New statement of intent

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Adam Townend




PRODUCT – RANGE - DISTRIBUTION Statement of Intent Rationale (200 words) What do you want to do and why? An overarching statement of the direction of your own design practice, areas of interest and what this will allow you to explore……. AND WHY? As I have an overall interest in print design, I want to create a range of solutions that will support the work in my portfolio thus far. I have always wanted a chance to do some sort of branding/corporate identity and I also want to experiment with typography and layout and use the skills I developed in the typography module to help me. I want to create clean, simple and bold design solutions to show the range of work I offer. Although, I believe it is important for me to have a specialism, I also feel it is essential for me to experiment as much as possible now to be able to find a specialism that suits me. I do have quite a diverse range of work already but I want to update some of the samples in my portfolio to show my development from year 1. I would like the content of my work to have more of a purpose. For the screen part of the brief I want to show I can design for both formats but design for screen will not be my preferred choice. Statement of Intent (200 words) What do you intend to do in order for you to fulfil your rationale, creative intentions and individual ambitions? PRODUCT – Rebrand Panamax Pain Relief Pharmaceutical Products RANGE – I plan to apply the brand to their range of pharmaceutical products. DISTRIBUTION – I plan to create the packaging for the new products What will you produce and what will you propose? I will produce a new line of packaging for Panamax pain relief products including Panamax Tablets, Panamax Elixir, and Panamax 240 Elixir. I plan to include within the packaging, and some sort of information graphics to aid the user. I will look to work within the parameters of existing pharmaceutical packaging design but I would also like my product to stand out as well as look professional. I intend to make the information more important than the aesthetic quality, as people will be relying on finding the information they need quickly.


BRIEF (200 words)

In order to achieve this what brief will you be responding to (attach a copy) and how will this fulfil your intentions? My intentions will be fulfilled, as I have made clear the fact I want to work with typography and layout and I also wanted to have another attempt at packaging as the last attempt did not go as I intended. These resolutions will be a welcome addition to my portfolio and communicate my strong type and layout skills. I don’t want directly tackle this brief from a commercial point of view to promote the product by any means possible. I want to use my skills to help people make the right decision when buying pharmaceutical products by giving them the information quickly. I intend to keep the brief open ended, which means I can develop beyond what is set in the brief to really address the problem in question. 3.


In responding to this brief what areas of research will you have to undertake? What activities will this involve? What material will this research generate? PRIMARY SOURCES/MATERIAL SECONDARY SOURCES/MATERIAL I plan to use more secondary researching existing material. I will use the internet as my main source of research as well as the local chemist. I intend to look at other products as well as the existing packaging for Panamax. I intend to find product reviews to see what are the advantages and disadvantages of using Panamax. I will also look to adopt a design approach based on my findings in visual research. From this I can create a mood board in order to make informed design decisions.



In responding to this brief what practical skills, workshop facilities and production methods will you use? What activities will this involve? At what point in the brief will you use them? What will they help you to achieve? At this point I am unsure of exactly what I will use, but I would like to use some specialist print techniques such as screen printing, foil block, (and/or) embossing. Photography will be used in a documentary sense and will be used for final product shots. I expect most of onscreen development to be done in Illustrator and web work will be done in Photoshop, as they would be designed and provided to a web programmer. I plan to use different stocks that will add quality and depth to my final resolutions.



What methods will you use to record, document and evaluate your progress practical and contextual investigations in response to this brief? How will you get feedback? How and when will you evaluate your progress and what will you evaluate your progress against? My design practice blog will become my main source to document my development and photography will be used to record my paper-based work. The blog will become a record of all the work I create for the brief with on-going analysis and evaluation. I will also use the design context blog as a way to display my ongoing inspiration into all aspects of the design process. Crits will be the main source of feedback from tutors and peers and I will also review the work in progress against the criteria set in the brief and module brief to ensure I am fulfilling all criteria. I will continually review my progress through the use of blogs to make sure I am always making informed decisions. BIBLIOGRAPHY ARTICLES & SOURCES

List key sources of research (texts, magazine articles, books and websites) that will inform your development. Packaging templates. / Hai, Ju (2009) Boxed and labelled: new approaches to packaging design. / Klanten, Robert (2009) The big book of packaging prototypes: templates for innovative cartons, packages, and boxes. / Denison, Edward & Cawthray, Richard (2010) Print and production finishes for packaging. / Denison, Edward (2008)

TUTOR’S Signature STUDENT’S Signature

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