ACTION PLAN What do you need to do?
Sort out deliverables for all briefs + Envelope for giant killer + tags for identities –reprint anna on suggested stock, emboss card for print marking + bookmarks for flatland
When do you need to do it (by)?
This week
Work on CV / pack publication I thought of for ppd + folder/postcard/business card/ brochure of current work
Saturday 28th May
Update backlog on blog + post all outstanding sheet based work + action plans + evaluate
Wednesday 25th May
Photograph all products on Friday + studio booked
Friday 27th May
Design and alter final boards Print Tuesday and Wednesday along with CV pack and portfolio for hand in.
Monday 30th May
Burn PDF’s for final boards and context book to discs.
Thursday 26th May
Update website / online presence with final shots
Sunday 29th May
NOTES Update bibliography with more magazines
Have You Done it?