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c o n t e n t s Ah, the teen years Katie Wadington, editor
This month’s features 3
Kids with causes
Schools go social
3 Asheville teens embrace volunteerism.
Schools and parent groups are using social media to get the word out.
STEM opportunities
A special talent
Side dishes galore
Holiday events
WNC programs immerse kids in science and more
14 16
Books for tweens Suggestions for good reads for older kids.
Family businesses Toy shops, clothing stores and more have opened recently in WNC.
In every issue Kids’ Voices .....................26 Growing Together............27 Artist’s Muse ...................28
Bailey Oxner overcomes challenges through painting.
Turkey aside, Thanksgiving is a time for sides.
Find family-friendly outings to celebrate the season
On the cover
Tiaha Howard, by Kaelee Denise Photography, www.kaeleedenise.com.
Nature Center Notes ........29 Divorced Families ............30 Librarian’s Picks...............34
Story Times .....................34
Are you a member?
Home-school Happenings .36
Join the conversation, post photos and connect with other parents at WNCParent.com. Look for WNC Parent on Facebook and Twitter.
FEAST .............................38 Kids Page ........................53 Calendar .........................54
This summer, my daughter turned the corner from tweenager to teenager. I’m trying not to let 13 scare me (especially since so many friends have told me the teen years get so much worse than 13). So for this teen-and-tween issue, I wanted to focus on the positive. What I have realized, as the mom of older children, is there is so much opportunity for kids in even middle school to do some good in the world. Starting on Page 6, we highlight three teenagers who are rock star volunteers, working with the environment, children and a community garden. Something that captures the attention of tweens and teens are opportunities to work with STEM — science, technology, engineering and math. And WNC is full of programs to pique kids’ interest in STEM. Learn about some of these in our story on Page 11. Looking for a good book for your teen? Jennifer Prince highlights some newer selections available at Buncombe County libraries on Page 14. Beyond the older kids, several businesses have opened recently around Asheville that have a family focus, carrying toys, clothing and more. Read about them on Page 16. And since it’s November — seriously, can you believe that? — we have a roundup of family friendly holiday events starting on Page 44. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I’ll see you in December. (Can you believe that? December!)
P.O. Box 2090, Asheville, NC 28802 828-232-5845 | www.wncparent.com PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER Randy Hammer WNC PARENT EDITOR Katie Wadington — 232-5829 kwadington@citizen-times.com
FEATURES EDITOR Bruce Steele bsteele@citizen-times.com
ADVERTISING/CIRCULATION Brittany Martin — 232-5898, bymartin@gannett.com CALENDAR CONTENT Due by Nov. 10. E-mail calendar@wncparent.com ADVERTISING DEADLINE Advertising deadline for the December issue is Nov. 12.
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Going above beyond
By Pam J. Hecht, WNC Parent contributor
olunteering can serve as a practical means to an end — whether it’s to pad a college application or fulfill required school service hours. But for three committed teens, it’s a calling — a passion to make the world a better place. “Along the way, these kids are learning social responsibility, acquiring new skills and enhancing their development in numerous ways, all while improving the world around them,” says Michelle Bennett, director of Hands On Asheville-Buncombe, which matches volunteers with organizations in need. And whether the inspiration comes from a parent’s example or from within, it’s something each is compelled to do.
Saving the planet When it comes to environmental issues, Julia Hurst, 17, speaks in words that are both eloquent and practical. Inspired by her father’s zeal for the outdoors and her own childhood experiences, she spends countless hours volunteering with Asheville GreenWorks, an organization working locally to protect the environment. After spending a day with Eric Bradford, volunteer and Clean Communities coordinator, she says she “got hooked.” “I’d never seen how a nonprofit worked, and what they’re doing resonated with me,” says Julia, who remembers paddling down the French Broad River with her dad, retrieving dumped tires to recycle. She now works in the Asheville GreenWorks office during the week through Asheville High School’s internship program, but her hours of volunteering extend far beyond that, says Bradford. On weekends, she leads team crews with tree plantings, trail maintenance, river and greenway cleanups, and recycling at local events, she says. She also actively recruits other teens to volunteer. “Julia understands the need to mobilize a community through environmental volunteering and has the ability to encourage others to join her,” says Bradford “She has made a huge difference in our local water quality by leading river and creek cleanups and removing invasive exotic plant species." “My generation is facing several environmental crises and if we don’t work on these issues, we’ll
leave behind a toxic wasteland,” Julia says. “What we’re doing in the community (at Asheville GreenWorks) is planting a seed in the minds of others.” “Julia wanted to do something meaningful where she could see tangible results,” says dad, Jim Hurst. “She’s doing something she believes in and has gained leadership skills that she wouldn’t have been able to get elsewhere.” “You can feel change when you rip out invasive plants … and it lights you up,” Hurst says. “You can say, ‘I did that’ and know you’re leaving a legacy behind, something you’re proud of.”
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Julia Hertz, a senior at Asheville High, volunteers with Asheville GreenWorks, both in the office through the school’s internship program and in the field. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
Feeding the hungry Inspired by a family culture of volunteerism, and her own bent toward helping others, Mira McMahon, 16, of Asheville, saw something missing in her community and decided to create it herself. When it came time for her to select a service project as part of the bat mitzvah process (a traditional Jewish coming-of-age rite of passage), she went a step further, creating a long-term opportunity for teen volunteers. After discovering the Interfaith Youth Core, a service organization for college students, she started her own organization, Interfaith Teen Alliance, bringing teens from different faiths together to volunteer in the community. With help from local farmers and gardeners, religious youth group leaders, and the Mountain Area Interfaith Forum, along with a grant from Asheville GreenWorks and a seed donation from Sow True Seeds in Asheville, the group worked on a community garden in Montford. It donated the first harvest of about a dozen pounds of carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, beans, herbs and other vegetables this summer to MANNA FoodBank. Growing food is “something tangible that builds on itself,” symbolizing the growing collaboration among those of different faiths working together to help others, says Mira. “Through volunteering and interfaith dialogue, we can better understand each other and help the community at the same time,” she says. “Others will notice us and see what great work youth can do - you can influence others no matter how old you are.” The small group meets monthly to tend the garden and with the ending growing season, they’ll tackle indoor projects like working in soup kitchens at homeless shelters, Mira says. Meetings end with a weekly discussion topic and members swap stories about their lives and religious experiences. “It’s a good mix of hands-on work and real life conversation,” says Mira, whose mom, Lauren Rosenfeld, a lifelong educator who directs Congregation Beth HaTephila’s religious school, advised Mira in the beginning stages of the organization. Mira also meets with area youth groups of various faiths to encourage them to join her organization, becoming “more comfortable” making phone calls, planning group meetings and speaking
Mira McMahon checks on okra plants in the Montford community garden. She volunteers at the garden as part of the Interfaith Teen Alliance, a group she founded. The garden’s summer harvest was donated to MANNA FoodBank. BILL SANDERS/WSANDERS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
in front of people, she says. “Hopefully, the group will grow with more people and expand into something big and powerful and self-sustaining so that when I go to college, it will continue,” she says. Meanwhile, for Mira, the lessons learned from the experience of moving an idea forward has positively impacted every aspect of her life, both personally and professionally, says Rosenberg.
“She’s learned not give up too soon, to have patience and if something doesn’t work after the first attempt, to figure out another strategy,” says Rosenfeld. “Through volunteering, she can see firsthand the degree to which she has an impact — that through her energy, effort, and intention, people’s lives change for better,” says Rosenfeld. Continues on Page 8
Above & beyond Continued from Page 7
Giving back Tae Brown, 17, of Flat Rock, knows firsthand how volunteering can change the lives of others. Grateful for all that he received as a young child in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Henderson County, he’s now on the other side, giving of himself to low-income children in his community. He started volunteering when he was 11, and at 14, also began working at the organization as a junior staff member. Tae spends most of his waking hours in service to others, working with children in the after-school program, coaching soccer and basketball leagues, and leading camping trips. As a member of the organization’s teen program, he also participates in different service projects year-round throughout the community. A straight-“A” student, he volunteers with Head Start monthly. As a member of the Interact club at East Henderson High School, Tae assists with projects like the Halloween family event at Kate’s Park in Fletcher, the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree holiday gift program and a weekly lunch buddy program at Hillandale Elementary School in Flat Rock. During school vacations, he rakes leaves for the elderly and reads to children attending year-round elementary schools. “I enjoy working with younger kids and seeing the joy and fun they get from
Tae Brown volunteers during the Halloween Carnival at Kate’s Park in Fletcher. CASEY TOTH/WNC PARENT PHOTO
it — I was once one of them and now I can give back,” he says. “A benefit of volunteering is getting to know people and the community, which will also be helpful since I want to get into the political field.” “Tae is a personable leader with good listening skills who is productive, works hard and stays on task — he’s able to inspire kids with broken households, just like he had,” says Josh Queen, Hen-
derson County Boys & Girls Clubs teen and middle school director. “Tae loves those kids and working with them has made him grow in so many different ways,” says Tae’s mom, Joy Brown, a single parent. “The Boys & Girls Clubs are like family — they’ve helped raise him and he appreciates them, which has driven him to do more and more, to make everyone proud.”
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Schools go social By Susanna Barbee WNC Parent contributor
Parent groups, administrators use social media to get the word out
chools and social media make excellent partners. Budget cuts combined with an effort to go green have led schools to take advantage of this free resource. Schools across Western North Carolina are on Facebook and Twitter, and they love it. “Glen Arden started using Facebook about two years ago,” said Twyla Ryan, the elementary school’s PTO president and mom of three. “The need to be as accesContinues on Page 10
Schools go social Continued from Page 9
sible as possible was our primary goal. It’s been a great resource for parents to ask questions that are PTO-related, such as ‘What time does the spring fling start?’ Every year we have more and more parents ‘like’ us.” Facebook and schools have often been placed in the spotlight due to bullying, slander and other negative behaviors. Though these issues still exist, schools have found a positive benefit to creating Facebook and other social media accounts. “The majority of people now have smart phones. It’s easier to look at school information online; everything is in real time. Checking email or your Facebook page and feeling connected to the school is huge,” Ryan said. “With paperwork, I sometimes skim. With the computer, everything is user-friendly and in one place. It’s seamless.” Gone are the days where your child’s backpack is stuffed with paper after paper regarding fundraisers, reminders and more. School-related correspondence like report cards are still of the paper variety, but many reminders can now easily be posted on Facebook or Twitter. “There’s a lot of ownership placed on older students to get paperwork home, and they forget sometimes. Most parents do their catching up when the kids have gone to bed; with a Facebook page, parents can look at school information and reminders on their own time,” Ryan said. Schools in all area counties are using social media. Bethel Elementary PTO in Haywood County and North Buncombe Elementary PTO, among many others, use Facebook to remind parents of upcoming events such as Mixed Bag fundraisers, T-shirt sales, and Fall Festival raffle winners. They also post pictures of events and school items for sale. Erwin Middle PTO also has a very active Facebook page with athletic news, pictures, even reminders, and unique opportunities such as eighth-graders marching with the high school band. As a fun addition, various pictures are taken around Erwin Middle’s campus and viewers are asked to “like” if they recognize its location. Roberson High School’s football fans have their own Facebook page with weekly updates regarding junior varsity and varsity football scores, pictures of the teams, and links from local newspaper articles
featuring TCR athletics. Asheville Middle is not only active on Facebook but on Twitter as well, with a respectable 200 followers. “We started using Twitter last year,” said Angie Cathcart, Instructional Technology facilitator at Asheville Middle. “Parents like it for reasons like early release days. They’ll find out faster from Twitter than from the local news if school’s being let out. I also like that community members are followers and are aware of what’s going on at our school. “We’ve had very positive feedback from our Facebook page as well. More people are familiar with Facebook and use it. People are less comfortable with Twitter, but I’ve used it with other projects and wanted to bring it to Asheville Middle.” Several years ago, using social media as a primary parent communication tool was unheard of. Not only were these modes of communication less popular, but many people did not have access to computers. Today, most people have a computer or Internet access on a phone and are capable of receiving school updates via Facebook or Twitter. “We’ve identified families that don’t have access to technology,” said Ryan. “It’s very few that actually need a paper copy of something. We’re still sending
home paper copies during our transition period.” In an attempt to reduce, reuse and recycle, Glen Arden PTO aims to eventually go paperless when it comes to sending home information.
Social media risks
Because users can comment on Facebook posts, there is the possibility of negative or hostile comments appearing on a school’s Facebook page. “To me, even seemingly negative comments can turn into a good thing,” said Ryan. “We then know that someone is frustrated and we can address it immediately. Sometimes negative feedback teaches us the most.” “Because the goal of our social media accounts is to be informational, I try to keep them one-way as opposed to conversational,” said Cathcart. School staff and parent/teacher groups are using social media more and more. Facebook and Twitter provide schools with a free, eco-friendly, efficient way to disseminate information. As Ryan said, “I don’t see why more organizations don’t use this type of technology. I’ve seen very few if any disadvantages to using Facebook as a resource.”
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The Robots R Us team of the FIRST Lego League works at The Health Adventure at Biltmore Square Mall. The team includes, from left, Vivian Wilson, Owen Wilson, Maia Rudd and Matthew Daggerhart. Sponsored by 4-H clubs, the team must program Lego robots to perform specific tasks on a playing field, such as pushing Legos into a specific order, climbing ramps, lifting balls, etc. The regional competition will feature 24 teams Nov. 3 at UNC Asheville. BILL SANDERS/WSANDERS@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
Fostering a love of science (and technology and math and engineering) By Betty Lynne Leary, WNC Parent contributor
STEM programs give students a chance to learn
As our global economy continues to expand and technology changes faster than results pop up in a Google search, our children are faced with the challenges of an increasingly technical workforce. You can’t flip open a newspaper or browse a website without reading about STEM research and education. The acronym STEM, which stands for science, technology, Continues on Page 12
STEM programs Continued from Page 11
engineering and math, was first coined by an assistant director at the National Science Foundation. In the decade since, she rearranged the letters in the previously used term, SMET, and the acronym has been used widely in curriculum planning, job advertisements, business plans, and college recruitment materials. So what kind of opportunities do the children of Western North Carolina have to learn about STEM? Thankfully there are plenty and more are being added as the focus on STEM education grows.
Colburn Earth Science Museum
In the heart of downtown Asheville, the Colburn Earth Science Museum offers much more than exhibits. Their educators are passionate about sharing their knowledge using fun, hands-on, and interactive experiences. “We work hard to fascinate our students with the science in their lives hoping to instill a lifelong desire to understand their world,” says program director Matt Price. “Our students leave excited and fascinated with science. Science Kids programs offer after-school clubs on a range of topics for K-8 students. The museum’s most popular special event is Kid’s Night at the Museum, a four-hour event that includes lessons, games, and dinner. “All of our programs focus on the importance of STEM and usually include a section on careers in science, engineering, science technology, and the math of science,” Price adds.
Robotics Opportunity Committee of WNC
One of the newest organizations for kids is the Robotics Opportunity Committee, which was formed in September 2011 by several professionals who saw a tremendous need for STEM opportunities for the youth of this area. Led by Neil Rosenberg, a former engineer, educator and entrepreneur with degrees from MIT and Stanford, the group formed ROC to increase STEM challenges in Western North Carolina. “So many times we push information into kids, but when they get involved in
FIRST Lego League is a robotics program aimed at 9- to 14-year-olds. Asheville’s Robots R Us team is working on this robot for regional competition. BILL SANDERS
FIRST LEGO LEAGUE COMPETITION For a taste of a FIRST Lego League competition, check out the second annual FLL Tournament for youth ages 9-14 on Nov. 3. This event will take place at UNC Asheville’s Sherrill Center in the multifunction room on the lower level. For more information, go to www.rocwnc.org/html/news.html
CONTACT INFORMATION » Colburn Earth Science Museum, http://colburnmuseum.wordpress.com » Robotics Opportunity Committee, www.rocwnc.org » FIRST Lego League, http://firstlegoleague.org/parents » Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, www.pari.edu » 4-H , Check with your county extension office.
robotics, the change is significant,” Rosenberg explains. “If they don’t understand something, it becomes a pull where they seek out information from teachers, from other students, and from mentors.” Rosenberg describes this change into strategic thinking as a healthy way for youth to be engaged in their own education.
The ROC is a group of volunteers that has formed multiple FIRST Lego League teams and FIRST Robotics Club teams in the area. FIRST stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, a nonprofit company that provides robot competitions for ages six through high school. There are approximately
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50-60 FLL teams in the WNC area with 10 students per team. The FRC teams are fewer in number but typically have 30 high school-age team members. “It’s like Kool Aid. Once they drink it, they want more,” Rosenberg says. “Once kids realize how exciting, challenging, and rewarding this is, it builds an appetite.”
FIRST Lego League
This robotics program is aimed at 9to 14-year-olds with the goal of getting them excited about science and technology and also to teach valuable employment and life skills. Most FIRST Lego League teams are tied to schools or with a tightly knit, parent-run group. According to ROC co-founder John Schnautz, adults don’t need a degree from MIT to organize a Lego League team. “Adults are inevitably scared of it, but we need parents who will participate,” Schnautz says. “Robotics are really simple, and we run training programs to teach parents how to do this.” Students work in teams to program a robot using a Lego robot set to score points on a playing surface. They also work together to solve a pre-set problem as part of their project. “This structured training in math and science teaches children how to solve real, everyday problems, and they’ll more likely be successful in whatever field they choose,” he says.
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
Although research has shown that girls are less likely to go into STEM fields than boys, at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, girls are flocking to join SCIGirls, a program that dovetails with the PBS show of the same name. “They come away with a better idea of how people can solve our world’s problems,” explains education director Christi Wentworth. “This type of learning creates a scientifically literate community. They’re going to make better decisions and better choices.” PARI was created 12 years ago with the main goal of bringing people of all ages into working research and connecting people to that research as it’s happening. In addition to the girls’ program, PARI offers a home-school program and partners with the local 4-H program in Transylvania County on STEM initiatives.
4-H programs Every county administers its own 4-H program through the county extension office. Many of these 4-H youth programs focus on STEM initiatives designed to stimulate a child’s interest in scientific fields. In Swannanoa, kids are introduced to environmental education such as forestry, insects and the sea. Buncombe County has 12 active 4-H clubs with deep roots in the sciences. “4-H actually started from research coming out of the universities, and adults were often less willing to accept new findings,” explains Holly Jordan, 4-H youth development agent. So extension offices turned to the youth of the county to promote and further new developments. In Henderson County, 4-H youth development coordinator Denise Sherrill says that even at a very young age, children are making decisions about activities they like or don’t like. “STEM opportunities may help guide them in school or career choices,” she notes. Henderson County kids can join the AC-DC Electric Club or the Lego and Robotics Club. Sherrill and her staff also present a wide array of school enrichment programs such as embryology, river ecology, and horticulture therapy classes for special needs students. In addition to partnering with PARI, the 4-H office in Transylvania County received a Burroughs Wellcome Fund grant that has funded a high school science program for the past five years. Youth development agent Mary Arnaudin finds these high schoolers make effective teachers for younger kids. “Students who love science want to share that interest with others,” she says. “In the process of teaching, the high school students discover things they didn’t know and also how to communicate more effectively.” In Madison County, the core of the STEM programming is reached through a school enrichment curriculum where teachers serve as volunteers alongside 4-H professionals. They offer embryology, astronomy and electricity among other topics on a variety of grade levels. Haywood County Youth Services Librarian Carole Dennis notes the importance of making STEM education fun and engaging for all ages. “We all begin as little scientists, asking why about everything, mixing things, and creating all the time,” she says. “We need to keep that spirit of play and creativity alive throughout our learning, at all ages and stages.”
Good reads for tweens
By Jennifer Prince WNC Parent contributor
Being a kid comes with experiences that are nearly ubiquitous: losing a first tooth, learning to write cursive. As children tumble into their middle school years, they have still their share of universal experiences. Ironically, these experiences carry with them the weight of perceived singularity: acne, awkward growth, rampant insecurity. Certain good books provide middle school students with a look at other lives, lives where characters deal with the same challenges they do. Students can recognize themselves in the characters. There is comfort, even direction in that. These new titles are just right for tweens. These books feature characters that struggle mightily with identity, doubt and feelings of isolation. “My mama’s in jail. It ain’t right,” explains 11-year-old Lydia Hawkins, the heroine of Marilyn Sue Shank’s new novel for children, “Child of the Mountains.” With a voice that is rings with Appalachian
authenticity, Lydia describes with that singular mix of innocence and wisdom of 11-year-olds, the events surrounding the arrest of her mother for kidnapping and murder. As Lydia struggles with guilt, grief and growing pains, she encounters people who show her compassion. A chance exchange with a telephone operator, afternoon romps with a neighbor’s dog, and the kind interest of her teacher help Lydia piece together her broken sense of self and her broken world outlook. In addition, Lydia
learns to appreciate everything that makes her Appalachian heritage so rich. “Walking on Earth and Touching the Sky” is a collection of poetry and prose written by fifth- to eighth-grade students at Red Cloud Indian School on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Not only are these students figuring out the balance between being a kid and being an adult, they are negotiating the divide between the reservation and the rest of the world. Some pieces reflect the students’ affinity for the natural world. Other pieces harbor dark elements such as fear, loneliness, racism, even despair. Illustrations by acclaimed Lakota artist S.D. Nelson are filled with symbolism, giving the book additional emotional heft. In her biography for young people, “Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World,” Grandin (with the assistance of Sy Montgomery) describes her life, beginning with the confusion, fear and isolation that marked her earliest years. Subsequent chapters detail how Grandin’s mother persisted, despite family
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pressure and social mores, in finding meaningful ways to keep her autistic daughter engaged . The discovery that Grandin was not only at ease with animals, but skilled and gifted in her interactions with them, led to a lifetime of devising ways to improve animal health and care. In the process, Grandin became the eloquent spokeswoman for animals as well as people with autism . “Wonder” is the aptly named first novel by R.J. Palacio. Ten-year-old Auggie Pullman was born with a rare genetic disorder that caused his face to be severely deformed. Numerous surgeries have helped him eat and breathe more easily but have done little cosmetically. Having been home-schooled for years, Auggie is not sure he is ready to go to school with other kids. When he enters Beecher Prep as a fifth-grader, Auggie discovers that with others, as with himself, there is more to them than meets the eye. Auggie is immensely likable and believable, and his interactions with his family and classmates are filled with realism that is by turns
tender and harsh. “Page by Paige” is a graphic novel about 16-year-old Paige, who starts at a new high school in New York City after she moves there with her parents from rural Virginia. Paige worries about what to wear and about making friends. She has misgivings about how much of herself she should reveal to people. Should she be reserved and keep her personality inside, or should she be herself no matter what people think? Shy, introspective and artistic, Paige works out her thoughts in her drawing pad. In effect, Gulledge writes and illustrates the story’s events while Paige writes and illustrates what goes on in her mind. Paige’s imaginings are dream-like,
filled with symbols and pictograms that encourage readers to linger and ponder. Author and illustrator Joseph Lambert offers a fresh, unique account of the relationship between Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller is the new graphic novel “Annie Sullivan and the Trials of Helen Keller.” Lambert uses his medium to great effect, particularly when recounting events from Keller’s viewpoint. Before she meets Sullivan, Keller is represented as a featureless being who is subject to strong blue arms that cajole, press and insist at whim. Later, when Keller knows how to understand as people spell words on her palm, Lambert depicts what that might have looked like in Keller’s mind. Keller processes people’s appearances by the way they smell and feel. These books are available at Buncombe County Public Libraries. Visit www.buncombecounty.org/ library.
Sara Jane Whatley works on a display at Curio, on Battery Park Avenue in Asheville. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
By Paul Clark, WNC Parent contributor
s long as there’s love, there will be babies. And babies, as we all know, need to be clothed. The Asheville area has a wide variety of baby- and child-oriented stores, representing everything from consignment and lovingly worn to brand-name and next-to-new. Recently, like June brides and holiday betrothals, a whole new crop of children’s shops has popped up.
Papoose sells children’s clothing on Battery Park Avenue in Asheville. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
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Baby Ink is not, as the name suggests, a tattoo shop for kids, although Toby Brown, owner of the Brevard store, hands out temporary tattoo patches of the store’s logo, a panda bear with crossed rattles. What Baby Ink is is a children’s apparel store with attitude. “I grew up as a punk/rock kid, and when my daughter came a couple of years ago, I searched for some cool stuff for her and came up with boring pastel, lacey, frilly stuff,” Brown said. “I wanted something a little more modern and not something with baseballs printed on it that you find everywhere else.” So he opened Baby Ink and launched the website. In the store or online, parents will find tees and onesies with band logos (Metallica, Green Day, the Ramones), “webbed cupcake” cardigans, peasant dresses, pirate skull slip-on shoes, pork pie hats, stripped and starred leggings, feathered and flowered headbands and AC/DC bibs. “You want stuff your kids can get dirty in, still look cool and that represent you as a parent,” Brown, a musician and former concert promoter, said. “Stuff that has some cool, rock flare,” like the stuff he puts on his daughter, who he brings to work with him. Cate Ratliff also brings her little one to her shop, Papoose. She opened the shop in July, having moved to Asheville with her husband to raise their child here. For a downtown full of fun, there was little offered for children, she concluded. Her shop has lots for kids to do. While parents shop, the kids can play in the secure play area behind the large window that faces the street (passers-by love watching the children). The shop is big enough to hold several families with strollers. Papoose sells Kicky Pants, TANA organic shirts, boxers and play dresses and clothes by Tea Collection. “This is really practical clothing for children,” Ratliff said of Tea Collection. “It still looks dressed up, but the kids don’t realize it because they’re comfortable.” The store also sells clothes by Zutano, a Vermont company that Continues on Page 18
NEW KIDS Continued from Page 17
“makes really comfortable clothes with vintage patterns, like empire-waist play dresses for girls and an adorable line for boys,” Ratliff said. Papoose carries several products made locally, such as hair products by Mystic Elegance, pillows by EllSeeBeeZee, bath salts by Bonny Bath and leg warmers by huggalugs. Emily Richter, the store’s interior designer, created a line of onesies printed with Zodiac signs. Jordy Williams handpaints the onesies he makes. Ratliff has Timi & Leslie diaper bags that look like stylish purses. “They make the diaper bag more about mom than the baby,” she said, “and why shouldn’t it be? She’s the one who is carrying it.” Down the street from Papoose is Curio, now a year old. Owners Tiffany and Orlando Hernandez also own Union clothing store, and often people would come in asking if there was a toy store downtown. There hadn’t been one in a few years. Now there is. Curio (“for the cute & curious,” according to its website) sells gifts for newborns on up. There are kits for knitting, tiara-making and tie-dying, for making robots and exploring science. There are lots of Legos, puzzles and games. The stores tries not to stock toys that are available everywhere, Orlando Hernandez said. Many of the toys will remind parents of the ones they played with when they were little, like Pick Up Sticks, Slinkies, wooden puzzles, paddle balls, harmonicas and popguns. “Often a grandparent will say ‘I remember when I had one of these,” Hernandez said. “That’s always nice to hear. It’s nice that generations share the same toys.” Finger paints are popular, he said, especially among younger children. A fun item anytime is the face painting kit from Klutz that offers directions for different kinds of looks (fairies, superheroes). “We try to have interesting toys that keep kids playing outside and using their brain,” Hernandez said. “All the items in the store are cute and curious. ‘Cute and curious’ is who the toys are
Toby Brown opened Baby Ink in Brevard to offer parents more modern clothing for little ones. JASON SANDFORD/JSANDFORD@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
Owner Chris McNabb works on a display at her store, Mod Sprog, on Hendersonville Road in Asheville. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
for and what the toys actually look like.” The name of Mod Sprog captures the store’s vibe perfect — “mod” for “modern” and “sprog,” British slang for kids. Owner Chris McNabb has been open in her upper floor suite for six months. “My tagline is ‘modern parenting, Ashevillestyle,’” she said. She sells toys, books and clothes for children from newly born to 5 years old, as well as diaper bags, maternity wear and cloth diapers. She has drawn upon her experience as a young mother in selecting environmentally conscious products that she herself uses. Her wooden toys are durable and from
renewable sources. Her plastic toys can be washed in the dishwasher. “Parents have an awareness of where products come from,” she said. “It’s not just going to any store to pick up a baby gift anymore. It’s, what is it made out of, where is it coming from and who am I supporting by buying it?” Her business and the products it offers have that kind of conscience, she said. The space has a private area for mothers to breastfeed. The store has a consignment area. There’s a kitchen that can be used by parents who need to offer their children a snack. Currently using the meeting space are a group of homeschoolers learning American Sign Language and a group of children making music on Saturdays (see the website for more). After 30 years of selling to retailers around the world, i play, Asheville’s the award-winning company just opened its first retail space on Liberty Street. “The store is a place for us to learn more about our customers,” said Becky Cannon, the company president who started the $10 million business in her sewing room in her Kenwilworth home. “We will get to have direct feedback from our consumers about products,” she added. “There is a lot of enthusiasm for our employees (now numbering 55) to have a space to connect to the community.” The company, with a small manufacturing center on Riverside Drive, specializes in natural and organic baby
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STORE INFO Baby Ink, 77 E. Main St., Brevard; 8772229; www.getbabyink.com. Curio, 2 Battery Park Ave., 254-6640, www.curioasheville.com. i play, 233 Liberty St., Asheville, 5752617, www.iplaybabywear.com Mod Sprog, 830 Hendersonville Road, Asheville; 333-5142; www.modsprog.com. Papoose, 21 Battery Park Ave., Suite 102; 505-7879; www.papoose.com.
items, including blanket and bibs, coats and clothing. Other local stores, including Greenlife and Earth Fare, carry i play products — but only about 1 to 5 percent of the entire catalog. The idea is to ensure that a child, from newborn to age 3 , is healthy from the inside-out. Signature sellers include food prep and feeding products from the Green Sprouts line and the swim diaper from i play, a product that just garnered a Cribsie Award for cutest swim diaper. And the company is poised for some more positive attention. Cannon plans to publish an expansive, holistic baby health guide in the spring. “It’s basically three books in one,” Cannon explained. “There’s a section on child development (physical, emotional and mental development), Oriental medicine and remedies (like using acupuncture for temper tantrums), food recipes and another section is a product guide.” And in an nonintentional nod to a fellow “i” product, the company will also develop an app (application software) for the guide. “It’s going to an app that’s part of daily life,” said Emi Kubota, Cannon’s daughter and i play vice president since 2008. “It’s got shopping lists, meal planners, journal entries for tracking sleeping and eating. (We want it) to become part of parents’ lives to help them through that first three years.” It will also include videos, and even an original parent-to-baby love song. For Cannon, the whole suite of the company’s growing offerings comes down to this: “I want our products to support and nourish, and to really be an integrated, holistic brand.”
parent news in brief Learn about foster parenting at Foster/Adopt Fall Festival ASHEVILLE — Buncombe County DSS and WNC foster care and adoption agencies will host the WNC Foster/Adopt Fall Festival on Nov. 17 to bring attention to children who need a family and foster care and adoption education. The drop-in event will allow participants to learn how to become a foster and/or adoptive parent; find out more about children who are in need of a family; and talk to families who have fostered children and to children who have been in foster care. The festival is the only targeted adoption and foster care event in WNC. It will also feature information on helping children beyond adoption, including mentoring, volunteering, education, career choices and more. The event, from 1-4 p.m. at the Asheville-Biltmore DoubleTree Hotel, at 115 Hendersonville Road, will have arts and crafts activities, face painting, balloon animals and snacks for children who attend with their parents or guardians.
Prospective foster parents and those interested in adoption can learn more, especially about helping older children, at the Foster/Adopt Fall Festival on Nov. 17. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT Admission and parking are free. For more information, call 250-5868 or email familiesforkids@buncombecounty.org.
Noted midwife to speak at Joyful Birth & Breastfeeding Expo HENDERSONVILLE — Ina May Gaskin
will speak at the third-annual Joyful Birth & Breastfeeding Expo, starting at 10 a.m. Nov. 3 at the Blue Ridge Mall. Gaskin is best known for her books “Spiritual Midwifery” and “Childbirth Choices,” used in many childbirth prep-
aration classes across the country. A midwife at The Farm, in Tennessee, for many years, she received the Right Livelihood Award for her contributions of teaching and advocating safe, woman-centered childbirth methods. Gaskin travels the globe speaking to midwives, nurses, educators, physicians and doulas, promoting birth activism to transform the culture of birth for safer, healthier births. “We are incredibly fortunate to have the most famous midwife of our time joining us at this year’s Expo,” said Barbara Davenport, Co-Leader of BirthNetwork of WNC which puts on the annual motherfriendly event. The event will also include presentations, films, vendors, kids’ activities and prizes. Admission is free and open to all. For the full schedule of events visit www.BirthNetwork.org/events.
Bricks 4 Kidz opens
ASHEVILLE — Wendy Land has opened Bricks 4 Kidz, a program that combines learning and Legos, and is offering classes for preschoolers, home-schoolers and elementary-age children. Classes are being offered now at locations around Asheville, including Fun Depot, the Tree House on Merrimon Ave-
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nue and Mountain Play Lodge on Sweeten Creek Road. For a description of classes that start in November, see the calendar on Page 55. The business plans to host camps on days out of school, summer camps, kids’ night outs, in school field trips and Lego-themed birthday parties, as well. For details, visit www.bricks4kidz.com/asheville.
Family Fun Day celebrates people with disabilities
ASHEVILLE — The 12th annual Family Fun Day Holiday Fest promotes and advocates for community inclusion and camaraderie among persons of all ages and disabilities. The event, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 8, is free for families of children and adults with and without disabilities at the WNC Agricultural Center. Family Fun Day is organized by over a dozen community agencies, nonprofits and community friends to celebrate our family and community connections, enjoy recreation together, and learn about local services and resources. For more FFD information, call 298-1977.
Diana Wortham Theatre launches Intersections ASHEVILLE — The Diana Wortham Theatre at Pack Place has launched Intersections, a new series offered in The Forum next door to the theater. The inaugural series is designed to initiate in-depth and intimate ways for the community to connect with one another and the arts through supplemental performance-oriented courses for students, clubs, master classes and pre-performance discussions. The Sing Together Series is designed for family and friends and led by educator and local musician Beth Magill. This series is for anyone of any age or skill level who loves to sing. No experience is required. Sing Together offers themed gatherings throughout the season. The November session’s theme is “Lullabies,” offered at 10 a.m. Nov. 8. Sing Together runs through March. Other courses will be offered for children and students and will run 11 weeks. The fee includes a free ticket and a backstage tour for the student and a parent to one show in the 2012/2013 Matinee Series for Students and Families. The next session starts in January and will include “Build A Play” for grades 6-8; “Creative Drama” and “Creative Movement,” both for ages 3-5.
For more information, contact Rae Geoffrey at rae@dwtheatre.com or 210-9837, or visit www.dwtheatre.com.
Nest Organics opens resource center
ASHEVILLE — Nest Organics has opened Nest Family Resource Center at its store on Lexington Avenue downtown. The Resoure Center is partnering with a wide range of professionals to offer relevant and informative classes to help ease the transition through pregnancy into parenthood and beyond. The center and store combined offer expectant and new families a holistic opportunity to meet their needs to learn, share, play and shop all under the same roof. “This is something that we have wanted to do for a long time, and now feels like the right time” says co-owner, Truly Ball. Nest Family Resource Center will offer upward of 10 classes a week, including breastfeeding, positive discipline, baby sign language, elimination communication, pre-natal yoga and much much more. Classes will range in price from free to $100+. The center is operating now on a limited class schedule and will be in full operation by January 2013. For more information, contact Summer Wember at fernasheville@gmail.com or 2581901.
Bailey Oxner paints as her mother, Marisa, looks on at their home recently. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
A special
Bailey Oxner may face challenges as a child with Asperger’s, but in painting she’s found her niche 22
By Paul Clark, WNC Parent contributor
Parenting a special needs child is challenging, but in Bailey Sloan Oxner’s case, it’s made easier by the special talent she has for painting, her parents say. Painting has not only brought this 14-year-old attention and awards. It has also served as a way of calming the anger and anxiety that go along with her autism. “I don’t paint when I’m mad anymore,” Bailey said, sitting with her parents in their South Asheville home. “I’m afraid I’ll destroy the painting.” A freshman in life and occupational skills at Reynolds High School, Bailey has always been strong willed, mother Marisa Oxner said. But that stubbornness seemed out of place by the time she was 4, so her parents had her tested. Doctors diagnosed her as having Asperger syndrome, a type of autism that, as her mother describes it, affects a person’s ability to process
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“College, that’s possible. We don’t ever give up. We expect a lot out of her.” MARISA OXNER, Bailey’s mother
information and interact socially. Asperger syndrome also can have profound effects on the person’s ability to manage sensory stimuli, making Bailey hypersensitive to light, sound and touch. For instance, Marisa’s patting of Bailey’s arm to soothe her rubbed Bailey’s arm hairs the wrong way, her parents learned. The feel of shirt tags and sock seams can be “a huge issue at times,” her mother said. The Oxners — at the time of diagnosis, husband Steve was working as a Buncombe County sheriff’s deputy, while Marisa worked at a bank — learned that the sooner treatment begins, the more helpful it could be in helping Bailey deal with the world. “The problem at that time,” her mother said, “was that diagnosis and treatment for children with autism was very generic, and psychological science hadn't developed a great deal of treatments that were showing great promise. So we began a long period of treatment programs searching for a solution.” Bailey underwent a lot of tests and took a lot of medicines during the next few years. Marisa often had to leave work when Bailey’s school called to say Bailey was out of control (she once pulled a fire alarm at school because, she told her parents later, she wanted to see fire trucks). Doing their own research, they concluded that Bailey needed a tool to help her control her anger. The help they got came from Steve’s mother, at whose West Asheville house Bailey stayed while the Oxners were at work. “Mamaw Peggy” painted a lot and encouraged Bailey to give it a try. One day, Bailey did. And immediately, she wanted to paint every day. She asked her grandmother how certain strokes were Continues on Page 24
This painting, by Bailey Oxner, won the youth Best of Show at the Mountain State Fair. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
A special talent Continued from Page 23
made. Not a TV watcher, she’d nonetheless absorb every minute of videos done by her favorite visual artists, Bob Ross and Donna Dewberry. Bailey enrolled in a paint class for older people. She was the youngest by far. “The paint therapy discovered by Mamaw Peggy was working wonders in keeping Bailey focused, calm and relieving stress,” Marisa said. By the time she was 6, Bailey had painted several landscapes. Her very first, “My Barn In The Snow,” won first place and best of show overall in the youth division at the 2005 Mountain State Fair. The painting now hangs at the foot of the stairs in the Oxner home. Beneath it is stenciled a quote by painter Vincent Van Gogh: “I dream of painting and then I paint my dreams.” Marisa’s favorite painting, painted for Mother’s Day 2010, hangs in the Oxners’ hallway. A woman in a long flowing dress and large hat is standing in a meadow
with flowers. Marisa loves it for many reasons. “It’s so serene,” she said. “It looks like a place you’d want to go to and forget about everything.” The painting was a prize-winner — first place overall and best of show — at the Mountain State Fair that year. Bailey has won the youth division every year, except 2011, when she didn’t enter a painting. Her parents have gotten so many offers to buy her work that Marisa is looking for someone who can print the images on canvas. The money could go toward Bailey’s college education. “College, that’s possible,” her mother said. “We don’t ever give up. We expect a lot out of her.” Living with special needs “is a challenge for parents as much as it is for the kids,” Steve said. Buncombe County is lucky in that it has not only school administrators willing to work with parents if parents are willing to be involved, but also because it is one of the few places in the nation where Tomatis therapy, a type of music- and balance-focused therapy designed for autistic children, is offered. The therapy
enables Bailey to stand and sing in front of church congregations with her parents. Unlike some autistic children, Bailey communicates “extremely well,” her father said. “If you saw her on the street, you’d never think she’s a special needs kid,” Steve said. Nonetheless, she’s “unusual” in many ways. She likes going to the dentist. She doesn’t know when she’s hurting someone’s feelings. Bailey doesn’t — or didn’t — know how hard she was hugging someone she loved, like her mother. “Soft hugs,” Marisa would say. “Those are the kinds of things you have to teach the kids,” Steve said. “And when they get it, you’re so happy,” Marisa said. “She’s extremely talented in a way most of us are not,” Steve said. “She has some very special abilities that she can share with others.” Painting “entertains me,” Bailey said. “I’ll be walking my dog and see some nice trees. I’ll think there’s a pretty leaf. I’ll think I can add details there. I’m very relaxed.”
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kids’ voices
What we’re thankful for It’s that time of year when we count our blessings, and children are no different. Theses 9-year-olds in Cherie MacDougall’s fourth-grade class at Emma Elementary shared with us what makes them thankful. “I am thankful for people who appreciate me. I am thankful for life.” Sarahi Rea-Nunez
“I am thankful for such great friends and I am thankful for being alive.” Destiny Shelton
“I am thankful for having a great class and for having a great family.” Diego Ramirez-Marcos
“I’m thankful for our inventors for inventing cars and planes and electricity. If we didn’t have them we will be messed up with everything.” José Lozano-Amaro
“I am thankful for Thanksgiving because I spend time with my whole family. And because when it is Thanksgiving, my grandma comes because I never get to see her.” Amme Aguilar-Perez
“What I am thankful for is my loving family and my roof over my head and food on my table. I am also thankful for my loving grandparents and the most important thing of all, I am happy to be alive!” Amaris Pruitt
“This Thanksgiving I am thankful for loving a family, a roof over my head and this special day that I can spend with my family, and education.” Galilea Jones-Valdez
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growing together
On giving thanks By Chris Worthy WNC Parent columnist
Before I rise, let my thoughts be filled with gratitude for a new start, a new day in which to first see my love and then the faces of ours, to drink deeply of clean water and even more deeply of forgiveness and future. Let my steps lead me mindfully along a careful path, with detours of joy, change and opportunity. Let me never settle for the easy road of comfort when I should follow elsewhere, knowing my route is set and yet always meandering with purpose. Let my hands work and serve and nurture, being ever grateful for the knowledge that every task is important, even and especially those completed unknown to others. Let me speak with kindness, if at all. Let my words bring healing and peace, like the golden warmth of summer and the soft, simple balm of a muzzle, all warm fur and cool nose, nudging my arm. Let my arms carry the weight I am given, with strength remaining to share in another’s load. Let them love and comfort and pound the air in unspoken, unbridled joy. Let my ears take in the soothing rain and the steady, contented breathing next to me, never tuning out the gifts that sing and warble all around me, sometimes in harmony, often juxtaposed against a symphony of laughter. Let my eyes take in layer upon layer of color and beauty too abundant to see clearly, as the blinding light of day and the dazzling stars against inky blue serve as elegant bookends to stories unfolding in between. Let me see it all without blind spots that would obstruct the gifts around me. Let me taste it — the gift of today and all it holds. Chris Worthy is an attorney who took down her shingle to be a stay-at-home mom. Contact her at chris@worthyplace.com.
artist’s muse
FAR LEFT, add buildings to the canvas using stamps created by glueing thin pieces of foam to cardboard.
Creative teamwork builds city on canvas
LEFT, embellish the canvas with paint and other art materials to add a foreground and a background. Add texture using such items as sponges, toothbrushes and ceramic scrapers. PHOTOS SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
By Ginger Huebner WNC Parent columnist
At our school we love to bring students together as a team to work on group projects. Collaboration can be such a powerful teaching tool for any age. There are numerous ways to go about working together on a piece of art. During a recent monthly art session for ages 3-6, we did a lesson on cityscapes using a wonderful collaborative process. You could apply the materials and steps below to most any subject!
» cardboard » thin foam » glue » tempera paint or printing ink » brayer » cookie sheet or something to roll paint out on (wax paper could work too) » canvas (large enough for the number of children working together) » fun things to make textures (toothbrushes, ceramic tools scraping, sponges...) » oil pastels
1. Talk about the components of a building. Windows, doors, bricks, overhangs, etc. 2. Have the children cut out pieces of the thin foam, the pieces should represent parts of the building. They can glue the
The finished product is an eye-catching painting. pieces onto a rectangular piece of cardboard. This will create a stamp for them to work with. 3. Use tempera paint to cover the background of a large canvas. It be good to start with just two or three colors. The kids can use their hands or paint brushes to spread the paint. Once the paint has covered the whole canvas, while the paint is still wet, give the children some told to add texture. 4. When the canvas has dried and the foam pieces are fully secured to the cardboard, use a brayer with either printing ink or tempera paint to cover the stamp. 5. Allow each child to stamp his or her part of the building. The children can
create height to the buildings by using their stamps vertically. You could do one tall building, or several buildings. For ours, we did several buildings of different heights, each child got to stamp their part of the building several times. 6. When the paint has dried, the kids can embellish the painting by using oil pastels. They can outline the building, add features to the sky and landscape, create a foreground, etc. Ginger Huebner is the director of Roots + Wings School of Art and Asheville Community Design Lab, offering visual art and design education for all ages. Email her at info@rootsandwingsarts.com or visit www.rootsandwingsarts.com.
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nature center notes
One of the red wolf pups with its mother, Mayo. The pups are learning skills directly from their parents. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT
Different ways to learn By Hannah Epperson Special to WNC Parent
All parents take pride in watching their children grow. At the WNC Nature Center, staff and visitors have enjoyed watching the progress of Pisgah and Mitchell, the cougar twins, and the four red wolf pups. The cougar brothers arrived in 2010 as 2-month-old orphaned cubs. The pups were born at the Nature Center this May to proud wolf parents Mayo and Phoenix. This July, visitors and staff celebrated Pisgah and Mitchell’s 2nd birthday. These brothers still have some growing to do, they have nearly reached full size. In the wild, this is when cougars would leave their parents and strike out on their own. Pisgah and Mitchell would be unable to survive in the wild since they had no mother to teach them needed skills. Instead, they had Nature Center staff to help them adjust to being around humans. At 5 months old, the red wolf pups are starting to look like their parents. As they mature, their coats change from gray to red-brown. At this age, red wolf pups are still learning a lot, like how to hunt and what to be afraid of. In the wild, offspring won’t leave the pack until about 15 months old. As part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Species Survival Program, Mayo and Phoenix’s pups learn from their parents instead of staff to preserve as many wild instincts as possible. Bring your own growing kids to visit the cougar brothers, red wolf pups, and all the animals at the WNC Nature Center.
divorced families
The werewolf under your roof By Trip Woodard WNC Parent columnist
About every two to three weeks I get a call from a frantic parent describing something in their house that sounds a lot like a werewolf. What they say is that they once had this adorable child who was fun to be with, enjoyed going places with his parents, took pleasure in new experiences and was not afraid of being affectionate to their parents in public. Then around age 13, something terrible happened. The child turned into some kind of wolf. Yes, a wolf. A creature primarily attracted to hanging out with other wolves (i.e., teenagers), who would have less and less to do with his parents and, without much provocation, could snap at the hand,
usually yours, that is trying to feed it. And his room? Now a lair covered with clothes that bear secret werewolf insignias, posters (with more werewolf insignias) and various foodstuffs becoming suitable as an emergency penicillin supply. Hasn’t happened to you? Well, you are lucky. Just please don’t brag about it or assume it has something to do with superior parenting skills. Out of kindness, I remind parents frequently that you can do all the right things and have children that make really bad choices in life. You can also do all the “wrong things” and have children that turn out as good as gold. But, as to those of you who are living with a werewolf or more, I would like to offer a survival kit of ideas. And, no, you can’t shoot them with a silver bullet. It is against the law. First, don’t allow yourself to become isolated. Make it a point to get to know the parents of their friends. This is not to
embarrass them but to respectfully to have lines of communication should your wolf and theirs go missing during a full moon or something. If my son had three or more contacts with a friend involving time together, he knew that it meant that I would call his friend’s parents just to make a simple introduction and an exchange of contact information. A few of these parents became friends to me and a wonderful peer to mutually share parenting ideas. Second, learn their electronics and monitor them from time to time. I have written about this before. This is not about the invasion of privacy as it is about safety. Follow three rules for the best effects: let your teen know that you are doing this, don’t do it frequently and don’t broadcast what you find out unless it is life threatening. Third, if you are going through a separation or divorce, do seek the support of
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“... as to those of you who are living with a werewolf or more, I would like to offer a survival kit of ideas. And, no, you can’t shoot them with a silver bullet. It is against the law.” other single parents so that you can figure out what wolfish behavior has to do with their age and what has to do with your transition process. Collaborate with your ex-partner as well as you can about house rules such as bedtime during school days and avoid conversations that could fuel competitiveness. After all, teens, as all kids, will tend to go for the “best deal” between parents. Fourth, lead by example. If you get hot-headed and sarcastic with your teens, don’t be surprised when they demonstrate the same behavior. Always appeal to their thinking and try not to be sucked into their emotional displays. Otherwise, your conversations will just become arguments and they will win every time. I suspect that all successful public attorneys are actually teenagers in a clever disguise.
Fifth and last, feed them well. Whatever goes into their mouth goes to their brain and this is an important time for neurological development. Avoid fast food and make time, perhaps with their help, to cook a reasonably balanced meal. Stock up on fruits as snacks. Don’t skimp on breakfast. Add supplements such as omega-3 vitamins as needed. All in all, keep in mind that the adolescent brain is usually fully developed when your teen gets into his or her early twenties. And, poof, before you know it, the werewolf is gone and you may gain a new relationship you will get to explore and cherish the rest of your life. Trip Woodard is a licensed family and marriage therapist and a clinical member of the N.C. Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Contact him at 606-8607.
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librarian’s picks
Saluting tiny natural wonders By Jennifer Prince Buncombe County Public Libraries
In the course of a day, what with obligations to work, school, family and community, it is all too easy to overlook the myriad tiny wonders that take place all around. These two new picture books for children invite readers to slow down and see with intent the natural world. In “Step Gently Out,” a single poem by Helen Frost is portioned out line by line over the course of the book. Each line is succinct, but when paired with the illustrations, evocative. The illustrations, by Rick Lieder, consist of close-up photography of insects. Each photograph captures with clarity and stunning detail a single insect in its habitat. The first two-page spread reads, “Step gently out…” The accompanying photograph takes up every inch of the spread. A praying mantis tiptoes across the tops of daisies. Shown slightly larger than real life, every line of the praying mantis’ linear body is evident, so much so that the image has an almost 3-D effect. The poem continues on the following spread with “be still, and watch a single blade of grass.” A caterpillar, spiked and colorful, inches over an arched blade of grass. Before the book is over, readers see close-ups of a honey bee, carpenter ant,
area story times Buncombe County Libraries Visit www.buncombecounty.org Black Mountain, 250-4756: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday; Mother Goose: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursday East Asheville, 250-4738: Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday Enka-Candler, 250-4758: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m.
cricket, moth, spider, yellow jacket, fire fly, katydid and damselfly. Each insect is treated with rarefied, poetic consideration. The combination of stellar photography and elegant poetry is enticing and will appeal to children of all ages. Laura Vaccaro Seeger honors the nuances of single color in her new book, “Green.” The text consists of short descriptors: “forest green,” “sea green,” “lime green.” The slight variations in descriptors are just the thing to encourage readers to think outside the crayon box. Green is not just a single flat green, but a host of shades and hues affected by the light of sun and moon, the bioluminescence of fireflies, and the wetness of the inside of a lime. One descriptor appears on each twopage spread. The conservative use of Thursday Fairview, 250-6484: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday Leicester, 250-6480: Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday North Asheville, 250-4752: Preschool: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 10 a.m. Wednesday Oakley/South Asheville, 250-4754: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Preschool: 10 a.m. Wednesday Pack Memorial Library, 250-4700:
words shifts the reader’s attention to the illustrations. Each illustration showcases Seeger’s extraordinary skill as a painter. Using thick applications of highly pigmented paint, Seeger creates scenes that are vibrant and full of energy: a sea turtle swimming through dark green water, a tiger crouched in long blades of greenblack grass, waiting. Even limes sitting on a table are exuberant in their coloring. Most books about colors describe the ROYGBIV rainbow. Seeger’s unique, finely focused approach has great appeal to children of all ages. These books are available in the Buncombe County Public Libraries. To learn more, visit www.buncombecounty.org/library.
Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Mondays; Mother Goose: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays Skyland/South Buncombe, 250-6488:
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area story times Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Swannanoa, 250-6486: Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday; Toddler: 10 a.m. Thursday Weaverville, 250-6482: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Thursday; Preschool: 11 a.m. Tuesday West Asheville, 250-4750: Mother Goose: 11 a.m. Monday; Toddler: 11 a.m. Wednesday; Preschool: 11 a.m. Thursday
Haywood County Library
Visit www.haywoodlibrary.org. Waynesville, 356-2512 or 356-2511: Movers and Shakers: 11 a.m. Thursdays; Ready 4 Learning: 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Family story time: 11 a.m. Wednesdays Canton, 648-2924: Family story time, 11 a.m. Tuesdays; Rompin’ Stompin’ story time, 10 a.m. Thursdays
Henderson County Library
Visit www.henderson. lib.nc.us. Main, 697-4725: Bouncing Babies: 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays; Toddler Time: 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays; Preschool: 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Edneyville, 685-0110: Family: 10 a.m. Mondays Etowah, 891-6577: Family: 11 a.m. Tuesdays Fletcher, 687-1218: Family: 10 a.m. Wednesdays Green River, 697-4969: Family: 10 a.m. Thursdays Mills River, 890-1850: Familiy: 10 a.m. Mondays
Barnes & Noble
Asheville Mall, 296-7335: 11 a.m. Mondays and 2 p.m. Saturdays; Biltmore Park Town Square, Asheville, 687-0681: 11 a.m. Saturdays
Blue Ridge Books
152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 4566000: 10:30 a.m. Mondays, ages 3 and under.
Spellbound Children’s Bookshop
21 Battery Park Ave., Asheville, 232-2228: 10:30-11 a.m. Saturdays, ages 4-7.
home-school happenings
Talking to your kids about politics By Nicole McKeon WNC Parent columnist
I don’t know about you guys, but our home phone has been bombarded by robo-calls from both political parties over the last several months. In the last couple of weeks, they have really ramped up the effort. The other night we received a call from one of the two presidential candidates. I won’t tell you which one, but I hung up the phone as soon as I heard his voice. My son asked me who it was, and I told him. He then asked me why I hung up. I answered that I had already determined who I was going to vote for, and that I didn’t have time to listen to a recorded call from someone I didn’t respect. My son looked at me and walked away.
He must have been giving it some thought because later on he asked me, “Mom, what’s voting, why does it matter so much? “ Clearly, he knew what voting is. He has voted in our family to eat a certain meal or watch a certain television program — he was asking a much bigger question. What we discussed that night included specifically, but not in this order: What voting is, why we vote, why some people don’t vote, what a political party is, why people join a particular political party, how people decide who to vote for, and who my husband and I were planning on voting for. Talk about a huge lesson, which took place in the bathtub! It really gave me a reason to pause and ponder all the questions that my 7-yearold had asked, and, oddly enough, helped me gain some clarity about why I need to vote, which, in my despair over the corruption in politics, I had considered not
doing. We watched the debates as a family. My husband and I are very vocal about what we believe and why we believe it. However, we think it is important for our children to understand that not everyone agrees with what we believe. Honestly, Graeme fell asleep about 10 minutes into the first debate, he made it a little longer for debate No. 2, and he slept through the entire VP debate. (You can draw your own conclusions.) I have made it a habit to take my children with me when I vote. I remember going with my mom, who considered it a privilege to vote, as she immigrated to the United States and became a citizen when she was in her 20s. I remember it all seemed very mysterious and kind of scary to me when I was little. I didn’t want my kids to feel this way. I wanted them to be excited about voting and being a citizen of our country.
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But, I also want them to understand that not everything is always as it appears to be. Just because someone writes something in the newspaper or on the Internet, it does not make it true. This is an important discussion. I didn’t really realize how important, until I had the talk with my son and listened to the impressions he had gotten from listening to the news and seeing things on the Internet and remembering the bits and pieces of conversations he had heard between my husband and me (including expletives!). In an age like ours, when people have started to actually believe that if you say something long enough and loud enough and enough times, that you can make it true, I am glad that I had the opportunity to discuss these issues with my children — and to reinforce our family belief that the truth is always coolest. We will take our place in line on Nov. 6, and do our best to vote for the “coolest” candidates. Encourage your kids to join you, as well! Nicole McKeon is a home-schooling mom and owner of Homeschool Station in Fairview. Email her at homeschoolstation@hotmail.com.
Don’t typecast your
veggies C
By Kate Justen, WNC Parent columnist
ooking meals for a family can be exhausting and challenging. Finding what works for your family takes time, patience and practice. As the main cook in my house, I am always looking for inspiration for something new and tasty to work with in the kitchen. Years of doing this has led me to believe that you can prepare almost any vegetable a hundred ways. All of the recipes I use at home and in the FEAST classes are adaptations of recipes I have seen before or meals that I have eaten in a restaurant. Some come from a conversation I have had with a friend, family member, a student or someone I just met. Many people do not believe me when I say this, but it is really hard to completely destroy a meal by experimenting. Now, of course, you can burn food or drop it on the ground (although many of us still live by the five-second rule — if it is a clean floor, you get more time). I hate to waste food! The ideas for the alterations of these recipes came from a neighbor who just harvested a bunch of sweet potatoes. He and I do not know each other very well but people tend to talk about food when they see me. He showed me his newly harvested crop and sent me home with two sweet potatoes. During our discussion he said he loves to grow food but has a hard time eating it all because there are only so many things you can do with one vegetable. Well this got my brain rolling, and I totally disagree. There are a million things you can do with one vegetable, and they should not be typecast in one genre of food. How you prepare vegetables and
Roasted pumpkin or squash Squash or pumpkin cut in half, seeds removed 1/2 cup water
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Pour water in a large baking dish, place squash halves face down and roast until tender, about 40-50 minutes. Or wrap squash if foil and put on the grill for 40-50 minutes Let cool, then peel skin off.
what seasoning and herbs you add to it can change it instantly. Who would have thought to add pureed pumpkin, squash or sweet potatoes to chili? Well, a conversation with a friend inspired me to try it, and it tastes great. It sped up the process of making chili because the squash acted as an instant thickener, so there was no need to cook down tomatoes or add canned tomato paste. It ended up being a quick, easy, affordable meal. When this meal was presented to a group of FEAST students there were some who thought it was great and others who did not. They did not like the chunks of vegetables in the chili. After a short discussion on how to problem solve this they agreed to puree the carrots, tomatoes,
onions and peppers as well. This left us with a very thick and smooth base for the chili. The students in this group loved the flavor and texture. Since then I have used pureed pumpkin, squash or sweet potatoes to thicken and sweeten other tomato based soups and sauces. It just takes a little bit of courage to experiment! Kate Justen is the program director of FEAST — Fresh Easy Affordable Sustainable Tasty, a program of Slow Food Asheville. Contact her at feast.avl@gmail.com or visit www.slowfoodasheville.org.
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Pumpkin chili 1 quart water 1 can pinto beans, rinsed 1 can black beans, rinsed 1/2 small onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon oil 1/2 green pepper, diced 2 cups diced tomato 1 cups carrots, peeled and diced 2 cups cooked and pureed pumpkin or squash 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 tablespoon paprika 1/2 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon cumin Hot sauce to taste
Combine all ingredients in a stock pot, bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and simmer until veggies are tender, about 20 minutes.
Squash and kale lasagna 1 package lasagna noodles 4 cups roasted pumpkin or squash 4 cups coarsely chopped kale 2 cups coarsely chopped arugula 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cups mozzarella cheese White sauce: 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 1/2 cups low fat milk 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese up to 1/4 salt and pepper to taste
To make white sauce: Melt butter over medium heat, add flour and garlic and stir. It will be lumpy. Slowly add the milk, stirring constantly Add Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Stir until cheese is melted. Remove from heat. For lasagna: Saute onion and garlic in olive oil for 5-7 minutes, remove from heat. Add chopped kale and arugula and set aside. Puree roasted pumpkin or squash in blender, food processor or use a potato masher. Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions, drain and rinse with cold water. In a 9x13 baking dish, layer lasagna noodles, squash, greens and 1 1/2 cups of the cheese. Pour white sauce over the top. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil top with remaining cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.
By Susan Selasky Gannett
nce Thanksgiving rolls around, something happens to cooks. They gear up to churn out the mandatory players — turkey, gravy, stuffing and mashed potatoes — for that show-stopping meal of the year. And then they start to worry about what else to place on the table. It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without all those extra side dishes that add interest and flavor. They play as important a role as the big bird. Thanksgiving is a holiday of side dishes, in fact. There’s no other time of year when ideas and recipes for add-ons take up more pages in food magazines. Side dishes can be as simple as a plate of roasted vegetables, or you can pull out the stops and opt for richer concoctions. If you’re stuck in a side dish rut, here’s your chance to start a new tradition or try a new ingredient. There are no rules for the number you should have. One or two can be plenty. We advise keeping it simple. You’re already making a huge meal, so don’t stress yourself out with hugely complicated sides. Here we feature gratins — a casseroletype dish topped with bread crumbs mixed with cheese or bits of butter. One is a take on the traditional green bean casserole, but made with fresh green beans, mushrooms and a creamy sauce. You can do all the prep and assembly two days in advance. Add the final topping on Turkey Day and bake it while the bird is resting. The potato and celery root gratin with leeks is a rich, creamy dish similar to scalloped potatoes. If you’re not familiar with celery root, also known as celeriac, it’s a knobby root vegetable prized for its bulbous end, not its stalks and leaves like celery. In this gratin, celery root adds a nutty, parsley-like flavor that’s a good match for potatoes and leeks. You can make this gratin several hours in advance and reheat it in a 300-degree oven. Brussels sprouts are either loved or Continues on Page 42
Find the recipe for pan-roasted Brussels sprout gratin online at www.citizen-times.com.
Thanksgiving is a holiday of side dishes. There’s no other time of year when ideas and recipes for add-ons take up more pages in food magazines. Among them are potato and celery root gratin with leeks, from left, green bean gratin and pan-roasted Brussels sprout gratin with shallots and rosemary. REGINA H. BOONE/GANNETT
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Potato and celery root gratin with leeks Celery root, also known as celeriac, has a knobby exterior that is best peeled (carefully) with a paring knife. Use a food processor or mandoline to thinly slice the potatoes.
CASSEROLES Continued from Page 40
loathed, but at Thanksgiving they show up on many suggested menus. Pan-roasted Brussels sprout gratin with shallots and rosemary is a good recipe for those who typically shy away from the tiny cabbage-like vegetable. You can prep and assemble the dish several hours in advance. Don’t be put off by the number of ingredients or the length of the recipes. They’re easier than they look. The best advice is to have a plan, delegate if you can and prepare ahead.
3 cups heavy whipping cream 2 garlic cloves, peeled 1 sprig thyme plus 3 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves, divided 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided 3 leeks, white and pale green parts only, halved lengthwise, thinly sliced crosswise Kosher salt 2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced crosswise (1/8-inch thick) 1 pound celery root, peeled, very thinly sliced crosswise (1/8-inch thick) 2 cups grated Gruyre cheese Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium saucepan, heat heavy whipping cream, garlic and thyme sprig just until bubbles begin to form around edge of pan. Remove from heat; set aside to steep. In a medium skillet, melt 1 tablespoon of the butter over medium heat. Add leeks; season with salt and cook, stirring often, until tender, about 10
to 12 minutes. Do not allow to brown. Transfer to a small bowl and set aside. Butter a 3-quart gratin dish with remaining 1 tablespoon butter. Layer 1/3 of potato slices and 1/3 of celery root slices evenly over bottom of baking dish. Cover with 1/3 of leeks, then 1/3 of Gruyre. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon thyme leaves. Repeat layers twice more. Strain cream mixture into a medium pitcher and pour over vegetables. Set gratin dish on a large rimmed baking sheet and cover tightly with foil. Bake for 1 hour. Carefully remove foil; continue baking until top is golden brown and sauce is bubbling, 25 to 30 minutes. Do ahead: Make this gratin two hours ahead. Let stand at room temperature. Tent with foil and place in a 300-degree oven until hot, about 20 minutes, while the turkey rests. Serves: 10. Preparation time: 15 minutes. Total time: 2 hours (not all active time). From Bon Appetit, November 2011 issue. Tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Free Press Test Kitchen. 461 calories (70% from fat), 36 grams fat (22 grams sat. fat), 26 grams carbohydrates, 11 grams protein, 154 mg sodium, 128 mg cholesterol, 3 grams fiber.
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Green bean gratin You can trim and blanch the green beans for this recipe up to 2 days in advance. Store them in a plastic sealable bag in the refrigerator.
2 pounds green beans, trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided, plus more for the baking dish 3/4 cup sliced shallots 1 red bell pepper, seeded, finely diced 8 to 10 ounces mixed sliced mushrooms such as shiitake (remove stems) and cremini Kosher salt to taste 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/4 cup dry sherry 2 cups whole milk or 2 percent milk 1 round (5 1/4 ounces) Boursin cheese (regular or light) 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Grated zest of 1 lemon 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon 3/4 cup panko bread crumbs 3/4 cup grated or shredded Parmesan cheese 3/4 cup sliced almonds
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Butter a 9-by-13-inch baking dish or favorite casse-
role dish. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Prepare an ice water bath. Add the beans to the boiling water and cook until tender, about 3 to 5 minutes. Drain the beans, then plunge them into the ice bath to stop the cooking. When beans are chilled, drain and set aside. In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, melt 4 tablespoons of the butter over medium-high heat. Add shallots and cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent, about 3 minutes. Add the bell pepper and mushrooms and a pinch of salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables have softened and the mushrooms have given up their liquid, about 5 minutes. Stir in the flour and cook, stirring, for 1 minute more. Stir in the sherry, mixing well, then add the
milk while whisking constantly. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 1 minute, then cook for 3 minutes longer. Remove from the heat and whisk in the Boursin cheese, 1/2 teaspoon salt, pepper, lemon zest and tarragon. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper if needed. Add the reserved green beans and toss to combine. Transfer to the baking dish. (The recipe may be prepared up to this point two days ahead. Cover and refrigerate.) To finish: In a small bowl, stir together the panko, Parmesan and almonds. Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons butter and pour over the bread crumb mixture and toss to combine. Sprinkle the crumb topping over the green beans. Bake until the topping is golden and the bean mixture is bubbling, about 30 minutes. Serve immediately. Makes 12 servings. Preparation time: 35 minutes. Total time: 1 hour, 15 minutes. Adapted from “The Macy’s Culinary Council Thanksgiving & Holiday Cookbook� (Book Kitchen, $24.95). Tested by Susan M. Selasky for the Detroit Free Press Test Kitchen. 277 calories (61 percent from fat), 20 grams fat (9 grams saturated fat), 18 grams carbohydrates, 10 grams protein, 446 mg sodium, 41 mg cholesterol, 4 grams fiber.
holiday happenings
Santa Claus waves to the crowds during the 65th annual Asheville Holiday Parade last year. This year’s holiday kick-off is Nov. 17. ERIN BRETHAUER/EBRETHAU@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
’tis the holiday season
» Nov. 17: Asheville at 11 a.m. (www.asheville parade.org) » Nov. 18: Marion at 3 p.m. » Nov. 25: Franklin at 3 p.m. (www.discover franklinnc.com) » Dec. 1: Valdese at 10 a.m. (www.visitvaldese.com), Hendersonville at 10:30 a.m. (Five Points to Caswell Street, 692-4179 or visit www.nchmba.com), Weaverville at 1 p.m. (at North Main Street and Dula Springs Road, visit www.visitweaverville.com), Murphy at 2 p.m. (www.townofmurphy.com), Brevard at 3 p.m. (www.brevardnc.org), Old Fort at 4 p.m., Cherokee at 5 p.m., Maggie Valley at 6 p.m. (www.maggievalley.org), Bakersville at 6 p.m. » Dec. 3: Waynesville at 6 p.m. (www.downtown-
waynesville.com) » Dec. 6: Canton at 6 p.m. (www.cantonnc.com) » Dec. 8: Fletcher at 10:30 a.m. (www.fletcher parks.org), Bryson City at 2 p.m. (www.great smokies.com), Black Mountain at 4 p.m. (www. exploreblackmountain.com), Cashiers (cashiers historicalsociety.org), Robbinsville at 6 p.m. » Dec. 12: Tryon at 5 p.m. (www.tryonfire.net)
Seasonlong events
Holidays for Hospice, starts Nov. 2. Asheville Mall hosts the CarePartners Garden of Memories. For details on memorial ornaments, visit www.carepartnersfoundation.org. Call 277-4815. “The Polar Express,” Nov. 9-Dec. 29, Bryson City. Read along with the story “The Polar Express” on
Great Smoky Mountains Railroad. Meet Santa, enjoy caroling, hot cocoa and a treat. Times and dates vary. Tickets start at $39 for adults, $26 for ages 2-12. Visit www.gsmr.com or call 800-872-4681. Christmas at Biltmore, Nov. 3-Jan. 1, Biltmore Estate. Regular admission applies until dusk. Additional charge for Candlelight Christmas Evenings, Nov. 9-Dec. 31. Visit www.biltmore.com. National Gingerbread House Competition, judging is Nov. 17. Entries on display Nov. 20-Jan. 2. The Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa hosts its 20th annual competition. Community viewing recommended Monday-Thursday. Parking $10. At 290 Macon Ave., Asheville. Call 800-438-0050, ext. 1281.
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Continues on Page 46
holiday happenings Continued from Page 44
Nov. 10-Dec. 2
Van Wingerden International open house, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 10. See acres of poinsettias in bloom while touring greenhouses. With live music, educational displays, refreshments. At 4112 Haywood Road, Mills River. Visit www.natures-heritage.com or call 226-3597. Santa visit, 1-3 p.m. Nov. 12. Write a letter (or bring one along) and deliver it to Santa at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery. Free with admission. At 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org. Henderson County Toy Run, Nov. 17, at Fletcher Community Park, Howard Gap Road. Registration starts at 11 a.m., ride at 2 p.m. $10 or new, unwrapped toy. Christmas Ornament Festival, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Nov. 17, Burnsville Town Center. The 10th-annual event where local artists showcase work, with many one-of-a-kind items and ornaments available. Visit www.yanceychamber.com. Waynesville Holiday Open House, noon-4 p.m. Nov. 18, downtown Waynesville. Visit www.downtownwaynesville.com. Franklin tree lighting, 7 p.m. Nov. 23. Free music and refreshments. On the square in downtown Franklin. Visit www.holidaysinfranklin.com. Hendersonville tree lighting, 7 p.m. Nov. 23 at Downtown Hendersonville Historic Courthouse. Four Seasons’ Tree of Lights ceremony honors loved
ones with luminaries displaying their names. Visit www.downtownhendersonville.org. Call 233-0304. Cookies with Santa, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Nov. 24, downtown Franklin. Kids are invited to visit with Santa, enjoy cookies and cider and even write their letter to Santa and place in a special mailbox in front of Town Hall. Visit www.holidaysinfranklin.com. “In the Nutcracker Mood,” 2 p.m. Nov. 24. Asheville Puppetry Alliance presents Mountain Marionettes’ holiday production with holiday classics performed by marionettes. At Diana Wortham Theatre. Visit www.dwtheatre.com or www.ashvillepuppetry.org. Moscow Ballet’s “Great Russian Nutcracker,” 3 and 7:30 p.m. Nov. 24, Harrah’s Event Center at Harrah’s Cherokee. The ballet celebrates 20 years of touring North America with a cast of 40 dancers. Visit www.harrahscherokee.com. Ole Timey Christmas, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Nov.
The Nutcracker is the subject of several area holiday performances, including puppetry, dance and theater.
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24. Christmas wreaths, fresh greenery, crafts, demonstrations, music, carriage rides, more, at Henderson County Curb Market in downtown Hendersonville. Call 692-8012 or visit www.curbmarket.com. “The Nutcracker,” Nov. 28-Dec. 22. Flat Rock Playhouse presents “The Nutcracker” as you’ve not seen it before in a new interpretation choreographed by Playhouse YouTheatre alumnus Chase Brock. Tickets $40 with discounts available. Visit www.flatrockplayhouse.org or call 693-0731. Biltmore Village Dickens Festival, 5-7 p.m. Nov. 30, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Dec. 1, and 1-5 p.m. Dec. 2, Biltmore Village, Asheville. Storytellers, carolers and entertainers on the stage and streets. Visit www.biltmorevillage.com. Fletcher tree lighting, 6-7 p.m. Nov. 30 at Fletcher Community Park. Free. Visit www.fletcherparks.org. “Carolina Mountain Christmas Spectacular,” Nov. 30-Dec. 1. At Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden. Visit www.ncchristmas.com, www.biltmorebaptist.org or call 687-1111. “A Holiday to Remember,” 7 p.m. Nov. 30 and 4 p.m. Dec. 1. Asheville Choral Society performs Rachmaninoff vespers, carols and lullabies from the Southwest, and a singalong of carols, plus a special performance by the Hall Fletcher Elementary School children’s percussion choir. Visit
www.ashevillechoralsociety.org or call 232-2060. Brevard Twilight Tour, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Dec. 1, downtown Brevard. The 25th annual merchants’ open house, with Santa, Christmas parade. Call 884-3278. Visit www.brevardnc.org. Christmas Cookie Tour, noon-4 p.m. Dec. 1 and 2, Black Mountain. Tour Black Mountain's beautifully decorated B&Bs and Inns and enjoy their homemade cookies. Smoky Mountain Toy Run, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 1, motorcycle ride to benefit children. Visit www.smokymountainhog.com. Email info@smokymountaintoyrun.com. Historic Seventh Avenue Children’s “Polar Express” event, starts 11:45 a.m.-noon Dec. 1 (immediately following Hendersonville Christmas Parade), Historic Train Depot, Hendersonville. experience the reading of the Polar Express story with a live conductor, Santa Claus and refreshments, children may attend in their pajamas, ages 0-12. Call 674-3067 or visit www.7thavehvl.com. Christmas at the Farm, Dec. 1, Historic Johnson Farm, 3345 Haywood Road, Hendersonville. Holiday music, cookies and cider, house tours, wagon rides, more. $5 for adults, $3 for students, free preschoolers and younger. Call 891-6585 or visit www.historicjohnsonfarm.org. Guild Artists’ Holiday Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 1 and 8. Southern Highlands Craft Guild artists sell their work at Folk Art Center, Milepost 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville. Visit www.southernhighlandguild.org. Vance Birthplace Christmas, 4-7 p.m. Dec. 1, Reems Creek Road, Weaverville. Guided candlelight
tours and a look at Christmas in the southern Appalachians during the early 1800s. Call 645-6706 or visit www.nchistoricsites.org/vance/. The Big Crafty, noon-6 p.m. Dec. 2, at Asheville Art Museum in Pack Place and on Pack Square. Stock up for the holidays at this independent craft fair. Visit www.thebigcrafty.com. Hendersonville Community Band Christmas Concert, 3 p.m. Dec. 2. At Blue Ridge Community College Conference Hall in Flat Rock. Adults $10, students free. Call 696-2118. UNC Asheville holiday concert, 4 p.m. Dec. 2, Lipinsky Hall Auditorium. Call 251-6432 or visit www.unca.edu. “Sounds of the Season,” 3 p.m. Dec. 2, Bardo Arts Center, Western Carolina University. Call 227-2479 or visit www.wcu.edu/bardoartscenter/.
Dec. 3-9
Festval of Lights, 6-9 p.m. Dec. 5-23, Lake Julian Park, off Long Shoals Road, Asheville. Drive-thru light show with thousands of lights and more than 50 light displays. Dec. 5-6 for walkers only, 6-8 p.m. Drive-thru Dec. 7-23. Call 684-0376 or visit www.buncombecounty.org. “A Christmas Carol,” Dec. 6-23, Asheville Masonic Temple, downtown. Montford Park Players present the holiday classic. Visit www.montfordparkplayers.org. Winter Wonderland, Dec. 7, downtown Franklin. Ice sculpture slide, live music, carriage rides, hot cider and refreshments. Visit www.holidaysinfranklin.com. Holly Jolly, 5-9 p.m. Dec. 7, Black Mountain. Re-
freshments, street music, Santa and more. Shops open late. Free. Visit www.visitblackmountain.com. Olde Fashioned Hendersonville Christmas, 5-8 p.m., Dec. 7, downtown Hendersonville. Merchants host an open house with refreshments, entertainment, carriage rides, a visit from Father Christmas and more. Visit www.downtownhendersonville.org. Dillsboro Festival of Lights and Luminaries, Dec. 7-8 and 14-15, downtown Dillsboro. Live music, carolers, holiday treats from merchants, horse and buggy rides (added cost plus tip) and Santa at Town Hall. Starts at dusk. Free. Call 800-962-1911 or visit www.visitdillsboro.org. Ballet Conservatory’s “The Nutcracker,” 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at Bardo Arts Center, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee. $10. Visit www.wcu.edu/bardoartscenter for tickets. Visit www.balletconservatoryofasheville.com for details. Christmas Candlelight Stroll, 6-9 p.m. Dec. 7, downtown Weaverville. Luminaries, entertainment, horse and buggy rides and Santa. Visit www.visitweaverville.com. “Nutcracker Suite Selections and Holiday Favorites,” Blue Ridge Orchestra, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7, Colonial Theater, Park Street, Canton, and 4 p.m. Dec. 9, Folk Art Center, Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville. Visit www.blueridgeorchestra.org. Asheville Ballet’s “The Nutcracker,” 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7-8 and 2:30 p.m. Dec. 8-9, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, downtown Asheville. Call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com or www.ashevilleballet.com.
Continues on Page 48
holiday hapenings
Students in a class at Avery’s Creek Elementary got to see their second-place entry in the Grove Park Inn Gingerbread House Competition on display. This year’s competition is Nov. 17 and houses will be on display through the holiday season. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM
Continued from Page 47 Appalachian Christmas Celebration, Dec. 7-8, Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center. Performances by Lake Junaluska Singers at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7 and 3 p.m. Dec. 8, with Handel’s “Messiah” at 8 p.m. Dec. 8. Craft show, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 8. Visit www.lakejunaluska.com/christmas or call 800-2224930. Guild Artists’ Holiday Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 8. Southern Highlands Craft Guild artists sell their work at Folk Art Center, Milepost 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville. Visit www.southernhighlandguild.org. Circle of Lights, Dec. 8 after parade. Celebration around Lake Tomahawk in Black Mountain after the parade. Free. Visit www.exploreblackmountain.com. Holiday cookie bake sale, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 8. At First Congregational Church Fellowship Hall in Hendersonville. Call 692-8630. Christmas at Connemara, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Dec. 8, Carl Sandburg Home, Flat Rock. Celebrate Christmas with the traditions of the Sandburgs with holiday decorations and music; free with house tour admission. Call 693-4178 or visit www.nps.gov/carl. “A Night Before Christmas,” until 9 p.m. Dec. 8, downtown Waynesville. Caroling, storytelling, wagon rides, more. Visit www.downtownwaynesville.com. Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 8. “A Carolina Christmas” concert with the Greenville Chorale at Blue Ridge Conference Hall. Adults $35, students $5. Visit
www.hendersonvillesymphony.org. Santa on the Chimney, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 8 and 15, Chimney Rock Park. Santa practices on 315-foot Chimney Rock. Regular admission. www.chimneyrockpark.com. Celebration Singers of Asheville winter concert, 4 p.m. Dec. 9, First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., Asheville. Donations appreciated. Visit www.singasheville.org. Laurel Park Tree Lighting, 5:30 p.m. Dec. 9 at Laurel Green Park, corner of White Pine and Laurel Highway. Holiday Tour of Historic Inns and Cookie Caper, 1-5 p.m. Dec. 9 in Hendersonville. Self-guided tour of six inns. Get a Christmas treat from each inn. $20 per person. Call 697-3088 or visit www.hendersonvillehpc.org.
Dec. 10-16
Hendersonville Children’s Choir concert, 6:30 p.m. Dec. 14. At Covenant Presbyterian Church. Adults $5, students $2.50. Call 696-4968. Santa on the Chimney, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 15, Chimney Rock Park. Santa practices on 315-foot Chimney Rock. Regular admission. www.chimneyrockpark.com. Ballet Conservatory’s “The Nutcracker,” 6:30 p.m. Dec. 12, 5 and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13-14 at Diana Wortham Theatre. Call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com for tickets. Visit www.balletconservatoryofasheville.com for details. Breakfast with Santa, 9 a.m. Dec. 15, Stecoah Valley Cultural Arts Center, Robbinsville. For all ages.
Visit www.stecoahvalleycenter.com. Dillsboro Festival of Lights and Luminaries, Dec. 14-15, downtown Dillsboro. Live music, carolers, holiday treats from merchants, horse and buggy rides (added cost plus tip) and Santa at Town Hall. Starts at dusk. Free. Call 800-962-1911 or visit www.visitdillsboro.org. Holiday Homecoming, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Dec. 15, Oconoluftee Visitor Center, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. See old-time craft demonstrations, learn about quilting, weaving, basket and doll making, apple cider and butter making, more. Free. Visit www.nps.gov/grsm. Asheville Symphony: A Classical Christmas, 3 p.m. Dec. 16. Featuring Handel’s “Messiah.” At Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, in U.S. Cellular Center, downtown Asheville. Call 254-7046 or visit www.ashevillesymphony.org. “A Swannanoa Solstice,” 2 and 7 p.m. Dec. 16, Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place, downtown Asheville. Regular $35; student $30; children 12 and younger $15. Call 257-4530 or visit www.dwtheatre.com.
Dec. 17-23
“Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol,” Dec. 19-30, N.C. Stage Company, 15 Stage Lane, Asheville. Visit www.ncstage.org.
Dec. 24-31
New Year’s Eve Celebration, 9 p.m.-midnight Dec. 31, downtown Marion. Visit www.hometownmarion.com.
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kids’ page
calendar of events
Things to do
Deadline for the December issue calendar is Nov. 10. Send information to calendar@wncparent.com.
Oct. 29
HALLOWEEN BLOOD DRIVE: Seventh-annual drive at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St., Asheville. Come and be a hero — save up to 3 lives with every pint. With treats, costumes and fun. Visit www.redcrossblood.org or send an email to carla.hollar@buncombecounty.org to sign up today. WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Oct. 30
ART LESSONS: Roots + Wings School of Art offers four-week sessions, Oct. 30-Nov. 20, for ages 3 to fifth grade. $50 per child. $50 per child. Classes at Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. Register online at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. For information, call 545-4827 or email info@rootsandwingsarts.com. » Ages 3-6: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Underwater designs with painting and collage. » Grades K-5: 4-5 p.m. Tuesdays. Printmaking and collage inspired by nature. ASHEVILLE COMMUNITY THEATRE CLASS: “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” is a great first show for those who would like to perform in a musical. Class is open to ages 6-12. Classes start Oct. 30 and meet 4:30-6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays until Jan. 3, after which rehearsals are MondayThursday. Performances Jan 18-20. For tuition information or to register, visit www.ashevilletheatre.org or call 254-1320. GHOST STORIES ON THE DECK: Spooky stories by a variety of local storytellers, shared at 7 p.m. outside on the deck next to the Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Bring a flashlight, a blanket or a chair and prepare to be scared. Call 250-6482 or email weaverville.library@buncombecounty.org. KIDS YOGA: A fun and imaginative class for budding yogis, ages 2-4. The yoga storytelling of certified yoga teacher Natascha leads kids through simple yoga poses, teaches them to focus and appreciate nature, while they increase their motor skills and flexibility. Four-week series, Oct. 30-Nov. 27 (skipping Thanksgiving week). $30 At Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 259-1901 to
“New London Calling” is one of dozens of movies that will be screened at the third Asheville International Children’s Film Festival, Nov. 2-11. SPECIAL TO WNC PARENT register. Visit www.nestorganics.com. PARI SCI GIRLS PROGRAM: For girls ages 9-14. Each month’s program will lead young girls to try a different facet of science and bring real connections to that field for their pursuit beyond the monthly program. October’s topic is 4-H EcoBot Build, at the Transylvania 4-H Office, 98 E. Morgan St., Brevard. $10. Register online at www.pari.edu or call 8625554. ‘SKIPPYJON JONES’: Diana Wortham Theatre’s matinee series brings the story of Skippyjon Jones, the kitten with big ears and bigger dreams, to life. Recommended for pre-K (older than 2) through grade 3. At 10 a.m. and noon. $7 individual tickets, $6 for groups of 11 or more. Visit www.dwtheatre.com or call 257-4530 for tickets. WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Oct. 31
CRAZY CHEMISTRY: Make Boo Bubbles. For ages 3 and older. Call 697-8333 to register; limited spaces. Free with admission. At 11 a.m. at Hands On! A Child’s Gallery, 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Visit www.handsonwnc.org. FALL FAMILY FESTIVAL: 5:30-8 p.m., First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. Free and open to the community. Pony rides, inflatables, prizes, games, face painting, concessions, preschool area and more. Rain or shine. Visit www.fbca.net or call 252-4781. HOOPLA: 5:30-8:30 p.m., Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden, and East Campus, 74 Riverwood Road, Swannanoa. Games, prizes, food, inflatables, more. Free, Visit www.hoopla2012.org. TRICK-OR-TREAT STREET: 4:30-7:30 p.m. at Main
Street gazebo, downtown Hendersonville. Costume contest for children and pets, Monster Mash entertainment. TRUNK OR TREAT: 3-5 p.m., First Presbyterian Church of Swannanoa, 372 Bee Tree Road. With treats and face painting. Call 686-3140.
Nov. 1
BREAST-FEEDING CLASS: One-day intensive intro to breast-feeding class designed to give you an in-depth introduction to the ins and outs of becoming a breast-feeding mom. Taught by IBCLC Michelle Shelfer. $40. From noon-1:30 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 to register. Visit www.nestorganics.com. BRICKS 4 KIDZ: Lego-based enrichment classes for home-school, preschool and elementary age students. Build themed models and learn architecture and engineering skills. Six-week session of Thursday classes starts Nov. 1 at Mountain Play Lodge in Arden. $60 per session. Register at www.bricks4kidz.com/asheville. Email wland@bricks4kidz.com with questions. KIDS YOGA: A fun and imaginative class for budding yogis, ages 4-6. The yoga storytelling of certified yoga teacher Natascha leads kids through simple yoga poses, teaches them to focus and appreciate nature, while they increase their motor skills and flexibility. Four-week series, Nov. 1-29 (skipping Thanksgiving week). $30 At Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 259-1901 to register. Visit www.nestorganics.com. ‘MOTET’: Diana Wortham Theatre’s matinee series brings a collaboration between Finland’s creative Circo Aereo and Britain’s acclaimed Gandini Juggling. This juggling like you have never seen before. Five performers manipulate objects that float, collapse and mesmerize, combining captivating and gravity-defying movement with magical images. Recommended for grades K-12. At 10 a.m. $7 individual tickets, $6 for groups of 11 or more. Visit www.dwtheatre.com or call 257-4530 for tickets.
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Nov. 2
BRICKS 4 KIDZ: Lego-based enrichment classes for home-school, preschool and elementary age students. Build themed models and learn architecture and engineering skills. Six-week session of Friday classes starts Nov. 2 at The Tree House in North Asheville. $60 per session. Register at www.bricks4kidz.com/asheville. Email wland@bricks4kidz.com with questions. PARI HOME SCHOOL DAY: Astronomers and educators have designed age-appropriate modules for home-schoolers. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at PARI, outside Rosman. $20 per student, nonrefundable. No charge for parents/chaperones. For information or to register, visit www.pari.edu.
Nov. 2-3
BREVARD STORYTELLING FESTIVAL: At Transylvania County Library, with national favorites Heather Forest and Len Cabral and other regional tellers. Concert on Nov. 2 and workshops and concerts on Nov. 3. Free and open to the public. For schedule and more information, visit www.ncstoryguild.org.
Nov. 2-11
ASHEVILLE INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL: The largest children’s film festival in the Southeast features more than 70 films from around the world. Blend of programs includes live performances, animation, features, shorts, historical films and fantastic hands-on workshops for the filmmakers of tomorrow. Neo folk funk
pajama party kicks off event on Nov. 2 for ages 3 and older, with a sneak peek of films and a concert by Jacob Johnson. Screenings for schools, home schools and child care providers are scheduled each weekday morning, Nov. 5-9. Ten children ages 8-12 will be chosen for a children’s jury to judge films and award winner at closing at 5 p.m. Nov. 11. Email info@aicff.org. Visit www.aicff.org for details.
Nov. 3
GIRL SCOUT DAY: Chimney Rock Park hosts programs for scouts. Check in by 9:30 a.m., with programming 9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. $15 for scouts (includes program fee, admission and a patch); $12 for adults (adult chaperones required, one adult per 10 scouts admitted free); $5.50 for nonscout children (younger than 6 is free). Visit www.chimneyrockpark.com for details. JOYFUL BIRTH & BREASTFEEDING EXPO: Free speakers, films, giveaways, kids’ activities and exhibitors. Featuring internationally known midwife and author Ina May Gaskin. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. Visit www.birthnetwork.org. NAZARENE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FUNDRAISER: Flea market at 8 a.m. and auction at 10 a.m. Proceeds benefit the school, a nonprofit ministry. At 385 Hazel Mill Road, Asheville. Call 252-9713 or email ncsoffice@ashevillefirstnazarene.org. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Saturdays, Nov. 3-24. Register by Oct. 30. Starts at $25. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
Nov. 4
HEALING THE BIRTH EXPERIENCE: An after-birth process group. Birthing a child can be both a beautiful and a devastating experience, leaving individuals feeling many conflicting emotions. If you have experienced childbirth recently and long to share and process your experience in a creative, healing, way, join the group. Come with your baby or without. Facilitated by therapist Andrea Olson, MA. $35. From 1-3 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 to register. Visit www.nestorganics.com. ROYAL BOOK CLUB: Discusses “Where Things Come Back” by John Corey Whaley. Open to adult readers (18 years+) of young adult books. No joining or RSVP needed. Free. 4-5 p.m. at Spellbound Children's Bookshop, 21 Battery Park Avenue. www.spellboundbookshop.com. VERITAS COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE: Visit Veritas Christian Academy, 2-4 p.m., 17 Cane Creek Road, Fletcher. Call 681-0546 or visit www.veritasnc.org.
Nov. 5
ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Half-session of classes for pre-K and youth, Mondays and Wednesdays, Nov. 5-14. Registration deadline is Nov. 2. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Monday/Wednesday lessons for parent-child through youth, Nov. 5-28. Register by Nov. 1. Starts at $45. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
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calendar of events Continued from Page 55 YOUTHEATRE CHRISTMAS TOUR: Young performers interested in entertaining during the holidays are invited to sign-up for the Annual YouTheatre Holiday Tour, which performs Christmas carols, poems and monologues in the community. Open to performers in grades K-12; no audition necessary. Sign up is Nov. 5-16. First performance is Dec. 1. For more information, contact Tania Battista at 6933517, ext 2, or email yt@flatrockplayhouse.org. YWCA SWIM LESSONS: Learn to swim in the YWCA of Asheville’s indoor solar-heated pool. Classes are available year-round for all ages and levels. To sign up, call 254-7206, ext. 110, or stop by the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. For more information, visit www.ywcaofasheville.org.
Nov. 5-6
WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This month’s theme is fall and the harvest. $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Nov. 6
ASHEVILLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10-11:30 a.m. first Tuesday of each month. Call 252-7896 for reservations. For more information, visit www.ashevillecatholic.org or email info@ashevillecatholic.org. ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Half-session of classes for pre-K and youth, Tuesday and Thursdays, Nov. 6.-15. Registration deadline is Nov. 2. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. BRICKS 4 KIDZ: Lego-based enrichment classes for home-school, preschool and elementary age students. Build themed models and learn architecture and engineering skills. Six-week session of Tuesday classes starts Nov. 6 at Asheville’s Fun Depot. $60 per session. Register at www.bricks4kidz.com/asheville. Email wland@bricks4kidz.com with questions. HANGER HALL OPEN HOUSE: Learn more about the school for girls in sixth to eighth grades, 9:3011:30 a.m., at 30 Ben Lippen School Road, Asheville. RSVP to info@hangerhall.org. Call 258-3600 or visit www.hangerhall.org. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Tuesday/Thursday lessons for parent-child through youth, Nov. 6-29. Register by Nov. 1. Starts at $45. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
Nov. 7
SPROUTING NATURALISTS: New preschool-age nature program at Chimney Rock State Park. For ages 2-5. This month, learn about “Animal and Plant Ouchies!”, the prickly side of nature. 10-11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of the month. Kids 5 and younger, $3; adults, $12; older siblings (ages 6-15),
Willa Cable, 3, looks through binoculars while hiking and learning about owls during the Wee Naturalist program at the N.C. Arboretum. The program is a hands-on outdoor learning experience for children ages 2-5 that meets on Mondays and Tuesdays at the N.C. Arboretum Education Center through this month and restarting in spring. For more information, visit the N.C. Arboretum website. JOHN FLETCHER/JFLETCHER@CITIZEN-TIMES.COM $5.50; passholders, free. Advance registration required. Call 625-9611 weekdays to register. Visit www.chimneyrockpark.com.
Nov. 8
ACA LOWER SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Visit the Lower School (grades 1-5) of Asheville Christian Academy, 9-11 a.m., 74 Riverwood Road, Swannanoa. Drop-ins welcome, but registration is encouraged. Register at www.acacademy.org. Call 5812200. SING TOGETHER: Part of the new Intersections series at The Forum at Diana Wortham Theatre. Sing to your baby as you rock him or her to sleep. Bring your little one or come by yourself and learn sweet lullabies to share with the special children in your life. No training or skill required. Parents, expectant parents, grandparents, teachers and caregivers are all welcome. Taught by musician and Kindermusikcertified teacher Beth Magill. www.magills.net. At Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. $10 per adult. Call 828-210-9837 to register.
Nov. 10
BOOK SIGNING: “Raising Indigo,” by Tawney Sankey, about 12-year-old Indigo Lightner, who communicates with trees, heals with her hands and reads others’ thoughts and feelings by the color of the light surrounding them. From 6-7:30 p.m. at Grateful Steps Bookshop, 159 S. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Visit www.gratefulsteps.org. BOY SCOUT DAY: Chimney Rock Park hosts programs for scouts. Check in by 9:30 a.m., with programming 9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. $15 for scouts (includes program fee, admission and a patch); $12 for adults (adult chaperones required, one adult per 10
scouts admitted free); $5.50 for nonscout children (younger than 6 is free). Visit www.chimneyrockpark.com for details. CARNIVAL OF NUTS: Family friendly event that aims to teach and inspire people to engage with the nutritious world of native nuts that is raining down around us. Featuring carnival games, nut sampling, a raffle, door prizes and a fly-over by the Goodyear blimp dressed as a pecan. With demonstrations on the ancient art of acorn and hickory processing. A fundraiser for Buncombe Fruit and Nut Club. 5:30-9 p.m. at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road, West Asheville. Free. Visit www.fruitandnutclub.com. ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOP: Fifth-annual indoor market with 36 local businesses and artisans, from homemade foods to crafts, stationary, baby gifts and more. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 17 Shawnee Trail, Asheville. For information on vendors, or to reserve a booth, go to: www.onestopchristmasshopasheville.com POSITIVE DISCIPLINE: Come to this three hour workshop and learn how to spend less time engaged in power struggles with your children of any age. Learn how to foster a greater sense of cooperation and mutual respect within your family. Led by Genevieve Fortuna. $50. From noon-3 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 2581901 to register. Visit www.nestorganics.com. PROVIDENCE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY DINNER AND AUCTION: Dinner at 4 p.m. and auction at 5 p.m. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment and materials to facilitate educational programming. Donations of items to be auctioned welcomed. Call the school at 658-8965. VANCE ELEMENTARY ROCKET RUN: 5K at 9 a.m., half-mile Kids’ Comet Dash at 10 a.m., plus other track and field events and fun activities to get kids
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on the move. All at the school, 98 Sulphur Springs Road, Asheville. Race proceeds benefit the Vane Elementary Parent Team. Visit www.rocketrun.net. TC ROBERSON HOLIDAY MARKET: Sixth-annual event with dozens of local vendors, handmade crafts, food available for purchase, $1 raffle tickets for HDTV. Free. At the high school, 250 Overlook Road, Asheville. Call 687-4027.
Nov. 11
FACE PAINTING: Free face painting at Asheville’s Fun Depot, 2-6 p.m. No purchase necessary but tips are appreciated. Call before arriving to verify event, 277-2386. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com. YT INSPIRATION PERFORMANCE: Flat Rock Playhouse’s YouTheatre’s newest performance group, Inspiration, is an advanced high school-age show choir. It will put on a pre-show performance before the FRP November Music on the Rock tribute to the music of Elvis Presley, at 7:30 p.m. at the Playhouse Downtown, 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville.
Nov. 12
SCHOOL’S OUT ADVENTURE: Outdoor adventures for ages 8-14 on Asheville City School days out. Bike along the Swamp Rabbit Bike Trail to Falls Park, near Greenville, S.C., round trip about 20 miles. Mostly flat trail; must be comfortable on bikes. Bring own bike and helmet. Meet at the East Asheville Recreation Center, 906 Tunnel Road. Registration required; minimum of 8 participants. $18 residents, $20 nonresidents. Call 251-4029 or email outdoorprograms@ashevillenc.gov.
Nov. 12-13
WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This month’s theme is fall and the harvest. $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Nov. 13
HOME SCHOOL ART PROGRAM: Asheville Art Museum offers a home-school program for grades 1-4, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Each session includes a museum tour and hands-on activities. $4 per student per session. Enrollment is limited; registration required. Call 253-3227, ext. 122, to register. Visit www.ashevilleart.org.
Nov. 14
MINDING YOUR ‘PEES’ AND POOS’: An introduction to infant potty training with Andrea Olson. Learn when to start potty training, how long it should take and what happens if you wait to long. Class will give an overview of gentle options to break diaper dependence and achieve potty independence at any age. Learn history, myths, facts and psychological issues around potty training as well as what techniques to use with children of different
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calendar of events Continued from Page 57 ages. Includes overview of elimination communication. Free. From 2-4 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 to register. Visit www.nestorganics.com.
Nov. 15
FALL FESTIVAL: Stephens-Lee Recreation Center hosts a community-based festival for kids and families with crafts, activities, prizes and free food for everyone. 5-7 p.m. at 30 George Washington Carver St., Asheville. For information, call LaTanya at 3502058. TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL PUMPING: Are you a working mom who breast-feeds? Are you a stay-athome mom who wants to store milk in case of an emergency? Are you somewhere in between? Does pumping feel overwhelming? If so, this class is for you. Join Michelle Shelfer, IBCLC, as she walks you through how to successfully pump. $25. From noon-1 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 to register. Visit www.nestorganics.com.
Nov. 17
BLUE RIDGE ROLLERGIRLS: Double header, doors open at 4 p.m. with first bout at 5, second at 7. Tickets $10 in advance, $12 for ages 13 and older, free for 12 and younger. At WNC Agricultural Cen-
ter, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. Visit www.blueridgerollergirls.com. FOSTER ADOPT FALL FESTIVAL: Learn more about foster parenting and about the older children who are waiting for adoption. With crafts for kids, giveaways, snacks and more. Free. 1-4 p.m. at DoubleTree Biltmore, 115 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Email familiesforkids@buncombecounty.org or call 250-5868. NESTING PARTY: Monthly party with lessons on cloth diapering, baby wearing and the importance of chemical-free living. Free. From 2-4 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 or visit www.nestorganics.com. SLEEP WORKSHOP: Join Meggan Hartman, MA and infant sleep consultant, as she leads a workshop on the uncertainties of infant sleep. Understand children’s changing sleep patterns and learn gentle tips for developing healthy sleep habits. From 11 a.m.-noon at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexingtion Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 or visit www.nestorganics.com.
Nov. 18
FRENCH BROAD HOLIDAY ART SALE: Local artists with clothing, jewelry, pottery, walking sticks, ornaments and more. Ten percent of sales benefit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Noon-5 p.m., 2412 Old Marshall Highway (Riverside Drive) beside the Alexander Post Office on the French Broad River. Call 712-3045 for more information. TELLABRATION: International celebration of storytelling with nationally known storyteller
Donna Washington, of Durham, and Asheville Storytelling Circle members. 3-5 p.m. at Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. $7. Visit www.ashevillestorycircle.org or www.southerncraftguild.org.
Nov. 19
PLAY & LEARN: Parents/caregivers and children ages 3-5 in Buncombe County who are not in regulated child care may attend a free 8-week series 45-minute classes, focusing on pre-literacy and school readiness skills. Children must be at least 3 years old by the class start date. Younger siblings may attend with their families, but materials are not provided for them. Registration for all locations begins Nov. 19 by email or phone and runs through the day before the class starts. For information or to register, contact Marna Holland at 350-2904 or marna.holland@asheville.k12.nc.us. Dates and locations include: » Asheville City Schools Preschool, 10 or 11 a.m. Tuesdays, starting Dec. 4, and 10 or 11 a.m. Wednesdays starting Dec. 5; » Hominy Valley Elementary, 9 a.m. Thursdays, starting Nov. 29; » Emma Elementary, 10:30 a.m. Thursdays starting Nov. 29; » Leicester Elementary, 9 a.m. Fridays, starting Nov. 30.
Nov. 19-20
WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits
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from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This month’s theme is fall and the harvest. $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Nov. 26-27
WEE NATURALIST: N.C. Arboretum program for ages 2-5 with nature lessons, stories, crafts and visits from classroom animals. Runs 10-11 a.m. Mondays and Tuesdays (explore classroom starting at 9:30 a.m. or at 11 a.m.). This month’s theme is fall and the harvest. $5 if registered online, $6 for drop-ins. Younger siblings and adults free when accompanied by paid participant. Free parking for registered participants. Visit www.ncarboretum.org to register. Contact Michelle Pearce at 665-2492, ext. 243, or mpearce@ncarboretum.org.
Nov. 27
ART LESSONS: Roots + Wings School of Art offers four-week sessions, Nov. 27-Dec. 18, for ages 3 to fifth grade. $50 per child. $50 per child. Classes at Cathedral of All Souls, Biltmore Village. Register online at www.rootsandwingsarts.com. For information, call 545-4827 or email info@rootsand-
PARENTS’ NIGHTS OUT Need a date night? Here is a roundup of upcoming parents’ nights out. Have an event to submit? Email information to calendar@wncparent.com. Nov. 3 ASHEVILLE DOWNTOWN YMCA: For ages 2-13. Themed nights include swimming, healthy snacks, games and crafts. 6-10 p.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Downtown YMCA, 30 Woodfin St., Asheville. $15 members/$23 nonmembers, with $2 sibling discount. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org. Call 210-9622 or email cemrick@ymcawnc.org for more information. Nov. 9 COLBURN EARTH SCIENCE MUSEUM: Kids’ Night at the Museum with activities, games, crafts, dinner and hands-on science lessons. This month, learn about “Exploring the Seasons.” For grades K-4. $20 nonmembers, $16 members and siblings. 5-9 p.m. in Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square, Asheville. Register by phone at 254-7162. Visit www.colburnmuseum.org for more information.
FIRED UP! CREATIVE LOUNGE: Kids paint pottery, have pizza and play games, 6-9 p.m. the second Friday of the month. At 26 Wall St., Asheville, and 321 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Ages 5-12. $25. Registration required. Call Asheville shop at 253-8181 and Hendersonville shop at 698-9960. Nov. 10 HAHN’S GYMNASTICS: For children ages 3-12, with pizza dinner and gymnasticsrelated games and activities. $15 for first child, $7.50 for each sibling if enrolled at Hahn’s ($20/$10 if not enrolled). From 5:30 p.m.-midnight. Call 684-8832 to register. Nov. 23 WOODFIN YMCA: Neighborhood Y at Woodfin offers Parents' Night Out the fourth Friday of each month, 6-9 p.m. Themed nights include healthy snacks, games and crafts. $12 member/$18 nonmember, with $2 sibling discount. Ages 2-13. Register online at www.ymcawnc.org or in person at 40 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101, Asheville. Call 505-3990.
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calendar of events
Fun Depot, 1:30-5 p.m. No purchase necessary but tips are appreciated. Call before arriving to verify event, 277-2386. Visit www.ashevillesfundepot.com.
Continued from Page 59 wingsarts.com. » Ages 3-6: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Masks through drawing, painting and sculpture. » Grades K-5: 4-5 p.m. Tuesdays. Geometry and abstract design through painting.
Nov. 28
ELIMINATION COMMUNCIATION FUNDAMENTALS: Join Andrea Olson, a Diaper Free Baby mentor, as she teaches about elimination communication, a gentle and noncoercive method of encouraging babies to be diaper free. $25. From 2-4 p.m. at Nest Organics, 51 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Call 258-1901 or visit www.nestorganics.com.
Dec. 1
REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Classes for ages 6 months-12 years on Saturdays, Dec. 1-22. Register by Nov. 27. Starts at $25. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
Dec. 2
FACE PAINTING: Free face painting at Asheville’s
Dec. 3
ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Half-session of classes for pre-K and youth, Mondays and Wednesdays, Dec. 3-12. Registration deadline is Nov. 30. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Monday/Wednesday lessons for parent-child through youth, Dec. 3-26. Register by Nov. 29. Starts at $45. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. YWCA SWIM LESSONS: Learn to swim in the YWCA of Asheville’s indoor solar-heated pool. Classes are available year-round for all ages and levels. To sign up, call 254-7206, ext. 110, or stop by the YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. For more information, visit www.ywcaofasheville.org.
Dec. 4
ASHEVILLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 10-11:30 a.m. first Tuesday of each month. Call 252-7896 for reservations. For more information, visit www.ashevillecatholic.org or email info@ashevillecatholic.org. ASHEVILLE YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Half-session of classes for pre-K and youth, Tuesday and Thursdays, Dec. 4-13. Registration deadline is Nov. 30. Call 210-9605 or visit www.ymcawnc.org. REUTER FAMILY YMCA SWIM LESSONS: Fourweek session of Tuesday/Thursday lessons for parent-child through youth, Dec. 4-28. Register by Nov.
29. Starts at $45. Call 651-9622 or visit www.ymcawnc.org.
Dec. 5
HOME SCHOOL OUTDOOR ADVENTURES: Monthly outdoor adventure for home schoolers ages 8-17. Enjoy an indoor water adventure at Waynesville Indoor Water Park. Meet at East Asheville Recreation Center, 906 Tunnel Road. Call for trip details, 251-4029. Registration required, minimum of eight participants. $9 resident, $10 nonresident. Email outdoorprograms@ashevillenc.gov. SPROUTING NATURALISTS: New preschool-age nature program at Chimney Rock State Park. For ages 2-5. This month, learn about winter birds and help them by making a bird feeder. 10-11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of the month. Kids 5 and younger, $3; adults, $12; older siblings (ages 6-15), $5.50; passholders, free. Advance registration required. Call 625-9611 weekdays to register. Visit www.chimneyrockpark.com.
PARENTS’ MORNING OUT: Enjoy a few hours to yourself each week while your child develops social and play skills in a small group environment. Now accepting children from 6 months-4 years old. At St. Eugene Catholic Church, 72 Culvern St., North Asheville. For information, call Jennifer Leiter at 450-1922 or PMO directly at 254-5193, ext. 25. ASHEVILLE YOUTH ENSEMBLE: Fall music series has a train theme, complete with train whistles for every student. New young musicians welcome with at least one year of note reading experience playing
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violin, viola, cello, bass, flute, recorder and percussion (percussion section also open to piano players). Ensemble meets 4-5 p.m. Tuesdays in East Asheville. For more information or to join contact Lisa Smith at 299-4856 or AshevilleYouthEnsemble@gmail.com. PRENATAL BONDING: Relaxing 1-hour weekly program in West Asheville with prenatal specialist. Donation suggested. For more information, contact Emma at 255-5648 or emma@gentletouchparentchild.com. CONNECT: INCREASING SOCIAL FLEXIBILITY THROUGH ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS: Class at St. Gerard House, 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville, to learn how thoughts, actions and reactions affect social situations. Classes are interactive, age appropriate and fund. Curriculum incorporates social thinking lessons and characters, uses evidence-based practices, games, role play and skits. Call 693-4223, ext. 21, for information on next session. St. Gerard House provides services for children with autism spectrum diagnosis but a child and/or adolescent taking this class does not need to be diagnosed. HEALTH ADVENTURE PROGRAMS: At the museum, in Biltmore Square Mall, at 800 Brevard Road, Suite 620. Call 665-2217 or visit www.thehealthadventure.org. » Healthier Ever After: On exhibit through Dec. 31. An interactive fairy tale forest with costumes, two-story castle and more to teach about how to live a healthy life. » Science Wonders on Wednesday: Educators present highlights from favorite programs such as “Forces and Motion,” “Sound Science” and “Yes, No, Maybe.” Enjoy science demonstrations of all kinds, including a few with costumes, music, and lots
of silliness. At 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Free with admission. Space is limited so guests will be admitted on a first come-first served basis. » Preschool Play Date: Interactive fun just for preschoolers, 10:30-11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Free with admission. » Super Science Saturday: Experiment with science through hands-on activities led by museum facilitators. All ages. Noon-2 p.m. each Saturday. Free with museum admission or membership. SMOKY MOUNTAIN CHESS CLUB: Meets 2-4 p.m. Thursdays at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Players of all levels welcome. Call 456-6000. THE TREE HOUSE DROP-OFF: Hourly service for ages 12 months-8 years. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. $8 per hour, siblings $6 per hour; three-
hour maximum. At 1020 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Visit http://ashevilletreehouse.com or call 5052589. STEPHENS-LEE RECREATION CENTER PROGRAMS: At 30 George Washington Carver St., Asheville. Through Asheville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts. Call 350-2058. » Afternoon Adventures: After-school program for grades K-5, 2:45-5:30 p.m. Homework help and recreational activities. $13 per child per week. » Tiny Tykes: Toddler program with crafts, manipulatives and centers, along with active play in the gym. 10 a.m.-noon Wednesday and Friday. $1 per class. Join the Tiny Tykes Club for multiclass rates. For more information, contact Jessica Johnston at 350-2058 or jjohnston@ashevillenc.gov.
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