ACTION PLAN What do you need to do?
When do you need to do it (by)?
Prepare yearbook ready for print. Check indesign files, make sure images are correct, convert
Get final bits of copy from interdisciplinary as soon as possible. (Work in public, remaining profile images)
Wednesday 11th
Wednesday 11th Finish off and print band for decade posters, and photograph for boards. Photograph products I have finished for boards (in context shots too)
Send off new pdf artwork to Charlotte
Tuesday 10th
Organise the cover shoot for year book
Tuesday 10th
Organise blog links and post more to Design Context.
Thursday 12th
Research much more into grid systems
Friday 13th
Begin to layout book for Design Context.
Friday 13th
NOTES Continue to update your bibliography. Start to populate Research file. Need to buy portfolio and order new business cards.
Have You Done it?