ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N 1. ARTICLE: ORCHESIS DANCE GROUP.............................................................................. 1 2. ARTICLE: MISSION STATEMENT ..................................................................................... 1 3. ARTICLE: OBJECTIVES OF THIS ORGANIZATION ....................................................... 2 4. ARTICLE: MEMBERSHIP .................................................................................................... 2 5. ARTICLE: DANCE MOTIF ................................................................................................... 4 6. ARTICLE: EXECUTIVE BOARD ......................................................................................... 4 7. ARTICLE: RELATIONSHIP WITH CAMPUS REC ............................................................ 5 8. ARTICLE: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION..................................................... 5 1. BYLAW: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) ............................................................ 5 2. BYLAW: EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS ...................................................................... 6 3. BYLAW: BOARD PROCEDURE.......................................................................................... 6 4. BYLAW: BOARD ELECTION, NOMINATIONS, OR APPOINTMENTS ......................... 6 6. BYLAW: EXECUTIVE DUTIES ........................................................................................... 8 7. BYLAW: ELIGIBILITY OF EXTENDED BOARD & COMMITTEES ............................ 12 8. BYLAW: EXTENDED BOARD & COMMITTEE DUTIES .............................................. 12 9. BYLAW: MEMBERSHIP DUES ......................................................................................... 15 9.1. Dues for Active Membership are determined by Campus Recreation. ............................. 15 10. BYLAW: DANCE MOTIF PARTICIPATION ................................................................ 15 10.1. BYLAW a: CHOREOGRAPHER GUIDELINES ..................................................... 15 10.2. BYLAW b: PERFORMER GUIDELINES ................................................................ 17 11. BYLAW: BUDGET & FINANCIAL REPORTING ........................................................ 18 11.1. Campus Rec provides and manages the Core budget. This includes instructor fees, room rentals, choreographer fees, theatre rental and crew, theatre production costs, and media required for fall start-up. ............................................................................................................................. 19 11.2. Orchesis provides and manages the internal Orchesis budget. This includes Media relating to Dance Motif, Board initiated activities, AGM, Board or Committee meetings, cast party, grant monies and revenue generated from fundraising activities. ...................................... 19 12. BYLAW: INTERPRETATION ......................................................................................... 19 13. BYLAW: CONFLICT RESOLUTION ............................................................................. 19 14. BYLAW: DISCIPLINE ..................................................................................................... 19 Appendix 1. Dancers’ and Choreographers’ Expectations. ..................................................... 20 Choreographer Expectations ..................................................................................................... 21 1. ARTICLE: ORCHESIS DANCE GROUP 1.1. The name of this organization is Orchesis Dance Group also referred to as Orchesis. Formerly titled Orchesis Modern Dance Group and Orchesis Creative Dance. From this moment forward may also be referred to as the Group. 2. ARTICLE: MISSION STATEMENT 2.1. Orchesis Dance Group (Orchesis) is an organization for dancers of all ability levels, from beginner to advanced, offered by the University of Alberta (also referred to as the University). Orchesis provides opportunities for camaraderie and valuable shared group
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activities, with the experiential, developmental, and growth possibilities this implies. Orchesis is open to anyone interested in any aspect of dance. 3. ARTICLE: OBJECTIVES OF THIS ORGANIZATION 3.1. Orchesis is designed to meet a number of needs and to include a wide range of modern and jazz dance enthusiasts through the following objectives: 3.1.1. To provide professional quality modern and jazz dance training. 3.1.2. To offer varying levels of classes in modern and jazz technique and movement exploration appropriate to a broad range of needs. 3.1.3. To provide a laboratory situation for Members to develop their dance talents and skill level. 3.1.4. To provide performing opportunities in a fully produced concert environment. 3.1.5. To give aspiring choreographers and established guest choreographers a venue to create dances with and on a willing and trained population. 3.1.6. To stimulate, enthuse, and inspire dancers toward new dance approaches in modern and jazz dance. 3.1.7. To provide an educative medium for participants and audience within the university and community at large. Orchesis serves as an outreach for the University. 3.1.8. To provide master classes and workshops sponsored by Orchesis to enhance modern and jazz instruction or provide opportunities in dance beyond modern and jazz dance. 3.1.9. To offer Group opportunities to see professional dance concerts at a discounted Group rate, further stimulating review, critique, and dance study. 4. ARTICLE: MEMBERSHIP 4.1. All types of Membership may be referred to as Members. 4.2. Active Membership in Orchesis is for the duration of the academic year, beginning at Fall Session and ending at the end of Spring session of each academic year. 4.2.1. There are 3 levels of active Membership: Student Membership: University of Alberta students (matriculated full or part time student paying user fees through tuition) Alumni/Staff: formerly or currently associated with the University and the Orchesis Group Non-university Membership: affiliated college students, and Edmonton community, ages 16 and up. 4.2.2. Continuing Members renew their Membership in late August or September. 4.2.3. According to Campus Recreation Club guidelines, up to 10% of Membership may be made up of non-university people (Student Group guidelines state 2/3 of all Members must be University of Alberta Students). 4.2.4. An active Member must ensure that he or she is informed of Orchesis business. For that purposes they shall put their name on the listserv. Last updated 6/12/2012 3:22 PM
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N 4.2.5. Active Members registered for the full year may perform in any Orchesis production, may choreograph, are invited to the choreographer's presentations and may be involved in any aspect of any choreographer's rehearsals. 4.2.6. Members may take advantage of other discounts offered through Orchesis Dance Group. 4.3. Associate Members of Orchesis have full privileges of Active Members. 4.4. The Director of the Group appoints Associate Membership status for the year to people who foster the objectives of the Group. Associate Members do not have to pay for Membership dues as outlined under Bylaw 9, Membership Dues. However, Associate Members must comply by Bylaw 9. 4.5. Executive Members of Orchesis sit on the Executive or Extended Board for the full term as outlined by Article 6 and have full privileges of Active Members, however do not have to pay for Membership dues as outlined under Bylaw 9. Executive Members are selected as outlined in Bylaw 7 and Bylaw 8. Membership fees are as outlined by Bylaw 9. 4.6. A drop-in policy is provided as a "trial" class. A dancer new to Orchesis may try any regular class. If the new dancer wants to become a Member they shall register in full. 4.7. Choreographers 4.7.1. Student Member Choreographers are chosen from an application process each year to have their work included in Dance Motif. They must be active Members registered for the full year. 4.7.2. Faculty and Guest Choreographers are selected from the instructional faculty, the wider Edmonton area dance community and, occasionally, out of town professionals. They may be Associate or Honorary Members. The Director makes recommendations based on past experience, affordability and future expectations of the Group. Group development and exposure to professionally focused dance experiences are strongly considered. Guest choreographers will be chosen by the Director with advisement from instructors and will be discussed by the Board.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N 5. ARTICLE: DANCE MOTIF 5.1. Dance Motif, or Motif, is an annual performance event facilitated by Orchesis Dance Group. 5.2. All Motif participants, with the exception of the Myer Horowitz Theatre Staff and Guest Choreographers, must be Members of Orchesis to participate. 5.3. The Choreographic Submissions and Selection process for the composition of Motif is defined and coordinated by the Director. 5.4. During the second or third Tuesday of September, the Director meets with the elected Student Choreographers and the Faculty Choreographers to discuss the artistic ideas, the rehearsal schedules, and the mentoring required for the Student Choreographers. 5.5. For every Student Choreographer, a Mentor Faculty Choreographer is designated to provide guidance and feedback on the artistic creative process for the Choreography. 5.6. During the second or third Thursday of September, following the Choreographers’ Meeting, the Choreographers present their ideas and sign up dancers at the Choreographers’ Idea Presentation. All Orchesis Members who plan to be involved in Motif shall attend this Presentation and shall have full-year Registration by then. 5.7. Rehearsals happen once a week, for up to 120 minutes. Choreographers and involved dancers must attend these rehearsals. 5.8. During the last week of classes in December, Motif members present the Works in Progress Showing. 5.9. During the last week of January, all Motif Members are obliged to the week of Technical rehearsals. 5.10. The Orchesis Dance Motif happens every Friday and Saturday of the last week in January. 6. ARTICLE: EXECUTIVE BOARD 6.1. The Executive must be made up of at least 50% students. 6.2. The Executive must have the following Executive positions: 6.2.1. Appointed voting Members Director Campus Recreation Clubs and Groups Coordinator (CRCGC) 6.2.2. Elected or nominated voting Members Chair Vice-Chair Dance Motif Coordinator Media and Public Relations Coordinator Alternate: Treasurer 6.2.3. Extended non-voting Members Class Assistants Costume Coordinator Social Events and Volunteer Coordinator Last updated 6/12/2012 3:22 PM
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Workshop & Master Class Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator 7. ARTICLE: RELATIONSHIP WITH CAMPUS REC 7.1. All financial dealings shall be done through the Campus Recreation Office. The signing Board Members of this organization shall be the Director and the CRCGC. 7.2. Orchesis and the University of Alberta Campus Recreation maintain a mutually supportive relationship. Campus Recreation offers rehearsal space, advice, and information, while Orchesis provides them with an alternative outlet for the growing dance community on the University campus. 7.3. Within this affiliation: CRCGC and Director must agree on a maximum number of hours per week that Orchesis may use studio space. 8. ARTICLE: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION 8.1. Any Member of the Orchesis community may suggest amendments to the Constitution. 8.2. Any amendment must be written and formally proposed to the Board. The suggestion must be approved by an official Board vote before the Constitution can be amended. 8.3. All amendments from within the Group shall be passed by two-thirds (2/3) majority at the General Meeting where quorum is present and shall be presented at a General Meeting at least two (2) weeks before it is voted upon. 8.4. The Constitution must be made available to any Group Member. 8.5. All amendments shall be forwarded to Campus Recreation and shall be favourably approved by Campus Recreation staff Member(s) in order to become effective. 8.6. The Constitution may be amended by Campus Recreation, upon notice to the Executive Committee.
1. BYLAW: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 1.1. The Annual General Meeting will be held every April for all Members to attend. The usual date is one day following the last day of winter term classes and before the last class of the Orchesis winter session. 1.2. At this meeting the Director and Executive present a list of proposed ideas for the upcoming year, discuss Membership business and share in the yearend review, including performances. 1.3. Election for Executive positions may also be conducted during the AGM, if not appointed by the Board. 1.4. Unless otherwise stated, the quorum for all AGM meetings shall be 25% of the active Membership of the Group. 1.5. A general meeting, other than the AGM, may be called by the Chair at the request of the Executive.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N 1.6. A General Meeting shall be called by the Chair on Receipt of a written petition representing at least ten percent (10%) of the Membership. The dates must be at least seven (7) days after the initial Receipt of the petition. 1.7. Notice of the General Meeting shall be posted in E-19 at least seven (7) days before the meeting is to take place. 2. BYLAW: EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS 2.1. Meetings: The Orchesis Dance Group Executive Board will meet once each month or as essential business arises. The Chair is responsible for coordinating these meetings. 2.1.1. Proposed Meeting Schedule, with proposed topics of discussion April – one meeting with details of new Board and AGM presentations May – one meeting with Garage Sale and other fundraising planning June – one or none depending on Garage sale date and other fundraising dates July – none August – one, mid to end of month for Week of Welcome (WOW) and start-up activities. September. – one meeting with details of choreographic election process and fundraising plans October – one meeting for the Works in Progress Showing plans. Committee heads shall meet separately with committees as needed. November – two meetings to discuss Motif items. Committee heads shall meet separately with committees as needed. December – one meeting to discuss Motif items. Committee heads shall meet separately with committees as needed. January – one meeting with final plans for Motif. Committee heads shall meet separately with committees as needed. February – one meeting to assess Motif and commence grant writing. March – one meeting for new Board discussions and AGM plans. 3. BYLAW: BOARD PROCEDURE 3.1. All procedural matters shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. 3.2. Any further discrepancies will be decided upon by the Director, whom is the final authority. In the case that the Director is unavailable, the decisions fall upon the Chair. 3.3. Unless otherwise stated, the quorum for all Executive Board meetings shall be twothirds (2/3, 4 voting Members) of the voting Executive Members (6 in total). 3.4. Treasurer will only vote should quorum not be reached or there is a tie. 3.5. CRCGC will abstain from voting in all Executive decisions unless there is a tie and the Treasurer is absent. 4. BYLAW: BOARD ELECTION, NOMINATIONS, OR APPOINTMENTS 4.1. Nominations for Voting-Members: 4.1.1. Nominee must show interest for the Objectives and responsibilities of the Board.
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4.1.2. Nominees may be University of Alberta students, staff, alumni and their families, or Members of the wider dance community. Non-University affiliated Members must be an Active Member for one year prior to becoming an Executive Member. Nominees for Chair and Dance Motif Coordinator must have previous Orchesis Board experience or actively demonstrated their commitment through volunteer participation and leadership within Orchesis. 4.2. Election: 4.2.1. The positions of Chair and Dance Motif Coordinator are nominated and elected within the Board. 4.2.2. The position of Treasurer is appointed by the Director and ratified by the Board. 4.2.3. The other positions may be elected by Members at the AGM if more than one person is nominated. 4.2.4. Current Board Members may be re-elected, for up to 2 terms in the same position. 4.2.5. Copies of the Orchesis Constitution must be made available at the Election. Once elected, the Board Member keeps a copy of the Constitution as a reference. 4.2.6. Yearly Election could be held at the April AGM. 4.2.7. New Board Members are installed May 1st. The Board Members hold office until the following May. This term structure should ensure that the previous Board Member has two months to properly train the successor. This system offers a smoother transition between Boards and prevents disruption of the Group activities. 4.3. The Extended Non-voting Members are nominated or elected, or volunteer or are proclaimed by acclamation by Members at or by the April AGM or on an as needed basis. 5. BYLAW: ELIGIBILITY OF VOTING BOARD 5.1. Requirements of Voting Board: 5.1.1. Members of the Voting Board: Must be devoted to the Objectives of Orchesis and Duties of their Position. Must be prepared to volunteer on average 3-5 hour per week and up to 10 –15 hours per week during the Motif month, depending on the demands of the Group. Must attend all Board meetings and give a monthly report. Must prepare and present items for the agenda to the Chair in due time, when needed. Do not have to personally perform all of the responsibilities listed in the position description. Tasks may be delegated to other Members. However, it is the Board Member’s duty to ensure that each assignment is achieved and in a timely manner.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Must create a report at the end of their term outlining their experience and duties for that term and update position description if needed, which is submitted to the Vice-Chair to be changed within the Constitution. Must train the new Member for their position. Must recruit Members to the Board. Must update the Constitution when needed. 5.2. Resignation of a Board Member: 5.2.1. In the event that a Board Member resigns, he or she must continue performing the duties of the position until a replacement can be found, within reason. 5.2.2. The Board must officially vote on this replacement during the following Board meeting. 6. BYLAW: EXECUTIVE DUTIES 6.1. Position Descriptions 6.1.1. Director: Fulfils all duties, as Orchesis Director, within the contract with the University of Alberta. Agrees to support and actively engage in upholding the Mission, Objectives, and activities of Orchesis. Oversees, informs, and enforces all Members about Orchesis activities, procedures, and regulations. Works as a creative advisor to all Members to facilitate Missions, Objectives, and activities that promote dance professional development. Shall be aware of the needs of the Members and Edmonton’s dance community at large. In conjunction with the Chair, works closely with Executive and Extended Board to ensure all Board members are performing their duties and upholding the Mission, Objectives, and activities of Orchesis. With assistance of the Board if needed, makes choices for classes, instructors, performances; Students, Faculty, and Guest Choreographers; Mentorship, workshops, and master classes. Develops with Chair grant writing. Develops with Executive Board and/or Fundraising Coordinator, fundraising activities. Maintains Group e-mail contacts and information with the help of the Vice-Chair and the Campus Recreation registration office. In conjunction with the Media and Public Relations Coordinator, holds editorial rights to the Orchesis web page. Prepares, analyzes, determines, and maintains the core budget in conjunction with the CRCGC.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Prepares, analyzes, determines, and maintains the internal Orchesis budget in conjunction with the Treasurer and Executive Board. Acts as Space Liaison with CRCGC reserving space for choreographers and other activities. Ensures Dance Motif Member Choreographer application forms are available at the AGM and collect completed forms at the end of August. Finalizes decisions on all Dance Motif choreographers in early September. Calls and holds the Choreographers’ Meeting and is responsible for all ongoing communication with choreographers. Sets up mentorship to guide Student Choreographers at Director and Choreographer Meeting. Ensures that all Members who attend the Choreographers’ Idea Presentation and want to be in a dance are placed in a piece and contacted by a choreographer, assisted by Dance Motif Coordinator as needed. Provides guidance to the choreographers and may attend rehearsals to assess progress. Is responsible for the maintenance of integrity in modern and jazz performance quality, ensures all performances follow the Mission and Objectives of Orchesis, guarantees all performances are within the resources of Orchesis, and distributes time and resources according to need. Finalizes artistic choices and maintains veto power on the artistic direction of Motif. Is responsible for hiring Motif Crew, Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, and Assistant Stage Manager, with assistance from Dance Motif Coordinator. Oversees technical schedule and negotiates among Myer Horowitz tech staff, Motif Crew, and choreographers to ensure Technical Week accomplishes its goal. Serves as advocate and advisor in all matters pertaining to Orchesis on the University of Alberta Campus and community in general. 6.1.2. Campus Recreation Clubs and Groups Coordinator (CRCGC) Fulfils all duties as CRCGC, within the contract with the University of Alberta. Represents Orchesis’ decisions and activities to Campus Recreation and Faculty of PER and informs Orchesis of Campus Recreation and Faculty of PER’s decisions and activities, through a monthly report. Keeps records of the Orchesis Membership and registration, maintains and reports on core budget, and is provided with the internal Orchesis budget with assistance from the Director and Treasurer. Ensures space is booked on the University Campus as needed. If space cannot be provided, will assist financially with booking space off campus.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Ensures that all money acquired through registrations and performances is deposited into the general fund of the Group and applied to the needs of the Group. 6.1.3. Chair Oversees all activities to make sure that Board Members are performing their duties with the assistance of the Director. Works under the guidance of the Director. Ensures that Board Members make monthly progress reports. May sit on selection committee for Orchesis’ Summer Study Award. Coordinates regular Board meetings, writes the agenda for said meeting and distributes before meetings. Makes sure that the entire Board follows Board procedure as outlined by Bylaw 3. Brainstorms and coordinates fundraising activities and follows through with committee appointees. May work in tandem with Fundraising Coordinator. Responsible for researching and applying to possible granting sources. Represents Orchesis to Student Group Services and Campus Recreation Activity Clubs. Responsible for and prepares the yearly Student Group Services and Campus Recreation Activity Clubs Memberships. Books all needed equipment and tables through Students’ Union and Campus Recreation as needed. Is responsible for locating and hiring a photographer and videographer for Motif with assistance from Director and Dance Motif Coordinator. Checks the Orchesis mailbox regularly. Acts as a surrogate Fundraising Coordinator, if this position is not filled. 6.1.4. Vice-Chair Previously referred to as Archivist. Acts as Chair when Chair is absent. Records minutes of the Board meetings. A copy of these minutes are kept on file and given to each Board Member before the next meeting. Maintains files that include the agendas, minutes, a contact list for the Executive Board, a list of Orchesis Members' phone numbers and email addresses, and a list of past and present Members and choreographers. Ensures a list is posted in E-19 for Class Assistant announcements. Sends phone and email messages to Group Members and maintains the Orchesis listserv. Is responsible for collecting all monies and unsold tickets from Dance Motif ticket sales.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Is responsible for compiling a photo album of Dance Motif pictures, which Members can order from. Keeps the current Constitution and ensures no changes are made without the proper procedure. 6.1.5. Dance Motif Coordinator Works under the Director for the organization of Motif or other performance activities. Facilitates communication between all Motif Crew, Myer Horowitz Theatre Staff, choreographers and dancers. Is responsible for finding and making contracts with Lighting Designer, Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager. Must get approval and signature from Director. Responsible for organizing and maintaining choreographer and dancer files and distributes to Director and Vice-Chair. Sets up Motif and Works in Progress Showing lists with phone numbers and e-mails. Coordinates detailed technical week schedule with the Director. Posts in E19 and Theatre, and emails schedules through listserv. Ensures that the concert tickets are printed, and that they meet Theatre, University, and Campus Recreation Coordinator's stipulations. Organizes ticket sales and distributes printed tickets to Orchesis Members and Campus Recreation by the first week in January. Creates schedule of all volunteer positions to be and passes it to the Social Events and Volunteer Coordinator, Guides the choreographers with Director and ensures that they adhere to choreographic guidelines and time scheduling. Organizes and runs Works in Progress Showing with assistance from Director and choreographers. May assist Director in placing Members who attend the Choreographers’ Presentation. Works with the Media and Public Relations Coordinator to organize Dance Motif program layout and general design. Helps choreographers in charge of larger Group pieces. Researches possible contacts for additional performance opportunities after January Motif production. May assist in application process. 6.1.6. Media and Public Relations Coordinator Designs, copies, and distributes all flyers, posters, signs, and cards at September start-up and Week of Welcome with the approval of cost by the CRCGC.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N In coordination with Chair, ensures Week of Welcome Table is readied and organized. Creates schedule for volunteers and passes this to Social Events and Volunteer Coordinator. Under Director, organizes and distributes all media relating to Dance Motif. Works with Dance Motif Coordinator on Dance Motif Program. Is responsible for program cover and ad sales. May work in conjunction with Fundraising Coordinator on ad sales. Maintains and updates the Orchesis website. With Director and CRCGC, writes and submits Campus Recreation Catalogue information. Maintains relationship with the PER faculty media person regarding Orchesis activities and possible news items. Makes sure that the E-19 display case and Board is set-up and maintained throughout the year. May work in cooperation with the Vice-Chair and other committee Members. 6.1.7. Alternate: Treasurer Keeps clear Records of the Orchesis budget with assistance from the Director. Ensures that all revenues are deposited, in a timely manner, into the general account of the Group. Allots money to any Orchesis projects or activities with advisement of the Director. Has second signature signing authority on the Orchesis Dance Group bank account with the Director and FTE-Dance Coordinator. Maintains ongoing accounting sheet with advisement from the Director; records expenses and income, and coordinates accounting. Pays bills when Group account is responsible for cost. Maintains petty cash and bank envelope for Group needs. Acts as Fundraising Coordinator, if this position is not filled. 7. BYLAW: ELIGIBILITY OF EXTENDED BOARD & COMMITTEES 7.1. The Expanded Board consists of the Regular Board plus all Committee heads. 7.2. Formation of Committees: 7.2.1. Committees may be established to alleviate the duties of the Board in supporting Mission, Objectives, and activities of Orchesis. 7.2.2. A Board or Extended Board Member will head committees. 8. BYLAW: EXTENDED BOARD & COMMITTEE DUTIES 8.1. Position Descriptions: 8.1.1. Class Assistants There will be a minimum of one class assistant per class. Last updated 6/12/2012 3:22 PM
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Are Associate Members. Must arrive 15 minutes prior to their attendant class to facilitate its development. Prior to the beginning of class, ensures a clear and safe physical space by sweeping the studio floor and removing all garbage. After class ensures all garbage is removed, all lost items are returned to their rightful place and that the E-19 storage space is organized. Ensures a current sign-in list is available each month. Ensures all dancers sign-in on attendance sheets. If dancers are late, it is the assistant’s responsibility to ensure they sign-in. Makes announcements before and after class. The list of announcements is posted on the clipboard in E-19 or sent via email. May be asked to help with money handling, receipt issuing, and promotion of various sales and fundraisers such as t-shirts, chocolates, Motif tickets sales, video orders, photograph orders, Master Class drop-in fees etc. Workshops or Master Classes may require the coordination efforts of assistants and the collection of monies. Represents class members to Board and informs class members of Board decisions. 8.1.2. Social Events and Volunteer (FOTS) Coordinator Organizes a cast party after each performance. Organizes social events each term such as the Week of Welcome Meet and Greet in September and the Annual General Meeting. Finds volunteers for Orchesis activities; however, does not make the schedules or decide how many volunteers are needed. This is the responsibility of the organizer of each event. Checks and sends reminder emails for Dance Motif Duty sheet. Coordinates the Feet on the Street (FOTS) team under direction of Director, Dance Motif Coordinator, Media and Public Relations Director, and Chair. 8.1.3. Costume Coordinator Oversees borrowing of costumes. May be asked to obtain costumes upon choreographers' request with approval by Board. Is informed by Treasurer, Director, and CRCGC about costume and prop purchases. Works and researches optional sources to borrow costumes and props when necessary. Maintains the costume closet, updates list, and maintains a photographic archive.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Assists choreographers and Director in the acquisition of costumes and props. May assemble a committee to help with the costume requirements of annual performances. 8.1.4. Workshop and Master Class Coordinator Organizes available Group discounts for professional dance performances each term. Find out who is coming to Edmonton months in advance to set up these Group rates with the local producers. Organizes possible master classes taught by a professional dancer at least once per semester. Obtains contracts and payments for Master Class Instructors. Researches special projects such as workshops and student study grants for enriching dance experiences. 8.1.5. Fundraising Coordinator Should no one take this position, these duties are the responsibility of the Chair and Treasurer. Works with Chair and Director to locate possible funding sources. Manages the approval, implementation and completion of all fundraising projects under the direction of the Executive Board. Develops and researches all possible grant sources; however, Chair is responsible for writing all grants. Monitors, tracks and maintains up to date monthly records of all funds raised by the Fundraising Committee and informs the Treasurer. Submits monthly status reports to the Executive Board that includes financial records of all funds collected to date, new project details, and status of projects undergone or in the process of implementation. Collects funds from the committee Members on a project by project basis and immediately turns them over to the Treasurer. Ensures the method of collection meets all legalities and policies of the University of Alberta, Campus Recreation, and Student Groups. 8.1.6. Director and Dance Motif Technical Coordinator Appointed Positions Lighting Designer Must have substantial technical knowledge and experience. Obtains equipment for Motif (including lights, lighting board, booms, gels, etc.) Works with choreographers to find best possible lighting options given the accommodations. Stage Manager Must have substantial Stage management knowledge and experience. Performs all stage management related duties. Last updated 6/12/2012 3:22 PM
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Assistant Stage Manager Must have substantial Stage management knowledge and experience. Assists the Stage Manager in all duties. 9. BYLAW: MEMBERSHIP DUES 9.1. Dues for Active Membership are determined by Campus Recreation. 9.2. Half Year Active Membership is available for Class Attendants or other Board Members as determined by the Director. This allows for full Member privileges. 9.3. All student choreographers and dancers involved in rehearsals must be fully registered prior to the Choreographers’ Presentations. 9.4. Unpaid Fees and Membership Withdrawal: 9.4.1. A dancer not paid in full will be reminded to pay the balance of his/her Membership. If the balance is not paid, they must come to an arrangement with the Director. 9.4.2. In the event of Membership withdrawal, Campus Rec will regulate and act according to current Registration policies. 10. BYLAW: DANCE MOTIF PARTICIPATION 10.1. BYLAW a: CHOREOGRAPHER GUIDELINES 10.1.1. Member Choreographer Guidelines: Student Member Choreographers will be chosen by the Director from the applications submitted at the end of August. Application forms may be picked-up anytime after the April AGM. The following are areas required for choreographic consideration: Applicant has been an active Orchesis Member for at least one year. Applicant has been involved in a Dance Motif Orchesis production. Applicant has attended Orchesis classes on a regular basis. Applicant has previously taken dance compositional courses, a dance course that involved choreographic instruction, or similar experience. Campus Recreation space allocation and funding will determine the number of choreographies Orchesis is able to produce. Once chosen, Choreographers are guaranteed at least an hour and a half to two hours of rehearsal space per week. Choreographers must ensure that the rented space is used righteously. Non-use of rented rehearsal space will imply the further cancellation of the Choreographer’s dance and the privilege to choreograph. Twenty-four-hour notice must be given to dancers and Director should a rehearsal ever require cancellation. Only very extreme reasons are considered valid cancellations, such as death in family or serious, sudden illness.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N Each choreographer must agree to accept a minimum number of dancers and not exceed a maximum limit set by the Director (based on number of Members seeking to perform). The length of the dance for Student Choreographers is between 3-6 minutes. Must attend one meeting with Director and other choreographers prior to the Choreographers’ Idea Presentation. All Student Choreographers will be assigned a faculty mentor who will monitor and aid choreographic progression. The Mentor’s assistance may be asked for at any time; however the Mentor should visit a minimum of three times, including once in early January. Must attend the Choreographers’ Idea Presentation. It is at this showing that they will select most of the dancers. Must double check that all dancers are registered, on the listserv, and have signed up for Dance Motif Duties. Must collect names, phone numbers, and email from all dancers and submit this list to Director and Dance Motif Coordinator. Arrive to rehearsals ahead of rehearsal time and be prepared and ready for the rehearsal. Give and receive feedback to and from the dancers. The mentor may assist in this process, but it should happen at all rehearsals. If a dancer fails to show up for a scheduled rehearsal, it is the choreographer’s responsibility to warn them verbally. Should the dancer miss a second time, the mentor and the Director must be contacted in writing and involved. The choreographer may opt not to have the dancer in any section of the dance they missed. Should a third absence occur, the dancer may be asked to leave the dance and the mentor or Director may intervene. It is recommended that choreographers have their dancers sign a statement of agreement in which rehearsal expectations and conditions are outlined. Final prop lists, lighting ideas, costumes, and music choices must be submitted to the Director by November 1. Items submitted earlier get priority attention. Choreographers must develop and source out their own ideas. Music will be screened for suitability. The Director has final say in all choices. Final copies must be submitted to the Director or Musical Assistant by November 1. Especially composed music must be set one week prior to Works in Progress Showing. Attendance is required at the Works in Progress Showing. Choreographers are expected to communicate their dance vision and technical ideas to Director, Dance Motif Coordinator, and theatre appointed positions.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N The dance must be finished or very near to completion for the Works in Progress showing. If not finished, dancers must be directed to cap off the unfinished parts so that it may be viewed. All dances shown at Works in Progress Showing are subject to approval of the Director. All Choreographers must commit to all technical rehearsals in January for one full week prior to the performances. All selected choreographers will receive a detailed guideline sheet with specific information. 10.1.2. Faculty and Guest Choreographer Guidelines Faculty Choreographers are subject to the same duties responsibilities of the Student Choreographers. However, they do not undergo an application process. The length of the dance of Faculty and Guest Choreographers can be between 5-15 minutes. May be asked to be a mentor to Student Choreographer. 10.1.3. Mentor Guidelines Mentors assist choreographers with technique, overall vision, and development of the dance including (but not exclusive of) things such as cuts, edits, music, costumes, lighting, props. Works with the choreographer as needed, but at least three times in total, including once during the first week of rehearsals in January. May help the choreographer with issues arising from the dancers, such as technique, and class and rehearsal attendance. Should a mentor not be able to handle these issues, the Director would be the next point of contact. Selected from the Orchesis Faculty, Guest Choreographers, or community by the Director. 10.2. BYLAW b: PERFORMER GUIDELINES 10.2.1. Dancer sign-up and selection takes place in mid-September at the Choreographers’ Idea Presentations. All dancers who attend the Presentation are guaranteed to be placed in a piece that fits into their schedule, preferably one of their choice. 10.2.2. Motif Members who will perform must pay their Membership for a full year by the date of the Choreographers’ Presentations. Unpaid tuition will prohibit dancers from rehearsing, performing or choreographing. 10.2.3. Dancers must be on the listserv to sign up. 10.2.4. Dancers have signed up for at least one Dance Motif Duty for every dance in which they will be participating; members of the Executive Board are excused. All Orchesis Members are asked to stand on one committee. Participation in committee duties will facilitate a successful show.
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10.2.5. Dancers may not commit to more than two dances including their own work. This is necessary to protect the sanity and well being of all, particularly if Members have a heavy academic load. It also becomes a problem in program order to separate dances with common dancers. 10.2.6. Dancers must attend Orchesis technique class on a consistent basis to create physical, mental, and spiritual performance readiness. 10.2.7. Dancers must wear clean, close fitting dancewear. Chewing gum in class or rehearsal is prohibited. 10.2.8. Personal items are the dancer’s personal responsibility. Such items as tights, dance belts, jazz shoes, ballet shoes or other footwear, and basic leotard or body suits may be presumed as personal costume necessities. 10.2.9. If Performers commit to a choreographer's dance, they are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals. Their presence is necessary for smooth rehearsals and cohesive choreography. The choreographer is not obliged to “catch Performers up” should they miss a rehearsal and in fact they may be omitted from a particular section due to absence. Should an absence be unavoidable, choreographers must be notified 12 hours in advance. Serious illness, injury or a death in the family would be an example of an unavoidable absence. If a Performer misses two rehearsals, they will be approached by the Choreographer, and the Mentor and/or the Director. Should a Performer miss three rehearsals, the Performer will be required to step out of the dance. 10.2.10. To prepare adequately for rehearsals, Performers are expected to arrive 15-20 minutes early to warm-up. A good warm-up prevents injury. This is particularly important if Performers have not taken a dance class just before rehearsal. 10.2.11. The choreographic schedule a Performer chooses must not overlap. Choreographers rehearse according to their schedules. 10.2.12. Performers may be required to practice on their own time, between scheduled rehearsals, to sustain their movement memory and help future rehearsals go smoothly. 10.2.13. Should concerns or conflicts arise within a dance, Dancers should first speak to the Choreographer. If the Choreographer cannot resolve the issue alone, the Director may intervene. The Mentor could also be an intermediary if one is available. 10.2.14. Performers must be able to dance their Choreographer's work in the Works in Progress Showing. 10.2.15. Dancers are required to attend all tech week rehearsals beginning the first Sunday before performance weekend and through dress rehearsal, which is the night before the opening performance. Rehearsal schedules will be announced in late December or the first week of January for tech week in January. 11. BYLAW: BUDGET & FINANCIAL REPORTING Last updated 6/12/2012 3:22 PM
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N 11.1. Campus Rec provides and manages the Core budget. This includes instructor fees, room rentals, choreographer fees, theatre rental and crew, theatre production costs, and media required for fall start-up. 11.2. Orchesis provides and manages the internal Orchesis budget. This includes Media relating to Dance Motif, Board initiated activities, AGM, Board or Committee meetings, cast party, grant monies and revenue generated from fundraising activities. 12. BYLAW: INTERPRETATION 12.1. Nothing in these bylaws shall be interpreted in a manner contradictory to the Code of Student Behaviour, GFC Manual, rules, regulations, or policies enacted by the University of Alberta and the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation. 13. BYLAW: CONFLICT RESOLUTION 13.1. The chain of resolution is as follows 13.1.1. One on one 13.1.2. Instructor/Choreographer/Class Assistant/Mentor/Chair 13.1.3. Director 13.1.4. CRCGC 13.1.5. Director of Campus Recreation 13.1.6. Assistant Dean of Services (Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation) 13.2. If any conflict rises to the second link in the chain, the Director must be notified in writing. 13.3. If a second violation occurs, the incident will be brought to the Board and Bylaw 14 will be followed. 14. BYLAW: DISCIPLINE 14.1. All matters of discipline will be handled by the Chair, the Director, and the CRCGC. 14.2. All disciplinary measures involving finances will result in an immediate removal of the Performer or Board member. 14.3. Removal of a Board Member: 14.3.1. Grounds for removal: Failure to uphold the Mission, Objectives, and activities of Orchesis. Failure to fulfill the duties as specified by the Constitution and its Bylaws. 14.3.2. Procedure for removal of a Board Member: If a violation occurs, it must be called to the attention of the Board Member during a Board meeting. The Board decides removal through a majority vote, excluding the violating Member who will leave the room. Should the majority of the Board not approve the removal of the Board Member, the Board Member may keep the position. If other violations occur, the Board must vote again after each subsequent violation.
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ORCH ESIS DA N CE GR OUP CO N STI TUTIO N The violating Board Member has the right to appeal. 14.4. Should a Board Member be removed an interim Member will be a selected by the Board until a new member can be selected. 14.5. Removal of a Member 14.5.1. Grounds for removal: Failure to uphold the Mission, Objectives, and activities of Orchesis. 14.5.2. Procedure for removal of a Member If a violation occurs, it must be called to the attention of the Board during a Board meeting; the violating member will be invited to present the case, but cannot be present during voting. The Board decides removal through a majority vote. Should the majority of the Board not approve the removal of the Member, they will continue with their privileges. If other violations occur, the Board must vote again after each subsequent violation. The violating Member has the right to appeal. 14.6. Campus Recreation reserves the right to expel Members from the Group or the Board for behaviour it deems disruptive and unacceptable. Campus Recreation must notify the Board of all decisions. 14.7. Appeals: 14.7.1. Appeals may be filed with the Director within a week of the Board’s notification. 14.7.2. The Board will meet to discuss and vote upon the appeal. The decision on the appeal is final. 14.7.3. Replies will be made in writing back to the parties involved upon a decision being rendered. 14.7.4. An appeal does not necessary lead to a revocation of the original decision.
Appendix 1. Dancers’ and Choreographers’ Expectations. Choreographer: ____________________ Piece title: ________________________ Phone number: ____________ Email: __________________ Other: _________________ Dancer Expectations
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1. Dancers must be present for rehearsals on _________at _____ am/pm. Starting September __-December __, and resuming January __-January __. Additional rehearsals may be added, but two weeks notice will be given. 2. Dancers must be warmed up and ready to dance at rehearsal start. 3. Dancers will be permitted one excused absence. A minimum of 12 hours notice must be given. Any unexcused absences will forfeit your place in the piece. If an absence has occurred it is the dancer’s responsibility to catch up on missed choreography before the next rehearsal. If a dancer is late for rehearsal more than twice, her place will be forfeited. 4. Dancers must be present for the choreographic showing Dec __ from _pm onward (No excused absence). 5. Dancers must be present for tech week January __-__, 200_ (No excused absence) . 6. Dancers must be present for the performances January __, __, and __, 200_ (No excused absence). 7. Dancers must attend a weekly technique class. These classes will train and strengthen your body, mind, and spirit for the performance ahead as well as daily life. 8. Dancers will have a mindful presence during rehearsals and show commitment and dedication to the piece. They will accept and give feedback positively and lovingly. Failure to comply with these expectations will result in your place being forfeited from the piece. Choreographer Expectations 1. I will be ready and warmed up for all rehearsal and performances during the above stated times. 2. I will have a plan prepared, and execute that plan within the required time frame. 3. I will give 2 weeks notice for any changes to rehearsal times. 4. I will attend a weekly technique class. 5. If I cannot be present for a rehearsal I will either have someone come in my stead, or cancel (giving a minimum of 24 hours notice). 6. I will accept and give feedback positively and lovingly with everyone’s best intentions in mind. 7. I will have a mindful presence during rehearsals, and demonstrate commitment and dedication to this piece. 8. I will be available to dancers outside of rehearsal time if my attention is needed.
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