WNCParent June 2010

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c o n t e n t s Celebrate fathers,

winners and summer

This month’s features

2 It’s free!

There’s plenty to do around town this summer that won’t tax your wallet.


My wedding anniversary is May 23. It falls in between Mother’s and Father’s Days, so my husband and I tend to pay less attention to those days and celebrate our wedded bliss instead. (But the kids whoop it up on the parenting holidays, with breakfast in bed, etc.) We may exchange cards, but that’s about it. Until this year. For Mother’s Day, I got a gift. A nice gift. Sort of out of the blue. So as Father’s Day approaches, I need ideas. And clearly something better than a “Star Trek” DVD (the only thought I’ve had so far). It’s a good thing we’ve got suggestions; you’ll find them on Page 8. A big focus of this issue is our annual Family Choice Awards. Asheville’s parents are loyal ones, and that devotion to local businesses is demonstrated in more than 50 categories. See the results starting on Page 31. And what better way to celebrate summer than with every parent’s favorite four-letter word: free. (You wondered where I was going with that, didn’t you?) Check out free things to do around town on Page 2. Katie Wadington, editor

6 Pass it on

Three fathers talk about what they hope to teach their kids.

8 Gifts galore

We’ve rounded up 10 gift ideas for this Father’s Day.

10 Dollywood at 25

Dollywood rolls out new family-friendly attractions to mark its anniversary.

14 Across the mountain


Interstate 40’s reopening makes it easier to travel to fun destinations in Tennessee.

20 Parent 2 Parent

Meet Renee Owen, executive director of Rainbow Mountain Children’s School.

25 Go hiking

Kids in Parks expands its family hiking program to get kids moving.

In every issue

Kids’ Voices..........................23 Kitchen Kids ........................29 Divorced Families...............52 Artful Parent .....................54 Home-school Happenings ....56 Story times .......................58 Librarian’s Pick..................59 Puzzles .......................60-61 Calendar ..........................62

31 Family Choice Awards You voted, we tallied. And here are this year’s winners.

On the cover

Zamarian "ZJ" James, of Black Mountain. By Sonya Stone Photography, sonyastone.com.

Are you a member? Join the conversation, post photos and connect with other parents at WNCmom.com.

P.O. Box 2090, Asheville, NC 28802 828-232-5845 I www.wncmom.com PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Randy Hammer WNC PARENT EDITOR FEATURES EDITOR Katie Wadington - 232-5829 Bruce Steele kwadington@citizen-times.com bsteele@citizen-times.com CONTRIBUTING EDITOR STAFF WRITER Nancy Sluder Barbara Blake nsluder@citizen-times.com bblake@citizen-times.com ADVERTISING/CIRCULATION Miranda Weerheim - 232-5980 mweerheim@gannett.com CALENDAR CONTENT Due by June 11. E-mail calendar@wncparent.com ADVERTISING DEADLINE Advertising deadline for the July issue is June 15




SUMMER FUN By Katie Wadington ◆ WNC Parent editor

There are plenty of places in the Asheville area to entertain kids during the summer. And a surprising number of them are even free. If you’re looking for cheap fun, try these options while the kids are out of school (and you need an alternative to the park).

◆ Public library summer reading programs With reptiles and snakes, magic and music, kids almost might forget about the books. Public libraries around WNC put on programs packed with entertainment and education all summer. This year’s theme at many of them: “Make a Splash—READ!” Buncombe County Public Libraries kick off on June 2, with programs at each branch throughout the summer. (Visit buncombecounty.org/ governing/ depts/library/ summerreading.htm.) Henderson County Library branches start the program June 1. (Visit Henderson.lib.nc.us.) Hay-

wood County Library’s program also starts in June, with a party on June 12 to launch its “Splash.” Each library system has kick-off events. See the calendar section starting on Page 62 for details.

◆ The Hop’s summer entertainment series The ice cream shop on Merrimon Avenue offers a baker’s dozen worth of events through July, some that are sheer fun and others that benefit charity. For instance, learn about classical music while you eat a cone on June 18 during a visit from Keowee Chamber Music. Be entertained by Professor Whizzpop on June 22 or The Jolly Balloon Smiths on June 26. Frozen treats will benefit places like Animal Compassion Network and Brother Wolf on other days. Visit thehopicecreamcafe.com.

◆ Regal cinemas Regal Entertainment Group’s Biltmore Grande and Beaucatcher theaters offer free movies at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the summer as part of the Free Family Film Festival. Two films, rated G or PG, are shown each day. The festival starts June 15 and runs through Aug. 11. For schedules, visit regmovies.com/nowshowing/familyfilmfestivalschedule.aspx.

◆ Blue Ridge Parkway Destination and Visitors Center Learn fascinating facts about the Blue Ridge Parkway (which is also free) at this two-year-old center just east of Asheville. Interactive exhibits, including the I-Wall — a 22-foot multimedia map of the parkway — will capture children’s attention. From the center, head out on a hike on a TRACK Trail, a program from Kids in Parks and the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. For more information, visit kidsinparks.com. Continues on Page 5


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FREE FUN Continued from Page 2

◆ Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education The center in Pisgah National Forest hosts free programs for children like Introduction to Archery and Introduction to Fly-Fishing. Workshops range from a few hours to a weeklong session like “A Week in the Water,” where kids learn about fishing equipment, knots and casting before spending time fishing. Some classes require a registration fee, which is refundable upon class attendance. The center is located near the Fish Hatchery in Pisgah National Forest, off U.S. 276. Visit ncwildlife.org/Education_Workshops/Pisgah_Center.htm.

◆ Riverside Cemetery Odd to visit a cemetery for the afternoon, perhaps, but older kids may be interested to see the varied architecture and history lessons at the Montford site. And a visit to the final resting places of authors Thomas Wolfe and O. Henry may spark an interest in literature.

◆ Swannanoa Valley Museum This museum in Black Mountain traces the history of the Swannanoa Valley and its importance as a gateway to points west. Admission is only $2 for adults and free for children 12 and younger.

◆ Mineral & Lapidary Museum of Henderson County Marvel at fluorescent minerals, examine fossils and see the Hendersonville

Meteorite at this museum on Main Street in Hendersonville. Admission is free, though a donation is appreciated. Visit mineralmuseum.org.

◆ Colburn Earth Science Museum If your child loves to pretend he’s blasting in a coal mine or forecasting the weather, visit this destination on the lower level of Pack Place in downtown Asheville. It offers free admission from 3-5 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month. Visit colburnmuseum.org.

◆ Folk Art Center The Southern Highland Craft Guild’s outpost on the Blue Ridge Parkway, just east of U.S. 74, is always free. The guild hosts daily craft demonstrations in the lobby. Several galleries feature the work of regional crafters. And the sprawling gift shop is worth exploring. Visit southernhighlandguild.org.

◆ The Health Adventure Get a dose of science and check out the museum’s summer exhibits, Eyes on Earth and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Admission is free from 3-5 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month. Visit thehealthadventure.org.

◆ Connemara, Carl Sandburg Home There’s a fee to take a tour of the famed poet’s home in Flat Rock, but it’s free to explore the grounds, five miles of trails and barn and visit with the site’s goat herd. Visit nps.gov/carl.

◆ N.C. Arboretum Take the kids on a hike and explore nature, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway in Bent Creek. Parking is free all day the first Tues-

day of each month. Visit ncarboretum.org.

◆ Vance Birthplace Take a step back in time at the pioneer farmstead in Reems Creek Valley that is the birthplace of N.C. Gov. Zeb Vance. Imagine what it was like to live in a log house and learn more about one of the state’s most dominant personalities. Visit nchistoricsites.org/vance.

◆ WNC Farmers Market and tailgate markets The commercial farmers market off N.C. 191 as well as the many tailgate markets around town are excellent places to teach kids about Mother Nature’s bounty. And unless you choose to buy something, it’s free to walk around.

◆ WNC Air Museum Do you have a child into airplanes? See some up close at this museum in Hendersonville, which has free admission and parking. Visit wncairmuseum.com.

◆ Home Depot and Lowe’s Both home improvement stores offer free workshops for kids on Saturdays. Check lowes.com or homedepot.com or your local store for upcoming events.

◆ Michaels The craft store offers Make-it Take-it times on weekends whenkids can make a craft for free. The week before Father’s Day, the store is offering events on several evenings. Visit Michaels.com for a schedule of events for the Asheville and Arden stores.




Dads teach kids life skills and learn them in return



ad Bucky Hanks has it covered for Father’s Day. With two sons, Micah and Caleb Hanks, he’s mentored many of the region’s young musicians and is the rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Woodfin. “A lot of my flock calls me ‘Padre,’ ” the elder Hanks said, laughing. “It comes from the character Father Mulcahy on the TV show ‘M*A*S*H’.” Like many dads polled, he credits his dad for paving the way to good parenting skills. “My dad and I were extremely close, more like friends, like I am with my sons,” said Hanks. “My dad was 24 when I was born and in many ways we grew up together.” Continuing a family legacy has been important, too; his father played music and shared that with him, as he has shared with his sons. “Parents impart wisdom in many ways. I didn’t really teach them, I gave them the instruments and got out of the way,” he said. A dad is often the “go to” person for wisdom and advice but that can reverse. “I often go to my kids now for advice,” said Hanks. At 27 and 24, respectively, Micah and Caleb Hanks are both professional musicians and play in their family band Runners of the Green Laurel. “I think what dads should want to give their kids the most is certainly not material things, but probably nurturing, wisdom, legacies from their family. I’ve drawn from lots of father figures in my own time, my own dad and my wife’s dad.” Hanks sees a dad’s presence as a


By Carol Rifkin WNC Parent contributor


Bucky Hanks, with sons Caleb and Micah, credits his dad for giving him the wisdom he needs to parent. But, Hanks adds, he goes to his boys for advice now, too. critical role. “That is not always the case today in families, but I think that my dad being with me, like I have been there for Micah and Caleb, is most important,” he said. Friends help too; Hanks credits fiddler Arvil Freeman of Weaverville with mentoring his family. “Having someone like Arvil in your life, who is a father figure who takes you hunting, teaches you things and does things with you, can be really important. Just having a male presence helping you along and being there for you helps, whatever kind of mentor you have,” said Hanks. Younger dads today face fast-paced lives. Sales specialist J.C. Little, of Swannanoa, said he thinks time with his 2year-old son Aiden is a precious com-

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modity. At 24, parenthood has changed Little’s life dramatically. “Going from a teenager three or four years ago to providing for a family and having a child, a lot has come up,” he said. “You have to put on this role that no one has really trained you to do but you do it and it’s cool.” After long days at work, seeing his son is the best medicine. “No matter how bad my day goes, I see him and it all goes away, everything is better and I forget about it all,” said Little. “That’s the best thing.” Their favorite activity together lately is watching Disney movies. “He’s so cute, he’s at that age where he sings along and really enjoys it,” Little said. What kind of wisdom does he want


J.C. Little says his son Aiden brightens his day. What wisdom does he hope to impart to the boy? "Responsibility," Little says. to impart to his son? “Responsibility, that is huge,” he said. “It’s a wide topic. There is a time and place for everything, that is what responsibility should be for, knowing what to do and when to do it. Learning is part of growing.” Life as a single parent has its own set of challenges and rewards. Saluda resident Martin Anderson is

music director for WNCW 88.7 FM radio in Spindale and dad to curly headed 3year-old Mara Zetta Anderson. He and Mara Zetta’s mom have separated but share her 50 percent each week. “When my daughter was born, I seriously considered quitting my job just so I could spend as much time as possible with her during her first few years,” he said. “But of course, there’s merit in remaining employed, and we were blessed to find a wonderful nanny for her.” Faced with the same child care struggles as all working couples, Anderson said the nanny will help until Mara Zetta enrolls in daily preschool this fall. “Whatever juggling of my life that needs to be done for her happiness is 100 percent worth it,” Anderson said. “I learn so much from my 3 year-old: patience, unconditional love, pure joy, patience, the marvels of human development, patience.” E-mail Carol Rifkin at CMRifkin@gmail.com


Martin and Mara Zetta Anderson make the most of their time together, as Martin juggles his job and life as a single parent. He said the 3-year-old teaches him patience, love and "pure joy."



Gadgets, gizmos more


Ideas for Dad this Father’s Day

By Michael Flynn ◆ WNC Parent contributor

Buying a Father’s Day present can be the most enjoyable shopping trip on the annual gift calendar. Let’s face it — dads are often the least finicky family member when it comes to finding something they can have fun with. From grill gadgets to outdoor gear and board games to golf rounds, the hardest part may be settling on a single item. With that in mind, here are some local choices to help you come up with the right gift.

Working with wood

Woodworking tools can be found at any retailer, but what about the knowledge to use them properly? Asheville Hardware at 10 Buxton Ave. offers woodworking lessons to let Dad sharpen his skills. A two-day novice class from 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. June 12 and 19 covers wood types, tool demonstrations and common woodworking joints. Cost is $145 and gift certificates are available. Children 15 and older can enroll alongside dad. ashevillehardware.com, 252-8088.

Just breathe

Forget about figuring out how long a bottle of wine needs to “breathe” before serving. Just open and pour through this acrylic device, which infuses air into the wine as it runs into your glass. Works for both whites and reds, with a sediment screen included in the red wine version. Try it and you’ll taste the difference. $29.99 at Asheville Wine Market, 65 Biltmore Ave. ashevillewine.com, 253-0060.

Rest like an eagle

‘Last American Man’

What Dad really wants to do June 20 is kick up his feet, so let him do it in a parachute hammock from Asheville firm Eagles Nest Outfitters. Made from tough but lightweight nylon fabric, the hammocks come in single (about $55) and double (about $65) sizes and pack into their own pouch. Suspension straps sold separately (about $20). Available at eaglesnestoutfittersinc.com, or shops such as Mast General Store, 15 Biltmore Ave. mastgeneralstore.com, 232-1883.


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Author Elizabeth Gilbert’s acclaimed book about Eustace Conway’s off-thegrid existence in the WNC wilderness is a great read, even for dads who think car camping is rough. “The Last American Man” is $15 in paperback at Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St. Or try Scott Turow’s “Innocent,” the sequel to “Presumed Innocent,” his legal thriller from 1987. $27.99. malaprops.com, 254-6734.

Got it covered


For golfing dads, the Great Smoky Mountain Golf Trails coupon book offers a bagful of discounted golf at 21 courses in the region. The 2010 book contains two coupons for each participating course, and each coupon covers one round of weekday golf. Two coupons required on weekends. Two bonus coupons for each course can also be used in November and December. Books are $149.95 at greatsmokiesgolf.com, which has all the details, or visit the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. 258-6101.

The summer heat has already arrived. Curtis-Wright Outfitters (stores in Asheville, Weaverville and Saluda) has Dad covered whether he’s on the water, golf course or backyard with this straw hat, which provides UPF-50+ sun protection. $24.95, curtiswrightoutfitters.com, 877- 450-3474.

Is it done yet? All you need is love

Being a dad doesn’t mean giving up good tunes. Asheville rocker Wayne Robbins, a father of three (ages 2 to 12) with wife Esther, has just released a new album with his band the Hellsayers. Titled “All You Need to Sleep” ($9.99), the CD blends electric guitars and dream-like imagery. Harvest Records, 415 Haywood Road. harvestrecords.com, 258-2999.

Some chefs just know when the grilled chicken and chops are properly cooked, but the rest of us need some guidance. This grill fork ($29.95) from Williams-Sonoma in Biltmore Village has a thermometer in the tip that provides an instant digital read-out on the handle. williams-sonoma.com, 277-3707.

Professor Plum

Where are we?

Since Dad is less likely to ask for directions, help him out with a portable Global Positioning System receiver. GPS gadgets can help on the road, trail and sidewalk. Prices at Asheville’s REI run about $135-$600, depending on features such as load time, touch screen, color view and expandable memory. The basic Garmin Legend H ($135) works great for family geocaching trips. rei.com, 687-0918.

Dads are basically overgrown kids, and on this day it’s OK to celebrate that trait. So head to the O.P. Taylor’s toy store in Biltmore Park (or Brevard) and check out the smorgasbord of games dad played as a child. Parcheesi ($20), Stratego ($34), Monopoly ($25) and Clue ($20) are some possibilities. Risk, the game of global conquest, is back in a 50th anniversary edition ($40). optaylors.com, 681-1865.





Lookin’ good at By Bruce C. Steele WNC Parent writer


Adventure Mountain is a new family-friendly obstacle course at Dollywood, in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., which is open for its 25th season.


Theme and water parks roll out new features for anniversary

Dolly Parton will be in the park this month. In person. If you think Parton just loaned her name and a few old dresses to Dollywood to make a buck, this season at the theme park should prove you wrong. She has appeared at least two or three times so far — typically in a park parade to greet the guests — and she will return the second weekend in June to celebrate the donation of her Imagination Library program’s 25 millionth book to a child somewhere in the world.

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So when Dollywood’s employees start talking about what Dolly wanted for children, or how Dolly had this idea or that to help out families, you believe them. And when the park’s public relations manager, Pete Owens, says one reason the park built a new two-acre challenge course targeted to families is because Parton is concerned about the health and development of children, you might imagine Dolly in benevolent bossy mode, asking her park designers to create an attraction to keep kids active. “First lady Michelle Obama’s initiative is childhood fitness,” Owens said, “and Adventure Mountain is an attraction that will get children out and moving, while challenging themselves physically and mentally.” The $6 million attraction, open just over a month, offers four levels of difficulty. They range from Camp Teachittoomee, with ground-level activities for small children, to courses that include rope trails, net ladders, rock ledges, moving beams and more creative obstacles. Families are encouraged to take on the trails together — everyone individually

tethered to prevent falling — so mom and dad can get something of a workout trying to keep up with the kids. If a level is too challenging, participants can downgrade (or upgrade) at several points along the way.

No. 1 Show Park Families are also the heart of the summer’s main event at Dollywood, KidsFest, running June 11-Aug. 1. In addition to countless special activities and events throughout the park, KidsFest will feature a different headline entertainer each week in the Adventure Theatre. KidsFest isn’t the only entertainment in the park. This is, after all, Dolly Parton’s theme park, so the music shows are central and top-notch. In this year’s “Country Crossroads” concert, for example, six talented young performers take audiences through nearly a century of country music in just under 30 minutes. It’s not all country song revues, either. Now in its second season is the full-scale Continues on Page 13

Dollywood offers live music shows, a special retrospective memorabilia exhibit, plenty of children’s games and activities, (many involving flying water), artisans at work and, of course, lots of roller-coasters and rides.




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Continued from Page 11

stage musical “Sha-Kon-O-Hey!,” set in the Smokies of the 1930s, with nine original songs by Parton. Also back is “Dreamland Drive-In,” an upbeat anthology of popular music from the 1950s and ’60s. Other live shows include the 25th Dollywood season of the Kingdom Heirs gospel quartet, the Appalachian sounds of Dolly’s Family Reunion and a solo set by James Rogers. Oh, and a free movie, “Heartsong.” Starring Dolly. There’s a reason Dollywood has been voted, as PR guy Owens reminds us, the “No. 1 Show Park” in the nation by the theme park industry. While the children and young-at-heart are off riding Dollywood’s many rollercoasters and thrill rides, and getting soaked in water-gun battles, the postadventurous branch of the family can spend a whole day enjoying the shows. In between, there’s time for shopping in Craftsman Valley — yes, that’s an actual blacksmith — and eating at one of the many restaurants. For family snack time, don’t miss the hot cinnamon bread at the Grist Mill.



What: Dollywood and Splash Country Where: Pigeon Forge, Tenn., about 1¾ hours from Asheville via Interstate 40 and U.S. 411. Dollywood admission: $55.90 (ages 12-59), $44.70 (ages 4-11) and $52.50 (age 60 and older). Season passes: Add $33.10 (ages 12-59), $31.30 (ages 4-11), $36.50 (seniors). A Gold Pass, at $122 total, includes a 20 percent discount on food and purchases. Children age 3 and younger admitted free. Splash Country admission: $45.80 (ages 12-59), $40.25 (ages 4-11), $43.60 (age 60 and older). Children age 3 and younger admitted free. Those admitted after 3 p.m. may return the next day for free. Season passes also available. More information: Dollywood.com.

New this year to the Dollywood experience is Dollywood Vacations. It’s the existing Starr Crest resort, rebranded by Dolly Parton to cater to her theme park visitors. The resort is comprised chiefly of luxurious, two- and three-level “cabins” that are in fact the size of two- and three-bedroom houses. Perched atop a mountain ridge not far from Dollywood, the cabins feature spectacular views, spacious balconies, full kitchens, king-size beds, comfy furnishings and cathedral ceilings. Most also have additional features, such as a hot tub on the balcony, a Jacuzzi in the master bath, pool and other game tables, coin-free video games, flat-screen TVs, sleeping lofts for the kids and more. The resort’s best feature may be the perks its guests receive, which include free VIP parking at Dollywood, as well as food and purchase discounts in the parks and half-price tickets to the Dixie Stampede dinner and rodeo-and-music show in Pigeon Forge. To learn more, visit dollywoodvacations.com. Designed especially for parents with small children is the Cascades, an 8,000square-foot lagoon chock full of spouting creatures and features for the little ones, plus a serene, semi-submerged sitting area by a bank of rocky waterfalls where tired moms and dads can recharge.

A splash of the new Dollywood’s other Pigeon Forge park, Splash Country, could fill another whole day, and it’s similarly crafted to entertain guests of every generation. The central 25,000-square-foot wave pool is an allages oasis, whether for splashing or for napping in one of the hundreds of surrounding chaise lounges. Splash Country’s mountain location makes it unique among water parks. It’s divided into a bunch of separate areas, most not visible from the other, surrounded by woods and elaborately landscaped. Concrete is not the dominant motif. It’s really all about the water: splashing, flowing, meandering, falling, spraying everywhere. Splash Country is open daily through Aug.15, followed by weekend hours through Labor Day. Its regular hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m., staying open an hour later June 19-July 24. Guests arriving after 3 p.m. may return for free the next day. New for 2010 is Slick Rock Racer, a

Extending the fun

Take a break from the rides and catch the train at Dollywood. bright orange four-lane, 300-foot-long face-first water slide. It’s a supersized version of the old-time carnival slide, only here foam mats replace the potato sacks. More than a dozen other waterthemed attractions range from the highspeed corkscrew funnels of Mountain Scream and the vertiginous Fire Tower Falls — two 70-foot-tall slides that begin nearly straight down — to a lazy river for floating and the wading pools of Little River Falls, dotted with spraying whatnots that young children will love.

And how is a working family to afford all this fun? For Western North Carolina residents, mostly within a two-hour drive, Owens recommends multiple visits via season passes. At $89, they cost about $33 more than a one-day pass and are good for a year in both parks with no blackout dates. The parks also offer group rates and online specials. For the ultimate experience, check into a cabin at Dollywood Vacations and enjoy a wealth of VIP benefits (see box). If you’re determined to see Parton herself, check Dollywood’s Facebook page regularly for future appearances. After all, a trip to Dollywood may cost some dollars, but seeing Dolly in person is priceless.




WEST With I-40 reopened, Tennessee destinations are again easy to reach By Lockie Hunter WNC Parent contributor

Now that Interstate 40 has reopened after a large rockslide in October, it is easy to explore the cities along its path. From soaring waterfalls to top-notch aquariums, the wonders across the mountains await your family.


All aboard! Enjoy a vintage train ride at the Tennessee Valley Railroad in Chattanooga.


The Chattanooga area boasts parks, caverns and mountains just waiting to be explored. The city is also home to the world-class Tennessee Aquarium. Traveling on both land and water, the Ducks are a great way to discover the city. “The Chattanooga Ducks is an historical and ecological tour of downtown Chattanooga and the waterfront on an authentic restored WWII amphibious landing craft,” says Ducks owner Alex Moyers. Six miles from downtown Chattanooga, Rock City is perched atop Lookout Mountain. Featuring caves to explore, a 4,100-foot walking trail and towering rock formations, Rock City is also home to special summer shows including Birds of Prey Shows and music weekends. “Come see hawks soaring in the

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Ruby Falls’ new “adventure above the rest” includes suspended walkways. sky,” says Meagan Jolley, PR manager for Rock City and Ruby Falls. “Enjoy this rare opportunity to witness these powerful and majestic birds up close.” Home to the nation’s tallest and deepest waterfall open to the public, Ruby Falls now boasts a “new adventure above the rest” with a never-before-seen view of the Scenic City from the tree tops at Ruby Falls. “The Ruby Falls ZIPstream Aerial Adventure is the first experience of its type to hit Tennessee,” says Jolley. “The challenge is made up of suspended obstacle courses built in trees that include ladders, nets, walkways, bridges, tunnels and ziplines.” Hop aboard a vintage train at the Continues on Page 16

MORE INFORMATION Visitors’ Bureaus ◆ Knoxville, knoxville.org ◆ Chattanooga, chattanoogafun.com ◆ Pigeon Forge, pigeonforgevisitorcenter.com ◆ Gatlinburg, gatlinburg.com



GO WEST Continued from Page 15

Tennessee Valley Railroad. Offering daily rides on restored vintage rail coaches pulled by a steam locomotive or a WWII-era diesel locomotive, each round trip passes twice through a pre-Civil War Missionary Ridge tunnel. End your day with an evening stroll at Coolidge Park. Featuring a hand-carved carousel and interactive play fountain, this park has plenty of room to let off steam before dining at one of the restaurants that rim it.

Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge From the thrill of whitewater rafting down the Pigeon River to panning for gems, Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge offer many opportunities for family fun in the Great Smoky Mountains. Continues on Page 18


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Continued from Page 16

Find your favorite dinosaur at the Dinosaur Walk Museum in Pigeon Forge. A prehistoric adventure awaits your family at Pigeon Forge’s Dinosaur Walk Museum. Not mere fossils or bones, the museum features life-size sculptures of your favorite great beasts. The sculptures, created by some of the world’s greatest paleo-artists, are meticulously constructed and some took more than a decade to build. Come to Pigeon Forge’s WonderWorks and experience its 120 interactive adventures from the Space Lab to Bubble Zone. Defy gravity in the Inversion Tunnel or challenge yourself on the indoor rock climbing wall. Discover why the building itself is upside down as you continue your exploration. Cap the evening with a Hoot N’ Holler family dinner show, located inside WonderWorks, or


Enjoy the climbing wall at the new Nantahala Outdoor Center’s Great Outpost in Gatlinburg. secure tickets to the “Wonders of Magic” show. Visit the largest eco-tourist bird park in the Southeast at Parrot Mountain and Gardens. See magpies, toucans and other birds amid lush tropical gardens. You can even pet baby birds in the nursery and watch as they are hand-fed. Mine your own gems at the Pigeon Forge Gem Mine then have them polished and mounted into jewelry. Nearby Gatlinburg is home to the new Nantahala Outdoor Center’s Great Outpost, loaded with fun, interactive elements for both adults and kids. “The 25-foot indoor climbing wall is a major feature, and we

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have climbing harnesses and shoes for both kids and adults,” says Barbara Rodichok of NOC. Book whitewater rafting trips on the nearby Pigeon River. Choose from thrilling Class III-IV whitewater on the Upper Pigeon or a family float on the lower section. “The Upper Pigeon is the perfect recommendation for families with tweens,” adds Rodichok. “The whitewater is splashy, and the nearly-continuous rapids keep everyone interested.” The Ober Gatlinburg Aerial Tram affords great views while climbing to the top of the ski resort. The ski resort is home to an amusement park, hosting an alpine slide, indoor skating rink and more. Get-

ting there is half the fun. Rainy day? Head to one of Gatlinburg’s many indoor diversions on the main strip. The Ripley’s franchise is wellrepresented in Gatlinburg, and families can enjoy the aquarium, the haunted adventures and the Believe It or Not Museum. Get your picture taken in the bright orange General Lee at Cooter’s Place or pose with the stars at the Hollywood Wax Museum. Get lost at the Amazing Mirror Maze, spooked at the Mysterious Mansion or shake it up at Earthquake the Ride.


“No matter what you’re looking to explore — history, the arts, sports or nature — Knoxville has something for the entire family,” says Tyler Lewelling, Knoxville public relations manager. Enjoy a 90-minute journey along the Tennessee River on the Three Rivers Rambler train. Passing scenic farmland, historic quarries, and Knoxville’s first settlement area, the trip is educational and fun. The East Tennessee Discovery Center is a children’s hands-on science center and planetarium. Exhibits are divided into life, physical and earth sciences. Step inside a space shuttle or watch bees making honey. Public planetarium shows are offered each afternoon Tuesday through Saturday and explore “the sky tonight.” Keep the focus on science with a trip to the zoo. “Knoxville Zoo is home to over 800 ani-

The Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville is the only facility of its kind dedicated to all levels of women’s basketball in the world. mals,” notes Tina Rolen, assistant director of marketing for the zoo. Visitors can explore the zoo’s exhibits including the Boyd Family Red Panda Village, Grasslands Africa, an African elephant preserve, Penguin Rock, Chimp Ridge, Gorilla Valley and more. Have a sports nut in the family? “The Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame is an international museum dedicated to preserving the history of women’s basketball,” says Karen Tucker, director of basketball relations, programs and communications. The 32,00-square-foot mu-

Learn about red pandas, above, at the Boyd Family Red Panda Village at Knoxville Zoo. George, at left, is the first baby chimpanzee born at the zoo in 20 years. seum on the Tennessee River “operates under the mission to ‘Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present and Promote the Future.’” Ijams Nature Center is only three miles from downtown Knoxville. The nonprofit, 175-acre wildlife refuge has trails, ponds, a lake, and a river boardwalk to explore with the entire family,” notes naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales. “Peaceful and lush, spend an hour or a day.” Lockie Hunter is a freelance writer in Asheville. Contact her at lockie@lockiehunter.com.



Educator as parent

Renee Owen, executive director of Rainbow Mountain Children’s School, on the ‘sacred’ work of parenting By Barbara Blake ◆ WNC Parent writer Renee Owen is executive director of Rainbow Mountain Children’s School in West Asheville. She and her husband, Scott, have three children: Mesa, 17, a student at Carolina Day School; Johanna (Jo), 13, and Geronimo, 11, both at Rainbow Mountain. Owen, 42, originally from Cannon Falls, Minn., holds a BFA in art from the University of Michigan and a master’s in educational leadership from the University of Colorado. The family also owns and operates a farm in Transylvania County. Q. What did you do prior to RMCS? A. I founded and was the executive

director of a charter school in Colorado, called Paradox Valley School. We had a very unique curriculum in Paradox. It was place-based and arts-based. Most of the students were highly at-risk, but they developed into magnificent students. The school won multiple academic honors, and a national award for being leaders in arts education. Q. Why did you and your family decide to move to Asheville? A. We homesteaded 5 acres in an extremely remote area for 15 years. It was a beautiful way to raise young children, but as they got older, it was time to expose them to more opportunities. I discovered Rainbow Mountain Children’s School and couldn’t believe such an amazing school existed. Honestly, I


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never considered moving anywhere in the South. I moved here so my kids could go to Rainbow Mountain and so I could work there. To my surprise, Asheville has turned out to be perfect for the whole family. Q. What would you say about Asheville’s educational offerings? A. The diversity here is amazing. There is just about every type of school, P-8, but we need more high school alternatives. I can’t believe there isn’t a high school charter school. Q. How do you think being an educator makes a difference in parenting? A. Being a teacher is a huge advantage. Understanding child development makes a tremendous difference. You see what all the other kids are like at your child’s age, so you have perspective. Teaching also develops patience. If you


The Owen family gathers on their front porch in West Asheville. Parents Renee and Scott Owen sit behind kids, from left, Geronimo, Mesa and Johanna.

can be patient with a classroom of children, you can be with your own. Q. What would be the top three parenting tips you’d share? A. 1. Work on yourself. Parenting is sacred work. Find a personal spiritual practice that helps you be truly present for your children, and honor them as spiritual beings. 2. Set an example of industriousness by letting them see you work. Love your work, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or in a market place career. Don’t let them think that life is either work or play, and that work is miserable. 3. Change the world! That’s what we need them to do when they grow up. If you are employed, hopefully you have work that you feel is meaningful. If not, volunteer and bring your kids along with you, so they get in the habit of doing service. Q. What are the two worst things a parent can do to undermine their effectiveness?

A. 1. Anything that undermines your connection. Ask yourself: Is what I am doing right now going to build a connec-

tion or break it? However, don’t confuse connection with permissiveness. Children feel safe and respect you when they can count on you to establish and maintain boundaries. 2. Protecting them from struggle. Consider the moth. If you come across a moth that is emerging from its cocoon, out of kindness and impatience you may be tempted to help it by removing the cocoon and freeing it from its struggle. However, the process of emerging from the cocoon is designed to build strength in the moth’s wings. If the moth doesn’t struggle, its wings will never be strong enough to fly. Q. What do you admire most about each of your children, individually? A. I appreciate how different they are from one another. This is going to look like a summary of a birth order text: Oldest: I admire how responsible, considerate, organized and caring Mesa is. She is the baby sitter extraordinaire! Middle: I admire how creative, intuitive, fun and clever Johanna is. Her spirContinues on Page 22



Educator Continued from Page 21

it is huge, and she keeps us laughing. Youngest: I admire how easy going, friendly and deeply spiritual Geronimo is. He is a pleasure to be around and always full of love.

Q. What do you do just for yourself? A. Great question! It’s so important for moms to take care of themselves. I do a lot for myself. Sleeping is a big favorite! My work is intellectually intense so physical exercise is essential. I enjoy swimming, tennis and yoga. Q. What’s your favorite food luxury? A. Anything that someone else cooked! Q. What’s your favorite restaurant in town? The Admiral (Haywood Road in West Asheville), although I’ve only gotten to eat there once. Q. Do you and Scott have a system for parenting and running the household? A. We certainly have our parenting niches. Scott is almost always patient and loving. I organize, discipline and make rules. Scott creates our lifestyle. He used to raise almost all of our food, and he makes jewelry in the winter — so he is always at home and available. We share most of the housework (with the kids), but he’s always more consistent about chores, such as feeding animals and watering gardens. Q. Do the kids have certain responsibilities around the house? A. They have to clean it. I don’t have time to do it! They also have to help on the farm. As young as 9, my son was driving the tractor. They had their own chickens by the age of 4. Q. Was the first kid driving scary? A. Honestly, no. My oldest child is more safety conscious and responsible than I am! I give wide boundaries and expect my kids to be responsible. If they can’t handle it, they show me by making mistakes, and then the boundaries constrict. My oldest has yet to abuse privileges, including car privileges, so she has almost total freedom.


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kids’ voices

How Dad spends his day

As Father’s Day approaches, we decided to see how much kids know about what their dads do at work every day. We asked kindergarten students in Kristina Pontin’s class at Isaac Dickson Elementary School in Asheville to describe their fathers’ jobs. Here’s what they told staff writer Barbara Blake. “He has two jobs, at the hospital orthopedics (as a nurse), and also at a restaurant. I forgot what it’s called. In the winter I asked him what stuff do you do, and he said lots of old people are slipping and falling and breaking bones and he helps them get better.” Elijah Goodspeed, 6, son of Matt Tidd

“He goes to yoga. He teaches it. My mom does yoga, too. I don’t know what the place is called. I think he’s on the floor all the time, and the yoga people are in front of him. They do yoga at our house, too. I think it’s pretty cool what they do, but I don’t do it. I might someday. My brothers are 8 and 12, and they don’t do it, either.” Tobe Keach, 6, son of Sunny Keach “He works at a hospital and takes care

“My dad cooks at Limone’s. He’s the boss — he owns it. He barely goes outside the kitchen when he’s working, and he never goes outside to get orders. He looks some of the recipes up, but sometimes he makes his own recipes. I like the sundaes and the mashed potatoes best. He does weddings and he can make a huge cake. It’s pretty important, what he does.” Sofia Ramirez, 6, daughter of Hugo Ramirez

“My dad cooks at Artisan Catering (he’s actually the owner and executive chef). He can cook anything. My dad and my mom also cook at home, and my mom helps my dad at work. At home, the best thing my dad makes is a mustard sandwich. With mayonnaise. Oh, and with ham. Oh, and cheddar cheese.” Sebastian Villa, 6, son of Mauricio Villa

of mostly adults if they get hurt. It’s something like them having a blood vessel that’s not working right. He’s a doctor. I’ve gone there to his work. It’s like he has an office and stuff, and there’s like a place where you can get food, and I’ve had breakfast there. What he does is important.” Cabell MacMillan, 6, daughter of Douglas MacMillan

“He works at Dick’s and he organizes the shoes. If somebody comes and wants shoes, they tell somebody instead of my daddy, and he’s the one who organizes the shoes, but other people give them the shoes. Sometimes I go to his work, but only when I bring him food from Wendy’s. And he always says thank you.” Darien Lunsford, 6, son of Jesse Lunsford

“My dad just stays home and works on the computer and makes movies about his kids and sends them in the mail to Grandma and Grandpa. My mom delivers babies. My dad goes on bike rides and sleeps. He also does the laundry and cooking. He’s a good cook. Pasta is his specialty.” Katie Buys, 6, daughter of Matt Buys



For most parents, bundles of ‘joy’ are just that USA Today Apparently, children are the joy of their parents’ lives. Really, they are, says a Pew Research Center survey that asked why people had kids. And while 87 percent said “the joy of having children” was a key reason for having that first child, 47 percent said “it wasn’t a decision; it just happened.” Pew listed reasons and asked how important each was: 76 percent cited “joy” as a “very important” reason; 11 percent said it was “somewhat important.” “It just happened” was cited by 35 percent of parents as “very important”; 12 percent said “somewhat important.” Pew questioned 770 parents as part of a larger phone survey of 1,003 adults. Some responses suggest major changes in society: 79 percent of adults know an unmarried woman who had a child; 68 percent know an unmarried man who did. One-third know a woman who had fertility treatments. On the ideal number of kids, 46 percent of adults said two; 26 percent three; 9 percent four; 3 percent each said none, one or five-plus. A third of parents with three or more children said two kids is the ideal number — but don’t take that wrong, says Steven Martin of the Maryland Population Research Center at the University of Maryland, who wasn’t involved in the study. “It could be people are saying ‘I’m pretty worn-out. I love them, but I would have stopped at two.’ Or, they could mean, ‘Four was great for me, but for most families two is best,’” he says. Among parents who said they didn’t plan to have more children, “wanting to devote your time to the children you already have” was a reason cited by 76 percent, while “cost of raising a child” was mentioned by 72 percent. Of those citing finances, 48 percent said cost was a “very important” reason.


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Kids in Parks

expands Candice Freeman grew up in Western North Carolina but rarely visited the Blue Ridge Parkway or set foot on a hiking trail. But Freeman wanted to change that with her own two daughters. She saw an advertisement for Kids in Parks and signed their Girl Scout troop up for a guided hike near the parkway visitor center. During the one-mile hike the girls and their parents learned how to identify

By Nanci Bompey WNC Parent writer

so young waists won’t

For more information on Kids in Parks, visit kidsinparks.com.

The Blue Ridge Parkway had the first TRACK Trail. The TRACK program is a downloadable scavenger hunt kit that takes kids and families along trails around the parkway and is part of an effort to keep them active and healthy. PHOTO BY JOHN FLETCHER

Continues on Page 26



Kids in Parks Continued from Page 25


The Fehr family, from left, Marci, Owen and Bryce enjoy a hike at Chimney Rock.


trees by their bark and leaves. Since then, Freeman and her family have done a handful of self-guided hikes through the program. Her daughters have downloaded different adventures they take with them on the trail, providing information about what they’re seeing and a list of things to find. “Our girls love it, and it’s good exercise and good family time,” Freeman said. “They sort of gave it excitement. You’re not just walking but exploring as you go. It’s teaching our kids to stop and look. It’s not about how far or fast you go, but what you find on the way.” Getting families to put away their cell phones and iPods and get out in nature is one goal of the Kids in Parks program. An initiative of the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, the program also combats childhood obesity by encouraging exercise and good nutrition. “We are trying to get kids unplugged and outside and get families back to nature,” said Carolyn Ward, president and chief operating officer of the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation. The program opened its first TRACK Trail near the parkway visitor center at Milepost 384 in August. It plans to open similar trails at Chimney Rock State

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Jonah Morehouse, 4, leads his mom and dad, Kimberly and Blane, on their hike through Chimney Rock. Kids in Parks trails will open this summer at the state park. Park, Pisgah National Forest and in southwest Virginia this summer, with additional plans for trails in Black Mountain, Boone and Mount Airy. The TRACK Trails, which stands for Trails, Ridges and Active, Caring Kids, take children and their parents on self-

guided scavenger hunts. The TRACK trail in Pisgah National Forest, the Andy Cove Trail, will feature information about the region’s songbirds. The program has designed four different brochures to use at any of the trails in Chimney Rock.

Along with the trails, the program also plans to open disc golf courses at two local high schools to get teenagers outside. They’re also planning to create a trail at a local Food Lion grocery store, where children would learn about food and nutrition. “We know that kids will do what’s fun and do what there is an incentive to do,” Ward said. “If kids enjoy what they’re doing, then they’ll ask to do it on a Saturday.” Kids in Parks has TRACK Trails in communities near the parkway, national forests and state parks to serve as gateways for families who have never been out in the woods. Officials with national forests and national parks are looking for ways to connect with young people. According to Ward, children spend 7.65 hours a day on average “plugged in” to electronic devices. “I think it’s a way to basically pique that interest and get children excited about hiking outdoors,” said Randy Burgess, Pisgah National Forest district ranger. Continues on Page 28



Kids in Parks Continued from Page 27


Forest and parks officials are seeking ways to connect with younger people. Along with getting kids and their parents more active, the trails can help foster a love of the outdoors and stewardship for the land. Ward said that can translate into benefits for the environment, economy and community. Meghan Rogers, public relations and events manager at Chimney Rock, said the TRACK Trails will be a good addition to the guided hikes it already provides for Scouts, schools and other kids’ groups. “We like the idea of incorporating recreation with education to foster a relationship that we hope kids will have throughout their lives,” she said. Kids in Parks is also tracking data to find out what does and doesn’t work, and hopes to serve as a model for other programs across the country. Ward realizes it will take more than one program to turn around the childhood obesity statistics, but said even getting one child outside makes a difference. “We were doing a program and I was walking with the kids and there was one child who said she had never been in the woods before, never been to the parkway,” Ward said, “And we’re walking a she goes, ‘my legs are killing me and it’s hot but I’m having fun’ and you know, that really says it all.”


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kitchen kids

Salad makes most of

berries Special to WNC Parent

What does it take to be a Kitchen Kid? The recipe is quite simple. Safety first. Then, add an interest in learning. Finally, sprinkle in few simple kitchen skills. Make this recipe for berry salad with your kids today.

Berry Fresh Brick Salad

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons pomegranate juice 2 tablespoons honey 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 cups mixed baby or chopped greens 2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced 1 4.4-ounce container fresh blueberries 1/2 cup cheeses of choice, cut in small cubes (about 1/2 inch) 1/3 cup walnut pieces Whisk together first five ingredients in a small bowl. Slowly add oil, whisking to combine; set aside. In large bowl, combine mixed greens and remaining ingredients. Add dressing, tossing well. Serves 4-6 Source: Wisconsin Cheese




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Which are WNC’s most family-friendly businesses or organizations? We asked, and you voted. More than 700 ballots were cast — thank you! — and here are the results. Katie Wadington, editor


Best preschool

1. Montessori Country Day 158 Bradley Branch Road, Arden, 654-9933, montessoricountryday.org. 2. Asheville Jewish Community Center, Shalom Children’s Center 236 Charlotte St., Asheville, 2530701, jcc-asheville.org. 3. Lutheran Church of the Nativity 2425 Hendersonville Road, Arden, 687-8381, nativity.ws.

Best after-school program


Teacher Brooke Roberts looks-on as her students play a game during the Just Kids after-school program at the JCC of Asheville.

1. Asheville Jewish Community Center, Just Kids 236 Charlotte St., Asheville, 2530701, jcc-asheville.org. 2. YMCA 30 Woodfin St., Asheville, 210-9622; 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 6519622; 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion, 659-9622; ymcawnc.org. 3. (tie) Montessori Country Day 158 Bradley Branch Road, Arden, 654-9933, montessoricountryday.org.

Dojoku Martial Arts 36-A Rosscraggon Road, Asheville, 681-5023, dojoku.com

Best child care

1. Montessori Country Day 158 Bradley Branch Road, Arden, 654-9933, montessori countryday.org. 2. Asheville Jewish Community Center 236 Charlotte St., Asheville, 253-0701, jcc-asheville.org. 3. Mountain Area Child and Family Center 2586 Riceville Road, Asheville, 298-0808, macfc.org

Best home-school program

1. Grow with Me Learning Cooperative, growwithmecoop.wordpress.com 2. The Health Adventure 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 254-6373, thehealth adventure.org.



the best in town

services Best pediatric practice

1. Blue Sky Pediatrics 5 Walden Ridge Drive, Asheville, 687-8709, blueskypediatrics.com 2. ABC Pediatrics 64 Peachtree Road #100, Asheville, 2773000, abcasheville.com.

3. Mountain Area Pediatrics 500 Centre Park Drive, Asheville, 254-4337, mountainareapediatrics.com.

Best family dentist

1. Great Beginnings (Drs. Chambers, Baechtold, Haldeman and McKenzie) 10B Yorkshire St., Asheville, 274-9220; 50 Bowman Drive, Waynesville, 454-9156; greatbeginningspedo.com.

2. Asheville Pediatric Dentistry (Dr. Jenny Jackson) 76 Peachtree Road, Suite 100, Asheville, 277-6788, ashevillepedo.com 3. Dr. Joshua Paynich 11 Yorkshire St., Asheville, 274-4744, drjoshdentistry.com

Best orthodontist

1. Blue Ridge Orthodontics (Dr. Luke Roberts) 2 Walden Ridge Drive, Asheville, 6870872, blueridgeorthodontics.com. 2. Dr. Ryan Haldeman 10B Yorkshire St., Asheville, 274-8822; 50 Bowman Drive, Waynesville, 454-9156; drhaldeman.com. 3. Dr. Keith Black 5A Yorkshire St., Asheville, 277-7103, kblacksmiles.com.

Best family eye doctor

1. Asheville Eye Associates 8 Medical Park Drive B, Asheville, 2581586; 2001 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 684-2867; ashevilleeye.com. 2. Carolina Optometric 2145 Hendersonville Road, Arden, 6818000, carolinaoptometric.com. 3. Looking Glass Eye Center 215 Thompson St., Hendersonville, 6934161, lookingglasseye.com.

Best veterinarian

1. Animal Hospital of North Asheville 1 Beaverdam Road, Asheville, 253-3393, ahna.net. 2. Asheville Veterinary Associates 1275 Sweeten Creek Road, Asheville, 274-0646 3. Charlotte Street Animal Hospital 208 Charlotte St., Asheville, 232-0440, charlottestreetanimalhospital.com Continues on Page 34


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the best in town

services Continued from Page 32

Best family/child specialty photographer

1. Sonya Stone Photography sonyastone.com, 335-0224 2. Mozingo Photography mozingophotography.com, meriah@mozingophotography.com 3. Laurie Johnson Photography Lauriejohnsonphoto.com, 628-2125

Marcie McGrath, the Balloon Fairy, is one of your top choices for best birthday party entertainer.

Best place for birthday parties

1. Fun Depot 7 Roberts Road, Asheville, 277-2386, ashevillesfundepot.com. 2. Home 3. Bounceville USA 614 Market St., Hendersonville, 6964949, bouncevilleusa.com.



Best birthday party entertainer

1. (tie) Balloon Fairy 423-2030, balloonfairymagic.com Par-T Perfect 687-2494, par-t-perfect.com

2. Bill Grimsley 687-7774, billgrimsleymagic.com Professor Whizzpop! 506-3198, ashevillemagic.com

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the best in town

destination fun Best miniature golf

1. Tropical Gardens 956 Patton Ave., Asheville, 2522207 2. Fun Depot 7 Roberts Road, Asheville, 2772386, ashevillesfundepot.com 3. Shadowbrook 701 N.C. 9, Black Mountain, 669-5499

Best museum

1. The Health Adventure 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 2546373, TheHealthAdventure.org. 2. Pack Place 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 2574500, PackPlace.org. 3. Hands On! A Child’s Gallery 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 697-8333, handsonwnc.org.

Most family-friendly fair, festival or special event

1. Mountain State Fair Sept. 10-19 at WNC Agricultural Center, Fletcher. mountainfair.org. 2. Bele Chere July 23-25 in downtown Asheville. belecherefestival.com. 3. North Carolina Apple Festival Sept. 3-6 on Main Street in downtown Hendersonville. ncapplefestival.org.

Best family-friendly hiking trail

1. N.C. Arboretum trails 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,


Kids give each other a check-up at The Health Adventure, winner for Best Museum.

Asheville, 665-2492, ncarboreum.org. 2. DuPont State Forest Between Hendersonville and Brevard. For trails, visit dfr.state.nc.us/ contacts/dsf.htm.

3. Bent Creek For trails in Pisgah National Forest, visit cs.unca.edu/nfsnc. Continues on Page 38




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the best in town

destination fun Continued from Page 35

Best rainy day activity

1. The Health Adventure 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 254-6373, thehealthadventure.org. 2. Fun Depot 7 Roberts Road, Asheville, 277-2386, ashevillesfundepot.com. 3. (tie) Asheville Pizza and Brewing 675 Merrimon Ave., Asheville; 2541281; ashevillepizza.com. Bounceville USA 614 Market St., Hendersonville, 696-4949, bouncevilleusa.com.

Best summer day camp

1. Camp Tekoa Hendersonville, 692-6516, camptekoa.org 2. YMCA 30 Woodfin St., Asheville, 210-9622; 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 651-9622; 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion, 659-9622; ymcawnc.org 3. Camp Cedar Cliff In Asheville, at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, 450-3331, campcedarcliff.org

Best summer overnight camp

1. Camp Tekoa In Hendersonville, 692-6516, camptekoa.org 2. Camp Cedar Cliff In Asheville, at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, 450-3331, campcedarcliff.org 3. (tie) Camp Pisgah In Brevard, 800-672-2148, girlscoutsp2p.org. Camp Rockmont In Black Mountain, 686-3885, rockmont.com

Most family-friendly vacation in North Carolina

1. Outer Banks outerbanks.org 2. Beach 3. Camping


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the best in town


Children can explore animals and more at the WNC Nature Center, voted Best Place to Take Children for the Morning or Afternoon.

Most family-friendly day-trip destination

1. Biltmore Estate Call 225-1333 or visit biltmore.com 2. Carowinds In Charlotte. Call 704-588-2600 or visit carowinds.com 3. North Carolina Zoo In Asheboro. Call 800-488-0444 or visit nczoo.org.

Best place to take children for the morning or afternoon

1. WNC Nature Center 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville, 298-5600, wildwnc.org 2. Park 3. (tie) Library The Health Adventure 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 254-6373, thehealthadventure.org.

Best holiday event

1. Asheville Holiday Parade Parade is Nov. 20. ashevilleparade.org 2. Gingerbread houses at Grove Park Inn Competition is Nov. 15. Houses on display Nov. 17-Jan. 2. Visit groveparkinn.com. 3. Biltmore Estate at Christmas Runs Nov. 5-Jan. 2. Visit biltmore.com.




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the best in town

activities Best parent/child program

1. The Little Gym 1000 Brevard Road, Suite 168, Asheville, 6679588, tlgashevillenc.com 2. YMCA programs 30 Woodfin St., Asheville, 210-9622; 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 651-9622; 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville, 505-3990; 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion, 659-9622; ymcawnc.org. 3. The Health Adventure 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 2546373, TheHealthAdventure.org.

Best gymnastics program

1. The Little Gym 1000 Brevard Road, Suite 168, Asheville, 667-9588, tlgashevillenc.com 2. Hahn’s Gymnastics 32 Rosscraggon Road, Asheville, 684-8832, hahnsgymnastics.com 3. High Flight Gymnastics (now Phoenix Gymnastics) 50 Coxe Ave., Asheville, 252-8746, phoenixgymnastics-etc.com

Best dance program

1. Center Stage Dance Studio 38 Rosscraggon Road, 654-7010, centerstage2.com 2. The Little Gym 1000 Brevard Road, Suite 168, Asheville, 6679588, tlgashevillenc.com 3. Asheville Arts Center 308 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, 253-4000, ashevilleartscenter.com

Best music program

1. KinderMusik Area licensed educators: Lora Scott, 649-2320, allsoulscathedral.org/music-choirs/kindermusik (Biltmore Village); Beth Magill, 298-9350, magills.net (downtown Asheville); Yvette Odell, 253-4000, ashevilleartscenter.com (North and South Asheville); Debra Huff, 206-3145 or 689-1128 (Madison County); Sonja Gorsline, 883-8538 (Brevard). 2. Asheville Area Music Together Contact Kari Richmond at karirichmond@


The Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Association/Highland Football Club is your favorite sports club/league.

charter.net or 545-0990. AshevilleAreaMT.com or musictogether.com. 3. Asheville Arts Center 308 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, 253-4000, 10 Miller Ave., Asheville, ashevilleartscenter.com.

Best paint-your-own pottery studio

1. Fired Up! Creative Lounge 26 Wall St., Asheville, 253-8181, fireduplounge.com. 2. Claying Around 1378 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2770042, clayingaround.com 3. Express Yourself (now Fired Up!) 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 698-9960, fireduplounge.com.

Best sports club/league

1. Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Association/Highland Football Club 299-7277, abysa.org 2. YMCA 30 Woodfin St., Asheville, 210-9622; 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 651-9622; 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville, 5053990; 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion, 659-9622; ymcawnc.org 3. (tie) North Buncombe Youth Athletic Association Hometeamsonline.com/nbyaa Upward Programs through area churches. Information at Upward.org.

Best bowling alley

1. AMF Star Lanes 491 Kenilworth Road, Asheville, 254-6161, amf.com 2. Tarheel Lanes 3275 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, 2532695, tarheellanes.com 3. Sky Lanes 1477 Patton Ave., Asheville, 252-2269.

Best place for swim lessons

1. YMCA 30 Woodfin St., Asheville, 210-9622; 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 651-9622; 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion, 659-9622; ymcawnc.org 2. YWCA 185 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville, 254-7543, ywca.org/asheville 3. Waynesville Recreation Center 550 Vance St., Waynesville, 456-2030, townofwaynesville.org.

Best place for horseback riding lessons

1. Hickory Nut Gap Farm 57 Sugar Hollow Road, Fairview, 628-1027. 2. Biltmore Equestrian Center 225-1454, biltmore.com. 3. Fordbrook Stables 120 Fordbrook Road, Asheville, 667-1021, fordbrookstables.com



the best in town

entertainment Best TV station for the entire family

1. PBS/PBS Kids 2. WLOS, ABC, Channel 13. 3. Disney Channel

Best radio station for the entire family

1. 106.9 The Light, WMIT-FM. 2. 99.9 Kiss Country, WKSF-FM. 3. 88.7 WNCW-FM

Most family-friendly movie theater

1. Regal Biltmore Grande 292 Thetford St., Asheville, 684-1298, regmovies.com. 2. Asheville Pizza and Brewing 675 Merrimon Ave., Asheville; 254-1281; ashevillepizza.com. 3. The Carolina Asheville 1640 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2749500, carolinacinemas.com.


The Regal Cinemas Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 movie theater, in the Biltmore Park Town Square retail development on Long Shoals Road, was voted your favorite place to see films.

Most family-friendly stage theater

1. Asheville Community Theatre 35 E. Walnut St., Asheville; box office, 2541320; AshevilleCommunityTheatre.org. 2. Flat Rock Playhouse

2661 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock; box office, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org. 3. Diana Wortham Theatre 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com.

just for you Best place to relax without your children

1. Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa 290 Macon Ave., Asheville, 2522711, ext. 2772, groveparkinn.com. 2. Home 3. Hot Springs

Best date night restaurant


The Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa earned the most votes in two categories: Best Place to Relax without Children and Best Weekend Getaway for Two.


1. Zambra! 85 W. Walnut St., Asheville, 2321060, zambratapas.com. 2. Carrabba’s Italian Grill 10 Buckstone Place, Asheville, 281-2300; 332 Rockwood Road, Arden, 654-8411; carrabbas.com. 3. Table 48 College St., Asheville, 2548980, tableasheville.com

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Best weekend getaway for two

1. Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa 290 Macon Ave., Asheville, 252-2711, ext. 2772, groveparkinn.com. 2. Gatlinburg, Tenn. 3. Charleston, S.C.

Best place to get back into shape

1. YMCA 30 Woodfin St., Asheville, 210-9622; 3 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 6519622; 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville, 505-3990; 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion, 659-9622; ymcawnc.org 2. The Rush Fitness Complex Hendersonville Road, 274-7874; Patton Avenue, 252-5285, therush247.com. 3. YWCA 185 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville, 254-7543, ywca.org/asheville




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the best in town

shopping Best consignment store

1. LuLu’s Consignment Boutique 3461 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, 6877565, ilovelulus.net. 2. Children’s Trading Post 633 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, 254-5432; 140 Airport Road, Arden, 684-5438. 3. Serendipity 21 Long Shoals Road, Suite 100, Arden, 6509409, visitserendipity.com.

Serendipity 21 Long Shoals Road, Suite 100, Arden, 650-9409, visitserendipity.com.

Best place for children’s furniture

1. Babies R Us 801 Fairview Road, Asheville, 298-2229, babiesrus.com.

2. Slumber Kids 1863 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2744026, slumberkids.com. 3. Pottery Barn potterybarn.com

Best store for pet supplies

1. PetSmart 150 Bleachery Blvd., Asheville, 298-5670; 3 Continues on Page 49

Best consignment sale

1. Wee Trade Best Made Sales in February and August at WNC Agricultural Center, Fletcher; wee-trade.net 2. Munchkin Market Sales in February and August. munchkinmarket.com. 3. (tie) LuLu’s Consignment Boutique 3461 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, 6877565, ilovelulus.net.




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the best in town

shopping Continued from Page 47

McKenna Road, Arden, 681-5343; petsmart.com. 2. Pet Supplies Plus 1856 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2778020, petsuppliesplus.com. 3. SuperPetz 825 Brevard Road, Asheville, 665-7977, superpetz.com.

Best children’s shoe store

1. Tops For Shoes 27 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville, 254-6721, topsforshoes.com 2. Stride Rite 3 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 296-8524, striderite.com 3. Discount Shoes 1266 Brevard Road, Asheville, 667-0085

Best children’s clothing store

1. Old Navy 2 McKenna Road, Arden, 687-1042; 3 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 298-3150; oldnavy.com. 2. The Children’s Place 3 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 296-8351, childrensplace.com 3. Gap 3 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 298-8200, gap.com.

Best toy store


Sullivan Malo, of Brevard, gives new sneakers a test run at Tops For Shoes, which was chosen as the favorite place to buy children’s shoes.

136 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 299-4165, booksamillioninc.com. 3. Malaprop’s 55 Haywood St., Asheville, 254-6734, malaprops.com.

Best place for costumes

1. Toys R Us 877 Brevard Road, Asheville, 665-8697, toysrus.com. 2. Dancing Bear Toys 144 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 255-8697; 418 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-4500; dancingbeartoys.com. 3. Toy Box 793 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, 254-8697.

1. The Costume Shoppe 243 Haywood St., Asheville, 252-8404, costumeshoppe.net. 2. Walmart Multiple area locations, walmart.com. 3. Target 115 River Hills Road, Asheville, 298-1262; 17 McKenna Road, Arden, 687-1665; target.com

Most family-friendly bookstore

1. Earth Fare 65 Westgate Parkway, Asheville, 253-7656; 1856 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2100100; earthfare.com. 2. Greenlife Grocery 70 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, 254-5440, green-

1. Barnes & Noble 3 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 296-7335; 33 Town Square Blvd., Asheville, 687-0681; barnesandnoble.com. 2. Books-A-Million

Best place to find organics

lifegrocery.com. 3. (tie) Amazing Savings 121 Sweeten Creek Road, Asheville, 277-0805; 45 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville (in the Downtown Market), 255-5228; 3018 U.S. 70, Black Mountain, 669-8988; amazingsavingsmarkets.com Ingles Multiple area locations, ingles.com.

Most family-friendly car dealer

1. Jim Barkley Toyota 777 Brevard Road, Asheville, 667-8888, jimbarkleytoyota.com. 2. Apple Tree Honda 195 Underwood Road, Fletcher, 684-4400, appletreeautos.com. 3. (tie) Prestige Subaru 585 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 298-9600, prestigesubaru.com Skyland Automotive 255 Smoky Park Highway, Asheville, 350-5200, skylandautomotive.com



the best in town



Cats and Dawgs, in the Grove Arcade, serves up Chicago dog and more. It got the most votes in the Best Hot Dog category.

Most family-friendly restaurant for breakfast

1. IHOP 229 Airport Road, Arden, 6842828; 275-B Smoky Park Highway, Asheville, 665-9390; 245 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 255-8601; 61 Weaver Blvd., Weaverville, 645-3800; ihop.com. 2. Cracker Barrel 34 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 350-753; 5 Crowell Road (I-40 and U.S. 19/23), Asheville, 665-2221; 344 Rockwood Road, Arden, 6842740; crackerbarrel.com. 3. Sunny Point Café and Bakery 626 Haywood Road, Asheville, 252-0055; sunnypointcafe.com

Most family-friendly restaurant for lunch

1. Blue Sky Cafe 3987 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, 684-1247; iloveblueskycafe.com. 2. (tie) Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co. 675 Merrimon Ave., Asheville; 254-1281; ashevillepizza.com. Chick-fil-A 3 S. Tunnel Road, inside Asheville Mall; 40 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville; 800 Brevard Road, Biltmore Square Mall; 1832 Hendersonville Road, Asheville; 52 Highlands Square Dr, Hendersonville; chickfila.com. Moe’s Southwest Grill 1 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 225-6637; 300 Airport Road, Arden, 684-4452; moes.com. 3. McDonald’s Various area locations, mcdonalds.com.

Most family-friendly restaurant for dinner

1. Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co. 675 Merrimon Ave., Asheville; 254-1281; ashevillepizza.com. 2. Papas and Beer 1996 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 6844882; 17 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 255-2204; 1000 Brevard Road, Asheville, 665-9070; 1821 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, 692-9915.


3. Moe’s Southwest Grill 1 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2256637; 300 Airport Road, Arden, 684-4452; moes.com.

Best bakery

1. Carolina Mountain Bakery 1950 Hendersonville Road, Suite 11, Asheville, 681-5066. 2. City Bakery 88 Charlotte St., Asheville, 254-4289, and 60 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, 252-4426; citybakery.net. 3. West End Bakery 757 Haywood Road, West Asheville, 2529378, onhaywood.com/westendbakery.

Best ice cream/custard shop

1. Marble Slab Creamery 14 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, 225-5579; 421 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 697-0480; marbleslab.com. 2. (tie) Cold Stone Creamery 30 Town Square Blvd., Asheville; 650-3013; coldstonecreamery.com The Hop Ice Cream Cafe 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville; 252-8362; thehopicecreamcafe.com 3. TCBY 1800 Hendersonville Road, Asheville; 2741100; tcby.com

Best pizza

1. Marco’s Pizzeria 946 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, 285-0709; 1854 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 2770004; marcospizzeria.com. 2. Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co. 675 Merrimon Ave., Asheville; 254-1281; ashevillepizza.com.

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3. Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers 50 Broadway, Asheville, 236-9800; mellowmushroom.com.

Best hot dog

1. Cats and Dawgs 1 Page Ave., Asheville. 281-8100. 2. Hot Dog World 226 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville, 697-0374. 3. Hot Dog King 63 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, 253-0448; 2299 Smoky Park Highway, Candler, 670-1199; 4 S. Tunnel Road, Asheville, 298-8686.

Best kids’ menu

1. IHOP 229 Airport Road, Arden, 684-2828; 275-B Smoky Park Highway, Asheville, 665-9390; 245 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 255-8601; 61 Weaver Blvd., Weaverville, 645-3800; ihop.com. 2. Cracker Barrel 34 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 350-753; 5 Crowell Road (I-40 and U.S. 19/23), Asheville, 6652221; 344 Rockwood Road, Arden, 684-2740; crackerbarrel.com. 3. Blue Sky Cafe 3987 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, 684-1247; iloveblueskycafe.com.

Most family-friendly grocery store

1. Ingles Multiple locations, ingles-markets.com. 2. Earth Fare 1856 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 210-0100, and 66 Westgate Parkway, Asheville, 253-7656, earthfare.com. 3. Harris Teeter 1378 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, 274-5304; 637 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville, 6978988; harristeeter.com

the best in town

around town Best park

1. Fletcher Community Park 85 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher, fletcherparks.org. 2. Carrier Park 220 Amboy Road, Asheville, ashevillenc.gov. 3. Azalea Park 498 Azalea Road, Asheville, ashevillenc.gov.

Most family-friendly place of worship

1. Biltmore Baptist 35 Clayton Road, Arden, 687-1111, biltmorebaptist.org. 2. Jubilee! Community Church 46 Wall St., Asheville, 252-5335, jubileecommunity.org. 3. Highland Christian Church Meets at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, 277-1637, highlandchristian.com.

Most family-friendly place to work

1. Blue Sky Pediatrics 5 Walden Ridge Drive, Asheville, 687-8709, blueskypediatrics.com 2. Great Beginnings (Drs. Chambers, Baechtold, Haldeman and McKenzie) 10B Yorkshire St., Asheville, 274-9220; 50 Bowman Drive, Waynesville, 454-9156; greatbeginningspedo.com. 3. (tie) Mission Hospital 509 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, missionhospitals.org Mountain Area Child and Family Center 2586 Riceville Road, Asheville, 298-0808, macfc.org

Best place for family fun

1. Fun Depot 7 Roberts Road, Asheville, 277-2386, ashevillesfundepot.com 2. WNC Nature Center 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville, 298-5600, wildwnc.org. 3. The Health Adventure 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville, 254-6373, TheHealthAdventure.org.



divorced families

Dispelling myths about single dads By Trip Woodard WNC Parent columnist Using state-ofthe-art research tactics, I polled a few people on what first came to their minds when they heard the word “single father.” OK, it wasn’t state-of-the-art nor was it true research, but the answers I got were interesting. The top two responses: “struggling” and “fear.” Since this is the season of Father’s Day, I want to make my annual pitch of encouragement to single fathers because I do believe that men going through divorce have some unique concerns with becoming a single father. Let’s examine four prominent myths that may fuel these fears and struggles: ◆ Myth No. 1: Women are inherently superior when it comes to nurturance, especially with younger children. Response: No, we do not live in the 1950s. Men can have or learn to show a full range of nurturing emotions toward their children. ◆ Myth No. 2: The court favors mothers, so why even bother with the process of determining custody. Response: The national court trend indicates favoring joint custody concerning children when it is possible. Today’s family court system tends to solicit parenting ability based on evidence, not stereotypes. ◆ Myth No. 3: I really didn’t do that great a job as a father when I was married, so I think the children are better


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No one gave you an owner’s manual when your children were born, much less when you got divorced. Friends and relatives will give you ideas regarding tough situations with your children. There are also community organizations, churches and social agencies that can help with support and ‘father coaching.’ off without me. Response: What! I can’t believe you thought this and that I even typed it. Children need fathers as well as mothers in their lives. Some men even make better fathers after a divorce than during the marriage because their parental attention gets focused. ◆ Myth No. 4: There are a lot of things I don’t know about being a single father. My own parents were never divorced. I will probably make some life-scarring decisions while parenting my kids. Response: Join the club. I’ve been there, too. No one gave you an owner’s manual when your children were born, much less when you got divorced. Friends and relatives will give you ideas regarding tough situations with your children. There are also community organizations, churches and social agencies that can help with support and “father coaching.” Now, having read this, don’t believe that I blindly support conjoint parenting arrangements. Children require safety first in their lives and if a parent, male or female, is risky business concerning violence, abuse or neglect, then I would hope that the court would appropriately weigh this regarding custody. The ideal is always for both parents to be involved in their child’s life, but this is sometimes not realistic. Trip Woodard is a licensed family and marriage therapist and a clinical member of the N.C. Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Contact him at 6068607.



the artful parent

Take the art outside

By Jean Van’t Hul WNC Parent columnist

Take the art — and the mess — outdoors. This summer, let your backyard be your art studio. Drag the easel outside or tape a large sheet of paper to the side of the house or fence for painting. Set up a table in the yard for other art projects.


Take advantage of the outdoors to work big, be messy and shed inhibitions. Above all, have fun! Art and creativity are important to childhood development, but the messes that often accompany art can discourage us from making creative opportunities available to our kids. And while I think it’s important to have art spaces for children in our homes, I can understand an aversion to painty fingerprints on the sofa. There

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are ways to avoid this of course (using a splatter mat or newspapers under the painting activity; putting toddlers in the bathtub or highchair to paint), but today I’m going to encourage you to take the messes outside. Here are some ideas for outdoor art to get you started: Paint with shaving cream and tempera paint. Drip and splatter with paint (see following activity). Paint the house or driveway with a bucket of water and large paintbrush. Paint rocks. Draw chalk body outlines. Paint on

Jackson Pollock splatter painting your body. Use flowers or pine boughs as paint brushes. You can always let the kids wash off under the hose or in the wading pool before they come back inside. Jean Van’t Hul blogs as The Artful Parent at www.artfulparent.typepad.com.

Get messy (outside!) by splattering and flinging paint Jackson Pollock style. Read “Action Jackson” by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan (available through the Buncombe County Public Library) to learn more about Pollock and his painting method. Materials: Old bed sheet (or poster board) Tempera paint Paintbrushes Divide paint colors into cups or muffin tin sections. Spread out bed sheet on lawn or hang from clothesline. Dip brush into paint and flick towards sheet to create splatters and lines of paint. Use your whole body and really get into it! Create layers of color, splatters, lines and swirls.

Try splatter painting with tempera paints and poster board or a sheet. Let paint dry, then hang up your painting and enjoy! Variations: ◆ Put paint in squeeze bottles, such as old ketchup or shampoo bottles, and squirt paint onto the sheet. ◆ Make a smaller version on paper (or pre-stretched canvas) as a Father’s Day gift. You can even splatter paint blank cards.

◆ Drape the painted sheet over bamboo poles to create a colorful outdoor tent. Note: Tempera paint will wash out. If you want a permanent painting on fabric, use watereddown acrylic paints. ◆ Pour paint in pie tins or other shallow containers. Put hand or foot in paint, then make hand and foot prints on the fabric.



home-school happenings

Wonderful world of the library By Nicole McKeon WNC Parent columnist

I love the library. I have since I was a little girl. I still remember, fondly, my children’s librarian, Mrs. Bishop. She opened whole new worlds to me at our tiny library in Bogota, N.J. I can still remember her hands caressing the cover of “Little Women,” by Louisa May Alcott, as she shared her memories of reading that beloved book the first time when she was 11, like me. As home-schoolers, we spend a lot of time at the library. We also have a fairly extensive home library. I am something of a book addict. I can’t help myself. When I see a copy of “Goodnight Moon” for 25 cents, I must purchase it, like a rescue operation. Since we spend so much time at libraries in the Buncombe system, I thought I knew pretty much everything about what the library had to offer. Imagine my surprise, when another home-schooling friend shared her discovery: N.C. Digital Library. Oh, what a treasure. The digital library has thousands of resources that you can download to either your computer, MP3 player, or even burn some to a disc that you can keep, depending on the source. My kids love books on tape/CD, and these can get pretty expensive. While Buncombe County Library Services has a wonderful audio collection, I was almost overwhelmed by the selection available at the N.C. Digital Library. To access these digital materials you need: a valid library card, Internet ac-


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HOME-SCHOOL EVENT ◆ Chimney Rock Park: 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. June 9. $12 per student; $11.50 for parents (annual passholders $7 per student and no cost for parents). Check chimneyrockpark.com for detailed program descriptions. cess, a computer or device that meets the system requirements for the type(s) of digital materials you wish to check out, free software for the computer or device on which you wish to use the materials available at this site So, I immediately went to my local library, and requested a tutorial from our children’s librarian, Jennifer. She showed me how to use the N.C. Digital Library, and then asked me if I knew about NC Live. Wow. Wait until you check this out! NC Live, according to the website, is a statewide collaborative of nearly 200 public and academic libraries in NC. Through this site you can access an enormous collection of resources aimed at “serving educational, economic, and informational needs of everyday life.” NC Live’s content includes more than 50,000 newspapers, journals, magazines, encyclopedias, e-books, e-audio and streaming video titles. The service is free to anyone with a library card in Buncombe County. I would also encourage you to take a look at the Buncombe County Library site, where there are lists of other electronic databases that are available free for patrons. And, don’t be afraid to ask your librarian for help. At the Fairview Library, Trish, Betsy and Jennifer are always available to help, and since they know we are home-schoolers, they frequently are able to make suggestions regarding our curriculum. To me, the library is the ultimate resource for a home-schooling family. And, it’s never too early to get your kids in the habit of using reference materials, learning where fiction/nonfiction works are located, how to check out a book. We also use the library as a second classroom. Some days, when you just can’t stand being in your own four walls, bring your work to the library. Nicole McKeon is a home-schooling mom in Asheville. Contact her at nmckeon@msn.com.



area story times Buncombe County Public Libraries

Visit buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/Library/ June 15: Pajama Party Story Time at 6:30 p.m. at Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Call 250-6482. Mother Goose Time (ages 4-18 months) 11 a.m. Mondays: West Asheville 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays: Fairview 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays: Black Mountain 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: Weaverville (nonwalkers) 11 a.m. Wednesdays: Swannanoa, Weaverville (walkers) 11 a.m. Thursdays: Oakley 11:30 a.m. Thursdays: Enka-Candler Toddler Time (ages 18-36 months) 10 a.m. Wednesdays: North Asheville 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: Fairview, Skyland/South Buncombe 11 a.m. Wednesdays: West Asheville 10 a.m. Thursdays: Swannanoa 10:30 a.m. Thursdays: Black Mountain, Enka-Candler 11 a.m. Thursdays: Weaverville (first Thursday only) Story time (ages 3-5) 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays: Weaverville 10 a.m. Wednesdays: Oakley 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: Black Mountain, EnkaCandler, Leicester 11 a.m. Wednesdays: East Asheville, North Asheville 10:30 a.m. Thursdays: Fairview, Skyland/South Buncombe 11 a.m. Thursdays: Swannanoa, West Asheville 11 a.m. Saturdays: East Asheville School-age story time (ages 5-7) 3:15 p.m. Thursdays: North Asheville Family story time 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays: Weaverville Storyline Call 251-5437 for a story anytime.

Haywood County Public Library

Visit haywoodlibrary.org. June 24: Pajama Story Time, 7–8:30 p.m. at Waynesville Library. A nighttime story time based on Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are.” The auditorium will be transformed into Max’s room. Participants will read the book, make some crafts and have a warm supper waiting when they return from the adventures. Call 452-5169, ext. 2511, to reserve a space. Family story time (all ages) 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays: Canton 11 a.m. Wenesdays: Waynesville

Henderson County Public Library

Visit henderson.lib.nc.us. Story time on the Porch 11 a.m. Saturdays at Edneyville Bouncing Babies (ages 0-18 months) 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays: Main Library 11:15 a.m. Wednesdays: Fletcher Toddler time (ages 18 months-3 years) 10 a.m. Mondays: Edneyville 10 a.m. Tuesdays: Etowah 10 a.m. Wednesdays: Fletcher 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: Main Library


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librarian’s pick

Reversible verse fairy tale will enchant readers Jennifer Prince WNC Parent correspondent There is something new under the literary sun, and it is worth celebrating. It is reversible verse, or reverso. Veteran children’s author Marilyn Singer developed this poetic form to tell two sides of a story. She explains, “When you read a reverso down, it is one poem. When you read it up, with changes allowed only in punctuation and capitalization, it is a different poem.” While reversos can be about anything, in Singer’s first golden foray, “Mirror Mirror,” she tweaks and teases traditional fairy tale standards. The timeless appeal of the familiar stories is here still, only now they are made fresh with new, even surprising perspectives. For instance, in the reverso titled “The Sleeping Beauty and the WideAwake Prince,” the down poem is told from the princess’ point of view, while the up poem is told from the prince’s point of view. “Typical,” the princess begins. She resents having to sleep all of the time while the prince gets to be out in the

area story times 10 a.m. Thursdays: Green River Preschool story time (ages 3-5) 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Main Library Preschool to second grade story time 11 a.m. Mondays: Edneyville 11 a.m. Tuesday: Etowah 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: Fletcher 11 a.m. Thursdays: Green River Family story time (all ages) 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Mills River

world (even if it is to work at hacking through briars). “It’s no fun being/in a fairy tale,” she concludes. Meanwhile, the dutiful, love-emboldened prince begins, “In a fairy tale/ it’s no fun being out in the world.” He has to work all of the time (hacking through briars at that!). He concludes, “Typical.” That the reverso even makes sense up and down is remarkable. That the reverso not only makes sense but provides more expansive understanding of characters and their situations is nothing less than a feat of unsurpassed literary engineering. Still, despite the opening horizons, Singer keeps the language spare and elegant. The book is designed so that the down poem and the up poem appear side by side on one page, and the accompanying illustration appears on the facing page. Each illustration, like each reverso, consists of an up side and a down side. Josee Masse’s illustrations mirror Singer’s words impeccably. For instance, in “The Sleeping Beauty and the WideAwake Prince,” the princess’ half page depicts the lady asleep, oblivious to the tangle of briars invading through the window. The prince’s half page shows him astride the obligatory white horse, 4 o’clock Craft Club 4 p.m. Thursdays: Main Library

Barnes & Noble

Asheville Mall, 3 S. Tunnel Road, 296-7335 11 a.m. Mondays (toddlers) and 2 p.m. Saturdays (young readers). Biltmore Park, 33 Town Square Blvd., 687-0681. 11 a.m. Wednesdays (toddlers) and 2 p.m. Sundays.

sword in hand, ready to chop through the forest of briars separating him and his love. The illustrations are not just two separate halves though. Two views are shown, but clever coloring and drawing bind each half to the other. Again, using “Sleeping Beauty” as an example, the princess’ voluminous skirt flows into the prince’s half page and appears as fields and hills. Masse’s illustrations are saturated in rich shades of blue, green, red, yellow and brown. The colors appear rubbed or streaked in some places, giving the impression that the illustrations have aged. Children enamored of fairy tales will enjoy this absolutely perfect book. Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, the Ugly Duckling and more are here, presented with such ingenuity and appeal that readers might just be inspired to try writing reversos themselves. Look for this book at the Buncombe County Public Libraries. Visit buncombecounty.org.

Blue Ridge Osondu Books

152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 456-6000, brbooksnews.com Book Babies, 10 a.m. Tuesdays

Spellbound Children’s Bookshop

19 Wall St., Asheville, 232-2228, spellboundchildrensbookshop.com Story time Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. (ages 3-5) and 3:30 p.m. (ages 5-7). Free.



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pharmacist pilot police officer reporter secretary teacher

puzzles for parents Across

1. Actor Hawke 6. Air Force pilot enemy 9. Striker’s replacement 13. TV cook Deen 14. To do this is human? 15. Loot or dough 16. Block of gold, e.g. 17. Navigate moguls 18. Forcefully urge 19. Endangered speedster 21. Marine mammals know for paddleshaped tail 23. What poachers do with their traps 24. Part of inner ear 25. Acid 28. Multicolored horse 30. It’s very attractive to cats 35. Female sheep, pl. 37. The Amur leopard can do this 10 feet vertically 39. Nigerian monetary unit 40. A female Caspian horse 41. A second story in relation to a third story 43. Desktop picture 44. Area of complete shadow 46. U.S. space agency 47. What libraries do 48. Capital of Saudi Arabia 50. Memorization by repetition 52. Swedish shag rug 53. Bog down 55. Wrath 57. Hit song by Peter Gabriel 61. Dian Fossey’s obsession, sing. 65. “The Waste Land” poet 66. Polar bears may become endangered due to its melting 68. Once more 69. Buenos “_____” Argentina 70. Prefix meaning “not”

Solutions on Page 71 71. McCullough’s novel “The _____ Birds” 72. Short for radians 73. Chronic drinker 74. Where you find the endangered Borneo Shark or Sawfish


1. Homer’s “The Odyssey,” e.g. 2. Hyperbolic tangent 3. Describes the Blue Whale 4. Infection fighting plant, pl. 5. Chew the fat 6. Mosquito net, e.g. 7. Irritate 8. Tale-spinning brothers 9. Body of an organism 10. Native Egyptian descended from ancient Egyptians 11. Toward the lee

12. A bundle, as in hay 15. Relating to the Bronze Age culture of Crete 20. Coral reef island 22. Disney’s network 24. Not knowing 25. The foxy-looking King Julien in “Madagascar”

26. Hindu religious teacher 27. The “Run for the Roses,” e.g. 29. Immeasurably long period 31. It’s usually half as long as its body for Siberian Tigers 32. Better than nice 33. Opposite of what

might be expected 34. Bamboo eater 36. “Will be” in Doris Day song 38. 100 centavos in Mexico 42. 2:3, e.g. 45. Lets in 49. Not her 51. Misprints 54. Coachman’s

pulls 56. TV classic “_____ Is Enough” 57. It’s white in the Arctic circle 58. One of the hipbones, pl. 59. Encircle or bind 60. Certain sloths only have three of these

61. Short for gentleman 62. Home to Laotian Rock Rat and Balloon Frog 63. Money in Turkey 64. Tolstoy’s Karenina 67. Call of the Pink Pigeon



calendar of events

Things to do June 1

Childhood Development and the Chakra System Learn the developmental stages for each of the seven Chakras of the body. Understanding these stages in a child’s life allow us to better support their development. $25. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Women’s Wellness & Education Center, 24 Arlington St., Asheville. Visit ashevillewomenswellness.com.

June 2

RiverLink Watershed Education Day For all ages at 11 a.m. at East Asheville Library. Space limited, call 250-4738 to reserve a spot. Swannanoa Library Knitters Group for all skill levels meets 5-7 p.m. at Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston St. Call 250-6486.

June 3-4

‘Giselle’ Ballet Conservatory of Asheville performs “Giselle” at Diana Wortham Theatre. Tickets available at the theater or the studio, 193 Charlotte St. Visit balletconservatoryofasheville.com.

June 3 and 10

Childbirth class A two-session class for expectant parents covering the labor and delivery process, relaxation, breathing patterns, birth options, positioning and comfort measures. 6:30-9 p.m. June 3 and 10. Cost is $40, or free with Medicaid. Registration required. At Pardee Hospital Orientation Classroom, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Call 866-790-WELL.

June 4

Asheville Community Theatre camp info session Get details on ACT’s Tanglewood Summer Camp from 4-6 p.m. in the ACT lobby, 35 W. Walnut St., Asheville. Visit ashevilletheatre.org or call 254-1320. Haiti Benefit The Women’s Well-Being and Development Foundation of Asheville has been collecting funds and materials to send to partners in Haiti. WWD-F Director Ana Jabra will present a slide show and stories from her two trips to Haiti. At 7 p.m. at Women’s Wellness and Education Center, 24 Arlington St., Asheville. Donations accepted.

June 4-6

Horse show NWHA Regional Championship Horse Show at West-


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ern North Carolina Agricultural Center, Fletcher. Call 687-1414 or 800-768-3023.

June 4-13

Thomas the Tank Engine at Tweetsie Railroad Take a 25-minute ride with Thomas the Tank Engine, meet Sir Topham Hatt, enjoy storytelling, live music and more. Tickets are $32 (13 and older), $22 (ages 3-12). 2 and younger are free. Visit tweetsie.com.

June 5

Flat Rock Ice Cream Social Free ice cream, clowns, balloon animals, entertainment and more, noon-4 p.m. at Flat Rock Village Hall. Rain date June 6. Call 692-2929. Jump, Jive and Wail Children’s Festival Downtown Market hosts a children’s festival, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., with jump roping, hopscotching, dancing, singing, and Asheville’s first thumb wrestling competition. See Sassy’s Marionette Puppets perform. Prizes, food, more. At 45 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville. Visit DowntownMarketAsheville.com. National Trails & Land Trust Day Take guided hikes with Chimney Rock Park specialists every hour from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. No additional cost with park admission. Visit chimneyrockpark.com. YMCA parents’ night out The YMCA in downtown Asheville offers a parents night out for children ages 2-12. Activities include swimming, arts and crafts, inflatable obstacle course, snacks and a movie. Register online or in person (at least 24 hours before scheduled program). Offered 6-10 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. Cost is $15 for members ($30 for nonmembers), with $2 sibling discounts for everyone. For information or to register, call 210-5622 or visit ymcawnc.org.

June 5-6

Black Mountain Arts and Crafts show Juried art show with 65 booths. Woodwork, pottery, jewelry, painting, musical instruments, more. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. June 5 and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. June 6. Visit olddepot.org.

June 7

Food allergy group COCOA — Caring for Children with food Allergies — is a free group for parents of food allergic children. Meets at 6:45 p.m. the first Monday of the month at Earth Fare on Hendersonville Road in South Asheville. E-mail cocoa_in_asheville@yahoo.com. Infant CPR class Park Ridge Hospital’s Baby Place offers a free class on infant CPR at 7 p.m. Call 681-BABY to register.

June 8

Birth Network of WNC Birth Network of WNC hosts its quarterly meeting at 7 p.m. Women interested in promoting birth and breast-feeding, meeting like-minded people and organizing community events are invited. Plan summer events, including free showings of the “Orgasmic Birth” film. At Women’s Wellness and Education Center, 24 Arlington St., Asheville. Call 333-0598.

Continues on Page 64



calendar of events Continued from Page 63 Curtain Call at The Hop The Hop Ice Cream Café hosts Curtain Call collective Acting Troupe, celebrating the works of Rudyard Kipling. 6:30-7:30 p.m. at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, Asheville. Call 254-2224. Daddy Class Hands On! A Child’s Gallery hosts a class for dads, 5:30-6:30 p.m., led by Jason Wells of Park Ridge Hospital. New dads will learn how to play a significant role in the new family dynamic. Call 650-2724 to register. Free. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Sit and Knit Weaverville Library offers knitting for all levels, 3 p.m., 41 N. Main St. Call 250-6482.

June 9

Black Mountain Library Knitters Knitting group for all levels, 6:30 p.m. at Black Mountain Yarn Shop, 203 W. State St. Cooking around the World Waynesville Recreation Center offers “Cooking Around the World” for all ages. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration includes two hours of professional instruction. Materials included. This class covers Indian foods. $24 per person per class for members ($30 nonmembers). Call 456-2030 or e-mail recoutdoorprograms@townofwaynesville.org Holistic Parenting Forum The Holistic Parenting Forum is a free group that meets monthly to provide support, education and resources for a diverse community of parents committed to natural living. Meetings 6-8 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month at Earth Fare in West Asheville. Children welcome. Call 230-4850 or e-mail shantisunshine@gmail.com Hot Fun in the Summertime Local fire performers put on a show for teenagers at 8 p.m. at Black Mountain Library. Call 250-4756. Origami Folding Frenzy Learn new folds, share favorites, and meet fellow origami enthusiasts. All levels welcome. Paper is available at the museum store or bring your own. Cost is museum admission. From 4-5 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month at The Health Adventure, 2 S. Pack Place. Call 254-6373 or visit thehealthadventure.org.

June 10-Aug. 5

Woodsy Owl’s Curiosity Club The Cradle of Forestry offers a weekly summer nature program in which kids help Woodsy Owl in his conservation mission to “lend a hand, care for the land!” Each day a variety of outdoor-oriented activities will explore a forest related theme to engage young children in the natural world around them. For ages 4-7. 10:30 a.m.-noon Thursdays. $4 per child per program, adults are $2.50. Reservations requested. Call 877-3130 or visit cradleofforestry.org.

June 11

Parents’ Night Out Fired Up! Creative Lounge offers a program for kids, 6-9 p.m. at 26 Wall St., downtown Asheville. Drop off the kids for pizza, drinks and bisque items to paint. $25 per child. Call 253-8181 for reservations.


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Tee Up for Education Golf tournament at Grove Park Golf Course benefits Asheville City Schools Foundation. Captain’s Choice format with shotgun start at 1 p.m. $125 per player ($24 off regular greens fees cost). Includes lunch, cart and greens fee. Contact Leah Ferguson at 3506134 or acsf@acsf.org.

June 12

East Asheville Library book sale Books at bargain prices to benefit the Friends of the East Asheville Library. Hardcovers will be $1 and paperbacks will be 50 cents. At 8:30 a.m.-noon at the library, 902 Tunnel Road. Call 250-4738 or e-mail eastasheville.library@buncombecounty.org. Family Festival and Barbecue Cook-off French Broad Baptist Church, 182 Grandview Lane in Hendersonville, offers food, live music, games, hayrides, more for all ages. From 4-8 p.m., dinner at 5:30. Free. Come dressed in your cowboy and cowgirl outfits for the Best Dressed competition. Call 8914665 or visit frenchbroad.org. Haywood Public Library Summer Reading Program kick-off party Kick off this summer’s reading program, 1–4 p.m. at Waynesville Library. Free popcorn and snow cones. Sign up for summer reading and have your mind boggled by magician and mentalist Erik Dobell. Visit haywoodlibrary.org or call 452-5169. Twilight Firefly Tour Learn about the history of fireflies and take a firefly walk led by a naturalist from the Cradle of Forestry. Park and meet at the Pink Beds Picnic Area on U.S. 276. $6 for adults, $3 for youth. Call 877-3130 or visit cradleofforestry.org.

June 12-13

Dog show Asheville Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at WNC Agricultural Center Davis Arena. All-breed shows offer competitions for over 150 breeds and varieties of dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club. Call 687-1414 or 258-4833.

June 13

Active Family Festival REI Asheville hosts its first Active Family Festival. Parents can check out a demo campsite, attend a class on hiking with kids, camp cooking or learn about the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation’s Kids in Parks program and WNC Nature Center’s Wild Child packs. Kids can play Leave No Trace games, make trail mix, and learn about wildlife. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. outside store in Biltmore Park Town Square. Call 687-0918.

June 14

Childbirth classes Covers relaxation techniques, birthing options, pain relief techniques, medications and medical procedures, as well as a tour of Baby Place. $90 per couple. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Park Ridge Hospital, 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Call 681-BABY to register.

Continues on Page 66



calendar of events Continued from Page 65

Starts June 15

Tots on Toes ballet workshop Introduce your child to the art of dance. Classes at Southside Dance Studio, Hendersonville Road in Fletcher. Classes are Tuesdays,. June 15, 22 and 29. Mommy & Me ballet (ages 2-3), 9:30-10 a.m. Preschool ballet (ages 3-4), 10-10:45 a.m. Preschool ballet (ages 4-5), 10:45-11:30 a.m. Elementary ballet (ages 6-8), 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. $30 for the three classes. Contact Dory Jones at 684-9201 or dory@totsontoes.com or visit TotsOnToes.com.

June 15

Henderson County Public Library Summer Reading Kick-off Join magician Bill Grimsley in launching Henderson County Public Library’s Summer Reading Program, “Make a Splash!” at 11 a.m. at Fletcher branch and 2 p.m. at Main Library. Ages 5 and older. Visit henderson.lib.nc.us/hcpl_kids.html or call 697-4725 (Main) or 687-1218 (Fletcher).

June 16

Swannanoa Library Knitters Group for all skill levels meets 5-7 p.m. at Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston St. Call 250-6486.

June 16 and 18

Doris Mager: The Eagle Lady Birds of prey visit the Haywood County Public Libraries. Listen to an informative presentation on North American birds of prey by expert Doris Mager. Meet E.T. the owl, Cara the Mexican Cara-cara bird and other fine feathered friends. ◆ 10 a.m. June 16, Canton Library, 648-2924. ◆ 10 a.m. June 18, Waynesville Library, 452-5169.

June 17

Breast-feeding class Learn the art of breast-feeding. 6:30-8 p.m. at Pardee Hospital, education classrooms, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Call 866-790-WELL. Free. Registration required. Daddy Duty class Helpful ideas and tips for dads during the labor and birth process. At 6:30-8 p.m. at Pardee Hospital, Video Conference Room, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Free. Registration required. Call 866790-WELL. Ducks! Author Mona Pellerin will present an informative program on ducks and read from her book “Peetie, the Thinking Dabbler Duck” at 10 a.m. at Waynesville Library. Weather permitting, program will be outside with a small wading pool. Bring sunscreen and towels. Call 452-5169 or visit haywoodlibrary.org. Play With Your Food Hands On! A Child’s Gallery hosts Gretchen from the Hendersonville Co-Op to teach about and sample healthy snacks and local produce. At 1 p.m. at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit handsonwnc.org.


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Reptile program Learn about reptiles with Steve O’Neil at 10:30 a.m. at Edneyville library and 2 p.m. at Mills River library. Ages 5 and older. Visit henderson.lib.nc.us/ hcpl_kids.html or call 685-0110 (Edneyville) or 890-1850 (Mills River). Summer Library Fest Kick off the Buncombe County Public Library’s summer reading program with Summer Library Fest. Secret Agent 23 Skidoo performs at 10:30 and 11 a.m. At Smith-McDowell House, 283 Victoria Road, Asheville.

Winged Creatures of the Night Twilight Tour Learn about moths, bats and owls during a tour focusing on nocturnal life in the woods. Begins in the Cradle of Forestry’s outdoor amphitheatre. Children make a luna moth finger puppet to take home. $6 for adults, $3 for youth. Call 877-3130 or visit cradleofforestry.org.

June 19-20

June 18

‘A Beagle’s Tale’ Hear a great story and meet the furry star of this children’s book at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. At 2 p.m. Call 697-8333 or visit handsonwnc.org. Keowee for Kids Enjoy music and stories at 11 a.m. at West Asheville Library. Call 250-4750. YMCA parents’ night out The YMCA in downtown Asheville offers a parents night out for children ages 2-12. Activities include swimming, arts and crafts, inflatable obstacle course, snacks and a movie. Register online or in person (at least 24 hours before scheduled program). Offered 6:30-9:30 p.m. the third Friday of each month. Cost is $12 for members ($24 nonmembers), with $2 sibling discounts for everyone. For information or to register, call 210-5622 or visit ymcawnc.org.


Asheville Music School Asheville Music School offers World Percussion Camp, July 19-23. Brazilian, African, Latin, Middle Eastern, Caribbean — more than 100 drums to play. Ages 8-13 is 9 a.m.-noon; ages 14-18 from 2-5 p.m. $175. Call 252-6244. Challenger British Soccer Camp British coaches host a week of soccer camp July 6-10 and Aug. 9-13 for ages 3-14 at Jackson Park. Camp times and prices vary. Register at challengersports.com or visit hendersoncountyrecreation.org or call 697-4884 for details. Fired Up! Creative Lounge Art camp with crafts, clay and painting, 9 a.m.-noon June 14-17 and 21-25. At 26 Wall St., downtown Asheville, and 321 N. Main St., downtown Hendersonville. $25 per day or $100 per week. Call 2538181 to register. Hands On! A Child’s Gallery mini camps Hands On! in Hendersonville offers mini camps 10 a.m.-noon TuesdaysFridays in music (June 15-18), beading (June 22-25), comedy (June 29-July 2), drumming (July


Secret Agent 23 Skidoo will perform at Buncombe County Public Library’s summer reading program kick-off event on June 17.

June 19

Keowee Chamber Music at The Hop The Hop Ice Cream Café hosts Keowee Chamber Music, with two interactive sets to help educate and inspire children about classical music. Noon-1 p.m. and 2-3 p.m. at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, Asheville. Call 254-2224. Movie Matinee at the Library Enjoy “Finding Nemo” at 2 p.m. at East Asheville Library. For all ages. Call 250-4738.

13-16), energy (July 20-23), exercise (July 27-30) and Home Depot camp (Aug. 5-6). Ages and prices vary. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Call 697-8333 or visit handsonwnc.org. Hendersonville Christian School Super Summer Day Camp, June 7-Aug. 13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ages 5-13. Themed weeks include swimming, field trips, games, crafts, praise and worship music. Before and after care available. Call 692-0556 or visit hcsmustangs.org. Historic Johnson Farm Children’s Art Workshop with artist Carolyn Serrano will be 9:30-11:30 a.m. June 22-24. For rising third- to fifth-graders. Focus on drawing skills with pencil and colored pencils. $40. Call 891-6585 to register. KinderMusik Summer Camp Make music a weekly focus this summer until fall semester begins. The Adventures summer camp series for newborns to age 7 inspires children’s natural sense of wonder through music. Call area licensed educators: Beth Magill, 298-9350, magills.net (downtown Asheville); Yvette Odell 253-4000, ashevilleartscenter.com (North and South Asheville) or Debra Huff, 206-3145 or 689-1128, dhuff@mhc.edu (Madi-

‘Oliver’ auditions Asheville Community Theatre is holding auditions for children and adults. Youth auditions are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. June 19; adult auditions are 1-5 p.m. June 20. Callbacks are June 23. All at ACT Mainstage and 35below. For details on roles and what to bring to audition, visit ashevilletheatre.org. “Oliver” will be on stage Sept. 17-Oct. 3.

June 20

Father’s Day Have you thanked a dad in your life today? Simon Says Guided Bird Walk Chimney Rock Park explores summer birding, 9 a.m.-noon. See or hear the warblers in the park, along with Scarlet Tanagers and Wood Thrushes. $25 for adults ($10 for passholders), $12 for ages 6-15 ($5 for Grady’s Kids Club members). Visit chimneyrockpark.com.

Continues on Page 68

son County). Lake Junaluska day camp Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center offer day camp for kids ages 2-sixth grade. Outdoor and indoor activities in a Christian learning atmosphere, including arts and crafts, music, field trips, more. Half-day and full-day programs in themed weeks, June 14-Aug. 2. $30 enrollment fee; $20 for a morning or afternoon session, $110 for a 3-day session, or $150 for a 5-day session. ROOTS in Education is offering brain builder workshops three days a week in the mornings from June 28-July 23. Students in first to eighth grades can work on sharpening their skills for school during the morning sessions. During the afternoon, first- to fifth-graders can stay for day camp activities. Visit lakejunaluska.com/ children or call 454-6681. Midwest Soccer Academy Camp Camp put on by European soccer coaches at Jackson Park in Hendersonville, June 14-18. U6-U10 and U10-U14 half-day programs are 9 a.m.-noon for $109. U10-U14 fullday program is 9 a.m.-3 p.m. for $139. Visit midwestsoccer.net to register or call 697-4884 for a brochure.

Molly Angel’s Summer Art Classes Weeklong summer art classes for rising first- to sixth-graders. Students will work with a wide range of subject matter and experiment with different creative mediums including watercolor, oil pastel, pencil, clay and collage. In Weaverville (at Angel’s parents’ home), Aug. 2-6 (10 a.m.noon or 2-4 p.m.) or in Arden: (at Angel’s home in the Glen Arden area), July 19-23. Both sessions offer 10 a.m.-noon or 2-4 p.m. classes. (Afternoon classes will be geared towards second-timers or advanced students with all new and different projects and techniques). $85. E-mail furmanandmolly@hotmail.com or 681-0106. Profound Awareness Intuitive Arts Camp Experiential education-vacation for ages 5-105, from July 11-16. Summer enrichment program for the creative, spiritual and existential “intelligences.” Both a day camp and overnight camp with swimming and nature field trips and classes for adults, teens and kids. Internationally known since 1999. Offered by Profound Awareness Institute. Call 689-9710 or visit psykids.org.



calendar of events



Hobey Ford and His Golden Rod Puppets, seen here at Barnes & Nbole, will perform at Weaverville Library on June 24. Continued from Page 67

June 21

Childbirth refresher class Class for a couple who just need a brush up on labor and birth choices. 5:30-8:30 p.m. $55. Call 681-BABY to register. At 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville.

June 22

Frisky Fishies Make a toy for a Humane Society cat at 2 p.m. at Enka-Candler Library. For all ages. Bring a clean childsized/baby sock. Call 250-4758. Professor Whizzpop at The Hop The Hop Ice Cream Café hosts children’s musician Professor Whizzpop. 6:30-7:30 p.m. at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, Asheville. Call 254-2224. Sit and Knit Knitting group for all skill levels at 8 p.m. at Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Call 250-6482.

June 23

Balloon Magic With Mark Deverges at 11:30 a.m. at Swannanoa Library. Call 250-6486. Black Mountain Library knitters A casual group for all skill levels. Meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Black Mountain Yarn Shop. Call 250-4756. N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences Get a taste of the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences at 1:30 p.m. at Green River branch library in Zirconia. For ages 5 and older. Call 697-4969.

Starts June 23

‘Abraham Lincoln & Rootabaga Stories’ The Carl Sandburg Home and The Vagabond School of the Drama present “Abraham Lincoln & Rootabaga Stories,” 10:15 a.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays through Aug. 14. Performances are free and held rain or shine, at the Carl Sandburg Home amphitheatre, Flat Rock. Call 693-4178 or visit nps.gov/carl.


June 23-24

Snakes Alive! Learn about snakes – and maybe even touch one as part of Henderson County Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. Visit Henderson.lib.nc.us. ◆ 10 a.m. June 23, Main Library in Hendersonville, 697-4725. ◆ 3 p.m. June 23, Etowah branch, 891-6577. ◆ 3 p.m. June 24, Fletcher branch, 687-1218.

June 24

Infant care class Pardee Hospital offers a course on infant care from A-Z. From 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Pardee, education classrooms, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Free. Registration required. Call 866-790-WELL. Labor and birth forums Peaceful Beginning Labor and Birth Forums are based on the Six Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices and represent “evidence-based care.” Free. June’s forum will focus on laboring down, effective pushing positions and how to follow signals to allow for safe and gentle passage of the baby. At 7 p.m. at the Wellness Resource Center, 50 Doctor’s Drive, Mission Hospital Campus. Visit peacefulbeginning.org or call 258-3327. Musical Storytelling with Doug Elliott At 11 a.m. at Leicester Library. For ages 5 and older. Call 250-6480. Puppet show Hobey Ford and his Golden Rod Puppets at 2:30 and 4 p.m. at Weaverville Library. For all ages. Pick up your free tickets starting June 10. Call 250-6482. ‘Rowby’s Travels’ Red Herring Puppets put on a spectacle of music, dance and story at 2:30 p.m. at South Buncombe/ Skyland Library. For all ages. Call 250-6488. Stories from Near and Far For ages 5 and older at 2 p.m. Fairview Library. Pick up your free ticket at the library beginning June 17. Call 250-6484. Storyteller Doug Elliot Enjoy Doug Elliot: Storyteller Extraordinaire with Serious Local Flair. For all ages at 2 p.m. at Black Mountain Library. Call 250-4756.

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Arden Seventh-day Adventist Church, June 14-Aug. 13: Summer camp for ages 5-12. Open house 6-8 p.m. June 7. Call 684-6700 or 989-2200 or visit ardenadventist.org Asheville First Baptist, June 21-25: Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace, for ages 3 to rising sixth-graters. Call 252-4781, ext. 326. fbca.net. Biltmore Baptist Church, June 21-24: Buckaroo Roundup VBS, 9 a.m.-noon. With family night, at 6:30 p.m. June 24. Ages 3 through fifth grade. At 35 Clayton Road. Visit biltmorebaptist.org or call 687-1111. Biltmore United Methodist, June 13-17: 4:30-7 p.m. June 13 and 5:30-8 p.m. June 14-17. At 276 Hendersonville Road. Visit biltmoreumc.org or call 274-2379. Calvary Baptist Church, June 28-July 2: 9 a.m.-noon. 531 Haywood Road, Asheville. Call 253-7301 or visit calvaryasheville.com. Calvary Episcopal Church, July 26-30: 9 a.m.-noon for ages 4-fifth grade. At 2840 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher. Call 684-6266 to register. Central United Methodist, June 21-25: Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to the Palace. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Ages 3 (must be 3 by Aug. 31) to fifth grade. $25 per child/$50 maximum per family. At 27 Church St., Asheville. Call 2533316 or visit centralumc.org. Covenant Community Church, June 21-25: Galactic Blast VBS, 6-8:30 p.m. each night. Outdoor movie celebration at 9 p.m. June 25. At 11 Rocket Drive, Asheville. Call 298-8955 or visit covenant-community.org. Fletcher United Methodist, June 21-25: High Seas Expedition VBS, 9 a.m.-noon. Visit fletcherumc.org or e-mail joy@fletcherumc.org. French Broad Baptist Church, June 13-17: Saddle Ridge Ranch VBS. 6-9 p.m. Family Night on June 18. Ages pre-K to sixth grade. At 182 Grandview Lane, Hendersonville. Call 891-4665 or visit frenchbroad.org. Lutheran Church of the Nativity, July 19-23: ReNew, 9 a.m.-noon. Visit nativity.ws or call 684-0352. Mills River Presbyterian Church, June 14-18: God Shows His Love for His Children through the Ten Commandments, 6-8 p.m. At 10 Presbyterian Church Road, Mills River. Call 891-7101. Trinity Presbyterian Church, June 2124: Discovery Canyon VBS, 9 a.m.-noon for kindergarten-fifth graders. Older children encouraged to work as helpers. $5 registration fee per family due by June 1. At 900 Blythe St., Hendersonville. Call 692-6114 or visit trinitypresnc.org/.

June 24-27

‘Disney’s Beauty and the Beast’ Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast” at 7:30 p.m. June 24-26 and 2:30 p.m. June 27. Tickets are $12 for adults, $8 for students/children. Visit wncfinearts.com.

June 25

Baby Sitter’s Training class For children ages 11-15. Learn how to care for a child. Basic first aid included. Dress comfortable and bring lunch. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Asheville-Mountain Area Chapter, American Red Cross, 100 Edgewood Road, Asheville. $45. For details and to register, visit redcrosswnc.org and click on “Take a Class” or call 258-3888. Snakes Alive! Ron Cromer of Snakes Alive! brings a room full of snakes for an informative presentation on snakes in the wild at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Waynesville Library. After an hour of lecture, Cromer will discuss safe ways of handling snakes and audience members will be invited to hold them. Call 452-5169 or visit haywoodlibrary.org.

June 26

Bug Day The Cradle of Forestry invites the curious of all ages to learn about insects and other arthropods of Pisgah National Forest, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Held in and around the Forest Discovery Center at the Cradle of Forestry and is held in honor of National Pollinator Week.

Activities include guided bug hunts, a pond exploration, buggy games, and a “Build a Bug” craft. Call 877-3130 or visit cradleofforestry.org. Celebrate Pregnancy childbirth class Park Ridge Hospital offers a twist on the normal childbirth class. Learn labor techniques and support, but with a massage voucher and pregnancy art cast included, too. $99. 9 a.m.–1 p.m. At 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville. Call 681-BABY to register. Garden Science Investigation Botanical Gardens at Asheville offers a series designed to engage kids in observation and investigation of living and nonliving things using their senses and simple tools. In June, discover bats. Ages 5-11. $7. Registration required. From 9:30-11:30 a.m. at 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd. (adjacent to UNCA). Call 252-5190. Great American Backyard Campout Chimney Rock Park joins the National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Backyard Campout. Camp under the star, try a night walk with a park naturalist. $35 for adults ($30 for passholders), $25 for ages 6-15 ($15 for Grady’s Kids Club members). Visit chimneyrockpark.com or call 800-277-9611. Jolly Balloon Smiths at The Hop The Hop Ice Cream Café hosts The Jolly Balloon Smiths. 3-4 p.m. at 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 103, Asheville. Call 254-2224. Tie-dye workshop At 11 a.m. at East Asheville Library. Bring a light colored T-shirt, tote bag (for books!) or other item to tie-dye (100 percent cotton works best). For ages 5 and older. Call 250-4738. Continues on Page 70



calendar of events Continued from Page 69 ‘Twilight’ Mania: Designing Bella’s Dress Fairview Library hosts an event giving “Twilight” fans ages 11 and older a chance to design professionallooking sketches of a wedding dress for Bella Swan. At 2 p.m. at 1 Taylor Road. Call 250-6485. Pick up tickets beginning June 19.

June 26-27

Family Farm Tour Visit 37 farms across six counties in WNC, 1-6 p.m. Get a farm tour map and button (one button admits everyone in the car). Choose the farms you want to visit. Come with a cooler and appetite. A variety of vegetables, fruits, meats, cheeses, and preserves will be available to sample or for sale. Crafts and plants will be offered as well. Visit familyfarmtour.org for details. $25 for buttons (plus $2 for shipping if ordered from website). Organized by Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project.

June 26 and 29

Empowered Birthing classes Women’s Wellness and Education Center offers 11 hours of weekend classes. Focus on natural childbirth, positions for comfort and hands-on massage techniques for labor. VBACs welcome. Breast-feeding and soothing a fussy baby incorporated into class. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. June 26 and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. June 29 at 24 Arlington St., Asheville. $175. To register call Trish at 231-9227 or visit ashevillewomenswellness.com/ ChildbirthEducationClasses

June 29

Brien Engel & His Musical Drinking Glasses For ages 5 and older. ◆ 11 a.m. at West Asheville Library, 250-4750. ◆ 2:30 p.m. at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 250-4754. Leicester Library Knitters For all skill levels. At 8 p.m. at the library, 1561 Alexander Road. Call 250-6480.

June 30

Brien Engel and His Musical Drinking Glasses At 2 p.m. at Enka-Candler Library. Ages 5 and older. Call 250-4758. Mind-Reading and Magic Join Erik Dobell for mind reading and magic at 2 p.m. at Fletcher Library and 5 p.m. at Main Library in Hendersonville. Visit Henderson.lib.nc.us or call 697-4725 (Main) or 687-1218 (Fletcher). Sing Along with Brooke Clover For all ages at 2 p.m. at North Asheville Library. Free ticket required. Pick up tickets beginning June 16 at the library. Limit 50. Call 250-4752. Splash Into Fire Safety: Meet the Swannanoa Firefighters At 11 a.m. at Swannanoa Library. Call 250-6486.

June 30

Breast-feeding class Park Ridge Hospital’s Baby Place offers a workshop teaching the benefits and basics of breast-feeding. At


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7 p.m. Call 681-BABY to register. Cost is $25. The hospital is at 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville.


Clogging classes Learn to clog with the Asheville Clogging Company. Classes for all skill levels, ages and abilities. Hip-hop and jazz class available. E-mail ashley@ashevillecloggingcompany.com or visit ashevillecloggingcompany.com. Heath Adventure exhibits “Eyes on Earth,” an interactive exhibit that examines satellites and space technology, and “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” are now open at The Health Adventure, 2 S. Pack Square. Visit thehealthadventure.org. Merrimon Avenue Baptist Preschool Merrimon Avenue Baptist Church Preschool is now accepting enrollment for its classes for ages 1-prekindergarten. $15/day. Call Sara Calloway at 2522768, ext. 315, or e-mail scalloway@mabaptist.org. Breast-feeding education classes Introduction to tips and tricks that make breastfeeding easier. 6-9 p.m. Wednesdays at Women’s Wellness and Education Center, 24 Arlington St., Asheville. $25. Call Holly Major at 250-0226.

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