Acumen Business Pages ~ Edition 11 ~ February 2013

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ACUMEN Christian Business & Trade


ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES “Promoting excellence in business & ministry”

Edition 11

February 2013

In Print & Online

Do YOU Understand


the Anatomy of


The credit score?


Is your business


a Vitamin OR a Pill?



Health Benefits of

How to get YOUR BUSINESS To make a lot of Money!


Meet Music Artist:

Wumi Abe

Make your clients




Nikisha Jones - Pate President - Black Women Networking

w with Intervie

Faces Adedoyin Animashaun Koyi & Headgears

Editor’s Notes

dden riches of arkness, and hi f d s o re su ea tr ee the e Lord, which And I will give th t know that I, th es ay m ou th at l. Isaiah 45:3 secret places, th

ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES Acumen Business Pages is a free monthly print and online digital e mag published by MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc.,

Evang Bibi Fashin


od of Israe name, am the G call thee by thy

Getting the Hidden Riches!

ACUMEN—Chris an Business & Trade Magazine –ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES is an online digital and also print publica on The year has started to race again. It was just like yesterday we said published quarterly by MyFaithTVNetwork “Happy New year” and we are now in the second month of the year. Interna onal .Inc., Adverts and Comments made by the contributors are not necessarily the views of MyFaithTV Network. Interna onal Inc. or it’s personnel. Le ers & tes monies from readers are welcome. Requests for permission to reprint any por on should be directed to

This is the time for you to make up your mind to get the hidden riches in secret places for yourself and for your business. Get into your secret place and begin to ask God to show you how to get the hidden riches with your business; Open your eyes to divine strategies; Give you business ideas and witty inventions. Ask for destiny helpers and divine connections to the people that matter who are in the positions to help you .

You have been specially packaged to succeed so give it your best Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013 this new month of February 2013. Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc Remain Blessed

Evang.Bibi Fashina

CEO/Finance Director Olu Fashina ( Deacon)

MD/Opera ons Director Abiola Fashina( Evangelist) Editor‐in‐chief


Graphic Designers Abiola Fashina (Evangelist) Bijoubel Young Tosin Fashina Dr Stanley Jean Felicia Olatunji

I love your magazine and I think you are doing a good job. Can you please include a fashion and beauty sec on? Diana A. — Atlanta GA

Sales/Marke ng

A: Thank you for the request .We will take up the sugges on and

Public Rela ons

Pedro Diaz Yessica Jean Margie Randal look for guest writers to write informa vely and with experience in Sarah Simmons Vivian Bell Timi Adepoju this sec on and include a sec on in our upcoming edi ons.

Business Pages Columnists: I went to some Kroger and QT stores in DeKalb and Cobb coun es to look for a Abiola Fashina — Evangelist print copy of your magazine to pick up but could not find and was very Adolfo Molina Dr. disappointed. How can I get a print copy of your magazine for my office and also for Amos Johnson Dr. Dali Josipovic my church recep on? Ronald C. – Powder Springs GA Darshaun Kendrick A:We currently have over 20 whole foods stores ,African & interna onal food stores, Nina Otuka‐Ijere restaurants and offices that carry the print magazine all over Atlanta but Acumen Business Oma Edoja Pages print copy is not yet in Kroger and QT sta ons in DeKalb and Cobb coun es. You can Tarra Jackson

find them in Gwinnet county loca ons .This is where we have to date had the larger

Publisher: amount of adver sement and requests. As soon as we begin to get requests for adver seMYFAITHTVNETWORK. INT’L INC ments at these other loca ons we shall expand our distribu on to those areas. For now P.O Box 492414 you can go to the Business Pages page on our website and order for a print copy to be Lawrenceville GA 30049 T: 678‐667‐1550 mailed to you/your church. The magazine is free but you will have to pay $3.00 S& H. Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


Make your clients



Is your business

a Vitamin OR a Pill?








Do YOU Understand the Anatomy of The credit score?

Nikisha Jones—Pate Cover Page STORY



Interview with Faces & How to get your business to make money Headgears


4 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

You are invited to join us every day of this life changing conference. Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


ACUMEN ; (ˈækjʊˌmɛn,əˈkjuːmən) WHAT DOES OUR NAME

MEAN? The word is a Latin word from the 1530s which means "a point, sting," hence "sharpness, shrewdness," from acuere "to sharpen" . ACUMEN is the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight ACUMEN means quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight. BUSINESS ACUMEN is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome. [1] The term "business acumen" can be broken down literally as a composite of its two component words: Business literacy is defined in SHRM's Business Literacy Glossary as "the knowledge and understanding of the financial, accounting, marketing and operational functions of an organization” [2] The Oxford English Dictionary defines acumen as "the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions". [3] Given these textbook definitions, a strictly literal definition would be "keenness and quickness in under-

standing and dealing with a business situation” wiki/Business_acumen

Legal Life Lessons Is your business a


What Should You Take Away? What best describes what YOU do for a living? Are you a vitamin (prevent problems) or a pill (solve problems)? One of the best ways to describe what it is that KLP does it to put it this way: We PREVENT problems as opposed to SOLVING problems, hence why we are vitamins and not pills. (It should also be noted that while we are VERY good lawyers…we are not magicians. We cannot pull things out of a hat that aren’t there but that’s a side note and I digress) The distinction between being a VITAMIN vs. a PILL is an important one for a business as it should guide your business strategy and, more importantly, your marketing strategy. My Story [based on my Firm or other business owners' stories] If you are a VITAMIN (you prevent problems), you can see how it’s different than marketing yourself as being a problem solver.


a pill? “fix them.” But alas, for most legal problems, by the time you get to litigation, there is no fixing…at least cheaply without wasting time and lots of money. So KLP focuses on preventing the problem as much as possible in the first place. Aaahhhhh yes—-we are a Flintstone vitamin. Cherry flavored perhaps? Now, since KLP is a VITAMIN, we have the extra hard task of convincing you, the business owner that you should invest NOW to save LATER and if the number of Americans that actually have saved for retirement is any indication, this message doesn’t resonate with most people. So KLP’s marketing has to be witty— crafty—-very persuasive. That’s partially the reason for my “Legal Life Lesson” blogs is because I give real world, practical examples of what we do and the consequences of not taking preventive measures BEFORE you have a problem.

It’s almost like being a doctor—-most people don’t do the yearly checkups, eat right, exercise, etc. until a problem arises and then they run to the doctor to “fix them.” It must be human nature to wait for a problem and then seek out someone to

6 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

Legal Life Lessons Is your business a vitamin OR a pill? For example, my “pitch” to prospective clients usually goes something like this at events: Me- “Hello, I’m Dar’shun Kendrick. I own a business law firm that keeps GA small businesses “IN business and OUT of Court” through document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services. Since I have an MBA, we provide business counseling and legal advice for all our clients.” (Note it’s short, sweet and includes my mission statement.) Potential Client- “ok. Great.” *Takes my card. “Well hopefully I won’t need you.” Me-*After a short, nervous giggle because I realize they didn’t hear or understand the mission statement I just professed. “You need me right now. That’s the point. We are lawyers that keep you OUT of trouble. We are a VITAMIN as opposed to a PILL.” Potential Client- “oh…I get it. We should talk.” Me- “Yes…yes, we should.” A few lessons to be learned: Call to action! So if you are a VITAMIN like KLP, here are a few practical lessons to be learned about overall business strategy and marketing yourself as a VITAMIN, which goes against human nature to wait for a PILL: 1. Be clear in your communications WHY the prospect should take you, the vitamin (Ex. Higher costs of court and attorneys, headaches, wasted time in Court, etc.) 2. Provide real life EXAMPLES of you, the vitamin, in action (Eg My “Legal Life Lessons” or examples from clients, protecting their communications of course) 3. Focus your efforts on those that have already PROVEN they like vitamins over pills (Eg. Most of my speaking engagements have PAID participants; this shows the prospect is willing to INVEST.) NOW…go forth and BE A VITAMIN—but make sure you’re packaged in such a way that you’re easy to swallow DISCUSSION QUESTION:

Are you a VITAMIN or a PILL?

Why Kendrick Law Practice?We SAVE you money by: Providing access to comprehensive legal AND business advice and consulting, creating value for your company’s investment in us. Attorney

Mission: To provide Georgia business owners with Dar’shun PASSION FOR and ACCESS TO CUSTOMIZED and Kendrick, personal business AND legal services, including document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services. KLP offers comprehensive business and legal advice to small business owners in Georgia with the mission of keeping them "IN business and OUT of Court". General Information: KLP is authorized to practice law ONLY in the STATE OF GEORGIA. If you or your businesses do not reside in the state of Georgia, you are NOT ENTITLED to rely on KLP's "Business Legal Tips" insofar as they retain to "legal" not "business tips". KLP focuses on the following three main areas of business law: document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services) The “Legal Life Lessons” Series was started by Attorney Kendrick in 2012 as a way to showcase real life legal situations that either she has experienced or those within her networks have experienced. The goal is to move away from boring, white paper style discussions about the law and focus on creating comfortable conversations about real experiences in the life of Georgia business owners.** Mission Statement: To provide Georgia small businesses PASSION for and ACCESS to HIGHLY CUSTOMIZED and PERSONAL business advice AND legal counseling, including document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services. DISCLAIMER: Kendrick Law Practice and its attorneys are ONLY authorized to practice law in Georgia and NO OTHER territory, state or country and therefore any and all legal advice is only applicable for businesses and individuals that reside and/or located in the State of Georgia. Additionally, please be advised that this communication does not create an attorney-client relationship unless there is a signed or electronically filed retainer agreement on file with the Firm. Keep in Touch with Kendrick Law Practice: (1) Monthly Enewsletter- Visit (2) Facebook- (3)Twitter- (4) LinkedIn- (5) Blog Discussions- (6) Blogtalkradio- kendricklawpractice (7) Youtube Channel- KendrickLawPractice1 (8) Google Plus- h p:// ce Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


8 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


BLACK WOMEN NETWORKING * Empowerment * Support * Eleva on *Celebra on


W.N represents (Black BWN was designed to help black Women Networking ). women START and BUILD BUSINESSES and help exis ng women The group was set up to celebrate, sup‐ entrepreneurs to GROW their port , and elevate black women in busi‐ businesses. ness. Every Thursday BWN holds its weekly BWN welcomes entrepreneurs, execu‐ one hour conference call book reading ves, leaders, advocates, supporters, and empowerment session @ 6PM at interns, students, professionals, new which they read & discuss the principles beginners and dreamers or whatever in the #1 business selling book ”Think posi on the women want to be. and Grow rich” by Napoleon hill. B.W.N. is all about the Empowerment, The first half hour of the session is spent the group and promo ng themselves and Edifica on and Spiritual Growth of the reading the book and the next half hour their businesses a end to network with Black Entrepreneurial Woman. is spent discussing the chapter that was other women and get informed and net‐ To provide the much needed support to read. work to grow their business. encourage them to take their business to The number to call to join the session is: the next level. To celebrate the women's The monthly mixer is held @ Joe's Crab 218 844 02850 Pin # 988642#. successes. No big I's or li le U's. Shack @ 4300 STN. MTN. HWY Anyone can join this call. LILBURN,GA 30047 B.W.N. currently strongly operates as Once every month on the third Thursday one from the southern states of Atlanta, from 7pm –9pm the group holds its GA and Mobile, AL to other ci es in the monthly mixer where members of the United States all the way to the UK and group and women interested in joining in unity they strengthen each other!

Join Us for

* Empowerment * Support * Eleva on * Celebra on

Our Monthly Mixer for February 2013



Date: Thursday February 21 2013 Location: Joe’s Crab shack 4300 STN. MTN. HWY LILBURN,GA 30047

Time: 7.00pm — 9.00 pm Come with a lot of business cards & get ready to take your business to the next level ! 10 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013



Jones ~ Pate

President - Black Women Networking



* Empowerment * Support * Eleva on * Celebra on

Nikisha Jones—Pate – is a dynamic wife, mother, entrepreneur (mom‐prenuer),a 2nd genera on hair, beauty and image consultant. In conjunc on with her husband she operates a 100% Organic gourmet coffee distribu on business which they currently distribute interna onally in 29 countries world wide and growing. They also advise as Health/Wellness consultants. “ It is my goal that as we elevate our communi es financially that we enforce the responsibility of taking care of ourselves bodies mind and soul by making healthier choices.”

Nikisha is a charisma c, mo va onal speaker and astute business entrepreneur. She is the Founder and President of the BWN. “As a woman I personally celebrate all women and regard them with the highest respect. Women are very uniquely designed by God. There are few black women that become successful entrepre - neurs because of today's lack of support and informa on, we promote each other to grow their business as well as expand their customer base”.

BWN was designed with the average black women in mine. The group consists

of professionals, leaders, business owners large and small, poli cal figures and ladies that are looking for mentorship to become successful business owners and entrepreneurs. “I started BWN just over 2 years ago from a vision my mother and I had many years ago it took her passing over 3 years ago for me to get it done because I thought she would always be here for us to do it together. “

BWN organizes annual colon cancer benefit dinners; one in Mobile Alabama and one in Atlanta Georgia. “I feel so strongly about this since the loss of my mother– Mary Ola Jones - Munnerlyn— in 2009 .As a result I've found purpose and I've become a advocate against the deadly disease "Colon Cancer" to which we have lost so many in our communi es prematurely to because of lack of awareness and funds made available. Last year her birthday Nov.4th I began the annual benefit dinners in memory of her and to honor survivors and care givers and give inspira on to the families who experienced the loss.” What are BWN goals for 2013? “We will con nue to empower, support ,elevate and celebrate our women. We will organize seminars, mixers and educa onal programs to help them succeed. Finally we will also look into programs to educate our young teens and school girls about entrepreneurship skills, business & finances and how to become strong black women in the community.” Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


Faces & Headgears

to e it on your head, then it should be done appropriately.

Believe me, if you take me to do this you I came into the "Gele" business; I would would be "the crowd stealer and pleaser" say, by chance or really God's grace! I at ANY event. started by tying the "Gele" on my own A:What type of services do you offer? head! I always tried to make sure it looked perfect and on point!! Before I AKK: I am a make‐up ar st, head e knew it, people where asking me to help stylist and an event planner extraordinn‐ e theirs. Then people started no cing naire!!! I cater mostly to brides. I offer too and sugges ng, I had be er start services for every special occasion e.g. charging a fee. Then one day realized, Birthdays, prom, photo shoots, fashion I had ed almost every gele at a party. shows and surprisingly, everyday looks; when you just want to be pam‐ pered and look great for that special day out. I have people that come from afar with 5 or more head es. I e them, they keep them in storage at home like hats and whisk them out, ready for use.

A: Tell us about yourself. This made me realize, I could make AAK: My name is Mrs. Adedoyin Animas‐ money doing this! Before then, I had haun‐Koyi, married with two beau ful heard of my mentor and teacher, Mr. sons! Segun gele. So, instead of prac cing "trail Hailing all the way, straight from Lagos, by error," I went to him in Houston, TX. Nigeria. CEO of Faces & Headgears and for proper training. I also got training as Garne Events LLC. a professional make‐up ar st. In 2007, I looked at the state of my fi‐ nances, my career path and the problems A: How did you come up with the name: associated with "corporate America" and "Faces & Headgears". AKK: I brainstormed with my husband decided to do change my direc on. However, I was determined to make the‐ and mum, we agreed to that name.

I have special tradi onal a re and jewelry for any special occa‐ sion; and of intricate detail, head es , feather fans and other accessories for sale. I Also, aso‐ebi [large par es] in ALL forms also available (head es, Ankara, damask, aso‐oke, guinea brocades, laces and Georges]

I offer event planning, decor and coordi‐ na ng services for weddings, special occa‐ sions or corporate events e.g. fashion shows, fundraisers, concerts, fes vals etc. se changes ONLY making sure I was doing A: What fascinated you about headEvery event is unique thus special needs. what I loved!!! Pricing comes as a package along with gears? I decided to start my own business! I had your needs. I work with every budget and AKK: Have you ever heard the statement, a certain flair for weddings! You know, everything with me is nego able. Howev‐ "A woman's hair is her crowning glory?" the same old story. Yes, I have been plan‐ er, I charge $10 for every unique head e. Well in my opinion, the "GELE" would ning my own wedding, since I was a li le CONTACT ME FOR EVEN THE SMALLEST then be her crowning glory! girl. So, I capitalized on my natural innate QUESTION: 678-524-3798, Friend/like knowledge of event planning and coordi‐ Well, as far as "African culture" is con‐ me on Facebook by my name or na ng. I registered Garne Events. cerned. For some African cultures; “facesandheadgears”. par cularly in mine as a Yoruba woman, While I was at it, I later discovered my, the head e is part of our tradi onal other talent, looking good. garne a re. I strongly believe, if you are going Website: WWW.LOOKSANDEVENTS.COM

14 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

Faces & Headgears

are storms. With him ALL things are pos‐ with my line of work are always willing sible. He keeps me going; every li le and con nue to patronize me. drop one day will make a mighty ocean. A: What advice will you give people A: What mo vates you the most? interested in star ng this type of ? AKK: . My family, friends, both in church AKK: To survive in this business you need and all over; are my “spoke people”. to strive to offer excep onal customer I value them greatly!! They are mostly service always and a handful of pa ence. the ones that gave me the first chance to A good name is worth more than gold or show my work and put myself out there! silver. People will test your nerves; try to A: What makes you unique? The first wedding, using their faces and remain calm in all situa ons. I do have AAK: I can be separated from everyone heads for prac ce etc. professional, one‐on‐one and hands on else in this same business because I do Most of my business is based on word of training available. For people who just want to learn on a personal level, how to what I love and I am not just interested mouth and referrals, the rest from ad‐ make themselves look beau ful .Host a ver sing. My loving husband, I always in making money. The quality of my brand is very important! I am constantly call him “my manager”. He is the loudest makeup party: gather your friends and I evolving and improving on my talent by voice I have out there! Even when I don’t can give you a few ps. My general ad‐ adding more knowledge and services. I feel like being bothered or networking, vice: don’t just get into any line of busi‐ he does it for me. ness because people are “seemingly” take classes and a end several confer‐ I thank God for all the special people ences to improve my skills as a profes‐ making money from it, find out your real sional. I keep up with vast informa on God has surrounded me with. They keep passion and go for it. In the end, God and me going by constantly reminding me daily, about the beauty, fashion and your passion is what keeps you afloat event industry. “Time is of essence.” My they are very proud of me. when the storms rage. me and your me are very valuable. I A: How lucra ve is the head e A: Thank you for gran ng us this always strive to do my work in a mely business? interview. What is the next level for manner! AKK: So far this business has been very you now? A: What influence has your faith had on lucra ve. There are always ups and AKK: Expansion! The next level is your business? downs. People don’t always want to pay definitely s ll up higher!!! A store front, AAK: God is ALWAYS #1. He is the au‐ for this quality of work. However, on the the sky is not the limit for me. There is thor and finisher of my faith! He has long run those who appreciate and no limit to where I am going with my seen me through every storm. Yes, there understand the stress and cost involved business by God’s grace. A: Tell us a bit about your events. AAK: I have hosted several events, weddings, par es, fashion shows and photo shoots. You can view my pictures on Facebook and my website. By the special grace of God, I have had TRE‐ MENDOUS response and support from my family, friends and repea ng clientele. Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


Do YOU Understand

the Anatomy of The credit score?

by an auto dealership may differ from the credit score of a credit report that is pulled by a financial institution. This is because the auto dealer may mainly want to focus on a consumer’s payment history on auto loans, regardless of the financing company or financial instiThe three main credit reporting agen- tution. However, the financial institucies; Equifax, Experian & Transunion, tion’s credit score may be based on a use their own algorithms to calculate consumer’s entire payment history on credit scores and they each have sev- all trades reporting on the credit report. Another familiar type of scoring eral ways to calculate it. Fair Isaac model is the one used by Utility ComCompany also computes and sells panies. credit scores, known as FICO Credit Score, has more than 50 scoring Are Consumer Purchased Credit models. This means that there are numerous variations of a credit score. Scores Different from Financial Institution Credit Scores? The good news is, based on CFPB’s


15% is based on the length of your credit history.


10% is based on the diversity of credit you carry.


10% is based on the number of “hard inquiries” from creditors to qualify you for credit or open an account.

Other types of scoring modes are Bankruptcy Scores and Fraud Shield Scores.

A Bankruptcy Score determines the likely hood of a consumer to file for bankruptcy. Many lenders use it to determine whether or not they will loan you money. A bankruptcy score research found that most of the “When consumers buy a credit score, also may influence the interest rate scores pulled by consumers and other they should be aware that a lender that you may qualify for on a loan. organizations are consistent by at may be using a very different score in Bankruptcy Scores are not generally least 75%. Between 20% - 25% of making a credit decision.” Richard shared with the public. The lower the scores that consumers purchase Cordray, director of the Consumer the Bankruptcy Score the better. A were moderately different enough to Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Bankruptcy Score of 1 – 100 is ideal. move them into another credit grade said in an email statement. A score of 300 to 900 indicates that that financial institutions use to deyou need to improve your credit by termine what consumers may qualify Regardless the scoring model, the fact holds true that if you have good paying down debt especially on refor loan rates. The remaining 1% volving lines of credit, like credit credit, you will have high or good 5% of the consumers’ scores was cards. credit scores on them all and if you significantly different. have “colorful” or bad credit, you will Note: FICO offers a calculator that have low or bad credit score on them A Fraud Shield Score identifies lists the range of interest rates ofinconsistencies between application all. fered based on FICO score. This of information and credit report data. course may differ based on the finan- What important is that you underJust as the credit score, the higher stand the “Anatomy of the Credit cial institutions rates offered. the score the better. Score.” What is not widely known is that If you have low Fraud Score, the there different types of scoring mod-  35% is based on your payment lending institution many request or history. els that are based on the information require additional document to verify the financial institution or business  30% is based on how much of your identity. Don’t give them a hard wants to analyze. For example, a your available credtime though, it is for your protection. credit score for a credit report pulled it you've borrowed against.

16 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

Understand The Anatomy of The credit score

As with anything, financial and credit knowledge is Key to your Prosperity. STEP 1: Understand where you are with your credit.  Pull your credit report to see what is reporting. You are able to get a least one free copy of your credit report from all credit bureaus. Go to If there are several past due payments or lots of collections reporting, you may want to save your money and work on restoring your credit. Try the Credit Score Calculator to start.

Feel free to contact me for assistance through My monthly Common Cents Newsletter, My weekday Madam Money Minute Financial & Credit Tip Texts by texting MADAMMONEY to 46786, Registering for a Madam credit or improving your credit to Money Financial Boot Camp,or increase your credit score, don’t For One on One Financial be afraid to ask for assistance. Coaching Below are a few great options to assist you. Angie Jenkins, Credit Score

National Credit Educational Services STEP 3: Assess your spending habits, budget and savings plan. This is crucial with rebuilding or maintaining your credit.

Contact me at the information below: Tarra Jackson, Financial Coach Prosperity Now Financial Management Services (404) 852-6295 We are all looking forward to being a resource to you towards your Prosperity Now!

Tarra Jackson

If all accounts are paid as agreed with no collections reporting, you may want to invest in purchasing your credit score to see where you are. Start at The score may be free, but make sure you read the disclosures to ensure that you are not required to sign up for a monthly monitoring service. STEP 2: Ask for help. Regardless of whether you need assistance with restoring your Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


WHY YOU? Make your clients want WHY TODAY? YOU!

Here are 2 very important questions that you must be able to answer, to keep on getting steady clients.


Is your solution faster? Easier?


Does it have a proven track record?


Is it structured? Flexible? Mission-centered?


Does it save time/money/effort?


And you must convey this in all your marketing, so your audience can appreciate the value you deliver.

Does it help create more time or money or provide more support?


Does your solution positively impact the environment?

Here are the 2 important questions:


What common experiences do you share with your audience that your competitors may not?


Does this portray you as being better able to understand them than your competitors?


What unique skills or personal characteristics do you have?


Is this difference of any value to your prospects and clients?

You must have a confident and authentic answer for yourself, so you can appreciate the value you deliver.

Why YOU? Why TODAY? Simple but potent!

You must help your prospects to see the unique value in working with you. This must be something they cannot get from your competitors. You must also help them see the benefits of working with you from TODAY, so they are less likely to keep putting the decision off till tomorrow, which may never eventually come! Here are some questions to help you think of ways to demonstrate

“Why you?” 

What is different about what you deliver?


What is different about your personal interaction with your prospects and clients?


You must be able to show how your difference could benefit your prospects or someone / something they care about. Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

WHY YOU? Make your clients want WHY TODAY? YOU!

Here are some questions to help you think of ways to show

    

     


“Why today?”

Will your prospects save money/make money if they work with you? Would it be more beneficial to start saving/ making this money TODAY? How much money could they save/make if they start with you today? How much money could they be losing for every day they are not working with you? How much time could they save by working with you? (Use their hourly rate to quantify this time savings. Ask what they could do with this spare time/saved money).  How much time could they lose by not working with you? (Quantify this time loss monetarily. Ask what they could do with this saved time).

In your selling conversations be sure to demonstrate to your prospects why you are the best person to help them. Also be sure to show, in terms they appreciate, why it is to their advantage to start today and what they lose for every day that they do not work with you. Quantify this in the ways that matter to them. Not everyone, for instance, wants to save money. Find your prospects’ hot buttons and “press” these in your demonstration. This way, you will convert more sales, make more money and be able to make a bigger impact!

P.S. Remember to always use your influence with integrity. Remember that as a transparent and honorable entrepreneur, your aim is not to manipulate but to help your prospects get the solutions they need. By showing them “Why you?” and “Why today?” you help your prospects overWho else benefits when they work with you to come procrastination and invest in a solution that solve their problem? will in some way improve their lives and those of What is the impact to this person if they delay others. the solution? Your insights and your feedback are warmly welHow would it impact this person if they start come. Do write in and share! the solution TODAY? Oma Edoja is an author, speaker and Women's Business Would they receive any kind of bonus if they started with you today? Growth Mentor who is passionate about empowering What/how much could they lose in bonuses if women! She is the UK's go‐to‐gal for ambi ous women they do not start today? entrepreneurs who want to get more clients, make more If your solution brings prestige or makes the money and make a bigger impact through their work. prospect feel good, what is the benefit of Oma is the author of "The gaining this prestige or feeling good starting Essen al Get Clients Guide: today? 14 Reasons Women Business What is the impact of living without this presOwners Struggle to Get Clients tige/without feeling good for another day? and How to Avoid Them." She invites you to download your FREE copy at

www.TheEssen Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013


How to get YOUR BUSINESS To make a lot of Money! Help People & Make Profit If you want to make a lot of money in 2013 through your business, then you need to have that goal on your mind all the time. However, you should not have money on your mind all the time because you'll fall into the sin of "the love of money." And nothing good happens after that.. Instead you should have profit on your mind. Isn't that the same as money? No. Profit occurs when you create something helpful for another person and they pay you money for that helpful thing. When you have profit on your mind you will be constantly thinking of ways to help people solve their problems. And the more you help people, the more money you will make.

Let's have profit on our mind in 2013.

FEATURED BOOK From my study of the Bible, listening to thousands of sermons, reading a multitude of finance & business books, guiding people with their business start-up plans, interviewing successful Christian Entrepreneurs, and personally starting my own businesses, I have written this book to guide you as a Christian Entrepreneur into creating your own profitable Godinspired business. If God has called you to start a business, then this book is for you. You will discover the spiritual foundation for success in business God’s way. Plus you will learn the practical steps to start and grow the business God has called you to. Who is this book for? If God has called you to start a business, then this book is for you. What’s covered … 1. Know the Spiritual Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship to Create a Solid Foundation 2. Understand the Concept of Money to Master It 3. Grasp the Basics of Business to Create a Profitable Business 4. Develop Personally to Put Yourself in Position to be used by God in Business 5. Choose the Correct Business Entity to Protect Your Personal Assets 6. Protect Your Business Ideas from Theft 7. Use Web Technology Effectively to Manage and Grow Your Business 8. Create a Marketing Strategy for Success in Your Business 9. Think Through Your Business Before Jumping Into It Your Objective!

Amos Johnson Jr, PhD helps Chris ans develop their God‐ inspired business because he strongly believes that financial prosperity comes through faith in God and star ng your own business. Visit : h p:// for addi onal resources to help you develop your God‐inspired Amos Johnson Jr, PhD business.

After reading, you will have the spiritual foundation for success in business God’s way and the practical steps to start and grow the business God has called you to. To order this book; PAPER BACK; Price: $24.95 (178 Pages, 6 x 9 inches) EBOOK: Price: $12.95 (174 Pages, PDF) ORDER FROM: h p://‐Control‐Your‐Financial‐ Des ny/dp/1480285706

20 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013



22 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 11 February 2013

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Acumen Magazine?

WHAT DOES ACUMEN MEAN? ACUMEN ; (ˈækjʊˌmɛn, əˈkjuːmən) The word is a Latin word from the 1530s which means "a point, sting," hence "sharpness, shrewdness," from acuere "to sharpen" .

INTERVIEWS & INFORMATION ACUMEN is the ability to judge well; keen disto cernment; insight Educate, Inform & Equip the saints in business

ACUMEN means quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight. BUSINESS ACUMEN is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.

And their ministers who pray & counsel them ADVERTISEMENTS

[1] The term "business acumen" can be broken down literally as a composite of its two component words: Business literacy is defined in SHRM's Business Literacy Glossary as "the knowledge and understanding of the financial, accounting, marketing and operational functions of an organization”

Of business resources & events to promote the businesses of the saints and the ministries & churches who organize weekly, monthly & yearly [2] The Oxford English services and programs. Dictionary defines acumen as "the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions".

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[3] Given these textbook definitions, a strictly literal definition would be "keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation” wiki/Business_acumen

6 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 7 October 2012


Glory House World Church Sun: 11.00 am Worship Service 4887C Lawrenceville Highway ,Tucker GA 30084 Tues: 7.00 pm Bible study Phone: (770) 909 5000 Email: Fri : 7.00 pm Prayer Mee ng


Pastor Francis Tekobo SERVICE TIMES

RCCG Peace Assembly Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service 2158 Mcdaniel's Bridge court Lilburn GA 30047 Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study Phone: 678‐344‐9290 E mail: Fri : 10.00 pm Prayer Mee ng


Rev. Dr. Frank Ofosu - Appiah SERVICE TIMES All Na ons Church

Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service 5511 Williams rd. Norcross GA 30093 Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study Phone: (770) 923‐8383 E mail: contactus@allna Fri : 7.00 pm Prayer Mee ng Website: www.allna

Apostle Abraham Success Bala SERVICE TIMES Apostolic Triumphant Church Interna onal

Sun: 9.30 am Worship Service 4896 North Royal Atlanta Drive, Suite 301 Wed: 7.30 pm Deliverance Tucker, GA 30084 Phone (770) 912‐4141 Fri: 7.30 pm Covenant service E mail:


Bishop Tai Kuku


The Faith and Miracle center

Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study

37701 Floyd rd Austell GA 30136 Phone: (770) 310‐3539 Email: pastor@chris

Website: www.chris

Pastor Bernados Rios SERVICE TIMES

Ministerio Mana Sun: 11.00 am Worship Service 5150 Jimmy Carter Blvd Norcross GA 30093 Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study Phone: (678) 914‐5428 E mail: Fri : 7.00 pm Prayer Mee ng Website:

Pastor Zaccheus Oloba SERVICE TIMES Christ Apostolic Church- Vineyard of Comfort 1309 Stephenson rd., Lithonia GA 30058 Phone: (404) 957 1255 Email: Website:

Bishop Henry Adekogbe PowerPoint Interna onal Ministries

Sun: 11.00 am Worship Service Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study 2nd Fri : 10 pm Prayer Mee ng


Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service 561 Thornton Rd., Suite Q, Lithia Springs, GA 30122, USA Thurs 7.30 pm Prayer school Phone: (770)380‐8414 E mail: Website:

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