WNC Parent - August 2013

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c o n t e n t s Time for school Katie Wadington, WNC Parent

This month’s features 4

Make mornings easier


Give your school mornings an overhaul.


School bus tips


Hoofing it


Putting your child on the bus need not be scary. A look at why so few children walk to school.

Technology in schools Laptops, iPads and more make their way into classrooms.


Help wanted Classroom volunteers are essential to teachers.

In every issue

Artist’s Muse ...................20

Kids’ Voices .....................24 Dad’s View ......................26 Divorced Families ............27 Growing Together............35


Young entrepreneurs These kids have built businesses in their spare time.


Putting her voice to work A Black Mountain mom supports her family with singing telegrams.


Grill once, eat twice Six recipes help you make the most of your time.

On the cover Abbie Hoerman, by Kaelee Denise Photography, www.kaeleedenise.com. Photographed at WNC Nature Center, www.wncnaturecenter.com.

Story Times .....................36 Librarian’s Picks...............37 Kids page ........................48

Seriously, how is it August? How is it time to go back to school? This year will be a big year in our family, with both kids starting at new schools. New teachers to meet, new hallways to find, new PTOs to join. I’m anxious to see how it all goes. Getting back into a school routine may be one of the hardest things about summer. Take a few minutes and start thinking now about how your school mornings shape up. Could they be better? Our story on Page 4 may give you some ideas for streamlining your routine. The bus ride to school can be a source of anxiety for parents. The story on Page 7 looks at how schools try to ease fears about riding the bus. The use of technology in classrooms is booming. Schools are giving children iPads or laptops, or are allowing children to bring their own devices. The story on Page 11 explores area practices. Asheville is a town of entrepreneurs. But it isn’t limited to grown-ups with small businesses. We profile five small businesses run by Asheville-area kids on Page 15. Enjoy your final weeks of summer, and best of luck to you and your family as school begins. See you in September! (Seriously? September?)

Find us online

Calendar .........................46

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P.O. Box 2090, Asheville, NC 28802 www.wncparent.com PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Randy Hammer WNC PARENT EDITOR Katie Wadington — 232-5829 kwadington@citizen-times.com

ADVERTISING Katy Graziano — 236-8994 kgraziano@gannett.com

Special thanks to features editor Bruce Steele, designer Val Elmore and web developer Jaime McKee. CALENDAR CONTENT Due by Aug. 10. E-mail calendar@wncparent.com ADVERTISING DEADLINE Advertising deadline for the September issue is Aug. 20.





MORNING By Susanna Barbee


WNC Parent contributor


stablishing a structured morning routine not only gets the family out the door in a timely manner but also allows everyone to start the day with a positive attitude.

A need for change

Nanette Renegar, Waynesville mom to Payton, 10, and Gabriella, 5, made some significant changes to her family’s morning routine at the start of last school year. “I spent most of our morning before school monitoring the kids getting dressed and getting their materials together for the day,” she said. “I was running around trying to get myself ready to teach while constantly saying, ‘Did you brush your teeth?’ ‘Did you get your backpack together and put it at the door?’ ‘Do you both have your shoes on yet?’ “I was worn out before walking out of the house in the morning. I knew that more organization meant more time,” she said. Renegar, an elementary school teacher, began researching better ways to begin the day. She said that she consulted parenting blogs and perused Pinterest using search words such as “mom organization,” “morning routines,” “job charts,” “responsibility charts” and “command centers.” “Routines are important because they instill a sense of security and stability for children,” said Nicole Connor, school counselor with Haywood County Schools. “Routines help children know what to expect.”

The new routine

After conducting her research, Renegar made a supply list and shopped with her daughters to buy the few inexpensive items that would help with their new morning routine. She also tailored the tasks to her girls’ ages and personalities. At 10, Payton is asked to


Nanette Renegar created a new morning routine for her daughters Payton, 10, and Gabriella, 5, to ease the stress of getting out the door on time. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

check that her agenda book is signed, eat breakfast, feed the dogs, pack her lunch, get dressed and let the dogs out. At 5, Gabriella is asked to comb her hair, eat breakfast, brush her teeth and get dressed. “I realized that we needed a monthly calendar in view, baskets for supplies, and some kind of chart that the kids could use for self-monitoring. This would serve as a visual for completed tasks. We designated a place for morning organization and talked through a morning so that they knew what they

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needed to accomplish before leaving for school,” Renegar said. To ensure each task is accomplished, “Gabriella turns her clothespins around as she completes her tasks as. Payton moves her clothespins to the bottom of her board to visually show that she has completed her tasks,” said Reneger. Further, Gabriella is learning to read, so Reneger uses a corresponding picture on each clothespin for her. This Continues on Page 6




SUCCESS Continued from Page 4

helps Gabriella know which pin to move when she finishes a task. Conner recommends letting children decide which tasks they should be responsible for. This empowers them and helps them feel like they’re part of the process. Reneger’s daughters designed and created their respective visuals and helped decide what tasks they could complete on their own.

An evolving routine

As the girls get older, Renegar plans to tweak the routine to correspond to their growing maturity and personalities. “Payton is interested in making eggs in the morning, so I’d like to teach her how to responsibly cook her own breakfast and clean up,” said Renegar. She also plans to incorporate educational activities during any extra morn-


ing time. “Because Gabriella leaves the house a little later with my husband, I’d like her to self-select reading materials or something educational to fill those last minutes as she waits for him.”

A sense of empowerment

As with any type of change, it may take a little time for the morning routine to feel comfortable. Eventually, however, a morning routine not only makes life easier but also teaches children valuable lessons. “I have learned so much about children and how they tackle responsibility through this process. My heart’s goal is to raise girls that are self-motivating and self-evaluating,” said Renegar. If the day is started in a positive manner with little yelling and stress, the entire day will inevitably go better. “The school day runs more smoothly when a child has had a stress-free morning with time to wake up, have breakfast, and leave home on a positive note with family members,” Conner said. “A child who starts the day stressed out

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will have a hard time walking into class and getting down to business. They can be distracted and sometimes even angry or withdrawn.” Important points to remember when changing your family’s morning routine are to involve the children in the process, keep in mind their ages and personalities, keep it simple and reward them. Accomplishing their own tasks, contributing to the family or verbal praise are rewards enough for many kids. Other children may need a system where if they accomplish their tasks over a certain number of days, they get to pick the next family outing. Lastly, focus on the positives that a morning routine brings into the home. As Reneger said, “Our morning routines aren’t perfect; however, I am able to get the tasks completed on my list and be sure that the girls are completing their tasks without any nagging. I believe that they feel a difference. After their pins are all moved, the self-direction and pride I see on their faces when we are getting ready to walk out the door is worth everything.”




ith the start of school only weeks away, students are excited about seeing their friends and buying a new outfit for the first day, but parents are concerned with more serious matters like school transportation. While some parents fret over their children riding the school bus, school system personnel work diligently to put those fears to rest. Amber Nailler, Arden mom to 10-year old Claire and 6-year-old Addison, trusts the bus to get her girls to and from Avery’s Creek Elementary every day. “The first time I put my oldest child on the bus, on her first day of kindergarten, I was nervous for several reasons,” she said. “Will my daughter be scared? Will kids be nice? Will the bus driver be nice? Will she get car sick? Will she fall off the seat? Will she get lost once she gets off the bus? I had all these fears, but I had to hide them in front of my daughter and put on my brave face.” Children learn about school buses from the earliest of years. Big, yellow school buses are in movies, on TV, and in books. For many children, “bus,” is even one of their first words. Because of this, many children expect to ride a bus once they start school. Parents may harbor many concerns when they put their small child on a large vehicle with new kids and a new driver, but buses are much safer than parents may think. According to the NC School Bus Safety website, “School buses afford students the safest form of transportation to and from school.

This has been validated by federal crash testing and research by the National Academy of Sciences. School buses have to meet rigid federal construction standards for the sides and top of the bus, fuel tanks and inside of each bus. The thick padded seats and seat-backs provide a passive form of crash protection known as ‘compartmentalization.’ This padding, combined with the placement of the seating area high above the impact zone (with most other vehicles), offers a protection that has resulted in an unmatched record of passenger safety.” Schools in the area host a backto-school night or orientation where school bus information is dispersed and questions are answered. At this


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THE BUS Continued from Page 7

time, parents also learn what bus route their child will ride, as well as pickup and drop-off times. “We always recommend being prepared 10 minutes before or after the stated time for the first week until the bus finalizes its overall route and times,” said Joseph Hough, Buncombe County Schools transportation director.

Easing fears

School staff work to make parents and children comfortable with school bus transportation and encourage parents to reinforce school bus rules with their children at home as well. “Parents should know that school buses transport thousands of children each day and have been proven to be safer than a car,” said Terra Thompson, assistant principal at Avery’s Creek. “There are rules children must follow, however. They must sit in their assigned seats and must stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. They must also listen to the bus driver and follow his or her directions.” BCS drivers have been trained in conflict resolution and will often work out discipline issues on their own. In severe cases, the bus driver will refer a discipline issue to the school’s office, and an administrator will handle it accordingly.


TIPS FROM JOSEPH HOUGH, BCS TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR » Listen to the bus driver » Stay seated while the bus is moving » Wear bright clothing at stops, especially when mornings are dark » Parents of young children need to be at their child’s bus stop for pick up and drop off » Teach students not to ride with strangers » If a child drops something when loading and it rolls under the bus, alert the bus driver. Do not reach under bus to retrieve the item. » Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching » Parents should allow a 10-15 foot standoff distance when giving the driver information about their child. It is illegal for a parent or stranger to board a school bus.

“Trust your child’s school,” said Nailler. “They are experts at what they do and want to keep children safe too. Teachers are available in the mornings and afternoons to guide students in the right direction. Communicate with the bus driver, the school, and your child. Communication is all around the key.” And riding the bus is one of those rites of passage. “For both of my daughters, bus riding signifies being a big kid, independence, and pride,” said Nailler. “When the bus rolled up for the first time, my

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older daughter was so excited she jumped up and down then started squealing. I introduced myself to the bus driver and before I could even give my daughter a goodbye kiss and words of advice, she was on the bus and seated in the front row.”


School bus transportation benefits families, the school system and the environment. “Riding the bus reduces long car rider lines at schools, reduces am/pm commute traffic, and reduces emissions. It saves parents money on gas and improves student tardy rate,” said Hough. According to the American School Bus Council, “Every school bus on the road eliminates approximately 36 cars. For every bus you keep on the road, that’s 36 fewer cars clogging the morning commute and 36 fewer cars polluting the atmosphere. In 2010, school buses saved the United States 2.3 billion gallons of gasoline, representing $6 billion in savings at 2010 fuel prices.” Riding the bus can even be a special time for parents and their children. “I am always at the bus stop after school to meet my girls. It is this special time I will cherish for years to come. I love getting the fresh school-day scoop before they get busy with their afternoon activities,” said Nailler. “When it comes to riding the bus, it’s always harder on the parents than the children.”




WNC Parent contributor

hen you were their age, you used to walk five miles to school, in the snow and rain. Right. But you did walk. And you may not have


liked it, but it did you a world of good. So goes the soundtrack in your mind — whether true or not — as you drive your kids the couple of blocks from home to school. They’d walk, too, if only you could get the image out of your head of them trundling along alone, an easy target for goodness — or badness — knows what. Founded or unfounded, fears like those mean that few children are walking to Continues on Page 10




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school these days, much less riding their bikes. Though lots of kids do hoof it to class, in the company of their parents or caregivers, it’s nothing like when you were a kid. When you were their age … “I’m a father, and it makes me really nervous for kids in this day and age to walk by themselves,” said Brent Wise, principal of Weaverville Elementary School. That school is on the outskirts of downtown, in the middle of a neighborhood. Walking would be easy. “I kind of frown upon it. We’re living in a crazy world,” Wise said. “If a parent wants to let them walk unaccompanied, I tend to say no more than yes. I put bike racks up several years ago to encourage kids to ride bikes, but we had the same issues — when they leave campus, I worry about those five minutes until they get back home. It’s a nerve-wracking experience.” Walking is part of an active lifestyle that keeps children fit, to be sure. It’s an activity they can enjoy all their lives, and learning to like it early on makes their later involvement more likely. By and large, children who walk to school arrive exercised, full of oxygen, alert and ready to learn. A Danish study last year concluded that children who walk or bike to school are better able to concentrate when they get there. Walking to school with parents, neighbors, caregivers and friends gives children time alone with them, outside the strictures of home life. It helps relieve congestion around schools and puts less automobile exhaust into the air that students breathe. But those who don’t walk — or whose parents won’t let them — have good reasons, too. Safety is the primary concern among parents in several studies cited on the Web. Abduction is less of a concern than is traffic. Typically, the greener and handsomer the community, the more likely kids and parents are to walk to school, studies have shown.



HIT THE SIDEWALK Want to organize a walk/bike to school program? Here are some resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: » CDC’s Kidswalk: www.cdc.gov/ kidswalk. » National Pedestrian and Bicycling Information Center: www.pedbikeinfo.org. » International Walk to School: www.iwalktoschool.org. » Walk and Bike to School USA: www.walktoschool.org. » Active and Safe Routes to School: www.saferoutestoschool.ca. Walk with your child to help instill these safety tips: » Walk on sidewalks or paths as far away from oncoming traffic as possible. » Wear bright-colored or reflective clothing. Consider carrying a flashlight. » Check driveways and parking spots for drivers readying to pull out. » Obey all traffic signs and signals. » When crossing the street, look in all directions and walk, don’t run.

Source: Safe Routes to School

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A single school in 1997 started what grew to be Walk to School Day, which has steadily grown into an annual event that this year saw children walking and riding bikes to 4,281 schools in all 50 states. The overwhelming majority of participants told organizers they joinedfor the physical activity (other reasons include increasing school spirit and fostering a sense of community). The next national Walk Bike to School Day is Oct. 9 (learn more at www.walkbiketoschool.org). Laura Chase meets her two children at Weaverville Elementary School and walks them home after school. That’s not so far as it used to be, since they moved, but it used to be half a mile from their former home on Church Street. And for a while, they were walking both ways. “It’s sort of a bonding, reassuring, exciting experience every morning,” Chase said. “It’s kind of like sitting at dinner and talking over the day. It’s an uninterrupted opportunity to discuss anything. No phone calls, no interruptions. Just fresh air, walking through your neighborhood on the way to school.” She takes the dog, and everyone waves to the staff inside Well-Bred Bakery. “It’s a little exercise in our routine that doesn’t feel like exercise,” she said. “They beg me to walk them to and from school. They’re definitely bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by the time we get to school. I’d love more people to walk.” Jasmin McCollum walks her son home from the same school twice a week, which is all her schedule allows. He loves it as much as her, she said. “It’s great exercise,” McCollum said. “We have a dog that we walk with too. We always run into friends and neighbors, and it helps us feel more a part of the community. I see teachers when I pick him up, and we see the police officer when we cross the street. It’s a great time without the distractions of TV and games and other things to connect with my son and hear about his day and he hears about mine.” And it slows their lives down enough so that they notice the frogs and caterpillars and hawks that inhabit the same tiny part of the world as they do, she said.


Asheville Christian Academy gave all upper school students iPads through its iConnect program, which just finished its first year. JOEL BARKER/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT



f you’re a school administrator, news flashes from Raleigh rarely bring good news these days. With budget cuts affecting everything from teacher salaries and school supplies to textbooks and professional development, teachers and administrators must get creative on how to deliver the best education possible to students.

By Betty Lynne Leary WNC Parent contributor

Last spring, Buncombe County Schools launched a new initiative to give public school students access to the latest technology in the classroom. The bring-your-own-device program, known as BYOD, was rolled out in intermediate, middle and high schools for the last two months of the school year. Weaver-


ville Elementary School was the sole elementary school to participate in the pilot program that allowed students to bring an electronic device, such as an iPad or laptop, into the classroom each day. According to Robert Frisby, a technology specialist with Buncombe County Schools, the goal of BYOD is to enable teachers to use personal devices as an educational tool and to enhance instruction. The pilot program took place during April and May and is now under evaluation. “Surveys were open for responses from students, parents, and staff until the end of June,” Frisby explains. He plans to compile the reContinues on Page 12




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sults of those surveys and present his findings this month. Asheville’s Carolina Day School started its own BYOD program in the fall of 2012 in the middle school grades. The program was so successful it is being expanded this fall to the upper school. “For the last five or six years, it was not uncommon for some of our upper school students to bring a laptop to class,” says Tinnie Salzano, upper school principal at Carolina Day. “It makes sense for us as a community to make it a requirement in the upper school and use it in a way to enhance education.” Salzano adds that there have been no negative comments from parents or teachers about the middle school’s BYOD program, and the upper school teachers are excited about having a new teaching tool at their disposal. Getting all teachers up-to-speed on the nuances of digital learning is one hurdle they face. “Any time there is a new initiative in any working environment, there will be a learning curve,” Salzano notes. “Our students come to us as digital natives, and teachers must get into a comfortable place with technology.” To help teachers, Carolina Day provides a dedicated staff member with an advanced degree in educational technology who is available to help both students and teachers. At Asheville Christian Academy in Swannanoa, the upper school community completed the first year of the iConnect program in which upper school students were issued an iPad last August. “Our goal was to foster more collaboration and creativity among the faculty and students,” says Upper School Principal Ray Kochis, “and to encourage them to use the power of the iPad to be innovative in how they are both teaching and learning.” The ACA administration prepared for the implementation of the program by issuing teachers their own iPads a full year ahead of the students. This gave teachers time to become familiar with the device, build their classes on Moodle (a Web-based application for education), and develop creative ways to enhance the delivery of the content in the classroom.


Liana Trupiano works with Peggy Daniels, principal of the middle school at Carolina Day. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

“I was pleasantly surprised with how some teachers ran with it,” Kochis explains. “Several teachers flipped their classrooms, meaning students were assigned to watch a presentation that the teacher prepared delivering the content of the lesson.” When they came to class, both students and teacher were able to go deeper into the material, explore more, and move to higher levels of learning because the content was taught the night before as homework. “This reverse approach permitted students in our math and science departments to spend more time in labs working collectively to solve problems,” Kochis adds. “We’re still early in the process but I believe the teachers have made a good start to effectively implement this incredibly powerful tool in their classrooms.” Mary Ellen Auten, upper school math teacher and yearbook adviser for ACA, was excited by the possibilities of the program and, being a self-professed “tech junkie,” was fairly comfortable with the technology. “My primary goal for the first year was to teach as many lessons as possible through online videos that students watched on their own time,” Auten says. “I used an app called Educreations to record the lessons, and students were required to take notes on those videos for homework.” The in-class time was used to gain mastery of the content and work on problem sets where students used the

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teacher as a resource as needed. Students used apps like Notability to do classwork, would take pictures of problems worked on the board for future reference, and oftentimes mirror their iPad through the Apple TV to explain problems to the class. As with any new technology, bumps in the road surfaced along the way. “The lack of a really good, compatible graphing calculator app was an issue in the fall as was the inability to truly monitor and control how the device was being used during class time,” Auten explains. Students had free rein last year to personalize their devices with games from the Apple App Store and could use iMessage and the camera features of the iPad. This year, however, the iPads will be used strictly for academic purposes. Kochis notes this will limit some of the potential distractions in the classroom and at home while the students are using the device to complete their school work. Along with potential downsides like texting during trigonometry, positive outcomes were also noted during the recent evaluation of the program. “Students were much more willing to communicate, and I saw a lot more collaboration and interconnectedness throughout the high school,” Auten says. “Student-teacher communication levels definitely increased as it was much less of an effort for a student to send an email. Students who were often the last to speak up in class suddenly had a voice.”





By Paul Clark

WNC Parent contributor


ith state budget cuts coming, area schools will need parent volunteers all the more, principals said. But the biggest benefits may be realized by the volunteers themselves. Helping teachers and staff connects them to the school, its community and, especially, to the children they help, volunteers said. “There are only so many hours in the day, and we all know teachers are doing way more than they’re paid to do. Anything we can do to help is a positive experience,” said Heather Ramsey, who volunteers at Weaverville Primary and Elementary schools, where her sons are students. “Also, the more involved you are with the schools, the more you understand and support them.” Successful schools have a high degree of involved parents, many of whom volunteer, said Brent Wise, principal of Weaverville Elementary School. “The connection between the school, parents and students is invaluable in that without those three things, a school cannot be successful,” he said. Pisgah Elementary School in Candler has a dozen regular volunteers but could use lots more, Principal Jay Dale said. “My guess is that the other schools don’t have enough either,” he said. “With the demands on teachers and what kids are supposed to master at each grade level, we all probably need more help.” Pisgah Elementary School, with about 240 students, will rely on volunteers even more so this year because of state budget cuts, Dale said. “We’re really going to have to reach out more at our school than we ever have,” he said. Volunteers are “extremely valuable,” he said. “The more individual help we can get with adults reading to children, listening to them read, doing alphabet recognition, that’s invaluable.”

Caden Payne, parent volunteer Eddie Colley and Riley Hall mix pancake batter last winter in Cindy Howie’s first-grade class at Black Mountain Primary School. Volunteers are essential to schools, administrators say. BARBARA HOOTMAN/SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Volunteers, who undergo criminal background checks, help staff libraries, monitor lunchrooms, tutor students and supervise playgrounds, among other tasks. They help with one-time events like fall festivals, science fairs and talent shows. Volunteers aren’t consid-


ered staff, but they often hear things in school that staff do. As such, they promise not to share sensitive information outside of school, but they’re also bound by law (as is staff) to report life-threatContinues on Page 14



VOLUNTEERS Continued from Page 13

ening or health-related issues to school administrators. Volunteers don’t have to be parents or have degrees in childhood education. All they have to be, according to the Buncombe County Schools website, is available, dependable, reliable, friendly and flexible. They must be aware of and willing to follow school district and state-mandated requirements. And they have to be willing to follow direction. They typically undergo training at the school and learn what to do if there is an emergency, such as a lockdown. Teachers love a volunteer who is open to doing whatever needs to be done to help the students, Wise said. They should let teachers know if there is anything they won’t do. Volunteers can help with the one-onone instruction that teachers often don’t have time for, Ramsey said. Chil-


dren who don’t get a lot of help at home benefit especially from time with a volunteer, she said. “The biggest example I can think of is reading with kids who may not have read aloud to people,” Ramsey said. “To have someone come in specifically to do that with them that really cares about them, it encourages them to try harder and to work hard and be confident.” Ramsey loves it when children call her name in the hall. They’re thrilled that someone outside of school cares, she said. It’s important that they know that the community is behind them, and the volunteers are at the vanguard of that support. Volunteering helps children understand that their parents and the community cares about the school and its students, Dale said. And it helps parents understand what their children are learning and how they are being taught, which helps parents help their children with homework. “Schools can be a little intimidating sometimes because of the education

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jargon we use,” Dale said. “But if parents are in here, they’ll understand what’s going on. It’s makes for a nice sense of family.” Ramsey tries to donate an hour a week to her sons’ schools. Doing so has helped her with her own parenting, she said. “It’s wonderful to get to know your children’s peer group,” she said. “So many times we’re so busy getting to soccer practice and getting everything taken care of that it’s nice to just see your children in the classroom environment and be immersed in their world. It’s nice to be a part of their world instead of them being a part of your world. You see them in their distinct roles as people.” Ramsey’s sons might not be as eager for her to volunteer as they get older. But for now, they love the days when their mother shows up to help. “I think it means a lot to them that we care enough to take that time to be there,” she said. “And it’s always good for kids to see that parents and teachers are working together.”



By Pam J. Hecht WNC Parent contributor


nterprising kids with dreams of high finance often embark on short-lived moneymaking ventures like baby-sitting or summer roadside lemonade stands. But for those who take their own products or services seriously and put in the time, entrepreneurship can mean big business. It can also add up to more benefits for kids than just earning a few bucks,

says Diane Hendrickson, A-B Tech Small Business Center program developer, who heads up the center’s entrepreneurial outreach, Young Entrepreneurial Scholars Camp for middle- and high-schoolers and Student Business Incubator program. In addition to earning anything from small change for clothes or electronics, to enough to save for college, it helps kids build confidence, learn life skills, get into college and meet “people who can help with business, school and other projects,” she says.


Area schools also offer entrepreneurial and other related classes, allowing students to explore interests, find out what it takes to be an entrepreneur and learn how businesses either succeed or fail, says Christy Cheek, Career and Technical Education director for Buncombe County Schools. Parents can also help kids by supporting their ideas, helping to brainstorm and hooking them up with mentors who can assist them, she says. Continues on Page 16



FIND THESE ENTREPRENEURS » Buckies: buckies-store.blogspot.com, buckies.info@gmail.com » Duct to Tape: lionlev44@gmail.com, 989-8200 » Wynn Wynn Situation: tapegurl@gmail.com » Isaac Pohl-Zaretsky: isaacpohlzaretsky@gmail.com » Grow Love: growlovetshirts@gmail.com.

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Duct tape designs When Lev Goldstein, 12, of North Asheville, was younger and needed money for a toy he wanted, he would spend days at a table on his front lawn, selling the family’s discards until he earned enough to buy it, says his mother, Meryl Goldstein. “He wasn’t afraid to start with a high asking price and haggle with his customers,” Meryl says. Lev created his company, Duct to Tape, several months ago, later partnering with his cousin, Zeke Goldstein, 13, of East Asheville, to produce and sell duct tape wallets and paintings (duct tape designs or logos on a colored background.) He says he initially had set out to make the “world’s largest duct tape ball,” but after finding out online “what you could do” with duct tape, he decided to learn how to do it. Now, the boys typically spend about 15 hours weekly on their business. Lev taught him how to make the wallets, Zeke says, adding that he enjoys that the most, but still does most of the selling. Lev has “designed his products by

Visit WNCParent.com for tips for kid entrepreneurs and their parents.

Lev Goldstein started out wanting to make the “world’s largest duct tape ball.” But after discovering all that you can make with duct tape, he refocused and started a business with his cousin Zeke Goldstein. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

anticipating what will sell and he has been on the money,” Meryl says. The company has sold to “about 100 customers and made about 350 wallets,” selling to friends and at two festivals so far, and producing a YouTube video about their business, Lev says. Meanwhile, other than moral support and car rides, parents aren’t involved, says Heather Whitaker Goldstein, Zeke’s mom.

Mackenzie Martin’s business is Wynn Wynn Situation, creating and selling duct tape products from flowers and belts to bows and baby mobiles. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT


“The most valuable part of this as a learning experience is that it be their project, not ours,” she says. Lev has benefited from having his own business, Meryl says, learning to “negotiate with his partner for an equitable share of the business profits” and to construct a website. Lev’s advice to other entrepreneurs: “In the beginning, don’t think you can do everything because you really can’t,” he says. “You need to work your way up to success even if you had tons of failures — the more pain, the more satisfaction.” “Starting a business may be hard at first but if you love what you are doing, keep persevering and never give up,” adds Zeke.

MacKenzie Martin, 12, of Fletcher, has always had an entrepreneurial spirit along with an artistic bent, her mother, Addison Martin, says. “She always figured that the best way to get some money was to sell something.” Her latest venture — her first real business, with help from a friend, she says — is called Wynn Wynn Situation (the slogan is “Got Tape?”), creating and selling a variety of duct tape products, like flowers, belts, wallets, folders, bookmarks, bows, name tags, vases and baby mobiles. “After I (learned) the basic purse, I began to experiment,” she says. She and her parents discussed running a business, comparing prices and purchasing materials, says Addison. “She’s learning how to handle money and be responsible,” as well as developing an appreciation and understanding of other independent business owners and artisan work, developing a “pride in herself and her accomplishments,” Addison adds. “(I’m) keeping tape in stock, shipping products, tracking money and organizing orders,” says MacKenzie. “We’re just looking for a way to make a little money and occupy ourselves.”

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Elisa Randazzo, 10, of East Asheville, has a T-shirt business, Grow Love. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

A mother-daughter T-shirt team

For Elisa Randazzo, 10, and her mother, Simone, of East Asheville, it all started with a family motto and Elisa’s drawing of a tree. Their motto, “Grow Love,” is now the name of their T-shirt business, and that tree became the design on their first shirt. When her mom gave her a T-shirt with her design screened onto it for her birthday, the business was born, says Elisa. The pair have been in business for a year, selling mostly to friends and coworkers, and are planning to expand by increasing advertising, creating more designs, and selling online and possibly at craft shows and stores, Elisa says. “We really want to do hats, and we would love to branch out to journals, mugs, greeting cards” and more, she adds. “Elisa has always been very creative and if she sets her mind on doing something, she can be motivated to make it happen,” says Simone. Having their own business has given Elisa “the experience of producing and selling a quality product and understanding its cost and value.” Her challenges have been “finding customers, with a big enough order to get a price break on printing,” says Elisa. “Be brave,” she advises other entrepreneurs. “It’s hard to sell anything if you are timid and can’t make a sale.” Continues on Page 18



Entrepreneurs Continued from Page 17

Ambitious computer whiz

Isaac Pohl-Zaretsky, 14, has always been obsessed with computer games, but not to play them. “I went beyond the curiosity of most kids and actually wondered how they worked,” says Pohl-Zaretsky, of Weaverville. At age 10, he taught himself how to program a small quiz game. A year later, he had mastered a more complicated program language and realized that he had “the potential to work with others,” he says, and what started out as a “fun little project,” led him to his current business. He offered to create a website for a small YouTube channel for free, he says, and “they liked my services so much, they asked if I’d be willing to help write


Isaac Pohl-Zaretsky, 14, of Weaverville, is a freelance computer programmer with his own business, specializing in game development. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

code to manage job applications, which was my start as a freelance computer programmer/developer.” By age 13, he was being paid for his work, but that’s not what’s most important to him, says Isaac, who got his current assignment for a game development

company by first offering to help them for free. “While the money is really cool and fun to have, almost every job I’ve had started with volunteer work,” he says. “In the end, I think I just love seeing my work being used in the real world.” “I think that Isaac (started working professionally) in an effort to connect with smart, creative and like-minded people who are doing this kind of work,” says Isaac’s mom, Judith Pohl-Zaretsky, who adds that she and Isaac’s dad, Aaron, assist him with money management. “We also help to keep him safe and legal,” and encourage him to keep his life balanced with other activities, says Aaron. Meanwhile, he’s worked with people and companies worldwide, Isaac says, and has a waiting list. His business and school workload can often leave him “overwhelmed,” but in the end, he says, “it’s worth it.” “The things that I’ve learned about myself and the skill of dealing with stress and deadlines will help me throughout my life,” he says.

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Promising plush toy fad

Jeremy Sagaribay, 11, has been selling to his family since he was a small child, from handmade products to food from his restaurant and tickets to his performances. “He’s always had a strong interest in creating, building and inventing, especially from recycled items,” says Lorrie Sagaribay, Jeremy’s mom, of East Asheville. “It didn’t take him long to realize that selling those items, even for just a few cents, could turn a profit.” Jeremy’s current business involves collectable paper and plush toys called Buckies, which he makes and sells to family and friends, and at Dancing Bear Toys in East Asheville. Partner Stuart Boatwright, 11, of South Asheville, who joined him soon after he started, handles the website, email account and marketing, along with sales, and “comes up with good ideas for future products, like Tshirts, wallets and pillowcases,” says Jeremy. It was Stuart’s idea to sell at Dancing Bear, says Jeremy, who hopes to also sell

Jeremy Sagaribay’s current business involves collectible paper and plush toys called Buckies, which he makes and sells to family and friends, and at Dancing Bear Toys in East Asheville. Stuart Boatwright joined him soon after he started and handles the website, email account and marketing, along with sales. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

Buckies at festivals and other toy stores. Stuart has also always had an entrepreneurial spirit, says dad Scott Boatwright, selling things around the house when he was 3, later making and selling products like duct tape wallets and hot chocolate. Stuart says he hopes to one day merge Banana (Stuart’s other business, in


which he engraves and sells items like pocket knives and ear buds), “with packages of Banana products that include Buckies and Banana products (featuring) Buckies art.” “I enjoy the planning involved in creating a successful business — it really helps when you know what you’re going to do before you do it,” says Stuart, who planned his Banana business for more than a year. “I also like having a business because it gives me something to do — it eliminates ‘I’m bored’ for quite a while.” Meanwhile, through Buckies, Jeremy is gaining confidence, social skills like phone etiquette and collaboration, and a business sense, Lorrie says. “When I was 11 years old, it wouldn’t even have occurred to me to walk into an established business and ask the manager for 15 minutes of her time to sit down with me so I could pitch my business idea to her,” says Lorrie. “But that’s exactly what Jeremy did.” “I’ve learned about dividing profits and how to give and take suggestions to improve my product and make a sustainable business,” Jeremy says.


artist's muse

Engaging the community By Ginger Huebner

WNC Parent columnist

At Roots + Wings School of Art and Design, we nurture and encourage the natural creativity within students of all ages through innovative design, dynamic art education and community collaboration. We engage students of all ages, and often have a mixture of ages together in one classroom. I have written about the transformative power that occurs when multiple generations gather together to create. Community Collaboration also works hand-in-hand with different ages working and learning together, providing the opportunity for people in our local community to be a part of our programs and us a part of their work. Inviting community into our work is a pivotal piece of our school. It gives students a chance to meet people involved in many different disciplines and aspects of our local community. As this new school year is upon us, we are continuing to grow the community volunteer component of our Roots + Wings After-school Community Design Lab programs. For these after-school programs, we collaborate with the Asheville Design Center, an organization that engages Western North Carolina in creative community-based design, to help build scholarships and place volunteers. With a curriculum built around community issues like food, water, housing, economy, environment, etc., our afterschool program offers a huge opportunity to draw parallels and connections to our wider WNC community. Each afternoon, we build in an INNOVATION HOUR, allowing students to explore any number of the above issues using the tools of art and design. It is during this time that we welcome parents, university students and other community volunteers to work with our students to share stories, talents, work ethics and experiences. Through these partnerships, we can deepen opportunities for


Roots + Wings School of Art and Design works with the community to expose students to different disciplines and aspects of the world around them. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT

meaningful engagement with collaborative art and design-based learning. For the 2013-14 school year, we are holding two orientation sessions for interested volunteers. The term of volunteering is for the nine-month school year, but the frequency of involvement can vary. If you are interested in being a volunteer instructor for the INNOVATION HOUR at Roots + Wings After

School Community Design Lab, you can find out more and sign up to receive our application at rootsandwingsarts.com or www.ashevilledesigncenter.org. Ginger Huebner is the director of Roots + Wings School of Art and Design, offering visual art and design education for all ages. Email her at info@rootsandwingsarts.com or visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.

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Singing for a

living Black Mountain mom’s singing telegram business lets her stay home with 3 little ones By Paul Clark WNC Parent contributor

Jillian Isele found a way to work while being home with her three boys. She sings. Birthdays, anniversaries, whatever — Isele is a singing telegram with a host of characters when she’s not a full-time mom to the three little characters at home. “I love surprising people and telling jokes,” Isele, 31, said at her Black Mountain home recently while the boys — Isaiah, 5; Elijah, 2; and Jonah, 10 months old — scampered around her. The joy she gets being a singing telegram is the same joy she gets from raising her sons — brightening someone’s day, supplying love and joy that are as vital as food and water. Isele, who used to work more than 60 hours a week managing a large jewelry store, came upon her new career when she came home from the hospital with her firstborn. A musician who used to sing in a band, she wanted something that would let her work from home. And singing telegrams was just the thing. Staying at home with Isaiah, and then Elijah and Jonah, was imporContinues on Page 22



Singing Continued from Page 21

tant to her and husband Micah. Day care is wonderful, and they used it while she was finishing school. But she’d rather take care of the boys herself now. “I feel that it’s good to strengthen that (motherchild) bond before they go off to school and form other bonds,” she said while the boys rolled on the floor. “I want to see their ‘firsts’ and be the one to take them to doctor appointments. Being with young kids as a mother is such a natural thing.” Nonetheless, raising three children, especially three boys, is “very, very hard work. That’s what all moms will tell you,” she said. The boys will accidentally knock her coffee over in the morn-


Jillian Isele of Songs Sealed Delivered sings a happy birthday telegram for Jen Thomas at Morning Glory Cafe in Black Mountain. BILL SANDERS/WSANDERS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM

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ing and intentionally use her mascara to draw on the walls. “We spill a lot of stuff, don’t we?” she said to Isaiah as he and Elijah careened over the couch and Jonah dropped some strawberries on the floor. “I do go nuts sometimes,” she said. “I lock myself in the bedroom for a minute and call my husband.” She relieves the stress by singing, to herself, to the boys and to others in the guise of “Sarah Nade,” Party Panda or any one of several characters she offers through her business, Songs Sealed Delivered Singing Telegrams, on its website (www.songssealeddelivered.com). Isele’s face becomes animated as she described who she plays. “I get a lot of special requests, like Prince and Lady Gaga,” she said. She goes online to research their mannerisms, as well as their songs. “I find myself getting more and more into them,” she said. “And the boys are fascinated with my costumes,” though Isaiah thinks she looks funny as Prince, with a mustache. Now that Jonah is older, she’s

I’m crazy. Or ‘how sweet,’” she said. Sometimes strangers help her load the grocerWANT TO ORDER ? ies in her car. AM GR LE TE G A SINGIN Bedtime is hectic for a ny ma ’s red led Delive lot of parents, but Isele and Learn about Songs Sea her husband have it down options online at t livered.com or contac to a system. Dinner is folwww.songssealedde or songssealeddelilowed by baths and brushJillian Isele at 776-0411 the on k k to Faceboo ing of teeth. Pajamas are vered@live.com. A lin ” ing rcent discount for “lik on and stories are told by website offers a 15 pe . 8:30 p.m. Then it’s lights Songs Sealed Delivered out and time for the two parents to hang out. It’s one of Isele’s favorite times of the day. thinking about expanding her busiShe and her husband are often too ness, something that may become tired to do anything other than watch necessary if her husband, a mail TV. But it’s quiet, and it’s just the two carrier who works long days six days of them. It’s so nice that she often a week, loses his job because of cutdoesn’t get to bed by 10:30 p.m. like backs within the U.S. Postal Service. she’d like, knowing her day begins “It’s scary,” she said. And it can add again at 6 a.m. stress on top of exhaustion. “Sometimes I just want to sleep “Just going to the grocery store I another 30 minutes before the boys feel like I’ve accomplished this huge get in bed with us in the morning,” thing,” she said. Pushing a doubleshe said. “But I always go back to wide cart through the aisles, three having three healthy, happy boys. boys in tow, “people look at me like And that makes everything better.” they’re sorry for me or they think



kids' voices

Dogs vs. cats We asked the students in Melissa Boks’ kindergarten class at Ira B. Jones Elementary if they would rather be a cat or a dog, and why. Here are some of their responses:

“I would like to be a dog because they get to sleep.” Scotty, 6

“I would rather be a dog because dogs can swim.” Nihzaiah, 6

“I want to be a cat because they can catch their own food.” Donovan, 6

“I would like to be a dog because dogs can fetch things.” Max, 6

“I want to be a dog because they chase cats and they play.” Brighton, 6

“I would rather be a dog because they are good snugglers.” Sebastian, 6

“I want to be a dog because cats hide and dogs are more playful.” Davies, 6


“I want to be a dog because dogs run faster than cats.” Trey, 6

“I would rather be a cat because they can climb trees.” Tiller, 5

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dad’s view

We need a ‘National Ask a Follow-Up Question Week’ By Scott Tiernan WNC Parent columnist

There’s a reason “I” is the most common spoken word: we love to talk about ourselves. Mark Zuckerberg understood this. There’s no “I” in team, but there are three in billionaire. We exist in iWorld, young children especially. Does this conversation between 6-year-olds sound familiar? “This summer I went to the beach.” “Yeah, me too. I went to Florida. They have sharks there.” “Well, I went to an aquarium that had sharks.” “Well, I went to an aquarium that had sharks and stingrays.” “Do you know I have a stuffed stingray named Stingy?” Makes you want to plead: Can someone please ask a followup question? There will be ample opportunity for iTalk during Week 1 of school. Sit in a circle and share what you did this summer. My daughter’s kindergarten teacher mitigated iChat during sharing time by requiring a followup question. Cool idea, and powerful. How refreshing for a young child to share a story or a stuffed animal and have a classmate ask a follow-up question. What did you do on vacation? What is your stuffed animal’s name? Wow, they actually are listening to me! With this in mind, I’d like to see the first week of school be declared National Ask a Follow-Up Question Week. We have National Hugging Day (Jan. 21); surely Ask a Follow-Up Question would be just as beneficial. The guidelines: When a student shares a piece of information, the receiving student must 1. Process the information (Warning: This may require 4-5 seconds of silence!) and then, 2. Ask a followup question. No limit on the number of followup questions; the goal would be to allow the sharer to fully share. Schools could wrap National Ask a Follow-Up Question Week into a themed unit on friendship and listening. Guiding questions: What does it mean to be a good listener? When a friend tells you something, what is your typical response? Do


you ask for more information, or do you share something about yourself? For language arts, students could pair up, interview each other and then transcribe the recordings. For science and math, they could build iDometers to track daily usage of the word “I”; or, they could record in a journal the number of times they, 1. Interrupt someone, or 2. Immediately respond to a friend’s statement with an iStatement. Data could be graphed. Finish with comedy theater in which students act out the best and worst of the week. The catch: asking a followup question runs counter to iSociety (after all, it requires delaying gratification!). Imagine a colleague at work tells you she’s running a marathon. Well, you just ran one, and your mouth is about to explode with race day stories, training tips and eating advice. But somehow you find the energy (superpower) to suppress your iSelf, and then ask the appropriate follow-up question: What marathon are you running? Because follow-up questioning is hard, use August to prep your child for the national week. For example, at dinner, let one person (adult or child) be the star performer. That means it’s her turn to talk, and everyone else’s turn to tease out her story, idea or exasperation with follow-up questions. The talker will gain insight that goes unearthed during backand-forth iTalk; the listeners will bask in the relaxed atmosphere of the spotlight’s shadows. End each dinner with an award for best supporting actor (a k a follow-up questioner). Our family is going to practice this month. Hopefully, we’ll interrupt less, listen more (and better) and engage in less iTalk. We may even learn, as we ask more and talk less, to delay gratification in other realms. And Sophia will be fully prepared when school opens with National Ask A Followup Question Week. Or, she’ll be so frustrated with iListening she might say: Daddy, when can I talk about myself? I’ll answer this question with a followup question: Have you considered opening a Facebook account? Scott Tiernan is an education specialist with Lexercise. www.lexercise.com.

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divorced families

Focus on family relationships By Trip Woodard WNC Parent columnist

Let’s face it, as far as society goes, we tend to be preoccupied with the behavior of our children rather than their conscience. And that is why so much child therapy focuses on “skill training” such as communication ability and establishing structures for the reward of punishment of how our children act in school and at home. Therapists like to justify these approaches using politically correct expressions like “evidence based “and “best practice.” Dr. Scott Miller, a nationally recognized researcher and trainer, calls these claims not true science, but “science fiction.” He maintains that therapy effectiveness with children and individuals is based 90 percent on relationship, not treatment theory (check out his work at www.scottdmiller.com). In a broader perspective, I think this applies equally to parents, teachers and anyone working with children. I am convinced that in my work with children, parents and couples, relationship is critical before I can expect a positive outcome. The cliché is true: “People want to know that you care before they care about what you know.” Now you may ask, “But, what does any of this have to do with conscience?” I am glad you asked. With the exception of preschool children, I think we pay way too much emphasis on reward and punishment strategies. Instead, I think we need to be like Jiminy Cricket, the voice in Pinocchio’s ear, who talked to him about conscience. Parents need to have an ongoing dialogue with their children of the value of “doing the right thing” and not because you will be rewarded by something “from the treasure box” if you do. Here are a few ideas on how to do this: » Read them stories and show them movies about characters, real or fictional, who do things because it is the right thing to do in life and not because of a reward. If you have a particular faith system, teach them from that. If you don’t consider models like Gandhi or Martin Luther King who died for their ideals, yet accomplished so

much and inspired so many. » Have a “community day” once a month where you do a volunteer activity for your neighborhood or the community. » Be a model for them. Tell them what a great day you had at work because you got to stand up for someone or something. If you are involved with political, religious or environmental causes, let them know what you are doing and why. Get them involved if you can and if they are interested. Now for the other side of growing a conscience. Everyone makes mistakes in life, even repeatedly. For some strange reason, children are hearing more and more that saying “I’m sorry” is a worthless or bad idea. Parents, or even teachers, may respond with, “That is not good enough; you need to prove it by changing your behavior.” Saying “I am sorry” won’t necessarily fix a situation, but it is still an important thing to say. Always. Think about this. Why would any person helping to raise a child want to teach a child to not say he or she is sorry? And that is the direct effect. Encourage your child to say “I am sorry,” admit they have made a mistake and then ask, “Is there anything I can do to try to make up for it?” And then, give them something to do! Telling a child “don’t worry about it” is almost as bad as teaching them to not to say “I am sorry.” Children need to learn that their mistaken choices about their behavior hurts people. And that the right thing to do is the best they can to make up for it. Now another mistake parents may make is too much “blah, blah, blah” about your child’s bad choice. Simply encourage them to admit that they are sorry, that they made a mistake (and at this point, you can tell them yes they did and briefly how it hurt someone) and then work toward a corrective action. Then imagine this. A nation of children motivated to do the right thing and to take corrective action, not out of fear, but because they care. Because they have a conscience. Almost sounds like a John Lennon song, doesn’t it? Trip Woodard is a licensed family and marriage therapist and a clinical member of the N.C. Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Contact him at 606-8607.



Tubes Doctors: Not all kids need them to relieve fluid

By Michelle Healy USA Today

Not every kid should get ear tubes to relieve excessive fluid buildup in the middle-ear canal, says a first clinical guideline for physicians released recently. An extensive body of research shows that in cases where an otherwise healthy child gets middle-ear fluid, insertion of the tiny tubes (which help ventilate the middle ear and provide drainage) is unnecessary. Kids typically get better on their own, especially when the fluid is present for less than three months, says the recommendation from the American Academy of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery. “The other circumstance where it’s good to watch and wait, and this is a particularly novel aspect of this guideline, is if you have frequent or recurrent ear infections (known as acute otitis media, or AOM) without persistent fluid buildup,” says Richard Rosenfeld, chair of the guideline panel and a pediatric ear, nose and throat specialist: “A lot of those kids are getting ear tubes, and it turns out it really doesn’t help them.” Children who develop hearing difficulties and have fluid buildup (known as otitis media with effusion, or OME) in both ears for at least three months should be offered tube insertion because the fluid usually persists. Inserting tubes will improve hearing and quality of life, the recommendation says. It is based on an analysis of 113 randomized trials and 15 systematic reviews of ear tubes. In addition to mild-to-moderate hearing difficulty, middle-ear fluid can result in pain and discomfort, ear infections and balance problems, says Rosenfeld, professor and chairman of otolaryngology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. Young children are particularly at risk for fluid buildup and ear infections because their immature eustachian tube


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does not work efficiently to provide the needed ventilation, creating “a vacuum, sucking in fluid, infection and goo” from the nose and throat “and keeping it there,” he says. Ear tubes “bypass the eustachian tube,” allowing air to get into the middle ear and preventing fluid and bacteria from entering, he says. Nearly 670,000 ear tube surgeries (known as a myringotomy) are performed annually on children under age 15, making it the most common outpatient surgery performed on kids in the USA, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. By age 3, nearly one in 15 kids have received the tubes, officially known as tympanostomy tubes. The tiny, hollow, plastic devices (about 1/20 of an inch wide) are inserted via a small incision in the eardrum, usually in an outpatient surgical procedure under general anesthesia. Despite being widely used, this is the first evidence-based guideline designed to “identify children who shouldn’t get the tubes and those who should,” as well as advise on “the best way to take care of the tubes if you do get them,” Rosenfeld says. The recommendation that “watchful waiting” is a better option for otherwise healthy children with a buildup of middle-ear fluid does not apply to kids who are at-risk for pre-existing developmental delays, such as permanent hearing loss, autism-spectrum disorder, Down syndrome and cleft palate. Although the guideline “brings together in one report much information that will be useful to the practicing clinician,” it suffers from important limitations, says Jack Paradise, professor emeritus of pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He notes that the guideline covers children ages 6 months-12 years but says middle-ear disease is very different in young children and older children. It also doesn’t take into account some newer information arguing against tubes for some children with recurring problems, according to Paradise. It is correct that older children typically do not get tubes, Rosenfeld says, but the guideline “used this range because it is the same age range used in most randomized, controlled trials of tympanostomy tubes.” And, he says, “if anything our guideline will likely decrease the number of tubes (placed) since we advise not doing tubes in two common circumstances.”



Protect yourself from childhood diseases By Dr. Susan Mims WNC Paernt guest columnist

As a child, you probably hated to go to the doctor for “shots,” but as an adult you now know those once-dreaded immunizations are for your protection. Childhood immunizations protected us from tetanus (lockjaw), diphtheria (an upper respiratory tract illness) and pertussis (whooping cough). There’s even a generation of us who have smallpox immunization scars. Unfortunately, the same childhood diseases are on the rise again and pose the same risk to today’s children and adults. Nearly one in four toddlers in North Carolina fails to get properly vaccinated against childhood diseases, according to the North Carolina Immunization Branch of the Department of Health and Human Services. Childhood diseases once thought to be in firm check are re-emerging. An outbreak of whooping cough across the U.S. in 2012 led some states to declare it an epidemic, with 49 states and Washington, D.C., reporting increases in the number of cases in 2012 compared to 2011. More than 41,000 cases of whooping cough and 18 related deaths were reported to the CDC during 2012. To date, there have been dozens of confirmed cases in WNC, including two children who were


treated at Mission Children’s Hospital.. The CDC is also reporting the most cases of measles in the United States since 1996, with three times the diagnoses of last year. A recent outbreak of measles in North Carolina resulted in three people being quarantined in Polk County with two developing the disease. Why? There are a couple of reasons. Health officials believe that more parents are opting out of childhood immunizations because of fears that vaccines may cause a range of problems, from allergies to autism. A comprehensive review conducted by the Institute of Medicine in 2004 did not find any association between vaccination and autism. Many additional studies have added to the evidence on the safety of vaccines. A number of recent measles cases involved home-schooled children who are not required to get the vaccines. And some parents choose not to immunize on religious grounds. While vaccines offer very good coverage, they are not 100 percent effective. So, while they cannot always prevent an adult or child from getting the disease, they can greatly reduce the chances of contracting it and passing it on to others. Also, vaccinations are not just for children. Keeping up-to-date on vaccinations throughout adolescence and as adults is a critical step in preventing the resurgence of these diseases. Most adults who received vaccinations as a child could still be at risk of these common childhood diseases if they haven’t re-

ceived “boosters.” Others were never vaccinated as children and are susceptible to these rare diseases. Advancements in research have produced new vaccines that were not available when many of us were young. According to the CDC, vaccinations are recommended to protect adults from chickenpox, diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, human papilloma virus/cervical cancer, influenza, measles, meningococcal disease, mumps, pertussis, pneumonia, rubella, shingles and tetanus. Immunizations have been proven safe overall, and the effects of actually contracting the diseases are far worse than side effects from the vaccines, which are rare. A mild case of whooping cough or measles in an adult can be extremely dangerous if passed along to a young child, pregnant woman or someone with a suppressed immune system, such as an elderly person or person with cancer. The CDC recommends adults get a flu vaccine annually. So, while you have your sleeve rolled up, ask your physician about updating your other immunizations. The new Tdap vaccine will boost your immunity to tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis and is available from your physician or county health department. Vaccines are one of the single most significant medical advances to prevent disease and save lives. Make sure you get yours! Dr. Susan Mims, MPH, MD, is Vice President, Women’s and Children’s and Medical Director, Mission Children’s Hospital.

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parent briefs Learn to teach children’s yoga

Mission gets new MRI goggles for kids

Asheville Yoga Center will offer a children’s yoga teacher training and certification workshop Aug. 2-4. Instructor Jane Anne Tager founded Pretzel Kids Yoga and teaches kids’ yoga classes throughout Asheville. The curriculum will include how to teach children with different learning styles, how to choose age appropriate activities, how to create lesson plans, how to improvise based on the group’s needs, how to adapt yoga instruction for different environments, how to incorporate stories, music, and dance, and more. Tager will also demonstrate effective strategies for managing behavior by creating a loving, supportive and noncompetitive environment. The training weekend is considered advanced yoga studies and is appropriate for yoga teachers, school teachers with yoga experience, and serious students of yoga. Registration is required. To learn more about the program and to register, visit www.youryoga.com or call 254-0380.


Any parent knows how hard it is to get a child to remain still for a family photo. Now, imagine trying to get a child to stay completely motionless for 15 minutes, or even 90 minutes, for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. This is the challenge pediatric radiologists at Mission Health faced every day, until they were given a special tool to improve the quality of children’s MRI experiences. With funding from the Berger Health Foundation of Palm Desert, Calif., through the Mission Foundation, Mission Children’s Hospital now offers state-of-the-art “pediatric goggles” to young patients. Cinemavision goggles resemble a video game headset and enable a child to watch a favorite movie during an MRI scan. This allows a child to relax and stay still for longer periods of time, accomplishing two important goals — increasing the accuracy and clarity of the high-resolution images that are used for diagnosis and treatment, and making the procedure a little less scary for young patients. The Cinemavision goggles may also prevent the need for sedation.

Several school supply drives around WNC School supply drives are taking place around WNC as the new school year approaches. Eblen Foundation’s Tools for Schools will collect supplies at Ingles on Tunnel Road from 4:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Aug. 8. Salvation Army is collecting children’s clothing for back to school. Drop off donations, during business hours, at one of four locations: Salvation Army Family Store, 1076 Patton Ave., West Asheville; Salvation Army Family Store, 2247 Hendersonville Road, Arden; Salvation Army Center-of-Hope, 204 Haywood St., Asheville; Salvation Army donation drop boxes around town. In early August, clothing will be distributed for free (one outfit of three garments) to kids ages 4-12 at these locations. Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Staples are teaming up for the sixthannual Staples for Students national school supply drive. Through Sept. 28, customers can donate $1 or more at the Staples store on Merrimon Avenue, with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting local students at the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Buncombe County.

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growing together

When mom gets sick By Chris Worthy WNC Parent columnist

Being sick is never fun. Being sick as a parent is a Herculean challenge. My one and only bout with honest-to-goodness influenza was at a time when an infant relied on me for food. I almost quit (nursing, breathing, eating, etc.) during the week from you know where, but we both survived. When my son was a toddler, I was down for the count when a stomach virus invaded our house. I have a vague recollection of my boy delighting at multiple visits to

Chick-fil-A during my aversion to having anyone cook at home. I won’t say he was happy that mom was sick, but it worked out pretty well for him. This summer, my husband and I rang in our anniversary at the emergency room. Do we know how to party or what? Traditional gifts for the first anniversary are made of paper — for the 50th, they’re gold. We’ve dubbed the 24th celebration the CT scan anniversary. Next year, we’ll stick to the Hallmark list. I spent the next few weeks battling on and off illness, finally having minor surgery that made everything right with my world. (On that note, a kind nurse told that “minor surgery” is one that happens to somebody else. True enough.) My


kids are long past the stage of needing hands-on care, but they’ve learned a lot about giving it. My husband took care of me better than any nurse ever could, while my children jumped in to take care of the rest of the household. Dogs were fed, dishes were washed, meals were cooked and we all survived. It’s true that kids grow and their daily reliance on their parents diminishes in fits and starts. My children can make their own food and even do their own laundry, despite their feigned ignorance at how the washer works. I am happy to know they are self-sufficient. I was even happier to know they still want my help, even if they don’t need it.

Contact Chris at chris@worthyplace.net.


area story times Buncombe County Libraries Visit www.buncombecounty.org Black Mountain, 2504756: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday; Mother Goose: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday East Asheville, 2504738: Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday Enka-Candler, 2504758: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Fairview, 250-6484: Mother Goose, 11 a.m. Tuesday; Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday Leicester, 250-6480: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday North Asheville, 250-4752: Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 10 a.m. Wednesday; Mother Goose, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Oakley/South Asheville, 250-4754: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Thursday; Tod-


dler: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Preschool: 10 a.m. Wednesday Pack Memorial Library, 250-4700: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Mondays; Mother Goose: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays; Reading Corner (ages 6-12): 3:30 p.m. first Wednesdays Skyland/South Buncombe, 250-6488: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Swannanoa, 2506486: Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 10 a.m. Thursday; Mother Goose: 2:30 p.m. Thursday (starting April 18) Weaverville, 2506482: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Thursday; Preschool: 11 a.m. Tuesday West Asheville, 2504750: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Monday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday

Haywood County Library

Visit www.haywoodlibrary.org. Waynesville, 356-2512 or 356-2511:

Movers and Shakers: 11 a.m. Thursdays; Ready 4 Learning: 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Family story time: 11 a.m. Wednesdays Canton, 648-2924: Family story time, 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Rompin’ Stompin’ story time, 10 a.m. Thursdays

Henderson County Library

Visit www.henderson. lib.nc.us. There are no story times in August.

Barnes & Noble

Asheville Mall, 296-7335: 11 a.m. Mondays and 2 p.m. Saturdays; Biltmore Park Town Square, Asheville, 687-0681: 11 a.m. Saturdays

Blue Ridge Books

152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 4566000: 10:30 a.m. Mondays, ages 3 and under.

Dancing Bear Toys

518 Kenilworth Road, Asheville, 800-659-8697: 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 11:30 a.m. Thursdays, through May.

Spellbound Children’s Bookshop 21 Battery Park Ave., Asheville, 232-2228: 10:30-11 a.m. Saturdays, ages 4-7.

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librarian’s picks

History and science via grossness Jennifer Prince

Buncombe County Public Libraries

Many kids like gross stuff. The grosser the better, in fact. Sometimes that tendency manifests itself into something inane like burping the alphabet or studying earwax. However, that tendency can be harnessed into something educational. A few years ago, author Francesca Gould wrote a series of books for adults about grossness in everyday life. Now, in one volume, she has adapted the concept to suit a younger audience. The title itself is a veritable kid magnet: “Why You Shouldn’t Eat Your Boogers: Gross But True Things You Don’t Want to Know about Your Body.” The book’s appearance is deceptive. The screaming cartoon booger on the front and the brevity of the book suggest the contents might be riddled with untamed grossness. However, the opposite is true. The book is organized into eight chapters: “The Skin You’re In,” “Hair We Go Again,” “Skeletal Silliness,” “Blood and Guts,” “Everyone Poops,” “It’s All in Your Head,” “Eye Can See You” and “The Nose Knows.” Everything about the book’s design was done with young readers in mind. The text is organized into a questionand-answer format, giving the book an informal, conversational tone. The questions appear in large bold font, making the content easy to browse. The questions are so compelling, it is nearly impossible to resist the urge to read the answer. Some questions highlight the usefulness of grossness: “Can maggots be used to clean wounds?” and “Why do we produce earwax?” Other questions home in on history: “Why did women blacken their teeth in Tudor times?” and “How did ancient Greeks use eels to relieve pain?” Still other questions address age-old conundrums: “Why does eating ice

cream cause brain freeze?” and “Can a dog lick help heal a wound?” The answers, written in a way that is accessible to young readers, are packed with interesting facts about biology, anatomy and the animal and insect worlds. In answer to a question about the funny bone, the author explains, “The funny bone isn’t actually a bone, it’s a nerve known as the ulnar nerve.” She goes on to describe the beginning and end points of


the nerve, and how the nerve is affected when it is struck. Into many of the answers, the author weaves in facts from extreme real-life situations. There was astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the first person to poo on the moon, the French baker Joseph Pujol, the man who made money from his flatulence, and many more. All in all, “Why You Shouldn’t Eat Your Boogers” is as informative as it is entertaining. It might just encourage young readers to search for more in-depth books on science and history.

This book is available in the Buncombe County Public Libraries. To learn more, visit www.buncombecounty.org/library.




ONCE, EAT TWICE By Karen Fernau, Arizona Republic




here’s an easy way to streamline cooking this summer. Let your outdoor grill do double duty. Grill salmon tonight and turn leftovers into tacos tomorrow night. Grill leg of lamb one night, serve pita sandwiches the next. Grill once, eat twice is more than a gimmick. It’s a practical way to save time and money, said Sydney Dye, chef and owner of First Fig Culinary Adventures in Phoenix, a homebased cooking school.

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Grilled salmon with black beans, rice and mango salsa. Grill salmon one night for this dish, then have salmon tacos with Baja sauce another night. JOHN SAMORA/THE REPUBLIC

“All you need is a plan, and like with all cooking, planning is everything,� she said. Another benefit: Grill once, eat twice can be good for your health. A recent

study reported that 85 percent of Americans decide at dinnertime what to eat for dinner. Health experts blame America’s haphazard meal planning, in part, for its obesity epidemic and related


medical ills. Those without a plan are more likely to grab a high-calorie, high-fat dinner through a fast-food takeout window. All it takes to avoid the last-minute meal grab is a game plan and a gas or charcoal grill large enough to grill two meals at once. Dye, a former lawyer and interior decorator, recommends building meals around lean proteins, whole grains, inseason vegetables and fruits. Another recommendation: Be creative with presentation and seasonings so that each meal has its own distinct Continues on Page 40 41


5 DOUBLE-MEAL IDEAS Recipes make cook once, eat twice easy. But cooks can improvise as well. Here are five ideas for turning one meal into two. Each duo serves four. Serve with sides of fresh summer salads, steamed summer squash, fruit kebabs or quickcooking grains like whole-grain orzo and couscous:

Grilled pork loin — barbecue sandwiches Meal 1: Season 2 boneless center-cut pork-loin roasts, about 1 pound each, with a favorite spice mix such as 1 tablespoon ground black pepper, 2 tablespoons chili powder, 2 tablespoons ground cumin, 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, 2 tablespoons salt and 3 tablespoons garlic powder. Grill over direct medium heat with the lid closed as much as possible, 15-50 minutes, turning

about every 5 minutes. Remove; let rest 3-5 minutes. Serve one roast and save the second for meal 2. Meal 2: Dice or shred roast. Coat meat with favorite barbecue sauce. Warm on stove top or in microwave. Serve on wholewheat toast.

Beef kebabs — beef lo mein Meal 1: Cut 2 pounds beef top sirloin, 2 medium onions and 2 green peppers into 1-inch cubes. In a baking dish, combine 1 cup vegetable oil, 2/3 cup soy sauce and 1/2 cup brown sugar. Add beef and marinate at least 1 hour. Preheat grill to medium hot. Thread sirloin, peppers and onions onto skewers. Grill over high heat about 8 minutes, turning occasionally. Save half for meal 2. Meal 2: Prepare 12 ounces lo mein noodles according to package directions. Meanwhile, heat a lightly oiled wok or large saute pan on medium. Remove kebab ingredients from the skewers and stir-fry, turning often until warmed, about 3-4 minutes. Season with 1 tablespoon of Asian stir-fry or soy sauce. Stir and serve over noodles.

Grilled vegetables — veggie frittata Meal 1: In a large mixing bowl, combine 4 red peppers, seeded and halved; 4 yellow squashes, sliced lengthwise into quarters; 4 zucchinis sliced lengthwise into quarters; 4 Japanese eggplants, sliced lengthwise into thick 1/2-inch pieces, 12 large mushrooms; 1 medium sweet onion sliced into 8 pieces with roots cut off. Mix vegetables with 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil. Heat grill to mediumhigh. Add vegetables to grilling basket. Season with salt and pepper. Grill, stirring often, until tender and lightly charred, about 6-10 minutes. Remove and drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Set aside 1 cup for meal 2. Meal 2: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together 6 eggs and 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. Add 3/4 to 1 cup grilled vegetables. Optional: Add 12


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pepperoni slices. Mix well. Spray a 9-inch baking dish with cooking spray. Pour mixture into dish. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until egg is firm.

Grilled chicken — Asian cabbage salad Meal 1: Marinate 8 chicken breasts in 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon crushed redpepper flakes and 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper for 20-30 minutes. Heat grill to medium. Grill chicken over direct heat with the lid closed as much as possible, until firm to the touch, about 8-12 minutes, turning once or twice. Remove from grill and allow to rest 3-5 minutes. Set aside 4 chicken breasts for meal 2. Meal 2: Dice chicken into bite-size pieces and add to large salad bowl. Dice 1/2 head large cabbage, 1 carrot, 2 stalks celery and 1 green pepper. Add vegetables to chicken and mix well. Dress with a favorite Asian or gingerflavored vinaigrette. Top with 1/2 cup rice noodles and serve.

GRILL ONCE Continued from Page 39 40

flavor and look. Reincarnate grilled vegetables in a fritatta, calzone or pizza. Leftover flank steak? Toss with baby greens, cherry tomatoes and shaved Parmesan for a hearty dinner salad. Crumble turkey burgers from the grill into a favorite pasta sauce and serve over whole-

grain orzo. “You want the second meal to look and taste different than the first,” said Dye, who shares favorite recipes for three cook-once, eat-twice scenarios. “It’s not about having the same meal twice, but rather making one meal into another that tastes and looks different.”

Grilled shrimp — shrimp pasta salad Meal 1: Marinate 2 pounds large shrimp (21/30 count) in a marinade of 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice, 1 tablespoon minced garlic and 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt for 15 minutes. Heat grill to high. Grill shrimp over direct high heat with lid closed as much as possible, 2 minutes. Turn shrimp and grill an additional 2 minutes. Remove and save half the shrimp for meal 2. Meal 2: Prepare 1 pound pasta according to package directions. While pasta is cooking, core and coarsely chop 2 pounds of tomatoes. In a large serving bowl, combine cold grilled shrimp, tomatoes, 1 cup thinly sliced fresh basil, 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil and 1 clove crushed garlic. Reserve 1/4 cup water from pasta. Drain and toss pasta in bowl with tomato mixture. Add water and toss well. Serve with Parmesan.



LAMB Note: For best flavor, try to find the smallest leg of lamb (5 pounds or less). Each pound takes about 20 minutes to cook, so adjust your cooking time accordingly.

2 boneless leg of lamb roasts, 4-5 pounds each (see note) A few sprigs of rosemary, sage, oregano and thyme Garlic, finely chopped 1 cup (or so) olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper

Carefully trim lamb, removing all fat and silver skin. Finely chop all herbs and garlic. Add to a medium bowl with olive oil and salt and pepper, to taste. Stir until wellcombined. Place lamb roasts in separate zip-top bags and pour herb and oil mixture in both. Seal bags and shake or turn lamb until coated. Refrigerate at least 1 hour, up to 24 hours. Remove from refrigerator 30 minutes before grilling to allow meat to come to room temperature. Preheat grill to medium. Grill


lamb for about 20 minutes per pound, turning once or twice. Lamb is done when an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat reads 145 degrees. Remove lamb from the grill and let rest for 10-15 minutes. Slice meat and reserve half for each recipe.

Day 1: Grilled herb-marinated leg of lamb platter 1 grilled herb leg of lamb, thinly sliced Parsley and other fresh herbs for garnish

Arrange half the meat on a warmed serving platter; spoon juices on top. Garnish with parsley and herbs. Makes 6 servings. Per serving: 710 calories, 59 g fat, 165 mg cholesterol, 43 g protein, 0 carbohydrates, 0 fiber, 447 mg sodium, 75 percent calories from fat.

Day 2: Grilled lamb and pita sandwiches For the sauce 1 cup sliced hothouse cucumber, peeled, seeded and chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup Greek yogurt 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped 1/4 cup fresh mint, stems off, leaves finely chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt and pepper to taste

Place chopped cucumbers in a sieve set over a small bowl and sprinkle with salt. Let rest 30 minutes for the juices to drain. In a medium bowl, combine remaining ingredients. Gently stir in cucumbers. Season to taste with pepper and additional salt. For the sandwiches 1 grilled herb leg of lamb, thinly sliced 4 pita bread rounds 4 Romaine lettuce leaves, washed, dried and

chopped 1 medium tomato, chopped into medium dice Fresh mint leaves 1 small red onion, thinly sliced

Warm lamb. Toast pita bread or warm in oven. Assemble pita sandwiches with lamb, lettuce, tomato, mint leaves and onion slices. Top with yogurt sauce and serve immediately. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 892 calories, 63 g fat, 70 mg cholesterol, 49 g protein, 30 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 689 mg sodium, 64 percent calories from fat. Source: Chef Sydney Dye

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CHICKEN From chef Sydney Dye For the chicken 8 organic chicken breasts, bone in and skin on Sprigs of fresh thyme 1 lemon, seeds removed and thinly sliced 4 tablespoons (or so) olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper

Rinse and pat dry the chicken breasts. Gently lift skin, without detaching; place thyme sprigs and lemon slices under skin. Brush breasts with olive oil and season all sides with salt and pepper, to taste. Let come to room temperature before grilling, about 30 minutes. Preheat grill. Grill chicken breasts until cooked through, about 12-15 minutes each side. Set aside to rest for 10 minutes before slicing. Remove skin and bone, slice each breast into 1-inch-thick medallions. Reserve half the meat for each recipe.

Day 1: Grilled chicken with farro and herb pistou

Day 2: Chicken salad with goat cheese, peaches and pecans

Note: Farro is a type of wheat grain. Look for it in the supermarket’s natural- or health-food aisle or at Whole Foods Market.

For the dressing: 1 clove garlic Kosher salt 1/4 cup red-wine vinegar

4 cups water 10 ounces farro (about 1 1/2 cups), see note 1 cup fresh basil leaves 2 cloves garlic 1/4 cup olive oil Sliced grilled chicken

breast (see above) Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper Chopped basil and thyme, for garnish Lemon slices, for garnish

Combine water and farro in a medium saucepan. Add a little salt and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover and simmer until the farro is tender, about 30 minutes. Drain and place in a medium bowl. While farro is cooking, make herb pistou by pulsing basil, garlic and olive oil in a food processor until combined. Add pistou to cooked farro, stir and season to taste with salt and pepper. To serve, place farro on platter and layer chicken medallions on top. Sprinkle with chopped basil and thyme and thinly sliced lemon for garnish. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 604 calories, 16 g fat, 137 mg cholesterol, 65 g protein, 50 g carbohydrates, 10 g protein, 669 mg sodium, 24 percent calories from fat.


Zest and juice of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon honey 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil Freshly ground pepper

To make the dressing, use a chef’s knife to smash the garlic clove. Sprinkle with salt and use knife blade to form a paste of the garlic and salt. Place in a small bowl. Add the vinegar, lemon zest and juice and honey. Whisk in the olive oil. Add freshly ground pepper to taste. Set aside. For the salad: 8 cups mixed salad greens, washed and ready to use 4 grilled chicken breasts, sliced 2 yellow peaches, slightly firm to the touch, sliced into wedges

1 cup cooked farro 2 ounces fresh goat cheese, crumbled 1/4 cup toasted pecans, roughly chopped 1/2 cup flat leaf parsley, washed, dried and rough chopped Salt and pepper to taste

To assemble, place greens in a large, shallow serving dish. Top with grilled chicken, peaches, farro, goat cheese, toasted pecans and parsley. Drizzle with dressing. Season with salt and pepper and serve. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 460 calories, 12 g fat, 114 mg cholesterol, 60 g protein, 28 g carbohydrates, 6 g fiber, 206 mg sodium, 23 percent calories from fat.


SALMON From chef Sydney Dye For the salmon 1 tablespoon cumin 1 tablespoon cayenne red pepper Zest of 1 lime 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1/4 cup olive oil 8 fresh salmon fillets (6 ounces each), boneless with skin on Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper

Combine cumin, cayenne and lime zest and juice in a small bowl; whisk in olive oil. Place salmon in a shallow dish, season with salt and pepper to taste, and pour marinade over. the top. Let rest for 10 minutes. Preheat grill to medium-high. Place foil over heated grill. Place salmon skin side down on the foil; discard the marinade. Grill for 3-4 minutes, depending on thickness. Turn carefully with a wide spatula and grill another 3-4 minutes. Transfer fish to a flat plate, skin side down, and let rest for 10 minutes. Reserve half the fish for each recipe.


Day 1: Grilled salmon with mango salsa and arroz verde (Mexican green rice) For the rice

1 3/4 cups water 2 roasted poblano peppers, stems, seeds and skin removed 1 roasted jalape単o pepper, stem, seeds and skin removed 1 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves 1 cup flat-leaf parsley, stems removed 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 yellow onion, finely diced 4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped 1 1/4 cups long-grain rice Kosher salt

Combine water, poblanos and jalape単o in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer gently over medium to medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. Pour the mixture into a food processor. Add cilantro and parsley and process to a smooth puree. Set aside and keep warm. Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium. Add onion and cook until soft. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute. Stir in rice and continue to stir until rice is coated in oil and lightly browned, 2-3 minutes. Add the chile mixture, stir and season with salt to taste. Bring to a boil, cover, then reduce the heat

to medium-low and cook 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes, covered. Fluff with a fork.

For the mango salsa: 1 medium red onion, finely diced 3 firm mangoes, peeled seeded, chopped to medium dice 1 orange or red bell pepper, chopped to small dice 1 roasted jalape単o, skinned, seeds and ribs removed, diced small 2 tablespoons finely chopped cilantro Juice of 1 lime Juice of 1/2 orange 2 tablespoons olive oil Kosher salt

In a medium bowl combine red onion, mangoes, bell pepper, roasted jalape単o and cilantro. Stir gently to combine. In a small bowl, whisk together lime and orange juices; slowly whisk in oil. Drizzle this mixture over salsa. Add salt to taste. For the salmon: 4 grilled salmon fillets

Remove skin from grilled fish. Serve salmon with mango salsa and rice on the side. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 756 calories, 28 g fat, 88 mg cholesterol, 42 g protein, 87 g carbohydrates, 8 g fiber, 843 mg sodium, 33 percent calories from fat.

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Day 2: Salmon tacos with Baja sauce For the sauce 2 cloves garlic Kosher salt 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup sour cream Zest and juice of 2 limes 1 teaspoon ground cumin 2 tablespoons hot sauce

Using the flat side of a chef’s knife, make a paste of garlic and salt. Place in medium bowl, add remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Cover; refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

For the tacos: 10-12 corn tortillas (6-inch diameter) Corn or vegetable oil, for pan frying Salt 12 ounces grilled salmon fillet Taco toppings: 1 jalapeno, seeds and ribs removed, finely diced 1 bunch cilantro leaves, rough chopped 1 to 2 cups thinly sliced white and/or purple cabbage 2 or 3 tomatoes, seeded and diced 1 red bell pepper, sliced julienne


1 bunch fresh radishes, thinly sliced 1 small red onion, chopped into small dice 1/2 cup cotija cheese Baja sauce

Heat 1/2 inch of oil in a fry pan over medium-high. Fry corn tortillas until just brown. Move to paper towels, pat off any excess oil and sprinkle with salt. Divide fish among the tortillas


and garnish with any or all of the garnishes. Top with a dollop of Baja sauce. Makes 4-6 servings. Per serving (based on four servings and using about 1/4of the total Baja sauce recipe): 790 calories, 42 g fat, 161 mg cholesterol, 60 g protein, 45 g carbohydrates, 7 g fiber, 1,258 mg sodium, 48 percent calories from fat.


calendar of events

Things to do July 29

MEET THERAPY DOG CHLOE: 2 p.m. July 29, Fletcher Branch Library. For all ages. Visit www.henderson. lib.nc.us. ‘SWAN LAKE’ DANCE WORKSHOP: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. July 29-Aug. 2, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Includes ballet, modern and jazz dance. Ages 5-7 and 7-10, boys and girls welcome. Daily dance classes, creative arts and final dance presentation. Full-day options available. $155, with discounts available. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 255-5777.

July 30

CREATIVE SUMMER BOOK CLUB: 10 am.-noon July 30, Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Read and


discuss books and have fun. Kids should come in play clothes and ready for fun in the sun (think sunscreen, hats and water bottles). Meet at Pack Place main entrance; book club meetings will take place in Pack Place and outside. $15 per club, cash or check. Books appropriate for grades 4-7. This session’s book is “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” Students should read book before attending, or expect spoilers. Visit www.creativesummerbookclub.com. DINOSAUR DISCOVERY: 1 p.m. July 30, East Asheville Library. With N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, for ages 5-10. Limited to 30 participants. Call the library at 250-4738 to sign up. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/library. DIG INTO DINOSAURS: 3 p.m. July 30, Enka-Candler Library. Join the NC Museum of Science and discover more about dinosaurs. Ages 6 and older. Space is limited, reservation required. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/library. DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME: 2-4 p.m. July 30, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Must register to attend. Ages 6-10. Walk on eggs, explode soap and burn money. These are a few of the activities you shouldn’t do at home, but you can at Hands On! Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. GROOVIN’ ON GROVEMONT — KIDS EDITION: 5 p.m. July 30, Swannanoa Library. All ages. Join Big Bang Boom for a rock ’n’ rolling good time under the tent in Grovemont Park. One of the most sought-after kids groups in all of NC, Big Bang Boom will have you dancing on the edge of your camp chair. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/library.

RUG HOOKING WORKSHOP: 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays, July 9-30, Henderson County Public Library. Conducted by the Tar Heel Ruggers Guild. For grades 4-12 only. Registration required. Free. Call 697-4725, ext. 2312, for information and to register. TERRIFIC TEST TUBE SCIENCE: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. July 30, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Must register to attend. Ages 5-8. How many different experiments can you do in a test tube? Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

July 31

CREATIVE SUMMER BOOK CLUB: 10 am.-noon July 31, Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Read and discuss books and have fun. Kids should come in play clothes and ready for fun in the sun (think sunscreen, hats and water bottles). Meet at Pack Place main entrance; book club meetings will take place in Pack Place and outside. $15 per club, cash or check. Books appropriate for grades 4-7. This session’s book is “The Mysterious Benedict Society, Book 3.” Students should read book before attending, or expect spoilers. Visit www.creativesummerbookclub.com. DIG THAT ROCK MUSIC: 1 p.m. July 31 at Henderson County Main Library and 3:30 p.m. July 31 at Mills River Branch Library. With Big, Bang, Boom! Free. For all ages. Call 697-4725, ext. 2312, for information. DINOSAUR DISCOVERY: 3 p.m. July 31, North Asheville Library. With N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, for ages 5 and older. Limited space. Pick up

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calendar of events Continued from Page 46 a free ticket at the library. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/library. LEGO LEARN, THEN BUILD: 2-4 p.m. July 31, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Must register to attend. Ages 8-12. Learn about the skill of building machines that can walk on the moon, then use your knowledge to be an engineer and build. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. MEET THERAPY DOG CHLOE: 2 p.m. July 31, Green River Branch Library. For all ages. Visit www.henderson. lib.nc.us. OLD THYME COUNTRY TALES AND TUNES: 3:30 p.m. July 31, South Asheville/Oakley Library. With story lady Sharon Clarke. All ages. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/library. SCIENCE PLAY-SOUND: 10:30 a.m.-noon July 31, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Must register to attend. Ages 3-6. Learn about the science of sound through play. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. WILD OAKS SCHOOL-AGE LIBRARY CLUB: 3:30 p.m. July 31, South Asheville/Oakley Library. On Wednesdays in July for ages 6-12. Space is limited. No groups please. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/ library. WONDERFUL WORMS: 10:30 a.m. July 31, Pack Memorial Library. The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project brings an up close and personal

The 86th Mountain Dance and Folk Festival runs Aug. 1-3 at Diana Wortham Theatre. JOHN COUTLAKIS/JCOUTLAKIS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM

look at real worms. Meet and study these wonderful wigglers and learn how they can work for you. For school-age kids and older. Space is limited. Please call 250-4720 to register.

Aug. 1

BUBBLE-MANIA: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Aug. 1,


Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Call to sign up. Ages 6-10 years; younger with an accompanying adult. Discover the world of bubbles through hands-on play. Learn to make your own bubble solution and take it home. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. CLAYING AROUND WORKSHOP: 1-3 p.m. Aug. 1, Claying Around, 1378 Hendersonville Road, Suite D, Asheville. $32, includes materials and snacks. Ages 6-12. Kids will be glass fusing sun catchers and tie-dying Reserve a spot online at www.clayingaround.com or call 277-0042. KIDS MUSIC: 10:30 a.m. Aug. 1, Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road. With local band Moonshaped Lines. All ages. Call 250-6485 or visit www.buncombecounty.org/library. MOUNTAIN DANCE & FOLK FESTIVAL: 7 p.m. Aug. 1, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, downtown Asheville. The 86th annual festival celebrating WNC’s heritage with old-timers and newcomers. Adults $20, children 12 and under $10. For tickets, call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com. For information, visit www.folkheritage.org. WOODSY OWL’S CURIOSITY CLUB: 10:30 a.m.noon Aug. 1, Cradle of Forestry, 11250 Pisgah Highway, Pisgah Forest. Nature and educational series for kids, ages 4-7, and an adult. $4 per child and $2.50 for adults for each program. Registration is required as space is limited. Contact Cradle of Forestry at 877-3130 or visit www.cradleofforestry.org.

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Kids’ page



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calendar of events Continued from Page 47

Aug. 2

LET’S GO FLY: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Aug. 2, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Call to sign up. Ages 7-12. Taught by Henderson County science teacher, Tony Campbell. Learn about aerodynamics by creating and flying paper airplanes. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. MOUNTAIN DANCE & FOLK FESTIVAL: 7 p.m. Aug. 2, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, downtown Asheville. The 86th annual festival celebrating WNC’s heritage with old-timers and newcomers. Adults $20, children 12 and under $10. For tickets, call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com. For information, visit www.folkheritage.org.

Aug. 3

CIRCLE TIME AND OPEN HOUSE: 10 a.m. Aug. 3, Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Rd. Asheville. Enjoy a sample of Waldorf Circle Time with songs and games for parents and children ages 3-7. Also includes snacks and art activities for the children and Q&A time with teachers. Azalea Mountain School Early Childhood programs include Parent-Child program for ages 0-3 and a mixed-age kindergarten for ages 3.5-7 based on the Waldorf curriculum. Visit www.azaleamountain.org or call 575-2557. MOUNTAIN DANCE & FOLK FESTIVAL: 7 p.m. Aug. 3, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, downtown Asheville. The 86th annual festival celebrating WNC’s heritage with old-timers and newcomers. Adults $20, children 12 and under $10. For tickets, call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com. For information, visit www.folkheritage.org. RADIO DISNEY AT BILTMORE: 4:30-6 p.m. Aug. 3, Biltmore Estate’s Antler Hill Village. Disney Junior’s Pirate and Princess Summer stops by. For ages 2-7. Kids are encouraged to come dressed in their best pirate or princess outfit like Jake and Sofia. Radio Disney Road Crew will provide interactive entertainment, fun prizes and music from kids’ favorite artists. Free with regular estate admission; eventonly tickets to Antler Hill Village are $15 for adults and free for children. Purchase tickets by calling 800-411-3812 or in person at Biltmore Reservation and Ticket Center. SMOKEY BEAR’S BIRTHDAY PARTY: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Aug. 3, Cradle of Forestry, U.S. 276 in Pisgah National Forest. Games, singing, party favors, firefighting equipment, birthday cake and of course, Smokey Bear. Live animal program at 1:30 p.m. by Carolina Mountain Naturalists. $6 for ages 16 and older; $3 for ages 4-15; under 4 free. For information call 877-3130 or visit www.cradleofforestry.org. WNC FALL BALL REGISTRATION: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Aug. 3 and 10, Oakley Community Center, 749 Fairview Road, Asheville. $75 registration fee. Visit www.wncfallball.com.

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calendar of events

Aug. 6

Continued from Page 53

Aug. 4

ROYAL BOOK CLUB: 4 p.m. Aug. 4, Spellbound Children's Bookshop, 21 Battery Park Ave., Asheville. ROYAL Book Club meets to discuss “A Girl Named Digit” by Annabel Monaghan. Anyone over 18 is welcome, no RSVP necessary. Free. Visit www.spellboundbookshop.com.

Aug. 5

‘COPPELIA’ BALLET WORKSHOP: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Aug. 5-9, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Ballet and modern dance week features “Coppelia,” a playful ballet of a toymakers dolls coming to life. Ages 5-7 and 7-10, boys and girls welcome. Daily dance classes, creative arts and final dance presentation. Full-day options available. $155, with discounts available. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 255-5777. PARENTS’ MORNING OUT: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MondayThursday starting Aug. 5, St. Eugene Catholic Church, 72 Culvern St., Asheville. Bilingual program that provides a nurturing environment that promotes growth and learning through learning centers, manipulatives, creative arts, music, circle time and outdoor play. An integrated classroom with a special program for children 3 and older to prepare them for preschool. Accepts ages 6 months-4 years. For more information, call Jennifer Leiter at 254-5193, ext. 25, or 450-1922.


CLAYING AROUND WORKSHOP: 1-3 p.m. Aug. 6, Claying Around, 1378 Hendersonville Road, Suite D, Asheville. $32, includes materials and snacks. Ages 6-12. Kids will be making bento boxes out of clay and tie-dying Reserve a spot online at www.clayingaround.com or call 277-0042. FREE BALLET CLASS: 12:45 and 1:30 p.m. Aug. 6, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Free sample classes for ages 3-5 at 12:451:15 p.m. and ages 5-7 at 1:30-2 p.m. RSVP requested. Fall classes begin week of Aug. 19 for all ages, boys and girls welcome. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 255-5777. MYSTERY FESTIVAL WEEK: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ages 6-8 and 2-4 p.m. ages 9-12, Aug. 6-9, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $50 nonmembers, $44 members. Registration required. Ages 7-12. Can you solve a mystery? Want to try? Come join us for Mystery Festival Week and work as a detective to solve a mystery! Call 6978333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Aug. 8

INFANT MASSGE CLASS FOR CAREGIVERS: 10-11 a.m. Aug. 8, Sunshine Institute, Gerber Village, 20 Fall Pippen Lane, South Asheville. Runs Thursdays, Aug. 8-29. Learn massage techniques to help improve your baby's sleep, digestion, bonding, and overall health. $80 for series of four classes. Caregivers may be parents, grandparents, or anyone

else in caregiver role. To register, call 989-0125. SARAH DESSEN READING & SIGNING: 7 p.m. Aug. 8, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Sarah Dessen, New York Times bestselling YA author, will read from and sign her new novel, “The Moon and More.” Emaline, 18, has family and roots as well as the perfect boyfriend, in her beach hometown of Colby. But now, in the summer before college, she wonders if perfect is good enough. She wants the moon and more, but how can she balance where she comes from with where she is going? Visit www.malaprops.com.

Aug. 9

JENNA BLACK READING & SIGNING: 7 p.m. Aug. 9, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Author of the “Faeriewalker“ series. The first in a new series, “Replica” is set in near-future New York City in a world controlled by corporations. Sixteen-year-old Nadia awaits an arranged marriage with Nate, the heir to the company that pioneered human replication, a highly sought-after technology. But when Nate turns up dead, and Nadia was the last person to see him alive, then new Nate wakes up in the replication tanks with no memory of what killed him, together Nadia and Nate must discover what really happened without revealing fatal secrets. Visit www.malaprops.com. SOURWOOD FESTIVAL: 7-10 p.m. Aug. 9. Sourwood Idol Contest as part of 36th Annual Sourwood Festival in downtown Black Mountain. The contest is open to individual singing performers with no entry fee and the chance to win cash prizes. Festival runs Aug. 10-11.

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Aug. 10

BALLET AUDITIONS: Aug. 10, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Auditions for annual “Nutcracker” production and pre-professional and trainee divisions. Beginner division (ages 10-12, 9:3010:30 a.m.); intermediate division (ages 12-13, 11 a.m.-noon); advanced division (ages 14-18, 12:30-1:30 p.m.). Boys and girls ages 6-9 may perform in “Nutcracker”; call for information. “Nutcracker” runs Dec. 11-13 at Diana Wortham Theatre. RSVP requested. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 2555777. CLOTHES SWAP: 9 am.-1 p.m. Aug. 10, Keller Williams Realty Waynesville/Maggie Valley, 2562 Dellwood Road, Waynesville. Fifthannual clothes swap to benefit the children of Haywood County. Drop off gently used and laundered school-age clothes and new school supplies at the Keller Williams office before Aug. 9. On Aug. 10, parents can come by the Keller Williams office and chose clothing for the children for the upcoming school year. There is no charge for the clothes swap and there is also no requirement that garments must be donated to get clothes. For more information, call 926-5155 or email frontdesk@kellerwilliamswaynesville.com FAMILY RAFTING TRIP: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 10, Waynesville. The Parks and Recreation Depart-

PARENTS’ NIGHTS OUT Need a date night? Here is a roundup of upcoming parents’ nights out. Have an event to submit? Email information to calendar@wncparent.com.

AUG. 2

REUTER FAMILY YMCA MORNING OUT: Includes a healthy snack, games and crafts. Ages 6 weeks-12 years. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $13 for the first child, $11 each additional for members/$25 per child nonmembers. Call 651-9622 to register.

AUG. 3

ASHEVILLE DOWNTOWN YMCA: For ages 2-13. Themed nights include swimming, healthy snacks, games and crafts. 6-10 p.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Downtown YMCA, 30 Woodfin St., Asheville. $15 members/$23 nonmembers, with $2 sibling discount. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org. Call 210-9622 or email cemrick@ymcawnc.org for more information.

AUG. 9

FIRED UP! CREATIVE LOUNGE: Kids paint pottery, have pizza and play games, 6-9 p.m. the second Friday of the month. At 26 Wall

St., Asheville, and 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5-12. $25. Registration required. Call Asheville shop at 253-8181 and Hendersonville shop at 698-9960. REUTER FAMILY YMCA: Themed nights of fun and games, taking place every second and fourth Friday of the month. Includes craft, movie and snacks. Ages 6 weeks-12 years. 6:15-9:45 p.m. $13 for the first child, $11 each additional child for members/$25 per child nonmembers. Call 651-9622 to register.

AUG. 23

REUTER FAMILY YMCA: Themed nights of fun and games, taking place every second and fourth Friday of the month. Includes craft, movie and snacks. Ages 6 weeks-12 years. 6:15-9:45 p.m. $13 for the first child, $11 each additional child for members/$25 per child nonmembers. Call 651-9622 to register. WOODFIN YMCA: Neighborhood Y at Woodfin offers Parents’ Night Out the fourth Friday of each month, 6-9 p.m. Themed nights include healthy snacks, games and crafts. $12 member/$18 nonmember, with $2 sibling discount. Ages 2-13. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org or in person at 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville. Call 505-3990.

Continues on Page 56



calendar of events Continued from Page 55 ment will offer a family rafting trip on the Nantahala River. Participants must be at least 7 years old and weigh at least 60 pounds. $45 per person for Waynesville Recreation Center members, $50 nonmembers. Lunch not included. Register by calling 456-2030 or email recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville.org FREE BALLET CLASS AND OPEN HOUSE: 3-5 p.m. Aug. 10, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Meet faculty and sample a class. Sample ballet classes: 3:30-3:50 p.m. (ages 3-5); 4-4:20 p.m. (ages 6-8). Sample jazz/tap on Aug. 17. Fall classes begin Aug. 19. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 255-5777. RADIO DISNEY AT BILTMORE: 4:30-6 p.m. Aug. 10, Biltmore Estate’s Antler Hill Village. “Teen Beach Movie” Beach Party stops by. For ages 8-13. With interactive biker and surfer-themed entertainment, including opportunity for kids to make their own biker or surfer props and have photos taken as characters of “Teen Beach Movie.” Radio Disney Road Crew will provide interactive entertainment, fun prizes and music from kids’ favorite artists. Free with regular estate admission; event-only tickets to Antler Hill Village are $15 for adults and free for children. Purchase tickets by calling 800-411-3812 or in person at Biltmore Reservation and Ticket Center. SOURWOOD FESTIVAL: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Aug. 10, Black Mountain. Nonalcoholic free festival with more than


Items for the September calendar are due Aug. 10. Send information to calendar@wncparent.com. For weekly updates to this calendar, visit CITIZEN-TIMES.com/Living.

200 vendors of arts and crafts, plants, more. Free entertainment, carnival rides, rock climbing wall, moon walk, and other children’s activities including free games in the Kids Fun Park. Visit www.sourwoodfestival.com. STORY TIME AND OPEN HOUSE: 10 a.m. Aug. 10, Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Rd. Asheville. For young children and their families. Azalea Mountain School Early Childhood programs include Parent-Child program for ages 0-3 and a mixed-age kindergarten for ages 3.5-7 based on the Waldorf curriculum. Visit www.azaleamountain.org or call 575-2557. (See also Windows on Waldorf, below.) WEE TRADE: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Aug. 10, Davis Event Center at WNC Ag Center, Fletcher. Sale is expected to have more than 1,600 consignors offering all things for children. Also included is She Trade, offering ladies maternity clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. Visit www.wee-trade.net. Email info@wee-trade.net if you have further questions. WINDOWS ON WALDORF: 11 a.m. Aug. 10, Azalea Mountain School, 587 Haywood Road, Asheville. Experience Waldorf education, which provides a classical academic education taught through the

arts, movement and nature. Adults can attend a selection of mini-classes led by the school's teachers while children enjoy craft projects. Refreshments and Q&A follow. Azalea Mountain School offers a PreK-sixth grade program based on the Waldorf curriculum. Visit www.azaleamountain.org or call 575-2557. WNC FALL BALL REGISTRATION: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Aug. 3 and 10, Oakley Community Center, 749 Fairview Road, Asheville. $75 registration fee. Visit www.wncfallball.com.

Aug. 11

CONCERT: 6:30 p.m. Aug. 11, Strawberry Hill Yogurt and Cafe, 1161 Naples Road, Hendersonville. With Lonesome Road. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Strawberry Hill Yogurt and Cafe is part of Fletcher Academy Inc. Call 209-6980 or visit www.strawberryhillyogurt.com. ‘FOLKTALES AND FOOLISHNESS’: 6 p.m. Aug. 11, Buncombe County Recreation Park, Round Pavilion No. 3, 72 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Asheville Storytelling Circle hosts a tell-off of “Folktales and Foolishness.” Free and open to the public. Bring chairs or blankets for seating. For information, call 581-4603 or 467-9955. ‘GET YOUR KIDS HIKING’: 3-4 p.m. Aug. 11, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Book talk and signing with Jeff Alt, author of “Get Your Kids Hiking: How to Start Them Young and Keep It Fun.” The book includes age-appropriate ways to include your child in all aspects of the hike, checklists of what to pack for any type of hike, kid-friendly

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menus, advice for hiking with a special needs child and more. Visit www.malaprops.com. SOURWOOD FESTIVAL: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 11, Black Mountain. Nonalcoholic free festival with more than 200 vendors of arts and crafts, plants, more. Free entertainment, carnival rides, rock climbing wall, moon walk, and other children’s activities including free games in the Kids Fun Park. Visit www.sourwoodfestival.com. WEE TRADE: Noon-6 p.m. Aug. 11, Davis Event Center at WNC Ag Center, Fletcher. Sale is expected to have more than 1,600 consignors offering all things for children. Also included is She Trade, offering ladies maternity clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. Visit www.wee-trade.net. Email info@wee-trade.net if you have further questions.

Aug. 13

CRIPPS PUPPETS: 6:30 p.m. Aug. 13, The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Free. Asheville puppeteer Madison J. Cripps returns with an unparalleled performance featuring his handmade storytelling puppet creations. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com or call 254-2224. DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME: 2-4 p.m. Aug. 13, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Must register to attend. Ages 6-10. Walk on eggs, explode soap and burn money. These are a few of the activities you shouldn’t do at home, but you can at Hands On! Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. FAMILY PROTECTION WORKSHOP: 6-7 p.m. Aug. 13, Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St., Asheville. Free workshop to arm parents with the in-

formation and resources to protect their children’s physical safety and their families financial futures. Local experts talk on topics from bullying, stranger danger, life insurance needs and more. RSVP to Nick at 785-3778 or rsvp@familyprotection-nc.com as seating is limited. For more information, visit www.familyprotection-nc.com.

Aug. 14

MICROWONDERS!: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Aug. 14, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Call to sign up. Ages 7-12. Examine the world at the microscopic level using traditional and digital microscopes. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Aug. 15

NANO SCIENCE: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Aug. 15, Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Call to sign up. Ages 7-12. Explore the science of the very small with memory metals, mysterious gels & more! Lots of wacky science fun when we examine the world at the nano level. Call 697-8333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org.

Aug. 16

FACE AND BODY ART AT THE HOP: 7-9 p.m. Aug. 16, The Hop, 721 Haywood Road, Asheville. Asheville Face and Body Art will be painting face and body art. Free. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com or call 252-5155. ROYAL TEA PARTY: 10:30 a.m.-noon Aug. 16, Hands


On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $16 nonmembers, $10 members. Call to sign up. Ages 3-6. Create a crown and learn tea party manners. Must be potty trained to attend without an adult; younger can attend with an adult. Call 6978333 or visit www.handsonwnc.org. WEE TRADE: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Aug. 16, Davis Event Center at WNC Ag Center, Fletcher. A restock sale offering all things for children. Also included is She Trade, offering ladies maternity clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. Visit www.wee-trade.net. Email info@wee-trade.net if you have further questions.

Aug. 17

AUGUST AUTHORS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: 3 p.m. Aug. 17, Malaprop’s, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Children are invited to a party for authors with August birthdays. With story time and activities, and tantalizingly toothsome treats. Recommended for ages 4-10, but all are welcome. Parents are invited to stay. Visit www.malaprops.com. FREE BALLET CLASS AND OPEN HOUSE: 3-5 p.m. Aug. 17, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Meet faculty and sample a class. Sample ballet, 3:30-3:50 p.m. (ages 3-5); 4-4:20 p.m. (ages 6-8); sample jazz/tap 3:40-4 p.m. (ages 6-10; jass and tap shoes preferred but not required). Fall classes begin Aug. 19. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 255-5777.

Continues on Page 58


calendar of events Continued from Page 57 WEE TRADE: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Aug. 17, Davis Event Center at WNC Ag Center, Fletcher. A restock sale offering all things for children at 50 percent off original sale prices. Also included is She Trade, offering ladies maternity clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. Visit www.wee-trade.net. Email info@wee-trade.net if you have further questions.

Aug. 19

DANCE CLASSES: Aug. 19, Ballet Conservatory of Asheville, 5 Points Studios, 6 East Chestnut, (corner of Broadway and Chestnut), Asheville. Offering classes in ballet, modern, jazz, tap, hip-hop, acting for all ages. Boys and girls welcome. Free trial class available. Register from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Call about performing in “Nutcracker,” Pre-Professional Dance Division and Trainee Program. Visit www.BalletConservatoryofAsheville.com or call 255-5777.

Aug. 20

GAGGLE OF GIGGLES YOUTH IMPROV: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Aug. 20, The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Free. Chris Martin's Youth Improv Troupe makes its monthly appearance at The Hop. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com.

Aug. 22

CELEBRATION SINGERS: 6-7 p.m. Aug. 22, First


Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., Asheville. The Celebration Singers of Asheville Community Youth Chorus invites singers ages 7-14 to audition for the 2013-14 year. Please prepare a song and bring sheet music. Contact artistic director Ginger Haselden at 230-5778. HOMESCHOOL ACTIVITY PROGRAM: 2-3:15 p.m. Thursdays, Aug. 22-Oct. 25. A 10-week program for ages 6-15 through Waynesville Parks and Recreation Department. Focus is on activities that will engage each child and help build life skills for active learning. $27 for a family of four ($2 for each additional child) for Waynesville Recreation Center members, $45 for a family of four ($3 for each additional child) for nonmembers. For more information, 456-2030 or email recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville.org.

Aug. 24

ROCK ACADEMY SHOW: Doors at 6:30 p.m., show at 7 p.m. Aug. 24, The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave., Asheville. Inventor, musician, composer and 5 time Grammy Winner, Roy “Futureman“ Wooten has teamed up with Rock Academy (www.rockacademync.com) for its fifth-annual concert benefiting Give to the Music (www.givetothemusic.org), which provides tuition for private music lessons, performance classes and tutoring as well as musical instruments and equipment for children who are in need of financial assistance. $15 adults, $5 children under 10, available at www.theorangepeel.net.

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MOM’S GROUPS A sampling of support groups for moms in WNC. PLEASE NOTE: Some groups take the summer off. Contact the group for the next meeting time. Asheville Stay-At-Home Moms Playgroup: Visit www.meetup.com/AshevilleStay-At-Home-Moms-Playgroup/ Arden Moms Meetup Group: Visit www.meetup.com/arden-moms or contact Susan Toole at ArdenMoms@gmail.com. AshevilleMommies.com: Meet and greets for moms while kids play. Two sessions, 11 a.m.-noon and 3-4 p.m. Wednesdays at The Hop Ice Cream and Coffee Shop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Asheville Moms with Multiples: Group for moms with multiples meets 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the Women’s Resource Center on Doctors Drive, behind Mission Hospital. Meetings are an opportunity to share experiences and offer support in a social setting. Call 444-AMOM or visit www.ashevillemom.com. Biltmore Baptist MOPS: Group for all mothers of children from infancy through kindergarten. Meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month,

September-May at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Call 687-1111, email mopsofbbc@yahoo.com or visit www.biltmorebaptist.org/mops/. Hiking with Preschoolers: Visit www.meetup.com/hiking-with-Preschoolers/ La Leche League of Asheville/Buncombe: For all those interested in breast-feeding. Nursing babies, toddlers and pregnant women welcome. Meetings are second Monday of every month, 10-11 a.m., at First Congregational Church, Oak Street, and third Monday of every month, 7-8 p.m., Awakening Heart Chiropractic, Ravenscroft Drive. Please call a leader for more information or directions: Susan 303-6352 or Adrienne 603-505-0855. Visit www.lalecheleagueofnc.org La Leche League of Hendersonville: Offers information and support for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville, 2021 Kanuga Road. Babies and toddlers are welcome. For more information, Contact a leader: Andrea 676-6047, Katie 808-1490, or MC 693-9899. Mom2mom: Christian moms group meets at St. Paul’s Church, 32 Rosscraggon Road,

Rosscraggon Business Park Building B, Asheville. Moms with any age children are welcome. Call 388-3598. Mommy and Me: Park Ridge Hospital offers a support group for moms at 10 a.m. the fourth Monday of the month. Contact Amy Mast at 216-7244. The hospital offers a luncheon for moms and babies, noon-1 p.m. the third Monday of the month, at the hospital’s private dining room. Call 681-2229. Moms Club of Hendersonville: A support group open to mothers of all ages in the Henderson County area, including mothers who have home-based businesses and those who work part-time but are home with their children during the day. The group meets for speeches and topics for discussion, park days, playgroups, nights out, holiday activities and service projects benefiting needy children in the community. Meets 9:30 a.m. the first Thursday of the month at Hendersonville Church of Christ, 1975 Haywood Road, Hendersonville. Children welcome. Call Toni McDonald at 702-0433 or visit http://hendersonvillemomsclub.wordpress.com. Moms’ Support Group: For new moms (children ages 0-5 years) who cope with depression. This group focuses on challenges of parenting, building positive coping skills


and sharing experiences in a safe, private environment with professional guidance. Next session begins the first week of July, meets weekly in the evening. Email momsupportgroup@outlook.com for more information. MOPS at Mud Creek: Mothers of Preschoolers provides an open, faith-based atmosphere for moms of infants through kindergartners. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 9:15-11:15 a.m., SeptemberMay, at Mud Creek Baptist Church, 403 Rutledge Drive, Hendersonville. Email Melissa Thorsland, melthor@tds.net, or MOPS.MudCreek@gmail.com or visit http:// mopsatmudcreek.webs.com/links.htm. North Asheville MOPS: Meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Maranatha Baptist Church, 1040 Lower Flat Creek Road, Weaverville. Contact Amy at 658-0739 or Liban at lmorris_cid@hotmail.com. WNC Mountain Mamas: Moms and kids can meet up and play at 11 a.m. Wednesdays the Hop Ice Cream Shop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Enjoy half-priced coffees and ice cream. Encompassing, supporting and uniting WNC families. Visit www.wncmountainmamas.proboards.com.


calendar of events Continued from Page 59 58

Aug. 25

INFLATION STATION GRAND OPENING: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Aug. 25, 710 Tracy Grove Road, Flat Rock. Face painting, balloons, popcorn, four full-size inflatables. Unlimited play for $3 per child, adults free. Call 696-0674.

Aug. 27

DRUGLESS THERAPY FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES: 6:30 p.m. Aug. 27, Earth Fare, 1856 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Learn about drugless therapy for ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Free talk about how the brain processes information, and how the problems can be permanently corrected in adults and children. Improve the ability to learn, remember and focus. RSVP to 2164444 or Wes@WesBeach.com. Visit www.learningimprovementcenter.com/free-lecture/ FAMILY PROTECTION WORKSHOP: 6-7 p.m. Aug. 27, Fairview Community Center, 1357 Charlotte Highway, Fairview. Free workshop to arm parents with the information and resources to protect their children’s physical safety and their families financial futures. Local experts talk on topics from bullying, stranger danger, life insurance needs and more. RSVP to Nick at 785-3778 or rsvp@familyprotectionnc.com as seating is limited. For more information, visit www.familyprotection-nc.com. PROFESSOR WHIZZPOP MAGIC SHOW: 6:30-7:30


The 67th annual North Carolina Apple Festival runs over Labor Day weekend in downtown Hendersonville. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM p.m. Aug. 27, The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Free show of magic and comic mayhem. Visit www.thehopicecreamcafe.com.

Aug. 30

N.C. APPLE FESTIVAL: Aug. 30-Sept. 2, downtown Hendersonville. Street fair with arts and crafts, food, entertainment, apple growers and apples, children’s activities and more. Visit www.ncapplefestival.org.

Aug. 31

N.C. APPLE FESTIVAL: Aug. 30-Sept. 2, downtown Hendersonville. Street fair with arts and crafts, food, entertainment, apple growers and apples, children’s activities and more. Visit www.ncapplefestival.org for schedule. NESTING PARTY: 2-4 p.m. Aug. 31, 51 N. Lexington Ave. Asheville. Free class in cloth diapering, baby wearing, swaddling, and much much more. RSVP to 258-1901. Visit www.nestorganics.com.

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Sept. 1

N.C. APPLE FESTIVAL: Aug. 30-Sept. 2, downtown Hendersonville. Street fair with arts and crafts, food, entertainment, apple growers and apples, children’s activities and more. Visit www.ncapplefestival.org for schedule.

Sept. 2

N.C. APPLE FESTIVAL: Aug. 30-Sept. 2, downtown Hendersonville. Street fair with arts and crafts, food, entertainment, apple growers and apples, children’s activities and more. King Apple Parade at 2:30 p.m. Visit www.ncapplefestival.org for schedule.

Sept. 7-8

RAILWAY HERITAGE WEEKEND: Sept. 7-8, Tweetsie Railroad, Blowing Rock. Visitors can learn more about Tweetsie’s steam locomotives and their history. Activities include documentaries, photo sessions, Cherokee dance performances, chance to ride in cabin of locomotive. For a schedule and more information, visit www.tweetsie.com.


ANIMATION WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY: 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, Asheville Pizza & Brewing, 675 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Bring a digital camera with USB cord and thumb drive and learn the art of stop motion animation including claymation, papermation, and legomation. All other supplies & instruction provided. Ages 10 and older. $10. More info at facebook.com/WorldPeasAnimations and www.youtube.com/WorldPeasAnimations.

PARENTS’ MORNING OUT: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. MondayThursday starting Aug. 5, St. Eugene Catholic Church, 72 Culvern St., Asheville. Bilingual program that provides a nurturing environment that promotes growth and learning through learning centers, manipulatives, creative arts, music, circle time and outdoor play. An integrated classroom with a special program for children 3 and older to prepare them for preschool. Accepts ages 6 months-4 years. For more information, call Jennifer Leiter at 2545193, ext. 25, or 450-1922. KIDS YOGA: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Thursdays, Black Mountain Yoga, 120 Broadway St., Black Mountain. For ages 4-9. $9 each or $7 for each additional sibling. Drop kids off for an hour of mindful, creative play and movement with a different theme each week. For more information or registration visit www.blackmountainyoga.com. ASHEVILLE CLOGGING AND DANCE COMPANY: Classes for all ages and skill levels. Visit www.ashevillecloggingcompany.com or email Ashley Shimberg at ashley@ashevillecloggingcompany.com. CHABAD HEBREW SCHOOL OF THE ARTS: Enrollment open for Chabad Hebrew School of the Arts, a combination Sunday School and Hebrew School Program, for 2013-14. General registration through Aug. 15. Half off for new children. Free trial class available. For ages 3-13. Sundays 10 a.m.-noon. September-May. At the Chabad House, 660 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Call 505-0746, email chana@chabadasheville.org or visit www.chabadasheville.org. MUSIC TOGETHER: 3:30 p.m. Fridays, Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Visit a class for free ages 8 months to 5 years. Call 258-1901 or visit


www.nestorganics.com. T-BONE’S RADIO ACTIVE KIDS: Stories, music, contests, interviews and all things for families in the Asheville area. 8-10 a.m. Saturdays on www.ashevillefm.org. CONNECT: INCREASING SOCIAL FLEXIBILITY THROUGH ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS: Class at St. Gerard House, 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville, to learn how thoughts, actions and reactions affect social situations. Classes are interactive, age appropriate and fund. Curriculum incorporates social thinking lessons and characters, uses evidencebased practices, games, role play and skits. Call 693-4223, ext. 21, for information. St. Gerard House provides services for children with autism spectrum diagnosis but a child and/or adolescent taking this class does not need to be diagnosed. HAPPINESS GROUP: 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 1528 Smoky Park Highway, Candler. $20 per session. Who is the happiest person you know? If you have ever thought about increasing your own level of happiness this group is for you. This six-week group is led by a licensed psychologist and allows for dialogue and support among group members. It offers you proven methods to create lasting happiness; helpful strategies to fit your personality and lifestyle; and ways to increase your motivation and commitment to positive change. Registration required by calling 761-1017 or visiting www.drjamielopez.com MUSIC WORKSHOP: Singer/songwriter Sonia Brooks hosts free music workshop for children, 11 a.m.-noon Saturdays at Grateful Steps Bookstore, 159 S. Lexington Ave. Walk-ins welcome. Donations accepted. Call Sonia at 380-0275 with questions.



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