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Adam Townend
PRODUCT – RANGE - DISTRIBUTION Statement of Intent Rationale (200 words) What do you want to do and why? An overarching statement of the direction of your own design practice, areas of interest and what this will allow you to explore……. AND WHY? As I have an overall interest in print design, I want to create a range of solutions that will support the work in my portfolio thus far. I have always wanted a chance to do some sort of branding/corporate identity and I also want to experiment with typography and layout and use the skills I developed in the typography module to help me. I want to create clean, simple and bold design solutions to show the range of work I offer. Although, I believe it is important for me to have a specialism, I also feel it is essential for me to experiment as much as possible now to be able to find a specialism that suits me. I do have quite a diverse range of work already but I want to update some of the samples in my portfolio to show my development from year 1. I would like the content of my work to have more of a purpose. For the screen part of the brief I want to show I can design for both formats but design for screen will not be my preferred choice. Statement of Intent (200 words) What do you intend to do in order for you to fulfil your rationale, creative intentions and individual ambitions? PRODUCT – Panamax Pain Relief Pharmaceutical Products RANGE – I plan to apply the new image to their range of pharmaceutical products. DISTRIBUTION – I intend to create the packaging for the new products, advertising and promotional material for the range and in-store promotion including p.o.s and shelf graphics What will you produce and what will you propose? I will produce a new line of packaging for Panamax pain relief products. I plan to include within the packaging, and some sort of information graphics to aid the user. The range will be in the form of different quantities. I will look to work within the parameters of existing pharmaceutical packaging design but I would also like my product to stand out as well as look professional. I intend to make the information more important than the aesthetic quality, as people will be relying on finding the