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Adam Townend OUGD303 Interdisciplinary Yearbook Brief 4 Board 1/5

The Brief The brief entialed the following: To manage, art direct, design and artwork the 2011 year book for the Interdisciplinary Art & Design. The yearbook consisted of 60 pages and would feature this years graduating students. Each student had one double page spread to showcase their work. This was a collaborative brief between myself, Dan Boome and Luke Hallam.

The Concept We felt that the year book should be a culmination of promoting the course and giving the students a platform to showcase their work. We approached the course with the idea of building a typographic installation which would adorn the front cover of the book and would be the centrepiece for their end of year show. The installation epitomises what the course is about. The installation represents the craft, the attention to detail and scale of the work that the students create.

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The Cover We wanted to be bold with the cover, and keep it clean and simple at the same time. The cover showcases the installation made for the end of year show as a complete wrap around. We discussed adding typography to the front or back, but in the end we felt the cover would lose its sense of identity and mystery by adding more to it. This is how the cover is supposed to be viewed and we did not want to compromise that.

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The Development The sheer resources I had to recall on meant that I had a team of two other designers who could also add to the work I did. This meant that ideas, crits, and development could be done a huge scale, which meant for better and more consistent results. The development was capped by a crit involving over 140 layouts, which were scrutinised and selected from. This laid down the base for the year book. It also meant that we were trying a variety of options before deciding on one direction.

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The Delivery The yearbook pages made use of 18 profile pages showcasing student work. These were split by quotes pages featuring a monotoned image from the colour pallette as selected by the client. Other sections of the book included introduction, acknowledgement pages and 3 work in public spreads.

The Spec We were quite adamant we didn’t want to use any finishes without reasoning. We liased with the client who we had numerous discussions with, and felt that keeping the book as clean as possible would put more focus back on the content. Other ideas we had were out of the budget.

60 pp perfect bound book with 4pp cover. 115gsm silk interior 300 gsm silk cover coated Full CMYK colour Process

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My Responsibilities I took up the task of dedicating time to managing and designing for the project. I constantly liaised with the client via emails prior to and after meetings. In terms of designer responsibilities, we individually designed profile spreads before coming together to choose a direction. I then turned my attention to the introductory, acknowledgements, and work in public sections and got input from Dan and Luke along the way.

I also did a final pre-press check of the final document to check for inconsistencies in colour spacing, image resolutions, and grammar with the aid of the client.

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