Acumen Magazine - Dec 2011

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CONTENTS December 2011

PG 44











God’s Business Plan (Except) Revds. Bob & Teju Alonge




Rev. Ronald Dunnigan


Personal Grooming ps for business women By Lahle Wolfe

PG 18 ♌

PRESENT YOUR BODY Dressing for success



Women’s Hats & purses


Women’s Church suits


Men's suits


Pastor Teresa Jordan ( Pastor T) ♌

PG 8 ♌







ROMANS TO JUDE - Precise Chris=an Scripture Revealed Wri?en By Chandel.l white



The Credit game

PG 39














51 57

Melvin “Ac on� Johnson

December 2011



ACUMEN Christian Business & Trade Magazine.

“Promoting God’s business and the businesses of God’s people.”

Welcome, Pastors, Churches, Non-profit organizations, business Executives, Trade owners, fellow Christians, family & friends to this latest edition of ACUMEN I would like to seize this opportunity to thank all those that have been supporting us all the away with your prayers, donations and advertisements and subscription purchases of ACUMEN. Every quarter our vision is to produce ACUMEN with rich and educative articles, interviews and information to further motivate, inspire and encourage the Christian business person to excel in their chosen business or trade. In response to your letters and comments we have introduced the following new sections to the Magazine. LETTERS, BUILD MY CHURCH, FIRST LADIES, REFLECTIONS, PRESENT YOUR BODY, MAKING MELODY & PROFESSIONAL PROFILES.

ACUMEN-Chris=an Business & Trade Magazine is published four mes a year by MyFaithTV Network.Inc, a non-profit organiza on serving churches, ministries and non profit organiza ons in the propaga on of the gospel via it’s free viewership online Chris an television Comments made by the contributors are not necessarily the views of MyFaithTVNetwork.Inc or it’s personnel. Le#ers from readers are welcome. Requests for permission to reprint ar cles should be directed to December 2011 Volume 1 Number 2 Copyright 2011 all rights reserved. MyFaithTVNetwork.Inc

CEO/Finance Director Olu Fashina ( Deacon) MD/Opera=ons Director Editor-in-chief—Abiola Fashina( Evangelist)

We still have all our regular columns and in this edition each columnist has out done themselves in the articles they have turned in for their sections. They are very informative and will be a blessing to you.

Editorial Consultant Joshua Daramola (Pastor)

I hope you will enjoy this edition. I enjoyed working with our editorial team in producing it for you.

Graphic Designers Abiola Fashina (Evangelist) Bijoubel Young Tosin Fashina

I attended my first Spanish service and it was beautiful. God is moving in dimensions we cannot believe. I particularly enjoyed meeting and interviewing the various Pastors, First lady, business executives and Trade professionals we have showcased in this edition. I believe that our God is a God of excellence so I enjoy celebrating excellence. Phil 1:10a “ That ye may approve things that are excellent…” May you have an excellent 2012. I appreciate your comments, suggestions and feedback.

ABIOLA FASHINA (Evang) Editor-in-Chief

Please drop me a line Evang .Bibi Fashina

4 December 2011


Sales/Marke=ng Don Valle Kwabenga Felicia Olatunji Rachael ijidakinro Sam Aggrey Columists: Abiola Fashina—Evangelist Bijoubel Yong Bob & Adeteju Alonge— Pastors Bonnie Mechelle Joshua Daramola– Pastor Lahle Wolfe Melvin Johnson Tarra Jackson Publisher: MYFAITHTVNETWORK.INC P.O Box 492414 Lawrenceville GA 30049 T: 678-667-1550

CONTENTS December 2011

PG 33 ♦


28 12




His ministry, Music & faith









PG 21







Rev. (Mrs) Tinuola Olaofe


24 29



Pastor Teresa Jordan– Pastor T ♦



CHRISTIAN WEIGHT LOSS - Dealing with depression By Bonnie Mechelle ♦

PG 61

REFLECTIONS Pastor Chuzzy Udenwa’s 50th birthday banquet


PG 30

Pastor Chuzzy Udenwa’s 50th Birthday Banquet


Pleasant Hill Bap st church Building by faith


Household of Faith for all Na on’s Azusa 2011


Pastor T Interviews / Triune singers


BUSINESS HELP LINE 10 Business email E que:es


By Abiola Fashina Esq ♦





7 Strategies for successful Chris an events By Dr William

Cyndi Willis — Women Achievers Associa on

December 2011


Our Mission It is our mission to produce every edition of ACUMEN - Christian business and Trade Magazine

If you have a sugges=on, ques=on or comment write to the editor at

♦I would like to congratulate you on your magazine. This is good news to business people in the Chris an community. I look forward to reading more about sources of business financing I for the small business owner in your upcoming edi ons. ♦I like the bold step you have taken in publishing a Chris an business magazine. I would like to see more Chris an business men and women succeed and make more funding available to the preaching of the gospel. ♦I like your magazine. I would like you to include a sec on on Chris an leaders. I am interested in how they got saved. How they got called into ministry. who are their spiritual mentors. How they use biblical principles in their daily lives and how Christ has helped them to get to where they are today. ♦Congratula ons on your magazine. I think you should include something that will help Chris an women dress nice but not too worldly. I like clothes, perfumes, and shoes and that is what a#racts me to read or buy any magazine. ♦Gree ngs to all the people who made Acumen Magazine become a reality. It is a welcome magazine in the Chris an world. May I suggest that you feature Chris an gospel ar sts in your magazine. Praise is important to God and a lot of Chris an ar sts are into gospel music as full me ministry and will benefit form the exposure that your magazine can give them. ♦Congratula ons on the launch of your new magazine Acumen. I enjoyed reading the informa ve ar cles in it. My only advice to you all would be to try to improve on your picture quality in your future edi ons. Some of the pictures in your first edi on were blurry and at mes pixilated. I enjoy looking at pictures a lot so with a higher quality of pictures I am sure the magazine will sell more. But having said that the magazine is a good idea and I wish you the best in future. ♦This is a job well done. I am excited for all of you for publishing this magazine. Please revisit your adver sed pricelist as they may be too high for some of your target audience .Also please create a media packet with different prices so that sole proprietors and small business owners who do not have the finances of big companies can have the opportunity to also adver se in your magazine.


December 2011

with rich and educative articles, interviews and information to equip, motivate, inspire and encourage Christians in business and ministry to excel in their chosen line of business or trade.

Salva=on If you would like to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life or you want to recommit your life to him because you have fallen back into sin, just follow these simple steps; 1.

Recognize and admit you are a sinner (Psalm 51;5)


Repent of your sins (1John 1;9)


Confess Jesus as Lord and savior ( Rom 10: 9-10)


Pray this prayer aloud: Lord. I recognize that I am a sinner, I turn away from my sins and confess you with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord. Thank you for saving me. Amen Welcome to the family of God! To help you learn more about salva%on please send us an email @

PRAYER REQUEST If you have a prayer request concerning your business please send an email – to us to agree with you in prayer concerning that prayer point. Luke 1:37 “ For with God nothing shall be impossible’


ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Adver=se your church event, company mee=ngs, seminars, conferences, retreats and educa=onal workshops. Get thousands of our readers to see your business or company advert by adver=sing in our magazine. Advertising opportunities in Acumen Magazine PAGE ADVERTISEMENTS: We have different sizes and spaces for you to adver se in our magazine. You can take up 2 pages, a full page, half page, quarter page, or a third of a page .We have a#rac ve discounts for churches and non profit organiza ons as well as for bulk adver sement packages. PROFESSIONAL PROFILES:


ONLINE: You can PURCHASE OR SUBSCRIBE to Acumen magazine and pay on line using a credit card via Pay pal on the following websites: DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS: Currently Acumen magazine can be purchased in the state of Georgia only in the under listed stores .

BUFORD CALVARY CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE 472 Buford drive, Lawrenceville GA 30046


A full page feature story with pictures about you, your business and your profession. REFLECTIONS; Pictures of Shows, Concerts, Conven ons, Mee ngs, Anniversaries, Retreats & Public Events. You can request for a half page, full page or 2 pages.

PRISCILLA’S CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE Harmony grove shopping Center 5570-F Lawrenceville Highway 29 Lilburn GA 30047


MARKETING PACKAGES: We can design a marke ng packet at a great discount that will be suitable to your company, business or church budget and needs. Please contact us today. MEDIA PACKET:

ACRO INTERNATIONAL 4679 Hugh Howell road - Suites Q & R Tucker GA 30084


We have a detailed media packet that describe the different marke ng opportuni es available in Acumen Magazine. Please send us your request via email to for a media packet

SKY BOOKSTORE GLORY HOUSE WORLD CHURCH 4887 Lawrenceville Highway Tucker GA 30084


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Single copy $5 + $3 ( S & H) = You pay - $ 8


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NORCROSS ATLANTA INSTIUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Inside John Wesley Church) 5320 Jimmy Carter Blvd Norcross GA 30093

WANT TO SELL ACUMEN IN YOUR STORE? Contact us if you wish to carry our magazine in your store. We have very good retail prices and also offer free adver=sing packages to all our outlet loca=ons. Tel: 678-667-1550


Acumen Magazine - “ promoting God’s business and the businesses of God’s people”

December 2011


Email Website

THE CREDIT GAME First, let’s get some clarity: although the three major credit reporting agencies are called Credit “Bureaus”, they are NOT owned or operated by the Government.

“Credit Score.” The Financial Institution or Reporting Organization. They are going to tell all of your financial business! Especially when you mess up and miss a payment. The Consumer. That’s You !

The 3 major Credit Bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union, along with their good friend Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) are privately owned business. Secondly, the laws that govern credit reporting and collection activities are the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which governs the organizations that report information to the credit bureaus, and the Fair Debt Collection Protection Act, which governs the organizations that execute collection activities and protect the consumer. It is the responsibility of the financial institution or reporting organization to report “accurate” information. All the credit bureaus do is report what they are given and look for public record to add the files to make them more appealing for organizations to want to purchase credit reports and credit scores from them. Yes, these privately owned businesses make money off the organizations that want to report to them and make money off the organizations that want to view your credit report and credit score from them. Therefore, this is just a CREDIT GAME. Every game has Players. Each Player has a Position to play and all Players want to WIN!!! CREDIT GAME PLAYERS The players of the Credit Game are: The Credit Reporting Agencies (Credit Bureaus): Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. They are all in cahoots with their good buddy FICO, also known as the


December 2011

THE RULES OF THE GAME Every game has rules. Rule #1: Understand that whatever you do financially and how you pay it back will be reported on your Credit Report and will affect your Credit Score. So don’t mess up!!! Ok, if you kind of messed up in Rule #1… Rule #2 of the Credit Game is hidden in the above state laws: FCRA and FDCPA!!! If YOU don’t know that rule of the game, your credit score is probably low and you are probably paying very high loan interest and fees.

PLAYER POSITIONS Each of the players has positions in an effort to win this Credit Game. The Credit Reporting Agencies: To report the information that they receive from all who report to them. They want to MAKE as much MONEY by getting financial institutions and organizations to pay to report to them AND by getting financial institutions and organizations (employers, insurance companies, cell phone providers, utilities, etc.) to pay to view the consumers Credit Reputation … I mean Credit Report and Credit Score. The Financial Institution or Organization: To report financial information “accurately”. They want to MAKE as much MONEY off the consumers. The LOWER the Credit Score, the presumed HIGHER the Risk, therefore, the HIGHER the loan interest rates, fees, cost of service, etc. That is called “Risk Based Pricing.” The Consumer: To purchase money to pay for goods or obtain services at a reasonable or low cost. You want to SAVE as much MONEY as you can when you obtain a loan for goods and/or pay less for services.

So who teaches people these Rules of the Game? Good question. Most consumers have been trying to educate themselves on Money and Credit Management or seeking organizations or financial advisors to help educate them. IRONY: Most consumers expect Financial Institutions to teach them the rules of the game. HELPFUL HINT: Your opponent may not be willing to share with you how to win the game they are playing. Remember: The less you know, the more you’ll pay. PG 42 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tarra Jackson is a single mother, Credit Union Executive, Author, Credit Coach, Motivational Speaker, Financial & Credit Educator for those who have experienced financial and credit adversities. Her passion is to share best practices that she has learned with consumers to help them regain or enter into healthier financial and credit relationships. Known for her dedication to financial literacy and community reinvestment, Tarra Jackson serves her community as the Executive Vice President of a Credit Union in Atlanta since 2008. Tarra has almost 20 years of experience within the financial services industry. She is an energetic and charismatic public speaker who has spoken at numerous conferences and training sessions nationally and internationally. Some of the awards she has received include : People You Need To Know Financial Superstar, 2010 & Who's Who in Black Atlanta, 2010

Dressing for success ; Showcasing Clothes, Shoes, Accessories & perfumes EDITORIAL COMMENTARY ” I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” Romans 12:1 The book of Genesis in the bible shows us how God created man in his own image and likeness. Gen 1: 26 Man's spirit came out of the breath of God into the body that God had formed from the dust of the earth and he became a living soul. Gen 2: 7 Then just as God covers himself with light like a garment God covered man with his own glory and gave him power and dominion over all crea on. Unfortunately as a result of disobedience to God’s instruc on and hearkening to the voice of the devil man lost his glory covering and resorted to an apron covering he made with his own hands from leaves. Gen 3: 7

struggle for clothing and for our bodies to be covered. This struggle is a lifelong struggle that will only end when the lamb of God Jesus Christ the atonement of man’s sins - comes back to take his bride the church and then man will be translated and his covering will be the glory of the lamb of God. II Cor 5: 2


Un l then every believer and child of God must learn how to present their bodies to God as a living sacrifice. I Cor 6:20 Just as God was detailed about the clothing the Levites—his priests wear ; we have to learn to dress properly to represent God. Exo 28 Just as God enjoys the prayers of saints as incense ; we have to learn how to always to become a sweet aroma both physically and spiritually to those around us. Rev 5: 8 This sec=on was introduced to showcase clothing, shoes, perfumes and body accessories to present your physical body to the world and to God in the best possible manner.

God had to make coats of skin for man as a covering from the lamb sacrifice that had to be made to atone for the sin of disobedience. Gen 3:21 Please send in your comments and sugges ons to us on what you will From then on began the constant like to see featured in this sec on @



To view & purchase different styles and colors of women‘s hats, and hats and purses sets visit Acumen magazine website and click on the women's suits links at the bo?om of the home page.

Check out the different styles and colors of suits for kids also!

December 2011


Showcasing the social ac=vi=es and milestones of Non profit organiza=ons


MEET PASTOR T Pastor Teresa Jordan (affec onately known as Pastor T) -Founder and CEO

PLAYS & THEATRE WORK With over thirty years of experience in the performing arts, theater technology, vocal instruc on, interpre ve dance and choreography, Pastor Teresa Jordan (Pastor T) is a versa le woman who has brought a whole new outlook to reaching at risk youth. Her highly dis nguished resume includes authorship of the celebrated plays, “When A Man Loves A Woman”, “Sis-tazzz”, “Miracles”, "From Rags to Riches", "Sing Unto the Lord a New Song", "Somebody Say Amen", "Everything Must Change", "Am I My Brother's Keeper", "The Three Faces of Eve", and many others. Her wri ng talents extend beyond those of a playwright to the pages of her selfpublished booklet, "Organizing Youth Ministries", which was distributed throughout the Eastern United. Pastor T has more than proved her musical talents as a par cipant in the interna onally renowned organiza on, "Up With People", where she toured throughout the United States, and overseas to Holland, Finland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Paris.

PASTOR THERESA JORDAN Pastor T. has been ac ve as the Writer, Producer, Director and Project Coordinator for Triune since 1994 and is commi#ed to introducing this unique concept to communi es na onwide. She is pursuing a dream of building a music and fine arts center in the Atlanta area and eventually in Tampa Bay, FL, Dallas, TX, Jacksonville, NC and Spartanburg, SC. These centers will provide instruc on in every area of the arts including interpre ve dance, drama, pantomime, vocal instruc on, television and radio broadcast. They will house youth development centers, community theaters, dance halls, produc on studios, and recrea onal facili es. The centers will be home for the largest student work-study programs in the country and will bridge the gap be-

18 December 2011

tween tradi onal and non-tradi onal educa onal needs throughout the Atlanta and Tampa Bay areas and eventually the na on.

EDUCATION Educa on: 1995 BA Chris an Educa on and Theology, Family Bible Ins tute College and Seminary. Professional Experience: Triune Produc ons Group of Atlanta, CEO; Triune Worldwide Ministries, Founder/CEO; Triune Global Publishing, Inc., CEO; Triune Management and Booking, Owner; The Triune Singers, Manager; Triune Worldwide Records, Owner; Tri-Sa# Sounds, Inc., Co-Owner; Writer, Director, Choreographer, Producer, Author, Public Speaker/Orator; Vocalist; Toured the U.S. and Europe from 1981 to 1984; toured Triune’s stage produc ons from 1995 un l present. PRAYZEFEST GOSPEL HOUR In 2010 doors opened for the radio ministry to manifest and the PrayzeFest Gospel Hour show hosted by Pastor Teresa Jordan (affec onately known as Pastor T) was birthed. Since then God has opened the territory to extend to the development and management of The Prayzefest Gospel Network (The PG Network) which is a 24 hour Radio and Television Network managed by Pastor T. with the assistance of Pastor Jared Hill, Minister Regina Ragsdale, Michelle Hampton and Mr. Antheny Hampton of Parock Entertainment as this network brings great opportuni es and exposure for independent gospel ar sts worldwide.

AWARDS The PG Network has just been nominated for Best Internet Media Group of the Year by the Rhythm of Gospel Music Awards as well as Best Show for the produc on of the BAP Ministries show on The PG Network (host: Brodric Purvis, Brodric Purvis Produc ons).

THE REACH PROJECT In September 2011 the launch of The REACH Project took place as ar sts from over 15 different regions came together in Atlanta to record the Reach song and video which is marked to become a global independent gospel ar sts movement like no other all founded and managed by Pastor Teresa Jordan with the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit. Ac=vi=es: Na onal Media Director for The Urban Inspira onal Awards, Board of Directors, Triune Worldwide Ministries; Na onal Conference Advisor Spirit of Christ Ministries; Advisor to several local performing arts troupes, trainer (character development, dance, vocals, ligh ng, sound, costumes, make up, administra on) for over one hundred local ar sts; promoter and tour coordinator for Triune’s shows. A Total of 37 years of theatrical and music industry experience. PICTURES OF PASTOR T INTERVIEWS & TRUINE SINGERS ON PG 63 & 65

Men Of High Standards Melvin “Action” Johnson Attorney / Civil Rights Advocate Chief Judge Born in Bomi Hills, Liberia, Melvin “Ac=on” Johnson’s giS in advocacy & character of standing up for the underdog started when at the tender age of 4 years ,while holding on to his grandmothers wrapper in the village square court in Lakpazee Liberia, he ques oned the disparity in the local magistrate judge’s decisions in a child support enforcement case and a breach of contract decision. Dr. Melvin “Ac=on” Johnson holds an accountancy degree, a bachelors of law degree and a Doctorate Degree in Jurisprudence from Georgia State University. He earned the nick name “Ac on” for his advocacy skills. Before star ng a successful law prac ce, Dr. Melvin “Ac=on” Johnson worked and gained valuable experience from various private and governmental bodies in Atlanta, Georgia; including, Kilpatrick Stockton LLC Law firm, Sutherland Asbill & Brennen LLC Law firm, The Internal Revenue Service Li ga on Department, The Georgia State University Tax Clinic, The Rockdale County Public Defender’s Office, KPMG Tax Consultants, Long & Heard, LLC Law firm, etc In the Summer of 2008, he was selected out of numerous candidates by the Government in Lithonia, Georgia to serve as its first black Judge in its 152 years history. At age 35, he was at that me also the youngest to ever serve in that posi on. He is also the first African and first Liberian to hold that posi on. Today he serves as the Chief Judge with plenary powers over all court affairs. Dr. Melvin “ Ac=on” Johnson has been and con nues to be a quiet community servant. He runs a mentorship program called L.I.F.E. (Liberians Integrated For Excellence), through which he rou nely takes youths to local jails, courthouses, libraries and other inspiring places. He quietly provides computers, sta oneries, per diem and numerous school aids and assistance for many youths and young adults. Today, Dr. Melvin “ Ac=on” Johnson, or he actually prefers to be called simply Melvin or brother Melvin, is a successful lawyer and Chief Judge in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area.

THE ACTION JOHNSON FIRM 5050 Memorial drive Stone Mountain GA 30083 Tel: 404-220-7986 Fax: 404-410-2901 Cell: 404-379-7081 Email: Ac=onoffices Website:

Dr. Melvin “Ac=on” Johnson has a passion for the LORD, learning, prac cing law, judging, spending me with his family, as well as serving the community.

December 2011


Guest Writer

7 Strategies for successful Chris=an Events By DR Williams

Chris an Events are big business and event planners who cater to this specific niche are today’s trend se#ers and industry directors! These types of Conferences and Conven ons are growing at an astounding rate with thousands in a#endance. Lucra ve careers in the Chris an Mee ng Planning and Event Management industry offers leadership posi ons and execu ve level rewards! However, advancement in this market is not a random occurrence that happens by chance. This list of seven strategies combines years of experience and biblical principles blended with sound business techniques to create the perfect synergy for success! 1. Commit Your Plans— The essen al principles for successful mee ng professionals include knowledge, skill and the desire to achieve. Mee ng professionals that remain on top must understand the evolving needs of the Chris an Event client to keep the collabora ve efforts fresh and on target for a mutually beneficial rela onship. Allow the LORD to help you create the “Wow” for your next event! Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3, NLT. 2. Check Your List— Organiza on and a#en on to detail are crucial to the planning and execu on of flawless mee ng experiences. The checklist can be achieved through project management soSware for complex mul -faceted events and should be updated consistently throughout the planning process.

50 December 2011

Let all things be done decently and in order. workshops and worship services. 1 Corinthians 14:40, NKJV. Therefore, it is important to expect the unexpected and plan for unlikely possibili es 3. Count The Cost— that might occur. Fine-tuning nego a on skills for a#endee management, event site selec on, marAnd now to him who can keep you on your ke ng consul ng, supplier preferences, feet, standing tall in his bright presence, technology strategies, trade show fresh and celebra%ng—to our one God, our management and venue contract analysis, only Savior, through Jesus Christ, our Master, are fundamental. Compiling these factors be glory, majesty, strength, and rule before will help develop a budget with the best all %me, and now, and to the end of all %me. pricing advantages. This will also minimize Yes. costly contract penalty errors when nego - Jude 1:24, MSG.*** a ng event ameni es. 6. Create Your Time Line— Know the me requirements for all aspects But don’t begin un l you count the cost. For who would begin construc on of a build- of your event. Nothing is worse than wai ng ing without first calcula ng the cost to see if un l the last minute to order services that can result in failure to deliver and cost there is enough money to finish it? Luke 14:28, NLT. overruns. 4. Choose Your Team— Think BIG and inspire others who work with you to embrace a philosophy of excellence by your example. Your team will consist of leaders who will have groups of people coopera ng with them to achieve specific components of the overall event.

The successful Chris an Event Planner must be on me, in me and without me delays. TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a %me for every ma8er or purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1, AMP. 7. Confidently Complete Every Task – The implementa on of your event must be completed in excellence. Refer to your checklist to make sure that every person, every place and everything necessary happens as planned.

The confidence you exude as you check off every completed task will assure a stellar Regular mee ngs and communica on keeps event! these leaders in-sync with you and each So you see, we are shown to be right with other to pull it all together. God by what we do, not by faith alone. Just Love each other with genuine affec%on, and as the body is dead without breath, so also take delight in honoring each other. Never faith is dead without good works. be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord James 2:24 & 26, NLT. enthusias%cally. ASerwards when you access the strengths Romans 12:10-11, NLT. and any mistakes made, use that knowledge 5. Consider Con=ngencies— as a stepping-stone for your next event. Recognize that the more you know about what it takes to be successful from a logis - Remember, the resourceful and proac ve professionals who take the responsibility for cal perspec ve the be#er you can underthe success of their events are the ones who stands your execu ve role. Some include will garner the respect and the rewards in banquets, concerts, entertainment, the Chris an Events Marketplace. exhibits, keynote speakers, luncheons @ on-site registra on, prayer breakfasts,

NOT 4 PROFIT - Pastor Teresa Jordan


Pastor T ‘s interview with Vashawn Mitchell

Pastor T ‘s interviews with Canton Jones

Pastor T ‘s interview with Tia Footman

Pastor T’s interview with Bishop Paul Morton

Pastor T ‘s interview with Talein ( Former lead singer of Atlan=c Star)

Pastor T ‘s interview with Vandarray

Pastor T’s interviews with

Pastor T’s interviews with The Young Prayzr and Aunt Mabel

Pastor T— Owner & Founder Tri Sa? Sound studios

Dwayne Woods

December 2011


P.O. Box 492414 Lawrenceville GA 30049 Tel: 678-667-1550 Email: Website:

Volume 1 Issue 4 No of Pages: 68 Published: December 2011

Only $3 per copy ( Past Edition Price ) + $3 S&H

= $6

Order your own copy today from our website

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