Note that if you downgrade your family’s plan to save money, you will then only be portable to the new level of plan if you change jobs or plans later. If you move your child off of your local coverage onto an overseas plan whilst away at school, your child will likewise lose portability due to the break in coverage. Importantly, portability still requires, as always, the applicant to fully answer all questions accurately. Typically there will be more questions on forms for higher cover plans - allow time to complete accurately. Pre-existing conditions not declared may have related claims denied in full, without even SHIC benefits available, which is a totally avoidable situation just by being thorough and truthful.

Resources for Health Insurance Information • Your Employer/Human Resources department • Health Insurance company customer and claims service representatives • Health Insurance Brokers (intermediary advocates for clients in placing coverage among available options and paid by the insurers for the services they provide to the insured members) • The Health Insurance Commission (Government regulators)

172 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

• According to the Health Insurance Law, children can be birth children, step children or legally adopted children.

• The insurers may require a copy of birth certificates and/or immigration status to enrol a child and marriage certificates if enrolling step-children.

• Most insurers require children to be bona fide residents of Cayman (with exception of children normally resident in Cayman attending school abroad).

• Grandchildren are not eligible for enrolment unless the grandparent has court-issued papers of guardianship.

• No insurers in Cayman offer child-only (under 18 year old) individual policies (but children who start working before age 18 may be enrolled on their employer’s plans).

• After the age of 18 or age 19 (depending upon the insurer) up to maximum age 30, children will need proof of attending school or evidence of being financially dependent upon the parent to stay on their parent’s plan as “overage dependents”.

• Proof of this must be maintained by the parents. • Some insurers require this statement of financial dependency (often to include a notary seal) as often as every six months.

• Even if premiums are paid continuously, without such valid proof, claims will be pended / not paid and most importantly, the insurer will not be able to verify coverage in emergency situations.

• The law requires minimum coverage but does not block additional coverage from being placed.

• If your child is eligible for other plans via their college or other parent, consider if the potential benefits possibly warrant the extra costs.

• Beware of dropping their Cayman plan for a college plan as the college plans may not cover them during vacations periods or whilst in Cayman – sometimes you will need both plans.

• Usually children can be enrolled on both parents’ plan but the additional premiums may outweigh the additional potential benefits.

• If the child marries or is working (except holiday jobs), that child should go on their own employer’s or spouse’s plan.

• Parents may worry that the child’s employer’s plan is too expensive or that the quality of it isn't as good as their own; however, since insurers can deny claims when eligibility criteria is not met, the parent’s plan could provide nil protection when most needed.


DO YOU SEE WHAT 'EYE' SEE? Debunking Eye Care Myths

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 19 million children under the age of 15 are visually impaired. Of those, 12 million children are visually impaired due to refractive errors, a condition that could be easily diagnosed and corrected and 80% of all international visual impairment can be prevented or cured. Eyes can potentially develop problems such as refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism), cataracts or glaucoma. Having regular eye tests are essential for spotting these problems and ultimately keeping your children’s eyes healthy. We asked local eye care authority, Dr Chris Vuorenmaa from Caribbean Optical, to help us shed some light on the subject.

Is wearing sunglasses important for our children? The short answer is yes! According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, exposure to ultra violet rays (UV) is cumulative, and direct contact with sunlight for even short periods of time can lead to several long-term eye health problems – many of which begin symptom-free. Because children spend more time outdoors than the average adult, they receive approximately three times the annual adult dose of UV rays. Additionally, because the crystalline lens in children’s eyes has less capability to filter UV rays than in adult eyes, they are at a greater risk of internal eye damage, including cataracts and macular degeneration, later in life. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that up to 80% of a person’s lifetime exposure to damaging UV radiation occurs before the of age of 18.

What is the difference between an ophthalmologist, an optometrist and an optician? An Ophthalmologist is a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathic medicine who specialises in eye and vision care. They are trained to perform eye exams, diagnose and treat disease, prescribe medications and perform eye surgery. They can also write prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Are school eye checks enough?

An Optometrist is not a medical doctor but they have received a doctor of optometry (OD) degree after completing four years of optometry school, preceded by three years or more years of college. They are licensed to practise optometry, which primarily involves performing eye exams and vision tests, prescribing and dispensing corrective lenses, detecting certain eye abnormalities, and prescribing medications for certain eye diseases.

No. Although they do catch the more obvious problems, school eye checks are very basic in nature.

An Optician is a technician that is trained to design, verify and fit eyeglass

COMMON EYE CARE MYTHS • Children will outgrow crosseyes or lazy eyes. • Sitting too close to the TV can damage eyes. • If parents have poor eyesight, their children will suffer from the same eye problems. • As you get older, there is nothing you can do about your worsening vision. • It is okay to skip my child’s first eye exam, as long as they don’t seem to have any problems with their sight. • Glasses will make the child's eyes weak or dependent.

lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to correct eyesight. They use prescriptions supplied by ophthalmologists or optometrists, but do not test vision or write prescriptions for visual correction. Opticians are not permitted to diagnose or treat eye diseases.

When is a child old enough for contact lenses? The answer simply is: when they are responsible for taking care of them. Some sevenyear-olds are great with contacts, some 25-year-olds shouldn't be trusted. Whether they can keep a clean room on their own, is a good guideline.

Can Glaucoma occur in kids? Yes. Glaucoma can occur at any age.


What are some serious eye problems that parents should look out for? The most serious, of course, would be a tumour and/or damage to the eye itself. Having a large prescription difference between the eyes, and not catching this, can lead to amblyopia or a 'lazy eye'. Regular eye exams will catch this.

When should parents schedule their child’s first eye exam? The first eye exam should be done at 6 months, and then from school age (4.5 years) tests should be undertaken annually.

What sort of problems should parents be looking out for? Squinting, sitting too close to the television and problems reading should all be warning signs.

What tips do you have for parents buying eyewear? Find something that is durable and that the child will want to wear. You have to get their okay, so getting them involved is important.

What kinds of toys pose a risk for eye injuries? Really anything that moves at high speed, like a projectile.

Dental Care for

CHILDREN Developing positive oral hygiene habits early in childhood is crucial in ensuring continued practise into adulthood. This means starting very early on even before your baby's teeth have emerged. - Sean Childers It is important to be aware that primary tooth enamel is much thinner and less resistant to decay than permanent/ adult teeth. The key to successful teeth-brushing for young children is ensuring they are accustomed to the experience of having their teeth and gums touched and cleaned as early on as possible. Starting at birth, clean your child’s gums with a soft cloth and water. This early oral stimulation not only helps prevent fungal infections such as oral thrush, but also makes acceptance of the toothbrush, once the teeth start to erupt, less of a challenge.

First Visit To The Dentist The American Academy of

Thaddeus Daniel OD Chris Vuorenmaa BSc. OD

Eye Examinations Contact Lens Fittings Treatment of Eye Diseases Designer Frames Premium Lenses Contact Lenses Reading Glasses Sunglasses Safety Glasses 1-Hour Onsite Laboratory

Major Insurance Accepted & Walk-Ins Welcome Tel: 943-5151 | Fax: 943-5152 72 Market Street, Camana Bay Opening Hours: Mon - Sat 10:00am - 7:00pm

174 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Pediatrics (AAP), The American Dental Association (ADA), and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommend establishing a “Dental Home” for your child by one year of age, with follow-up visits every six months which are essential for early detection and/or interception of any problems. Although the first visit will not likely be much more than a quick examination, it will not only assist your child in becoming familiar with the process of having their teeth professionally cleaned, but will also allow the dentist to provide some helpful suggestions regarding oral health care.

Should I Allow My Child to Brush His/Her Own Teeth? Fostering an early independence in oral hygiene is important for your child’s development. Allowing your child to brush their own teeth is crucial, however, until a child is six to eight years of age, they will often not comprehend that teeth are three-dimensional objects. In saying this, they may not understand that in order to properly clean a tooth, it must be brushed not only on the top side (chewing surface) but also the cheek side, tongue side, and in some cases the back side. Although it is great to let your child brush their own teeth at an early age, it is paramount that this activity is closely supervised and that the parent checks things over afterwards.

Flossing A child’s teeth should be flossed at least once a day, preferably before bed. It is important to thoroughly floss the teeth at any point where the teeth are touching each other. The toothbrush cannot adequately clean these areas which leaves them particularly susceptible to decay. There are devices such as ‘floss wands’ for kids that make this task easier and more of a fun activity for children.

Proper Tooth Brushing/Flossing Frequency & Technique Prevention is key, the AAPD recommends using fluoridated toothpaste (ADA approved) as soon as the first teeth erupt. At the first glimpse of primary teeth, switch to a softbristled, age-appropriate tooth brush. Use only a smear of fluoridated toothpaste as this small amount is safe for your child to swallow. Gradually, as more baby teeth appear you can increase the amount of toothpaste until you get to a ‘pea-sized’ drop once all 20 primary teeth are present. Early childhood tooth decay can start suddenly, and spread very quickly; thus, dentist visits every six months are essential in detecting early decay. Brush your child’s teeth gently, but thoroughly, twice a day. The last brush of the day should be after your child’s last feeding and right before they are put to bed. This will ensure you significantly decrease

or eliminate any food particles that cavitycausing bacteria feed on, causing tooth decay. These bacteria are especially active at night when a child is sleeping and their saliva production is minimal. Also don't let your children share their toothbrushes. Toothbrushes can harbour streptococcus mutans which is the bacteria responsible for tooth decay.

Breast Feeding & Bottle Use The most common and serious cause of early childhood tooth decay is caused by frequent and long exposures of an infant’s teeth to liquids that contain sugars, both natural and artificial. Among these liquids are milk (including breast milk), formula, fruit juice, and other sweetened drinks. Putting a baby to bed for a nap or at night with a bottle other than water can cause serious and rapid tooth decay. These liquids pool around the teeth and feed the bacteria which in turn produce acids that attack tooth enamel. This type of destructive tooth decay is also known as Nursing Bottle Caries or Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Similarly, on demand breast feeding both before bed and during the night can also be destructive as the constant and frequent intake of breast milk (which is high in natural sugars) can have the same effect as described above. Regardless of whether your baby is breast or bottle fed, it is still a good idea to wipe

or brush the teeth gently (without toothpaste) after every feeding in addition to brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste twice daily

Thumb Sucking & Pacifier Use Thumb sucking and pacifier use is a very common habit for young children as a method of self-soothing, especially while falling asleep. The extent to which these habits generate problems is dependent on several factors. Research suggests that a minimum of six hours of sucking on their fingers, thumbs or a pacifier within a 24- hour period can cause serious distortions of the teeth, such as protrusion of the front teeth or an open bite. Another important factor is how passive or vigorous the child sucks on their digits or pacifier. The more vigorous the sucking, the more likely distortions will be seen, and the harder the habit will be to extinguish. These distortions usually self-correct, if the habit is extinguished before the child begins losing their primary teeth. However, once the permanent teeth begin to erupt (around six years of age), these habits, if still present, become a much more serious problem. When permanent teeth are erupting they are very susceptible to distortions, which tend to be more permanent and require orthodontic intervention to correct. It is important for thumb/finger sucking and pacifier use to be fully extinguished no later than age five.

Dr. Sean Childers BSc, MSc, FRCS (C) As well as being a Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dr. Childers has a Masters in Pediatric Dentistry, is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists Canada and is Board-Certified in Pediatric Dentistry. He practises both family and cosmetic dentistry as well as paediatric dentistry and his specialist training and experience is in treating infants, children, adolescents and special needs patients. He is passionate about other specialised fields of dentistry such as Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, and has pursued additional extensive training in these areas. Dr. Childers prides himself in empathising and working with children and adults who experience varying degrees of dental anxiety and understands that a little compassion goes a long way.



Ask A Doctor Q&A

Cayman's best doctors answer Cayman Parent's burning questions about our children's health and give us some great advice on how to take care of our families in the Cayman Islands.

Dr. Gordon Smith Dr. Earl Robinson

General Practitioner and Paediatrician, Head of the Children's Clinic on Smith Road, George Town

What made you decide to become a doctor in the Cayman Islands? I saw an advert in the Glasgow Herald in August 1992 placed by Dr. Tomlinson. I was looking for a paediatric job, decided to apply, and got the job. My first weekend here I drove to the Turtle Farm on day 1 and Rum Point on day 2. I thought it was a bit small and the population was only 30,000 then. I decided to give it a two year trial but after 18 months I had made so many new friends and found the Caymanian people so friendly and welcoming I decided to stay. What is the most common health problem you encounter with children in the Cayman Islands? We are in the Northern Hemisphere so we get all the viruses which are circulating during the North Hemisphere ‘flu season’ which surprises some people because Cayman is still hot during the winter time. Do you have any funny stories of treating children in Cayman? I am now in my 25th year in Cayman and have a collection of photos of babies & children on my office door. Some of the photos include pictures of me also. Children are very honest and some of them point to me and ask “is this a photo of you when you had brown hair?” What 3 things do you recommend parents keep in their medicine cupboard? A thermometer, a fever reducer medicine and band aids. What should I do if my child has a cold or fever? Should parents keep sick kids home or send them to school? For children over 6 months if your child has a fever you should keep them home from school to protect the other children. Give them plenty of fluids and over the counter along with fever reducers (for example Calpol and/or Motrin). Loss of appetite and decreased energy is to be expected when a child has a fever. Wait until they have not had a fever for 24 hours before sending them back to school. Consult a doctor for fevers lasting 2-3 days. For babies under 3 months always let the doctor know immediately, they are at high risk of septicemia. Parents should also keep their kids home from school if they have vomiting and/or diarrhea also if they have pink eye and/or eye discharge.

Consultant Paediatrician/Clinical Head of Dept at the Health Services Authority (HSA) What made you decide to become a paediatrician? Completeing one year in the Emergency unit of Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados, an opening became available in their paediatric department so I transferred. My passion to take care of children became stronger over the years and I never regretted the choice I made. What is the most common health problem you encounter with kids in Cayman? The most common acute health problem is the common cold while the most common chronic problem is obesity. What should I do if my child has a cold or fever? The child should have plenty of rest, plenty of fluids and ‘fever’ medicine at recommended doses. You should seek medical attention if your child’s temperature is over 103F (39.3C), if the fever lasts more than two days, or if your child has shortness of breath, productive cough, earache, difficulty swallowing, chest/abdominal pain, headache or is not tolerating fluids. What medication do you recommend parents keep handy? The top three medications I would suggest are fever medication (Paracetamol, acetaminophen or Ibuprofen), antibiotic cream for cuts/bruises and allergy medication such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). What do parents overly worry about? Some parents get overly anxious when their child has a fever, pain, a skin rash, or is not eating normally, despite their child running around. I often spend a long time reassuring parents after the medical examination.

Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings -PUBLILIUS SYRUS

Dr. Shirley Cridland Dr. Virginia Hobday Tell us how you came to be a doctor? When I was a Girl Guide, I enjoyed the first aid courses the most. Then I saw first hand how much my sister, who was a nurse, found joy in assisting people and I became interested in studying medicine. Tell us one of the most interesting things you have worked on as a doctor in Cayman? Being involved in the Genetic Clinic and the Early Intervention Programmes from their beginnings was interesting work for me. I have always had an interest in infant development, diagnosing delays and encouraging prompt intervention. I also advocate infant immunisation programmes. In the Genetic Clinic, I was able to work with visiting consultants in addressing patients with Cerebellar Ataxia and Sickle Cell Disease. What is the most common health problem you encounter with children in the Cayman Islands? I find that most children who come in to the clinic have either Upper Respiratory Infections or Asthma. What should I do if my child has a cold or fever? Treat a fever with a fever reducer such as Panadol, and congestion with antihistamine such as Benedryl. Should parents keep sick kids at home or send them to school? Keep sick children at home so they they can rest and recover more quickly, but also to not spread their germs to their classmates. Describe one of your most rewarding experiences as a doctor? My most rewarding experience of being a doctor in Cayman is in having been involved in the Early Intervention Programme.

Dr. Hobday is a General Practitioner, and Medical Director of Cayman Clinic & Cayman Hospice Care Describe two of your most rewarding experiences as a doctor. My first neonatal unit baby was a premature little boy who weighed one pound. I could hold him in the palm of my hand. I was part of the team that transferred him by ambulance from another London hospital. He was with us for several months. When he finally went home, his parents were so happy and on his birthdays his mother sent me progress reports for several years thereafter. As part of my work with hospice care I was involved looking after a terminally ill little girl of two. It was heartbreaking, but I felt that we allowed this child to pass peacefully at home in her parents’ arms. Do you have any funny stories of treating children in Cayman? Children say the funniest things and I wish I had kept a book of their unfiltered and wonderful comments over the last 19 years in Cayman. Their natural curiosity always makes me smile. I once had to glue my own two little boys’ chins and forehead one Sunday afternoon after a collision in the swimming pool. They were very happy with their bandages, until their friend arrived at the Clinic with a deep gash in his foot which needed stitches. They were then very disappointed that they only got glue. Should parents keep sick kids at home or send them to school? Sick kids should of course be kept at home. A child needs lots of rest and quiet and fluids, which is not possible at school. They also need to be monitored for their symptoms worsening, in case they need to go to the doctor. Sending sick kids to school also results in other children and teachers getting sick. How common are worms in children and how should they be treated? Worms are relatively common in younger children and can be treated with over the counter medication. Monitoring hand hygiene and treating others in the family is recommended. I don’t advise treating for worms routinely or in the absence of symptoms, as this can lead to resistance to medication.

Photos this section courtesy of Lucy Beighton of Creations Unlimited

Dr. Cridland is a Paediatrician, who has a clinic on Smith Road opposite Cayman Prep School


CHILD ABUSE Signs, Staying Safe & Security

In a world where sexual abuse is so prevalent it’s important that parents, teachers and other caregivers understand what types of physical behaviour are okay, which are not okay, and how to talk to children about behaviours that might make them feel uncomfortable.

Statistics According to Child Abuse Prevention Policy 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 8 boys are sexually molested before they reach 18 Estimates suggest that for every serious incident reported, 10 are unreported A child molester may victimise almost 120 children before he/she is caught Unfortunately we are not immune in Cayman and in 2016 the following figures concerning child abuse were released: 53 children were neglected, 36 children were physically abused, 39 were sexually abused, 33 were emotionally abused and 3 were defiled.

What can I do as a Parent to protect my Child? One of the main ways you can help protect your child is to become educated regarding child abuse. The Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) offers training and support services to children and families at risk, and the Family Resource Centre offers training to parents. You should also have an open dialogue with your child about their safety and their bodies, without scaring them. The Darkness to Light programme has produced the ‘The 5 Steps to Protecting Our Children™’, an introductory guide to help adults protect children from sexual abuse. Using an evidence-informed approach, these guidelines provide simple and practical actions you can take to prevent, recognise, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Visit to read the guide. In addition the Cayman Islands Red Cross offers Darkness to Light training sessions that are free and open to the public. The two and a half hour session outline five steps to protect children through a video, workbook and group discussion. Visit to sign up for a training session.

5 Steps to Protecting Children from Abuse 1. Learning the facts about abuse 2. Minimising the opportunity for abuse 3. Advice for parents on how to have open conversations with their children 4. Learning to recognise the signs of sexual abuse 5. How to react responsibility when there is a suspicion of abuse

What is Darkness to Light? They are a US based non-profit organisation committed to empowering adults to prevent child sexual abuse.

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Cyber Safety for Children The internet is a wonderful resource for kids whether it’s for helping with homework, listening to music, or playing games. However, the internet is a constantly evolving space, so it’s important for parents to be proactive in educating their children about appropriate online behaviour and safety. 1. Teach children how to protect their personal information Name, address, phone number, birthday, school name, photos, usernames and passwords should never be given to anyone, not even friends. Ensure kids have strong passwords which should include upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. 2. Install parental controls These are software and tools that you can install on phones, tablets, games consoles or laptops. They can block or filter the content your child sees when searching online, plan what time of day your child can go online and for how long and stop them from downloading apps they’re too young for. Popular parental control services include ContentWatch Net Nanny 7 and Kaspersky Safe Kids. Visit www. for details on more products available. 3. Talk to your child about staying safe online Have family discussions to set boundaries and agree what is appropriate. Talk to your child about what sites or apps are suitable for children of different ages. You could even make a list and look at them together. Use to see the pros and cons of each site from a child safety point of view.

Who is Vulnerable? All children are vulnerable to abuse and there is a wide profile of risk factors, however, the NSPCC has identified that children of parents that misuse drugs and alcohol as well as disabled children are particularly vulnerable. Also research suggests that often children who are sexually abused know their abuser. Children are also at risk when using the internet. Social media, chat rooms and web forums all present risks of children coming into contact with a potential abuser. See our column (on previous page) on how to ensure your child’s internet safety.

Signs of Abuse

Darkness to Light has identified the following signs to look out for, however, it’s important to remember that some children may show no signs at all. In addition, victims of child abuse are often afraid of their parents’ reactions or fear getting into trouble. They don’t know how to explain what happened to them and believe any threats made by the abuser.

Physical Signs of Sexual Abuse

• Persistent or recurring pain during urination or bowel movements

• Wetting or soiling accidents unrelated to toilet training • Sexually transmitted diseases • Chronic stomach pain and/or headaches

Emotional Signs of Abuse

• • • •

Anxiety and depression Sleep disturbances, including nightmares or night terrors Change in eating habits Unusual fear of certain people or places; reluctance to be alone with a certain person

• Changes in mood that could include anger, aggressiveness towards parents, siblings, friends, pets

• Rebellion or withdrawal; runaway behaviour • Change in attitude towards school, lack of interest in friends, sports, or other activities

• Poor self-esteem; avoidance of personal relationships • Self-mutilation or change in body perception, thinking of self or body as dirty or bad; suicidal thoughts

• Regression to previously outgrown behaviours, for example bedwetting or thumb sucking

What is Cayman doing to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse? Children are protected from all forms of abuse under the Children’s Law (2012 Revision), and according to this law, ‘child abuse’ is defined as the sexual abuse or the physical or emotional abuse, or neglect, of a child who is under the age of 18. In February 2017, The Child Abuse Prevention Policy was launched with the aim of preventing child abuse within the sporting scene in the Cayman Islands.

The Child Abuse Prevention Policy requires the following: • It is a mandatory requirement for officials

of the National Sports Association (NSA) and member clubs to report suspicions of child abuse to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), who are the statutory body responsible for the prevention, investigation and management of child abuse matters. • NSA to appoint a Child Protection Officer for its association and that all clubs within the association - appoint a child protection officer for reporting purposes. • All NSA and club child protection officers must complete Child Abuse Prevention training through the DCFS before taking up their roles.

Failure to comply with the policy guidelines, and ultimately the law, can result in a fine, imprisonment, or both. For more information on the policy contact the Department of Children and Family Services on (345) 949 0290 or email

• Abnormal sexual behaviours or knowledge of advanced sexual language and behaviours

• Too 'perfect' behaviour or overly compliant behaviour.

Cyber Safety Resources: NSPCC (UK): (USA):

What do I do if I suspect/discover child sexual abuse? Report any suspicions confidentially to the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) on (345) 949 0290 for Grand Cayman and (345) 948 2331 for Cayman Brac. They are the Government authority under the Children’s Law and the police then conduct investigations in conjunction with the DCFS. You can also call the The Family Resource Centre (345) 949 0006 or the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre Helpline on (345) 943 2422.

Net Aware:




RIGHT SHOE For Your Futbolista

If you know someone who loves football there is a high chance they have a favourite player, and most likely that player is sponsored by a large sport branding company to wear the most technologically advanced football shoes. It’s no surprise then that your child will want to emulate their football hero by wearing the same shoe. After all, if they dress like Ronaldo or Messi surely they will play like them, right? Not necessarily. Below are some tips, written by The Futbolista World Team, to help you choose the best pair of shoes for your rising football star.

Size/Shape Children’s feet are still growing so buying shoes that are a size too big might seem like a good idea, as they will have space to grow into them. However, this is NOT the case with football boots. Playing football in a shoe that is too big can make players feel awkward and clumsy which could lead to ankle twists, tripping, blisters and even serious deformities. A shoe that fits too tight can cause the player’s toenail to bend and cause bunions so be sure they have a little space. New football shoes should be easy to put on and fit snuggly but not too tight. Remember: most shoes will stretch slightly after a couple of wears. There should be from 1cm to 2cm of space between the player’s big toe and the tip of the boot to allow the foot to move freely but still provide firm structural support. Next, you should consider the shape of your child’s foot when choosing a new shoe. If your child complains that the football boot feels like it’s squeezing them, even though it is the correct size, it may be because it is a narrow fitting shoe. Rather than select a bigger size, which will only cause more problems,

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choose another brand that has a wider fit. Children’s feet should feel comfortable at all times in their football shoe. An easy way of testing this is by having them stand on one foot with the shoe on and lean in different directions.

Surface It is important that children have the appropriate footwear for the surface they are playing on. Here in the Cayman Islands, various types of football games are played on real grass (firm ground), artificial turf, and also on indoor surfaces. When playing on real grass, such as on the Truman Bodden Field, one should play with firm ground studs. Sharp turns and change of directions require a shoe that will dig into the ground and give proper traction. A turf shoe opposed to a classic studded soccer shoe, is much more suited for use on artificial surfaces like at the Camana Bay Sport Complex. This is simply because the surfaces are not deep enough for studs. Playing on artificial surfaces with firm ground boots will put much more pressure on the player’s joints, which overtime can cause severe long term injuries. If your child is playing at King’s

EASY AS 123 • Does it fit right? Make sure shoes are easy to put on, fit snuggly and feel comfortable. • Which surface? Choose the appropriate stud pattern for the surface that the shoe is going to be used on. • Cost efficient? Consider how often the shoe will be used and how soon a replacement will be needed.

FUN FACT! The first pair of football boots in history are those made for King Henry VIII of England in 1526

Sports Centre, which offers an indoor facility for 5-a-side football games, they should wear specifically designed indoor football shoes. Indoor football shoes have soles that grip very effectively allowing the wearer to still twist while standing on a planted foot, thereby reducing knee ligament injuries. They also feel much more comfortable when striking a ball compared to regular running sneakers.

Durability Buying football shoes can become a costly

expenditure if your child runs through four pairs a season. Children playing in a regular football season will normally train twice a week and have a game on the weekend. Given the proper care, a good pair of football shoes can last one season and still have plenty of wears left. However, in reality this rarely happens with children. Most young football players don’t like to clean their shoes and the dry dirt left on them dramatically shortens the lifespan of the shoe. They become stiff and brittle and hence susceptible to ripping. When selecting a shoe keep in mind the price range you can expect to spend for football shoes. It is much better to purchase a boot for functionality instead of appearance. The material and craftsmanship of the shoe must also be taken into consideration. A shoe that has higher quality materials will cost more but last longer than cheaper alternatives. We advise players to have two pairs of boots to last a season, a cheaper one to train in daily and a more desirable pair to be worn solely on match days. Remember when it comes to choosing the right pair of football shoes, you should consider more than just the looks. With a basic understanding and the right guidance you can help your child choose a boot that looks and feels good but is also reasonably priced. Your child’s football coach or physical education teacher can advise whether your child will be playing on firm ground, artificial turf or on an indoor surface. Next, examine your child’s feet and determine if he/ she needs a wide width or slim fitting shoe. Then visit a store like Futbolista World and have your child try on shoes to determine the BEST; not too tight or loose. Finally, purchase a pair of shoes or two (cheaper one for training and a more expensive one for games) which you and your child are happy with. Now your rising football star will be, Ready to Play, Ready to Win. # 6 North Church Street, across from the Wharf George Town | (345) 916 3668




LISTINGS Paediatricians, family doctors, dentists, special needs, insurance

Road. Tel: (345) 949 6066 ext. 6504 Email:


Grand Cayman has no shortage of dedicated healthcare professionals, making it easy for you to prioritise your own, and your family's, health and wellbeing.

Paediatricians Dr. Cecily Abraham MBBS DCH DM Unit 7, Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive. Tel: (345) 945 7050. Dr. Christine Chen MD MBBS DABP FAAP TrinCay Medical Centre & Urgent Care, 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Email: Web: www. Other languages: Conversational Spanish. Dr. Binoy Chattuparambil, Chief Cardiac Surgeon, Chief Cardiac Doctor / Senior Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon Health City Cayman Islands, 1283 Sea View Road, East End. Tel: (345) 640 4040 Emergencies: (345) 526 2108 Email: info@healthcitycaymanislands. com Web: Dr. Earl Robinson, Consultant Paediatrician Cayman Islands Health Services Authority, 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8600 Email: Web: www. Dr. Deepa Subramanian, Paediatric Endocrinologist Health City Cayman Islands 1283 Sea View Road, East End. Tel: (345) 640 4040 Email: Web: www. Dr Sara Watkin MB ChB, MRCP Grand Harbour Medical Suites, Grand Harbour Tel: (345) 326 7827 Email: Web: Dr. Shirley Cridland MB BS DCH (London) 247 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 5225 Urgent After Hours: Tel: (345) 949 7223 Email: Dr. Ramon Lacanilao MD FAAP The Doctors' Hospital, 19 Middle Road, off Walkers

182 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Dr. Sripadh Upadhya, Senior Paediatric Cardiologist Health City Cayman Islands, 1283 Sea View Road, East End. Tel: (345) 640 4040 Emergencies: (345) 526 2108 Email: Web: www. Dr. Gordon Smith MB ChB MRCP (UK) MRCGP DRCOG The Children’s Clinic, Windward Centre, 93 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2970 Email: Web: www. Other languages: French.

General & Family Doctors Dr. Alvaro Armiñán MD Celimar Central Clinic, Governors Square. Tel: (345) 945 1300 Cell: (345) 323 6364. Dr. Dirk Belfonte MBBS MRCP (UK) DCH 43 Walkers Rd, George Town. Tel: (345) 326 5741 or (345) 946 2624. Seven Mile Medical Clinic Dr. Beatriz Esteban Benavides MD Dr. Enoka Richens MBBS CCFP Dr. Sook Lee Yin MB ChB BAO Dr. Sarah Cuff MRCGPMB ChB DFSRH, Queens Court, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 5600 Email: CTMH Doctors Hospital Dr. Rina Bernard MD Dr. Samantha Digby BmedSci BMBS DCH DRCOG MRCGP​ Ext. 6503 Email: Samantha.Digby@ Dr. Sidney Ebanks MBBS Ext. 206 Email: sidney. Dr. Andrew Robinson MBBS Tel: (345) 949 6006 Ext.6508 Email: Andrew.Robinson@ 16 Middle Road, off Walkers Road. Tel: (345) 949 6066 International Medical Group Dr. John Addleson MB ChB Dip Mid COG Email: Dr. Francisco Martinez Saborido MD GP Email: Web: Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 945 2881 Web: www.

Dr. Ciriaco Borroto MD Suite 1, Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 6040. TrinCay Medical Centre & Urgent Care Dr. Alfred Choy BA Hons MA(CANTAB) MB BCHIR FRCS Dr. Hortense Mitchell-Smith BSc BMedSci MBBS Dr. Courtney Maylor BSc BMedSci MBBS 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Email: Web: Dr. Else Christoffersen MB BCh LRCP & SI (NUI) Cayman Doctors Ltd, West Shore Centre, 508 West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 6363. The Strand Medical Centre Dr. Louis A. Cona MD Dr. Scott H. David DO FACEP DAAARM The Strand Shopping Centre, off West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 945 7077 Email: Web: www. Cayman Islands Hospital/GP Clinic Dr. Mercedes de los Milagros Barredo MD MBBS Dr. Gerard Christian MBBS Dr. Ricardo Clarke MD Dr. Moses Gallow MBBS Dr. Anna Matthews BSc MBBS MSc MPH Dr. Fiona Robertson MBBS MRCGP Dr. Wilmoth Shillingford MBBS MRCP Dr. Samuel Williams-Rodriguez MD Dr. Joy Wallace-Grant MBBS Dr. Orett Thane MBBS Dr. Glaister Bell MBBS Dr. Eryka Simmons MBBS Dr. Karlo Sedano-Barredo MD Dr. Imilia Sedano-Barredo MD Dr.Ngozi (Grace) Onah-Ezema MD Dr. Lorna Jackson MD Dr. Paul Williams MD MS Family Medicine 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 244 2858 (direct queries) Tel: (345) 244 2800 (clinic appointments) Web: Dr. Virginia Hobday MBE MBBS MRCGP DFFP MPHIL Cayman Clinic, 439 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7400 Email: drhobday@caymanclinic. ky Web: Other languages: French.

Dr. Victor Look Loy MBBS Unit 4, 2nd Floor, Windward Centre, 93 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7535 . Dr. Joseph Marzouca BSc MBBS Suite 29, Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 6631. Michelle Mon Desir BSc MBBS Oasis Medical Group, Centennial Towers, West Bay. Tel: (345) 943 6066 Email: info@ Web: Dr. Denise Osterloh MB ChB Cayman Clinic, 439 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7400 Email: Web: Dr. Ruthlyn Pomares MBBS Unit 14A, Rankin’s Plaza 21 Eclipse Drive, George Town Tel: (345) 945 2273. Dr. Charles H. Reid MA (Oxford) BM BCh The Brac Clinic, Tibbetts Square, West End, CB. Tel: (345) 948 1777 Email: Dr. Fiona Robertson MBBS MRCGP Cayman Clinic, 439 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7400 Email: Dr. Andrew Robinson MBBS CTMH Doctors Hospital, 16 Middle Road, George

Town. Tel: (345) 949 6066 ext. 6508 Email: andrew.​

Health, Urology Services, Anaesthesiology, Pain Management and so much more.

Dr. Gordon Smith MB ChB MRCP (UK) MRCGP DRCOG The Children’s Clinic & Family Practice 93 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 2970 Web: Other languages: French.

Health City Cayman Islands 1283 Sea View Road, East End. Tel: (345) 640 4040 Email: Web: www. Health City Cayman Islands provides affordable, compassionate medical services to children in its state-of-the-art medical facility accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI). The hospital offers the highest calibre of care with a team of internationally trained physicians and surgeons. Medical specialties include adult and paediatric cardiology, electrophysiology, neurology, paediatric endocrinology, imaging and radiology, rehabilitation, nutrition counselling and more.

Dr. Kenia Warden MD Suite 27, Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 945 9260 .

hospitals The Cayman Islands Hospital (CIH) 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8600 Web: A modern 124-bed hospital. It offers accident and emergency services, general practitioner clinics, full maternity services, diagnostic services haemodialysis and wellness clinics. CTMH Doctors Hospital 16 Middle Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6066 Web: www.doctorshospitalcayman. com An eighteen bed, medical/surgical hospital specialising in surgical care. Other services include Family Practice & Primary Care, Urgent Care, Paediatric Services, Maternity Services, Women’s

Paediatrics At Grand Harbour Medical

Dr. Sara Watkin MB ChB, MRCP (paeds), FRCPCH, MD

The paediatric service at Grand Harbour Medical provides comprehensive paediatric and neonatal care from pre-term through to 18 years of age, attending deliveries, baby checks and newborn care, backed up by an on-site laboratory & full admitting rights.

Highlights: Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-12pm Alternate Saturdays // Onsite laboratory

Services Include:

• Attending Deliveries & Caesarean Sections • Baby Checks, Newborn Care & Immunisations • Growth & Developmental Follow Up • Complex Paediatric & Neonatal Care as required • Care to 18 Years, incl. Behaviour & Developmental Issues

Grand Harbour Medical Suites, Grand Harbour (345) 949 4309 |

opthamologists & Opticians Dr. Eugene Foley FRCS MB BCh BAO NUI 2 Melrose Lane, off Smith Road. Tel: (345) 946 4944 Emergency: (345) 916 6264 Email: Dr. N. J. Low Beer MA MSc MBBChir FRCOphth Cayman Islands Hospital 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8600. Dr. Krishna Mani MBBS MS MAMS FICS FSES MJF Unit 31, Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 945 1565 Email: Other languages: Hindi and Spanish.

Cayman Health Laboratory Comprehensive Laboratory Services & Venesection

Cayman Health Laboratory has provided laboratory services to doctors and patients on the island for more than a decade. 4-hour turnaround and shorter in many cases. Urgent tests welcomed. Providing care and services for children and adults, including conquering difficult veins.

Highlights: Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Urgent Tests - Adults & Children - Comprehensive

Services Include: • Taking blood from children or adults • 90% of tests done in-house • Rapid turnaround & urgent testing • Internationally renown laboratory equipment

Grand Harbour Medical Suites, Grand Harbour (345) 946 4795 |


Dr. Maeve O’Doherty MBBCh MRCPI MRC 2 Melrose Lane, off Smith Road. Tel: (345) 946 4944 Emergency: (345) 916 6264.

Emergency: (345) 936 3221 Email: drgeorge@ Web: Other languages: Greek.

VisionWear Cayman Dr. Thaddeus Daniel OD Dr. Chris Vuorenmaa BSc OD 72 Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 5151

Dr. Stephen Blackledge BDS ITI The Dental Centre 2nd Floor, Fidelity Financial Centre. Tel: 943 7000 Cell: (345) 517 9176 Email: Web: www.

Dr. Douglas Van Putten MD FACS Tropical Optical, Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 945 7588.

Laboratories Phoenix Health Services 21 Eclipse Drive, Rankin Plaza, Eastern Avenue. Tel: (345) 943 8150 Email: Web: Cayman Health Laboratory Grand Harbour Medical Suites, Grand Harbour. Tel: (345) 946 4795 Email: caymanhealth@hotmail. com

General Dentistry Dr. George Batgidis DDS FIADFE (USA) FAAID GDC (UK) Pasadora Family Dental Centre 94 Smith Road, Pasadora Place, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 2222

Cayman Dental Dr. Howard Ironstone BSc Phm DDS FAGD FICD Dr. Thomas Lerikos BSc DDS 18 Forum Lane, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 945 4447 Email: The Cayman Islands Hospital Dr. John Vlitos BDS MSc (London) DDPHRCS Dr. Lyle Bridgeman DDS Dr. Andrea Campbell-Maitland DDS AEGD Dr. Krista Flesher DDS Dr. Michael Leon DMD Cert Endodontics Dr. Harold Phillips DDS Dr. Carolyn Rickleton BDS (UK) Dr. Rachael Windhaber BSc BDS Dr. Naude Dreyer DMD 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8600 or (345) 244 2741 Web: Dr. Naude Dreyer DMD The Merren Dental Clinic, Hospital Road. Tel: (345) 949 2554.

Dr. Keelin Fox BA B.Den.Sc MFDS(RCSI) The Dental Centre, 2nd Floor, Fidelity Financial Centre, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 7000 Cell: (345) 324 1834 Email: thedentalcentre1@gmail. com Web: Dr. Lori Graham DMD My Island Dentist, Under the Clock Tower Governors Square, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 324 9500 Email: Web: The Strand Dental Clinic Dr. Florence Enescot DMD (France) DDS (Canada) Other languages: French. Email: Dr. Jan Frank Pultr LT (Sweden) BDS (UK) Other languages: Swedish, Czech and German Email: The Strand Shopping Centre, off West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 3367 Dr. Sharn Mentz BChD (Pretoria) Ocean Dental, 439 Crewe Road, Cayman Clinic .Tel: (345) 949 7623 . Seven Mile Beach Dental Clinic Dr. Janish Grewal BDS MDCH Dr. Scott McFarlane BDS MSc FICOI DICOI Marquee Place, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 7400 Email:

The Dental Centre Cayman Dr Stephen Blackledge | Dr Keelin Fox Dr Jonathan Lavington | Dr Imogen Bexfield The Dental Centre is dedicated to providing state of the art dental treatment utilising the very latest techniques. We provide a dental service for all the family from routine six monthly check ups and cleaning to the most advanced surgical and restorative dental procedure.


Comprehensive exams & ultrasonic cleanings • Restorative procedures: white fillings • Crowns, bridges & veneers • Root canal treatments • Dentures & dental implants • Extractions • Invisalign • Night guards & sports guards


Anti-wrinkle injections • Dermal fillers • Regenerative skin treatments • PDO thread lift • Liquid facelift • Teeth whitening 2nd Floor, Fidelity Financial Centre, Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman | (345) 943 7000 | 184 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Smile Dental Clinic Dr. Bob Kostich DDS MFGDPRCS (UK) Dr. Al M Latif BDS (Lond) MSc Con Dent (Lond) 10 Alexander Place Dorcy Drive, Industrial Park, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7303 Email: info@ Web: Dr. Wolfe’s Dental Centre 135 Andrew Drive, Snug Harbour. Tel: (345) 945 4388 Email: Web: www.

Paediatric Dental Specialist Dr. Sean Childers BSc DMD MSc FRCD(C) Dr. Wolfe’s Dental Centre, 135 Andrew Drive Snug Harbour, off Esterley Tibbetts Highway. Tel: (345) 945 4388 Email: Web: www.

Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics Dr. Kathy Fysikoudi DDS HSPD (HonM) GDC(UK) Pasadora Family Dental Centre 94 Smith Road, Pasadora Place, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 2222 Emergency: (345) 936 3221 Email: drkathy@pfdc. ky Web: Other languages: English, German, Greek. Cayman Orthodontics 18 Forum Lane, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 949 5090 Email: Web: Island Smile Orthodontics Dr. Geoffrey Newton BSc DDS MSc Dr. Pourang Rahimi DDS MSD FRCD(C) Unit 12, Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive. Tel: (345) 946 7303 Email: Web: www. Prof. Dr. Donald E. Machen DMD MSD MD Board Certified Orthodontist Pasadora Family Dental Centre, 94 Smith Road, Pasadora Place, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 2222 Emergency: (345) 936 3221 Email: Web:

Psychiatry Dr. Meera Balraj MBBS, DPM, DNBE, MRC (Psychiatry) Unit B, Hospital Road Plaza, George Town. Tel: (345) 746 0066 Email: Web: www. Languages: English, Spanish. Cayman Islands Hospital Dr. Toni-Ann Heron MBBS DM (Consultant Pysciatrist) Dr. Sophia Chandler BSc MSc (Child Psychology) Dr. Antonia Hawkins BSc MSc PhD (Psychology) Dr. Arline McGill MB BS DM (Psychiatry) Dr. Clement von Kirchenheim PhD

Dr. Yusuf Grant Bin Michel MBBS DM-P1 Dr. Marc Lockhart MD (Psychiatry) 95 Hospital Road, GT. Tel: (345) 949 8600. Dr. Candice Gliksman BA Hons Psychology (cum laude) MbBCh (cum Laude) FC Psychiatry SA TrinCay Medical Centre & Urgent Care, 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Email: Web: www. Dr. Marc Lockhart MD Behavioral Health Associates Cayman Unit B, Hospital Road Plaza, George Town. Tel: (345) 746 0066 Email: Web: Other languages: Spanish. Dr. Susanne Neita MB BS DM (Psychiatry) Behavioral Health Associates Cayman Unit B, Hospital Road Plaza, George Town. Tel: (345) 746 0066 Email: Web:

Psychology, Psychotherapy & Counselling Dr. Alexandra Bodden PsyD MA MS ClinPharm Tel: (345)326 1318 Email: alexandra.bodden@ Web: Caribbean Haven Residential Centre (CHRC) 2409 Bodden Town Road, Breakers. Tel: (345) 947 9992.

Dr. Wolfe's Dental Centre

Respectfully and Expertly Serving Your Dental Care Needs For over 35 years, Dr. Wolfe's Dental Centre has served their customers in a comfortable, attractive neighborhood environment with excellent care for the whole family. With the Islands' only "Board Certified Pediatric Dentist", they want to lead each client and family through a lifetime of oral and dental health. Their mission is to make sure each client can greet each day in comfort, with a confident smile that they know is pleasant and attractive. From using the most modern equipment and techniques to routine checkups, Dr. Wolfe's Dental Centre is leading in comfortable, caring, and professional dental care.


Family & cosmetic dentistry • Board Certified in Pediatric Dentistry • Cleaning & polishing • Non-surgical gum therapy • Cosmetic whitening • Periodontal Maintenance & Monitoring • Invisalign • Evaluation and treatment of gum disease & root canals • Wisdom teeth removal/nitrous oxide • Safe sedation with state of the art monitoring for children & adults • Speaks Spanish • 24 hour emergency care for regular patients


Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8am-4pm, Friday 8am-1pm, Saturday & Sunday


135 Andrew Dr. Snug Harbor | (345) 945 4388 | |


Cayman Islands Crisis Centre (CICC) Tel: (345) 949 0366 24-hour Crisis Line: (345) 943-CICC (2422) Toll Free Number: 1 800 534 2422 Email: Web: Cayman Music Therapy Tel: (345) 928 5307 Email: Dee Duggan MS CRC LPC CPAM/Solutions Ltd. Waterfront Centre, North Church Street. Tel: (345) 949 1327 Web: Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Elizabethan Square, GT. Tel: (345) 949 9559. Hope Academy Pauline VanderGrinten MHC LPC NCC DCC Nadine Maxner - Psychologist Anoush Dadain - Counselor Grace Ranke BA (Psych.) MPsych. (Clin.) MAPS Dr. Morgan Panora - Paediatric Neuropsych Dr. Jill Kelderman Walsh - Paediatric Neuropsychologist Grand Harbour, 1053 Crewe Road. Tel: (345) 769 4673. Web: J. Alexandra Stewart BSN MA 247 Smith Rd, George Town Tel: (345) 9254804. The Counselling Centre 3rd Floor, Royal Plaza, Cardinall Ave, GT. Tel: (345) 949 8789.

The Family Resource Centre Compass Centre, North Sound Rd. Tel: (345) 949 0006 Email: Web: The Wellness Centre Dr. Erica Lam BSc (Hons), PG Dip, ClinPsyD Dr. Taylor Burrowes PhD, LMHC, LMFT, NCC Dr. Catherine Day BSc (Hons), ClinPsyD Clinical Psychologists and Therapists D-5 Cayman Business Park, Elgin Avenue. Tel: (345) 949 9355 Email: Web: Pauline Vandergrinten MA LPC NCC LMHC DCC Grand Harbour Shoppes, Red Bay. Cell: (345) 938 7154 Email: mentalhealthci@gmail. com Web:

Allergy Doctors Dr. Frank Glatz MD FABO FAAOHNS FAAOA Cayman E.N.T. Associates, 2 Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive, GT. Tel: (345) 945 3822 Email: Web: Dr. Ulrich Ecke MD ENT, Head and Neck Surgery & Allergology Seven Mile Medical Clinic, Queens Court, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 5600 Email: admin@ Web:

Smile Dental Clinic

Dr. Boban Kostich, DDS MFGDPRCS Dr. Al M. Latif BDS (Lond) MSc Con Dent Smile Dental Clinic believes in spending the time to make you comfortable and happy while offering you a range of treatment options. We provide the most gentle dental care possible, using the best tool for the job, whether it’s high-tech or tried-and-true.


Dental care for adults and children • Hygiene services • Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening •Crowns, bridges and veneers provided by our in-house lab • Oral surgery and implants • Root canal treatment • Tooth color restorations and sealants • Dentures • Digital x-ray • All major dental insurance accepted


Open Monday to Saturday Evening appointments available After hours emergency care and walk-ins welcome

#10 Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive | (345) 949 7303

186 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Dieticians Chad Collins RD CDE The Medical Clinic, Grand Harbour, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 525 2019 Email: Kristen Lomas RD MBA Seven Mile Medical Clinic, Queens Court Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 5600 Email: Brandi Propas MHSC, RD, CCDE International Medical Group, Suite 30, Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 945 2881 Email: Web: www. Cayman Islands Hospital Specialist Clinic, 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Simone Sheehan RD, Tel: (345) 244 2655 Email: Tamara Riley, Tel: (345) 244 2663 Email: tamara.

Dermatology Dr. Alison Duncan MBBS MSc CCT (Derm) FRCP TrinCay Medical Centre & Urgent Care, 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Email: Web:

Island Smile Orthodontics

Dr. Pourang Rahimi, DDS, MSD, FRCDc Dr. Geoffrey Newton, BSc, DDS, MSc Island Smile Orthodontics is dedicated to providing you and your family with professional and personal orthodontic care. We strive to provide a setting where patients and their families can develop a bond with our team knowing that their needs are of supreme importance to us. We treat every patient with dignity, respect and appreciation. Our purpose is not only to straighten teeth, but to improve lives through a lifetime of beautiful smiles.


Complimentary consultations • Most insurance plans accepted • Payment plans available interest free • Damon braces • Invisalign • Clear retainers • Lingual wires • Removable and fixed appliances


Open Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm Prescheduled Fridays and Saturday appointment After hour emergency appointments

#12 Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive | (345) 946 7303 |

Dr. Rebeca de Miguel Madurga MD PhD Celimar Central Clinic, Governors Square, 23 Lime Tree Avenue, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 925 2512 Web: Other languages: Spanish. Dr. Wayne Porter MD FAAD 282 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 946 9020 Email: Other languages: Spanish.

Pharmacies Care Pharmacy Queens Court Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 2273 Email: Open: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-3pm, closed Sundays and holidays. Cayman Islands Hospital Pharmacy 95 Hospital Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 244 2716/15 Open: Monday-Friday 8am-9pm, Saturdays and Sundays 8am-7pm and public holidays 8am-6pm. Open to the general public, as well as in-patients. Cayman Pharmacy Group Cayman Pharmacy Group has three convenient locations (listed below) which carry a full line of prescriptions, as well as home health care products, over the counter medications,

personal care products and more. Professional Pharmacy CTMH Doctors Hospital, 16 Middle Road, off Walkers Road. Tel: (345) 946 2407 Email: Open: Mon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat, Sun and Hols 9am-6pm. Savannah Pharmacy & Gifts Countryside Shopping Village, Savannah. Tel: (345) 946 3336 Email: Open: Mon-Sat 9am-8pm, Sun and Hols 10am-6pm. West Bay Pharmacy & Gifts 106 Centennial Towers, West Bay. Tel: (345) 945 0777 Email: Open: Mon Sat 9am-8pm, Sun and Hols 11am-6pm. Foster’s Food-IGA/Airport Pharmacy Airport Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 815 4051 Open: Monday-Saturday 7am-10pm, public holidays 9am-6pm and closed Sundays, Good Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Foster’s Food Fair-IGA/Strand Pharmacy The Strand Shopping Centre, off West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 815 4061 Open: Monday-Saturday 7am-10pm, Holidays 9am-6pm. Closed Sundays, Good Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Health Care Pharmacy Grand Harbour Shoppes, Red Bay. Tel: (345)

The Wellness Centre

Psychology, Mental Health & Behavioural Therapy Since 2004

The Wellness Centre is Cayman’s largest mental health and psychological service provider. Their team of clinical specialists are licensed in various international regulatory bodies associated with their area of specialised services as well as with the CI Health Regulatory Council for Professionals Allied with Medicine (CPAM).


Individual, couples & family therapy • Specialised autism services • Children’s play therapy • Specialised trauma counselling • Psychological assessments • Social skills groups • Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) • Court expert witness services • Art psychotherapy • ABA Therapy • Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) • Adolescent counselling


Open Monday through Friday 8.30am–5pm Evening and weekend appointments available Cayman Brac office hours by request

Suite D5, Cayman Business Park, GT | (345) 949 9355 |

947 8900 Governors Square, West Bay Rd. Tel: (345) 949 8900 Prescriptions: 949 8902 Email: Web: www. Open: Grand Harbour Monday-Saturday 8am-10pm, Sunday and Holidays 10am-6pm, Governors Square Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm. Kirk Pharmacy Kirk Market, Eastern Avenue. Tel: (345) 949 7180 Email: www.kirkmarket. ky/pharmacy (online refills) Open: MondaySaturday 8am-9pm, public holidays 10am-6pm and closed on Sundays. Quality Pharmacy Serendipity Building, 78 Hospital Road. Tel: (345) 946 6266 Open: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm. Sat 8.30am-12.30pm, Sun and Hols closed. TrinCay Pharmacy 55 Market St, Jasmine Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 4633 Emergencies: (345) 925 7020 Email: Open: Mon-Sat 8am-9pm, Sun/Hols 8am-5pm. Valu-Med Pharmacy (Two locations) Photo Pharm Centre, Walkers Road. Tel: (345) 949 0442 Email: sales@valu-medpharmacy. com Prescriptions: rx@valu-medPharmacy. com Open: Monday-Saturday 8am-10pm, Sunday and Holidays 10am-5pm. Evron Plaza,

My Island Dentist

Dr. Lori Graham DMD My Island Dentist specialises in comprehensive and cosmetic general dentistry for patients of all ages. We measure our success not only on the quality of our services and care provided, but also on the quality of the relationships we develop.


Complete dental care for adults and children • Digital X-rays Cosmetic and restorative dentistry • Full mouth makeovers Invisalign • Intra oral camera for decay detection • Nitrous-oxide sedation • Teeth cleaning • Cosmetic whitening • Root canal treatment • Periodontal cleaning


Open alternating Mondays 7.30am-7pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays 7.30am-7pm, alternating Fridays 7.30am-5pm, alternating Saturdays 9am-1pm

Governors Square (under the clock tower) | (345) 324 9500 |


2002 Web:

Bodden Town Tel: (345) 946 5511 Email: sales@ Prescriptions: rx@ Open: MondaySaturday 8.30am-9pm, Sunday and Holidays 10am-5pm.

Violetta Kanarek NCCAOM L.Ac. Cayman Clinic, 439 Crewe Road. Tel: (345) 946 4420 Email:

Windward Pharmacy Shop 1, Windward Centre, 93 Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 4081 Email: windward@candw. ky Open: Monday-Friday 8am-5.30pm and Saturday 8am-1pm.

Uma Lenin BSc PT CKTP (Doc ALT MED) RVC Rehab Services Tomlinson Building, 9 Walkers Road and CTMH Doctors Hospital, 19 Middle Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 6024.


Special Needs

A Step Ahead Physiotherapy Governors Square, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 745 2727 Email: Web: Back To Health Cayman Clinic, 439 Crewe Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 947 7400 World Gym, Seven Mile Beach Tel: (345) 946 2225. Web: www. Cayman Islands Hospital 95 Hospital Road, GT. Tel: (345) 244 2730. Cayman Rehab Services Dr. Carmen Martinez BSc PT MD Unit 10, Eucalyptus Building, Shedden Road. Tel: (345) 943 7974 Cell: (345) 926 3099. Cayman Physiotherapy Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 8828 Email: Web: www. Da Vinci Centre for Wellness and Alternative Therapies Park Place, off West Bay Road Tel: (345) 943 2002 Email: Web: RVC Rehab Services Tomlinson Building, 9 Walkers Road and CTMH Doctors Hospital, 19 Middle Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 6024 Email: Web: Synergy Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Ltd. Marquee Plaza, Lawrence Thompson Boulevard. Tel: (345) 943 8200 Email: Web: www.

Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine Annie Laux LAc MAOM CPAM Cayman Physiotherapy, Pasadora Place, Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 8828 Email: physio@candw. ky Web: Da Vinci Centre for Wellness and Alternative Therapies Park Place, off West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943

188 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

educational assessments Transformations Ltd Tel: 345 324 1298 Email: admin@ Web: www. Services provided: Educational Assessments, School Consultations, In Class Support, Home Support for Parents and Children, Training for Caregivers.

mental health providers Behavioral Health Associates Cayman 62 Hospital Road, Hospital Road Plaza. Tel: (345) 746 0066 Email: Web: www.bhac. ky. Board Certified Consultant Psychiatrist specialising in the treatment of children and adolescents. Additional associates specialise in psychiatry, psychology, group therapy and life coaching. Hope Academy Grand Harbour Shoppes Units 1-8, 1053 Crewe Road. Tel: (345) 768 4673 Email: office@ Services provided: Psychology, Social Skills Trainings, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Counseling and speach and Lanuage Therapy.

music therapy Cayman Music Therapy Tel: (345) 928 5307 Email: Julianne@ Web: Music Therapy

Occupational, speech & language therapy Cayman Theraplay Ltd/Dr. Monda Kazemi 9 Plaza Venezia, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 749 7529 or 924 3459 Email: Web: www. Through occupational therapy they help children improve physical function, fine motor skills, cognitive planning, self-care, social skills, emotional health, and integrate sensory information more efficiently.

Chatterbox #15 Pasadora Place, Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 926 1693 Email: chatterbox@candw. ky Web: Services provided: Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Playschool, Tutoring, Hanen Programmes, Occupational Therapy, Autism Consultancy, Pivotal Response Treatment,

Family Support Worker/Social Worker.

KidsAbility 4 Smith Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 943 5437 Email: Web: www.kidsability. ky Services provided: Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Feeding Therapy (SOS Approach), Handwriting Remediation, Inclusive Classroom Support, teacher and parent workshops.

The Wellness Centre Suite D-4, Cayman Business Park, Elgin Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 9355 Email: Web: www. Psychology, Child and Adolescent Counseling, Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), Family and Parenting Support, Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), Social Skills Training and Art Therapy.

other special needs service providers Cayman Islands Health Services Authority 95 Hospital Road. Tel: (345) 949 8600 Email: Web: Early Intervention Programme 515 Walkers Road. Tel: (345) 926 1413 Email: Early Intervention Teacher, Occupational, Speech & Language Therapy, Programme for the Visually Impaired, Teacher for the Hearing Impaired, Counselor, Educational Psychologist, Music Therapy I Read For Life 2nd Floor Barnett Building, 24 Huldah Avenue. Tel: (345) 947 1497 Email: Web: Lighthouse School 233A Shamrock Road, Grand Cayman Tel: (345) 945 1199 Email: barbara.peace-ebanks@gov. ky School for children from ages 4–17 who have moderate to severe special educational needs, or for children with complex or multiple challenges . SOCI Tel: (345) 946 7624 Email: SOCI is a registered non-for-profit sports organization that caters for children and adults who are intellectually disabled. Sunrise Adult Training Centre 181 Powery Road, West Bay Tel: (345) 949 3330 Email: Web: www. A government run facility for adults aged 18 to 45 with disabilities. They offer training and therapeutic programmes to ensure independence and full community inclusion. The Special Needs Foundation of Cayman Tel: (345) 321 2957 Email: info@ Web: www. A non-profit organisation of parents, educators and professionals, committed to supporting children with a range of special needs.

Health Insurance Providers/Brokers Aetna 2nd Floor, North Building, Caribbean Plaza. Tel: (345) 623 4689 Email: Aon Cayman Risk Solutions (Cayman) Ltd. Tel: (345) 945 1266 Email: Web: caymanislands BAF Insurance Company (Cayman) Ltd. Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Drive, Industrial Park. Tel: (345) 949 5089 Email: Web: British Caymanian Insurance (BritCay) Britcay House, Eastern Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8699 Email: Web: Cayman First Insurance Company 3rd Floor, Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street. Tel: (345) 949 7028 Email: Web: Cayman Insurance Centre (Insurance Brokers) Tel: (345) 949 4657 Health: (345) 946 3930 Web: CINICO (CI National Insurance Company) Tel: (345) 949 8101 Web: Fidelity Insurance (Cayman) Ltd. Tel: (345) 949 5836 Email: Web: Generali Worldwide Insurance Company Ltd. Tel: (345) 747 2000 Email: Web:

Valu-Med Pharmacy

Personalised Service by a Courteous & Friendly Staff Valu-Med Pharmacy is your one-stop shop for all your personal care needs. They have a friendly staff that will always help you find what you're looking for. From friendly pharmacists to fill your prescriptions to sales and rentals of hospital beds, wheelchairs and convalescence aids, Valu-Med Pharmacy provides the products to meet each customer's needs.


Personal care products • Souvenirs • Sales & rentals of home convalescence aids, hospital beds, wheelchairs, and more


NOW in two locations. George Town: Open Mon-Sat 8am-10pm, Sunday & Holiday 10am-5pm

Bodden Town- Anton Bodden Drive Open Mon-Sat 8:30am to 9pm Sundays & Holidays 10am-5pm

GT: Walkers Road | (345) 949 0442 | fax: 949 0443 BT: Anton Bodden Drive | (345) 946 5511 | fax: 945 5709

Young Living Cayman Islands Whole-Life Family Wellness. It's our Calling!

Young Living is the global leader in cultivation, distillation and production of pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. Their proprietary Seed to Seal process is the top of the line standard and ensures that they provide pure, powerful products for every family and lifestyle. The Young Living Cayman Islands team is committed to helping our community enhance their overall wellness with these oils, additional group education and individual support. Our team leaders are: Heather Appleby Lopez, Alta Solomon, Adonza Harrison, Cas Barnett, Allison Brown and Elfreda Ebanks. Please join us today! **Mention this ad for a FREE wellness sample. Promo Code: CPYL**


*Contact us for child safe dilution recommendations*

Toxin Free Homes: Stock your home with cleaning products free of harmful chemicals. Our Thieves cleaning line is the safe, infant-friendly choice! Essential oils are versatile with so many uses for each bottle making them cost effective for any budget. Family wellness in a bottle: Protect your home with over 500 affordable and toxin free oil infused products! Wide ranging from supplements, Kidscents line, weight Management, fitness, cooking/baking with Vitality oils, to ART beauty care, our NEW Savvy Minerals makeup line and much more! Whatever your need, there’s an oil for that! Don’t forget your furry family members! Young Living offers an Animal Scents line of pet-friendly products to help keep your fur-babies happy & well! Great Value. Monthly Promos! Essential Rewards. Ask us how to get your essential oils for FREE!

(345) 928 6465 | |


190 Cayman Parent Magazine | HEALTH

Community Volunteering, Activities, SPORTS & CAMP INFORMATION & real estate TIPS

204 PLAYGROUNDS Photo courtesy of Rebecca Davidson of Rebecca Davidson Photography


Turn to page 204 for a map full of Cayman's best parks complete with a list of amenities and any guided tours they might offer.





Look no further for a list of approximate costs on some of Cayman's most popular extracurricular activites for kids.

Here we interview two Cayman kids on why they love camp! We also give you four good reasons to send them to overseas camps.

Which district is best for your Cayman family? Turn to page 212 for a full list of all districts and what qualities make them best for your family.





4 1 2 3 4

Helping others is a great way for children to build character and strong morals. Resolve to make a difference in the community by encouraging your family to volunteer. Volunteering with your children can be a rewarding and bonding experience and it is a great way of teaching them, by example, about the importance of giving back and helping others. It’s never too soon to start volunteering with your children and by starting early, it will become second nature to them. There are a number of volunteer opportunities in the Cayman Islands that are perfect for families. - Jessica Wright

Reasons for Families to Volunteer Together Positive Values

Kids will cultivate positive values such as kindness, compassion and empathy, and develop a commitment to service.




Dog Walking with the Humane Society

The Humane Society dogs love to be taken out for walks, whether it’s a short 10 minute jaunt, a trip to the lovely Seven Mile Beach or Camana Bay. How to Help: Simply turn up any day of the week (mornings are best) and you will be paired with a pooch suitable for your family’s ages and experience. Who can help: Anyone and everyone! Children ages 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult - whether it be a parent or a guardian.


Note: A number of kids on Cayman will request donations in lieu of birthday gifts, then personally drop the money off and visit the dogs and cats!

Quality Time

Volunteer at a Local Sporting Event

Participating in volunteer activities makes kids feel appreciated and gives them a sense of accomplishment. They will learn they have the ability to make a difference in people’s lives.

Broadens Horizons

Cayman’s sporting events attract tons of competitors each year but they would not be possible without the help of volunteers who offer services such as water station attendants, marshals, bag stuffing, clean up help and more.

How to Get Started

How to Help: Contact event organisers directly. Big events such as the Flowers Sea Swim, Cayman Islands Marathon, Stride Against Cancer and Off the Beaten Track always need a hand. Visit the www. for a list of sporting events throughout the year.

Parents get to spend quality time with their kids in a positive environment, while also serving as role models.

Gets children out of their comfort zone. Volunteering teaches them about challenges that other families on the Island may be facing and makes them more appreciative of what they have.

Decide as a family what type of activity you wish to participate in and how much time you can commit. Perhaps you'd prefer a variety of activities that you can do once a month, whether it’s dog walking or donating a food basket. Or maybe it’s a longer commitment such as helping with Meals on Wheels or reading to the elderly on a regular basis. Make sure you do your research and try to match the activity to your family’s interests so it doesn’t feel like a chore.

Make it Fun!

When you have agreed on your volunteering activity, talk to your children about what to expect and be enthusiastic about your commitment. Make plans for a fun activity afterwards, such as getting an ice cream, and discuss as a family what you have learnt. Make volunteering a fun family bonding activity and a great weekend ritual!

192 Cayman Parent Magazine | Cayman Community

Who can help: Most event organisers will allow children to help as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Caring for the Environment

Create ‘Thinking of You’ Cards for the Sick Making cards for the elderly and sick is an easy yet meaningful way to lift a patient’s spirits and make a difference to their day. How to Help: Residents of The Pines retirement community and patients of The Cayman Islands Cancer Society love to receive artwork and thoughtful cards made by kids. Who Can Help: Children of all artistic abilities and ages can make cards for residents and patients. Why not make it a craft activity the next time your child has a play date!

Make a Food Donation Basket Each time you shop at the supermarket, ask your child to pick a nonperishable item which can be donated to those in need. Once you have a number of items, donate it all to a local charity. Involve your child in discussions as to which charity to pick and why. How to Help: With your child, take your donation box to charities such as Feed our Future or the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre. Who can help: Kids ages four and up will begin to understand how their actions can make a difference to others.

Share Your Stuff There are plenty of families in the Cayman Islands that would appreciate donations of gently used clothes and toys. How to Help: The following organisations will accept donations: Claus-It, Thrift Shop (CI Humane Society), Red Cross Thrift Shop, the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre, and New To You (NVCO). Who can Help: Encourage children from ages four and up to sort through their old toys and clothes and decide what they’d like to donate.

Pick Up Litter Volunteering doesn’t need to be an organised activity. Families can simply spend an hour a week cleaning up their local environment and help keep our stunning Islands beautiful. How to Help: Choose a different park or beach each time and spend an hour picking up litter. Make a game out of it and see who can pick up the most. Who Can Help: Children aged five and up. Be sure to wear gloves and close-toed shoes and supervise children closely.

Community Involvement Church groups and organisations like the Girl Guides, Scouts and the YMCA provide great opportunities for children to take part in community engagement opportunities.

You can also do your bit by caring for Cayman’s environment. Turn to page 196 to find out more about green initiatives in Cayman.

Deliver Meals on Wheels (MOW) MOW provides free, hot, nutritious meals to seniors, the homebound and the disabled throughout Cayman. This service supplies them with the assistance needed to retain their selfworth and the independence to remain in their homes. How to Help: By signing up as a MOW volunteer, parents are allowed to take children with them when delivering meals. Who Can Help: As long as there is an adult present, age is not a disqualifying factor.

Commonwealth Youth Work Week (YWW) Every November Youth Work Week is celebrated to recognise outstanding youth workers. It is a great volunteer opportunity for families who want to be involved in community-building. How to Help: Contact the Youth Services Unit to see how your family can assist with the events being hosted to recognise local youth workers. Consider volunteering throughout YWW, by helping with event set-up or marshalling. Who Can Help: Teens 15 and older are welcome to volunteer with family members. Contact the Youth Services Unit on (345) 943 1127.

Host a Lemonade Stand for Charity Let children sell homemade lemonade and donate the proceeds to the charity of their choice. Not only do the kids feel the satisfaction of helping a cause but they also get to practise their maths and people skills! How to Help: Set up a stand on the weekend outside your home and ask your friends and neighbours to pop by for a refreshing drink! Who Can Help: Children aged six and up can work on the stand although adult supervision is advised.

Visit Children Who are Ill IMPACT 345 is a homegrown charity that recruits local teenagers to visit young patients undergoing charity funded cardiac procedures at Health City Cayman Islands. How to Help: Teenagers can sign up to visit sick patients. In addition IMPACT 345 is always looking for donations of clothing, shoes, school supplies, toiletries and toys for the patients, plus clothing, shoes and toiletries for mums accompanying them.

For details on the organisations listed here, turn to page 214.



STRIKING THE RIGHT NOTE With Children & Music Education

Children instinctively respond to music. Why else do parents sing lullabies to babies? Almost as soon as they can walk, toddlers will jiggle around and dance to music, and young children delight in recognising and singing along to favourite tunes.

Should Children Take Music Lessons? Regardless of whether a child has the potential to pursue music professionally, or simply wants to learn for their own enjoyment, Inna Kazakova, a teacher at Cayman Music School, believes that learning music can only ever be beneficial. Based on 24 years teaching experience, Inna has seen how learning music not only develops a child’s ability to sing or play an instrument, but also enhances certain lifeskills, benefitting other areas of learning.

Learning Music Benefits Other Areas Of Learning: Regular practise instils in children self discipline, perseverance and patience. A great deal of music – the beats, rhythms and patterns – is essentially maths, and there is significant evidence that children who learn music perform better at maths. Learning music involves collaboration and communication: playing as a group is all about teamwork, learning one’s role within the bigger picture and working together to produce the desired result.

Music fosters self-esteem: a child will naturally feel proud of having mastered new musical skills through their own efforts, and playing or singing in front of an audience is a great confidence-booster. Music improves memory: learning lyrics or pieces of music exercises the mind. Children who sing or play a musical instrument tend to express themselves better, can memorise challenging words and even learn other languages more


What is The ‘Right’ Age To Start Learning Music? Because every child is different and learns at his or her own pace, Inna believes there is no universally correct answer to when a child should start lessons. Of course, to be able to pursue a career in music, one would ideally start learning music as soon as possible – and certainly before age nine – but for those who simply want to learn to sing or play an instrument for their own personal pleasure, it’s never too early nor too late. Inna recommends that parents expose their children to music early on. “Teaching a baby or toddler to move to the music develops a sense of rhythm,” she says. “Listen to music, go to concerts or take your toddler to early music and movement classes.”

For More Info:

Turn to page 144 for an extensive list of all locations to buy musical instruments and musical equipment.

194 Cayman Parent Magazine | Cayman Community



Remarkably, the world's most expensive musical instrument, a Stradivarius violin, was sold in 2011 for US$15.9 million dollars. A song that gets stuck in your head is called an "earworm".

What Instrument Should A Child Learn? There are no hard and fast rules for which instrument a child should learn or at what age they should start but, in general, Inna says age six to seven is a good time to take up an instrument. The piano and violin are the two most common ones to start with, although some children tackle the guitar or ukulele first. Certain brass and percussion instruments are best left until a child is a little older. “It depends on the physical development of the child – their finger strength and length, body strength and muscle mass – but usually a teacher will be able to tell when a child is ready to learn a particular instrument,” explains Inna. Every parent wants to help their child discover his or her talents, and thus, give them a chance to fully develop these. But even if a child is not a natural musician, giving them an early grounding in music, so that they can enjoy and appreciate it, is a gift that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.



CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Extra curricular activities are a crucial part of a child’s education. These non-academic activities provide young minds and bodies with the opportunity to explore their physical, artistic or musical talents, as well as teaching teamwork, building character and instilling in them the importance of practise. - Lindsay Thompson

Parents in Cayman have many options when it comes to extra curricular activities for their children, but the cost of those activities can be a limiting factor. Children can be fickle too, losing interest in one activity when they become interested in another. This can be challenging for parents who have gone to great expense to properly outfit their children for one activity only to find their child has already moved on to another. To lessen these frustrations, we have done some homework, providing approximate costs for a range of activities on-Island. We do not include the cost of equipment (rackets, musical instruments, shoes etc.), but as many activities as possible have been included, as well as the range in cost between private and group classes. This list is by no means exhaustive but should serve as a simple guide in budgeting for the season.

Baseball/Little League Free of charge, the cost is covered by sponsors. Children must bring their own glove, however a uniform and all other items are included. Contact the Cayman Island Little League Association on info@ or call (345) 945 3553 for more information.

Cricket $25 for the season which includes water at each game as well as a uniform/t-shirt. Contact: for further information.

Crossfit A 10-week semester costs $120 for 1 x week or $200 for 2 x week. Cost varies

with location, number of sessions, age and experience of the child. Contact Dona at Crossfit 7 Mile on dona@

Dance Cost for lessons is dependent upon age, experience and the number of children per class. There are several studios/ dance schools on-Island with fees ranging anywhere from $120-$300 per term, with 1-2 lessons per week.

Gymnastics A 12-week group gymnastics class costs $244-$458 for a once a week session. Email: for information on classes and schedules.

Horseback Riding Beginner semi-private lessons range from $25 for 30 mins. Group lessons cost $50 per hour and a private lesson $50 for 45 mins. Contact the Cayman Islands Equestrian Federation at info@ciefcay. com for a list of qualified instructors.

Inline/Roller Hockey Learn to skate sessions cost $100 per term and participation on a team is anywhere from $200-$350 per season, depending on the age/experience of your child. Contact coach Dennis Passchier at

Karate Roughly $180 per month for 2 x weekly sessions for ten months of the year. The uniform costs CI$130.

Music Lessons There are several music schools on-Island with the cost of private lessons ranging from $35-$45 for a half hour session. Group lessons are dependent upon age/ experience and can range from $180$260 per term.

Rugby The season runs from September to May. Participation ranges in price (dependent on age) from $50-$75 per year which includes a jersey with the membership. Visit for more information.

Tennis/Badminton/Squash Group lessons can range from $20-$35, for a 40 minute to 1 hour lesson. Private/ semi-private lessons range from $65$100 per hour. Visit, www. or or email

Sailing A 6-week group sailing session costs $125 for members and $175 for non-members. Private/semi-private hour-long lessons cost $55-$85. Contact for further details.

Soccer/Football $100 per season which includes a full uniform. Contact Academy Sports Club on for more information.

Skateboarding Membership at the Black Pearl Skate Park ranges from $30 per month to $300 for a yearly membership. The drop-in rate is CI$5. Skateboards, bikes and other sports equipment are available for rent at the park. Visit for more information.

Swimming Semi-private and private lessons range anywhere from $20-$45 for a half hour session, dependent on length, number of swimmers and location. For a full listing of qualified swim teachers/schools please visit the Cayman Islands Amateur Swimming Association’s website: www.





Do you know the location of Grand Cayman’s only mountain? Here’s a clue: it’s not a scenic vista but tourists do gaze upon its peak from the comfort of their cruise ship balconies. If you guessed the George Town landfill, you are indeed correct! Grand Cayman’s highest point is actually an 80 foot mound of garbage known as Mount Trashmore. The George Town landfill has been growing in mass and height for decades, and sadly, sorting out this unholy mount has been a political football for years. (Visit for more information.) But there is good news

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on the horizon — the government has promised to remediate the site, plus set up a modern recycling facility and waste management system. Until that happens, Cayman families can do their part to reduce Cayman’s mountain of trash. One way to have a direct impact is by making recycling a regular activity in your household. Recycling is not only a responsible activity for every resident to get involved in, but it also presents a great opportunity for kids to learn about the impacts of human consumption on our tiny Island home. - Satina DaCosta

Tips To Get Your Kids Involved In Recycling!



It’s been said if you took all the aluminium cans recycled since 1972 – an estimated 1,099 billion – and arranged them end to end in a giant can-chain, they'd stretch all the way to the moon and back 174 times.

FAST FACTS • Aluminium cans are the most valuable material in the recycling bin.

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

• JUNK Cayman has sent over 800,000 pounds of paper, aluminium cans and glass to be recycled off Island.

Get Creative!

• Camana Bay crushes nearly 2,000 pounds of glass every day and some of it is used in local construction projects.

First and foremost, in order for your kids to value the importance of recycling, you must lead by example. The more fired-up you are about recycling, the more interested they will likely be about participating in this activity.

Recycling should never be a dull chore. Kids should feel recycling is an exciting way to help protect the Earth! Why not call your little ones “Earth Crusaders” and fashion a green cape for them to wear whenever they take the recyclables out to the recycling bin.

Show ‘Em The Money!

If you plan on making recycling a regular chore for your kids, incentivise it by actually paying them pocket money that they are allowed to spend however they wish.

Go Adventuring!

Email local recycling company JUNK ( and ask if they will allow you to bring your kids to visit their location at 403 Walkers Road behind the C3 offices.

Do More!

Earth Day Clean Up is a big annual event that draws hundreds of volunteers who help remove garbage from roadsides and beaches. Take some time when you visit the beach to pick up some trash next Earth Day. Visit for more info.

Where to Recycle?

• The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a giant flotilla of plastics and debris that exists in the Pacific Ocean. • Germany, South Korea and Slovenia are world leaders in recycling. • If you throw away an aluminium can, it will remain in the same form for 500 years. • Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.

There are several recycling drop-offs around Grand Cayman. See Cayman Parent’s list on the next page. If you don’t want to cart your recyclables around with you, set-up an account with JUNK who will provide you with colour-coded bins for recyclables and they will empty them for you every week. For more information visit JUNK on

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RECYCLING LOCATIONS: ALUMINIUM CANS ❑ Camana Bay Recycling Centre ❑ All supermarkets including Foster’s Food Fair-IGA, Kirk Market and Hurley’s ❑ All Primary Schools, Government High Schools, St. Ignatius, Cayman Prep and First Baptist School ❑ Government Administration Building ❑ North Side Civic Centre, North Side ❑ All five District Parks

GLASS RECYCLING ❑ Camana Bay Recycling Centre ❑ All Foster’s Food Fair-IGA locations ❑ Kirk Market, George Town



The Benefits of Cultivating A Love of Art in Early Development "Imagination is the source of all human achievement." These are the words of Sir Ken Robinson, a highly regarded professor, researcher, writer and speaker, who advises governments, non-profits, education and arts bodies on education in the arts. Perhaps best known for his TED talk, “Do schools kill creativity?” – the most viewed TED talk of all time – his contention is that to prepare today’s children for success in the future, their creativity must be nurtured. - Joanna Boxall

❑ All five District Parks

PLASTIC RECYCLING ❑ All Foster’s Food Fair-IGA locations ❑ Kirk Market, Hurley’s ❑ All five District Parks

BATTERIES ❑ Lead acid car batteries: Drop off at the DEH Landfill for proper recycling ❑ Small household batteries: place in the blue tubes at Foster’s, Hurley’s, Cost-ULess and Camana Bay

❑ Rechargeable batteries (computer, camera and cell phone batteries): Drop off at Funky Tangs or BrandSource for shipment to the US for recycling

ELECTRONIC WASTE ❑ Call Recycling Services (Tel: (345) 547 6654) or JUNK Removal and Recycling (Tel: (345) 325 5865) for stripping and recycling in the US

BOOKS & OLD CLOTHING ❑ Drop off at the Humane Society, New For You charity shop or the Red Cross

VEGETABLE & YARD WASTE ❑ Drop off at DEH Landfill (they will mulch it) or start your own compost

TYRES, OIL & CHEMICALS ❑ Drop off at DEH Landfill

"Imagination is the source of all human achievement." SIR KEN ROBINSON Education systems around the world prioritise the teaching of maths and science – the subjects considered most useful and necessary for a successful and well paid career in later life – and as a result, the arts have been relegated to second place. Children may be steered away from an interest in art, music or drama, perhaps because pursuing a career in these disciplines is fraught with uncertainty. Fine arts have thus come to be viewed as more frivolous subjects, even luxuries, and art programmes are often the first to suffer as a result of budget cuts. By the time today’s children become adults, we can safely assume that technology will be driving most aspects of their lives, and thus the emphasis education places on science is understandable. However, as Sir Robinson so eloquently argues, imagination and creativity are the wellspring of innovation, and in a rapidly changing world, the ability to come up with fresh, new ideas may well be the most valuable skill of all. It is therefore essential that creativity be encouraged, not stifled. Even if a child does not show a particular artistic ability, learning art alongside more ‘serious’ subjects is vital, not only to give young minds a well-rounded education, but because there is ample evidence that children who take art classes are more proficient in reading, maths and critical thinking, and are also more motivated to stay in school. Ideally, education systems should all incorporate the arts in some measure, but if they do not, parents can still ensure their little ones receive plenty of exposure to the arts and have opportunities to explore their own creativity.


Here are a Few Different Ways to



Expose Your Kids to The Arts:

Art Classes at the National Gallery The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands offers and hosts a variety of activities, classes and events throughout the year: •Engaging family tours with a National Gallery curator. •Private art parties arranged and run by the National Gallery’s staff. •Weekly art classes providing structured arts and craft activities for preschoolers, their parents, and caregivers every Friday from 10.30am to 11.30am. •The Walkers Art Club is a weekly after school club for students from 5 – 17yrs (across seven classes per week in Grand

Cayman and Cayman Brac). It reaches 120 students a week and is free (annual sign up is early September). •The NGCI, in collaboration with Digicel, also runs Art on the Road, a project that aims to bring art lessons to every primary school in the Cayman Islands. The project is part of a wider NGCI campaign to bring artwork from the Gallery’s Permanent Collection into the community and make it accessible to all.

Cooking Classes for The Young and Old The Bon Vivant Kitchen Showroom in Camana Bay offers various culinary programmes designed to inspire budding junior chefs and adult cooks alike. The courses are designed to be enjoyable, social and informative, teaching participants new techniques and recipes. For a comprehensive list of their offerings visit:

Theatre at Cayman Drama Society The Cayman Drama Society is a community theatre that puts on a variety of shows each year. The CDS offers various acting classes and is always looking for enthusiastic amateur actors, directors, producers, stage managers, lighting and sound technicians to put their productions together. Past, current and upcoming productions are listed on the website: two highlights from 2017 included the musical Footloose and the Cambridge American Stage Tour. For more information visit:

Dance & Musical Theatre Performances Centre Pointe Dance Studio (CPDS) as well as Miss Jackie's School of Dance produce an annual theatre and dance show involving students of the school. and Cayman Music School put on musical theatre performances. See the listing section on page 220 for more information.

Art Classes Monica Powery from Young@Art offers after school and school holiday art camps, face painting, waterproof airburshing and also hosts birthday Art’y Parties which can include a magician, face painter as well as a fun and creative art and craft activity. Weekly art classes are held Monday-Thursday 3pm-5.30pm or Saturday mornings and children can attend regularly, or on a drop-in basis. Located at Dee’s Plaza, Crewe Road. Tel: (345) 928 0284, email or visit

Painting & Pottery Classes Art Nest Cayman offers weekly and monthly art classes and workshops for both children and adults. They offer an after-school art class on Mondays for 4 to 8 year olds and on Tuesdays for 9 to 12 year olds. The children learn to draw, paint, mix colours, sculpt and glaze. They also offer a toddler art and sensory playgroups for children aged one to three years of age. Finally, their wonderful summer camp involves art and nature with heritage activities and daily field trips. For more info visit:

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The Benefits of Art in Your Child’s Development: Motor Skills: The use of various tools and equipment, such as scissors, paintbrushes or crayons aids in the development of motor skills and dexterity. Art and craft activities help little bodies learn to control large and small muscle groups, and thus improve coordination and precision.

Language Development: Practising art broadens a child’s vocabulary and teaches them words for colours, shapes, styles and actions. Later on, it also teaches what colours evoke which emotions.

Decision Making: Art education strengthens problemsolving and critical-thinking skills. When creating a piece of artwork children make their own decisions and choices about colours, materials, shapes and more. This is a skill that will serve them well in other areas of life.

Academic Achievement: Various studies have looked at the correlation between art classes and academic achievement and many have found that when children take art classes, their performance improves in literacy, maths and science. However, this should not be the sole reason for encouraging children to pursue artistic endeavours: they should be encouraged to create and appreciate art for art’s sake. After all, what would the world look like if there were no new music, art, film or dance?


Cayman Cayman summer summer Camp Camp guide guide Guide Available online






Bright Young Things The future for Cayman’s youth has never looked brighter. Cayman Parent introduces four Bright Young Things: Sai Eccles, Bethany Ebanks, James Geary and Illeann Powery. Find out what these past 'Proud of Them' recipients are up to!

Sai Eccles Illeann Powery Sai is a 22 year old Chemical Engineering student at Cambridge University. He developed his passion for chemistry early, first revelling in science experiments at St. Ignatius and now at the lab in Cambridge. He is also a budding chef and enjoys experimenting in the kitchen. This aspiring sceptic wants to tackle some of society’s challenges and inspire Cayman’s youth to seize every opportunity. Where did you go to high school? I attended St. Ignatius in Cayman before finishing at Eton College in the United Kingdom. How do you define success? To succeed is to enable: a parent enabling their child; a teacher enabling their student; a politician enabling their constituents. Who inspires you? I hold new technology leaders such as Elon Musk in very high esteem. Bold leaders like this have an awareness of the opportunity they have to shape our world but also understand social responsibility, which is inspiring. Philip Tetlock’s ideas also resonate strongly with me. Tetlock has worked for decades to understand the nature of prediction. He believes that those best suited to predict the future, are not ideologues, but simply sceptics. How do you de-stress? I’m an aspiring cook although I can quickly get ahead of myself! My girlfriend can testify. My recent roast chicken was on the rarer side, but I ate it anyway to prove a point. Perhaps that’s why Tetlock’s ideas resonate with me; I’m stubborn but I aspire to be a sceptic.

Illeann is a 19 year old competitive volleyball player who is studying Primary Education at the University College of the Cayman Islands and represented Cayman in the 2015 Pan American Games. Competitive sports are not Illeann’s only focus; she’s passionate about Caymanian culture and worries that the country may be losing its unique identity. What got you interested in volleyball? I was first introduced to the sport in middle school. There was a West Bay volleyball league held a few years ago that further sparked my interest. Volleyball is one of those sports that you can easily get caught up in, and before you know it, you’re playing for the National Team! What events are you training for now? I’m training to play in my third NORCECA tournament in Cayman. There’s also a possibility for me to travel to other NORCECA tournaments throughout the region. Who is your hero? My father, Collie Powery, who is the epitome of what a father should be and proven to me that real men still exist. His Godly beliefs, his committed work ethic and his ability to sacrifice his all for his children, are just a few of his many characteristics that make him my hero. What are some of the top challenges facing Cayman’s youth today? The biggest challenge for today’s youth is peer pressure, which often revolves around negative activities that result in uncontrollable behaviour. Many of Cayman’s youth lack a positive role model in their homes and without proper guidance, they are often left to learn life lessons the hard way.

Photos this section courtesy of Lucy Beighton of Creations Unlimited

Find more Q&A's on Have you seen the smiling faces of young people on billboards around Grand Cayman? They are part of the Proud of Them initiative created by the National Youth Commission to highlight the work of outstanding young people in Cayman for their achievements in academics, business, sports, culture, community service or their chosen career. To learn more contact the Ministry of Youth on (345) 949 7900.

James Geary Bethany Ebanks James is a 26 year old who wears many hats—musician, powerlifter, rugby player and Youth Specialist for the Children & Youth Services Foundation. Graduating from Anderson University with a degree in Sociology and Music, he is working on a doctorate degree in Social Psychology. A CARICOM Youth Ambassador, James also plans on running his own music company in the future and taking over the live music scene. What is your favourite travel memory? Travelling to Kenya in 2009 and seeing a giraffe for the first time. I was part of Cayman's first junior rugby team and we were one of the top 24 teams in the world competing in the Junior World Rugby Tournament. We played against the USA, Kenya, South Korea and Chile. You are one of CARICOM’s Youth Ambassadors; tell us about the programme. The programme engages and educates youth about the social and political issues affecting the Caribbean, so they can share an informed perspective with policy makers in their own countries. Ambassadors are between the ages of 18 and 26 and like me, have a passion for the national issues affecting their country. Did you turn down a recording contract in the US? Yes, I’d been away for five years for university, toured in Norway, Sweden and Finland with a group from Indiana, so I was yearning to return home and pour all that I had learned into my community. Is music your only passion? I’m a powerlifter and competed in the 2012 North American Powerlifting Championships in Cayman. I placed 2nd in my division. Competing in the World Games is another goal.

Bethany is a 27 year old Food & Beverage Coordinator at the Marriott Beach Resort. After studying at the Culinary Institute of America, she went on to graduate from the University of Surrey with an honours degree in International Hospitality Management. Although Bethany’s dream of becoming a pastry chef was cut short by a health challenge, she remains positive and is ready to be Cayman’s first Jonathan Gold! What got you interested in the culinary arts? I remember watching my grandmother and mother cook on Sundays and how much joy it brought me. What has been your greatest personal challenge? I was training to be a pastry chef when an Orthopaedic Spine Specialist recommended that I make a career change. I was born with Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, but didn’t find out until it was too late for corrective surgery. While training, I experienced severe pain due to standing for long periods, bending and lifting. Even breathing became difficult. I always dreamt of being a pastry chef at a top hotel, but it was not feasible. Where do you see yourself in five years? I will be the ruler of the universe! (I’m kidding!) I would like to be the director of events at an established company or working as a successful food writer for a major magazine. Do you think Cayman is ready for a serious food critic à la Jonathon Gold of the LA Times? Absolutely and I would love to be that person! I believe Cayman is ready for their own Jonathan Gold, who would provide serious critiques on restaurants. I completed a course on food writing with LuLu Grimes who was the editor of Olive Magazine. If you were Cayman’s Premier, what would be your top priority to improve the lives of our young people? I’d want all students to learn a trade. In this highly technological era, I think it’s vital that we don’t forget how to do practical work.



SPORTS FOR LIFE! How to Instill a Love of Exercise in Kids

With childhood obesity on the rise it’s more important than ever to ensure children remain active. The NHS recommends that children ages 5 - 18 years engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day – this should range from moderate activity, such as cycling and playground games, to vigorous activity, such as running, rugby and tennis. Luckily for us in Cayman we have year-

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round warm weather and an incredible amount of sporting opportunities, so exercise should never feel like a chore! Just in case you need some additional persuading, we’ve rounded up 10 reasons why exercise is great for kids. By instilling a love of exercise now, children have more of a chance of becoming healthier adults with a sunnier outlook on life! - Jessica Wright



The Cayman Islands has participated in the summer Olympics 10 times and in the winter Olympics twice. Cayman made their debut at the Winter Olympics in 2010, participating in the men's giant slalom.

Reasons Why Children Should Exercise:

Improves Social Skills Kids have more opportunity to interact with their peers which helps them develop their interpersonal skills – this is particularly true in team sports.

Improves Academic Performance Studies have shown that active children have better focus, better working memories and better problem solving skills than less active children. (Source: Institute of Medicine, USA)

Improves Moods Exercise releases endorphins and enhances emotional wellbeing. Exercise also decreases anxiety, reduces depression, and improves mood and outlook in children.

Stronger Immune System With children always picking up colds at school, exercise will help the body’s ability to fight illness and become less prone to colds, allergies and diseases.

Weight Control Children are less likely to become overweight if they are physically active. This in turn will help improve their selfesteem and body image.

For More Info:

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Better Sleep Being active throughout the day ensures your child sleeps better at night. It will also make bed time routines easier if your child is sleepy!

Helps Build & Maintain Strong Bones and Joints Plenty of physical activity will help strengthen areas of the skeleton that bear the most weight such as the arms and hips, which need to be strong. Walking, running and dancing are all great for building strong bones.

Increases Strength & Motor Skills Exercise improves gross motor skills which require strong muscles, balance and coordination.

Develops Healthy Habits Kids who exercise regularly at an early age develop healthy habits into adulthood. Let your child choose a sport they enjoy and they’ll hopefully stick with it!

Have Fun! Exercise time can double up as quality family time! Brainstorm fun active outings with your family so it’s an enjoyable activity everyone looks forward to!

Turn to page 214 for an extensive list of all the sports clubs and activities available to children in the Cayman Islands.

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ENTERTAINING THE KIDS FOR FREE! Keeping the kids entertained in Grand Cayman doesn't have to mean breaking the bank. Here's our guide to the best child-friendly free or almost free things to do across the Island. - Jessica Wright

Beachside Fun Grab a mask and snorkel and check out Cayman’s top snorkeling sites including Turtle Reef, (West Bay), Cemetery Beach (SMB), Wreck of the Cali (GT), Morritts Dock (East End) and Rum Point (Cayman Kai). Go beachcombing and search for buried treasure! Look out for beautiful shells, rocks and if you’re lucky, maybe even a few quarters! Plan a beach scavenger hunt! Write a list of 10 things for kids to find on the hunt such as a pink shell, a rock that is flat and long, something man made, a large shell – the list is endless. You can always plant some treasure yourself beforehand.

Get Active! Hike the Mastic Trail and look out for parrots, hermit crabs and beautiful birds on this 2.3 mile trail. Don’t forget to pack water and bug spray! Self-guided leaflets are available from the National Trust’s visitor centre. (Not suitable for children under 10.)

Take advantage of free entry for residents at the Cayman Islands Museum on the first Saturday of each month. Learn about Cayman’s history and view the children’s gallery.

Enjoy a family walk around the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park. Discover the

on Tuesdays (11am-11.30am) and at Books & Books on Saturdays (10.30am-11.30am).

gardens and look out for the endangered Blue Iguana. Entrance to the park for residents is CI$5 for adults, free for children (12 years and under) and free for seniors (60 years and over). A valid Cayman ID is required to qualify for resident rates. Let the kids loose in the interactive fountains in Camana Bay's Jasmine Court

Play some volleyball. You’ll find nets at Public Beach (SMB) where you can teach your kids to bump, set and spike their way to victory. Follow practice drills with some healthy family competition.

which are perfect for toddlers. Bigger kids will love the fountains on The Crescent with water spouting 30ft in the air!

Head to Spotts Beach and swim with the turtles who come in to feed on the sea grass – just beware of the strong currents. The rock pools to the far right of the dock are also fun to explore when the tide is low.

Go Fishing! Pack your fishing lines, casting nets and some bait and practise catch and release along the Cayman shoreline. This is a great bonding activity that’s suitable for all ages! Be wary of the many marine parks located on Cayman's coasts.

Set up beach games such as bocce ball, cricket and bowling for hours of entertainment. You can also build great forts with beach towels and chairs. Organise swimming races! Team relays are great fun and help cool down active kids!

Sandcastle competitions are also neat! See who can make the biggest castle!

Cultural Curiosity

Get active at Camana Bay where you can hire a tennis court or a basketball court for CI$15 per hour. Both courts are open from 5am-10pm and are floodlit. Try a round of mini golf at Cayman Crazy Golf located next to Deckers. This 18 hole mini-golf facility is great fun for all the family. Adults and children are both charged $5 per round. It is open from 5pm-10pm daily.

Toddlers and small children can enjoy free story time at Regal Cinema at Camana Bay

Enjoy free entry to the National Gallery and pick up a Family Guide filled with interactive activities such as scavenger hunts and games which will help your little ones engage with the art collection. Don’t forget to see the permanent collection upstairs. Catch a free film under the stars at Camana Bay during the summer (Every Tuesday, June to August) and during the Valentine, Halloween and Christmas holidays. Visit Davinoff’s Concrete Sculpture Garden and see a range of concrete animals. Let the kids climb over the 16ft iguana, 6ft land crab and 17ft crocodile! Located off the highway near Old Man Bay.

Parks & Playgrounds Cayman has a wide range of parks that offer climbing equipment, public restrooms, shade and more. See the following page for a full list.


Parks & Playgrounds Cayman has wealth of public parks and playgrounds with climbing frames, swings, restrooms and shade trees. They can be found everywhere from West Bay to North Side and are a fun place to spend time with your children.

1 Scholars Park

Corner of Birch Tree Hill Road and Stadium Drive, West Bay Sanded play and picnic area, play equipment, restrooms, drinking fountain, gardens and grassy areas.

1 1

2 Seven Mile Beach Park

8 Newland Heights Park

Next to Public Beach Playground, grassy area, restroom facilities and shade trees.

Hemlock Way, off Moonbeam Drive, Savannah Children’s play set, sand pit area, basketball court, BBQ pit, landscaped areas and a gazebo.

2 2

3 Camana Bay Fountains A. Jasmine Court, Camana Bay

9 Moonbeam Park

Mini fountains, perfect for toddlers to splash around in! B. The Crescent, Camana Bay Bigger kids will enjoy the fountains which spout water 30ft in the air. Every Tuesday and Saturday (10am-7pm) giant foam blocks are available for kids to play with.

4 Watler Road Community Park, SMB

Corner of West Bay Road and Eastern Avenue Climbing frame, swing set and plenty of shade.

3 3

10 North Sound Gardens Park

Children’s play set, sand pit, BBQ, cabana, basketball court and landscaped areas.

4 4 5 5

5 Windsor Park

Corner of Mango Turn and Hawkins Drive, off Windsor Park Drive, GT Two climbing frames, swings, covered picnic area and full sized basketball court.

Moonbeam Drive, Savannah Jungle gym play area set in sand, cabana and a half basketball court.

6 Foster's Airport Park

6 6

Dorcy Drive, George Town Climbing frame, swing set, basketball court, shaded picnic area and restrooms.

10 10

8 8 9 9

7 7

7 Dart Park


South Church Street, south of George Town Slides, climbing frames, an amphitheatre, gazebos, lots of shade, and restroom facilities.

11 11 11 Pedro St. James

367 Botanic Park Road, North Side 834 acres of semi-deciduous forest and wetlands to explore. The National Trust offers guided tours.

10 12 Open & Close Times

Parks are open seven days a week from sunrise to sunset!


Don’t forget the sunscreen! See our article on Sun Safety on page 84.

11 1

10 5 13 Jerald Smith Park

Hutland Avenue, across from the North Side Police Station Slide and swing set, shaded picnic area and restrooms.

14 Mastic Trail

13 13

834 acres of semi-deciduous forest and wetlands to explore. The National Trust offers a three hour guided tour.


1515 1616

15 Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

12 12

367 Botanic Park Road, North Side Over 65 areas with different gardens and trails to discover.

12 Harold McCoy Sr. Park

16 Captain George Dixon Park

Sea View Road, East End Play facilities, slide, shaded picnic areas, water fountain, BBQ area and restrooms.


Gun Square Road, Bodden Town Jungle gym, play facilities, shaded picnic areas, restrooms and a BBQ area.


3 15




PREPARING FOR Overseas Summer Camps

Summer camp abroad can be a great way to break up a long hot summer in Cayman, and also expose your children to new activities, new friends and new experiences. Almost all children start with a two week camp and they are kept so busy that they will have little time to miss you or think of home. They will then invariably be desperate to do it again the following summer! Here we bring you tips to help make sure both you and your child are ready for the full overseas camp experience!

4 Reasons Why Kids Should go to Camp 1


They try new things at camp.

It pushes your child out of their comfort zone and shows them that there are different activities and different experiences out there. They may find a new hobby or passion, and above all they may just find that one thing that makes them very happy.

Camp builds character As well as making new friends and getting along with their cabin mates, the experience of camp teaches them about ethics, honesty, caring, respect and responsibility. Parents frequently report that after camp, their children are kinder, more helpful and are willing to be more responsible.


They meet new people and develop their social skills. Going to a new camp, in a different country, with new people his/her age pushes your child into making new friends by communicating with others and working as a team.


IMG Academy

Camp fosters independence.

At camp children learn to make their own decisions within the safety of the camp environment. Campers can risk finding out what works and what doesn’t, while discovering new facets of themselves. The camp environment provides peer support that allows children to quickly overcome their need for constant parental dependency.

Integrated Academic and Athletic College Preparatory Education

IMG Academy

School Description: IMG Academy is a boarding school and sport training destination in that offers an integrated academic and athletic college preparatory experience across eight sports – baseball, basketball, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, and track & field and cross country. IMG Academy offers camp programs on a year-round basis, serves as a training and competition venue for amateur, collegiate, and professional teams, adults and families, and a host site for a variety of events .

Integrated Academic and Athletic College

Sports: Tennis, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Boys Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Girls Basketball,

Football, Boys Lacrosse, Lacrosse, Performance, Track & Field that IMG Academy is a boarding school and Girls sport training destination offers an integrated academic and Youth athletic collegeschool, preparatory experience Interests: camps, Boarding College & Pro Training, Adult & Family Programs, Training across eight sports – baseball,Team basketball, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, Student Activities: We believe inoffers promoting an environment that fosters camaraderie and track & field and cross country. IMG Academy camp programmes student-athletes, between student-athletes and staff, and between student-athletes on a year-round basis, servesamong as a training and competition venue for amateur, and the community. In doing so, we take full advantage of our premiere location. From sandy collegiate, and professional teams, adults andandfamilies, is arenas, a host for a have access beaches to theme parks professionaland sporting oursite student-athletes to a variety of activities on and off campus.Our student-athletes have access to an outdoor variety of events.


pool, student lounges, movie nights, and special events like home football games, holiday celebrations, homecoming, prom, and more.

Boarding school • Sports facilities • Elite academics • Team training • Camaraderie student-athlete environment • College & Pro training • World class athletic performance • Camp costs start around $1,600 per week • Boarding school tuition is around $72,000 per year


Tennis • Boys soccer • Girls soccer • Boys basketball • Girls basketball • Football • Boys lacrosse • Girls lacrosse • Performance • Track & field • Youth Camps • Adult & family programmes


Sports Facilities • Elite Academics & World class athletic performance

Details: Founder: Mr. Nick Bollettieri Director: Rohan Goetzke Student Population: 625 Annual Fees (2016-17): Football: Annual CI$55,200 Baseball: Annual US$70,300-$71,800 Performance: Annual: US$ 55,200 Boys Basketball: US$69,400 - $70,90 Girls Basketball: US$69,400 - $70,900 Boys Soccer US$69,400 - $70,90: Girls Soccer: US $ $55,200 Tennis: US$ 58,250 Golf: US$ 65,200 Track & Field: US$69,400 - $70,900 Boys Lacrosse: US$55,200 Girls Lacrosse: US$55,200 Academy: US$13,000 - $19,000

5650 Bollettieri Blvd, Bradenton, Fl 34210 | (800) 872 6425 |

206 Cayman Parent Magazine | Cayman Community

Read on for two overseas camp experiences from Xavier Marshall & Alex Grover

Xavier Marshall

Read on for two overseas camp experiences from Xavier Marshall & Alex Grover:

Xavier Marshall (11) a Cayman Prep School student explains his experience of going away to Camp Echo, in upstate New York for a month last summer. He has lived in Cayman for over ten years and has two younger siblings. What was your camp experience like? I liked camp so much because there are lots of sports, I made great friends and the camp counsellors were so much fun. I liked playing football - they had a team and we travelled to play against another camp. The water park was amazing as it had a huge slide. Lacrosse was really fun – it was a new sport for me that I hadn’t tried before. What were your concerns about going to camp and how did you overcome any fears? I was a little worried about not fitting in and possibly getting sick or hurting myself when I was away from home but I overcame my fears by confiding in the counsellors; they helped me to make friends and get involved in all the activities. It wasn’t a problem being from Cayman – lots of the kids were very interested in what life is like on the Island. I actually made lots of friends, my best friend’s name was Matthew and he will be going back to camp this year – we will be in the same cabin together again. We kept in touch over email when I came back to Cayman and I’m really looking forward to hanging out with him again. What was your average day like at camp? We started the day at 7.45am when we woke up and had to clean our room for inspection

during breakfast. Points were awarded for cleanliness, decoration and tidy beds. There is a prize for the cabin with the most points every week – our cabin won twice out of four times. After breakfast, we had flag raising and our first activities for the day which could be anything from sports, swimming, drama, cooking, horse-riding, arts and crafts, activities on the lake to animal care. Lunch would be around 12pm to 12.30pm – the food was really good and included a range of salads and classic American dishes such as macaroni and cheese, burgers and themed days like BBQ, pizza night and pasta. After lunch we participated in three different activities until dinner time. After dinner we took showers in order and then went to our night time activity – these activities included the whole camp as well as the girls and we enjoyed evenings together like camp fires and stories, movies, put on shows, team games and fireworks for July 4th.

Located on 200 acres of rolling hills surrounding a private lake, Camp Echo is run by hands-on directors Jeff and Cindy Grabow. For more information see http://

Alex Grover

Alex Grover (9), a Caymanian, explains his experience of going to Onondaga, a Canadian summer camp two hours north of Toronto on a lake near Minden, Ontario. What was your camp experience like? I have been to camp twice now and I am going back again this summer. The first time I was there I was a bit nervous about missing my family but I overcame the fear because I was having so much fun. I made friends with everyone in my cabin and that helped. What was your average day like at camp? We woke up at 7.45am, then went for breakfast. Each day there were different things to eat but on Sundays they gave us chocolate croissants and we got lots of them! Every three or four days we got to go to the tuck shop and choose two pieces of tuck, but there were competitions and the prizes were an extra piece of tuck. We would have a swimming lesson in the lake every day and the water was a bit chilly compared to Cayman. We then had our first activity of the day (there were six in total each day). These could include horse riding, drama, basketball, made-up games, owling, leather work, kayaking, sailing, tubing, archery and there was a huge trampoline and slide in the lake that we liked to swim out to. My favourite activities were the 'Flying Fox' zipline where you climb up to a high platform and then zoom down for about 15 seconds and then skim out across the lake and someone in a kayak unclips

you and you swim back. My other favourite activity was learning how to build fires and use a magnifying glass to put our names on wood. They call this 'owling'. How was the food? It was good! We had things like pizza, burgers, pasta,tacos and lots of ice cream with toppings.

Onondaga is a co-ed adventure camp for children ages six to 16. For more info see




A GOOD SPORT Effective Parenting for Young Athletes Parents play an important role in a child’s development as an athlete. In fact, they have the power to either help their child reach their maximum potential or hinder their overall long-term development. To avoid the latter, follow these top tips from IMG Academy; find out what to do and what not to do to become a winning sport parent. By instilling a love of exercise now, children have more chance of becoming healthier adults with a sunnier outlook on life! -Erin Fitzgerald, IMG Academy

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Build a Strong Support System World renowned tennis coach Nick Bollettieri, founder of IMG Academy, says that parents today may have the single biggest impact on youth athletes, particularly in one-on-one sports like tennis and golf. “They are their child’s bloodline,” said Bollettieri. He further explained that the trick to fostering a positive support system is to get the young athlete, parent, and coach on the same page. “If you can get that formula to work, you’re one step ahead of everybody else,” explained Bollettieri.

Give Positive Feedback Timing is also important when communicating with your child during a competition. Receiving feedback from both a coach and parent during play can be difficult for young athletes. It can cause frustration, a change in attitude and a lack of focus. In addition, constant verbal feedback during practice or a competition does not allow a young athlete to process and learn independently. Sadly, this can hinder their overall long-term development. Margie Zesinger, a tennis coach at IMG Academy, suggests that parents should pay keen attention to their children to decide when they are most open to feedback and once that has been determined, parents should follow a consistent feedback schedule after every competition.


Avoid Short-Term Thinking


Have A Long-Term Plan


Put Education First When a young athlete improves and reaches the next level in their sport, they often set athletic goals and dreams they wish to achieve in both the short and long-term. While this is a very important part of their athletic journey, it should never take the place of one very important aspect of their life: education. Parents should always push and motivate their children in the classroom, just as much as they do in competition. A young athlete must always be aware that the skills and discipline they develop at school can be applied on the field or court.

For More Information

Turn to page 214 for an extensive list of all the sports clubs and activities available to children in the Cayman Islands.

208 Cayman Parent Magazine | Cayman Community


When it comes to athletic growth, it is common for some parents and athletes to be singularly focused on the next competition or upcoming opportunity. Zesinger warns that “parents should avoid having short-term vision when it comes to their child’s development.” Instead, they should always think of the long term while celebrating each success or stage of their child’s athletic development.

There are certain things that children should be doing at different stages in their athletic development to maximise their potential performance as well as their overall enjoyment of their chosen sport. A clear long-term plan will increase a child’s growth as an athlete, at every stage of their development, and will also help them to stay on the right path, ensuring they are able to meet their future goals.

Develop An Identity Young athletes should begin developing their athletic identity early. Parents, coaches and teammates can also help shape this unique identity along the way. Zesinger advises that parents should take an active role in helping their child build their identity as an athlete, while allowing them the freedom to develop their own game-style based on their strengths and favourite skill set.

Always Be Supportive Finally, parents should always be supportive of their children, no matter their level of achievement. Feedback given to young athletes should always be constructive and meaningful. One helpful technique for parents is the “positive-negative-positive” approach, where a parent points out what went well, followed by specific areas that could be improved, and then ending with a positive and encouraging comment. Additionally, parents can provide support by allowing their children the freedom to make their own decisions and mistakes, while offering guidance when and if needed.


ATHLETE IMG Academy’s Director of Athletic and Personal Development, David Hesse, shares his insight on what differentiates average athletes from great ones. Hesse is an accredited Sports Scientist in Psychology who has helped top athletes in the United States and the United Kingdom to prepare for major athletic events such as the London 2012 Olympics and the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

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Great Athletes Have a Growth Mindset

FAST FACTS When Usain Bolt won the 200m at the 2002 World Junior Championships for Jamaica, he was only 15 years old and already 6’5” tall. Caymanian Florence Allan competed in the 2016 Olympics in Rio when she was just 18 years old and became the first sailor in 16 years to compete at an Olympics for the Cayman Islands.

This idea, most associated with the research of Stanford University Professor Carol Dweck, argues that athletes who believe their talents can be developed, through consistent training, evaluation and practice, will be more successful than those who have a fixed mindset. Athletes with a fixed mindset tend to believe that their talent is the key determinant of success, and that their ability is fixed. These athletes often end up not realising their full potential.

Great Athletes See Failure as a Challenge The best athletes understand that in the process of developing their talents, there will be obstacles along the way. They embrace the challenge of getting better every day, while understanding that failure is just another challenge that they need to overcome. “Rather than dwelling on defeats, an outstanding athlete capitalises on the experience to learn and grow,” says Hesse.

Great Athletes Always Work Hard The path to success for an athlete is based on hard work, ownership, and application. Elite athletes understand that they must apply themselves in every facet of their training if they want to be one of the ‘greats’. They take ownership of this process and know that they need to be the driving force whilst on their athletic journey. Effort is also an essential trait here, and skills are the result of hard work and dedication. Yet, “talent alone won’t help you be successful in the long run,” Hesse reveals. He concludes that “the best athletes work hard at seeking the small, yet consistent gains in different areas of their development, rather than looking for the ‘magic bullet’ in one area of their training.”


Great Athletes are Curious about the Competition


Great Athletes Welcome Feedback from their Coaches

Curiosity is an important trait in elite athletes and where average athletes see the success of others as a threat, great athletes find inspiration and motivation. Some of the world’s best athletes learn from the success of others by modelling their behaviour and habits, never fearing competition, but embracing it to push through to the next level in order to maximise their potential.

They use constructive criticism to focus on areas of their performance that requires improvement. Less successful athletes tend to dismiss or ignore feedback and focusing on the person providing it, rather than using feedback as an opportunity to reflect and grow.

Cayman Connection: Nick Bollittieri founded the tennis programme at IMG Academy over 40 years ago. Since its inception, the

programme has developed 10 worldwide #1 tennis players, 51 combined Eddie Herr and Easter Bowl titles, and has had 4 NCAA singles titles in the past 7 years. Outside of IMG, Nick owns the Tennis Courts at the Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman. If you drop by, you can often see Nick frequenting the 3 beautiful red clay courts and 2 blue hard courts, or popping into the #1 specialised tennis pro shop on Island. For information on children’s lessons or to book court time for yourself, call (345) 323-0049.





Have you outgrown your family home or are you yearning to move to a new neighbourhood? Whether you are new to the Island and looking to enter the rental market or you're a local ready to purchase a new home, Sheena Conolly of Sotheby's International Realty has a few expert tips that will help you start your climb up Cayman's exciting property ladder!

Baby Steps for New Renters

Find a rental property that is conveniently located close to your work as rush hour traffic can be slow going into George Town and to most schools. You don’t want your introduction to Cayman to become frustrating, so convenience over quality may be the best idea to get you settled into island life quickly. Most rental agreements are for 12 months, and some have termination clauses. Be sure to find out if the property is up for sale or going to be put on the market, as you may have to accommodate showings with a days notice, unless you can negotiate otherwise.

Buy vs Rent

If you fall in love with Cayman and would like to stay a while (which is easy to do) think about buying a property as soon as possible. There are fairly easy exit strategies even if you plan to leave the Island later; it has been traditionally possible to earn a good rental income while overseas. Plus, Cayman has the advantage of having no annual property taxes. This is why Shenna Conolly encourages her clients to rent no more than one year (if possible) to avoid building-up their landlords equity instead of their own. She often hears “I wish we had bought a few years ago." So, avoid being a tenant indefinitely and invest in your own property!

What to buy

Always bear in mind that you are much better off buying a property that offers flexibility and is affordable. This will give you a fall back position should you need one. 'Right sizing' is key. Highend homes do not sell every day in Cayman and they can sit on the market for a long time. Rather, buy a good property within your means. If you are going to use real estate for points towards Cayman's PR application one day, be sure to speak to an immigration specialist to get all the facts. There are several levels of real estate that are required for different types of residency.


Always shop around when looking for a mortgage. Research your options with various banks early on as there are a myriad of finance options available which constantly change. Cayman's retail banks usually do not offer mortgages to buyers over 65 years of age, so start early! To increase your chances of obtaining financing from a bank, you should have a good sense of your future income, have been working in Cayman for a minimum of six months and be in a solid financial position. Also, start saving early, as entering the real estate market requires a chunk of change! A general rule of thumb is that you will need a minimum of 25% of the negotiated sum to secure a mortgage. This will include a bank deposit, bank fees, stamp duty, legal fees, an appraisal fee plus government fees.

New Construction

Many exciting new projects are being offered in Cayman due to a recent surge in the real estate market and a lack of inventory in certain areas, but caution should be exercised as Cayman may be now heading towards an oversupply. Always research a property developer's track record and find out how many units have been reserved as some projects may never get off the ground. Also, find out if the new project has financing and have your attorney review the construction contract. There are many advantages to new builds: energy efficient designs, modern amenities, savings on stamp duty, stage payment deposits and cool upgrades. But there are always potential pitfalls that must be considered.

High Net Worth Buyers

If you do not require a mortgage and/or are arriving to Cayman as a resident of independent means, there are multiple real estate options for investors and potential homeowners. Whether to 'buy vs build' is always a hot debate, but Sheena suggests caution: don't rush this decision! Instead, research all your options. Cayman has excellent, expert building professionals, but the construction process is not always straightforward. She recommends exploring all the properties on the market first, before building a custom-designed home as it is usually more affordable to buy than build.

An active member of the community, Sheena Conolly is involved with many aspects of Island life, supports several local charities and sports. She’s a singer with the Cayman National Choir, a past board member and team player for the squash club. With a background in hospitality, Sheena, a former student of Cornell University, took a career shift into real estate when she moved to the Cayman Islands over twenty years ago. She launched Cayman Islands Sotheby's International Realty in December 2005 and since then has received many awards.

210 Cayman Parent Magazine | Cayman Community

COSTS TO CONSIDER WHEN RENTING A PROPERTY When you find a place that is just right, you will usually need to put down a security deposit and the first month’s rent in advance. In addition to the rent and deposit, you may have additional start-up costs related to your new accommodation:





approximately CI$100 for water, CI$200-CI$500 for electricity and CI$100 for telephone if setting up direct-debit standing orders. Otherwise, you may be asked for more.


Maintenance Costs: Make sure the landlord will take care of maintenance costs associated with garden and pool care, garbage collection, pest control and servicing of general systems such as A/C. Sometimes cable television/internet is included.





belongings is the responsibility of the tenant.






furnished. Some may be “fullyfurnished”



and appliances are supplied as well as furniture). Prior to signing your lease ask for an inventory showing everything that comes with the

We’ll hold your hand, every step of the way. Let our team of trusted, local professionals guide you through renting, buying or selling your home at all price points.

unit. You will have to be prepared to supplement anything missing.


Pets: Some complexes do accept pets but will ask for an additional non-refundable



which can be as much as CI$500 per pet.


Smokers: Many landlords will not rent to smokers.


No Sharers: Sometimes landlords will require apartments not be shared, i.e. only one family per unit.

345.623.1234 Governor’s Square, Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands PO Box 30567 Grand Cayman KY1-1203 | Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Member of CIREBA




The Perfect District for the



Welcome to our modern, safe, small community in the middle of the Caribbean Sea that we call home. The Cayman Islands are a beautiful, peaceful and family-friendly country with a growing population of 60,000 individuals. With perfect weather year round, beautiful beaches throughout and a high standard of living, Cayman is one of the best places in the world to live, work and raise a family. Another one of our favourite aspects of Grand Cayman are the various unique neighbourhoods, each with their own personal flavour and characteristics. - Mark Gaus

West Bay Located just north of Seven Mile Beach, West Bay is very popular with both Caymanians and expats. West Bay has tons to see and do with attractions such as the Cayman Turtle Centre and Dolphin Discovery and restaurants like The Cracked Conch and Ristorante Pappagallo. West Bay continues to be one of the most affordable places to live for families but does still offer multi-million dollar residences in communities like The Shores.

Club and the new Kimpton Seafire Resort. Grand Cayman is also known as the Culinary Capital of the Caribbean and the Seven Mile Beach corridor is where most of those restaurants are located. A muststop in this district is the community of Camana Bay, here you will find restaurants, shops, bars, a cinema, a gourmet grocery store and a medical group. Some of our other favourite family neighbourhoods in this district are Britannia, Snug Harbour, Canal Point and Governors Harbour. In these communities you will find high-end residences that are right around the corner from all your favourite amenities.

George Town Seven Mile Beach Seven Mile Beach is the backbone of our tourism industry with remarkable resorts like the Ritz-Carlton, Westin, Caribbean

212 Cayman Parent Magazine | Cayman Community

George Town is the capital of the Cayman Islands. Here you find our other major industry which is our financial district. Banks, financial service firms, law firms and accounting firms are mostly based in George Town. This area is also where our

POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING A HOME • In the Cayman Islands, there are no restrictions on foreign ownership of real estate if the property is for personal use. • There are no annual property or capital gains taxes in Cayman. • Stamp Duty, which is payable on all real estate transfers and purchases (other than those between close family, aka ‘by love and affection’), is 7.5%. However, a first time Caymanian buyer will pay no stamp duty if the property is below CI$300,000. • Banks and other financial institutions offer mortgage packages. Interest rates are quoted based on the KYD and USD prime rate published in the Cayman Islands by the retail banks. • Banks usually ask for deposits of between 10%–35% as a down payment/contribution towards the purchase price or construction cost. Unlike the UK, interest only mortgages do not exist in Cayman.

major port is located in Hog Sty Bay as well as where our cruise ship passengers arrive onto our Island. Amenities such as schools, churches, local banks and grocery stores are also located throughout our capital, so you can imagine why people would love to live and work within this area.

South Sound South Sound is a highly sought after neighbourhood with oceanfront estates, single family homes and luxury condo developments; residents enjoy living here because of the easy access to town, quiet surroundings and views and breezes from the sea.

Prospect/Savannah The communities of Prospect, Red Bay, Newlands and Savannah are located just past George Town and South Sound and offer a familyfriendly affordable option which many homeowners enjoy. The two main shopping districts in these areas are Grand Harbour and Country Side Shopping Village, both feature excellent amenities such as grocery and liquor stores, an electric automotive dealer, fitness centres and banks. Also located throughout these districts are schools, restaurants and churches. One of our favourite aspects of the Prospect and Savannah districts is the abundance of canal front living; the most popular neighbourhoods for these properties are Grand Harbour, Patrick’s Island, North Sound Estates and Sunrise Landing. Residents within these communities love the super-easy access to the North Sound, Stingray City and Rum Point.

North Side, Rum Point & East End Rum Point, Cayman Kai and East End are reminiscent of what Cayman must have been like 50 years ago. These very quiet, peaceful and tranquil areas are the top spots for residents to staycation and spend a long weekend. Many tourists also prefer to vacation here as opposed to Seven Mile Beach as it is much more relaxed and laid back. There are also great dive spots throughout our eastern districts that are explored by dive enthusiasts both local and abroad. Rum Point and Cayman Kai are all about the quiet island lifestyle; an island favourite area here is Kaibo: it features a bar, restaurant, coffee shop, dock and a few condo developments. East End is also a destination for a remarkable island retreat. Two fabulous resorts are the Wyndham Reef and Morritt’s; both have terrific restaurants, bars and shops. There is also a small grocery store and rental car agency across the street.

How to Start your Search It is highly recommended that you work with a CIREBA member to find your dream home. A high degree of competence is expected from all CIREBA members and they must adhere to a strict code of ethics established by the Association. There are 165 professionally trained CIREBA realtors in the Cayman Islands and all can provide you with access to over 1500 properties showcased on the CIREBA website. You only have to work with one dedicated agent who will do all the leg-work for you. For more information and to view properties visit




LISTINGS Activities and sports for children and teenagers

Community listings Cayman's warm weather makes playing sports all year round a reality. We list all the sports and activities that kids and teenagers can enjoy in Cayman. When booking water activities or visiting attractions, be sure to ask if they offer a residents discount!

Water activities Action Watersports Holiday Inn Resort, Safehaven. Tel: (345) 814 0173 Email: reservationsactionwatersports@ Web: Waverunner tours and rentals for thrill seekers. Atlantis Submarines 30 South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7700 Email: cayman@atlantissubmarines. com Web: Submarine tours. Amphibious Buses Tel: (345) 945 8687 Web: www.marinelandtours. com Family friendly sea and bus tours with underwater viewing. Cayman Kayaks Tel: (345) 926 4467 Web: www.caymankayaks. com Bioluminescence tours by kayak and electric-catamaran.

Charter Cayman Tel: (345) 923 4266 Email: info@chartercayman. com Web: www. Bespoke private boat charters designed for small groups and families with younger children. Dolphin Cove 9A Garvin Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 7646 Web: Dolphin encounters suitable for the whole family. Dolphin Discovery North West Point Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 769 7946 Web: Dolphin adventures suitable for children. Frank’s Watersports Safehaven Marina, SMB. Tel: (345) 945 5491 Email: Web: www. Customised family friendly boat trips on the North Sound. Glass Bottom Boat Tours Tel: (345) 928 9449 Web: www. Explore Cayman’s underwater world without getting wet. Kitesurf Cayman Barkers Beach, West Bay. Tel: (345) 916 5483 Email: Web: www. Popular sport among teens, suitable for children aged nine and above who can swim.

Cayman Luxury Charters Boats leave from Camana Bay Dock. Tel: (345) 938 2525 Email: info@caymanluxurycharters. com Web: www. Luxury private boat charters suitable for families.

Ocean Frontiers 344 Austin Conolly Dr, East End. Tel: (345) 640 7500 Email: Web: A variety of small-group snorkel trips which are great for families.

Cayman Sea Elements Dock C4, Cayman Islands Yacht Club. Tel: (345) 936 8687 Email: Web: Mangrove kayak tours, bioluminescent tours and Stingray City tours.

Oh Boy Charters 292 Raleigh Quay, Governors Harbour. Tel: (345) 945 5033 Email: ohboycharters@candw. ky Web: Fully customisable boat trips plus fishing, snorkelling and sunset charters.

Cayman Stand Up Paddle Co. (CSUPco) Tel: (345) 938 4787 Email: info@ Web: www. Paddleboard rentals. A great activity for families. CSUPco will deliver the boards to you and offer a quick lesson.

Parasailing Professionals Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 916 2953 Web: Parasailing rides along Seven Mile Beach. Minimum age is five years, when accompanied by a parent.

214 Cayman Parent Magazine | community

Point Blue Sailing Boats leave from Camana Bay, Barcadere and Kaibo. Tel: (345) 925 7772 Email: dean@ Web: www.pointbluesailing. ky Luxury private sailing charters that can be customised to you and your family’s needs. Red Sail Sports Located at the Kimpton, Westin Beach Resort, Marriott Beach Resort, Rum Point and Morritts Tortuga Resort. Tel: (345) 623 5965 Email: info@ Web: www.redsailcayman. com Banana boat rides, sailing and diving. Beach toys available for rent. Sail Cayman Cayman Islands Yacht Club. Tel: (345) 916 4333 Email: Web: A full service private charter company offering a variety of sail and power boat excursions, all suitable for families. Bioluminescence charters are also available. Soto’s Cruises 120 Palm Heights Drive, SMB. Tel: (345) 945 4576 Email: Web: www. Guided snorkelling boat tours suitable for families. SNUBA & Sea Trek Cayman Cabana, North Church Street. Tel: (345) 926 0008 Email: mail@seatrekcayman. com Web: or www. Underwater tours for nondivers. Suitable for children ages eight and up. Tours Cayman Safehaven Marina, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 814 0170 Email: Web: www. A range of boat tours suitable for families. White Sand Watersports Located at the Wyndham Reef Resort, East End. Tel: (345) 938 7263 Email: Web: Family friendly activities including snorkel and kayak tours, stand-up-paddleboarding and hobie cat sailing.

Outdoor Facilities & Attractions Ambassadors of the Environment The Ritz-Carlton, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 815 6120 Email: grandcaymanambassadors@

Black Pearl Skate Park

Safe Haven for the Youth of the Cayman Islands

On April 23, 2005, the world’s greatest professional vert skater Tony Hawk officially opened the park. The Black Pearl Skate Park, ranked largest skate park in the Western Hemisphere and the 2nd largest in the world. This massive park covers over 52,000 square feet and features courses for beginner, intermediate and expert skaters. It has 62,000 sq. ft. of quarter pips, half pipes, rails, stairs, and bowls that can entertain any level of skating enthusiast for hours.

Cayman Islands Skateboard Association CISA is a non-profit association created to act as a positive conduit for recreational and multiple sporting activities, and to provide a safe, well managed and maintained environment from which to foster the interest in, and the ability to excel in the sport of skateboarding.


Welcome Skaters, BMX Riders Scooters and Helmets Available Hosts Birthday Parties After School Clubs Courses Available For All Levels Summer Camps First Aid/CPR Member on Duty Equipment Rentals Available Offers Areas for Basketball, Football and Scootering

Classes/Camps: Prices - $7 per day, $45 per month, $200 per six months, $300 per year Basketball Club - 3:30pm-4:30pm Age 5-16, $50 per month Scooter Club - 3:30pm-4:30pm Age 5-16, $50 per month

Hours: Sunday to Thurs 3pm – 7pm Friday & Sat 3pm – 9pm

Grand Harbour, Red Bay | (345) 939 1301 | |

215 Web: en/hotels/caribbean/grand-cayman Eco adventure days through Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment programme. Black Pearl Skate Park Grand Harbor Shopping Centre, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 939 1301 Email: skate@blackpearl. ky Web: 62,000sq ft of beginner, intermediate and expert flow, as well as street courses, plus three basketballs half courts. Equipment available to rent. Blue Iguana Safari Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park, off Frank Sound Road, North Side. Tel: (345) 749-1121 Email: Web: www. Meet the endangered blue iguana on this guided tour. Book through the National Trust. Cayman Islands National Museum 3 Harbour Drive, Shedden Road, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 8368 Web: Permanent exhibitions plus changing galleries (including one for children) and an audiovisual theatre. Residents enter for free on the first Saturday of every month. Cayman Motor Museum 864 North West Point Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 947 7741 Web: www.caymanmotormuseum. com View classic automobiles, motorcycles,

power boats and historical exhibits. Cayman Turtle Centre 786 Northwest Point Road, West Bay. Tel: (345) 949 3894 Web: Meet the sea turtles and other sea creatures. Also features a pool, waterslide and waterfall for children. Crystal Caves 69 Northside Road, Old Man Bay. Tel: (345) 949 2283 Email: Web: Tour the underground caves of Cayman. National Gallery of the Cayman Islands Esterley Tibbetts Highway. Tel: (345) 945 8111 Email: Web: www. Home to the national art collection with activities and programmes for children and families. Pedro St. James Castle Pedro Castle Road, Savannah. Tel: (345) 947 3329 Email Web: www. Historic castle overlooking the sea with a multi-sensory movie theatre and a playground. Children can also meet Jack the donkey. Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park Off Frank Sound Road, North Side. Tel: (345) 947 9462 Email: Web: A 65-acre park to explore.

It is dedicated to preserving local flora and fauna and is famous for its Cayman Blue Iguana programme.

Parks - see pages 204-205 SPORTS ATHLETICS The Cayman Islands Athletics Association Tel: (345) 923 4755 The governing body for athletics in the Cayman Islands. 345 Athletics Club. Truman Bodden Track, George Town. Email: Middle-distance team looking for runners and field event athletes. All ages and abilities are welcome. Falcon Athletics Web: Track and field club for primary and high school ages children with local and international meets throughout the year.

BADMINTON Badminton Association and Club Cayman Prep and High School, Walkers Road. Tel: (345) 925 3620 Email: caybadm@yahoo. com Sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 7.30pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


Inspiring Youth | Building Character | Strengthening Community

The YMCA of the Cayman Islands is a charitable, cause-driven, non-profit organisation that strengthens the community through a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We aim to address the unique challenges of our society in a pro-active and compassionate way; and we believe that by instilling the values of honesty, caring, respect, responsibility, and faith, we help build character that lasts a lifetime.


Character Development Programme, focused on teaching and reinforcing core values, incorporated into all programmes • Activities include arts & crafts, swimming, team building, outdoor adventure, and sports • Y Day Camp expanded to Cayman Brac and 3 locations in Grand Cayman • Teens Leaders gain real-life, hands-on experience as Counselors-in-training • Highly trained staff and volunteers • Member of the YMCA World Alliance


Y Day camp offered during summer months and school breaks for ages 5-12, After school programmes, Teen Leaders for ages 13-17, ONE Cayman collaboration and shared resources, BesTeams Team Building & Leadership Development.

(345) 926 9622 | | 216 Cayman Parent Magazine | community

BALLET See Dance section.

BASKETBALL Cayman Islands Basketball Association Tel: (345) 916 5083 Email: info@ Programme participates in international competitions and has four leagues: under-12, under-14, under-16 and under-19, separated by gender.

BEACH VOLLEYBALL Cayman Islands Volleyball Federation (CIVF) Email: Web: Beach volleyball programmes are available for teenagers aged 8-18. Training and clinics can also be arranged.

Boxing Cayman Islands Boxing Association Dalmain Ebanks Boxing Gym at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex. Web: www.facebook. com/caymanislandsamateurboxingassociation The gym and coaches are available to kids of all ages from 4pm - 8pm Monday - Friday.

Cricket Cayman Cricket Tel: (345) 945 6447 Email: sdo@caymancricket. com Web: Coaching sessions are held on Saturdays (December-June) and an afterschool club (March-June).

Village Greenies Email: Web: The ‘Kwik Cricket’ programme is aimed at boys and girls aged between four and ten years old. The programme costs CI$25 and includes a t-shirt and water.

CrossFit CrossFit 7 Mile Mirco Centre, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 925 1456 Email: Private group lessons where kids are taught basic functional movement can be arranged for ages 8-17 years. Cayman CrossFit Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 929 8450 Web: CrossFit Kids for boys and girls ages 5-8 years of all fitness levels and capabilities. CrossFit Teens/Tweens (12-16) offers a class similar to an adult class. Classes last 30-45 minutes.

Cycling West Bay Loop Cracked Conch, West Bay. Tel: (345) 939 0911 Web: Take a guided bike tour along flat and mostly traffic free trails or rent bikes to explore the trails as a family. Children’s bikes and buggies are available to rent.


Alissta Towers, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 926 9603 Email: centrepointedance@gmail. com Web: Classes available for 2 year olds through to adults in the following disciplines: ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary dance, hip-hop, freestyle, musical theatre, acting, verse and prose. Boys’ only classes are also available. Miss Jackie’s School of Dance Pasadora Place, off Smith Road. Tel: (345) 949 7296 Disciplines include classical ballet, creative, freestyle, jazz, lyrical, tap and modern styles. Private lessons and choreography are also offered. Students are accepted from the age of 4. KRI Performing Arts School Elizabethan Square, George Town. Tel: (345) 924 4089 Web: Classes for kids (age 3 and up), juniors and teens. Lessons available in salsa, jazz, modern, hip-hop, contemporary, Afro-Caribbean and reggae. Cayman Islands National Dance Company Tel: (345) 916 0146 Classes available to children aged 3 and up in ballet, creative movement, Zumba, Afro-Caribbean, Latin, reggae and reggaeton, hip-hop, lyrical and jazz styles.

Diving See Scuba Diving.

Centre Pointe Dance Studio (CPDS)

Cayman Turtle Centre

Explore the Best Grand Cayman Excursions

Created in 1968, The Cayman Turtle Centre is Cayman's largest land-based attraction. Educational, cultural and entertainment programmes are consistently being created and updated to ensure the ideal family experience. Not only is it about the people, but they focus greatly on research & conservation with an annual turtle release and scientific projects to help turtles return to the wild. They offer many tours, exhibits, and guest services to make sure the experience is a memorable one.


Turtle Centre Exploration Tour • Turtle Adventure Tour • Turtle touch tanks Snorkel with turtles & wildlife • Animal feeding shows • Saltwater lagoon exhibit with a 9ft Saltwater crocodile • Loggerhead's sea tank exhibit • The largest swimming pool on Island • Viewing tank of a wide range of predators • Aviary • Cayman Street exhibition with traditional homes and gardens • Hosts birthday parties, weddings, and corporate events


Everyday: 8am-5pm with last admission at 4:30pm • Turtle lagoon closes at 2:30pm, Breakers Lagoon & Turtle Twister water slide close at 4pm • Residential rates & annual passes available

786 NW Point Rd, West Bay | (345) 949 3894 | |




Academy Sports Club Email Web: A range of football programmes for children ages 5-18. They offer a Saturday morning Junior Football programmes for players aged 5-8 and a special football programme for children with autism and other special needs.

North Sound Golf Club Safehaven Drive, SMB. Tel: (345) 947 4653 Web: Year round junior camps and after-school programmes for junior golfers aged 6-16 years. Private lessons with PGA professionals are available.

Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) Tel: (345) 949 5775 Email: Web: Five leagues for boys and girls aged 11–21 years The Maples Grassroots Programme for children aged 5-12 years is a FIFA approved programme with twice weekly training sessions. Sunset Football Club Tel: (345) 516 6290 Email: npurton@ Web: www. Coaching sessions for boys ages 4-11 and training and matches for boys aged 12 - 17. There is also an U15 girls team.

Flag Football Cayman Islands Flag Football Association (CIFFA) Games held on the Camana Bay Playing Field. Web: A popular youth flag football league for boys and girls aged 7-19 years.

Cayman Crazy Golf Located next to Deckers, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 945 6600 An 18-hole mini-golf facility that’s great fun for all the family. Adults and children are both charged $5 per round. Open 5pm-10pm daily. The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club, Grand Cayman West Bay Rd, SMB. Tel: (345) 815 6500 Web: grand-cayman/area-activities/activities/golf Private instruction from the ages of 5 upwards.

Gymnastics Motions Unlimited Sparky's Dr, George Town. Tel: (345) 749 8365 Email: Experienced coaches and state of the art gymnastics equipment for children.

Horseback Riding Cayman Riding School Hirst Road, Savannah. Tel: (345) 926 7669 Email: Dressage and

Jumping lessons. The school is affiliated with the British Pony Club and CIEF. Equestrian Center Riding School & Boarding Stables Lynford Pierson Highway, George Town. Tel: (345) 516 1751 Email: equestriancentercayman@ Web: A riding school and boarding stables. Offers a “Pony Park” every Saturday morning where children can have pony rides for CI$5 and meet goats, rabbits and other small animals. Cowboy Town Stables 160 Lottery Road, Lower Valley. Tel: (345) 916 8571 Email: Web: Riding and horsemanship lessons. A certified therapeutic horsemanship instructor specialises in providing lessons for people with physical, mental, social and emotional disabilities and disorders. Spirit of the West Barkers Beach, West Bay. Tel: (345) 916 6488 Email: Web: www. Accompanied beach rides with a Caribbean Swim Ride option. Resident rates are available.

Martial Arts Purple Dragon School of Martial Arts Reliable Building, Compass Drive, George Town

Cayman Tennis Academy

Tennis coaching for local residents and visitors Cayman Tennis Academy caters to players of all abilities, both children and adults. Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, your lesson will be adapted to suit your level of expertise. Cayman Tennis Academy also offers Cardio Tennis classes, and after school and summer camp programmes for children.


Lessons for both children and adults • Tailored Lessons and Activities for all skill levels • Mobile Lessons (will come to your location!) • Brand New Courts and Air Conditioned Facilities • Fitness Training


Private Individual and Group Lessons • Cardio Tennis Classes • After School Programme for Children ages 3-16 • Kids Camp Programmes for Summer and School Breaks • Fitness Classes

1960 West Bay Road (Courts) | (345) 547 6257 | |

218 Cayman Parent Magazine | community

Tel: (345) 946 1241 Email Web: Purple Dragon teaches the martial arts system called Don Jitsu Ryu for children aged four and older. Cayman Associated Schools of Karate (C.A.S.K.) King’s Sports Centre, Red Bay Tel: (345) 925 3367 Web: Youth (ages 4-12), co-ed adult and women-only classes, in traditional wado style karate, as well as a Tai Chi programme.

Netball Turtle Netters Tel: (345) 929 2255 Email caymannetball@ Training sessions for children ages 4-8 years are held every Saturday morning 8am9am at Truman Bodden Sports Complex. New members are always welcome.

Parkour Motions Unlimited Tel: (345) 749 8365 Email: info@ Web: www. Motions Unlimited offers parkour training to kids eight years and older.

Roller & Inline Skating Kings Sport Centre, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 946 5464 Web: Family skating is on Saturdays 4.30pm-7pm and Sundays from 1pm to 4pm. Teen Jam Skate is on Saturdays from 7pm-10pm.

Rugby The Rugby Club South Sound Road, South Sound. Tel: (345) 525 6743 Email: caroline.deegan@caymanrugby. com Web: Coaching programmes for children aged 3 – 19 years old.

Scuba Diving The Open Water Diving Course is available to children ages 10 and up. Contact any of the Island’s dive operators to book a course. There are also options for younger children. Don Fosters South Church Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 945 5132 Web: A Bubblemaker swimming pool course is available for children ages 8 and 9 to introduce them to using dive equipment and breathing underwater. Red Sail Sports Tel: (345) 623 5965 Web: www.redsailcayman. com/kids-scuba A Bubblemaker swimming pool course is available for children aged 8 and 9 to introduce them to breathing underwater safely. For 5-8 years olds there is a SASY course where children use a scuba unit that combines a regulator and a buoyancy compensator.

skateboarding Black Pearl Skate Park Grand Harbor Shopping Centre, Red Bay. Tel:

(345) 939 1301 Email: skate@blackpearl. ky Web: 62,000sq ft of beginner, intermediate and expert flow, as well as street courses, plus three basketballs half courts. Equipment available to rent.

Squash South Sound Squash Club 25 Anne Bonny Crescent, South Sound. Email: Web: Junior coaching is available from ages five and up at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.

Swimming Fitness Connection Pebbles Way, South Sound. Tel: (345) 949 8485 Email: Web: ky A Starfish Aquatic Institute Training Centre offering variety of programmes for all ages and abilities. Swimming lessons for babies begin at 6 weeks old. Private and group classes available. Sky Blue Aquatics Tel: (345) 916 0054 Email: info@skyblueaquatics. com Web: Mobile swimming instructor with lessons for ages four months to adults. Private, semi-private and small group lessons provided. The Camana Bay Aquatic Club (CBAC) Cayman International School, 95 Minerva Dr, Camana Bay. Email: cbac@camanabay. com Web:

Must Love Dogs

The Island's Ultimate Pet Destination With Two locations Must Love Dogs is the islands ultimate pet destination to spa and spoil your dog or cat. The boutique in Camana Bay carries a wide range of essentials and luxuries focusing on health and wellness and the in house spa offers full, fun and sassy grooming appointments. The GT location houses the day care and bunk bed, cage free lodging. Knowledgable staff can assist with all your dog related questions including your pets travel needs.


Dog and Cat Grooming, Nail Trim walk ins • High Quality Nutrition for Optimal pet health • Doggie Day Care and overnight boarding • Customised training with Gold medalist trainer Heidi Suarez • Travel Services for export/import • FETCH - Must Love Dogs pick up and drop off for services including day care and grooming along with dog and cat food delivery.


Group & Private training with Heidi Suarez • Adventure Camp for dogs who prefer their own company for social and positive training • Agility & Trick Classes • Travel Club Camana Bay | (345) 746 7222 | |


Competitive swim club with professional coaching for children ages 5-18 of all abilities. Group and private lessons for ages 18 months 10 years old are available. Seven Mile Swimmers Lions Aquatic Centre, Olympic Way George Town. Tel: (345) 323 9512 Swimming lessons for ages 3 and upwards. Stingray Swim Club Lions Aquatic Centre, Olympic Way George Town. Email: Web: Competitive swimming club for ages 6 and up. Thrive Fit Tel: (345) 938 1113 Web: www.thrivefitcayman. com Mobile swimming instruction for children aged 6 months and upwards. Private, semiprivate and group lessons available. Synchronised Swimming Tel: (345) 326 8331 Email: alissa.moberg@ Web: caymanitesynchro Training for young swimmers ages 6 - 17. Swimmers must be confident in deep water and be able to tread water before joining the team.

Tennis The Cayman Islands Tennis Club South Sound Road, South Sound. Tel: (345) 949

9464 Email: Web: www. Coaching available from the ages of 3 to adults. After school programmes are also offered plus tournaments held throughout the year. Cayman Tennis Academy 1960 West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 547 6257 Email: caymantennisacademy@gmail. com Web: Lessons to kids aged 3-10 years on their halfsized tennis courts. For ages 10 and up lessons on full sized courts. Private , group lessons, and after school programmes are also offered. The Courts at The Ritz-Carlton West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 323 0049 Email: grandcaymantennis@ritzcarlton. com Private or semi-private lessons offered for ages 3-16 years old. After school classes available. Cayman Sports Tel: (345) 926 2776 Web: www.caymansports. net Private and group lessons are available with ex-Wimbledon coach Warren Urquhart for ages 4.5 and up. Cayman Performance Tennis Tel: (345) 927 8690 Email: micabeach@gmail. com Web: www.caymanperformancetennis. com Private and group tennis lessons from the age of 6.

Ten Pin Bowling King’s Sports Centre, Red Bay. Tel: (345) 946 5464 Email: Web: Four bowling lanes plus a lounge and bar area.

Yoga Yoga Sprouts Tel: (345) 326 9876 Email: yogasproutscayman@ Web: Yoga classes from 3 months to 8 years old.

YOUTH GROUPS Girlguiding Cayman Islands Email: Web: www. Girlguiding groups include Rainbows (5-7yrs), Brownies (7-10), Guides (1014) and Rangers (14+). Scouts Association Tel: (345) 949 1515 Email: ciscouts@candw. ky Scout groups include Beavers (6-8yrs), Cub Scouts (8-11yrs) and Scouts (11-19yrs). YMCA Cayman Islands Email: Web: www. A variety of after school programmes, sports and summer camps that instill the YMCA’s core values of honesty, caring, respect, responsibility and faith.

Excel Sports Management Ltd.

Cayman Music School

Founded in 2014, ESM offers a comprehensive elite football development programme. Through professional coaching, quality camps and overseas training opportunities our goal is to provide a safe and challenging environments for players to develop to their fullest potential.

Cayman Music School provides comprehensive music education and offers a wide range of music programmes and courses to children and adults of all levels and ages (1 years old and up).

Skill • Speed • Strength • Spirit • Sense

Highlights: EUFA B Licensed Coaches • All training sessions and camps take place at Academy Field, Outpost Road, GT Flexible hours

Programmes: Afterschool Training Groups • UK Football Tours • School Holiday Camps • Private/Semi-Private Lessons • USA College Recruitment Services

(345) 925 5032 | 220 Cayman Parent Magazine | community

School of Music Excellence for All


Music Lessons: Piano, Violin, Flute, Saxophone, Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Drums, Voice

Programmes: Bands and ensembles • Rock school programme • Yoga • Music camp • Musician services • Drama • Exam preparation • Music time (young kids) • Instrumental repair • Music equipment rental• Free theory classes • Dance studio • Recording studio

(345) 938 3838 | | Camana Bay

aRTS & cULTURE Art Nest 24 Smith Road, Pasadora Place. Tel: (345) 949 0107 Email: Web: Art classes for children age 1 and up. Children learn a variety of artistic techniques. Cayman Drama Society 223B Shamrock Road, Red Bay. Email: training@ Web: Acting classes for 5 – 16 year olds. Opportunities available for those interested in the behind the scenes roles such as stage crew, directing and script writing as well. Cayman Music School Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 938 3838 Email: Web: Tuition is offered in most musical instruments, voice training, rock school, music theory, music appreciation, composition, music technology, singing classes, dance classes and more. Centre Pointe Dance Studio Alissta Towers, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 926 9603 Email: centrepointedance@gmail. com Web: Produces dance and theatre shows throughout the year.

Musicians Ltd. Dot Com Centre, Dorcy Drive, Airport Industrial Park. Tel: (345) 525 6787 Email: janine@ Web: Music lessons for a variety of instruments. Classes available in singing, musical theatre and acting. Recitals and musical theatre throughout the year. Myles Music School Barnett Building, Huldah Ave, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 1753 Email: Piano and guitar lessons available. The Cayman National Cultural Foundation Tel: (345) 949 5477 Email cncf@artscayman. org Web: Offers a five-week summer intensive for performers aged 14-22 years who have a passion for the performing arts or want to learn about technical theatre. Auditions required. National Gallery Esterley Tibbetts Highway, SMB. Tel: 345 945 8111 Web: A 9,000sq ft gallery which is home to a growing collection Caymanian works of art and hosts eight major exhibitions annually. Kids and family programmes, workshops and tours available.

Volunteer Organisations For more information on the volunteer activities listed here, please see page 192.

Cayman Islands Cancer Society 114 Maple Road (near CI Hospital). Tel: (345) 949 7618 Email: Web: Cayman Islands Crisis Centre Donation Drop Off: 226 Mini Warehouse, Dorcy Drive, Industrial Park. Tel: (345) 949 0366 Email: Web: Cayman Islands Humane Society Animal Shelter: 153 North Sound Road, George Town. Thrift Store: Plaza Venezia, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 949 1461 Email: info@ Web: www. Red Cross Thrift Shop 34 Huldah Avenue, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 7467 Email: Meals on Wheels Tel: (345) 949 3905 Email: info@mealsonwheels. ky Web: Impact 345 Email:


The Pines Retirement Home 60 Pines Drive, GT Tel: (345) 949 5650 Email: Web: www.

Art Nest Creative Studio Nurturing Creativity

Art Nest offers a variety of creative opportunities, including classes, parties, camps, digital media services, memberships, co-working solutions, artist representation; including an art shop with materials, crafts and local art and products for sale.


Digital Media Services are fully equipped to meet all digital media needs • Artist Representation & Management is an incredibly beneficial service offered to all artists

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children through social, sensory and art activities • “Wheel and Wine” pottery classes are in full demand • “Canvas and Cocktails” instructional paint classes are a fun way to break up your week and gain confidence in painting with acrylics

(345) 949 0107 |

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222 Cayman Parent Magazine | community

THE ESSENTIALS Divorce details, immigration issues, bank accounts for children


Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in a person’s life. Here you’ll find a helpful article on divorce in Cayman, with important info for divorcing expats.



Where’s your will? We know, death is a touchy subject. Find simple tips on how to plan for the worst.

Think there’s more pros than cons to giving children pocket money? Find out how pocket money is more about financial management than reward.

Photo courtesy of Picture This



Money doesn’t grow on trees, so teach your kids how to save and spend wisely.




Have Passport?

WILL TRAVEL! Ensuring your wee one is ready for travel can be a daunting process - especially if he/she was born abroad! Here we outline the necessary steps to take and places to contact once you have a birth certificate and are ready to apply for a passport and/or various visas. Happy travels!

Once your child has a birth certificate you can make an application for a passport. Parents are encouraged to apply straight away for a passport and any necessary visas. In case of emergency, you will all need one. Please read on for details on how to get a passport for your child.

American Passports If you are a US citizen who recently had a child in the Cayman Islands, you should apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad and a passport for your child. Email the Consular Agency to schedule an appointment. You should complete the application forms available at The child and parents who are on the birth certificate must attend the appointment and in all cases, original valid documents should be presented. The US Consular Agency has an office in the Smith Road Centre, Suite 202B, 150 Smith Road, George Town, email: usconsagency@gmail. com or They are open Monday through Friday 8am2pm and are closed on all Cayman and US holidays. For emergency services call (345) 945 8173 or after 2pm and holidays call (876) 702 6000. They assist with passports and emergency services for US citizens only. You may email or visit the office for enquiries; however applications are submitted by appointment.

224 Cayman Parent Magazine | ESSENTIALS

Australian Passports We have been reliably informed that obtaining an Australian passport for a child born in the Cayman Islands to at least one Australian national, is complicated. For a passport application form visit

British Passports Application forms for British passports can be downloaded from uk/overseas-passports along with a list of what needs to be submitted. Applications must be couriered to Her Majesty’s Passport Office, OVS-D, Millburngate House, Millburngate, Durham DH97 1PA, England. Payment must be made by credit card online during the application process. The cost of a child’s passport is £46. This includes the courier fee to send the new passport back to you. Processing time takes at least 6-12 weeks.

Caymanian Passports Caymanian passports (also called a British Overseas Territories Citizen passport) are processed at the Passport & Corporate Services office in George Town and then sent to the UK passport office to be printed. The processing time for this is now about 6 weeks. Application forms for a BOT passport can be downloaded from www. along with a list of required documentation. Passports cost

Registering the Birth of Your Child When your child is born in the Cayman Islands you will be issued with a Live Birth Notification Form. The hospital will send the original copy of this to the Register of Births and you will be given a copy. The next step requires one of the parents if married, or both parents, if you are not married, to go to the General Registry on the ground floor of the Government Administration Building, Elgin Avenue (Tel: (345) 244 3101/3103 or email: with the Live Birth Notification Form, a marriage certificate (if married) and your passports. Residents of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman can register their children at the District Commissioner’s Office on Cayman Brac or in Grand Cayman. By law, you must register your child within three months of birth, regardless of your nationality. There is no charge to register your child; however, a copy of your child’s birth certificate from the Registrar of Births will cost CI$10 per copy. Get a few copies, as you will need them for everything from registering your child at a school, to proving to the Immigration Department that you really do need a nanny or a domestic helper! For extra copies of paperwork after registration see

CI$75 for a child. Emergency passports, which are only issued in the event of a medical air evacuation, are produced in Cayman and can be turned around within a day for those who are eligible. The passport office which is located on the 2nd floor of Sussex House, 128 Elgin Avenue (next to Immigration) is open Monday-Friday 8.30am-4pm. Tel: (345) 949 8344.

Canadian Passports The Canadian Consulate is located on the 1st Floor, Landmark Square, 64 Earth Close, off West Bay Road near The Strand Shopping Centre (Tel: (345) 949 9400 or email: cdncon.cayman@candw. ky). They are open Monday-Thursday 10am-1pm. They offer consular assistance for Canadians who are travelling, working or living in the Cayman Islands. These services include assistance with obtaining Canadian citizenship for children born in the Cayman Islands to Canadian parents, passports and any emergency assistance. Application forms for Canadian passports can be collected from the Consulate or downloaded online from The Consulate can review your application before you send it to the High Commission of Canada in Kingston, Jamaica. The processing time is 15-20 business days.

For Any Other Nationalities The Portfolio of Internal and External Affairs of the Cayman Islands Government and the Office of the Governor have assembled contact details for the consular representatives.

For More Information For More Information on Passports & Visas, go to www. Tell them you saw it in


IMMIGRATION RULES Relating to Children

Children Born To Caymanians The Immigration Law confirms that children born on or after January 1st 2004 are Caymanian as of Right (no matter where they are physically born) if at the date of their birth at least one of their parents was Caymanian AND settled in the Cayman Islands. However, if the parents obtained Caymanian status (also known as “The Right to be Caymanian”) any other way than by descent and their child is born overseas when neither parent is settled in the Cayman Islands, then their child will nevertheless be Caymanian as of Right. It is strongly recommended that any child who is believed to be Caymanian be the subject of an application to the Chief Immigration Officer under s. 20(2) of the Immigration Law (2015 Revision) for formal acknowledgement that they are in fact Caymanian. The form that you need to fill in and submit is the R21 ‘Acknowledgement/Continuation of the Right to be Caymanian’ form. The Law provides that the Chief Immigration Officer must, within 14 days, provide such acknowledgement (and if requested, provide a stamp to be placed in the child’s passport confirming them to be Caymanian) or, provide written reasons for his refusal to do so. There is no fee for this application although a CI$50 fee is payable where the application is being made on the basis that the child is Caymanian by Entitlement (see below). It should be noted that formal evidence that persons are Caymanian is increasingly being required by employers and various government agencies. It can be of significant assistance to Caymanians to be in a position to provide immediate proof that they are in fact Caymanian when required.

When Caymanian Parents Are Not Married If the parents are not married at the time of the child’s birth, and the parent claiming to be the father is a Caymanian, a DNA test may be required. The issue does not arise if the mother is Caymanian. Such a child will be Caymanian as long as the mother is settled in Cayman at the time of the child’s birth.

When Parents Become Caymanians After The Child’s Birth Quite often, parents of a child will become Caymanian AFTER the child is born. In such a case the child may be entitled to be acknowledged as Caymanian by Entitlement. In such a case, the parent is expected to make an application to the Chief Immigration Officer for formal acknowledgement that the child is Caymanian by Entitlement. The application must include an application fee of CI$50 and must demonstrate that the child concerned is under the age of 18, has at least one Caymanian parent, and has been legally and ordinarily resident in the Cayman Islands for at least one year. Please note that the child will lose their right to be Caymanian by Entitlement when they turn 18. See below for details on how to ensure that they continue to be Caymanian after their 18th birthday.


Children Born To Non-Caymanians Children born in the Cayman Islands to expats are not automatically entitled to reside in Cayman. Their treatment does however vary depending on the immigration status of their parent. The main options for the children of non-Caymanians are as set out below.

How to make your expat child legally resident When a child is born in or brought into the Cayman Islands, unless they are Caymanian as of Right, they must be reported to the immigration authorities and appropriate permissions sought to allow them to stay. The procedure to be followed will vary depending on the nature of the parent’s immigration standing. For example your child must be added as a dependant if you are: here on a temporary or full work permit, are a government contracted worker, or have an application for Permanent Residence submitted and are working on a valid PCW (Permission to Continue Working). Also if you are Working by Operation of Law (whether expressly or, for example, when between permits with a pending renewal), a Permanent Resident and the holder of a Residency Certificate. The next paragraph explains how you add your child to your work permit or Permanent Residency.

Children born to Work Permit holders If you are on a work permit, your baby must be added as a dependant on your work permit. You can find the AMD2 ‘Dependant Information Form Checklist’ (aka the R15) on www. and it outlines the things you need to gather and submit. These include the application filing fee of CI$100. A separate grant fee, which is payable on approval, of CI$500. The required supporting documents include employment letters in relation to each parent and a ‘Monthly Income and Expense Report’ with which the Dept. of Immigration will decide whether you can afford to have a dependant stay in Cayman with you. It is generally accepted that your minimum monthly base salary for a family of three must be in the region of CI$3,500. You will generally be expected to earn an extra CI$500 to CI$1000 per month for each additional dependant. Once all requirements are met, your child’s passport (once issued) will get a stamp with a date on it. Remember to get each new passport re-stamped as airlines need to see an up-to-date dependant stamp in the passport for travel. If you have any questions, call the Department of Immigration on Tel: (345) 949 8344 or see their website.


David McGrath

Kirsty Leedam

Our experienced family law team provide advice and representation on all aspects of matrimonial finance and children related issues, including: Divorce • Separation • Child custody • Child maintenance Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements • Child abduction and relocation • Domestic violence 5th Floor, Genesis Building, Genesis Close | P O Box 446, Grand Cayman, KY1-1106, Cayman Islands Tel: (345) 949 2740 or (345) 623 2740 | Fax: (345) 949 0073 |

226 Cayman Parent Magazine | ESSENTIALS

Children born to applicants for Permanent Residence with Permission to Continue Working As at the time of writing (June, 2017) problems with the functioning and administration of the system for Permanent Residence on the basis of 8 years’ residence have resulted in many hundreds of people being forced to await the outcome of their applications for far longer than anticipated. Many persons have become parents during the period between their application for Permanent Residence, and the consideration of their application. Should a parent find themselves in such a situation they should act as soon as possible to both vary their Permission to Continue Working ('PCW') to add their new dependent, and update their application for Permanent Residence to reflect their change of circumstance. An application to vary a PCW requires an application to be submitted to the Chief Immigration Officer and accompanied by a CI$100 application fee, in addition to the completion of the R15 'Dependant Information Form' and its list of supporting documents.

Children born to Government employees Foreign nationals in government service are exempt from the Work Permit Regime by virtue of their government contracts. They should however check with their relevant Department/ Ministry to seek to ensure that their child is able to lawfully reside in the Cayman Islands. Please note that there is no distinction between expatriate children of persons in government service, and those in the private sector, and so considerations as to permanent residence and the right to be Caymanian (including continuation thereof) should be taken fully into account.

Children born to Permanent Residents The child born to a Permanent Resident (whether through the points system or by Independent Means) must be added as a dependant to the parent’s PR. You will need to fill in and submit a ‘Variation of Permanent Residence’ form (the RV30 or RV34-37 form) as well as the Dependant Information Form Checklist (the R15 form). There is an administrative non-refundable CI$500 fee attached to the application. You will need to include a cover letter explaining why the change is being made, as well as a certified copy of your child’s birth certificate, a signed affidavit, filled in application form as well as (where relevant) an employment letter from both parents which includes the hours worked per week, the monthly income and any other benefits received. The issue fee will be CI$400 for the holder of a Residency and Employment Rights Certificate on the basis of 8 year’s residence, or CI$1,000 for the dependants of the holder of such a certificate for persons of independent means.

At the time of the child’s birth if one parent already holds Permanent Residence and/or has been Naturalised as a British Overseas Territories Citizen by virtue of a connection with the Cayman Islands, but is not (yet) Caymanian, then the child born in the Cayman Islands (to expatriate parents resident in the Cayman Islands) will be born a British Overseas Territories Citizen by virtue of a connection with the Cayman Islands. Although they will not be Caymanian, such children can hold a British Overseas Territories (Cayman Islands) Passport and have an automatic right to live (but not to work) in the Cayman Islands. They should be registered under the British Nationality Act with the Deputy Governor’s Office and an application made through the local passport office. As mentioned above, the child also needs to be added as a dependant on your PR. Please note that as a Permanent Resident if you then become a Caymanian (and have children and a spouse as dependants) you have only 45 days to regularise your dependents. If for some reason you forget, then your spouse’s Employment Rights Certificate as the Spouse of a Permanent Resident (RERC) will be revoked and there will in effect be nothing to extend. If this situation happens then the only option to 'regularise' your spouse’s position is to apply for the Right to be Caymanian, but you cannot do this if you cannot sign an affidavit saying that you tick 'stable marriage' box. Alternatively, if you have been married for less than 7 years, then you can simply apply for an RERC on the grounds of being married to a Caymanian.

Expatriate Children born in the Cayman Islands and continuously resident for the first 10 years The British Nationality Act makes provision for the Registration of children born in the Islands (and legally resident for the first 10 years of their life) as British Overseas Territories Citizens by virtue of a connection with the Islands. Whilst such registration will not make them Caymanian they will be entitled to a Cayman Islands passport and to reside permanently in the Cayman Islands provided they do not move away, are of good character and do not breach the Immigration Law. This option is available without regard to the immigration status of parents and application should be made to the Deputy Governor’s Office as soon as possible following the child’s 10th birthday. Such children can hold a Cayman Islands passport, and (independent of their parents) almost certainly apply to become Caymanian immediately following their 15th birthday if still legally and ordinarily resident at that date.


Rules Once A Child Turns 18

A Caymanian by Entitlement turning 18 Please note that a child who is a Caymanian by Entitlement will lose this when they turn 18. In order to continue to be Caymanian after their 18th birthday an application must be made to the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board for continuation of their status. Such application ought to be made when the child is 17, and before they turn 18, although provided the child remains legally and ordinarily resident in the intervening period (for example by being a work permit holder or having a student visa) then the application can be made up until the child’s 24th birthday. Such applications can only be granted if the child has been 'legally and ordinarily resident' for five out of the seven years immediately preceding the date of application. Provided that an application is made before the child turns 18 the child (once the application is granted) be deemed to have been Caymanian without break. If the child is the subject of an application after their 18th birthday, they will (if the application is granted) be deemed to only be Caymanian from the date of the grant. Under the immigration law, absences necessitated by health and education may nevertheless count as legal and ordinary residence in the Islands provided Cayman is 'home' for the relevant period of absence.

Child of a Work Permit holder turning 18 Dependant children can only remain on a parent’s work permit after the age of 18 if they are a) in full time tertiary education or b) special circumstances apply (such as the child is unable, for medical or other exceptional reasons, to maintain themselves). Should your child turn 18 before they finish secondary school, the immigration authorities will usually allow your child to remain in Cayman, although not formally as a dependant on your work permit. However, if your child chooses not to go on to university or college, and they want to continue living in the Cayman Islands then their only option is to try and get a work permit. At this point they are competing with every Caymanian and Permanent Resident school leaver who will have precedence over them, placing them at a distinct disadvantage in seeking job opportunities.

Gap Year Dilemma

Despite numerous requests, the authorities have to date declined to confirm their treatment of students seeking to take a gap year, and the law does not appear to make provision for them.

Child of a Permanent Resident turning 18 An expatriate child of a Permanent Resident (even if the child has a Cayman Passport) must apply for Permanent Residence in their own right under section 32 of the Immigration Law. They can do this without being subject to the points system, provided they have been legally and ordinarily resident in the Cayman Islands for seven years prior to the application being made. Any such application must be made before the child turns 19 (ideally even before they turn 18) but if the parent’s RERC has been varied to allow the child to be a dependent past 18, it can be made up until the child is 24 provided the child is still in tertiary education or within six months of the end of such education. They will then be able to apply to become Caymanian once they have been in Cayman for 15 years, or five years after becoming a British Overseas Territories Citizen. An expatriate child who is the child of the spouse of a Caymanian and whose parent holds an RERC (Residency and Employment Rights Certificate) as the spouse of a Caymanian can be added as a dependent on their parent, but only until they are 18 unless they continue into tertiary education and their permission is varied.

Naturalisation as a BOTC (Section 18(1) Grounds of Residence at 18) Naturalisation is governed by the British Nationality Act, 1981. A certificate of naturalisation can be applied for, once a person has been legally and ordinarily resident in the Islands for at least 15 years (at which point they will already have PR or be listed as the RERC of a person with PR), or after at least 12 months have passed since they acquired the Right to be Caymanian or have Permanent Residence. The application is made to the Deputy Governor and must include an up-to-date travel history covering the last 5 years (you can obtain this from the Dept of Immigration), as well as certified copies of your relevant documents and a fee of CI$825. Please note that a child under the age of 18 can be registered as a British Overseas Territories Citizen and the cost is CI$450.

Nick Joseph, partner of the Cayman Business Team at HSM Chambers obtained a BA in Psychology and Languages at the College of William & Mary in Virginia incorporating the first half of a D.E.U.G. B at Université Paul-Valéry in Montpellier, France before embarking on a career in law. He attended the Cayman Islands Law School/University of Liverpool where he obtained an LLB (Hons) degree (and where he now teaches the Immigration Law course), and followed that with professional exams through the Queen’s University, Belfast. He was admitted as a Cayman Islands Attorney at Law in 1997. Today he is a partner at HSM Chambers and a leader of that firm’s Cayman Business Team, specialising in immigration, licensing and employment matters relating to the establishment of residence and conduct of business in and from within the Cayman Islands. [Editor: Nick helped us write and decifer all these immigration and divorce rules]

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How it Affects Immigration Rules This is the one article that we do not include lightly. Unfortunately, we have had friends who have been tripped up by the Cayman Islands immigration rules and others who have fallen through cracks that they cannot come out of. We hope this will save others from heartache. - Nick Joseph

Couples Who Are Separating or Divorcing (If you are experiencing marital difficulties, please do go for legal advice regarding your immigration status, as current legislation is not supportive of those who cannot swear in an affidavit that they are in a stable marriage.) Problems will occur whether the non-dependent spouse is supportive of his or her partner remaining on Island or not. You should consider:

• The length of time you and your spouse have lived on the Islands and what implication that has on your term limit and applications for Permanent Residency.

• Get naturalised - remember this option is provided on the grounds of both marriage and residency.

• Naturalisation is an option for a dependent spouse with an RERC based on PR, but not with an RERC based on marriage to someone who has obtained the Right to be Caymanian.

• Remember that under current legislation it is an offence punishable by a fine. of CI$10,000 not to inform the Chief Immigration Officer of a change in your marital status within six months of the breakdown.

Divorce For Expats/Work Permit Holders Should an expat couple living in Cayman decide to

divorce, the non-working (previously) dependent spouse will have no particular right to stay in Cayman. Residence based purely on the presence of children is not allowed by the Immigration law. Children in such circumstances can remain as approved dependants of the parent who is on a work permit or government contract, and continue to attend full-time education until adulthood (as late as 24 if attending university). However, the formerly dependent parent will likely only be able to remain if they obtain their own work permit (including through the Special Economic Zone regime) or government contract; or alternatively secure some form of residency as a person of independent means. They may be permitted to remain as a tourist, but remaining in such a capacity for more than 90 days can present difficulties, and no permission ought to be expected after a total of 182 days of physical presence in any 12 month period.

Spouses Residents



The dependant spouse of a Permanent Resident can and (in most cases) should apply for their own Permanent Residence and Employment Rights Certificate in their own right as soon as their spouse is granted Permanent Residence. They do not have to wait the usual eight years of residency and do not have to take any test or be subject to the

Former Spouse of A Caymanian In the instance where the former spouse of a Caymanian, who is the mother/father of Caymanian children, will usually be allowed to remain (subject to various approvals) and be permitted to work until the children complete their education or their 24th birthday, whichever happens sooner. If their last child reaches the age of 24 and the non-Caymanian parent has not obtained an alternative immigration permission before this point, then the parent will (according to the provisions of the law as presently drafted) have to leave the Cayman Islands. points system. They should also apply for the Right to be Caymanian as soon as they have been living in the Cayman Islands for 15 years. Ideally, spouses who qualify should in any event consider applying for Permanent Residence in their own right once they have been legally and ordinarily resident for eight (and less than nine) years. However, many people just carry on having their RERC (Residency and Employment Rights Certificate) 'tied to' their spouses’ Permanent Residency since there is no time limit on the award. The problem arises when one of the spouses applies for and is granted the Right to be Caymanian. At this point the RERC holder/spouse must have their immigration status in the Islands ‘regulated’ within 45 days, i.e. they must have their RERC changed to that of the Spouse of a Caymanian. If they forget, or even (for example) divorce then as they are no longer married to a Permanent Resident


their certificate arguably becomes void. There will in effect be nothing to extend. This has caused a lot of problems for couples/ parents who then decide to separate. One of the requirements in the Immigration Law is that you can hand-on-heart tick the box saying you have a stable marriage. If you cannot then there is no particular rights remaining for you in the law: your life is in limbo and you may not be allowed to stay in the Cayman Islands. Further to this, when the spouse of a Caymanian is awarded an RERC there is a time limit on this residency status: after seven years of marriage the non-Caymanian spouse must apply for the Right to be Caymanian, or (before it expires) apply for the RERC to be renewed. However, if the marriage is viewed to have irretrievably broken down in the meantime, then the Immigration department can revoke your RERC and it may in any event become void. If the RERC is revoked then one of the only ways for your spouse to stay on the Island is by being granted a work permit under section 31 (7) of the Immigration 2015 Law, and only for a period of three years. At the end of three years, and if you have passed your term limit, then the non-Caymanian spouse will have to leave the Islands for one year to reset their clock. The implication of this in the lives of young children is very sad indeed. However, short of an application to the Governor or the Cabinet (and neither entity seems to consider such applications at present) there is no leeway in the law, even though it has been asked for numerous times. The only avenue to fighting this is possibly on the grounds of human rights, and that process can be lengthy, costly and not always successful. The above information, whilst not constituting legal advice, is intended to reflect the Law of the Cayman Islands. It is acknowledged and understood that interpretations and practices may differ. However, if any reader believes that any statement herein is incorrect, please bring it to our attention. Write to

Tell them you saw it in

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Life’s two certainties, death and taxes, are often spoken in hushed tones, frowned upon as dinner table conversation and unfortunately, mostly ignored and treated as an unnecessary expenditure of time. When raising the topic of estate planning, many respond immediately with “oh, yeah, I need to get a will drafted”, but never see it through. Often it’s only through the loss of a loved one and the subsequent dealings with their estate that the value of a properly drafted will and thorough estate planning come to light. - David Dinner

Why Draft a Will? In short, if you pass away without leaving a will (known as dying 'intestate'), your estate will be distributed between your beneficiaries in accordance with the legal statuates that are applicable. Your family members will have to follow the clearing-off principles to determine who is entitled to become the representative of your estate, and then actively administer the same and distribute it amongst your beneficiaries (mainly family members) according to criteria set out in law. Many people take on the responsibility of acting as a representative of an intestate estate, and then immediately find themselves overwhelmed. Worse, they may treat the estate as their own property and in the process expose themselves, and the hard earned life savings of a loved-one to mismanagement law suits brought by disgruntled beneficiaries. More often than not, they may even fail to properly account for all assets. The Cayman Islands have very broad testamentary freedom, which means you are effectively allowed to leave your assets to anyone, as you please. If, for example, you wish to give a part of your estate to a charity, you may do so. You can also specify how you would like to have your remains disposed of. However, one must note that certain countries and/or states that operate under civil law, have strict rules as to who benefits from all or part of your estate, irrespective of whether you have a will. If you wish, you can decide on who to appoint as the representative of your estate. The benefit of having a local representative who is familiar with the Cayman Islands legal system cannot be overstated. Their familiarity with the rules could save your estate from significant expense, not to mention alleviate the stress placed on bereaved loved ones who may otherwise find themselves having to negotiate the requirements of a country and legal system they may not be familiar with.

Dealing with Worldwide Assets Proper estate planning could also limit your estate’s exposure to certain

taxes upon your death. Long term residents often incorrectly assume that being domiciled in the Cayman Islands (which does not have estate taxes) automatically means that their estates and assets located in other localities are exempt from jurisdictional taxation rules. It can be an incredible and unecessary shock to beneficiaries to suddenly have part (or all) of an estate subject to heavy taxes. As such, in certain circumstances it will become both smart and necessary to draft multiple wills for each jurisdiction within which your assets are located, or consider the creation of certain trust structures.

Drafting a Will Although any person can draft their own will, there are certain legal requirements that must be met in order for it to be valid. Take advice from an attorney to make sure your will is unambiguous, clearly sets out your wishes and meets the legal requirements. Attorneys can also provide additional services such as the retention of your will.


change. Review your will periodically to make sure it still reflects your wishes.

Letters of Wishes Often accompanying a will is a letter of wishes setting out additional, non-binding requests. Such letters can be a great comfort to family members who find themselves dazed and unsure about where to begin in dealing with your final wishes. Simple instructions include where your life insurance policies, annuities and pension plans are held. Or your bank account details, your electricity, water, internet account numbers, your computer password, a list of your fixed assets, the names of your attorney, accountant, doctor, and generally all of those items that we take for granted but is only known to us. Setting this out in a letter of wishes will save your representative hours of digging through papers and making telephone calls trying to and determine where your assets are held. Does your representative know about that plot of land you bought to develop upon your retirement? Or that valuable coin hidden under the floor boards? Giving precise details can save

Consider for a moment, what will happen to your children if you and your spouse were to pass away suddenly? Who will take care of them? How will your estate fund their education and upbringing? At what age would you like your children to inherit your estate? Should each one receive the same amount? Should consideration be given to potential grandchildren? You can use a will to appoint your children’s guardians and also create structures and empower the trustees of your estate to invest, apply and manage your assets in the best interest of your children (or even your grandchildren or any other beneficiary). You take great care to ensure the well-being of your children and carefully manage your income to attend to their schooling, family vacations, medical expenses and life in general. Drafting a will can ensure that your beneficiaries’ needs are tended to with the same level of care and careful management of your estate.

Keeping your Will Up-to-Date Circumstances change. Did you recently get married? Divorced? Have a child? Move to a new country? Lose a loved one? Buy a new house? Revive a stale relationship with a sibling? Become involved in a charity? The beauty of a will is that it can be destroyed, rewritten or amended at any time, assuming you meet the legal requirements to do so. It’s not a document intended to be drafted once and kept in the cupboard for the next 50 years. Children grow up. Family and personal circumstances



your estate from potential losses due to unidentified assets. Your attorney will ask you to fill out an instruction sheet with the following information: Family Information

LIFE INSURANCE CAYMAN While life insurance is usually thought about in relation to death, it is actually for the living. It’s for those who are left behind, those who are alive and well but who relied on you for financial obligations. Don’t leave them in the darkness of debt and frailty; a life insurance policy is the only sure way of securing their future. Contact Karim at 345.916.0948 for a free quote today!


• What is your full name, date of birth and home address? What is the full name of your spouse, their date of birth and address? Full names, dates of birth and current ages of your children? Were there any previous marriages? If so were there any children from that previous marriage? What are their names and ages?

Key Roles in your Will

• Names and addresses of your proposed executors: Maybe a trusted friend as one and a trusted family member as the other. You need to explain your relationship to these people.

• Name and address of guardians to your children. (This is only relevant if your children are young).


• Pecuniary bequests –These are legacies of cash that you may want to leave to someone. You will need to include their names, addresses and the specific amount you would like to leave to them.

• Legacies of property – You will need to identify the specific item/ property that you want to leave someone as well as their full name and address.

• Beneficiaries of the rest of your estate – This is whatever is remaining in your estate and can be given to one person, or it can be divided equally, or unequally, between several people. It is called the ‘residue’ of your estate.

• Substitute beneficiaries of your estate – In this section you need to name a substitute to inherit your estate should the named beneficiaries die before the estate can be given to them.

• Age of inheritance – You will be asked if you want to specify an age when your beneficiaries inherit the residue of your estate. This is only really relevant if your beneficiaries are very young at the time of you writing your will.

• ‘Worst case scenario’ gift – You need to name a charity, family member or friend who will inherit your estate if everyone you have named in your will dies and cannot inherit it.

• If you have named someone in your will and they die before you, you need to specify if you would like the gift to pass to their children.

Asset & Liabilities List

The final portion of the will requires you to list your assets, liabilities (mortgages and outstanding debts), as well as any life insurance policies you may have and the details of your pension plan (including policy numbers). You will need to estimate a value for each of these and indicate whether they are owned by you alone or shared with your spouse.

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Final Thoughts Proper estate planning and the preparation of a will gives you the peace of mind to know that your loved ones will be cared for, your assets protected from exposure and distributed according to your wishes. Contact your attorney to discuss your personal circumstances and to assist you with drafting a will.

Life Insurance - Why Buy Life Insurance? As you get older, get married, have children and start a business you begin to realise that having life insurance will give you peace of mind, knowing that money will be available to protect your family and business in a number of ways. So to help, Cayman Parent suggests the top five things you absolutely need to know about life insurance:

1. To Pay Funeral Expenses

A funeral and burial or cremation can cost tens of thousands of dollars, particularly in Cayman where throwing the simplest of parties can cost a pretty penny. Leaving your family to worry about money on top of the emotional turmoil of your death is often something people don’t want to do.

2. To Cover Your Children’s Expenses

If you have young children you will want them well taken care of and able to afford a good education all the way to university.

3. To Replace your Spouse’s Income If you have always relied on two incomes to afford your lifestyle, then replacing your spouse's income will be vital. As a single parent to young children you might well need to hire help for domestic tasks such as helping with homework, driving the kids around to activities, cleaning the house and doing the laundry.

4. To Pay Off Debts As well as providing a source of funds to cover living expenses, your family can use the life insurance to pay off the mortgage, expenses from the funeral and any other debts you may have had. You don’t want them to have to sell the family home just to stay solvent.

5. To Buy the Shares of a Business Partner If you are involved in a business partnership, you might want to consider getting life insurance on your business partner’s life. The reason is that if they die you will have enough cash to buy out their interest in the business and pay his share of the company’s obligations without selling the company itself. He/She obviously has the same needs and should get life insurance on your life.



Setting Up Bank Accounts for Kids (0-18 years old) It’s often said that the best things in life are free, but ironically purchasing the latest iPad for your child will set you back several hundred dollars. 21st century children are expensive, so it is never too early to begin teaching them about financial responsibility. The sooner your child understands the value of a dollar, the sooner they will be able to make conscious decisions about family spending. And who knows, you might just unlock their inner financial wizard— watch out Warren Buffet! So, how do you teach your child financial responsibility? Opening a savings account for them is a great first step. Below are answers to a few important questions you may have. - Satina DaCosta

How Soon? Financial planning is certainly easier before you have children. In fact, some financial planners encourage clients to set aside funds for their unborn children. But do not despair! If your child arrived without a nest egg, there’s no time like the present to start saving. While some parents choose to open their child’s first account at birth, accumulating funds for them until they are able to manage the account with minimal supervision, others tend to get started later. Some banks have saving accounts geared to families and children from 17 and under. Others cap the age limit at 19.


Top features to look out for when opening a children’s savings account? Choose an account without a minimum balance requirement: If your child did not receive a financial windfall at birth, he or she will be able to save small amounts without worrying about maintaining a specific balance. Choose an account with no monthly fees: Watching their bottom line dwindle away because of excessive monthly fees will cause any young saver to loose heart. Preserve your child’s nest egg by choosing an account with no or very little monthly maintenance fees. Ensure your account earns interest: Look for accounts that will allow your child to earn high (or at least some) interest on every penny they save. This will encourage your young saver to accumulate a fat balance and not spend it. Choose an account that can be managed online: Help your child brush up on their financial management and online skills simultaneously. Choosing an account that can be easily managed from the comfort of your home will also provide you with a much needed reprieve from rush hour errands.

"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees" by Neale S. Godfrey

Teach your children the key difference between a want and a need with this very practical guide.

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What Type? Being a world-class financial hub, the Cayman Islands has numerous commercial banks to choose from. Each will have specific account plans that are tailored to a variety of needs. Setting up your child’s account at your family bank may appear to be the more seamless option due to your existing relationship, however your bank may not always offer what you need. So before opening an account, you should have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Are you setting up an account to save for college? If so, Cayman National Bank has a Student Saver’s account designed to help parents save money for their children’s education. There are also savings accounts to help your child learn about the importance of saving money and Butterfield Bank has an excellent Young Savers Account. Alternatively, Scotiabank has a Primary Savings Junior Account and the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) has a Leo’s Young Savers Account. These are just a few options on-Island that offer countless benefits to families and young savers.

What Will I Need To Open the Account? Only a few banks stipulate that you are an existing account holder in order to setup an additional account for your child, but nearly all will require the following: • Two forms of identification (e.g. valid passport and driver’s licence). • Proof of address (e.g. utility bill or apartment lease). • One or two character references. • Parents or guardians and children must be joint account holders. • A minimum age of 17 or under for Scotiabank’s Primary Savings Junior). • A minimum deposit upon opening the account.

Overseas Banking for Children If you choose to send your child overseas for school it is important to equip them with the necessary funds. You can either provide them with one of the Cayman Islands accounts listed above or register them with a local bank overseas. The advantage of using a bank in the Cayman Islands is that there is no cost of transferring money between accounts. However, keep in mind if your child is using a Cayman card overseas they will be subject to the exchange rate of that particular country and potentially other associated costs like foreign ATM transaction fees. Always contact your child's bank before they travel so the account doesn't get frozen. Some parents may choose to open an account with a local bank overseas for ease of making regular payments such as tuition fees and/or rent. However many banks require you to be a resident to open a local bank account. If you do manage to set up an overseas account for your child limit the number of money transfers from your local Cayman Islands account as wire transfer frees can be costly. Time your wire transfers during time of favorable exchange rates to save money.

Wondering where to open a bank account for your child? See our listings at the end of this chapter for a full list of all of Cayman's class A banks.


Some parents opt not to give children pocket money at all, and instead buy them the items they need when required. Others feel that giving a child responsibility for a small amount of cash teaches them some valuable financial management lessons. – Natasha Were

How Much? How much pocket money to give a child is a very personal decision that depends on the age of the child, what the family can afford, what the pocket money is expected to cover and, to a lesser extent, what the going rate among their peers is. Younger children usually only need a little loose change to buy the odd treat, toy or candy, but as they get older they may need money for entertainment, transport, clothes or meals.

How Often? As a rule of thumb, giving younger children pocket money on the same day each week is good practice. This way they understand that once it’s spent, there is no more until the next ‘pay day’. Making payments for older children and teens fortnightly or monthly, however, teaches them to manage their budget over a longer period – good practice for adulthood.

Why Give a Child Pocket Money? • To learn about the value of money and the cost of things • To understand that nothing is free (and the most desirable things are often the most expensive!) • To give them a sense of independence • To allow them to make the odd financial mistake, before the stakes are high • To learn about budgeting and saving for what they really want.

How to Spend It? While it is a good idea to establish some ground rules for what pocket money should be spent on, experts warn that controlling what a child buys and when, will take the responsibility away from them and prevent them learning how to budget. Indeed, the odd unwise purchase is inevitable, but it is also a lesson best learned earlier, with smaller sums. One worthwhile practice, however, may be to give a child three pots (or envelopes) to divide their pocket money into: some to spend now, some to save for something special, and some to give away to charity or a worthy cause.

Cash for Chores? Some parents give children pocket money as payment for chores done around the house – instilling in them the idea that money is earned, not given for nothing – while others feel that jobs like making beds and setting tables should be done regardless of financial reward. A compromise may be to have set chores children do daily, but offer them payment for extra tasks, like washing the car or watering the plants.

Withholding Payment? Withholding pocket money for bad behaviour or when regular assigned chores have not been done adequately can be a valuable lesson in respect and responsibility. If a child breaks or damages something of value, having them pay it off in small instalments from their pocket money also helps them understand the value of things.

What about Pocket Money in Cayman? When polled, many Cayman parents said they gave CI$5 per week for younger children, CI$10 for children over 10 years of age, and then more as they get older. Almost all suggested three pots – one for spending, one for saving and one for charity. Lastly it was almost universal that parents linked the giving of pocket money to completing chores around the house.




LISTINGS Immigration consultants, lawyers, banks and life insurance

The essentials

McGrath Tonner Tel: (345) 623 2740 Email: info@mcgrathtonner. com Web:

All the contacts you'll need for your immigration, banking and life insurance needs, plus family and estate planning lawyers.

Ritch & Conolly Attorneys-at-Law Tel: (345) 949 7366 Email: Web:

Immigration professionals For help interpreting the immigration law we recommend that you contact the Immigration Department on (345) 949 8344 or visit Alternatively, call one of the local immigration specialists who are available - see below. All can help you with applications for Permanent Residence, Naturalisation and the Right to be Cayman. They can also help with Work Permit grants, renewals and amendments. For more information see the Cayman Resident website on move/immigration to learn more about the immigration process in the Cayman Islands. Affinity Recruitment Ltd. Tel: (345) 943 2020 Email: Web: Bodden Corporate Services Ltd. Tel: (345) 945 0400 Email: Web: Cayman Immigration Consultant Services Tel: (345) 943 1186 Email: CML Immigration Services Tel: (345) 949 1345 Email: Web: www.cml.k.y Dinner Martin Attorneys Tel: (345) 745 5000 Email: info@dinnermartin. com Web: HSM Chambers Attorneys-at-Law Tel: (345) 949 4766 Email: immigration@ Web: Legal Chambers Cayman Ltd. Tel: (345) 936 5222 Email: Web:

236 Cayman Parent Magazine | ESSENTIALS

Solomon Harris Tel: (345) 949 0488 Email: info@solomonharris. com Web: Symons & Symons Tel: (345) 745 7529 Email: stephen.symons@ or peta.symons@ Web: www. Legal Befrienders Tel: (345) 945 8869 If seeking legal advice on any subject, including immigration matters, there is a free service called Legal Befrienders. Qualified attorneys offer free legal advice over the phone or on a walk-in, first-come first-serve basis, every Tuesday at the Compass Centre, North Sound Road 5pm-6.30pm and via a phone-in service on Fridays from 2pm-5pm.

family law, wills & estate planning Cayman’s top legal firms are internationally known, solution driven and client focused. These global players attract top talent from London to Hong Kong, and specialise in family law services from separation agreements, local and foreign divorces, to child custody and family maintenance payments and pre-nuptial agreements. Some firms have experience in child abduction cases and are experts in local Children and Immigration laws. Additionally, estate planning services are usually offered by all major firms on Island. The Cayman Islands Law is based on English common law with local statutes. English statutes have been extended to the Cayman Islands and the Islands also has stable legal and judicial system. Appleby Appleby Tower, 71 Fort Street, George Town. Tel: (345) 949 4900 Email: cayman@applebyglobal. com Web: Family law and estate planning.

Bodden & Bodden Attorneys-at-Law 2nd Floor, Caribbean Plaza, North Building, 878 West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 943 0303 Email: Web: www. Wills and estate planning. Campbells 4th Floor Willow House, Cricket Square, GT. Tel: (345) 949 2648 Email: campbells@ Web: www. Family law and estate planning. Carey Olsen Willow House, Cricket Square, GT. Tel: (345) 749 2000 Email: Web: www. Family law and estate planning. Dinner Martin Attorneys 3rd Fl, One Capital Place, Shedden Road. Tel: (345) 745 5000 Email: Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Forbes Hare Cassia Court, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 943 7700 Email: Web: www. Estate planning. HSM Chambers Attorneys-at-Law Buckingham Square, 720 West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 4766 Email: Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Kobre & Kim Suite 3207, 45 Market Street, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 749 4000 Email: Web: Family law. Legal Chambers Cayman Ltd. 2nd Floor, 62 Hospital Road Plaza (Unit H). Tel: (345) 936 5222 Email: info@ Web: www. Family law, wills and estate planning. Higgs & Johnson 2nd Floor Willow House, Cricket Square. Tel: (345) 949 7555 Email: cayman@higgsjohnson. com Web: Family law, wills and estate planning.

Maples and Calder Ugland House, South Church Street, GT. Tel: (345) 949 8066 Email: info@maplesandcalder. com Web: Estate planning. McGrath Tonner 5th Floor Genesis Building, Genesis Close, GT. Tel: (345) 949 2740 Email: info@mcgrathtonner. com Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Mourant Ozannes 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 949 4123 Email: caymanislands@mourantozannes. com Web: Estate planning. Nelson & Company The Strand, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 949 9710 Email: Web: www.nellaw. com Family law, wills and estate planning. Ogier 4th Floor, 89 Nexus Way, Camana Bay. Tel: (345) 949 9876 Email: Web: www. Estate planning including wills. Priestleys Attorneys-at-Law 2nd Fl, Caribbean Plaza, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 946 1577 Email: Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Ritch & Conolly Attorneys-At-Law 4th Fl, Queensgate House, Sth Church Street Tel: (345) 949 7366 Email: Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Sinclairs 3rd & 4th Floor, Genesis Building, Genesis Close. Tel: (345) 743 2626 Email: Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Solomon Harris 3rd Floor, FirstCaribbean House, GT. Tel: (345) 949 0488 Email: Web: Family law and estate planning. Stenning & Associates Harbour Centre, 42 North Church Street, GT. Tel: (345) 945 0220 Email: Web: Wills and estate planning. Stuarts Walker Hersant Humphries 4th Floor, Cayman Financial Centre, 36A Dr. Roy’s Drive, GT Tel: (345) 949 3344 Email: info@ Web: Wills and estate planning. Symons & Symons 4 Tropic Centre (Coconut Plaza), 18 Earth Close, Seven Mile Beach. Tel: (345) 745 7529 Email: or Web: Family law, wills and estate planning. Travers Thorp Alberga Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street, GT. Tel: (345) 949 0699 Email: info@ Web: www. Family law and estate planning. Turners Century Yard, Cricket Square, GT. Tel: (345) 943 5555 Email: Web: www.turners. ky Estate planning. Walkers Walkers House, 87 Mary Street, GT. Tel: (345) 949 0100 Email: Web: Estate planning.

Family Counsellors - see page 185 Banks All local and international banks located in the Cayman Islands offer the level of service you would expect to find in one of the world’s largest banking centres. Whether you need a mortgage to purchase a new home, to set up a savings account for your child or to find a wealth management specialist, the financial institutions below can assist you. As a highly regarded financial hub, Cayman also adheres to mandatory due diligence requirements, meaning they will perform thorough checks before you can open an account. Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Ltd PO Box 705, Grand Cayman KY1-1107. Tel: (345) 949 7055 Email: info.cayman@butterfieldgroup. com Web: Banking Hours: Butterfield Place Banking Centre (GT), Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am4.30pm; Midtown Plaza Banking Centre (GT), Monday-Friday 9am-4pm; Governors Square Banking Centre (SMB), Monday-Friday 9am4pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. Cayman National Bank PO Box 1097, Grand Cayman KY1-1102. Tel: (345) 949 4655 Email: Web: Branches & Banking Hours: Elgin Ave (GT), Camana Bay (SMB), Buckingham Square on West Bay Road (SMB) and Cayman Brac, Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, Friday 9am-4.30pm; Centennial Towers (WB) and Countryside Shopping Village (Savannah), Monday-Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday 9am-1pm; Little Cayman, Mondays and Thursdays 9.30am-11.30am and 12pm2.30pm. CIBC FirstCaribbean PO Box 68, Grand Cayman KY1-1102. Tel: 345) 949 7300 Web: Branches &

Banking Hours: George Town, Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm and Friday 9am-4.30pm;Regatta Office Park, West Bay Road (SMB) and Plaza Venezia, North Sound Road, Monday-Thursday 9am-3.30pm and Friday 9am-4pm. Fidelity Bank (Cayman) Ltd. PO Box 914, Grand Cayman KY1-1103. Tel: (345) 949 7822 Email: info@fidelitycayman. com Web: Branches & Banking Hours: Cayman Financial Centre, Dr. Roy’s Drive (GT), Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm; Fidelity Financial Centre (SMB), Monday-Friday 10.30am-6pm. RBC Royal Bank PO Box 245, Grand Cayman KY1-1104. Tel: (345) 949 4600 Web: caribbean. Branches & Banking Hours: 224 Shedden Road (GT), Monday-Thursday 9am4pm and Friday 9am-4.30pm; Red Bay Branch, 53 Shamrock Road (next to Grand Harbour), Monday-Friday 11am-6pm. Scotiabank

PO Box 689, Grand Cayman KY1-1107. Tel: (345) 949 7666 Web: Branches & Banking Hours: Cardinall Ave (GT), Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm and Friday 9am4.30pm; The Strand (SMB), Monday-Friday 9am-4pm and South Sound (across from Grand Harbour), Monday-Friday 10am-6pm.

Life Insurance providers With life insurance, as with any product of this nature, it is definitely worth your while to shop around and check quotes, coverage terms, and reputation. Aon Cayman Risk Solutions (Cayman) Ltd. Tel: (345) 945 1266 Email: nigel.twohey@aon. com Web: British Caymanian Insurance Tel: (345) 949 8699 Email: Web: Cayman Insurance Centre (Insurance Brokers) Tel: (345) 949 4657 Health: (345) 946 3930 Web: Fidelity Insurance (Cayman) Ltd. Tel: (345) 949 5836 Email: insurance@ Web: Karim Awe Tel: (345) 916 0948 Email: Web: Michael Webster - Life Agent Tel: (345) 925 5433 Email: lifewithmike345@ Web: Sagicor Tel: (345) 949 8211 Web: www.sagicorcayman. com Email: customerservicecayman@sagicor. com


INDEX A ctivities for kids 79 Activities listings 214-221

Acupuncture 71, 188 Addiction - (electronic devices) 134-135 Adult fitness 69-71, 83 After-school care 83, 87, 98-100 Allergy doctors 186 American schooling system 105, 108 Art classes 144, 197-198 Arts and culture activities listings 221 Arts and culture activities 197-198, 217 Athletics 216 Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) 164, 166 Autism Spectrum Disorder 142, 166, 187

B aby carriers 70 Baby food 74

Baby registries 62 Baby showers 62-63 Baby strollers 60 Baby/children shops 62, 70 Baby-proofing 91, 92, 98 Badminton 195, 216 Ballet 80-82 Bank accounts 233-234 Banks 237 Basketball 217 Beach volleyball 217 Beachcombing 203 Behaviour therapy 164-165, 188 Boarding schools 114, 117, 125 Bodden Town Health Centre 55 Book clubs 66, 95, 130 Book Loft (The) 95, 98, 121 Book Nook 95, 98 Book shops 66, 95, 98 Books & Books 95, 98, 203 Boxing 217 Breast feeding 55, 67, 175 Breastfeeding Support Group 55 British schooling system 105, 108 Buying a car 78 Buying a home 212

C amana Bay 79-82, 212 Camana Bay - Fountains 203, 204

Camps (in Cayman) 199, 206 Camps (Overseas) 206-209 Captain George Dixon Park 205 Car insurance providers 161 Car safety 60, 78, 79, 158-160 Car seats 78-79 Careers advice 153-156 Caregivers 36, 47, 75-76, 188 Caribbean schooling system 106 Cave tours 216 Cayman Drama Society 141, 221, 198 Cayman International School 98, 119, 139, 140 Cayman Islands Cancer Society 193, 221 Cayman Islands Crisis Centre 179, 186, 193, 221 Cayman Islands Hospital 53-54, 56-57, 70, 72, 183

Cayman Islands Humane Society 221 Cayman Islands Law School 150, 228 Cayman Islands Museum 203 Cayman Islands Red Cross 92, 142, 178, Cayman Nature Store 95, 98 Cayman Prep and High School 20, 108, 137, 216 Cayman Turtle Centre 46, 49, 212, 216, 217 Cemetery Beach 203

238 Cayman Parent Magazine | ESSENTIALS

Cerebral Palsy 167 Charities 192-193 Child abuse 178-179 Child safety equipment 98 Childbirth classes 54-55, 70 Childcare agencies 46-47 Child-centred learning 86 Child-proofing 91 Children and travel 171 Children's playgroups 82, 99, 198 Children's rights 36 Church services 122, 123 Claus-It 193 Clifton Hunter High School 20, 22, 136 College age insurance 232, 233, 236 Colleges 104-107 Commonwealth Youth Work Week 193 Community districts 212-213 Community listings 214-221 Cooking classes 141, 198 Corporal punishment 24 Cost of children's activities 195 Counselling 55 Country Side Shopping Village 213 CTMH Doctors Hospital 50, 182, 183 Cricket 195, 217 Crossfit 71, 217, 195 Cultural activities 221 Cyber safety 178, 179 Cycling 71, 202, 217

Extra-curricular classes 141-142 Eye exams 173-174 Eyewear 174

D ance classes 144, 221 Darkness to Light 178, 179

Government schools 16, 18-24, 125, 136 Gymnasiums and exercise studios 69, 70 Gymnastics 195, 218

Dart Family Park 204, 205 Davinoff's Concrete Sculpture Garden 203 Debate clubs 37-39 DEH Landfill 197 Dental care 174-175, 184-187 Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) 178 Department of Vehicle and Drivers' Licensing 158

Dermatologists 84, 85, 186 Developmental milestones 92 Dieticians 186 Dining out with kids 97 District parks 204 Diving 141, 214, 219 Diving courses 141 Divorce 229 Divorce lawyers 236 Doctors 70, 182-184 Dog walking 192 Doula services 54, 57, 70 Down Syndrome 52, 167 Drinking and driving 160 Driving licences 158-161

E arly Intervention Programme (EIP) 165 Early learning centres 46, 88, 98-101 East End Health Centre 55 Education - Government schools 136 Education - Private schools 136-141 Education law 18, 24 Education psychology 165 Education systems 32, 197 Embroidery services 144 Employability skills 153 Estate planning 230, 233, 236 Event planning 47 Examinations 106, 147 Exercise for kids 202, 81-82

F amily counsellors 185 Family homes 210-213

Family law 236 Fancy dress shops 46, 144 Farmers Market 25, 98 Financial institutions 237 Financial planning 151-152, 233 Financing a home 210, 211 First aid/courses 92, 142 Fitness 69, 70, 83 Flag football 218 Florists 47 Food (baby) 74 Food (organic) 25-26, 74-75 Football 195, 218 Football - (fitting boots) 180-181 Foster's Airport Park 204 Foster's Food Fair 74, 100 Fountains 203, 204 Freight forwarders 71 Fruit (seasons) 28 Furniture 61

G eorge Town landfill 196 Golf 218

H arold McCoy Sr Park 205 Health City 162, 183

Health insurance providers 170-172, 189 Health listings 182-189 Health Services Authority (HSA) 55, 72 Healthy shopping guide 26 History of Cayman schools 19 Hockey 195 Homeschooling 112-113, 141, 142 Hospital 52-53, 57, 70, 72,183 Horseback riding 195, 218 Hurley's Supermarket 74, 100

IImmigration magination Playgroup 79 225-228, 229-230

Immigration - Divorce law 229-230 Immigration professionals 236 Immunisations 168-169 IMPACT 345 193, 221 Inline skating/hockey 195, 219 Insurance 56-57, 158, 161, 170-172, 189 Insurance - Life 233, 237 Insurance plans 56, 170-172 International Baccalaureate Programme (IB) 105, 107

International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI) 161 Internships 150, 154-156 Interview tips 156

JJUNK erald Smith Park 205 Removal 196, 197 K arate 195, 219 Kayaking 214

Kids clubs 79-82 Kirk Market 1, 101 Kitesurfing 214

L aboratories 184 Lactation consultants 55, 70

Lamaze childbirth classes 54, 70 Language courses 142 Language disorders 167 Language tuition 142 Law firms 236 Leadership training 144, 161 Learning & cognitive issues 164-167 Licensing a vehicle 159 Life insurance 233, 237 Life insurance providers 237 Little Explorers Playgroup 79, 80, 100 Little League 195 Little Scooters Playgroup 80, 82, 100

M artial arts 218 Mastic Trail 203, 205

Maternity hospitals 70 Maternity leave 58 Maternity wards 53 Meals on Wheels 193, 221 Medical health providers 182 Mental assessments 141 Mental health providers 188 Mentorships 40-42 Midwifery services 57 Mini golf 46, 203, 218 Momtrepeneurs 34-35 Moonbeam Park 204 Motor skills classes 80, 81 Mummy and Me 79, 80 Museums 203, 216 Music equipment 144 Music lessons 144, 195, 221 Music therapy 188 Musical instruments 144, 194

N ational Gallery 198, 203, 221 National Sports Association (NSA) 179 National Youth Commission 38, 201 Naturalisation 228, 229, 236 Netball 219 Newland Heights Park 204 North Side Civic Centre 197 North Side Clinic 55 North Sound Gardens Park 204 Nurseries and preschools 98 Nursery supplies 60-61 Nutrition 25-26

O BGYNs 52-53, 57, 59, 70 Occupational therapy providers 188 Opthalmologists 173, 184 Opticians 173, 183 Optometrists 173 Outdoor attractions/facilities 214 Overseas summer camps 206-207 Overseas universities 148

P addleboarding 144, 214 Paediatricians 56-57, 164, 182 Painting 141, 198 Parasailing 214 Parkour 219 Parks 204-205

Party entertainment 46 Party planning 46, 47 Party shops 30, 46 Party venues 30, 46 Passports 224-225 Paternity leave 58 Pedro St James 47, 49, 63, 216 Permanent residence 226-229, 236 Pesticides 25-29 Pets 211 Pharmacies 187 Photographers 43-46, 47 Physiotherapy 188 Pilates 69, 71 Pines Retirement community 193 Playgrounds 204-205 Playgroups 79-82, 99-100 Pocket money 235 Post-partum care 55, 70 Pottery 198 Pregnancy books 66 Pregnancy listings 70-72 Prenatal exercise classes 68-69 Prenatal health insurance 56 Preschools 86-87, 98-99 Primary schools 136 Property tax 210 Proud of Them Programme 200-201 Psychiatry 185 Psychology 185-186 Public Health Department 168, 169 Public Parks 204-205

Queen Elizabeth II Park 203, 205, 216 R eading tips 128-129 Real estate 210-213 Recycling 196-197 Regal Cinema 100 Renting a home 210 Road safety 158 Roller skating 195 Rugby 195, 219 Rules of the road 158-160

S ailing 195, 214 Saving for college 151

Scavenger hunt 202 Scholars Park 204 Scholarships 108, 146-150, 151 School health screenings 108 School listings (preschool) 98-101 School listings (primary, high) 136-141 School listings (public) 136 School uniforms 108, 144 Schools - Enrolment policies 104 Schools (choosing preschools) 86 Schools (choosing primary/high) 104 Scuba diving 219 Seven Mile Beach Park 204 Shipping companies 71 Sister Janice's Pre-School 88-89, 101 Skate parks 195, 215 Skateboarding 195, 219 Skating 46, 219 Snorkelling 203 Soccer 195, 218 South Sound Community Center 123 South Sound Playgroup 79, 80, 100 Special needs education 141, 188 Speech and language therapy 141, 167, 188

Sports 214-220 Sports (importance of) 208 Sports activities/clubs 214-221 Sports clothing and equipment 144 Squash 195, 219 St Matthews University 146 St. Ignatius Church 123 St. Ignatius School 99, 119 Stables 218 Standard Health Insurance Contract (SHIC) 56, 170

Standard Health Insurance Fees (SHIF) 57 Story and Craft Time 95, 98 Sun protection 84 Sunday school 123 Supermarkets 74, 100 Surfing 144 Swim lessons 219 Swimming 195, 219, 220 Swimwear and sun tops 101 Synchronised swimming 220

T able manners 97 Tai Chi 219

Ten pin bowling 220 Tennis 144, 195, 203, 220 Theatre 141, 198, 217, 221 Thrift shops 60, 121 Toy shops 98 Traffic rules 160 Training - Sports 208-209 Travel - Immigration rules 224-225 Travel - Passports 224-225 Travel advice 224 Trust lawyers 236 Turtle Reef 203 Tutoring (importance of) 124-126 Tutoring companies 142-143

U niversities 148-150, 161 University College of the Cayman Islands 147, 161 University entry requirements 148-150

V ehicle insurance 158, 161 Vocational scholarships 149

Volunteer organisations 221 Volunteering 192-193

W aste collection 196 Water activities 214

Water rescue courses 142 Water sports 214 Watler Park 204 West Bay Health Centre 55 Wills and estate planning 236 Windsor Park 204 Work experience 153 Wreck of the Cali 203

Y MCA 144, 161, 216, 220 Yoga 69, 70, 114, 220

Young Parent Services 55 Youth groups 220 Youth Services Unit 38, 193

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Community Role Model


Who has most inspired you in your life and why? My mother Jenny Manderson. She has been an excellent role model for my sister and me. She sacrificed so much to ensure that we had a good childhood and received a proper education. She instilled the importance of honesty, hard work and dedication in both of us. Making our parents proud must be a goal of any child and I am so pleased that we have made our mom proud. What do you consider to have been the most important skill you have learnt and why? Leadership skills are the most important set of skills that I have learned over the years. I became a leader at age 21 at the Immigration Department. It was a huge challenge as I was leading people who were much older than me. It was during these challenging times that the teachings of my mother of courtesy and respect really paid dividends. Over the years, I have pushed myself to be an accountable leader and when something in the civil service goes wrong my first question to myself before asking how it happened, is “how did I allow that to happen”. What is the most important lesson you would like to pass on to your children? The same lessons I learned from my mom. The importance of being honest, respectful and to work hard each day. One additional lesson I have passed on to my children is to always obtain the facts before you comment or make a decision. Social media, where everything is instant has changed our lives and it seems that persons read something on Facebook or Twitter and automatically believe it must be true. Tell us about your DG 5k Challenge and what inspired you to start it? In 2012 I started living a more healthy lifestyle and begun taking part in various 5K Run Walks. I really enjoyed the events and started to encourage civil servants to join me at the 5K events. One day I was discussing this with Chief Officer, Jennifer Ahearn and she said “why don’t you have your own 5K?” and the DG5K was born. In the past 4 years over (5, 000) persons have participated in the DG5K Challenge and we have donated over $200,000 to local charities.

Does faith play a role in your parenting style and if so in what shape and form? Faith does play a role in my parenting style. I believe that we have to spend a lot of time shaping and modeling our children to be productive citizens. Our job as parents is to provide opportunities for our children. But we must have faith that when our children go off to college or leave home, they will not let us down. We shouldn’t continue to micro-manage our children when they become adults. Your favourite and most inspiring quote? Who Dares Wins!! This is the motto of the UK’s Elite Special Forces unit the (SAS) Special Air Service. It really captures how we should approach life. We must push the envelope, we must overcome the challenges we face each day. Fortune favours the bold. Being responsible for the performance of the civil service, a member of Cabinet, and the Legislative Assembly must be a major challenge – What are some of the keys to being successful in your job? Firstly, I am surrounded by a talented group of Chief Officers who make my job easier each day. It is indeed a blessing to work with people who support your vision but will always be truthful with you. We all need to hear and must welcome constructive criticism. Secondly, do not focus on the things you cannot change. Spend your time focused on the things you can change and prepare for the things you cannot change. Spend less time worrying and more time making the changes that are necessary to improve the lives of those we serve. Finally, do not allow the actions of others or events to determine your response. Every day I am either fantastic, excellent or amazing, I refuse to have a bad day. Having a positive attitude each day allows me to easily overcome the daily challenges and energises my team to do the same.

Franz Manderson, Cert Hon, JP is Deputy Governor, Head of the Civil Service and an attorney. He began his career at the Immigration Department in 1981, receiving awards while climbing the ranks to Chief Immigration Officer. He was later promoted to Deputy Governor and now oversees a $500m budget and 3600 civil servants. Well respected in the community, Mr. Manderson is married to Nuvia with two children, Alyssa and Franz Jr.

240 Cayman Parent Magazine | ESSENTIALS

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