ACUMEN Christian Business & Trade
ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES Promoting excellence in business & ministry� Edition 13
April 2013
Women Church Suits
4 Great
Steps to
Do YOU have The Anointing for BUSINESS SUCCESS?
Learn about the
Health Benefits of
Editor’s Notes ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES Acumen Business Pages is a free monthly print and online digital e mag published by MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc., ACUMEN—Chris an Business & Trade Magazine –ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES is an online digital and also print publica on published quarterly by MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc., Adverts and Comments made by the contributors are not necessarily the views of MyFaithTV Network. Interna onal Inc. or it’s personnel. Le ers & tes monies from readers are welcome. Requests for permission to reprint any por on should be directed to
Acumen Business Pages Edi on 13 APRIL 2013 Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc
CEO/Finance Director Olu Fashina ( Deacon)
�Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.� Proverbs 3:5-6:
APRIL 2103 After 12 months experiencing God’s faithfulness in coordinating this monthly magazine the only words I can share are “Trust and obey’ When you do not know what to do in any given situation just trust God and believe that he is behind the scenes working it all out for your good. So this month as you rejoice with us our prayer is that we will also rejoice with you on your business breakthrough this month. Just TRUST AND OBEY. In this month, may you hear clearly the voice of the Lord giving you directions on which direction to take your business. May grace be released to you to take your business to the next level as you trust and obey God. Have a fruitful and productive month. Remain Blessed
Evang.Bibi Evang.Bibi Fashina
Evang Bibi Fashina
MD/Opera ons Director Abiola Fashina( Evangelist) Editor-in-chief
Graphic Designers Abiola Fashina (Evangelist) Bijoubel Young Tosin Fashina
APRIL 2012 – MARCH 2013
Public Rela ons Dr Stanley Jean
Felicia Olatunji
Sales/Marke ng Pedro Diaz Yessica Jean Margie Randal Sarah Simmons Vivian Bell Timi Adepoju
Business Pages Columnists: Abiola Fashina — Evangelist Adolfo Molina Dr. Amos Johnson Dr. Belinda Mays Dali Josipovic Darshaun Kendrick Nina Otuka-Ijere Oma Edoja Tarra Jackson Publisher:
MYFAITHTVNETWORK. INT’L INC P.O Box 492414 Lawrenceville GA 30049 T: 678-667-1550
We want to use this space to say a big thank you to all our team members, columnists, readers, family, friends, churches, businesses, individuals and organiza ons that have supported our vision in the last 12 months. May our God -the great rewarder- meet each and every one of you at your point of need and may he send dream makers and des ny helpers to you to help you fulďŹ ll your God given dream. We look forward to your con nued support and prayers in the future. Thank you once again, Acumen Team.
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Pastor Phoenicia Sibert
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PG 6
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Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
ACUMEN ; (ËˆĂŚkjĘŠËŒmÉ›n,əˈkjuË?mÉ™n)
Legal Life Lessons
MEAN? The word is a Latin word from the 1530s which means "a point, sting," hence "sharpness, shrewdness," from acuere "to sharpen" .
Introduc on: What Should You Take Away? It’s simple. The take away is NEVER, EVER stop learning.
ACUMEN is the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight
As a business owner, it’s easy to think we are experts in our ďŹ eld and that we have reached the pinnacle of our success or learning abili es. But NOTHING could be further from the truth.
ACUMEN means quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.
I have four (4) degrees and I con nuously set aside me each week to learn something new about either business or law.
BUSINESS ACUMEN is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.
It’s refreshing and it keeps me on the cuHng edge of what’s going on in my ďŹ eld. As a ma er of fact, one of KLP’s corporate values is “con nuous educa onâ€? and that is why we have started to oer training classes for business organiza ons and groups.
[1] The term "business acumen" can be broken down literally as a composite of its two component words: Business literacy is defined in SHRM's Business Literacy Glossary as "the knowledge and understanding of the financial, accounting, marketing and operational functions of an organization� [2] The Oxford English Dictionary defines acumen as "the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions". [3] Given these textbook definitions, a strictly literal definition would be "keenness and quickness in under-
standing and dealing with a business situation� wiki/Business_acumen
My Story [based on my Firm or other business owners' stories] I have served on several non-proďŹ t boards. It is AMAZING how many non-proďŹ t boards (and corporate boards) do not understand that there is a LEGAL responsibility imposed on every Board member, non-proďŹ t or not, under the law. That’s why I prepared an audio PowerPoint presenta on to help start the discussion and guide board members about their legal responsibili es. It can be viewed at hHp:// and provides a helpful start to training in this area. KLP does oer in person classes and training that can be found under our “Business Legal POWER Session & Trainingâ€? sec on on our website at There are also other audio PowerPoint presenta ons on a variety of business and legal topics on our slide share account you should take a look at to empower yourself and your organiza on.
PG 7 6
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
PG 6
Legal Life Lessons
Never, EVER STOP LEARNING! Example of how KLP lives up to its corporate value of “con nuous educa onâ€?: Here is some examples of what I have heard from Georgia business owners: 1. We have a “Business Resourcesâ€? sec on on our website with our latest enewsle er, forms, data, etc. for business owners at 2. We have our audio power point presenta ons that you can listen to at your leisure as well as 1 page “White Papersâ€? on speciďŹ c legal contract terms at 3. We have our blogs at that give real world experiences and lessons to be learned as a business owner. 4. We have a monthly enewsle er that is ďŹ lled with GREAT business ar cles, business legal ps, informa on, and more; and 5. We give out business informa on on our social media pages throughout the day every day. You can ďŹ nd those links at as well.
A few lessons to be learned: Call to ac on! 1. Sign up for our MONTHLY newsleHer AND follow us on social media that is ďŹ lled with GREAT informa on through our website at 2. Give KLP a call at (678) 739-8109 or visit us to sign up for your FREE 15 minute phone consulta on or 1-2 hour Business Legal POWER Session. 3. Hire Help! If you ďŹ nd that your a en on is lacking in an area, hire us. We conduct training and classes so just give us a call or go online for more informa on.
Why Kendrick Law Practice?We SAVE you money by: Providing access to comprehensive legal AND business advice and consulting, creating value for your company’s investment in us. Mission: To provide Georgia business owners with PASSION FOR and ACCESS TO CUSTOMIZED and personal business AND legal services, including document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services.
Attorney Dar’shun Kendrick,
KLP offers comprehensive business and legal advice to small business owners in Georgia with the mission of keeping them "IN business and OUT of Court". General Information: KLP is authorized to practice law ONLY in the STATE OF GEORGIA. If you or your businesses do not reside in the state of Georgia, you are NOT ENTITLED to rely on KLP's "Business Legal Tips" insofar as they retain to "legal" not "business tips". KLP focuses on the following three main areas of business law: document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services) The “Legal Life Lessons� Series was started by Attorney Kendrick in 2012 as a way to showcase real life legal situations that either she has experienced or those within her networks have experienced. The goal is to move away from boring, white paper style discussions about the law and focus on creating comfortable conversations about real experiences in the life of Georgia business owners.** Mission Statement: To provide Georgia small businesses PASSION for and ACCESS to HIGHLY CUSTOMIZED and PERSONAL business advice AND legal counseling, including document drafting, document reviewing and negotiating services. DISCLAIMER: Kendrick Law Practice and its attorneys are ONLY authorized to practice law in Georgia and NO OTHER territory, state or country and therefore any and all legal advice is only applicable for businesses and individuals that reside and/or located in the State of Georgia. Additionally, please be advised that this communication does not create an attorney-client relationship unless there is a signed or electronically filed retainer agreement on file with the Firm. Keep in Touch with Kendrick Law Practice: (1) Monthly Enewsletter- Visit (2) Facebook- (3)Twitter- (4) LinkedIn- (5) Blog Discussions- (6) Blogtalkradio- kendricklawpractice (7) Youtube Channel- KendrickLawPractice1 (8) Google Plus- hHp:// ce
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
GMI 2013
Spring & Summer Church Suits
To view more designs of women suits go to
& click on the women suits link at boHom of page 8
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
GMI 2013
Spring & Summer Church Suits
To view more designs of women suits go to
& click on the women suits link at boHom of page
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
My best picks for a formal evening dress will be either a white V neck long chion crystal maxi even"Steal The Show" with Nikisha J Pate ing dress. This can be got at a low price of between Ladies there is a such statement "less is more" and I know that $29.99 -$59.99 or a black or deep blue Dianna Paell you are thinking but we are Chris an women. Yes ; but we all Goddess dress with Gold embellishments. This can also be can use a li le help and assistance at mes. We all come from bought at a surprising low cost of $18.00.Hair should be dierent regions of the world we all do not dress alike. styled in a sweep up hair do. Wear silver or rhinestone heels to ďŹ nish the exquisite look. Add a very inexpensive double row So my advice to ladies when geHng dressed for a formal aair of rhinestone bracelet and you are ready to "steal the show" dinner, ball, banquet "less is more". Please write in for ques ons and comments and we will post We tend to want to reveal more than necessary to a ract the response in the next issue. a en on. We have assets that we ďŹ nd pleasing to the eye of others. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with show- That is all for now "Steal The Show" w/ Nikisha J Pate ing fashion/sex appeal but just do it in good taste.
To accomplish dressing in good taste we can't expose it all. We must remember that our bodies are the temple of the Lord and choose not to bare too much and to keep most of our bodies under wraps. Otherwise where is the mystery If you bare it all out and show all your legs, your cleavage, all your shoulders and even back. As I said before always remember "less is more".
Nikisha J Pate
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
GREAT REFERRALS One great way to get new business is through referrals.
When others give their endorsement and recogni on of our abili es it oVen takes very li le to move a prospect to become a buyer. Whether we are aware of it or not, we tend to value the opinion of others. This is why we look up tes monials and product recommenda ons and why we tap into our networks before making a purchase. I ďŹ nd that my referrals are oVen not bothered about my prices. They have heard “a good wordâ€? from someone else and are here for their piece of the ac on! So, are you geHng business through referrals? Or more importantly, are you making referrals happen? If this is such a great way to get new business, it does stand to reason that we should help the process along. I teach my clients to make proac ve referral genera on a vital part of their marke ng. Here are 4 ways to make your referrals happen:
1.Do a great job! Of course, this is a no-brainer! Make sure to ask your clients the outcomes they want to achieve. Then you can proceed to meet and exceed their expecta ons. And when this happens they will tell others! Ask for feedback periodically; do not wait ll the end of the project. This way, you show that you care, and can get back on track if you are missing the mark.
3.Seek and cultivate referral partners. As you network for business be on the lookout for others who serve your target market but are not in direct compe on. Invite them to cross-promote with you and send each other business. Be sure to send them referrals, promote them on your blog or newsle er and pass on their yers or business cards. Then track your referrals to see which partners are keeping their end of the deal. And you know what to do with those who are not!
4.Give incentives. Make it a win-win situa on for people to send you referrals. What can you give to show your apprecia on? A free cket to your event? A complimentary consulta on? A chapter of your book? A free subscrip on to a paid product or service? Even happy clients can get busy and forget to pass on your details. Make it easy for them to remember with an incen ve! Remember that what goes around comes around; give great value and receive great referrals. Give others business and they will reciprocate. If you make it a priority to provide good value and proac vely seek referrals you will build a very viable source of new business – referrals! Do write in and share your insights and your feedback is warmly welcome.
2.Ask for referrals
Oma Edoja is an author, speaker and Women's
Ask for referrals and make it easy to give them! At the point when the customer is expressing their sa sfac on ask if they know anyone else who could do with such great service.
Business Growth Mentor who is passionate about empowering women! She is the UK's go-to-gal for ambi ous women entrepreneurs who want to get more clients, make more money and make a bigger impact through their work. Oma is the author of "The Essen al Get Clients Guide: 14 Reasons Women Business Owners Struggle to Get Clients and How to Avoid Them." She invites you to download your FREE copy at
Provide the customer with something tangible to pass along, such as a newsle er, free sample, a URL or a link to a video. Keep your referral sources updated with your news and success. This is a non-sales way to remind them that you are s ll here!
Acumen Business Pages
TheEssen Edi on 13 April 2013
Health benefits of Coconut water ingredient of Mother's Milk. This natural beverage can effectively treat Disturbance of the Ä°ntestine in Ä°nfants 7. Anti-Ulcer Properties: Both coconut milk and coconut water exhibit potent antiulcer activity against chemicals such as indomethacin, a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammato ry Drug (NSAID) 8. Blood-Pressure Lowering Properties: When human subjects consumed coconut water for two weeks, it was found to lower blood pressure in 74% of the experimental group, reducing it by up to 24 points (mmHg) systolic and 15 points (mmHq) diastolic
1. The best thing about this beverage is that it contains Zero Cholesterol. It contains minerals like Calcium, Manganese, Ä°ron, Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Potassium. It also contains vitamins like Riboflavin, Thiamine and Vitamin C . All these nutrients make coconut a very potent health drink. It is more nutritious than milk, as it has less fats and no Cholesterol 2. Research studies suggest that Cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant AntiCarcinogenic and Anti-Thrombotic and Anti-Ageing Effects 3. It is used as intravenous saline fluid in many developing countries and has saved many lives. The reason that it's possible to be used that way is its composition, which is quite identical to Human Blood Plasma 4. Coconut water, by its very nature is an Ä°sotonic Beverage. That is, it has the perfect balance of electrolytes in it, which is good for our body due to its right PH Levels 5. It is an excellent Energy Drink for the old and the sick, who find it difficult to process solid food. It is a Natural Fluid designed to Sustain Life 6. It is better than many processed baby milk products, as it contains Lauric Acid which is an important
9. Anti-Alzheimer’ s Properties: in an animal model of ovariectomy-ind uced menopausal changes, coconut water appeared to prevent the decline of brain estrogen (estradiol) levels, as well as the associated accumulation of Alzheimer’s disease associated β-amyloid (Aβ) plaque in their brains 10. Anti-Bacterial Properties: Three novel antimicrobial peptides have been identified in coconut water which exhibited inhibitory activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria 11. Anti-Gastroente ritis Agent: When sodium is added (ideally sea salt) coconut water has been determined to be an ideal rehydrating agent in countries where medical supplies are not freely available, and where, say, cholera and other severe forms of gastroenteritis persist 12. Ultimately, coconut makes for an excellent alternative to Sports Drinks, which are increasingly comprised of synthetic ingredients 13. Its water is also a very good source of BComplex Vitamins such asRiboflavin, Niacin, Thiamin, Pyridoxine, and Folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish NOTE: IF you buy Coconut water, please look at the ingredients ... should be 100% pure coconut water... ‌ nothing else ... no sugar, not anything else. Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Meet Pastor Phoenicia Sibert INNOVATIVE‌TRENDY‌BOLD‌ANOINTED‌. RELEVANT all are the right words used to describe Pastor Phoenicia Sibert. Phoenicia Gearing was born May 9, 1984 in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of Bishop C.D. Gearing Jr. and Dr. Andrea L. Gearing. She experienced early on the anxiety of being a PK (preacher’s kid). The internal struggle of finding “who she wasâ€? became an arduous task. In 2002 Phoenicia graduated from Chattahoochee High School in Alpharetta, GA. Upon graduation she continued to serve in her father’s ministry at Zion Full Gospel World Ministries, Doraville, GA. She continued to battle with her inner self, identifying the call to greatness. Far from perfect, she inexplicably maintained her “Bishop’s Daughterâ€? image in the church. In the summer of 2007 after several nights of partying in Miami, Florida she found herself depleted. It was there in Miami she placed the call to her mother back in Atlanta. In that instance Phoenicia surrendered to the Will of God for her life, and she accepted her call into the ministry. On August 16, 2008 she was united in holy matrimony with Marvin G. Sibert Jr., and became Mrs. Phoenicia Sibert. They have two children, J’Saun and Quintin Sibert. Phoenicia was licensed to preach by her biological father, Bishop C.D. Gearing, Jr. in February of 2008, and was ordained as Assistant Pastor of Zion Full Gospel World Ministries in October of 2008. Pastor Sibert has developed a style of teaching and preaching that is innovative, yet trendy, strong, powerful, bold, and truthful. She often refers to this style as “Snatching back by force!â€? As a result, in the summer of 2012 Pastor Sibert founded SnatchBack Ministries International. SnatchBack is her personalized ministry which she proclaims as the snatching back of the generation called X. Her desire is to snatch back God’s children by force from the Physical World, while progressing their lives in the Spiritual World of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Sibert is not afraid to preach, teach, or “SnatchBackâ€? the lost souls of the world for the edification of God’s Kingdom.. No more Generation X, but a Generation Resurrect!!!
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Interview with Pastor Phoenicia Sibert
Pastor Phoenicia Sibert relaxing in her oďŹƒce
Pastor Phoenicia Sibert with Ms Babbie Mason of Babbie’s House at WATL 57
Pastor Phoenicia Sibert with Evang Bibi Fashina at MyFaithTVNetwork studios.
Getting To Know SBM SBM is SnatchBack Ministries International What Is The Mission of SBM? Launching into the deep with the life changing message of Jesus Christ, while snatching back that which the enemy has deceivingly stole! What Is Your Vision For SBM? For SBM to empower our youth, young adults, and this generation that has been described as “Generation X� through the teaching, preaching, ministering, counseling of the Word of God. To create a safe haven for this generation that they may be able to receive truthful teaching, life skills, and correct application of the Word of God. It is my vision to snatch back God’s children from the physical world, while progressing their lives in the spiritual world of our Lord Jesus Christ. To snatch back everything that the devil has stole with necessary force. It is my total vision to no longer allow it to be ok to refer to this generation as “Generation X� or the lost generation. What Was Your Purpose For Establishing SBM? I believe that God has birthed in me a unique revitalizing way of preaching and teaching the Gospel. Through this style I am able to reach all generations of the world. I have established SBM for the sole purpose of using my ability as a warrior for Christ, a preacher, teacher, pastor, mother, and a wife to snatch back all that the enemy have deceptively stole from us. I just believe what Jesus declares in Matthew 11:12, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. What’s Up Next For SBM? SBM is launching its new website. We are starting our new online campaign through social media. My, do we have an awesome street team! We are excited as we prepare to host our first annual SnatchBack Conference. Very soon we will launch the all new SnatchBack App that will be available on the Android/Apple Market. We will continue to effectively relay the message, purpose, and mission of SBM through every open avenue that God provides.
Phoenicia Sibert, Founder & CEO SnatchBack Ministries International 1595 Peachtree Parkway Ste. 204-102 Cumming GA 30041 Tel: 678.837.5445 (O) Website: Facebook: SnatchBack Ministries International Twitter:@SnatchBackMin For Bookings: Keyun Moon Company: Ke’Roe Inc. Tel: 678.308.8269 ( D.L) Email:
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
A GOOD FINANCIAL RISK? Excerpts from ar cle by Bill Fay What a credit score really indicates is whether you are deemed a good ďŹ nancial risk, based on your history of paying bills. If you’re trying to get a home loan, a car, insurance for that home or car or just get the electricity turned on, the most inuen al factor in making it happen is probably going to be your credit score. “If you’re irresponsible about paying your bills, the general feeling is you’re likely going to be irresponsible about how you drive or when you pay your mortgage,â€? said Dave Viola, an insurance broker in the same city. “You s ll might get some insurance with a bad credit score, but you’d be abbergasted by the rates.â€? Representa ves from banks, insurance companies, car dealers and property owners conďŹ rmed that credit scores do aect the terms and condi ons of any agreement they make with a consumer. In most cases, the higher the credit score, the lower the monthly payment. And if the consumer’s credit score is at the low end of the scale, some companies won’t do business with them at all.
Credit Score Range The lines of demarca on in credit scores, also known as FICO scores, range from 300 at the low end to 850 at the high end. The median FICO score is 723, meaning half of people with credit scores are below 723 and half are above. The FICO scores are compiled by three companies: TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. Each one claims to use a dierent formula in arriving at their score, but generally speaking it’s computed like this: Payment history (35%); amount owed and credit available (30%); credit history (15%); new credit (10%); and type of credit used (10%).
It would be wise to note what doesn’t aect your credit score, namely how much money you make, age, sex, race, religion, marital status and where you live.
The problem for most people is that they don’t know their credit score and haven’t reviewed their credit report. Consumers are en tled to a free credit report every 12 months, one each from TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. The free report is available at, but credit scores are not included. The Consumer Financial Protec on Bureau es mates that only 20 percent of consumers request their free credit report. If you receive your credit report and aren’t sa sďŹ ed with what you see, there are some steps you can take to improve your credit history: Check the accuracy of the report. Incorrect informa on is the leading cause of consumer complaints about their credit history. Remember, all three companies that issue reports use dierent data, so get a free one from each company and check all data. Pay your bills on me. This is especially signiďŹ cant with credit cards and bank loans. Set up a bill payment reminder system, if necessary. Pay down the balances on credit cards. Do not open a new credit card account unless absolutely necessary. Maintain a good mix of credit (mortgage, car loan and credit cards). Having a good credit score can mean hundreds or even thousands of dollars’ worth of dierence in what you pay for a loan or insurance coverage. You can go online to see examples of the rela onship between your credit score and the interest rate charged on your loan. In today’s ght lending market, consumers need to be at the high end of the spectrum to receive favorable treatment for loans or insurance. Feel free to contact me for assistance Contact me at the informa on below: Tarra Jackson, Financial Coach
Prosperity Now Financial Management Services (404) 852-6295 Acumen Business Pages
Tarra Jackson Edi on 13 April 2013
FEATURED BOOK I $IX FIGURE SUCCESS $ix-ďŹ gure Success for Trailblazing Entrepreneurs: 97 Secrets Revealed Those who manage to beat the sta s cal odds and ascend to great heights—it's not by accident, but by inten on. This go-to reference guide reveals ninetyseven key strategies that will a ract more clients to your business, generate more income and give you the freedom to enjoy a more meaningful and fulďŹ lling life.
AUTHOR: REBECCA MCCLAIN OTHER BOOKS BY REBECCA MCCLAIN Manifest Your God-given Poten al: The Stewardship of Life ( Biblical inspira on version) Manifest Your God-given Poten al is a must-read for people interested in discovering the valuable treasure they have within. Rebecca McClain gives meaning to the some mes-painful process God takes us through to discover our giVs and talents and realize our poten al. She explains the importance of mentoring rela onships to help us reach new levels. You will get an understanding of how to use the keys of faith, hope and expecta on to unlock your dreams and hidden poten al.
Price: $24.95 Hardcover | $14.95 SoVcover Redesign Your Reality: How to Transform Your Life From Surviving to Thriving
Begin execu ng them as part of your growth strategy and get ready to experience a quantum leap in your business.
Perfect For: ♌ Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Avoid beginner’s mistakes ♌ New Entrepreneurs: Accelerate your growth ♌ Seasoned Business Owners: Experience higher proďŹ ts ♌ Business Coaches: Help your clients overcome challenges ♌ Professional Speakers & Trainers: Inspire your audience to take ac on ♌ Students: Prepare for the future
BUY THIS BOOK TODAY Price: $25.00 * Free shipping ______________________________________________
Order all Rebecca McClain books from: Website:
Redesign Your Reality is a life-changing book. Presen ng her blueprint for change as a four-stage process, Rebecca inspires and equips you to take charge of your life and create the future you truly desire. In walking you through each stage – from laying a ďŹ rm founda on to fulďŹ lling your dreams – Rebecca provides thought-provoking ques ons and reec ve exercises. These tools help you manage life’s transi ons, explore possibili es, and unleash poten al.
Price $18.95
Format: SoVcover On the Road to Freedom: Journey to Becoming Debt Free (Biblical inspira on version)
On The Road To Freedom is a comprehensive resource guide that steers the reader through the process of elimina ng debt. Rebecca shares her years of struggling with debt, which eventually led her to seek professional help. By sharing her own story, she hopes to encourage others that they too can overcome the debt trap.
Price $13.95 Format: SoVcover
18 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 13 April 2013
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: REBECCA McCLAIN, MBA,PCC Mailing Address: RM Enterprises Execu ve and Business Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Author 950 Eagles Landing Parkway, Suite 166 Stockbridge, GA 30281 "My mission is to help entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, experts and service professionals bundle up your gi/s, OďŹƒce Phone Number: 678.289.0148 (M-F 9am - 5pm E.T.) talents, wisdom, experiences into a business model that OďŹƒce Fax Number: 678.289.9388 gives you the freedom to be true to yourself in a big way, Send E-mail to Rebecca McClain: to contribute to others in meaning ways, and to prosper and to proďŹ t as an outcome of the dierence you make.
Meet Rebecca McClain,MBA,PCC
My purpose is to raise the bar of your own expecta2ons beyond what you may see possible at the moment, and to help you take big, bold ac2on once those possibili2es have been revealed." ♌
Cer ďŹ ed Execu ve and Business Coach
Founder of The Ul mate Business Ins tute
Speaker: Keynotes, Workshops, Seminars, Facilitator & Panelist
Author of 4 books
Social Media Connec ons: LinkedIn: rebeccamcclain TwiHer: @rebecca_mcclain Facebook: RebeccaMcClainBiz
Recipient of several awards including: ♌
Business Superstar Trailblazer
First Lady of the Year Business Leader
Who's Who in Atlanta
BS degree in Business Administra on
MBA in Accoun ng & Taxa on
Rebecca is an experienced and cer ďŹ ed coach, author and speaker with a strong business background, and a history of helping clients create great results. She is sought aVer by Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Experts who want to create the Ul mate Business with “More Clients, More ProďŹ t, and More Freedomâ€? in their work/life mix. She is also the founder of the Ul mate Business Ins tute, an accelerated training curriculum for Entrepreneurs to rapidly develop and grow highly proďŹ table businesses.
Websites: www.Ul mateBusinessIns
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Do YOU have The Anointing for
what God has told you to do, then the power to be successful in business will not be released.
It is your obedience that releases the power of God in your life.
The anoin ng for business success begins aVer you take your ďŹ rst step of obedience. For example, when Joshua was leading the Children of Israel into the promise land, they had to ďŹ rst cross the Jordan River ( Joshua 3:13). Instead of using boats, they were to walk across on dry land. For this to occur, God has to part the river as He did with Moses; at the Rea Sea. God had Joshua direct the priests to carry the ark of the Lord into the Jordan River. As soon as the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark touched the water, God split the river, and everyone walked across on dry land. The power for the river to part was wrapped in the obedience of Joshua and the Children of Israel. If they didn’t step into the water ďŹ rst, the river would not have parted. With your business, if you don’t step out ďŹ rst on
Today, examine what rivers God has called you to part in your business, life, or ministry, and go step in the water. Amos Johnson Jr, PhD helps Chris ans develop their Godinspired business because he strongly believes that ďŹ nancial prosperity comes through faith in God and star ng your own business. Visit : hHp:// for addi onal resources to help you develop your God-inspired business.
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
are David is a gospel ar st, music producer, sound engineer, and choir/ band director. He was born and raised in Abeokuta, Nigeria, and later moved to Lagos, Nigeria.
Dare studied music in OAU Ife in Nigeria and proceeded to study media technology in SAE ins tute, Malaysia. He was inuenced by a lot of great musicians in Nigeria, such as Soji Israel, Sammy Okposo, Kunle Pinmiloye (kays cks) and also interna onal gospel ar sts such as, Donnie McClurkin and Marvin Sapp.
Dare was the Praise worship leader and music director at the following branches of The Redeemed Chris an Church of God (RCCG) - Court of His Majesty in Ipaja Lagos, Nigeria,
RCCG - Covenant House in Victoria Island, Lagos, and RCCG Power House, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Dare launched his debut album tled "U BE GOD" in Nov 2009 He is currently promo ng his second album that is making waves all around the world tled "DO ME WELL"
Dare has worked with and produced many ar st such as Kenny Kore from the group InďŹ nity, DaďŹ di (Malaysia) Soji Isreal (BaBa ye). In 2011 he won the GAMA (Global African Music Award) for the Best Song of the Year . He was also nominated for the Best Producer and Best Gospel Song at the AEA (African Entertainment Awards) in Malaysia.
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Meet DARE DAVID He thrilled the crowd at the last RCCG North America convention when he ministered his hit song "DO ME WELL" that got the wife of the General Overseer fondly called “Mummy G.O� and many other ministers dancing to the glory of God. He ministered at the Sonnie Badu's concert in Houston July 2012 Dare David also ministered at the 70th birthday celebration of The General Overseer of the worlds’ largest black congregation — Pastor Enoch A Adeboye in Dallas ,Texas He is currently touring the US and leading people to the presence of God through music
Experience Dare David’s music @ FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @dredivad
TO BOOK DARE DAVID Contact: Dare David Email:
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13 April 2013
Have you purchased your own copy of these editions of
Acumen Magazine? INTERVIEWS & INFORMATION to Educate, Inform & Equip the saints in business And their ministers who pray & counsel them ADVERTISEMENTS Of business resources & events to promote the businesses of the saints and the ministries & churches who organize weekly, monthly & yearly services and programs. Purchase your own copy of every edi on today ! To advertise / subscribe Visit our website for more information. 6 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 7 October 2012
WHAT DOES ACUMEN MEAN? ACUMEN ; (ËˆĂŚkjĘŠËŒmÉ›n, əˈkjuË?mÉ™n) The word is a Latin word from the 1530s which means "a point, sting," hence "sharpness, shrewdness," from acuere "to sharpen" . ACUMEN is the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight ACUMEN means quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight. BUSINESS ACUMEN is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome. [1] The term "business acumen" can be broken down literally as a composite of its two component words: Business literacy is defined in SHRM's Business Literacy Glossary as "the knowledge and understanding of the financial, accounting, marketing and operational functions of an organizationâ€? [2] The Oxford English Dictionary defines acumen as "the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions". [3] Given these textbook definitions, a strictly literal definition would be "keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situationâ€? wiki/Business_acumen
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 13
April 2013
YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP AT ANY OF THESE FINE CHURCHES Bishop Dale Bronner WORD OF FAITH FAMILY WORSHIP CATHEDRAL 212 Riverside Pkwy Austell, GA 30168 Phone: 770-874-8400 Email: contact@wo
SERVICE TIMES Sun: 7.30 am & 11.00 pm Worship Service
Thurs : 7.00 pm
Pastor Moses Ashun MY LIFE CHAPEL 725 Scenic Highway Lawrenceville GA 30046 Phone: (678) 856-5433 Email:
SERVICE TIMES Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study
Pastor Joshua Daramola
Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service Wed: 7.30 pm Bible study Fri : 12.00 -3.00 pm Night Vigil
629 Airport Road, Suite H Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046 Phone: (404) 826-1874 E mail: Website:
Pastor Monica Pinnock
Sun: 8.50am Sunday School 10.30 am Worship Service Tues: 7.00pm Bible study
4141 BancroV Circle Tucker, GA 30084 Phone: 678-698-6211 Email: info@rehobothchris
Pastor Calvin McCoy HOPE FOR DELIVERANCE CHURCH 2520 Park central Blvd— Suite D2 Decatur Ga 30035 Phone:(678) 568-3124 Email:
SERVICE TIMES Sun: 2.15 pm Worship Service Tues: 7.30 pm Prayer school
Pastor Bunmi Owolabi KINGDOM EMBASSY CHURCH 4798 Austell Rd., Austell, GA. 30106 Phone: ( 770) 745.6173 E mail: Website:
Pastor Benny Momoh OVERCOMERS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 6751 Rockbridge Rd Stone Mountain, GA 30087-4811 Phone; (770) 465-8687 Email: info@ocďŹ nterna
Website: www.ocďŹ nterna
SERVICE TIMES Sun: 11.00 am Worship Service Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study Fri : 7.00 pm Prayer Mee2ng
SERVICE TIMES Sun: 11.00 am Worship Service Wed: 7.00 pm Bible study 2nd Fri : 10 pm Prayer Mee2ng
Pastor John Lee Garret
Sun: 10.00 am Worship Service
4300 SnapďŹ nger Woods drive, Rm C, Decatur, Georgia 30035 Phone (770) 912-4141 E
Wed 6.00pm Bible study
Contact us to include your church here to invite people to worship at your own church.