ACTION PLAN What do you need to do?
When do you need to do it (by)?
Finish Jeni Sargeant stationery with new stock paper
Wednesday 16th March
Mock up website pages and email shots for both Charlotte and Jeni
Thursday 17th March
Make changes to Charlotte Taylor logo – send proof to client
Thursday 17th March
Finish Flatland packaging
Tuesday 15th March
Mock up last of the Flatland books – Print endpaper, stickers for spine, fold chap books
Tuesday 15th March
Photograph products for boards and design boards
Monday 21st March
Upload research for Flatland to blog – book scans, etc
Tuesday 15th March
Make new brief – Typographically led, poster designs to sell at pop up shop.
Saturday 19th March
Have You Done it?
NOTES Split the Flatland brief – start to think about promotion of product. Get to grips with stock and singular colour print, foils, and experimental binding/form.