ACUMEN Christian Business & Trade
ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES “Promoting excellence in business & ministry”
In Print & Online
Edition 14
Summer 2013
How Your CHURCH WEBSITE Is breaking
NOW ON SALE $5.00*
DRINK to cut Belly Fat
The LAW!
Ways to mess up Your Credit
Networking In the right
Fashion DON’TS
10 For MEN
Facial Beauty & Health Tips
Things to do
To survive a
Computer Crash
How to create a
Business Tagline
Lori A.Manns CEO - Quality Media Consultant Group
Acumen Magazine FOR $2.50 ONLY
To advertise/subscribe Visit our website for more information
6 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 7 October 2012
Are YOU networking
In the Right places?
How your
Church website Is breaking THE LAW!
Acumen Magazine Social Media Class AUG 14th 2013
PG 10
PG PG Belinda Mays How to create BUSINESS TAGLINES
PG 3 PG 3 PG 3 PG 9 PG 10 PG 14 PG 8 PG 21
Lori A.Manns Cover Page Cover Page PG PG
19 Jones— Jones—Pate
20 20 7
Things to do to survive a COMPUTER CRASH!
Facial Beauty & Health Tips China Smith
4 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Editor’s Notes
unto me? fore criest thou re he W , es os M rward: l, that they go fo ae Isr of n re ild ch speak unto the Exodus 14:15
ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES Acumen Business Pages is a free monthly print and online digital e mag published by MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc., ACUMEN—Chris an Business & Trade Magazine –ACUMEN BUSINESS PAGES is an online digital and also print publica on published quarterly by MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc., Adverts and Comments made by the contributors are not necessarily the views of MyFaithTV Network. Interna onal Inc. or it’s personnel. Le ers & tes monies from readers are welcome. Requests for permission to reprint any por on should be directed to
Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013 Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. MyFaithTVNetwork Interna onal .Inc
a Evang Bibi Fashin
Moving Forward! The first half of the year has ended and have now entered the second half of the year. This is the time for you to go back to the drawing table for strategies to move forward and end this year on a great financial note. We have partnered with a social strategist to hold our first social media class for entrepreneurs. Do sign up for it & get some strategies for your business. Acumen Magazine is going international with our quarterly edition. Buy all our past editions for $2.50 each and get very rich information that you need for your business. Finally I encourage you to advertise your business with us & do partner with us to tell more business people about Acumen Magazine and the resources we provide freely every month on line & in print for you.
Remain Blessed
CEO/Finance Director Olu Fashina ( Deacon)
Evang.Bibi Evang.Bibi Fashina
MD/Opera ons Director Abiola Fashina( Evangelist) Editor-in-chief
Graphic Designers Abiola Fashina (Evangelist) Bijoubel Young Tosin Fashina
I love your magazine and I think you are doing a good job. Can you please include a fashion and beauty sec on? Diana A. — Atlanta GA
Public Rela ons Dr Stanley Jean
Felicia Olatunji
Sales/Marke ng Pedro Diaz Yessica Jean Margie Randal Sarah Simmons Vivian Bell Timi Adepoju
Business Pages Columnists: Abiola Fashina — Evangelist Adolfo Molina Dr. Amos Johnson Dr. Belinda Mays China Smith Dali Josipovic Darshaun Kendrick Nikisha Jones –pate Nina Otuka-Ijere Oma Edoja Tarra Jackson
Publisher: MYFAITHTVNETWORK. INT’L INC P.O Box 492414 Lawrenceville GA 30049 T: 678-667-1550
A: Thank you for the request .We have taken up the sugges on and are excited to inform you that in this edi on we have a guest writers who writes informa vely and with experience about FACIAL HEALTH & BEAUTY. This sec on will be included in all our upcoming edi ons.
I know your monthly magazines are free on line and in stores but I want to buy the print copies of some of the past edi ons of your monthly magazine as well some of the quarterly magazines. Can I get a discount if I purchase more than one past edi on? Frances L. – Norcross GA A: For our monthly magazine which is free you can go to the BUSINESS PAGES of our websitre and order for any copy to be mailed to you.You must pay $3,00 S& H only. To order print copies of past edi ons of the quarterly edi ons you can go online to our website to the ARCHIVES page and purchase any of the past edi ons of the quarterly interna onal edi ons of Acumen Magazine at $2,50.The price of the current edi on is always $5.00. You can also order for digital downloads OR for the pdf copies of the magazine to be emailed to you for $2.00 .To get the best deal of all we will encourage you ro subscribe and get Acumen delivered to you at the best deal price. Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
ACUMEN MEAN? ACUMEN ; (ˈækjʊˌmɛn, əˈkjuːmən) The word is a Latin word from the 1530s which means "a point, sting," hence "sharpness, shrewdness," from acuere "to sharpen" . ACUMEN is the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight ACUMEN means quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight. BUSINESS ACUMEN is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome. [1] The term "business acumen" can be broken down literally as a composite of its two component words: Business literacy is defined in SHRM's Business Literacy Glossary as "the knowledge and understanding of the financial, accounting, marketing and operational functions of an organization” [2] The Oxford English Dictionary defines acumen as "the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions". [3] Given these textbook definitions, a strictly literal definition would be "keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation” wiki/Business_acumen
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Facial Beauty How to use the things at home for a Facial: & Health Tips By China Smith “Unique Faces Makeup Studio LLC Everyone loves to get pampered at a spa, but few can afford it. So, when you can't get the star treatment there, here's how to stretch your dollar on skin treatments at home. At Unique Faces on the East side, its China’s job to make sure customers is pampered. China says you can also get some of that spa sensa on at home with ingredients like eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, tomatoes, and baking soda.. "The list of things I have here would not cost you no more than $20. They're cheap, all natural, and probably in your kitchen. With protein packed egg yolks, you get moisture and eggs whites help exfoliate so the whole egg does double duty for your skin. "All we're going to be doing is pain ng on a very thin layer. Just so you can see that the skin is moist, that's all you need. "You're going to get the moisture proper es and you're going to get the firming proper es." AMer about 10 to 15 minutes, rinse and wipe off any residue with a washcloth. And there you have it a facial that cost you absolutely nothing but the food in your refrigerator Email: Facebook: Unique Faces Makeup Studio twiGer: muachina instagram: chinamuasmith ph: 678.304.8831 "It's our job to make you look Unique and your job is to be Unique" Connect with me on StyleSeat at hGps:// View photos, book appointments, and recommend me to friends! 8 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
China Smith
How Your CHURCH WEBSITE Is breaking
Today's 21st century church is so drama cally different from the church that we knew just a few years back that, outside of the unchanging message of salva on, it is hardly recognizable. Today churches meet in homes, restaurants, schools, senior living facili es, and yes, you said With the Internet being such a powerful tool, many pastors and leaders have used it to keep in regular communica on with their congregants. Many pastors have personal blogs, and others use social media. These can all be very good tools, but they do not come without legal hurdles and challenges.
The LAW!
good number of the members of the congrega on read it and leave comments. These pastors make efforts to reply to each comment personally. Every Sunday, many of the members feel that they have had a personal conversa on that week with their pastor because if the blog. Now, the million-dollar ques on is whether a pastor's personal blog is legal, and under what circumstances can it be illegal? The answer requires a long explana on. To find the answer, please read a blog I wrote on this by clicking here.
3.Selling ads versus corporate sponsorship:
Many churches these days raise extra revenue by selling ads in their church bulle n, on their website, and in other materials. Any paid promo on of a private business is classified as adver sing and an unrelated business ac vity. The good news is that the IRS has created a safe harbor for churches to raise The way a church website can break the law This year, being an elec on year, the IRS will do more to moni- adver sing revenues by selling ads known as corporate sponsorships. There is a legal difference between selling ads and tor church websites. However, as with any type of monitorselling corporate sponsorships. The IRS allows tax-free corpoing, they may find other issues that exist with your website. So, a fair ques on to ask yourself is, "If the IRS were to review rate sponsorships so long as they meet certain criteria such as my website, will it be 100% compliant?" Let me give the three publishing their logo, or slogan, website address and their telephone number, and as long as they do not contain qualitamost areas where they may find significant issues. ve or compara ve descrip ons of the sponsors' products or 1.What is your church selling online? The IRS is catching services. What you must not do is publish the sponsors' prices, up to the increasing number of churches selling things on their or other wording that promotes savings, value or endorsewebsites. Sec on 512 was authored by Congress to make the ment. carrying on of a trade or business a taxable ac vity. Currently, There is one more area that i am not men oning here because if a church has a bookstore, its sales are not taxable if they it requires a very long write up. It is poli cal speech. soon occur during their regularly scheduled church worship ac viyou will see more on this topic. es. However, if the church has a bookstore that is opened during regular business hours, those sales are considered non- The do's and don'ts related business income and they become taxable. But now, We all know that it is very beneficial to have a church website, the IRS is catching churches that have online bookstores. but when the me comes for your church to start a website, The ques on is, "Are those sales considered unrelated busibe sure to get all the facts regarding the do's and don'ts for ness income?" Like any other business ac vity, if those sales church websites. We will discuss this topic at our next set of compete with other legi mate online bookstores, then they conferences. Always keep this in mind. When it comes to your are taxable and the church must pay income tax for those church website, what you do not know, can hurt your church. sales because they are not considered substan ally related to Church Planter. Speaker. Author. CEO. the nonprofit's exempt purpose. How about banner ads? Are Raul Rivera has had ample experience in the they subject to unrelated taxable income tax? The answer lies church plan ng world. His current venture, between them being adver sers or corporate sponsors. With StartCHURCH has helped 1000's of churches get a li le bit of strategy, you can make them corporate sponsors started on the right legal founda on. Raul has and it will not be taxable. See item three below. complied an array of manuals and soMware tools that help churches stay compliant with the IRS. He also hosts over 35 na onal conferences per year, Raul Rivera advantage of blogging. For many, it is a way to stay connected training Pastors on how to launch their church legally. Raul is married with the congrega on during the week. I know of several to his wife Genel, and they and their five children live in Atlanta, GA..
2.The Pastor's blog: Many pastors today are taking
pastors that send out a blog on an almost daily basis and a
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
$49 Ends July 31 — Regular Event Fee is $99 AUG 14 2013 - WEDNESDAY - 9.00 AM— 1.00PM Intercontinental Breakfast/Snacks/Fruit/Coffee are included in Your Fee
PLEASE NOTE: This is an Acumen Magazine sponsored Event FOR BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURS. Regular fee for this type of class /event which is regularly organized by the Social Media Strategist is $297
TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT Go to the BUSINESS PAGES of our website & click on icon SOCIAL MEDIA CLASS 10 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Are YOU NETWORKING In the RIGHT PLACES? Networking is a great way to meet lots of people who could be helpful in building our businesses and we theirs. If done correctly, through networking we could meet poten al clients , joint venture partners, gate keepers to groups of ideal clients and also get large numbers of referrals. One key element of effec ve networking however is to make sure we are tapping into the right circles. What could be right for one business could be very wrong for another, so don't just follow the crowd. Now, how can we tell which networking groups are right for us? This might seem obvious but it is an oMen ignored p: Make sure that the places and plaQorms you choose for networking are filled with not just your target audience but very importantly, your ideal clients. For example, your target audience may be working women. But if you offer higher end services, your ideal client is then a working woman with a certain level of disposable income. Determine what this is and where such women network. That is where you should be networking, not at just any working women's groups. Also, if you offer training and consul ng services to larger companies, then the local networking group filled with part me solopreneurs may not be the best place to spend your me.
4. Determine the reach and spread of the network. An organiza on with na onwide or interna onal chapters may mean a wider reach and more bang for your buck. You could get na onal or interna onal clients, referrals, partners, speaking and collabora on opportuni es if you ac vely tap into bigger networks. Then on the other hand, if you are looking to reach a more local clientele then a smaller, more in mate local group may be best for you. 5. Be aware that free networking groups and events aGract a high number of freebie seekers. Not everyone at such events belongs in this category but from my experience and others' I know that people who habitually a end only free events do not make good clients or collaborators. They will happily chase you to sell whatever they offer but are just not used to inves ng in their own businesses. For this reason, I do not spend a lot of me at free networking events. Now, these are not hard and fast rules as you can get clients and referrals from the most unlikely places. However, considering the above could save your resources and much stress! So, decide on a manageable number of networking groups where your ideal clients a end and get networking! Fill out your diary for the year, so it is all planned and not ad hoc. Your insights and your feedback are warmly welcome Do write in and share! Copyright ©2013 Oma Edoja All rights reserved worldwide.
How to tell if a group is right for you 1. Look it up online. Read its profile. See if you know any members and ask for their feedback. 2. Read member tes monials and look up member benefits. Be sure that members are actually giving and geRng business and not just socializing! 3. If you know a member, ask to go along with them as a guest. Most groups allow one or two visits before you commit to a membership. While there, find out what businesses are represented and the typical business size. If for instance, the average member turns over less than £10K per annum, are they likely to buy or refer your £5K IT solu ons?
Oma Edoja is an author, speaker and Women's Business Growth Mentor who is passionate about empowering women! She is the UK's go-to-gal for ambi ous women entrepreneurs who want to get more clients, make more money and make a bigger impact through their work. Oma is the author of "The Essen al Get Clients Guide: 14 Reasons Women Business Owners Struggle to Get Clients and How to Avoid Them." She invites you to download your FREE copy at
www.TheEssen Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 11 February 2013
Interview with Lori A.
A: Tell us about yourself and your business. How did you get started, what mo vated you etc.? LM: I realized that I wanted to start my own business when I no longer had the desire to work in corporate America. I had a passion for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners accelerate their revenue and I realized that I could make a difference and help them grow to a higher level.
A. Why should a business owner do business with your company? LM: The main reason would be to get more customers and generate more sales. I help entrepreneurs become so magne c that their ideal clients are immediately a racted to them and love doing business with them so much that they become customers for life. I have created a strategic, proven, step-by-step system to show my clients how to increase brand awareness and generate more leads so that they quickly grow revenue. I also help them to showcase their unique strengths and abili es to stand above their compe on and get no ced by their target audience. A: What impact has social media had on your business? LM: It has allowed me the plaQorm to engage with my clients and prospects using open dialogue to build rela onships as well as promote my products and services in many instances for free. A:What is your most proud accomplishment with your business? LM:I am proud of the fact that I have been recognized by my peers. I have received awards and recogni ons from business organiza ons such as: Who’s Who in Black Atlanta for the past 3 years, S le o Woman Magazine when I received the 2013 Business on The Rise Award at the S le o Woman in Business Awards. Also I was a finalist in Atlanta Business League’s Super Tuesday Women’s Conference in 2011, a graduate of Leadership Dekalb, Class of 2010 and recipient of the Business Superstar Award from People You Need To Know Magazine in 2010. .However, the biggest sense of accomplishment I receive is when I help my clients to reach revenue goals that were seemingly unreachable. A:How do you plan on growing your company? LM:.I would like to grow Quality Media Consultant Group to serve more clients on a na onal and interna onal level.
Lori A. Manns (404) 432-0444 Call Now for 20% Discount on Laser Focused Strategy Session!
12 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Interview with Lori A.
A: Being an expert in sales, how can your programs or services help business owners looking to gain sponsors? LM: I am a marke ng and sales mentor, I coach my clients on smart, soulful sales strategies so that they know how to appropriately posi on themselves or their product/service in a sales conversa on. In addi on, I teach my clients to make their events and businesses “sponsor a rac ve” so that they are prepared when approaching prospec ve companies who may be interested in partnering with them in the future. A:How do you give back to the community? LM:I am the founder and president of Live Healthy & Thrive Youth Founda on, Inc., a 501 (c ) (3) non profit organiza on dedicated to kids’ health. The mission of LHTYF, is to educate, ac vate, mo vate and empower youth in the areas of academic achievement, health, fitness, nutri on and total wellness. As the head of this organiza on, I volunteer my me to serve children in the Atlanta area by helping them to create healthy lifestyle habits to avoid obesity, diabetes and hypertension. In addi on, I donate my me and volunteer efforts to the Na onal Mul ple Sclerosis Founda on, Hosea Feed The Hungry, American Cancer Society, The Atlanta Day Shelter For Women and Children and give to various other chari es throughout the year. A: What do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur? LM: The freedom and ability to do business my way. I am a solo-entrepreneur and get to choose the clients I work with. Also, I have a team of partners and contractors who I outsource various projects to however, as the business owner I have the privilege of seRng my own schedule. A: What does it mean to you to be a female entrepreneur/business owner? LM: Being in a minority owned female business owner is a privilege. I have the unique opportunity to do what I love to earn a living. I am uniquely giMed in helping other people to showcase their strengths and so they serve their audience in a bigger way. When I consult with my clients, I provide them with a laser focused, in depth analysis that helps them to realize opportuni es they may not have encountered before. I believe in providing quality results and a profitable return on their investment. I go the extra mile for my clients by not just mee ng their needs but exceeding their expecta ons as much as possible.
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
14 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
You Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Credit?" ...Have you (or someone you know) ever wondered why your credit score s ll takes a dive when you believe you are doing everything right? I have.
Here are the Top 3 Ways to Sabotage Your Credit Score. #1: CLOSING PAID OFF CREDIT CARDS This seems like a wise and financially responsible thing to do right? RIGHT!!! But, this ac on will actually have a nega ve impact on your credit score. This affects the Spending category of the credit score, which is 30% of the score.
Here's quickly how this works: 1) Age category - You now have a new account repor ng on your credit report; 2) Exposure category - You now have an inquiry when they pulled your credit report to see if you qualified for the card; and 3) Spending category - Your credit limit given is right above the amount you charged. HELPFUL HINT: Don't believe the hype! Use a card you already have or be er yet ... use budgeted CASH!
#3: THOSE PESKY SMALL COLLECTION ACCOUNTS You know ... that small balance you didn't know you owed your doctor because The Credit Score is a calcula on of credit your insurance didn't pay for it. Or that Credit scores rely heavily on u liza on of performance behaviors that tell how cket you got in Atlanta. risky you are to lend or provide a certain revolving debt, like credit cards or lines (Sorry ...ven ng). Yeah, those. Here's of credit. So, if you close your credit services to. the thing, the amount doesn't ma er cards, your u liza on will be Zero. Not when it comes to collec on accounts. A quick way to remember the Anatomy Good! This is why you may see a dip in So, whether the amount is $50 or of the Credit Score is learn the game of your credit score. $5,000, the nega ve hit is the same. S.P.A.D.E's. HELPFUL HINT: Keep your credit card or HELPFUL HINT: Check your credit report SPADE stands for line of credit balances at or less than regularly or at least once a year. You can 30% or the credit limit. This show you Spending (30%) - how much you use of get a FREE copy of your credit report at are responsible with credit. revolving debt, like credit cards? least once a year at #2: OPENING DEPARTMENT Payment History (35%) - how are you STORE CARDS FOR paying your credit accounts? Tarra Jackson, known as Madam Money 10% DISCOUNT Age of credit (15%) - how long have you and author of Financial Fornica on, is an OK, Reality check ... You will not get a had credit established? energe c & charisma c speaker that 10% discount on your purchase if you Diversity (10%) - what experience do revolve a balance at 18% APR or higher shares real life experiences to help educate her audience about money and you have with different types of credit? (common department store interest rates). The purchase will actually end up credit. Tarra's passion is to help people Exposure (10%) - how many mes do through informa on and educa on. cos ng you more than the 10% you you allow your credit report to be thought you saved. viewed? Tarra is also the owner and founder of Besides this misnomer, this ac on will, What makes the credit score calcula on have a nega ve impact on your credit an online directory of local so complicated is that there are some score because it affects up to 3 categosmall businesses for things that we do, that seem to be good ries of your credit score: Age (15%), consumers. common sense ac ons, that actually Exposure (10%), and possibly Spending reduce our credit scores. (30%)! That's poten ally 55% of the credit score nega vely affected. Tel: 404) 852-6295 Don't worry. You are not alone. I have been asked about this by almost all of my clients.
16 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Today we are going to discuss business taglines. Adver sing taglines are all around us
How to create a at every turn. However in your business you don't necessarily have to have one, but
Business Tagline
it does help to create brand awareness if you do create one. Let's discuss the five types of business taglines that you can create.
QUESTION TAGLINE TAGLINE:: The first one is called a Ques on tagline. How many ques on taglines do you know? You may not know a lot but I am sure that you know one that is very popular, and that is “what can brown do for you? “ Who would have thought that a ques on could take a company and put them at the top of the leader board, when it comes to shipping? BENEFIT TAGLINE: The second type of business tag line is called a Benefit tagline, one example of this type of tagline would be” it melts in your mouth and not in your hand” that is M&M's tagline explaining the benefits of their chocolate. FACTUAL TAGLINE: The third type of business tagline is called a Factual tagline, this mean you say something true about your business, and example of this would be the Ivory Soap Company, they said their product is 99% pure. Make sure that your tagline is based on true facts about your company and not some fact that you made up. EGOCENTRIC TAGLINE: The fourth type of business tagline is called a Egocentric tagline, this is about eleva ng your business above your compe on, for example “the ul mate driving machine” tagline that was created by BMW. By using the word ul mate they have elevated their car brand over all others. ABSRACT TAGLINE TAGLINE:: The fiMh type of business tagline is called the Abstract tagline, really says nothing, but it ul mately says a lot, for example Nike's tagline “ just do it”, who would have ever thought that that tagline would end up all over the place? I have given you all the different types of taglines, now you have to figure out which one is best for you. Your tagline should be short and to the point no more than 3-7 words, but ul mately is should convey the ul mate spirit of your company. Also you want to make sure it speaks to your target audience. Always remember get up, get going and get there!
Belinda Mays
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Fashion DON’TS
10 For MEN
Why is it that most fashion ps are not geared towards men generally but are directed to women? Is it that most men have the persona that they don't care? Many wives and girlfriends are constantly asking the ques on how can I help them. I can tell by the frustrated looks on their faces that they feel the dressing of their men are lost causes. Some people say guys just don't get it. Maybe we should just leave them alone? The answer is NO! I'm going to ease the minds of unhappy women and agitated men. These ps are to avoid your most popular fashion mistakes.
#1 Dress for the proper season. #2 Too many colors- Some men seem color blind. Limit your colors it doesn't draw good a en on your way. eg: Dark clothes with dark shoes
#6 Pants that are too short or long- Not your size. Try them on when you purchase them. All pants can't go in the washer and dryer they may shrink. When the pants are too long the get dirty and tear.
#7 T-shirts that are too long or too short- The baggy look is out dated. Short shirts show too much skin for a male. Pick a brand you wear be er than others. A good length should be midway down your fly.
#8 Missing a spot when you shave- Nobody likes to see a face with spots of hair. Use a hand held mirror for help in shaving or use a clear shaving gel.
#9 Ties that don't hang rightTies should reach the top of the belt buckle and have a dimple in the center of the knot. Get more help from YouTube or The Tie
#10 Wrinkled button downsIf you don't send your clothes to the cleaners for the perfect press purchase a nice iron and ironing board and use it. Some favorite brands for men that are inexpensive - brand names like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Levi's and Express etc
#3 Too many patterns- Makes me dizzy. Limit your These fashion don'ts are very cri cal and embarrassing when fabrics. Iden fy your most complimentary pa erns. I would suggest two pa erns three at the most.
people no ce them .You may have been at an office or a company Christmas party and people start joking about other people for these fashion no no's .
#4 Too many fabrics- fabrics have been known to
Take some these easy ps into considera on next me you step out you can not only have all eyes on you but you could "Steal the Show"
solidify status in most cases. I personally like men in linen and some velvet blazers and selected leather assembles. There are many ways to pull off a nice versa le look with denim as well. Tweed wouldn't suggest masculinity. Fabrics vary by seasons but you could be safe if you just keep them separated.
#5 Stained clothes- Treat stains at home if you can if you can't try a professional if that doesn't work remove it out of your wardrobe rota on. Stains make you look dirty and unkempt.
Phone: 404-944-8922
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Things to do To survive a
Computer Crash .and save your business. I had a major computer crash earlier this year, which put my business on hold for about 2 days. Fortunately, I had most of my data backed up and was able to recover all my data from my hard drive. So I completely upgraded my system and I am humming with some cool new technology. However, without the setback, I would not have moved forward. Sometimes a setback is the perfect opportunity to do things to move yourself forward. Don’t despise setbacks; they could be a blessing in disguise.
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD helps Chris ans develop their Godinspired business because he strongly believes that financial prosperity comes through faith in God and star ng your own business. Visit : hGp:// for addi onal resources to help you develop your God-inspired business.
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD
However, to prevent a computer crash from putting you out of business. Do these following 7 things ... 1. Backup all data to a secondary external hard drive once per month 2. Keep all critical business data on Dropbox (an online backup drive) 3. Save all software license keys in a special email folder, so when you re-install software you have the license keys to reactivate your software. 4. Don’t throw away software install CDs. Put them in a special place. 5. Have a backup laptop or IPad, so you still have access to email and can communicate with your clients 6. Store all your contacts’ information online in Google Contacts. 7. Commit all passwords to memory If you do these 7 things you will survive a complete computer crash, and save your business.
20 Acumen Business Pages Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Acumen Business Pages
Edi on 14 Summer 2013
Acumen Magazine is VERY informa ve. Do not miss out on any edi on of Acumen Magazine Order for copies of the former edi ons.& Subscribe to the upcoming edi ons.