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Introduction. Hello, and thanks for picking up the first edition of my portfolio zine series. This is the first of three editions which will display my work during my three years studying for a BA Hons in Graphic Design at Leeds College of Art. This zine is dedicated to the work I produced before and during the first year of study. I hope you enjoy flicking through my projects. The first year proved to be a successful year in which I was learning new things each day, and I feel that the work I produced was of a good standard which would get better in the second year.


‘hand crafted, detailed, sketchy’

The Wortleigh tleigh Typeface One of the first briefs set in year one, this his ber typeface was created for another member of the group. A hand crafted, detailed, sketchy nts typeface was created to reflect the clients personality and working practice. The typeface proved successful when presented in the form of a poster. (see opposite page)















The little handbook of identity This illustrative handbook was the end result of a brief defining ‘what is a line?’ a question that was so open it had to be narrowed and focussed to one particular area of study and research. I decided to look at the lines that defined identity. I used colours from palm reading guides to create twelve different hand line illustrations which were documented in the book. (below)

The illustrations were printed onto a transparent stock so they could be accurately compared with that of the reader. This book was intended to show the differences between hand lines from subject to subject.


A book of one hundred I was required to create a book based on the number one hundred. I chose the subject of drinks cans as my basis and collected 100 different cans to document throughout my book. The first book was based on the artwork of cans which I believe is an afterthought, so it turned out to be a tribute to drink can artwork. I used a number of historical artist techniques to replicate spoof artwork, including pop art, pointilism and impressionism. (below and opposite page) I also created a digital flip book, which featured the cans as someone drank the contents and finally crushed the can and dropped it. I used stop-go


animation for this as I wanted the can to change every in frame. This wasn’t the most successful brief I completed during the first year but parts of it I still look back on quite fondly.


Football Violence is a bigger issue than you think

This was a campaign I devised over two separate briefs to raise awareness about the damaging effect of football violence surrounding the mordern game. As well as designing two concept posters I also created a mail shot to be sent to everyone connected with the game including the fans, clubs and the football association and it’s governing bodies. The pack was made up of a pull out A4 poster including statistical and factual information, a beer mat to raise awareness about alcohol fueled violence and a red card as a possible solution to the problem.



How to play Twenty Questions The brief was simple. Create an engaging piece of design that will inform, persuade, promote or instruct your chosen target audience to play twenty questions. I created a bus poster, and free instruction card aimed at children under the age of thirteen going on long journeys, whether that be on public transport, or a family car. The card instructed them to text using their own or parents mobile phone to access instructions on how to play. I also created the branding for the relaunch of twenty questions as a game that could be played anywhere and at anytime.


Through the development of this brief I found that this could be opened up to be aimed at a different type of audience, one which was older and used the public transport on a day to day basis. The game could be played by two or more people or via mobile phone texting.


Don’t Panic Competition conceptual poster Don’t Panic create a free publication found in selected independent shops, bars, universities and art spaces. The pack contains all sorts of arts and culture goodies and information for cities all around the world with the emphasis on design and the future of our planet. This was the end result of a competition brief in which I had to create a poster based on the buzzword ‘Pure’. I wanted to create a statement and challenge thought, which I thought I had achieved.


This piece was perhaps a little controversial but it knew it wasn’t overtly offensive. I was satisfied with how it looked even if I was unsure on how it would be recieved.


Craig Laing feature Magazine spread A straight forward brief to create a magazine article based on another group member. I conducted an interview, wrote the copy and designed three double page spreads which showcased Craig’s work along with some questions and answers. One of the first magazine spreads I did and I was happy with the way it turned out. The margins, point size, leading and kerning all looked pretty effective.


‘The margins, point size, leading and kerning all looked pretty effective.’


Face Value

Get people to communicate This was a first taste of collaborative work. The concept message behind the project was to get people to think differently about others and from that they would be more likely to give people a chance before stereotyping them. In particular we felt that teenagers were stereotyped as trouble makers and uncaring. To challenge these preconceptions, myself and my collaborative partner devised a print campaign that would feature four young people who have done something out of the ordinary to make a difference to the lives of others. The photos were shot in black and white to appear more emotive. Each poster featured a model and a news story that showed them in a positive light.



Speaking from experience Introductory pack The last brief of the year was the most successful and the one I was most proud of up to now. The brief was to create something to aid new first year students and use my experiences of the year to give them advice. The brief became personal to me and I approached from the point of view of first day nerves. I created a introductory mailable pack to make the new students feel at ease when they arrived on the first day. The pack included four random postcards with messages of encouragement, a welcome letter, and a wristband all contained within custom made packaging. The packs were created for each degree course, which would be reflected by the front.



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