WNC Parent March 2013

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contents This month’s features 6

Reluctant campers


Coed or single-gender camp?

Don’t assume your child is ready for overnight camp.


The need for a coed or single-gender camp depends on the camper.


Camper von Beethoven Serious musicians can gain from summertime experiences.



Lessons learned What, exactly, do kids take away from summer camp?

Camp Guide 2013 Check here for day camp and spring break camp listings.

In every issue

Growing Together............50



Helping moms Two local programs aid moms in getting ahead and building careers.

Picture perfect Suggestions on where to take great photos of your kids in WNC.

Librarian’s Picks...............56 Story Times .....................56 FEAST .............................58 Kids Page ........................72 Calendar .........................81


I have a spreadsheet for summer. And right about the time I finish the Camp Guide, I build the spreadsheet. Because planning summer is kind of like planning a military operation. My kids are approaching 11 and 14 (gasp!), so it is harder to stick them both at the same location for a week. One will have a couple of traditional day camps, the other a couple of outings with the church youth group. And on the planning goes. It makes the school year seem almost easy, by comparison. This is our big camp issue, with day camp (and spring break camp) listings starting on Page 14. You’re bound to find something to suit your children in there. One story I was excited to read is the look at reluctant campers, on Page 6. I think it was written for me, as the mother of a son who just won’t sleep away from home. It made me realize that, instead of bugging him about it, I should be happy for him to have daytime adventures. If you have an overnight camper, there’s the issue of coed vs. single-gender camps. What’s the benefit of one over the other? We look at that in the story on Page 8. And once a child is at camp, what’s the benefit of him being there? Our story on Page 12 has expert opinions about the benefits of summer camp. They’re more helpful than you may think. Take a few minutes to read the stories behind the camp information. One, on Page 36, looks at two fantastic programs around town that help moms get on their feet. Another, on Page 40, suggests places around WNC where you can get nice photos of your children — perfect advice as the weather gets nicer. Speaking of nice weather, I’ll see you in April!

Special to WNC Parent

Artist’s Muse ...................52 Divorced Families ............55

Katie Wadington, editor

On the cover

Home-school Happenings .51 Nature Center Notes ........54

Advice for camp parents

.com Are you a member? Join the conversation, post photos and connect with other parents at WNCParent.com. Look for WNC Parent on Facebook and Twitter.

P.O. Box 2090, Asheville, NC 28802 www.wncparent.com PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Randy Hammer WNC PARENT EDITOR Katie Wadington — 232-5829 kwadington@citizen-times.com

FEATURES EDITOR Bruce Steele bsteele@citizen-times.com

ADVERTISING/CIRCULATION Brittany Martin — 232-5898, bymartin@gannett.com CALENDAR CONTENT Due by March 10. E-mail calendar@wncparent.com ADVERTISING DEADLINE Advertising deadline for the April issue is March 19.

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By Paul Clark WNC Parent contributor


amp is fun. Campers try new things. They make a lot of new friends. What mom hasn’t heard herself say these things to her reluctant camper? The kid who will jump off the roof to see what it’s like balks at the notion of going away to a sleepover camp. Strange food. Icky bathrooms. What he’s really telling you is he’s afraid to be away from home. Homesickness and fear of the unknown are perfectly natural and understandable, camp directors and counselors say. For many kids, overnight camp is the first time they’ve slept away from their parents. But for children who have never been far from home, camp is a good, safe step toward becoming a confident, fully realized person willing to take on challenges, camp professionals say. At camp, most kids get over being homesick in a day or two. Children are ready for camp at different ages, “depending upon their emotional maturity, interest in camp, and level of personal independence,” said Grant Bullard, director of Gwynn Valley Camp in Brevard. Some are ready at 5 and some aren’t until they’re 10. “Take your cue from your children,” he said. “In many cases they’re able to determine their readiness before a parent does. If they’re interested and excited about the


possibility, it’s a good chance they’re ready.” But what can you do if you think they’re ready but they don’t want to go? You can start way before camp begins. And the way to begin may be by not taking the wrong sort of action. Children who have been allowed to dictate their own lifestyles or who haven’t been allowed to have independent experiences are the most likely to balk at the idea of camp, said Page Lemel, director of Brevard’s Keystone Camp, the oldest private summer camp in the Southeast. They’re often the children of hovering parents who don’t want them to get hurt. “Think of a child whose parent is omnipresent and who ensures that all of their child’s environments are successful experiences,” Lemel said. “This sense of success in all of their environments can create a fear of failing, making the child reluctant to

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try new experiences.” Letting your child host sleepovers and sending her off to spend the night with a friend is a good way to nurture a spirit of independence and adventure, Bullard and Lemel said. Helping them become familiar with good table and social manners will make them more confident around others. Enrolling them in a day camp will help them get used to “camp” idea, Bullard said. Dan Singletary, a director at Camps Merri-Mac and Timberlake in Black Mountain, suggests letting your child try an activity you know they’ll be doing at camp. That should build some confidence. Many camps have “open house” events, and some hold information sessions in the homes of experienced campers in the fall and early winter. Children may be more comfortable at camp if they’ve met some of the staff and campers who have been there before. And many camps offer


Campers take a break at Gwynn Valley Camp in Brevard, which offers both overnight and day camps. Children are ready for camp at different ages, “depending upon their emotional maturity, interest in camp, and level of personal independence,” said Grant Bullard, director of Gwynn Valley. Some are ready at 5, and some aren’t until they’re 10. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

family weekends that allow children to experience a place in the safe company of their parents. Homesickness is inevitable for some children, so if you can talk about a time that you experienced it, your

child might not feel so bad about feeling their own, Bullard said. But if despite all your efforts you’ve been unable to muster any enthusiasm from your young camper, don’t worry — once you drop them off at camp,


they’re in the hands of professionals who handle this sort of thing all the time. How do counselors settle a child down? “You have to begin by cultivating a sense of ‘belonging,’” Lemel said. “You want to call the child by name and make sure they meet other children very quickly. Help them with introductions to others who are also new. And you want to keep them busy as they develop a sense of comfort in their new surroundings. “As the camp director, I work very hard the first 24 hours of camp to make sure I know every child in camp and can call them by name. The girls love the fact that the person in charge knows who they are.” Bullard’s counselors will listen to children talk about their homesickness. They’ll suggest the child take it a day at a time “and even shorter periods if the child is really upset,” he said. “I've worked with children who need to check in (at home) several times a day. We provide them a place at the dining table where they are with a counselor they really like or a friend from the cabin or a sibling or friend from home.” Camp professionals say there are a few things parents shouldn’t do. Don’t make deals. Don’t promise to come pick your child up after a few days if he doesn’t like camp. “This gives a child an out,” Lemel said. “They never have to try because the ‘rescue’ is in place. Instead, the conversation needs to remain focused on a positive outcome. ‘You are going to learn so much.’ ‘I know you might be afraid of getting homesick, but your counselor is there to help you.’’ If they know they have an out, they may not try making friends or attempting something new, Singletary said. Going home should not be the child’s decision, he said. Said Bullard: “You want to set them up for success and not failure. This camp experience is a stepping stone to so many other aspects of growing through life experiences.” If your child continues to push, then tell him if he doesn’t like camp, you won’t sign him up again next summer, Lemel suggested.




By Marla Hardee Milling, WNC Parent contributor


here are 50 overnight camps in a four county area — Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania and Jackson. “Western North Carolina is the Silicon Valley of camping,” says Adam Boyd, director of Camp Merri-Mac for girls and Camp Timberlake for boys in Black Mountain. “There’s a higher concentration of camps here than in any other area. It’s a healthy, vibrant camping community and the camps work closely together.”


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With so many choices, it may seem overwhelming to pick one. Each camp has its own unique merits, but as parents wade through brochures or online information, there’s one major choice that needs to be nailed down first. Parents and kids need to decide whether they prefer a coed or a single-gender experience. Jane Murray, executive

2013 CAMP GUIDE director of the N.C. Youth Camp Association, has sent her own sons to both types of camps. “They are primarily Rockmont boys, but I try to give them different experiences,” Murray said. She’s sent her 7-year-old son to Gwynn Valley near Brevard and her 13-year-old son to Camp Sea Gull on the North Carolina coast. She says it’s important to consider what challenges your child might face in a coed situation and compare those to the challenges he or she might face at a single-gender camp. “I think each parent needs to look at their individual child and communicate with camp directors,” Murray says. “Ask about the kind of programs they run and draw from your own experience. You might also ask their teachers and pediatrician. It takes a village.”

Free to be themselves

“Girls don’t want to fail in front of boys or in front of their parents,” says Boyd as he explains Merri-Mac’s girls-only policy. “We provide a safe place for children to try new things and develop a sense of adventure. It helps them try things they’re not confident they will succeed in.” Camp Merri-Mac and Camp Timberlake share property, but the

summer camp experience is protected for each gender. “Our two camps do not interact,” says Boyd. “We are very serious about keeping them single-gender. It’s nice to have two weeks or four weeks where they can just be a band of brothers or in a sisterhood. One of the beautiful things that happens at camp is friendship. That’s because they live together like families.” Alfred Thompson, director of Camp Carolina, a boys only summer camp in Brevard, says it’s a little less stressful for kids who go to a single-gender camp. “They don’t have to worry about how to act around the girls. It takes a lot of the tension away.” Thompson says his staff can gear its activities specifically to the interests of the boys, but they also have socials with some of the area girls-only camps, including dances and swim meets. This gives them some fun interaction while most of their week is spent bonding with their own gender.

Working through any differences

At Camp Tekoa in Henderson County, the camp structure is almost completely coed, but it does offer girls-only adventure weeks.


Camp Tekoa, affiliated with the United Methodist Church, has maintained its coed status since it opened in 1949. “It’s a simple reflection of the real world,” explains director James Johnson. “We are here to learn together about God and His kingdom.” The resident camps at Camp Tekoa are structured into a family unit. Each unit typically consists of a group of girls with a female counselor and a group of boys with a male counselor. They have separate lodging, but they join together during the day for all their activities. Is there friction sometimes as the boys and girls interact? Johnson says yes, but he also says the staff is trained to help them work through any issues. “Usually by Friday those issues have gone away,” he says. “They’ve made amends, learned how to work with each other, and say at the end that they had an awesome week.” “There is a quality camp experience for every child in the state,” says Murray. “I would encourage parents to research all options even if they are out of your budget. If you find one that’s a good match, ask about camperships (tuition assistance).”




By Paul Clark, WNC Parent contributor


usic students who want to keep their skills sharp over summer break can play, study and hang out with their peers at camp. For many, it’s the first time they’ve been around people as passionate about music as they. Summer camp not only helps them to keep their “chops” up, but it gives them an opportunity to study one-on-one with a professional. It also provides an in-depth experiences with music they may never have played before. The biggest name in student summer camps in the Asheville area is Brevard Music Center. Application deadlines have already passed for this summer (March 1, but sometimes the deadline is extended to fill out certain instrumental sections), but you can start planning for next summer. The center’s high school division has about 170 students each year, ages 14-18, who study piano, voice, composition and orchestral studies and have weekly private lessons from the center’s faculty. Camps last from three to seven weeks. Auditions (submitted online) are required. Tuition help exists. Local band directors have been directing serious high school musicians to Cannon Music Camp (www.cannon.appstate.edu) in Boone since 1969. Instructors emphasize ensemble performance in choir, orchestra, band, jazz and chamber music. Campers also get private one-hour lessons with the music faculty. Students study music theory, the foundation of musical perfor-


Directors have been sending serious high school musicians to Cannon Music Camp in Boone since 1969. /SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

mance, Monday through Friday. Also held weekdays are rehearsals of the various ensembles they are in. This year, camp is June 29-July 20. A typical day for a brass player, say, might start with music theory at 9 a.m., and in one-hour increments proceed to symphony orchestra, concert choir, wind ensemble, jazz

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improv, jazz ensemble, punctuated by lunch and concluding with “enrichment activities” that include sectional rehearsals, conducting, leadership training and college auditions preparation. On Saturdays and Sundays, students practice, go on picnics, have talent shows and relax. The three-week camp, held on the campus of Appalachian State University, is open to serious music students who have completed grades 8-12. Because it happens during summer, campers can have a college-like experience at a time when the campus is less busy. Faculty recitals are held throughout. “If you think you want to be a music major in college, this is a great way to find out,” said Steve Hopkins, camp director. “They’ll find out if they’re willing to put in the work to do that or if they just want to do music as an avocation, which is a great thing to know. They live in the residence halls and eat in the cafeteria, and they learn about Boone. And they learn a bit about independence


Brevard Music Center teaches students ages 14-18 who study piano, voice, composition and orchestral studies and have weekly private lessons from the center’s faculty. Camps last from three to seven weeks. /SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

— and washing their own clothes.” Scholarships are available (students should ask their band directors or music instructors; they may also get info by going to the camp website). The difference that music camp can make for the serious student is significant, Hopkins said. “We’ve seen kids come here that didn’t have a good (musical) foundation but when they got with a teacher, it really set them on fire,” he said. “They went from last chair to first chair.” Mars Hill College’s annual summer music camp (www.mhc.edu/musiccamp) is June 23-28. Middle and high school students will study with the college faculty, which includes many of the region’s top performers, conductors and educators. The camp offers classes in middle school band and jazz band, high school band and jazz band,

music theory, jazz improvisation, conducting, reed making and more. Overnight students stay in dorms on campus and eat in the college’s dining hall next to the music building. Down time can be spent in the campus swimming pool and on its basketball courts for volleyball, all under camp counselor supervision. The Asheville Symphony Guild offers full and half scholarships (www.ashevillesymphony.org/ guild/music-education). Though not an overnight camp, the School of Rock in Charlotte conducts a few camps during the summer. Students during its Beatles Mania! camp June 10-14 (geared toward the beginner and intermediate player) will learn the songs of arguably the world’s greatest rock band. The schools Metal Camp June 24-28 is for shredders – all things metal and nothing but. Among the oth-


er camps is a songwriting and recording camp Aug. 5-16. If your high schooler plays bassoon, there’s a special opportunity in Little Switzerland, if you’re willing to accompany them for the 10-day camp. Some 35 years old, the GlickmanPopkin Bassoon Camp (www.bassooncamp.com) at Wildacres retreat attracts up to 60 bassoon and contrabassoon players of all ages from all over the country. Players under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, but the experience they’ll have in a beautiful setting will be a vacation for all, business manager Jim Poe said. The 2013 session is May 27-June 6. Master class topics range from major orchestral, ballet and opera music to chamber music excerpts, as well as the main solo repertoire of the bassoon. Campers can attend the weeklong reed-making class. There are recitals and impromptu performances, and at the end of camp, the Bassoon Band gives a concert to anyone who wants to come. “It’s kind of wild when, after the master class, everyone goes back to their room and start practicing. It’s a wild sound,” Poe said. Campers can also take yoga classes and receive bodywork for the strain holding a bassoon can entail. Time off can be spent hiking, birdwatching, touring Biltmore House or visiting Penland School of Crafts. The bassoon repertoire is planned by camp co-founder Loren Glickman and guest artists who have performed with major symphony orchestras around the world. Glickman has performed as soloist with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center and the Casals Festival. A performer on many chamber music recordings, he is also a conductor and film score composer. Prior to his death in August 2011, camp co-founder Mark Popkin was principal bassoon with the New Jersey Symphony, the New York City Opera, Musica Aeterna and the Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra. He taught at the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem for 42 years.






hen school’s out, camp is the place where fun and adventure take center stage. But not at the expense of learning, camp experts say. Jim Spearin, executive director of youth development for YMCA of Western North Carolina, learned some of the most important lessons of his life at camp. Once a “bully and a troublemaker as a child living in a broken home,” Spearin says his experiences as a YMCA camper turned his life around, teaching him values and skills he has carried with him.


“Camp pushes children to do things beyond what they imagined they could do,” says Spearin, who heads up YMCA of Western North Carolina’s summer camp programs. “Camp also provides kids with opportunities to learn what they’re interested in, which is how kids typically learn best.” For Jennifer Rennicks’ two daughters, Emma, 12 and Ciara, 9, of Asheville, camp has provided unique experiential learning experiences “they don’t necessarily get at school or home,” she says.

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2013 CAMP GUIDE Emma and Ciara have attended oneand two-week overnight sessions at Gwynn Valley, a day and overnight camp in Brevard, as well as day camp. As a longtime camper and camp counselor herself, Rennick knows firsthand the lessons taught there. “At camp, kids get their hands dirty while they’re learning and those skills transfer to real life, as they learn to make decisions, get along in a community and take care of themselves,” says Rennick. “Camp provides some of the most valuable education that kids benefit from — lessons that will help in the future, like survival skills at overnight camp, that they’ll later realize they’ve learned.” Rennick’s daughters both tried horseback riding and rock/tree climbing for the first time at camp — two activities they now enjoy — which gave them the chance to be “rewarded for stepping out of their comfort zone,” which is a valuable learning experience of its own, she says. “These are big, bold things, like

being dozens of feet in the air, and the act of having done them has emboldened them.” For Rennick’s older daughter, who is typically “cautious” about trying new things, it was “good for her soul.” “Kids go beyond self-imposed and parental limits to try new things and there’s a try-it attitude at camp that encourages them,” she adds. “Skills built at camp, like flexibility, curiosity, cognitive thinking and resiliency, transfer immediately to school and later in life,” says Katie Johnson, southeastern field office executive director for the American Camp Association, who, as a longtime camper herself, “developed the courage to try new things, overcome obstacles and gain confidence in a supportive atmosphere.” “When you’re at camp, you’re trying new things with other people who are doing it for the first time, too,” says Rennick, whose younger daughter learned to swim at camp. “Learning happens naturally


through a safe atmosphere of managed risks, without the distraction and pressure of grades, and they don’t even realize they’re learning,” Johnson adds. Camp also enhances children’s ability to develop interpersonal and problemsolving skills and manage relationships, she says. When her girls first return from camp, they clear the table and organize their laundry without being asked, “to show what they’ve learned,” Rennick says. For at-risk kids, camp offers the opportunity to develop trust; for kids from different backgrounds, it can help to build independence, Spearin says. He adds that camps like the YMCA also offer specialized programs incorporating reading, math and other academic subjects. The right camp program can help a child develop leadership skills, responsibility and a sense of independence, Johnson says. “These are important building blocks for future academic and personal success,” she says.



Cub Scouts practice archery during the SoQua District Cub Scout Day Camp last summer. More than 100 boys attend the camp, which also includes BB shooting, crafts and more. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM


By Katie Wadington, WNC Parent editor



h, to be a kid. At no other age do you get to spend your summer days splashing the day Enter your child for a chance to be away. Learning (unintentionally) about nature, one of our 2013 Cover Kids. Register for $20 at the Camp Expo, where sports, leadership and friendship. Kaelee Denise Photography will be If your children aren’t the sleep-away-from-home taking test shots of potential Cover types, summer in WNC offers plenty of day camp opKids. Find details at tions. www.citizen-times.com/ On the following pages, we detail more than 80 organicampexpo. zations that provide daytime adventures for preschoolers to teenagers. Within those organizations, you’ll find camps focused on music or sports or art or nature, or all of those combined. And many camps won’t break the bank. Your children have no reason to be bored this summer. Looking for overnight options? Our February issue had those listings, but you can find them online 24/7 at www.wncparent.com.


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Find the right camp for you and keep the kids entertained at the thirdannual Camp Expo. When: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. March 2 Where: Wilma M. Sherrill Center at UNC Asheville What: Meet representatives for dozens of area camps. The kids will love the bounce house, face painting and more.

2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE/ SPRING BREAK CAMPS Camps are March 25-29 unless noted.

ABYSA, FUNdamentals Camp

» abysa.org; 299-7277, ext. 304; shane@abysa.org » Ages 5-14. Games-centered teaching approach to soccer education. Campers organized by age group. Camp will use games, designed to build technical foundations for soccer skills. Camp runs 9 a.m.-noon for ages 5-6 and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. for ages 7-14 at John B. Lewis Soccer Complex at Azalea Park in East Asheville. All campers get participation award and T-shirt. Early drop-off available. $115 for half-day and $195 for full day.

Art Buzz Kids

» wineanddesignus.com/Asheville; 255-2442; wineanddesignasheville@gmail.com » Ages 6-10. Painting and crafts. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Wine and Design, 640 Merrimon Ave. $150 with sibling discount.

Asheville Gymnastics

» ashevillegymnastics.com; 252-8746; info@ashevillegymnastics.com » Gymnastics, outings, crafts, group games, trampolines rope swings and more. 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. for $20 per day or $80 per week, or until 5:30 p.m. for $40 per day or $160 per week. At 50 Coxe Ave., Asheville. Extended care and sibling discounts available.

Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts

» ashevillenc.gov/parks; Shateisha Lenoir, 2541942 and slenoir@ashevillenc.gov » Grades K-9. Supervised recreation program with organized games, crafts and field trips. 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Drive.

Asheville Performing Arts Academy

» ashevilleperformingartsacademy.com; 253-4000; theapaa@gmail.com » Preschool-8th grade. Put on “Disney’s Aladdin Kids” in one week with a performance on Friday. $250. Runs 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. with extended care available. At 210 Merrimon Ave., Asheville.

Asheville Racquet Club

» registration.challengersports.com » Ages 6-16. A week of soccer drills, skills and thrills. Sessions are full day (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) for $175 and half day (9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m.) for $125. Register online under Academy Camp. At Asheville Soccer Center at the Asheville Racquet Club South, on Racquet Club Road in Asheville.

Continues on Page 16



2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE / SPRING BREAK CAMPS Continued from Page 15

Bricks 4 Kidz

» bricks4kidz.com; wland@bricks4kidz.com » Ages 5-13. Runs March 25-29 and April 1-5. Build and play with LEGO bricks. Daily themes including “Amazing Animals,” “Amusement Park” and more. 9 a.m.-noon. $40 for one day, $30 each day if registered for two or more days. Price includes drink and snack. Meets at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 2 Roberts Road, Asheville. Register online.

Camp Whatchamacallit

» campwhatchamacallit.com; campwhatchamacallit@gmail.com; 203-885-6840 » Ages 4-13. Coed camp exposing kids to a variety of sports including soccer, lacrosse, softball, baseball, tennis and more. With arts and crafts, visit to WNC Nature Center and group games. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at WNC Nature Center pavilions, off Azalea Road in East Asheville. Early and late care available. $185 week ($160 each for two or more), $45 per day.

Colburn Earth Science Museum

» colburnmuseum.org; info@colburnmuseum.org; 254-7162 » Grades K-6. Runs March 26-29. Grade level and hours vary by day. Features themes like “Dinosaur Discovery,” “Rocks from Space” and more. Starts at $20 for members/$30 nonmembers. Reservations required. At museum, 2 S. Pack Square, downtown Asheville.

Hahn’s Gymnastics

» hahnsgymnastics.com; hahnsgymnastics@hotmail.com; 684-8832 » Ages 3-12. Runs March 25-29 and April 1-5. Gymnastics, tumbling, trampoline, parachute, arts and crafts and more. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ($17 per day) and 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. ($33 per day). At 18 Legend Drive, Arden.


» facebook.com/playballasheville; maxyplayball@gmail.com; 575-3000 » Ages 3-5. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 25-28. Coach Maxy guides children through the world of sport with her creative lessons and countless opportunities to learn new skills, make new friends, and gain confidence and boost self-esteem. Each activity focuses on balance, coordination, speed, and how to have fun while playing team sports. $40 per day or $140 for 4-day session. At St. Paul’s Preschool, 223 Hillside St., Asheville.

Roots + Wings School of Art

» rootsandwingsarts.com; info@rootsandwingsarts.com; 545-4827 » Grades K-5. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Around the World in 5 Days art camp. Kids will spend time learning about parts of North America, Africa, Central America, Asia, Europe, Australia and more. Students will gain experience in drawing, painting, collage, printmak-


Asheville Performing Arts Academy campers will put on a production a week this summer. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT ing, and sculpture during the week. Divided by age group, ages 3-6 and K-5. $150, with sibling discount. At The Cathedral of All Souls in the Biltmore Village.


» ymcawnc.org; 210-2273 » Kindergarten to age 12. Camps based at Estes, Sand Hill-Venable, Oakley and Weaverville ele-

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mentary schools; Black Mountain Primary School; and YMCA’s Beaverdam location in North Asheville. 7 a.m.6 p.m. Themed week with field trips, swimming, cooking projects, crafts, songs, group games, on-site enhancements, more. $155 with one-time $50 child/$75 family registration fee for new children. Cost is included in weekly fee for children registered in YMCA Afterschool.


Asheville Lightning Junior Olympics is a track and field program for ages 6-18, starting in April. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Airborne Gymnastics

» June 3-Aug. 16 » airbornegym@att.net; 697-0084 » Ages 3-12. (Preschoolers must be potty-trained.) Gymnastics activities, crafts and outside water fun. Full-day campers go swimming and on field trips. Themes include Mad Scientist; Pirates and Princesses; Messy, Messy, Messy; Super Soakin’; Artful Antics, more. Half-day (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) for pottytrained to age 12 for $75; full-day (until 5:30 p.m.) for ages 5-12 for $150. Extended day available. At 85 PEM Drive, Hendersonville.

Appalachian Institute for Creative Learning

» Summer Enrichment Camp, July 14-20 and 21-27 » appalachianinstitute.org; 800-951-7442; info@appalachianinstitute.org » Rising 3rd-graders to age 12. Campers are called “motivated learners,” figuring that anyone who shows up to take biology, math or art in July is motivated. Campers classes in topics include science and math, history, society and culture, visual arts, drama, more. At Warren Wilson College. $360 per week. Overnight camp available for up to rising 12th-graders.

» ashevilleart.org; 253-3227, ext. 122; » Rising grades K-12. Sessions offer wide variety of art activities. Includes all materials and museum admission. Half-day (9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-5 p.m.) for $95 members/$105 nonmembers, and all-day (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) sessions for $160/$180.

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

» June-July » www1.abtech.edu/yes-camp » Middle- and high-schoolers. Young Entrepreneurial Scholars (YES!) Camps. High schoolers, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. June 24-28. Middle-schoolers, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. July 22-26. Campers will gain an understanding of entrepreneurship as a viable career option and learn about resources in their community; generate business ideas to create an atmosphere of fun; meet and learn from successful entrepreneurs; learn to work and cooperate in groups; develop critical thinking and life skills; develop leadership abilities and skills; and identify and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities in Western North Carolina. Both meet at A-B Tech Enka Site, Small Business Center.

Asheville Community Theatre

» June 17-Aug. 2 » wineanddesignus.com/Asheville; 255-2442; wineanddesignasheville@gmail.com » Ages 6-14. Kids create a canvas art project, along with other arts and crafts. Themes include Buzzing Around Town, Art Around the World, Learn from the Best, and more. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Wine and Design, 640 Merrimon Ave. $150 with sibling discount.

» Tanglewood Summer Camp, June 17-Aug. 9 » ashevilletheatre.org, 254-29390; » Ages 5-17. Camp well-suited for any child interested in exploring the world of theater. Session I, June 18-29, offers half-day camp (9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) for ages 5-7. Sessions I and II, July 29-Aug. 9, offer fullday camp (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) for ages 8-15. Advanced Camp for ages 13-17 is by permission only for veteran campers, July 29-Aug. 9. $250-$500. At 35 E. Walnut St., Asheville.

Asheville Art Museum


Art Buzz Kids

» June 10-Aug. 2

» June 3-Aug. 9 » abysa.org; shane@abysa.org; 299-7277, ext. 304


» Ages 5-14. FUNdamentals Soccer Camps offers a games-centered teaching approach, creating an exciting and entertaining environment designed to boost player learning. Campers will be placed in proper age groups and skill levels to ensure all players benefit from developmentally appropriate activities, teaching and competition. The camp will employ games designed to build technical foundations for dribbling, passing, receiving, shielding, and shooting. Campers ages 11-14 will also be exposed to individual and small group tactical implications of the game. Half-day camps (9 a.m.-noon) for ages 5-6 for $115; full-day (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) for ages 7-14 for $195. At the JBL Soccer Complex at Azalea Park.

Asheville Christian Academy

» Youth Athletic Camps » ACAlion.org; 581-2200 » Grades 2-8. ACA will offer multiple weeklong camps on sport development, including baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball and sports performance. $80-$100. At 74 Riverwood Road, Swannanoa.

Asheville Jewish Community Center

» June 10-Aug. 2 » jcc-asheville.org; 253-0701; » Camp Ruach: Rising 1st- to 8th-graders. Weeklong sessions with swimming, sports, cooking, crafts, nature and gardening, dance and music and ending with a celebration of Shabbat. Horseback riding add-on available. 9 a.m.-3:30 or 5:30 p.m., starting at $195 members/$225 community. Extended and afternoon care available. At 236 Charlotte St., Asheville. » Camp Tikvah, June 17-July 12: Enables children on the autism spectrum to enjoy the fun and community of Camp Ruach in an individually monitored and

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Continued from Page 17 highly structured program. A collaboration between Autism Consulting and Training Inc. and Camp Ruach, Camp Tikvah is a unique four-week experience that allows these kids to participate in as many peer activities as is individually appropriate. Limited to six campers per session. Families must be interviewed prior to registration. Contact Camp Ruach Director, Seth Kellam to arrange your interview.

Asheville Lightning Junior Olympics

» Youth track and field, April 22-July » ashevillelightning.org; Bill Agrella, 242-0404; Lee Pantas, 779-1569 » Ages 6-18. Youth track and field program, sponsored by U.S. Track and Field. Practice and signups start April 22. Practice is 6:15-8 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, rain or shine, at Reynolds High School. $200 full membership; $150 practice-only membership.

Asheville Music School

» June 17-July 23 » ashevillemusicschool.com; 252-6244; downtownams@gmail.com » Ages 4 to adult. Camps include jazz band, piano band and rock/pop camp (all with placement audi-


tions April 27-28); ukulele camp; family and beginner piano and percussion camp; classical chamber ensemble music camp; Suzuki strings and more. Starts at $175. Full- and half-day camps. Held at 126 College St., Asheville.

Asheville Parks and Recreation

Contact information for each camp included in listings. » Summer Playground Program, June 10-Aug. 8: Rising grades 1-5. At Asheville area community centers. Games, crafts, cultural art and field trips. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Contact your community center or Allison Dains, 350-2058 or adains@ashevillenc.gov. » Summer Teen Leadership Program, June 10-Aug. 8: Rising grades 6-9. The Temp-Teen Enrichment Program offers an alternative to traditional teen summer camps with creative activities, diverse projects, field trips, more. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Contact Allison Dains, 350-2058 or adains@ashevillenc.gov. » Therapeutic Recreation Summer Enrichment Camp, June 10-Aug. 8: Ages 6-13, with or without mild to moderate cognitive or developmental delays who meet eligibility requirements. Inclusive program with group games, arts and crafts, nature exploration, more. One-on-one workers may come free with participants. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. MondayFriday. Randy Shaw, MHS, LRT/CTRS, 259-5483 or

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rshaw@ashevillenc.gov. » Therapeutic Recreation Teen Summer Camp: Middle- and high-schoolers with or without mild to moderate cognitive or developmental delays, who meet eligibility requirements. Eight-week inclusive camp with games, arts and crafts, nature exploration, special events and field trips. 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Offered in cooperation with F.I.R.S.T. Camp size is limited. Contact Randy Shaw, MHS, LRT/CTRS, 259-5483 or rshaw@ashevillenc.gov. » Food Lion Skate Park, June-July: Ages 6-15. Sharpen skateboarding skills. 9 a.m.-noon MondayFriday. $85 per session. Corner of Flint and Cherry streets, downtown Asheville. Call 225-7184 for dates and to register. » Tennis Program: Eight-week sessions for youth, beginners and intermediates starting in June at Malvern Hills and Aston parks; Reynolds and Roberson high schools; Enka and North Buncombe middle schools. Weekly 90-minute practices in early evening. $20. Registration starts in May. Call 2514074 or e-mail lloftis@ashevillenc.gov. Asheville Parks and Recreation Outdoor Adventure Programs For information and to register, contact Christen McNamara at 251-4029 or outdoorprograms@ashevillenc.gov, or visit ashevillenc.gov. » Adventure Camp, June 17-21, July 8-12: Ages 8-12. Hiking, swimming, rafting, caving, camping. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, with overnight

2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE camp out Thursday and pickup at noon Friday. Meets at East Asheville Recreation Center, 906 Tunnel Road. $175 residents/$180 nonresidents. » Eco-Explorers Camp, June 11-13: Ages 6-8. Environmental education focus with hiking, climbing at Montford Wall, stream investigation, field trip to Grandfather Mountain. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $65 residents/$70 nonresidents. » Tween Adventure Camp, July 16-18: Ages 11-14. Focus on outdoors skills with tubing, hiking, canoeing, whitewater rafting or inflatable kayaking. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $120 residents/$125 nonresidents. Includes all equipment, instruction and transportation. » Teen Canoe Camp Overnight, June 25-28: Ages 12-15. Canoe almost 25 miles on the New River in North Carolina. Participants must be able to swim 50 meters and be comfortable in the water. Campers will help set up and break down primitive camps, cook meals and follow all safety rules. $250 residents/$255 nonresidents, includes all equipment, meals, instruction and transportation. Campers must bring lunch and water the first day, and provide their own sleeping bag and pad. » Big Adventure Camp, July 22-25: Ages 12-15. Four days of adventuring in WNC and Eastern Tennessee. Activities include tubing at Deep Creek, canoeing the French Broad, rafting the Nantahala (class III) and Ocoee (class IV) rivers. Campers will help set up and break down primitive camps, cook

Asheville Performing Arts Academy

» June 10-Aug. 2 » ashevilleperformingartsacademy.com; 253-4000; theapaa@gmail.com » Preschool-eighth grade. Campers will put on a show in one week and perform to an audience. Shows include “Cinderella, Kids!”, “Willy Wonka, Kids!” and more. 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., extended care available. $250. At 210 Merrimon Ave., Asheville.

Asheville Physical Therapy

Jonathan Marchal with N.C. Arboretum explores critters in the creek with campers. AARON JENNINGS/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

meals, and follow all safety rules. Camp runs 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, with an overnight camp out on Wednesday, and camp until 5 p.m. Thursday. $215 residents/$220 nonresidents, includes all equipment, instruction and transportation. Campers must bring lunch and water for each day, and provide their own sleeping bag and pad for camp out.


» Speed camp, June-August » ashevillephysicaltherapy.com; 277-7547; brianlawlerpt@gmail.com » Ages 10-18+. Increase speed, agility and quickness. Correct inefficient movement patterns and weaknesses. Coached by speed expert Brian Lawler. 9-10:30 a.m. for younger campers, 4-5:30 p.m. for older campers, Monday-Thursday. $69.

Asheville Racquet Club

» June-August » ashevilleracquetclub.com; 274-3361; info@ashevilleracquetclub.com Ages 4-18. Club membership not required. Camps at

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Continued from Page 19 ARC South, 200 Racquet Club Road, include: » Little Sneakers, which introduces tennis to ages 4-7, runs 9 a.m.-noon; » All Day Sports Camp, ages 7-14, provides tennis program, supervised conditioning program and swim time, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. » Advanced-Level Junior Tennis Camp, for competitive level juniors throught the summer. Check website for exact dates. » Soccer Camps. British Soccer Camp, June 24-28. Hourlong session for ages 3-5, half or full day for ages 6-16. Starts at $105. TetraBrazil Futsal Camp, July 15-19. Half-day for ages 6-16, full-day for ages 8-16. Starts at $163. Visit www.challengersports.com. At ARC Downtown, behind Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1 Resort Drive, Asheville. » Two Day Junior Golf Camp, June 18-19 ages 8-10, June 25-26 ages 11-14 and July 9-10 ages 15-17. Taught by ARC’s Professional PGA instructor Gwen Miller. Includes instruction in full swing and short game skills plus on course experience. Lunch provided. $135.

Ballet Conservatory of Asheville

» Dance and theater workshops, June 10-Aug. 9 » balletconservatoryofasheville.com; 255-5777 » Ages 5-10. Weeklong workshops in ballet, jazz, tap and modern. Theater workshop (June 17-21) includes acting, voice and choreography. Friday showcase performances. Discount for multiple workshops. Full-day options. =Dance workshops 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Theater is 1-4 p.m. $155. At Five Points Studio, 6 E. Chestnut St.

Biltmore Equestrian Center

» June 10-Aug. 2 » biltmore.com/equestriancamp; 225-1454; emclean@biltmore.com » Ages 5 and up. Horseback riding camps focus on natural horsemanship skills, on the ground and in


Coach Allen Ebert helps Clover Frederick with dribbling drills as kids participate in the Crossfire Basketball Camp. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM the saddle, as well as equitation on the flat through walk, trot and canter. May include jumping. Instructor to camper ratio is 1:5 or better. For ages 8 and older, half-day camps, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $400; and one week of full-day camp, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., $700. Two-day mini-camps for ages 5-7, $175.

Black Mountain Center for the Arts

» June 24-28 » blackmountainarts.org; 669-0930; admin@blackmountainarts.org. » Grades K-3. Arts camp with visual arts, music and creative movement, taught by certified teachers. 9

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a.m.-noon. At 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. $100.

Bricks 4 Kidz

» bricks4kidz.com; wland@bricks4kidz.com » Ages 5-13. In these unique camps, children will build motorized creations, play games and have fun using LEGO bricks. Two half-day sessions, with different themes each week, including Super Hero Academy, Ninjago, Space Adventures, Animal Grossology and more. Held in conference room at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 2 Roberts Road, Asheville. Visit website for schedules.

2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Bullington Center

» July 8-12 » bullingtoncenter.org; jmurphy@ncsu.edu; 698-6104 » Rising grades 4-6. In Nature Explorers Camp, explore the plants and wildlife found in WNC fields, forests, gardens and streams through science investigation, crafts, storytelling and journaling. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. At Bullington Center, 33 Upper Red Oak Trail in Hendersonville. $120.

British Soccer Camp

British coaching staff teaches skills and team tactics. Free ball and jersey if you register 45 days before camp. Visit challengersports.com for details and to register for all camps. » Henderson County Soccer Association, June 10-14 and July 29-Aug. 2: Ages 3-14. Camps range from one hour for ages 3-4 up to full day for ages 9-14. At Jackson Park. $77-$177. » Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation, June 10-14: Ages 3-16. Hourlong camp for ages 3-4 (8:30-9:30 a.m., $85), 90 minutes for ages 4-5 (9:30-11 a.m., $109), up to half day (8:30-11:30 a.m., $135) for ages 6-16. At Enka Middle School, 390 Asbury Road, Candler. » Asheville Racquet Club, June 24-28: Ages 3-16. Camps range from one our for ages 3-4 to all day (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) for ages 8-16. $105-$204. » Buncombe County Parks and Recreation, July 8-12: Ages 3-16. Hourlong camp for ages 3-4 (8:30-9:30 a.m., $85), 90 minutes for ages 4-5 (9:30-11 a.m., $109), up to half day (8:30-11:30 a.m., $135) for ages 6-16. At Karpen Soccer Fields, 207 Reems Creek Road, Weaverville. » Waynesville Parks and Recreation, July 22-26: Ages 3-16. Hourlong camp for ages 3-4 up to full day (9 am.-4 p.m.) for ages 8-16. $80-175. Rec Center Soccer Fields, 550 Vance St., Waynesville.

Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation

» Lake Julian Park day camp, Aug. 5-9 » buncombecounty.org; Greg Mace, 250-4269 or greg.mace@buncombecounty.org » Rising grades 1-8. 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. with extended care until 6 p.m. Limited to 25 campers. Registration runs July 1-26. Activities include fishing, kayaking, canoeing, outdoor survival, crime scene investigation with the Buncombe County Sheriffs Department, a carnival day and more.

Camp Cedar Cliff

» June 17-July 26 » » campcedarcliff.org; 450-3331; camp@campcedarcliff.org » Rising grades K-6. Fun and adventure geared to help children succeed and grow, and to point them to God. Activities include archery, BBs, zip line, Bible studies, swimming, crafts, and more. Full-day sessions (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.). At the Billy Graham Training Center in East Asheville. $215.

Camp Pisgah

ing the natural world and building a community that values each child. Activities include homesteading, nature, singing, hikes, crafts and waterfront activities (zip line, gully washer, canoes, swimming). 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $325 with sibling discounts. Transportation available from Oakley Plaza on Fairview Road.

Camp Tekoa

» June 10-Aug. 9 » camptekoa.org; 692-6516 » Ages 5-8 (elementary) and 9-11 (adventure). Nature hikes, scavenger hunts, devotions, challenge course, swimming, paddle boating, hayrides, arts and crafts, games, songs, zip line, more. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. $185 elementary day camp, $195 adventure day camp. » Special needs day camp: Ages 8-12 with developmental disabilities. Campers have full participation in activities alongside other campers. Nature hikes, devotions, challenge course, zip line, boating, arts, crafts, hayrides, swimming, field games and water games. $210. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Carolina Pediatric Therapy

» Day camp, June 10-July 12 » camplikeagirl.org » Girls, grades 1-6. Sessions at Girl Scout Camp near Brevard include daily swimming, arts and crafts, sports, boating and a Thursday night sleepover. A great program for girls who are new to camp. Transportation available for additional cost from Asheville. $180, includes lunch, snack.

» carolinapeds.com; 670-8056 » School-aged children. For children who have diffic» ulty with handwriting as well as preschoolers who are just learning handwriting skills. Using techniques from the Handwriting Without Tears and the First Strokes programs, taught by occupational therapists, this innovative approach will focus on the development of fine motor skills required for improved pencil grasp, coloring, cutting and writing.

Camp Rockmont

Carolina Day School

» Coed day camp, June 10-Aug. 9 » Rockmont.com/day-camp; 686-3885; info@rockmont.com » Rising grades 1-5. Coed Christian day camp incorporates many aspects of the camp’s overall mission of growth: discovering new skills, explor-


» June 17-Aug. 9 » cdschool.org; Libby Roland, lroland@cdschool.org; 274-0758, ext. 305 » Rising pre-K to 5th grade for Summer Quest; rising

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Continued from Page 21 middle-schoolers for Summer Explorations; rising high-schoolers for Summer Workshops. Summer Quest offers a wide variety of academic, exploratory and quest camps including science, ecology, space, cooking, engineering, jewelry making, messy art, cartooning, sports, hiking and more. Summer Explorations offer an in-depth examination into a particular subject. Summer Workshops are directed toward high school students and offer intensive oneor two-week experiences. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. with extended care available. At 1345 Hendersonville Road. Starts at $155; discount before March 22.

Center Stage Dance Studio

» centerstage1.com; 654-7010; dance@centerstage1.com » Boys and girls, ages 3-8. Expert supervision led by professional dance instructors with classes in dance, music, theater and art. Campers receive instruction in etiquette, manners, team building and group play. An informal performance for family and friends serves as the grand finale each week. Camps run 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $220, with discount before May 15. Extended care available. At 38 Rosscraggon Road, Asheville.

Climbmax Climbing Center » June 17-21, July 8-12, Aug. 5-9


» climbmaxnc.com; 252-9996 » Ages 6-16. Programs start at indoor rock climbing facility and progress to outdoors climbing locations. Junior Youth Climbing for ages 6-13 also includes crafts, tumbling and more. Advanced camp for ages 12-16 is more intensive and directed climbing program with two days on real rock and two days paddling the French Broad River. Includes two nights camping. $385-525.

Colburn Earth Science Museum

» June 17-Aug. 9 » colburnmuseum.org; 254-7162; » Rising grades 1-7. Science camps with hands-on lessons, crafts and more. Themes include Journey to the Center of the Earth, Call of the Wild, Space Explorers, Ancient Astronomy and a girls-only What’s the Matter camp. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. MondayFriday, $175 members/$200 nonmembers.

Crossfire Ministry

» June 17-July 18 » crossfireministry.com; 255-9111 » Ages 6-17. Half-day, full-day and overnight coed basketball camps that teach fundamentals, with fun competitions. Testimonies and share time. At these locations: Asheville School (1-4:30 p.m. June 17-21, ages 6-12); Hendersonville First Baptist Church (1-4:30 p.m. June 24-28, ages 6-12); Waynesville Recreation Center (1-4:30 p.m. July 1-5, ages 6-12);

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Asheville Christian Academy (1-4:30 p.m. July 8-12, ages 6-17); Mars Hill College (8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. July 15-18, ages 9-17; and July 14-18 overnight for ages 9-17). $90 for half-day, $225 for full day, $350 for overnight.

Cub Scout Camp

» June 17-21 » danielboonecouncil.org; 254-6189 » Rising grades 1-5. For registered Cub Scouts. Boys can register as Cub Scouts during registration period. With archery, BB gun shooting, crafts, games, sports, nature and more. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Drive, Asheville. $100.

Eliada Home for Children

» June 10-Aug. 16 » eliada.org; 210-0224 » Ages 5-12 (must have completed kindergarten). Campus of 200+ acres with heated swimming pool, mountain hiking trails, mini-bike lessons, riding trails (ages 10-13), gymnasium, golf driving range, playground. Two air-conditioned spaces let children escape heat or rain to socialize, create arts and crafts, play games and more. Weekly sessions for ages 5-8 include planned activities, weekly field trip, daily swimming. For ages 9-12, two-week sessions include art, music, sports, outdoor recreation and health/fitness. 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $140. Child care vouchers accepted. At 2 Compton Drive, Asheville.

2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Emmanuel Lutheran School

Fletcher Town Hall. No camp July 4. Camp runs 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road.

» Summer Rocks, June 10-Aug. 9 » emmanuellutheranschool.org; 281-8182 » Rising grades 1-9. Variety of programs with field trips, arts and crafts, tae kwon do, sports, more. Two camps per week to choose from. 9 a.m.-noon Monday-Friday, with extended day 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. available. In drama camp, 4th- to 8th-graders can participate in the production of “Disney’s Little Mermaid Jr.” Auditions are 6-8 p.m. May 29-30. At 51 Wilburn Place, Asheville.

Flat Rock Playhouse YouTheatre

» June 3-Aug. 9 » ytrocks.com; 693-3517 » Pre-K to rising 12th grade. Sessions offered in musical theater, dance (ballet, theater dance and hip-hop), drama, improvisation, voice, visual arts (claymation, painting), stage combat, audition techniques, a traveling drama tour and more. Half-day (9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m.) and full-day (10 a.m.-3 p.m.) camps available in 1- and 2-week sessions. Full- and half-day workshops and classes also offered throughout summer. Starting at $40.

The Fountainhead Bookstore

» June 4-6 » fountainheadbookstore.com; 697-1870 » Ages 9 and up. Harry Potter Mini-Session includes activities based on the Harry Potter series, including creating your own butter beer. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $88.

Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa

Molly Angel offers weeklong art camps that explore a wide range of media for ages. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Fletcher Parks and Recreation

» June 1-Aug. 16 » fletcherparks.org; 687-0751; g.walker@fletchernc.org » Ages 5-12. Includes games, arts and crafts, swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Cane Creek Pool, field trips on Wednesday and Friday to outdoor recreation locales. $100 residents ($125 nonresidents). Registration day is 9 a.m.-noon March 9 at


» groveparkinn.com; 252-2711, ext. 1046 Kid’s Camp for hotel guests and members of GPI Sports Complex. Parent or guardian must be on resort property while children participate in the program. » Ages 5-12. Activities include swimming, arts and crafts, games, pizza party. Program runs 6-10 p.m. Fridays ($45); three times on Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. ($45), 1-4 p.m. ($30) and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. ($65). From June 1-Aug. 9, program runs Monday-Saturday. Group events can be coordinated outside listed dates and times.

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Gwynn Valley Camp

» June 11-July 20 » gwynnvalley.com; 885-2900; mail@gwynnvalley.com » Rising grades 1-5. Coed camp is based on the tradition of its residential camp, founded in 1935. Traditional summer program with working farm. Also includes arts, drama, music, sports, archery, horseback riding, more. 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m. $400.

Hahn’s Gymnastics

» June 10-Aug. 16 » hahnsgymnastics.com; 684-8832; hahnsgymnastics@hotmail.com » Ages 3-13. (Preschoolers must be potty-trained.) Arts and crafts, games and gymnastics. Full-day campers go swimming and on weekly field trips. Themes include Mad Scientist; Super Soakin’; Messy, Messy, Messy; Splish! Splash! Water Bash! and more. Full-day campers go on two field trips per week. Counselor-in-training program for teens who have finished 7th grade. Half-day (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) for ages 3-13, $85; full-day (8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.) for ages 5-13, $165. At 18 Legend Drive in Arden.

Hanger Hall

» Aug. 5-9, 12-16 » hangerhall.org; 258-3600; info@hangerhall.org » Two camps offered. For girls ages 11-15 (ages 14-15 can be assistant counselors), Warrior Women Week with adventure, challenge and fun in the outdoors including primitive skills, group games, wilderness backpacking and one overnight. $300. For rising grades 5-8, Crafty Hoopla Week includes field trips to swimming holes, crafts, skits and more. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $235. At Hanger Hall School for Girls, 30 Ben Lippen School Road.

Hickory Nut Gap Farm

» June 17-July 19 » hickorynutgapfarmcamp.com; Annie Ager, 2736236, or Susie Hamilton, 273-1628; annieagerhng@gmail.com » Ages 6-13. Camp is centered around horseback riding, and also offers art, pottery, swimming, and drama. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. $375 per week plus $25 one-time registration fee.

Hanger Hall girls school offers a couple of weeks of camps for girls ages 11-15 near the end of the summer. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Joyful Noise Community Music & Arts Center

» July 8-12 » joyfulnoisecenter.org; joyfulnoisecamp@yahoo.com » Ages 7-18. Unique summer program combines intensive string education under master instructors with an eclectic interdisciplinary arts experience. For early intermediate to advanced string players. Core classes consist of string orchestra, chamber music, master class instruction and a daily concert hour featuring faculty and area professionals. Students also choose from a variety of electives including Music Mind Games, musical theater, visual arts, fiddle, dance and quilting. Camp culminates in a showcase concert. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $295. Scholarships and discounts available. At First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville, 30 Alabama Ave.

The Little Gym

» Fiber camp, June 10-14 and 17-21 historicjohnsonfarm.org » Age 9 and older. Put on by Heritage Weavers, 458-0738. At 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville.

» Anytime Summertime Camps, June 10-Aug. 16 » tlgashevillenc.com; 667-9588 » Ages 3-10. Themed camps include gymnastics, crafts and more. Offered 10 a.m.-1 p.m. MondayThursday. Pick as many or few days as fits your schedule. Cost varies. Flex pass available. At 1000 Brevard Road, Suite 168.

Homestead Farm


Historic Johnson Farm

» Lisa Tygielski, 684-8745 » Ages 6-13. Focus on horseback riding and horse care, with daily riding and barn lessons. Also includes arts and crafts. Half-day camp, on Hoopers Creek Road in Fletcher. $300 by May 1; $350 after.


» Kinder Camp, June 10-14 and July 15-19 » lutheridge.com; 684-2361; kridenhour@llmi.net » Ages 4-7. Campers will learn about Jesus and how he calls them to new adventures every day. Traditional camp activities like crafts, games, songs, skits, stories and outdoor adventure on 160 acres of

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woods and trails. Campers grouped by age. On Hendersonville Road, south of Airport Road. $120, with discounts before March 12, April 13 and May 12.

Merrimon Avenue Baptist Church

» July 29-Aug. 2 » mabaptist.org; 252-2768 » Rising 1st-7th grades. Camp with arts, crafts, sports, music sessions and more. $5 per day, lunch provided. At 283 Merrimon Avenue in Asheville.

Molly Angel’s Art Camps

» June 17-21 (in Fletcher) and Aug. 5-9 (in Weaverville) » mollyangel.com; 681-0106; mollyangelart@gmail.com » Grades 1-6. Weeklong art camps feature drawing, painting, clay and collage offering students a wide range of media to explore and exciting projects to ignite their creativity. 10 a.m.-noon or 2-4 p.m. Limited to nine students per class. $95, includes all supplies.

Muddy Sneakers Summer Explorers

» June 3-Aug. 2 » muddysneakers.org; cfaia.org; lindsay@muddysneakers.org; 862-5560 » Ages 8-12. Explore and learn about various habitats around Western North Carolina with an experienced naturalist. Each day will focus on a different activity and ecosystem. 15 campers per session. For kids in and around Henderson, Buncombe and

2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Transylvania counties. Location TBA. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $350 per week.

Music Academy of WNC

» July 22-26 » wncmusicacademy.com/summer-programs; 6933726; mike@wncmusicacademy.com Rising 4th-8th grades. Camps run 9 a.m.-noon. Two camps offered: Mountain Dulcimer and Beginning Suzuki Strings. In dulcimer camp, kids will learn to assemble an instrument and play several songs individually and in a group. Led by Leslie Zarnowski. $120. At Beginning Orchestral Strings day camp, students will learn violin, viola or cello. Curriculum focuses on correct posture, listening techniques and rhythm. Format includes private, group and masterclass instruction. Instrument rental available. Led by Carolyn Tackett. $100.

Musical Academy-Asheville

» musicacademyasheville.com; 252-1888 Camps at 1408 Patton Ave. Suite F, Asheville. » Musical theater workshop, June 17-24. Ages 12 and up. Professional actor and singer Wendy Jones presents musical theater workshops for singers. Covers vocal technique, all facets of auditioning, head shots/resumes and how to keep it all in balance. Students will participate in daily Master Class sessions where they will receive individual feedback and instruction on a prepared musical theater piece. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $175. » Jazz vocal workshop, July 15-19. Ages 14 and up. Led by jazz singer and educator Wendy Jones, students will learn proper jazz vocal technique,beginning improvisation,song interpretation, and participate in vocal jazz ensemble. No Jazz experience necessary. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $175. » Musical experience, July 1-5 and 29-Aug. 2. Ages 7-12. Explore the basics of music theory, group and solo performance and composition with voice, hand percussion and the recorder.

Ninja Kids Club

» June 10-Aug. 12 » ashevilleninjakidsclub.com; 280-0624 » Ages 5-11. Students will progress through a solid curriculum that builds character, safety skills and physical ability, while fostering healthy habits and great friendships. All levels welcome. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. $89 per week, $425 for a five-week series. At 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. On sunny days, class will be at the Botanical Gardens nearby.

N.C. Arboretum

» Discovery camps, June 10-Aug. 16 » ncarboretum.org; 665-2492; jmarchal@ncarboretum.org » Rising K-12. Every child deserves a chance to enjoy and explore the natural world. Camps for younger children include wildlife safaris, creek explorations, nature crafts and fort building. Older students

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Continued from Page 27 engage in adventure activities both on campus and at other local destinations. Camps include rafting, hiking, geocaching, camping, mountain biking, fishing, more. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with before and after care, and some overnight stays. Starting at $195. At N.C. 191 and the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts

» June 10-Aug. 9 » odysseyceramicarts.com; 285-0210 » Ages 4-14. Half-day clay camps include themes Gabe’s Groovalicious Clay Games, Young Potters Wheel Workshop, Mud Monkeys, Tea Parties for Princesses and more. 9 a.m.-noon or 2-5 p.m. $125150 with scholarships available. At 236 Clingman Ave., Asheville.

Odyssey Community School

» Summer Adventure Camps, June 3-Aug. 9 » odysseysummercamp.com; 259-3653; tking@odysseycommunity.org » Ages 5-12. Camps include sports and fitness, daily swimming, arts and crafts, nature exploration, outdoor adventures, reading, and hanging out with friends. 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., with before and after care available. $100 for two day (Tues/Thurs); $150 for three day (Mon/Wed/Fri); $200 for full week.


Discount available for three or more full weeks. At 90 Zillicoa Street, Asheville.

Opera Creations

» Youth Summer Operetta, July 22-26 » operacreations.org; Karen Svites, 273-6462; ashevilleoperacreations@gmail.com » Late elementary-high school age. Auditions are 10 a.m. June 1 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 10 N. Liberty St., Asheville. Participants will receive individual lessons for music preparation prior to camp. Operetta is a fully staged, costumed production of “The King, the Queen and The Bee.” Camp runs 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $295.


» July 1-Aug. 8 » facebook.com/playballasheville; maxyplayball@gmail.com; 575-3000 » Ages 3-6. Coach Maxy guides children through the world of sport with creative lessons and opportunities to learn new skills, make new friends, and gain confidence and boost selfesteem. Each activity focuses on balance, coordination, speed, and how to have fun while playing team sports. $40 per day or $140 for 4-day session. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday-Thursday. At St. Paul’s Preschool, 223 Hillside St., Asheville.

Providence Christian Academy

» June 10-Aug. 2 » 658-8964 » Rising grades 1-6. His Kids Summer with themes including karate, gymnastics, art week, VBS and more. Camp Runs 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., full or half day. At 48 Woodland Hills Road in Asheville.

Richmond’s Studio

» Art camps, June 10-Aug. 2 » richmonds-studio.com; 777-3345; admin@richmonds-studio.com » Rising grades K-12. Half-day weeklong fine arts classes in drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture and printmaking taught by fine artists and licensed art teachers. An educational program with lots of fun, too. 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. At Richmond’s Studio, in Phil Mechanic Studios in the River Arts District. $150, with discounts including early bird for $120 before May 1.


» June-July » riverlink.org/camps.asp; 252-8474, ext. 18; education@riverlink.org » Rising grades 3-5 (June 10-14 and July 8-12) and rising grades 6-8 (June 24-28 and July 15-19). Start at French Broad River Park on Amboy Road and take field trips to different sites in the French Broad River

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Watershed. Includes environmental education, river recreation, service learning. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $250.

Rock Academy

» June 10-14 and 24-28; July 8-12 and 22-26 » rockacademync.com; 252-1888; anne@rockacademync.com » Ages 9-17. Rock Academy Summer Camp is the perfect place for young musicians to meet and play with others who want the coolest of summer camp experiences. Hands-on atmosphere at a state-of-theart rehearsal space. Campers perfect their performance skills as individuals and, most importantly, as a band. Runs 9 a.m.-1 p.m. with snack and lunch break, at 1408 Patton Ave, West Asheville, behind Music City. With noon Friday concert. $175.

Roots + Wings School of Art

» June 10-July 22 » rootsandwingsarts.com; 545-4827; info@rootsandwingsarts.com » Age 3-rising 12th-graders. Camps will explore a large variety of art and design mediums. Camps will also incorporate fitness and music. Monday-Friday at multiple . Cost varies.

The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club » June 10-Aug. 2

$40 per camp. Held in Fairview.

Looking for overnight camp listings? Find information on coed, girls, boys and special needs camps at www.wnparent.com.

» 255-0266; Elizabeth.Shuman@uss. salvationarmy.org » Ages 6-13, with teen center for ages 14-18. Arts and crafts, games, swimming, sports, field trips, music and Vacation Bible School, with hot lunch and snacks. Some campers will spend a week at overnight camp or participate in basketball camp. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday at 750 Haywood Road. Child care vouchers accepted. $65 registration fee; $125 or less, with scholarships available. Teen Center is $50 per week, plus registration fee. Register 3-6 p.m. Monday-Thursday, starting April 1.

Soccer Speed camp

» June 4-5, July 9-11, Aug. 6-8 » soccerspeed.org; leepantas@bellsouth.net; 7791569 » Ages 9-16. Speed development camp for soccer players. Learn the fundamentals of proper sprinting and starting techniques. Three camps, 6-7:30 p.m.


Swannanoa 4-H Camp

» June 4-Aug. 16 » swannanoa4hcenter.org; 686-3196; addie@swan4h.com » Ages 4-13. Includes climbing wall, swimming, archery, riflery, arts and crafts and more. $140/week or $250 for two consecutive weeks.


» High-Tech Day Camps, June 17 – Aug 1 » tek-kids.com; summercamps@tek-kids.com; Ian, 423-4046 » Ages 9-16.From video game design to Minecraftmodding, from robots to potato cannons, each week focuses on a different age range, providing fun and educational activities to stimulate the mind of every young inventor or designer. All camps are 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Thursday at Movement and Learning Center, downtown. $179.

Transylvania Community Arts Council

» tcarts.org; 884-2787; tcarts@comporium.net » Camps held at TCArts Council, 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard.

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Continued from Page 29 » Summer Art Camp, June 24-28: Ages 5-12. Explore visual arts, music, dance and pottery. 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m. $75. » Mountain Roots Pottery Camp, July 8-12 or 22-26: Ages 6-15. Learn and practice basic handbuilding skills including pinch, coil and slab techniques, and paint with glasses. 9 a.m.-noon (ages 6-10) or 1:30-4:30 p.m. (ages 10-15). Visit mountainroots.org or email ali@mountainroots for more information.

True Ink

» June 17-Aug. 2 » true-ink.org; 215-9002; janet@true-ink.org » Elementary-high school. Creative writing camps that are fun, active, experiential and nontraditional. Camps combine writing with illustration, stopaction animation (film), spoken word performance poetry, puppet theater, and more. With highly qualified professional writers and artists. Asheville locations vary by program and include The Thomas Wolfe Memorial site. Prices start at $135.

UNC Asheville

» Nike Smoky Mountain Running Camp, July 7-26: Ages 11-18. Weeklong sessions led by high school and college-level coaches. Advanced Place-


ment Cross Country Class for elite runners with college-level instruction about art and science of running. Daily runs in the national forest. Video taping with personal form analysis. Middle school program, July 14-19 only. Overnight, $675. Visit unca.edu/oaci.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley

» June 10-14, 24-28 » Sybil Argintar, 230-3773 or sybil.argintar@yahoo.com » Rising grades 1-8. Journey for the Earth is an environmental adventure. Each day will focus upon a different environmental theme, including recycling, solar energy, animal world, water, and sustainable food production. June 10-14 for rising grades 1-4 and June 24-28 for rising grades 5-8. Both 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Activities and field trips will be age-appropriate. $160. Partial scholarships will be available. Discount for siblings. Extended care available. At 500 Montreat Road, Black Mountain.

Vance Elementary’s Camp Invention

» June 10-14 » campinvention.org; Rockelle Hancock, 350-6600

» Program of the National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation for rising grades 1-6. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $220.

Veritas Christian Academy

» June 3-July 18 » veritasnc.org; 681-0546 » Rising Pre-K to 5th grade. Summer soccer workouts, 5:15-6:15 p.m. June 3-7, taught by Veritas men’s soccer team. Basketball camps run 9 a.m.-noon June 10-13 and July 15-18. Players will be grouped by age for different skill level teaching and challenges. Players will learn basics of the game. Includes 15-minute devotion time with guest speaker. At 17 Cane Creek Road, Fletcher. $90 per camper wtih sibling discounts. Art Camp runs 9-11:30 a.m. June 10-14 for rising grades 1-5. All supplies included for $105.

Warren Wilson College » warrenwilsonowls.com » Check website for camp details.

Western Carolina University

For details on WCU’s camps, visit www.wcu.edu/13177.asp. » Bright Stars Theatre Summer Camp: 12:30-5:30 p.m. July 15-19. Ages 8-17. $110 for first child, $100 for additional. Limited to 30 student and overseen by two professional instructors. The camp includes theater

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE games, improvisation, stage directing, character work, entertaining discussions, tours of the space and much more. With Friday showcase. » Catamount Adventure Camps: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. weekly. Details online. » Good Old Time Summer Day Camp, 8:30-5 p.m. July 22-26. Ages 9-13. Mountain Heritage Center, WCU Art Department, and Hunter Library combine to offer program will focus on exploring the culture of the region by covering the heritage of southern Appalachia, Cherokee and the pioneer experience. Campers will investigate and create crafts like mask making, weaving, candle making, open-hearth cooking and pottery. They will also listen to a local old-time musician and take a field trip to see local sites of natural and historic interest. Culminates in day of show and tell with families. » Rocket to Creativity camp, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. June 24-28. Details online. » Summer Reading Adventures, 8 a.m.-noon June 17-28. Reading reinforcement for rising grades 1-3. $125.

WNC Nature Center

» June 3-Aug. 9 » wncnaturecenter.com; 298-5600, ext. 305 » Pee Wee Camp: Preschool and kindergartenage children with parent or guardian. 9 a.m.-noon.

$70 members/$75 nonmembers. » Wild Week Camps: Rising grades 1-5. Environmental focus with crafts, hikes and wildlife encounters. 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. with after care available, 3-5 p.m. $150 members/$175 nonmembers.

Xplore USA

» June 22-Aug. 16 » xploreusa.org; 651-8502; info@xploreusa.org » Ages 10-18. Morning language classes, afternoon activities like swimming, hiking, bowling, scavenger hunt, police department visit, volunteer projects. Weekly excursions to area attractions like Carowinds, tubing, white water rafting. All with international students. Runs 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Francine Delany New School for Children, 119 Brevard Road, Asheville.

YWCA of Asheville

» June 10-Aug. 15 » ywcaofasheville.org; 254-7206, ext. 111; cici.weston@ywcaofasheville.org » Grades K-6. Gardening, swimming (including lessons), field trips, fitness activities, music, drama, art and nutrition. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. $140 members/$160 nonmembers. At 185 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville.

YMCA of Western North Carolina ymcawnc.org; 210-2273 (except where stated other-


wise) Camps have one-time registration fee, noted after the session cost per child/per family. Financial aid applications available for some camps. » YMCA Discovery Camps, June 4-Aug. 20: Rising 1st-graders to age 12. Day camps based at Buncombe County Schools. Themed weeks with field trips, swimming/watersports, hiking, science/rocketry, crafts, songs, group games, a 3-day/2-night campout option at the Y’s resident camp (ages 7-12), summer family nights, more. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. $155 ($35/$50). Includes breakfast, lunch and two snacks daily. State child care subsidy vouchers accepted at this camp only. » YMCA Discovery Camp in Hendersonville, June 10-Aug. 16: Ages 4-12. Themed weeks with field trips, swimming/watersports, hiking, science/rocketry, crafts, songs, group games, a 3-day/2-night campout option at the Y’s resident camp (ages 7-12), summer family nights, more. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. $155 ($35/$50). Includes breakfast, lunch and two snacks daily. State child care subsidy vouchers accepted at this camp only. Financial aid applications available. » YMCA Explorer Camp at Beaverdam, June 4-Aug. 16: Rising 1st grade to age 12. Environmental/ traditional day camp at the YMCA Youth Center in North Asheville. Activities including nature, sports, adventure courses, teambuilding, crafts, archery,

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2013 DAY CAMP GUIDE Continued from Page 33 ecology, outdoor cooking, science, camp songs, drama, group games, hiking, swimming, field trips, rocketry, a 3-day/2-night campout option at our resident camp (ages 7-12), more. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday–Friday. $165 ($50/$75). Counselors-in » YMCA Counselors-in-Training, June 4-Aug. 16: Ages 13-17. CITs will receive hands-on experience with assisting youth mentors in the day-to-day operations of camp. Trainings in a variety of topics ranging from CPR and First Aid to interview skills and conflict resolution. With teambuilding excursion away from camp each week. CITs attending at least six weeks will be rewarded with a Carowinds field trip at the end of the summer. $140 per week. » Corpening Memorial YMCA Day Camp, June 10-Aug. 23: Rising grades K-12. Activities include nature hikes, camp songs, group games, arts and crafts, swimming, outdoor exploration, water play, drama and music, sports, field trips and more. Leaders in Training for grades 6-8; Counselors In Training for grades 9-12. 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. MondayFriday. McDowell County residents only. $75 members/$95 nonmembers ($35/$50 registration fee). Call 659-9622, ext. 115. » YMCA Kiddie Camp at Beaverdam, June 4-Aug. 16: Ages 4-5. Kiddie Camp is special part of Explorer Camp with smaller groups and additional staff. Activities include nature, camp crafts, ecology, sports, camp songs, dramatic play, swimming, field trips, more. Story time and a rest/nap time each day. 8-11:45 a.m. and 12:15-4 p.m. Register for either daily session or both. $82.50 per session per week or $155 per week for both sessions ($35/$50). » YMCA Kiddie Camp at Estes Elementary, June 4-Aug. 16: Ages 4-5. Kiddie Camp is special part of Explorer Camp with smaller groups and additional staff. Activities include nature, camp crafts, ecology, sports, camp songs, dramatic play, swimming, field trips, more. Story time and a rest/nap time each day. 8 a.m.-noon and noon-4 p.m. Register for either daily session or both. $82.50 per session per week or $155 per week for both sessions ($35/$50). » Mild Adventure Camp, June 4-Aug. 16: Ages 8-12. For kids who like the outdoors and physical activity. Adventure courses, field trips, hiking, swimming, games, outdoor skills challenge, more. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. At YMCA Youth Center at Beaverdam in North Asheville. $185 ($50/$75). » Wild Adventure Camp, weeks of June 17, July 8, 15 and 29, and Aug. 5: Ages 10-17. For kids with extreme adventure on their minds. Includes challenging hikes, rock climbing, bouldering, etc. With one special trip each week such as whitewater rafting, paintball, zip lines, more. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. At YMCA Youth Center at Beaverdam in North Asheville. $200 ($50/$75). » Wilderness Sleepaway Camp, weeks of June 24, July 22 and Aug. 11: Ages 12-17. For teens looking for extreme adventure with an overnight camp. Includes adventure courses on Monday. Sleep away Tuesday-Friday at Camp Watia in Swain County, with hiking on the Appalachian Trail, rock climbing, swimming, whitewater rafting, service project. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday, pickup Friday by 6 p.m. At


Joyful Noise puts on an intensive strings camp with master instructors for early intermediate to advanced players. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT YMCA Youth Center at Beaverdam in North Asheville. $395 ($50/$75). » YMCA Swim Camp, July 8-12 and Aug. 5-9: Ages 8-12. For intermediate to strong swimmers. Groups work on intensive skills and drills, junior lifeguard training, proper safety and daily competitions to introduce and acclimate children to swim team culture. Must already have swim skills and be comfortable swimming in the water without flotation devices. $135. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ($50/$75). At Asheville Y. Extended camp available at Beaverdam or Estes or Oakley camps between 7 a.m.-6 p.m. (transportation provided). » YMCA “Sports and Games” Swim Camp, July 8-12 and Aug. 5-9: Ages 6-12. Campers will work on increasing comfort level in the water through a variety of activities including learning basic strokes, playing water polo, and boat and float time. Campers must be comfortable in shallow water without flotation devices. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Reuter Y, with extended camp available at Beaverdam, Estes Camp, or Oakley Camp, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. (transportation provided). $135 ($50/$75). » YMCA Lego Camp, June 10-14 and July 15-19: Rising 1st grade to age 12. LEGO model building featuring working motors; unique, free-play bricks for creative model building; games and challenges using Lego bricks; many themes including robotics, movie-making, space academy, remote control mania, more. $125 ($50/$75). Extended camp available at Beaverdam, Hendersonville, Sandhill or Estes, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. » YMCA Art Camp, June 24-28 and July 29-Aug. 2. Rising 1st grade to age 12. Campers work in a variety of mediums including weaving, pottery, wax, and

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paint. This is focused art work and should be reserved for campers who love arts. $110 ($50/$75). At art studio in Black Mountain, 9 a.m.-noon with extended camp available at Beaverdam, Black Mountain Camp or Oakley Camp, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. (transportation provided). » YMCA Tennis Camp, Ages 7-12. Work on skills, drills, form, the mechanics of the game, and complete matches with other players. Must bring racquet. Focused instruction and should be reserved for campers who are interested in developing skills in tennis. $110 ($50/$75). 9 a.m.-noon with extended camp available at Hendersonville YMCA Discovery Camp from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. (transportation provided). » Reuter YMCA Sports camps, June-August. Rising grades 2-5. All Sports Camp focuses on basic fundamentals of a variety of sports including flag football, soccer and basketball. Youth All Sports Camp includes popular and nontraditional sports like rock climbing, cycling and more. Pop Warner Football and Cheer Camp focuses on flag football and cheerleading, with scrimmages, routines and one-on-one training. And Little All-Star Camp focuses on fundamentals of soccer, basketball and T-ball. All camps run 9 a.m.-noon and cost $95 member/$115 nonmember, plus registration fee ($50/$75). Call 651-9622. Extended camp available 7 a.m.-6 p.m. at Estes Camp (transportation provided). » Asheville YMCA Youth Sports Camp, Grades 2-5. All Sports Camp focuses on fundamentals of several sports including ultimate Frisbee, disc golf, field hockey, lacrosse and agility camp. Youth All Sports Camp includes popular and nontraditional sports. $175. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., with an optional early and late pick up for an additional $15. Call 210-9622.



Giving moms a helping hand

Two programs help moms finish school, get back on their feet

By Marla Hardee Milling, WNC Parent contributor

The workday doesn’t end at 5 p.m. for Tangela Bowman, director of the MotherLove Program at the Asheville YWCA. “My girls know they have access to me 24/7.” She wouldn’t have it any other way. For Bowman, helping teens that are pregnant or new moms isn’t a job, it’s part of her life purpose. “I’m always excited about what I do and making an impact in someone’s life,” she says. “They are also making an impact on my life.” The MotherLove program includes 30 participants at seven schools in Buncombe County. When it started about 25 years ago it focused solely on Asheville High School. It has grown to include a total of seven schools including Continues on Page 37


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From left, Jasmine Flint, Teresa Allen, group leader Tangela Bowman, Ahmarie Gaines, Taiyanna Collington and Keyshaunna Ellington meet for the YWCA’s MotherLove Lunch Bunch at Asheville High School. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM



A helping hand Continued from Page 37

the Community High School, Reynolds, Erwin, Owen, Enka and Roberson. Teresa Allen is a senior at Asheville High School and a participant in the MotherLove Program. “I found out I was pregnant over the summer of 2011,” says Allen. “I don’t know how the school found out, but they introduced me to the MotherLove Program. At that time I was living with my grandmother and alcoholic granddad. It was rough for me.” She says Bowman would sometimes let her stay at her house when her home life was too difficult. Bowman also picked her up and took her to her doctor appointments to ensure good prenatal care. “She’s basically my second mom,” says Allen. “I love everything about the program and I made a lot of friends with the other girls.” The participants all meet once at month for dinner and a program at the YWCA. They also gain important information through special lunchtime gatherings. “We do lunch bunches at every school,” says Bowman. “We come in and provide lunch for them and we provide a speaker.” In February the speaker was a staff member from Helpmate who provided education about domestic abuse. In March, Wells Fargo staff will present the young women with useful tips on such topics as balancing their checkbooks, creating a budget and applying for credit. Through a voucher system, Allen is able to secure child care for her almost year-old son at Asheville City Preschool while she finishes requirements for her diploma at Asheville High School. She’s on track to graduate in June. Bowman urges supporters of this program to become advocates to push legislators to maintain the voucher system. “Vouchers are being put on hold even for teen moms,” says Bowman. “This is such a serious issue because if these girls don’t get these vouchers they will have to drop out of high school because they won’t have anyone to take care of their child.” Anyone interested in becoming a mentor to the girls or helping in other ways can contact Bowman at the YWCA or visit www.ywcaofasheville.org


Through the MOMs program, Ashlee Coggins, with sons Andre and Ki'Andre Chalk, was able to take classes to work toward her CNA certification. She now is looking into jobs at local nursing homes and is considering going back to school to obtain a nursing degree. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Mothers on the Move Mothers on the Move is another program designed to help single moms. Administered through Mountain Area Child and Family Center, the program gives moms the support and encouragement they need to earn a degree, whether it’s a high school diploma, GED, certification, college degree or related program. Francine Weinhagen, of Arden, completed her associate degree last May at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College. She has two children, a 9-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter. She says without the support she received from the Mothers on the Move program she would not have been able to afford child care while she pursued her educational goals. “Day care was so expensive, even with the vouchers,” says Weinhagen. “I had been involved with MACFC for a long time. When they created Mothers on the Move, I jumped right on it. It helped cover what the vouchers didn’t cover.” Mothers on the Move provides weekly one-on-one meetings with a social worker as well as information on financial aid and scholarships. The participants also

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come together once a month for dinner and conversation where they have a chance to find out they are not alone. “Participants talk about their successes and challenges,” says Dianna Ritola, director of the Mothers on the Move program. “Being a single mom is isolating. Living in poverty is isolating. They get to hear about other women in similar situations.” The program began in the spring of 2009 and can accommodate 20 moms at a time. It’s also open to dads. Ritola says Mothers on the Move has served 65 women — that number includes those who are currently taking part. To date, 22 have finished some form of a degree. Dianna “One of the reasons we Ritola started was research that showed the number one indicator of a child’s success in school is the education level of the mom,” says Ritola. “When one person in a community shifts, there’s an impetus for other people in the community to shift. It has a snowball effect.” To learn more about the Mothers on the Move program, visit www.macfc.org.



PICTURE PERFECT Ideas on where in WNC to get great photos of your children

By Emry Trantham WNC Parent contributor

We document our children. Whether through baby books or Facebook albums or personal blogs, it is a natural instinct as parents for us to record our children’s growth and change. We’re making memories, and we’re saving memories. The digital age has changed the way we do this; the method of keeping old photographs in shoeboxes has shifted to having file folders full of thumbnails. What hasn’t changed, however, is that we want our family pictures to be beautiful. Living as we do in Western North Carolina, we have an abundance of great places to hone our photography skills.

Local parks

Let your kids play in nature, like here in Nantahala National Forest, and take photos as they frolick. AMANDA KISHLAR/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT


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Amanda Kishlar, of Green Shack photography, speaks highly of local parks. “The best part of photographing at the park (is that) the kids are rewarded for their cooperation during pictures with playtime,” she says. Parks are happy places for kids, and usually offer a variety of backdrops. The colorful playground equipment can add a playful element to your snapshots, but many of our local parks also feature great scenery. “In the summertime, Fletcher Park has some great corn fields to use as a backdrop,” Kishlar notes. Though you may be tempted to

take your kids out at lunchtime for a nice, sunny picnic, keep in mind that bright lighting is often hard to photograph. “Harsh sunlight can cause squinting and heavy contrast in your pictures. Try taking pictures in the morning, evening or on an overcast day instead,” she suggests. Another advantage of passing up sunny afternoons at the park is that you will encounter fewer crowds, which will make it much easier to focus on your child.

Downtown Asheville

Though an urban setting might not immediately come to mind for family photography, downtown Asheville has many unique features that make it a great place for a photo shoot. All kids love water, and the fountains in Pack Square Park provide a perfect spot for summertime snapshots. If you’re worried that your kids will be too distracted to pose for pictures, don’t be. “I'm a big believer in catching a moment as it happens,” Kishlar says. “You don't have to have eye contact to take a beautiful photo.” What you want to remember most from your photographs is how much fun your kids had. The downtown experience isn’t limited to fountains, though. “If you're wanting some with a little more culture, downtown Asheville is packed full of funky statues and interesting architecture,” says Mary Cochran of Frances Photography. Tony Hood, owner of French Broad Imaging, names the Grove Arcade as one of his favorite places to take pictures, citing its Gothic architecture as a big draw. Standing a young child against a century-old, traditional building is a great juxtaposition. One of Hood’s tips that is especially applicable to downtown shooting is to focus on more than the subject of the photograph: “Always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to the background,” he explains. Watch out for distracting parked cars, passersby, and bright signs in the background of Continues on Page 42



PICTURE PERFECT Continued from Page 41

your images; the background of your picture should add to, not detract from, the primary subject of your child.


The reward of photographing children in the park is it gives them a place to play right when they’re done smiling. AMANDA KISHLAR/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT


Flowers are beautiful, colorful and vibrant, providing a nice background for photographs. Luckily, WNC has several perfectly maintained gardens to choose from. The Botanical Garden at UNCA is another location that Hood recommends. As a local nonprofit, there is no admission charge (though donations are accepted and there is a membership program), so it is a budget-friendly option. And while the flowers are one of the most obvious advantages of this location, Tony says, “It has a small stream as well that provides a great photo op.” N.C. Arboretum is another location for a kid-friendly photo shoot. Flowers, landscaping and scenery abound, and while there is usually a parking fee, the fee is waived on the first Tuesday of

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each month. Cochran calls the Arboretum one of her favorite places to shoot, saying, “It is very affordable, and there are tons of photo opportunities.” The Arboretum is a large place and can make for a longer visit, so charge your batteries and have an extra memory card in your camera bag if you plan to visit.


Western North Carolina is one of the most naturally beautiful areas in the world. The mountains that surround Asheville are fascinating, and how better to showcase your children than to also feature the landscape they call home? “The Blue Ridge Parkway, Pisgah Forest, and Dupont Falls are ... great places to capture kids' sense of adventure,” Cochran says. Set out for a day in the woods, kids and camera in tow, and you will come away with some fantastic pictures. Whether your children like climbing trees, wading in rivers, scaling rocks or just ambling on trails, the forests of Western North Carolina will make for a beautiful environment to capture smiles of the most natural kind.

Modifying TV habits may help behavior By Michelle Healy USA TODAY


ant to improve your preschoolers’ behavior? Be choosy when it comes to the television shows they watch — even if you don’t reduce the amount of time they spend watching them, a study finds. In one of the largest studies yet to examine how modifying TV content affects the development of young children ages 3 to 5, researchers report that six months after families reduced their kids’ exposure to aggressive and violence-filled programming and increased exposure to enriching and educational programming — even without changing the number of viewing hours — kids demonstrated statistically significant improved behavior compared to children whose media diet went unchanged. And the improvements — declines in aggression and being difficult and increases in healthy social behaviors such as empathy, helpfulness and concern for others — persisted at 12 months, says the

study involving 565 families in last month’s Pediatrics. Overall, the amount of TV viewed did not decrease, but all kids’ behavior improved, and low-income boys, who tend to watch the most TV, benefited the most, says study author Dimitri Christakis, director of the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Preschoolers watch nearly 4.5 hours of TV a day, “an alarming amount,” that too often includes age-inappropriate programming, from “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” to adult action movies such as “Batman,” says Christakis. Young children “learn by imitating what they see,” and for preschoolers, “a lot of what they see is on TV.” Television content “is vitally important and it doesn’t get that much attention,” he adds. The study findings, however, are not an endorsement of untold hours of TV watching for kids, according to Christakis: “What it’s saying is that however much TV your child watches, it’s worth the parents’ efforts to


be more selective.” (The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages TV and other media use by children under age 2 and says it should be limited to less than 2 hours a day for older children.) In the study, half of families were given a “media diet” intervention which included telephone calls from case managers, monthly mailings with a program guide of recommended television shows and schedules, a newsletter with tips and reinforcement of key messages, and DVDs with short clips of programs the researchers considered age appropriate and worthwhile. They were also taught how to use the V chip on their television, if they wished, how to set up kid zones on the DVR, if they had them, and encouraged to watch television with their child. The other half of families served as a comparison group and received an intervention focused solely on healthy eating. Christakis notes that even after the study ended, many parents asked to continue receiving the program guides, an indication of parents interest in finding appropriate TV shows for their kids.



Ramona Barber, left, known as the “teen whisperer,” works with Rick Maris, 18, in her West Des Moines, Iowa, home this winter. She is helping him make choices about college and career interests. Barber has an uncanny ability to get inside the teen mind and come out with a life plan that suits them. CHRISTOPHER GANNON/GANNETT

Quirky adviser helps students make key college decisions By Mike Kilen Gannett

Parents prefer the title “Teen Whisperer.” Across a paper-stacked kitchen table is a welcoming, no-nonsense woman of 62 with a reputation that stretches


across Iowa and beyond. Ramona Barber has an uncanny ability to get inside the teen mind — to go beyond the surface of their monetary dreams, to cast off what others expect, to burrow under even their own faulty self-perceptions — and come out the other side with a life plan that suits

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them. She has never advertised and rarely has been interviewed. Yet Barber, who could generically be called a private college counselor, has a waiting list that stretches four months, even while putting in 12-hour days. She has clients from all over the United States, plus

Brazil, Hong Kong and Portugal. Parents pool their money and fly her to Florida or Boston. “Her reputation is legendary,” said Tom Stark, an Ames orthodontist whose four children all were whispered to by Barber. “She will get these kids to open up to her in a way that is magical. When she sat down with our oldest, Emily, 1 1/2 hours after she met she knew her as well as we did.” Emily wanted to be a dog nurse, or help the homeless. Turns out she was better suited to accounting. How does Barber perform her feats — entering the mind of a 17-year-old? “I don’t think you go to LeBron James and ask, ‘How do you do this?’ If you could, we would have a significant number of pro athletes,” said Barber, who is not without her critics, especially in school counselor circles. “All I know is for as long as I can remember, I have been able to sit down with a young person, talk to them, and get glimmers of what is going on in their mind. And somehow I’m able to turn these glimmers into a platform of how to go forward.” Parents will typically pay $300 to do this, and gladly, considering the highstakes gamble that a college education can be these days. And because kids, Barber said, have a natural block when it comes to listening to their parents. Take the case of Katie Campbell. She is a 17-year-old high school senior who visited Barber in November. She was convinced she wanted to be a choir teacher. She loves singing in the high school choir and playing in band. Performing gives her great joy. And, after all, that’s what her older brother had decided for his career. Barber asked Campbell for her favorite TV shows and colors, what she liked and didn’t, all the stuff she thought had nothing to do with her future. Then she was asked to stand up and face Barber, who drew close to peer into her eyes, describing what she saw deep inside with a poetic soliloquy that left Campbell a bit dazed. “It’s crazy how she can read someone, the way she figured out I loved the spotlight and liked being around people, but loved my alone time,” Campbell said. “It’s a gift, really.” Then the conversation turned. She asked what Campbell really liked and Continues on Page 46



TEEN WHISPERER Continued from Page 45

really didn’t. Turns out, although she enjoys the spotlight, she doesn’t like to lead. She loves writing in a journal every day. They later talked about working in publications, writing or designing. “I was completely blown away by it,” said Campbell, who went home to write about it in her journal. “I came to the conclusion in my journal that when I’m writing I’m not super scared about college and leaving home. I’m actually excited. My whole life I’ve been in my brother’s footsteps. Now I feel like I’m forging my own path.” To understand Barber, one most go back to her father and her illness. Her father lived behind the Iron Curtain but escaped, using his prowess at soccer to put himself through school in Germany before coming to the United States and earning a doctorate at Penn State University. Barber was an asthmatic child. “The beautiful thing about it is I became an observer. While the kids were playing in


gym I was observing and reading,” Barber said. Her parents sent her to the Colorado mountains for college because of her poor health. She went into marketing and had an internship lined up in Paris, but got married instead at 19. It was the late 1960s and women followed their husbands, she said. Teaching was a way to help her husband through graduate school. What she found was her own latent skill in connecting with kids. After moving to Des Moines in 1983, she was busy raising her own four kids, who had their grandfather’s skills at soccer. Two went on to play college soccer. One daughter was the captain of the Harvard team and today is married to Buffalo Bills quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick. Soccer helped Barber, too. It was the entry to her new profession. She spent a lot of time on the sidelines and began talking to kids, asking them their hopes for the future. Soon other players were asking to talk to her, then parents. Finally, she had to start charging $25, such was the demand on her time. It led to working with kids in athletics. She launched and still runs the pop-

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ular College Search Kickoff in Muscatine, Iowa,every year, matching college recruiters with high school talent. By word of mouth it spread to others — to doctors’ kids and farmers’ daughters, artistic students and science geeks. Private college counselors are more common on the East Coast and often charge more than $1,000, Barber said. She has resisted raising her prices to reach all kids, not just the wealthy, she said.

Is it worth it?

Most college students change their majors one or more times, potentially adding years and thousands of dollars to the bill. A wrong career choice can also negatively affect the rest of their lives. “Every student that comes in, I have this fear of failing them,” Barber said. “It’s like going into a game — a fear that you are not going to be able to do what you can for the team.” Some teens see it as magic. “There’s not voodoo going on,” said Kelly Rapp, a 2009 high school graduate who took Barber’s advice, attended Baylor University and became the student

body president. “She can be quirky, but I still call her for advice.” So many were seeking her out, the Waukee High School newspaper even wrote a piece about Barber, although she’s so busy they couldn’t reach her for comment. “Most of the students thought she was good. Others thought that everything she said was wrong,” said Bailey Smith, the author of the piece. “But a lot of people were shocked that she knew so much about them.” Barber has other critics. “School counselors run from supportive to antagonistic, high antagonistic,” said Barber. One Iowa high school counselor even called her “that brain-sucker from Des Moines.” Barber says she has more time than overburdened high school counselors to work with children individually in threehour sessions and can go beyond giving everyone equal time and boilerplate advice. “I am crazy, off the wall, and I do as I please,” she said. Revealing aptitude is her trademark and the difficult part, but the second half of her session is the nitty-gritty — all the

“Some people don’t like it because I tell them what they don’t want to hear. I don’t want you to get the idea it is all light and sweet.” RAMONA BARBER

test scores, scholarships available and course requirements. Money is at stake. “It’s like people who take advantage of tax loopholes,” she said. “The way I look at it is why should my students pay a price in opportunity because they don’t know the system. Counselors aren’t geared to put out loopholes in the education system. “It can seem sleazy to some. I don’t let it bother me.” She also cites examples of families who saved money because their child was able to opt out of foreign language requirements because of a learning disability, or those who mistakenly thought


they had to take chemistry their junior instead of senior year of high school, which could lower their grade point average and foil admission to an in-state public school. Out-of-state tuition can mean an additional several thousand dollars. Barber won’t sugarcoat it, though. She is dealing with parents. They are invited in to hear conclusions after the student interview. Some don’t take it well. They know their kid should be a doctor and no guru in her kitchen is going to tell them otherwise. One kid, she found, was suited to her desires of marketing. Her mother stormed out, convinced her daughter was a food scientist. “Some people don’t like it because I tell them what they don’t want to hear,” she said. “I don’t want you to get the idea it is all light and sweet.” She doesn’t want students hating their life because they are in the wrong field, but will accept basic survival with a decent-paying job as a consolation. “I will ask myself when they walk out the door: Did they get their $300 worth? I figured if they haven’t, the phone will stop ringing,” she said. “It hasn’t.”



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growing together

The value of a dog By Chris Worthy WNC Parent columnist

Charlie — also known as Charles, Chuck, Chucktown, Charlie Brown, Charles Barkley, Sir Charles and, when he is especially inquisitive, Charlie Rose — has entered our lives on little cat feet. Actually, his feet are of the giant Labrador retriever variety, but they are eerily quiet. Charlie has brought love, wonder and a wee bit of chaos to our lives and the life of our 12-year-old goofy dog, Maggie. And he has further solidified my son’s contention that a house is not a home without a dog. Possibly because he is allergic to cats, dogs are by far the pet of choice for my


boy. As soon as he was old enough to articulate the ideal grown-up life, he was certain that it included a wife, children, a house and a dog — always a dog. He has grand plans of getting a rescued Lab one day, when he finishes college and has a job. It is, without a doubt, a life goal for him. I would never, ever issue a blanket recommendation that children need a pet. Some families don’t need — and shouldn’t get — even a goldfish. But for those who can make the commitment and take on the responsibility for the life of the animal, I do think their children will be all the better because of it. From our dogs, my children have learned that love is not always convenient. Sometimes it means staying up all night with a sick dog or coming home early because pets don’t understand why dinner is delayed. My children have learned the responsibility of the daily care of an animal and they’ve learned a

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Charlie recently joined the Worthy family. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

great deal of personal responsibility as well. (If you don’t want it chewed, don’t leave it on the floor. Words to live by.) And we’ve all learned that what we give is returned to us tenfold. We love deeply, play with abandon, sacrifice our time and resources when needed and, when it’s time, we hold them tightly as they breathe their last breath. Welcome, Charlie Boy. We promise to give you the best life possible, but we already know you’ll give us more in return. Chris Worthy is an attorney who took down her shingle to be a stay-at-home mom. Reach her at chris@worthyplace.com

home-school happenings

I beg you, use your manners By Nicole McKeon WNC Parent columnist

I think good manners are a reflection of good self esteem and also, a gift to our community. That being said, lately I’ve noticed that manners seem to be becoming a thing of the past. Recently, we went to the pediatrician’s office, and getting to her office requires riding an elevator. My son, who is 8, waited while an older lady with a walker got on the elevator. When we got on, he asked her which floor she was going to and pressed the button. At the next stop, a young man got on the elevator. When we reached the fifth floor, I watched in shock as the young man

pushed past the woman and walked off the elevator. My son and I held the door for the lady, and she said thank you. Once we got off, I made a point of telling my son that the young man had displayed very poor manners, and I let him know that I hoped he’d never be so rude. I got to thinking about this while I was sitting in the waiting room. I decided to really observe the manners of the people around me for a week or so because I wanted to see if my impression that manners seem to be declining and that common courtesy no longer exists was a reality, or just my imagination. I must sadly report that it’s worse than I thought. Between people flipping each other off in their cars, and not holding the door, and chewing in my ear while on the telephone, I would say that we need some remediation in the courtesy department. As parents, we must model good manners and courtesy for our children. This


means always being aware of our behavior toward others. Let’s face it, we are living in a time when the decline of courtesy is at its height. People talk on their cellphones while eating in a restaurant, push to the front of the line, refuse to give up a seat for someone who obviously needs it more. In our “me first” society, when everyone is too busy to take the time to care, we need to teach our children why it is important to care enough to stop and think of another first. If we all took the time to model this behavior for our children, and they in turn modeled it to each other, wouldn’t the world be a nicer place? Maybe, if we taught our kids the little kindnesses and the importance of them, then the big cruelties, like bullying, would cease to exist. Email Nicole McKeon at homeschoolstation@hotmail.com.


artist’s muse

Time and process By Ginger Huebner WNC Parent columnist

As I spend time each week teaching a variety of ages in many different environments, one thing continues to be driven home: the power of taking time and appreciating process. As we sit together creating objects, designs and other works of art, I am continually enamored by the discovery that children, of all ages, have over a project that may take days or weeks to complete. In today’s world of instant gratification, we (and our kids) can sometimes struggle with taking time to actually sit to think or study anything. We can find the answer instantly on our phones, fastforward through commercials, and jump from emailing to web browsing to writing or designing in seconds on our computer screen. I am challenging myself to spend more time appreciating process each day: both by myself and together with my family. I am also continuing to challenge our students at school to not be afraid to spend a few days on a project. The process becomes such a powerful learning tool, and the evidence of connections made is irrefutable. For our school, art and design are our chosen tools for pushing creative thinking and problem solving skills. And it is so inspiring to see children building skills that go way beyond what the three primary colors are or how a brayer works in the printmaking process. It is these connections that truly inspire my work in the classroom, art studio or design lab. Ginger Huebner is the director of Roots + Wings School of Art and Asheville Community Design Lab, offering visual art and design education for all ages. Email her at info@rootsandwingsarts.com or visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.


Preschoolers work on a project about Asante Adinkra cloth. First, they create a printing plate, top; use a ruler to create a grid to guide their print, above left; and then print on a collaborative cloth as a class. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

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nature center notes

Snakes: Fear and fascination By Hannah Epperson

Special to WNC Parent

Are you afraid of snakes? There are plenty of people who are — polls and surveys show snakes topping the list of people’s fears, even above public speaking and heights. Even snakes that aren’t venomous often cause us to recoil, starting from a very young age. What is it about snakes that makes us so afraid? And are we really born with a fear of snakes? We aren’t really born fearing snakes. But we are born with the instinct to avoid threats. And we learn to fear snakes in particular as a threat very quickly, and at a very young age. And that fear isn’t totally unfounded. Some snakes can be dangerous. But for all there is to fear about them, there is just as


much to be fascinated by. Take the copperhead, for example, which is a common venomous snake in Western North Carolina. Did you know that they’re social snakes? They like to hibernate in dens with other copperheads — or even other snakes like black rat snakes. While it is smart to treat all wildlife, including snakes, with respect and caution, take the opportunity to look beyond that ingrained fear and explore all that there is to love about our native reptiles. The Nature Center is a great place to safely enjoy and learn about a great variety of snakes found in our Southern Appalachians. Learn more at the WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Visit www.wncnaturecenter.com.

A wild black rat snake. JILL SHARP/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

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divorced families

Things to consider in post-divorce dating By Trip Woodard WNC Parent columnist

Probably one of the more controversial topics when going through a divorce with children is dating. Some people launch into dating the moment they get separated, while others avoid it until their children age out around 18 or 21. I don’t think there is simple advice on this, but let’s look at important issues to be considered. First, North Carolina requires a one-year separation period before you can file for a divorce. During this time you are still considered married. If you have an attorney, you may want to get his or her advice on this, but I do think this can result in the other party accusing you of “marital misconduct,” which may complicate things in the divorce

settlement. North Carolina also has a unique law concerning “alienation of affection” in which the person you are dating can be sued if it can be proven that they have contributed to the destruction of the marriage. When you date, I don’t think you should “hide” that you are dating, especially from older children. Yet, it is good form not to introduce your children to your date unless you have gotten to a serious level. Preschool children will tend to have a minimal reaction. School-age children will have a variety of reactions based on the nature of the divorce. If the other parent is completely absent from their lives, they may encourage you to get a “replacement” parent. When both parents are very active , dating may be viewed as a betrayal. For adolescents, things can get very intertwined with their own age-appropriate chaos. The hope of a child that his or her parents will someday get back together


dies very, very hard. In particular, if you are the first parent to decide to get remarried, don’t be surprised if your child exhibits significant grieving. This can look like depression, oppositional behavior, fits of rage aimed at you, a decline in school performance, or avoidant behavior (again aimed at you). If your child’s behavior seems extreme or persistent, you may consider the services of a family therapist. Resiliency also affects your child’s reactions to the entire divorce process. Some children simply adjust to whatever changes happens in life. Others may be extremely sensitive to change. They may need ongoing age-appropriate debriefings about the divorce and strong reassurance that they are loved. Overall, dating demonstrates to your children that life goes on and in a healthy way. Trip Woodard is a licensed family and marriage therapist . Contact him at 606-8607.


librarian’s pick

Man in the Moon is the first in ‘Guardian of Childhood’ series By Jennifer Prince

Buncombe County Public Libraries

In the glowing tradition of Chris Van Allsburg’s “The Polar Express” and James Gurney’s “Dinotopia” comes a brilliant new children’s picture book, “The Man in the Moon” by William Joyce. The first book in a proposed series called “The Guardians of Childhood,” “The Man in the Moon” recounts the grand origins of that eponymous figure. Using elegant, warm language, Joyce pulls the reader in immediately, making the story a personal one. “Of course you know the Guardians of Childhood,” he begins. “You’ve known them since before you can remember and you’ll know them till your memories are like twilight: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, the Easter Bunny, and the others.” The first Guardian of Childhood, though, was the Man in the Moon, or MiM. MiM was born into the Golden Age, a time full of hope, wonder and dreams full of possibility. With his loving parents, MiM sails the skies in their ship, the Moon Clipper. The ship is a floating kingdom populated by friendly, giant Glowworms, Moonmice, Luna Moths and MiM’s loyal friend, Nightlight.

area story times Buncombe County Libraries Visit www.buncombecounty.org Black Mountain, 250-4756: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday; Mother Goose: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday East Asheville, 250-4738: Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday


Every night, after the Moon Clipper pulls in her willowy sails, Nightlight sprinkles Dreamsand over MiM and watches over him to make sure he does not have a nightmare — and MiM never does have a nightmare. As is the case so often, those with dark hearts and scheming minds cannot abide anyone enjoying a pleasant thing. So it is with the shape-shifting Pitch, the King of Nightmares. Pitch hears of this boy who never has nightmares and determines to change that, and make MiM work for him. A battle of rare ferocity is waged in which MiM’s parents and Nightlight are bested by the dark powers of Pitch. All seems lost, but it isn’t. Joyce then ushers readers through MiM’s growing up years and on into adulthood. Tended by only Glowworms, Moonmice and Luna Moths now, MiM grows to adulthood aboard the Moon Clipper. Brimming with imaginative details, the story goes on to describe how MiM first became aware of children on Earth and grew to be concerned about their fears and worries. MiM’s kindly, enduring solution to the children’s problems, amid his own deep personal loss, is wonderfully and sweetly realized. Joyce’s multimedia illustrations fairly glow. Layers of colors and no end of details combine to create painterly scenes of moon and sky. Constellations, unlike any seen before and rich with

This book is available in the Buncombe County Public Libraries. To learn more, visit www.buncombecounty.org/library.

Enka-Candler, 250-4758: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Fairview, 250-6484: Mother Goose, 11 a.m. Tuesday; Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Leicester, 250-6480: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday North Asheville, 250-4752: Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 10 a.m. Wednesday Oakley/South Asheville, 250-4754: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednes-

day; Preschool: 10 a.m. Wednesday Pack Memorial Library, 250-4700: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Mondays; Mother Goose: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays Skyland/South Buncombe, 250-6488: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Swannanoa, 250-6486: Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 10 a.m. Thursday Weaverville, 250-6482: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Thursday; Preschool: 11

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their own meaning, twinkle through the night. The inside of the moon, steeped in purple shadows, features elegant, rocky growths that swirl and wind like ocean waves. Each illustration is a work of art, inviting endless poring over. The story might be a bit long and intense for preschoolers (Pitch’s appearance is brief but kind of scary), but most elementary school kids will love it. “The Man in the Moon” is one to read again and again.

calendar of events a.m. Tuesday West Asheville, 250-4750: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Monday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday

Haywood County Library Visit www.haywoodlibrary.org. Waynesville, 356-2512 or 356-2511: Movers and Shakers: 11 a.m. Thursdays; Ready 4 Learning: 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Family story time: 11 a.m. Wednesdays Spanish story time: Waynesville branch offers Spanish story time for families, 4-4:30 p.m. Fridays, with books and songs in in Spanish (and explanations in English). All welcome. For more information in English, contact Carole Dennis at 356-2511 or cdennis@haywoodnc.net. For more information in Spanish, contact Marisa Dana at 561-275-8097 or marisamdana@gmail.com. Canton, 648-2924: Family story time, 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Rompin’ Stompin’ story time, 10 a.m. Thursdays

Henderson County Library Visit www.henderson. lib.nc.us. Main, 697-4725: Bouncing Babies: 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays; Toddler Time: 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays; Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; 4 O’Clock Club (K-5): 4 p.m. Thursdays. Edneyville, 685-0110: Family: 10 a.m. Mondays Etowah, 891-6577: Family: 10 a.m. Tuesdays Fletcher, 687-1218: Toddler Time: 10 a.m. Wednesdays; Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays Green River, 697-4969: Family: 10 a.m. Thursdays Mills River, 890-1850: Familiy: 10 a.m. Mondays

Barnes & Noble Asheville Mall, 296-7335: 11 a.m. Mondays and 2 p.m. Saturdays; Biltmore Park Town Square, Asheville, 687-0681: 11 a.m. Saturdays

Blue Ridge Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 456-6000: 10:30 a.m. Mondays, ages 3 and under.

Spellbound Children’s Bookshop 21 Battery Park Ave., Asheville, 232-2228: 10:30-11 a.m. Saturdays, ages 4-7.

The Health Adventure 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620, A sheville, 6652217: 3:30 p.m. Monday and Friday.




By Kate Justen

WNC Parent columnist

Protein is a very important part of our daily diet — it helps build and repair body tissue, regulates body processes, helps to resist diseases and produces stamina and energy. When you hear the word protein most people think of meat — poultry, beef, seafood or pork. Protein is also found in dairy products, many grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, broccoli and dark leafy greens. The USDA recommends that the average person get 5.5 ounces of protein in a


day. So how much is that? Think of 1 ounce of protein as one egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or one-quarter of cup cooked beans or peas. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so that’s just more than a quarter pound. Excess protein is stored as fat, so continually getting more than your body needs and uses can be a reason for weight gain. If you were raised on the idea that meat is the main part of the meal it can be hard to make the change to only have 5.5 ounces per day. Chicken, beef, pork and seafood can be a costly part of you grocery bill every month as well, so reducing the amount you use per meal can be healthier to you and your budget.

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When we first started FEAST classes, students always asked if we had meat for our recipes. Since we get most of our food donated, we rarely have meat to add to what we were making. On the rare occasions that we would have meat, it was not very much, maybe a pound for 20-25 students. To make sure everyone feels they have an equal share, we shred or crumble meat into small pieces, slice it into thin strips and sprinkle it over the top of the meal. The flavor is still there but many times we were using about one-

Teriyaki vegetables and chicken 1/4 cup honey 1/3 cup soy sauce 1 tablespoon fresh chopped cilantro 2 tablespoon sesame seeds 2 cups carrots, celery, green beans 2 green onions diced 2 cups chopped kale or cabbage 1 cups snow peas 1 cup broccoli 2 cloves garlic 1 tablespoon chopped ginger root 8 ounces chicken 2 cup brown rice

quarter of the recommended amount from most recipes. There are also foods that fall into the category of meat — they do come from an animal — but do not have a lot of protein or nutritional value. A couple of very well liked examples of these are bacon and pepperoni. These foods are hard to fit into the philosophy of FEAST: They are not fresh, easy, affordable, sustainable and ... oh wait … the T stands

Combine honey and soy sauce to make a sauce. Mix chicken in a bowl with enough sauce to coat. Set aside. Cook rice according to ingredients on package. Sauté marinated chicken in 1 tablespoon olive oil until no longer pink. Stir-fry vegetables in 1 tablespoon sesame oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken and remaining sauce. Serve over brown rice and top with cilantro and sesame seeds.

for tasty. OK, they do fit. So in the case of bacon and pepperoni we work on using them as a seasoning. Next time you make bacon and eggs, try making homemade bacon bits and sprinkle them on your eggs. You will still get full flavor with half the fat. Kate Justen is the program director of FEAST — Fresh Easy Affordable Sustainable Tasty, a program of Slow Food Asheville. Contact her at feast.avl@gmail.com or visit www.slowfoodasheville.org.



Eat your VEGGIES (and fruits) By Mackensy Lunsford, mlunsford@citizen-times.com



om’s adage to eat your veggies may become more important as you age. That’s because eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is instrumental to good cardiovascular and heart health. And since February is National Heart Health Month, we’re offering paths to better health through food in this space for the rest of the month. How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you eat per day? More than you’re likely eating now. The Harvard School of Public Health says the average American only gets about three servings of fruits and vegetables per

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day if you don’t count potatoes. The latest dietary guidelines call for between five and 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. How do you cram that much plant matter into your diet without getting bored? It’s not easy. But here are a few tips to help you along that are simple, creative — and delicious.

Bananas: Bananas turn brown and mushy quickly, but don’t throw them away when they do. Simply peel, chop and bag and tag and place in freezer. Toss frozen bananas into smoothies with a little juice and yogurt for a healthy morning treat. Continues on Page 62

Apples: Peel, slice and core apples, with a dash of bourbon, a squirt of lemon juice, a pat of butter and a sprinkle of salt, then bake in the oven at 350 degrees until soft. Optional additions: grated nutmeg and cinnamon. Arugula: Baby arugula is an obvious choice for salads, but it’s also a good green to add to hot dishes. Toss raw arugula into pasta dishes at the very end of the cooking process. Chop finely and add (raw) to omelets. Serve lightly wilted, salted to taste, as a side with fish or chicken.



EAT VEGGIES Continued from Page 61

Beans: Dried beans are protein-rich and very heart-healthy — and shouldn’t be intimidating. Soak overnight or quick-soak by boiling for 30 seconds, then removing from heat, covering and soaking for about an hour. Simmer until tender with chopped onions, garlic, carrot and celery. Add salt and pepper to taste. Blueberries: Freeze blueberries and use in smoothies. Stir fresh or frozen blueberries into oatmeal. Mash into plain yogurt with a little honey. Toss them into cold cereal with regular or soy milk. Butternut squash: Peel, then carefully slice butternut squash lengthwise with a large, heavy knife. Cut into equally sized cubes and toss in a baking dish with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast at 400 degrees until cooked through and lightly browned. Keep refrigerated and add to hearty green salads with goat cheese and chicken for a healthy entree salad. Or simmer in chicken stock, season to taste and puree with a tiny touch of cream and lemon juice for a healthy soup. Add a pinch of nutmeg if desired. Cauliflower: Cut up and roast in a 400-degree oven, with chopped garlic, butter and salt and pepper to taste, until soft and lightly browned Serve as a side or on a salad or puree and add to mashed potatoes. Dandelion greens: Very lightly blanch in chicken stock with some spinach, salt and pepper to taste and puree for a healthy green soup that’s great for hair, skin and your heart (your waistline, too). Eggplant: Make a tasty spread with roasted eggplant. Poke holes into the skin with a fork and grill or roast whole until blackened. Remove skin and puree eggplant flesh with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt and serve chilled or warm with bread, crackers or sliced raw veggies.


KALE SALAD 1 bunch of kale Juice of 1/4 lemon Dash of rice wine vinegar Small clove garlic, minced. Dash of olive oil Coarse kosher salt and pepper to taste

De-stem kale, keeping leaves as whole as possible. Roll leaves into tight cigar shape and slice thinly, crosswise.

Place in mixing bowl. Massage a couple of pinches of salt into leaves, applying pressure until fibers in leaves begin to break down a bit. Add rest of ingredients and adjust seasoning to taste. Optional additions: Shredded hard cheese, like Parmesan or manchego, sunflower seeds and cranberries. Be creative!

Fennel: Shave thinly and add raw to salads. Or chop into wedges, toss with olive oil, salt, pepper and a dash of your choice of vinegar and roast at 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes and serve as a side dish. Green beans: Blanch until just

bright green and still crisp in boiling water, drain and immediately plunge into an ice water bath to halt cooking. Chilled green beans can be tossed with your favorite vinaigrette and served in a

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chopped or chef’s style salad. Alternately, they can be quickly heated at dinner time with a little butter or olive oil, garlic and salt and pepper. Or chop cold green beans finely and add to tuna salad.

Kale: Serve as a raw chopped salad. Recipe provided above. Lemons: Lemons keep for up to three weeks in the refrigerator and are great for adding a little healthy acidity to pasta dishes, fish or chicken. Sub-

stitute lemon juice for vinegar in homemade salad dressings. Squeeze and mix juice with a honey-based simple syrup and sparkling water for a healthy and refreshing beverage. Tip: Lemons lose their vitamin C quickly once squeezed.

Red peppers: Broil peppers in the oven on high (or carefully place them directly in the burner flame if you have a gas stove) and cook, turning with tongs, until the skin is blackened and the pepper collapses. Carefully (they’ll be hot!) place in a metal or glass bowl and cover with plastic wrap to steam the peppers. After resting for a few minutes, carefully remove peels under running, cold water (or dry, with a paper towel). Remove seeds and stem. Slice into thin strips and use right away or freeze in a single layer on a cookie sheet, then place in freezer bag once frozen. Thawed, they can be pureed in a dip or tossed into pasta or salads. Red cabbage: Make a healthy slaw by shredding red cabbage in food processor or with a box grater, along with carrots and a stalk of celery, all shredded. Toss with celery seed, garlic powder, onion powder (or fresh, minced red onion), olive oil and rice wine vinegar. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Optional additions: caraway seed, lemon juice and parsley.

Strawberries: Slice fresh and add to cold or hot cereal or salads. Freeze remainder, hulled, and pull out of freezer to toss into smoothies. Tomatoes: When tomatoes start to get soft spots, don’t toss them out. Slice a small cross into the skin at the base of the tomato. Plunge into boiling water and then into ice water. Peel. Slice into quarters and remove seeds with fingers. Freeze to store. Can be used for pasta sauces or soup once thawed.



Soul food

nurtures the spirit By Valerie Zehl, Gannett


To each his own

hen the Rev. Freeman Y. Perry preaches about “soul food,” he’s not talking ham hocks. But when service ends and the pastor of Trinity AME Zion Church in Binghamton, N.Y., breaks bread with the congregation, “soul food” takes on a whole new meaning. Then, it’s collard greens slathered in bacon fat, crispy chicken and pork chops, cornbread, melt-in-your-mouth macaroni and cheese and other traditional foods that have adorned the tables of African-American families for generations. The term “soul food” is big enough to embrace the heart and spirit as well as familiar dishes. Tradition holds that all such fare is cooked not just by the hands, but from the heart.


When it comes to experts on this culinary topic, Kathye Edwina Arrington’s name tops the list. In 2006, the Owego, N.Y., artist, writer and history buff penned a “cook booklet” called “The July Cookout” for the Tioga County Historical Society, and in it she explained that during the early days of the civil rights movement, terms such as “soul man,” “soulful” and just “soul” were used in connection with African-Americans themselves. Somebody coined the term “soul food” for the cuisine black people cooked and it stuck. Of the cornucopia of dishes that can fall under the umbrella of “soul food,”

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Arrington writes: “Today, when most people think of soul food, it is a table heavy with trays of watermelon, ribs, candied sweet potatoes or yams, greens and fried chicken. Each black family, however, has its own idea of what black cuisine is. Hogshead cheese sliced on saltine crackers with hot sauce and beer is one such dish. Crab cakes. Carrot and raisin salad. Fried corn. Hush puppies. Corn pone. Red beans and rice. Greens. Liver and onions. Lima beans with ham hocks. Stewed okra and tomatoes. Cornbread dipped in buttermilk. Fried catfish. Smothered chicken. Pickled pig’s feet. Fried cabbage. Neckbones. Tongue. Chitlins. Tripe. Gumbo. Breaded fried pork chops with a mess of greens. Black-eyed peas — and grits. Although grits is truly a Southern dish, it is considered here as a part of black cuisine because black Americans eat grits for breakfast, lunch or dinner; plain, with butter, with gravy, with cheese or deep-fried.”

Ordinary but not always available

Jacqueline and James Carter of Binghamton can add to Arrington’s list, point-

A plate of soul food, including fried catfish, collard greens, macaroni and cheese and Cajun turkey wings. GANNETT

ing to some of the favorite soul foods they have trouble finding outside of their native New York City. Mustard greens aren’t always in the produce section where they shop, they say, and they lament not being able to get their hands on sage sausage and liver pudding. But Maxie’s Supper Club and Oyster


Bar in Ithaca, N.Y., can fork over some similar cuisine, such as its maplebraised collard greens. The shrimp-andgrits dish is a top seller, co-owner Karen Kwietniak said. Not that she knew what to expect when her first cook suggested it. Turns Continues on Page 67



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Soul food Continued from Page 65

out it’s a minor masterpiece of flavor, with those two signature components complemented by a creamy layer of smoky tasso ham gravy. “Dishes like that are growing more popular, probably thanks to the Food Network,” she said.

Family food memories

For Mary Houston, those two words “soul food” carry her back to her childhood on a farm near Ocala, Fla. “You’d stand on a box and learn how to cook on the stove,” remembered Houston. “There was no using a measuring cup. It was by feel. Add a little this, a little that, and it turned out beautiful.” There was also no going to the grocery store, she said. Her family grew its own vegetables, and her uncle’s cows provided the milk for her to churn butter. His hogs filled the family’s pots with jowls, ears and feet, boiled and seasoned with cayenne pepper flakes. Those parts might seem like cast-off bits — and indeed they were when black slaves first adopted them into their diets. But such victuals have the ability to quiet even the loudest growling stomach. Eating wasn’t only about filling bellies, though. It was the time for the family to gather, pray and tell stories of when they were growing up, Houston said. “Everything was made from scratch,” she said, “and with lots of love.” That, Houston said, is the “soul” of “soul food” — the heart that goes into making it. To Shirley Williams of Elmira, “soul food” is “comfort food,” and harkens to the days when slaves used whatever they could to keep hunger at bay. She counts chitterlings -- or chitlins -- among the food she herself cooks. The same pig intestines used to make sausage are “cooked and cooked and cooked” until tender, then seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon juice and put into a celeryonion broth, she said. Bland food won’t cut it when it comes to soul food. Many cooks also use heavy hands sprinkling on the minced garlic, onion powders, thyme, parsley, paprika, chili powder and cayenne pepper, but seasoning’s not what makes or breaks a

Hush puppies

Combine the cornmeal and flour with the 1 cup self-rising white cornmeal salt and sugar. Blend in the egg and add enough 1/2 cup self-rising flour buttermilk to make a thick batter that will drop 1/2 tsp salt 1 teaspoon sugar slowly but easily from a spoon. Add green onion 1 egg and any other optional ingredients you want, 1 cup buttermilk, more or less then drop teaspoonfuls into fat (about 375 1 to 2 tablespoons green onion, degrees) at least 3 inches deep. minced Fry until golden and drain on paper towels. 1 or 2 tablespoons red, green and yellow bell peppers, minced (optional) Keep warm in a low (150 degrees) oven until ready to serve. Dash hot pepper sauce (optional) Pepper or garlic powder, if desired Source: Food historian Kathye Edwina Arrington, Owego, N.Y.

Okra and tomatoes

Candied yams

1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 large onion, minced 1/2 cup green bell pepper, diced 1 quart fresh okra, rinsed and sliced 4 tomatoes, coarsely chopped Salt to taste Black pepper to taste

4 medium sweet potatoes 1 cup light brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon of ginger 1/2 teaspoon of all spice 6 tablespoons butter 1/4 cup water

Melt butter in large skillet; add onion and saute over medium heat until soft. Add bell pepper, okra and tomatoes; season to taste. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Note: If desired, add fresh corn kernels.

Peel and cut potatoes into slices. Place in 9-inch-by-13-inch baking dish. Cover potatoes with sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, allspice. Cover with pieces of butter. Bake in 400 degree oven for 1 hour or until potatoes are done and sugar and butter have made a thick syrup. Cover potatoes frequently with syrup while cooking.

Source: Food historian Kathye Edwina Arrington, Owego, N.Y.

Source: Food historian Kathye Edwina Arrington, Owego, N.Y.

Collard greens 1 smoked ham hock or smoked turkey necks 4 pounds collard greens 1 tablespoon chopped onion Salt and black or cayenne pepper

Place meat in a pot with cold water to cover. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until tender, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Add more water if necessary. During this time, wash collard greens and discard bruised or discolored leaves and

meal, said Sherita Simpson Searcy of Binghamton. She swears people can tell when the cook didn’t put his or her whole heart into making a dish. “The texture of the macaroni might


thick stems. Fold the leaves in half lengthwise, fold again and cut them into strips. When the meat is done, add the greens, onion, salt and black (or cayenne) pepper and mushrooms. Lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, then add the cumin and rosemary. Continue simmering until tender, about 30 to 45 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Hot pepper sauce can be served on the side. Source: Food historian Kathye Edwina Arrington, Owego, N.Y.

be off, or the seasoning won’t be quite right,” she said. The men in her family are the cooks, and they “lay down the holy dishes,” she said. “That’s another word for great soul food.”


Preaching a new, healthy way of life By Nanci Hellmich, USA TODAY

The Ibarras of San Jose are so busy, it’s no wonder that eating well and exercising didn’t fit into their schedules. Jose, 46, is a pastor at a local church and has a full-time job as a facilities supervisor for a commercial custodial company. His wife, Doris, 45, is a human resources manager for the same company, and she runs the church’s sound booth. Their children, Jocelyn, 20, and Joseph, 16, also wear multiple hats, including juggling school and church responsibilities. They often skipped breakfast, grabbed fast-food meals while dashing between activities and rarely made time to exercise. That whirlwind lifestyle took a toll. A few years ago, Jose had a mild heart attack. He also struggles with high blood pressure and high cholesterol and is borderline diabetic. He has had battles with gout. In January, he was carrying 299 pounds on his 5-foot-6 frame. He says he was so busy that he relied on fast-food meals, and “I didn’t do any exercise whatsoever.”


Jose Ibarra Jr., 46, walks the dog for 30 minutes a day and is almost to the point of being able to run. PHOTOS BY ROBERT HANASHIRO / USAT

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Doris adds: “My husband and I have many poor eating habits that are being passed on to our children. We love to eat, and we love sweets.”

Finding time

Doris Ibarra, 44, is taking a 15-minute walk after lunch and then does 15 minutes of strength training at night.

Trying to turn those habits around seemed “overwhelming,” she says. So the Ibarras volunteered to participate in this year’s Family Fitness Challenge, an initiative to help families across the country get more active — and lose weight. The ongoing project is being produced in partnership with USA WEEKEND Magazine and “The Doctors” TV show. More than 400 families applied to take part in the challenge. Six were chosen, including the Ibarras, and they were paired with a fitness expert from the American College of Sports Medicine and a registered dietitian from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Ibarras wanted to find time to exercise but didn’t think they could squeeze it into their already-packed schedule. Then Doris had an epiphany: She suggested they walk briskly for a half-hour around the church before the Wednesday night service. On Sundays, Jose is also teaching church members at New Beginnings Christian Church one new exercise a week, such as squats and planks. And right after the service, he is playing basketball with a group of guys.


Continues on Page 70


A new way of life Continued from Page 69

“The whole congregation is cheering us on in this challenge,” Jose says. “We created a Facebook page where we are sharing the information on menus we put together for meals at home and the calorie counts on fast-food meals. This is especially important in a Hispanic congregation, where we like all those rich foods.” Other activities they’re doing: Jose walks the dog for 30 minutes a day. “I’m working on getting to the point where I can run again.” Doris is taking a 15-minute walk after lunch and then does 15 minutes of strength training at night. “I’m breaking it up. I really don’t enjoy it, and I’m not very coordinated. My goal is to find some form of exercise that I can do well and enjoy.” Jocelyn says: “I love working out. I go to the nearest school and run the track or walk the dogs around it. On the weekends, my dad and I will go to the beach. I’ll run a mile or two, and he’ll walk a mile.” Joseph says: “I work out almost every day. I work out with weights and a medicine ball. Afterward, I run on the treadmill for 30 minutes.” The Ibarras “are taking their family time and turning it into fitness time,” says fitness instructor Liana Tobin, an ACSM member and a certified strength and conditioning coach.


Joseph Ibarra, 16, works out regularly with a medicine ball and weights, and runs on the treadmill.

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Food solutions

Jocelyn Ibarra, 20, works out during the week at a local school and at the beach on weekends.

The family is also working with registered dietitian Judith Rodriguez, a past president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “People can achieve healthy eating with small sustained changes.” Among her tips: Have grab-and-go breakfasts on hand, such as hard-boiled eggs, small bags of cereal, or fruit and nuts, to eat on the way to work. Says Doris: “I would say breakfast has become our new favorite meal.” Work together to prepare more quick meals at home and dine out less. “We create a menu for the week so we have all the ingredients for the meals,” Doris says. Adds Jose: “Our kids are helping out with cooking. We cut up vegetables on the weekend, and they last for the week.” Select lower-calorie options — about 600 calories a meal — at fast-food restaurants, and read the labels on grocery store foods. “I never read the calorie count before — if it was good, I ate it,” Jose says. So far, the family has lost almost 40 pounds in a month and 2 inches each off the waist. Jose dropped 9 pounds; Doris, 7 pounds; Jocelyn, 11 pounds; and Joseph, 10 pounds. “This challenge has helped us realize that poor eating habits can be reformed one new change at a time,” Doris says, “and yes, you can squeeze in exercise in your day for five minutes here or 15 minutes there.”



kids’ page



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Children are showing up in

more often

adult venues


By Kim Mulford, Gannett

On a rare evening when Lisa Howard-Fusco and her husband, John, had secured a baby sitter, they were enjoying an elegant dinner at the swanky new Tavro 13 in Swedesboro, N.J., when the pair spotted a family — with kids! — in the eatery’s bar area. Inwardly, Lisa cheered. If the timing is right, and the children are well-behaved, why

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not expose youngsters to upscale food? “I wouldn’t do it all the time, but I think that always taking your kids out only to chain restaurants and McDonald’s and never giving them that nice experience, never giving them the chance to practice nice manners and appropriate behavior … I think they’re getting shortchanged,” said HowardFusco, a food blogger and freelance writer who covers nightlife for the Courier-Post in Cherry Hill, N.J. Indeed, a growing number of parents think nothing of bringing their kids with them everywhere they go: from brewpubs Continues on Page 75

Chris Callinan colors with daughter Catherine, 1, at the Pour House in Haddon Township, N.J. He and his family were dining at the restaurant. A growing number of parents think nothing of bringing their kids with them everywhere they go: from brewpubs and fine dining establishments to rock concerts and even R-rated movies. CHRIS LACHALL/GANNETT



Children Continued from Page 75

and fine dining establishments to rock concerts and even R-rated movies. Is it an indicator of the disappearance of childhood? Or does it mean parents enjoy their kids so much, they want to share all their leisure time with their offspring? Maybe neither.

Grown-up world

American society has become more adult-oriented than child-centered, said psychologist Dan Hart, who directs the Institute for Effective Education at Rutgers-Camden. “In the 1960s, a third or more of the American population was under the age of 18. There were kids everywhere,” Hart said. Families were larger then, too, making it difficult and cost-prohibitive for parents to drag three, four, five or more children out with them. “When you only have one or two kids, it becomes easier to do,” Hart


explained. “You’re in a context where your friends may not have kids, and so as American society has changed, it’s become more likely that the lives of kids are accommodating a little bit more to the structure of adults’ lives.” But the adult world has made accommodations, too. It’s not unusual to spot kids at the Pour House in Westmont, N.J., or at a P.J. Whelihan’s Pub in South Jersey. From the start, the restaurants’ owners set out to welcome families with kids, said PJW Restaurant Group Regional Manager Chris Webb. “We’ve always had high chairs and our menus have plenty of kid-friendly (choices). Kids are eating more like their parents. “This new generation of parents are exposing their kids to a lot nicer food, a lot more sophisticated food,” he added.

Catering to kids

About two or three times a month, Chris and Aime Callinan venture out to dinner with their kids, 2-year-old Clare and 1-year-old Catherine. “You can get out of the house, reconnect with your husband and your chil-

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dren as a family unit, and not be disruptive to anyone else in the restaurant,” said Aime Callinan, a 38-year-old stay-at-home mom. “I think most people are very compassionate and very friendly and very understanding that we have two little kids,” she added. “A lot of people seem to be entertained.” Kids aren’t limited to a casual atmosphere. Webb said children also eat at the chain’s upscale Chop House, where youngsters order everything from chicken to a $75 lobster tail entree. Since the Iron Hill Brewery opened 16 years ago, welcoming families with kids was part of its marketing strategy, said co-owner Kevin Davies, culinary director for the brewpub. When he was a kid, his parents took him and his siblings out to a restaurant maybe once a year. These days, Davies added, it’s so common to see children out, customers expect it. He says most kids know how to behave. Staff bring crayons along with the children’s menus, and kids’ meals are priced at $6.50, including a beverage,

two sides and dessert. “When you look at it, children are your future customers,” Davies explained. “You get a lot of parents who came when we first opened years ago. Now their kids are in college and they’re still coming. “That’s a good thing.” Restaurants aren’t the only barriers broken down by children. Now tots can be spotted out at concerts and sporting venues wearing pint-sized noise-canceling headphones (available on Amazon). They’re the top-selling product offered by Baby Banz, a Missouri-based company, and are available in sizes: 0 to age 2 (pink or blue), or age 2 and up (in six different colors). Sales manager Sara Burick said the company was the first to offer them in the United States, about four years ago. Parents usually buy them for concerts, motocross events, boating or fireworks. “We hear a lot of concerts,” Burick said. “That’s No. 1, I would say.”

A new evolution

But there are other arenas of adult life children may be embracing to their detriment. A national kids-and-media

Brewpubs and restaurants, like the Pour House in Haddon Township, N.J., are catering to families who are increasingly bringing their children with them for a nice dinner or evening out. CHRIS LACHALL/GANNETT

advocacy group, Common Sense Media, released a study last week detailing research on children’s exposure to violence in the media, in response to recent high-profile mass shootings. Though the research is dated, one 2002 survey of 4,000 10- to 14-year-olds found that one in four of them had seen “extremely violent” movies, and 66 percent had seen the R-rated horror movie “Scream.” A 2004 survey of seventh- through 12th-graders found 45 percent had been


to an R-rated movie theater without their parents. There has been nearly no research to determine how much violence children see online or through social media. The movie chain Cinemark, as part of its official admittance policy, refuses to admit children under age 6 to any R-rated movie after 6 p.m. The report concluded children’s exposure to violence in the media cannot be blamed for such mass shootings, but that it could be among multiple risk factors. Even so, children’s exposure to the adult world through media is not necessarily a signal childhood is disappearing. Once upon a time, said Hart, children were expected to work on family farms or in factories. That’s usually not the case anymore. And launching children into adulthood has become much harder as the economy has eroded and parents support their children through the college and young adult years. “Childhood is definitely evolving,” Hart maintained. “I’m not sure I would say that we could conclude it’s disappearing.”


Bonnets, baskets and more Easter events around WNC

March 24

Smith-McDowell House Easter Egg Hunt Sing-along program, games, egg hunt on grounds on Smith-McDowell House Museum. Separate hunt for younger children. Bring your own basket. From 2-4 p.m. at 283 Victoria Road, Asheville. $5 per child, adults free; reservations recommended by calling 253-9231. www.wnchistory.org.

Get your basket ready for a host of Easter egg hunts and other events this month. Easter is March 31.

March 29-30

March 23

Bojangles Easter Eggstravaganza Hosted by the city of Asheville, the Eggstravaganza will have egg hunts, inflatables, face painting, crafts, programs by WNC Nature Center, entertainment by Mountain Thunder Cloggers, crafts by Easel Rider Mobile Art Lab, and free BoBerry biscuits. Egg hunts for toddlers through age 11 at 4 p.m. From 2-4:30 p.m. at Carrier Park, off Amboy Road, West Asheville. Visit www.ashevillenc.gov/parks. Easter Bonnet Parade and Egg Hunt Marion Business Association and Corpening YMCA host the 24th annual event at the YMCA. For children up to age 12. Bring baskets for the hunt. Meet the Easter Bunny. Call 659-9622. Zeugner Center Egg Hunt Annual Easter Egg hunt and indoor swim. Hunt begins at 1 p.m. After hunt, stay for games, a visit


Lindsey Stack, 10, holds her flapping duck hat on her head before the 24th annual Dillsboro Easter Hat Parade last year. This year’s event is March 30. ERIN BRETHAUER/EBRETHAU@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM

wiht the Easter Bunny and swim in the indoor pool from 2-4 p.m. Bring basket and swimsuit. Hunt and party are free; swimming is $2 per person plus a can of food for MANNA FoodBank. Call 684-5072. At Zeugner Center, behind Roberson High School at 50 Springside Drive. Call 684-5072 or visit www.buncombecounty.org.

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Peanuts Easter Beagle Express Great Smoky Mountain Railroad train departs the Bryson City depot at 11 a.m. Passengers will join Snoopy, Lucy, Charlie Brown and our Easter Bunnies for old-fashioned Easter fun during the 90-minute layover in Dillsboro. Festivities include an Easter egg hunt, crafts, coloring sheets, snacks and more. Adult tickets $51 and children 2 and older $29. First-class rickets available for $94 for adults, $54 for children. Visit www.gsmr.com or call 800-872-4681.

March 30

Dillsboro Easter Hat Parade Show off your best Easter hat. Starts at 2 p.m. at Town Hall on Front Street. Antique cars, hat contestants, Easter Bunny. Last-minute entrants welcome. Registration starts at 11 a.m. Come to Dogwood

Crafters at 10 a.m. to make a hat. Visit www.dillsboronc.info/events.html. Easter at Lake Junaluska Celebrate Easter weekend at Lake Junaluska with 5K run, half-mile fun run for kids 10 and younger, egg hunt and more. Starts at 8:30 a.m. Visit www.lakejunaluska.com or call 800-222-4930. Easter on the Green Asheville Downtown Association hosts a free family-friendly event on Roger McGuire Green at Pack Square Park. With a age-specific Easter egg hunts, races, inflatables, music, entertainment, giveaways and more. Children can meet the Easter Bunny and receive a golden egg filled with a prize. A professional photographer will take a family photo that can be downloaded for free. Visit www.ashevilledowntown.org. Fletcher Easter Egg Hunt Parade of Hats begins at 11:30 a.m., with prizes awarded just before the hunt for candy-filled eggs starts at noon. For ages walker to 11. At Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road. Call 6870751, or visit www.fletcherparks.org.

March 31

Chimney Rock Park’s 58th Annual Easter Sunrise Service Gates open 5-6 a.m. for the 6:30 a.m. service. Nondenominational service with song, Scripture, special music and sunrise over Lake Lure and Hickory Nut Gorge. Arrive early, dress warmly and bring a flashlight. Free, and attendees may stay in the park for the day. www.chimneyrockpark.com. Biltmore Estate Easter egg hunts

Children get a turn with the Easter Rabbit at the Biltmore Estate’s annual Easter Egg Hunt last year. This year’s event is on March 31. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM Easter Rabbit appears on Biltmore's Front Lawn, along with magic shows, music, storytelling, crafts. Ages 9 and younger free when accompanied by an estate pass holder or ticketed adult. Bring your own


basket or bag to collect eggs. Egg hunts at 11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. on the Front Lawn. 800-411-3812 or 225-1333, www.biltmore.com.



W N C PA R E N T | M A R C H 2 0 1 3

calendar of events

Things to do

April calendar items must be received by March 10. Please send to calendar@wncparent.com.

Feb. 25

WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This week’s theme is “Crawl, Slither and Run!” $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.

Feb. 26


financial principles that teens (and parents) need from certified financial planner Michael Collie. Free workshop 7-8 p.m. at Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry, 10B Yorkshire St., Asheville. RSVP to 274-9220 or appts@greatbeginningspedo.com. PARI SCI GIRLS PROGRAM: For girls ages 9-14. Each month’s program will lead young girls to try a different facet of science and bring real connections to that field for their pursuit beyond the monthly program. At the Transylvania 4-H Office, 98 E. Morgan St., Brevard. $10. Register online at www.pari.edu or call 862-5554. WEE NATURALIST: See Feb. 25.

Feb. 27

CRAZY CHEMISTS: Make volcanoes with crazy chemists. Ages 3 and older. Limited space. Call 697-8333 to register. Free with $5 admission/free for members. At 10:30 a.m. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333. FIRST LEGO LEAGUE ROBOTICS: Design, build and program NXT FLL robots. For ages 10-14. Classes meet 3-5 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays, at 94 Coxe Ave., Asheville. This is a STEM educational activity. Parental participation encouraged. To learn more, call 258-2038.

Feb. 28

INFANT CARE CLASS: Basics including newborn characteristics, feeding, bathing, cord care, diapering and swaddling. Free. 6:30-8 p.m. at Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Regis-


tration is required. Call 866-790-WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register.

March 1

AFTER-HOURS CABARET: Fundraiser for ArtSpace Charter School returns to the Diana Wortham Theatre, featuring a lineup of diverse performing artists in music, dance and comedy. With a “massive” silent auction, culinary treats and a cash bar, with all proceeds benefiting the school. Headlining the event is world music super-group Free Planet Radio. Other performers include soul band The Secret B-sides, jazz vibraphonist Jason DeCristofaro, dancer Stephanie Patrick, aerial artists / acrobats The Aerial Space Cadets, and more. Emcees are local comedic favorites Josh Batenhorst and Tom Chalmers, with additional comic relief by David Ostergard from Asheville’s popular “LaZoom” Tours. Auction starts at 6 p.m., mainstage entertainment at 7 p.m. Tickets $20 at the Diana Wortham Theatre box office at 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, at 2574530, or online at www.dwtheatre.com, or at ArtSpace Charter School at 298-2787.

March 2

AUTHORS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR CHILDREN: Come to a party for authors with March birthdays at Malaprop’s on what also happens to be Read Across America Day. Celebrate Dr. Seuss, Wanda Gag, Mem Fox and Ezra Jack Keats. With story time and activities, and tantalizingly tooth-

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calendar of events Continued from Page 81 some treats. Come dressed in a Seussical fashion to hear stories and Read Across America! Recommended for ages 4-10, but all are welcome. Parents are invited to stay. At 3 p.m. at Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Visit www.malaprops.com or call 254-6734. FACE PAINTING: Free face painting at Asheville’s Fun Depot, noon-5 p.m. No purchase necessary, tips appreciated. Call before arriving to verify event, 277-2386. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. HENDERSONVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Saturday lessons for parent-child, preschool and youth, March 2-23. Register by Feb. 28. Starts at $30. Call 692-5774 or visit ymcawnc.org. MEDITATION COURSE: “Peaceful, Positive, Focused: Connecting with Your Pure Potential.” American Buddhist nun Gen Kelsang Nyema will explain how we can overcome any challenge and remain peaceful, positive and focused by learning to identify with our pure potential. Includes guided meditation, discussion. Refreshments . 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Town and Mountain Training Center, 261 Asheland, Ave, Asheville. $20/15 students/seniors. All welcome. Call 668-2241 or visit www.MeditationInAsheville.org NATIONAL GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORTS DAY: A community event designed to expose women and girls to a variety of activities that will inspire them to lead active, healthy lives. Open to women and girls ages 6 and older as a chance to try a new sport or fitness class, or build skills in a sport of interest. Early registration is $10 per person until Feb. 15. Late registration is $15/person. Fees include three clinics, T-shirt and goody bag, healthy lunch and door prizes. Guest speaker is Julie Wunder from WLOSTV13, an Emmy award-winning meteorologist, journalist, runner and healthy-living role model. Event runs 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at UNC Asheville. Registration recommended. To register, contact Jessica Johnston at the Stephens-Lee Recreation Center at 350-2058 or jjohnston@ashevillenc.gov. For more information about the event, contact Christen McNamara at 251-4029 or outdoorprograms@ashevillenc.gov. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Saturday lessons for parent-child through youth, March 2-23. Register by Feb. 24. Starts at $25. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. SPACED-OUT SATURDAY: Astronomy for the whole family at the Colburn Earth Science Museum. Fly around the universe in a digital spaceship. This month’s theme is “Beyond the Solar System.” Free with admission or membership. At 1 and 3 p.m. at Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Visit www.colburnmuseum.org or call 254-7162. WNC PARENT CAMP EXPO: The third-annual Summer Camp Expo and Family Fun Day, with dozens of camps to discover. Learn about overnight and day camps, traditional and sports camps, academic and special needs camps. Plus family fun with live entertainment, bounce house, face painting, balloons, prizes, giveaways and more. Plus, a photo session to help us pick future WNC Parent Cover Kids. From 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at UNC Asheville’s Sherrill Center, One University Heights, Asheville. Visit


Asheville Puppetry Alliance presents “The Big Dipper: Calendar, Compass & Clock” on March 23 at Diana Wortham Theatre, in Pack Place, downtown. /SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT www.citizen-times.com/CampExpo.

March 3

MEDITATIONS THAT HEAL: Learn special meditations for mental and physical healing for ourselves and others, with Buddhist teacher Sharon Lovich. Held 7-8:30 p.m. Sundays, March 3-17, at Rainbow Mountain Children’s School, Orchard House, 50 State St. $8/5 students/seniors. Everyone welcome. Drop into any class. Call 668-2241 or visit www.MeditationInAsheville.org. ROYAL BOOK CLUB: Readers of Young Adult Literature discusses “The Madman’s Daughter” with author Megan Shepherd, 4-5 p.m. Club meets the first Sunday of each month. Anyone 18 and older is welcome, no RSVP necessary. Free. At Spellbound Children’s Bookshop, 21 Battery Park Ave., Asheville. Visit www.spellboundbookshop.com.

March 4


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week session of Monday/Wednesday lessons for preschool through youth, March 4-27. Register by Feb. 28. Starts at $30. Call 692-5774 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Monday/Wednesday lessons for parent-child through youth, March 4-27. Register by Feb. 28. Starts at $45. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This week’s theme is “Beetle Bop.” $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org. YWCA SWIM LESSONS: Learn to swim in the YWCA of Asheville’s indoor solar-heated pool.

Classes are available year-round for all ages and levels. To sign up, call 254-7206, ext. 110, or stop by the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. For more information, visit www.ywcaofasheville.org.

March 5

ASHEVILLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10-11:30 a.m. first Tuesday of each month. Call 252-7896 for reservations. For more information, visit www.ashevillecatholic.org or email info@ashevillecatholic.org. DR. SEUSS BIRTHDAY BOOK EXCHANGE: The Hop hosts its fourth-annual benefit for HelpMate in celebration of the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Give a book, take a book and enjoy Seuss-themed entertainment. At 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Call 254-2224 or visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DR. SEUSS! Make a bookmark craft and celebrate the man who has helped so many learn to read. Free with admission. Through March 8. All day at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. HENDERSONVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Tuesday/Thursday lessons for preschool through youth, March 5-28. Register by Feb. 28. Starts at $30. Call 692-5774 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. PRESCHOOL ART LESSONS: Roots + Wings School of Art offers four-week sessions, 1:30-2:30 p.m. March 5-April 2, for ages 3-6. Focus is on cityscapes with collage and printing with found objects. $50 per child. Classes at Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. Register online at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. For information, call 545-4827 or email info@rootsandwingsarts.com. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Tuesday/Thursday lessons for parent-child through youth, March 5-28. Register by Feb. 28. Starts at $45. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. SWANNANOA VALLEY MONTESSORI OPEN HOUSE: Preschool open house for ages preschool to 5 years. Drop-ins welcome, but registration encouraged. From 9-11 a.m. At 130 Center Ave., Black Mountain. To register, call 669-8571 or email swanmont@mac.com. Visit www.swanmont.org WEE NATURALIST: See March 4.

March 6

CAROLINA DAY OPEN HOUSE: Visit the upper school (grades 9-12) of Carolina Day School at 9:15 a.m. Meet in the Upper School Auditorium, 1345 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Register by emailing Allie Lawning: alawing@carolinaday.org or call 828-274-0757. SWANNANOA VALLEY MONTESSORI OPEN HOUSE: Elementary/Middle School open house for grades 1-8. New location off Sweeten Creek Road for fall 2013. Drop-ins welcome, but registration encouraged. Call for details of temporary location off Hendersonville Road. To register, call 669-8571 or email swanmont@mac.com. For more information, www.swanmont.org. SPROUTING NATURALISTS: New preschool-age nature program at Chimney Rock State Park. For ages 2-5. This month’s theme is “Animals and Their

Continues on Page 84



calendar of events Continued from Page 83 Babies.” Learn about differences between baby and adult animals. 10-11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of the month. Kids 5 and younger, $3; adults, $12; older siblings (ages 6-15), $5.50; passholders, free. Advance registration required. Call 625-9611 weekdays to register. Visit www.chimneyrockpark.com.

March 7

ART LESSONS: Roots + Wings School of Art offers four-week sessions, 4-5 p.m. March 7-April 4, for grades K-5. Focus is on three-dimensional sculpture with clay and found objects. $50 per child. Classes at Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. Register online at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. For information, call 545-4827 or email info@rootsandwingsarts.com. BREAST-FEEDING CLASS: With Henderson County Department of Public Health breastfeeding peer counselor Tammie Bogin. Free. 4-5 p.m. at at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333. Call to register; space is limited. CAROLINA DAY OPEN HOUSE: Visit the lower school (grades PreK-5) of Carolina Day School at 9 a.m. Meet in the Nash Lobby, 1345 Hendersonville Road. Register by emailing Allie Lawning at alawing@carolinaday.org or call 274-0757. ‘GREASE’: North Buncombe High School presents


“GREASE: School Edition,” with performances at 7 p.m. March 7-9 and 2:30 p.m. March 10. Tickets are $8 until March 6, then $10 at the door. At 890 Clarks Chapel Road, Weaverville. For more information call Ricky Webb at 645-4221. HEALTHY KIDS CLUB: Smile Time Friends! Diana Rothweiler, public health registered dental hygienist, presents a dental health puppet show for ages 2-5. The puppet show teaches dental health concepts through music, songs and stories. Characters are colorful, and children readily relate to their message. Program lasts approximately 30 minutes. Free with admission. At 11 a.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. KINDERGARTEN READINESS RALLY: Dr. Bunson and Dr. Beaker will attend the rally at Blue Ridge Mall to showcase Mad Scientists on Wheels and do some Hands On! science for preschoolers getting ready for kindergarten. Information booths and activities for rising kindergartners and their parents. 4-7 p.m. at the mall on Four Seasons Boulevard, Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org.

March 7 and 14

CHILDBIRTH CLASSES: A free two-session class, March 7 and 14, for expectant parents covering the labor and delivery process, relaxation, breathing patterns, birth options, positioning and comfort measures. Tour the Women & Children’s Center. 6:30–9 p.m. At Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Registration required. Call 866-790WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register.

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March 8

COLBURN EARTH SCIENCE MUSEUM: Kids’ Night at the Museum with activities, games, crafts, dinner and hands-on science lessons. This month, learn about “Weird, Wild and Wacky.” For grades K-4. $20 nonmembers, $16 members and siblings. 5-9 p.m. in Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Register by phone at 254-7162. Visit www.colburnmuseum.org for more information. CREATE A KITE: Practice creating functional sculpture by learning to create a kite. Led by local artist and Hands On! volunteer, Lindsay Satchell. Free with admission. From 10 a.m.-noon at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. FIRED UP! CREATIVE LOUNGE PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT: Kids paint pottery, have pizza and play games, 6-9 p.m. the second Friday of the month. At 26 Wall St., Asheville, and 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5-12. $25. Registration required. Call Asheville shop at 253-8181 and Hendersonville shop at 6989960. ‘GREASE’: North Buncombe High School presents “GREASE: School Edition,” with performances at 7 p.m. March 7-9 and 2:30 p.m. March 10. Tickets are $8 until March 6, then $10 at the door. At 890 Clarks Chapel Road, Weaverville. For more information call Ricky Webb at 645-4221. “THE LITTLE PRINCE”: Flat Rock Playhouse’s YouTheatre performs Antoine de Saint Exupery’s story of a world-weary and disenchanted Aviator and a mysterious, regal “little man.” At Downtown Playhouse, Hendersonville. Runs through March 17. Tickets $10

for students, $18 for adults. Visit www.flatrockplayhouse.org.

March 9

FACE PAINTING: Free face painting and balloon art at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 1-5 p.m. No purchase necessary, tips appreciated. Call before arriving to verify event, 277-2386. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. ‘GREASE’: North Buncombe High School presents “GREASE: School Edition,” with performances at 7 p.m. March 7-9 and 2:30 p.m. March 10. Tickets are $8 until March 6, then $10 at the door. At 890 Clarks Chapel Road, Weaverville. For more information call Ricky Webb at 645-4221. GROW WITH ME PRESCHOOL CO-OP OPEN HOUSE: Grow with Me Preschool Learning Cooperative will host an open house for interested families, 10:30–11:30 a.m. in the school’s classroom at Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Road, Asheville. Entrance to the classroom is via Governor’s View Road off Tunnel Road. Grow with Me is a community of young children and parents seeking to create a cooperative learning program that nurtures a respect for self, others and nature while providing a safe environment for children to stretch their imaginations and explore their interests. The play-based, teacher-led program draws inspiration from Rudolph Steiner’s philosophy on education. RSVP to Katy Estrada at 337-4710 by March 8. For details visit www.growwithme coop.wordpress.com. HEALTHY PARKS, HEALTHY YOU 5K FUN RUN/ WALK: Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and

Recreation Services hosts the fourth-annual event open to adults and children of all ages. Race starts at 10:30 a.m. on the Buncombe County Sports Park track in Candler. Find mail-in registration forms online at www.buncombecounty.org/parks or call for a form. Registration available day of race starting at 8:30 a.m. $12 for adults and $7 for children ages 4-15. Walkers are welcome to bring baby joggers, but no dogs or bikes are permitted on the track during race time. For more information and registration forms, call Jay Nelson at 250-4269 or email him at jay.nelson@buncombecounty.org.

information call Ricky Webb at 645-4221. MEDITATIONS THAT HEAL: Learn special meditations for mental and physical healing for ourselves and others, with Buddhist teacher Sharon Lovich. Held 7-8:30 p.m. Sundays, March 3-17, at Rainbow Mountain Children’s School, Orchard House, 50 State St. $8/5 students/seniors. Everyone welcome. Drop into any class. Call 668-2241 or visit www.MeditationInAsheville.org. THE BABY PLACE EXPERIENCE: Tour the motherbaby unit at Park Ridge Health, 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. From 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Register at www.parkridgebabies.com.

March 10

March 11

CELEBRATE PREGNANCY CLASS: The Baby Place at Park Ridge Health offers a twist on a normal childbirth class, covering important labor process and support techniques, dealing with pregnancy ailments, breast-feeding and newborn care. Includes a massage voucher with the $65 fee (scholarships available). 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Park Ridge Health, 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Call 681-2229 or visit www.parkridgebabies.com to register. GO FLY A KITE DAY: Fly a kite at FENCE, 1-4 p.m. Spend the day on Hawk’s Ridge flying kites and enjoying the outdoors. The first 200 people receive a free kite. Snacks and refreshments provided. Visit www.fence.org. ‘GREASE’: North Buncombe High School presents “GREASE: School Edition” at 2:30 p.m. March 10. Tickets are $8 until March 6, then $10 at the door. At 890 Clarks Chapel Road, Weaverville. For more


ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Session for pre-K and youth, Mondays and Wednesdays, March 11-April 3. Registration deadline is March 7 (with late registration fee of $20). Starts at $45. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. CELEBRATE PREGNANCY CLASS: The Baby Place at Park Ridge Health offers a twist on a normal childbirth class, covering important labor process and support techniques, dealing with pregnancy ailments, breast-feeding and newborn care. Includes a massage voucher with the $65 fee (scholarships available). 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at The Health Adventure, Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road, Call 6812229 or visit www.parkridgebabies.com to register. WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits

Continues on Page 86


calendar of events Continued from Page 85 from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This week’s theme is “Buzzing Bees.” $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.

March 12

ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Session for pre-K and youth, Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 12-April 4. Registration deadline is March 8 (with late registration fee of $20). Starts at $45. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. CAROLINA DAY INSIDE THE CLASSROOM: Carolina Day School invites prospective families to “Inside the Classroom” at its Lower School (PreK-5). Meet teachers, see the education and more. Register by emailing Allie Lawning at alawing@carolinaday.org or call 274-0757. THE IMPOSSIBLE YOUTH ROCK SHOW: Asheville youth rock band The Impossible returns to The Hop. From 6:30-7:30 p.m. at 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Call 254-2224 or visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com. WEE NATURALIST: See March 11.

March 13

WINDOWS ON WALDORF: Open House at 5 p.m. at Azalea Mountain School. Experience Waldorf Education firsthand. Adults can attend a selection of mini-classes led by the school’s teachers while children enjoy craft projects. Refreshments and Q&A will follow. The school offers a pre-K to sixthgrade program based on Waldorf curriculum, at 587 Haywood Road, Asheville. Call 575-2557 or visit www.azaleamountain.org.

March 14

CAROLINA DAY OPEN HOUSE: Visit the middle school (grades 6-8) of Carolina Day School at 9 a.m. Meet in the Nash Lobby, 1345 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Register by emailing Allie Lawning at alawing@carolinaday.org or call 274-0757. MARTHA SPEAKS! Come learn about words and reading with a favorite storybook dog, Martha. Do-it-yourself activities all day for all ages and book readings at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333. SWANNANOA VALLEY MONTESSOR INFO SESSION: SVMS hosts an elementary/middle school informational session at its Asheville campus, 1-3 p.m. Meet teachers and head of school, and visit the classrooms. Drop-ins welcome, but registration encouraged. To register, call 669-8571 or email swanmont@mac.com. For more information, www.swanmont.org

March 15

“INTO THE WOODS, JR.”: The Brothers Grimm “go


For updates all month, see the family-friendly calendar at CITIZEN-TIMES.com/Living. To submit events, email details to calendar@wncparent.com.

Broadway” in this musical. Favorite fairy tale characters — Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and The Witch — meet and interact on their journeys. Performed by a class of 30 students ranging in age from 8-15. Performance at 7:30 p.m. March 15-16 and 2:30 p.m. March 17. Tickets $5. Visit www.ashevilletheatre.org. KREKEL & AMI ACOUSTIC SHOW: Asheville rockabilly stars Krekel and Ami perform at 6:30 p.m. at The Hop West, 721 Haywood Road, West Asheville. Free. Call 252-5155 or visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com. LEARN SPANISH CREATIVELY: Students ages 3-6 will learn basic Spanish vocabulary and colors through games, dramatic play, movement and songs. Thirty-minute class at 11 a.m. $8 members/$10 nonmembers. Call 697-8333 to register. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org. SING TOGETHER: Learn Celtic songs to share in honor of St. Patrick’s Day during Intersections Sing Together Series, “Kiss Me I’m Irish.” Bring instruments if desired. The bar will be open for adults and kids can enjoy a green Shirley Temple. At 6:30 p.m. in The Forum at Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Tickets: Adult $8; children 12 and under $6. Registration recommended. For information and to register, contact Rae at 210-9837 or rae@dwtheatre.com or visit www.dwtheatre.com/intersections. SWANNANOA VALLEY MONTESSOR INFO SESSION: SVMS hosts a preschool informational session, 1-3 p.m. at 130 Center Ave., Black Mountain. Meet teachers and head of school, and visit the classrooms. Drop-ins welcome, but registration encouraged. To register, call 669-8571 or email swanmont@mac.com. For more information, visit www.swanmont.org “WILLY WONKA JR.”: Asheville Performing Arts Academy students present a world of pure imagination and tour the chocolate factory with Charlie. Performances at 7 p.m. March 15-16 and 3 p.m. March 16 at the BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St., Asheville. Tickets $12 by calling 253-4000.

March 16

ASHEVILLE MONTHLY MAGIC SHOW: Magicians, storytellers, musicians and theatrical entertainers gather the third Saturday of each month to produce “Magic, Mirth & Meaning” at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Asheville. The 7 p.m. show raises money for the nonprofit The Vanishing Wheelchair Inc. The family-friendly two-hour event showcases the talents of members of The Vanishing Wheelchair, which displays the talents of people with varying disabilities and those helping them. Suggested donation of $10 for adults, $5 for chil-

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dren. Tickets at www.vanishingwheelchair.org or call 645-2941. FACE PAINTING: Free face painting at Asheville’s Fun Depot, noon-5 p.m. No purchase necessary, tips appreciated. Call before arriving to verify event, 277-2386. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. “INTO THE WOODS, JR.”: The Brothers Grimm “go Broadway” in this musical. Favorite fairy tale characters — Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and The Witch — meet and interact on their journeys. Performed by a class of 30 students ranging in age from 8-15. Performance at 7:30 p.m. March 16 and 2:30 p.m. March 17. Tickets $5. Visit www.ashevilletheatre.org. SIBLING CLASS, “MY MOM’S HAVING A BABY”: Class designed for young siblings, ages 3-8. Includes a discussion of pregnancy at the child’s level; what it means to be a sibling; a chance to make a gift for self and new baby. Free. Held third Saturday of teh month at Mission Hospital, Room A-649. For information, contact Mission Children’s Hospital’s Child Life Department at 213-8302. “WILLY WONKA JR.”: Asheville Performing Arts Academy students present a world of pure imagination and tour the chocolate factory with Charlie. Performances at 3 and 7 p.m. March 16 at the BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St., Asheville. Tickets $12 by calling 253-4000.

March 17

“INTO THE WOODS, JR.”: The Brothers Grimm “go Broadway” in this musical. Favorite fairy tale characters — Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack (and his beanstalk) and The Witch — meet and interact on their journeys. Performed by a class of 30 students ranging in age from 8-15. Performance at 2:30 p.m. March 17. Tickets $5. Visit www.ashevilletheatre.org. MEDITATIONS THAT HEAL: Learn special meditations for mental and physical healing for ourselves and others, with Buddhist teacher Sharon Lovich. Held 7-8:30 p.m. Sundays, March 3-17, at Rainbow Mountain Children’s School, Orchard House, 50 State St. $8/5 students/seniors. Everyone welcome. Drop into any class. Call 668-2241 or visit www.MeditationInAsheville.org.

March 18

FAMILIES EATING SMART AND MOVING MORE: Head Start and WIC parents are invited to participate in workshops with simple solutions for saving money at the grocery store, preparing quick and easy meals, keeping food safe and becoming more physically active. Each participant will receive useful kitchen tools, a fitness DVD and a grocery list pad. Runs 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mondays, March 18-April 22, at NC Cooperative Extension Center, 94 Coxe Ave., Asheville. For more information, contact Margaret Ruff at 255-5522 or margaret_ruff@ncsu.edu. FAMILY GROUP NIGHT: Family Support Network of WNC at Mission Children’s Hospital and St. Gerard House host meeting with group meal for whole families experiencing special needs in Henderson and surrounding counties. Families split into groups (parents, siblings, child care, children with special needs, youth with special needs) after dinner to

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calendar of events Continued from Page 86 sthare stories, play games and gather resources. Free. Meets every third Monday, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Gerard House, 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. To register for group or for more information, contact Kate Glance at 213-9787 or kate.glance@msj.org. Visit www.stgerardhouse.com. WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This week’s theme is “Beautiful Butterflies.” $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.

March 19

FAMILIES EATING SMART AND MOVING MORE: Head Start and WIC parents are invited to participate in workshops with simple solutions for saving money at the grocery store, preparing quick and easy meals, keeping food safe and becoming more physically active. Each participant will receive useful kitchen tools, a fitness DVD and a grocery list pad. Runs 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesdays, March 19-April 23, at WIC West, 339 Leicester Highway, Suite 120, Asheville. For more information, contact Margaret Ruff at 255-5522 or margaret_ruff@ncsu.edu. SLEEP SOLUTIONS: In-depth workshop by Sleep Expert Meggan Hartman to help parents understand how to establish good sleep habits and a healthy schedule for their babies and themselves. $25 per couple (scholarships available). Registration required at www.parkridgebabies.com. 6-7 p.m. at The Health Adventure, 800 Brevard Road, Asheville. TEACHABLE TWOS-DAY: New monthly class for ages 2-5 at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery will explore educational boxes from the Early Learning Center of the Children and Family Resource center specifically designed for 2- to 4-year-olds. At 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Free with admission. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 6978333. WEE NATURALIST: See March 18. YOUTH PRODUCTION CLASS: Asheville Community Theatre’s next course works on the musical “Free to Be You and Me,” from the children’s book by Marlo Thomas that inspires children to examine the possibilities of who they could become. Open to ages 6-12. Classes runs 4:30-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 19-April 25. Rehearsals increase as performances apprach. Performances May 10-12 on the Mainstage. For tuition information or to register, please visit www.ashevilletheatre.org or call 2541320. THE ZOODLES SHOW: The Hop brings this musical trio and its great energy for a free show at 6:30 p.m. at 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Call 254-2224 or visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com.

March 20

BOOK ‘N CRAFT: Read Dr. Seuss’ “Horton Hears a

PARENTS’ NIGHTS OUT Need a date night? Here is a roundup of upcoming parents’ nights out. Have an event to submit? Email information to calendar@wncparent.com.


ASHEVILLE DOWNTOWN YMCA: For ages 2-13. Themed nights include swimming, healthy snacks, games and crafts. 6-10 p.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Downtown YMCA, 30 Woodfin St., Asheville. $15 members/$23 nonmembers, with $2 sibling discount. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org. Call 210-9622 or email cemrick@ymcawnc.org for more information.


FIRED UP! CREATIVE LOUNGE: Kids paint pottery, have pizza and play games, 6-9 p.m. the second Friday of the month. At 26 Wall St., Asheville, and 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5-12. $25. Registration required. Call Asheville shop at 253-8181 and Hendersonville shop at 698-9960. COLBURN EARTH SCIENCE MUSEUM: Kids’ Night at the Museum with activities, games, crafts, dinner and hands-on sci-

Who” and make a craft. Program is also a preview of teh Nano Science activities that Hands On! will host as part of a nationwide Nano Science festival, starting March 29. Free with admission. At 11 a.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org. ‘THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR’: Continue the reading fun with Eric Carle’s classic and a craft at 2 p.m. for all ages. Free with admission. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org.

March 21

ART OF BREAST-FEEDING: Pardee Hospital offers free class for new moms, 6:30-8 p.m. at hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Registration is required. Call 866-790-WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register. AUTISM PARENT SUPPORT GROUP: Buncombe County Chapter of the Autism Society of NC offers a parent support group, open to all parents, caregivers and advocates. Meetings are 6:15 p.m. the third Thursday of the month at the Autism Society of North Carolina office, 306 Summit St, Asheville. Child care provided upon request. To register or for more information, please contact chapter leader Lisa Pickering at lisarogerkaelyn@gmail.com. BREAST-FEEDING CLINIC FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS: Free class that covers breast-feeding issues and solutions. Free child care and refreshments. 6-8 p.m. at the office of Kelly Thompson, 2605 Chim-


ence lessons. This month, learn about “Weird, Wild and Wacky.” For grades K-4. $20 nonmembers, $16 members and siblings. 5-9 p.m. in Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Register by phone at 254-7162. Visit www.colburnmuseum.org for more information.


WOODFIN YMCA: Neighborhood Y at Woodfin offers Parents’ Night Out the fourth Friday of each month, 6-9 p.m. Themed nights include healthy snacks, games and crafts. $12 member/$18 nonmember, with $2 sibling discount. Ages 2-13. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org or in person at 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville. Call 505-3990.

MARCH 29 YWCA OF ASHEVILLE: Kids ages 4 and older can enjoy swimming and a movie with the YWCA aquatics staff. Child care available for ages 6 months-4 years. Registration required. Nonmembers welcome. $10 per child/$30 max per family. From 4-8 p.m. at 185 S. French Broad Ave. To register, call 254-7206, ext. 110, or email aileen.sutton@ywcaofasheville.org. Visit www.ywcaofasheville.org.

ney Rock Road, Hendersonville. Call 698-9934 to reserve a spot in this class. CRITTER CRAFT: Learn to create elephants like Horton. All ages drop-in activity. Free with $5 admission. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org.

March 22

LEARN SPANISH CREATIVELY: Students ages 3-6 will learn basic Spanish vocabulary and colors through games, dramatic play, movement and songs. Thirty-minute class at 11 a.m. $8 members/$10 nonmembers. Call 697-8333 to register. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org.

March 23

ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Session for pre-K and youth, Saturdays, March 23-April 20. Registration deadline is March 7 (with late registration fee of $20). Starts at $25. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. INTERGENERATIONAL DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE: Dances, games, stories, songs and refreshments. For families and all ages. 1-3 p.m. at Rainbow Mountain School, 574 Haywood Road, West Asheville. Love offerings accepted. Contact Damira at damira51@gmail.com or 246-4485. OLD FARMER’S BALL — YMCA SATURDAY NIGHT

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Continued from Page 91 DANCE: Community event with contra dancing, square dancing and similar kinds of traditional folk dance, rooted in old-time Appalachian music and other styles of traditional fiddle music. Dance for families with kids ages 5-11 is 6-7:30 p.m. Contra dance for teens and adults is 8-10 p.m. with beginner lesson at 7:30. At Asheville YMCA, 30 Woodfin St. Visit www.oldfarmersball.com/ymca/index.php “THE BIG DIPPER”: Asheville Puppetry Alliance presents “The Big Dipper: Calendar, Compass & Clock.” Discover the mystery and science of the Big Dipper through stories from the ancient Chinese, Micmac Indians, Greek, and Aztec cultures, and the Southern slaves following the “drinkin gourd” to freedom. At 2 p.m. at Diana Wortham Theatre. $8. Call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com or www.ashevillepuppetry.org.

March 25

WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This week’s theme is “Dazzling Dragonflies.” $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.

March 26

THEATRICAL TWOS-DAYS: New class at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery designed for 2- and 3-year-olds and parent or caregiver. A story will guide the children in theatrical play through creative movement, music, and art. Limited spaces; call to register. Free with admission. At 10:30 a.m. at Hands On!, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. WEE NATURALIST: See March 25.

March 27

CRAZY CHEMISTS: Go nano and with gummy worms and crazy chemists. Ages 3 and older. Limited space. Call 697-8333 to register. Free with $5 admission/free for members. At 10:30 a.m. At Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333.

March 28

INFANT CARE CLASS: Basics including newborn characteristics, feeding, bathing, cord care, diapering and swaddling. Free. 6:30-8 p.m. at Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Registration is required. Call 866-790-WELL or visit www.pardeehospital.org to register.

March 29

NANO SCIENCE CELEBRATION: The giggest event for the smallest science: nano science. Hands On! A Child’s Gallery is participating in a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science


A sampling of support groups for moms in WNC. Asheville Stay-At-Home Moms Playgroup: Visit www.meetup.com/AshevilleStay-At-Home-Moms-Playgroup/ Arden Moms Meetup Group: Visit www.meetup.com/arden-moms or contact Susan Toole at ArdenMoms@gmail.com. AshevilleMommies.com: Meet and greets for moms while kids play. Two sessions, 11 a.m.-noon and 3-4 p.m. Wednesdays at The Hop Ice Cream and Coffee Shop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Asheville Moms with Multiples: Group for moms with multiples meets 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the Women’s Resource Center on Doctors Drive, behind Mission Hospital. Meetings are an opportunity to share experiences and offer support in a social setting. Call 444-AMOM or visit www.ashevillemom.com. Biltmore Baptist MOPS: Group for all mothers of children from infancy through kindergarten. Meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month, September-May at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Call 687-1111, email mopsofbbc@yahoo.com or visit www.biltmorebaptist.org/mops/. Hiking with Preschoolers: Visit www.meetup.com/hiking-with-Preschoolers/ La Leche League of Asheville/Buncombe: For all those interested in breastfeeding. Nursing babies, toddlers and pregnant women welcome. Meetings are second Monday of every month, 10-11 a.m., at First Congregational Church, Oak Street, and third Monday of every month, 7-8 p.m., Awakening Heart Chiropractic, Ravenscroft Drive. Please call a leader for more information or directions: Susan 303-6352 or Adrienne 603-505-0855. Visit www.lalecheleagueofnc.org La Leche League of Hendersonville: Offers information and support for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville, 2021 Kanuga Road. Babies and toddlers are welcome. For more information, Contact a leader: Andrea 676-

6047, Katie 808-1490, or MC 693-9899. Mom2mom: Christian moms group meets at St. Paul’s Church, 32 Rosscraggon Road, Rosscraggon Business Park Building B, Asheville. Moms with any age children are welcome. Call 388-3598. Mommy and Me: Park Ridge Hospital offers a support group for moms at 10 a.m. the fourth Monday of the month. Contact Amy Mast at 216-7244. The hospital offers a luncheon for moms and babies, noon-1 p.m. the third Monday of the month, at the hospital’s private dining room. Call 681-2229. Moms Club of Hendersonville: A support group open to mothers of all ages in the Henderson County area, including mothers who have home-based businesses and those who work part-time but are home with their children during the day. The group meets for speeches and topics for discussion, park days, playgroups, nights out, holiday activities and service projects benefiting needy children in the community. Meets 9:30 a.m. the first Thursday of the month at Hendersonville Church of Christ, 1975 Haywood Road, Hendersonville. Children welcome. Call Toni McDonald at 702-0433 or visit http://hendersonvillemomsclub.wordpress.com MOPS at Mud Creek: Mothers of Preschoolers provides an open, faith-based atmosphere for moms of infants through kindergartners. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 9:15-11:15 a.m., SeptemberMay, at Mud Creek Baptist Church, 403 Rutledge Drive, Hendersonville. Email Melissa Thorsland, melthor@tds.net, or MOPS.MudCreek@gmail.com or visit http:// mopsatmudcreek.webs.com/links.htm. North Asheville MOPS: Meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Maranatha Baptist Church, 1040 Lower Flat Creek Road, Weaverville. Contact Amy at 658-0739 or Liban at lmorris_cid@hotmail.com. WNC Mountain Mamas: Moms and kids can meet up and play at 11 a.m. Wednesdays the Hop Ice Cream Shop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Enjoy half-priced coffees and ice cream. Encompassing, supporting and uniting WNC families. Visit www.wncmountainmamas.proboards.com.

and engineering. Come explore hands-on demonstrations, experiments and exhibits all focused on nano science. Opens March 29, continues April 2-5. Free with admission/free for members. All day at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org or call 697-8333.

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March 30

CHILDREN’S CLOTHING EXCHANGE: Semi-annual sale with gently used clothing (newborn to juniors), shoes, toys, books, games and baby equipment. 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m., with 40 percent off from 2-4 p.m. At

the U.S. Army Reserve Center, 224 Louisiana Ave. Consignors receive 70 percent. Visit www.thechildrensclothingexchange.com or email thechildrensclothingexchange@gmail.com. COMMUNITY SWIM DAY: The whole family can swim for just $5 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at YWCA of Asheville, 135 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville. Free swim lessons ages 6 months-7 years from 3-4 pm. Registration required for lessons. Nonmembers welcome. To register, call 254-7206, ext. 110, or email aileen.sutton@ywcaofasheville.org. Visit www.ywcaofasheville.org. FACE PAINTING: Free face painting at Asheville’s Fun Depot, noon-5 p.m. No purchase necessary, tips appreciated. Call before arriving to verify event, 277-2386. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com.

2013-14 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Buncombe County Public Schools Parents should call the school their child will attend to schedule an appointment. Times vary by school. » April 23: Avery’s Creek » April 29: Leicester, West Buncombe » April 30: Estes » May 1: Woodfin » May 3: Black Mountain Primary, Emma, Glen Arden, Williams » May 6: Bell, Fairview, Haw Creek, Johnston, Oakley

» May 10: Barnardsville, North Buncome, Weaverville Primary » May 13: Candler, Hominy Valley, Pisgah, Sand Hill-Venable Henderson County Public Schools » 8 a.m.-6 p.m. March 11, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. March 12 and 13. Parents should register their child at the elementary school in their home school district. For more information, go to www.hendersoncountypublicschoolsnc.org/elementaryeducation/kindergarten-registration/


HEALTH ADVENTURE PROGRAMS: At the museum, in Biltmore Square Mall, at 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Call 665-2217 or visit www.thehealthadventure.org. » Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl: Home Sweet Home: Exhibit encourages families to spend time together outdoors and inspires children to discover and care for the natural resources that sustain our world — our home sweet home. The exhibit was developed by The Betty Brinn Children’s Museum of Milwaukee in collaboration with the US Forest Service. » Science Wonders on Wednesday: Enjoy

science demonstrations of all kinds, on topics from electricity, sound, the human body and more. At 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Free with admission. » Preschool Play Date: Interactive fun just for preschoolers, 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Free with admission. » Science Wonders on Weekends: Experiment with science through hands-on activities led by museum facilitators. All ages. Two times, noon-1 p.m. and 3-4 p.m. Saturdays. Free with museum admission or membership. MUSIC WORKSHOP: Singer/songwriter Sonia


Brooks hosts free music workshop for children, 11 a.m.-noon Saturdays at Grateful Steps Bookstore, 159 S. Lexington Ave. Walk-ins welcome. Donations accepted. Call Sonia at 380-0275 with questions. ASHEVILLE YOUTH ENSEMBLE: New young musicians welcome with at least one year of note reading experience playing violin, viola, cello, bass, flute, recorder and percussion. Ensemble meets 4-5 p.m. Tuesdays in East Asheville. For more information or to join contact Lisa Smith at 299-4856 or AshevilleYouthEnsemble@gmail.com.



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